//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Nonsense! And NOT the Fun Kind! // Story: The Most Chaotic Night Ever!!! // by Azure129 //------------------------------// "Oh come on, admit it—you liked me better as a statue." Discord grinned, resting on a fluffy pink cotton candy cloud. Resting on a similar cloud right across from him, a particularly glowing Celestia laughed warmly at his comment. "You were easier to handle as a statue. But you're much more interesting to talk to like this." She laughed again. "And you're much funnier this way." "Yes, I have the best sense of humor, don't I?" Discord grinned more. Celestia nodded. "Yes. And some of the most phenomenal powers I've ever seen. I never knew you were so talented." Discord's look of pride continued, though a touch of something shy came to his features too. "Well, I don't like to brag but…yes, I am truly gifted." "I'm so happy we're friends, Discord," Celestia cooed. Discord blinked then grinned. "Yes, well…I am too actually." They just gazed into each other's eyes for a moment. Outside of this dream he was currently having, Discord was still napping on his cloudbank, though now he was turning and kicking a little and mumbling to himself in his sleep. "Celestia…is this some kind of joke? Hmm…" He laughed. "Oh, so you do think I deserved a throne? Now you're just kissing up to me." He sighed. "All I did was give you flowers, you didn't have to ask me to the Gala…and you don't have to…nuzzle me like that…and…." With a gasp Discord suddenly awoke and sat bolt upright on his cloud, eyes wide, breaths shallow, a hand gripping his chest. Finally he took in and let out a very deep breath. "Who-ho-hoa! Okay, I don't know what that was or where it came from, but it is not happening ever again, and it doesn't mean anything either way." He nodded to himself, still feeling a little shaky though, and put a hand to his head. "Sheesh, Discord, calm down—yeah, that was awkward, but it was just a dream, just a result of letting all those things the girls were saying about 'dating' get to you. And you're maybe a little stressed out about the Gala thing and the throne thing too." He rested on his back again for a moment, letting the reality of being awake wash over him more. He looked to the sun. It would be low enough to start setting soon. "Maybe I'll go back to the Friendship Castle, see if Twilight will put me up for the night. I think being up this high in the air is starting to give me a little altitude sickness." He sat up again and snapped. Discord found himself in Twilight's throne room now where all of the girls and Spike were currently sitting in their thrones and talking. He made a horn appear, which he blew rather badly on purpose, and then snapped it away and bowed with a chuckle. "Announcing Discord, ladies. Did you miss me?" He straightened up, grinning at them. However, rather than being met with a bunch of smiling faces and hellos, he encountered six ponies and a baby dragon looking back at him with wide eyes and slight blushes on their cheeks, none of them saying a word. Discord raised an eyebrow. "What?" He approached, grinning again. "Girls, if you're that put off by my sudden entrances, I'm sorry, but you'll have to get used to it. I'm afraid I don't have the patience to knock every time I come by and be led here by poor little Spike. Twilight, you really must give up the humble act and get a staff for this place. I'd like to request a private chef, a masseuse and a butler for myself as long as we're on the subject." He crossed his arms over his chest and chuckled. Still though, the girls didn't crack a smile. Even Pinkie Pie only took on a slight grin that seemed weighed down by something. Now Discord really had to pause and raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Girls, is there something wrong?" He held up his fingers, ready to snap. "Whatever it is, just say the word and I'll help." Now everyone looked down a little. Twilight sighed. It seemed to her that as Princess, it was her duty to bring up the awkward topic on everyone's minds. Twilight looked to Discord. "Heh, um…" A nervous laugh escaped her at first, but then she took a breath and tried to speak in as professional and calm a tone as possible. "Discord, there's something you should know. It's about Princess Celestia and the Grand Galloping Gala. You see, the girls and I were talking a bit about her inviting you on our way to lunch, and I guess Rarity was talking about it with Spike when she went through town ahead of us, and, well…I guess we all get more attention now than I realized considering my title and the castle, so…I think we were all overheard but also misunderstood. When we were heading back here after lunch, we heard a lot of the other ponies talking about you and Celestia…and maybe getting a little carried away." Rarity nodded. "Yes. I love a good piece of gossip more than anypony, but these rumors have gone from speculation to insulting rather quickly." She smiled at Discord encouragingly. "Personally, I think it'll be lovely is this turns out to be a date for you and Princess Celestia, Discord." Discord sighed, his look going dry. "Rarity, it's not a date." Rarity just sighed and smiled in a special way. "Of course not, Discord, whatever you say." Discord just rolled his eyes and went back to addressing Twilight. "Okay, so…what then, everyone's got a problem with me being her escort or something?" He shrugged. "It's okay, Twilight, I expected some backlash. She's putting herself in close contact with a former villain at the social event of the season. Even I'm not sure if I'm going to be perfectly behaved the entire night." Twilight sighed, seeing he still didn't realize what she was trying to say. "Some of the ponies are worried that your presence will be disruptive, Discord, yes. Some of them have…questions about your reform. But that isn't all. " Her features took on concern. "Discord, Princess Celestia, in the history of the Gala, has really never, ever…ever invited somepony in the way she invited you—not just as her guest but as her close, personal, official companion for the evening. I think it's confusing the other ponies a little, and they're starting to wonder exactly why she did it and what you're going to do about it." She looked around to her other friends, hoping some of their more blunt personalities would lead them to fill in the blanks for her. Alas, Apple Jack seemed rather busy examining her hat, Rainbow Dash was looking up to the ceiling whistling, Pinkie Pie was just eagerly watching Twilight waiting for her to go on, Rarity was no help since she was still convinced this was a date, Fluttershy was just too shy of course, and Spike looked more nervous then even she herself felt she must look. So Twilight just sighed and finally looked to Discord again and said the truth as directly and calmly as possible. "A lot of ponies think Celestia is putting herself in a position to have something romantic happen between the two of you by spending a night as formal as the Gala with you. And they think you'll take advantage of that situation to get in her favor