The Adventures of Peaches and Mandy

by marmalado

S1E5: Agent Pinkie Pie, Odd Squad Party Planner

"Everything but the bagel?"

The sly, high-pitched remark was a direct hit towards Peaches, who blushed red with embarrassment and looked about ready to chop her cousin's head off. Eventually she conceded, letting out the air she was holding in and bowing her head down.

"Everything but the bagel..."

"Peeeeeeeach..." Mandy rolled her eyes. "How are ya gonna help us out if you can't even catch a bagel with legs?"

"Hey, it had teeth too! It tried to bite me!"

Mandy merely scoffed. "Yeah, okay, sure. Shouldn't you be-"

A loud slam and the sound of rustling papers snapped both girls' attention over to the source: Pinkie Pie, looking completely ragged and with a large stack of papers on her back. Her legs wobbled a little under the weight, which didn't go well with her unkempt mane and tail and the bags under her eyes. Peaches gave a loud yowl at the sudden noise, her tail completely bushed up.

"What the..." Mandy, utterly confused, levitated the papers off of Pinkie's back on near-instinct. "Pinkie? Are you okay?"

The ultra-happy party pony gave a tired sigh. "I'm fine!"

"You sure? Ya look exhausted!"

"Nah, don't worry about me, partner! Thanks for helping me with the papers! You can take 'em down the File Room."

Mandy set the papers down on her desk -- a bad idea, but one she didn't pay much mind to. "Uh...o-okay! No prob! Uh...have fun, I guess?"

"Thanks!" With her relieved of her load, Pinkie trotted like she was walking on air, humming a tune as she went down the left hallway.

"That was...weird." Peaches tilted her head.

"Tell me about it!"

The steel double-doors opened, and in walked Rarity and Fluttershy. While Fluttershy didn't show any signs of emoting outside of her usual expression, Rarity had a smile on her face that, to Mandy, at least, almost looked relieved.

"Hiya, Rare!" Mandy gave a friendly wave, her warm cat smile forming on her face.

Instead of giving a "hello, darling" back or even striking up a conversation, however, Rarity's expression turned rigid, and she gave her a look that was a mix of pity, upset, and regret. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, shot Mandy a similar expression, but more on the pity and regret side.

The hybrid felt a chill run up her spine. Her hair and tail stuck straight up.

"What? What's wrong? Why are you so scared?" Peaches asked, not understanding the look that both mares had given her cousin.

"I-I...Rarity's...and Fluttershy's...they..."

Mandy swiveled back around in her chair, facing her computer screen and clicking rapidly on the computer mouse.

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

Peaches, while not convinced, didn't say anything further.

A couple hours later, Mandy, having set Rarity's and Fluttershy's weird looks to the side, was called to Olive and Otto's precinct for help interrogating a rather nasty villain.

Her name was Underwater Ulanda, a master of the deep seas who was known for stealing valuable items and putting them at the bottom of various bodies of water. How she survived the crushing pressure was anyone's guess -- all she wore was a typical blue scuba-diver suit, complete with red-and-white life jacket and blue snorkel set. But she was caught by Odd Squad and was about to bear witness to one of the worst punishments she had ever been given.

"You will tell them what they want to know."


Flames encapsulated Mandy's body once more, causing the flanking Olive and Otto to back up. Not that the flames could hurt them, of course, but they certainly didn't expect Mandy to go full "flame mode" that quickly. "You will tell them what they want to know."

"Hah! Like your flames scare me?" Ulanda scoffed. "I'm Underwater Ulanda! I can douse those flames in a snap!"

"Aww, and what're you gonna do, drag me to the bottom of the ocean?" The hybrid slowly but surely pulled out her hammer from her hammerspace spine, twirling it like a yo-yo a couple times.

Ulanda's face immediately fell. "A-a hammer?!"

"What'd ya think it was?"

Mandy then slammed her hands on the table, causing Olive and Otto to give a unisonant yelp of surprise.


"Or else what?" Ulanda fired back, trying to keep the quaver in her voice steady.

Mandy levitated the hammer and placed the head of it against Ulanda's chest. "Or let's just say...there will be a skeleton at the bottom of the ocean. And it will not be mine."

Between the flames, the threat of Mandy bashing her brains in, and talk among villains of Mandy having actually bashed brains in before, Ulanda didn't want to take a chance. Her gaze flicked to Olive and Otto, still surprised by Mandy's sudden outburst but giving the villainess stern expressions nonetheless.

A guttural growl from Mandy did her in. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you! I-it's hidden on the bottom of the town's outdoor pool!"

"Which one?"

"A-Alex Duff!"

Mandy blinked twice, her face contorting into one of disgust as though remembering a horrific incident at the pool. But she shook her head and cleared the thought. "Thank you. Momma, Otto, is she free to go?"



Ulanda gave a growl of defeat and slunk further into her chair.

"And hopefully, you've learned your lesson!"

Just as Mandy was about to continue her scolding, her badge phone rang, and she got up and left the interrogation room to take it. "'Scuse me, gotta take this!" She opened up the phone and pressed the green button. "Mandy speakin', how can I help ya?!"

"Umm, Mandy, darling? It's Rarity. wouldn't happen to be available now, would you?"

The hybrid's face brightened. Rarity? Great, I can ask her about that nasty look she gave me earlier! "Well, I'm at Momma and Otto's HQ. Just finished up an interrogation! I'll be right over!"

"That's...lovely, darling..." Rarity said on the other end of the line, her voice sounding tired.

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh! Nonononono, nothing's wrong! I-I just happened to, er, stay up all night last night sewing a sort of, mm, new Odd Squad Investigation suit for O'Que and I want you to be the first to try it!"

Ditz she may be, but that didn't mean Mandy couldn't be suspicious of Rarity stumbling over her words. "Uh-huh." she said.

In response, the unicorn mare only gave a bout of nervous laughter.

"All right, look, I'll be there shortly." With that, Mandy snapped the phone shut and clipped it back onto her suit.

"What's going on with Agent Rarity?"

"Beats me, Otto." Mandy sighed as she stepped back inside and tucked her hammer away in her hammerspace spine. "She gave me a really chilling look this morning when she arrived back at my HQ with Fluttershy.'s the kind of look she gives when she sees you and knows you've committed a fashion crime! A-and Pinkie came in with a huge stack of papers on her back..."

Ulanda bit her tongue, suppressing the urge to snap at her interrogators and tell them to take their personal conversation elsewhere.

Olive, meanwhile, ran her hand through her hair, looking rather distressed.

"Momma? What's wrong?"


"You seemed kind of, uh...lost in thought." Mandy gasped. "M-my interrogation techniques didn't scare you, did they?!" She groaned. "Honestly, I'm sorry, I just get so caught up in the moment and-"

"No! It's not that." Olive shook her head. "I-I'm fine, Mandy, honestly."

Mandy blinked twice, but unlike with Rarity's front, she believed Olive in only a few heartbeats. "Okie-dokie! I'll head back to HQ now. Have fun, and feel free to call me back if ya want another villain in the hot seat!" With her usual laugh-and-snort, she was quite literally gone in a flash.

She quickly arrived at the doorstep of Rarity's personal boutique in Precinct 13579, giving three knocks at the door. Muffled crashing and banging sounds ensued, and then a muffled "Come in!" from the fashion designer.

Slightly growing more suspicious, Mandy opened the door and peered in. "Rarity?"

"Oh! Hello, darling! I-I didn't expect you s-so early!" Rarity replied, nervous sweat beads forming on her otherwise-flawless face as she gave the hybrid a grin she thought was convincing.

