The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!!

by Azure129

Chapter 27: Twilight's Castle and Beyond

In the land of dreams (specifically behind two closed subconscious doors with a big ‘Do Not Disturb (still!)’ sign on them…

Discord floated in a large inner tube in a lagoon off of Horseshoe Bay while Celestia rested on a raft floating before him. Both beings wore sunhats and had fruity drinks floating nearby for refreshment as the sun shone brightly overhead and the blue water twinkled below.

Celestia giggled as she looked to their surroundings. “You always choose a different location for us. You’d love to travel with her, wouldn’t you?” Her eyes came back to Discord’s.

Discord finished a sip of his drink and gave a shrug. “She seems to like adventure, and I know some of the best places to have one. Everyone else likes her to stay in that stuffy castle all day, but I’d take her out so she could explore life, and I would explore it right along with her.” He swallowed, looking down sheepishly. “By the way, it’s sort of nice that you’re sticking around even though I’m pretty much aware all the time now that you’re a dream, and now that you’re aware that you’re a dream too.”

Celestia smiled more. “Oh Discord, I’ve known I was a dream ever since your bad dream self almost took over things here. But I’m glad to stay around even if your bad dream self would rather sit and sulk at the back of your subconscious. I keep trying to coax him out so you can confront the bad things in your past more directly, but he’s as stubborn as you are and won’t come out until he’s absolutely ready.” Her eyes hazed a little. “It’s sort of cute actually.”

Discord chuckled. “Are ‘dream me’ and ‘dream you’ in love now?”

Celestia blushed and shrugged. “Well, you have the real Celestia to love now. I wouldn’t mind having your former bad side to care for.” She sipped her drink as well.

“Well,” Discord sighed, “you saying that is probably some symbol for my love for my friends and Celestia giving me a final bit of healing for all the mistakes I’ve made. There is just one problem though.” He looked down into the water. “I don’t have the real Celestia to love. She doesn’t love me.”

“But she might someday….” The dream Celestia smiled.

Discord shrugged. “I don’t know…maybe.” He almost smiled a little again.

Celestia giggled. “Well, until that day happens, you can feel free to keep practicing with me.” She shifted her raft closer. “Ever since that Gala, when you dream about Celestia, all you do is smile and say hello and look at me shyly and talk about little things. You can do all of that with the real Celestia even just as friends, but you can do more with me…just to see what it would be like.” Her gaze grew warm. “I’ve missed you…and the kisses…and the nuzzles…and falling down wrapped up in each other and laughing.”

“Yes, well, it’s just…different now.” Discord blushed so much, his eyes wide. “I mean, you know what you are, and I know what you are, and she knows about my dreams even if she’ll never see them.”

Celestia giggled again. “You’re even a perfect gentlepony in your private dreams, and you were even before we both knew what was going on. Remember how shy you were that time I had you put your paw over my heart?” She sighed. “But can I have something small? At least call me what you called me during that dream when you realized you were in love with me. You remember…” A little twinkle came to her eyes.

Discord swallowed, and a small smile came to his lips. “Yes I do remember…” he leaned close and lowered his voice an octave as he finished, “…Darling Celestia….”

‘Darling Celestia’ practically beamed. “She’d love this side of you if she got to know it…. That snake tongue of yours is made of silver: no wonder ladies always used to let themselves be charmed by you no matter how much bad chaos you were spreading.”

The chaos master sighed, his grin at its widest and most charming. “Forget other ladies…let’s just talk about you. After all, none of them ever made me fall in love.” He chuckled, looking particularly love-struck. “If you ever did want to get married to make things formal for the sake of your little subjects, I’d do it, you know. But of course, I’d also never tell the real Celestia that. We’ve only been friends a couple months; it’s definitely inappropriate to talk about lifetime romantic commitments.”

“Forget appropriate.” Celestia smirked a little. “This is the chaos master’s dream. Everything can be anything you want it to be.”

He sighed. “Well…maybe I do want some nuzzles. Just a…few.” Discord’s eyes widened as she pressed her neck against his, then he sighed deeply with a dreamy grin. “Oh, Tia….” He melted and nuzzled her back.

“We can kiss too, and you can hold me…” she cooed in return.

“Well…” Discord sighed again as he pulled back a little to look into her eyes, “Luna doesn’t seem to think this kind of dreaming is bad for me, otherwise I’m sure she would have busted through my ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign some nights ago…and I really don’t have the real Celestia to love…and you are very affectionate…and I need this, I think, for now at least.” He smiled more. “Maybe we can have just a little fun along with the talking.”

Celestia smiled warmly and nodded. “Let yourself be happy. That’s all the real Celestia wants.”

Discord nodded in return, and his voice took on that low octave again. “Why don’t you and I be happy together, hmm?” And then he took her hoof in his paw and leaned in to place a tender, lingering kiss upon her lips. Celestia returned the gesture.

The sun princess barely pulled back after a few moments to smile and whisper to him in a daze. “Did I mention you’re an excellent kisser?”

Discord grinned and looked down, his voice a whisper as well. “Now you’re just letting me stroke my own ego. And besides, here I might be fine, but in reality…who knows? It has been over a thousand years since I…” he blushed, “well, you probably know all of my memories…”

“And that’s how I know how very special Celestia really is to you…” Celestia added softly. “Now…” she shifted closer, letting her other hoof touch his chest, “show me more about just how much you love her…. Soothe that part of yourself with me. You deserve affection, Discord.”

Discord’s blush deepened, but he nodded and let his eyes meet hers again. “We both do. Being in love is so terrifying and beautiful, after all. It’d be a shame to do it alone all the time. Now, kiss me again, darling Celestia, and help me find my way through this crazy mess I’ve gotten us into.” He tilted his head, she nodded, and their mouths met again.

The two creatures embraced for a little while.

Discord’s dream ended when, in reality, some morning light shone against his eyelids while he slumbered on Fluttershy’s sofa facing the living room window.

The chaos master cringed at first but then blinked a few times and opened his eyes. He had a perfect view through the window of the dawn beginning—a bold, small, yellow light at the bottom of the horizon entering the purple finish of night overhead.

He had to smile. “Even if I had to wake up at such a fun part of my dream, it’s worth it to see your handiwork, dear Celestia. And besides, today’s a big day—Twilight’s castlewarming party: the first time you and I will see each other since the Gala. I have a lot to do.” He finally sat up in his nightshirt and cap and gave a quick stretch. “Not that it hasn’t been fun exchanging letters for the last two weeks though. Writing each other has been…nice somehow.” He snapped to make a scroll appear before him—Celestia’s most recent letter. He skimmed the scroll, reading it to himself for at least the sixth time since it’s arrival (and chuckling at the best parts). “Hmm…almost slept late for the sunrise because she’s still tired from the Gala…still trying to argue that ponies really must like chaos deep down considering half the strange problems that get presented to her at daily court…asking me if I think it would be chaotic or just silly if she told them all one day to just forget their troubles and eat cake…wishing we could maybe have another secret picnic soon if that wouldn’t be too much…” He blushed a little.

Discord sighed and snapped away the letter with a grin. “I’d write you back, but it seems silly to when we’re going to see each other today…and talk…and maybe dance.” He sighed, looking down with a slight blush as he touched his cheek with his paw. “I probably won’t get a kiss at the end of this party though of course, but it’ll be nice to finally see each other again. I really have missed you, Tia.”

Eventually Discord chuckled then snapped away his nightclothes and flew up. “Well then, first thing’s first: I’ll snap up a note for Fluttershy letting her know I’ll be spending the whole morning planning my strategy for crashing Twilight’s party, and in the meantime I’ll stop by Twilight’s castle and have a talk with her about moving back in. I’m sure she won’t mind the wake up call.” His smile picked up on one side. “Besides…flying there at this time of day gives me a lovely view of the rest of the sunrise.”

The chaos master snapped up the note for Fluttershy and then disappeared in a flash.

In her castle bedroom in the dim light of dawn, Princess Twilight Sparkle slept soundly.

And then the finger of a paw poked her on the shoulder. “Psst…Twilight…”

She sighed in her sleep.

“Psst…” The tuft of a tail poked her this time.

Twilight yawned and turned over in her bed. “Mm…” left her.

A certain master of chaos sighed. “I’m glad Luna taught me this one…” he mumbled to himself. Then he cleared his throat, got close to Twilight, and whispered, “Twilight, I’m afraid I got hungry and ate all of the pages out of your books again—even the first editions. You forgive me though of course, good friend, right?”

“My books?!” Twilight gasped, and her eyes flew open and darted around. Her gaze quickly found the chaos master. “Discord, you—!”

Discord put his tail tuft over her mouth and rolled his eyes. “Oh calm down, Twilight, I didn’t eat your books. I was just trying to get you up. Good morning, by the way.” He grinned and shook his head as he removed his tail. “Tut, tut, Twilight, you always strive to emulate Celestia’s perfection, and yet you’re sleeping past dawn. Now that I’ve decided I’m moving back in, I’ll have to work on helping you wake up bright and early each day as a princess should.”

Twilight sighed and scowled at him (her eyes still hazed in sleepiness). “Discord, you can’t just wake ponies up at dawn just because you’ve decided you’re going to—” Her eyes went wide, and then suddenly, even despite her sleepiness, she smiled. “You’re going to move back in? Oh Discord, that’s…” she yawned, “great. Feel free to go back to your room…and to your bed.” She closed her eyes and started to snuggle back against her pillow.

Discord just crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes though. “Oh Twilight, it’s not that simple. I’ve decided I’m ready to move back in, but we have to discuss some things first.”

“Can we do it after breakfast?” Twilight mumbled, magically pulling up her blankets around herself.

“No.” Discord shook his head. “I’ve got a lot of planning to do for crashing your castlewarming party later. We have to talk right now.”

“Why are you even up this early, Discord?” Twilight yawned again.

Discord blinked. Then he swallowed. “I was just, uh…watching the sunrise…” He cleared his throat.

Twilight sighed through her nose and smiled, her eyes still closed. “Aw, Discord…”

“You see this is what I’m talking about…” Discord blushed. “We have to set some ground rules since you know how I feel about you-know-who…and especially since you in particular know that I dream about her too.” He pouted and held up a finger. “So, after I move back in there will be no ‘Aw, Discord!’ moments from you, there will be no ‘all-knowing grins’ there will be no ‘giggles’, no ‘winks’, no ‘teasing kissy faces’, there will be no commentary on my romantic life whatsoever.” He did his best to keep his look serious though he was blushing away as he leaned down toward her and asked, “Are we clear?”

Twilight just sighed and yawned again. “Discord, I’m not going to tease you about Princess Celestia. I’m the princess of friendship, remember? If you were living with Cadance in the Crystal Empire, that would be another story…but here you’re safe, Discord.” She yawned again. “I won’t say a word about it.”

Still blushing, Discord straightened up and nodded. “Good, we have an agreement then.”

