> Mana is Magic > by Alex1108 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh, wh-what happened last night?” I told myself in bed. I felt my body move in my bed, but something was off, way off. When I opened my eyes, my bed was not there, NOT in my dorm, NOT at the college, and NOT in Ohio! I was filled with terror then I fell off the bed and had a good look at myself. “What the HELL!” I said with massive concern that I was a horse-like creature. I tried to stand like a human but I fell over. I mumbled to myself “Ok don't walk like a person.” Then I stood on all fours and said to myself, “Ok don't panic Sam you are probably asleep and you're in bed in your dorm and at the college in Ohio." To test my theory, I bit my tongue. And I was wrong, this was real life and not a dream. I looked at the room I was put in. It looked kinda nice, like I was in a bedroom. Judging from my surroundings, I've been Sekaied. I don't think it's one of those harams, overpowered things nor where I get cut open for study. I have started to walk, but not well but then again I'm not used to a quadruped body. As I slowly walked and watched my steps, I saw a door going outside of the room and a closet door. So I walk up to the closet. When I walked up to it I asked myself. “How do I open the door?” It was one of those Handles that is elongated, where you turn the stick to open doors. So I lifted my front left hoof and put it on the handle. It grabbed it like a suction cup but at the same time, it wasn't. When I opened the door, it was empty. But the door itself had a mirror. I looked at myself. I had pale gray fur, my mane was dark Blue, and so was my tail, with green eyes. But I had my tattoo on my butt. It was the Warhammer 40k chaos symbol. It was on my right shoulder blade, but now it's bigger and on my left ass cheek.  As I examined my new body, I heard hoof steps from the other side of the bedroom door. I heard knocking. Then who or whatever is on the other side said.  "Are thee awoken?"  I quickly replied.  "No one's home!"  They replied again.  "Well is any pony home?"  "Maybe."  "May I come in thou chambers?"  "I'm not sure?"  Then a blue ora generated around the handle, turning it and opening the door. There, a blue unicorn with wings and sparkly wavy mane. She was taller than me as well. "Good, now come with us." She told me. Her face seemed familiar but I can't tell. So I followed her out.  As I walked with her I asked. "What are you?" She responded. "we’re an alicorn." "And what is your name?" "Luna." "Am I dead Luna?" "No, thou is fine." As we walked in the hallway, I continued to ask Luna questions. "Where are you taking me?" "My sister." "What is her name?" "Celestia." "What does she want me for?" "She will tell you." "Ok." We stopped at a double door. There were two horses in gold armor guarding it. One had wings and the other was a unicorn. Luna opened the doors with her ora horn thing. As we walked in, the guards stopped me then Luna told the guards. "He's with us." As so they let me through. When I got in the room there was a white alicorn with rainbow hair sitting on a throne. The throne room screamed royalty. There were windows with stained glass making pictures, purple rugs and all leading to the throne. Luna spoke to the white alicorn. "Sister, the one we summoned is awake and here to see you."  "Good, we have a lot to talk about." I walked to the middle of the room and said. "Are you Celestia?" She replied. "Yes, I'm Princess Celestia. Any more questions?" "Yes I do and a lot of them." "Like?" "Why did you summon me?" "Well me and Twilight Sparkle made a spell on a Table and-" "What? Who is Twilight Sparkle?" "I'll tell you just listen. Where was I?... Oh yeah and nothing happened, so we thought! One night when my sister Luna was dream walking, she found a world, your world. She witnessed terrors of War and hatred. A world so advanced beyond our comprehension. Empires are able to wipe out whole cities with a single shot and somewhat questionable 'people' run these empires. Luna was unable to sleep for days, being amazed with your world. Then one night Luna found you. Thanks to your caring nature, all three of us discussed it and we all agreed to bring you here. Sadly or happily depending on how you look at it. It was a one-way trip, but we needed to ask you first." "Let me guess I said yes." "Yes. You wanted to get out of this World War III that would end your world as you know it." "Ya China is trying to invade Taiwan and the U.S. is now stopping China. Soon the U.S. will bring in its allies to the war."  "Well, I and Luna brought you here because one, you're kind and two you’re what we would call a scholar." "Well I do my research for school and for fun." "Well Sam you're probably the luckiest or the unluckiest one of your kind. Any more questions?" "Who is Twilight Sparkle?" "She is my student. She is so kind and sweet. And I'm glad she has friends now."  "Are there any more of your kind or are you and Luna the only ones of your kind?" "Well there's four of us. Me, Luna, Cadence and Twilight." "So alicorns are Gods of this world?" "If… well… ya your right."  "What were those horse people?" "Those are ponies. There are three kinds of ponies. Unicorns who can do magic and pegasi who can fly and you're an Earth pony." "Can I learn magic?" "Yes actually but thanks to the fact that you're not a unicorn you'll need a catalyst." "What's that?" "Think of it as a wand that you put on your neck."  Then Luna speaked.  "Oh, thou would need lots of bits." Then Celestia said.  "The cheapest ones cost like 6,000-10,000 bits. But luckily we can pay it off with the royal treasury." I asked. "Will I be in debt?" Celestia and Luna shake their heads. "Oh thank god." I said in relief. I spoke again.  "Will I be kicked out when we're done with this?" "Oh no, we'll be your mentors for some time. Because of the whole, you have been summoned, you can barely walk properly." Celestia told me.  Some more relief was given to me by that news. I asked.  "Was that ora magic?"  Celestia speaked. "Yes, that was magic and we use it a lot." "So that kind of magic was like telekinesis." I said. "Yes, and since you're interested in magic, me and Luna will teach you about it as well as teach you about Equestria." "Is Equestria like the name of your home world?" "No, but it is the name of our kingdom." "That will be all for now Princesses." As I bow to them. "Oh, there's no need to bow to us." I stood back up. "Tomorrow you have a big day Sam. So make sure to get plenty of rest." She told me with a smile. As I walked out of the door, I tripped over the purple rug, and thanks to Celestia's magic she saved me. "Thank you!" I told her. Then I went back to the bedroom I woke up in. As I got in, I saw a desk with a blank book and one of those music boxes on it. I walked up to it and looked at the book. Thanks to the fact the desk is in front of a window, I saw the whole city. I thought to myself. "Well Sam get used to this new world you're not going home so get used to it." As I opened the blank book, there was a note in it and I read it. It read. "Hey Sam, here's a journal for you from Twilight Sparkle. Ps: Pinkie pie says hi." "Thanks." I said to the book. I opened a drawer in the desk. There were plenty of pencils in it, so I grabbed one and started drawing. Then I heard someone or pony behind me. "Hey!" I turned around. It was a white unicorn with blonde hair and he said, "Just because you were summoned, doesn't mean you're a big special pony!"  "And who are you jackass?" I replied. "I'm Celestia's 34th grand nephew, Prince Blueblood! Peasant!" "Ok fuck off." "What did you tell me!" Blueblood angrily said. Then I heard Luna.  "Blueblood!" Blueblood turned around and Luna was right at the door. "An… Aunt Luna.'' He stuttered. "Get out NOW!" "Yes ma… ma'am." Then he trotted out of the room. Luna looked at me. Her pupils were slit like a cat but when she blinked, her eyes turned back to normal. "Are thee ok?" She asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied to her. "Sorry about Blueblood. He thinks he's better than everypony because he’s related to Celestia." "So he's a narcissist. … A bit off topic, but how many ponies know that I was summoned?" "Quite a few actually and it is an open secret." "Why is it an open secret?"  "Because if they told any pony they would look like they lost their minds." "So they can tell the truth but no one will believe them." "Yes" Then she left the room. I looked at the clock above the closet. It was 7:57 and looking out the window, the sun was gone and dark outside. I got ready for bed, I closed the window and doors and had to find the light switch to turn off the lights. As I drifted to sleep in bed. I heard somepony.  "Pss hey. Hey Sam."  "God Damnit, who is it now?" I asked.  "It's Twilight Sparkle." "Ok where are you?" "Look to your right." I looked at the desk.  "Ok you're not there." "Do you see a music box?" "Yes" "Ok open it." I got out of bed and went to the desk. I opened the music box and it was a purple alicorn. She spoke.  "Hey Sam I'm Twilight Spark-" I interrupted her. "I'm sorry but I got sleep to catch up on." "No, we got a lot to talk about!"  "Like what?" "Well magic and your world and my world, that kind of stuff." "Sorry Twilight but I had enough Isekai pony crap for the day."  As I closed the box, Twilight begged. "No no what!" I ignored her cries for attention. Close the box and put it in the drawer of the desk. When the music box was in the drawer her voice became muffled and I went back to bed.  "Dear Earth. Today I learned not to make deals with magic horses in your dreams. From Sam E.Nickels" > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wakey wakey. Time to wake up." Celestia told me as I muttered in bed. Celestia used her magic to pull the blanket off of me. "Good morning princess." I told her. Then I got up and Celestia walked out of the room. "So that wasn't a dream." I told myself. As I got out of the room, I asked Celestia. "Where's the bathroom?". She looked at me from across the hallway and aimed her horn. Then the next thing I knew I was in a bathroom. "Thank you." I said to her even though I was in a different room than her. There was a shower, a sink, a toilet looking thing and a door behind me. I used the toilet thing and it did not have toilet paper but I didn't need it. It cleaned me with water. I was shocked by that function. Then I used the shower and instead of the faucet handle below the shower head, it was on the wall. The hot water was nice on my body. After I got done with the shower, I shook my body like a dog and got out of the room. The door leads to a bedroom. There was a large bed, a double door and a balcony. Then the door opened. There was Celestia and she walked up to me. I was impressed by her height. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a wendigo." Celestia asked. I replied. "Ya it's just… you're taller than Luna."   "Oh most of my new subjects when they were this close to me usually have the same reaction."  "Nice bathroom." "Thank you." We started walking together out of the room. "What am I going to do today?" "Paper work." "For what?" "To confirm your citizenship." "Well that makes sense. What do you do in the morning?" "Paper work." "Don't you have a bureaucracy?" "Yes but I have to do my part as well." "So when are we going to do the work?" "After breakfast." "Finally, I'm hungry." "Considering you haven't eaten for a couple of days, I had a feeling you were." As we walked down the hallways of the castle, I saw the guards protecting and the maids cleaning. When we made it to the dining room, it was an empty room with a long table with eight chairs, two at the ends and three on each side. There were pancakes with whip cream on them waiting for us. One of the two plates had a box next to it. I asked Celestia. "Um… Celestia, whose box is that?"  "It's yours. Open it." Celestia told me "Thank you."  I opened the box and in it was a white crystal attached to a neckband. I asked. "What's this?" She replied "it's a catalyst." Then I sat down and put the catalyst on. As Celestia sat down and started to eat her pancakes, I looked at the civilware next to myplate of pancakes. I looked at it and wondered how to pick up the fork and knife. I started to imagine human hands grabbing them then I noticed a white aura on my catalyst and on the handles of the civilware. I used them to eat the pancakes.  "What in tarderes!" I heard from Celestia. I asked "What am I doing wrong?" Her jaw dropped. "How di… did you do that?!" "Well I imagined hands." "It takes weeks to learn telekinesis!" "Damn, that's sad." "Sam, I don't know what to say. I never in my life saw somepony learn it so quickly!" "Well you summoned me." She took a breath and smiled at me. "Well Sam, you're going to be a great mage." "Well thanks." After we got done with breakfast, we headed back to the bedroom and Celestia put on her jewelry. Then we headed to her office, there was a desk with a crapload of paperwork on it. She handed me some paperwork for my citizenship and a pencil. Of course I started to work on it so Celestia did hers as well. At 10:46, Luna was holding her cup of coffee and came into the room and said. "Good morning sister. Helping Sam with the paperwork?" "Yeah, just telling him some information about years and months." Celestia told Luna. "Then who's helping Sam with singing and holding the papers?" "Look" Then she noticed my catalyst. Her eyes widened. "How did he learn it!?" Luna asked Celestia. "Well he imagined hands." After they chatted for a little bit, Luna left the room. We finished our paperwork at 11:37. It was a long couple of hours but we got it done.  (Name: Sam.     Family/second name: E.Nickel.     Date of birth 980/Lun/15.    Gender/Sex: Colt) "Well what do we do now Celestia?" I asked. "Well I do court but that’s at one." She told me in a tired voice. "What's court?" "It is where I sit on my throne and nobles come and complain." "Well that's stupid." "Tell me about it." "What purpose does it give to the government?" "It's really for keeping nobles complacent but all it does at this point is keep the nobles happy." "That's bullshit. You're a goddess and they are just rich ponies." "Yeah but it has to be done." "How much do they give to the government?" "Nobles give ten percent of the government's funding." "You can just threaten to get rid of their nobility." "Sadly, I can't." "Why?" "My nephew Blueblood is a noble. When he passes away without a child, I'll be able to." "That jackass." "Yes that Blueblood." "You don't like Blueblood either?" "No I don't. Over a thousand years ago, Luna and I had a sister. She never was an alicorn. I don't remember her name but she was a nice pony. She had kids and they had kids and so on and so forth. But every generation they grew more sour and pathetic, and now Blueblood thinks he has some kind of divine right." "Wow, that's tragic." "I miss her so much." As a tear dropped from her eye, I patted, I presume her shoulder with my hoof. "Thank you" she told me. As we walked out of her office, I asked.  "How's Twilight?" "She's fine but she's salty about last night." "Is it about the music box?" "Yes, but I thought it was funny. But Twilight didn't." Then Luna came along and said. "Sister, is it ok if I take Sam?" Celestia replied "what are you going to do with him?" "Well sister I'll be taking him to the library and teaching him magic." "Yeah sure, in a few hours I'm going to court." "Thou! Come with us."  Luna told me, of course, as one of her subjects I followed her. Afterwards we walked through the hallways of the castle,there was a double door but this one was wooden and normal height. Then Luna asked.  "Can thou open the doors?" Of course I used my new catalyst to open the doors. "Thank you." She told me. We walked to a desk and took a seat. Luna gave me a book titled. "Magic 101: The Basics of Manatheorem." So I opened it and started to read the first chapter. The first chapter was about mana. Mana is magic energy and where it possibly comes from. One of the theories comes from a different dimension. The second chapter was about how this mana is used in spells and spells are like some kind of script or program it runs. Ponies memorize these spells. Luckily, I was getting my minor's degree in programming. Sadly, if I make a script for an NPC I would need to make a body for it. It may be programming but sadly I have to actually build the thing first. Mana also can be bent by the will of the user. This part of magic allows telekinesis, but that is it. When I closed the book Luna asked with a glass of water.  "How much did thou learn?" "May I have some water Luna?" I asked  "Um… ok." She told me with confusion. She set the glass on the table. So I grabbed the water itself, grabbed the hydrogen and ripped them off of the oxygen and put the hydrogen in a sphere above the glass. Forcing the hydrogen to make a small star, a bright light blinded the library. Luna started to panic and ran out of the library, but the star only lasted a minute. As I walked out of the library, somepony asked behind me. "How did you do that?" She was a brown pegasus with a white mane in a maid outfit. I replied with "magic" then I went out of the library. As I walked out, I saw Luna. She was just standing there scared. When I approached her, two guards jumped in front of her. Then she said, "Oh no it's fine. He just spooked us." Then the guards lowered their spears. Luna asked, "Sam, how did you do that?" I replied, "Well I used my human knowledge and just used my telekinesis." Then we walked back to the library.  She handed me another book. "Races Across the World." I opened it and started to read it. There are ponies, griffins, zebras, hounds, sea ponies, kirin and changelings. Ponies are divided into three subraces: unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies. Unicorns are able to do magic naturally with their horns. Pegasi can fly and they often live in the mountains. Earth ponies don't have any special abilities. Griffins are bird-like in appearance and they have claws to grab things. They can fly as well. Zebras are like earth ponies but they are often depicted as excellent alchemists and they are black and white striped. Hounds are canine like and their keen smell and hearing makes them great bounty hunters. Sea ponies are mermaids but instead of the top half of a human it's a pony. Kirin are like wood elves. They like trees and nature. Changelings are shapeshifters, able to blend in with other races. Thay are bug-like and feed off of mana as a second food source. They often live in hives ruled by a queen. After reading two or three chapters, I looked at the clock on the wall. It was 3:00 clock.  I asked Luna. "Are you hungry?"  She replied. "No we Alicorns only eat for leisure" "Really? I was just asking because it was past lunch but ok." "Are you hungry?" "No, I usually eat like once a day." "Are thou ok?" She said in concern. "Ya it's just for years I only ate like one meal a day." "Why? What pony has to do that extreme?" "Well there's my three part time jobs, College that takes up 16 hours of my day with no breaks, sleep for five hours and that leaves me with three hours of free time." "Oh… oh my. That's… that's." "That's what?" "Bad… just bad. Are there any laws against that?" "Sadly no, since megacorps rules in America get to change the laws."  "Are there any ponies that try to stop them?." "Yes there were, but the corporate overlords have the money to pay people to kill all the statesmen." "That's sickening." "You think that's bad, over in China they developed nerve stapling." "What's that?" "They cut your head open and cut parts of your brain, no emotions, no will. Making the perfect slave." "Th… that puts Sombra’s role to shame." She stuttered. "Who's Sombra?" "He was a tyrant that enslaved ponies with mind control who ruled the Crystal Empire over a thousand years ago." "That's it?" "Yes that was it! What tyrants lived in your world!?" "Oh there's plenty of those. Hitler he committed genocide. So did Stalin, he killed a lot of people." "How many 'people' were killed?"  "A couple million. Hitler just gassed them and Stalin put them in the cold and starved them to death." Luna started to cry. I asked her. "Are you ok?" She told me. "Those are the real kings of monsters, not Sombra." Then she wiped her eyes off and said. "I'm so sorry that beings like that ruled over there. You're in a better place now."  I was confused about what she said and thought to myself. "Is she feeling pity for me? She's over at least a thousand years old, she's had to have seen worse."  Then Luna left the library and said to me, "I gotta go to my sister and tell her what happened." Then she left. I just stayed at the table in the library and somewhat confused, then that maid pegasus came up from earlier to me and said. "Are you that summoned one?"  I replied with,"Ya I'm the guy who got summoned by horse goddesses." And so we started to have a conversation with each other. Her name was Vera Jak. She worked as a maid in the castle. She lives with her twin sister, Rosey. She also asked questions about my world and what we humans are. She was both scared and interested in mankind from the roman empire to the germans landing on the moon and apparently most ponies around the castle can't stop talking about me Vera told me. Some are suspicious of me, while others want to talk to me and be friendly. But overall me being summoned is a bit of a mixed reaction for them. I also asked questions about their world as well. That tattoo on my ass was called a cutie mark and it represents the pony's personality and what makes them unique, some even consider it to be their destiny. But the tattoo on my butt is artificial so it is pretty much a blank slate. Her cutie mark was grapes and she's good at making wine. I also learned about the drinking age in Equestria and it was seventeen years old, the age of adulthood in Equestria as well.  After a couple of hours, that bastard Blueblood came along and started to insult Vera and me."Oh wow it's the peasant with some freak from another world."  Vera just took it, like she can't defend herself. I decided to step up and said.  "Look at that blonde creature that doesn't work for anything." "Oh yeah what did you do for a living?" "I fucking worked my ass off for college and worked three part time jobs." "Ha, you are a freak and a peasant!" "You're a useless piece of biomass that has no place in this world that is better off for energy production. No one is going to cry or even care about you when you die, not even your goddess will care. You are nothing but dirt to them." Then Vera's jaw dropped.  "Well… I'm going to tell the world about your origins." "Go right ahead, make me even more special than you." Then Blueblood angrily stomped out of the library. Then Vera said to me, "how did you do that!?" "Do what?" I told her. "You insulated a fucking member of the royal family!" "Ya so?" "You just don't!" "You don't know what equal means, do you?" "What! Are you an equalist?!" "What's that?" "Oh yeah you don't know what that means." "Don't you have rights?" "Ya we do. Like freedom of expression, freedom of press, right to basic health care, and that kind of stuff." "Then why is it bad to stand up for others?" "Well it's just… well since you mentioned it. Ya why should we keep dealing with his crap?!" "Can't he fire you?" "No, only the royal sisters and my boss can." "Well that's good." "Well I got to go home now. My shift ended a couple of hours ago." "See you tomorrow." After that, she left. As I walked out of the library I looked at the clock above the door. It was 7:12 and so I went out of the library to look for the sisters. As I looked for them, I noticed the castle was empty. As I walked around somepony bumped into me, I fell down while he just stood there and asked. "Are you ok?" While he handed me his hoof, I realized he was one of the guards of the castle. "Yes I'm fine. Umm… can you tell me where the princesses are?" He replied with. "Yeah sure." Then he escorted me through the castle. Soon enough we made it to a double door. "Here you go sir, they should be in that room over there." he told me and of course I said. "Thank you." Then he left. I knocked on the door. Then I heard Celestia say from the room. "Come in." I opened the door with my telekinesis  and walked in. Celestia was laying in front of a fireplace reading a book, while Luna was sitting with her eyes closed with these white strings coming out of her horn. In the room, there was this table with white glowy pattern on it, a bookshelf next to the wall and a box with a sign saying, "Humon stuff." I laid next to Celestia in front of the fireplace and she asked. "How was your day?"  I replied. "Alright. I made a friend today." "Really! What's their name?" "Vera is her name. She works as a maid for the castle." "Really? It’s  your second day, and you're already making friends." "Ya she's a nice pers- I mean pony." Celestia chuckled a little. I asked her. "How was yours?" She huffed,"Long. I had to deal with nobles, paperwork, that kind of stuff." "So normal royalty stuff." "Ya and it was also an interesting day as well thanks to you." "Really how?" "Let's see. You made the world's record for learning telekinesis so fast, you brought the sun to the library with water and you made Luna scared of humans." "Is Luna scared of me now?" "No but she is mainly scared of your kind as a whole. Oh!" "Oh wait?" "There's a box of things from your world. Before we summed you, we summed some things from your world."  She used her telekinesis to bring the box of human stuff to us and opened it. In the box there was a bathrobe, a toaster, a Nintendo switch with its charging station, an electric outlet setup kit and a ticket for the new World Order movie.  I told Celestia. "Holy shit it's a Switch!"  