Unfortunately, her prospective model didn't see it that way. "I said I'd be here shortly." she said, a suspicious tone to her voice as she tilted her head.

"D-did you?" Rarity launched into another bout of nervous laughter.

Mandy squinted. "Yes. I did."

"O-oh! Yes, um, if you want to take a seat right over there, I-I'll be right back." Rarity gestured to where a cyan-colored three-seater couch sat.

Mandy blinked, knowing that cyan as a color didn't exactly mesh well with the dim colors of her friend's boutique -- although not a fashion designer herself (at least not full-time), she knew that much. Why does she even have that couch? she thought. Maybe she had an off day and went to some junkyard?

Or maybe this is part of the ruse...

She opened her mouth to ask Rarity about the furniture item, but the mare was already speed-trotting away towards the back rooms, leaving her to simply sigh and flop down on the couch. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it felt like she was sitting on a slab of rock -- hard, uncomfortable, and something that one would reasonably find at a junkyard. But the hybrid would cope with it. She had bigger issues at hand.

At least a half-hour had passed. At least. Mandy didn't know exactly how long it had been.

Mainly because she had waited for so long that she had taken to falling asleep, her head resting against the bottom of the arm of the couch while her right arm and right leg were slung over its front. Her usual loud snores and loud sleep-talk echoed through the boutique, which would usually alarm Rarity and then leave her in a state of embarrassment that she had left her model waiting for so long.

However, she had a good reason for leaving the hybrid waiting.

Deep in the back of the boutique, the elegant unicorn mare was in talks with her shy Pegasus friend, letting her know of Mandy's suspicions and discussing a future course of action.

"Fluttershy, I don't know what to do, we can't just tell her!"

"Mandy has always been one to, um...overreact to news..." Fluttershy's eyes widened as she recalled her version of three separate events to back up her claim.

Typical day at Odd Squad. Nothing out of the norm. Just a big group of friends having a rainy-day picnic inside the Sunny-Day Picnic Room.

Chatter and laughter was abound. The air was lively and festive. Mandy in particular was right in the middle of sipping her apple juice when the craziest news she had ever heard in her entire life hit her like a square punch to the face.

"I'm having babies!"

A not-so-discreet disposal of the contents of her mouth, directly in Fluttershy's face.

The chatter and laughter died down in an instant, like someone had invoked the "record scratch in response to a murder" cliche. Apple juice dripped down Fluttershy's face, partially soaking her mane and leaving her in a state of surprise.

Half of the party's guests looked at the pink equine bearer of the news, standing in the doorway with just about the biggest grin one had ever seen on her.

The other half stared at Mandy as she lowered her head, folded her ears down, and blushed in shame.

With her wings bandaged, Mandy struggled to hang a decorative piece of ribbon in Oprah's office. Her toes were the only thing gripping the ladder -- that, and Otto holding it as firm as he could as he watched his co-worker attempt to hang the piece.

Enter Rainbow Dash, making her usual showy entrance with a grin splitting her face.

"I just got into the Wonderbolts reserves!"

That was the trigger for gravity to take over.

Mandy lost her grip, sending her body careening over the top cap and plummeting face-first downwards. She couldn't help but scream, knowing she couldn't do a thing to stop herself.

The sound that occurred when her face slammed into the desk was indescribable, but one thing both Otto and Dash knew for sure was that it was painful. As in "share the pain and wince accordingly" painful.

The hybrid's body, in its usual cartoonish way, stuck straight up for a few seconds before it flopped to the floor as limp as a ragdoll, her face staying right where it was. She stayed like that for well over 10 seconds.

"Are you okay?" Rainbow finally broke the silence.

"I fink I broke a few nofe...and my fin."

Her teeth, her nose, and her chin, Otto and Rainbow deduced. Neither one of them went to get Dr. O, instead doing internal cringes at the sight of such an uncomfortable and embarrassing landing position and the wonder of the pain the hybrid must be in.

And of course, to add more insult to injury...

"Hey, are you two done ye-"

Oprah stopped dead in her tracks, blinked, and tried to survey the situation.

"Never send a broken-winged hybrid to do a winged hybrid's work, huh?"

All Mandy could do was let out a long, painful, and suffering groan.

The final incident Fluttershy remembered happened in the thralls of summer just this year.

Being hit with slow workflow left Mandy plenty of time to work on gadgets that neither Olive nor Otto had the heart nor the patience to bring to Odie and pay the low, low price of hearing him talk incessantly about whatever topic he had on his mind. Repairing a gadget, of course, was exactly what she was doing, taking a welding gun to one that she had been given.

The steel doors opened, and in rushed Olive, basketball in one hand and paper in the other. A big smile sat on her face, perhaps one of the biggest she had ever given.

"Mandy, Mandy!" she called, rushing over to the hybrid. "Guess who just got into basketball camp?!"

Instead of responding, however, the sparks from the welding gun she held grew more intense, in both sound and appearance. Her grip on the tool appeared tighter than usual.

"...Mandy? S-slow down, don't-"

The gun was turned off.

A few moments of silence.

And then the gadget erupted into flames.

Through the shocked gasps and screams, Olive immediately sprung into action, reaching behind her back and pulling out a Fire-Extinguish-inator that looked like a regular fire extinguisher, but was more white-and-blue in appearance and not red.

With a bright flash, the fire was dissipated, only a billow of smoke left in its wake.

"Mandy, what were you thinking?! This is why adults always say kids should never play with matches and lighters. It's the one piece of advice they've given that's actually helpful."

All Mandy could do was let her whole body shake in response. A removal of her helmet showed that she was crying, her eyes bloodshot as she gazed at Olive.

"What's wrong?"

"DON'T GO-O-OOOOO!" Mandy cried, flinging herself at Olive and clutching her like her life depended on it. She began to cry even harder now, her usual waterfalls of tears staining the floor as she let out a pitiful, heartbroken wail that shifted agents' attention from the remains of the fire to her.

"It's only for the summer! L-look, I love Odd Squad, but I need time off for myself too, you know?!"

This statement only served to make the wail increase in volume.

The steel doors opened again. "Hey, partner, did you get that gadge-"

"What is that awful sound?!"

A pause.

"Oh, jeez...Mandy?"

Oprah slid down the slide that adorned the second set of stairs leading down from the second floor, shaking her head as she observed the situation.

The second her shoes hit the floor, Mandy broke away from Olive and clutched onto her instead. "Oprah, i-i-it's awful! Horrible! I-I don't...I-"


"Momma's leaving Odd Squad for basketball caaaaaaamp!" came another pitiful wail, as the Director's chest was the next closest thing that Mandy could cry and scream into.

"You? Leaving Odd Squad?"

Olive sighed. "No, I'm not. I'm going to a basketball camp for the summer. I'm not staying at the campsite, but this one seems to think I'm dropping my livelihood for it."

An even louder and more pitiful wail sounded.

"I've got this."

Oprah held a hand up, and then pulled Mandy closer to her before rubbing her back. "It's okay, Mandy. Olive's not leaving Odd Squad. She's going to basketball camp. That just means she'll be leaving for part of the day, and then coming back. It's only for the summer..."

Olive and Otto could only watch as Oprah put on the sickeningly-sweet facade that only her opposite in the mirror could pull off well, soothing Mandy with words of relief and assurance. As they watched, they noticed Mandy go from trying to flood the bullpen, to sniffles and a runny nose, to eyes slowly drooping as she struggled to stay awake.