and then…maybe break her heart whenever you're done getting what you want." Discord just stood there with wide eyes, his jaw dropped. Twilight sighed, frowning considerably. "I'm so sorry, Discord. The girls and I shouldn't have said anything to each other about Celestia's asking you to be her escort outside of the castle walls. I really forget sometimes that I'm not just a quiet, bookish pony that no one notices much anymore, I'm a Princess and even more popular lately considering the Tirek battle and the new castle—we all are." A look of determination came to her features. "But I'm going to go and personally fix this right away. And everyone is going to help me…right, everyone?" She looked at her friends seriously. Everypony (and Spike) nodded. "Yeah, I reckon we're sorry, Discord. This is gettin' out of hand." Apple Jack nodded. "Yeah, and I'll tell the pegasi in Cloudsdale just in case it's spread to there too," Rainbow Dash added. "Don't worry, Discord, we'll make everything okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie Pie winked. "Absolutely." Rarity nodded. "And I'm sorry, I know I really must be mostly to blame. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have magically changed the slogan on my shop window to read 'Designer for Dragons to Draconequui and Everypony in Between', heh…" Rarity shrugged sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Discord. Really and truly." Fluttershy looked to her friend, sincere regret in her eyes. "Twilight and the rest of us will make it better though, I promise." Twilight nodded. "We'll go talk to everypony right now, Discord. Just leave it to us." She smiled encouragingly at him. Discord was just silent and shocked looking for a moment longer as the girls continued to look at him with satisfied and hopeful smiles. Then he blinked and finally spoke. "No, you're going to do nothing of the sort." Discord crossed his arms over his chest, a firm look coming to his features. Twilight blinked. "What?" "I'm not your 'faithful student', Twilight Sparkle," he started, his look of annoyance only deepening. "I don't need you to hold my hand and clean up my messes and make sure everything's all right for poor, old Discord. I will be taking care of this myself." And then he turned and walked directly toward the entrance corridor. Twilight bit her lip, almost didn't ask the question that suddenly popped into her mind, but then finally gave in and said it, feeling like she would be remiss in her duties as a princess and as a friend if she didn't. "How?" Discord paused and sighed, turning to look back at her as he rolled his eyes. "Oh don't worry, I won't lose my temper and torment the land for a thousand years or something if that's what you're thinking. Give me a little credit!" He turned back to face everyone entirely, gesturing to himself and scowling at them all. "I am a GOOD person now. And if everyone could stop treating me like some avalanche of evil waiting to fall at the next peep, that would just be swell!" "Discord," Twilight started, a little taken aback, "No one means to—" "And do you know what?!" Discord suddenly added, unable to help himself and beginning to get a little flushed now. "If it really was a date that I'm having with Celestia—I mean really, if it was—would that be so bad or horrible or unnatural or unthinkable? I do have things to offer as a living being and as a man, Twilight Sparkle. I don't think I would be the worst choice Celestia could possibly make for a special somepony. She and I actually probably have more in common than you and her do! In case you've forgotten, my young little princess, she and I have known each other countless lifetimes longer than you've known her even if it hasn't always been on the best of terms. And furthermore, I would certainly have better things to do on a first date than toy with her affections. I'm not that immature and inconsiderate. Now, I'm going to go ponder this mess that you gossipy girls have gotten me into, and as I said I want you to do NOTHING about it on your own. You'll only make this ridiculous response to Celestia and I going to a simple dance even worse! Good day!" And with that and a haughty harrumph, Discord snapped himself away. Twilight, as well as the other girls and Spike, all frowned deeply at his exit. Twilight sighed, looking down. "Girls, I feel really bad about this. Even if I don't talk to the town, maybe I should at least go visit Princess Celestia and talk to her." She looked up at her friends. Apple Jack shook her head though. "Twi, I know you want to help, but Discord asked us to stay out of it. And he was right—he's a big fella, he can take care of himself. I think the best thing would be to let him deal with it in his own way, give him some time to cool off, and then we can all apologize again later." She smiled, hoping to make her friend feel better about everything. Twilight considered, then nodded. "I guess you're right. I just hate having something bad happen to our friendship when it's finally gotten so strong." "Twilight," Fluttershy spoke up now, a small frown on her features at her friend's distress over the situation, "Don't feel too bad. I'll talk to him later. And I know him, and Apple Jack's right. He just needs some time to himself." An appreciative smile came to Twilight's face. "Thank you, Fluttershy." She cleared her throat, addressing everyone again. "All right, um…so what does everyone want to do for the rest of the day? Just try and study more about our new Rainbow Power?" "Actually," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to the side, rubbing the back of her neck. "I have to get to cloud busting. Apparently Discord created some chaos clouds that the other pegasi were having a little trouble breaking up entirely, and then there's just my own work regular that I have to finish up for the day." Fluttershy smiled. "I would stay, Twilight, but I really should get home and feed the animals dinner. Angel Bunny is very particular about when he eats." "I reckon I've gotta get going too, sugar cube." Apple Jack stood up. "I promised Granny I'd make a few pie deliveries in town before sundown, and then I've gotta get to my evening chores before supper." "I've gotta plan for the super amazing fun fantastic housewarming chaos party we're all going to have here soon!" Pinkie announced, bouncing up and down on her throne. "Oh and also I promised the Cakes I'd babysit. Sorry." She shrugged at Twilight. "And I really must get back to designing Discord's tuxedo for the Gala," Rarity announced, standing up with a smile. "I'm sure once he's cooled off and thought about it, he'll realize he wants one. And either way it's going to be such an exciting project for me to design for a creature as uniquely proportioned as Discord is. Not to mention, I'll have to enchant the fabric just right, you know, so that it changes form whenever he wants to and disappears and reappears with him easily enough. His magic is something rather unusual, after all. And then of course, I have to start considering designs for your dress and ways to possibly rework the rest of our dresses