She asked. "What's a switch?" I pulled the console out of the box and showed her. "That's what it's called?" She said with wonder. I tried to turn it on but the batteries were dead. I used my telekinesis to grab the bathrobe and put it on. It was big, a little too big. "Well now we know that ponies are smaller than humans." I said. Then Celestia asked. "May I try?" I handed the bathrobe to her. "Ooo it's soft." She said, like a little kid getting their furry and soft coat for the first time. I put the switch back in the box and closed it. Celestia handed back the bathrobe to me. "Well it's getting dark now." I told Celestia. " Good night Sam." I put on the bathrobe, folded the sleeves so I don't trip over myself and I went to my bedroom and flopped on my bed. Then I drifted to sleep. At 3 in the morning I woke up feeling thirsty, so I got out of bed. As I walked out of my room there were two guards, one on the left was sleeping while the one on the right was almost asleep. I just walked past them. I walked around the castle looking for cups and a faucet. After a while, I saw an alicorn and I didn't recognize her. Her wings glowed blue in the dark and her mane as well. But when I took a closer look it was Luna. She let out a tired groan and then she noticed me and said. "Aren't thou supposed to be in bed?" I replied. "Well I woke up thirsty." "Ah we are up because… well I had a bad dream." "What time do you go to bed?" "At one we slumber, well try anyway." "Umm do you know where to get a glass of water?" "Are thee going to bring the sun again?" "If you want to. I'm just going to drink some water." "Ok then let's go." We walked to the dining room and there was a door behind the table. I went to it and opened it. There was a whole kitchen with cabinets, sink, drawers and even a primitive fridge. I went in, grabbed a cup and used the tap to fill it with water. As I filled the cup Luna told me. "For showing you where the royal kitchen is and letting thou use it. Thou is in debt. And in order to pay it off thee must sleep with us!" "What!? I'm not going to have sex with a horse!" I said in concern, disgusted and shocked, all at the same time. Her face turned red out of embarrassment. "What! No no no no! We met like cuddling while sleeping!" She told me. "Oh, well that's good." Her face turned back to normal. "Well can we go now?" "Ya sure" I put the glass in the sink and we went to her bedroom. It was similar to Celestia's room but more bluer. She took off her jewelry and set them on a desk. I took off my catalyst and put it next to her things. Sadly I can't do telekinesis without it. Luna got on the bed. Luna looked at me waiting for me to join her for cuddling. Of course I hopped into the blanket with her. She got close to me and wrapped her wings around me. I don't know if this is a friendly thing or a romantic thing but nevertheless it felt nice. I hugged her back and once again I drifted to sleep again. Meanwhile in blueblood's mansion . Blueblood sat on his desk in the middle of the night and kept thinking to himself. "How do I expose Sam?" Countless scenarios go through his head, most of them ended with him being laughed out of the press office. But there were some that worked and for those that hypothetically worked. He pulled out a pen and wrote down those scenarios and at 5 in the morning he developed a 'perfect' plan. A plan to secure Sam's downfall. Sam soon will be seen as a monster amongst the ponies of Equestria and be put in his rightful place. Then he crashed in bed because he was up all night plotting to ruin Sam’s life. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Log 1. It's been a week since I was summoned to Equestria and in this past week I learned a lot about this world thanks to the library and the royal sisters. I made a friend and started to learn magic but it's true name is Manatherm. But most 'ponies' call it magic. Also I figured out the normal height of ponies as well by using the bathrobe that Celestia and Luna summoned from Earth. An average pony height is around 3 feet, but Luna is around 4 feet tall and Celestia is around 5 and a half feet tall. In case you are wondering how they kidnapped me, it is by table and I gave consent. Their technical level is around victorian and pre world wars. They have industrialized trains and even electricity but they don't have radio nor phones but they do have spells to communicate but only powerful mages can do that. They do have gunpowder but it is only used for cannons and ships. Their military is way behind. They’re still using swords and armor. They are experiencing equalism which is communism but Stalin didn’t fuck it up. So that is going around. Well as far as my kidnapper's Luna and Celestia go, they are good people and their god-empresses which is kind of cool. On the second night, I wound up cuddling Luna because she had a bad dream. After that night, Celestia got jealous and made me cuddle her which wound up giving me a role of being their 'little human' where if the sisters have a bad day or are having a rough time I pretty much just be their cuddler and comfort them and listen to them. No, I didn't have sex with them. I'm NOT going to fuck a horse! As for the table, that thing can summon anything but it has a recharge time of a week. The most recent thing is a box of tapes and this tape recorder I'm using as my diary. It also makes people into ponies. Soo I'm a pony now. Sam E.Nickels out."  I stopped the recorder and put it back in the box next to my desk. I got up and got ready for the day, walked to the visitors bathroom, did my business, shower and cleaned my mouth with this wired mouthwash that foams in your mouth.. Then I went down stairs heading to the royal dining room. Thanks to the fact that ponies are herbivores, they normally have a vegetarian diet. But fish is on the table. In fact last night I had my first fish dinner sinceI was summoned. I saw Celestiaand Luna sitting at the table. I asked Luna.  "Luna, why are you up so early?" "Saturday." She answered with a piece of omelet in her mouth. "What? I thought you didn't eat Luna?" Then Celestia said. "We may not need to eat but we can get hungry." "Really?" Then I took a seat and ate breakfast with them and we talked about alicorns. Celestia told me. "Sam we may be alicorns but we still feel hunger, the need to go to the bathroom and all that normal mortal fillings." "So if an alicorn slipped and fell off the cliff, would they be fine but fill the pain?" I asked. "Not exactly. We still get hurt but we have extreme regeneration. Like two years ago Luna crashed into the castle. She broke one of her front legs after a few minutes. It was good as new." Luna speaked. "Oh! Sister! remember that time thee drowned in the fountain." "Yes, Luna, I was there. It took me like an hour to get the water out of my lungs." Celestia told Luna. Then Luna looked at me and asked. "What injuries did thou have, Sam?" "Well there was that one time where I got my ribs broken for eating meat by a woke person.  There's also a time I got shot in the foot by a conservative for not wanting to vote for a neo-fash ." I told them. "What are these 'woke' people?" Celestia asked. "There are the type of people that get offended easily, like really easily. Like if you wear black. you're against black people." "Well that's very ridiculous."  Then we talked about all of the drama I had to put up with back home. Both woke and conservative people are just retarded, according to Luna and Celestia. After eating our omelets we went out of the dining room. As we walked  down the halls of the castle, I asked Celestia.  "So today you guys got the day off and all. But how about everypony else who goes to church?" "Yes most ponies have this day off but organized reign is illegal." Celestia told me. "Huh. Ummm…" a thought went through my head. "Ummm what, Sam?" Celestia asked. "Oh can I leave the castle Celestia?" "Of course you can, Sam. You always have been allowed to." "Really?" "Yes really." "But are you going to commit crimes?" "No, well not intentionally." "Good at least you got that down." "Well see you later I'll be back before sundown." "Wait, you need bits!" "Bits?" "Yes, just hang on." I waited while Celestia went to get me bits. After like an hour of waiting she came back. "Here you go Sam some bits to spend." She told me as she handed me a bag full of bits and she put this backpack thing on me. "Well thank you Princess Celestia." I said to her. "Oh and one more thing! In your back bag, there's copies of your legal documents. And that bag should have five hundred bits." "Oh thanks I finally can open up a bank account and get a medical check up." "Well… not as I intended but that's good as well."  "See you later." We went to the front doors of the castle. The guards opened the doors as I walked out of the castle. I waved my hoof to Celestia and she waved back to me. The doors closed and I looked at my surroundings. There were a couple of buildings that the nobles lived in and Blue Blood's mansion. As I walked, there were gates separating the nobles and the rest of the city, of course I walked out of the gate and into the city. "So this is Canterlot, the city of the two sisters." As I talked to myself. Canterlot looked like it was from the Roman empire but more victorian. As I was walking around the city I saw a building with wording. "Equestrian Bank clan." I walked in and there was a mare unicorn sitting at a desk. I walked up to her and asked her. "Excuse me, can I make a bank account here?" She smiled and said. "Ya sure,follow me to my manager and he'll help you." Of course I followed her to the office and went in. As I walked in there was a stallion Earth pony with a bowtie sitting at a desk. "Hello sir, what can I do for you?" He said with a grin. I replied. "Excuse me sir, can I make a bank account?" He pulls out some paperwork from the file cabinet behind him. "Ok let's get started." He said. I used my telekinesis to lift a pin and we started the process. He helped me through the paperwork. After a few hours of sitting and reading we got done with the bank account. "And that will be it sir. It will be ready in a day or two." He said to me. I thanked him and went out of the bank. There will be 250 bits in my new bank account. I have 250 left so I started to look for a hospital to see if I can set an appointment. After wandering around the city, I found a building with a red x on it and there was a white sign saying. "Canterlot's National Hospital" when I walked in the hospital, there were some sick looking ponies and there were some ponies sitting on desks, some ponies talking to some of the sick ones. I thought to myself. "Looks a bit full, maybe later I can come back." So I walked out of the hospital. I walked around the city looking for a place to eat, then I saw a café. I walked in and there were plenty of ponies around, it looked like it was the lunch rush. I waited in line to take my order. After a while I got to order, there was a white stallion unicorn and he asked me. "What can I get for you sir?" I looked at the sign next to him. There was this croissant thing covered with glaze. "May I have the 'Cinnamon Cressy' please." I told him. "Ok that will be 30 bits." I handed him the change and he handed me this ticket with the number 69 on it. "In a few minutes we'll call you up to get your order." He told me. I went to a table and took a seat. While I waited for my order I saw Vera and she saw me and came to sit with me. Right after she sat down my number was called. After I came back with my order we began to chat.  "So Vera. How's your day been?" I asked with a grateful attitude. "Good. I've helped my sister Rosey with her flower shop. As well as getting things high up on the counter for her." She told me. "Oh yeah because her wings never grew to their full size." "Ya. But at least she can boost her skateboard." "Ya that cool." Then she got up and said, "Well Sam I gotta get my order."  Then she left. I used my telekinesis to pick up the fork and knife, and I started to cut my Cinnamon Cressy' . I put a fork in the severed piece and put it in my mouth. It was a fucking cinnamon roll! A big FUCKING cinnamon roll! It reminded me of home, earth and I thought I will never taste cinnamon rolls again. As I had my food mouth thing, Vera came back with her order. It was a cup of coffee and a massive cookie. "Umm… Sam are you ok or…" she asked in concern.  "Oh just this reminds me of home." I told her after I swallowed. "Oh. So how's your day Sam?" "Good. I got to leave the castle and I started a bank account for myself." "How did you get the money for food and the bank?" "Oh Celestia gave me some bits for today. She sort of rushed me out but she has her day off as well, so probably she has her own things to do."   "Ya kinda cool that you live with the princesses." "Well, you got to meet a somepony from a different world." "Yep, I'm talking to him right now." We both laugh a little, then we continue talking and eating our food. She said to me, "I've heard that you're the princesses' cuddle buddy, is that right?" "Yes that's true." I told her. "Really. What is it like being a cuddler for them?" "Well I cuddle them in bed, pamper them and hang out with them sometimes. It really comes down to if they have a bad day or not." "Huh that's it."  "Ya that's it really, but they call me little human sometimes." "Aww that's cute."  "Ya ya laugh it up." "Who's a little human who's a little human." "I am." After we got done eating our food I got up and started to leave but then Vera said to me. "Hey, do you want to come over to my house?" "Why the hell not" I told her. Then we walked together. As we walked I saw some propaganda posters that were anti-equalism. I think to myself. "Wow Equestria is experiencing the red scare." After a while of walking, we made it to her home. It was a flower shop with a home on top with stairs leading to the home part. We walked in the flower shop. When we walked in, there was Rosey, a pegasus with small wings, white fur and a brown mane.  “Hey Vera!” Rosey greeted. “Rosey!” Vera happily shouted back. Then they got up to each other and gave each other a hug. “Is that your colt friend?” Rosey asked Vera when she noticed me. “No but he’s a friend though.” Rosey looked at me and asked. “You're from Rome? Right?”  “No Rosey, he's from Ohio and Rome collapsed 2 thousand years ago.” Vera answered her. “Oh.”  “Nice to meet you Rosey.” I greeted her. “Nice to meet you Sam.” She greeted me. I let out a hoof to have a ‘hand’ shake, but Rosey looked at me weirdly and said. “What are you doing?” “Oh sorry. It's how we humans greet each other.” I apologized. "It's ok. But I gotta get back to work." Then a mare with a pink and blue mane with sunglasses came in, then looked at the flowers. "Well Sam it's nice meeting you but I have to go back to work." Rosey told me. "It was nice meeting you Rosey." I told her. “You too.” I said back. Then me and Vera left the shop. I started to walk back home, but Vera stopped me and said. “Hey, do you want to hang out at my place?” then told her. “Ya sure.”  Then I walked up the stairs as Vera flew to it with her wings. When she opened the door there was a living room. It had a couch, a couple of chairs, a round table and there was a kitchen further down the home. “Wow it… looked really good.” I said with genuine shock. “Well I know it ain't much but-” She told me with some embarrassment. “Oh no it's really good!” I told her. “Really?” “Ya really. Back at Earth a normal home is like a third the room and way less stuff. You're lucky to even have a bathroom.”  “Really. Wow, your world's economy really sucks.” “I know.” Then I took a seat on a chair. As for Vera she went to make some tea, sadly they don't have coffee makers so she made tea by hoof. As I sat on a chair Vera came and took a seat on the couch while the tea cooked on the stove.  Vera asked me. “What is it like cuddling with the princesses?” “Well so far I only cuddled but Celestia and Luna once. Luna, she's quiet but she uses her wings to trap you but her wings are soft.” I told her. “How about Celestia?” “Well Celesita snores but she doesn’t trap you like Luna. She spreads her wings like a massive blanket so you can be warm.” “Really? Did you smell anything while you slept with them?” “No, nothing out of the ordinary smell of horse.” “Wow. I thought that they might smell nice.” Then a whistle noise came from the kitchen. “Oh the tea is done!” Vera said when she got up to get the tea. As she got the tea, I saw a calendar on the wall. The year was 1003, the month was Larv and the day was the 16th. (Larv was their version of June.)  I looked over to the kitchen and Vera was pouring tea in two cups. As she walked back in the living room she tripped and the drinks fell. As the drinks fell, I grabbed the drinks and set them on the table. “Oh shi-. Thank you Sam. You get a lot out of that catalyst.” She thanked me. “No problem.” I told her “Well I thought you were the clumsy one.” “Me too.” “Well, can you get the tea?” “Ya sure.” Then I grabbed the tea spout from the kitchen stove and put it on the table. “Thank you. Oh Hey Sam, the tea is mostly made of water. Can you make that sun thingy?” she told me. “Ya do you want me to make a star?” I asked. “Oh no, I don't feel like going to the eye doctor.”  We picked up our tea and started to drink it. I used my catalyst and Vera used her wings. As we drank our tea Vera asked me. “Why do the princesses like to cuddle you?” I replied. “I don't really know.” “Welp there's only one way to find out.” Then she leaped over to me, pushed herself to me and cuddled me. “Mmm you're warm and soft. A nice layer of fat followed by firmness.” she told me. “Well thank you.” I told her. I looked at the time and it was about to become dark. “Well it's time for me to go.” I told her as I gently pushed her away. “Wat! Nooo, please stay a little longer.” she begged. “Well sorry but I promised Celestia I'd be back before dark.” “Ok… see you when I get to work tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow too and thank you for the tea.”  I got up and started to go. I walked down the stairs and started to go home. The sun was setting and the streets were mostly empty. As I walked, I felt like I was being followed. So I went around a block but I was stopped by one of those mechanical newspaper dispensers. There was a slot so I put a bit in and the machine let out a newspaper. The head line said. “Equestria weekly. Blueblood gone insane!?” As I read it, it talked about how the kingdom’s ‘beloved’ blueblood went insane by telling the press of my existence and how I'm from a world that not even the princesses can even imagine. It played it as if blueblood lost his mind. After reading it I thought to myself. “Well this is going to hurt his reputation.” I went on my journey back to the castle. As I walked I saw some pony. All that I saw was the tail part of a pony and I asked. “Who's there?” As I walked back to see, no pony was there. After that, I walked back to the castle.  As I walked through the gates separating the castle and nobles of Canterlot and the average pony, I heard hoof steps behind me. I quickly turned around and it was that mare from the Rosey’s flower shop with the sun glasses. “Why are you following?!” I asked in concern. She walked closer. I took a step back. She takes two steps closer. In this situation the best thing to do is… RUN! I ran past Blueblood’s mansion and went to the castle. When I got to the castle I knocked on the doors. “Luna! Celestia! Get the door!” I shouted. The door opened, Luna and some guards were there. “Hi Sam, how was th-?” She told me as I pushed myself in. I closed the door and sat on the floor. “Thou ok?” Luna asked with concern. “Someone… Was… Following… Me.” I said, breathing heavily. “Was it a mare?” “Yes.” “Did she have a pink and blue mane?” “Ye… what. Who was that?”  She started to laugh. “Thou… got scared of agent Sweetie Drops!” as she laughed on the ground. Then Celestia came into the room. “What happened?” Celestia asked. “Ah ahh ha.. Sam.” Luna Laughs on the floor trying to catch her breath. “Ya what about Sam”  “He… that agent you sent to… ha hah!” “Ohh Agent Sweetie drops. What about her?” “She… she spooked Sam… ha ha ha!” Then we heard knocking from the door. Celestia opens the door and there was agent Sweetie drops the mare that scared me.  “Oh thank you for making sure that Sam stayed out of trouble.” Celestia thanked Sweetie Drops.  “No problem ma’am.” Sweetie Drops told her. “Have a good night.” “Thank you princess.” Then Celestia closed the doors and she started to laugh. As they laughed, I walked around the castle. When I reached the library I saw some pony. A purple alicorn with a purple and green wyvern looking thing on her back.  “Oh hi I'm Twilight Sparkle.” She greeted me.  “I didn't know we would have visitors. Well Hi.” I told her. “Didn't the princesses tell you?” “No, they're laughing at me for getting scared.” “Oh. Well, come on.”  Then she started to walk. So I followed her. As I followed her I kept hearing things from under her breath. Can’t tell what she was saying but she gave me fangirl vibes. When we went to the dining area, there was Lona sitting there waiting. I heard Celestia cooking from the kitchen. As we took our seats, the wyvern jumped off of her back and took a seat as well.  “So Sam, what is it like!?” she asked with excitement. “What is what like?” I asked “Your world. Do you use magic!? Do you have any government or guest chaos!? What do you humans look like!?”  “Oh boy this going to be long.'' I thought to myself. As time went on, I told her about what we look like, what our tech is like and what our current situation is like. I left out the nerve stapling, the countlest genocides, and the poor conditions the workers and middle class live in because if Luna found that disturbing, then an alicorn that seems younger may get nightmares. While we talked, Celestia came with dinner. It was a baked potato with corn and steamed broccoli. When Celestia gave dinner to Twilight, it seemed like a mother's love for a second. When she gave dinner to the little wyvern he said. “Thank you princess.” I looked at him dead in the eyes. I was shocked, I thought that wyvern was a pet but I was wrong. After like 30 seconds of staring, we continued. I learned that the name of the wyvern was Spice and dragons were mysterious beasts that aren't well known. So that is how I learned about dragons. While we talked about my world, Twilight wrote down  every detail. Once we finished dinner, Twilight finished her notes which made me tired because that was a lot of information I had to give out. Then she had questions from her friends. “Ok i'm going to ask some questions from my friends.” Twilight said while she pulled out a small notepad. “Ok who's first?” I asked. “Ok this one is from Applejack. Do you like apples? If so, what dish do you like?” “I don't really like apple based products but I do like apples.” “Ok this one is from Rainbow Dash. What is the fastest thing out there?” “Easy light. It goes 186,000 miles a second.” “Ok wow. NowPinkie Pie’s. There's two questions Sam. What is your favorite kind of food and when is your birthday?” “My favorite food is cinnamon rolls, but I'm not going to give out my personal information.” “Oh ok this is from Rarity. What design of fashion is popular in your world?” “Well there's people who wear pants with holes in them. But there's a kind of clothing that I would like to wear but I never have the money for it.” “And that is?” “This black uniform with gray stripes along the edges.” “Ok that sounds cool.” “Ya it certainly has a passive aggressive look to it.” “Ok then now this is from Fluttershy. What is your personal life like back home?” “I- I don't want to talk about it.” I said. “Oh c'mon you can tell me, it can't be that bad.” Twilight told me. “I said I don’t want to talk about it!.” I started to get mad.  “Umm Twilight I think he doesn't want to talk about it.” Spice said to Twilight. “WHAT was your life like?” she said. I snapped. “I DONT WANT TO FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT!” I slammed my two front hooves on the table. Both Celestia and Luna were shocked. “Oh I'm sorry. I-I must leave now.” I told her then I walked out of the room. I walked all the way to the throne to try to get myself back together. There weren't any guards since their shift was over and the night guards hadn't gotten here yet. After a while Luna came into the throne room.  “Sam, are thou ok?” she asked as she walked through the door. “Please, I don't mean no harm.” I told her “We know thou mean no harm.” Then she sat down next to me. “You've been in my head you know?” “No we don’t know” “What do you mean you don't know? You summoned me knowing what I am. You're able to go into people's dreams.” “To a certain extent, we can see in thou’s past but it gets fuzzy depending how old the memory is. So what is it?” I let out a deep breath. “What is the point of resisting against you?” I told her and I proceeded to tell her my childhood. I told her how my life has been unwanted and unloved. The shere neglect I had to go through. I was a MISTAKE.  After I told her all of that she said. “Thou know I was unwanted as well.” “Really how?” I asked. “A thousand years ago my sister learned to move the light from the sun making days longer and shorter if she desired, and I learned to dreamwalk. We became princesses and thanks to ponies only being out in the day, nobody cared that I was a princess. To them I was no more than the spare. Then one day I snapped and became Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon started a civil war in Equestria and the war lasted 20 years. She was a tyrant and a monster. She made super soldiers that are awake at night and strong, but in the end my sister turned us into stone for a thousand years.” “What are these super soldiers?” “Bat ponies. They have puffed up ears, cat-like eyes and fangs. And if they’re pegasi, they have bat wings instead of the normal feathered wings.” “Are any around to this day?” “Yes but just one. And her name is Fluttershy.” “Did you turn her into one?” “No but she’s fine with her new form.” “Well I'm glad that she’s ok. Even though I don't know anything about her.” “Well the taleI told thee is an old folks tale. It changed and shifted over time but mine was the truth.” I hugged her and she hugged back. As the moon rose, her body glowed.  > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Log 3. It's been about a month since I was summoned. Me and Luna are friends and we have been working on my mage skill and I learned how to make a flashlight just using my catalyst and mana feed where I feed mana into enchanted items. Like weapons and tools. Both the light spell and mana feed are just mirrored  versions of themselves. I still talk to Vera and visit her sister’s flower shop. Last week the toaster we had was shipped out of Canterlot to be reverse engineered and once it gets reverse engineered, the technology will be implemented on to these massive towers and shipped to the Crystal empire and I'll be in charge of overseeing the operation. As for Vera she’s going all right. Sometimes I go and help clean the castle along with other maids.  