Unexpected Arrival

by GlitchyProductions


It wasn't long before there was a knock on the front door. Rarity hopped off the couch and rushed herself over to the door, not caring that she dropped the telephone and left it on the floor in a mad bid to stand up. She grabbed the handle and opened the door to reveal Cup Cake standing on the other side.

The baker didn't look very happy, her usual smile was gone and her apron was missing beside for a random spoon that was resting in her chest pocket for some reason. Rarity glanced behind her and noticed the sky had darkened and the clouds were turning black.

"I came here as fast I could." Cup Cake skipped the formalities and entered the boutique. She passed Rarity and entered the living room, prompting Rarity to close the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry about this, Cup Cake." Rarity sniffled; she rubbed her eyes and adjusted her night gown.

Cup Cake turned round and looked at Rarity, quickly scanning the room for any sign of Twilight and Spike.

"No." She shook her head. "You had every reason to call me and I'm so proud that you called me in for help." Cup Cake took a step closer to Rarity and embraced her into a hug; Rarity wrapped her arms around the baker and rested her head on her shoulder.

"It's just..." Rarity moved her head away from the baker and groaned. "Sweetie Belle started playing with Spike and..."

"We can talk about this later." Cup Cake interrupted her friend. "Let's just make sure Twilight and Spike are fine before we start pointing fingers at who caused the problem. She's got enough on her plate as it is so I'll go upstairs first, alright?"

When Cup Cake reached the top of the stairs, she didn't hear any crying or screaming whatsoever, her steps soon become gentler and gentler as she sneaked up to Sweetie Belle's room. She got to the door and poked her head through and saw Sweetie Belle sitting on the edge of the bed looking very upset.

Sweetie realized the baker had slowly entered the room and stood to her presence.

"It wasn't my fault!" Sweetie Belle walked up to the baker and held her hands together. "I just wanted Spike to be happy." Her lip quivered before she broke into quiet sobs, Cup Cake planted her hand on the child's shoulder and soothed her.

"Hush. It's alright." Cup Cake looked at the upset child. "Just go downstairs and tell Rarity to make a nice coffee for me and Twilight. Okay?"

"But what are you going to do?" Sweetie Belle sniffled.

"I'm going to make sure Twilight and Spike are fine, just go downstairs and wait for us."

Sweetie Belle slipped by Cup Cake and left the bedroom. The baker stood up and noticed Twilight and Spike lying on the bed together, but something made her smile somewhat and the pieces were all coming together. There was no noise, no fuss and no anger between the two whatsoever.

Twilight and Spike were both lying down together wrapped in a thick red blanket, both caught in a heavy sleep and wrapped in each other’s arms. Cup Cake sighed and readjusted the blanket for both of them, she pulled it up closer to Twilight's neck but left it low enough so that Spike wouldn't be covered up entirely.

She noticed Spike's new clothing and the familiar smell of a dirty diaper hit her nose like a slap in the face, Cup Cake recoiled in disgust at the smell coming from the baby. "Jeez, Twilight was right." Cup Cake coughed. "He is a little stink bomb."

Not wanting to break them apart she slowly picked up the infant and held him close in her arms. Spike squirmed in his new position but was still kept in his deep sleep. Cup Cake stood up and left the room.

"Sweet dreams, Twilight." Cup Cake left the room and looked back at the teenager on the bed; a tear fell down her face before the baker slowly shut the door in order not to wake her up.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle sat together round the table in the kitchen. The middle of the table rested a large plastic tray which had a half-full bottle of milk for Spike and two cups of coffee for Cup Cake and Twilight; it wasn't long before the pair heard a set of footsteps coming from the stairs and to find Cup Cake coming down with Spike in her hands.

Sweetie Belle's frown soon turned into a smile at the sight of the baby in the bakers arms. Rarity picked up Cup Cake's coffee and placed it on a small coaster for her.

"Is Twilight alright?" Rarity asked the baker.

"She's asleep at the moment." Cup Cake sighed. "Tuckered out from looking after Spike. It's to do with the stress that comes with looking after a little one and..." Cup Cake bit her lip. "You know... The other thing."

Spike opened his eyes and found himself being softly held by Cup Cake, his legs dangled with each step the grown up took and the back of his diaper felt very odd to him.

"Isn't that right?" Cup Cake looked down at the infant; both Spike and Cup Cake looked each other and smiled. "You kept Twilight awake for the last three months?"

"Hrmm... Ba ba." Spike spat out.

"And now you need a change, don't you?" Spike giggled in response. "I hope you girls don't mind but I need to change Spike." Cup Cake bit her lip and scanned the kitchen. "I don't suppose you have a flat surface you can let me use to change him."

Rarity looked at the infant. "Did he go, er, well...? You know?"


"Eew! Eew! Eew!" Sweetie Belle yelped, clenching her nose at the smell that emanated from Spike. She got up from her seat and took a few steps back from the baby and stood behind Rarity. "That's the worst smelly smell in the whole of Equestria."