“Yes, we do.” Twilight smiled a little then blinked a few times and let her head sink into the pillow again. “Now, good morning, Discord, and I’ll see you later.”

“Uh, actually, there’s one more thing…” Discord tapped his fingers together, looking upward.

“Mmm…Discord, I’m tired.” Twilight sighed, her smile gone again. “Unless it’s a friendship emergency, can it wait?”

“It’s something I’m curious about, and it’ll just take a second.” He flew above her and angled himself downward. “You see, at the Gala, Celestia mentioned that you beat King Sombra in part by using dark magic, and she told me you got the hang of it after a little demonstration she did once to teach you.” He cleared his throat. “So…I’d like to see if I could do the same thing with you and chaos—teach you it by explaining and demonstrating.”

“Discord….” Twilight buried her head underneath her pillow now. “Can’t we do this later?”

Discord just smiled. “Oh, from what I hear, you’re such a quick study that it’ll only take a few seconds.” He turned onto his back in the air. “Just…let go of structure in favor of possibility.”

“Discord…” She buried herself more in the blankets.

“Try to be one with the potential in all things and to see how even what clashes somehow goes together.” The chaos master’s smile grew, and he spread his arms wide.

“Discord…” She was grumbling now.

“And, er…” He twirled his beard in thought. “Ah, yes, don’t follow logic, just find your own. Let your magic be free.”

“Fine!” Twilight sat up, her horn glowed, then the room glowed, and then in a burst of light the place was filled with randomly colored balloons, streamers in clashing shades of plaid, curtains made of large strips of Swiss cheese, giant pies floating in mid-air, and a floor covered in a purple and pink checkerboard patterns complete with giant backwards and upside down books piled high everywhere.

Discord just floated there with his jaw dropped.

Twilight, still sitting up in bed, let out a very deep sigh which ended as a calming breath, then said very directly, “Now, goodbye, Discord, and I’ll see you at the party later.” And then she used her magic to surround herself with a magical aura shield to keep the chaos (and Discord) at bay.

Discord just kept staring at the chaos. “I…but you…how did…excellent use of cheese, I…” He looked back to Twilight, but saw her snuggled under her covers again and sound asleep. He raised an eyebrow. “Hmm, well, either I’m a fantastic teacher or you are a fantastic student…or maybe it’s a little of both.” He smiled. “It was sort of nice trying to explain my process to you though. Maybe I really would like teaching at Celestia’s little school. I’ll put some thought into it while I finish planning my party crashing technique.” He nodded to himself and then disappeared in a flash with a chuckle, leaving Twilight and her chaos in peace.

…Peace for a few moments, at least, until there was a knock at her bedroom door and suddenly a bouncing pink pony burst in. “Twilight!” Pinkie Pie zipped right up to her bed. “Come on, it’s the day of your castlewarming party! And I’m going need all the time I can get to make it orderly enough to be worth Discord crashing with his chaos! And then I’ll have to help coordinate things with the castle caterers you mentioned Princess Luna would send over, and then once the party’s over we’ll have to get ready for our best friends sleepover slash Rainbow Power meeting in the throne room tonight!” Having said all of that in one breath (and while holding a wide-eyed Twilight by the shoulders), she inhaled deeply now and smiled with a squee sound.

Twilight just blinked once and then let out a deep sigh and couldn’t help smiling a little. “Okay, Pinkie Pie, okay, I’m coming…”

“Great!” Pinkie released her. “I’ve got cinnamon buns downstairs for breakfast so that we can start off with a healthy dose of sugar right away! We’re going to need it!” Then she turned and bounced out of the room.

Twilight just watched her go with a smile, shaking her head, and then finally got up to prepare for the interesting day ahead.

Afternoon came soon enough to Equestria, which meant Twilight’s castlewarming party would be starting shortly. And meanwhile, in Canterlot, the pony sisters were finishing up preparations for attending the big celebration.

Celestia stood before her vanity mirror, magically brushing her hair and smiling to herself as she hummed a light tune (the tune of “To the Gala” actually). Then, in the part of her mirror reflecting her bed, her eyes caught sight of her Gala corsage resting beside her vase of eternal flowers on her nightstand. Her smile warmed for a moment, and then her eyes went back to her own reflection. She put down the brush and then raised her hoof to pull back her hair on one side of her face so that both of her eyes were visible, and observed the effect.

A light knock sounded, and then Princess Luna entered the room with a yawn and a smile. “Celestia, I am ready for the party to celebrate Twilight’s castle! And I have just gotten word that the caterers which I sent along at Twilight’s request arrived some time ago, so the celebration should be ready to commence quite shortly!”

Celestia glanced over her should with a smile, her hoof still holding back her hair. “That’s wonderful, Luna. I’m almost ready to go too.”

“Sister,” Luna raised an eyebrow and her smile picked up on one side as she took in the sight of Celestia, “are you planning to do something special with your hair for the party?” She approached.

Celestia blinked. “Oh…no, nothing special.” She looked back to the mirror to observe her reflection again. “It’s just…Luna, do you think if I moved my hair back behind my other ear so that my face could be seen more clearly that it would make me seem more approachable? You know, like I had it at the Gala when it was pinned back.” She cleared her throat and shrugged.

“More approachable to ponies in general…or more approachable to stallions in particular…or more approachable to Discord most of all?” Luna’s smile grew as she came to stand beside her sister.

Celestia blushed and lowered her hoof as she shook her head and smiled. “Luna, I’m just thinking of trying something new, just for the party. Discord made a comment before we parted ways after the Gala that I seemed more open when he could see both of my eyes. So it’s just an option I’m considering.”

Luna laughed softly. “I think you look lovely always, sister, but if you’d like to try something new for the party to help you socialize, then why not?” She reached up and moved Celestia’s hair behind her ear again, then secured a few flowing locks around her horn to keep it steady. She stepped back and smiled. “Perfect. And I’m sure Discord will appreciate that you valued his suggestion so highly.” Luna raised an eyebrow. “You two really have not seen each other in two weeks?”

Celestia smiled softly and shook her head. “I’m afraid not. We agreed we needed some time apart. But writing each other has certainly helped keep us close. It’s been fun actually.” She magically brought forth an unfurled scroll from her dresser. “In his last letter he told me all about his latest tea party with Fluttershy and how he and Angel worked together to make her a special cake to thank her for being such a good friend, and then he shared some ideas he has for adventurous places he thinks I should see, and he teased me a little bit about the funny stories I told him about holding daily court with the ponies—he says that I seem to have an uncanny knack for attracting chaos.” She blushed slightly and smiled more as she sent the scroll back over to her dresser. “He’s a very eloquent writer, and funny too. If he teaches at the Academy, I really would like him to write his own textbook, and I would love to read it.”

Luna smiled more. “I’m glad your conversations have been going so well.” She hesitated. “Has he…said anything about the news of Cadance arriving here in Canterlot next weekend?”

Celestia glanced to the side with a sheepish smile. “I…haven’t told him yet. I’d rather do it in person today, whenever we have a moment alone. Then you can tell Twilight, and we can let her know about the sleepover you’ve planned for the four of us.” She swallowed and looked to her sister. “Luna, do you promise this sleepover won’t turn into a night of everypony, especially Cadance, questioning me about Discord?” She blushed a little. “I don’t mind if you ask me things or tease me a little in private, but Cadance can be a bit…intense about matters of the heart.” She let out a breath. “And Twilight will be there too…”

“Sister,” Luna moved closer, “I promise, no one will embarrass you. Just think of this as an opportunity to give yourself two more friends to have some ‘mare talk’ with if you ever want to. Just let yourself relax. This sleepover is for all of us to enjoy ourselves, Celestia…and so I can have a chance to share my night with my three best friends.”

Celestia nodded, her smile warm again. But then she blushed more. “And speaking of the night…you still haven’t been near my dreams lately at all…right?”

Luna shook her head and blushed a little herself as her smile grew again. “I have given you complete privacy every night since the Gala, sister. So feel free to indulge whatever fantasies your subconscious presents to you. I think it would be good for you.”

Celestia let out a deep breath and did her best not to smile too much. “Luna, really, it’s not like I’m obsessively dreaming about Discord or anything. I’d just…like to make sure I’ll have privacy in case another dream like that ‘dancing one’ comes up.” She cleared her throat and smiled again. “And all right, Luna. I’ll come to the sleepover. But if Cadance pushes things, we may end up going to war with the Crystal Empire.” She laughed.

Luna laughed too. “All right, yes, very funny. Now come on, Celestia! We must get to the chariot and be on our way to Twilight’s so that we’re not late. And I know you’ll want to be there in case Discord crashes the party right away.” She used her magic to open the door and took her sister’s foreleg to pull her out into the hall.

Celestia laughed as she followed along. “All right, Luna, I’m coming!”

As the two sisters slowed their pace to walk side by side down the hallway, the night princess glanced at the sun princess out of the corner of her eye, her voice low. “You know, Celestia, if you were curious about suitors but did not wish to think of Discord in such a way, you could always try to spend time with some unattached dignitaries to see if you might find a spark of romance with one of them. I would even join you if you’d like. We could navigate modern dating together.” She blushed a little and gave a sheepish shrug.

Celestia’s smile grew slightly. “I’m not sure yet about how much romance I’m looking to find, Luna. But I’ll keep the offer in mind. And thank you.” Her smile warmed.

Luna nodded. “Of course, Celestia.”

Soon enough, the two princesses were in a chariot and being whisked away to Ponyville.

“Okay, Rarity, you can open your eyes…now!” Spike stepped back and waited with a big smile for Rarity’s gaze to fall upon the lovely, orderly, finely-decorated throne room in Twilight’s castle (complete with a small castle staff bustling around to and fro as they finished preparations for the start of the castlewarming party).

Rarity blinked as she opened her eyes, and then her pupils widened and shimmered. “Ooo, Spikey, it’s like something out of an old pony’s tale—a castle done up in full formal finery!”

“Yeah, I thought you’d like it.” Spike’s grin grew. “That’s why I didn’t want you just walking in with the rest of the girls. I wanted to get to present it to you officially. It really does seem like your style.” He shuffled his feet.

“Oh it absolutely is!” Rarity nodded. “And thank you, Spike, for caring so much about my experience of the party.” Her gaze warmed.

Spike blushed a little and waved her off. “Aw, it’s nothing, Rarity.”

“Rarity, you’re here!” With a smile, Twilight trotted forward, the rest of the girls following in her wake. “Great, then that just leaves us waiting for the princesses to arrive…and Discord.” Twilight glanced around uneasily then looked to Fluttershy again. “Fluttershy are you sure you don’t have a clue about how he’s going to crash the party?”

Fluttershy shook her head. “I’m sorry, Twilight, but I really don’t. I haven’t even seen him since last night. But don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be fun, whatever he decides to do.” She smiled. But then she sighed and looked down.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight frowned and came closer, “are you all right?”