as well if I have time." She considered all the work before her for a moment, and then looked to Twilight a sheepish smile. "I was hoping you wouldn't mind if I borrowed Spikey Wikey a little longer to help me, Twilight dear. Would you?" Spike smiled brightly and nodded. "Yeah, Twilight, you wouldn't mind right?" He clasped his hands together. "Please...!" he added to her in a whisper. Twilight looked at all of her friends, an eyebrow raised, but then she smiled and nodded to the group of them. "Of course, everypony. I understand. We all still have jobs to take care of around Ponyville, after all. I guess we can just take our time researching the Rainbow Power for now, especially since there's no threat to Equestria at the moment." "Would you like to come with one of us, Twilight?" Rarity asked with a smile. "I could always use another set of hooves or another horn to work on my designs. And we could talk about ideas for your new dress." "Yeah, or you could come cloud bust with me," Rainbow Dash offered with a grin. "You're good enough at flying now that I think you're ready for that level of aerial awesomeness." Twilight smiled at her friends but shook her head. "No, that's all right. But thank you for the offers. I might just stay here and…catch up on some reading. You all go on. I'll see you later." The girls and Spike all nodded and then got up from their thrones and headed toward the entrance hall, saying their goodbyes. Twilight waved to them with a smile as they all departed…but as soon as they were all gone, her smile fell. She sighed, glancing around her big (and now empty) throne room. "Normally I'd have something to do too. Back when I was Princess Celestia's student, I had homework…and even when I first became a Princess there was always a lot to organize in my library and books she wanted me to read. But I guess I'm on my own now." She stood up and walked over to a window to look out at the view below of Ponyville. Twilight's thoughts wandered, and she spoke to herself some more. "I'm starting to think it really would have been nice for Discord to have a throne here. Everyone else still has their jobs to go to each day, and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are always so busy. But Discord's in the same boat as me—total freedom. At least we'd be able to keep each other company, and I really have liked getting to know him as a friend." Twilight sighed. "Besides, I'm still not quite sure what my 'tasks' should be each day as the Princess of Friendship. I know I'll figure it out eventually, but until then I wouldn't mind having someone to talk to who has some life experience but isn't counting on me or expecting too many great things from me all at once. And maybe I could help him feel a little less pressured about his 'reform' and what happened with Tirek." She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling weighed down by her thoughts and concerns. But then Twilight opened her eyes and raised her head, a look of determination suddenly coming to her features. "You know what…" she glanced around, "I'm a Princess, and I have a castle all my own now. And I didn't want Discord decorating it because I want to decorate myself. So maybe I'll get started on planning all of that decorating right now, and if Discord really wants a 'throne' or a room or even just a place to hang a banner all for himself here, maybe that's something I can manage!" She smiled brightly and then dashed off down a corridor. "Time to start mapping this place out and making it my own!" Discord wasn't angry about the whole 'Gala gossip' situation so much as just flustered and frustrated, but either way he really had wanted to be alone. Discord sighed to himself, flying in the air high above Ponyville, and considered. "Think, Discord…where is the last place anypony would look for you or notice you? And try to make it a solitary place so that you don't have to spend all of your time hiding and hoping not to get caught." He quirked his mouth to the side and furrowed his brow, considering. Just then the lowering sun glinted off of one of the tall spires of the Canterlot Castle. He glanced in that direction, and then an idea struck him. "Yes—that is absolutely the perfect spot. Even I wouldn't look for me there." And with those words he snapped his fingers and disappeared. Discord reappeared a few moments later in a place he knew all too well—the Canterlot Castle statue garden. Shuddering a little, he found a nice, small grassy valley near a back corner of the garden protected on its low side by a few tree branches and an outer wall of the royal hedge maze. Discord settled himself here on the soft grass. "Perfect. No one ever came here while I was imprisoned except the occasional Sunday morning gardener and those filly school tour groups during a few random afternoons. And who would ever suspect a former prisoner to hide out in his former prison? I can finally have a few moments totally by myself to sort all of this mess out." He sighed deeply. Discord was quiet for several moments. Then he began to speak out loud to himself. "I can't believe ponies are actually thinking that Celestia could have a crush on me. Thinking Celestia's crazy for inviting me as her escort—fine. Thinking it's a little risky to have a former villain standing by her side all night—also acceptable even if I resent it a little. Thinking that this year's Gala might get ruined by me—honestly, if I get bored I wouldn't put it past me. But thinking of Celestia and I as a real couple…?" He shuddered. "How horribly awkward would that be for us!? We're friends! And not that I couldn't make someone very happy in my own way as more than a friend, but Celestia's perfect, and I'm…well…" He sat up on his arms to glance down at himself for a moment, then sighed again, a dry look coming to his features. "Unfairly comparing myself to Celestia's perfection—and now I know how princess Luna feels." He fell back on the grass and looked up. "Falling in love." He frowned. "I would never want that. You just turn all sappy and mushy and make a fool out of yourself, and for what? To have some special someone smile at you and hold your hand and say they like you all the time…maybe give you a few kisses." His features softened a little, and he recalled his dream for a moment, but then he blinked and his look became stubborn as ever again. He rolled on his side. "Oh I'm far too busy doing things for me and now for my friends to deal with such nonsense." He blinked, stroking his beard. "But then again, nonsense is what I'm all about…. Love is arguably chaotic, after all..." He blinked once more and shook his head. "Ugh, what am I saying? The point is, I have no desire to fall into some prim and proper little courtship with a woman!" He rolled on his back again, trying to smile in stubborn pride but only barely succeeding at it. His voice lowered as he gazed up at the now twilight sky overhead, the sun leaving and the moon starting to rise. "Still, it…might be nice just to know for once how that kind of long-term love feels. Interesting, at least, even if I wouldn't want to make a permanent