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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

I thought I'd make a thread for discussing anything regarding Scootaloo here.

You can talk about Scootaloo stories you like here, stories you're working on, Scootaloo's parents or lack of parents, whether she can fly or not, her relationship with Rainbow Dash, the disgusting slurping noise she makes when she's drinking soup and the way she wipes her mouth on her foreleg when she's done, or really, anything you want.

As long as it involves Scootaloo, that is.

Oh, and if you want, you can take anything we've been talking about here and make a new thread for it, so it attracts more attention. This whole forum's about Scootaloo, after all.

I might as well start off with my headcanon: Scootaloo is related to Vinyl Scratch. I sent this explanation through to a WRITE reviewer once, but I figure it can be repeated here. Some people actually follow me on this logic, which is a scary thought :pinkiecrazy:. Yes, arcum42, that means you.

Anyway, reasons to portray Vinyl Scratch as Scootaloo's family, and specifically as the aunt she lives with.

Story reasons

Note: this applies to my Flight Camp fic only, and as such contains spoilers to it. Some elements might be suitable for other stories that can use this headcanon to avoid some unwanted issues. I list the issues and why this fixes them, if it applies to your story you can see for yourself if it works or not.

-Scootaloo wants to learn to fly from Rainbow Dash. I can't really have that as an element if her parents are fully capable of teaching her to fly, and if they're flightless I risk readers assuming that she's adopted. Personally, I find Orphanloo to be distracting from what the story is about. I need Scootaloo to be the active, confident one in the pairing with Whimper (OC in the story, which revolves around their relationship), which is needlessly complicated when she's an orphan. Not only that, but she literally tells him that she didn't think he'd be worse off than she was. That's not something I can use with an orphan unless I make Whimper an orphan, too. So I go with the idea that she lives with a blood relative and her parents pick her up on their days off.

-Scootaloo is implied to like dancing, but not so much in front of crowds. This logically means she dances in private, and since there is mention of certain music genres later in the story, it makes sense for her to be living with someone musically talented.

-I'm lazy and couldn't come up with proper parent OC's to pick her up Wait, that sounds horrible, given the OC count in this fic. The conversation between Vinyl and Whimper at the end just sounded better than her parents picking her up. If it's a character who's like a big sister yet cannot really teach her what she needs to know, there's still going to be a good dynamic between the two and Whimper.

Canon reasons

This is the bit you really want to focus on, because this can be confirmed.

-Scootaloo, aged ten-ish, knows what a rock ballad is. From my personal experience, kids don't learn that on their own at that age. They get exposed to Samson, K3 and Plop by the media, not rock. Think Barney, but for slightly older kids, I don't know the American equivalent. My point is: they get exposed to rock songs by a parental figure or role model. And as far as I can tell, RD never acted as a role model/big sister to Scoots before Season 3. Pay close attention: Sleepless in Ponyville is the first episode where any grownup is seen addressing Scootaloo by name. And even ignoring that, is Rainbow Dash a rock chick? We know for a fact that Vinyl Scratch is a DJ, and DJ's tend to cover a wide variety of music genres. Scootaloo must have gotten her taste in rock somewhere, Vinyl Scratch is the only pony we've seen who fits the bill. Edit: the Season 3 finale gave us some hint that Vinyl does live in Ponyville. We probably don't see her on screen much for whatever reason we don't see Sweetie Belle's parents that often.

-The Cutie Mark Crusaders use a professionally edited song in 'The Show Stoppers'. Either they got a playback version of an existing song -- meaning Sweetie Belle didn't come up with the tune, as was implied -- or someone else made Sweetie's tune into a proper song. Granted, they could have asked someone from Ponyville who's not related, but still it lends some credibility to the idea that Scootaloo knows someone in the music business. Doubly so if you consider how quickly they made the whole thing. None of them have any experience with instruments, do they? How well was Scootaloo playing that piano, technique-wise? She didn't know much about tunes, but she got a basic sound out of it. Maybe she's spent some time with a pony who also knows classical music, per chance?