“Yeah, sugar cube.” Applejack came forward with a concerned smile. “You’ve been looking down and sighing like that whenever Discord gets brought up ever since you got here.”

Fluttershy sighed again as she looked to her friends. “I’m just worried about Discord seeing Princess Celestia. They haven’t been around each other at all since the Gala, and I think it might be hard for him at first.”

“Yes, um…” Rarity smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck, “is there a royal etiquette all of us should follow when we see the two of them together considering their delicate situation?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, like do we pretend nothing happened or ask them if they’re okay about what happened or…what?” She raised an eyebrow.

Twilight cleared her throat. “Girls, I know this might be a little awkward for everypony, but I’m sure once Discord and the princesses get here we’ll have a better idea of what they’d be most comfortable with. I mean it’s just us knowing that Discord has…feelings for Celestia. How hard could it be, right?” She shrugged, smiling sheepishly.

However, rather than smiling back at her, the girls just looked to each other and then gave uncertain smiles to Twilight.

And then fanfare sounded.

The staff members running around paused and then quickly lined up on either side of the throne room entrance. Suddenly a herald trotted in. “Announcing, their royal highnesses, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of Equestria!” He stepped aside as the staff all gave a formal bow.

Celestia and Luna walked in, smiling brightly. Celestia gave a slight bow to the staff. “Thank you for the greeting.”

“Yes,” Luna added, “but please be at ease now and return to your tasks. I know after working so hard all morning to prepare the party for us you must wish to return to your posts at Canterlot.”

The staff straightened up, nodded with smiles, and then started dashing around to complete their various final tasks.

Now the eyes of the pony sisters turned to the group of six mares and the baby dragon before them.

“Celestia, Luna!” Twilight came forward and put a foreleg around each of their necks in a hug as she smiled. “I’m so happy you’re here.” Then she blinked, pulled back, cleared her throat, and said in her most dignified manner, her head held high, “I mean…welcome to the celebration honoring my new castle and home. I’m so very glad to have my fellow princesses here with me.”

Luna smiled. “Excellent use of royal decorum, Twilight Sparkle. You truly are our baby sister.”

Celestia smiled more. “I preferred the hug, personally, but thank you for the official greeting as well, Princess Twilight.” Celestia bowed her head.

The girls and Spike all came forward now and bowed to the princesses.

“And it’s nice to see all of you as well.” Celestia nodded to them in return (as did Luna).

“And it is nice to see a full staff in this place,” Luna remarked with a grin as she watched the waiter ponies and chefs move around in perfect harmony while a laden buffet table glowed in the center of the room (with a large cake perched at the center of the table). “And they have done an excellent job setting up the catering, it seems.” She turned her eyes to a certain pink pony. “And Pinkamena, you have done an excellent job planning such an organized party for Twilight.”

Pinkie beamed and bounced up. “Gee, thanks, Princess Luna! I wanted things as orderly as possible for when Discord arrives so he can have lots of fun making it chaotic!” She winked.

Celestia laughed softly. “Well, you’ve definitely succeeded there. Everything really does look lovely.” She looked to the rest of the girls. “I hope you girls weren’t waiting on us to start enjoying yourselves.”

“Well, it wouldn’t be a party without all the guests,” Pinkie chimed in. “But now that you’re both here—and since Discord’s coming later of course—let’s party!” She bounced up and then dashed off into the middle of the party, grabbing a bite of cake here and shaking the hoof of a waiter there and shooting off a party canon over there.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Spike smiled and dashed off into the party as well.

The three princesses watched them go with smiles and then looked to each other again.

Luna cleared her throat. “So Discord is definitely going to be crashing your party, Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight sighed and nodded, rubbing the back of her neck with her hoof. “Yeah, uh…Pinkie really wanted him to. I just kind of wish he would show up and get it over with though. I’m already nervous enough from handling the waiter ponies and chefs.” She rubbed her temple. “I just hope he doesn’t do anything with the food.”

Celestia smiled. “I’m sure whatever Discord does won’t hurt the party, Twilight. And please try to relax. It’s your party, after all. Enjoy yourself.” She moved closer and put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, her gaze warm.

Twilight smiled a little and glanced up at her mentor. She nodded. “Okay. I’ll do my best.”

Luna came forward as well and wrapped up her sister and Twilight in a big, strong, alicorn hug. “It’s so nice that the three of us get to be together like this today and talking. And that reminds me, Twilight…” she released them from her iron grip (Twilight and Celestia took in deep breaths), “I am scheduling another princess sleepover at our castle next weekend. I’m assuming you would like to come of course?”

Twilight’s eyes lit up, and she nodded and bounced in the air. “Oh yes, yes! I’d love that!” She blinked and smiled sheepishly as she stooped herself from bouncing. “I mean, yes, I would love to attend, Luna.”

Luna laughed softly. “Celestia and I shall be looking forward to the party then.”

“Pardon me, your highnesses. Drinks?”

The three princesses blinked and looked to a (somewhat oddly-colored) unicorn waiter who was looking down as he addressed the princesses while holding up a tray with three glasses of punch on it.

Twilight smiled and magically took up a glass. “Oh, uh…thank you, um…”

The waiter cleared his throat. “Dizzy, Princess. That’s my name.” His voice sounded a little gruff, almost muffled.

Celestia blinked…and then she did everything she could to fight back a giggle.

“Well, then, thank you very much, Dizzy.” Luna gave a nod and took a glass too, though she did look at him with an eyebrow rose for a moment before turning to her drink.

“And for you, Princess?” Though he magically made the tray move closer to her, ‘Dizzy’s’ eyes still didn’t come up…though Celestia swore she could detect a small smile at the corner of his mouth.

The sun princess smiled and magically took up the final glass of punch. “Thank you, Dizzy.”

“Not a problem,” he replied with a cough, and then he trotted off into the party.

And as she watched him go, observing his red and white tail, his black and white mane, and how his horn was tinged lightly with blue and silver against his tan fur, Celestia couldn’t help that giggle finally escaping her.

As Twilight raised an eyebrow at her, Celestia quickly cleared her throat and gave an explanation. “Twilight, this really does look like such a fun party: why don’t you go jump into the fray with the girls? Luna and I will be along soon. I think we’d just like to enjoy being guests on the sidelines for a few moments.”

Twilight smiled. “Well, someone should probably make sure Pinkie doesn’t eat all the cake before we all have a chance at a piece.”

“I would consider such an act a personal favor.” Celestia winked.

Twilight laughed. “You’ve got it.”

And then from across the room…

Hey guys, want to bet me I can eat this whole cake in one bite?!” Pinkie’s voice suddenly announced.

Nooo!” the girls and Spike all yelled in return.

Twilight blinked then smiled and shook her head as she sighed and trotted off to her friends.

“Celestia, why did you send Twilight off?” Luna raised an eyebrow at her sister.

Celestia sighed and smiled more. “Because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” When Luna tilted her head to the side, Celestia explained in a whisper. “That pony that just brought us punch was Discord in disguise.”

“What? But I thought his pony form was tan with brown hair.” Luna raised an eyebrow.

“It was.” Celestia shrugged. “But when we were talking after the Gala, his pony form came up, and I told him to let it reflect his personality more, and so he changed a few colors and proportions. Believe me, it was a very unforgettable sight. But today he must have left out the wings and given his form more of a normal stature to blend in with the waiters.”

“I see…” Luna tried hard not to smile. “And…what direction had your conversation been going in exactly that you had him turn into a stallion for you?”

Celestia sighed deeply and blushed though her smile remained. “Luna…you said no jokes like that outside of the castle.”

Luna just smiled more and rolled her eyes to the side. “Oh, very well.” She glanced out to the room but couldn’t find Dizzy amongst the staff. “What do you think he has planned exactly, sister?”

“Something beautifully chaotic, if I know him, and very funny.” The sun princess sipped her punch, her eyes twinkling a little.

“You’re probably right if the very idea of it actually made you giggle.” The moon princess couldn’t help herself as she likewise sipped her punch.

Celestia just shook her head with a smile as Luna smiled as well, and the two sisters prepared for the arrival of chaos.

Off in another corner of the room, a certain oddly-colored pony waiter sighed as he set down his now empty drink tray and mumbled to himself. “This is so utterly ridiculous; I’m actually nervous about just looking at her after all this time. What do I think is going to happen?” He had to smile and shake his head. “She makes me act like a giddy teenager. I wonder if it’s being in love that does that or being in love with her in particular?” He blushed.

“Hey, new guy! Come on, the party’s good to go, and now we’ve got to finish cleaning up our supplies if we want to make it back to Canterlot in time for our dinner break!” one of the head waiter ponies suddenly announced to Dizzy. “Grab that half empty plate of hors d’oeuvres and head into the kitchen!”

Discord cleared his throat and then turned to give the waiter a cheeky grin. “Actually, I think I’ll be going on break right now. Though I will take something to munch on.” He used his magic to take up the remainder of the hors d’oeuvres, levitate them, and drop them into his mouth. He swallowed and smirked. “Ta ta!”

“Hey!” The waiter pony scowled. “You can’t just—” But then with a snap of his tail, Discord disappeared.

The waiter pony’s eyes went wide…and then a small smile of surprise came to his lips.

Fortunately, he came out of his shock in enough time to get the rest of the staff together, packed up, and out of Twilight’s castle pretty quickly (they were certain to start seeing Discord frequently enough again in the Canterlot castle, and besides…the staff had sort of unofficially decided that Discord and Celestia deserved privacy whenever possible).

Such a happy, perfect, well-organized party when viewed from above: a room filled with perfectly laid out grand decorations, the girls all laughing and talking, Spike eating snacks with a big grin, Luna socializing with an ease that came most naturally to her among close friends, and Celestia enjoying herself and at the same time surveying all the happiness with a loving gaze.

How could a chaos master be expected to help himself even if he hadn’t already promised a good, old-fashioned chaotic party crash?

Suddenly, on all of the festivities, the lights went out.

Of course, there were the general sounds of pandemonium.

“Hey, I can’t see where I’m flying!” Rainbow Dash.

The dark!” Fluttershy.

“Hey, now, how in the hay is it completely dark in here when half this room’s walls are crystal windows and it’s still daylight outside?” Applejack.

“Don’t overthink the party in the dark, Applejack, just embrace it!” Pinkie Pie.

“Indeed, I’m sort of a fan of this situation.” Luna.

“Oh, Luna.” Celestia.

“Ow!” Spike.

“Oh, sorry Spikey Wikey! I didn’t mean to step on your tail.” Rarity.

“Oh, sweet Starswirl, it’s starting…” Twilight (in a very dry tone).

And then a single spotlight came on in the room, and a disembodied (yet familiar, of course) voice began to speak after he finished a low chuckle. “Hmm….hello ladies and gentledragon. I’ve missed you—did all of you certainly miss me? Oh, who has to ask: I know you did!”

The girls and Spike and the princesses just looked up with various grins.

