• Member Since 7th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2014

Starwind Dood

More Blog Posts23

  • 562 weeks
    So... just what have I been doing that has kept me from writing anything?

    Hello everyone! Did you miss me? I know you didn't! Anyway, I know some of you are wondering, "where the hell is Tales of Harmony? And what about that new magical filly thing?" Well, I've been busy! With what? Work! What kind of work? Well, aside from a summer gig with Intel, I've been assisting a couple other bronies in the development of their video game, Drifter.

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    3 comments · 755 views
  • 585 weeks
    A chance to give Mane6 a helping hoof! Ponies or not!

    For the maybe seven (I'm being generous here) of you who read my scatterbrained thoughts I come here with nothing but the most honest, serious and utterly hopeful of intentions. Mane6, the crew that was developing the beloved MLP: Fighting is Magic game that was hit with an absolutely devastating cease and desist order have been given a chance for something far greater. For those not in the know,

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    3 comments · 498 views
  • 589 weeks

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  • 591 weeks
    And Life on the Frontier is over. Here are some thoughts, and a clue to my newest project... because there are some things in life you just do! I think I heard that from an anime.

    Life on the Frontier is over. It was a project I started more than a year ago with the original intention of making it more slice-of-life comedyish. That didn't happen all that much, and instead it became more about a bunch of ponies with problems helping each other out to become better ponies (and buffalo) with pure honest unbridled friendship, support, and a little love, and quite honestly

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    3 comments · 732 views
  • 597 weeks
    So who still cares that I write stuff!

    Yeah! I'm back maybe! Anyway, I have a long list of stuff to work on, so I'll write it down here so I don't forget.

    -Working on Tales of Harmony
    -Last two chapters of Life on the frontier
    -One-shot involving Spike
    -Secret short series project
    -Trying to get Spoonful of Macintosh on EQD.

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I have been tagged (appearently) and you should all know that Dash is NOT the best pony... · 6:53am Jun 2nd, 2012

I have been suckered into some kind of odd fad that requires me to impart unto you all some information about myself and whatnot by a creature calling itself 'Dash is best pony'. Well, first off, you should all know that Dash is certainly not the best pony because last time I checked MLP wiki there is no pony that goes by the name of Dash. I suppose this creature is content to shorten the names of one of the various ponies that has Dash in its name, so I will now assume that 'Dash is best pony' is referring to Mango Dash, and why not? Mango Dash is an adorable little filly that doesn't get enough screen time. Now then, their appears to be some kind of etiquette to this tagging nonsense, so let's get this over with so I can read Smoke and Mirrors and then pass out.

First off, I must post these rules. Here are the unruly rules.
1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Well, rule 1 is out of the way.

Rule 2 tells you that I must impart upon you all some information about myself. Fine, I shall give you all a tiny mirror into my immaculate being.

First off) I was quite shy for a vast majority of my life. I had a bit of a hard time managing to open up to others about anything. In high school though, by chance and whim, I joined a sort of academic league of sorts which meant that for my 10th-12th year of education, I had classes with a lot of the same people. We became a sort of family, and it was being with these people that I began to desire to open up, be less shy, and be the kind of outgoing and inspiring person that I always looked up to. It's probably thanks to all of them that I can look back on my high school years fondly instead of as a dreary mess of social anxieties.

Secondly) My family moved around a fair bit when I was younger. What friends I could make I would never see again in a few years time. It was saddening, and their are times when I regret not being able to stay in contact with them. One friendship especially comes to mind, one that I find I regret greatly with how lackadaisically I handled it, but there is nothing I can do about it, I suppose. Jennifer, I wonder if you still remember me? Well, life is full of paths, I suppose, and even if I hold some regrets I still look to what awaits me with fervor, and hopefully hold onto my friends with stronger bonds, and maybe even forge an actual relationship.

Curiously) In my childhood, I really loved to take apart my toys, as far as I could without breaking them to the point that they were unbreakable. I just love to see how it all fits together like a more interactive puzzle. Regular puzzles bored me, because all you could do was look at the picture, that's it. Maybe that's why I really enjoyed those power rangers toys. They were already about being taken apart and being put back together over and over again, and I loved the ones were I couldn't look at the box and guess how it all worked right away. To put it simply, in a very literal sense, I love deconstruction. My favorite series of Digimon was season 3 because it deconstructed what many elements from the first two were about. I enjoyed Evangelion for utterly tearing apart many of its characters which represented archetypes. Watchmen was a delightful read for showing its readers what real heroes might be like. So what does this have to do with me breaking toy after toy after toy? I love to see things being torn apart, but I also like to see it reconstructed, being put back together, stronger.

And also) I get very annoyed when people tell me they hate math or science. These subjects may not be the easiest subjects in the world to learn, but they are the bedrock on which our modern society is now built! Geometry is used to design and build our skyscrapers. Physics is used to design those wonderful roller-coasters people like to ride. Dare I say, would we have our wonderful little ponies without math and science? They use computers to make our little show? No, we wouldn't. It's thanks to math and science we have computers. It's thanks to those computers that we can come together like we do sharing stories and art and each other! So the next time you have an opinion on math and science, remember all the wonderful things it's given you even though you might have said horrible things! Math is only as hard as you believe it is.

Finally) I want to program video games!

There, I have shared some very personal information with you all and I am disgusted. Now I must divulge even more information by answering some silly questions. What will you do, reader, with all this information. Well, let's begin...

1. Is best pony: Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, OR Rainbow Dash?

Well, if I had to choose, it would probably be Rainbow Dash on account of being the fastest. The only point of owning a pony is to ride one, right? And Rainbow Dash appears to be able to go considerably fast even while encumbered. So, for the purposes of traveling from place to place and basically using as my pack-mule, Rainbow Dash appears to indeed be best pony.