"You poor haven't had your afternoon nap, have you?" Oprah tilted her head. "Go to sleep. I'll take you to bed. And if you want, I'll get the address of Olive's basketball camp so you can go and see her, okay?"

The position Oprah took when attempting to pick up Mandy was spine-breaking. Her legs wobbled as she leaned back in an arch, and it took her a couple minutes to pivot herself towards the Bedroom (or what she thought was the Bedroom, anyway) and begin making her way there, Mandy beginning to loudly snore as she gave up the fight.

When the Director came back, she was still in the same position.

"Well, I've done it. Mandy's asleep. Hopefully when she wakes up...nngh...she'll come to her senseeeeeeees..." Whatever air she had in her lungs wheezed out of her on the very last word.

"You need help?"

"No, I need two horses and a golden winged chariot." Oprah attempted to snap, although the delivery fell flat since her voice sounded like she was having an asthma attack. This was Otto's cue to help Oprah straighten up, wincing when he heard a loud popping sound. The Director took a few gulps of air. "Thank you. I needed that."

"I didn't know your back got all crooked like that. Isn't that for the elde-"

"Shut it, Olive." Oprah glared. "It's your turn to give thanks."

"Thank you." Olive sighed. "That's the last time I interrupt Mandy when she's in the middle of work." Her gaze drifted over to the gadget that had been set on fire, now partially melted. "I'll have to take that to Oona, I guess."

The trio gave heavy sighs over what had transpired, all thinking the same thing:

Golden rule of telling Mandy news: make sure her hands are empty, she has free time, and she's in just the right mood.

"Yes. That is why I'm so concerned!" Rarity said. "If she finds out what Pinkie Pie is doing and where she is now, who knows how she'll react?!"

Fluttershy decided to divert the subject just a tad. "We promised to help Pinkie, Rarity."

"Ohh...I do know that we can't go against his orders, feels so wrong to keep this a secret from Mandy! The two are partners, for Celestia's sake!"

The snoring suddenly stopped, and the two mares could hear a few snorts.

"Vanquizzh the bizzcuitzz and file the landzz!"

A pause, and then the snoring continued.

Both Rarity and Fluttershy let out sighs of relief. "Oh thanks Celestia, it's just her sleep-talking again."

Fluttershy tapped a hoof to her chin. "Ms. O may know something. Didn't he tell her?"

"Why of course he told her, darling. She's an Odd Squad Director. She was at the meeting, remember?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Perhaps we should see her advice? She is Mandy's higher-up."

"Hmm..." Rarity took a few moments to think. "That's not a bad idea. Let's go to her office!"

The two mares began to head for the front room, and subsequently, for the door leading to the hallway.

"Wait!" Fluttershy called. "What'll we do about Mandy?"

The hybrid hadn't shifted position for the entire conversation, loudly snoring away with a trail of drool falling from her mouth and puddling onto the cushion in front of her face. Rarity couldn't help but instinctively cringe in disgust, before realizing that the couch was one she was planning to give away soon, anyhow. "Oh, she'll be sleeping for quite a while, don't worry. You know how she loves to sleep." the unicorn mare said, confidence bolstering her voice as she walked out of her boutique with Fluttershy in suit.

"So. Mandy's catching on, hmm?"

"I'm afraid so, darling."

"I don't know if the Big O will appreciate you two helping Pinkie. He did say that anyone who helps her will only slow her down, and they may face consequences, too."

"But we're her friends!" Fluttershy protested. "It's only right that we help her out."

"Very true..."

"Erm, Ms. O, I must ask...has there really been an increase in party-related cases in Toronto?"

"No. That's what confuses me." Oprah responded to Rarity's inquiry. "As you two probably know, we do have cases involving birthday parties, which I send Pinkie and Mandy on, if possible...but they are few and far between." She sighed. "Still, I can't go against the Big O's word whatsoever. It's viewed as immoral. If he says that there has been an influx of party-related cases in Toronto, then we have to take his word for it."

Fluttershy looked particularly hurt by this reminder, folding her ears down and shifting her gaze towards the floor.

"Still, my-" Rarity cleared her throat. "Our concern is with Mandy."

"We all know that Mandy is very unpredictable. It's hard to tell how she'll take the news. She could be enraged and snap at the Big O, or worse..." Oprah shuddered. "Or she could simply be fine with it and decide for herself whether to go against the Big O's word or not."

"I think she might be more upset that we've been lying to the former seems very likely." Rarity said, although she knew her predictions meant nothing.

"Tell you what. Why don't I have a talk with Olive and Otto? We can discuss how to handle the news and handle her."

"Olive and Otto?" Fluttershy tilted her head, then her eyes widened in realization. "Ohh. Your usual methods don't work on her."

"Unfortunately not. But they know how to handle her better than anyone else here. If anyone can stop her from going out of control, it's them."

"That sounds like a wonderful plan, darling!" Rarity smiled.

"Where is she now?"

"She's asleep in my boutique."

Now it was Oprah's turn to smile. Her smile, however, held more confidence and assurance within it than Rarity's. "Good. Feel free to return to your regular duties for now."

"Thank you." Fluttershy nodded. She and Rarity hopped off of the chairs they were sitting on, heading out of the office. However, she couldn't stop thinking of Mandy, and her heart became wrapped in anxiety as she briefly contemplated telling Mandy the news, for the sake of their friendship and for the sake of her emotions. However, the weight of the Big O's words pushed on her mind, and she decided that she didn't want to run the risk of being fired from Odd Squad.

Both mares entered the boutique once more, finding Mandy still fast asleep on the couch.

That is, until she stopped snoring suddenly and her eyes began to open.

A yawn and an "mmm" escaped her, and Rarity and Fluttershy took the chance to scuttle to the back as fast as their hooves would carry them.

"Rarity...? Zz'that you?" Mandy sleepily groaned. "How long did I zzleep for...?"

It was only a few seconds before her brain snapped back to reality and she realized what she had come there for. She gasped. "The suit! Rarity!"

No answer.


Still no answer.

"Agent Rarityyyyy?" Mandy called, in singsong this time.

"Hmm? O-oh! Yes, darling, so sorry, I was lost in thought." Rarity made her way to the front room. "What can I help you with?"

"The suit?"

"The suit?"

"That you made for O'Que? That you wanted me to model?"

"Oh!" Rarity nodded. "Yesyesyes, just putting on adjustments! One second, darling." She gave a nervous smile and zipped to the back.

Crashing and banging noises ensued, causing Mandy to give a long, irritated sigh before magically conjuring up a Shmumber Geographic magazine and flipping through it.

"Thank you two so much for coming over."

"Oh, it's no problem! Our assistants usually have everything covered." Olive waved a dismissive hand.

"Yeah, our precinct is mostly self-sufficient." Otto added. "What's going on?"

Oprah sighed. "I really didn't want to tell Mandy the news, but she's starting to get suspicious."

"Of the Big O and his announcement?"

"No!" Oprah blinked. "Well, actually, yes. But it's moreso about Agent Rarity. She's been lying to Mandy about making and modeling a suit for her to try on in order to cover up the fact that she's been helping Agent Pinkie Pie with her duties. The Big O did mention that anyone who helps Pinkie would only slow her down and possibly receive personal consequences handed to them by him."

Both Olive and Otto exchanged concerned looks with each other.

Oprah sighed before continuing. "As you know, we Odd Squad Directors have a moral code to uphold, and that means following the Big O's rulings no matter what. He knows what's best for the organization, after all."

