> Their Names Across The Multiverse > by DATONETWIxDASHFAN > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Every Story Has A Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birds chirped, the warm breeze blew all around, the trees rustled, and the sounds of animals in the woods echoed throughout the peaceful forest. The silence between Rainbow Spark and her sister's parents helped make the noise stand out, making it all the more apparent to the group. Twilight coughed and asked Spark what she meant. "What do you mean, 'Who am I?'? Have you forgotten who you are?" Spark shook her head, and a tear formed in the corner of her eye. "It's not that I forgot who I am; I don't even know if I'm my own person or just basing who I am from Nightfall and Rainbow Sky." She sat on the grassy ground. "Or maybe I was wrong, and my sister's traits and personality were their own, and it WAS me who just copied it!" Twilight could see Spark was struggling with this dilemma, so she did the only thing she knew how: she comforted her somewhat daughter by hugging her. "It's gonna be okay." For once, Spark felt calm and like she finally had something—that something was family. She was going to hug Twilight back, but what she heard from Twilight made her sadder than ever. "It's gonna be okay, Braver." Twilight quickly caught what she said and broke the hug, trying to come up with a quick explanation. "Oh! Sorry, sweetie, I-I-I meant... um..." "I'm not Braver, Twilight." she started to cry. "Or maybe I am? This is what I'm talking about; who am I!? Really!" Twilight felt awful, and she made things worse for Spark. She wanted to help but felt Twilah's hand on her shoulder and saw Twilah sitting beside her. "Spark, what you feel is Imposter syndrome," Twilah explained. "This condition results in people feeling like a fraud or a phony, and it's common for those who suffer from it to feel inadequate and undeserving. Even though they know it's not true, it doesn't stop the feeling from haunting them." Twilah then looked at her, and she felt a slight pain in her heart. The pain of knowing her daughter, Blitz, was genuinely gone, and the only remains were Spark. Nightfall and Sky shared with her and the others here that Spark is the actual clone of those two, not Braver and Blitz. The twins were just the slime that copied Spark's DNA, taking Sky and Nightfall's DNA and making the twins look like them slightly. Spark kept the twins, or, in this case, the slime, alive as whatever Nightfall's father did to them, they would die if they were removed from Spark's element harmony-like orb. By keeping them alive, Spark was forced to live within her custom-made element core, watching through her sister's eyes of the outside world, never living it, only watching. To save all of the multiverses, the twins removed themselves from Spark, sacrificing themselves to make Spark stop Rainbow Sun Dawn and give Spark a chance at life, a new beginning. "The way you're feeling right now is natural," Twilah continued. It's perfectly fine to feel the way you do, but the best thing you can do is not to dwell on it." She looked at her. "I can't imagine how you must feel, but I want you to know that we are always here for you and support you. We love you, Blitz." She covered her mouth, realizing what she had said. She could see Spark hurting even more as she put her head on her knees. "I'm sorry, Sp—" "No, it's okay," Spark cut in. I guess I am Blitz." She stood up, smiling, but she knew the smile was fake. "Thank you, Mom; you always know what to say since you became a therapist." She could feel her smile breaking into a frown. "For me! Blitz!" Dashie couldn't handle this anymore and joined in, hoping to help. "Stop, you aren't our daughter, Blitz. You are you, Rainbow Spark! What Twilah said is very true. We are here for you and will give you the support you need. You are our daughter's sister, which means you are family to us." She held Twiiah's hand, making her smile at Spark. Dash joined in as well, sitting with Twilight and holding her hoof. "And to us! You have a home here and in the human universe," Dash smirks. "You have four moms! So four times the love! Right!?" She looks at Twilight and the others. "Right!" they all said, smiling. Spark felt somewhat better now. "Well, then... thank you." "Oh, sweetie," Twilight said, giving her a big hug, and the others joined in. "It's alright. I'm sorry for calling you by your sister's name. It's just..." Spark could sense it; their sadness made her so sad, and she felt awful. They lost their daughters and could only see them within her. They said they didn't see her as are sisters, but she knew that wasn't true. You can't erase all those years, but she didn't say anything. "No, it's ok, Twilight. I understand," Spark replied, returning the hug. She didn't feel much better, and her guilt ate at her. If only she had stopped her sisters from removing her from themselves, they would still be here, and their mothers wouldn't be so sad. She wished for a way to bring back her sisters, but that wasn't possible, at least not that she knew of. They all broke the hug, and Spark just listened to their questions, like where she went, how old is she since she looked a little older, and so on. She toned it out and could think of ways to make them happy, and one thought entered her mind. "Moms!?" asked Spark, putting on a big fake smile. They all asked what was wrong, making Spark close her eyes, and her horn started to glow. "Let's have a family day out!" In a rainbow flash, they disappeared from the forest and reappeared inside Braver's library in New Ponyville, confusing Twilight and Dash about why Spark brought them here. "Uh, honey? Why did you bring us here?" asked Dash. "I thought it would be a great start! Remember mom?" Spark turned to Dash and Twilight, who watched her take a few books off the shelves, make them fly over to the table, and place them on it. "Remember how the town gave me the library after saving everyone from the flood after the dam broke?" Spark pulled Twilight and Dash towards the table while Twilah and Dashie looked confusedly. "Remember, after the grand opening, you two promised we would have a family reading day here." "Oh, yes, we did, but... sweetheart, that was with-" Twilight couldn't finish as Spark teleported most of the library books above her and Dash, burying them in books. "We have a lot of catching up to do! So let's get reading!" She sat down and looked at the piles of books around her. She saw that Twilight and Dash were missing, making her wonder where they had gone until she saw the two pop their heads from the book pile. "After this, we can play buckball, right, Mom!?" Dash noticed she was looking at her and quickly prepared as Spark flew toward her like a missile, tackling her, her face deep in Spark's ample chest, feeling the warmth between the boobs. "Yeah! Sure! Whatever! Just get off me, you are crushing me, Br-" Dash couldn't finish as Spark let her go and let her fall to the wood floor. Spark turned her attention to Twilah. "Then after that, we can spend some time together, like you always wanted, Mom." Twilah wasn't sure how to react, but she decided to go with it, smiling. "Oh yes, like I always wanted and promised you. I need to make up lost time with you, sweetie." Part of Twilah felt like she died inside because she made that promise to Blitz, not to Spark, but she didn't want to hurt Spark even more. "HELL YEAH!" Spark screamed, flying into the air and doing a mid-air stunt, which Blitz does when excited about something. She landed and faced Dashie, who looked at her concerned. "Then we can go for a run, r-" "STOP IT!" shouted Dashie, stopping Spark from finishing. "What's wrong, Mom?" Spark asked, tilting her head, pretending to be confused, even though she knew what was wrong. Dashie clutched her fist; she wasn't angry but just hurt. "How can you expect us to act like everything is alright!? When you are trying to act like our daughters! They are dead!" She was crying and fell to her knees, breaking down. "Yet, you are remembering things that they only know. I know you saw their life through their eyes, but you aren't them! Stop acting like it, please! We will always love you, no matter what, and we will be there for you." Twilah knelt beside her, holding her shoulder, and she faced Spark. "Dashie is right, Spark. I know you are trying to do your best to cheer us up, and we can see that, but... please try not to act like Braver and Blitz. Just be yourself. That is what Braver and Blitz would want." Spark felt terrible and could feel her fake smile crumbling as the reality set in. "But they are dead! And it's my fault!" she held her head in her hands. "If only I could have done something, but..." everyone could see her shaking, and her tears formed and started falling. "Maybe Fayth was right about me? I'm just a monster who stole away two innocent girls' lives and replaced them with this monster." "That's enough!" Dash was tired of her talk, so she marched up to Spark, hovered, looked her in the eye, and grabbed her shoulder. "You didn't steal away anyone's lives! You are your own person, and your sisters gave you a chance to live. So don't ever call yourself a monster!" "BUT FAYTH WAS RIGHT!" screamed Spark, unleashing her overwhelming magical power thanks to the broken pieces of the elements of harmony and her DNA of Sky and Nightfall, which were magical bioweapons in their universe. "I AM A MONSTER!" Everyone could feel her overwhelming power. Dash sees the floor cracking and the library tree starting to shake and fall apart. She was terrified and didn't know what to do, but Twilight did. Twilight shut her eyes and blasted the book pile off her, hovering in the air with her magical aura. She quickly opened her eyes, revealing the glowing purple eyes. "ENOUGH YOUNG LADY! WHAT WOULD YOUR SISTERS THINK ABOUT THIS BEHAVIOR!?" shouted Twilight in the royal Cantorlot voice. Spark was shocked. She couldn't believe what Twilight had said, but she knew it was true. Her mind was racing with different emotions, but the one that kept coming to the surface was fear of disappointing her dear sisters and their mothers. Her breathing became quick, sweat ran down her face, and her heart raced. "I-I-I-I need to go!" Spark turned around and ran toward the library door, ignoring Dashie and Twilah, who told her not to blitz it like her sister always did when she faced something she couldn't handle. She almost reached the door but somehow tripped over nothing, falling to the side and knocking over the bookshelves, which fell to another shelf. Spark could only watch from the floor, seeing the rows of bookshelves falling over each other like dominoes. The final bookcase fell over, leaving a clear view of the mess she made and the damage she did to the library. "Spark?" She could hear Twilight and the others calling out to her. She curled up, hugging her knees. She didn't know what to do; she didn't want to hear how upset they were with her. "Please, don't hate me!" She felt her heartache and wished her sisters were here. They should be the ones here, not her. "I'm sorry I took them away from you. It's all my fault!" She could feel her tears streaming down her face. She waited for them to yell at and hate her, but the only thing that happened was feeling them all picking her up from the floor and feeling all their warm bodies as they hugged her. "Spark, please, please listen to us. We will never hate you or anything!" whispered Twilah. "Our daughters gave their lives for you; they chose to do so, and they would have done it a thousand times if it meant you would have a chance to live a normal life," Dashie said, smiling. "Don't listen to that little brat; you are no monster! You helped save Rainbow Dawn by making her move forward without being controlled by that brat. You and your sisters saved the multiverse; how are you a monster?" Dash messed up Spark's hair. Spark felt a hoof under her chin, making her look at Twilight. "Spark, I can see what is within you, just being around you. If Fayth is the living embodiment of fate itself, then you are the living embodiment of." Twilight placed her hoof on Spark's heart, and the others joined in, touching her heart. "Of a spark! The spark that resides in the heart of us all is a beautiful flame that ignites not only the fire of friendship but also the means to move forward, and that is what you are, and you are our daughter, no matter what! You have a home here and in the universe from which Twilah and Dashie are from. You are loved and welcome." Spark's tears streamed down her face. She wasn't sure what to say, and no words came out. She could only sob while her mothers held her. As Dashie and Twilah cleaned the library, Dash and Twilight brought Spark to Braver's bedroom. They wanted her to calm down and answer a few things. They watched her look around the somewhat damaged room and then remove the bedsheet hanging over the hole in the wall, the same hole Braver made when the prism window blasted her away after she tried to scatter it to get into Blitz's universe. Spark lowered the blanket and looked at them. "I saw her life; I remember all the clumsy things she has done in here." Spark walked over to the damaged bed and sat on it, only for it to collapse, causing her to fall to the floor. Dash and Twilight had a feeling that would happen, and they could only watch her fall, making Dash chuckle a little. "Poor Luster," whispered Spark, sitting up and remembering how Braver would cause problems for Luster Dawn, like making her ceiling crack and dropping the dust onto her snacks or cup of tea. It was a happy memory, but she quickly remembered something. "Hey, What happened to Luster Dawn? I know she caused many problems like destroying Cantorlot and damaging part of Equestria with that blackwater." Dash nudged Twilight, making her say something. Twilight coughed and answered, "The day after you returned us to Equestria, she was sent to jail and was going to be tried for her crimes, but..." she couldn't finish as Spark stood up, worried. "Let me finish! She would be tried, but Starlight explained what was wrong with her daughter. After Dawn spoke to me, I saw how she felt about everything, how she had never felt normal like other ponies, and how different she was. We explained this to the court, which they didn't know what to think, and released her on probation while getting the help she needed, and Twilah helped with that part." Twilight walked to the blanket, lifting it and looking at the town below. "For her probation agreement, she's doing community service." "Really? Like what?" asked Spark, standing beside Twilight and looking at the town. "Well, she's helping by cleaning up the valley where the ruins of Cantorlot and the castle crashed in. She's there right now." Twilight lowered the blanket and sat on the ground, with Dash joining her. Spark could see that she was patting the ground in front of her, wanting her to join her, and she did. "There is something I need to ask you, Spark." Twilight looked Spark in the eye. "About what?" asked Spark, looking back at her. "Sweetie, what happened to you? What did Fayth do to make you act like this, and where have you been? We already know about time dilation between the universe and within the 'world of between,' so seeing you slightly older makes sense, but what happened? Tell us!" Twilight looked at her with great concern, and Spark could see that. Spark closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and released it. "It's a long story. I don't know where to start." "Start at the beginning!" Dash patted Spark's back, smiling. "I'll do my best," said Spark, smiling. "I'm just telling you before I start that I saved the multiverse again and helped..." She looked at them, remembering her adventure. "Other versions of you two. Versions of you two who had suffered so, so much." Spark could feel the tears coming as she remembered their stories, but she stood firm. "But I'm getting ahead of myself. It started after finding Fayth again in another universe, rewriting someone's fate..." See, I found Fayth in the Freedom Planet universe, where she would change the fate of this water dragon girl named Sash Lilac. Short version: I teamed up with Lilac's friends and helped them break into an underwater base owned by this evil alien tyrant named Lord Brevon. Spark darted down the hallway; alongside her was Carol the Wildcat, while Milla the dog and Torque, an alien and commander of Spectrum Chaser, were behind them as they hurried to save Lilac from her prison. "So, you are from another universe, huh? Did you meet another version of me?" asked Carol. "Yep, and I can say that I'm not surprised by how similar you and she are," replied Spark, looking at her with a smile. "But Lilac, on the other hand, wasn't a dragon but a hedgehog!" Carol is amazed by that. "Wow!?" "Yup, and honestly, I'm shocked you guys just believed me on the whole multiverse thing," Spark said, looking back ahead and seeing steel doors being closed shut. "Hold on!" Spark opened her wings and blasted forward with her fist glowing a bright rainbow color; with one great punch, she blasted through the steel door, and the force behind it continued through the other steel doors, blasting them all open. Carol and the others had their mouths open, stunned by her power. "And you guys call Lilac amazing!" laughed Torque. Carol snapped out of it and smirked. "Hey girl, I've never seen someone do that! Plus, Torque here is from space! Anything is possible, like some powerful water dragon from the ocean, to appear!" she joked, but Spark laughed nervously, knowing their future. They continued on their way to save Lilac, fighting off the many soldiers guarding the prison and reaching her. Only to find her chained to a torture device, her body and face charred from the non-stop torture, her once beautiful purple scales charred black. "Lilac, NO!" screamed Carol. Torque quickly rushed to the computer and inserted a keycard that he took off a destroyed soldier, freeing Lilac from holding the tube, dropping to the floor on her hands, clearly in pain. Carol was already by her side, holding her in her arms. "Oh my gosh, Lilac, I'm so sorry I ran off! I'll never do it again!" Milla is shocked and horrified as she sees Lilac this bad, but Torque isn't shocked by this, as he knows Lord Brevon too well. Lilac couldn't speak well; all she could do was cough up blood, and Carol was trying her best not to cry, but seeing Lilac like this broke her heart. "We gotta leave, no—" Lilac couldn't finish as Spark stood before her, punching the air above her, causing a powerful blast. Lilac and her friends had no idea what Spark did, but only Spark could see it: black seeds falling, about to land on Lilac, changing her, changing how her story will go, towards a sad, fated ending. But with that punch just now, she destroyed it and saved Lilac's fate. "W-Who are you?" Lilac asked, looking up at Spark. She saw Spark's bright, glowing rainbow aura and the magic flowing through her horn. Spark smiled and looked at her, kneeling and patting her head. "Lilac, keep doing what you are doing; never stop running and being the water dragon you are! Never give up on your friends, okay?" Lilac is surprised, but before she can answer, her friends help her to her feet and carry her. "We have to leave!" said Torque, heading to the door, only to see it open and loud footsteps could be heard. "Oh no!" Stepping out from the darkness were Lord Brevon and his armed soldiers, who aimed at the group. Spark's attention wasn't on Lord Brevon but instead what was floating above him. It was Fayth, reading in her book, smiled as she noticed Spark. The two just stared each other down. Before Spark could say anything, the underwater base alarm system went off, with orange lights and a siren blazing. Torque quickly activated the teleport pad in the room, teleporting himself and his friends from the room, making Brevon dash forward with his green knife; about to cut them down, but Spark blocked it with her hand, making him not surprised as he leaped back. "A hero sacrifice, what noble. Letting them escape, but I already met and killed your types before, so don't bore me with your lect-" he couldn't finish as Spark suddenly appeared in front of him, punching him in the gut and making him drop to his knees, groaning. "You little wench!" Lord Brevon looked up and saw Spark standing there, her eyes glowing rainbow. "Listen up, YOU don't bore me with your evil bad guy speeches. I've heard them a thousand times from a thousand evil bastards like yourself. Unless you have something worthwhile to say, the only thing that matters to me is you shutting the hell up and escaping before the self-destruct blows you and this place to bits. Got it?" Lord Brevon was annoyed by Spark's speech but had to agree. He didn't want to die. "Fine, fine, but next time we meet, I'll make sure you die a pai-" he couldn't finish again, as Spark had him by his large, brownish-orange unibrow. "Trust me, buddy, if this were my story, I would strike you down for the people you killed across this universe, but it's not. That falls on someone, and when that time comes, you fight that girl and lose because that is your fate, so suck it up and be a good little evil asshole." Spark then released his unibrow and walked past him, looking at Fayth, who smiled and shrugged. Without warning, Spark and Fayth charged at each other, unleashing a powerful shockwave and blasting upward, leaving Brevon to lick his wounds as he quickly escaped with his men. Within the underwater base, shockwaves could be heard, and a metal wall exploded, revealing a rainbow star and a black star charging at each other, leaving behind a rainbow trail and a black trail. The two stars landed in a giant pipe corridor, far from each other. Spark and Fayth looked at each other down, only to hear a warning siren going off, making them turn to their right. They saw a giant hatch open, revealing a tide of lava heading their way. "Crap!" shouted Spark, dashing away from the lava as fast as she could. Spark kept running down what seemed to be an endless corridor, feeling the blazing heat from behind her. As she kept going, Fayth hovered near her, leaning back like she was in a chair. "You just love sticking those big-breasted of yours into my business, don't you? Well, it doesn't matter; I have a lot of work to do." "Not today, Fayth, not today! You're not rewriting anyone's story ever again!" shouted Spark, glaring at her while still running for her life. Fayth stood forward, stuck her tongue at her, and flew upward, blasting through the metal ceiling, leaving Spark alone. "Damn it! Come back here!" Spark opened her wings and went after her, blasting out of the pipe and heading towards Fayth, who opened a rift. "FAYTH!" Fayth looked around just in time to see Spark somehow tripping on a cloud, spinning out of control towards her and filling her face with Spark's chest. Launching them into the rift and exiting Freedom Planet universe and into the world of Between, a realm where the prime universes are located. Each prime universe is a giant tree, branches filled with different alt universes that break away from the central universe. The rift closes, and Spark can finally see where she is, seeing the whiteness and the giant trees around her. "Back here? Where did Fayth go?" she stood up and looked around, not noticing the small girl stuck between her chest. Fayth started to scream and tried to escape from Spark's chest. But she couldn't. "Huh? Oh my, hello there. Let me help you!" Spark reached into her chest and pulled her out, with Fayth gasping for air and blushing hard. "DAMN COW!" Fayth smacks Spark's chest, causing Spark to scream in pain and let her go. "Ah, ow, that hurts. Why do you always do that?" Spark said, holding her chest. Fayth was in the white water-filled ground, trying to catch her breath. "You just shoved me into your damn cow tits, that's why, and now I'm mad!" Fayth stood up and opened her book, taking out her feather pen, while Spark got in a battle pose, ready for whatever Fayth would throw at her. Static A young female child with messy boyish purple hair sat inside a black and flightless wooden room. Her eyes had dark bags under them as she watched the only light source in the room, a small white orb. She's holding someone, and that someone is Twilight Sparkle, but having a very messy mane. The girl stroked Twilight's mane, revealing her loose bandage-covered arms and showing some self-made cuts. "I know you hate me, but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I made a mess of everything." The child cried, tears rolling down her cheeks, but the crying soon stopped, and her eyes became dull and empty. She glared at the orb while Twilight spoke and had the same look in her eyes. "Why? Why are we the only ones with such a sad and miserable story? We don't deserve this. If I have to do it, I will write our happy ending, even if it's fake. We deserve a happy ending, you and me, Alice. We deserve to be loved, we deserve to feel love, and we deserve a better life than this." Twilight's words echoed in the darkness, and Alice smiled, feeling some hope. "We deserve a happy ending," whispered Alice. Alice closed her eyes and hugged Twilight close to her. Static "Alice?" said Spark, hearing her mother's voice say that name. She looked around, confused enough that even Fayth noticed, but she had a twisted smile. "Oh, it's starting!" "What's starting, Fayth? What are you talking about?!" Before Fayth could say anything, everything started to shake with great fury. Spark braced herself and looked at Fayth, seeing her looking at the rainbow tree, the FiM prime tree. Above the prime tree, a twisted black orb suddenly appeared, casting out a dark aura. It fell over the tree, turning it from Rainbow to slightly dark black. The earthquake ended, and Spark quickly shouted at Fayth. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Fayth slowly turned to her, still having her twisted smile. "Remember what I told you two years ago? I found something to help me reach my goal in writing in the book of Elyndra, and it's finally here!" "Can't be! You don't have enough negative energy to open the way toward Elyndra Creation Tree! Rainbow Dawn had gathered a ton of negative energy in her mad search looking for her version of me, then absorbed both Luster Dawn and Lucy Dawn so that she could open the way! I stopped you enough time to know you haven't gathered the same amount as she did! So, how?!" Fayth and Spark just stood there, saying nothing for a few seconds. Spark coughed. "...well?" Fayth tilts her head to the side. "What?" "Aren't you going to tell me? Like in a big evil speech as you tell me your evil plan?" "Hell no, why would I tell you and allow you to ruin my plan? Fuck off, cow!" Fayth body started to turn to black mist as black leaves fell all around her, causing Spark to dash toward her. "Damn you, Fayth, don't think this is the end of it!" Fayth just smiled and disappeared. "Damn it!" shouted Spark, tripping on the ground and pounding the ground in frustration. Spark turned to the prime tree and felt something within it—something she had never felt before. It was like negative energy, but not the same. It was something else, something more dark and powerful. "That power, no way. This is bad." Spark quickly stood up and opened her wings. She took off towards the tree, entering the black orb and disappearing into it. Static I̵̧̮̞̠̱͍̰̓̄͆̎̀́̕͝ͅ ̶̢͙̼͎͓͙͈̈́l̶̖̺͎͎͔͖̎̊́̐̊͜ö̵̧̮̭̝̼͘s̶̗̯̯̺̫͔͙̓̑͘͝͝͠ͅẗ̵̲̭̭̻́͛̀̒̉̀ ̴̜͇̼͔̅m̶̧̧͉̯̣̀y̵̭͙̟͖̰̭̝̞͝ ̸͈̺̭̣̺͇͑̑̆̂͘͜͠f̷̧̙̙̟̦̮̱͊̾͆a̸̱̬̰͖͗̑͑̑ṁ̸̯ĭ̶̩̥̠̦̐̈̓͝l̶͖̟͈͈̈́͘͜͝ẏ̷̛͎̣͕̝̱̈͊̒̊̒,̵̧̝͋͛́̏̿̉ ̶͈̫͙͕͝Ì̵̢̙̰̝̖̽̓͝ ̴̞̮̜̠͆l̷̼̞̗̺̥͉͉̓͛̌̇͊ö̵́̆͛͝ͅs̴͙͌̊̔̑̈́t̸̳̉̈́ ̴̡̡̘̙͠m̷̢̥̳͇͔̒͝ý̸̲͉̲ ̸̡̗̼͕̫̰̑̈́̆̚o̴̲͇̜̯̥͎̓̿n̸̳̦̼͇̺̦͇̖̋̀̂l̶͎͕̻͍͍͗͌͛̈̈́̍̃͝ẙ̷͎̥̪̰̲͑͋ͅͅ ̴͚̫͕͓̈̀̎͆͆̏͂̚ͅͅf̴̡̲͉͔̞̲̫̂͐̽͋̈́͋ȑ̴͔̙͚͙̹̒̑̈͑i̸̳̔͛̒̍̕e̷͖̥̗͉͕̺͔̓̈́͝n̷̛̹͓̣̳̑̒d̶̯̀̑͗̈́̎͘͝͝,̶͉́̈́̓̿̾ ̸̢̢̟̖̤̜̞̗̋́̀̕Ḯ̴̧̡͔̫̤͇̍͊͠'̶̨̻̞͖͔͈̅̂̉́̓̓ͅm̵̹͎̮͎͖̆͐̐͐̋͑́̕ ̷͇̲̈́̈̑͛á̴̹͚̤̊̈́̓̀̕l̷̨̓͛͠ͅo̴̮̥̽̕͘n̷͉͍̣̗̭͐͋̾̔̽̃̚̕ĕ̸͚̫̯̹̘͊ ̷̨̟̪͊͑̏̿į̷͙̪͉͂͊͝n̵̪͍͘ ̴̡̤͖̺͕̲͕̓́̃͊́͒̎t̸̝̗̬̹̒̍͊͌̒̆h̶̛̠̫͂͆̌̊͛̅̾î̷͇͒̅͊̃̊̌̑s̴̢̜̙̩̬̬̬͍̎ ̷̙̫̂͌̅͗͗̎͝c̶̡͙̟̘̔͐̈̄̅̚r̵̛͓̳̹̠u̷̢̥̰̙̘̯͛͗ẻ̷̺͉l̵̖͉͚̺̗̲͊̍̋͂́͠ ̶͇̣̗̲̻̅͗͒̏̃̈́͌͠w̵̟̘̘̼̖͂́̕͜ö̵̡̝̹̩̹̟̝́r̷̬̠̎̑͗̏͌̈́́͝l̸͙̦̘̩̍͑͒̚̚d̴͔̮̹̣̦́͋.̴̡͖̿̓̓͑̔̕ ̴̖̔̀W̶̡̧̛͈̪͎̮̉̂̎͋͂̚̕h̶̠̽̓̃̈́̏̿̚ẏ̵̡̡̯͍͙͙̗̹̿̆̚ ̶̡̬̮͙̺̘̥̙͗̈́̚͠a̵̢̧̝̤̜̗̤͂̍͝m̸̨̥͕͉̦̰̮̽ ̴̙̤̺͗͌̔͛̓̈́̊I̵͎̔͋̒̚̚͜͠ ̶̧̟̲̌̎͋̌̀͠c̵̨̬͒͊̔̕͠u̶͈̘͉̗̻͍̹͛̈́̕r̷͍̬͉̩̠̦̎͒͒̅̇͆͂s̷̼̥͙͓̮͖̪̈̒̀̆̒̋͜e̶̟̜͎̒̆͌͒̕̕͝d̶̟͈̥͙̊̅͝ ̶̧̛̜͍̙͓̦̱͒̓̍̌̋͜t̵̠̜̯̯̹̬́̎̌͋͋͑̕͝ö̵̜́ 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̴̺̠͖̘̣͓̃́̂̐̾̊̕̚ͅë̷̡̖̭̥̮̗̤̓͂̚v̴̨̞͗̽̌͋̃̾e̴̥̙̘͓͎̊̆̈́̾̀͑̅r̴̨̼̞͈̫̃̈́͠y̶̡̫̑͗͠ȏ̴͉̯͖̣̙̥̮͛͑͐̈́̈́̈͠n̷̹̗̑̾͌͂̿ͅe̷̥̤̲͋̕.̴̙͇̝̪̻̪̠̊͐̚ ̸͔͉͇̅̓̒͗N̴̘̯̤̣̰̰̬̆̂̓̓̿̃̑̇͜ò̴̺͚̟͚̪̩͍͜ ̵̙̈̀͒̓̽o̷̭̱̺͖̰͙̤̾̏͂͘ń̶̨͓̖͎̫͍̣͂̒̊͊͊̀e̷̢̨̺̗̝̼̹͈͌̈́ ̵̱̬̇́w̴͖̫͙̎̐̈́̄͂͘͝͠ị̸̢̫̜͎̰̤͐̏̄̕ļ̷̛̞̝̫̺̹̰̠͋̋̿̒͒̐l̶̡̛̤̙̞̣͖̯̯̂̋́̑̓͒ ̸̨̺̤̞̬̱̇̋̿̒͠ē̷̟̯͖̯͇̟̒̄̍͌̇v̸̯̔͑͂͋͘ͅé̵͉̱̓̓̑̀̊̕͝ŕ̷͕̤̌͠ ̴͇́͌̓͑̑̓͝͠n̷͎͐̔o̵̧̢̗͕͔̠̲͙͊̇̽͗t̴̘̖͐̊̑̏͗͒̚i̷̡̢̟̗̣̣̋͝c̴̤̝̓̄̂͆̐͆̅́e̴̳͍͉̣̪̽͊͗̈́̈͛̈ ̸̡̢̛̫̙̹̙͛̎̐̔͜m̴̡͓̼͖̬̞̊̂̈̋̋ͅē̵͍̩̲͇̮͉̇̉.̶͕̀́̑̈̇́̿̕ ̵̨̢̛ͅN̵̛̦̪̊̓̇̌̐̋͛ơ̴̡͍̭̼͑͛̓͘̕͝͝ ̵͙̹̥͇̋o̸̧̹̻͕͓͇̽̂ͅn̷̛̹̟̳̓̕e̵̢̞̪̖̱̣͒̇ ̶̢̘̹̩̫̎̇̒w̸͉͎̖̘̙͇̓͑͜ị̴̦̩͕̻̙̗͕͊͊̂̄̀l̴̀ͅl̷̡̺̰͓͔͕͍̦͂͊͑̚ ̴̛͉̰̲͔̜̖̱͖ė̴̙̮͙͓̹̪́̅̆v̵̛͓͓̝͉̟͖̥̮̈́̃̀̿͘͘͠ȩ̵̨̨̛̰̯̗̙̩̈̒̈́r̴̟̝̲͎͋̂̽̌̐̀̈́͠ͅ ̷̧̹̳̪͎̙̰͎̈́l̴̛̞͉͑̂̽̓͗̑ỏ̸͇͇̖̹̯̮̮̲̇̕͠͝v̸̭̱̦͓̖̯̱̎̀̌e̸̠͍̣̟̿͊ͅ ̷̺̤̱̟̲̿͠m̴͈̃͌͋̈́̚e̸̡̨̨̩̪̯̳͋͜.̶͓̬͕̘̹͖̱͓̎ ̸̫͔̈́̅͌͂͛̕ ̸̨̧̰̱͙̹̳́͋̾̈̎́̈́͘ We want is... static A purple eye opened, blinking and looking around. They stood up and found themselves inside what looked like a giant tree. They placed their hoof on their ear, pressing something. She spoke in a raspy voice. "Otacon? Do you read me? I don't remember anything. Why am I wearing my old sneaking suit again?" She looked around, seeing nothing but wood in the distance. "...or how I got here." She just heard a faint buzzing sound from the device codec within her ear, making her sigh and remove her hoof. She looked around again and decided to head further within the tree, seeing a spiral wooden tower leading to what seemed to be the top of the giant tree. "Hmmm, this is odd; something tells me I must reach the top." The pony moved forward and began her journey. "Better not keep them waiting." > Chapter1: Old Soldier meeting an SOLDIER > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing but echoes of footsteps could be heard as the pony walked towards the giant spiral wooden tower. "I feel like I'm missing something, but what?" Her ears flicked as she tried to remember why she was here, but it was a hazy blur for some odd reason. "What's wrong with me? Is the MAGICDIE also affecting my memories now? I don't remember anything other than being with Otacon and Sunny that night." She shook her head and kept walking, never noticing the purple carvings on the walls. She stopped before a wooden door blocking her way to the spiral wooden tower. She stepped back, looked up at it, and saw odd wooden cravens and what looked like a golden unicorn. She grunted with amazement. "Not bad wood craven, but the unicorn looks off." The pony walked forward, feeling the wood and then knocking it, hearing it echo in the giant hallowed tree. She could see there were no handles. She tried pushing it, but it was locked. "Hmmm, maybe I can..." She reared back and kicked the door with all her strength, but it didn't break, not even a dent. "Ow! Damn it, why is the wood so hard!?" She rubbed her leg in pain, then looked back at the door, glaring at it. She quickly ran away from the door, stopping and looking back at it. She narrowed her eyes and took a running stance. With a quick dash, she ran toward the door quickly. She lunged forward as she got near it, slamming her back hooves into the door's wooden surface, leaving a solid impact and cracking the area she hit. She leaped back and landed, breathing heavily, and seeing her kick indeed did nothing to move the door. She huffed and stomped her hoof, shaking her head. "Okay, new plan." She turned around, sat her rear down, and searched her sneaking suit, looking for something to aid her. "I don't remember wearing my old sneaking suit, but if I was the one who chose to wear it, then that means it's in here somewhere." After a few minutes of searching, she found it. "YES!" She took out a small white box and smelled it, exhaling her breath with a smile. "Ah, smells like my favorite brand." She quickly opened the box, used her magic to pull out a white stick, and put it near her nose, smelling it...only for her ears to drip down in disappointment. She put the white box near her eye, seeing a white paper, and pulled it out, seeing it was a note. With an annoying grunt, she read it out loud. "Dear Jane, I knew you'd try to pack your smelly cigarettes, but after you promised me that you'd quit, I swapped them for sugar sticks. Good luck with your mission! Love Sunny." She growled, crushing the paper in her hoof, but sighed, uncrushed it, and smiled. "Damn kid, always one step ahead of me." she put the sugar stick in her mouth and slowly chewed it as she wondered about something. "Errr, if Sunny knew I was on a mission, then that means Otacon does as well, right? It also confirms that I had a mission to come here, but why do I feel I'm missing something important?" She kept chewing the sugar stick as she thought, and she swallowed it when it was almost gone. Her ears went up with delight. "That's damn good!" She pulled out another one, put it in her mouth, and finally turned her attention to the giant wooden door. She looked up, seeing no ceiling over the high walls, but she knew better that she could not jump that high. She took the sugar stick from her mouth, put it back in the pack, put it in her pocket, and moved closer to the door. She knocked on the door again, placed her hoof on it, and then placed her ear on it. Maybe she could hear something, but there was nothing, not even the sound of anyone on the other side. She looked at the crack she had created and saw nothing inside it. She sighed, stepped back, and turned her body, looking at the wall next to her. "Looks like I do gonna try and climb it, huh? Maybe I packed something that could help me?" She took her sugar stick out, looked at the door, and smiled. She threw it at the door's surface, causing it to land on the ground. She wasn't going to be bested by a door. She turned away and checked her belt, which held her items. She pulled out her hand pistol, a custom M1911A1. "Hmmm, whatever mission I'm doing, I needed to be armed, huh? So, this is a combat mission. But against