//------------------------------// // Midquel 7: The One that References Twilight (no, not the Pony) // Story: Keep Calm and Chaos On // by Azure129 //------------------------------// “So, Discord really said he had plans for tonight?” Celestia, seated on one end of a cushy sofa with throw pillows, glanced over at her sister who was seated at the opposite end of the sofa. The two ladies (in a very rare moment lacking their regalia) were currently residing one of the large, comfortable guest rooms of the castle at this twilight hour. Luna nodded as she magically raised some popcorn from a bowl on the large coffee table before her. “Yes. I saw him after I finished lowering the moon this morning. I asked him if he had any nightly plans, and he said he absolutely did and then disappeared. And I haven’t seen a sign of him since.” She munched on her popcorn, and her smile grew. Celestia smiled in return as she magically raised a bottle of cola from the coffee table to take a sip. “Good. Then maybe we really can have one of our nice sisterly bonding nights together. We haven’t been able to manage one ever since he moved in here.” Luna sighed as she settled against a throw pillow. “Yes, and I don’t know about you, but a little mare time is just what I need after all of his shenanigans lately.” She grinned a little, eyeing her sister. “Did you get the film?” Celestia sighed and blushed a little, but did grin and nod in return. “Yes.” She used her magic to make a reel of film appear and raised it up. “The Eventide Saga: Waning Moon.” “Oh I do love these modern films.” Luna chuckled and clapped her front hooves together. “Dashing batpony stallions, dashing werepony stallions, and lots of cheesy romantic drama.” She used her magic to make a projector appear on a large table set behind the sofa. “Bringeth it on.” Her smile grew into a pleased grin as she magically lowered the film reel into the projector. Celestia sighed deeply and shook her head, trying not to laugh (or blush) too much. “I don’t know, Luna—I sort of prefer when we, um…bond over stallions in little ways around the castle…like when we notice the guards. I feel a little less ridiculous doing that than when we watch things like this.” “Oh sister, do lighten up.” Luna rolled her eyes with a smile. “Besides, you’ve been far too flustered lately to even so much as glance at the guards.” She used her magic to raise up her own bottle of cola for a sip. Celestia sighed and shrugged. “Well, you’re not the one who one of them caught walking around the castle halls in a French maid’s outfit.” She blushed and almost smiled again. “Not to mention Discord made me so flustered about them…” Luna grinned and raised an eyebrow. “How? By suggesting to you that they probably find us attractive? Of course they do, sister. We are rather fetching, after all.” She held out her hoof to admire it. “And we do admire them as well from time to time, as you said. So what’s the harm?” She lowered her hoof and smiled at her sister again. Celestia raised an eyebrow and looked down with a shrug. “There’s no harm, it’s just…strange. I never thought much about giving or getting attention from stallions until you returned and we started talking like sisters again. And then of course there’s Discord’s antics with me that always have to remind me about dating and courtship.” She sighed very deeply, smiling more and blushing slightly. Luna chuckled. “Just don’t blush like that around him, sister—otherwise he might start to think you’re taking him up on his humorous offers of affection to you.” Celestia laughed and shook her head. “Oh, if he ever thought I was, I don’t think I’d ever hear the end of it from him.” The two sisters shared a warm laugh. Then Luna wiped a tear from her eyes and smiled eagerly at her sister again. “You mentioned you were going to bring the fudge, Celestia.” Celestia nodded and used her magic to make a tray of chocolate fudge appear on the table before them beside the popcorn and sodas. She smiled at Luna. “And you mentioned you were going to bring the cupcakes, Luna.” Luna nodded and used her magic to whip up a tray of cupcakes with blue and purple frosting which she set on the coffee table as well. “And now we have all of our snacks, so let us dim the lights and enjoy our film!” Celestia used her magic to dim the fire slightly while Luna used her magic to turn on the projector. Their eyes went to the pulled down white movie screen before them. “So, what are we watching, ladies?” And then the pony sisters almost toppled off of the sofa in surprise at the sound of Discord (of course) asking this question from his sudden new position seated between the two princesses. Luna brought a hoof to her chest, breathing heavily, while Celestia turned to Discord with a blink and an eyebrow arched considerably high. “Discord! What are you doing here?” “Oh come on.” Discord waved her off, grinning and magically taking a handful of popcorn for himself. “At least this is better than when I was in the bathtub with you two, right?” He chuckled and turned to Luna, his grin growing. “Besides, I didst tell thee this morning, Luna, that I had plans for tonight…and those plans happened to be crashing whatever sisterly thing you two were planning to do together. A movie night—not a bad idea. I suppose you two do know how to have fun sometimes.” He gave them both a little nudge in their shoulders and laughed all the more as he snapped up a bottle of cola for himself. Luna and Celestia