Olive didn't make eye contact with Oprah after that, instead staring at the back wall that sat ahead of her. After what seemed like months of waiting, she got up. "Um...pardon me, Oprah. I'm just going and use the bathroom real quick. If that's okay."

"Oh, no problem."

As soon as Olive exited the office, she booked it downstairs and ran towards her destination. I have to find-

A collision with another human being stopped her thoughts in their tracks, and her eyes laid upon Mandy, who was rubbing her head in pain.


"Momma!" Mandy's eyes sparkled. "Oh thank the jackalopes, ya hafta help me!"


Without warning, the hybrid grabbed ahold of her adoptive mother's arm and began soaring down the hall with her in tow. Olive struggled to keep up, her feet trying to find some semblance of grip on the floor so she could walk normally.

"I've just about had it with Rarity's stalling! Maybe you can help her finish her stupid suit!" Mandy ranted. "I've been waiting for hours! I don't even wait in line this long at the supermarket!"

As the pair reached the boutique, Mandy opened it, much to Olive's horror.

"Mandy, wait-"

"Rarity! Show yourself and your creation!" Mandy extended a finger towards the back area. "Your time is up! I'm done waiting!"

Fluttershy's eyes were reduced to pinpricks. All she could do was stare at Rarity, her jaw completely dropped. "Oh dear." was all the unicorn mare could say, her ears folding down and her body going rigid. She could hear a frantic cry of "Mandy, wait!!" from Olive, but she knew that the Director's attempts were completely futile and braced for the worst.

"Here, have a seat. We need to talk."

"But Rarity-"


Immediately, Mandy marched over to the couch and took a seat.

"You mentioned that Pinkie had a stack of papers on her back, right?"

"Yes, I did!" Mandy nodded. "The stack was ginormous! A-And Fluttershy and Rarity gave me the dirtiest looks, I-"

Before she could say anything further, she was silenced by Olive putting a finger to her lips as she sighed. "Mandy...we've been hiding something we shouldn't have from you, and I'm sorry."

The hybrid blinked. "You- y- what?"

Rarity shamefully stayed in the back room, her cheeks a bright rosy red as she peeked at the duo on the couch. "I...I lied. I never did have a dress ready for you, darling. I was hiding something bigger."

"What 'something'?"

"Well..." Rarity bit her lip, not wanting to say it. She looked at Olive with nothing but worry in her eyes, hoping the girl would have more confidence than her.

Olive gripped her pants tightly and squeezed her eyes shut as she took a breath.

"Pinkie...she was promoted by the Big O!"

Mandy was rendered in a state of shock. Her eyes scanned Olive up and down, up and down, over and over again. She blinked twice. The news didn't seem to click with her at first.

Until it did.

And both Rarity and Olive braced themselves for impact.


The scream could be heard all the way into the hallways and out to the bullpen, where numerous agents took notice.

"She was named the official Odd Squad party planner because the Big O has seen a surge of party-related cases!" Olive blurted out further, before she sighed and attempted to recollect her bearings. "Only us Directors were aware of it, but given how Pinkie is Rarity's and Fluttershy's friend, it was only a matter of time before they found out too."

"You were asleep when the Big O came here for a meeting and made the announcement, darling." Rarity explained. "Of course, we couldn't wake you, so we figured he would pass you by. I suppose not, if his forbiddance of anyone helping Pinkie Pie is any indication..."

Mandy ran a head through her hair. "W-why didn't anyone tell me this before?! Pinkie Pie is my partner! I think I have a right to know if she was promoted, even if I was asleep when it happened!"

"It's because you've never been able to take news well." Olive said. "We didn't want you to go after the Big O or anything, and-"

"Take news well?" Rage flashed in Mandy's eyes. "You think I've never been able to take news well?! I've taken news plenty well! Are you insane?!"

Typical day at Odd Squad. Nothing out of the norm. Just a big group of friends having a rainy-day picnic inside the Sunny-Day Picnic Room.

Chatter and laughter was abound. The air was lively and festive. Mandy in particular was right in the middle of sipping her apple juice when the craziest news she had ever heard in her entire life hit her like a square punch to the face.

"I'm having babies!"

Mandy stopped drinking, swallowed what was in her mouth, and gasped. "Wowee, babies?" She got up and broke away from the hustle and bustle as she bounced her way over to the pink news delivery pony. "Congratulations, partner! Is it a boy or a girl?"

"They're both twins! A boy and a girl!" Pinkie responded. "Ooh, Mr. and Mrs. Cake are gonna be soooo happy with their new foals!"

The smile immediately faded from Mandy's face as she did a double-take. She pinched the bridge of her nose with her two fingers.


Mandy sighed. "Phrasing, Pinkie."


The hybrid chuckled. "You made it sound like you were having babies, not the Cakes you're working for."

Finally, it all came together for the pink pony. Her eyes widened in realization. "Whoops! Hehe...sorry!"

"But hey, give them my congrats!"

"I will!"

Pinkie slipped past Mandy in order to share the news with other partygoers, making sure she specified that she wasn't the one who was going to be a new mother. To Mandy's relief, they were all very receptive of the news and gave their extended congrats accordingly.

A rattle of the ladder Mandy was standing on made her perk up in alarm. "Otto, stop shaking the ladder, wouldja?"

"Shorry!" he said, through a mouthful of sandwich.

Mandy was about half-tempted to tell him to put down his culinary delight -- or at the very least, use her prehensile tongue to snatch it out of his hands -- but bit back her tongue. She needed to get this star decoration hung up, after all, and without the ability to use her wings, plus its anti-magic properties preventing her from levitating it at close range, she needed all the focus and luck she could get.

Before she could channel her focus and luck, however, Rainbow Dash hovered her way into Oprah's office.

"I just got into the Wonderbolts reserves!"

"Wah!" Mandy held on for dear life as the ladder rocked back and forth, Otto attempting to stabilize it. She let out a nervous laugh. "D-Dashie, that's wonderful! But, uh, we're kinda...busy right now."

"Oh." Dash blinked upon surveying the situation. "My bad! You guys need help?"

"Please. With these wings bandaged up and someone not being able to hold a ladder firmly..."

"I'm trying!"

"...I could use some help!"

Dash nodded and made her way over to the top of the ladder. She effortlessly grabbed the decoration and began putting it up.

"So, the Wonderbolts reserves, huh?" Mandy asked.

"Yeah! It's the next step after the Wonderbolts Academy!" Dash gave a wistful sigh. "One step closer to me becoming the best Wonderbolt Equestria's ever seen!"

"Good for you! I'm sure you'll do great!" Mandy giggled. "Y'know, you really hafta convince them to do a show here sometime. Mayor Mackelmore would love it!"

"Sure! Spitfire might be able to arrange something."


Once the decoration was applied, Dash and Otto helped Mandy get off of the ladder.

"All set. Looks kinda nice up there."

"Yeah. If only she didn't get a decoration that blocks magic..."


"Nothing, nothing!" Mandy gave a bout of unconvincing laughter. "Thanks soooooo much, Dashie!"

"Aww, no prob! Anything for a couple friends!"

Mandy took the opportunity to snatch the rest of Otto's sandwich with her tongue and pull it into her mouth.

"Hey! I wasn't done eating that!"

"That'sh for not holding the ladder shteady! When I feel like climbing a ladder and have magical shafety meashuresh, then you can eat all the food you want and not hold it."

Otto simply rolled his eyes in response.

The bullpen was full of agents running around with odd problems and getting work done.