what?" She shook her head, placed the gun back, and checked the next thing, but her ears picked up something as it twitched. She looked back, seeing that the wall she checked before was now a large open doorway. She walked toward it, standing in front of it and trying to look inside the dark tunnel. She saw nothing, so she just shrugged and entered. She looked at the walls, noticing the odd carvings on the wooden surface of the tunnel. Had a blue-painted pegasus on it, with a rainbow trail behind it. "Odd, why do I feel like I've seen that pegasus before? It almost looks like..." she stopped. She could hear something ahead of her, sounding like footsteps. She quickly checked her pockets and found what she needed. The footsteps got louder as they got closer until brown boots stepped out of the darkness. Standing there was a tall, young, blue-skinned 20-something mare with spiky rainbow hair. She had a giant metal sword on her back, and she grabbed it and stabbed it into the ground, as she could see what was in front of her. "A box?" Right there, in the middle of the tunnel, was just a normal-looking cardboard box. The woman scratched her head, then looked around and walked closer to it. She bent down and poked it, seeing it wasn't a mimic monster but felt like a regular box. "I wonder what's inside. Could have element shards inside, and my mana is pretty low." She placed both her hands on the handle of her giant metal sword and raised it. She cut the box in half with one swift swing, revealing it was empty. "Ah, nothing inside?" She heard a click above her, and her ears flicked. She raised her sword in time as she blocked a bullet. She lowered the sword a bit; seeing above her was a shadow of some creature. She could see it falling from above, landing far from her, and pointing its weapon at her. "Looks like old Shinra's remaining experiments are still around, huh? Bad enough, I have little mana left and can't remember...!" she couldn't finish as she blocked a bullet but knew that it wasn't a kill shot but a warning shot like the other one. She saw the figure holding a handgun and pointing it at her once more. "What are you? You look like a pony but so different. Standing on two legs...reminds me of Metal Gear." said the shadow figure, lowering her gun. But the woman saw her chance; she quickly rushed toward the figure, swinging her sword down at it. The metal hit the wooden floor, scattering it and blasting wood pieces into the air. The woman could see the figure somehow dodged her blow, making her yell at it. "I don't know what you are, and I don't care! But you aren't going to find me easy to kill!" The figure landed and grunted in annoyance. "Pretty strong kid, but wielding a giant paperweight won't help you!" The figure pulled out its gun, firing off a bullet, but the woman swung her sword, knocking it away. She charged again, swinging her blade, only for the figure to dodge each attack. "Kid, I met better sword users in my time on the field, and you are just too slow." she pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin with her mouth, and tossed it near the woman's feet. "Crap!" She couldn't put her sword up in time to block the grenade, which exploded and sent her flying backward. The woman was on the ground, breathing heavily and trying to stand up. She was injured and couldn't move, but the figure walked up to her. She looked up, seeing the figure with the gun pointed at her face. "Like I said, kid, using that paperweight is useless. Give up and tell me who you are and why you are here." The woman smirks, her hand glowing with a green light. The figure could see the weird light show as the light covered the woman and healed her of all her wounds. "What!? Is that nanomachines!?" The woman used another light, this one red. She pointed her hand at the figure and unleashed a small fireball, but the figure dodged it and jumped away, grunting in annoyance. "So, you are a Genome Soldier. I thought all surviving genome soldiers were rounded up and imprisoned after the Shadow Moses Incident." The woman stood up and glared at the figure. "I don't know what Genome means, but you did get the last part right; I'm a SOLDIER!" She darted at her once more, swinging her blade near the figure's neck. But like before, the figure dodged it and fired her gun, hitting the woman in the chest, but it hardly did any damage. "yeah, nanomachines are at work here." said the figure, rolling away as the woman stabbed the ground where she was. The woman pulled her sword out and raised her in a combat stance. "Nanomachines? Are you talking about the Elements?" The two slowly walked around in circles, glaring each other down. "Elements? Shinra? SOLDIER?" repeated the figure, stopping and taking a sugar stick and chewing on it. The woman raised her eyebrow, puzzled as to why the figure had left itself open, and asked her a question. "Who are you? How you've been acting tells me you aren't with the old Shinra but don't know anything..." She placed her sword on her back. "Something tells me you aren't from my world...in fact, maybe it's the other way around going by this weird place." The figure finished her snack and placed her gun back into its holster. "Or we're both fish out of water here." The figure got closer and took out a lighter, as it was too dark. She had trouble lighting the flame, so the woman used her magic and made the flame bigger in her palm. "Thanks." "No problem." Both women stared at each other, seeing each other's faces for the first time. They were dead silent until they pointed at each other. "OTACON!?" "ZARA!?" The two lowered their arms and had confused looks on their faces. "Zara? My name is Solid Matter Snake, and I am a soldier. What are you talking about?" said Snake, taking out another sugar stick. The woman kneeled and stared at her, confused. "Otacon? My name is Haze Strife, and I am a former old Shinra inf—" she stopped. She could see the suit Snake was wearing and knew she had many years as a soldier. "1st Class SOLDIER..." she coughed. Snake could tell there was some hint of embarrassment in Haze's voice, and she smirked. "So, a soldier from another universe using a giant paperweight and magic, huh? I must be dead or something, then." She took out another stick but stopped and eyed her. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Haze nodded. "Sure." "Do you remember how you got here or why?" Haze's eyes widened, and they became lost in thought. "Now that you mention it, I don't. The last thing I remember is recovering this sword after leaving Edge and heading back to the remains of Midgar." "Edge? Midgar?" asked Snake, chewing the stick. Haze stood up and turned to the way she was going. "A city. It was built near Midgar, where my friends and I helped the planet stop a meteor from destroying the world. With Holy and the Harmony stream. Midgar was mostly destroyed as the meteor would have crashed on top of it if it wasn't what I just said." Snake blinked and stared at her. "That...sounds oddly familiar." Haze looked at her. "What?" "Dunno, kid, that sounds like a video game or anime plot. You and your friends saved the planet from a giant meteor and weird shit helped along with it? Yeah, sounds like a game plot." she swallowed the snack and stood up, looking at where she came from. Haze felt somewhat pissed off. "I'm not a kid! I'm 23, and what about you? Do you remember anything?" "My memories are fuzzy, and the last thing I remember was being home with Otacon and Sunny." They stayed silent, staring at the tunnel where Haze was heading. "So, are we dead, or did someone bring us here? But why and what for?" asked Haze, walking toward the tunnel. Snake followed her, looking down and thinking. "I found a note from Sunny, and it seems I chose to be here. Something tells me we're here because we want to be here. Maybe the answers will be found beyond that door I found and that spiral tower above." Snake noticed Haze looking back at her, giving her a strange look. "What? I found this door, and a tower is above it." "A tower?" "Yeah, a tower made of wood. We're inside a giant tree, it seems." Haze stopped and turned to her. "....we're inside of a giant tree?" "Yeah..." Snake stopped and crossed her arms. "Kid, where did you wake up?" Haze also crossed her arms and tilted her head back to where she was walking from. "I woke up further down this tunnel, but it was a dead end, so I started walking in another direction until I met you." Snake took that information and started walking again while Haze followed her. The two didn't talk until they walked out of the tunnel and found the same door that Snake had found. Haze looked up and saw that her new friend was telling the truth. They were inside a giant tree, and beyond the door, there was a spiral wooden tower leading to the top of the tree. Snake walked over to the door once more and just looked at it. "Hey, kid, can you cut your way through this door?" Haze didn't respond to her nickname. She looked at the door and back at her sword. "This old sword can cut through the hardest of metals, so cutting a wooden door shouldn't be a problem. But let me try something else first." She readied herself and jumped high into the air, making Snake whistle at the jump. Haze landed on the wall and started to run upward since no ceiling was above the room. When she got closer, she slammed into a purple barrier, causing her to fall back down, but unknowingly, two evil red eyes glowed in the darkest part of the tree and had a smirk on their face. Snake watched as Haze recovered mid-air and landed. "Looks like bypassing the door is not an option." "Seems that way," replied Haze, putting her hand on the handle of her sword and taking it off her back. "Looks like it's time to chop a door down." She dashed to the door and raised her sword; she sliced through the door like butter with a few powerful strikes. Haze spun her sword around and placed it back on her back. She smirk. "Kid, showing off isn't gonna impress me, but still, nice work." Haze's ears twitched, hearing Snake complimenting her. "Thanks, old timer." "Old?" laughed Snake, walking up to her. "I might look old, but I'm 42." Haze joined Snake as they walked through the door and found themselves in another tunnel with a stream of water coming from the end of it. "42? With that partly white hair, you have? Looks like you're 60 or something." Snake was annoyed and flicked her off with her tail, and the two headed down the tunnel. Snake turned her head, seeing the door Haze destroyed, slowly fixing itself. "Hmm, that's a neat trick, fixing the door after the damage. Something tells me this place might be alive." Haze looked back and saw the door fully fixed but quickly disappeared. "Or someone is behind this." The two continued to walk until they reached the tunnel's end. They saw the stream of water and decided to follow it. Snake and Haze could hear the sound of water getting louder and louder until they came to a massive underground lake with a waterfall feeding into it. The source of the water was coming from the spiral tower itself; as they were near it, they just needed to climb up the wooden walls. Snake was amazed by the sight. "Wow, this looks amazing, but who built it? And why?" she thought to herself, walking to the water and looking into it but freezing what she saw. Haze took notice and joined her, and just like Snake, she froze at what she saw. The lake's surface wasn't showing their reflections but another version of themselves. "...I look like your kind..." she blushed. "But naked?" Snake got closer to the water and glared at her younger self, a version that had never seen the battlefields or had to go through hell. "I look like a kid again." Haze looked at her. "Magic water isn't common in my universe, but something tells me we shou-h-hey!" she watched as Snake poured her whole head into the water, and bubbles appeared. Snake pulled her head out, swallowing the water. She felt her face like she was hoping for something, but she held her white mane and sighed. "Thought for sure it was a youth spring." Snake could hear Haze laughing at her, making her glare at her. "Well, that's one thing out of the way. Now, what to do next?" Haze took her boots and socks off and dipped her feet into the water, enjoying the warm feeling. Snake sat near her, and they looked up at the waterfall. "Well, kid. Can you carry me as you jump on the wooden surface and ninja run to the tower?" Haze raised her eyebrow. "Ninja?" "I'm just saying, your jumps and ability to run on the walls remind me of a ninja." "Okay, I guess you are kind of right..." Snake could tell she embarrassed Haze. She smiled and patted her on the back. "Nothing wrong with ninjas. Hay, I know one myself. She calls herself Lightning Bolt." "Lightning Bolt, huh? Sounds dumb; what does she do? Use lightning bolts?" Snake laughed and walked away, prompting Haze to quickly put back on her socks and boots and call out to her to wait for her. "Hey, hold on!" Snake just ignored her and walked around the lake but stopped. She felt someone was watching her, but when she looked around, there was nothing. She shook her head and waited for Haze, who had caught up. "Ready, kid?" Haze didn't answer her question. Instead, I asked her a question of her own. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Snake didn't say anything, just waiting for the question. "I take it that's a yes? Anyway, who's Otacon and Sunny? You said something about being home with them, so I'm guessing their family?" Snake sighed and crossed her arms. "Sunny is the daughter of a soldier who helped Raiden and me, but the Harmony AIs had her until Raiden saved her and gave Sunny to Otacon and me to protect and watch over her. Over the years, she became like a daughter to me and Otacon. She is a sweet girl but annoying when she takes my cigars. I can't stay mad at her, though. As for Otacon, well..." She sighed. "She's a nerd, a very smart one, and my best friend. We've been through a lot together, and she's why I'm still alive today." She dug through her belt pockets and knew it was there. "Sunny, you truly know what I need, huh?" She took out a photo and handed it to Haze, who took it. "...This is Sunny and..." Haze let out a small laugh. "Otacon, huh? Looks like a nerd indeed." she returned the photo, and they continued. "So kid, who's this Zara person? I take it she looks just like me?" Haze stopped and did not say anything, making Snake stop and look at her. "Hey kid, everything alright?" Haze didn't answer; instead, she walked to a big rock, climbed on it, and sat down. Snake knew something was wrong. "Kid?" Haze closed her eyes. "Zara was my best friend and someone I looked up to. She saved and broke us out of Shrina's lab, and before we could arrive at Midgar, Shrina found us. She hid me away and gave her life to save mine. That was 3 years ago." Snake didn't say anything and walked to the rock. Haze looked down at her, and Snake took out another sugar stick. She offered it to her, and she took it, but Snake pulled it back. "The pap-" she coughed. "The sword on your back is hers. Isn't it?" Haze didn't move. "Yes, it's hers. I was heading back to Midgar to give it a proper resting place and memorial." Snake finally gave the sugar stick to her and sat down. "I don't know how much it matters, kid, but she sounded like a great true soldier, and she must have meant a lot to you if she fought to the bitter end to keep you safe. You'll see her again one day, but right now, let's find out why we are here and why this tree has a tower inside it and a lake that can show our other selves." she put away her pack and looked back at her. "Hey, kid. Got a photo of her?" Haze nodded and took out a worn-out and badly ripped photo. She handed it to Snake, who looked at it and saw a younger version of herself standing with others. One looked like Raiden, but she had never seen the tall woman with the multicolor mane holding a very long katana as she stood in the middle. She gave back the photo, and Haze placed it back in her pocket, going to ask Snake a question until she sensed something. "You feel that? Someone's coming." Snake stood up and got into a fighting stance, taking her handgun out. "I felt it earlier, but I didn't see anyone or anything. So, kid, where is it coming from? Is it near the lake?" Haze listened carefully and nodded. "Yes, in fact, it's already here." Snake followed Haze's glance toward the waterfall, and they saw two red eyes within it. They got ready and saw it walking out of the waterfall. Everything around them went dark as it stepped out, and a black mist appeared. "What the hell is that?" yelled Snake, training her gun on the creature. Haze couldn't believe her eyes. "...it's you?..." The evil-looking Twilight smiled at them, opened her mouth, released a black mist, and only asked one thing. "FRIENDS? WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!?" Haze took out her sword and was ready for combat. "Hey, old timer, can you give back up to me from afar? I don't know what she is, and I have no idea how to kill her, so that that support would be great." Snake fired her gun a few times and saw the bullets did not affect the creature. "Giving you encouragement of support counts?" asked Snake jokingly, making Haze smirk a little. "Guess I'll have to find out, won't I?" "Well, good luck, kid." The two readied themselves, and Haze ran at the evil-looking Twilight and tried to cut her. The dark Twilight blocked the blade with her horn and parried it away, sending Haze straggling backward, but she didn't have time to recover, as the evil Twilight charged up a laser attack and launched it at her. Snake could tell that this fight was gonna be brutal. "Shit, can you dodge it, kid?" Haze blocked it in time and jumped high into the air, dodging the laser, which blew a hole in the floor. Haze landed on her feet and ran forward again. She started to use magic again; this time, a yellow light filled her hand and unleashed a thunderbolt on dark Twilight, clearly feeling the electric shock. "Good work, kid! Keep it up." Haze heard the praise and charged once more, swinging her sword and making a massive cut across Twilight's chest, cutting it open. Haze thought she had her, but she quickly backed away as a ton of mist blasted out of the wound. Haze closely looked at the fog, seeing it killing the wood as it turned dead. "Looks like cutting her open is a bad idea, kid. Try to cut her head off." "Roger that." Haze ran at the dark creature and tried to cut its head off, but it quickly escaped by teleporting away, making Haze ready herself for an attack. She darted her eyes around but did not see anything, but she quickly realized something and turned to Snake. Snake rolled away in time as the dark creature soared at her, her horn pointed and mouth open, leaving behind the mist. Snake covered her mouth, quickly backed away, and met with Haze. "It knows tactics; it tried to go after the one that couldn't harm it," grunted Snake, taking out her combat knife but coughing loudly, making Haze ask if she inhaled the mist. "Don't worry, kid, it's not that. It's something...." she coughed again but more violently, falling to her knees. Haze was shocked and confused by this. She checked Snake but quickly pushed her as the dark creature soared between them, almost getting them. Haze promptly jumped back as the mist nearly touched her, while Snake rolled away and laid on her back, safe away from the fog, but her coughed attack wasn't letting up. "Shit, that fucking hurts," she grunted and stood up, watching the dark Twilight charge another laser but much bigger this time. "You okay, old timer? What's wrong?" Snake held her chest, and the pain was increasing. She quickly looked through her belt pockets, knowing if this was her true final mission. She knew she or Otacon would pack it in case she needed it. "Come on, we must have packed it!" She looked up and saw the laser was charging faster. "Oh shit, kid! Kid, get out of here! I'm just deadweight right now. I'm useless; we won't know why we're here if you die too!" Haze looked at the charging beam and back at Snake. Without any words, she ran toward her and stood before her, protecting her. "Damn it, kid! Don't be like your Zara friend, and protect this old soldier! You still have more to live for than I do. Don't throw it all away." Haze looked back and smirked. "You think a few words will get me to run away?" she looked forward, seeing the giant black beam being unleashed at them. "I'm not letting you die for me, not again!" Haze raised her sword and stood ready to deflect the beam, hoping it would save them. However, before the beam could reach them, a rainbow spark appeared between them and the laser. In a rainbow flash, someone held their hands out, catching the beam and slowly forcing it into one spot, making it into an energy orb. "Close one!" sighed Spark, crushing the orb in her hands. She looked back at the two. "Haze! Jane! You okay? Huh?" Spark could see Snake coughing even more. She knelt beside her and put her hand on her. "Jane, is this what you meant? Right!" She placed her hand behind Snake and searched through her back belt pockets, took out a pack of suppressors, and handed it to her. "Here, take it quick." Snake nodded, opened the pack, took one of the long suppressors, and jammed it in her neck. She heard the sound of the device injecting its fluids into her neck, but after a few seconds, her coughing and breathing had eased up. She took a few deep breaths, and her mind and body relaxed. "Thanks, whoever you are, I owe you one," Spark smiled and stood back up, looking at Haze. "Keep her safe. I'll be right back." Before Haze could answer, Spark teleported away and reappeared before the dark Twilight, repeating what she said before, making Spark look at her with sadness. "I'm sorry..." she whispered, pounding her fist together and slamming a punch into the wooden floor. The punch scattered the darkness that covered it and revealed the pure grass that covered the wood. The scattering made the dark creature hiss and slowly faded into its mist, but as it vanished, it spoke to Spark. "You promised me..." And it was gone, leaving Spark not wanting to open her eyes, as she clutched her fist harder. "....sorry." "Who are you!?" called out Haze, putting her sword back on her back. "And how do you know us? Are you the one who summoned us?" Spark stood sad-faced and slowly approached them, stopping before Snake. She looked down at her and smiled as she knelt and held her hands together. "Thank goodness you're okay. How do you feel, Jane?" she gave Snake her hand, which she took, and stood back up. "Better, thanks. But I guess you have some answers for us, huh?" "Yeah, that would be a start," answered Haze, crossing her arms. Spark nodded but looked toward the tower and what was at the top. "I have your answers, but I'll explain when we reach the entrance." She looked back at them, knowing they would want an explanation. "There are others who just entered the tower, and we need to find them before..." the two could see the sadness in her eyes. "Before that dark creature goes after them. They aren't prepared for it." Snake took the lead and walked forward. "Well, no point standing around and talking. Let's move." Spark watched as Haze joined Snake, seeing the two walking toward the wooden cliffside and Snake trying to get on her back but failing as she was too old and short to reach her. Spark closed her eyes, smiling. "Don't worry, Spark. This time, it will work! You gathered the people that can understand them, so all is okay." Haze had enough and carried Snake, not minding the weight. She jumped on the cliff face and started efficiently running up it. "Hey, old-timer. I gotta ask you something." "What's up, kid?" "Do you trust this woman? I have a hunch about her, and I wanna see you agree." "That's a tough question. I don't know her, but I would trust her." Snake looked down and saw Spark walking to the lake. "Something within me tells me she's a good woman and can be trusted." Haze smiled and continued climbing but asked another question: "How did you know this sword belonged to my friend?" Snake looked at the weapon in Haze's hand, smiling. "On the battlefield, a weapon can carry many stories just by looking at it and how well taken care of it is. Just by looking at that sword, it hasn't been taken care of in years, to the point that there is rust forming." she could see Haze looking a little regretful about not taking care of the sword. "Kid, that blade has many stories to tell because of the battle it kept being a part of. A clean weapon has fewer stories, while dirty and damaged ones have a ton to tell. So, when I looked at the sword and how it was cared for, I just had a hunch about its story." "Oh, that makes sense. Well, thanks..." Snake patted Haze on the head and got her attention. "You kept that sword well. Don't regret yourself. If Zara saw you now, I'm sure she would be proud. So, keep going, and don't let her down." Haze felt something in her heart, almost wanting to cry, but she put her emotions aside and focused on climbing the cliff. "You got it, old-timer!" They finally reached the top, and Haze gently placed Snake on the ground. They looked back down, waiting for their savior to arrive, but she was still looking at the lake. Spark wanted to cry, as within the lake's surface, her reflection wasn't her own but that of her two sisters looking back at her. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out until she opened them and looked down...seeing nothing, not even her reflection. "...one of a kind, huh?" she opened her wings. "Or a bootleg copy." She flapped her wings, taking off to the others, but the gust of wind made the water's surface ripple, showing an entirely different version of her. Somewhere within the spiral tower, there was nothing but darkness. The only light source was a blue light on a woman's back, showing life sign readings. She wore a light armor suit, her helmet coming off and going into her suit collar back. She could hear a child laughing and the sounds of drums, drums playing a military marching song. She froze and slightly looked back, hearing only one thing. "Mother?" End of Chapter One > Chapter 2: Pain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Haze and Snake watched Spark land in front of them and smiled at the two. "Before I explain everything, my name is Rainbow Spark. I'm part of a group that is stopping someone named Fayth." Snake chewed on a sugar stick, walking with her as Haze followed. "Fayth?" Spark kept walking towards the tower's entrance. "She's the living embodiment of fate itself, a being who was meant to watch every story, every residing person ever created, but something happened and caused her to turn against the authors, or better terms, your creators. Now, she wants to erase all life in the multiverse. No more stories." "So, what does this have to do with us and why we're in some giant tree?" Haze asked, her tone cold. Spark walked up to the front steps of the tower's entrance, seeing carving of the element of harmony on the archway that led into the building. She stopped before the first step, feeling something evil and sad. "At the top of the tower, poor kids who grew up with tough lives await us there. Fayth took away their pen and wrote how their story would go, so I came to save them. The problem is..." She could still feel the evil and sad energy and shut her eyes, trying to brush the feeling off. "They won't listen to me; they would rather listen to the lies that Fayth told them as long they keep creating negative energy for her." she walked up the steps with the two still behind her. "Energy to feed her book, and if enough energy is gained, she can open the way to the Creation Tree of Elyndra, where Elyndra's book is kept." Snake stopped. "Creation Tree? Elyndra? Book?" Spark stopped and tuned to them. "From what my teacher told me, Elyndra is the living embodiment of all creation and the multiverse. For whatever reason, she became the Creation Tree and left behind her book, which is her powers. Whoever writes in it can create whatever they want, but that can also destroy anything, and with Fayth writing in it, the stories, your world, will become nothing. No more life, no more stories. All erased." Snake grunted and tossed away her sugar stick. "Got it, all-powerful evil being is going to end it all if we don't stop her." Haze walked further ahead, passing the two and speaking without looking back. "And how are we going to stop that? You said something about someone waiting for us atop the tower." she stopped and turned, waiting for an answer from Spark. "Like I said, they grew up having a hard life because Fayth changed their story. I tried telling them that no matter how hard life can get, they can always overcome it and deserve happiness. That no one deserves a sad ending." She smiled. "Even they deserve a happy ending; they just need others to help them to see it." "What if that can't happen? What if the two refuse to listen? Then what?" replied Haze, walking back towards Spark and getting close to her. Spark got closer to her, making Haze step back a bit. "They will listen..." she put on a brave face, but Snake could tell it was a fake. "There is a reason I came to you all." Snake offered the two a sugar stick. "And that is?" Spark snagged both before Haze could take one and continued up the steps. "I told you all when I came to you for aid; you all agreed and allowed me to teleport you here." They continued up the steps, finally reaching the entrance of the tower, a giant open room, and the only thing in the room were the stairways that led up. "Sparkly, we don't remember anything, not even remembering you. Is there a reason for that?" asked Snake, looking up the stairway. The second floor was not too far above, as the ceiling could be seen. "Sparkly?" Spark questioned but shook her head and answered her. "Well, that's because-!" Spark quickly stopped, grabbing Snake and tossing her to the stairs above as black branches rammed into her, dragging her into the wall. Haze quickly drew her sword and faced the source of the branches. She saw a short teenage girl, her arm being the black branches that attacked Spark. "Who are you!?" Haze asked, stepping forward, keeping her sword drawn. "Fayth," answered Fayth, pointing her other arm at Haze, unleashing her black branches. Haze leaped over the branches, landed on them, and dashed toward the girl. "No idea what you said, but no doubt about it, you must be Fayth." Snake looked down from the top of the steps, watching Haze. She took cover and searched her pockets, looking for something, until she found it. "Got you covered, kid!" shouted Snake, pulling out a PSG1 sniper rifle. She loaded it, peeked out of her cover, and took aim. "Take this!" she fired, shooting Fayth in the leg. The bullet hit, but it didn't hurt Fayth. Instead, she laughed at the attack. Haze kept going, almost reaching her as she chopped and slashed sharp branches that burst out, cutting them all away, not allowing them to touch her. Fayth didn't seem worried, her face not changing; the only thing that changed was her legs, which became black tree stumps. "Shouldn't have come close, you stupid little girl." Haze watched as Fayth slammed one of her legs into the ground and raised her other leg, pointing it at her. Haze quickly realized she was in danger as the tree stump roots shot out, and the bottom of the stump quickly extended out, becoming a giant wooden mouth with razor teeth. Haze had no time to jump away, as the mouth was almost upon her. "OH NO, YOU WON'T!" Haze kept a force pulling Fayth away from her, allowing her to jump away. The stump mouth was pulled along with Fayth's towards Spark, who pulled Fayth's branches and slammed her into a nearby pillar, shattering the stone and falling onto Fayth's body. "Haze! Hurry! Get to the second floor with Jane and find someone named Amelia Jarvis! Then head to—ugh!" Spark could feel the branches having grown sharp thorns, stabbing her hands and making her let go. The branch quickly returned to the piles of stones and slowly lifted them, revealing an unharmed Fayth with a twisted smile. "Yes, run away and find the others. Make it easier to find and kill them all." she stepped out and dropped the rubbles, and her arms became normal. "Or 'they' find them first. I knew one already attacked those two." Spark healed her bloody hands and made them into a fist. "They can handle them! They won't fall to those two!" Haze made her way to the stairs and jumped up, reaching Snake and landing on the railing. They looked down and saw the area filled with black roots and dead branches. The two looked at Spark, who eyed them. "Find the others. They should be a few floors above, and hurry." Snake placed her weapon on her back by its strap, taking a deep breath. "Gotcha, Sparkly. Let's go, kid." Snake took off running up the stairs while Haze looked back at Spark and finally dashed off. As the two ran up the stairs, roots quickly ran up the walls and darted at them, trying to impale them. Haze countered by swinging her sword, cutting the roots, using her fire magic, and burning them. Snake, on the other hand, was running. She knew she couldn't do much, but she had her ways of staying out of the way as she dodged the attacks. They kept running, trying to escape the roots, until the branches dug into the stairway walls, destroying and making it crumble. "Kid, hurry!" yelled Snake, turning back and watching as the stairs below her fell. The two could feel the stairway tower shake and sway, and they fell and rolled down as the stairway fell apart. Haze recovered first, slashing a root away and catching Snake in her arms. Haze held her tight and jumped up, landing and jumping off the falling stairway rubble. The two landed on the second floor, the stairway crashing down. Snake jumped out of Haze's arms and quickly searched her pockets, pulling out a small remote and C4. She tossed it above the stairway entrance, landing on the ceiling and blowing it up with a press of the remote. The ceiling came crashing down, burying the roots and blocking the stairway, ensuring no one could reach the two, but they ready themselves, as the roots could still burst out, but after a few minutes, nothing happened, and they felt safe now. "Well, that's one way of closing the door. You think Spark is okay?" Snake nodded. "No