just sighed and put hooves to their foreheads. Luna cleared her throat. “Discord, while we appreciate that you want to spend time with us as friends, a little warning next time would be nice. You still sneak up on us far too often.” “Hmm, I’m not hearing a ‘get out, Discord’…. Does that mean I can stay for movie night?” The master of chaos grinned. Celestia cleared her throat (and blushed slightly). “Discord, um…this is sort of one of those ‘mares only’ things. Remember, we talked about that concept the other night while we were talking about your ‘guys night’ poker game with the guards? I really don’t think you’d enjoy yourself.” “Oh, but I’d be with you, Tia, good buddy,” Discord put an arm around her neck and pulled her close in a side hug. “And with Luna too!” He put his other arm over Luna’s shoulders and pulled her close as well. “And you two did say I could spend time with you if I wanted to socialize more. Of course I’ll enjoy myself. Besides, I practically spend all of my time with mares since they’re the only ones I’ve managed to make friends with so far. I think I can handle a little ‘girl time’. What are we going to be doing?” He released the sisters and held up his paw. “Painting our hooves?” He snapped and a bottle of hoof polish appeared in the air. “Braiding our manes?” He snapped and caused a tight braid to appear in his black mane. “Comparing our cutie marks?” Discord went to snap but then stopped and shrugged. “Well, I don’t have one of those, but you ladies feel free to go about it—I’ll judge things if you like. Should be easy without your gaudy regalia to distract me.” He chuckled and smirked. Luna just rolled her eyes. “This isn’t some high school slumber party, Discord. We are mature women of the world. We were planning to eat lots of snacks and watch a cheesy movie while having mare talk.” She held her head high. “Great, great.” Grinning, Discord snapped away the hoof polish and his braid, then reclined back more on the sofa. “I like snacks, I like cheesy movies, and I like anything that’ll help me unravel the chaos that is women. So, what are we watching?” He magically took a square of fudge and started to eat it, looking to Celestia as he asked the question. Celestia swallowed and did her best to reply casually, “Oh, just…something from this movie series that some of the younger mares like—The Eventide Saga…” When she was brave enough to look over at him, Discord had his jaw dropped and he was grinning considerably. The master of chaos laughed raucously and picked up his soda to another take a swig. “Ohhh yes. I am staying for this one. Luna, let’s light this candle.” Luna sighed. “Fine, Discord, if you insist. But I warn you, my sister and I will not go easy on the mare talk. Right, Celestia?” She smiled at her sister. Celestia sighed but managed a nod. “Um…sure, Luna. Whatever you say.” Then she took a calming breath and just turned her attention to the movie screen (though her smile seemed a little strained and awkward). Luna smiled more and nodded, then used her magic to turn on the projector. …And thus the movie commenced. About twenty minutes of buff stallions and melodrama later…which so far actually hadn’t gone nearly as awkwardly as Celestia had feared… Luna smiled with a slightly dreamy gaze, fudge staining her lips as she observed the screen. “Celestia, sometimes I do think you and I should date more often…or ever.” She sighed. “With how relaxed social policy has gotten these days, certainly we could manage it without causing too much scandal.” Discord nodded, sipping his soda and likewise looking intently at the screen. “I agree, I definitely think you two should give that a shot. I mean, Cadance got herself a romantic partner after all. I say go for it. “ He chuckled. “It’ll make it easier when I start trying to date.” Luna blinked and raised an eyebrow at him. “You’d like to attempt courtship, Discord?” Discord rolled his eyes. “Well, of course! I’m a grown person, I used to date before we met, and if I’m going to be back now for the long haul I might like to try it again.” He chuckled as he shook his head to himself. “I had some good times back in the day. And I agree, Luna—these relaxed social policies today really are more fun. Celestia and I had a long talk about that before I moved in here, right, Tia?” He nudged Celestia. The sun princess nodded and smiled a little sheepishly. “Er…yes, we talked about the propriety of him staying here.” She couldn’t help but glance at Discord and raise an eyebrow herself. “You think about dating, Discord? And you’ve done it before?” Discord sighed dramatically. “Oh why does everypony assume I’m entirely devoid of an appreciation for social contact? Look, friendship I might still be getting used to—it’s just so intricate and strange. But charm and fun and romance I know well enough. I’ve been a hopeless flirt for countless centuries of romantic shenanigans.” He chuckled to himself and smirked a little. “The one time in Paris, Prance, I met this unicorn dancer who could do this incredible thing with her horn—she—” “Discord!” Celestia cleared her throat very loudly, her eyes wide. Then she blinked a few times. “I mean, uh…w-would anyone like more snacks? I can go get us more snacks!” She smiled sheepishly again. Luna rolled her eyes. “Sister, we can make our own snacks with our magic.” She raised an eyebrow at Celestia, her grin growing. “Are you really this flustered from watching the movie? Then again though, I’m not