The Twidash Army 571 members · 532 stories
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Group Admin

While we are currently all over the place, and this group is more quiet than a dead rat, I have an idea to hopefully get the proverbial ball rolling again. Yeah, yeah, Surry is gone, but that doesn't mean we should all just let our TwiDashy awesomeness lie down and die.

I'm starting a little competition for you, dear writers. And this will not be the last. :raritywink:

Ava's TwiDash "Loyalty" Competition


1. Everyone is welcome. I don't care how bad you think you are at writing, or if you've never even written before! WRITE!
*ahem*... sorry. The point is, this is meant to include everyone in the group, and it won't work unless we get participation! So, please, be a part of this.

2. The theme of this is as follows: Twilight and/or Rainbow already have feelings for each other (which one [or both] has the feelings for the other, whether they're aware of each other's feelings or already in a relationship is up to you), but a rift forms between them for *insert reason*. This reason should have to do with loyalties, forcing them to choose between their object of affection and... something else. I'm leaving a lot of vague information and blanks here because I want to give you some freedom when writing. Show me what you got!

3. Length should be between 2,000 an 8,000 words, but it can be longer if you so desire. No penalty for longer stories.

4. This can be any genre with any tags (other than Human and Crossover. You can use Anthro if you want). Feel free to make it sad, dark ,tragedy, slice of life, anything you want! End it however you want, too!

5. You have until April 7th. This should be ample time to complete this short story.


This will not be like our last competition. The only reward will be the satisfaction of expanding our library of TwiDash and helping bring the group back to life... and having your story featured here, as well as on my user page.

Please, please participate in this. We need you to. State your desire to join below in Light Blue.

And, if you can, please spread the word.

Current Contestants:

4027763 you might want to wait until the twodash group contest ends before starting another twidash contest.

Two weeks to plan/write an entire story like that? While another Twidash competition is going on? I think you think we're a lot faster at writing than we actually are; I know people who take two weeks to get half a story done. Not to mention this prompt is quite large when you really get to thinking about it, as this situation can cause huge rifts in relationship that take time to heal, and can't be done in a short story. At least, not properly.

My recommendation; if you want people to enter, especially people new to writing, extend the due date. By... a lot. At least until the end of February, or maybe into March. You'll get higher quality, more in-depth fics that way. I'd enter if I wasn't already in a competition.

Group Admin

4027922 Extended. If this doesn't work, I'll try again after the TwiDash group contest.

What happened to Surry anyway? He was cool people.

I'm in!

This is actually something I've put some thought into in the past. Now I have a question. It's probably dumb, but I need to ask. EQG stuff has to be marked as Human right? Which would mean that I couldn't use EQG stuff...right?

Ok, I'm in

This year I wanted to convert some of my story ideas into actual stories. i think, this is as a good time as any to start. One of my ideas fits the requirements of this competition. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna fail, if not for the story, than most likely for the grammar, but what of it. I have to start somewhere and this is an opportunity to test and improve my english-skills.

I dunno If I'll have the time for this, as my semesters really busy, but, at least tentatively, count me in!

Also tentatively in

Group Admin

Excellent! Whenever you're finished, just slap them in the contest submissions folder... which still needs to be cleared out.

Who're the judges?


So who did end up winning the 2nd contest? Isn't that why those stories are still there? I can't seem to find any post regarding a winner. I see the looking for judges one, but no winner post. Did it get deleted?

I guys wouldn't start another contest without finishing the previous one, right?

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I don't know about Frozy, but my top pick has been removed from Fimfiction and the other three judges we had have left the site, are too busy, and can't get online more than once in a blue moon, respectively. I don't think we know how to proceed from here. Things fell apart during that contest, and we've been fighting to keep everything together but it just hasn't worked out. Maybe it's time for a fresh start, yeah?