-All three Cutie Mark Crusaders showed up for the royal wedding. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle presumably got invited because they were related to the Mane Six, but did Scootaloo just tag along with her friends under zero supervision? Isn't it reasonable to assume that Scootaloo had her own adult guardian with her? And, you know, Vinyl did pop up there, as did Octavia, if memory serves. It's a minor thing, and far fetched, but it does help. You don't let these girls run amok in Canterlot when there's a security hazard. There was an adult present, and we didn't see any of the Mane Six's relatives there. Plus, Vinyl could keep an eye on the girls from her set.

-Scootaloo appears to completely skip town every once in a while, something that is noticeable for a filly who does stunts with some regularity. Saying she's off to see her parents for a daytrip is pretty plausible, given the frequency with which this happens. She never mentions anything about a doctor's visit, her friends don't act like she's handicapped, and Apple Bloom has yet to bring up the orphan-thing (but my opinion on AB's parents isn't the point here, so it's minor at best). Having her live with an aunt and getting picked up from time to time works.

-as for why she lives in Ponyville, not Cloudsdale: it's not just because she can't fly yet. That can't be the only reason, because 'Sonic Rainboom' showed us that ponies can walk from cloud to cloud. My interpretation was that she lived too far from school to walk, and because of her parents' schedules she'd have to get up at an unsightly hour for them to drop her off. Living with a relative gives her a steady schedule, a school environment where not being able to fly is detail at best, and good interaction with ponies of different races.

General fanon reasons

This is purely speculation, and mostly applies to what other writers seem to agree on.

-Vinyl Scratch seems to get portrayed as pretty laidback in her overall outlook, like a more chill Rainbow Dash. This strikes me as the sort of parental figure who'd not mind a filly doing dangerous stunts as long as she's wearing a helmet. It also strikes me as the sort of pony who'd let her get away with a lot of the stuff she has.

-The DJ is also portrayed as taking nonsense from no one, which is a personality trait Scootaloo actually has on the show. What I'm trying to say is: the perceived Vinyl Scratch and the actual Scootaloo match up pretty well. Make of that what you will.

-Assuming Octavia lives with Vinyl, we get a possible reason for why Scootaloo gets a little snarky at times: that Canterlot sense of humour rubs off, even if you're not related by blood.

I guess it all comes down to this: that explanation allows for what we see on the show. It's not proven, it's not even implied, but it works until someone comes up with something better. :scootangel:

Group Admin


As it happens, I practically collect Scootaloo backgrounds. Personality-wise, I think Vinyl being related to Scootaloo is a good fit, which deserves more exploration. Which is one reason I'd like to see the Cutie Mark Crusader Sleepover at Vinyl's. :pinkiehappy:

The sad part is I've actually used the Auntie Vinyl explanation in two universes now (one published), but in my variant, her parents are dead.

You see, I've got a story sitting around, maybe a third written, that I started writing a long time ago, and I'm probably going to majorly revise if I get back to it. It was majorly au. Scootaloo's parents had been killed, and she was in a coma. And her Auntie Vinyl was faithfully visiting her, hoping one day she'd come out of it.

Of course, what made that story interesting was that half of it was from Scootaloo's perspective. All the cutie mark crusader adventures are actually Scootaloo, in a coma, avoiding dealing with her parents death by escapism.

Dark, but because of that, I do have OC's for Scootaloo's parents. Trouble is they are dead. And to be honest, it'd be hard for me to write them as alive, because they were conceived as dead, if you know what I mean. They were Ruby Sunshine, a white unicorn with a magenta mane who was lead singer for the Flaming Tulips, and Escallion, an orange pegasus who works as a chef.

More recently, when I needed a parent for Scootaloo for On A Rainy Day, I borrowed Auntie Vinyl again, and when I needed to flesh it out for Just Winging It, I decided it was a variant of the au universe I mentioned. Saves me some trouble, and it will actually let me explore the idea more.

Of course, I've been spending a lot of time with Making Friends!Scootaloo, which is fun in itself. One thing that amuses me with that universe is that Scootaloo was homeless and no parents... for five minutes or so. Which is about right. Ponyville is a warm, friendly place. If Scootaloo really was homeless and an orphan, somepony would notice, and she'd be off the streets in no time.