surprised—Ebony Wood is the most attractive stallion, after all.” She giggled with a little smirk. “The main batpony one?” Discord raised an eyebrow at Luna, then grinned. “I think you just like the gothic/gloomy colors motif, Luna.” Celestia rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Luna, Ebony Wood is not the most attractive stallion.” She smiled and magically took a cupcake to eat. “Oh Celestia, don’t be so grim and act like the movie’s too immature for your tastes.” Discord waved her off. Luna chuckled. “Oh, she’s not being grim, Discord, and she doesn’t think she’s too mature for the movie, believe me. She just likes the werepony stallions better. Blue Jay Cobb is her favorite.” Celestia’s eyes went wide and she nearly choked on the last bite of her cupcake. “Luna!” She blushed! Luna just giggled and smiled cheekily, still watching the movie. “Sister, I told you, I refuse to go easy on the mare talk just because Discord is here. I have a long night ahead of me to tend to, and I’d like some relaxation now before it. Besides, the more you avoid obvious subjects and the more awkward you act about the situation, the more he is going to tease you.” Discord chuckled, his grin going in the direction of the sun princess now and his eyes narrowing. “And speaking of teasing…so it turns out Celestia prefers men who are a little more rugged? I see…. Interesting to know.” He sipped his soda. “Incidentally, as I keep trying to tell you, you should get into the dating scene too, Tia. You break a lot of hearts by keeping yourself so busy with work and friends.” Celestia sighed and smiled softly. “Thank you, Discord.” She cleared her throat and focused back on the screen again. “And I just, um…like Blue Jay’s character. He’s interesting.” “Then why are you constantly staring at his cutie mark whenever he takes off his cape,” Luna asked cheekily. “I-I…” Celestia scoffed and shrugged and smiled awkwardly. “I wouldn’t say ‘staring’…I mean, no more than you stare whenever the batpony characters take off their capes, Luna.” She smiled cheekily in return for a moment but then blinked, blushed a little, and went back to looking at the screen. “Oh look, Swannie Belle is having another monologue. We, um…we should probably watch so that we don’t miss much of the plot.” “Ugh, boring!” Discord rolled his eyes. “She’s so vapid and a bit dreary looking too. I get that they’re going for the ‘damsel in distress’ thing with her character, but personally I like women who are more of a challenge.” He grinned as he swallowed another square of fudge. “I’m telling you, what these movies need is a female lead character a guy can realistically like in some way. Then again though, I’m spoiled of course. The girls have more personality than I know what to do with, and you two have more passion than any other mares on the planet. I’m surrounded by a ton of strong women—it really raises a guy’s expectations. Not to mention how pretty all of you are, especially you two.” He sipped his soda like the comment was the most casual thing to say in the world. Luna’s smile brightened. “Discord, what a kind compliment to give. Thank you.” “You’re quite welcome.” Discord chuckled, his gaze drifting over to (a once again blushing) Celestia. “Besides, it made Celestia go all in a fluster, and that’s always a bonus for me.” “I’m not in a fluster about your compliment, Discord,” Celestia managed, her eyes remaining on the screen and her small smile remaining confident despite the light blush present in her cheeks. “It’s just that…Blue Jay Cobb came on the screen again and needed to take off his cape. That’s all.” Celestia maintained her poise and even magically took up a few kernels of popcorn to eat. Discord raised an eyebrow with an intrigued grin and then turned his own eyes back to the screen. “Meanwhile though, speaking of complaints about the actors, this movie sets up totally unbelievable physical expectations. I mean, look at the abs on that guy, Tia. I guarantee you, you’re never going to find a stallion who actually looks like that. Typical male stereotypes in the female-centered society of yours. Talk about unrealistic.” Discord snapped a cupcake directly into his mouth. “Discord,” Luna started dryly, lowering her cola bottle, “we’re three nearly immortal mythical magical beings sitting on a sofa in an enchanted castle watching modern movies—I believe we passed by ‘realistic’ some time ago.” Discord shrugged. “Point taken.” He blinked at the sight on the screen now and grinned more. “Oh, now the werepony one is fighting the batpony one. Interesting.” He considered for a moment, the fingers of his paw twirling his beard. “Wereponies and batponies…they would be almost immortal and have long lifespans, right? Kind of like you two? Is that why you like this movie and the stallions in it?” He glanced from one sister to the other. Luna shrugged and nodded. “That aspect has a certain appeal for us, yes.” “Well…yes, of course, their lifespans are a feature we can relate to, Discord,” Celestia started. “But we don’t just like watching them for that reason. I find the characters and the story line very interesting myself.” Celestia grinned sheepishly again. Discord and Luna just gave her a dry look. “Sister,” Luna cleared her throat and smiled softly, “I know you’re trying, but please just relax already. I swear, even when you’re just with me you get so uptight, ever since we were fillies.” She chuckled. “You’d blush as pink as your mane was