A fresh start is great. Sometimes it's needed. But don't leave lose ends. First thing I think would try and get more active admins, if you or FrozenInTime haven't PM'd Bass yet, you should, since you two seem to really care about this group.

Once you get those juicy admin powers, tie up the loose ends that the other admins have left flapping in the wind. Sure, the actual physical prize is probably gone, but at least you can put a nail in it so it's not some mistake looming over your heads like an unwanted child. As for judges, there are loads of people I'm sure who would help you judge. You need like 4 tops? You already have 2. And I know some people have offered their aid in that Judges Wanted thread. Heck, I bet even the douch- people at the main TwiDash group would offer their assistance.

Once you tie those knots, then have those smexy contests and junk.

Or try and do it all at once or w/e :unsuresweetie: It's ya'lls group and junk.

Being in the other Twidash competition, I won't be able to compete.

However, I'm down to judge. :raritywink:

Group Admin

4042979 Due to Bassie's hiatus, I'm pretty sure it just... stopped. I wasn't a judge, so I don't know for sure. I'll have to read through them and contact the other judges of that contest.

4044513 I wouldn't want to distract you... you should focus on your current contest.

4041394 I'm running this one solo! :pinkiecrazy: Don't worry though, I'll be fair. I'm using Bassie's old scoring rubric.

4043522 I couldn't have said it better myself.

As for concerns about the main TwiDash group's contest, well... there will be pleanty more mini-contests like this. I'll try to start the next one at a more appropriate time.

As for the group itself, I'm not entirely sure they're completely aware of our existence.

4045186 Well, this group has my loyalty :rainbowdetermined2: I'm pretty sure it was the first one I joined. Not to mention I *think* my first TwiDash story was placed in here by someone. Not sure who though. That was June of last year!

Done my outline. Can I submit an incomplete story should this (massive) work not be done before the deadline?

Group Admin

4043672 Actually, I'm still very much here, and I do care about this group. I've just been having some serious anxiety as well as other psychiatric issues that have all but crippled my ability to do a lot of things I want to do. I fully intend to get a full panel of judges and complete the second contest, but it may take some time. Obviously, we have three judges already, so long as Ava and Adda are willing to do so. Mia (formerly Zhe, formerly Bassline and Melody, formerly Undercover Brony) is unable to access her computer at this time. The mobile site sucks, so she probably won't be able to judge. Surry only stalks the site occasionally and refuses to answer any of us on here, the phone, skype, ect. I don't know what his deal is. The point is, I haven't abandoned you all. I'm just... having serious trouble keeping myself together. :ajsleepy: Ava, Mia and Adda have no idea how much I appreciate their efforts in piecing back together this group. In all actuality, this group was never meant to be powered by the moderators. It was meant to be a community, one that would keep together even with the lack of any clear leadership. It was never about contests. It was just meant to be a place for people to come together and "hang out." I will complete the next contest, and I will provide a prize for the winner, but let's do this little mini-contest in the meantime to invoke some community involvement, yeah? :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4028488 He got a girlfriend, and he was slowly introducing her to the herd, but something happened. I'm not sure exactly what that something was, but he was gone for months. When he came back, it was for two days, and the only explanation he had was, "Real life obligations." Since then, he hasn't returned phone calls, text messages, PMs, Skype messages or calls, nothing. I was in the hospital at one point with acute kidney failure, but he still wouldn't respond to me. After a time, I thought something may have happened to him, but I checked the last time he'd been on Fimfic, and it'd only been a couple days.

Group Admin

4069407 If I were you, I'd just wait until it's finished. If it's not complete by the deadline, we can't exactly judge it.

Really now? That sucks... When I'm glad you're dong a little better! Hopefully we'll see him again.

If you have to give up your friends for your girlfriend... well, that's says everything right there.

Group Admin

4132840 From everything he was telling me before he left, that wasn't the case. She was accepting of him being a brony.

4132827 I hope so too, but as loyal as I am, I think it's time the group moves on. It's a new day.

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