habit out of it." He was quiet and contemplative for a moment, maybe even a little starry-eyed. Then Discord raised his paw and slapped himself in the face. "Oh get over it, Discord!" He sat up, scowling at himself. "Just because you're a good guy now is no reason to go off looking for excuses to turn into an emotional basketcase! You are not a lover; you are a fighter, a prankster, a free spirit, legend! Some ponies think Celestia has feelings for you and others think you have some notion of having feelings for her and that you might cause some sort of scandal about the whole thing. Now, before one of you gets embarrassed by this whole ordeal, you have to make a stand for the sake of your friendship with Celestia—go and tell her you're sorry but you can't be her escort for the Gala." He stood up now and started to march out of the statue garden toward the castle. "You could let her know it's because of the gossip going around, but don't bother—the rumors will die down on their own soon enough once you do this, and besides she doesn't need anymore stress put on her. Just say you'd be more comfortable attending on your own, and I'm sure she'll understand about your decision. All I know is I am not going to have this entire evening get built up as a big spectacle of a date for everyone's amusement! I respect Celestia and myself far too much to let that happen!" Discord continued to stomp through the grounds, and he was mumbling to himself now in his frustration as he went along. "Millennia old…master of chaos…once the most feared being in all of Equestria…turned the elements of harmony into my playthings…and everyone has the gall to say I'm dating their precious Sun Princess and that I'd consider doing it as a joke! Oh, well, as long as we're going all the way with these immature dramatics, then why call it the Grand Galloping Gala at all this year—we'll just call it the Canterlot Prom or the Pony Sock Hop. Then Celestia and I can 'get pinned' and 'go steady' and end up 'king and queen of the dance' and drive off into the sunset in a chariot! Utter nonsense…and not the fun kind!" At the castle walls now, he snapped his fingers to head inside, not wanting to deal with the guards. The moon was all risen, leaving an awake Luna in charge of Equestria's affairs and at liberty to begin seeing to her nightly duties. And her first task for the evening was finding Discord. "Hmm…" Luna stood in a hallway in the castle now, a hoof to her chin. "I'm not sure how to cast Celestia's spell for summoning Discord to me…and I'd rather not ask her about it. I'd prefer this was a private conversation between myself and him." She considered further. "But his type of magic is unique. I should at least be able to use a tracking spell to find him." She focused, allowing the magic for the spell to gain in her horn. "I don't know…perhaps I am allowing myself to feel a little too harshly toward Discord. After all, I do not know for a fact that those rumors I heard in Ponyville were enhanced by any of his bragging—in fact, it seems my sister's desire to have him as her escort was revealed accidentally by Twilight Sparkle and her friends. And I don't truly know of any bad intentions Discord has against my sister…or any romantic ones. And I have come to trust and admire him for his valiant effort to overcome his bad tendencies and assist us with the defeat of Tirek. And for all I know he is a hundred miles away from here right now and totally unaware of what the other ponies are saying." Luna let out a breath, already feeling a bit more easygoing about this whole thing. "All right, Luna, try to be calm. You are poised, you are a princess." A spark lit at the tip of her horn suddenly and then started to glow a golden color. Luna began to move along, feeling herself pulled by the horn guiding her in the direction of the chaotic magic which she was seeking. "Oh! Er, all right…I hope he really isn't so very many miles away. This pulling is a little straining. Around this corner and down this corridor? Why are you taking me here, horn? This doesn't lead to the castle exit so that we can go off and find Discord. This hall just leads to my room…and to Celestia's room—" Luna stopped dead. Her horn wasn't pulling her anymore. And it wasn't pulling her anymore because Discord was walking up the hallway she had just come upon…and he was casually strolling right toward Celestia's bedroom. A look of pure dark fire came over Luna's features. Discord, pausing just as he was about to knock at Celestia's door, blinked but then smiled at the sight of the Princess of the Night. "Oh Luna dear, how are—whoa!" Discord choked out that last word as he suddenly found himself pinned by his neck against the wall at the end of the corridor thanks to a lightning fast Luna who had just flown right at him and trapped him there underneath her foreleg. Luna scowled, and lightning flashed outside! "WHAT ARE THINE INTENTIONS WITH MY SISTER?!" she boomed in her Royal Canterlot Voice. Discord blinked, coughing a little at first but then managing to struggle out the words, "Uh…Oh…what?" That was really all he could think to say. Luna flew up a little higher to look down on him. She lowered her Royal Canterlot Voice to a normal but stern tone (for fear of rousing her sister—she wanted Discord all to herself.) "You heard me, peasant! Rumors have been spreading throughout Ponyville, nay, possibly throughout Canterlot! My sister's preferences are her own business, but how dare you consider bringing a suite to her without proper announcement or permission from a member of her family as is the traditional alicorn way!" Discord scoffed, pushing against her foreleg to loosen her grip on him a little. "Luna, calm down, I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't brought any 'suite,' all I did was say 'yes' when she asked me to be her escort. Is this about what the ponies in Ponyville were saying? Because I told Twilight and her friends that everyone needed to stop taking things so seriously and reading way too much into a simple night out together! This whole Gala thing has gotten ridiculous!" he explained as clearly and loudly as he could manage under the circumstances. "Oh ho, so pursuing my sister is ridiculous then?!" Luna scowled more, landing and letting him go but pointing a hoof right at his neck. "You listen to me, draconequus, my sister is the finest, bravest, strongest, noblest, most caring mare in all of Canterlot, and you would be lucky if she even deigned to let you hold her royal hoof!" Discord had to roll his eyes at this exclamation, even despite his continued defensive posture and the nervous gulp that couldn't help escaping him before speaking. "Ugh, okay, look, she's nice and good and cute, but she's not that perfect, Luna!" Luna's horn started to glow a bright cerulean, and she aimed it right at the center of his body. Discord's eyes went wide and he held up his hands. "I-I mean," he quickly explained, "anyone would be honored to be in the running for being 'Mr. Celestia Princess of the Sun.' I'm just not interested, that's all. And I don't think she is either…so what's