half the time when we would talk about boys.” “Her mane was pink?” Discord raised an eyebrow at Luna. Luna nodded. “Oh yes, and mine was teal.” She touched her hair. “The color only changed later as we grew up and our magical abilities increased.” Discord’s sights turned back to Celestia. And he continued to eye the sun princess and her rainbow colored mane…and continued…and continued… Finally, Celestia couldn’t help feeling his gaze upon her and raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes, Discord?” Discord leaned closer. “Well…you’re youthful but you do technically age…and your hair changed from pink to pastel rainbows over time. And you are the oldest sister…” He pointed to her mane. “So is this how alicorns ‘go grey’ or something?” Luna’s jaw dropped and a piece of popcorn she was magically levitating fell to the floor. Celestia’s eyes went wide. Discord just awaited a reply with a grin and his eyes bright with anticipation. Luna sighed deeply, brought a hoof to her temple, and shook her head. “Jesting about her age. Hmm…well, it was nice getting to know the reformed you, Discord. I’ll be sure to visit you in the statue garden some evenings.” Before Luna could go on with her joke though, Celestia raised a hoof and looked Discord in the eyes. Her voice was level. “You’re asking me if my rainbow hair is what happens when alicorns become old?” She leaned in close, pointed to his beard with her hoof, and smiled. “Well, if that isn’t the white-bearded pot calling the rainbow haired kettle ‘grey’.” Luna couldn’t stifle a chuckle, and even Celestia grinned (with just a touch of satisfaction actually). Discord, meanwhile, blinked at the sun princess and then grinned all the more. “You’re calling me old now, aren’t you?” Celestia’s eyes narrowed playfully. “If the white beard fits…” Discord burst into chuckles and then waved her off and leaned back against the sofa. “Oh, you’re just cranky because I’m the only age appropriate, not-evil guy around for you. And I’m not a werepony.” He took another square of fudge to munch on, chuckling more to himself. “That you certainly are not, Discord, that you certainly are not,” Celestia remarked with a little smirk as she settled against the sofa again herself and looked back to the screen. She blushed a little but then added, seeming more relaxed now, “Luna, I really don’t see what you see in the batponies. I suppose they are attractive, but their wings are so flimsy. But the wereponies are so strong and so tall…and they have such interesting fur. There's so much about them to admire.” “Hmm…strong, tall, interesting fur…. In that case, maybe I am a werepony.” Discord grinned and straightened up a little in pride. Celestia glanced at him for just a moment with an eyebrow raised, blushed more, but then quickly turned back to the movie screen with a small smile and a shake of her head. Luna chuckled. “Sister, I am very proud of you for loosening up about the film and mare talk.” She sighed as she bit into a cupcake and smiled at the screen. “Oh here is the part where Ebony Wood flies Swannie through the trees on his back...and they run right into Blue Jay Cobb on those misty cliffs…and no one is wearing a cape.” Luna’s grin picked up just a little on one side. “Sister, we really should keep more guards around the castle…and have them do many more combat exercises. Without armor.” Celestia did not look at Discord. She cleared her throat and smiled slightly. “Luna, be serious please. They’re still in our employ, and we can’t make such casual requests of them.” “Very well.” Luna sighed. “Besides, you do make a point—in a way they are nicer to watch with the armor on.” She giggled and sipped her cola again. Discord glanced from one sister to the other and then back and forth again, his grin growing considerably. “Wait, wait, wait—am I possibly hearing an admission that you two are indeed aware of the guards as stallions and that you do indeed check them out like a couple of filly teenagers?” He burst into laughter. “Priceless! Oh, this is definitely getting written down in my ‘list of confirmed things to potentially blackmail Celestia and Luna about in the future’ journal.” He snapped and made a notebook appear, scribbled something in it with a flourish, and then snapped it away again. “Discord,” Celestia sighed and smiled, “I already explained to you that Luna and I wouldn’t seriously ever pursue anyone in the castle who we were employing…though we might find them physically admirable, yes. And you did say you’d be fine with mare talk if you stayed for our movie night.” Her smile picked up a little on one side. “We aren’t starting to make you uncomfortable, are we?” “Not at all.” Discord shrugged and leaned back farther into the sofa with a smirk. “Just glad to hear my two princess friends aren’t nearly as uptight as they usually appear.” Then he glanced to Celestia and raised an eyebrow (and for a moment the normal smug grin fell away from his face slightly, replaced by a look of genuine interest). “But if you’re set against dating the guards, who exactly do the famous princess pony sisters think about courting anyway?” Celestia smiled at Discord’s curiosity and shrugged. “Well, there are quite a few eligible dignitaries that visit Canterlot frequently, Discord, from Equestria and from other nations.” Luna nodded. “Yes, there are some rather stately-looking nobles. Still, there are the complicated political implications of any alliance we might make. That