This, of course, included Mandy, who was hard at work on fixing a spherical gadget, using a welding gun to mesh two parts together. She was so focused on her work, in fact, that she barely heard Olive enter the bullpen, clad in the basketball gear of the local Burly Bears multi-sport team and with a basketball and a paper in her hands.

"Mandy, Mandy! Hey, guess who just got into basketball camp?!"

The welding stopped, and Mandy lifted up her helmet, turning off the gun and setting it down before blinking at Olive in confusion. "Oh, hi, Momma! What're you doin' here?"

"I...I just got into basketball camp, Mandy."

The hybrid gasped. "Really?!" She flew out of her chair and enveloped Olive in a tight hug. "That's amazing! Now you can really show Coach Roberts your schtuff!"

"Yeah..." Olive coughed. "B-but..." Another cough. "Not so hard?"

Mandy set Olive down and let out one of her usual giggle-and-snort laughs. "How long is it gonna be?"

"The entire summer. I'm lucky it's during the afternoon hours. Things can get pretty crazy at my precinct in the daytime, and I don't think the Big O will let me take a vacation from Odd Squad for an entire season."

"D'aww, I'm sure Otto can run it on his own!"

"Yeah, he can, but he tends to, uh...go a little bit crazy...with the food-related stuff, at least."

"Well, I can keep him in line for ya, if ya want!"

"Would you?"

"You would!" Mandy paused for a moment. "Er..." She shook her head vigorously. "I would!"

"Oh, thank you, Mandy." Olive smiled. "You don't know how much going to this basketball camp means to me, even if work does kind of mess with the schedule..."

"Don't mention it!" Mandy waved a dismissive hand. "Go and be the bestest basketball player ever!"

With that matter resolved, the hybrid could resume her work. She sat down and finished what she was doing with the welding gun, completing the repairs on the gadget in only a minute.

"And voila, your gadget!" Mandy levitated the finished product. "Be careful, though, it's, uh, kinda hot near the middle."

"Oh, thanks!"

"No prob!"

As Olive left Headquarters, Mandy sent her off with a wave before beginning to hum a tune as she got to work on her next gadget that needed repairs.

"You're an idiot if you think I can't handle news well. You've seen me before, I'm perfectly fine!"

"Okay, okay, y-you've made your point!" Olive was seated as far away from Mandy as she could, throwing her hands up in defense.


The unicorn suddenly found herself being lifted in a magical aura that certainly didn't look like her own, or like Twilight's. Her heart began beating ever faster now, dreading what hell the hybrid was going to rain down upon her as she was dragged to the front.

"What is it with those looks you and Fluttershy gave to me? How dare you unnerve me like that?! I thought something was wrong with me and yet here you are-"

Mandy took a moment to pause, letting Rarity's hindquarters go in the process. It was only just a moment, and the second she stopped shaking her head, she resumed. "N-never mind about that, you're gonna tell me exactly what is going on with Pinkie and what in the name of odd is happening! NOW!!"

"W-well, I, well..." Rarity, quickly turning around, attempted to find a reasonable explanation. She knew Mandy was far from dumb, and wouldn't accept a lie handed to her on a platter -- another lie on top of an entire hamburger of lies. And so, she forced herself to tell the truth. "Pinkie has been feeling rather stressed about her new duties, and-"

"Hold on, Rarity." Olive said. "Let me start from the beginning. I'll recount every detail, here and now. The entire truth."

Rarity nodded, and allowed the Director to speak.

"So the Big O decided to visit our precinct and hold a meeting..."

Everyone in the precinct, lined up in two perfectly equal rows, got down on one knee and held a fist gently to their foreheads, the ponies making do as best as they could with their legs and hooves. Most any Odd Squad agent knew exactly what the pose meant, and to most any Odd Squad agent, it was a time to hone their actions and make sure everything they did was meticulously perfect.

The Big O was arriving.

A boy of about eleven, he stood tall and proud, wearing a white button-up jacket embellished with two silver epaulets and silver accents and white pants with raised white lines running down the front of each leg. His white shoes, streaked with blood-red lines just above the soles, completed the powerful uniform he wore.

"Please rise." he called.

The agents stood up accordingly and turned their attention towards him and the two assistants he had flanking both sides of him.

"Recently, I have been alerted to a rise of cases in Canada relating to the topic of planning parties. It seems not many agents of Canadian precincts know a lot about such a topic...but there is one."

His gaze bore down on Pinkie.

"Agent Pinkie Pie, beside me."

Pinkie glanced at her friends, who gave her nods and urged her to go ahead. She swallowed her nervousness and took tentative hoofsteps towards the Big O until he and her were standing side by side.

"Agent 94, also known as Agent 'Pinkamena Diane Pie', or Agent Pinkie Pie for short..." He glanced down at her. "I am hereby promoting you to the position of Odd Squad's official Party Planner Agent."

Pinkie's eyes widened. She could barely register the claps and hoofstomps other agents were giving her.

"You are to travel across the entire country of Canada, solving party-related cases when and where they arise. You will work directly under me, reporting to me daily and receiving missions and assignments as necessary." the Big O explained. "From here on in, you will no longer be an Investigation agent at Precinct 13579, and you will no longer be working under Oprah. From here on will be working for the head of the entirety of Odd Squad."

Even louder applause erupted from the agents. Pinkie's reaction didn't change, and she barely noticed the smile the Big O had which, if one looked close, did not appear to be genuine.

"Would you like to say a few words?"

"Huh? O-oh!" The question snapped Pinkie out of her shock. "Um, yes! Uh, t-thank you, Mr. Big O, sir! It's an honor, really!" She smiled. "I hope to help Canada with all of its party cases! Just leave it to ol' Agent Pinkie Pie! I'll work as hard as I can and make Odd Squad proud!"

"And me."

"And you, Mr. Big O, of course!"

"Just 'Big O' is fine." he corrected, before turning his attention back to the crowd. "This promotion will go into effect immediately. I would also like to advise that this position is strictly solo. Absolutely no help from anyone..." His gaze swept through the agents, as though he was looking for someone, then his expression soured. "...will be permitted. Helping Pinkie with her new job may result in personal punishment from me." He bowed. "Thank you."

As he turned and walked out the doors, his two assistants also bowed before following him without a single word spoken.

"Well, you heard him, Pinkie Pie. You start tomorrow." Oprah patted her on the back. "Good luck."

"Uh...t-thanks!" Pinkie grinned, although she knew it was a fake smile. She just couldn't bring herself to give a real one -- not after what the Big O said.

"Come on up to my office." Oprah began making her way up the second floor as the crowd dispersed. "I have some casework you can handle..."

"Pinkie seemed fine with it at first, but it became clear that she was overloaded. Working for the Big O is an honor that a lot of agents hope to earn, but it comes at a deep price."

All Mandy could do was stare, completely slack-jawed as she wasn't sure what to feel. Her thoughts were a sticky conglomerate of nonsensicality. Pinkie Pie...she took on this promotion...what would have happened if she had said no...why didn't she at least come to me?


I know why. That last question's rhetorical. I shouldn't ask that.

She buried her face into her hands, trying hard not to cry.

"Mandy, can I confide in you?"

Only the hybrid's eyes poked out from the spaces between her fingers. "C-confide in me?"

"I..." Olive grit her teeth. "I don't think what the Big O's doing is right!"

Rarity's eyes widened, and she held a hoof to her mouth, as though Olive had just spoken of sin. Although she didn't know it, the Director might as well have.