“Now,” the disembodied voice went on, “I do prefer to work alone, but since this appearance was planned and approved by the hostess, I am open to chaos requests…”

“CHOCOLATE RAI—” Pinkie got about that much out before Twilight put a hoof over her mouth with wide eyes. She looked up. “Uh, heh, Discord? I have a request—please, please, please, do not make it rain chocolate milk in my castle…or lemonade…or cola…just no liquids, please!”

The voice chuckled. “Hmm, fair enough. Only solids then.” A snapping sound occurred, and suddenly the room was full of light again…and now also giant jellybeans, mountains of rock candy, gigantic squishy marshmallows, and piles of little golden Discord statues all in various humorous poses. And then a big confetti cloud appeared and burst all over everything, covering the throne room in sparkles and colorful bits of paper. “Oh, and one more thing…” Another snap, and now Discord’s window was decorated with colorful lights all around it and a marquee flashing over the top reading ‘All Hail the Chaos Master!’

And of course, the Discord in the window started moving and talking. “Surprise, here I am! How is everyone enjoying the chaos?” Another snap, and now Discord appeared in person hovering above his throne, head held high, one arm behind his back, and his paw to his chest, smiling brightly. “Yes, ladies, chaos has arrived.” He gave a low bow in Twilight’s direction. “And you’re welcome, by the way, Twilight, for the spectacular entrance.”

Twilight just looked back at him with a smile she couldn’t help. “Thank you, Discord. This is certainly going to be a party none of us will ever forget.” She looked to the chaos and sighed though she couldn’t help still smiling.

Discord just shook his head and leaned close to her. “Don’t worry, Twilight, I’ll help you clean up later before I go. Promise.” He winked then straightened up.

Twilight smiled more. “Thank you, Discord. And it really is nice to see you again. I’m glad you’re here.”

Discord chuckled and flew toward the center of the room before landing. “Yes, well, I’m glad I’m here too.”

“Hiya, Discord!” Applejack came forward now with a smile.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash flew up and waved.

“Discord, it’s nice to have the addition of your unique, er…panache to the party.” Rarity smiled brightly.

“DISCORD, this jelly bean tastes like jalapenos!” Pinkie announced, steam coming out of her ears as she swallowed a big bite of giant jellybean. “I love it!”

“Discord, are you really moving back in?” Spike darted forward with a big smile. “Twilight said at breakfast that you might.”

Discord nodded. “Absolutely, Spike: as of tonight consider me a regular part of the castle again.”

“Angel Bunny and I will miss you, Discord.” Fluttershy came forward with a smile. “But I’m glad you’re coming back here and that you had a chance to make the party so lively for everyone. And the statues are…interesting.” She touched one of the little golden Discords with her hoof.

“They’re solid chocolate wrapped in gold foil.” Discord chuckled. “And I’ll miss Angel too. We do have a lot of fun competing for your affections after all, dear Fluttershy.” Discord landed and ruffled her mane a little, and she smiled more.

“Greetings, Discord.” Discord blinked as Luna came around from behind him and smiled, her gaze warm. “We are very happy to see you at another royal affair.”

“Oh like you could keep me away.” Discord grinned and shrugged. “What’s a friendly get together without a little discord, after all? Besides, you’re not the only one who’s needed a nice informal shindig after the stress of the Gala.”

Luna laughed softly and nodded. “Too true.” And then she cleared her throat lightly and gestured behind Discord with her head.

From behind him, Princess Celestia cleared her throat and spoke now. “Hello, Discord. It’s nice to see you.”

Discord’s eyes widened a little, then he swallowed and finally turned around.

There stood Celestia, of course, smiling warmly, her eyes a little hazed as she looked to him.

Discord took a breath and swallowed. “Yes, isn’t it always a thrill when I pop in?” He smiled. “It’s nice to see you too, Celestia.”

She laughed softly. “Have you been spreading some good chaos since the Gala?”

He shrugged. “Oh, when I can. Have you settled back into your normal routine with taking care of the ponies?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, almost.”

Discord nodded in return.

The two friends shared a smile…and remained that way looking at each other.

And then…they were simply not sure what to do with themselves. They just stood there in their awkward silence sometimes making eye contact, sometimes not, their smiles growing more and more sheepish and awkward.

A snort of laughter escaped Luna, which caused Celestia and Discord to turn toward their friends with wide eyes only to see Luna, the girls, and Spike all staring at them with various expressions of confusion and interest.

Celestia and Discord both instantly blushed and looked to each other again and then looked down.

Twilight turned to her friends and cleared her throat. “Uh…girls? Why don’t we just go back to talking and having fun?” She smiled sheepishly.

The girls blinked but then nodded.

“Oh, uh…sure.” Applejack rubbed the back of her neck and looked to Rainbow Dash. “So, uh, Rainbow Dash…um…good weather today?”

Rainbow Dash was still eyeing Discord and Celestia as Applejack reached up now and nudged her shoulder with her hoof. “Huh?!” Rainbow Dash blinked and then looked down at her friend and cleared her throat as she quickly replied, “Oh, uh, yeah, yeah…”

“Er…Fluttershy…” Rarity tried, doing her best to keep her eyes on her friend and away from the potential couple, “I’ve gotten some new fabrics in at the shop that you simply must see.” Yet, Rarity’s eyes darted to Discord and Celestia quickly one more time before returning to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy did her best to look down. “Oh, okay, Rarity. That might be nice.” Her eyes stayed low but then drifted to Discord, and her brow furrowed in worry.

Twilight smacked her forehead with her hoof. “Girls, seriously, Pinkie Pie is the only one doing this right.”

“You mean I’m the only one NOT staring at Celestia and Discord?” Pinkie brought her head up from a pile of wrappers as she finished eating another chocolate Discord statue. “That’s because this room’s full of candy, guys! Duh! Thanks again, Discord!” She waved over to him.

Celestia let out a small giggle, and Discord couldn’t help smiling a little as he sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re welcome, Pinkie Pie.” Then his eye suddenly caught sight of Twilight now looking at him and Celestia with an awkward blush, her eyes wide and an eyebrow rose.

As soon as Discord made eye contact though, she blinked and looked away with a deeper blush.

Discord sighed as Celestia looked away.

And then suddenly Spike, with a dry look, walked past them. “I’ve got this.” Discord raised an eyebrow and Celestia tilted her head to the side as Spike headed past the girls as well and off to one side of the throne room.

“I’m sorry, Princess Celestia, Discord,” Twilight stammered.

“No, it’s all right, really!” Celestia and Discord said in perfect unison. They blinked and blushed more.

“Aw…” Rarity couldn’t help the exclamation, and it made the rest of the girls smile and blush a little as they watched the couple again.

Suddenly Twilight blinked and sniffed the air (meanwhile, some light gray smoke began floating just above her head). “Does anyone else smell something burning?”

Spike walked back past her and the girls now, the dry look still on his features. “Curtains are on fire.”

“What!?” Twilight jumped and turned around only to see the corner of one of her curtains indeed on fire (in green flames, no less). She and the rest of the girls quickly ran over and started talking and exclaiming and using whatever was at their disposal to end the small fire.

Spike, a small smile on his face, was walking past Celestia and Discord now when he was stopped by Discord putting a hand on his shoulder. The chaos master brought his other hand to his mouth, fighting back a very big smile. “Spike,” he kept his voice low, “did you just set part of Twilight’s castle on fire all to get them to stop noticing us?”

Spike smiled a little more and shrugged. “Well, yeah…”

“I see.” Discord crossed his arms over his chest. “You do know that makes you one of my official top friends now, right? Seriously, if I ever turn evil again, Fluttershy’s already got dibs on being queen of the forests, I’m planning on giving Luna an island or something to turn into Luna Land, Twilight gets all the books, but you get to be Lord of all the Jewels. No question.”

Celestia rolled her eyes and then smiled down at Spike and lowered her head. “Spike, while I can’t say I approve of the fire…thank you for it.” She gave him a little hug with her foreleg.

When she pulled back, Spike just shuffled his feet with a big smile. “Aw, don’t mention it. I was just helping things be less mushy for Discord—from one guy to another.” He looked to Discord. “By the way, Big Mac says next weekend works for him for the hoofball night. Are you still in?”

“Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.” Discord winked.

“Great!” Spike beamed.


Spike’s eyes went wide. “Uh oh.”

“Spike,” a frowning Twilight approached him, “I know you were trying to help, but please don’t do something like that ever again.”

Spike sighed and nodded. “Okay, I’m sorry, Twilight.” He shrugged. “But maybe we could all just get back to the party now and have fun?”

“Yes, let’s get back to the party.” Discord grinned and clapped his claw and paw together. “And let’s keep the chaos going. I’m here for the entertainment after all.” He snapped, and now there were rainbow butterflies everywhere (with sticks of butter for bodies) and square balloons floating in the air, and a neon-light flashing disco ball appeared hanging from the ceiling (and it dropped a small shower of diamonds over everything).

The girls looked around in amazement and finally started to lose their focus on Celestia and Discord. Spike even grabbed Twilight’s hoof and pulled her toward the center of the room. “Come on, Twilight, I want to try a big jellybean before Pinkie eats them all! And now they have diamonds too!” He licked his lips.

“Okay, okay, Spike!” Twilight smiled as she matched pace with him. They soon disappeared into the chaos.

Celestia and Discord looked on.

The sun princess smiled, her voice low. “Not a bad way of distracting them, Discord.”

The chaos master likewise smiled, his voice low as well. “Being distracting is one of the things I do best, Tia.”

They had a peaceful silence for a moment.

Then Discord swallowed. “Celestia…are we okay?”

She took a breath. “I think so. This is just new for us.”

He nodded. “What do you think we should do?”

Celestia bit her lip. “I’m not entirely sure.”

And then Luna cleared her throat and came close to them with a warm smile. “This is your chance now that the girls are thoroughly distracted.”

Celestia and Discord blinked and raised eyebrows.

Luna rolled her eyes. “You two clearly don’t know how to behave in front of an audience yet. So go be alone for a little while. It might help ease you into the party atmosphere.”

Celestia frowned. “Luna, we can’t just leave the party—it means so much to Twilight.”

“She’d understand.” Discord kept his eyes down. “Trust me. She’s a good friend.”

Celestia looked to him then looked to Luna and gave a nod. “Well…maybe we could just step out for a moment for some air.”

Discord rolled his eyes. “I doubt we’ll get much more privacy standing out in the streets in Ponyville.” He twirled his beard in thought, then looked to Celestia with a small smile and held up his fingers. “Are you up for a small adventure, Celestia?”

She brought a hoof to her chin. “Do we have time for something like that?”

He nodded. “I promise we’ll be quick—the ‘children’ will be fine being watched by Luna for a little while.” He chuckled. “And I’ll have us back before there’s even a chance the girls will have eaten all the cake.”

Celestia smiled again and nodded in return. “All right, Discord.”

Discord looked to Luna. “And thanks for covering for us, Luna.”

“Of course, you two.” Luna gave a small bow of her head.