is why I personally prefer admiring the guards—it is enjoyable and there are no consequences.” The night princess’s gaze lingered on the screen and she grinned. “Do there happen to be any batpony dignitaries, sister? I’m not entirely familiar with all of the current nobles yet.” Celestia smiled and shook her head. “No, Luna, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I haven’t come across any. But I’ll be sure to let you know if one appears. In the meantime you’ll just have to make do with Eventide movies.” She laughed softly and ate some more popcorn. “Ugh, we’re all just cuts of meat to you mares, aren’t we?” Discord grinned and shook his head as he took another swig of his soda, his eyes on the screen again. “Totally judged based on our looks. Really, you two are terrible, you know.” “Oh Discord,” Luna smiled, “We don’t really mean all of these comments. We told you already, this is mare talk. We’re just expressing some of our more private and slightly more selfish views on certain subjects, that’s all.” She yawned. “We work long days and nights, Discord—we need some time not to act like poised princesses and just to act like ponies and sisters.” Celestia nodded. “Yes. Of course we wouldn’t ever say anything like this in a public setting. We’re just talking as close friends and joking around. After all, as you told me once, Discord, there’s no need for so much formality about fraternization.” She sighed, her smile growing a touch dry. “But for the future don’t ever make a comment like that about my hair again, all right, please? From one friend to another.” Her smile returned and she nudged him. Discord grinned and nodded. “Fair enough.” He glanced between the two sisters. “But you’re going to have to put up with a few ‘werepony’ jokes around the castle from time to time, Celestia. And batpony jokes in your case, Luna. And you’ll have to answer me one question…” “Yes?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Do you really think I could stand a chance at dating in this day and age after everything?” He leaned in extra close to Celestia. Celestia blinked at the question, but then her gaze and smile softened. She nodded. “Discord, I think if someone as interesting as you can’t find a date, then there’s no hope for the rest of us …perfect werepony body or no perfect werepony body.” She chuckled. “Hey!” Discord smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m gorgeous looking all on my own. After all, you must have thought I looked somewhat good to keep me on display as a statue all those years.” He raised an eyebrow, his grin picking up on one side. Celestia laughed softly and shook her head. “Well…I suppose you weren’t the worst looking statue in the garden, I’ll give you that, Discord.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and took a square of fudge. Discord’s entire countenance perked up. “Oh, if I end up going back to stone, promise me you’ll engrave that on my pedestal—‘Not the worst looking statue in the garden. Signed, Celestia.’ ” He broke into laughter. “Oh Discord, after all of the reformed shenanigans you’ve put us through, you are not allowed to need to go back to stone,” Luna announced as she swallowed some more popcorn. “Thine hope for my full reform is most encouraging, dear Luna.” Discord chuckled and gave her a mock bow with a flourish of his hand. Luna rolled her eyes. “Oh, cease and eat some more fudge, Discord.” And then she magically shoved a square into his mouth. Discord blinked and but then chewed the piece and swallowed with a smile and another chuckle. Celestia sighed, smiling and shaking her head. “Can we just go back to watching the movie? You two act like brother and sister, you tease each other so much.” Luna and Discord blinked and then laughed some more. “Oh, it’s just how we relate, Tia.” Discord shrugged. “We exchange barbs and witty jokes. It’s kind of how I relate to you through sappy, near-tender moments and comments that make you feel awkward.” He winked. “Celestia just wants to get back to the movie because the part is coming up where Blue Jay Cobb and Swannie kiss passionately at sunset,” Luna added, taking some more popcorn and smirking at the screen. “I…” Celestia blushed again, her eyes wide. “It’s just a very romantic part of the story. That’s all.” She cleared her throat and did her best to maintain her poise. “And…Blue Jay Cobb is a very nice character to study, after all.” Discord grinned, his eyes narrowing. “Oh, I am so glad I crashed this particular event of friendship. I’m learning so many things and seeing such an interesting side to the pony sisters. You two must really be impressed with me as a friend to let me get this close to you. Just to check though, I’m still not allowed in the bathtub with you two, right?” “Absolutely not, Discord,” the two sisters replied in unison with growing smiles. Discord chuckled, and his gaze drifted back to the screen as he munched on a few more kernels of popcorn. “You know, once Twilight’s feeling a little more established in her place as a ruler, I think that you two should take an evening off and the three of us’ll go out on the town together. We can disguise ourselves as normal ponies, and the first one who snags a date for the evening wins.” He smirked. “Of course, we’ll have to be very clear about who our pony disguises are going to be—otherwise we might accidentally end up snagging dates with each other, and I think that might complicate our friendship slightly.” “Yes,” Luna