"Our precinct rarely gets any party-related cases. And Oprah told me that you and Pinkie usually handle what few party-related cases Precinct 13579 gets. Is that right?"

Mandy nodded.

"It's just that...going against the Big goes against everything they teach you at the Academy. Everything that you learn upon being promoted to the Management department and becoming an Odd Squad Director. It's like a moral code."

And yet he decided to let Pinkie handle her new position on her own without help from her friends?! What kind of messed-up ruling is that?! her brain screamed. He's got these Directors tied up in string, controlling them like puppets, making them live by some baseless ideals and making them think he's soooooo smart and knows all the answers. She scoffed. Well he doesn't. I can't believe the Big O is grossly incompetent, but to this degree? If you ask me, he should be fired. Blasted out of Pinkie's party cannon and gone from the entire Milky Way!

When she came to, she saw Olive and Rarity both staring at her, concern written on their faces. She blinked. "What?"

"Well,'ve got spirit." Olive gave an awkward smile.

Her eyes widened as she realized that her stream of thoughts went all the way down to her throat and clear out of her mouth. She immediately clapped her hands to her mouth.

"I-I meant it in a good way!" Olive corrected. "It's in a good way."

"Okay, then I have an addminus...add...addid..."


"Yes." Mandy nodded at Rarity. "Momma, why do you have to follow what the Big O says? Just because he's your higher-up, that's it?"


"Sometimes, leaders aren't always right. They make mistakes just like any human being or pony does! And sometimes, they do things that are immoral. But that doesn't mean ya hafta go through with it!" Mandy jabbed a finger in the center of Olive's chest. "It's up to you to figure out what's immoral, and what's right. Like for example, I know that you know you don't think what the Big O is doing is right. And you're right!" She let out a forced exhale through her nose. "And I don't think what he's doing is right, either! Somethin' fishy's goin' on, and it's not 'cuz I'm cookin' fish for Peaches again!"

Both Olive and Rarity gave warm smiles, but the smile soon faded from Olive's face as she asked, "You're not going to attack the Big O, are you?"

This question caused Mandy to erupt in a fit of laughter, laced with just a twinge of rage and insanity that neither mare nor human child picked up on. "Attack him...Momma, you're funny!" She sighed. "No, no! The Big O may be incompetent, but I'm sure he had good intentions!" Her expression then darkened. "But if he didn't, I'll make him pay. Dearly. With lots and lots of interest."

Olive attempted to swallow the lump in her throat, but it didn't work. The same nervous grin remained plastered onto her face.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about Mandy, Olive." Rarity said, resting a hoof on Olive's shoulder as Mandy picked up her ringing badge phone. "She'll sort all of this out, and without any awful bloodshed."

"I hope so..."

The mare shifted her gaze to Mandy as she clipped the badge phone back onto her suit. "So exactly what are you going to do, darling?"

"I'm gonna take my partner and we're gonna resolve this situation together! And after that...Oprah and I need to have a little talk." Mandy sighed. "I really really wish you guys would just tell me these things, though! Just 'cuz I'm hyperactive and silly and maaaaaaybe a little dimwitted, that doesn't mean ya hafta keep things from me!" She folded her ears down. "It hurts my feelings, y'know?"

"We do apologize for not telling you sooner." Rarity said. "I promise that if I ever have a problem on my hooves involving you, or a secret that you should know, I shall confide in you about it!"

"Me too." Olive nodded. "No more secrets between us. Unless they're surprise birthday party secrets."

"Of course! The bestest kind of secrets!"

The door to the boutique opened, and the trio glanced at their latest guest.

"Hi..." came the tired voice of the scraggly pink pony. She appeared more ragged than before, her straight mane, straight tail and messy coat all a darker shade of pink and her white outfit in various states of disarray. Her blue eyes, once full of life, were now bloodshot and glassy.

"Heya! You, uh, look tired. More tired. Very more tired than usual." Mandy pointed out, getting off of the couch and making her way to her partner.

"What did you want to see me for...?"

"Well, Pinkie, I've found out your secret. You've been named Odd Squad's official Party Planner Agent, huh?"

Pinkie's eyes widened. She glanced at Olive and Rarity, who only gave her apologetic shrugs. Her eyes began to water, and she began to quiver as she became reduced to a broken mess of tears and emotion.

"Ye-e-eeees! And it's exhausting! I, I don't know why I bothered to take this job! I-it's so much paperwork and, and I barely have time for ANYTHING E-E-EEEELSE!!"

It was then that the once-exuberant party pony was reduced to wails that one would think Mandy would give when she was sad. The hybrid kneeled down and ruffled her mane. "Shh. Say no more! Hop on my back!"

Pinkie sniffled. "W-where are we going?"

"To the Big O's office, silly!" Mandy chirped. "We're gonna get this all fixed, you and I."

Pinkie wordlessly climbed onto Mandy's back, her forelegs wrapping around her partner's neck.

"Hang on tight!"

And with that said, both partners were gone in a flash of bright rainbow-colored light.

The pair appeared high in the sky, overlooking the Odd Squad Academy. Six buildings each correlated to the six main symbols of the organization, all surrounding the Management building in the center. From a little ways off, the Big O's building was seen. It was tall and circular, and the roof appeared just like the decagonal logo of the Big Office department he was in.

Mandy quickly soared towards the building, making sure to go at a steady pace for her passenger.

"Okay-dokay, and we are here!"

Pinkie opened her eyes, and took in the view of the office that she had been to before, but still looked marvelous no matter how many times she looked at it. "Are you sure you can get this resolved?"

"Positively-rutely!" Mandy chirped. "C'mon!"

The hybrid landed and allowed Pinkie to hop off of her back before heading inside the building.

As was expected from someone of the highest rank within Odd Squad, the office looked as though it was just built. From the walls, to the uniforms agents wore, to the floors, everything was plastered in white, grey and silver finishes. Even the windows were sparkling clean. It was quite a contrast from the rustic and dirty appearance most Odd Squad Headquarters had. Mandy had been to the Big Office before, but she couldn't help but marvel at its beauty every time.


The loud cry made Mandy and Pinkie both jump a little as they spotted an assistant walking towards them. With blonde hair and green eyes, he looked to be around the Big O's age, but lacked the silver epaulets and grey belt around his stomach that Mandy's and Pinkie's glorious leader had.

"Identify yourselves."

Mandy twirled. "Tough as rock and sweet as candy, I am known as Agent Mandy! Agent 57, at your service!"

Pinkie's eyes widened. She shook her head and moved a hoof under her chin as though telling her partner to cut it out, but she either wasn't paying attention to the equine or she refused to listen.

"I'm second-in-command of Precinct 13579, yessireedoo! Oprah's agent!"

The assistant looked Mandy up and down, noting that her ears and her tail were rather unbecoming of a human, let alone a human who was an Odd Squad agent. At first glance, it looked more like the Shapeshifter attempting to be slick, or a shapeshifting creature assuming a form. "Are you sure about that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have the badge, don't I?" Mandy said, a smug air to her voice as she unclipped her badge and showed it to him.

For a split second, he wanted to tell her off. Tell her that she's a freak of nature who doesn't belong here. Use the Reveal-inator on her and-

...Wait. The Reveal-inator.

Yes, that was it.

He reached behind his back and fired a cyan-colored ring at Mandy, which turned white before pivoting on its side and moving down her body, scanning her for any impurities in her form. While for most this process tended to slightly hurt, Mandy simply giggled. "It tickles!" she cried out, giggling as she did a small jump.