the problem other than a few ponies running their mouths off?" Luna's eyes narrowed, and though she pulled back just the littlest bit, her horn still glowed (little electric bolts swirling around it here and there now). "If you are lying to me, Discord, and you end up hurting my sister or her reputation in any way…" Discord shook his head. "I won't, I won't! Yeesh, where did all this hostility come from, Luna? Overcompensating for the Nightmare Moon phase much?" Luna's eyes flashed and she put her horn right up to his chest. "Show proper respect for the crown, me, and for my sister, Discord! Or so help me, if it is in Celestia's domain to banish creatures to the moon, I will work all of my magic, access to the elements or not, to banish thee to the SUN!" The electric sparks and the glowing of her horn increased. "I hear it's very hot this time of year." She smirked just a little. Discord's eyes went wide as could be and he held up his hands even more completely in front of himself. "Oookay, okay, time out. Let's just cool down a bit and refrain from aiming that thing at me when it's loaded." He snapped his fingers, and suddenly he was wearing a welder's mask and gloves, and holding tongs. He used the tongs to remove Luna's horn from her head, which he then dipped into a vat of water that magically appeared at his side. He pulled the horn out of the vat, steaming but normal in color now. He then made the welding materials disappear and finally popped the horn back onto her head, screwing it on tight. "And there we go, all nice and not about to annihilate me anymore." Then he spoke to her as calmly and seriously as possible despite the touch of shock and unease he still felt about dealing with her in this state. "Luna, I am not trying to 'put the moves' on your sister, seriously or as a joke. I'm not. Really. Come on…" He gave her a look. Luna still eyed him a bit. She took a step back and raised an eyebrow. "You're serious?" Discord sighed, rubbing his temple. "Luna, listen, can I share something with you? All right, okay, Celestia always seemed a challenge to me power-wise, so I never wanted to get too much on her bad side in the past unless I had a good trick up my sleeve. But I never had a problem with making her angry. She barely even ever gets angry—she just scowls, tells you to stop whatever bad thing you're doing, and then stops you herself if you don't do it. You, however…well, you frighten me a little, Nightmare Moon, dear, to put it bluntly." He shrugged, grinning a little. "You're passionate, you're powerful, you have a reputation—for Celestia's sake, lightning flashes whenever you even get miffed!" He gestured to a window at their side and then went on. "I trust Celestia to keep her temper under control when I cross a line, I do not trust you to do the same. The short of it is, you are the last person I would ever want to anger—EVER—so I would never ever lie to you and risk your wrath. So believe me when I say from the bottom of my hodgepodge reformed heart that I have no untoward designs on your sister or any intention to hurt her—you have my magical word." He held up his paw. Luna's eyes went a little wide. All anger was gone from her features. "So then…the rumors…?" Discord rolled his eyes. "Totally fabricated and exaggerated. Frankly, I don't care for them anymore than you do. Everypony just seems to be having an issue comprehending the fact that Celestia chose to give herself a little free time at the Gala this year, and that she's choosing to spend that time standing around a punchbowl babysitting me. We are not going on a date, and we definitely have no romantic interest in each other. I've explained to the girls that the notion's absurd, I've explained to myself that the notion's absurd, and now I'm explaining to you that it's absurd." He held out his arms. "Can you even picture me on some lovey dovey date as part of some lovey dovey courtship? And can you picture your sister and I trying to have a relationship like that without driving each other crazy? And do you honestly think I would risk everyone's trust in me again by acting like a complete jerk and playing with your sister's affections if I sincerely thought she actually had those feelings for me? I just want to go to the Gala for free food and to mingle with more ponies, that's all." Discord took in and let out a deep breath now. "But…since it's causing this many problems and even upsetting you, I've decided I need to tell Celestia that I'll show up at her party to make an appearance but I can't be her escort." He frowned a little and moved away from Luna to start walking down the hall again. "That's actually why I came here this evening, to break the news to her." Luna turned and followed after him, concern coming over her features. "Discord, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to accuse you, I…I just have a temper sometimes, and I worry about Celestia, and…" He waved her off, smiling in understanding. "Hey, it's all right. I don't exactly have the best reputation for being a good guy or for not messing with you and Celestia on a personal level, after all." "But that fact doesn't matter," Luna countered. "I should know better. I too know what it is like to be judged unfairly for past mistakes." She looked forward and frowned. "You wouldn't hurt my sister or me. I know that. You are our true friend. Please accept my apologies, Discord." She glanced at him. Discord smiled a little more but just shrugged, trying to be casual. "If it'll make you feel better, Luna, they're accepted. Yes, I wouldn't hurt you two or any of our friends. I may not express it directly often, but I care for all of you very much. You make me happy." He smiled a little more as they continued up the hallway together. "That's why I agreed to be Celestia's escort. She seemed so pleased with the idea, and it did seem like it might be fun…. I didn't want to disappoint her. And it felt nice to be included in the party. When I thought I wasn't getting a ticket to the Gala…I tried to act annoyed, but mostly I was just sad." He sighed, and then his grin picked up on one side and a chuckle left him. "I really must be turning into an old softie—getting hurt by not getting a silly party invitation and then talking about my silly little emotional problems and feelings with you like this." Luna smiled up at him. "It's good to talk about your feelings, Discord. Celestia lets me talk to her about mine all the time." They were right outside Celestia's door now, and Luna paused and held up an arm, causing Discord to pause too. "Erm, listen, Discord…do something for me please?" Discord blinked, looking down at her. "Sure, Luna. What is it?" "Please do take Celestia to the Gala." She smiled up at him. Discord blinked. "Why?" Luna explained. "Because just because other ponies have an issue with you two going together doesn't mean you should let them push you both around. Going with you will make Celestia happy, otherwise she wouldn't have asked you. And not going with Celestia will clearly make you unhappy, otherwise you wouldn't be frowning so much." She smiled more. "You know you want