"I'll just change him on the kitchen floor but I need to get his changing supplies from the stroller." Cup Cake looked at Rarity. "If you'd be so kind and hold Spike for just a second."

Rarity got up from her seat and walked over and grabbed Spike off of Cup Cake, she held him forwards so that he wasn't able to touch her besides her hands. Spike looked directly at the fashionista and smiled.

"Be! Be! Ghama..." Spike reached out for Rarity and swung his legs back and forth. Rarity cringed.

Cup Cake walked out of the kitchen and headed to the stroller, leaving Rarity and Sweetie Belle to tend to Spike on their own.

Spike on the other hand was enjoying the attention; he continued to reach out for Rarity and stared at her messy purple hair. Rarity silently sniffed the air and felt concerned; she glanced at Sweetie Belle and then looked back at Spike.

"Ugh." Rarity flinched. "What IS Twilight feeding you?" She looked at Sweetie Belle for the second time. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie. When you were younger I always thought you were the smelliest but now..."

Sweetie Belle blushed; she kept herself on the other side of the table away from Rarity and Spike.

Cup Cake walked back into the kitchen with a small bag around her arm filled to the brim with diaper changing supplies. In one hand, she held a fresh diaper ready for Spike. She placed the bag down on the floor by the refrigerator and stepped over to the sink and picked up one of the hand towels.

"I'm sorry, Rarity. We're going to have to improvise since there isn't a changing mat here." She placed the towel next to the diaper bag and unfolded it completely; she looked at Rarity and smiled.

"As long as my precious little Spikey-Wikey gets his stinky diaper changed then that's all fine by me." Rarity pulled the infant up closer and rubbed her nose against his, causing Spike to giggle and tap Rarity's arm. She lowered him down onto the towel and maneuvered him so that he didn't sit on his diaper.

"If you excuse me." Rarity stood back up and headed to the kitchen door. "As much as I love my little Spikey-Wikey, I simply refuse to be in the same room when this type of thing happens." She gagged at the thought of watching.

"That's fine." Cup Cake got on her knees and began to unzip Spike's trousers. He idly kicked his legs about until Cup Cake took his jeans off completely to reveal his diaper.

Cup Cake reached into the diaper bag and pulled out some talcum powder and a few antibiotic wipes. She placed them next to the towel and reached inside the bag for one more item.

Spike was getting bored of this already, Cup Cake reached inside the big diaper bag looking for something else and there was a packet of wipes and a small plastic container which strangely resembled a bottle. His eyes widened at the shape of the object hoping that there would be delicious milk on the inside. Still lying on his back, he reached out for the talcum powder and grabbed the small handle, but as much as he tried to pull and pull the object it just wouldn't get any closer.

This was starting to upset him, badly. If that wasn't a bottle, then what was? And where is one? He was thirsty after all.

Sweetie Belle kept her distance away from Cup Cake and Spike, carefully watching what the pair were doing together in order to take notes. Cup Cake reached out of the bag and held a small tin of rash cream for Spike's behind. The baker turned and looked at Sweetie Belle, sitting at the table watching the two.

"Why don't you come over here?" Cup Cake gestured for the child to come and watch Spike.

"I can't." Sweetie Belle sighed.

"Why not?"

"Because..." Sweetie shrugged.

"I'm not going to be angry with you." Cup Cake smiled. "Come over here and I'll teach you something very important."

Sweetie Belle sat at the table and shook her head.

"A little birdy told me that you wanted to be a baby sitter when you're older, is that true?"

"Uh huh." Sweetie Belle mumbled. "I don't think I can ever be a baby sitter when I've been a big doofus like today."

"It wasn't your fault Sweetie." Cup Cake tapped on the floor, gesturing for Sweetie Belle to come over and watch. “Twilight and Spike have a few personal problems that they need to solve together.”

Sweetie Belle slowly got up from her seat and looked away from Spike and Cup Cake; she went over to the towel, sat down and crossed her legs. She felt miserable for causing all of the problems in the boutique, especially making Twilight cry.

Cup Cake knew the child was upset with the current situation and she had an idea. The baker picked up the new diaper off from the floor and handed it to Sweetie Belle.

"I want you to try and change Spike."

Sweetie Belle blinked. "W-What? I can't do that."

"Why not?" Cup Cake asked the child.

"You're a professional at this! I've never changed a diaper before!" Sweetie exclaimed.

Cup Cake chuckled. "I'm not a professional, where did you get that idea from?"

"I mean..." Sweetie Belle scratched her head. "You know all this stuff about babies... I mean... someone must have taught you or something.

"Nope." Cup Cake happily shook her head. "I didn’t go to school to learn how to look after babies. In fact, I wasn't sure I wanted children when I was younger."

Sweetie Belle felt a large lump in her throat, she was nervous and she didn't know where to begin, she looked down at Spike to see a lack of a smile on his face while he waited in his very uncomfortable diaper. His arms were crossed and he glared at her and Cup Cake back and forth impatiently almost as if he was telling them to get on with it.

“I think he’s waiting for you, Sweetie Belle.”