The Reveal-inator revealed absolutely nothing. The assistant grit his teeth and stifled his rage before continuing. "Very well. What is your business, Agent Mandy?"

The hybrid stopped giggling and cleared her throat. "I wish to see the Big O about a rather urgent manner concerning Agent Pinkie Pie, here."

As Pinkie gave a sheepish wave, the assistant looked her over with disdain...or...well, whatever emotion he was displaying. It wasn't nice, she knew that much.

"Ah, yes, the 'party planner pony'." The assistant turned. "Right this way, then."

The pair followed him eagerly, eyeing the many assistants that worked at the Big Office, as well as the decals and fliers strewn on the walls for various events and reminders.

Only a few minutes later, the assistant was knocking on the double doors of the Big O's office. "Big O, sir? Agent Mandy and Agent Pinkie Pie from Precinct 13579 are here to see you." came the muffled voice as the Big O ruffled through some paperwork.

A devious smile formed. "Send them in."

"Thank ye thank ye!" Mandy called as she and Pinkie stepped inside, the assistant merely rolling his eyes as the door closed behind them.

"Ah, Agent Mandy. Greetings. I've been meaning to talk with you."


"Have a seat, if you will."

The Big O gestured to two chairs that sat in front of his desk. It was then that Mandy realized the setup was almost the same as in Oprah's or Olive's and Otto's offices. How it took her this long to realize that, she had no idea -- but nonetheless, she and Pinkie each sat down, with the former helping the latter up onto the chair.

"Now, first things first." The Big O's eyes became steely. "I understand you were not at the meeting I had held at, and for, Precinct 13579. Would you care to explain?"

Mandy smiled. "Yes! I was asleep."

The Big O blinked. "Asleep?" he asked, his tone a mix of incredulity and disbelief.

"Yep! Nothing gets in the way of me and my afternoon nap. Common knowledge and all that. My deepest apologies, sir."

An eye twitch. A grinding of teeth. It was clear that the Big O wasn't too keen on accepting "well, I was tired" as an answer, not to mention her breezy attitude towards made him want to hurl.

But no matter. He had one more agent to address.

"And Agent Pinkie Pie. How are you holding up in your new position?"

"Well, that's kiiiinda what we came here to talk about. You see..."

The Earth pony ran a hoof over the engravings in the chair. Silence fell across the room, and both children stayed quiet as she tried to work up the nerve to finish her sentence.

"I can't do the job!"

The Big O blinked once. Twice. And then his eyes widened. The realization hit him like a slap to the cheek.

He dug his freshly-trimmed fingernails into the desk as best he could. "What?"

"It's been very stressful a-and I've been having Agent Fluttershy and Agent Rarity help me and I can't do my regular agent work and my party-planning work in Equestria at the same time and...and..." Pinkie broke out into quivering sobs, burying her face in her hooves.

The Big O had to fight to keep his quivers of rage at a minimum. He wanted to snap at Pinkie. He wanted to let her know exactly what value she had to him. But he stifled all his negative emotions. As the leader of Odd Squad, he had gotten good at doing that, and he certainly wasn't planning on faltering now.

Instead, he merely raised an eyebrow. "You've been receiving help? I thought I said no one was to help you, did I not?"

Pinkie sniffled. "Y-you did, but one one anyone can handle that much work on her own! It's impossible even for me, and that's saying a lot!" Another sniffle. "So I'm sorry...but I'm gonna have to quit!"

"Quit?!" The Big O stood up, his chair nearly colliding with the back wall as it was pushed back. "No no no. There are far too many party-related cases in Canada for you to just quit. And aside from that, you did not object to the job."

"But that was before I knew what I was going to get into-o-oooo!" The wails from the pink party pony only served to increase.

"Big O, sir, please. Take it easy on my partner." Mandy said, pulling Pinkie into a tight hug.

"Agent Mandy, I don't think you realize just how dire this situation is. Every case is important to solve in order to combat oddness. Even the ones related to parties."

"But there's no way you can put a single agent in charge of every single party-related case in Canada! You heard what Pinkie just said, no one can do all of that!" Whatever facade Mandy had been putting on for the Big O, if any, was slowly crumbling away. In its place stood a hurt, confused, and angry Odd Squad agent who dared to question her higher-up's actions and decisions.

"Are you defying me, Agent Mandy?" the Big O said, his expression and tone relatively calm and cool as a contrast to the hybrid's flaming-hot rage. "Because if you are, then I will be more than happy to grant the rank to you."

"M-me?!" Mandy shook her head. "Nuh-uh, I'm sorry, but I will have to refuse, thank you very much!"

Pinkie turned up the volume on her crying, to the point where the usual waterfalls of tears gushed out of her eyes and made large puddles on the floor.

The Big O sighed. "Assistant, please get a mop and bucket."

"Right away, sir." The assistant flanking the Big O's left immediately scurried out of the room in search of the items.

"If you are going to be nothing but a nuisance, Agent Mandy, then I am going to have to ask you to leave." the Big O said, his tone of voice on the tipping point of sheer rage.

Too bad for him that Mandy was still persistent. "No! I'm not leaving until this is resolved! Even if your assistants have to drag me out!"

The Big O opened his mouth to speak again, but he was interrupted by Mandy combusting into flames. "You're pushing my buttons, sir. And trust me when I say that you don't want to see me mad."

The door opened, and a third assistant peered in, holding a few sheets of paper in his hands. "Sir! Reports just came in. The party-related cases in Zambia are growing faster by the minute. You need to assign someone to handle them, ASAP!"

Mandy's flames died down, and the Big O paused his rage to stare at his assistant. The only one who didn't cease what they were doing was Pinkie, still wailing away.

"Am I interrupting something?"

Mandy cleared her throat. "May I see that report, please?"

Without waiting for an answer, she levitated the papers over to her and skimmed through the first page.

Which was all she needed.


The scream was so loud that a flock of startled birds took to flying away from their resting spot in the surrounding trees.

"Sir, you've been making a critical mistake this entire time?!"

Confusion was the only emotion written on the head honcho's face.

"There are hardly any party-related cases in Canada. They're all in Zambia!"

By this point, Pinkie had calmed down and was reduced to sniffles once more, only barely hearing the news. She glanced from Mandy to the Big O and back again.

"Let me see." The Big O took the papers from Mandy's telekinetic grasp, and skimmed through them. Six papers, all detailing various party-related cases happening in the Republic of Zambia -- a small country that was nowhere near Canada.

He wasn't sure what to feel. His expression went from rage, to disappointment, to calm. Half of him wanted to be stuck-up and petty and refuse he was wrong.

The other half, however, wanted to keep up the facade.

"Oh. Oh my goodness, you're right." he said, feigning surprise.

"You've put my partner through strife for nothing?!" Mandy screamed at him, her face beginning to turn red.

He simply cleared his throat. "Agent Mandy. Agent Pinkie Pie. My deepest apologies go to you both."

Mandy growled, but gave a small huff of defeat, buying the apology at face value. "That's all right. All I ask is that you demote Pinkie back to her Investigation department position at Precinct 13579."

"Very well." He glanced around the room. "I hereby demote Agent Pinkie Pie of the Big Office back to her rank and role as an agent in the Investigation department at Precinct 13579. Effective immediately, she will no longer be the designated agent for party-related cases in Canada, and is to resume working under Oprah for all cases in the Toronto area, and surrounding areas if the need arises."

"And may I make a suggestion?" Mandy asked. "You elect multiple agents in Zambia to handle the party-related cases there. Not just one."