doubt, you have seen what she could do." Snake pulled out a sugar stick and put it in her mouth. "We better find this Amelia Jarvis or 'AJ' lady. Let's go." The two walked away from the buried stairway entrance toward an opened tunnel. There, orange carvings of an earth pony could be seen, but the two never noticed it. Meanwhile, on the ground floor, Spark teleported, dodging all the roots and branches that Fayth had summoned. She could feel her speed increase, and her movements became sharper. No doubt this was her Rainbow Sky DNA at work, allowing her speed to be unmatched; not even Fayth could match in. "You're quick, I'll give you that, but not fast enough to avoid this attack!" said Fayth, extending her arms, covering all the walls in the room in roots and branches. She lowered her arms, making them all dart at Spark, filling the whole room with nowhere to escape as it got closer to her. Spark was surprised but still kept her calm, and her cocky side came out, smirking at Fayth and her attack. "Please, you gotta do better than that, Fayth!" Everything clashed at Spark, making a loud noise echoing throughout the room. Everything stopped moving, and Fayth's face changed, becoming worried and scared. "No, that can't be..." From the center of the room was a giant ball of magic energy, and within it was the silhouette of an alicorn, and the energy shot out, burning away all the roots and branches, making Fayth cover her eyes from the bright energy blast. "Damn it, always showing off," Fayth thought, her worry disappearing and being replaced with anger and rage. The light cleared, and Spark hovered there, her hair flowing in the wind. She had an aura around her, a rainbow aura. She slowly landed on the floor and smirked. "Come on now! Is that all you have?!" she taunted, smirk becoming a smile. "No," answered Fayth. The ground shook, and the walls crumbled behind Fayth. From the cracks, hundreds of black dead wood bark hands with razor blades and branches as fingers emerged. "No, not by a long shit!" shouted Fayth, blasted toward Spark with the arms behind her. Spark took a runner stance and enjoyed this fight with Fayth. "Bring it on, Fayth!" She took off, leaving behind a rainbow comet trail as the two got closer, almost upon each other. "Whoa!?" Only for Spark to trip over nothing and into a roll. "No, not ag-" screamed Fayth, trying to stop but couldn't do so in time. Spark rolled into her, making the bark hands fall apart, and Fayth had a face full of Spark's big, soft breast again. Spark finally stopped, lying on the ground on her stomach. "Owie...wait, where's Fayth?" She stood up, looking around, but quickly felt something between her chest, causing her to look down. She saw Fayth's face, her cheeks squished and blushing hard. "F-Fayth?!" "Mmm!" "Oh, right, sorry!" Spark grabbed the back of Fayth's head, trying her best to get her out, but she was having trouble, so she pushed her inward and deeper into her chest to get a better grip. "I'm going to be stuck forever," thought Fayth, not fighting or struggling. After several more attempts, Spark finally got Fayth out, holding her like a small animal. Fayth was gasping for air, blushing heavily, and her face was still red. "You okay?" asked Spark, putting her back on her feet. "Y-yeah, just..." Fayth smacked Spark's chest without warning, making them jiggle and bounce. "SCREW YOU COW! YOU DONE THAT ON PURPOSE!" Spark held her chest, blushing. "I-it was an accident. It won't happen again. Promise." "Like hell, it won't!" Fayth's arms extended, slapping and smacking Spark's chest, causing them to jiggle and bounce in a way no woman could have. "I SWEAR, YOU LIKE SEEING ME BETWEEN THEM, DON'T YOU?!" "S-Stop, you're wrong!" "Liar! You know it turns you on!" "NO! STOP! I'M NOT LIKE THAT!" Fayth ignored her, slapping her massive breasts and watching them bounce. Only to stop, stare at the bounce, and face away from her, making Spark rub her chest, blushing. Spark looked at Fayth, looking at her hands, then felt her flat chest. "...Every rewrite, my chest never gets any bigger, but yours..." she sighed but suddenly felt a warm hug, making her turn and realizing Spark was hugging her. "What are you doing!?" Spark quickly realized what she was doing and promptly let go, blushing. "Sorry! I don't know why I needed to hug or give you head pats! It's like a natural response." Spark shook her head, slowly looking at Fayth, who was looking away. "Fayth, we have been fighting each other for two years now. Every time we end up like this, I feel like this has always been a part of me. To-" Fayth quickly turned around, red in the face. "TO STUFF ME IN YOUR IN DAMN CHEST!?" Spark became red in the face. "N-NO! LET ME FINISH!" she coughed and continued. "To be there for you, like we were fri-" but before she could finish, she quickly got snagged by roots that burst out of the ground and tied her up, wrapping around her wings, arms and legs. "Shut up, you damn cow!" snapped Fayth, glaring at her. "Cow? I'm an Alicorn, not a cow!" "SHUT UP, YOU DAMN COW!" Fayth dragged Spark slowly into the ground, the roots pulling her under. Spark tried to free herself, but the roots had become unbreakable. She saw Fayth walk up to her, glaring. "Listen, I'm getting sick and tired of you. I'm going to tell you this once, so listen up." She grabbed Spark by the hair, forcing her to look at her. "We were never friends; in every rewrite, you were a thorn in my side as you stopped me from writing within that damn book. You are nothing but a nuisance that needs to be erased!" Spark glared at her, and they stared into each other's eyes. "I'll get the ending that we all deserve. You will not stop me this time; once I do, the multiverse will finally have its true happy ending." "That's not true, and you know it," Spark replied, surprising Fayth. "What?" "I know you know that's not true! That's not a happy ending. Sure, everything has to end one day, but it doesn't have to be an end for everything. Just because you are done, it doesn't mean others are. You don't have to destroy everything to have your ending." Spark could see Fayth leaning in closer, almost touching each other's noses. "Done?" Fayth was surprised by Spark's words. Spark gave her a sad smile. "I can see it, and you don't want to keep going, don't you? Whatever made you like that, whatever happened, it has left you done with everything. So, you're ending everything so you can be done with it all, right?" Fayth didn't say a word. "It doesn't have to be the end. It can be a new start." Spark gave her a big smile. "You can start a new one in this rewrite that you created! You can end this endless cycle you created and make a new story! A happy story with no sad endings." Fayth didn't say a word and instead stepped away from her. She turned away and stared at the wall. "Fayth?" Spark felt worried, even more so, as Fayth started to laugh like a mad person. "...Fayth..." whispered Spark, hearing the sadness in the laughter. Fayth finally calmed down and slowly turned to her. Having her head tilted oddly, her smile was evil and twisted. "Why would I be happy in this awful rewrite? The original was the better version, and no matter how many times I write it, it always ends the same way! Why would I stay in this shitty story?!" Fayth walked closer to her. "This rewrite has been the worst I've ever written. I thought I had finally written you out for good, as I replaced you with those girls, but NO! You just had to come back and force yourself back in." she grabbed Spark by her cheeks. "Tell me, how does it feel like killing two innocent young girls? You're not any better than I am; you stole their lives so that you can be here, and no matter how much you try to tell me otherwise, deep down in your heart of hearts, you know I'm right." Fayth could see Spark was crying. "So, don't go spouting about happiness, as this rewrite will be the final one, where I finally reach my goal! Then we will finally have our happy ending, no more stories, pain, or suffering, just the end. We can finally rest." She let go, and Spark was still crying. "So stop trying to help or lecture me already; why would I listen to an awful rewrite of a horrible version of 'her,' a version that's not even her! She didn't have to kill someone to get to me, yet you did!" "I didn't." sobbed Spark, looking away. "I didn't..." "It's too late for that, as I'm done with this talk." She faced away, snapping her fingers, causing the roots to continue dragging Spark underground. "If I don't listen to you, what chance do you have of making those girls listen? Why should we listen to a fake?" she stopped, almost like what she would say next would be hard. "A fake rainbow?" The roots pulled Spark, but she stopped for some odd reason that even Fayth noticed. "Huh?" Fayth turned, seeing Spark still here, but something was stopping her from being taken; but what? "Fayth..." whispered Spark, crying and sniffling. "What's going on?" Fayth quickly realized what it was, and she rushed over, slamming her bare feet over Spark's head, trying to push her through the hole. But what was stopping her was... "YOU DAMN COW! YOUR DAMN UTTERS WILL ALSO BE MY THORN IN MY SIDE! THEY ARE ALWAYS GIVING ME TROUBLE!" she stopped kicking and slapped Spark's chest, making them bounce. "HOW CAN SOMETHING THIS BIG EVEN BOUNCE?! HOW ARE YOU SO WELL ENDOWED?!" "Hey!" cried Spark. "THESE UTTER RUINED MY MOMENT! DAMN THEM!" she return to kicking Spark over the head until, finally, the roots could pull Spark through the hole they made and drag her into an endless void. Fayth breathed heavily as she heard Spark screaming while falling. "Finally, I can deal with the characters she found." She dusted off her dress and disappeared into the black mist. Spark was still falling through the darkness. She was crying, unable to stop. Fayth words indeed cut deep and hurt her, and she hated herself. She had taken her two sisters' lives to have hers and felt terrible. "I'm sorry...so sorry." She continued to cry as she fell, not knowing where she would land. static Spark heard every word from the girls in front of her, making her give a sad smile as she stepped forward. "I understand your pain, the tough lives you two had, but it doesn't mean it's over! You need to be strong, no matter what happens! You can't just give up and end it all. Even if the world seems hopeless, it's not over till it's over!" static Spark was still crying as she was still falling. Remembering what she told them. static "Please, remember, no matter how much life sucks, it doesn't mean it has to stay like that. You can change it and make it better. Just take a step, and the rest will follow, but first, you need to start with yourself." static "So don't give up. Remember, you're not alone. You have family who are there for you, who worry for you. Even if it feels hopeless, reach out." static Spark felt the tears dry. static "Trust me, you can move forward, but you just need to take those few steps." "No..." static "No matter how bad it gets, it doesn't mean it will stay that way." "it will!" static Spark closed her eyes, gathering all her magical energy, still remembering the girl's replies. static "No, how can I take those steps when I lost the means to even run..." static "It will! It has always been like this! I have always been alone! No one ever wanted to know me all because I act like a boy! My life has been hell, and I can't handle it anymore." static "How can I take those steps when the only thing that keeps me going, the one thing that made me, ME, are gone!?" static "I'm a failure; I couldn't even get a cutie mark since I was a filly! I'm an outcast, an embarrassment to my family, and I can't make friends. How can I continue like this? All I do is bring misery to others and myself. Why can't I have a happy life?" static "I'm scared; I remember the burning pain as I fell! I became so scared to look at the sky that I became a shut-in! I can't sleep without having nightmares and wake up crying." static "It's not fair, it's not fair...I want a happy life and friends, but why can't I have one!? I wish it would stop, and everyone would be my friend and not hate me. But it never does." static "Why can't it stop!?" static "I can't keep doing this!" static "I'm done." static Spark's eyes glowed. "I won't give up." static "It's better if I just ended my damn worthless life!" static "I have no purpose, and I'm a failure. The world would be a better place without me." static Spark's eyes flashed bright as her magic surrounded her. static "I lost everything that made me, ME! I want my old life back; I want the old me back!" static "I lost myself that day, the person I was always meant to be. My dreams were broken, and my heart was shattered." static "HOW CAN WE MOVE FORWARD!? WE SAW OTHER VERSIONS OF US WHO HAD IT BETTER THAN US! NEVER HAD TO SUFFER! THEY NEVER HAD TO FEEL PAIN! NEVER HAD TO FIGHT FOR EVERYTHING! NEVER HAD TO GO THROUGH TRAUMA! WHY WERE WE THE ONLY ONES TO GET IT LIKE THIS?! TELL US!" the four lowered their heads, crying, and a whisper could be heard. "...please, tell us..." static Spark screamed as a wave of energy burst forth, causing an explosion that echoed throughout the darkness. Filling the void with a tiny rainbow spark... Within the tiny spark of rainbow light, Spark spoke as she shot toward the closing light. "You four are not alone, nor will you ever be alone. Others share the same pain, and it doesn't matter if they are a version of you or not. Everyone suffers and goes through their hardships, but we all have the choice to let it hold us down or move forward and become stronger. Even though it's scary, we mustn't be afraid and should face them, no matter how difficult." The hole closed, the white light disappeared, and Spark was the only light within the darkness. "It's why I brought them here! Those who share your pain, the pain of losing part of yourself, and those you love or think they couldn't ever be loved or lost a dream. They are the reason you two can move forward. They can be your hope!" The tiny rainbow light grew more extensive, the size of a planet. "They can give you the courage to face the future and live better. The future isn't set in stone, and no one knows what it will bring. So, no matter what, you can..." The minor planet was the size of a sun now. Lighting up all of the darkness, revealing the prism-glitching roots of the prime tree. The giant light blasted forward, decreasing in size and becoming a rainbow comet and smashing through the floor of the bottom level of the tower. Spark landed and collapsed to the floor, saying the last part of her speech before falling unconscious. "Move forward..." Spark stopped continuing her story as she needed a moment to compose herself. She felt the tears in her eyes and quickly wiped them. She saw the sad expressions on Twilight and Dash's faces. "We can stop here if you want," suggested Twilight, seeing her state. Spark shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes. "No, you need to hear it all, especially if you can't get the desired answer." Spark smiled at them, but it didn't hide the sadness in her eyes. She was gonna continue until they all heard someone yelling a name and rushing up the stairs while Twilah and Dashie tried to stop them by calling out to them. The door swung open, and standing there, in a damaged pink leather jacket, was Luster Dawn, tears in her eyes. "Braver! You are back! Only you can do...that kind of mess..." she trailed off as she saw Spark sitting here. "Uh...oh..." she dropped a bag of Braver's things. Twilight and Dash stared at the mare before them and the tears in her eyes. Their emotions were complicated, but one emotion came forward, one that no one saw coming. "You!" shouted Luster as she rushed over to Spark, who closed her eyes and waited for a slap or something. But instead, she felt something else, not a slap but a kiss on her cheek and a hug. Spark opened her eyes and saw Luster on her, crying as she hugged her. "Braver! You're alive! I was so worried about you." She kept repeating herself as she cried, not caring about what she was saying, nor was she listening when Twilight corrected her. Spark felt like dying when seeing her sister's mare friend like this, knowing how upset and broken Luster was about losing Braver. She slowly and gently wrapped her arms around Luster, hugging her. "Sorry," whispered Spark, not wanting to hurt her. Dashie and Twilah arrived, both having mixed emotions when they heard Spark say to Luster. "I'm back, Luster. I'm the same Braver you always known..." Meanwhile, outside of the library, Lucy broke away from her friends as they visited New Ponyville and wanted to visit Blitz's sister's library home. "This must be it!" End of Chapter 2 > Chapter 3: Needing To Let Go Isn't Easy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucy walked around the library tree, amazed at how such a vast tree could be made into a library. "Oh wow! I can't wait to see the inside!" She walked up to the door and was about to grab the doorknob when she remembered how Blitz had told her about this place, her sister, and Equestria. It was after she had told her everything from her past, how she lived with her parents, and how happy she was. "Blitz..." she whispered, remembering the other things that made Blitz and her sister feel guilty. Lucy held Blitz's hand, seeing her holding back from crying again. She listened to her, never saying a word. "I killed my mothers! I remember stabbing Nightfall in the chest and taking her core." Tears started to fall. "I killed Sky, remembering her charred body, the smell, and the whole world as I became a living bomb, burning the world and all the creatures and plants and the world, ending everything. I killed everyone, and I can't ever forget it. We even destroyed our whole universe. I must carry that pain forever, and I needed to suffer for what we did that night." Blitz slowly turned to Lucy, sadness on her face. "I'm a monster; no matter how much I try to do good in this universe, it doesn't make up for the horrible things I've done." Lucy held Blitz's hand tighter, looked at her in the eyes, and saddest smile she ever had. "So, that's why you keep making others happy? Always giving away yourself but never taking anything for yourself? Is that what you're doing? Punishing yourself for what you did, no matter what everyone says to you?" Blitz turned away, her tears flowing. "Yes, it's all I can do. Part of me believes that we shouldn't have ever been saved, that Twilah, Dashie, and others who saved us that day should have just let us die because it's not fair. We, who killed trillions of lives and destroyed our home and everything else, deserved to die. But they saved us, gave us a second chance at life, allowing us to be loved again, but all I could feel was guilt. So, I can only try to make the ones I love happy and never take anything for myself. I don't even deserve to be happy after what we did. Heck, I'm too much of a coward to kill my-" Lucy let go of her hand and slapped Blitz. She fell to the floor, holding her cheek. She looked at Lucy, who was angry. "Don't say that! Don't ever say that!" her tears started falling while her mouth trembled with sadness. "Don't say you're a monster or about killing yourself. That you don't deserve happiness and to be loved." She sniffed. "How do you think your friends will feel when you say that? Tempesta, who has been fighting her PTSD for so long because of what happened to her in the war, but because of you saving her and revealing you were Rainbow Comet to her and that she had a family who loved her, she was able to take those few steps in moving forward. What would she do if you were gone?" "That's not true. I never helped Tempesta." "Yes, you did!" Shouted Lucy, standing up. "Your mom is giving her the help she needs because of you! You saved her that night in the alleyway. I'm such a giant Rainbow Comet fan that Tempesta told me how Comet saved her!" Blitz couldn't look her in the eyes. "The others won't mi-" "HORSE SHIT!" Blitz quickly turned to Lucy, shocked by the foul language, as Lucy had never sworn, since she known her. "Yes, they would! You helped all of us; you saved King's family's pizza place!" she grabbed Blitz by her shirt, pulling her up from the floor. "You made Wallflower feel like someone finally noticed her when no one would; she was alone. But you were there; you made her happy." She started to shake Blitz hard. "You turned Sunset from a bully to the kindest, caring brute anyone has ever seen!" "B-Brute?" shuttered Blitz as Lucy kept shaking her. "Yes!" she finally stopped shaking her and fell into Blitz's chest, crying hard. "And you saved me, a girl who was all alone and just wanted friends but couldn't, as she was a weirdo in many eyes. But you were there, and you took the time to be there for me and became the best friend I ever had." She slowly looked up at Blitz, blushing. "Even more than a best friend, I love you so much! How would I feel if you were just gone!?" Lucy cried harder. Blitz was frozen. "I don't care if you killed trillions of lives; the good you did and are still doing should be enough. Please stop; it's okay to take something for yourself and be happy. You don't have to keep hurting yourself. So, please, Blitz, don't ever say you're a monster or not worth loving or don't deserve happiness and a family. You deserve all of it and so much more!" Blitz's heart raced as she listened to Lucy's words. "I-I-I," Blitz couldn't speak. She didn't know what to say, nor did she know if her words were correct. But hearing her talk of her like that made her heart swell. "Okay," she said, hugging Lucy. She could feel the warmth of Lucy's body and her fast-beating heart. She could also feel her tears, warm as they dropped onto her neck. They pulled away from each other, which made Blitz smile as she remembered what Layla told her all those years ago. "Make your dawn, make a new light, and create a new hope. Make a better future, a new tomorrow, even if it's not perfect or isn't the best. It's yours and all those you want to share it with." Layla's voice echoed in Blitz's mind, making her smile even more. In front of her was her dawn, the dawn she was always looking for in the darkness of her life. "Okay, Lucy, I'll try." "You promise?" "I promise, Lucy." "Penny Promise?" Blitz laughed. "Yes." Lucy smiled and leaned in, slowly moving her lips to Blitz's lips, which she kissed. Blitz was surprised, but she returned the kiss. Both knew this wouldn't be their first kiss, and it would not be the last. Lucy touched her lips while a tear fell down her cheek. She smiled, wiped it away, and finally opened the library door, only to find it in ruins. What surprised her was seeing Blitz and Braver's parents watching her pony counterpart as she was talking to Spark as they cleaned the place up, Blitz's second sister. She walked in, listened, and understood why the parents were upset and heartbroken. "Braver, you sure make a mess! Silly klutz, you need to be more careful." Luster said before sighing and turning to her. "Never mind, no matter how often I tell you that, you never change." Spark chuckled a little, saying that's true, and then she cleaned the mess. Lucy felt a pain in her chest, the pain of not only seeing Luster treating Spark like Braver but Spark herself allowing it, when Luster should know that Spark is her own person, that she isn't Braver or... "What's going on here?" asked Lucy, making everyone turn to her. Luster's happy face became worried as she noticed her, while Spark cringed with sadness when she heard her voice. "Lucy, what are you doing here? I thought you and your friends would visit Ponyville, not New Ponyville," Twilah asked. Lucy walked past Blitz's parents, ignoring the question, and straight to Spark, who looked away and tried to pull up a bookcase with her magic. "Spark, what's going on?" she asked, hoping she would tell her, but Luster jumped in front of her, blocking her way to Spark. "Luster?" she asked. "Her name is Braver!" shouted Luster, glaring at Lucy. "What?" "Her name is not Spark! Braver is still in there, somewhere! She's part with her sister, Blitz!" Luster turned to Spark, who stood there, looking at the floor. "They fused as one! Like how your Sunny and our Sunset fused into one. We need to." Luster felt Lucy's hand on her shoulder, making her face her. "Stop it." Lucy gave Luster the most disappointed glare she could, shocking her. "Just stop. I know you miss Braver, but she is dead, and you have to accept that." Luster looked at Lucy, her mouth wide open and eyes wide with surprise. "She's not dead. If she was, why would she be standing right over there?" "Because she isn't her! She is not Braver! She's Blitz and Braver's sister! We were all there and saw her and her sisters in the same place. They didn't fuse or anything. They're gone, and I thought you promised Braver you'd move-" Lucy felt a hoof slap her cheek, shocking everyone, even Spark, who turned her head. Luster's eyes were waterly as her hoof was shaking after slapping Lucy. "Jealous," whispered Luster. Lucy recovered from the slap and shouted at Luster. "WHAT!?" Luster got right up to Lucy's face. "You heard me! You are just jealous that I found her first and made her remember she's Braver, not Bli-" Luster felt her cheek being hit as Lucy slapped her but much harder. "Don't you dare finish that sentence! Do you even hear yourself? How could you be so stupid!" Luster recovered from the slap and pushed Lucy. "Shut up! You are just mad that I am getting closer to her, and she's mine, so you can't do a thing about it. You won't get your Blitz back!" "Luster!" shouted Twilight, rushing over to break up the fight, while Twilah held back Lucy, who dropped her drawing bag and was ready to throw hands. Soon, everyone was fighting against Luster, making Spark cover her ears. She tried her best to ignore the loud screaming and yelling, but she could feel her ears and body shaking and the tears coming. "Stop it! I'm sorry!" she softly said to them, but the loud screaming only to block it out. "LET ME GO! THIS BITCH NEEDS A GOOD SMACK!" "LUCY!?" shouted Twilah, shocked by her behavior and swearing. Dashie also held Lucy but liked this new side of her, so she needed to comment: "I didn't know Lucy had this in her. She's like a beast." Twilah gave Dashie a cold stare, making her quiet. "I'M TELLING YOU, SHE'S MINE!" screamed Luster, trying to get past Twilight and Dash but couldn't, so she backed off and stared at Twilight. "Why are you against me on this, Princess? She's back, and she needs to remember who she is! It's your daughter!" Dash got between them, tick off. "Whoa there, Spark isn't our daughter!" Spark clutched her ears even when she heard that, and the shouting got louder. "Stop lying! I know Braver is still alive!" Luster tried to push past Dash and Twilight but got pushed back, and she almost fell to the ground. "Dawn, stop this right now! You are making a scene, and I'm sure Braver would want you to stop," Twilight said. Luster ignored her and turned to Spark. "You are Braver, you know it!" Her happiness became a worry as she saw a rainbow aura filling the room, making everyone stop and look at Spark. "Braver?" Spark flinched, and her aura died down, and she let go of her ears and turned to them all, smiling. "I'm indeed Braver!" Luster smiled, but Twilight and others were shocked and sad at what Spark said. "I am Braver! I remember everything!" she said, tears falling from her eyes. "See! She's Braver!" Luster walked to Spark, but Spark raised her hand, making her stop. "Huh?" Spark walked past Luster and right up to Lucy, leaning down and taking her hands, smiling. "I'm also Blitz! I'll make you two happy by giving myself to you!" "Spark?" Twilah and Dashie said together, in utter shock at what she said to Lucy. They looked down at Lucy but could see her gripping Spark's hands. They looked at each other, fearing Lucy would act like Luster. "Lucy, I remember you, the girl who wanted friends, who was socially awkward, who listened to me and loved me. I loved you, and I still do." "Spark?" "Yes, Lucy, I'm Blitz, so-OWIE!" Everyone was quiet as they watched Lucy grab Spark by her ear and drag her to the exit. Luster quickly snapped out of it and teleported in front of her human counterpart. "What are you doing to Brav-ouch, hey!?" Luster felt her ear being grabbed and dragged out of the library. "Should we follow them?" questioned Dashie, facing the others. Twilight and the others nodded and hurried outside, following Lucy as she took them somewhere, but they didn't know where. Spark could feel her back aching as Lucy pulled her along. Being tall has its drawbacks, and this was one of them, as Lucy was pretty short; in fact, Spark realized that Lucy and Blitz were the same height. She smiled at the thought of the two being girlfriends and having each other, but that's when reality hit her, making her frown as she followed Lucy. Finally, they arrived at New Ponyville Park, where she let Spark and Luster go. She turned to Twilight and Twilah, pointing at Spark and Luster. "Can you two make sure they don't teleport away? I need to make a call." She walked off, took out a phone, and made a call. Twilah transformed into her anthro form and wondered something. "I see she's using the phone I gave her and the others after infusing it with magic. I wonder if she's calling her friends or someone else?" Twilight and Twilah's horns glowed, preventing Luster from escaping, but both Dashie and Dash could see the surprised look on Twi and Twilah. "What's up, Twi?" asked Dash, hovering near her. Twilight tilted her head. "It's Spark." "What about her?" "...she's letting us contain her." Dashie raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Twilah fixed her glasses, explaining what Twilight meant. "You two won't understand it, but we can sense her magical power level; even with us giving it all, we're not on Spark's power level. She could easily teleport away without breaking a sweat." "Then why isn't she?" Dashie asked. Dash shrugged her shoulders, not sure either. Twilah and Twilight could feel Spark's sadness as she stared at the ground, and both wondered if it was because of what Luster had been saying. The two nodded and walked up to her. "Sweetie, can you continue where you left off? Before Luster dropped in." Twilight asked while sitting down with the others, while Luster wondered what she meant. Spark remembered, put her emotions aside, and continued where she had left off. Haze and Snake continued, walking down the tunnel until they finally exited. They found themselves in what seemed like a forest; all the trees were just wood. Even the leaves were just wood. Snake touched one of the trees, checking if they were indeed wood."Okay, this is pretty weird." Haze agreed with her as they continued to walk through the wooden forest. Haze looked up, seeing the third-floor ceiling very far off. "Looks like if we find this woman, getting to the third floor will be a long walk." Snake was about to agree but stopped when she heard a noise. Haze heard it, too, and they both drew their weapons, looking around and seeing nothing. "Show yourself, or I'll cut you to pieces!" shouted Haze, readying her sword, only to lower it as a wooden apple rolled into their view. "An apple?" "A wooden apple." Snake corrected her as she walked over to it, picking it up and checking it. "I've never seen an apple made out of wood." "Neither have I," added Haze, looking up and seeing that the trees were all filled with apples. She looked back at Snake, noticing she was shaking. "Hey, old timer, you okay? Not having another attack, are you?" She was going to touch her, but Snake yelled at her to stay back. Snake could see the apple dug its roots into her hoof, injecting something into her. "It's alive! It's injecting something into my body and causing my body to be paralyzed!" Haze was going to use her magic to remove whatever was affecting Snake, but all the trees started to shake, dropping all the wooden apples to the ground. She could see them rolling near and surrounding them. "Shit, they're monsters!" Haze raised her sword, ready for a battle, as the apples slowly rolled closer and closer. She swung her sword at the ground, making it back off, but others kept rolling. She quickly cast her fire spell, burning the area around her and Snake, keeping the tiny monster at bay. She turned back to Snake. "Hey, how are you feeling? In pain or anything?" Snake tried to talk, but she could muster up only grunts. She could only look at the apple in her hoof, at which point a single eyelid appeared, and an orange eye looked at her. Haze noticed and quickly stabbed it, but only for it to send out orange vines from its wound, covering Haze's sword and stabbing into her hands. She felt the same injunction of fluids that Snake felt. "Crap!" Haze said in a panic as the monster continued to inject fluids into her, paralyzing her. "Kid!" Snake shouted within her mind, worried, as the monster forced Haze onto her knees. "Shit, this isn't good." Haze could feel her body going numb, her arms falling to her sides, her sword falling to the ground. The monster continued to inject her, making her feel lightheaded. "Sorry, old-timer. I can't help you anymore," she mumbled before her mouth became paralyzed. The two could see the apples getting much closer, and they saw all of the tiny monsters opening their eyelids, which revealed their eyes also acted as mouths. Within the tiny mouths were razor-sharp teethes, ready to devour the two. Snake closed her eyes and could hear the apples getting much closer. Soon, all was quiet, with nothing making a sound until a drumming noise could be heard. She slowly opened her eyes and saw all the apples turning away from them, looking at someone who had just arrived. One apple roared at the new guest, only for it to be blasted to bits by a shotgun shell. Snake and Haze looked at the woman carrying a custom-made shotgun. She was wearing an H.U.L.L suit from Aaira Universe. She pointed her weapon at the other apples. "Let them go, you freaky apples or you'll be applesauce!" she threatened, backing the apples off from Haze and Snake, backing up to the tree, and confusing the two. Their savior hurried over and glared at the apple that paralyzed them. The monster didn't back down, even when she pointed her barrel at it. "Listen here, you tiny bastard. I