Earlier I learned that for every male pony, there's one and one fifth females. So that's interesting. As for Luna, she's all right. She's still Luna going into dreams and right now she’s lying on my bed. As for Celestia she's still a cake eating, sunlight manipulating princess and 3 days ago was the summer soles celebration. It was cool to see the lensing of the sun. As for Blueblood, he's still an asshole. But his reputation is going down because of his constant saying of this other world I’m from. Well as for me, I’m still getting better at walking and still using my catalyst for hands. And thanks to my sleep schedule I'm able to wake up early in the day and light at night. And this week we got a bean bag from the McGuffin table. Sam out.”  I turn off the recorder and put it in the box. Then Luna said from the bed. “Ready for tutoring?” “Ya lets go.” I told her then we left the room. As we walked through the castle, everything was still normal. Guards were doing what they're supposed to, maids cleaned like a normal day. When we made it to the library, Luna got some books and sat at the table. There was a book about Equestrian history. The book was separated in two parts: Pre-banishment and post banishment. Me and Luna read the books together. -200 is the year the pre-Celestial book starts. This was the year when Equestria  was separated by multiple kingdoms who were often at war with each other. But overall just normal medieval stuff going on.  -150 nothing much  changed but there was a famous wizard that revolutionized magic called Star Swirl. -120 is when Celasta was born and -118 is when Luna was born. Oddly enough, Luna and Celestia weren't born alicorns but when I asked Luna how they became alicorns, she just gave a shrug. Well if you're older than the calendar, your childhood would be fuzzy. -90 is when the sisters came to power and became the rulers of most of Equestria and Equestria at the time was more like the holy Roman empire but united. -76 is when Luna and Celestia took over the Crystal empire. But the capital of the empire ended up disappearing on them. -40 the two churches started to hate each other but when that started to happen, Celestia outlawed organized religion altogether to prevent a civil war,  -35 this chaos god called Discord was turned to stone with a super weapon called the Elements of Harmony which is kinda cool.  -20 Luna turned to Nightmare Moon and started the civil war that lasted 20 years. 0 the war ended and the Nightmare was put in stone. But nowCelestia was all alone to rule. When we reached the part where the Civil War ends, Luna and I decided to stop for now. We put a bookmark in it and put it up. Then Luna pulled out the 101 magic book. We're on unit 4 and I get to learn basic enchanting. The process of enchanting is quite simple using ink mixed with crystals crushed up to a powder and carefully printed on whatever you put it on. In order to activate the enchantment,Manafeed must be used. Then the unit goes over the kinds of enchantments and what they are used for. Like hardening is effectively making your tools stronger and heating where it heats up but it caps out around 300 degrees celsius. Once we were done with the first chapter of unit 4, Luna got up and started to leave. “Where are you going?” I asked Luna. “We'll get some supplies for an activity.” Luna told me. “Oh… are we going to enchant something?” “Yes and we'll start doing these activities once every month.” “Well see you when you get back, Luna.” She left the library and I stayed. Then after 10 ish minutes she came back with a silver sword, a bag filled with crushed crystals, a bottle of ink, and a brush. She set the stuff on the table. She put the powder in the ink then told me. “Thou need to mix it first.” I used a small stick to mix the ink and powder together, then Luna pulled out a paint brush and handed it to me. I put the brush in the ink then started to paint the blade. While I painted Luna guided the brush so I wouldn’t slip up. We painted along the blade making a hardening enchantment. After a while Luna let go of the brush letting me go as I pleased. After like an hour of carefully enchanting the blade, we were done. “Ok we're done.” Luna told me. “Oh cool, time to feed the sword?” I asked. “Yes thou can” I started to feed the sword mana. When I fed it, it glowed this whitish black. Not gray but something else but I continued to feed it until the enchantment was one with the sword. When I got done with the enchanting, the sword looked very different from where we began. Long black lines went along the blade and a ring at the base, telling where it began and ended. This was a hardening enchantment. “So this is what your military has.” I told Luna. “Yes. So what thou see of it?” she asked. “It's pretty badass. Do you guys use a heating enchantment in your steam engines as well?” “Yes, Equestria uses all kinds of enchanting in many different fields.” “So your power plants just need a few unicorns and water to run?” “Ya thee are correct.” Then I had an idea. “What if I drew designs of our human tech for Equestria?” I told Luna. “Do thee know what is needed?” “Yes! Yes! I was going to get my masters degree in engineering!” I said in excitement. “We suppose it would benefit  Equestria.” Then I ran out of the library and headed straight to my room, grabbed my book that Twilight gave to me and started to draw. I could've drawn a tank or a nuclear reactor or a fucking computer but those would be no use. So I decided to draw a diesel engine. It samples a steel casing with wires to spark the explosion then a piston to pull in the explosive gas and out the exhaust. The explosion pushes the piston making momentum. Meanwhile in the maids quarters in the castle. Vera was getting dressed for work today. Today will be a normalish day. Places that needed to be cleaned will report to her manager. Anything that needs repaired will report to their manager and then clock out at 3 in the afternoon. After work she will hang out with Sam the pony that is not a pony, then finally head home and hang with her sister.  While she put her work clothes on from the locker she talked to one of her fellow maids. “Simmininrule, have you thought about the upcoming grand galloping gala this month?” “Ugh, same as every year a mess we clean up for the nobles of Equestria.” Simminin said to Vera. “Ya what about the ponies that need the bits like the poor or improving the working classes?” a pale colored unicorn colt said while passing by. “Well the only reason why the grand galloping gala is a thing, is to keep the nobles happy.” Vera said. “Ya but the nobles get to go to all kinds of fancy parties, and this is the only  public one.” Simmininrule said. Then all the maids in the room gathered around a cup with names inside. Every colt and mare was waiting for the draw. The pale colt picks up the cup with his horn. “And the loser is…” the colt said, pulling a paper out of the cup. “Silver Drop.” Then every pony cheeredexcept the gray colt named Silver Drop. He was upset because he has to clean the bathrooms this week.  Every pony left the maids quarters to the back of the castle where the garden is at. One end of the concrete walkway had all the guards while the other side had all the maids. As Vera stood still in line facing the guards, two ponies walked past them; Vera’s manager Lya and the captain of the royal guard Vix. They both inspected their corresponding lines. Lya inspected the maids and Vix inspected the guards. After that they all got to work. Vera was assigned to clean the windows today but luckily she wasn't alone cleaning, but sadly maids don't just have to clean the castle but the noble buildings surrounding the castle including BlueBloods mansion. As Vera cleaned the windows, she saw a crack on the top window. She pulled out her pad and her penfrom her outfit to note down the crack then continued cleaning.  After a while of cleaning, she saw me. As I drew the diesel engine I heard spraying and wiping from my window. I waved at her and she waved back then we continued our business. After a while, Vera landed on the roof of the castle and took a break. “It is halfway through the day, hopefully nothing crazy happens.” she said to herself. Then after ten or so minutes she went back to work.  In Sam's bedroom. “Ah ha! Finally the diagnosis is complete and soon Equestria will be ahead of the game.” I said to myself. Then I got out of my room to show Luna and/or Celestia the power of this. After a while of wondering, I encountered Celestia walking down the halls.  “Hey Sam, how’s your time with Luna?” she asked. “Good, I learned how to do enchanting but that’s not important right now!” I said in excitement. “Really what is important in the meantime?” “Ok I drew a diesel engine!” “Die-sel engine?” “Ya it’s a machine that runs on explosions!” “Would that break the machine?” “No look at the design!” I held up my book and showed her the drawing. She looked at it for a few moments then her eyes widened. “We can make this now.” she said. “Really, do you guys have a battery of any kind?” I asked. “Ya just go make a copy and I’ll send it to our engineers.” “Hey sister, have thou seen Sam?” said Luna as she came by. “Luna, look at this.” Celestia said to Luna. “Sam, is this one of the machines thou are bringing to Equestria?” she asked me. “Yes!” I told her. “Ok, instead of this ‘gas’ we will get alchemy fire then it will probably work.” Celestia told me.  “Ok God-Empresses I'll get to work!” I told them.  Then I ran back to my room and went to the last page of my book. I tore it out and started copying the drawing. While I was copying the diesel engine, Luna came into the room and decided to start talking to me. “So Sam what other things are thee going to draw?” Luna asked. “Well right now I'm just going for the diesel engine but if you like I can make other things.” I told her. “Like what?” “Let's see. A basic rifle, a vacuum tube, a…”  I continued the long list of things I could make from memory if I had resources to make them and the skill. I would revolutionize this world a few times over. But it would be a massive spike in technological progress and some kingdoms outside of Equestria will notice this massive jump in technology and probably try to find the secrets to this or call it bluff. One way or the other, this world will have a tech jump. In Blue Blood’s mansion. Vera was cleaning the windows as well as some of the other maids. She wiped the windows but as she cleaned she asked the other maids.  “Where is Blue Blood? He’s usually looking at our flanks most of the time.” she asked. “I don’t know, but I’ve heard that he's been trying to put Sam in his place. It’s quite funny that every time he tries to do it, it just backfires.” The blue unicorn mare said. “It’s one thing to check out some ponies cutie marks but it is another to stare.” The red colt unicorn said, while wiping the wall. “Ya but what do you think about Sam?” Vera asked. “He's an all right colt;, howeverI think he’s a little rude sometimes but considering he’s from another world I can see why he is like that.” The mare said.  “He’s a good pony or whatever his equivalent kind is. But he sometimes can be uncanny, like he looks like a normal pony but when he smiles some of his teeth look a bit deformed and when he walks sometimes it looks more artificial than anything else.”, the colt said “Ya that's a problem but still better than Blue Blood.” Vera told everypony in the room. Upstairs Blue Blood was putting his ear on the floor listening to the conversation. “Shit they’re considering Sam is better than ME!” Blue Blood said to himself. He was stressed on the fact that his reputation is falling apart and that Sam is still not considered a monster. He passed around the room thinking of other ways to put a stop to this monster. But when he looked out the window he saw guards and that gave him an idea. An idea that may lead to his demise or would make him the most powerful pony in Equestria, but it would take weeks for preparation to pull it off. While Vera finished the windows she saw the clock in the room. It was 2:49. She felt excited to get off of work and she was ready to clock out. Once her shift was over she went back to the maids quarters, clocked out, and then went to see Sam. As me and Luna walked down the halls, Vera came along to see me. “Hey Sam how's your-” Vera said to me but she stopped when she saw Luna. “Um Vera, what's wrong?” I asked. “Oh I'm sorry your majesty, I see he's currently occupied with you.” Vera apologized to Luna. “Oh nonsense thou is free to talk to him.” Luna said to Vera. “What I'm lost?” I asked both of them. Then it became a very confusing situation but after a while they both explained what happened. Vera wanted to talk to me but Luna was there. After that, me, Vera and Luna decided to talk to each other. We decided to go outside in the sun. “Ok after all of that, how was your day Vera?” I asked Vera. “Oh normal. I cleaned the place and the surrounding buildings today. I was the windows mare and I didn’t see Blue Blood. So a pretty good day. So how about your days?” Vera asked me and Luna. “Well today was a good day. I enchanted my first sword today.” I told her. Then Luna spoke. “After that he drawed inventions from his world so we can have them for Equestria.” “Wow, that's cool. What did he draw?” Vera asked. “An engine that runs off of explosions.” “Would the engine explode?” “No it is controlled by this… this Sam can you bring the drawing.” Luna asked me. “Ok.” I told her then I left to get my book to show vera. After a while I got to my bedroom and got my book then headed back. When I got back I saw Luna socializing with Vera. I smiled at the fact that Luna and Vera were becoming friends. Then when I got to them, they were talking about their hobbies. Vera liked reading and Luna liked to read too. So they were talking about what books they liked. Luna liked the old books from her time while Vera liked the modern fictions. Overall they were having a good time. When they noticed me, Luna grabbed my book and showed Vera the engine I'd drawn.  “Hey Sam, this is really cool how it works.” Vera told me then I told her “well thank you.” Then they continued their conversation as I went to put up my book. When I got back to them, they were now talking about this thing called ‘The Grand Galloping Gala.’ of courseI asked about it. The Galloping Gala is effectively a massive fancy party for nobles to enjoy and it's coming up this month. Afterthat Vera Left to go home and it was just me and Luna for the rest of the day.  At dinner in the dining room while we ate our food. I asked Celestia. “Hey Celestia, what's with the Grand Galloping Gala?” “Oh that. That's a party that all the nobles in Equestria go to once every year.” Celestia said. “Oh no I already know that part but how did it come to be?” “Oh well, around 500-800 years ago my nephew, Lord Vacka, I don't recall the name properly but he decided to throw a party with some of his friends and it sort of became a thing later on.” “Ya when we were in stone our sister partied like an animal. Like oh wow I got to rule Equestria all by myself. I'm a big mare now.” Luna said, giving Celestiacrap. “And I enjoyed it, little Luna.” Celestia told Luna. “No we're only little because the stone stunted my growth.” “Oh it’s ON!” Celestia said as she picked up some mashed potatoes.  “Not if the princess of the night can do something about-” Luna said before having a face full of Potato. As the second Equestrian civil war was going on in the dining room, I ate my food watching the countless potato lives lost in this meaningless conflict. After I ate my food I walked into the kitchen to get seconds on mashed potatoes. There were other things like corn and carrots but I felt like potatoes. After the war ended, Me, Luna and Celestia cleaned the place up. I put up the leftovers for later and made sure to clean up the table. I wonder, should I stay? > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I walked down the streets of Dayton oviding people and collapsing infrastructure. As I walked I saw a broken mirror laying next to a wall. I looked into it. Seeing my aryan body. Short yellow hair, light blue eyes and wight skin. My old body. I heard someone behind me moving.  “Hey Nazi!” Some asshole said.  “Leisen hare just because Some genocidal dictator that died from crack overdose determined my looks to be the serprime race doesn't make me part of his party.” I told him. “Shut up privileged Na-!” Sirens interrupted him. I looked up to the sky and before I knew it a bright flash blinded the area. I tried blocking the light with my hand but it was no use. Flesh burnt off the flesh. Revilighg not a skeletal hand but a hoove. I immediately woke up. I looked at myself. I looked normalish. Luna barged in the room. “Is thou ok?!” she asked. “Oh I just had a bad dream.” I told her. “Well tell us about it.” “Well I was walking in a city and some guy started to harass me for being. Well… my race. Then a nuke set off.” “Do thee feel home sick?” “No I don't think so.” “Well let me tell you what. If your home uses those Blades of Tartarus. I’ll tell you.” “Well, shore.” Luna walked up to me and led her forehead on mine. “Good.” She left the room with a smile. I looked at the clock on the wall and it was 11:59. I layed in bed wondering what's with Luna. But before I started to think I fell back asleep. I felt Celestia lying next to me when I woke up. She was laying there with her body starched out. I sat up to see what other things snuck in. I looked over her and saw a tray with a variety of brushes and my catalyst. “Brush me.” She demanded. She handed me the tray. I put on my catalyst and grabbed the fur brush. She was laying on her belly so brushed her back. I shagged her wings and there was a loose feather. I plucked it and Celestia jumped a little but she immediately returned to her relaxed state. Soon her back was done and I signaled that she needed to roll over. I taped her shoulder and she rolled on to her back. I brushed her belly as well. While I brushed her I asked her a question. “Hay Celestia. I have a question.” “Yes my Little Human?” “Well, it's about your sister.” “Yes.” “Well for the past few days she’s been more… affectionate. Why?” “Well she loves you.” “What kind of love?” “She sees you like her son.” I stopped brushing her in shock. “What.” “Well I had this conversation with Luna yesterday while you were helping Vera with the chimney.” “Ya she got stuck.” “Well she told me that she loves you but wasn't sure what kind and after narrowing it down. We found out. Motherly.” "Why?" “because she teched you and nurtured you. The same way I love my student and kingdom.” “How would that work?” “The kingdom or student?” “Yes.” “Well the ladder is that I help Twilight and her predecessors grow as a pony and fill that gap that I had for a long time. The former is that I created a kingdom in my image. At first it was a little…” “Traical?” “No. Let's just say it was more aggressive at the time. But over time I made mistakes and learned and there were times that I screwed up so bad that the whole country imploded. But I'm proud of the ponies that keep it together as the whole.” “Wow. That's a lot to think about.” “Well as you think about it. You could brush me.” After an hour of brushing Celestia’s body. We got done. We walked out of the bedroom and we went to the main hall where everyone was setting up the gala for tomorrow night. As we walked in the main hall I saw that the pegasi was setting up the ceiling decorations, the unicorns made sure that stuff was in order like setting up the carpets and putting tape on the floor say what goes where and the earth ponies set up the heavy stuff like tabules. I saw Vera flying around helping the others. Lya the manager of the place is supervising everyone. I walked around observing the decorations while Cilestia looked at a list bright by one of the guards.  “Hay Sam.” Celestia called. “Yes?” “Do you want to see the list?” “Ya shore.” Walked over and she handed me a list of things we spent for the past month from the royal treasury. We looked over it together. Food, utilities, but there were other things like milisha. Celectia said that the Cadence probably hired some for the Sombra’s cult problem they have. But at the bottom of the list there was something. I forgot my uniform I bought for the galla that I need to pick up. “Hey Celestia, I need to go pick up a uniform I ordered yesterday.” I told her. Before Celestia could say anything Vera fell on top of Celesia. “Are you two ok?!” I asked Them. “I'm fine but I'm not sure about your friend here.” Celestia told me. “I'm fine Sam, it's just my belly hurts.” Vera ground. I helped Vera off of Celestia and helped Celestia up. Celesia got up and put her crown back on, then she sat down on the ground. She looked over to Vera. Vera started to get scared and a little shaky. Celesia lifted her hoove. “Boop” Celesia said after booping Vera. All of the tenchen in Vera just disappeared. “Ok. You could go pick up your suite Sam. In fact Vera you could go with him if you like.” Celestia told us. “What? I'm getting the rest of the day off?” Vera asked. “If you spend the day together.” “Yes!” Vera said excitingly before she ran off. I was going to ask why, but I decided to stop myself. Soon Vera ran back. We got ready to go. As we exited the front door Celestia waved goodbye. As we walked past Blueblood’s manchen Vera decided to start a conversation. “So Sam once you get done with Luna tudering you what will you do later on?” she asked. “Oh I only got done yesterday.” “Relly. What is the biggest city in Equestria?” “Manehattan.” “Ok. Where is Canterlot and why?” “In the medal of Equestria and to govern the country more effectively.” “Good. What rights does the citizens of Equestria have?” I took a deep breath. “First right is freedom of life, liberty and expression. Second, the right to health and education. Third, the right to fair trial. Finally, the fourth is the right for fair opportunity.” “Good! So what are your plans later on?” “Well I got a job.” “Relly what is it?” “I’ll be overseeing the construction of hating towers over at the Crystal Empire.” “When will you start?” “In a week or two. It really depends on how smoothly it goes.” “It looks like you got everything settled then.”  After that conversation we walked through Canterlot and it was busy but luckily me and Vera didn't get separated. As we walked down the street we were continuously bumping into other ponies but nothing out of the ordinary. Eventually We made it to the clothing shop. It was filled with clothes and all kinds, the walls were red and the place had a brown rug floor. As we walked in there was a blue unicorn stallion that greeted us. “How can I be at servist.” He asked. “I'm here to pick up an order for Sam.” I told him “Oh you were the guy from the other day. Yes?” “Ya im a guy from the other day.” “Just a few minutes I'll get you your uniform.” As he walked to the back room. Vera looked at all the clothes. The one she was looking at was a nice red column dress. As she looked at all of the dresses and looked at their sizes to make sure they fit. Soon Vera desidend she was going to get a new dress for the galla because a few days ago she got tickets to the galla in the mail. But before she could even try on her first one in the changing area the stallion came and got me. He showed me the uniform I paid for. It was a blue military-like uniform with two chest pockets one on each side,  golden colored caller and edges, with silver buttons. I thanked him and I got my uniform. I headed back to the changing room and Vera showed me a lot of choices. Everything from a bouffant and trapeze to peplum and sheath dress. Soon after she decided to go with the red column. She bought it and we headed back. As we walked I desired to ask her something. “Hay Vera, how did you become a maid?” I asked. “My job?” she asked. “Yes.” “Well a year ago I was trying to get money to save up for my sister to pay for surgery to remove her wings. And soon into my journey to find a job that paid decently I found one in a newspaper for a maid. I wasn't paying attention to the context and I signed up. I figured I would be working for the nobility but when I got started I was shocked. I never would've thought I'd be working for the Princess. THE Princess!”  “You got it just because you wanted to help your sister.” “Yes.” “Once you got the money for the surgery. Will you quit?” “No, I actually like my job, outside of the nobules and I'll probably get my own home in canterlot. but.” “But what?” “But will we still be friends?” “Ya of course unless you move away and never come back we'll be friends. In fact I don't think I have much of a choice if i’ll be getting my own home.” “Why?” “Oh because the princess like me and Celestia told me this morning that Luna sees me like her child.” “Seriously?!” “Yep. While I brushed her.” “Well I'm gonna go home now goodbye.” “Goodbye.” After Vera told me all that we split. Vera headed home and I walked back to the castle. It was around brunch time. I opened the  front doors to get in. The place was quiet. A little two quiet. I looked around then I was tackled by a blue blur. “Gat ya!” it shouted. I quickly picked it up and body slammed it. I got back up and my heart started to slow back down. I realized that it was Luna. She wasn't harmed.  “I'm so sorry!” I apologized. “Oh we just wanted to spook thou.” She told me as she laid on the floor.  “Are you ok?” “Yes, we're fine. Sister made tost.” “Ya I'll be having some toast after I put my uniform up but do you need a helping hand?” “Thanks.” She rolled over and I grabbed her hoof and she got up and went to the dining hall. I went to my room and pulled my uniform out of the bag. When I pulled it out a thought came to my mind. I tried it on ,then looked at myself in the mirror. After I looked at myself I put the uniform up and went to get tost.  When I got there, there was a plate with a lot of toast. Luna was walking in with a honey bottle. She grabbed some toast and put some honey on it. She offered it to me after she got her share. I thanked her and had some toast with honey as well.  As I ate my slice of toast I figured Why the hell not. I went to the kitchen, grabbed a tub of butter, a butterknife and grabbed the plate of toast. Then I started to offer toast to everyone. First ponies that got some toast were some of the guards and they liked it, then some of the maids joined in. Soon enough there was a line of ponies arose in the halls waiting for some toast. But eventually I ran out. Some were disappointed and others didn't really care. I had a guard tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around to see him. “Sary sir, I'm out of tost.” I told him. He shulked his head. “The princesses need you, there at Princess Celestia’s office.” he told me. I nodded to him and went to Celestia’s office. I walked up to the door and opened it. There was Celestia and Luna was sitting by a table  on couches with a cup of tea along with some books on the table.  “You two needed me?” I asked. “Please sit down, we want to talk.” Celestia said to me. “Ya sore.” I sat down and got some tea from a spare cup thay had. I looked at what else was on the table, there was a big book, a card deck, and an open game of equestrian chess. Then Celestia said. “Sam, the reason why we called you here is because of your well. Origins.” “Didn't I tell you guys a lot already about my world.” I told them. Luna pitched in. “Well yes but we are more about thou’s past life.” “And we know that you don't like to talk about it but…” Celestia stopped to thank. Then she opened her mouth again. “We wish to help you.” “I pervore not too.” I told her. “Well then why?” “Because I don't like to.” “Sam, I know what you wear… an Aian.” “Let me guess. Luna told you.” “Yes. but please tell me. So I can help you get over them.” “Agen I don't like too.”  I started to get to leave but I heard the door locked and the windows security bars fall. Cellestia said. “Well then” She stude up. “Is it true that you see yourself as a monster?” her tone was aggressive and she started to pace around the room. “Is it true you were discriminated against by your own species just because your looks are perfect for a tyrant’s standards? Is it true that your own mother hates you because you were a mistake?” Then she leaned over me. “And is it true that the only people that truly cared and loved you were your grandparents.” I snapped. “ENOUGH!” I shouted.  I used my magic to grab her horn and forced her head below me. But before I could do anything else I quickly realized what I was doing. I let go of her and back away. “I'm sorry.” I told them in a fearful voice. I looked at Luna and she was shocked. “I’m sar-” I said before Celestia interrupted. “It's ok.” she told me. “What?!” “It’s ok that you shouted at me. In fact i-. Sam!” I collapsed and hit my head on the corner of Celestia’s desk. The last thing I saw before passing out was Luna rushing up to help me. As Sam lay unconscious on the floor with blood bleeding from his forehead Luna held him in her hooves.  “Oh no, ho no. Sister, why did thou do that!” Luna yelled. “Luna, I'm sorry. It's. It's. just tha-” Celestia said before Luna interrupted. “You hurt him!” She said while her eyes became slit. Celestia put her hoof on Luna’s chest. “He’s ok, it's just a bleed, no scars, no permanent damage.” Luna calmed down and her eyes turned normal. She took a deep breath. “Thee is right sister. I’ll go get a healing potion, thou get a bandage.” “Ok Luna.” Luna and Celestia looked in the drawer of the desk for first aid. Luna grabbed a healing potion and a rag. Celestia grabbed the alcohol wipes and a patch bandage. Celestia cleaned Sam’s head and put the bandage over his scab. Luna put the healing potion in the rag and put it on top of the bandage. They used magic to put Sam on one of the couches. Celestia went over and rubbed Sam's head but she found something. A lump of boone at the middle of his forehead. But too small to poke out of the furr even. She figured it was just a deformity and left it.  “Luna. Do you want some Lunch?” Celestia asked. “No Sister were good.” Luna replied. “Ok I'm going to make hash browns. “Ok.” As I gradually woke up. I felt a soft fur on my face and I was covered in a blink of feathers. When I opened my eyes and it was Celestia. “Hay Sam.” she said. I proceeded to get up and lay on the other side of the couch. My meremery was fussy for a few minutes. Until they celery up. I quickly checked my head. It had a bandaid on it. Looked over at Celestia and she seemed to be depressed. She proceeded to take a deep breath.  “I'm sorry Sam.” she told me. “No you're not at fault. It's just that I wanted to help you but my approach was. Well not pleasant. Please forgive me.” “What?! I should be the one apologizing for having laid a hand on you.” I told her. “Oh no that's no big deal. I'm an alcorn. All that you did was nothing more than an insect bite.” “Oh. ok.” “Hashbrowens are on the table.” I looked over and saw a sheet with some hash browns and some napkins. “Thank you. How long have I been out?” “Just a couple of hours. Luna is dream walking right now.” “Well is it ok to take this bandaid off?” “Ya it should be we used a healing potion so it should be alright.” I Proceeded to take the bandage off and throw it across the room into the small trash can. I took one of the hash browns and started eating. It was cold but hey it's alright. Celestia started eating  hash browns as well. Bet after a while there was like one left. Celestia looked at me wondering if I would take it. “This one is for Luna.” I said before taking it. I grabbed a napkin and wrapped the hash brown. Before I left the room at the doorway, I looked at Celestia and said. “I forgive you Celestia but please don't do that again.” “Yes sir.” She told me. “I understand the fact you wanted to help but I can tell you one thing.” “Realy!” Celestia said like an excised kid. “Well the reason why is why I don't like to talk about it. Is that I got a second chance in life and I don't want my old shackles of my past life hurting anyone. Ok.” “Yes Sam, I understand.”  “Well good night.” “Goodnight Sam.” I walked over to the playroom of the casal. I opened the door and  Luna was dream walking. I walked over to her. I put the hash brown on the mugufen table next to her and walked off. I walked to my bedroom and looked at the time. 10:47 the clock said. I fixed my bed, I took off my catalyst and face planted on the bed. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna laid in her bed sleepless. She turned her head to look at the clock. 2:40 in the morning. She got out of bed and used a light spell to see her surroundings. She felt sad about what happened at Sam’s homeworld. They used the Blades of Tartarus. When she was dream walking earlier she saw a massive decrease in human dreams. All she saw was a hot hell that soon turned cold. Some survivors even died in their sleep. It was unnerving to know that Sam may be the last of his kind. It’s bad enough to send news that a loved one passed away but a whole entire race, that is a little too much to handle. She walked to Sam’s room to check on him. He was still asleep and Luna had this odd feeling of sadness that sooner or later she would have to tell him. I woke up in the morning and today was the day. The Grand Galloping Gala. I headed to the bathroom to take care of my teeth and body. Then I walked back to my room to put on my catalyst and my new uniform. I walked down to see the gala’s decorations. The garden looked as beautiful as a painting and the castle looked fit for a king. I felt like nothing much would go wrong. As I ate breakfast with Celestia I asked. “So what races will be there or is it just ponies?” I asked. “Well it will be mostly ponies but they are going to be  a handful of griffins.” she told me. “Hopefully you got food for them.” “I did and meat is part of their diet.” “Can I try some meat?” “Umm… ponies don't usually eat meat. I mean if you do it will certainly draw plenty of eyes.” “Oh well this year is going to be interesting.” “Well, hopefully for the better. Most years it's just the same thing over and over again.” “Ya if you are an immortal being, life can be dull sometimes.” “Ya, it really can.” “Oh Sam, since blueblood is not around can you greet the guests?” “What really!?” “Ya you are supposed to check the tickets if they are a fraud.” “Really i'm kinda honored.” “It ain't much but it’s needed.” After breakfast I went to the doors leading to Luna’s room and sat there waiting. After a while Luna walked out. “Good morning Luna, how did you sleep?” I asked but she just stood there looking at me kinda sad. “Are you ok Luna? Do you need a hug?” I asked with concern. Then she threw herself at me, hugging me. “We're so sorry.” Luna cried.  “What is it?” I asked as she cried on me. I was concerned about her because she was very upset about something that is about me for some reason so I asked. “Luna, do you want to talk to your big sister about it?” she nodded her head. “Ok i’ll take you to your sister.” Then I took her to look for Celestia. After a while we found Celestia in the garden.  “Hey! Luna wants to talk to you about something.” I shouted at Celestia. “What's wrong, why is Luna crying?” Celestia asked. “Well I don't know but I think that Luna wants to talk to you.” “Well Luna, do you want to talk about it in private?” Celestia asked Luna. “Ya-ye-yes I don't want to tell Sam.” Luna stuttered in her sadness. “Sam, can you leave us for now?” Celestia asked. “Yes princess.” I told her. Once Sam left and went to his room to wait. Luna started to talk to Celestia. “Sister there-there-” Luna said. “There what? Luna?” Celestia asked Luna. “They used the blades of tarteris!” “Oh- Oh my and that's why you're upset?” “No sister, we're going to tell Sam but we couldn't deliver the news. We just can't.” “Do you want me to tell him?” “Yes. no. but. aah!” “Luna, you have to make up your mind.” “Sister, why don't you decide!” “Are you sure Luna?” “Yes yes.” “Ok Luna then I’ll tell him.” Then Celestia went to Sam’s room to tell him. After she got to his room she told him. “Sam, can you meet with me in the throne room?” “Oh ok.” Sam said with concern.  In the throne room, Celestia and Luna sat there waiting for Sam. Once Sam got there, both Luna and Celestia looked at Sam.  “Yes, your highness?” Sam asked. “Oh Sam, the reason why Luna was upset is because…” Celestia said before Luna interrupted her. “One of our servants died in bed last night. We felt very bad for their family.” Luna lied to Sam trying to spare him from the dread of being the last of his kind. “Oh ok that's quite depressing.” Sam said.  Then I proceeded to give Luna a hug. “Well that’s weird.”  I thought to myself but I continued my day. After a while I told Celestia that I’ll be leaving to see Vera and I went on my merry way. Once I got Vera’s place, the shop was closed and the light’s inside the shop were off. When I got up to the home part of the building I knocked on the door. Then Rosey opened the door and she seemed a little drunk. “Hey big colt.” Rosey flirted. “Umm… is Vera home?” I asked. “Ugh. Vera, Sam wants you!” “What’s wrong Rosey?” “You just killed the mood.” “Oh hey Sam how has it been?” Vera asked. “Well somepony died last night and Luna is sad about it. And your sister seems to be drunk.” I told Vera. “Well she just got back from the bar.” “Oh, are you two ready for the gala today?” I told them but they seemed a bit busy. “Ok, Rosey you need to lay on the couch and in a little bit Sam will put you in your bed.” she told me and Rosey as she put Rosey on the couch. “Noo I want a coltfriend.” Rosey protested. “Sam doesn't want a marefriend.” Vera argued. After we made sure that Rosey wouldn’t wander off and get a fine for public indecency, we decided to go for a walk around the block. After a few hours we walked back to check on Rosey. “Uhh… I have a headache.” Rosey groaned. “Hey get up, it's about time to go to the gala.” Vera said to get Rosey up. “Ok see you at the gala.” I told them. Then I left hoping that they would make it there. When I got back, I got the list of names for the tickets. At twilight time, Vera and Rosey were the first ones to come. Vera had her red dress while Rosey had a white dress. After a while the band for the gala came and Vera’s janitor took care of setting them up. All kinds of nobles began to show up around 8 or so.. Some brought their partners and others came alone. I got to see my first few griffins, their front looked like a bird while their back half looked more like a cat. Twilight and her friends came but also I also got to see the elements that I have been hearing about. Then after a couple of more guests, I got to see Blueblood and he just had this up to no good smirk on his face.  