"I will take that into consideration." The Big O wiped off some dust that had collected onto his sleeve. "Thank you both for stopping by."

"Thank you for demoting me!" Pinkie gave a happy sigh and wiped away the rest of her tears, a wave of relief washing over her.

"Yes, thank you, sir. We'll be on our way."

"Have a good day!" Pinkie chirped.

"You as well."

As the pair left the office, the second assistant came running in with a mop and broom, meticulously tidying up every last drop that Pinkie had left behind.

The Big O let out a sigh, took a seat, and sank back into his chair. "She's not good enough." he mused aloud. "That pink horse isn't a good workhorse. Too...jittery. It would be like riding a bike with unsecured training wheels. I'll have to secure another pony..."

All his assistants could do was listen, neither one of them daring to say anything.

"Assistant!" came the familiar bellow, and the second assistant turned just as he was about to exit. "Get me Osend. I need to send a letter to King Ashero, and I want it out by day's end."

The assistant nodded and made his way to the hallway, mop and broom in hand.

The Big O grabbed a piece of scrap paper and a pencil, and got to writing.

Dear King Ashero,
It has been quite a while since we have last spoken. But, I do write this letter with good news attached, so do keep reading.

Just a few minutes prior to writing, Agent Mandy came into my office with her Odd Squad partner in tow, inquiring about demoting said partner from a position I had created. From my interactions with her, it seems that she is very quick to anger, and will assume a new kindled form -- that is, her body will become wrapped in flames that do not seem harmful on close contact, but cause her to receive an increase in power. It has been known that rage can consume people's minds and cause them to behave irrationally, sometimes putting them at grave disadvantages in a variety of situations. I believe this may work to your advantage if you wish to secure her and kill her along with her catgirl friend, so please take it to heart.

In addition, Mandy seemed rather protective of her partner and did not wish to see her hurt by my actions. I do seem to recall several stories where an Odd Squad agent was driven to the brink of insanity upon seeing their partner seriously injured or killed in front of them, so perhaps hurting the ones she loves is the key to making sure you deliver proper retribution. For both her and Peaches, of course.

I am finalizing my own plans at this time, and my wish is that you are doing the same, if you have not done so already. I will keep you updated on any further research and developments.

Yours truly,
The Big O, Head of Odd Squad

Letting out a victorious exhale, he resumed his paperwork, and soon allowed the letter to be taken by his traveling assistant to where it needed to go.

I have been unopposed ever since I became the Big O. One horribly-mutated freak of nature will not be enough to bring me down, no matter how hard she tries to threaten me. The poor little thing.

I suppose I will have to try and tame another pony in her little friend group to be my workhorse...but who?

The question sat in his mind as he set his main focus on his paperwork. Whatever finalization he had of his plans could wait until later.

Mandy and Pinkie decided to take the long way to Headquarters, with the latter riding on the former's back once more.

Pinkie gave a long tired sigh. "I'm so, sooooo happy we got that resolved!" she said, trying to fight the fatigue that crept into her voice.

"I'm happy you're happy, partner!" Mandy chuckled. "Now we can go back to being partners again! I knew that the Big O was stupid, but I didn't think he'd be so stupid that he'd actually mix up countries!" She laughed in her usual giggle-snort way. "Well, now we can go home and-"

The sound of loud snoring startled her, and she couldn't help but stop flying. As she swiveled her head back, she found Pinkie completely sacked out and drooling up a storm.

"Huh. Weird that I'm not the one falling asleep this time." Mandy remarked, before giving a sigh. "Just hang tight, Pinka-Ponka. We'll be back in no time!"

She decided to perform a softer flight this time around, soaring towards the nearest tube entrance as quickly and as quietly as she could.

Only five minutes later, Pinkie was resting in her bed, still snoring away, covered by a pink blanket decorated with balloons and party streamers. The headboard had an engraving of her cutie mark on it, as did the other beds with their respective owners' cutie marks and fitting bedding.

"You relax. Lil' ol' Mandy's got everything covered!" Mandy said. "I wonder if that should be my catchphrase...anyway, sweet dreams!"

As she left the room and gave a happy sigh, she came nearly nose-to-nose with Olive, who only said one word of greeting.


Mandy yelped, and her hair and tail stuck straight up into the air. "M-Momma! N-not so loud, you'll wake Pinkie!"

"Oh! Is she sleeping?"

"Yup! Fell asleep on my back on the way home, the poor thing." Mandy gasped. "Ooh, ooh, I hafta tell ya about our visit to the Big Office, c'mon!"

"So it turns out that..." Mandy laughed and snorted. "The entire thing was a mix-up! The Big O mixed up countries!" She collapsed into a fit of laughter.

"Ah, I knew it." Olive rolled her eyes. "As I said, our precinct rarely gets party-related cases, and so does yours. I figured something got mixed up somewhere along the line."

"Aww, well, at least everything's fine now! He demoted Pinkie as soon as he got wind of the news!" Mandy let her tongue out to play as it wrapped around the large burger that sat on one of her many plates and retracted into her mouth, taking the entire thing with it. The hybrid chewed and swallowed the burger, her tail wagging happily.

"Well, it's nice that you two are able to return to being partners again. You should probably tell Oprah."

"Oh, I heard everything."

Once again, Mandy yelped, and her hair and tail stuck straight up as she swiveled her head around to see the Director herself.

"You dared to do what was right, Mandy, and I'm proud of you for that."

"D-d'aww, stop, you're making me blush!" the hybrid said, straightening out her hair and tail by respectively running her wings across it and using her magic to re-style it.

"As a reward, I'll give you and Pinkie the day off. I'm sure you two could use it."

Mandy gasped, clearly delighted by the offer, but it was only a second later that her face fell as she squinted at Oprah. "Boss...shouldn't the lesson I taught Momma and Rarity be sticking with you, too?"


"Sometimes, leader figures aren't always right, and they can make mistakes like regular human beings do! You shouldn't put your bonafide trust in 'em, 'cause sometimes those mistakes can be fatal." she explained. "You and I both know the Big O is terribly idiotic and-"

"He is not!"

"Then how do you explain the mix-up? With two countries that aren't even near each other?"

Oprah clenched her fist. Son of a bitch, she's got a much as I hate to admit it.

"He can't be relied on all the time. He is a child, after all."

Oprah growled, nearly getting into an attacking stance before giving a defeated sigh. "I suppose that's true..."

"Look, why don'tcha sleep on it?" Mandy grabbed the other burger on her plate with her tongue and ate it, shunting the plate next to the large stack of other dirty plates that she had cleaned off. "I'm gonna go for a walk in the park to work off all this food!" She got up and patted Oprah on the shoulder twice. "Think about iiiiiit..."

Before the Director could fire off another rebuttal, the hybrid was already leaving through the steel doors, leaving her to think on her words.

"She's not kidding around." Olive chimed in, but Oprah chose to ignore her and left for the Bedroom.

Inside, she watched Pinkie as she slept, giving a sigh.

Was Mandy right? Is the Big O really that incompetent? And if he is...should he even really be in charge?

After a few moments, she shook her head.

No, no, don't think such thoughts, Oprah. Going against the Big O goes against your moral code as a Director. Disobey him and you could lose your position...for the second time!

Memories began to flood her mind. Painful memories that she didn't want to dig up again. She tore her gaze away from Pinkie and clenched her fist, fighting the urge to punch the wall.

But I wonder...

The final thought wormed its way into her head. She couldn't bring herself to finish it.

It was the final straw for her, as she left the Bedroom and closed the door.

She needed some juice.