this. And besides, is the powerful Discord really going to let the idle gossip of others dictate how he enjoys the biggest party of the year?" She smirked just a little. Discord blinked, considered for just a moment, and then a look of determination came to his features. "No, no, he isn't!" He pounded his paw against his claw. "I really have gotten soft! Oh, who cares what some ponies think? I want to go to the party and to show Celestia a good time, and that's just what I'll do!" He smiled brightly. "Okay, new plan then…" He looked to Luna. "I still need to talk to Celestia, but now it'll be about what exactly I'm supposed to be doing at this thing as her escort. I know this party is some schmancy fancy traditional thing that gets thrown each year." He waved his hand in the air, rolling his eyes to the side. "I suppose I should make sure I follow some kind of protocol about it all." His hand came to his chin to play with his beard in thought. Luna nodded, smiling in pleasant surprise. "It's very kind of you to consider the traditions of the Gala, Discord. And I don't think it would hurt for you two to talk about things as much as possible in advance of the event. And in the meantime I'll try to curb some of these rumors." She raised an eyebrow. "I'm still not certain how things got so out of hand. I know from what I heard in Ponyville that Princess Twilight and her friends had some part in accidentally allowing my sister's intentions regarding you being her escort to be known, but who in the world would have suggested the unusual conclusion in the first place that you two were planning on a date?" Discord gave her a dry look. "I'll give you a hint—she's overly romantic, has purple hair, and gossip's like she should have a cutie mark to that effect…and she's already offered to design and sew me a Tux for the big night." Luna blinked. "Rarity! But why—" Discord waved her off. "Oh, it's annoying, yes, but she didn't mean anything bad by it. She just got a little swept up in things—saw a princess asking an eligible bachelor to a formal affair and jumped to some mushy conclusions. And as for the girls accidentally letting Celestia's plans slip, they were just talking when they went through town, other ponies heard—it happens." He shrugged. "I already told them not to try and correct the problem though—it'll only look more suspicious to take the rumors that seriously. I think it's better to just move past this and let things play out and die down on their own." Luna sighed and considered. "Perhaps you're right. It might be best to handle this situation by simply pretending it is beneath royal or serious concern." She glanced up at him again. "But, Discord, as a favor to me, please don't mention these rumors to my sister just yet. I'll…find a way to tell her about them gently. I just don't want her to worry too much. She has a lot on her plate with planning the Gala at the moment, and I think this year's event is very especially important to her." Discord nodded with a grin. "Wouldn't dream of unnecessarily stressing out one rainbow colored hair on her royal head." He gave a small bow. Luna nodded to him in return. "Thank you, Discord." She moved away from the door. "You may feel free to visit my sister now. I believe she is still in her room and doing some final Gala planning for the day, though she may have dozed off already." "Thanks, Luna." Discord grinned and turned to raise his paw to knock on Celestia's door as Luna headed away from him down the hall. "Oh, and Discord?" Luna paused and called out from over her shoulder. He glanced at her. "Yes?" She smiled more. "Just keep in mind that my offer about a one way trip for you to the sun still stands if you do toy with my sister's affections." She winked at him. Discord sighed and nodded. "Yes, yes, wouldn't have it any other way, Nightmare Princess of the Moon." He winked back at her. Luna chuckled softly. "Good. Farewell for now, Discord." And with that she disappeared around a corner to proceed with her duties of the night. Discord turned back to the door but lowered his paw for a moment. He wanted to take a few quiet minutes to consider first how he might best put his questions to Celestia (and of course to get himself totally calm and centered again after his quite unexpected and dramatic tussle with Luna's famous temper). "All I know is, whoever does come courting for Celestia one of these days better be as much of a straight-shooter as possible unless he wants to end up a moonlit crater in the castle courtyard." He chuckled to himself and took a deep breath, shaking his head. A few minutes passed, and then there was a knocking sound inside of Celestia's bedroom. There was a pause and then another knocking sound. Then her door slightly opened, letting some light from the hallway fall across her bed. Discord's head peeked inside next. "Hello? Celestia—it's Discord. Are you in? I…" He glanced around the dimly lit space and then paused. Celestia was lying curled up on her red and gold canopy bed at the center of the room fast asleep, breathing slowly and deeply, ethereal hair floating around her head like a soft, pastel rainbow pillow. A bright flame burned in the fireplace, and various papers lay around her, spread out over the covers as though she had indeed just dozed off for a nap in the middle of whatever she had been working on. Also, on a little nightstand by the head of her bed stood a vase filled with a very familiar bouquet of rainbow colored flowers. Discord blinked at the sight. 'Oh…she saved those.' It wasn't that the sight was terribly surprising, yet somehow it still surprised him a little just the same. Celestia sighed a little in her sleep, and the sound effectively brought Discord out of his thoughts and back to the situation at hand—there was Celestia, resting so peacefully…and totally at his chaotic, impish mercy. Discord grinned widely and whispered to himself, stepping all the way inside and letting the door close behind him. "Hmm…how to wake her—a mariachi band? A blaring stampede of animals right through her door? Or something classic like bashing together two really big cymbals directly above her? Or maybe I should just dump a bucket of ice water right on her head? Let's see her ethereal hair flow in the non-existent breeze then…." He chuckled and considered more, grinning away, twirling his beard around a finger. Then Celestia yawned and smiled, and one of her ears twitched a little in her sleep. At the sight, Discord's mischievous grin melted into a warm smile. "Hmm…she looks just like Fluttershy when she sleeps…like when I find her taking naps out in the fields surrounded by bunnies and birds, all innocent and sweet." He hesitated a moment and then sighed. "Oh all right, all right, I'll be a good friend and just do something small to wake her up." He snapped his fingers, turned himself into a rooster, and then made a crowing sound. "Hmm?" Celestia's eyes opened, and then she blinked a few times and yawned deeply. "Oh dear…it can't be dawn already." She sat up a bit and stretched a little, her eyes closed. She mumbled to herself with a smile. "Oh