Empire of Mercy

by Daelyx Len Auphydas


Celestia touches down on one of the platforms high in the Canterlot palace, folding their wings against their sides and letting out a huff of air. They'd put off their responsibilities with very little warning in order to investigate the magical surge, and although they don't regret that decision, it does mean that the rest of that day will be even more exhausting than usual. Steeling themself, Celestia holds their head up high in preparation for holding court and strides into the palace, noting a distinct lack of security with unease.

The two guards on duty at that entrance, momentarily ago sitting down playing a game of cards, gulp nervously and bolt to their hooves on either side of the door. "P-Princess!" One of them hastily salutes. Celestia wheels around, arching a brow.

"Is this what passes for discipline among the royal guard now?" The princess questions. "If I was trying to infiltrate the castle, I could have easily done so just now. The only reason you two saw me was because I was making no effort to conceal my presence. What are your names?"

"W-Wind lancer!"
"Ruby Hoof, Sir!"

"Hm." Celestia ponders. They didn't recognize the names, but that made sense; Although in theory part of the same organization, the palace guards are significantly less involved with Celestia personally compared to the Royal Companions which accompany the princess in the field. Still, that was no excuse for slacking. "Who is your superior officer?"

"General Apple Corps, sir!" Ruby hoof pipes up.

"Alright, Wind Lancer and Ruby Hoof. I'll let you off easy this one time, but if I catch you slacking on watch again, I'll make sure you're on sewer detail for a week. Understood?" Celestia states, triggering nervous gulps from the two as they stand up and at attention.

"Yes, sir!" both state in unison, and Celestia nods.

"Good." With that taken care of, Celestia continues into the throne room at a brisk pace, relieved to see that at least the throne room guards are properly standing watch.

Kneeling down before Celestia, one of the guards on duty reports. "Your majesty, General Apple Corps has been awaiting your arrival in the guest chambers. The dignitaries from Zebrica have also arrived, but have not yet petitioned for a meeting. Shall I dispatch for the general?"

Celestia nods as they take up their place on the solitary throne. "Yes, and please send my apologies for the delay. There was some unexpected business to take care of."

The guard nods, the doors shut behind him, and for a hoofful of minutes Celestia is left to their own devices in the throne room awaiting the general's arrival. But before long, the gates in front of them crack open, allowing the brown-toned earth pony into the throne room. Apple Corps strides to the center of the room and kneels down before the alicorn as the gates seal shut behind him.

"Your majesty," Apple Corps states deferentially.

Celestia sighs loudly. "Don't stand on ceremony with me now, Corps, it is just the two of us. I have to deal with that enough from everypony else."

Apple Corps nods and stands up, still with a somewhat formal posture, but at least dispensing with the kneeling. "Of course. I wanted to meet with you regarding the latest batch of new military reforms you are pushing through. With all due respect, I can't fathom why you're doing it now; replacing the equipment of the entire guard alone will take up twice our annual budget. Wasn't the expansion of the Royal Legions sufficient? The Nobility are starting to ask why we need such a large standing army."

"The Nobility. Right." Celestia lets out a small sigh. Though technically one of the pillars of their rule, the nobles tend to be more a thorn in Equestria's side than anything else. Celestia had meant to do something about that a very, very long time ago... But events had conspired against them. Celestia shakes their head to clear it from the momentary distraction that thoughts of the past had brought, and refocuses on the issue at hoof. "If the nobles had their way, we'd probably still be throwing spears and holding shield walls for all our battles. I don't seem to recall those tactics being particularly effective last time the dragons led an incursion." Celestia remarks dryly.

Apple Corps motions at a small stack of papers he had brought with him. "But many of these technologies aren't well established. I've caught sight of some of these folding claws. R&D is still having trouble making the hinge mechanism strong enough to survive impact. The continued development costs are going to cut into the guard's other duties at the current rate."

Celestia can't help but roll their eyes. By 'other duties', the general meant showboating and parades. Standing up and striding over to the window, Celestia gazes out over Equestria stretching off into the distance before turning to respond to the general. "General Apple Corps, what is the primary function of the Guard?" they ask.

Apple Corps frowns. "Well... To protect Equestria and represent its interests, I suppose."

"And do you feel that the current state of the guard is sufficient to serve that purpose?" Celestia questions.

Apple Corps looks uncertain. "Well. I can't see why not. The current state of the guard has been more than sufficient for peacekeeping and maintaining order."

Celestia shakes their head. "I'm not referring to peacekeeping or maintaining order, General. If an army wereto invade Equestria, say, this very afternoon... do you think you would be able to stop it?" The general opens his mouth to speak, but Celestia cuts him off before he can. "Mind you, I don't mean an army with antiquated tactics and weaponry like the Yaks. What if, say, the dragon lord chose to invade? Or the changelings? Equestrian intelligence informs me that they have a new queen sitting on the throne, who is far less isolationist than the previous. Or even a threat from within? Are you aware that there are presently no less than four insurrectionist groups operating within Equestria's borders?"

General Apple Corps bristles at the apparent insult to his troops, and stands up even straighter. "Princess, my soldiers are more than ready to handle any threats that might appear! We have kept vigilant watch over Equestria for generations, and will continue to do so!”

Celestia raises a brow. "Really, general? I caught two of your soldiers playing a game of cards instead of guarding the upper passage to the palace not long ago." Celestia sighs, and their gaze softens sympathetically. "I understand you are protective of your soldiers, General. But I need you to understand me. They are not ready. The guard has become a cushy position for second-sons of noble families to parade around in uniform and entertain dignitaries, not a modern fighting force. These reforms are necessary to protect Equestria."