2. What do you like best about writing?

Interaction. I enjoy seeing the characters I write talk to each other a great deal. It can say a lot about a character's character. Are they lying? Are they uneasy? Do they like the person they are talking to? Are they trying to hide something? A protagonist is surrounded in a sea of ambiguous characters that could have any number of directions they want to pull the story in.

3. First 3 shippings that come to mind? GO!

Snails and Tiara

Colgate and Carrot Top

Crafty Crate and Lucy Packard

None of these ships I care about, but I was asked to think of three ships, and my favorite ship stories tend to be about random ponies no one would ever think about. I firmly believe that a good writer is able to create anything she wants and make it beautiful, so any ship can become genius with proper care.

4. Earth Pony, Unicorn, or Pegasus?

Is it not obvious? Unicorn. Why? Well, I have always had a weakness for the idea of magic. When I play video games, I will more often than not take a magic user when given the opportunity. Magic tends to symbolize the need to learn, which is a desire that burns within me. Learning, I am at my happiest when I am learning and experimenting and watching the results blow up in my face.

Oddly enough, and to my great pleasure, not all the characters in the show follow the stereotypes that would be involved with their race. Snips and Snails are two exampled portraying unicorns as much less than regal, and Fluttershy is far from the adventurous pegasus. It just goes to show how wonderfully varied and full of character the world of Equestria is and... I may be going off topic. Next question...

5. How much do you like talking to fans/people in the comments? Do they annoy you? Entertain you? Intellectually challenge you?

I try to keep most of my comments to be either professional and helpful, or full of praise. I don't try to engage in lasting conversation of the comments since they are meant to be comments about the story, not me throwing around nonsense with someone. But I do enjoy talking about the canon and fanon when I have the chance. I just love to take apart and analyze the show.

6. Can you tell me the first time the 3 CMC are seen together in the series? Just the episode is fine.

Episode one, moving on.

7. What would you do, professionally, if you lived in Equestria?

Well, I'm a computer science major, but Equestria lacks computers, and I'm more into software than hardware so it's not like I would be able to recreate computers in an alien world. Perhaps I would write, or maybe create some elaborate quill and paper role-playing game and bring about the genesis of the nerd-pony culture. Or maybe that's already been invented but it's off screen. There was one fellow with a robot cutie-mark, perhaps I should seek him out. I could also pursue magic, but you don't seem to be able to make a living off of magic in the show.

8. What dream of yours has been crushed in the past?

Being a painter. It was the first thing I wanted to be, way back when I was four. My art skills never developed. I had nothing worth showing off. Oddly enough, the second thing I ever wanted to be was an author, and now here I am writing a fic where I try and doodle something every now and then that is somewhat presentable. Maybe my dream isn't totally dead yet? And how far is painting and writing from developing a video game? Both are all about creating, right? Why, have I grown up at all from that little four-year old?

9. Hamburgers or hot dogs?

Hamburgers. What, are you daft?

10. Who's your dream boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/pony?

Dream boyfriend: Soarin'

Dream girlfriend: Rarity

Dream husband: Braeburn

Dream wife: Applejack

Dream pony: Twilight

I'm not into celebrities and I doubt any of you know the people I know in real life, so just have this and take what you will.

11. Do you recognize me from the comments/actual interaction on this site? Or do you have no idea who I am?

Oh, I recognize you...

Well, glad that's over with. So now I need to come up with eleven questions? Oh, I could abuse this chance. What dark little things might be crawling around in all your minds? Would you tell me if I asked nicely? Would you lie to me? It would be so easy, because even silence has things to say about us. No, this is supposed to be a game, I suppose. A game about ourselves and ponies, so why not have questions like that.

1) You must eat one of the mane six, who would you eat and why?

2) The crusaders ask you what they should try next to get their cutie marks, what do you tell them and why?

3) Discord offers you his near-unlimited power if you free him, do you take it and why?

4) You get to teach Cheerilee's class for a day, what do you teach and why?

5) What pairing would you make canon if given half the chance, knowing that the rest of the brony community could turn on you if you for tampering with the show?

6) Who do you admire most from the show and why?

7) You get to pick a pet with Fluttershy, how well do you sing?

8) Could you actually give up eating meat for the rest of your life? Ponies do not eat meat after-all.

9) You get to direct an episode for a background character that is not: Derpy, Big Mac or Cheerilee. Who and why?

10) You have been banished to the moon for a thousand years with Nightmare Moon. You're fine: food, water, and air are not an issue. You will not age for 990 of those years. Now what?

11) Given the chance, would you leave your human life behind and go to a real Equestria? A simple yes or no will do.

There, is that suitable? Now, the next rule seems to ask form me to tag eleven people? No. I'll tag five. I do not care anymore.


Report Starwind Dood · 853 views ·
Comments ( 5 )


Rainbow Dash as a pack mule... you monster. :fluttercry: (jk jk, love you).

Thanks for being a sport and conforming with me to this new fad. I feel like an evil person, but what the hell, it's all in good fun, right?

lol this fad made it here.... greeeaaaaat :twilightsmile:

So....why must I go thru with this? I don't particularly see any point or reason to go through with this weird little tag thing. Heck, for that matter, why did YOU go through with this?

Sometimes, fads make absolutely no sense to me.


Why do you need to do this? You don't. Do whatever.

Why did I? To amuse myself.

I don't? Yay!
As for the second, I can see that, though to be honest I would find it to be more of a waste of time than amusing.

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