certainly, Starswirl, of course, I'll take over raising the sun while Luna gets the moon. No problem. She gets to stay up all night long…and I get to wake up at dawn every single day. Yes, that sounds very fair." A hearty chuckle couldn't help but escape Discord. "Wow, I didn't realize you were so resentful before your morning coffee, Celestia. Want me to whip you up a cappuccino and a biscotti or something?" Celestia's eyes went open wide and she sat up entirely. "Discord!" Then she turned her head and caught sight of her window, which showed a dark sky twinkling with bright stars. "But it can't be moonset yet…" Her thoughts and gaze returned to Discord. "And what are you doing here?" she asked in confusion. Discord chuckled more, still a rooster. "Oh just waking you up early from your little cat nap." He snapped his fingers, turning himself back to normal and grinning at her with just a touch of smugness. "I just needed to talk to you, Celestia, and besides I couldn't resist the opportunity for a little prank." He chuckled, and then his tone softened to something sincere as he added, "Is this a bad time though? You can always pencil me in tomorrow if you'd like." Celestia yawned but shook her head, smiling. "No, no, Discord, this is fine." She began to use her magic to gather the papers on her bed, get them into a neat pile and place them on her nightstand. "Besides, it's still early in the evening, and I don't know how much free time I'll have during the days for the next few weeks anyway considering the Gala." She smiled more at him, seeming bright and alert as ever now. "How can I help you, Discord?" Discord smiled in return, raising himself up to sit in the air at the level of her bed. "Well, it's about the Gala." He shrugged. "I know this may sound hard to believe, but I've never been to a formal, fancy, black tie and hors d'oeuvres affair before. I don't want to come off as a completely cultureless rogue though. So I'd just like to get a general idea from you of what the night is going to entail for us exactly. I only like surprises when I'm the one giving them you know." He crossed his arms over his chest. Celestia smiled more. "I think I understand, Discord. Well…let's see." She put a hoof to her chin. "First we'll see to officially greeting some of the guests for a bit of course, as I explained to Twilight. You can help me with my share of the hoofshakes, Discord. Just smile and be friendly to everyone you meet and wish them a fun night. Then after that we'll probably go mingle among the other ponies, and I can introduce you to some of the visiting dignitaries from other parts of Equestria as well. Then maybe we'll have some food and punch, and we can also make sure Luna and Twilight are doing well with their roles as Gala hostesses and visit with the rest of our friends as well. Then there's dancing—you and I of course can try that together. And sometime during the night I thought we might walk around the castle grounds together. They're lovely after they've been decorated for the Gala." She smiled at him. Discord sighed at these explanations, a very dry look on his features. "Wow. You know, you orderly ponies really have no idea how to throw a party. It should be chaotic, crazy, hilarious, just a little dangerous, and a lot wonderful. No offense, Celestia, but all of that Gala stuff sounds suspiciously like one large council meeting crossed with one large nobility tea party and softened over with fancy dresses and finger sandwiches." He raised an eyebrow. Celestia only smiled more and gave a little shrug of her own. "That's actually exactly how the Gala was for a long time, Discord. But…things changed a little bit last year. And I'd like to keep up the changes this year, and for you to assist in any way you'd like. Trust me, I see the need for everyone to loosen up and have fun, Discord," she assured with a nod. Discord couldn't help but eye her with a touch of wary disbelief and a half grin. Celestia sighed, trying not to chuckle. "I mean it. That's why I'm looking forward so much to you being at the Gala. That and well…" her tone and look took on something serious, "you know, the confirmations I've gotten from the party guests about attending…most of them have asked about Twilight but quite a few of them have also asked about you as well." Discord blinked, the smile dropping from his features. "Me?" He put a paw to his chest. Celestia nodded. "Yes." She lay down again and crossed her forelegs, explaining. "They're curious to meet you. I don't think most of them ever believed you were really reformed—they just thought the elements and I had you in check. But considering the Tirek incident, you've peaked their interest." She frowned. "I won't lie to you, Discord—some have still expressed 'reservations' about attending a party with you at the castle. Others, however, have been very interested in your final reform and are looking forward to making your acquaintance. They want to see you in your new, good place in our society." Her smile returned. Discord's eyes went a little wide. "I…I didn't realize so many ponies cared." He shrugged, looking down a bit. "I guess I can't blame the ones who might not trust me yet. It's been a bumpy road with me." He considered for a moment and then sighed and shook his head, looking up at Celestia again and moving past this new information. "All right, so, anyway…meeting ponies and shaking hooves I can handle, free food and mingling I can handle, spending time with our friends I can definitely handle, and a tour around the castle grounds so that I can complete my mental map of the best places to set booby traps for the pony sisters sounds good too." He grinned, but then a dry look came to his features. "But I don't dance, Celestia." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Period." Celestia smiled more, looking at him curiously. "Yes, you do. I've seen you." "Yes, but not ballroom dancing." He rolled his eyes. "I have no idea how to do that. Besides, I'm seven feet tall—everypony will stare at me, and I refuse to be the center of attention if I'm not good at what I'm doing." He turned his head away in a touch of stubbornness. Celestia only shrugged, acting as patient and confident as ever. "Well, I'd be dancing with you, and I'm six feet tall which is close to seven. They'd be staring at both of us, so you wouldn't be alone. Just one song, Discord? If you wouldn't mind…. It's been so long since I've danced at the Gala." Discord glanced back to her, fully ready to politely (and possibly comedically) refuse again, but then he paused. She was looking up at him with such a hopeful and kind smile…and she really was a good friend to him…and all she really had requested was a single dance with her escort at the party she was putting so much effort in throwing. "I…oh…oh, all right." He sighed deeply and gave her a nod. "One dance. But can we, I don't know," he rubbed the back of his neck, "practice together or something before the gala?" Celestia's smile brightened and she nodded. "Certainly. We can make plans to meet in the ballroom one day beforehand and practice there if you'd