Apple Corps gives an exasperated sigh. "With all due respect, your majesty, just what is it that you're afraid of? Equestria has been at peace for well over a century, and there is no sign of it ending."

"Nor will there be before the inevitable conflict, I'm afraid. We cannot wait until war is already on our doorstep to begin preparing; by then, it will be too late." Celestia broods, staring out at the distant horizon and shaking their head. "Between resistance from the nobility, traditionalists in the military, and opposition from pacifist elements of society, these reforms have already taken far longer to institute than I expected. We cannot delay any longer. If I have learned one thing in my time as Princess of the Sun... it is that the calm is always followed by a storm. Always."

The general grunts in frustration, but bows his head. "...Of course, your majesty. I will begin making the necessary changes." Though begrudging, the general salutes respectfully before making for the exit.

"Oh, and General... Tell the guard to let in the Zebrican dignitaries now." Celestia calls out to the departing figure of the general and returns to her throne. General Apple Corps might have been stubborn as a mule, and a staunch traditionalist to boot, but he was also one of the only ranking military officers in Equestria who had seen actual combat—not just a border skirmish here or there, but an entire campaign against insurrectionists in eastern Equestria. Because of that, Celestia was willing to overlook certain deficits, knowing the stallion to be a talented commander when it came down to it.

The rest of the day is filled with political niceties and fervent negotiations over trade routes running through disputed territory in southern Equestria. Though an infrastructure project to improve contact between southern and northern Equestria was underway, the desert at the far southern terminus of Equestrian territory was still an isolated enclave with spotty communication at best. Between that, and their scheduled appearance at a local school, Celestia is barely able to raise the moon in time.

Or more accurately, isn't. Two minutes late. Celestia thinks in moderate frustration, glancing at the nearby clock. The diversion to Cloudsdale that morning had made it difficult to get everything for the day done, and now they are just exhausted. Still, there is one more thing to do before they can allow themself some sleep.

Making their way to the guards headquarters, Celestia receives the day's reports- Newest updates from Equestrian Intelligence, frontier patrols, and more. Most of it is just the same as usual, though one tidbit from the Intelligence report does catch the princesses eye; Gryphonian separatists apparently have a new leader. They would have to keep an eye on that.

Satisfied that none of it requires their immediate attention, Celestia signs off, and makes their way towards the royal quarters, only to be ambushed by a pale-colored unicorn with bright yellow eyes and a white mane.

"Hey, Princess! Where didja go this afternoon?" The guardspony asks them, in an obnoxiously casual tone. This was Mooncrescent, one of the youngest members of the Royal Companions, with his older brother Starblaze following just a bit behind.

Celestia turns to face the two, a slight smile tugging on their lips. Technically, the two guardsponies should really have been expelled from the guard ages ago for insubordination, but Celestia can't help but have a soft spot for ponies who treated her less like a princess and more like any other pony. "You saw the rainbow earlier today?" Celestia asks. Mooncrescent nods his head vigorously. "I felt the need to track down the pony responsible, and flew to Cloudsdale to investigate." Celestia explains.

Mooncrescent pouts. "Cloudsdale? That means you had to go through the Everfree forest! Aww, why couldn't you have taken us with you? We might've gotten to fight some timberwolves or, maybe a manticore!" He announces, far too excitedly for the discussion topic.

Celestia stifles a giggle. "I think you may have had trouble keeping up with me, considering I was flying." Celestia stretches their wings out as if to demonstrate the point.

Mooncrescent sighs and flops down onto the ground. "Oh, phooie, we never get to do anything." He bemoans. Celestia looks down at the young unicorn, still just a cadet, and raises his head to look at her.

"Don't you worry, my faithful guardspony. You will get your 'action' as you say, sooner or later." Celestia remarks, with an odd hint of melancholy in her voice. Mooncrescent frowns; Despite his relaxed posture, he was actually quite observant.

"If you say so, Princess." Mooncrescent sighs. "Well, I'm going to go back to training now. Remember to take us with you next time!" Mooncrescent waves a hoof before galloping off. Celestia watches the retreating sight of the young stallion with bemusement, before heading off towards their own quarters at long last.

"Why do you think they even keep us around?" Starblaze asks his brother, trotting along after him. "I mean, like they said, we can't exactly keep up."

Mooncrescent glances back, and shrugs. "I dunno. Maybe they just like our company?"

Celestia gently shuts the door behind them as they enter their quarters, finally alone once again. The burdens of leadership falling from their shoulders, the alicorn steps towards the open balcony, and sits down. The two guardsponies in training might be insubordinate, but Celestia can't manage to feel upset about it. After all, there was only one other pony who had ever spoken to her similarly.

Gazing up into the night sky, Celestia finds her gaze drawn once again to the moon. "Dearest sister, I know you'll be coming home soon." Celestia speaks softly. "It's been such a long time. When the time comes, I pray you can forgive me."

Celestia sits there for a long moment, feeling the cracks forming in the protective facade they had kept up for so long, before jerking their gaze away with sudden restlessness. Slamming shut the door to the balcony, the princess stalks over to the massive bed and lays down. You should rest. You'll need as much as you can get. As every day, tomorrow will bring fresh challenges, and they will face them all for the sake of Equestria. Even if their heart is somewhere else, far, far away, within a distant nighttime sky.