nodded, eating some popcorn as well, “if you pursued me in any way and I had to give you another black eye with a stuffed opossum doll, I’m certain that might indeed complicate our friendship.” She smirked. “Discord,” Celestia sighed and shook her head, “we can’t go do something like that. It would be deceitful to whoever we each met that night. Besides…” she smiled, “I’d want someone I met to like me for me…don’t you agree, Luna?” Luna shrugged as she finished a sip of cola. “Oh, in the long run I suppose yes. But for the moment mostly I’d just like to be admired a little. It sounds like fun.” Discord smiled to himself as he polished off another cupcake. “I’d just like to feel loved. Friendship makes me feel loved a little, but it’s different, I suppose.” The two sisters blinked and were quiet. They looked to each other and then to Discord. At first he just sat there watching the movie like nothing had happened, but then in the middle of sipping his soda his eyes went wide. He quickly cleared his throat and added, “Er…besides, uh…it would really be unfairly depriving all of mare kind if I didn’t play the field a little now that I’m a ‘good’ guy. And I really do love the nightlife, heh.” He swallowed. “Maybe you’re right, Celestia, no disguises—I’ll just start being even more charming than I already am when I’m out partying.” Discord chuckled, some of his normal snarky attitude returning. “I might even throw a few blow out mixers here for us. Then the guards could come too. I think we’d all enjoy that, right, ladies?” Celestia and Luna smiled warmly to each other and then to Discord and nodded. “Certainly, Discord, if you’d like,” Luna supplied. “I think that could be fun,” Celestia added. “I’ve really enjoyed your parties here so far, Discord—all of the music and the dancing. I think everyone has. So why not?” “Excellent!” Discord perked up at the idea. “Sounds like a plan.” Then his eyes went back to the screen, and everything seemed normal once again. A few moments passed, then the chaos master raised an eyebrow and his grin picked up on one side (and his eyes narrowed playfully). “Say, I didn’t know this movie had female bat ponies too—now we’re getting into the fun part.” He smirked. Luna scoffed as she polished off a cupcake. “Oh please, Discord—if you want to talk unrealistic looking, it’s these female characters. No mare has looks or a figure like that.” Discord shrugged. “I don’t know—maybe not normal pony mares, but you capture that gothic beauty they’re going for pretty well, Luna.” Discord grinned a little at a smiling Luna, and then his gaze drifted over to the sun princess. “And I think Celestia fits the proportions of their figures pretty well. Okay, honestly, I think she excels beyond the proportions of their figures, but my point is made either way.” Celestia blushed thoroughly. But then she couldn’t help glancing down at herself for a moment with an eyebrow raised. “Discord, you don’t really think…I…” Then suddenly she blinked, blushed more, and went back to watching the movie, her eyes a little wide. “Never mind, Discord.” Discord’s eyes playfully narrowed again, but a warm smile came to his face. “I think that you are the oldest mare in Equestria, Celestia…and I also think that ponies would pay far more to see you strut around on a screen as you naturally are than they ever would to see these dolled up and costumed mares overacting in this movie. And the same goes for your sister.” Luna smiled proudly. “Thank you, Discord.” Celestia’s blushing increased. But she couldn’t help smiling slightly. “That’s…kind of you to say, Discord…I think.” And then she found herself smirking a little and looking at him out of the corner of her eye as she added, “And you can stop pointing out my age any time you’d like, you know.” “Hmm…” Luna laughed again, and Discord and Celestia glanced at her. “I’m sorry,” she explained, “it’s just that I always though being the elder sister was the best thing possible, and so it was something I always secretly wanted for myself. But now Discord has posed a new interesting perspective on the mater.” She sipped her soda, holding her head high. “Suddenly, I am quite pleased to be the younger sister.” “Oh Luna.” Celestia magically tossed a throw pillow at her with a smile. “Eh, I’ve got you both beat for age,” Discord waved them off with a grin, munching some more popcorn. “Discord, how could you even know that?” Celestia asked in amusement. “Trust me, I know.” He shrugged and smiled. “Well,” Luna moved the pillow aside and put a hoof to her chin, “the only way to know for sure would be for us to share ages. I’m the younger sister though, so I can’t really participate…so that would just leave you and Celestia to compare ages. If you’re both comfortable sharing of course.” She grinned. Celestia and Discord blinked and then looked at each other. There was a silent stalemate for a moment. Discord grinned. “I’m waiting, Celestia—ladies first.” Celestia grinned in return. “I was going to say age before beauty.” The stalemate continued. Then Celestia sighed and magically tossed a throw pillow at him as well. “Let’s just go back to watching the movie.” She grinned a little as her eyes found the screen again. “Oh, it’s the part where Blue Jay Cobb talks with the other wereponies…I like this part.” “For the dialogue or the story?” Luna couldn’t help but ask with a slight smirk. Celestia sighed and replied with full confidence, “No, I like it because no one is