Though Rainbow Dash lives in a cloud and Scootaloo can't fly, so I don't think it'd be her. Applejack, who has no parents of her own, seems likely. Or Fluttershy'd probably take her in. And Rarity's sense of generosity would probably make her offer, though Scootaloo would drive her crazy.

I suspect I'll end up with even more Scootaloo backstories, though. They're fun to write...

Gosh, that sleepover thing. It'll be the next time-dump story to write when I'm stuck on the Quorum Sensing sequel. Right now it's Changeling Blood, which is nearly finished (Faux Pas sequel, as people seem to really want sequels for some reason). I still need to write the part where Octavia gets fed up with Scootaloo and puts a mind control collar on her and the other CMC.

Oh, which reminds me, I submitted a story to a prompt once about the CMC getting drunk, and Octavia had to collect her from the hospital.

This brings to mind another possible parental figure: Octavia. I'd peg her as the sort of calm, collected aunt who is always one step ahead of things (or likes to think she is :scootangel:) but takes flak from no one. I picture her as being pretty defensive about Scootaloo if anypony badmouths the girl.

Group Contributor

I find this idea highly ineffective. If someone wants to talk about something, almost no one will get a notification for it because it's not a new thread.
It is easier and much simpler for people to make a new thread each time they have something to discuss. Besides, unnecessary threads can always be deleted.

Group Admin


The idea, really, is to get some discussion going. There's been barely any discussion going to date on this group. If you have more focused things you want to talk about, open a thread, of course, but this is more random chatting about Scootaloo that doesn't need a separate thread...

Group Contributor

Point taken.

im too drunk to read all these long post so imma just say scootaloo is best pony. i like her cause she has a hero she looks up to and kids these days just dont seem to have that anymore. I always looked up to warriors so thats why i become a marine grunt. love my job even with the pain it bring

Group Admin


Makes me almost feel guilty that my next chapter of "Just Winging It" so far is largely Octavia being upset with Scootaloo. But then, Scootaloo was coming home after dark, and Vinyl neglected to tell Octy where Scootaloo went.

She could probably get out of it if she let Octavia know that she was out late because she had to recover from Twilight strapping her to a table and electrocuting her, but she still wants to be able to go back to the library for some reason...

Oh, Scootaloo backstory #427: She actually lives with the spa ponies. She's actually named after her mother, "Scoot Aloe". :derpytongue2:

Scootaloo is Fluttershy's sister because their coloration is similar. Yeah, that's all I have.

That would actually make a lot of sense. It's a pretty good backstory, I might use it if I ever write a sequel to 'Upside to Your Backside'. It would make things pretty interesting, for obvious reasons.

Group Admin


Yeah, it's saying a lot if Rumble gave Scootaloo "the best backrub she ever had", and she's Aloe's daughter. If she mentions it to her mother, Rumble might have a job lined up. Or at least, she might have Rumble come over and get some practice in, interning.

Hmm... The backstory does open up a lot of sequel possibilities, doesn't it?

And no wonder there are no issues with Scootaloo having a sleepover at Rarity or Fluttershy's. They're both regulars at the spa. Explains why Scootaloo knew Sweetie Belle in the first place, too.

I thought of that one when thinking about what Scootaloo's full name is, incidentally. Though I'm resigned to it being different in every universe. As of a few chapters into the sequel of Making Friends, it'll be Scootaloo Daring Do, but that obviously only fits that universe.

Group Admin

Just thought it was worth mentioning here that KiroTalon's No Longer Lost has Scootaloo being adopted by Vinyl and Octavia, given the earlier discussion, and The Most Unlikely Places is set in the same universe.

I also really like the chapter titles on No Longer Lost...

Group Admin

I'm sure other people who read Equestria Daily saw this, but it's Madeline Peters birthday.

I don't really know how feasible it is for me to stuff in ALL my ideas for Scootacanon here. If you've read my story *Hurr, hurr, plug* you'd be aware of a lot of it. I won't go into too much depth in case someone doesn't want spoilers (I'll have more in a spoilers section underneath.)