After I collected all the tickets and made sure the doors were closed, I went to join the party. I looked around and I saw a buffet filled with baked foods, veggies and most importantly meat. I haven't had pork and beef for a long time so of course I went to get myself some of that nice tender meat. Luckily, no pony or griffin even noticed me. I went to Vera and she had some shrimp. As we walked next to her, classical music was playing. Neither me nor Vera spoke a word, we were just enjoying the gala. As for Luna and Celestia, they were just enjoying each other’s company and conversation with a night off from royal duties. I started to eat my food before it got cold. That meat was filled to the brim with spices that made it somewhat overwhelming but I didn't care. It's been a few months since I last had meat. I'm not gonna let the extra seasoning stop me. A little bit later we saw Rosey walk towards us with a glass of water. Soon all three of us were just hanging out. “Oh Sam, the speeches are going to start.” Vera told me. I look up to the small stage in the room. The princesses went up on stage and Twilight started her speech. “Welcome family and friends. It’s been an interesting few years, the reintroduction of Luna to Equestria, the defeat of King Sombra in the Crystal Empire and the end of raids from Changeling hives. If it wasn't for my friends I wouldn't have known what to do during these encounters. I promise that the elements of harmony will spread harmony across Equestria. Far and wide making sure that peace will prosper as long as me and my friends last. The world may be rough but together we will make it.” Then the crowd cheered, ponies stomped their front hooves and the griffins clapped their claws. As everyone cheered, I noticed a lurking shadow from outside but it was probably just a bird or some kind of animal. Some more ponies gave their speeches after Twilight. The captain of the royal guard gave her speech which was about keeping the land safe from the changeling threat, then the governors which was about keeping Equestria stable and running, and finally Blue Blood which talked about this hidden threat that is in the room, which was referring to me. But no pony nor griffin believed him. Oddly enough, he looked at the doors in his speech like someone was going to come in. After all of that Twilight came to me and started to talk with me. “Hey Sa- what is that meat on your plate?” she asked. “Ya.” I told her. “Wh… I… what?” “Yes it’s meat.” “What is? Oh wait, you used to eat it back home.” “Is ponies eating meat a foreign concept to you?” “Well yes.” “What do you need any way?” “Well I was going to ask you to come with me, my friends want to meet you.” “Can I tell Vera that I'm coming with you?” “Yes you can.” I turned around to Vera and said. “Hey, I'm going with Twilight for something. Ok?” Vera nodded her head because her mouth was filled with shrimp. So me and Twilight went out of the main room and into the halls. We went through the halls and into the princesses room. Surrounding the McGuffin table was her friends and Luna. But pink flashed before my eyes which activated my flight or fight response and I pushed it. It was that pink mare when I greeted earlier and every pony's eyes widened. “Oh fuck! Are you ok?” I asked in concern. No response. I stood there in shock. “Did… I kill her?” I asked in concern. Then she shouted “surpr-” I got scared again and kicked her in the stomach. The mare grouched in pain and every one rushed to help her.I stood back so I could stop beating up the poor mare.  “Well you're not on the surprise party list.” the pink mare said. “I'm so so sorry.” I told her. “Oh that's ok, honestly I'm quite impressed. Most ponies I surprise normally would freeze in place or run.” “Oh well then thank you I guess.” After we got to our seats at the table, Twilight's friends greeted me. “Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie.” the pink chubby mare told me. “Hi nice to meet you, I'm Applejack.” The cowmare told me. “Rambo Dash” The rainbow pegasus. “Rarity.” The white unicorn. “Fluttershy.” The bat pony. “Well it's nice to meet you all. Do you guys have any questions?” I asked. Then all of them raised their hooves and I thought to myself. “Ah shit here we go again.” “Ok Applejack what's yours?” I asked. “Ok what do you y’all wear like do you just wear clothes for everything or just for work and events?” “Well I used to wear clothes for almost everything. The only time I'm not wearing clothes is when I'm sleeping. But ever sinceI was summoned, I sort of stopped. My coat acted as my clothes.” “Oh! Oh!” Pinkie Pie said. “Yes?” I asked. “What do you guys eat?” “Well, we're omnivores. We eat both plants and animals. And just recently I got to eat my first meat in this world.” “Ohh so that plate on the table had meat on it?” “Ya I finished it on the way over here.” “What, what's your cutie mark mean?” Rarity asked. “Ok it's not a cutie mark it’s a tattoo. And it doesn’t mean anything.” I told her. “Umm… can I ask a question?” Fluttershy asked. “Ya what is it?” I asked. “What kind of mare… do you like?” “What kind of mare do I like? Well I'm not into ponies.” “Oh I… I see.” Fluttershy said as she started to hide in her wings. “Did I just reject her?” I thought to myself. “Oo! Oo! Sam, what is your favorite fiction?” Rambo dash asked. “Oh  I'm a big fan of warhammer 40k.” “What is that?” “Do you want to spend 30 hours explaining the whole lore of it?” “Oh umm a different ti-” Then the door slammed open and a guard came through the door. He had a few cuts and slashes on him and he was bleeding. Then he said. “Your highness we’re under attack! And they stoned Princess Celestia!” “By whom?” Luna asked. “Blul-” then he collapsed and died. Every pony was shocked at the scene. “Well shit.” I said in shock. “But who is attacking?” Twilight asked. “I don't know! Is it the changelings again!?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Blueblood.” I said. “WHAT!?” everyone said in shock. “Ya.” “How?” “Not right now we need to fight!” I said. Everypony went out of the room but Luna stopped me. “Sam we need thou to go to the library and there should be a special button.” she told me. “Oh uh ok.” I said as the group left. “Ok, let's go to the library.” I told myself. After that I went to the library. I saw some militia as I suspected. They were covered in thick cloth, some armor and had spears. But there were a few that wore robes and they were unicorns. I avoided him so I wouldn't get captured or killed or whatever the hell to harm me.  Once I went to the library. I blocked the entrance with the table and one of the cabinets. “Ok button button button button. Where are you?” I told myself as I looked around the room. I tried to pull the books and nothing happened. I used the old lantern trick. Nothing happened and now there's a bunch of holes in the wall. But when I layed on the floor I saw a button on the ceiling. “Button!” I said in excitement. I grabbed as many books as I could to make my way up to the button. After a while I finally got it but time was in a crunch because I heard some ponies from the other side of the blocked doors. “Hey somepony is in there” the ponies from the other side. So I rushed to the button and pressed it. I felt the floor open up and me and the pile of books fell. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” I screamed as I fell down to the hole. Luna fought for her sister against the militias and sadly the elements were stolen. As one militia cast a spell to immobilize her, it hit her and Luna fell to the floor. “oof.” she said when she fell. She looked up and saw one of the militias holding a container. “Oh not again.” she said as she was turned to stone. The same fate as her sister. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Oof.” I said as the books broke my fall. It became dark as the massive trap door closed. I used my catalyst to make light so I could see. I looked at my surroundings. There was a massive spiral staircase leading to the trap door and this long ass hallway. Thanks to the dark I couldn't see what was in the hallway. I got up but when I got up I felt something snap in my rear back leg. “MOTHER! FUUUUUCKKKKER!” I screamed in pain. After that I limped into the hall with a broken leg. After a while my eyes adjusted to the dark making it easier to see and I saw a treasury but not filled with gold coins but one filled with artifacts on pedestals. Some looked more girly while others looked like weapons and there were a few that looked like normal household things. I decided to look at one of the many artifacts. One of the artifacts looked like a sickle on a long pole. There was a little tag on it and it was in Shakespearean english. “Night of the Moon that will be born.” it read. It took me a moment to realize that this was the thing that nightmare moon used to make those bat ponies. I put it back because I had no idea how to use it. After a bit more of looking at the artifacts, I decided to leave the treasury behind but before losing hope, a red glare caught my eye. It was this amulet that looked like an evil alicorn. It screamed powerful and the tag read, “The Alicorn Amulet.” I looked at the amulet with thoughts of power. Power to stop Blueblood. Of course I could get a different artifact but at this point I didn't care. All I wanted was to stop him. I braced myself for any of the corrupted voices this amulet had and put it on.  I felt the mana in my veins and felt my leg forge itself back to normal. I looked at my back and two red energy wings appeared. I looked up and saw the tip on a red energy horn. I have become a GOD. “HAHAHAHAHA! Your fucked Blueblood! Your fucked!” I laughed. I felt the power and I felt like slapping myself to keep in line. Oddly there were no new voices in my head. I rushed out of the room and climbed the stairs. I heard hoof steps and talking right above me. So I put my new powers to use and leaped. The trapdoors got obliterated. There was a lot of debris and smoke. Once the smoke cleared,  there was a little pony shaking. “What are you?” he asked in fear. “I am a Tarren.” I said. I used my amulet to stop the electrical currents in his brain before he tried to attack,eventually turning him off. Then I walked out of the room. “Halt!” I heard from my right. There were some more of those mortal little ponies that trashed the gala. I turned off one of them and he just fell over. “OH SHIT! OH SHT-” The other’s said before I turned their brains off as well.  After running around the castle, I ran into another member of the militia. He charged at me but I just threw him out of the window like he was just a piece of trash. I came across the table that brought me here. It was DESTROYED, reduced to bits and pieces of itself and a handful of pieces were missing. I picked one up and I felt angry. The only thing that connected my world and this one. After more searching and dealing with the militia, I got back to the gala and Blueblood was there. It looked like everyone was turned to stone.  “You're too late Sam! I turned everypony and griffin to stone. And look what I got. That's right, I have the elements in my hooves and now I can get rid of you ONCE FOR ALL!” He monologues. “Shut the hell up! And eat this!” I yelled. I attacked him by launching myself at him.  “Haha you fool I have the elements.” This magical energy shield thing surrounded him and the elements orbiting him. I pulled the plumbing system out of the floor and used the water to make a star at the tip of my horn. “Aww how cute.” Blueblood mocked.  I used the air to make a lens to make a laser and I blasted him. The energy shield started to crack, but he moved out of the way and started to fly. Sadly, I couldn't fly because I don't know how to fly with wings. So I just aimed the laser at him, melting parts of the ceiling. He slams himself at me, knocking me out of the castle. I activated my laser again but this time I used the sprinkler system for my fuel. Night became day in Canterlot thanks to my lasers. I got him again and the shield finally broke.  I pinned him down and tried to get the elements. “Now it is my chance to get the elements and soon I will rule Equest-. What! Are these my thoughts? Oh SHIT!” I quickly realized the amulet was taking over but I needed it to stop Blueblood. He launched himself up, breaking free from me. Then he pinned me to the ground. “Haha you can’t stop me! I am Prince Blueblood!” he said while the elements aimed at me. But they started to glow. “What in Tarteris!” he said in shock while the elements glowed. I had no idea what was happening. Then this multicolored explosion pushed me into the wall of the castle. I felt the amulet rip off of me taking a piece of skin and flesh off with it. The last thing I saw was Blueblood turning to stone before I fell unconscious.  I heard ticking from a clock and I felt cloth, like on a bed. I opened my eyes and I saw Vera, Rosie, Luna and Celestia. “Wha-what happened?” I asked. “You're alive!” Vera shouted while giving me a hug and Luna joined in as well. They both started to cry. “Hey guys, are you two ok?” I asked as they clinged on to me. “Sam, you were out for two days!” Vera told me. “Two days, wow that's a long time.”  “Thou have saved us all.” Luna is sad. Then the memories from the gala came back to me. “What, how did you guys turn back from stone?” “Well the elements sort of have a mind of their own.” Celestia told me. “Really? What happened to the elements? I- I remember me using an amulet and the elements exploded?!” “Well my SISTER thought it was a good idea to give you access to the forbidden library! But it seemed to work out in the end.” “How are the ponies that are keepers of the elements?” “They're fine but the plumbing system is broken. But thanks for saving us.” “Excuse me your highnesses but can you please leave? Visiting hours are over.” a white mare told everypony. “Sure thing.” Celestia told her. Then everypony left the room. I removed the sheets to see my body. I was completely shaved. I had scars all over my back legs and chest. I looked to the side of the bed and there was a mirror there. It wasn't big but it worked. There were two massive scars along my neck where the amulet was. I looked to the other side and there was a get well balloon. When I looked down I saw my box of tapes. I reached down and grabbed one with my hooves. It was difficult but I started to record. “Log 7…”