wearing capes again, and wereponies do get the most interesting cutie marks.” She giggled softly, and Luna joined her. Discord laughed too. “Finally, she’s completely loosened up. Took long enough.” He opened another soda bottle. “Say, after this, can I make a movie suggestion?” Celestia sighed very deeply. “That depends…what suggestion did you have in mind, Discord?” “Oh come on, Celestia, nothing risqué.” He waved her off. “Hey, how about a good old fashioned horror movie? Those are great to watch together, and the proportion of beautiful women to handsome men is usually pretty even, so we’d all have a good time.” “Huzzah!” Luna cheered. “Someone else who has an appreciation for horror movies. Oh sister, please agree—we promise not to pick anything too frightening.” Celestia smiled and nodded. “Very well, you two. A horror movie it is. Honestly, after the experience watching this movie together has been, I’ll welcome the change of pace.” “Oh Tia, you are the silliest princess sometimes, I swear.” Discord chuckled. “And now here comes that passionate kiss between Blue Jay and Swannie.” Luna turned her attention back to the screen and pointed. Celestia blushed more as she looked at the screen, let her eyes come away but then return…. And then she sighed and smiled softly. Discord’s grin picked up a little on one side as he watched the scene playing out too. “Okay, even I have to admit that’s passionate. I mean seriously, Luna, are you sure you’re not too young to be watching this?” “Discord,” Luna magically tossed a throw pillow at him, not taking her eyes off of the movie. Discord chuckled. “Discord…what are you doing?” Celestia saying his name (in a rather strange way) and the very slight gasp through her nose that he heard made Discord glance away from the scene for a moment to the sun princess with an eyebrow raised. And then his eyes went wide. Somehow, during the course of watching the passionate kissing scene, his tail had found its way over the back of the sofa to rest gently around Celestia. And now Celestia just sat there with her eyes wide, finally noticing this new situation because the tuft of his tail was brushing her shoulder. She glanced at him with a blush. Discord blinked several times and instantly removed his tail. “O-Oh! Sorry, erm…I, uh…that thing has a mind of its own sometimes, heh.” He cleared his throat, then looked toward the screen and sunk a little low on the sofa, his eyes still wide. “A-And it’s just a little cramped on this sofa. You ponies never allot enough tail space when you’re designing furniture, and its an error most unforgiveable in you two considering how long your own tails are.” He blinked and pointed forward. “Oh, look, it looks like some kind of plot climax or something.” He managed a grin and chuckle. “Probably something very overly dramatic. Let’s watch.” Luna had been observing Discord out of the corner of her eye for a minute or two so far, and she didn’t stop now. He seemed casual enough again…though that fact didn’t make it any less true that he had been distinctly nervous for a moment or that, for all of his weeks of intentionally flirting and teasing so far, he had just accidentally gotten close enough to her sister in a way to make even himself feel awkward. Celestia, meanwhile, just kept her eyes on the screen but found it hard now to really watch Blue Jay Cobb and Swannie as they continued their embrace. So mostly she just sat there and waited patiently for all of the blushing in her features to subside (and for the scene of the film to run its course). Discord was munching popcorn and sipping soda as casually as ever again, though he watched the progression of the scene now with a dull look in his eyes. Then he sighed and finally grinned and spoke up again as though nothing at all had happened. “Say, we should do something like this with the girls sometime: a movie night. I mean, not this particular movie—that would be too odd even for us. And besides, Rainbow Dash would want nothing to do with it, Applejack thinks unrealistic things are silly, Rarity would be swooning the whole time, Pinkie Pie would have a thousand questions about wereponies and bat ponies, I think Fluttershy’s still too traumatized about the whole ‘Flutterbat’ thing, and the awkwardness of finding out her mentor has a major crush on a fictional breed of pony might actually break Twilight. But we could all just do a normal movie night. That’s something friends do together, right?” He glanced at the two sisters with a shrug and a smile. Celestia blinked a few times, then finally came out of her awkward silence. She cleared her throat and nodded. “I think that would be a lovely idea, Discord. We’ll try to plan something soon.” Her usual poised and warm smile returned. “Indeed,” Luna spoke up, smiling warmly too, “and I would not mind additional company for the start of one of my nights.” Discord’s smile brightened. “Excellent. I really am becoming an expert on friendship.” He grinned smugly. “I’m sure Fluttershy will be very proud when she hears. And speaking of being an excellent friend…” He snapped and made three sticks of pink cotton candy appear. “How about a little cotton candy, ladies? Adding some of my own snacks to our little buffet for the rest of the evening is the least I could do.” “Why thank you, Discord.” Luna’s eyes brightened and she took a stick of the pink substance and started eating. “Yes, thank you, Discord.” Celestia took a stick as well and took a small