The chaos master snapped, and then in a burst of light he and Celestia were gone.

Luna smiled warmly at the spot where they had been.


Luna blinked and turned at the sound of Twilight addressing her as the friendship princess came up beside her. “Yes, Twilight?”

Twilight blushed and frowned. “I’m so sorry everyone made everything so awkward. If Discord and Celestia decided to go home, I completely understand. And please tell Celestia I’m sorry.”

Luna shook her head. “Twilight, don’t worry. Considering the common knowledge we all share, their presence at the party was bound to be tricky to navigate. But right now they just need some time to talk: this is the first time they’ve seen each other since the Gala, after all. I promise you though, neither one of them was offended.” She cleared her throat, and her smile grew. “Anyway, enough talk of Celestia and Discord for the moment. There is another matter I wanted to talk to you about, one regarding our sleepover and one I think you shall be quite happy about. Cadance has decided to pay a visit and join us that night, and your brother shall accompany here on her trip. The plans were decided this morning.”

“Really?!” Twilight beamed. “Luna, that’s great! It’ll be so much fun to have Cadance there!” But then she raised an eyebrow. “Does Cadance know about Discord and Celestia?”

Luna’s smile picked up on one side. “Cadance knows whatever Celestia shall choose to share with her. Other than that, all she knows is that they went to the Gala together and that there were rumors of Discord betraying her heart.”

Twilight nodded, considered for a moment, then smiled again. “Well, if anyone can help Celestia feel more comfortable about things, it’s the princess of love, right?”

Luna sighed, smiling more to herself. “We shall see, Twilight Sparkle, we shall see…”

Twilight smiled a little more too.

The two mares headed off into the party’s chaos.

Somewhere lost in time, lost in space, and meaning…

Discord and Celestia appeared in the unusual colorscape of the chaos dimension perched upon a wide limb of Discord’s blue thinking tree floating amongst the ether. And Discord had his hands over Celestia’s eyes.

Celestia smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Discord?”

The chaos master chuckled. “I just want you to be fully prepared before you open your eyes and see where we are. Just relax, Tia, and take it all in.” He removed his hands.

Celestia opened her eyes: they quickly shot open wide, and then she was so lost in all of the colors and dark ether and endless patterns and shapes around her that she leaned her head back far enough to actually start falling backwards off of the tree branch.

“Whoa!” Discord used his tail to right her.

The sun princess quickly clung with her foreleg to the trunk of the tree and looked to her friend. “Discord, where are we?”

Discord chuckled. “Another dimension—a particularly chaotic place to be.”

“Another dimension?” Celestia blinked few times and then looked to the tree. “And…what’s this?”

“Oh.” Discord waved her off. “My thinking tree.”

She looked to him again, her head tilted to the side.

Discord explained. “It’s where I go to sit and think about things. Plus, it has holes in it where I can hide my stuff.” He reached past her toward the trunk, and instantly a hole opened up. He rummaged around, pulling out random items to show her and then putting them back inside. “See, here’s my framed picture of me and Fluttershy…and here’s my favorite crazy straw for drinking chocolate milk…and here’s my highlighter quill I used to mark up the girls’ journal to teach them about the keys to open Twilight’s chest…and here’s my…” He stopped—he had just pulled out the blue poison joke corsage Celestia had given him at the start of Gala night. He blushed and quickly put it back in the tree, then zipped up the hole to make it disappear. “Yes, well…you get the idea.” He put his arms behind his back.

Celestia held back a small giggle. “I think it’s very clever of you to keep your things hidden in such a unique place. I’m afraid I just keep the corsage you gave me with your flowers by my bed; that sounds a little boring compared with your tree.”

A smile returned to Discord’s features. “I’m glad you like it. And doesn’t it go nicely here?” He gazed at all the nonsense around them with a smile. “I travel to places like this sometimes, and I feel right at home here. I’m thinking of calling it Chaosville. Actually, I’m thinking of building a home here soon—maybe a cottage.” He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I mentioned it to Fluttershy once, and she liked the idea. And I’m sure Twilight will eventually get over me leaving her castle again.” He chuckled.

Celestia’s smile grew. “A home? Discord, that’s wonderful. And a cottage sounds lovely.” She looked out to the odd swirling vortexes around them again. But then the sights of chaos spreading off into seemingly unending space started to overwhelm her a little again, and the sun princess blinked a few times and had to grip the tree trunk a little more tightly. She looked to Discord once more. “This place is very far from Ponyville and Canterlot though, isn’t it? And I don’t see any other homes or creatures. And…at the Gala you told me you don’t like getting left alone.” She frowned. “Discord, you’re not putting yourself here just because of… I mean, I just don’t want you to be lonely, especially if…”

Celestia stopped speaking as Discord placed a single finger over her lips and smiled at her. “I’m not running off to avoid you. I promise. And I won’t be lonely because no one’s leaving me here—I’m choosing to make this place my home. And I’ll visit Ponyville and Canterlot all you and the girls want. But…I need to live here. I’m chaos, and I belong in a place like this.” He floated up and flipped over in the air, hanging from a higher branch by his tail. “I’ve thought this over, especially over the last couple of weeks. I’m doing the right thing.”

Celestia’s smile became warm, and she nodded. “I understand, Discord. I’m just surprised you didn’t bring up this place in your letters.”

Discord shrugged. “Well, I hadn’t made the final decision yet. I would have brought it up in my next response, but your last letter only came yesterday. I figured it would be better just to tell you in person.” He blinked then raised an eyebrow as he came to sit beside her on their branch again. “Now that we’ve seen each other again…are we, um…still going to write?”

Celestia blushed a little, and her eyes hazed. “I’d like to, Discord. I’m busy in Canterlot, and you’re going to be busy building your new home here soon: letters are a nice way to keep close even when we can’t see each other.”

Discord nodded. “I’d like to keep writing too. Your letters make me smile.” He chuckled. “Hearing you actually complain about things and hearing the jokes you feel too poised to share with the ponies is priceless. Truly. And if I’m moving here, that’ll give us even more of a reason to write.” He shrugged. “So you see, everything works out.”

“As long as you really will come visit…and maybe crash a few parties if you can, waiter ‘Dizzy’?” Celestia smirked a little.

The chaos master rolled his eyes. “Oh, what? It was the only good name I could come up with on the spot.” He laughed. “But sure, I could crash sometimes, if you’d like to be surprised. Besides, it’s sort of interesting being a pony in that situation—blending in for once instead of being the center of attention: tall and magical and flying with a face everyone knows.”

Celestia blinked a couple of times. “…Feeling normal…just like everypony else…” Here eyes went a little wide, and she looked down.

“Yes…I suppose.” Discord raised an eyebrow. “Tia?”

She blinked and looked up, then cleared her throat. “Sorry, I was just remembering something.” The sun princess shook her head then smiled again. “Anyway, I’m glad you’ll visit…and maybe I could visit you here too?”

“You’re already on the list for the housewarming party.” He winked.

“I’m already looking forward to it.” Celestia’s smile grew. “Just make sure Spike doesn’t set the curtains on fire.”

The two friends shared a laugh.

“What Spike did for you was very nice, Discord,” Celestia went on. “He really must admire you a lot.” She raised an eyebrow. “And you’re going to have a guys night with him and Applejack’s brother?”

Discord nodded, his head held high. “Oh yes, it’s going to be quite the bachelor shindig next weekend. Nothing but sports, snacks, and finally a break from all of you pretty ponies. Not that I don’t love the ladies, Celestia, but a little male bonding never hurt anybody. And besides…” he glanced to the side and gave a shrug, “I really haven’t made any guy friends yet. Spike’s the first one. It would be nice to see if I could expand my social circle in that way.”

“I see.” Celestia nodded. “Well, in that case…perhaps I could suggest another guest for your night together…”

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

Celestia took a breath. “Shining Armor.”

Discord blinked. “But Shining Armor’s in—”

Celestia told him while she had the nerve. “Discord, Luna has decided we’ll be having another princess sleepover next weekend, and she has decided to include the fourth princess in Equestria. Cadance is coming. And Shining Armor too.” She looked to him, her gaze serious.

Discord just tilted his head to the side. “Ah…okay. Well…I’ll run it by Spike: I’m sure Shining Armor’s more than welcome. But, um…I’d think you’d be happier about Cadance coming. What’s with the grim Celestia look?” His smile picked up a little on one side.

Celestia sighed and blushed slightly. “Discord, of course I’m happy Cadance is coming. But…well, she is the princess of love, Discord.”

Now Discord blushed lightly. “Yes, well…so?”

Celestia swallowed. “So she’s always been very…enthusiastic about her domain.”

“I don’t understand.” The chaos master scratched his head. “Are we talking boring lectures about love on a regular basis like Twilight does about friendship, or…?”

“We’re talking she can sense romantic feelings between creatures…and influence them slightly if she chooses. She’s also not afraid to ask very intimate questions and to make a project out of pushing two creatures together.” Celestia kept her eyes wide and locked on Discord’s, though her features were coated red in a blush.

Discord’s eyes widened, and he blushed quite thoroughly as well. Finally he took a breath and swallowed. “Oh. I see.” He blinked a couple of times. “Well, I suppose this is another problem to figure out along with how to act together in front of others. I did have an idea about that last thing though.”

Celestia smiled a little. “Funny, I had an idea about how to handle Cadance. Why don’t we share?”

Discord nodded. “Ladies first.” He gestured to her with his paw.

Celestia nodded then sighed. “Discord, if Cadance gets near either one of us, she’s going to realize something happened. It’ll be better if I just explain the truth to her simply and then move past it. So, I’d like to ask you a favor. I’d like to know if you’d be all right with me telling Cadance that you showed an interest in me but we decided just to be friends for now.”

Discord was silent at first. Then he looked down a little. “Would you tell her just how much I’ve fallen ‘for’ you?”

“Never.” The word was a whisper that left Celestia’s mouth instantly. She looked down too. Her voice remained quiet. “That detail can stay between us forever, Discord.” She took a breath and raised her voice again. “I’d just tell her that you developed some slight affection for me. That’s all.” She swallowed. “Of course, if you’re not comfortable, I can do my best to just steer the conversation away from you and I entirely. I’m not sure how well I’ll succeed, but I’m willing to try. I’m even willing to miss the sleepover if you’d prefer.”

“Tia, please don’t do that.” Discord’s tail suddenly lifted up Celestia’s chin so their eyes met again. He was smiling. “Have fun at your princess party. Do all the girly things you want so you can relax, and see your niece. And don’t worry yourself about trying to avoid me as a topic of conversation altogether: a lot has happened between us, and you’re going to be in a room with three curious mares—I’m bound to come up.” He swallowed and removed his tail. “You can tell Cadance I got a little smitten with you but we just decided to be friends. I can live with that.” He blushed. “And…thanks for…keeping between us…I mean…you know, how much I’ve fallen for you…”

Celestia’s hoof came to his shoulder now. She was smiling. “You don’t ever have to thank me for that, Discord. Our friendship might be complicated but…I like it.”