like." Discord nodded. "Fine." He crossed his arms over his chest. "Now, about attire for this shindig, Rarity's already trying to make me a tux. Is that really necessary, or could I just snap up a tie and call it a day?" He raised an eyebrow. Celestia shrugged. "It doesn't need to be too fancy, but a suit might be nice, Discord." "Then I could easily snap one up for myself." He held up his fingers in a ready position. "But If Rarity really wants to make one for you, it might be nice to let her, Discord," Celestia explained further. "She's an excellent designer, and she likes making clothes for her friends." She smiled in a special way. "Actually, Twilight sent me a letter this afternoon, and one of the things she mentioned was that Rarity might want to make me a dress. I've never worn one of those to the Gala though, at least not in a very long time, so I'm not certain if I should agree. But if I did have to pick a designer for myself for the Gala, Rarity would certainly be one of my top choices." "Oh come on, Celestia," Discord had to grin. "You have to say yes to her—if designing for me would make Rarity happy, designing for you would rocket that little thing to the next universe." Celestia smiled more and nodded. "True. I'll see. Dresses tend to get in the way of my hair and tail too much, but maybe we can find a happy medium. New shoes or a new golden yoke or something." She glanced down at her regalia and then back up at Discord. "I want to look my best." Discord's grin picked up on one side. "I'm sure you'll look cosmically stunning as usual, 'oh wise and wonderful Princess Celestia'." He gave her a mock bow from his seat in the air. Celestia's smile softened with appreciation. "That's very kind of you to say, Discord. Thank you. And I'm sure you'll be very handsome and charming yourself, 'oh mighty lord of chaos.'" She laughed warmly. Discord sat up and blinked at the sudden compliment. "O-Oh…yes, well…" And then his normal proud smile returned. "I always am, aren't I?" He laughed, and she laughed again a little too. Then Celestia stretched a little in her bed and did her best to cover up another yawn. "Is there anything else concerning you, Discord? Otherwise I might go back to sleep. I'm sorry to cut our visit short—as I said, my days are full with Gala planning this time of year, so I'm very tired at nights right now." Discord shook his head and popped down to the floor. "No, no, that's all for now. And we can stay in touch, I guess, about planning a day for our dance lesson." He cleared his throat, smiling a little though there was some hesitation to it. "I didn't realize I was going to have to impress so many ponies, and without being too destructive or chaotic. It'll be nice to at least have the dancing down." Celestia smiled encouragingly. "Don't be too nervous, Discord. I want you to enjoy yourself at the party more than anything else." Discord blinked, grinning a little. "Nervous—me? Why in the world would I be nervous? Just because the movers and shakers of Equestrian society are all going to be crowding around me judging my reform? I mean, the second reform, the one that took? Please…" he waved her off, "I think I can handle myself." "I'll be right there with you the whole time, Discord," Celestia assured her friend. "We can…manage people's curiosity together." "Whatever you think is best, Celestia." Discord rolled his eyes, then gave a yawn himself. "Anyway, you have a pleasant sleep now, and some relaxing, nonsensical dreams." He smiled. Celestia nodded, smiling at him in return. "Thank you. You sleep well too, Discord." "Thanks." He turned and headed for the door. "Oh and I'll put in an order for that cappuccino for you for the morning." He smirked at her over his shoulder. "Something's gotta take the edge off of that dark, dark 'bitterness' of yours, Celestia. Last thing we need is a Nightmare Sun all because you have to wake up at dawn each day." His grin grew. Celestia just smiled more and tried not to roll her eyes. "Goodnight, Discord." Discord chuckled, his hand on the door handle. "Goodnight, Princess." He opened the door but then snapped his fingers to make a magical portal appear and took his leave through that instead. Celestia just smiled, shook her head, and then closed the door magically. She then magically removed her crown, yoke, and shoes before resting her head back down on her bed, magically dimming the fire, and finally closing her eyes to commence a nice night's sleep. Though Discord had left through one of his magical portals, he had only set himself to reappear in the hallway just outside of Celestia's room, where he stood now leaning against a wall and thinking to himself for a moment. But then he blinked at the sound of a light tapping on a window directly across from him. He looked and saw Luna hovering outside. Discord went over and opened the window for her. "I get it Luna, you rule the night, so making a bed sheet ladder to drop out of a window and eloping with your sister during her off time is out of the question." He smiled a little at the joke. Luna smiled too as she continued hovering in the air while she spoke to him. "Very funny, Discord. I was just wondering how your talk went." Discord sighed. "Fine. But I need some time to think about things. It seems I'm going to be quite the central attraction at this shindig." Luna nodded, glancing to the side. "Yes, tell me about it. I feel the same about myself, this being my first Gala in over a thousand years. And I'm sure Twilight shares our sentiments since this will be her first Gala as a Princess." She smiled at him again. " You'll be fine, Discord. Just don't let anybody who has a problem with you change you from the good person you are into something you're not." Discord nodded, smiling a little in return. "I won't." He took a step back. "Er, Luna, I have some things to do tonight, so I think I'll get going. But I'll be back here in a few days—Celestia's going to teach me how to ballroom dance." He chuckled at the idea. Luna tilted her head to the side, her smile growing. "Really? Well, I'll be looking forward to your return then Discord. It is always nice to have a visit from you as our friend." Discord smiled at her. "Thanks. And have a pleasant night, Luna." Luna nodded. "You have a pleasant night as well, Discord." Discord closed the window as Luna flew off, and then he lifted up his fingers to snap himself away. He mumbled to himself before performing the action though. "Until the Gala, I am sleeping at night as infrequently as possible. Luna visits dreams…and if I'm so worked up over this Gala thing that I have another one like that last one I had about Celestia…" He blushed a little. "Well, let's just say I don't intend to spend the rest of my free days cooking on the sun. Not that I would mind the tan but there is a limit." And with that he snapped his fingers, teleporting away to do some more considering in the privacy of the statue garden until morning when he had a very specific pony to visit whose kindness always seemed to help him through the most confusing parts of this new, reformed life which he was trying to lead.