bite. Discord smiled in return and nodded. “You’re both quite welcome.” He sighed, resting back on the sofa and picking up his own stick. “Incidentally, and just to make sure I have the finer points of friendship down…snapping up free cotton candy for your friends is good…but lacing that cotton candy with magic potion to turn one of them into a werepony and one of them into a batpony for the night would be bad, right?” Celestia and Luna instantly stopped eating. The lowered their cotton candy sticks and looked to Discord. Then the yelling began (starting with Luna’s Royal Canterlot voice). “DISCORD!” “Discord, you didn’t do this, please tell me you didn’t do this…” “I am going to give you such nightmares!” “Discord, I am writing to Fluttershy! Really! I can’t believe…” “The most obnoxious…” “Irresponsible…” “Ludicrous…” “Immature…” “You’ll wish you WERE stone again when I’m through with you!” At this point Discord was just hysterical with laughter, but he managed to get himself under control enough to wave off both princesses and choke out a few words. “L-Ladies, ladies, I-I was kidding! Joking—it’s a thing that friends do! Oh, but you should have seen the looks on your faces! Much better than if I had actually laced that cotton candy with a full transfiguration spell! Ha!” He continued to laugh. Celestia and Luna blinked and magically raised a throw pillow each and threw them at the draconequus. “Discord!” they said at the same time. Discord just kept laughing, though he did finally start to get himself more under control. The princesses, meanwhile, just let out deep sighs of relief and shook their heads…though neither could help smiling a little. “One of these days, Discord, I swear…” Luna remarked with a slight chuckle as she took up her cotton candy again. “It’s really not that funny, Discord,” Celestia added, though she had to give a slight chuckle as well as she resumed eating her cotton candy along with her sister. “Eh, I’m a riot and you know it.” Discord waved them off, going back to munching his own cotton candy. “Now come on, it’s the final batpony werepony fight sequence—finally some action! Let’s watch.” He turned his attention back to the screen, as did the princesses. “Hmm,” Discord took a swig of cola, “you know, I never thought I could like watching a movie like this until I tried it with you two. Interesting.” “Maybe it’s not the movie you’re enjoying so much as the friendship with us,” Celestia suggested with an extra smile. Discord just rolled his eyes and smiled more. “If that’s the truth, then I really am becoming as much of a sap from friendship as I feared.” “It’s okay, we like thee sappy, Discord.” Luna chuckled. “I agree…I like you this way too, Discord,” Celestia added. Both sisters noticed out of the corners of their eyes that Discord’s smile perked up a little though his demeanor and tone remained casual. “Yes, well…I’m still me at the end of the day—what’s not to like?” The three friends shared a laugh as the movie went on. And they continued laughing and joking and teasing and enjoying each other’s company throughout the rest of the evening. (And the pony sisters didn’t even get too upset when they noticed that Discord’s cotton candy actually did end up transfiguring them just slightly—specifically by temporarily giving Celestia werepony ears and Luna batpony ones. Though they did pummel him soundly with throw pillows while Discord laughed and laughed and the princesses eventually laughed as well). Overall, it was probably the pleasantest experience Celestia, Luna, and Discord had had so far as roommates. It was a night that gave everyone the most confidence that Discord’s reform…and their new friendships…might actually turn out for the best. A few hours later… Luna was gone, and the credits of another film were rolling in the otherwise quiet and dim room while Celestia and Discord dozed peacefully in their respective areas of the sofa. Discord lightly snorted in his sleep, then blinked a few times. He yawned and stretched as he awoke now. “What’s going...on? Oh…the movie night.” He smiled a little and his eyes fell to Luna’s spot on the sofa which was now vacant. He then turned to Celestia’s spot. “Tia, I—” Discord paused at the sight of Celestia sound asleep with her head on a throw pillow and a smile on her face (and cupcake frosting staining her lips). Discord rolled his eyes. “Well, I guess I’ll be off to bed then. You seem cozy enough, Celestia, I won’t wake you.” He smiled and then floated up and held up his fingers to snap. But Discord paused for a moment. He rested on his stomach in the air and looked at Celestia…then glanced back to look at his tail resting in the air innocently enough, acting like it hadn’t done something Discord had in no way consciously intended for it to do. Discord scowled and blushed and looked away with a pout. His stubborn gaze settled on Celestia for a moment but then he looked away again and turned on his back in the air, seeming lost in thought. Gradually, his features softened. But then Discord just shook his head and snapped himself away to his chaotic room where he decided before falling asleep that from now on perhaps he should leave the pony sisters be during their ‘mares only’ night with their romantic and passionate movies. He would just pop in for the comedies and dramas and horror movies—somehow they seemed safer, and he knew he (and his tail…and probably Celestia too) would be more comfortable with that arrangement overall.