Discord nodded and smiled a little as well. “Me too.”

They shared another happy silence…sitting so close…touching each other…all alone in this void of perfect privacy where really anything could happen, even just for a moment, and it would stay between them for all eternity….

In an attempt to resist the urge he felt to just kiss her already, Discord made a joke (his voice slightly cracking and shaky, though he did get the whole thing out). “Y-You know, it’s a good thing we left Ponyville. Up here, like this, we’re just…ripe to earn a chorus from ponies of ‘Discord and Celestia Sitting in a Tree’. Heh…”

Celestia’s eyes went wide, then she turned absolutely scarlet and quickly lowered her hoof.

Discord frowned at first but then smiled a little again. “Sorry. I make jokes when I’m nervous—bad jokes, not the usual golden comedy you’re used to from me.”

She cleared her throat. “No, Discord, it’s my fault. I—”

“Oh, you what?” Discord sighed and rolled his eyes. “Used your fantastic feminine wiles to artfully seduce me into a stuttering puddle of affectionate mush?” He pouted a little. “Celestia, really, you didn’t do anything. I’m not the only one of us who’s naturally charming in this friendly relationship of ours. And anything else was just…inevitable awkwardness.” He flew up and curled around the tree a couple of times until he was facing her with his arms crossed over his chest and his head held high. “I’m afraid if you want to woo me properly, I’ll have to be finessed a little more than that, and especially in my own tree.” He grinned.

Celestia’s eyes remained wide at first (and her blush remained distinct), but now she couldn’t help smiling as she gave him a gentle nudge. “Oh Discord…”

“Hmm…” The chaos master laughed too. “Now there’s the smile I’m so partial too. Really, so much better than the grim glare or the awkward frown, Tia.”

Celestia smiled more, her gaze warm. “Now you’re just flirting with me on purpose to make me feel better about flirting with you by accident.”

“Absolutely, one hundred percent, my princess.” He winked. “Is it working?”

“Discord, what am I going to do with you?” She almost smirked a little.

“Marry me and take me away from all of this?” He gestured to the chaos and then unwound himself from the tree came to sit next to her again on their branch. “Or at least just keep laughing at my jokes.”

Celestia laughed, unable to help herself.

“Ah, I see you’ve chosen the second option. Fair enough.” Discord’s smirk turned into a sweet smile.

Celestia sighed. “Discord…thank you.” Her gaze warmed, but then she lightly cleared her throat. “I’m afraid we don’t have much time though—we should get back to the party for Twilight’s sake. And you mentioned that you had an idea for how we should act in front of others now?”

Discord nodded. “Oh, yes.” He held his head high. “We go with my strategy for acknowledging my evil past back when I was only semi-reformed: we embrace the situation and make it our own.” She raised an eyebrow, and he went on. “It’s sort of like what you want to do with Cadance—admit something happened and move on. We’ll make little jokes about the rumors and how close we are now, we’ll laugh off any teasing comments anyone brings up, and with the girls we can even joke a bit about how I feel about you: we’ll take all the awkwardness and turn it into a reason to make everyone smile. What do you say, my friend?” He reached out his paw to her.

Celestia blushed lightly but reached out and took his hoof to shake. “I think that plan could work, Discord. But I’m afraid you’ll have to lead with things, at least at first. It might take me some practice before I’m any good at joking like that.”

Discord nodded. “Just leave everything to me, princess, and chime in when you can. You and I haven’t let battles, or stone body suits, or a thousand years apart stop us from being friends; we won’t let a chaotic crush win out. How anticlimactic.” He chuckled as they released from each other.

Celestia lowered her hoof. “Yes, nothing should keep us from being friends now, and especially not a silly fear of confronting the truth.” She looked down a little, smiling more. “You really are too dear to me to lose, my friend.”

“You’re dear to me too, Tia…” Discord swallowed…then glanced down and to the side, his hands clasped together. “So, um…naturally it’s okay for dear friends to celebrate the continuation of their friendship with a hug…right?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at him, still smiling. “We already hugged back at Donut Joe’s, Discord. Why wouldn’t it be okay to hug now?”

Discord shrugged and looked to her again. “That night was an exception to every rule: we were giddy with surprise. Everything’s different now though. But…I’d like to see if we could be okay with a hug, as long as you wouldn’t mind.”

Celestia’s gaze warmed. She nodded. “I’d like to hug too, Discord.”

The chaos master smiled again. He nodded in return. “All right. So…let’s try then.” He shifted closer to her on the tree limb, moved his arms out but hesitated, tilted his body to the side but hesitated again. Finally he just sighed. “Oh this is ridiculous. After all, I do this all the time with Fluttershy without even thinking about it…”

Celestia considered…and then she had an idea. She shifted herself slightly off the tree branch…and began to fall. “Oh!” She smiled—instantly Discord had come forward and wrapped his arms around her to keep her up. He just looked at her with his eyes wide and his features a little flushed. The sun princess smiled more and winked. “Gotchya…” she whispered. “And now we’re hugging.” She got a hoof on his shoulder to pull them a little closer and return the gesture.

Discord blinked at first, but then he sighed and finally settled into the embrace. “Don’t do that to me, Tia. Flying in here is difficult if you’re not used to it. What if you had fallen and hurt yourself?”

“Then I would have my friends to take care of me—and one very good friend right here to help me up from the start.” Celestia lowered her eyes. “I’m sorry I tricked you though. It was all I could think of.”

Discord chuckled a little. “Don’t be sorry. I sort of like when you trick me: I get to experience how clever you are first hand.”

She laughed as well as her eyes came up again. “I sort of like when you trick me too. My time with you is never predictable, Discord: that’s something I need.”

He almost smirked. “Happy to oblige.” And then he blinked as he finally noticed something. “You parted your hair differently! I can see both of your eyes.”

Celestia’s eyes went a little wide. “Yes, I…I just thought about what you said about my hair when we were saying good night after the Gala, and your suggestion seemed like a good one. And for Twilight’s party I thought it might be nice to do something different.”

Discord’s smile grew so much. “Well, it is nice to see you do something special for yourself. Though I’ll also be looking forward to the return of the mysterious, ‘hair-covering-one-eye’ Celestia.”

The two of them shared a laugh.

And then the laugh ended.

Discord’s look went dry, and he raised an eyebrow. “This hug is going on for too long and getting a little too sappy now, isn’t it?”

Celestia’s look went a little dry too as she nodded. “Yes, I suppose so.”

He smirked again. “Promise me when I let you go that you won’t fall off into the abyss and make me find a new princess to be a dear friend to?”

Celestia’s smile grew. “Discord, stop flirting.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who started it, miss ‘ask my former arch enemy to the biggest dance of the year on a whim.’ The chaos master chuckled as he finally released her.

The sun princess just rolled her eyes, still smiling. Then she glanced around, an eyebrow raised. “Discord…how do you get out of here, exactly?”

Discord shrugged. “Well, I could just snap us back home. Or we could take the slightly scenic route to a portal.” He smirked. “Up for a little more adventure, princess?”

Celestia nodded, smirking too. “Do you really have to ask?” And then with a laugh she flew off.

Discord’s eyes went wide, and he snapped away his thinking tree and flew after her. “Wait, Tia, I told you, it’s a little strange flying in a place like this if you haven’t done it before. Chaos is even more disorienting to your ponies than order is to me!”

Celestia just kept going forward with a smile though. “Oh, Discord, I’ll be fine: I’ve been flying for centuries after all…” But then she started to look around, and her wings slowed a little—so much randomness, so many shimmering waves of nonsense, the entire lack of beginning and end, not even a horizon to guide her…

“Tia?” came Discord’s voice behind her, sounding a bit smug now. “You do know that you’ve now ended up totally upside down from where you were before, right?”

Celestia’s eyes went wide as he finally came into her field of vision, and sure enough he was upside down in comparison to herself now (or rather, apparently, somehow she had gotten upside down in comparison to him). She blinked several times and then lost her balance with her wings as she tried to turn over.

“Whoa…” Discord moved his tail around her side to steady her and then let go as she found some aerial balance again. He smiled. “Celestia, just hover in place for a moment. There, now just focus on me; don’t think about the chaos. And we’ll fly together.” He took off slowly, and she followed alongside him.

Celestia kept her eyes on him, and gradually her flying smoothed out. Her smile grew. “You know, you really would make an excellent teacher, Discord.”

Discord smiled a little more. “I’m starting to think I would too.” And then he led them downward. “Here’s a portal.” There was a silver tear in the fabric of the place. Discord took her hoof and led them through it.

The two appeared suddenly beside Twilight’s castle, sheltered by a large crystal wall. The silver tear behind them disappeared.

Discord released Celestia and grinned. “See, back home with all the order, and in plenty of time to enjoy more of Twilight’s party.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Discord.” She looked to the castle entrance. “Come on, let’s get back inside before we miss too much more.”

However, before Celestia could proceed forward, Discord spoke again.

“Tia…wait. Please.”

His tone was lower than usual and quieter. Celestia turned and blinked at the sight of him looking down now, hands clasped together in front of himself. “Celestia…before we start moving forward with our new friendship, I need to know something.” He took a deep breath. “After the Gala, when we were talking…you told me you didn’t share my feelings. But you also told me that even if we both wanted to be together like that, it’s too soon. So do you think…even if you don’t care for me now…that you might in the future?” He looked up.

Celestia’s eyes glistened: she had never seen such a gentle, innocent look on his features: he practically seemed like a curious child. She blushed lightly and considered for a moment before responding. “Discord…that’s a difficult question for me to answer. I’ve been thinking, and I’ve realized that right now in my life I’m not sure if I want anyone as a special somepony.” He raised an eyebrow, and she went on. “I have so much to do and so many changes to manage still, Discord, for the sake of our friends and for Equestria. I might like a relationship one day with someone, but not right now. And to know if I could have those feelings for you, I think I’d need to be ready for a companion first and to have a better idea of what I would value most in one. So I can’t give you an answer yet.” She blushed. “But what I can tell you is that hearts change, Discord. Yours did, after all.”

Discord blushed quite a bit but then cleared his throat and rolled his eyes to the side, his arms behind his back. “So what you’re saying is…even if some tall, dark, handsome, charming, noble, perfect alicorn stallion with a royal title or two rolled into town, and amid spending all of his time making sacrifices for the citizens and attending with perfect punctuality to his duties and maybe having a special appreciation for the sun, he proposed romantic feelings to you…you would even turn him down too?”

Celestia smiled more. “Yes. And not only because I’m not ready for a relationship right now, but because I couldn’t imagine wanting a suitor like that even if I was. It would be like dating myself, Discord, and wouldn’t that be boring? There’d be no challenge at all…no chaos.” She winked.

Discord blinked, and then a chuckled he couldn’t help escaped him. “No chaos? Wow, you’re aware that you clearly have a crush on me deep down, right?” He smirked.