I DO see Scoots as an orphan, especially in how they've danced around her family now for three seasons (honestly, if they threw her parents in at this point, it'd derail everything I'd done aside from socioanalytical writing. :applecry:). Scoots' parents died of an infection in food when she was just a bit younger than the start of the show. Since losing both her parents after seeing them for days in a hospital, she has a phobia of hospitals (supported in the show by her not visiting her idol in the hospital when she fouls up her wing).

Scoots, to me, much like Dashie, has a very fragile self-esteem. I see both as needing to appear invincible, and being shown as vulnerable (see: Sleepless) can really mess with them, emotionally.

She loves strawberries (this was from before she picked a chocolate shake over a strawberry one in the Babs Seed song). She likes daffodil sandwiches. She is friends with Twist, but she struggled for a long time in being friends with her internally because she feared bullying. (I expect Twist is pretty badly bullied by the disastrous duo.) She fears hospitals, as I said. She idolizes Dashie, of course. Her parents are a weatherpony and a florist, her aunt is a weatherpony. She loves the smell of lavender. Her birthday, I think I've decided, is November 15th.


She has an aunt who was her caregiver in her parents' final days, before she ran away to Ponyville from her home in Port Mane. Her aunt eventually finds her there and settles in Ponyville, near her one living friend, Granny Smith. Her age takes her (Auntie Raincloud) not long after this, and eventually Dashie adopts the fragile Scootaloo. SCOOTALOO CAN FLY! I am adamant about this fact, despite naysayers. She eventually learns to fly.

She makes it into Spitfire's Flight Camp At Cloudsdale (I actually wrote about this before I knew there was going to be a flight camp for Dashie. This flight camp is more of a school-age camp, than a Wonderbolts Training Camp outright.)

Featherweight asks Scoots out (this happens not long after the FFP episode) and they become a couple. They're my OTP.

Scootaloo is very close to both of the original Crusaders, but with Sweetie Belle being her oldest friend, she's probably closest to her of anyone she's not related to or in a relationship with.

I have oodles more. I have written nearly 100000 words on the subject. If you are interested in more, check my story, if you want to know more about my whys if they aren't expressed there, feel free to ask, I MAY have an answer, some stuff just "felt" right.

Group Admin


Looks like you've built up that particular universes canon up pretty well. I read so many Scootaloo fanfics that I was trying to recall which one you wrote, but I remembered it vividly the moment I saw Scootaloo's Auntie's name. :scootangel:

My trouble is that I write stories with several different canons and things end up being the same between universes, anyways. And sometimes the origin of an idea is in a fanfic that I'll be posting later, but I end up reusing it in one I'm posting right now.

For example, I'm finding myself writing Scootaloo using Hoofclippings as a swear word despite knowing it isn't really a swear word in the next chapter of "Just Winging it" when that idea properly belongs in the sequel to "Making Friends" and has more justification there...

854291 Odd XP

I've definitely complied a big pile of ideas on a single topic. I'm actually (if you see my blog posts) looking for a cowriter/visual artist to help me make "part 2" of my story, a parallel blog which will be the place I can drop information I'm unsure if I will be able to fit into the story, as well as a separate perspective and medium to expand my fanon and keep my brain running.

My headcanon might have been thought of before but never mind. I think that Scootaloo's mother is dead and Scootaloo cannot and will never be able to fly due to her under-developed wings, thus she is a useless pegasus and her father abandons her before she meets SweetyBelle and AppleBloom and left her at Ponyville or another town near by and Scootaloo just happens to go into Ponyville and now she tries and survive by herself. Another theory of mine is that she simply fell and her father (seeing her as a disappointment) has not tried to find her. Sad isn't it. :applecry:
I think this because of two things, firstly every character's name is related to their specialty/their cutie mark as if their parents already know their destiny and made the perfect name for them to kick start it (with exceptions ofcource - Derpy, Caramel), for example Rarity has the skill to find rare gems and conveniently is also called Rarity, as in rare things and again conveniently her cutie mark is 3 rare gems, now according to that rule Scootaloo was destined to stay on the ground and not be able to fly because her name is linked to a scooter (which she owns) that can be rode on the ground as only pegasi can walk on clouds, this proves that her cutie mark is going to be something related to racing on ground but not something related to flying because her name is not connected to it nor does her fact of her owning a scooter that is preposterous to ride on clouds as previously stated, my second reason is that while other pegasi can fly she still cannot, sure she could grow into learning how to and Dash could give her help, but both Fluttershy and Dash were able to fly (or flutter if it was Fluttershy) when they were the same or even slightly older than Scootaloo and going with my first point it gives a good supporter for my second point. And that is the reason why i think that even with Dash's help and lessons, Scootaloo will be a simple earth pony with just a pair of tiny unusable wings, she might not be able to even stay on a cloud for long, that may also be the reason why we haven't seen her stand around clouds, apart from the reason of her actually not being able to fly. :scootangel:

Group Admin


Just because inverting parts of ideas is always fun, how about this?

Scootaloo was born to two earth ponies, both of which could trace their lineage back for countless generations of earth ponies. With her wings, they considered her a freak and a family embarrassment, and constantly made her tie them down and hide them.

When she overheard them planning to have her wings amputated one day, she ran away, but all the things they had done to hide her wings early on have stunted their growth. Nonetheless, she is proud of her wings, and has refused to wear anything that doesn't show them off since.

890767 I like it I can definitely see this headcannon becoming close or even a canon since racism is common in earth ponies, I also like the stunted growth of her wings dues to being strapped down or covered up and her running away because of it :pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

Just really liked this picture, so I thought I'd share it:

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

You know, Scoots doesn't get mentioned nearly often enough. Though is anypony really surprised me and Apple Bloom talk about her more then anypony else?


--Sweetie Belle

Group Admin

i have a scootaloo story i just thought of! (i apologize in advance if this is part of anypony's story or "is" somepony's story....i didn't read the rest of the thread yet....i plan on doing that after i post this.

years after hearing from a doctor that her wings will never grow fully, scootaloo takes a trip with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy to Cloudsdale (i think i spelled that right) where, after convicing everypony she's old enough to go wander around, scootaloo finds herself cornered in an alley by several pegasi colts and fillies (three fillies and two colts) and even a unicorn filly

bad things ensue, mostly kicks and bad things being said. but after scootaloo starts to beg to be left alone, one filly says to scootaloo "why don'tcha just 'fly' outta here?"

to which (and throughout the entire scene scootaloo was trying to hid the fact she cant fly, and hide it from all of cloudsdale for fear of redicule) scootaloo screams "I....I CAN'T FLY!" (or something equally jarring)

and then they stop. scootaloo is fearful. not understand their sudden hesitations....oh god....are they "PITYING" her!?
thats worse than all the kicks in the world! dont let them pit-
one of them, the young unicorn filly, breaks the silence and says

"welcome to 'fly-by'"

basically, it turns out the bullies are actually exactly like scoots. with the exception of the unicorn filly. They all can't fly. and without ground to scoot on, they have no other form of wing use so scoots is actually the strongest winged of all of them.

and they're a group of ponies who can't fly or use magic (being in cloudsdale, they only found one unicorn who couldn't use magic)
and they induct scoots into the group

and by the end they all spread their wings over one another and ride updrafts....not caring if they can truly fly (with twilight sparkle and rainbow dash and fluttershy looking after them of course.

and of course someone could take it a darker route, with the way the unicorn mare said "welcome to FlyBy"
and make it to where scoots "can't" leave

this is just a "VERY" rough outline, most of this is changable and i give the entire idea to you all. you can make whatever fics you want with it. i don't write, i simply give ideas.

Dovahchickiin best pony

2499143 i salute you sir and/or madame!
because of you i know know what scoots in armor looks like! :scootangel:

2500514 Welcome. Happy New Year, and I'm a dude. America!

2503083 Happy new year indeed! *blows a party horn*

I have an idea for a Scootaloo based sonic crossover that takes place after rainbow factory but I fucking suck at writing if you want to write it pm me for more details

776502 Agreed, Scootaloo is best pony. And thank you for serving our country:rainbowdetermined2: I always love seeing military bronies

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