Celestia rolled her eyes and smirked a little too. “We really do have to schedule that talk about humility.”

Discord laughed but then looked down a little once more. “But in all seriousness…you don’t have feelings for me and you’re not sure if you could. Okay then…” He sighed and looked up again. “Then, I want you to know that I won’t pursue the idea of us getting together. We can tease each other and make jokes and have a little fun with things in public, but I’m not going to try and make you see things my way.” He cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. “There’s really no need for you and that side of me to get even more acquainted than you’ve already accidentally become.”

“I just want you to be comfortable, Discord.” Celestia smiled softly, her eyes down, a rosy blush building in her features again. “Does this also mean that if you find somebody else who might make you happy, you won’t feel strange about pursuing her?” Her eyes came to his again. “You deserve to be happy, Discord, in all parts of your life…even if that particular part doesn’t end up involving me.”

His eyes were a little wide at first. “Oh…thanks.” Discord blushed a little and nodded. “If I can be happy with someone who’s not you, I’ll try. I might really like that one day actually…having someone to…” He blinked a few times and blushed more, then cleared his throat. “Yes, well, the point is I might consider dating other mares. We’ll see.”

The sun princess’s smile was gentle. “Well, from having been on something like a date with you, I have to say you’re very good at showing a lady a good time.”

The chaos master’s smile picked up on one side. “And you’re not bad at showing a guy a good time, Tia. And that’s even without a single kiss. Except for, you know…” His paw gently brushed his cheek then quickly lowered. His voice quieted. “You didn’t have to do that for me that night, you know.”

“I know.” Celestia’s voice was a whisper. “But I wanted to. And besides, what’s a date without a kiss goodnight?”

Discord blushed and smile more.

Then the two friends turned to look at Twilight’s castle once again.

“You said you wanted me to lead about our new little strategy for dealing with our complicated relationship in front of your little ponies, right, Tia?” Discord came around in front of her with a grin and held out his paw.

Celestia smiled and nodded as she placed her hoof in his paw. “Yes. You’re better at jokes and working a room than I am, Discord.”

He nodded. “Coming from a lady who runs a nation twelve hours a day, I’ll take that as the highest compliment.” He held up the fingers of his free hand. “Shall I do the honors, my lady?”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, my escort.”

The two friends shared a smile, and then Discord snapped them inside.

Discord and Celestia appeared in the ballroom among the sights and sounds of the girls and Luna and Spike laughing and talking and playing in the chaos. Naturally though, of course, the return of the sun princess and the chaos master caused attention to be turned to them.

Discord didn’t waste a second. He grinned and floated up. “Hello again, ladies. Sorry for popping out like that. You know Celestia and I—joined at the hip these days.” He chuckled, snapped, and appeared beside the sun princess with a big ribbon tied around their waists.

Twilight came forward with a slightly awkward smile. “Oh, no, it’s fine really. We’re just happy to have you back.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie bounced by on a giant marshmallow. “But where did you both go? All the fun is here!”

Twilight sighed and smacked her hoof to her forehead.

Discord just grinned more and waved off the question as he snapped himself and Celestia free. “Oh, well, clearly Tia and I just went off to flirt mercilessly in privacy—nothing appropriate for a bunch of young ponies. Really, we don’t even let Luna watch us do that.”

Everyone’s jaws dropped. Then… “Tia???” all the girls said at once.

Celestia smiled a lot and nodded to the girls. “Discord and I just had some things we needed to discuss in private. And yes…Tia.” She smiled more. “I sort of like it. And Discord’s never been one for formality, have you?” She looked to her friend again.

“I’m afraid all of my tolerance for formality got used up on taking you as my date to the biggest social event of the season.” Discord winked at her.

Celestia laughed and turned her sights back to the girls once more. “You see, I’m afraid he can’t help himself with me.”

Discord sighed dramatically. “Oh fine, you got me. I’ve got a soft spot for Celestia.” He threw himself back in the air as a fainting couch appeared beneath him. “But can you blame me? I can’t be the only one in this room who gets blinded by a pretty face from time to time. I mean, one besides my own.” He snapped up a hand mirror to admire his reflection.

Celestia had to laugh again. And the girls were laughing now too, and Luna and Spike as well.

“And of course Tia, my good buddy, humors me,” Discord went on as he snapped away the mirror. “Mostly, I think, because she likes my chocolate milk and my ability to snap up fantastic cake-related desserts.” He chuckled.

“There’s also your ability to provide me with a tall enough partner for dancing.” Celestia winked.

The girls laughed warmly.

Discord sighed and made his couch disappear as he floated up. “And on that note, I’ve brought this party chaos, but what it really needs is music and dancing! Ladies, let’s make this a blowout Twilight will never forget! It’s her party after all, and to celebrate her new home!” He snapped to put an oversized shiny party hat on Twilight, and then released an orb of magic that suddenly set off small fireworks in the air and made upbeat music play throughout the throne room.

“Let’s party!” Pinkie Pie beamed and zipped out to the dance floor (the girls and Spike all laughing and following in her wake).

“Discord,” Celestia laughed softly, “in all of my years, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a lively party.”

“Hmm…” Discord twirled his beard, glancing at the chaos, “still though, there’s something missing…” his eyes lit up. “Ah, yes!” His grin widened. “Tia, I told Twilight I’d only make solids, right? Well…cake is a solid, isn’t it?”

Celestia grinned a little too. “Yes, it is, Discord.”

He chuckled. “Very well, then.” And with a snap of his fingers, cupcakes all frosted in various colors began to rain up from the floor.

Celestia’s whole look brightened (and of course one of Pinkie’s squeals of delight could be heard over the music).

“I know, Tia, I know—I even impress myself sometimes.” He admired his paw for a moment and then turned his gaze to the girls all dancing and eating and having fun.

Luna approached her sister and Discord now, her gaze warm. “You two always seem better after you talk together.”

Celestia smiled and nodded. “I think so too.” She looked to Discord again then blinked. “Discord?”

He was just standing there with his jaw dropped, looking out to the dance floor. “Twilight’s dancing…”

Celestia and Luna looked out to the dance floor, and sure enough there was Twilight rocking out in her signature awkward way.

“It’s…absolutely chaotic!” Discord went on, the awe still in his tone. “Oh I have got to get in on this!” And then he snapped himself away to be right by Twilight, copying her moves. Twilight raised an eyebrow at him at first, but then saw how much fun he was having and kept rocking out right along with him.

Luna and Celestia both laughed, and then the night princess turned to her sister. “You and Discord have reached even more of an understanding then, it seems. That’s good…it’ll probably make both of your dreams more peaceful at least.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes.” She blushed. “And speaking of dreams, I’d like to talk to you about something when we get back to the castle.”

“Of course. Anything, sister.” Luna nodded.

“Thank you, sister.” Celestia smiled.

The song ended soon, and Discord reappeared by the sisters. “That was fantastic—why didn’t you tell me that’s what you meant when you said Twilight’s dancing was different? Oh, and I thought the chaos she made this morning was great, but this…”

“She made chaos this morning?” Celestia raised an eyebrow.

“Special request by me,” Discord explained. “Just curious if she really can learn from demonstration alone. And I was trying to gauge how good of a teacher I might be.”

“Teacher?” Luna raised an eyebrow now.

Celestia smiled more. “It’s a long story, Luna.”

“Yes,” Discord nodded, “and right now a party is going on, so we really don’t have time for it. And, in keeping up with chaos and in continuing to make other ponies really confused about what’s going on with me and Tia, Luna…” he held out his paw to the moon princess, “care to dance?”

Luna smiled and nodded. “I accept, Discord.” She put her hoof in his paw.

Discord grinned. “Yes, well, who would seriously turn down the master of chaos as a dance partner after a recommendation from the sun princess herself?” he asked as he turned and led her off to the dance floor…though not before sneaking in a little extra smile to Celestia over his shoulder along with a wink.

Celestia just smiled more and waved to the both of them, then watched in interest as their dance began…

…Until her attention was pulled away by a very light familiar voice at her side saying, “Um…excuse me…Princess Celestia?”

Celestia blinked and looked down to see Fluttershy at her side smiling up at her shyly. Her smiled warmed. “Yes, Fluttershy? Do you need something?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes.” She blushed a little. “I just wanted to thank you. Discord’s only told me a little bit about what happened between you two after the Gala. But…however you acted about his feelings, whatever you said or did to help him that night…it must have been the best thing anybody could have done.” Her eyes widened a little, and she frowned slightly. “He tries to hide it, but he’s a sensitive person, Princess Celestia, especially about feeling unloved. He worries so much about the girls and I just loving him as a friend. So for him to be doing so well now even after you told him you didn’t love him as a more-than-friend means you really must have said something good to him. The Gala night could have been awful for him, but it wasn’t, and all because of you.” She smiled again.

Celestia’s eyes practically glistened. She smiled and nodded. “You’re welcome, Fluttershy.” She swallowed, her voice quiet. “I’m so happy he has you, Fluttershy. And thank you for letting me know that I did the right thing. I’ve been very worried about him.”

Fluttershy just smiled more and put her hoof to Celestia’s on the floor. “You don’t have to be. And I’m glad he has you too, Princess Celestia.”

The two mares shared a warm smile and then looked out to their friends on the dance floor.

Meanwhile, Discord and Luna swayed lightly together to the music, though they put more energy into talking than dancing.

Luna smiled up at the chaos master. “I’m glad to see you and Celestia acting so comfortably together.”

Discord grinned. “Yes, well, despite the best efforts of my heart to complicate our friendship beyond all reason, somehow we’ve risen above everything and managed to find a happy place for ourselves. Of course, this is just our first day of us being slightly awkward friends, but…I think we’re on the right track.”

Luna nodded then sighed. “You were alone for quite a while. Celestia told you Cadance is coming, I assume.”

“More like warned me.” Discord chuckled.

Luna laughed. “We shall try to keep her from making anything too awkward for anypony.”

Discord nodded. “I’d appreciate the assistance with Cadance, and I’m sure your sister would too.”

Luna nodded again, but then her voice lowered. “Discord, I would like to ask you a question about your dreams.”

“My dreams in general or…a particular kind of dream?” Discord blushed slightly.

“A particular kind: your lady friend dreams.” Luna blushed too. “I’ve noticed you still keep the sign on your mind requesting I not visit your sleeping self. Are you still having such dreams?”

“Yes.” Discord pouted a little. “And I hope why you’re asking me that is very important.”

“It is.” Luna smiled a little. “I wanted to tell you that I think it’s good you’re dreaming in such a way. I was…concerned you might try to suppress your feelings for my sister like you tried to suppress your guilt over Tirek, and that nightmares might become an issue again. But I’m glad to see you’re working through your feelings instead. That’s part of what dreams are for, Discord—relief from the stresses of life.”

“So it really is okay then?” He barely glanced at her. “I know they’re not real, but it’s still okay to have some private thoughts about her and explore them?”

“Absolutely.” Luna nodded. “It’s quite healthy, in fact. I’m glad to see your mind has resolved the issue so well on its own.”

Discord grinned a little. “Still, part of me misses you swooping down in the middle of the night to yell me awake and then to yell at me for not coming to get you sooner.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’ll find a whole new set of things to yell at you about one of these days.” Luna laughed.

Discord chuckled. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, potential future sister-in-law.” He winked.

Luna rolled her eyes.

They kept dancing until the song finished while the girls and Spike continued to party around them.

As Luna walked and Discord floated back over to Celestia now, they passed by Fluttershy trotting out to the dance floor with a smile. Discord smiled at her and waved as she waved back. Then he turned his sights to Luna as they paused near Celestia. “Thank you for the dance, Princess.” He landed and gave a mock bow.

Luna bowed in return. “You are quite welcome, Chaos Master.”

“May I have this dance, Discord?”

Discord turned to see Celestia smiling and holding out her hoof.

His smile beamed at first, but then he cleared his throat and turned it into a cheeky grin. “Am I really that irresistible?”

Celestia chuckled. “No. Still just pleasantly tall.”

“Oh, I’m wounded.” He rolled his eyes and put his nose in the air.

Celestia’s smile warmed. “And you’re also the best dancer a mare could ask for.”

Discord grinned again. “Well, on that note, I suppose my answer’s yes. Let’s get to it, Tia!” Then he took her hoof and instantly pulled a wide-eyed Celestia out onto the dance floor.

Luna laughed as she watched them go, and then she smiled more as Twilight approached her from the dance floor, catching her breath.

“Discord must be feeling okay: he not only danced with me and with you, but now he’s dancing with Celestia finally.” Twilight looked to the happy couple.

Luna nodded. “Yes, all is finally well. Now come on.” A determined grin came to the night princess’s features. “This modern dancing is fine and good, but it’s time we brought some tradition to the party too. I showed you and the girls how to do quadrilles at the Gala; why don’t you and I start leading the room in such dancing, and then we can all dance together? And then Pinkamena and I shall lead everyone in a rousing round of Pony Pokie!”

Twilight laughed and nodded. “Sounds like fun, Luna.”

Princess Luna grabbed Twilight’s hoof to pull her along back out to the dance floor.

The party continued in all of its chaotic glory until moonset when the princesses and Discord left Twilight and her friends to their rainbow power meeting and sleepover. And for the first time, Twilight’s castle completely felt like home to the young friendship princess.

The pony sisters were tired from so much partying, though Luna had thankfully rested enough before the party to be wide awake for her night shift. Celestia, however, was very much looking forward to sleep tonight…for multiple reasons.

Luna hadn’t forgotten Celestia’s request at Twilight’s party to talk to her that night about something involving dreams. And so when a knock came to her bedroom door, Luna smiled and had a pretty good idea of who was going to come in as she said, “Yes, you may enter.”

The door opened, and naturally her sister stepped inside and then closed the door behind her.

Luna turned to Celestia. “Ready for bed, sister?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, almost.” She swallowed. “Could I spend the night in here again?”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Are you nervous about something?”

“A little.” Celestia moved forward and climbed onto the bed. “Luna…is it possible for private dreams to be selfish? I mean, what do you think about having dreams about others? I mean, ‘others’ in the sense of…friends but also ‘others’ in…other senses. ” She blushed, sighed, and made herself be a bit clearer. “What I mean is, do you really think it would be good for me to indulge a little as a dreamer about having certain experiences with others?” A blush coated her features. “I don’t just mean about Discord…though I’m guessing I’ll be prone to using his presence as a stand in. I mean using dreams, specifically, to learn about…what I might like in a suitor if I ever decide to pursue one—do you really think that might be a good thing for me?”

Luna came close, smiling so much. “Celestia, there is absolutely nothing wrong with exploring a side of yourself in dreams that you’re not ready yet to explore in real life. You’ll probably learn a lot about yourself and what you want for the future. And it might even help you feel more at peace about Discord. So yes, I do think a little fantasy could be good for you. You deserve to be happy.”

“And this way, the real Discord won’t get hurt…” Celestia added softly, her gaze down.

Luna frowned a little and nodded. “Yes, that is another benefit.”

Celestia nodded in return and then sighed. “Thank you, Luna.” She lay down and smiled as Luna tucked her in with her magic. “Have a good night, sister. And I’ll do my best to heed your advice.”

Luna smiled more. “And you’ll have complete privacy for doing so.” She gave Celestia a gentle nuzzle. “Sweet dreams. And I shall see you in the morning.” And then with an all-knowing look, Luna used her magic to teleport herself away.

Celestia sighed and cuddled into her sister’s bed…though she opened her eyes once more and used her magic to make her Gala corsage appear on the pillow beside her. Her smile warmed, and then finally she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In the land of Celestia’s dreams…

Celestia found herself sitting out in the garden courtyard of her castle on a sunny late afternoon. And she knew she wasn’t quite alone…she knew that a certain figure had been present in the corner of her dreams lately…and she knew that now she was finally going to acknowledge him.

“Discord.” She said the word softly.

A chuckle met her ears. And then in a flash the chaos master appeared sitting at the table with her. He grinned and rested his head on his paw. “You missed me, didn’t you?”

Celestia blushed but nodded. “A little, yes.” She swallowed. “Discord, the last time we saw each other—dancing alone in the ballroom—I’m afraid I left rather suddenly. And that was because what happened between us was too much for me.” She blushed. “I know I never said I didn’t want to kiss you, but I was very caught up in the heat of the moment. That’s why I’ve been avoiding you.”

Discord nodded. “Yes, well…maybe I was a little caught up too. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” His gaze softened.

Celestia shook her head, smiling more. “We’ve been over this, Discord. Never uncomfortable…just surprised.” She moved her hoof forward to touch his claw on the table. “But I’m feeling better, and I was wondering if we could start over—maybe just see each other every once in a while, and go slowly…my friend.”

He smiled down at her hoof. “Very well.” And then the fingers of the chaos master’s paw started walking up the length of her foreleg as his eyes came up to meet hers again. “And my offer still stands. I might push things a little between us, but just say the word, and I’ll stop. But I’ll be sure to give you a little more time to say the word from now on…”

His fingertips reached her shoulder; Celestia was blushing now. She swallowed. “I think I’d like you to stop for the moment.”

Discord’s fingers paused, and he took his paw from her foreleg and gave her a nod, still smiling warmly. “May I still hold your hoof, my lady?”

Celestia smiled a little more and nodded. “Yes, I’d like that. It feels sort of good to have a gentlepony friend near me like this. And maybe we could just talk for now? Share some time together?” She moved a little closer, her gaze warm. “Get to know each other?”

Discord leaned closer too, his gaze warm as well. “And maybe kiss with passion again if the mood strikes us, good buddy?”

Celestia glanced to the side, though a small smile remained. “For now, I’d just prefer this.” Her eyes came back to his. “But sitting close and holding hooves and being alone really isn’t such a bad alternative, is it?”

Discord nodded. “Yes, my lady, this is lovely actually…and very romantic too, in a way.” He snapped to give them two long stem glasses filled with chocolate milk, his tender gaze never leaving hers. “Now, while we woo each other without admitting we’re wooing each other, why don’t you tell me all about whatever you want to tell me about. Then perhaps we could play a game or go for a walk. And maybe later you could sing for me if you’re not too shy? Your voice truly is a treasure.”

Celestia giggled, blushing softly. “Only if you’ll sing for me too…”

Discord’s grin grew. “I might be persuaded…” He chuckled (and blushed) as well.

Celestia sipped her chocolate milk, smiling completely.

And so she let herself have this simple dream, learning gently about what made her happy by seeing where her mind led her in search of happiness. She didn’t know if she and Discord were meant to be, but she knew that she was at least learning how to be comfortable searching for a special somepony (and without causing the real Discord any pain), and that was something dear to her.

Several days later…

In a chariot heading south, Shining Armor gave his wife an uneasy look. “Cadance…are you sure you’re okay?”

The love princess had been sitting across from him for the entire ride so far with her back straight, her eyes wide and shining, and a big smile barely contained on her face. And she hadn’t said more than a few words all morning.

Cadance just nodded. “Yes. Fine.” She took a deep breath, her eyes practically twinkling.

Shining Armor nodded, though he still didn’t smile. “Okay…because…you kind of don’t seem okay, so…”

Her eyes hazed. “Something is going on with love in Canterlot—the closer we get, the stronger I can feel it.” She beamed then laughed as she looked to her husband. “And I’ll be fine, Shining Armor. It’s just that there are hardly any serious love problems in the Crystal Empire thanks to the crystal heart. But there always used to be a lot in Canterlot, and we’re getting close to a big one…and I have a feeling I know who it’s about.” Her smile picked up on one side.

Shining Armor grinned a little. “Cadance, if there is seriously something going on between Princess Celestia and Discord, I’m not sure if even your powers can influence it.”

“Oh, ye of little faith.” Cadance grinned. “Remember how well I fixed things between us not so long ago? You were too shy to even look at me when I’d come over to foalsit Twilight when we were teenagers…” She giggled.

Shining Armor blushed and smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, well…you do have a point there. But listen…” his smile softened, and he moved to sit beside her, “we’ve been really busy lately, and you deserve a break. So don’t let this trip be all about someone else’s love. Let’s just focus on relaxing too.” He blushed again and lowered his hoof. “It’ll be good for…you know…”

Cadance just giggled more and lowered her voice. “Shh, it’s a secret that we’re trying to do that.” She winked.

Shining chuckled and winked back at her. “Okay.” He sighed and raised an eyebrow. “So…Discord and Celestia? Do you really think there’s any chance that the two of them are seriously…?”

“I won’t know until I get close to them,” Cadance replied. “But it’s an interesting theory to pursue. And I wouldn’t mind planning another wedding.”

Shining chuckled and shook his head. “Cadance…”

“What?” She moved closer to him. Her voice was a whisper again. “I’ll need something to plan until it’s time to plan a foal shower.” She giggled and cuddled up alongside him, closing her eyes. “Maybe I will relax for now and take a little nap. But you wake me up as soon as we’re over Canterlot air space, okay?”

Shining Armor nodded. “I promise.” He kissed her forehead. “Goodnight, Cadance.”

“Goodnight, my Shining Armor.” She giggled to herself then yawned and mumbled, “Discord would be my unofficial uncle if he and Auntie Celestia got married.”

“And he’d be my unofficial in-law,” Shining Armor added with a sigh. “I wonder if Discord realizes how complicated life gets when you marry a princess?”

Cadance opened one eye and smirked at him a little.

Shining Armor’s eyes hazed as he looked down at her. “And I wonder if he knows that it’s worth every misadventure”

Cadance snuggled in more against him, and Shining Armor snuggled against her.

The chariot continued onward toward Canterlot.