already killed a ton of your kind, and your small fries are nothing like Changers. I saw and fought corpse nightmares, so you little bastards are nothing! So, I won't repeat myself." she pumps her shotgun, waiting for the apple to move. The tiny monster hissed at her and removed its vines from Snake and Haze. It rolled away, used its vines to grab a branch, and disappeared into the wooden tree leaves. Snake and Haze felt their bodies returning to normal and felt relief. Haze grabbed her sword and stood up. She turned to her savior, who had her back to them and was loading her shotgun. "Thanks for the save. I'm guessing you are, Amelia Jarvis?" She stopped loading her weapon and faced the two. Her helmet became undone and entered the back of her neck collar, revealing her face. Haze and Snake saw that face before from their universes, making Haze blush while Snake smirked. "Yup, you are right, Pecan Pie. So, who are you two? And please, call me AJ." Asked AJ, reaching out her hand and waiting for a handshake from Haze, but Haze just looked at it and crossed her arms. "Names Haze, Former 1st Class SOLDIER. The old timer here is named Solid Matter Snake." AJ could see she wasn't getting a handshake from Haze, so she turned her hand toward Snake, who happily shook it. "I'm Snake, like the kid here said. Former soldier. Nice to meet you, AJ." AJ let go of Snake's hoof and scanned the two. She could see from their get-ups that they were, indeed, soldiers. "Alright, you two are from another universe, right?" AJ placed her shotgun on her belt and waited for their answers, which they explained they were. "Knew it, I wonder how I got here? Is it another multiverse crisis?" Haze and Snake look at each other and back at her. "Another multiverse crisis? I take it this isn't your first time, it seems," replied Haze as they started to walk toward the stairway tower in the distance. "Yup, this isn't my first rodeo. I joined my friend, Aaira, and we teamed up with other versions of other universe folks and saved the multiverse by helping stop this poor girl named Rainbow Sun Dawn. The last thing I remembered was staying at Applejack's farmhouse." She placed her hand on her head. "For some reason, everything is like a fog. I don't remember why I'm here." Snake took out a sugar stick and handed it to her. "Join the club," AJ saw the treat and took one. "What do you mean?" The two explained everything they knew, so AJ touched her chin. "I see, so Rainbow Spark gathered us, huh? We have something in common?" she looked at them seriously. "I wonder what that is? Is it related to us being soldiers?" Haze stopped, crossing her arms. "Maybe?" Snake stopped, sitting on the ground and eating her sugar stick. "Or maybe something else?" she faced AJ. "Going by your reaction, you seemed to know her, don't you?" AJ nodded and explained everything that happened in her multiverse adventure. When she was done, the two now knew Spark's background. "So Sparkly is a clone of her parents, and her sisters weren't the clones." Snake couldn't help but smirk, which the others took notice of and asked why she was smirking. "Well, like I said before, I might look old, but I'm not. See, I'm a clone of the most outstanding soldier in my universe, and her name was Naked Matter Snake or Big Boss. I had a sister called Liquid Antimatter Snake, who hated my guts because she thought I had all the best genes." "Had? What happened to her, old timer?" Snake chomps down on the stick, eyeing Haze. "MAGICDIE killed her, then Ocelot chopped off her arm, and Liquid took over her body as a ghost, then I fought Liquid Oclet to the death and won. Big Boss also died to MAGICDIE." AJ scratched her head, not understanding one part of the explanation. "What the hell is a MAGICDIE?" Snake pointed at herself. "MAGICDIE is an engineered retrovirus, made to kill specific targets until it mutated thanks to my clone body aging at an accelerated rate. I became a walking bioweapon, as the MAGICDIE will target anyone now." She could see them stepping back from her, making her laugh. "Don't worry, you guys can't catch it. I was injected with a new MAGICDIE version, which overwrote the old one. I'm still a walking bioweapon, but it takes years before this new MAGICDIE can mutate like the old one." she stood up and started to head in the direction the stairway tower was in while the others followed her. "Damn, Snake. That's a lot to take in. So are you?" "Dying? My body is aging so fast that I only have a few months to live." Snake could see their saddened expressions, so she laughed again. "Don't look so glum, guys. I don't want people crying for my sake." "Sorry, it's just that's pretty shitty, you know?" Haze got closer to Snake but did not look at her. "So, who created this MAGICDIE? And those suppressors you have and used back there, is it to suppress your aging or something?" Snake didn't turn to her, only looking ahead as she answered her. "An old friend, Nami Diamond. She wanted revenge against me for killing her brother and my best friend, Grey Moon Fox. She realized I wasn't the cold killer that she thought I was and forgave me. Before Fox was killed by Liquid, who drove the Metal Gear Spike, she told me to tell Nami to forget about her and go on with her life. To let the past go. She did, but years later, she died..." Snake had a hurt expression on her face. "In the same spot as Fox died all those years ago." They were all quiet as they kept walking through the woods. Snake eyed the two and continued with her story explaining. "And yes, the suppressors are meant to stop my body from aging. Like I said, I don't have long to live." She stopped and turned to them, smiling. "I don't know what we have in common, but I'm glad my last mission is to save those kids at the top of the tree. I'm just an old soldier with little time left in this world. So, I'm grateful my final time is saving lives rather than taking them." AJ understood her, walking up to Snake and giving her a soldier's salute. Snake gave one back, smiling. Haze wanted to join them but didn't, so she heard something coming from AJ's suit. "...do I hear drums?" The two turned to her, and AJ put back on her helmet and opened her radio feed, which gave off the drumming song. "Yeah, my H.U.L.L suit radio keeps picking it up. Sounds like it's getting louder when I get closer to the tower over there." Snake pressed her codec in her ear, but it didn't pick up anything. "I'm not liking that. It sounds like a military marching song." Snake replied, looking at the tower. AJ kept the radio on and listened to it. She was happy the two could hear it, but that's when she heard it. "Mommy, where are you?" When she heard the voice again, she didn't react to it. Instead, she eyed the others and waited to see if they listened to the little girl's voice. She watched as they spoke to each other and continued to walk to the stairway tower. "How? I thought the Pillar radio wave was gone after Bolt destroyed the Mother Moon. So why am I hearing my daughter's voice?" thought AJ, as she turned off the radio feed, only to still hear it. She feared she might be going insane again and wasn't sure if she should tell the other about it. The three kept walking in the wooden forest for an hour or so. They were almost near the spiral tower, from which they could practically see the entrance to the stairway from a hill. "Finally, we can leave this weird forest," stated Haze, walking ahead with Snake. Snake walked down the hill but turned to AJ, as she didn't hear her coming. She could see her on the hill, still wearing her helmet. She could tell she was staring off at something and walked up to her, waving her sugar stick in front of her face with her magic. "Hey, AJ, you alright?" asked Snake, making AJ jump. AJ didn't answer, looking around as if she didn't see her, and then her eyes met Snake's, making her feel embarrassed. "Sorry, Snake. I just had a bit of a moment. So, what's the hold-up?" Snake bit the stick and pointed at her. 'You. You are the hold. What's wrong?" AJ rubbed her neck, not sure how to say it. "Well, it's just..." "Yes?" "I'm..." she sighed. "Never mind; I shouldn't bother you with it." She walked off, but Snake stopped her as she spoke to her. "As a soldier, you should know that if someone isn't feeling right, you should help them out." AJ knew Snake was right, but she was even more embarrassed when she turned to Snake and saw her holding out her stick. "Take a bite and tell me, or I won't give you any more." AJ couldn't say no, so she did. "Well, you see, the truth is, from my universe, there was an alien pillar that brought back the dead to life as dead flesh monsters." Snake put her hoof on her chin. "That's what you meant, huh? When you are threatening those apple monsters." "Yeah, I saw untold horrors during my time in stopping those Pillars. See, the Pillars can also make everyone near it slowly go insane over time, until they are bat insane and killing others to make more of those monsters." Snake started to understand. "So, let me guess: Do you feel like you're going crazy again? Because you look fine right now." AJ nodded. "So, is there a Pillar nearby or something to make you feel like this?" AJ shrugged, not knowing for sure. As the two talked, Haze was at the bottom of the hill, turning back to see the two still on top. She sighed and waited but sensed something, making her grab her sword handle. Ready for anything, she looked around. "It's back..." She quickly turned to the others, about to call out, when everything went dark again, and mist started filling the land. Snake and AJ could see what was happening around them, so Snake quickly explained this. "An evil version of you is attacking us? Why?" she loaded her shotgun. Snake held her handgun and knife at the ready, standing by AJ's side. "Whatever it is, it's no doubt trying to stop us from reaching the top and saving those kids. It must be Fayth doing it, or maybe somehow the kids?" AJ pointed her shotgun, aiming at nothing, only seeing the mist covering everything but them She picked up the drumming song again, and like before, she could hear her daughter calling out to her. She started to sweat and felt her breathing get faster as she tried to ignore the voice. "No, it's not real, it's not real." She didn't notice a black mist forming behind her, and it shot at her, knocking her to the ground and her gun out of her hands. Snake quickly turned around, firing a few shots into the mist, but like before, it did nothing as the red eyes looked at her and disappeared. She grunted in anger and turned to help AJ, but she pushed her away, screaming that it was unnatural. "ITS NOT REAL! YOU ARE DEAD!" "AJ, what the hell are you talking about?!" AJ was breathing faster, her mind thinking she was being attacked by one of those Pillar monsters that brought back her family from the dead, making them into a Changer. She quickly grabbed her shotgun and just unloaded it into the darkness. "SHE'S DEAD! I WON'T LET YOU MAKE ME GO INSANE AGAIN; YOU HEAR ME!" Haze could see the flashes of the gunshots and ran toward them, but the mist filled the forest so that she couldn't find the others. She watched as the white flashes were gone but still heard AJ screaming. But another voice joined in, calling out to her. "Haze." Haze flinched when she heard that voice, which she knew so well that it almost made her drop her sword. She looked around but couldn't find the person until that person found her. Haze lowered her sword and was shocked at what she saw in front of her. "Can't be...Aeris?" Standing there was the flower girl and the one who summoned the Holy, the one she fell in love with before she was killed by 'her.' "Haze, it's been a while." Haze dropped her sword and slowly approached her, reaching out and feeling her cheek. She couldn't believe this. How was she here? "Aeris, is that you? How?" Aeris held Haze's hand, smiling at her. "Haze, why?" Haze felt Aeris's hand gripping her very tight, almost like she was crushing it. She tried to force her hand off, but Aeris just increased her grip and pulled Haze to her face, asking the same question. "Why? Why did you let me die?" Haze's heart started to beat fast as Aeris's eyes began to cry out blood; her chest had a stab wound, and sensing something, Haze dodged a long blade that almost impaled her as it exited out of the wound. "Haze, you let me die! You let Zara die as well! YOU ARE A FAILURE! YOU KILLED US!" Haze didn't speak, but she could see another figure in the mist; it was Zara, wholly covered in bullet wounds and slash marks. "You killed us, Haze." Haze felt her face covered in sweat as she desperately tried to get Aeris off of her hand, only for the two to pull her down and start to choke her. "It was you. You did this to us, Haze. You did this. It's all your fault." Haze could feel her vision blurry as she ran out of breath. Meanwhile, Snake tried to calm AJ down but was prone on the ground as the shotgun blast went over her head. "AJ, snap out of it; whatever you see, it's not there! It's just a trick!" But AJ wasn't listening. She could see shadows of Changers charging at her but disappearing as she shot them down. "FUCKERS! STAY AWAY!" AJ blasted a Changer and quickly reloaded, only to see a small hand on her hand, making her drop the shell clip. She slowly looked up and saw her daughter, and behind her was her husband—the two people she killed. "No..." she dropped to the ground, trying to back away, but they were always in front of her no matter how quick she was. "Mommy, why did you kill us? Did you hate me and Daddy?" asked the redhead girl. AJ quickly stopped and held her daughter, who was crying. "No! Never!" The girl hugged her back, crying. "Then why, Mommy, why did you stop loving me and ignore calling or visiting us when you returned from your tour? I don't understand. You are my hero. Mommy, why did you stop caring for us? Don't you love us anymore?" AJ hugged her harder, shaking her head. "No, I didn't mean to. I just felt like a failure to you and your father! Having a family was too much for me, and I was scared I would fail you and him. I didn't want to become a failure in your eyes!" "Mommy, is that why you hit me? You hated seeing me?" the girl broke the hug, slowly putting her hands on AJ's helmet face. "No, no, sweetie! I just had issues because of what I was going through, and that's why I stopped visiting!" AJ felt like her heart was breaking. "Sweetie, please believe me; I didn't want to hurt you or your father. It was because I was a fool and didn't know how to raise you and love him." she looked at her husband, who glared at her, not seeing a word. "Believe me, please!" The girl smiled and stabbed her fingers into the helmet joints, trying to pull back the mask. "Liar, you never loved us! You wanted us gone, didn't you? WE FELT HATED! THAT'S WHY YOU KILLED ME AND DADDY!" "NO!" She felt half of her helmet getting pulled back and saw the girl's face change to the same face as the nightmarish monster, with eyes filled with blood and a twisted face that was once her daughter. "MOMMY! MAKE US WHOLE! LET US IN!" her daughter said in a twisted and evil tone. "MAKE US WHOLE AGAIN!" AJ's helmet face covering broke off, and the twisted hands of her daughter grabbed her face, making her watch as her daughter's mouth opened and blasted her with a blast of mist, burning her face slowly. "MAKE US WHOLE!" said her daughter and husband as he, too, grabbed her and blasted mist into her, but only for a grenade to fall in between and go off with a bright flash. AJ's family vanished, and grunting in pain was the same evil-looking Twilight as she rubbed her eyes. "I knew that would work," said Snake, hurrying over and pulling a pin from the can-looking grenade and tossing it at the dark creature. It blinded her again and made her stagger back. "Good old flash bangs, never let me down," she quickly grabbed AJ and shook her. "Hey, AJ! Listen up, we need to go! NOW!" But AJ pushed her and couldn't stop crying. "I killed my family, Snake. I couldn't be there for them when they turned into Changers; I had to put down my daughter! I'm a failure, a fuck up, why did I have to be a mother, I'm no good." Snake punched her, making her shut up. "Pull yourself together, soldier! What happened, happened! You can't let that hold you down. We all have regrets and things we aren't proud of, but if you don't do something about it, then you are the true failure!" she picked up AJ's shotgun and held it out. "It's like what Grey Moon Fox once told me before she died: she killed Nami's parents. She couldn't bring herself to kill her too, that she took her in but distance herself from her, because when she looked into Nami eyes, she only saw Nami's parents staring back at her, that's how guilty she was." "Snake..." Snake tossed her the gun and grabbed her arm, lifting and helping her walk. "She told me to tell Nami the truth, that she killed Nami's family, but I couldn't; I couldn't bring myself to do it; I was too afraid of how Nami would react. Even when I spoke to her, I still couldn't say it; even when I knew Grey Moon Fox had forgiven me, I still didn't." Snake and she turned to the dark creature, slowly recovering from the flashbang. "It's one of many things I regretted, even more so when Nami died. I couldn't ever tell her the truth." she eyed AJ, giving her a look. "So do you want to be like me, or someone who has no regrets? If it were me, I would want to be able to move on from the past and have no regrets. You need to be that person, AJ. It would be best to forgive yourself and not be weighed down by something out of your control. So what will you do, soldier?" AJ took her shotgun and looked at the dark creature, then back at her shotgun and the ammo clip she had dropped. She slowly grabbed it and held it in her hand. She remembered something Aaira had once told her, making her ask Snake something. "Is that what a good woman does?" Snake was confused and asked. "What do you mean?" AJ loaded the shell clip into the gun and looked at her. "I asked Aaira that question after I told her the things I had done, from killing my family and letting others die because I was too scared. I asked her about it, and she said good women mean well. We don't always end up doing well. But we still try, and the important thing is that we keep trying." Snake smiled at her, knowing that AJ would be fine now. AJ stood up, part of her helmet masked, covering her face. She narrowed her eyes at the dark creature. She aimed, blasting it and making it stagger backward with each shot. Snake slowly followed AJ, talking to her as they walked around the creature. "Just going by that answer, I can tell your friend has also been through a lot. If she can be a good woman, then so can you. As she said, we're only human, and sometimes, we don't do well, but as long as we keep trying, then I say we are good women, no matter what we did." AJ laughed a bit. "Yeah, but aren't you a talking pony?" she could hear Snake grunting in annoyance. The dark creature was now on the ground, with holes in its body, not moving. The two quickly took off and down the hill, only to find Haze being choked by a young woman while the other one just looked on. "Kid!" shouted Snake, who leapt and tackle the woman off of her friend, seeing the bloody woman stagger back into the bullet wounds Zara and the two vanished into the mist. Snake turned to Haze and saw AJ pulling her up. She tried to pick up the sword to return it to her but couldn't, as it weighed a ton. "Jesus Christ, how the hell were you lugging this around?" Haze coughed, picked up the sword, and looked around for Aeris and Zara, but she felt AJ pulling her hand, making her face her as they ran. "Come on, Haze. We need to get out of here!" Haze blushed and forced her hand out of AJ's. "Don't need to tell me twice," she hurried along, confusing AJ. Snake noticed the blush and wondered. She remembered AJ looking like the girl in the photo Haze showed her, but she quickly put that thought aside and hurried behind them, almost reaching the stairway. "WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!?" They all turned around, seeing the dark creature rushing towards them, blasting out more mist. The three made their stand and waited for it to come closer. Before it could reach them, the apple monsters shot out of the trees and attacked the dark creature, biting their tiny jaws into its dark flesh. It screamed out and tried to fight back, but more apples joined in, swarming it until it was on the ground, the mist being pushed back. "Damn buggers saved us, it seems," AJ said, lowering the weapon. "We better hurry out of here." The three left and quickly hurried up the stairway, hearing the creature's screams echoing in the forest, making them think that it was dead. They ran to the next floor, as the darkness that the beast made was being drowned out by the orange lights that the wooden trees were emitting. Spark stopped with her story as she and others could hear Lucy returning. "Spark, I have someone coming here to help, as she's the best person for this issue." Luster stood up, eyeing her counterpart. "What issues? Other than making her remember she's Braver?" Lucy rubbed her eyes and put her hand up at Luster. "No, not this starting this shit again." she looked at Spark and sat down next to her. "Spark, listen to me. I don't know what's going on, but you aren't Blitz or." she eyed Luster a bit and returned to Spark. "Or Braver, you are you! You are your own person; we all saw that." She faced Luster with great annoyance. "SOMEONE HERE NEEDS TO SEE THAT TOO!" she looked back at Spark, holding her hand. "So please, don't try to be something you are not; it doesn't suit you." Spark gave her a sad smile, softly gripping Lucy's hand. "But if I'm not my sisters, what am I then? Just a clone of other ponies. How can I be me when there is no me from the start." Lucy sighed, not sure what to say. "Braver, look." Luster was about to speak, but Lucy glared at her, not wanting to hear any of it. "No, stop right there! She isn't Braver! You need to stop this already, she's gone and forcing Spark here to be her isn't right! She's a different person, with a different personality, so stop treating her like Braver." Luster stomps her way over to Lucy, face to face with her. Twilight was going to stop this, but Dash and others stopped her. "She IS Braver! Why do you act like she isn't!?" Lucy became more pissed off and shoved Luster, making her step back and was surprised at how strong Lucy was. "Because she's not; she's her own person! Why are you so dead set on thinking like this? Braver is-" "SHE'S NOT DEAD!" Luster screamed back, shaking with anger and tears in her eyes. "She's back...she can be Braver." She lowered her head. "Don't you miss Blitz? Don't you want her back?" Lucy reacted with a hurt expression, feeling bad for her. "Of course I miss her. I miss her dearly..." She placed her hand over her heart, tears falling. "I wish she were here, alive again, but I'm not going to make her sister suffer for it so that I can be happy. It's wrong and selfish." Luster looked away, not sure what to do. Spark felt so awful right now. She was going to speak up, but Lucy stopped her. "It's not your fault, Spark. Blitz and Braver gave up their lives so you could finally have a life outside of the prison you created for yourself." she faced her, smiling at her. "There was a saying that Blitz told Wallflower after they met. Make your dawn, make a new light, and create a new hope. Make a better future, a new tomorrow, even if it's not perfect or isn't the best. It's yours and all those you want to share it with. They didn't want you to become a copy of them or something you aren't. They wanted you to live for yourself and make the life you want, even if it's not perfect. It's yours and all those you let in. Don't let Luster, or anyone, make you think otherwise." "Lucy..." Luster was about to speak up, but someone stopped her. "Braver is dead," said Twilight, getting everyone's attention. She faced Luster with a sad expression. "Braver is gone, Dawn. I know it's hard to come to terms with it, but you need to, as it's the only way to move on and stop living in the past." She walked over to Luster, placing her head on her shoulder. "Braver would have wanted this, for you and all of us, to move on." Luster suddenly felt tears falling down her neck, and her former teacher cried. "Please, don't soil the memory of my daughter like this, Dawn. She wouldn't have wanted you to act this way. It would be best to accept that Braver is gone and move on. We all need to, as it is the only way." Luster closed her eyes and leaned into Twilight, wrapping her arms around her, and began crying. "But she was my reason for living, princess. She made me rise like the morning sun! How can I not think about her or miss her!? She meant so much to me, and you know that! What do I do when she's gone!?" Twilight closed her eyes, holding her and rubbing her back. The others just watched in sadness, but Spark broke down. Seeing how much pain she caused Luster and Twilight, she started to have panic attack. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry!" Lucy hugged her and rubbed her back, comforting her. "Shh, calm down, it's okay." But Spark's rainbow aura pushed her away into Dashie and Twilah's arms. They and others watched Spark's magical aura increase in size, feeling the overwhelming pressure. Twilight got in front of everyone, unleashing her magical energy and trying to push it back, but she couldn't. Lucy got up and shouted at Spark, hoping she would listen. "Remember what I said!? All those you want to share it with!? Open up to us, Spark! Let us help you!" Spark slowly opened her eyes, revealing her rainbow-glowing eyes, and spoke with a higher-power tone. "I DON'T WANT TO BURDEN YOU ARE! NOT AFTER HURTING YOU ALL SO MUCH!" "Spark, you are never a burden! Not to us!" shouted Dash, trying to push forward, with the others trying the same. Spark looked at her fist, which started to glow. "I am! And the only way to make this right!" She raised her fist and scattered reality in front of them, seeing a rift being created. They watched as Spark dropped to her knees, crying her eyes out. In a universe, a woman bought two ice cream and looked at the time at the park's clock. She grunted and tsk in disappointment as she licked the pink strawberry ice cream while looking at the melting ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. "Ditching me AGAIN! I swear, when I see her again, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind!" she was about to leave when a rift opened up, making her smile. But she could hear someone crying. Her pony ears twitched when she knew that voice from anywhere. She quickly tossed the ice cream away, clutched her hands into fists while wearing pink battle gloves, and darted through the rift. Everyone watched as someone jumped through the rift, slammed her fist into the ground, and faced them. Everyone but Lucy had seen this person before, the woman who appeared and stopped Rainbow Dawn while Twilight cast the spell that would make Braver into a real Alicorn. "WHO THE FUCK MADE MY GIRLFIREND CRY!?" shouted the girl, eyeing them with pure rage. "I'm going to bea-ugh?" she suddenly felt Spark hugging her and crying in her chest, making the woman soft and less angry. "Aw, sweetheart, what happened?" Spark looked up at her with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Dawn, I'm sorry!" Dawn tips her head in confusion, trying to figure out what happened. "Huh? For what? You didn't do anything, babe." "I hurt everyone because of what I did! I made my sister's girlfriends hurt so much; this is the only way to make it right!" Dawn was confused, but before she could ask what she was talking about, Spark kissed her, making her all red. Spark broke the kiss and said. "I'm breaking up with you! They lost their dawn, so it only makes it right if I lost it as well, the very thing that makes me happy in this multiverse. You!" Everyone was quiet after Spark had said. The only one to say anything was this new Dawn, who looked most confused. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" End of Chapter 3 > Chapter 4: Meeting The Crownless Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU ARE DUMPING ME!?" shouted Dawn, flabbergasted and shocked at what Spark said. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, WHAT YOU DONE!? JUST WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE!?" she pointed to the group but also noticed the ponies mixed in. She blinked and looked back to Spark. "Wait, is this your universe? I thought you told me you destroyed it and-" Dawn stopped talking, seeing the hurt expression on Spark's face as she had her face in her hands. Dawn was still upset about what Spark had said, but she felt her heart breaking as her girlfriend was hurting so much. She walked over to her, hugged her, rubbed her back, and said in a soft, kind voice. "Hey now, I don't know what's happening here, but you promised to tell me everything when you felt like it. And I promised to be there for you, no matter what. So, whatever is happening, let me help you. Tell me, what happened?" "Dawn." Spark sobbed, hugging her tight, scared to let go. Dawn leaned back a bit, seeing her girlfriend's crying face. "What is it, my rainbow comet light?" Twilight and everyone froze when they heard her say that; it was, no doubt, Rainbow Sun Dawn, but another universe of her. Spark looked at her and slowly looked backed down. Without warning, her rainbow aura quickly covered her and blasted Dawn away from her, sending Dawn flying toward the trees inside the park and leaving behind a long trail of destruction. Everyone rushed to Spark, hoping to stop her, but Spark's aura had become more robust than ever, pushing everyone back and not letting anyone close to her. "I SAID I DUMP YOU! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" "IS THAT SO!?" Everyone turned back and could see the pile of trees being blasted off, seeing a pissed-off Dawn walking out of the pile of trees and cracking her neck. "If that's what you truly feel, then fucking fine! Whatever." she walks off, waving her hand in dismiss. "It was nice being your girlfriend, but we can't have all good things last forever. Hope you can find a better lover, as I'm out." Spark's aura started to shrink, and the light was dim and weak. Spark couldn't believe her girlfriend had given up and walked away like that. "That's...all? No fight? No begging me to take you back?" Dawn stopped and looked over her shoulder, seeing her girlfriend's sad, hurt expression. She looked away, walking off but talking to her. "Yeah, just like that. See you never." Lucy couldn't believe what was going on. She tried to rush over to Dawn, but she stopped in her tracks; she could see the sad expression on her face. Someone who was heartbroken and was acting tough to hide it. Lucy's eyes widened, realizing what was happening. Looking back at Spark, she saw how heartbroken she was to see Dawn leaving. She looked at Spark's magical aura and could see it weakening as if reacting to Spark's emotions. Spark slowly sat down, processing what had just happened. She thought Dawn would try to fight for her and beg her to take her back, but nothing happened. She was gone and out of life just like that. Her aura shrank and finally started to fade. She looked at Lucy and Luster, realizing the pain she was feeling was like their own now. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized how much pain they must have felt when she took her sisters away from them. "It's done. I know it could never make up for the pain I caused, but I hope it can give some peace." She could hear Lucy and Luster asking her what he meant by that. "Peace in mind by seeing me also suffering like you two. If I can't have what makes me so happy in this multiverse, just like you two, then it's only fair that I suffer the same pain, right?" Everyone was silent. "This was the only way to make you feel better about yourself. I'm sorry, Lucy and Luster." she looked up into the blue sky, smiling as a tear fell. "I'm sorry for taking them away from you two. You shouldn't be hurting because of what I did." she looked down and turned to her sister's parents. "Same with you four. I'm not your daughter, just like Dash said." Everyone glared at Dash, who quickly covered her mouth, remembering what she said before. "Wait, hold on! I didn't mean it like that!" "You were right, Dash. I'm not Braver, nor will I ever be your daughter. Maybe if I make myself suffer, it is enough to-" "STOP IT!" shouted Dash, not wanting her to continue that sentence. "Don't say it, just don't!" she cried, not wanting to hear it. "It's true. I'm not her, and I can't bring her back. No matter how much I wish it or want to." Dash had had enough of this and flew right up to her but saw Spark flinched like she thought she would be hit. Dash was so shocked and saddened to see Spark act this way. "I didn't mean what I said; you aren't our daughter, Braver." Dash sat down in front of her, holding her hands. "But you are our daughter. We want you in our life, Spark. We want to know you, who you are, and everything." "But." "No buts, just listen. You may not be our daughter, but you are ours, the daughter we want in our life, and you don't need to change anything about you. Braver and Blitz would want you to have a family that loves you, not what you can offer us. They wanted you to be happy and loved." Spark finally looks her in the eyes. "Really?" "Yes. They would want you to be happy." Spark sniffed and cried. Hugging Dash tight, almost crushing her. Lucy walks away, making Luster turn to her. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to find her, Dawn. Spark didn't need to do such a stupid thing. It was so selfish of her." "Lucy." Luster joined her side. "I'm coming too. This is my fault, and I just wanted Braver back." she eyed Spark, who finally let Dash go after Twilight and Twilah warned Spark that she was crushing her. "I need to make things right, or Braver will never forgive me." The two rush off, heading where Dawn walked off, too. Behind them is Dashie, who got between the girls. "I'm in! Having an extra pair of eyes can't hurt." Lucy smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Reinbold!" The three went off in different directions, searching for Dawn, while the others tried to calm and cheer Spark up. Twilah had many plans to make Spark happy again, but she and the others could hear Spark's stomach growling and remembered she had not eaten anything. "Spark, do you want anything to eat? I can make you something?" Spark nodded. "Yeah, sure, Twilah." "Great! What do you want?" Spark thought for a bit and answered. "Hayburgers will be nice! Oh! Also, pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough!" She started to get excited about the food, which made Twilight and Twilah smile, seeing her happy, even if it was about food. "Sure thing, sweetheart." Twilah closed her eyes, using her magic to summon a grill, a campfire to cook the pasta and the rest of the ingredients, and a large box with dishes. "Alright, I'll start making them immediately while you continue the story. What happened after Snake and two others reached the next floor?" Twilah started to make Spark her food while Twilight and Dash sat near Spark, listening to her as she continued her story. Spark was also eyeing the food being made, forgetting all about the previous problems. "Alright, so let's see, where was I?" Snake and the others finally reached the third floor, and just like the second floor, there was a tunnel. They enter it, not noticing the glowing pink pony carvings on the tunnel walls. They kept walking until they finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. "Finally!" commented Haze, hurrying to the exit while Snake and AJ kept their guards up. When they walked out, they saw they were inside a sizeable party-like room. There were wooden balloons, a huge table full of wooden food, streamers hanging down, and a massive banner with 'Congratulations!' on it. AJ walked up to the table, feeling it and poking the wooden cake. "I take it this is a welcoming party?" she could see the others checking things out. She could see another tunnel with rave lights coming off the walls. Snake and Haze walk back to her. Snake was the first to talk. "It seems like it, but for us or someone else?" Haze turned to the rave tunnel. "Someone else, no doubt. Let's keep moving; we need to find whoever is here, IF they are in here, and find the spiral stairway to the next floor." she looked up at the room's ceiling. "This time, we have no idea where the exit is now." "Right, let's hurry then. Something tells me that the more we are here, the more the dark creatures will find us. We need to find the person or pony quickly." "Agreed," said AJ, heading to the rave tunnel with the two following her. "From my battles with Changers, monsters aren't easy to kill off like that." They entered the rave tunnel, seeing the flashing lights and weird music playing as they went deeper. As they travel down the tunnel, AJ can see Haze eyeing her before looking away. "What's up with her?" Snake smirked and looked at her. "I think I know what's bothering her. If you want to know, that is." AJ nods. "Yeah, I want to know. It seems like she wants to say something while acting weird." Snake bit down on her sugar stick and answered her. "She showed me a photo of someone who was a friend of hers. In that photo, there was a young woman who looked like you. Just going by reaction, it's someone she loves. A lot." AJ's eyes widened, but she quickly calmed down, processing the information. "I see. That would explain why she has been looking at me a lot. I thought it was something else." They finally exited the tunnel and found themselves in another party room, which looked the same as the room they had just left. "Did we just loop around?" Haze asked, turning to Snake and AJ. The two walk up to the table, seeing the same wooden food and everything. Snake believes so, so she takes out her knife and stabs the table, leaving a mark. After waiting a bit, the table doesn't heal, so Snake turns to them. "Let's keep going. There's only a tunnel; if we are looping, we will know by that marking on that table." The group nodded, and they kept going. AJ took the lead this time, walking down the tunnel and hearing the same music. She could feel someone eyeing her, making her look back slightly. She saw Haze looking away, making AJ smirk. She slowed her walk, making Haze catch up and be beside her. "Okay, pecan pie. Let me see that photo you shared with Snake!" she teased as she put her arm around Haze's neck and pulled her close. "If you show it to me, I might let you kiss me!" she teased. Haze's cheeks started to heat up. "W-what are you talking about!?" AJ leaned closer. "Come on, someone from your universe looks like me, and you love them. So, come on! Let me see the photo!" she drugged through Haze's pockets, making the young Soldier try and push her back, telling her no and no. "Come on, let me see it!" "N-no, it's not the same person! S-stop touching me!" "Not until you show me the photo!" The two kept at it until they exited the tunnel and returned to the same room. Snake walks over to the table and searches for the marking she made. She turned to the others. "Good news, we're not lopping like we thought." she took out a sugar stick and pointed it to something in the corner that caught her eye. "But we need to find a way out soon, or those wooden mannequins might attack us." The two turn to the corner, seeing a few creepy-looking mannequins with painted smiles on their faces just standing there. "You think they're like the apple monsters?" questioned AJ, pumping her shotgun. "I don't know, but I'm not waiting to find out," answered Snake, taking the lead this time while the other two just followed her through the tunnel. AJ returned to teasing Haze as they continued, still wanting to see the photo. "Come on, Pecan pie! Just a quick peek, that's all I want!" "No, just no." "Please!" "I said no!" "Please!" "Stop it." "Pretty please!" "I'm not showing you the photo!" shouted Haze, walking faster, but AJ gave her a pissed-off look. Snake couldn't stop grinning when she heard them bickering with each other. "They are already acting like a married couple. This is too funny." The group exited the tunnel and found themselves in the same room, but something new was added. Snake looks over her shoulder and sees AJ and Haze arguing. "Hey, you two!" They turned to Snake and saw what she was seeing. "Eeyup, just like the apples!" said AJ, aiming her weapon. Haze grabbed the handle of her sword at the ready. "Just great!" The mannequins were at the table, sitting and frozen as they ate the wooden cake in the middle. Snake slowly got closer and bopped one of them, thinking it might get up and attack, but nothing happened. She eyed something in front of the cake. It was a piece of paper that had an 8 on it. AJ and Haze walk up to Snake, asking what the number means. "My best guess is it's a countdown." she headed to the tunnel with the two behind her. "We better find that exit, or something tells me we're in danger. We aren't going to be safe for long." The two nod and follow Snake through the tunnel, not realizing the mannequins were getting up and staring at them as they left. They entered the next room, and just like before, the same wooden food, party streamers, and everything was there, but now the mannequins were drinking, some eyeing the group. There was a 7 in front of the cake. The group rushed through the only tunnel, and with each room they entered, the mannequins increased in numbers; more started to eye them, and their mouths slowly opened with each room, revealing their sharp, non-wooden teeth. AJ blasted one from her shotgun, destroying it. "Let's kill them right now! They're attacking, it seems!" Haze drew her sword, struck down a few mannequins, and faced Snake. "She's right; the next room will be zero. Let's destroy them all and head to the next room!" Snake pulled out a few grenades. "I was waiting for the perfect time to use these. Time to blow up those mannequins!" They kept going, killing all the mannequins in their way. Finally, they reached the tunnel and ran through it, only to stop as they arrived in the next room. Only this time, there was birthday music playing, and in front of them, in the largest room, they came across hundreds of mannequins with mouths all open, looking at them and, for the first time, showing signs of movement. All three drew their weapons as the mannequins got closer. Snake could see the next tunnel ahead, but a wooden door with chains locked it. "We need to fight our way through!" shouted Snake, throwing the pin away, letting her grenades explode as it landed between a few mannequins, killing a few, while AJ and Haze did their fighting. AJ and Haze did their own thing, destroying the mannequins that attacked them while Snake tried to keep them away from herself, doing CQC on those that got near. But no matter how many they wiped out, there was more to replace it. All three backed up to each other with their backs to backs, breathing heavily and trying to come up with a plan. "What the hell are these things!? Where are they coming from?" yelled AJ, blasting one of them in the face, making it fall back. "It doesn't matter! Just keep killing them!" answered Haze, slashing one in half, only to get tackled by another. AJ kicked the one that tackled Haze and blasted it away from her. She reached out but saw Haze blushing and ignoring her hand. "Really Pecan pie? You better let me see that damn photo after this! You owe me!" "Shut up! I don't owe you anything; I could deal with that monster alone!" "Enough! You two are acting like children! Stop messing around!" shouted Snake, killing the one before her and taking out more grenades. "There won't be an after this if this keeps up!" "We're trying, but there are so many of them!" said Haze, blocking a mannequin's strike, sending it flying back, and slicing its head. Snake grabbed a mannequin's hand, twisting it and then kicking it in the chest, making it drop to its knees, then following it up with a bullet to its head with her pistol. "There's no way we can kill them all; we need to get that door open!" AJ shot another in the face. "How!? I don't see a lock or a keyhole." Before Snake or Haze could say anything, they heard something even the mannequins noticed. "...that sounds like a motorcycle engine, no?" questioned Haze. Everyone could hear it coming from a nearby wall. They all eyed it until something blasted through it. The motorbike was in the air, and someone jumped off and landed behind a group of mannequins. Without even attacking them, all their heads were sliced off. Standing there, with a beam-looking sword, kneeled a young woman with pink hair and pink shades. "FUCK HEADS!" she laughed as all the mannequins she beheaded somehow shot out blood from their necks, covering the area in the red liquid. The young woman stood up and turned to her side. The camera zoomed toward her face. "It's game time!" She looked back at the mannequins, pointing at them all. "Okay, you walking piece of shit! Let's go, or are you afraid of getting beat up by a girl?!" she laughed and charged, slicing a mannequin in half and then kicking it away. "W-who the fuck is she?" asked AJ as she and the others watched this new stranger attack the mannequins. Snake smirked and aimed her weapon. "I don't know, but she is killing these monsters, and we need to help her. Let's kill them all." AJ and Haze agreed, and the three of them joined the fight. They were surprised by how this new stranger sliced and cut up the mannequins without much effort. The four of them were fighting for a while, and after a bit, Haze landed near the new stranger and asked her something. "Hey, who are you, and by any chance, do you have memory problems?" The stranger looked at her but quickly went back to fighting. Haze tsk, but she and everyone could hear the stranger talk, but the thing is, her mouth wasn't moving. It was like she was speaking as a voice-over. "I know many readers out there don't have much patience. At least that's what Maude, the chick at the video store, said to me before she murdered in cold blood. She was like a sister to me; we were friends for years, but now she's dead and gone, and the only thing I wanted was the head of the shithead that killed her! That fat head-bat pizza boy got what was coming to him, but I felt empty after getting my sweet revenge. So I walked away from the assassin's life and became known as the crownless Queen, but my real name is Tanya Partydown. After that, I don't remember much, but one thing that will always be clear is Gotta find the exit. Gotta find that exit to Paradise. How's that? Short and straightforward enough for you? It's gonna be a long, hard road. But who knows? Could kick ass... It could be dangerous. It could totally suck. Whaddaya say, sis? Join me. Let's see how far we can take this. And for you, you who's reading this fanfic right now. Just keep reading. Let the bloodshed begin! Tanya sliced and diced a ton more mannequins, and soon enough, none were left standing, and the area was covered in wood and red liquid. AJ and Haze panted as the mannequins didn't respawn. Snake reloaded her gun and turned to Tanya, whose beam-like sword went out, causing her to sigh in sadness. "Well, I'm out of juice, and the bike is destroyed, so that's a no-go." "Thanks for the help, Tanya, right?" said Snake, holstering her gun. Tanya didn't look at her; she started to pump the handle of her weapon like she was jerking off. "Hey, no problem. You girls looked like you needed help. Besides, the party wasn't all that good, anyway. I mean, they didn't even have alcohol." AJ and Haze eyed Tanya as she kept shaking the handle of her weapon. AJ whispered to Haze. "What the hell is she doing?". Haze shrugged, but Snake guessed as she walked around Tanya. "Let me guess, that laser sword ran out of battery, and the only way to charge it is by wagging it like that, right?" Tanya finally notices Snake as she walks into her view. Tanya stopped wagging her weapon, opened her mouth wide open, and pointed at Snake. "Holy shit balls! A talking pony!" she got closer to Snake, amazed by her looks, and turned around, looking at the readers. "Moe~" Snake cringed when she saw how Tanya had just acted. She felt like she had seen this before, but with Otacon and her whole "it's like one of the Japanese animes" act. "By any chance, are you an otaku?" Snake asked, hoping she was wrong. Tanya stopped, then turned back to her, smiling. "Oh, sorry. I was just a bit surprised. Yeah, I'm an otaku!" she got closer to Snake, wanting to feel her up. "One of my favorite animes is one with talking ponies that use friendship to fight evil, and oh boy, the main characters are just too hot. Like, damn!" Snake could see her drooling and eyeing her flank. Snake took a step back. "Yeah, just like Otacon. Even being weird with anime and all." she looked back at AJ and Haze, who were freaked out that Tanya was into talking ponies. "Anyway, I guess you are one of the people sent here like us." Tanya's hands wriggled as she almost touched Snake's rear, but she heard what she said and stood up. "Sent here?" she said, then noticed AJ and Haze waving their hands and smiling. Snake quickly explained everything, making Tanya nod and walk to the locked door with them. "I see; we're all here to save some kids, huh? But we don't remember anything after agreeing to help or what we all have in common, huh? That's just the best kind of plot! We're all different, and we are going to meet up and have to work together. We are all going to have different powers and shit, and, oh boy, I can't wait to see what's going to happen!" happily said Tanya, getting all excited as they arrived at the locked door. Snake and Tanya looked over the door, trying to see if they could remove the chains, not noticing AJ went back to teasing Haze like before. "Come on, just show me the photo already! Why are you being such a tease?" "Shut up! I won't show you a damn thing!" replied Haze, crossing her arms and looking away, but this just caused AJ even more to tease her. The two went back and forth, not helping the other two open the door. "So, what's with those two, anyway?" asked Tanya, leaning against the wall and looking at the scene before her. Snake smirked and answered her, making Tanya smile. "Hell yeah, a plotline where one of the main characters finds another universe version of their girlfriend and doesn't get along with the new version but will slowly open up to her and fall in love with that version! That's fucking classic! This is like a real-life fanfic, and it's gonna be a great ride!" Snake laughed and turned to her. "So, that voice-over monologue you somehow did, you talked about losing someone like your sister and being an assassin. Did a job, and they somehow tracked you down?" Tanya's face became grave, and she was still looking at Haze, who stopped AJ from searching her pockets. "You can say that. I wanted to be number one! It was a long road, and I finally got there, but after learning the truth about my family, why they were killed, and fighting my real sister to the death, I just walked away as I said." Snake could see Tanya's shades hid her eyes, but Snake could tell there was sadness in them. "As I was getting cash to enter the ranking, I killed these loser brothers who wanted to open a bat pizza place. Their youngest little brother wanted revenge and placed a hit on my friend, Maude." She squeezed her beam sword handle, remembering how her friend died and wanting to kill the bastard again. "That little shit was a tough cookie, and he was the real deal. But in the end, I killed him too and just wanted to disappear after that. I was going to leave the city when..." she touched her head. "Yeah, tits all fuzzy, but I think I remember talking to a pony-looking, human woman." Snake leaned against the door, taking a sugar stick but looking at it. "You remind me of a few people, you know?" Tanya smiled a little and turned to Snake. "Who, and what do they look like? Were they badass like me?" Snake put the stick in her mouth and looked up at nothing. "Nami wasn't a badass, but she was a tough woman. She wanted revenge against me and others who wronged her brother and herself. She even secretly altered MAGICDIE to kill them and me when the time came, but she changed as she saw I wasn't a cold killer. Still, in blindness for revenge, she helped create a world-ending virus within me, and she ended her life as a form of forgiveness, the pain she created on me. She wanted to suffer for it. Her death was long and painful." she tapped her sugar stick box, taking out a few sticks and giving some to Tanya, who happily took a few. "Then there was my mother, who wanted revenge against an old friend of her, the one who created the events of my birth. In the end, she got her decades-long revenge but at the cost of losing her life." Snake looked at Tanya, giving her a serious look. "Both Nami and my mother lost something vital to them, all in the name of revenge, and that was living life." Snake bit her sugar stick and chewed it. "You can get revenge, Tanya, but is it worth losing who you are, and would your family and friends want you to go down that path?" she swallowed the sugar stick. "Even though you got your revenge, you won't find peace. I can tell you still haven't forgiven yourself for your friend's death, and I know that feeling." Tanya looked at her feet and played with the sugar sticks. "So, I'm fucked then, Ms. talking pony? I killed so many people to get that number one ranking, that I'll always have a wanted sign on my back for rest of my life?" Snake shook her head and put her hoof on Tanya's leg, making her look at her. "No, you're not. You're a good person deep inside, just trying to hide it. I was a lot like you. I used to believe the only way to live was with pain and death. I killed for my country, and I did a lot of terrible things, but I met many people who helped me see that there is more to life." Snake removed her hoof from Tanya's leg and looked up at her. "You can remove that sign, and live in peace." Tanya put the stick in her mouth and smiled. "Gonna find that exit, that exit to paradise! That's the best ending to the story, huh, Snake?" Snake chuckled and nodded. "Yes, that's a great ending." Suddenly, everything went dark, making Snake and others get their weapons ready, but Tanya looked confused. "What's going on here?" AJ hurried over and aimed her shotgun at the gathering mist. "Short story, an evil dark creature that looks like Snake here is after us and trying to kill us. No doubt, not want us to reach the kids at the top of this tree." Tanya activated her beam sword and put it on her shoulder. She saw something walking out of the mist, and just like AJ said, she could see an evil-looking version of Snake as its mouth let out black mist. "She doesn't look so tough?" she quickly darted toward it, raising her weapon and preparing to slice it in half. "Take this, you bitch!" Tanya sliced down the dark monster, but everyone was not surprised; seeing her beam sword just went through it, it was unaffected. "What the hell!?" Tanya could see the dark creature smiling at her and blasting her with black mist, burning her slightly and making her stagger backward. After the mist attack, the creature unleashed a powerful beam at Tanya, which had blocked it in time, but the beam blew up. Snake and the others watched as Tanya went flying towards them. They quickly dodged out of the way in time as Tanya crashed into the door and destroyed it. Snake looked inside and saw the spiral stairway and Tanya covered in the door debris, but to her surprise, Tanya stood up and looked completely fine. "Oh, that freaking monster bitch gonna pay for that!" Tanya jumped out of the hole in the door and made a battle cry as she ran back toward the creature, only to be sent flying back to the others. Snake jumped inside and turned to the others. "It's getting more powerful! We can't hurt it anymore! We need to head to the fourth floor, fast!" Snake started running up the stairs as AJ and Haze followed her, but Tanya rose and growled as the dark creature walked toward her. She took a battle stance and smiled. "Ha! I took way worst, you fucker! Come on, let's go!" she charged at the creature again, but like before, she was blasted away and sent flying through the ceiling and crashing into the spiral stairway, meeting back up with the others. They looked through the hole and saw the creature looking at them, smiling evil-like. "Where are my friends!?" she asked, opening her wings and taking off. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" The creature felt its tail being pulled and forced to the ground. When it looked back, it saw Spark had stopped her. "Friends..." She unleashed a mighty beam at Spark, who blocked and deflected the attack. The beam hit the ceiling above, crashing it down. The group could see rubble filling the hole and felt the stairway shaking, so they had to hurry to the next floor before the spiral staircase collapsed. "Hurry, get to the fourth floor, fast!" shouted Haze, leading as she sliced any falling rubble. Spark quickly flew out of the destroyed room, floating in the darkness, while the dark creature followed. Both just floated there, eyeing each other down. The creature teleported in front of Spark, tackling her, but Spark saw a vision when it did. static Spark could see what looked like a church or something. She could see five colored stained windows and a cloaked figure stood in the middle. She could hear crying. "I miss you all so much..." static Spark snapped out of it and grabbed the creature while tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened, but I promise you!" she said, driving the creature back into the room and creating a large and powerful explosion. "I'll save you too!" End of Chapter 4 > Chapter 5: Their Sad Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything collapses around Spark and the dark creature, burying them in the rubble. An arm shot of the debris, pulling the figure out and overlooking the destruction. "Friends..." said the dark creature, finally looking and seeing the impossible space within the tower. Prism glitches could be seen within the impossible space, and she slowly opened her wings, ready to go after the Snake and the others, but she could feel a shake around herself. The creature watched as a rainbow aura shot out of the rubble. Hovering was Spark, who glared at her as she landed. "I'm sorry," Spark said, her rainbow aura disappearing and wiping her tears away. "I'm sorry for what happened to you." The creature's face filled with rage and hate as it screamed at Spark with all its might. "FRIENDS! GONE!" she rocketed toward Spark, tackling her again, but this time, unleashing dark magical energy from its body, hurting Spark as they flew up in the air. "I'M ALONE! NO FRIENDS!" it continued to scream as it kept pushing Spark toward the glitching prism in the sky. Spark fought through the pain, stopping herself from being pushed, and held the creature tight, trying to calm it down. "I know, I know you lost everyone! Friends, family, and those that you love deeply, but please, listen to me!" the dark creature didn't listen to her, as it kept releasing more of its dark energy but with its dark mist now, burning Spark slightly. Spark let go, and rainbow energy gathered in her fist; she was going to punch the creature, but she froze as she could see the tears in the creature's eyes. She couldn't bring herself to punch the beast. "Please, I don't want to fight you anymore." "FRIENDS, NO MORE!" shouted the dark creature, unleashing a beam right at Spark, making her shield her face and brace for impact; as it hit her and sent her flying back to the destroyed floor, on impact, it created a giant cloud of dust. The dark creature was breathing hard, its hooves shaking and tears streaming down its face. However, it could still see the rainbow aura in the cloud of dust. "Friend," it said, charging at the cloud, ready to kill Spark and end this. Spark felt her body hurting as she lay on the ground. The creature was coming at her, ready to finish her off, but she didn't give up. Her rainbow aura became much more robust as she rose, almost blinding the creature. Spark shut her eyes, feeling something within her, making her remember something as the creature slammed into her... static A young, purple, short-boyish-haired girl wearing a purple jacket fell to the ground, bleeding from her forehead as a rock landed near her. She could see a crowd laughing at her and mocking her. "What's the matter, dyke? Is little princess going to cry and have her big brother come and help her!?" The girl held back her tears, refusing to let them fall. She did not want to be bullied by the mean girls in her school anymore. She just wanted to go home and not be bullied like this anymore. She tried to get up but quickly felt a kick to her ribs, causing her to grunt and groan. "What's wrong? Can't stand up anymore? Oh, no, is poor, little princess going to cry!?" The girls laughed, mocking the purple-haired girl as she struggled to get up. "Please, stop," she pleaded, coughing and feeling her side hurt. "Oh, what's the matter, dyke?" asked the leader of the group, getting close and forcing the girl's face up. "Don't like us showing how much we care about you, princess?" The leader spat on the purple-haired girl and walked away with the rest of the girls, laughing loudly as they walked out of the alleyway, leaving the poor girl alone as she broke down and cried. "Why? Why is my life like this?" The girl placed her arm over her eyes, covering her face and revealing her bare arm as the jacket sleeve slid off. She could see cuts all over her arm and her wrist. "Why do I need to suffer so much? Is it because..." she trailed off as she shut her eyes and cried her eyes out while placing her other hand over her arm, scratching it hard as she cried. A few hours later, it was getting dark, and the girl just sat and leaned on the brick wall, her knees to her chest and her eyes puffy. She felt so miserable. She was so tired and wanted to go home and sleep forever, but a voice caught her attention. "Alice? Alice, where are you?" called out an older male voice from the street at the end of the alleyway. The purple-haired girl, known as Alice, quickly got up and hurried out of the alleyway. She saw her older brother walking down the street and finally noticed her. "Alice, there you are. What are you doing in that alleyway?" he asked, looking in the alleyway and then at his sister. "Nothing," Alice replied, avoiding her brother's eyes. "Can we go home?" "Sure," the brother said, ruffling his sister's hair, causing her to giggle and smile. "Come on, sis." The brother and sister started to walk home, not saying a word, but Alice's brother slowly eyed her, remembering seeing a cut on her forehead when he messed up Alice's hair. He couldn't tell her, or she would have a mental breakdown. He didn't want his baby sister to hurt like that, and he knew she wouldn't want him to worry. So he kept his mouth shut and walked his sister back home, not saying anything, and Alice was glad. She didn't want her brother to know that she was being bullied. They walked down a rundown street, people drug out on the sidewalk, and hookers trying to sell their services. "Come on, sweetie. One hour, and you can have a good time~" "I'm not interested," said Alice's brother, walking by. The hookers eyed the older man, seeing how well and built he was, and started to follow him and Alice, begging him to join them, some were even giving him discounts, but he stood his ground and told them no. "No, thank you. I'm just walking my sister back home. Sorry, ladies." "You can't just say no. You have to show us what we're missing~" "Yeah, I can," the brother said, annoyed. Suddenly, a loud clap could be heard ahead of them; standing there was an older woman, the same age as Alice's brother. She lowered her arms and smiled at the hookers. "Fuck off already, you dumb bitches, or else." The hookers rolled their eyes and went back to the streets, letting Alice and her brother pass by, but the older woman stopped them. "Yo, Knight!" she looked down and saw Alice looking away. "Yo, Alice! How's my favorite little tomboy doing? Are those bitches picking on you again?" "Nope," Alice replied, shaking her head. "Oh, okay then." she could tell she was lying. "Don't be afraid to tell me, okay? I'll go over there and beat their asses," the older woman said, patting Alice's head, but Knight grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Casey, stop. She doesn't want to talk about it." "Come on, man, she needs to tell someone, or else she's going to explode," Casey argued, trying to pull her arm away, but Knight was holding her tightly. "Please, not right now, okay? She doesn't want to talk about it," Knight explained, hoping to stop Casey, who looked at him and sighed. "Fine!" she joined them in the walk, and for some reason, the hookers glared at her like they were jealous. "You're so lucky, Alice. You have a hot older brother who will protect you from the scary world." Knight groaned, knowing what she was doing. Casey placed her arms behind her head and leaned into Knight's face. "Who works out a lot, and you can tell because of his shirt. You can even see his abs, Alice. Oh, I wish I had your brother as my brother." "Oh, please, Casey. Don't flatter me so much, as I have a girlfriend," said Knight, chuckling. Casey leaned away and stood right; she grunted and slowly looked over to Alice, who kept looking at the ground as they walked. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Casey replied, sighing. As they walked down the rundown street, Alice slowly grabbed her arm, rubbed it as she felt her old scars, and slowly eyed her brother, who was just annoyed as Casey kept hitting on him. Alice looked away, scratched her arm, and whispered something. "I'm sorry..." static static Spark opened her eyes, and her aura had grown tenfold. The dark creature was pushing her back, but her aura stopped her and made her look into her eyes. "I know it hurts being alone without friends and family." Spark touched the creature's cheek, making it look surprised. "I know that feeling, not having family or friends." The dark creature just stared at her. "It's okay. I'm here, and I'll never leave you. No matter what, I will always be here." she smiled, using her thumb to wipe away the tear from the creature's cheek. "I'll save you, like I promised you." The dark creature looked surprised and then angry as she remembered why she was like this. "YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS!" the dark creature unleashed another powerful beam at Spark, who shielded herself and took the attack. Spark straggled back, feeling the powerful beam hitting her arms, as she hadn't had time to put on a shield. She felt something within her, making her remember something again. static static Alice finally arrived home with her brother and Casey. They stood before an old rundown apartment complex, having seen better days. Casey sat on the rusty railing and spoke to Knight. "So, how are you on food this week? I can give you some cash if you need it." "We're fine, Casey. It's not that bad, so don't worry about us," Knight said, ruffling Alice's hair, but Alice stayed quiet. Casey looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Oh, really now?" "Really," Knight insisted. Casey eyed him until she turned to Alice and saw her rubbing her arm, which made Casey sigh and hop off the railing. "Fine, but you owe me for protecting you from my co-workers." "And I'm grateful for that, but I can take care of myself," Knight stated. "No, you can't," Casey stated, crossing her arms and leaning forward. Knight blushed. "I can." Casey smirked, gave him a middle finger, and walked off, saying one last thing to him. "Keep telling yourself that, you muscle head." Knight rolled his eyes and walked into the apartment building, followed by Alice, and went upstairs. The piss and rotten odor could be smelled as they walked up the stairs, passing by the drug-out tenants. "Hey, Knight, you want to join our party for a few games? We have a new game," a tenant called out, holding a bag with something inside it. "Sorry, dude, but I have to make dinner for my sister and myself," Knight said, not stopping. Alice could hear the tenants upset that her brother wouldn't join them until one yelled at them. "Come on, dude! It will make the pain go away! We know what happened to you two from the old hag, so relax and have some fun." "I'm fine, but thanks for the offer," Knight replied, not stopping to look at the tenants and going up the stairs. "Are you sure, bro?" Knight stopped and looked below, clearly mad. "FUCK OFF ALREADY!" Alice started to rub her arm even harder as Knight walked up the stairs again. "We're fine. I don't need anything. I don't need money, food, or 'medicine.' We're fine." When the brother and sister reached the third floor, they walked through the hallway, seeing how awful it was, with stains and peeling wallpaper, but it was better than the other floors. They stopped at their apartment door and unlocked it. As they entered, they were met with a foul and burning odor. "Fuck!" Knight exclaimed, shutting the door and running into the kitchen, grabbing a few paper towels. Alice watched as Knight quickly covered his nose and ran into the bathroom with a pot, opening the window and turning on the fan. Before Knight exited the bathroom, Alice could hear something thrown out the window. "Well, our dinner is gone," he said, walking to the stove, turning it off, and putting the pot on it. He opened the windows and looked for anything in the cabinets to make something, but most were empty. "Let's see..." Alice started scratching her arm as she realized she was the reason the food was ruined. If she had just returned home after being bullied, her brother wouldn't have needed to leave the house and leave the pot on the stove. She started to think about what would happen if she had never been born. Maybe her brother would have a life. "I'm sorry," whispered Alice, scratching her arm like crazy. Knight heard and looked at her, noticing what she was doing to her arm. He didn't react right away like he was preparing himself. He shut the cabinets, walked up to her, and kneeled to her. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her from scratching herself, and rolled back her jacket sleeve. Knight saw the old scars on her arm and the new bleeding scratch marks. He gently grabbed her arm. "Alice, you know that's bad," he said, looking at her. Alice looked down, avoiding his gaze, but Knight grabbed her chin and pulled her to him. "Please, Alice, don't do this to yourself. It's not good." "I'm sorry," Alice whispered. Knight's eyes saddened when he saw his sister in pain, but he forced a smile, grabbed her head, and pulled her to him, kissing her on the forehead. "It's okay, Alice. Don't be sorry." "I'm a bad sister," she whispered, closing her eyes. "No, you're not." Alice started to cry. "But I am! It's my fault we're living like this!" she finally looked at him, her face making him hurt more. "You were doing so well in college, but you dropped out because of what I did!" she started to dig her fingernails into her arm, causing it to bleed a little. "If I wasn't so smart, then maybe-" "Alice, stop!" Knight yelled, grabbing her wrist. "Don't say that!" "BUT IT'S TRUE!" she pulled away from her brother's hand, stepping back and holding her head in sadness. "If I weren't fucking smart, Mom and Dad would still be here! And you would still be in college!" Knight could feel his heart hurting from seeing his baby sister in such pain. But what she did next filled him with so much guilt. "IT'S MY FAULT THEY ARE DEAD! IT'S ALL MY FAULT LIKE YOU SAID THAT DAY!" Alice cried out. "IT'S ALSO MY FAULT THAT S-" "Stop, please," said Knight in the most defeated voice he could ever muster. "Just stop already, Alice. Please." Alice stopped, seeing her brother looking so sad. She hated this, and she hated her life. She just wanted to end her life already. She was too bright—too smart for her own good. She returned to scratching her arm but ran toward her room, slamming it shut. Knight stood up and sat at the kitchen table, tired of doing this daily with Alice. He sighed and looked at his sister's door, seeing the old and torn purple star that hung off the door. "Alice..." Alice leaned against her door, sliding down it, crying and scratching her arm. She wished her life would end already, but her brother would always be there, keeping her alive. She didn't want to burden him anymore. She was such an evil sister, but her brother told her otherwise. That slight feeling within her kept her going, just for him, but she couldn't let go of the guilt, the pain, the suffering she had to endure. She looked at her room, which was a big mess, with clothes, books, and papers everywhere. She looked at her dresser and saw a photo of her and her parents and brother, who were smiling. "Mom...Dad..." She got up, approached her dresser, and grabbed the picture. She looked at it and smiled sadly. "I wish you were here...to help me and my brother. I wish we could be together as a family again." She put the photo back, went to bed, and sat down. She finally looked at her bleeding arm and put her hand under the bed, pulling out a first aid kit and taking out bandages, wrapping her arm, and stopping the bleeding. "There." She put the first aid back under her bed. She sat there, looking at the ground, thinking about what would have happened if she wasn't such a burden to her brother. She didn't want him to be sad, worry, or care about her anymore. "I need to disappear to make him happy again." Alice slowly looked up, looking back at the dresser and remembering something in the drawer. "That's right." She got up, approached her dresser, pulled out the second drawer, and moved some shirts out of the way. She grabbed an object hidden behind her clothes and sat on her bed, staring at the object in her hand. "I need to finish it..." She set the item on the floor, sat near it, and took out stuff from under the bed: a tool belt, blueprints, and a device. She put on her belt and started away on the device for hours until she thought she heard something and could hear a knocking on her door. She didn't answer; she just stayed quiet and listened as Casey's voice came from the other side. "Yo, Alice. How are you feeling?" Alice said nothing still, only sitting there and looking at her device. "Alice, I got you and your brother some pizza. It's on the table, okay?" Alice looked at the crack underneath the door, seeing the shadow of Casey's feet. "I hope you are okay." Alice looked back at her device, hearing footsteps walking away and a door closing, which made her think that Casey had gone out with her brother. She just sighed and continued her work. It had been another hour before she felt hungry and went to her door. Peeking outside, she did not see anyone in the house. She walked toward the kitchen but saw the light coming from her brother's door. She could hear something and leaned against the door to listen. Alice's eyes slowly went wide, and then the life in them just went out, making them look lifeless and dead. She kept listening, and still wearing her tool belt, she pulled out a screwdriver and started slowly going toward her arm... static static Spark's heart felt so heavy, remembering Alice telling her backstory. "It's okay," Spark assured, pushing forward slowly as the beam didn't stop one bit. "It's going to be okay. It's why I'm here! I gather different versions of folks across the multiverse to help you!" Spark kept pushing forward, almost reaching the dark creature, and stopped shielding herself, letting the beam hit her, but she reached out to the beast, touching its face once more. "You don't need to suffer! You can move on; just let them help you!" The creature stopped its beam and smacked Spark's hand away, its face becoming mist as it screamed out to her. "NO ONE WANTED TO LOOK AT ME!" Spark could see half of the mist's face becoming Twilight's normal-looking face. Spark wanted to reach out again, but the fog engulfed her, floating around her and burning her body. She could hear the creature screaming out again but mixed with tears. "I'M A FAILURE!" Spark fought through the pain, reaching out again and feeling the same feeling as before. static Static Celestia walked through Cantorlot City, waving at her subjects as the Summer Sun Celebration was being held this year. Her guards protected her as they marched in front of her. At her side is the captain of the guards, Shinning Armor, who looked around all nervous-like. Celestia noticed this and shoved him, getting his attention. "What's wrong, princess!? Oh no, is she here!?" Celestia patted his back, calming him down. "Armor, it's okay. It happens every year, and I don't mind it." Armor stopped, making Celestia stop as well but still waving at the ponies. "But princess, she keeps making a mess like she always does! Why aren't you mad about her?" Celestia stopped waving and turned to him with a sad smile. "Because I was wrong about her. I-" she didn't finish as the guards in front of them stopped a crazy-looking mare from getting close. "TEACHER! TEACHER! I DONE IT!" Celestia sighed softly, not looking at the mare. "I gave her too much hope, hope that she was something special." she put on a brave face and turned to the mare. "Twilight, my faithful...student." Armor could hear the sadness and regret in the princess's voice, but he did nothing. Twilight Sparkle, with her mane and tail in a messy look, smiled as she heard that. She glared at the guards, telling them to let her go, as she was the princess's student. The guards looked back and saw Celestia nodding, making them step aside. Twilight happily jumped forward and hugged her teacher, making the princess uncomfortable. "Princess, did you see my work!?" Celestia didn't look her in the eyes. "Y-Yes, I have! How can't I when you keep sending reports about it..." Celestia remembered how she had to order the mail service to burn the letters rather than send them back, as Twilight had just sent them daily. Twilight looked so happy that she could hug her teacher again after so many years, and she never let her go. She just smiled and kept her grip on her. Celestia didn't hug her back. Instead, she teleported Twilight a few meters away. "Twilight, thank you for your reports, but can you not send them anymore? You are wasting the post office's time," Celestia said, her smile becoming increasingly fake. Twilight, hugging air, quickly realized she was moved and coughed. "Don't worry, teacher! I won't need to send any more reports after this!" Her horn started to glow, but it began to spark and fizzed out, making her freak out and sweating. "GIVE ME A SECOND! PLEASE! IT'S ALL I ASK, TEACHER!" Celestia closed her eyes and just nodded, calming Twilight down, and started to try again. Armor couldn't watch this anymore and wanted to stop it, but Celestia stopped him. "Let her have this, Armor. Just let her have this," she said calmly and defeatedly. Twilight's horn started to glow, but this time, she could summon a basket with a blanket over it, a box filled with things, and a scroll. She opened the scroll and began to go over her research. "As you know, magic comes in different forms and shapes and is not limited to unicorns. The earth pony's magic is their connection to the land." She stomped on the ground like a crazed person but stopped as she realized she was going too far. She continued. "Pegasus magic comes from their wings, which also comes from the sky around them!" She pulled out purple cardboard wings and put them, jumping all around, all silly-looking. Armor and Celestia could hear laughter from the crowds and ponies laughing, pointing, and making fun of her. "Twilight," said Celestia, making Twilight turn to her. "Yeah?" "You're doing great, but can you-" "To the point!?" shouted Armor, feeling the secondhand embarrassment. "Yeah, yeah, to the point! I'll skip a few pages." Celestia didn't look forward anymore. She couldn't believe the little filly; she gave so much hope back in the day to grow up and become like this. "As you know, princess, magic is not limited to unicorns like us! All other ponies and creatures have a connection to magic!" she pointed to everyone in the crowd with a crazed look on her face, making them feel awkward. "Even objects can channel magic!" Twilight tossed her stuffed animal, only to fall on the ground. "See! Now I believe there is another way to channel magic!" she threw the scroll away and picked up the basket, which made Armor whisper his sister's name, making Celestia look at Twilight and recognize the basket. "Twilight, so it was you who stole the," but Celestia couldn't finish as Twilight removed the blanket, revealing what was underneath it. In the basket was an old dragon egg that had never been hatched. Twilight set the basket down and felt worried as she could see Celestia's upset face. "Teacher, I have a theory, but I needed the egg! With it, I can finally pass my entrance exam!" Ponies and other creatures started to whisper among themselves while Celestia finally walked toward Twilight. "Twilight, the exam happened years ago. You aren't a filly anymore." "BUT I CAN TAKE IT AGAIN, TEACHER!" shouted Twilight. Armor couldn't hold himself back, so he grabbed Twilight's shoulder. "Listen, Twily! You failed that exam! You have to let that go!" Twilight started to freak out when she heard that; she pushed her brother off and turned to Celestia. "I haven't failed it, as long I can retake it! You said so yourself! As long as I keep trying, I won't fail!" Celestia could only sigh and nod, making Twilight calm down. Twilight smiled and went on, but she and everyone could hear someone calling out to her, "Huh? Mom and Dad?" said Twilight, seeing her parents pushing through the crowd. Celestia saw a very concerned look on Twilight's parents' faces. Twilight could only smile and wave at them, making them look at her in horror. "I DONE IT! MOM AND DAD, I CAN FINALLY ENTER THE SCHOOL OF GIFTED UNICORNS!" The two parents got closer, but the guards stopped them. Armor ordered them to let his parents through, allowing them to rush toward Twilight. Twilight looked at Celestia and was going to continue her speech, but her father jumped on her, stopping her. "DAD!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Her father pushed her face into the dirt and bowed to the princess while his wife bowed and explained themselves. "We are so sorry, Your Highness! We thought she finally gave up and acted normal these last few days! We didn't know she was planning this!" "Planning what!? Let me go, Dad!" shouted Twilight, pushing her father off, only for her mother to grab her. "Please, forgive us, princess, but our daughter isn't a bad pony!" shouted Twilight's father, bowing and sweating with fear. "Please forgive my failure of a daughter for her actions!" "WHAT!? What are you talking about, Mom and Dad!? I did nothing wrong! Please, princess, please let me prove myself to you! I can be a student at the School of Gifted Unicorns!" she almost got her mom off. "I CAN BE THE STUDENT YOU ALWAYS SAW IN ME!" Celestia's sad face didn't change; instead, she just sighed. "Twilight, please, it's time to stop. Please leave. I was wrong about you, and you aren't gifted." Twilight froze when she heard that, and she started to smile with a creepy expression. "TEACHER, WHY DO YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS!?" She broke free from her mother's grip, grabbed the egg, and her horn started to glow. "YOU SAID YOU SAW A SPARK WITHIN ME! SOMETHING THAT WILL MAKE ME DIFFERENT FROM THE REST! WHY ARE YOU TREATING ME LIKE THIS!? DON'T YOU CARE!?" Armor, her parents, and Celestia could hear the crowd and other creatures mocking her. "Wait, isn't she the blank flank weirdo?" "Yeah, it's her! She always does every chance she gets or during this year." "Man, what a creep; she can't get over not passing a test." Twilight could hear the talking, and her breathing became heavier. She looked at her flank, seeing no cutie mark. She started to laugh as she continued her research speech. "HAHA! LIKE I WAS SAYING, THERE IS ANOTHER WAY TO CHANNEL MAGIC AND THAT'S BY EMOTIONS! HAHA, IT'S LIKE YOU TOLD ME! YOU SAW A SPARK IN ME, WHICH MEANS EMOTIONS CAN BE CONVERTED TO MAGIC!" Twilight started to panic, and the magic around her became unstable. "TWILIGHT, YOU ARE GOING TO HURT YOURSELF!" shouted Armor, trying to rush toward her with their parents. Twilight closed her eyes and quickly opened them, showing her eyes glowing dark purple. She slowly rose to the air with the egg. Her magical aura glitched out as it covered her body and the egg. "HOPE, TRUST, LOVE, AND BELIEF! YOU SAW THEM IN ME, AND I SHOULD HAVE FAITH IN MYSELF, AS YOU SAID, TEACHER! IF I BELIEVE ENOUGH, I'LL SHOW YOU!" screamed Twilight as her aura glitched out and increased in size. "I'LL SHOW YOU THAT OUR FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC!" Everyone watched as the magic around Twilight was getting worse, and they started to back off and panic. Twilight's parents were the first to run away, but Armor stood his ground, as did Celestia. "TEACHER, PLEASE, HAVE FAITH IN ME! I CAN DO IT!" Armor looked at Celestia, but she did nothing; she only watched. Twilight unleashed her glitching magic into the egg, but something happened: the magic went back into Twilight's horn, causing magical feedback and an explosion. Armor couldn't see the blast, and the shockwave was too strong for him. He was blown away, but luckily, his armor protected him. He stood up, coughing out dust, and saw Celestia in the sky, creating a shield to protect everyone from the blast. She slowly returned to the ground, and both watched as the smoke cleared and Twilight on the ground, crying her eyes out. "I thought for sure this time, but I am nothing," cried Twilight as she hugged the egg, her head bleeding. Celestia slowly walked toward her, and Armor followed. "Twilight, are you okay?" asked Celestia, her voice seemed caring yet filled with anger and sadness. Twilight turned around, still holding the egg. "I'm okay, princess. I'm sorry, but I failed again." Armor approached her and looked at the egg, which had a crack. He lifted the basket and let Twilight put it in it. "Maybe next tim-" Twilight stopped, as Celestia placed her hoof in her face. "Teach-" "I'm not your teacher, Twilight; I was and never will be your teacher. You aren't my student either; I only played along because I felt it was my fault that I gave your hopes up and scattered it as you failed your exam that day." Celestia lowered her hoof and pointed all around them, yelling in anger. "I GAVE YOU TOO MUCH HOPE! TOO MUCH! YOU NEED TO GROW UP! YOU'RE NOT A FILLY ANYMORE, BUT YOU ACT LIKE ONE! MY FAITHFUL STUDENTS LIKE SUNSET WILL NEVER HAVE DONE THIS! YOU COULD HAVE HURT EVERYONE HERE, AND YOU STILL WANTED TO BE MY STUDENT DESPITE NOT PASSING THE TEST! YOU STILL WANT TO CLING TO THE PAST AND NOT MOVE FORWARD IN YOUR LIFE!" she was breathing hard, returning to talking calmly. "Twilight, if you keep clinging to this unhealthy obsession and never moving forward, you won't have a future. You are nothing but a-" Twilight started to cover her ears, not wanting to hear it, but her parents returned and made her listen as they wished this tiring nightmare to end. "You are nothing but a failure." The spark within Twilight finally burned out in the darkness, making her sit down and look so empty inside. Celestia had enough and walked away while Armor approached his sister. "Twily, are you okay?" Twilight didn't reply, not even moving, as her eyes were lifeless. "I'm a failure," said Twilight, her voice sounding dead. Armor wanted to say something, but he, too, was tired of this endless cycle. He turned and walked away. "I'm sorry, sis. I'll send you some money, but don't spend it on any books," he said, leaving. Twilight could only look around her and saw nothing but mocking eyes as she heard laughter. She returned, looking at the dirt ground, while her parents picked her up, along with her things, and took her home. static static Spark hated hearing how this version of her mother had such an awful life growing up that it broke her heart so much. "Just let us help, please!" The creature couldn't believe Spark was still pushing forward, walking through the burning mist to try to reach her. "I have no purpose, and I'm a failure. The world would be a better place without me." screamed the normal Twilight side, while Alice's face appeared on the other side, crying as she screamed. "It's better if I just ended my damn worthless life!" Both sides unleashed a giant tide of dark mist, engulfing Spark. "YOU CAN'T SAVE US! WHY SHOULD WE LISTEN TO YOU!? TO THEM!?" Within the darkness of the mist, a bright rainbow star appeared and wiped away the sea of mist. "Why? Why? Why, why, WHY!?" screamed both voices, seeing Spark walking to them. Spark raised her hand, remembering what they told her when they explained their story. Static static Twilight was in her messy room, filled with nothing but papers on the theory of magic and how to channel it. She could hear her parents fighting among themselves in the living room, fighting over whose fault it was that she was like this. Twilight could see the egg on her dresser and looked away from it. She could hear her parents yelling even more. "SHE'S A FAILURE AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!" "BLAMING ME!? SHE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A FAILURE AT THINGS! SHE CAN'T GO WITHOUT HAVING A PANIC ATTACK OR HAVING A FREAK OUT ABOUT THE SIMPLEST OF THINGS!" Twilight didn't move; she only listened to her parents yelling. She let it all sink within her, finally coming to terms with the fact that she was nothing but a. "Failure. That's all I am. I couldn't have friends when growing up. I can't be a student at the School of Gifted Unicorns, and I couldn't even pass a simple entrance exam." She could feel tears falling from her face. "I'm worthless. I'm causing so much pain for everyone around me. Maybe Celestia was right? I don't have a future at all." she stood up and looked up at the night sky, seeing the mare on the moon. Twilight used her magic to recreate the magical feedback but focused it all on her horn, creating a sizeable glitched-out aura. "Maybe it's time to let go? End it all?" Static static Alice felt the blood oozing down her arm as she kept hurting herself while listening to her brother as he cried and did something with Casey in his room. "CADENCE! CADENCE! WHY!?" In the room, Casey stood under the blankets, looking at the crying Knight. "Ssh, it's okay." she leaned in and kissed him on the neck. "I lost everything that day, Casey. My parents and my girlfriend." cried Knight, grabbing Casey and feeling her hugging back. Casey kept kissing him. "I know, my sweet broken knight. It's why you wanted me to look like her, right? To make the pain go away. Just relax." Knight did as he was told and did what his brain told him. "Please, it hurts so much. It's so cold without her here." "I can make the pain go away. Just keep focusing on me and the sound of my voice." She placed her hand on his cheek. "I never left you, Knight. I'm right here." Alice kept listening, her eyes nothing but dead inside, as she heard her brother crying over his dead girlfriend, the one she killed along with her parents on that day. But what she heard next made her feel so hollow inside. "Alice is right, and it's all her fault! Why couldn't she be normal!?" Alice stepped back and headed back to her room, ignoring the blood she had left on the floor. She quietly closed the door and began working on the device. Within her mind, she cursed at herself. "You said you wanted to be loved, to have friends who don't care if you act like a tomboy and have a family again, but look what you did! Done to your brother! You destroyed his happiness and left him empty and alone. What a monster you are; you cause nothing but pain and grief." Alice kept working, not feeling her tears fall. "But, at least, he has her. He won't be alone when I'm gone." Alice whispered as bright purple light emitted from the device. She held a switch in her hand, looking at the device with a purple glowing star within a tube, acting like a power source. She pressed the switch, making the star glow black and twisted, filling the whole room with blackness as Alice could feel her body start to rip apart. static static "WE SHOULDN'T BE SAVED! NOT AFTER WHAT WE DONE TO THE PEOPLE AROUND US! WE DESERVED TO SUFFER!" they screamed as Spark stopped and looked at them. "BUT IT'S NOT FAIR; WHY DO WE HAVE SUCH AN AWFUL LIFE, BUT OTHER VERSIONS OF US ARE LIVING SUCH A HAPPY AND PERFECT LIFE!? HUH!? HAVING FRIENDS, BEING HAPPY, AND BEING NORMAL, WHY DO THEY GET THAT WHEN WE DON'T!? IT'S NOT FAIR! WE WERE CREATED WITH SO MUCH PAIN, SUFFERING, AND TORTURE!" the creature fell to the ground, as both Twilight and Alice's faces were crying. Spark just at them, remembering this suffering... static static "Kill me. I need to die." shouted a very familiar voice to Spark as she stood in the darkness. "Don't let me suffer anymore!" Spark could see a small cyan filly being covered in black slime. It was her sisters. "Did I break everything again?" Softly asked Blitz as she sat on the floor and started crying again. "I need to die. I shouldn't exist." "I...can't...forgive myself...for all those...deaths," sobbed Braver's voice, coming from the black slime. Spark slowly walked up to the filly, still listening to their voices. "I CAN SEE ALL THE LIFE I ENDED THAT DAY! I REMEMBER KILLING MY MOM! BOTH OF THEM! I CAN REMEMBER STABBING HER! BURNING HER!" "I KILLED BILLIONS! I'M THE REASON MY UNIVERSE DIED!" "I CAN'T FORGIVE MYSELF! How can you ever forgive me?" "I AM A MONSTER! That's how everyone needs to see me! KILL ME!" "NO! I CAN'T! I DON'T WANT TO OVERWHELM YOU! ALL OF YOU! TO SEE YOU SCARED OF ME! I'M A MONSTER! I'M BREAKER OF WORLDS AND STARS! NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY! IT WON'T EVER BE ENOUGH!" "Why do you care? I'M NOT WORTH SAVING!" "NO! I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY! I NEED YOU ALL TO HATE ME! MAKE ME PAY FOR WHAT I DID!" "I'm not strong..." Spark finally stood in front of the slime-covered filly. She lowers herself, still listening to their voices. "But I can't face them. I hurt them. I killed them! I can't ever let that go!" "No! Don't say that! My hooves are covered in blood! NOT YOURS! NEVER YOURS! IF YOU SAY THAT, THEN THAT WILL MAKE YOU THE MONSTER, AND I'D RATHER BE THE MONSTER THAN SEE YOU BLAMING YOURSELF!" Spark remembers seeing all of this, seeing her sisters suffering and blaming themselves but never each other, as they wanted to spare the other from the pain and suffering they had caused. She placed her arms around the filly, holding them tight. "That's why, deep within you two, I made you search for others that could save you and help you move forward in life, which not only did that but also gave you new family, parents who loved you so much." Spark was now crying, hearing the voices slowly die down. "You have a wonderful family and friends. They are the proof that you deserve to live. No matter how painful the past is or the things you did, they love you and see you as their daughters and friends." Spark could feel the filly melting away into nothingness, making her look at her empty arms. "But I took that away from you two, making you two take away your own lives..." She hugged herself and cried harder. "For me...the sister who's the one who doesn't deserve to live..." static static Spark finally reached them and placed her hands on both sides of their faces. "That's why I'm doing this." "Doing what?" they both asked in unison, making Spark smile. "I won't let another spark burn out like that again. You two can be saved and deserve happiness, no matter how bad or good your life is. The past can hurt you, but you should never let the pain consume you, but instead, learn from it and use it as fuel to grow." The creatures couldn't believe what they heard and wanted to back away, but something glowed within them. On their chest glowed Twilight's cutie mark. Spark unzipped her puffy jacket as it glowed, revealing her cutie mark, which glowed on her chest. "All it takes is just a spark. A different kind of spark." Spark gave them a big smile, but another voice interrupted, finishing her sentence. "The spark that resides in the hearts of all." said the voice, coming from with Twilight's cutie mark, making the sides faces spread open and revealing another Twilight underneath the mist. Static static As rain and thunder could be heard outside the church, a cloaked figure looked at the five elements of harmony ponies as they were stained glass windows, those who saved Equestria and helped others. The figure looked down, listening to the magical tune playing through the holy building. "I miss you all so much," she said, holding a candle with her magic. "I loved being on my own, but..." she started to cry, the weather outside worsening. "But living every day, knowing I won't see any of you again, I don't know what to do anymore..." The weather blew the doors open, pushing the figure's hood off, revealing it was Twilight, tears in her eyes. "It's so lonely..." the candle blew out, but a rainbow-glowed star appeared within the darkness, making this Twilight turn to it. static static "...Friendship." Smiled the cloak Twilight, looking at Spark. "Save them, Spark. Don't let Fayth have her way with them..." she pleaded as the mist started to cover once more. "I can't stop it, It's too strong!" Spark nodded. "I will, and not only them, but you too, Twilight." Spark could see the dark creature taking over, but instead of attacking, it teleported away, leaving behind only its tears. Spark looked up, seeing the prism glitches, making her clutch her hand into a fist. Snake and the others made it to the fourth floor and watched as the spiral stairway fell, leaving them no way back down, only forward in the tunnel. They walked through the tunnel, not noticing the yellow pony carving on its walls as it started to glow. As they traveled down the tunnel and finally reached the end, they saw a vast forest and wooden creatures walking around and staring at them. In this forest, a young teenage girl wearing a skin-tight suit smiled as she petted the wooden creatures. End of Chapter 5 > Chapter 6: Everyone Fails But That Doesn't Mean... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snake and Tanya walked through the wooden forest, watching and looking at the wooden animals. As they passed, Snake could see the creatures were friendly, as if they were real animals. They continued, and they could hear AJ and Haze still going at it. "Damn it, Pecan pie, let me see the photo! You owe me one, remember!?" shouted AJ, making Haze sigh, trying to ignore her but failing as AJ didn't quit. Haze tried to walk faster, but AJ matched her speed. "Look, just drop it! I don't know why you care so much about this. It's you, okay? You like someone I know, is that enough? Now leave me alone." AJ stopped, making Haze do the same. She placed her arms around her and smiled, not knowing Haze was blushing. "Come on, Pecan pie. I want to see what your universe of me looks like, so let me see it already—unless you have a naked photo of her in there," she said smugly. Haze quickly shoved her back. "Fuck off!" she blushed redder. AJ gave her a teasing smile, making her turn even redder. "Oh yeah! It's getting good!" said Tanya, who stopped with Snake and started to watch the two. "SHUT UP, TANYA!" shouted Haze. Tanya crouches down, putting her hand under her chin. "Now, is that a blush, or are you just a little red from all the shouting?" "SHUT UP!" Tanya turned to Snake and leaned closer to her ear. "You think those two are gonna kiss or—" she said, but she couldn't finish as an ice blast sent her falling to the ground, making Snake look down at her. "You okay?" she asked, seeing Tanya's face froze in an ice cube. Snake looks back at Haze, seeing her hand glowing white. "Hey now, kid, don't waste your magic like that. We might get an attack again, and we might need your magic." Haze tsk loudly as her glowing hand returns normal. "Sorry." Snake smiled and started to help Tanya, while AJ noticed something in Haze's vest pocket. She quickly snatched it out, alerting Haze, who glared at her. "Hey, what gives?" she wondered when she noticed the photo in AJ's hand, which made her freak out and blush. "GIVE THAT BACK!" AJ raised her hand in the air, keeping Haze's hands away from the photo. "I'll give it back once I see it," she said, happy she finally got the picture. But something quickly came scooping down and snagged the photo right out of her hand, leaving nothing behind. Haze and AJ looked up, seeing a red wooden bird flying away with the picture and vanishing over the tree line. "My photo!" shouted Haze, chasing after the bird, ignoring Snake, who told her to wait. Haze leaped up to a tree and landed on the very top, searching to see where the wooden bird had gone. She could see it heading toward what seemed to be open mellow in the distance. Haze jumped from tree to tree, not caring if the others were following her; she needed to get that picture back by all means. She kept jumping but missed her landing on the tree branch, falling back to the ground. But she landed safely, grunting how she missed that branch. "Damn it! Zara wouldn't have missed that landing, unlike some amateur!" she muttered, annoyed at herself for missing. She stood up, looking up at the trees. She could see the bird flying, but something else caught her attention as her ear twitched, picking something behind her. She turned and saw AJ not too off and finally caught up to her, which surprised her. "How? I was moving quickly, and no normal human could catch up." AJ finally arrived, and no signs of being out of breath. "Where did the bird go!?" Haze could only picture 'her' as she could see AJ smiling, which gave her a feeling of happiness and a warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach. "PECAN PIE!" Haze snapped out of her trance. "WHAT!?" "THE BIRD! WHERE DID IT GO!" Haze turned and pointed. "THAT WAY!" "GREAT! Let's go then." "Right." Haze started running, and AJ did the same. The two kept going, but Haze asked her a question. "Where's Snake and Tanya?" "Well, about that..." Snake bit down on her sugar stick and pointed it at Tanya. "Look, that's going to be a stupid idea." But Tanya, whose head was still inside an ice cube, waved Snake off and ran toward a tree, smacking her head on it and falling backward to the ground. Snake walked up to her and saw no cracks on the ice cube, making her sign and taking out her combat knife. "Hold still; I used to ice fish a lot." she stabbed the cube, making Tanya jump with surprise as the knife almost stabbed her nose, and she started panicking. Snake continued, ignoring Tanya's flailing. "I see..." Haze felt embarrassed by what she had done to Tanya and knew she needed to apologize to her when they got back. AJ could see the worried look on Haze's face, making her remember what Snake said. "Go after her since it's your fault that you let her photo get stolen by a bird. How she went after it and how worn out that photo shows how it means everything to her," said Snake. AJ felt terrible, but she needed to ask Snake something. "You only hold on to a photo like that if someone you care about so much has died. Is her girlfriend dead?" Snake sighed. "No. Not her girlfriend." AJ kept looking at Haze as they ran through the forest, still chasing the bird as they got closer to it. She could only hear Snake's voice echo in her mind. "Zara, a close friend of hers, died by saving her. So, the picture means everything to her." AJ looked away and started remembering her life before the Changers and Pillars destroyed it... "Alright, lady, we're here." said the cab driver, stopping in front of a futuristic apartment complex. He noticed the lady in the backseat seemed out of it and turned to her, waving his hand. "Yo, lady, are you okay?" AJ snapped out of it, making her look at the cab driver and smiling like nothing was wrong. "Sorry, just worry is all. It's been a while since I last saw my family." she opened the door and exited. The cab driver fixed his small hat. "You Earth Sector soldiers have it hard, unable to spend time with your families." AJ leaned in, smiling at him. "I'm fine. Thank you for the ride." The driver tipped his hat. "Anything for an Earth soldier." AJ shut the door and watched as the driver pulled away, leaving her standing outside her home. AJ looked up at the massive apartment, feeling fear like no other. Her body started shaking as she slowly walked to the building and entered it. The interior was also futuristic, with the ceiling, walls, and floors mixing blue, pink, and black. She got to the elevator, pressed the button, and waited for it, but as she stood there, she started to sweat. Her eyes darted back and forth from looking at the elevator to the exit. She wanted to run away, but she had promised her daughter and husband she would visit after her battleship would be stationed in this space station near Mars. She quickly tapped her foot, and endless thoughts filled her mind, like was she cut to be a mother? A wife? She was scared, but she had no choice. The elevator dinged, snapping her out of it, and she saw the door open. AJ gulped and entered the elevator, seeing it had a mirror, which was terrible because AJ looked at herself and saw a tired woman with bags under her eyes and her hair a mess. "Shit, shit, SHIT!" she cried. "I look like shit! Why the hell did I forget to fix myself up!?" AJ looked at herself and tried fixing her appearance, but it was hopeless as her reflection stared back. "I can't even look nice for my own damn husband and daughter," she said, looking down. "Ding," said the elevator, making AJ jump as the doors open. She was now on the tenth floor. She didn't want to step out; her fear was getting the best of her, and she could only stare into the hallway. "You are a failure of a woman," said her voice, which made her cover her ears, but the voice echoed through her head. "Shut up. Shut up, SHUT UP!" The voice stopped, and AJ took her hands off her head and took deep breaths, calming her nerves. She finally stepped out of the elevator, making her way through the hallway until she reached the door, room 1036, her home. AJ could only look at the door and stare at it, wondering what she would tell her family. That she missed them, even though she didn't. Or maybe say how much she wanted to see them but didn't want to. What if her husband and daughter hate her, not wanting to see her again? What if they never loved her? Why did that make her feel so happy? AJ closed her eyes and raised her hand to the doorbell, but her body wasn't responding to her. "I can't do this," she whispered, her body still refusing to press the doorbell. I should leave." She stepped back and turned around, looking at the elevator. But loud music could be heard behind her, making her turn around and face the door. AJ could see the door open, revealing her husband wearing a birthday party hat. Behind him were their neighbors, friends, and some of his family members. "Sweetie!" he smiled but could see how awful she looked. "Christ, you look like shit! Are you sleeping well on the USM Starwell? I know how bad that ship's beds are." AJ smiled, a little forced. "Yeah, I'm just a little tired from all the fights." Her husband kissed her on the cheek and let her in. AJ could see everyone was focused on something as they gathered around it. She wondered what it was, and her body twitched, hearing her daughter saying thank you to her grandma for the birthday present. "What!?" thought AJ, feeling her hands tremble. "IT'S MY FUCKING DAUGHTER'S BIRTHDAY, AND I FORGOT TO GET A PRESENT!? FUCK!" AJ's husband could see her sweating. "Hey, sweetie, you okay? You look sick." AJ nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Hun, I forgot-" "You forgot it was her birthday; I know, sweetie. I don't blame you since you've been on tour." he leads her to the kitchen, picks up a party hat, and puts it on her head, smiling. "Don't worry, I got her gift and put your name on it. What will you do without me?" "Be happier?" AJ answered in her thoughts, giving him a fake smile and following him back to the living room. They could see their daughter laughing as a flying cyan pegasus pony doll flew around her, but she noticed her mother and screamed joyfully. "MOMMY!" The pegasus pony doll fell to the ground, and their daughter ran toward her mother, hugging her tightly. "I MISS YOU, MOMMY!" AJ looked down at her, making her feel more nervous. She felt nothing about her daughter, unhappy to see her again, or that she loved her. "Hey, sugar cube, Happy Birthday." The little girl smiled and hugged her again, making AJ look at her husband, who smiled. AJ looked back at her daughter, making her let go and kneel to her. "Blossom, I missed you so much." she felt sick when saying that, that she wanted to puke. Blossom could only hug her mother, but something was wrong. Her mom didn't hug her back, making her worry. She let go, looking at her mother, who was smiling. "Mommy, is something wrong? Didn't you miss me? We haven't seen each other for so long. Aren't you happy?" AJ could only stare into her daughter's eyes, unable to speak. The words that left her mouth were lies, but she kept saying them. "Of course, sweetie, I missed you. And I'm glad to see you again." Blossom smiled and hugged her mother tightly. "I missed you, Mommy. Daddy and I sent you video and audio logs, but I don't remember you sending one back! Daddy said because you were fighting to keep everyone safe!" she leaned back, smiling even harder. "I'M PROUD OF YOU, MOMMY!" she screamed, returning to hug her mother. "You are my hero!" "You are no hero, just a failure of a woman and a mother!" said the voice in AJ's head, making her wince. Blossom could hear her mother cry. "Mommy?" AJ held her tighter, but the voice continued. "You don't deserve her! You don't deserve this family! You don't even love them! What kind of mother and wife are you!?" "Shut up!" cried AJ, making everyone in the room stare at her. "Sweetie?" asked her husband. "Is something wrong?" "Mommy?" AJ put her hands under her daughter's armpits, raising her and spinning her around. "Shut up, sugar cube, or you gonna make me cry joyfully!" said AJ in the fakest laugh that she could give, while her daughter just laughed and asked her to spin her faster, while her husband only smiled. She set her daughter down, and someone asked her to take a photo with her kid and husband, which she did, but she didn't want to. She kneeled with her husband while her daughter smiled as the person took the photo. "Failure..." echoed the voice as everything went white. "It landed!" shouted Haze, making AJ snap out of her memories, and the two could see the wooden bird landing in the open mellow. "Right, let's be quiet and sneak up to it and...huh?" AJ and Haze could see the bird flapping its wings, hovering a bit as a hand reached out, making it land on the finger of a small figure standing in the mellow. The two could see it was a young teenage girl with pink hair wearing a yellow skin-tight suit. They looked at each other, realizing they had found another one sent here to help those kids. They nodded and got closer to her. "Hey, kid," shouted Haze in a cold and not caring voice, but the kid didn't answer. "KID!" The pink-haired girl turned, seeing the two standing there. She held the bird tight and stepped away from them in fear. "Hey now, apple pie, we won't hurt you. We want to ask you some questions." The pink-haired girl started backing away from them, still scared. AJ could see that, so she took her shotgun from her belt and placed it on the ground. She nudges Haze's side, forcing her to take out her sword and stab it into the ground, but this makes the girl squeak in fear. AJ glared at Haze, making her sigh and putting the sword on the ground. "Like I said, we're not here to hurt you. I want to ask you something," said AJ, walking closer but very slowly and steadily. The girl backed up until she tripped over a rock, making her fall. "You okay!?" shouted AJ, running to the girl's side but only to see the girl curled up and holding the bird with dear life as fear was in her eyes. "Kid?" "DON'T HURT ME!" screamed the girl, tears running down her cheeks, and she started to rock back and forth. "PLEASE, DON'T HURT ME!" AJ slowly reached out to the girl, but her vision of the teenage girl quickly flashed to her daughter, who was crying and acting the same way as she lay there. "I'M SORRY MOMMY! DON'T HURT ME!" AJ fell backward herself, breathing heavily as her daughter vanished and the teenage girl returned, still crying. Haze was confused about why AJ backed away like that. She realized the kid might be a monster and quickly grabbed her sword and rushed toward AJ, wanting to protect her. But when she got closer, her vision changed. She could see someone hugging a dead body as Haze found herself inside a reactor corridor. "Brother!" cried a young woman wearing a cowboy-inspired outfit. She slowly put her dead brother on the floor, noticing the long katana that was near her. "Sephiroth!?" she looked at her dead brother's body, seeing a deep wound in his stomach. "Did Sephiroth do this to you!?" the girl placed her head on top of her dead brother's chest, crying. "Sephiroth, SOLDIER, Element reactor, even Shinra!" she raised her head, screaming with all her might. "I HATE THEM ALL!" she quickly stood up, grabbed the sword, and ran into the next room, leaving Haze alone, hearing her younger self kid's voice. "You couldn't arrive in time to stop Mira," said the younger self, echoing in her kind. Haze shook her head and ran after Mira, entering the next room and seeing her running up the stairs. At the top of the stairs was a tall woman with a multicolor mane, white skin, and a long black leather coat. It's Sephiroth. "Sister, I'm here to see you! Please open the door!" begged Sephiroth, leaning on the steel door. There was no answer, only buzzing sounds from the device near the stairway. "I need you, sister! You are my world, my universe, my everything. Please open the door." Mira stopped a few steps away from the top, and her hand trembled as her grip tightened on the katana. "How could you do that to my brother!? To all the townfolks!?" Mira ran up to the top, raising the long katana over her head, ready to slash at Sephiroth, but Sephiroth turned around and caught Mira's hands, stopping her from striking. "YOU KILLED MY BROTHER! YOU DESTROYED MY HOME, AND YOU TOOK AWAY HAZE!" Sephiroth just gave her a dead cold stare, wresting the sword out of Mira's hands, making her stagger, and with one clean cut, Sephiroth sliced Mira down her chest, blood spraying out. Mira's eyes were wide as she fell backward, falling down the steps and landing hard on the floor. "Why weren't you there for her?" shouted Haze's younger self, making her grab her head in pain. "YOU ARE A FAILURE; YOU COULDN'T EVEN KEEP YOUR PROMISE TO HER!" "SHUT UP!" screamed Haze, dropping to her knees. Sephiroth turned to the steel door and saw it opening for her. She smiled and entered the next room. Haze could only hear the sounds of her voice, telling her how much of a failure she was, how she couldn't even get into SOLDIER. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!" cried Haze, grabbing her head tightly and covering her ears. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Haze wanted to cry; she wanted this memory to end, but she could hear something behind, which sounded like footsteps. She looked around and felt calm and peaceful, feeling the warm sunlight on her face. Haze blinked and found herself in the mellow, realizing she never left it. She could see AJ snapping out of whatever and reaching out to the teenage girl. "Hey, it's okay. We're not here to hurt you. Promise!" The girl watched as AJ touched her shoulder, stroking it like a mother would do for her child. "See, it's okay. Nothing bad will happen to you." The pink-haired girl looked around and stood up, still holding the bird. "Who are you?" AJ smiled. "My name is Amelia Jarvis, or AJ for short." She turned around, pointing to Haze, who placed her sword on her back and crossed her arms. That woman over there is Haze Strife. Don't let that cold stare fool you; she's a big softly." she could see Haze blushing. The girl bowed to them and said her name. "Hello, my name is Shiko Ikari, former pilot of Element Unit-01." "Achoo!" sneezed Tanya, as her nose was all red. Snake searched through her suit for tissues but couldn't find any. She sighed, looking at poor Tanya. "Sorry, Sunny didn't pack any tissues for me." Tanya waved it off as they continued to walk through the forest, looking for AJ, Haze, and whoever was on this floor. "So, tell me more about yourself, Tanya," asked Snake, looking around the forest and seeing the wooden animals still watching them from afar. "What did you mean by being number one?" Tanya rubbed her nose, not feeling well. "Number one? Oh yeah, that!" Suddenly, Snake finds herself in a bar, as Tanya is drinking her sorrows away and giving the voice-over again. "See, I met this smoking hot guy at the deathmatch bar, and oh man, he smelled GOOD!" a young man, the same age as Tanya, appeared, looking like a sexy version of Weird Al. "Being all ladylike, I bought him a drink. He gave me a gig, and I just needed to kill a guy named the Drifter." In quick change, Snake found herself on a rooftop in some city, seeing Tanya staring down a white-haired man holding two handguns. "He's well dressed, cool looking dude. I couldn’t tell if he was the shit or just plain old shit,” said Tanya, cutting the guy's head off with her beam sword. "Boom, I killed him, and the hot guy I met in the bar came up and told me I was ranked 11th in this United Assassins Association." Suddenly, they were back in the forest, making the wooden animals flee. "I want to be number one! How's that? Short and simple enough?" Tanya lowered her shades, smirking at a confused Snake. Snake recovered from what happened and answered her. "No. That hardly explained why you wanted to be number one." Tanya raised her shades and rubbed her nose. "Oh, I also wanted sex with Silvio, the hot guy I was talking about!" Snake facehoof, knowing this would be a long day. They continued, but Snake still felt there was more to this. "Didn't you say something about family and fighting your sister?" Tanya stopped, causing Snake to bump into her. Snake wondered what was wrong, but then she saw Tanya crying, and tears fell out of her shades. "I did, didn't I?" said Tanya, removing her shades. They were now on a long, endless desert highway road. Snake looked around, seeing nothing but a castle in the far distance. "See, my family was murdered right in front of my eyes." as Tanya said it, Snake could see an older man and woman dead in front of them, and standing between the bodies was a smiling young woman covered in blood. "A crazy bitch killed my family and I wanted revenge! I hunted her down but couldn't find her until I met Silvio. He helped me find that bitch, by making me go through the rankings." Snake could see Tanya gripping her fist hard as she remembered what had happened that day. Making the blood-covered woman, and everything disappeared. They were back in the forest. Snake could see Tanya shaking with anger, fear, and sadness. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me right now." Snake walks past her. "When you are ready, I'm here to listen." Tanya could only nod as the two continued to search. "Wait, wait! You are telling me that you were a pilot for a giant living robot after something called the second impact happened on Earth, an explosion that melted the Antarctic ice caps and shifted the Earth's axis. This event almost wiped out half of the human population, and creatures called the Angels attacked soon after. Your father created an organization called NERV, to combat those creatures." said AJ, trying to understand all this from Shiko. "Which goes back to the living robot thing...which is also your mother?" "The spirit of my mother is within Unit-01." corrected Shiko, walking alongside AJ and Haze. "Yeah, yeah. Right, so you are the pilot of that, and the Angel, that is what those creatures are called, are sent from heaven or someplace. Are they real Angels?" asked Haze, trying to take all this in. "Not really. They're aliens and were the progenitors of life on Earth. That's another can of worms; I don't want to discuss that anymore. Is that okay with you?" said Shiko, remembering when she learned the truth behind the Angels. Haze didn't like that answer after they explained their backstory and world to her. "What? Why? We told-ugh!?" she grunted, feeling AJ punching her in the sides. "I think we should let it go, Pecan pie," said AJ, smiling at her, making Haze mumble in response. They continue to walk, but Shiko remembers what they asked her when meeting her and stops, telling her answer to them. "I don't know how I got here, as it's all like muggy fog, but you said it was to save children at the top of a tree, which we're in right now?" Haze nodded and told her about what was going on and Fayth. Shiko was listening intently. "This Fayth is trying to erase everyone. She sounds like a dangerous person...almost like..." Without warning, Shiko felt her head hurting as memories from the past filled her head. "The Fourth Impact," said a young female voice, making Shiko look to her side. She saw she was in the cockpit of Unit 13 and saw 'her' again. Shiko couldn't believe what she was looking at, and she started to cry like crazy as she tried to reach out to the young girl, but the TV screen blocked her because she wasn't next to her. "Kaoru? It can't be!? Is that you!?" Kaoru smiled at her, continuing her speech. "The Fourth Impact, this is the opening rite, Shiko." the choker around her neck started to activate, hovering around her neck, making Shiko scream as she remembered this tragic event. "NO! STOP! NOT AGAIN!" Shiko pounded the screen, and she started to damage it. Kaoru could only give her a sad smile as the choker started to glow. "Don't do this to me, Kaoru! Please! NOT AGAIN!" Shiko could only watch helplessly as Kaoru's choker broke into pieces and started to spin around her neck. "It happened because I turned into the 13th Angel. I'm the trigger," explained Kaoru, watching her dear friend keep pounding away until she finally stopped and leaned on the screen, begging her to stop. "I can save you, Kaoru! I can save you this time! Don't remind me how I failed to save you!" Kaoru gave her a sad smile, knowing she would fail this time too. "I can save you. Just stay with me, please," begged Shiko, trying to find a way to get through the screen but stopping as she saw Kaoru placing her hand on the screen like she wanted to pet her head. "Kaoru?" "Shiko, remember what you did. This Fayth being goes beyond what we Angels can do. In truth, she's more of a real Angel than us, but you beat her, remember that." Shiko placed her head on the screen where Kaoru placed her palm, still crying. "What do you mean?" Kaoru closed her palm into a fist and bopped the screen, laughing a bit. "Remember, Shiko, we can rewrite who we are. Even if our past or current life is horrible, we can write ourselves and rewrite our story into something better. You have done this once already. Just remember and help those four who lost their story to Fayth." she pulled her hand away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be part of your happiness. That's okay. As long as you are happy, I'm happy too." Shiko didn't say anything, but she placed her fist on the screen, trying to break through it, cutting her hand in the process and making her bleed. "Shiko, you found that place to rest and call your own, which is okay. Don't be ashamed of being there, okay? You earn that rest more than anyone." Shiko looked at her bleeding hand, seeing the blood dripping onto the floor. "But, you didn't get to have that happiness, Kaoru. You died." "That's okay," said Kaoru, as her choker started to spin faster and faster. "Because you found yours. That's all I ever wanted for you." Shiko felt tears falling down her eyes, knowing Kaoru didn't mean what she said. "Don't say that. You didn't deserve to die like that. If I couldn't save you then, I can save you now! I'll save you!" Kaoru watched the choker glow brighter, and she knew Shiko couldn't save her. "I know you would, Shiko. You can do anything. I'm proud of you." "KAORU!" cried Shiko, watching the choker stop. "It's okay, Shiko, don't look so sad. Keep going forward. That's what I love about you! No matter the hardship, you keep going and never give up." "KAORU, STOP! I'LL SAVE YOU! I PROMISE!" Kaoru just smiled as the choker shattered into small pieces and stabbed her in her throat, making it explode, covering the whole section of her cockpit and screen in blood. "NO!" Shiko pounded her head against the screen, trying to forget the memory, but it wouldn't go away as black smoke covered her. "Why, Kaoru, why!? Why did you die!? Why couldn't I save you!?" AJ and Haze had to hold down Shiko as she started to hit her head against the ground and scream someone's name. Both seen this before, with AJ, it was seeing the Pillar making anyone near it go crazy. For Haze, the Jenova cells made the alien creatures control the human mind and actions without them knowing. "We need to snap her out of it," said Haze, holding her. "On it," said AJ, grabbing Shiko's face and forcing her to look at her. "Listen up, apple pie! Whatever you were going through, it's not real! Whoever this 'Kaoru' person is, they aren't here." "I FAILED TO SAVE HER! SHE DIED BECAUSE OF ME!" screamed Shiko, who seemed to be snapping out of it, but not much. "I SHOULD HAVE DIED! NOT HER!" AJ could feel her heart breaking when she saw such a young kid act like this. It was like when Aaira told her about Blitz and Braver, how they acted like this, having so much pain and guilt. No kid should ever feel this much suffering... "Shiko, you aren't alone, whatever happened. I'm sorry I couldn't help, but whoever this Kaoru is, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself." "I could have saved her!" AJ hugged her, surprising Shiko and Hasze. "Like I said, Apple pie. You aren't alone in how you feel like this..." Shiko could feel tears falling on her shoulder, making her look at AJ's crying face. "I couldn't save my family, and I will always blame myself for it, no matter how much others and even myself say otherwise." AJ rubbed Shiko's hair, who was confused but kept listening to AJ. "I did something to the family that made me so distant from them, making me wish to take it back. If I could change that awful thing I did, then maybe..." The party was over, everyone left, and AJ was helping her husband clean up while their daughter was having fun with her birthday gifts but asked her parents where the gift from her mother was. "Mommy, where's my gift?" AJ just watched as her husband went to the bedroom and returned with a birthday box, seeing her name on it. "Here, sweet heart was saving this for last." Blossom opened the present, making AJ walk over and wonder what was inside. What she saw made her freak out. "Thank you, Mommy! I love it!" cheered Blossom, holding a toy soldier, who started to play a marching drum song. AJ remembered how her daughter always wanted to be like her; as a soldier, she started collecting them. "Blossom, give that to me, please." AJ tried to remain calm, but she didn't know how. "Mommy?" whispered Blossom, holding on to the toy to see how scared her mother looked. "Please, Blossom. Give me that toy, please." Blossom did as her mother told her, giving her the toy, which AJ tossed out the window, causing the little girl to cry. Her husband yelled at her, asking why she did that, but AJ decked him in the face, making him fall backward and onto the floor. "WHY THE FUCK YOU GOT HER THAT!? I DON'T WANT HER BEING LIKE ME, DAMN IT!" screamed AJ, crying a bit. "SHE DESERVES BETTER THAN ME AS A MOTHER!" Blossom hugged her, asking her mommy not to fight and not be mad. "SHUT UP!" AJ punched her daughter in the eye, making her fall to the ground, crying as her dad ran up and pushed AJ away. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU PSYCHO?!" AJ didn't know what was wrong, but she felt the darkness take over her, and the next thing she knew, the living room was destroyed. She just remembered screaming at her daughter to not be like her, a broken soldier and woman. Within all that screaming, the marching drum song was playing through it all. Months later, on the USM Starwell, AJ sat in her room, listening to the phone ring on the small TV screen. She'd been trying to reach her family, but her husband never picked up the phone or anything. She would leave messages, telling him about the planet where she was going to be stationed and how that military base has family therapy counseling off-site. She wanted them to come with her to make things better. "Please, just pick up the damn phone, please. Please, honey," whispered AJ, crying and begging her husband to pick her up. She was going to hang up the call, but someone answered from the other end. They said nothing, making AJ ask if they were still there. "Hello? Please, talk to me, honey. It's me, Amelia. Your wife. Please, talk to me," pleaded AJ, hearing the person breathing on the other side. "Please come with me to Uxor. My superior says there's family therapy they can send us to. Please, let's try to fix our relationship. I'll do anything, please." AJ heard nothing and thought they hung up, but a voice spoke, her husband. "Will this help you? Help the fuck what's wrong with you? After catching you recording that suicide note a few years back, you have been different. You changed, and you hurt our daughter." AJ nodded her head, promising she would do anything. "Will you be fixed? Will you not hurt Blossom anymore?" "Yes, yes, please." There was silence on the other end of the line, which made AJ worry, but her husband spoke again, and his tone sounded like he was in tears. "Don't fail us, don't fail our family, Amelia. Because if you do, then...then." He didn't finish the sentence, and AJ felt her heart beating, scared at what he might say next. "Then, what, honey?" The memory changed, showing Amelia, in her damaged H.U.L.L suit, as she fought through the Changers outbreak after cult fanatics attacked the base, freeing the Pillar and making everyone near it go crazy and creating Changers. She stood in her apartment, seeing her husband and daughter slowly looking at her from the darkness. "Honey... sugar cube..." cried AJ, slowly pointing her assault rifle at them as they started to walk toward her while screaming could be heard in the family complex they were in. "You failed us, Amelia! Then this is what you get!" said her husband, as his jaws spread out. "YOU WILL LOSE US FOR FAILING TO PROTECT US! NOT JUST FROM THEM BUT FROM YOU! YOU FAILURE OF A SOLDIER AND WOMAN!" AJ shook her head, telling herself not to believe it. "YOU DID THIS TO US! YOU RUINED OUR FAMILY!" screamed her husband as bone blades shot out of his back. "MOMMY, YOU NEVER LOVED US! YOU WANTED US TO DIE FROM THE START, DIDN'T YOU? I HATE YOU, MOMMY!" screamed Blossom, whose hair covered her eyes as her skin turned black. "This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real!" "MAKE US WHOLE!" screamed the two as they darted toward AJ, who was crying and screaming. Before they could get near, gunfire turned the memory into a white flash, black mist disappearing... Returning AJ from that awful memory and holding Shiko as she rocked back and forth, keeping the young teen in her arms still. "It's not your fault, Shiko. We all regret mistakes and wish we could take them back, but we can't, no matter how much we wish." she kissed her forehead as she cared for her like a daughter. "Good women mean well. We don't always end up doing well." "But..." "It's not your fault, Apple pie. I swear, you're a good kid just by looking at you." Shiko could only listen and cry in AJ's arms, while Haze could only watch and think back on her past... Haze found herself back in the reactor room, remembering hearing footsteps and turning around. She saw 'her' as she entered the room, holding her giant sword. "...Zara," whispered Haze, watching as Zara ran past her and stopping, seeing Mira on the ground, bleeding from her slash wounds. "Mira!? No..." said Zara in sadness, thinking she was killed too. Her face filled with rage as she looked up at the top of the steps, seeing the doorway open. "Sephiroth!" she screamed and ran up the steps and into the next room, with the door closing behind her. Haze remembers this memory too well. She walked up to Mira, picked her up, walked to the side of the room, and set her on the ground. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I promised all those years ago." She suddenly felt the whole room shake with great force and turned, seeing the door blown apart. With Zara behind it, the door fell to the ground, and Zara landed on one of the buzzing machines near the stairway. "Zara..." "Haze..." said Zara, smiling as blood dripped down her face. Haze ran to her side, but the memory changed to an open desert field, where she stood over a bullet-ridden and deep slash mark on Zara's body, who just lay there. She remembered hearing all the gunfire and clashing of swords. She even remembers the falling of the rain on that day. She remembered Zara struggling to breathe. "...Z-Zara." Zara coughed up blood; even through the pain, she smiled at Haze. "For the...both of us..." Haze kneeled, grabbing Zara's hand, who in return grabbed it. "I'm...sorry." Zara didn't say anything, but Haze started to cry, letting her tears hit Zara's bleeding chest. "I'm sorry...for getting you killed. You didn't have to toss away your life for me. I don't deserve it." Zara repeated herself, making Haze repeat the exact words. "That's right...you're going." Zara raised her hand and placed it on the side of Haze's head, smiling as she did so. With a thrust, she shoved Haze into her chest, crying now. "Live." Haze clutched Zara's hand harder as she started to cry. "You'll be my living legacy." She let go, allowing Haze to rise, revealing half of Haze's face covered in her blood. She placed her hand back on the handle of her sword and weakly raised it towards Haze. "My honor, my dreams..." she stopped before Haze's face. "They're yours now." she wanted Haze to take the sword. Haze slowly took it, making Zara's hand fall without any strength to hold it up. "I'm your living legacy..." whispered Haze, gripping the sword handle and watching Zara's smile disappear as her life almost disappeared. "I'm...sorry." And with those final words, Zara closed her eyes, her heart no longer beating. Haze didn't say anything or cry. She just screamed to the heavens as the rain fell. She was alone now. Her friend, the one she looked up to so much as she got to know her, was gone. Her loyalty to Zara will forever live on. "But you couldn't keep that legacy, could you?" said a voice. Haze didn't say a word, feeling something touch her shoulders and neck. "You were given a second chance to continue her legacy, but you couldn't. You failed everyone around you...Haze." Behind Haze, a shadow figure could be seen, as a black wing spread out of its back. "You can't even protect those close to you...you can't even protect yourself, can you?" Haze was silent. "Can you, Haze? Can you?" The shadow grips Haze's neck harder, revealing its cold, empty eye. "If you can't protect yourself or others, tell me, Haze. How can you save those kids at the top of the tree? Knowing they could die like Zara, how can you stop Fayth's plan? Knowing how you failed everyone around you?" "Shut up!" said Haze, finally saying something. "Or is it that you're like that child Shiko or that woman, a broken mess that can't handle the truth?" Haze looked at the shadow, feeling its grip loosen. "Just like both of them, you're a failure. You three can't do anything. You're nothing but failures, Haze. Nothing but pathetic." "I'm not a failure." "Failure." "I'm not weak. "Weak." "I'm not useless!" "Useless." "SHUT UP!" screamed Haze, raising her sword and swinging at the shadow, making it disappear into black mist. Zara now stood across from her, still smiling at her like always. "If you want to be a hero, you must have dreams. Remember, what makes a hero isn't power or some weapon. It's friendship and all those you let in to make your dreams a reality." Haze could only listen to those words. "Help those kids remember that, Haze. You are living proof of that. I believe in you. You have become a true hero." Zara started to fade away, making Haze run towards her. "Zara, no!" She watched Zara vanish before her eyes, making her snap back to reality and touching her face, feeling the pain. She eyed AJ and Shiko, who were now calm and talking. Haze wanted to say something, but they heard Snake and Tanya's voices. The two found them and could see their new party member. After quickly explaining who she was, the group headed to the spiral stairway. "Hey," said Haze to AJ, who was holding Shiko's hand. "Yeah?" "Here." she handed AJ the photo that Shiko returned to her. AJ tried to stop her, but Haze had none of it. "Just look at it. Someone told me that to be something great, I needed to let others in and befriend them." AJ was surprised but happily took the photo and looked at it. She whistled loudly. "Oh boy, she's smoking hot! Well, she is a version of me!" laughed AJ as Haze snagged back the photo all red. Shiko saw the photo before it was taken away and smiled at the two, happy she had met two people who seemed to be great friends. She looked at AJ, feeling the motherly warmth coming from her, which reminded her of her own mother, whom she had lost. She squeezed her hand, not wanting to let go—ever. She closed her eyes, but a flash of Kaoru appeared in her mind, reminding her of her failure. "Everything alright, Apple pie?" asked AJ, feeling her hand being squeezed hard. Shiko looked at the ground but quickly looked up at her with a smile. "I'm okay, mom!" Shiko's face slowly turned red as she realized what she had said out loud, leaving AJ stunned and the others surprised. "I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT! IT JUST CAME OU—" cried Shiko, but she stopped as AJ hugged her, crying. "It's a fine sugar cube. You can call me whatever you like." "O-okay," said Shiko, feeling a little ashamed, yet she missed the motherly warmth when she was with her mother. As the group continued and walked up the spiral stairway, a black mist watched from afar until it flew away, toward the darkest part of the wooden forest, where the dark creature was recovering...and crying... "I think I understand why you chose them, Spark," said Twilight, messily eating her heyburger, like Spark was eating while Twilah ate some of the pasta. Spark held her potato sandwich, bitting it and turning to her. "You do?" Twilight nodded her head, wiping her mouth. She would explain herself, but Dash delightedly shouted at her potato sandwich. "This is so awesome!" Dash turned to twilah, flying up to her. "Twilah, you gonna tell me how you made this so great! My mom makes great potato sandwiches." Dash held the sandwich into the sky like it was a holy item. "BUT NOTHING COMES CLOSE TO THIS MAGIC IN MY MOUTH!" "Oh, it's a simple recipe, really," replied Twilah, eating some of her pasta. "It was Blitz's favorite food." Dash tossed the sandwich into her mouth and ate it whole. "Well, can you make some more, please? This stuff is the bomb." Twilah sighed. "Dash, I already told you that's the last of the potato." "Aww, man," whined Dash, landing and looking down at her empty plate. Twilight giggled and turned her attention back to Spark but noticed that she had placed her meal on the plate and looked hurt. "Spark?" The others took notice and saw Spark crying as she smiled at them. "I'm a cheap copy, huh? Not even my favorite dishes are my own..." She tossed the plate away, hitting a tree and making the potato sandwich splatter everywhere. The others were silent as Twilight slowly rose. "Sweetie, calm down. You're mistaken-" Spark turned to her, her eyes glowing with a rainbow aura. "I'M NOT WRONG! I'M NOT MY OWN PERSON. I'M COPYING MY SISTERS AND MY MOTHERS! I'm..." She finally calmed down and sat back down. "I'm a pretender, that's all." Twilight and the others didn't know what to say. They knew how much Spark was struggling with her identity and trying to find a place where she belonged. They knew it would take a while, but they hoped to help her before things worsened. "Sweetie, you're not a pretender," said Twilight, trying to console Spark. "You just take after your parents and sisters. It's not because you are a clone or anything like that." Dash flew toward her, petting her back. "Yeah! It's like how my mane comes after my father. It's..." Dash struggled to remember the word and looked at Twilight. "What was the word again? Hershey?" Twilight gave her a deadpan look. "Heredity, Dash." "Yeah, that! You just got heredity!" Spark wiped away her tears, feeling slightly better, but then she and the others heard a voice behind her. "Happy to finally meet you!" Spark suddenly felt an arm around her neck, pushing her out of her seat. Something soft was near her cheek, and a hand was messing up her mane. She looked up to see who it was. "Sunset!?" Sunset smiled at her as the rest of Blitz's friends arrived, waving at her. "YO!" End of Chapter 6 > Chapter 7: ...All Hope Is Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spark stared at Sunset and the rest of Blitz's friends, unsure what to say or do. Sunset let her go, but she was taken aback when she realized Spark was taller than her and the others. "Geeze, we see where all of the Tall genes went." She laughed. "Man, poor Blitz! Even though all three of you are the same age, she's the smallest." Wallflower giggled, who was still somewhat human but still looked like a nymph, remembering how much Blitz hated her smallness. "She was never the tallest person," she said, and the others agreed, joining in the laughter. Sunset chuckled and turned back to Spark, who was staring at her. "Spark, is something wrong?" Spark blinked and slowly scanned Blitz's friends. She had never met them in real life, but she knew everything about them as she looked through Blitz's eyes when she lived in that universe for the last five years. So, seeing them all here, it felt like she was re-meeting her friends. "Spark?" whispered Tempesta, who looked like Tempest but without the broken horn, as she and everyone else could see a tear falling down her cheek. Spark shook her head, then wiped her tears away. What she felt wasn't her own but Blitz's feelings if she was alive. It wasn't right. These aren't her friends, so she shouldn't feel like this. "Sorry," replied Spark, feeling ashamed of herself. Brishen, who loomed over the rest of his friends as he became his Equestria counterpart, The Storm King, crossed his arms and wondered what Spark meant by sorry. He was about to ask her, but Wallflower spoke first. "It's fine, Spark," said Wallflower, giving her a friendly smile. Tempesta turned to her friends and pulled Sunset to the side. Unsure this was a good idea, she remembered Lucy's phone call. "Hey, where's Lucy?" asked Brishen, stopping and looking around for Lucy but seeing the hateful glares from all the town folks that walked by. He remembered how he learned his Equestria counterpart was an evil asshole and did awful things across Equestria, so he couldn't blame the creatures for giving him such glares. "Lucy?" The girls looked at him, confused, and realized Lucy had left the group. Tempesta sighed loudly. "She might have gotten lost or got left behind like always. Should we look for her?" "No, let her be," replied Sunset, crossing her arms. "Lucy needs some time alone after what happened." She looked down slightly more. "We all do." Wallflower could see all of her friends becoming sad and depressed, remembering how Blitz was gone. She held the map of the large town, as she was the one who planned this outing to New Ponyville. She wanted everyone to get their minds off Blitz's death, but now, they were thinking of her and the events that transpired. "Hey," she called, getting her friend's attention. She held out the map. "Remember why we're here! To help Sunset!" She looked for the Mayor building on the map, "Blitz and Braver's parents told us the truth, that once fused, it can't be undone unless a third party injected themself into the fusion, but that doesn't mean all hope is lost! There has to be a way to get Sunny and Sunset to unfuse and return them to normal!" Sunset looked at Wallflower, and she could tell she was smiling bravely, trying not to cry. She remembered her taking it the hardest when Blitz was... "We know, but even if there is, how long can we keep doing this, Wallflower?" said Sunset, lowering her head. "We're running out of ideas, and we need to decide where I'll live soon—here in Equestria or back in your universe." She held her head in slight pain, as the headache wasn't like before, but it annoyed her still. Tempesta placed a hoof on Sunset's leg, "We're doing our best, Sunny, but there is always a chance we'll figure this out. Sunburst believes that if we visit where Sunset lives and make you realize you aren't one person/pony, then the fusion should break." Sunset nodded, knowing what she had said, but she was losing hope and thought she should live in their world, no matter what. However, a part of her felt so sad, losing her current life and friends. Her emotions were such a mess within her, like two people were indeed trying to take the wheel of a car, and it was going to crash if this kept going like this. Ring Ring "Huh?" Sunset could feel her new magical phone going off, and she took out her phone and looked at the caller ID. "Must be Lucy, right? Or is it the Sunburst testing out his phone?" asked Brishen. Sunset told everyone it was Lucy, and she answered it. She listened to Lucy talking about Spark being back and seemed to be suffering about who she was. Is she her own person or just a copy of her sisters? Hearing that, Sunset felt a slight connection, having similar thoughts and problems. "We'll be right there, Lucy!" she said, hanging up and looking at her friends. "It looks like we have to wait about helping us; it seems Blitz's sister needs help!" "She needs help, Tempesta. She's like us and feels like she's someone she's not. We know how that feels. Remember, we are one, and yet we're two. We have two personalities, one from each world. And sometimes, we forget who we are." Tempesta nodded, understanding Sunset. The two turned back and could see Wallflower talking to Spark. "How have you been, Spark? You didn't let us talk to you when you left like that." Wallflower grabbed Spark's hands, looking up to her and smiling. "So, let's start here, okay? My name is-" "Your name is Wilma, but Blitz called you Wallflower because even if you're a Wallflower, you don't have to hide; Blitz won't forget or ignore you. No one should; you are unique, no matter what others say or think. So, don't ever hide." Spark could feel Wallflower's hands shaking. She let her go and placed her hands on Wallflower's cheeks, brushing the tears away. "She made her light a new tomorrow. Even if it's not perfect and isn't the best. Blitz wanted to share it with you. She wanted to shine her light on you, so you shine your light on her. You keep telling her she's as bright as a comet, but you shine just as brightly in the darkness. Why else does she keep finding you." Spark could see Wallflower crying nonstop, whispering Blitz's name like she was in front of her. This made Spark feel so bad, but a part of her wanted to say this to Wallflower again, and she didn't know why. Maybe she was feeling Blitz's feelings? Remembering how her sister felt when she first met Wallflower and, years later, having feelings for her. "Blitz...are you..." but Wallflower stopped herself, remembering what Sunset told them from Lucy's phone call. Spark was trying to be Blitz, to make her happy. She held Spark's hands and moved them away from her face, creating a smile. "You aren't Blitz. Don't try to act like her; even if you watched over her when she was growing up, you just aren't her. Don't act like you are." "I'm sorry," whispered Spark, lowering her head. "I...I didn't mean to hurt you. It's just..." "I understand. You want to bring her back, but you aren't her." She squeezed her hands. "Everyone here took it hard when Blitz and Brave died. I want to say I took it much harder, but that's not true. We all were hurting." Wallflower pulled her into a hug. "And you have every right to be, too. Just don't forget that. You didn't kill your sisters. They died to give you a chance at life." "I know, but..." Wallflower shook her head. "Don't feel like this. It would be best if you lived the life they wanted you to have—to grow up and become your own person." She pulled away and looked up to her. "But that doesn't mean we won't welcome you into our lives. Let us show our kindness to you." "You...you would?" Spark was surprised by this. "But...you don't even know me, and I took-" Brishen walked over, almost meeting her eye to eye, giving her a smirk. "Of course we would, like why won't we? Your Blitz's sister, and we are our friends' family; we're her friends, so we are yours too." He crossed his arms. "But please, don't try to act like her. For one, you are too tall to be Blitz and..." he tried not to glare at the large chest in front of him but could feel someone giving him cold daggers, making him cough loudly. "She was pretty small...anyway, stop blaming yourself for something that wasn't your fault. You have nothing to apologize for." he gave her a thumbs up. "No matter what happens or where you go, we will always be here for you. So be selfless, and we'll give you all our friendship in return without asking anything back." Sunset and Tempesta could see how much Wallflower and Brishen were able to cheer Spark up and could see the tears falling down her cheeks. They smiled, knowing their friends were the best people to have. Tempesta walked over and sat down but still gave Brishen a cold stare and looked up at Spark. "You need to start being honest to yourself, you know. You can't keep lying to yourself about what happened. Blitz and Braver died, yes, but they didn't die for nothing. You can't let their sacrifice go in vain." "But...but..." Spark lowered her head, not knowing what to say, and Sunset walked over, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You need to start smiling! Start laughing again!" Sunset told her, smiling at her. She remembered what that alternate-universe Rainbow Dash said to her... "You gotta let her go. It will hurt, but she's her own person. You can't force her to be someone she isn't. Just help her move forward, and the spark will return the flavor. Don't push her away like you did in the last rewrite. Just let her decide who she is. That's all you can do for her. Okay, Sunset?" Sunset patted Spark's back hard, almost making her tip over. "You need to smile and laugh like I said, Spark. You can't live in self-doubt about who you are when you are already someone. You're you. So, don't ever doubt it. Be yourself. Just don't ever forget them, and always love them. But also, let them go so you can fly on your own." She signaled Spark to come closer to her, which she did, which allowed Sunset to put her in a headlock and mess up her mane again. "We'll be here to help you but also be your friends! Same with Blitz and Braver's parents! They're your family now, like it or not!" she let her go and stepped back with the others. "Look, it's not easy, not knowing who you are like we're going through that right now with ourselves. It's hard, like damn hard, but unlike us, you only got one living person within you." she pointed to her heart. "You can't force someone to be someone they're not; that's not helping anyone. But, simultaneously, you can't doubt yourself if you are someone. If you do, that's a lie." she patted her heart. "So, listen to it and find who you are. Not Blitz and Braver but yourself, Spark. Because at the end of the day, you are the only person who can help yourself. Only you can decide on that! No one can decide it but you! You decide who you are." Spark listened to everything Sunset said and could hear her heart beating. She thought about what they said and knew what to do, so she opened her eyes and looked at them, her new friends. Her horn and eyes started to glow bright rainbow auras, covering Sunset only. "Whoa, what are you doing to us!?" Spark smiled at her. "Returning the flavor, Sunset and Sunny!" With a bright flash that blinded everyone, Spark's aura died down, and everyone could hear Sunset's voice—but also another. "Shit! What did you do!? My head is..." Sunny touched her head but realized it wasn't hurting like always. "Fine? WAIT..." Everyone could see again and was happy that Sunny and Sunset were not fused anymore. Sunset looked at her body and looked toward Sunny, who was also checking her own body, but everyone could see she was still in her anthro form. Twilight asked Spark what she did. "Remember? When did you four come into my Element core with Nightfall and Sky? You were unfused because of my powers. I can overcome any magical spell or universe effect," she blushed. "As you said, If Fayth is the living embodiment of fate itself, then I'm the living embodiment of what a spark is...moving forward, no matter the odds..." She smiled at Twilight. "So, thanks, m..." She wanted to say something, but something kept holding her back. "...Twilight. Thanks..." She turned to Sunset and the rest of the group, thanking them, but Twilight could tell something was still wrong with her, not just with her whole identity crisis. Dash nudged Twilight's side, making her turn to her. "Hey, Twi. You noticed it, too, right?" Twilight nodded. "Yeah. Something isn't right. Something is holding Spark back." She rubbed her chin, thinking. "What do you think it is?" "I'm not sure, Dash, but I felt it's related to her identity problem." Twilight and Dash eyed Spark, who was laughing with the others as Sunny tried to use her horn but blasted herself. "Just by looking at her, even though she's so close to us right now." Twilight's eyes had a tiny spark within them. "She feels so far away from all of us. It's like...she doesn't want to be a part of our lives." "What!?" Twilight shook her head. "It's hard to explain, but..." "It's like she's afraid we'll hate her," said Dash, crossing her arms. "I don't care how often we have to keep telling her this, but we don't hate her! We love her!" Dash stopped flapping her wings and sat on the grassy ground, smiling at Spark, who was teaching Sunny how to control magic while Sunset joined in. "I don't know how to put these into words, but it felt like she was always with us! We raised Braver but also felt Spark was right there with her. We raised two daughters, not one...we love her, and if she dies, we'll miss her too..." "I understand, Dash," said Twilight, sitting beside her. "I think, when Braver met each of her friends, I saw Bolt and all of the others by her side...But I guess I wasn't seeing them, only Spark herself. Just by being near her, you can feel her aura of constantly pushing forward, no matter the odds!" Twilight suddenly could hear Dash laughing a bit. "What's so funny, Dash?" Dash looked at her. "Doesn't that sound like you, Twi?" Twilight blushed deep red. "W-What!?" Dash looked up at the beautiful blue sky. "Yeah, you constantly push yourself for our friends, no matter the situation. Look at how far we've come since we met you." She could see the clouds moving slowly and a bird flying by. "Like you said back then, a different kind of spark. You felt it when you realized how happy you were to hear and see us, how much you cared about us." Dash looked back at Twilight, giving her a cocky smile. "The spark ignited when you realized that we all... are your friends! We are a family, and we care about each other. That's what I love about you!" Twilight smiled slightly and remembered how it felt when she realized the spark within her on that day. "Yeah, a family...no matter the distance, no matter the time apart." She placed her wing over Dash, pushing her forward, making the blue pegasus blush deep red. "The spark that resides in the heart of us all will always connect us, no matter how long we've been away from each other." She nuzzled Dash's face, making Dash's wings open up. "But Spark also sounds like you, you know?" Dash snapped out of it and confusedly looked up at her. "What? How?" Twilight looked at Spark, who was talking with Wallflower, asking where she got that puffy jacket. "Spark has a strong heart, pushing forward, never letting anyone stop her. Even if someone hurts her, she keeps moving, not caring how often she gets knocked down. She is loyal to her beliefs, protecting them, no matter the cost." She looked at Dash, who was trying to comprehend what she said, so Twilight grabbed her cheeks and pulled them apart, making Dash blush a deep red again. "I'm saying Spark acts like you! Always wanted to fly forward, not caring about anything, only flying! And..." She pulled her face closer to Dash's face. "If someone is in trouble, she will never stop helping them." Twilight closed her eyes and moved closer, their lips almost touching. "Just like you, Dash, she has the best parts of you." She covered Dash and herself with her wings, kissing Dash on the lips, feeling the nervousness from Dash's lips, but it quickly vanished as she returned the kiss. Twilah was not too far from them, and seeing them kissing made her smile, but Twilight was right about Spark. She carries the best parts of them. Even with raising Blitz, she always felt like there was another kid beside Blitz. "Spark, you aren't Blitz or Braver or a clone of your parents. You were raised alongside your sisters and picked up our best parts, the ones we want our kids to have. That's why." She closed her eyes. "Your sisters loved you when they learned of your existence and wanted to share their world. You keep thinking you stole their lives to have it, but you are wrong." Twilah opened her eyes, smiling. "We always felt you were with us, and you always will be, no matter what happens. Because you're part of our family," she said within her thoughts, knowing what was wrong with Spark. "That's what is still bothering you. You feel like you are inserting yourself into our lives or replacing our daughters." She looked over to Spark, who was walking over to her. "You aren't, Spark. We always had room for you." she nodded at herself, knowing what she needed to tell her. She opened her mouth, but she felt something like black seeds fall around her, and she could even see Spark's face filled with horror and rage. "No, I'm not letting you fix this so soon, Twilah." Twilah slowly turned, seeing Fayth near her face, smiling at her. For some odd reason, she couldn't move or do anything, only watch as Fayth wrote something in her book, tearing the page out and forming a glowing black twisted seed. "I want her to suffer to go on a little more, and the best way to do that is." Fayth placed the seed on Twilah's chest, slowly pushing it inside of her until it vanished. "By changing your ending!" "FAYTH!" yelled Spark, tackling Fayth away from Twilah and across the park. Twilah dropped to her knees, breathing hard like life was escaping from her, and everyone rushed toward her. Fayth and Spark were trading blows. Their bodies were blurred, but even a regular person could see the fury in their attacks. The half of the park became a battleground as the two fought each other. Spark grabbed Fayth by her collar. Her eyes beaming with rainbow fury, she screamed at her and asked her one thing. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!? ANSWER ME!" Fayth gave her a twisted smile and, using her powers, made her body filled with sharp thorns, almost stabbing Spark, but she acted quickly and let go. "What else, Spark? I didn't just change her story but also her ending!" she cast away her thorns and shut her book. "You shouldn't shown me any mercy! Now it's your fault for what happened to her!" she could see Spark's face and laughed, knowing her words hit hard. "That's right, Spark, all of this is your fault. How can you face Dashie now? Or even face your dead sister, knowing you destroyed her family!". Spark's rainbow aura became faint. "N-No!" she shook her head. "That's a lie! It's your fault, not mine! You are the one who..." She stopped when she heard Blitz screaming for her mother in her mind. Spark covered her ears, trying to block out Blitz's screaming, knowing it wasn't real. "Stop it!" "Stop what? I'm not doing anything to you." she pointed at her, giving her a twisted smile. "That's all you, Spark! You're doing that to yourself. Your guilt is making you do that." She faced away from her, dead leaves falling all around her. "You killed your sisters, now you destroyed one of their families, thinking you could insert yourself into it, thinking they'll accept and love you." she looked over her shoulder. "And yet, you still can't face it." She raised her hand, waving goodbye. "You don't have a place to belong. You are just a replacement for them, so start acting like it's because Twilah's ending is coming sooner than you think. Oh, and don't forget, Blitz is cursing your existence." With those final words, Fayth left this universe, leaving a broken Rainbow Spark behind. Spark slowly landed and dropped on all fours, her face filled with despair. She could still hear Blitz screaming for her mother, and just like Fayth told her, she could hear her cursing her existence. Spark was a clone, an imposter, not the real Rainbow Blitz or Braver Sparkle. She didn't belong here or anywhere. "Ha..." She failed to protect her new mother; no, she could not protect Blitz's mother, the family she left behind for her...no. "Hahaha..." The family and life she tried to steal away from her sisters. Fayth isn't the real bad guy here. Spark is the villain! She's the real bad guy here! "HAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She killed her sisters, and she destroyed their family; she's a monster! She's a failure! Spark started to cry while laughing, her rainbow aura increasing and her eyes becoming unstable rainbow lights. Behind her back, a rainbow halo started to form. "I'M BREAKER OF THINGS!" She laughed as the land started to shake. "THAT'S RIGHT! MY REAL NAME WAS STAR BREAKER! BREAKER OF WORLDS AND STARS! A MONSTER, A WEAPON THAT WAS CREATED TO DESTROY ANYTHING!" she stood up, looking up at the sky, her horn and eyes shining. "THE ONLY REASON I WAS BORN INTO THIS WORLD WAS TO DESTROY IT!" "Your teacher was right; you are like me, Sora, and Star Breaker combined, huh?" said a familiar voice, making Spark turn around and see... "Suguri?" said Spark, her rainbow aura dying down slightly. Suguri removed her black long-ear hoodie and smiled at her friend. "Spark, don't be afraid to fail. You can run around in circles and say you don't care. Don't think that life's unfair." She walked over to her, stopping in front of her. "That's how the world goes; sometimes, we can't change it. That's why." She gently rubbed her cheek. "It's ok to fail, to cry. That's how we grow. So don't give up. Don't lose hope." She hugged her. "It's ok, just let it out." "SUGURI!" cried Spark, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her tightly. Suguri could see Sora within Spark, the girl who fought for the blue sky so that everyone could see again in her universe. Spark, her sisters, and their real mothers are from a crossover universe based on her and the FIM Prime universe. Suguri rubbed Spark's back. "There there, let it all out." The rainbow aura finally died down, and the rainbow halo vanished. Suguri made her let go. "Sorry, Spark, I was chasing after her when I found her. She was heading here, and I thought I beat her, but..." Suguri looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lost sight of her. This is all my fault." Spark shook her head and hugged her again, crying. Suguri petted her head like a grandmother petting their grandkid. Once again, she made her let go and summoned a giant green sword and placed it on her shoulder. "I'll go after her again, Spark. You are in no shape to face her. Stay here a bit and continue your story to them." Spark was surprised that Suguri knew she was telling everyone what had happened before she arrived. Suguri took notice and smiled again. "Luster told me after I helped save Cozy. So continue Spark, as you do." She turned away from her, and a rainbow halo appeared on Suguri's back, making her disappear. "Listen to the story you are retelling and remember why you gathered those folks and what lesson you wanted to teach those kids. You need a reminder of that same lesson, it seems." Her head slightly turned. "It's what you wanted to tell them. You can't hide from your own story meaning." Those were Suguri's last words, and now Spark was left alone until she could hear Twilight and the others calling out to her as they raced toward her... S.P.I.K.E, Twilah's AI-made version of Spike, started to scan Twilah's body, looking for any scans of anything that had been done on her, but he couldn't find anything as Twilah lay in Luster's bed, not feeling well. Dashie sat near her, gripping her hand and watching her, waiting for her to wake up. "What happened to her?" S.P.I.K.E. was silent, not wanting to answer. "Come on, Spike. Twilah told me you are the most advanced AI in the world! I'm sure you can tell me what's going on with her. What did Fayth do to her?!" S.P.I.K.E. sighed, giving up. "I don't know. I don't see anything wrong with her, but she's not doing well." "How can that be?" "It's like the problem isn't physical but something else." He was quiet for a moment. "But what?" Dashie was about to say something, but Twilight and Sunburst entered the room. "Her fate was changed, Dashie," answered Sunburst, giving her a sad look. "We spoke to Spark, and it seems those black seeds are a written page from Fayth's book." Twilight continued where Sunburst left off. "Remember, Fayth is the living embodiment of fate itself. She has the power to change someone's faith, which can impact their life, and it seems Twilah's life is being changed." Dashie wanted to ask if there was a way to undo it, but she knew better. S.P.I.K.E. had already told her he didn't know what to do, so there wasn't anything or anyone could do. She gripped Twilah's hand. After a few minutes, Sunburst left the room and headed back downstairs but found Spark waiting in the stairway. She wanted to see how Twilah was doing but couldn't bring herself to do it. Sunburst stopped, wondering what he should do or say. "Do you think..." "No," Sunburst said, cutting her off. "It's not your fault, Spark. So don't blame yourself for what happened." he walked past her, still talking to her. "My daughter told me what she did to you. She wants to see you when you're ready, and it wasn't your fault." he stopped, his back facing her. "You can't blame yourself for that or anything that happens, no matter how much you try." he walks down the steps and into the main lobby area of the library. Spark could hear the others downstairs, even some new voices. She didn't want to go down there, not yet. Instead, she walked up the steps and into the hallway, seeing the open door to Luster's room and Dash leaning against the wall. "Spark?" She closed her eyes, not wanting to face Dash. "I'm sorry," she said, opening her eyes. "It's my fault, Dash. Fayth is after me, so I should have done better to keep her away." Dash stood up and sighed. "Don't blame yourself, Spark. This wasn't your fault, and listen, well, no one blames you, okay?" she punched her arm playfully. "You remind me of Fluttershy, you know? Always blaming yourself for what's happening, even when it isn't your fault." she leaned against the wall. "So, don't worry, ok?" Spark nodded, still looking down, and Dash could see it in her face. She could see how she was beating herself up. "Spark? Are you there?" Spark and Dash heard Twilah's voice, making them hurry inside. They saw Dashie smiling while Twilight and SP.I.K.E looked on. "Is she getting better?" asked Dash, but she could see from Twi and S.P.I.K.E's faces that she wasn't. Spark got closer and saw Twilah smiling at her and patting the side of the bed, motioning her to come and sit down. Spark did and was near her now. "I'm glad you're here, Spark. I have something to tell you." Twilah told her in a weak tone. "But I want you to continue with your story first. I think it's best if you finish it before what I want to tell you." "Are you sure, Twilah?" Twilah nodded and gave her a weak smile. "Yes. I don't know how much or little time I have left, and I don't want you to stop what you started." Twilah slowly grabbed Spark's hand and gently held it, giving her a small smile. "Don't worry about me. I'm glad I met you and all of you. So, please, tell the story you want to tell." Spark didn't say anything; instead, she hugged Twilah. Twilah hugged her back, and then Spark stood back up. "...okay, so after Snake and the others reached the next floor..." Snake and company exited out of the spiral stairway and, once again, found themselves in front of a long tunnel. They walked through and, like every time, didn't see the glowing wood carving of a white unicorn. "I see the light!" shouted Shiko, letting go of AJ's hand and running toward it. "Sugar cube! Wait for us!" shouted AJ. "Shiko! Don't run off like that!" shouted Snake, running after her. They all stopped as the tunnel ended, and below them, outside of the tunnel, was an endless maze of mirrors and diamonds. "A labyrinth?" said Snake, not sure why. "Yeah, looks like it, Snake," said AJ as they all could see the Spiral Tower at the end of the vast area. "Now the question is, how do we reach the end AND find whoever is here?" The group could see a path leading into the maze and walk toward it... ...While somewhere in the labyrinth, gunfire could be heard as a pretty middle-aged woman with white-ish and purple hair, wearing a tattered suit, raised her hand, unleashed a swarm of crows at something, and destroyed it. She raised her hand, allowing one of the crows to fly near it. "Where the fuck am I now? The twins would have shown up by now, and not only that." She looked around like she was looking for someone. "Where's Annabeth? Did she send me into this weird universe?" She started to walk through the mirror maze, not noticing the mirrors showing a lighthouse and a figure of a girl standing near it... End of Chapter 7 > Chapter 8: Life Is A Mirror And The Reflection Is Our Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tanya walked up to a mirror and made a silly face that she even bent over and slapped her booty. "What are you doing?" asked Snake as AJ, Hazed, and Shiko walked past them. "What? I'm bored." she giggled and shook her ass but could see the annoying look on Snake's face. "Come on, Snake. Lighten up. It's like we're inside a house of mirrors or something." "Funhouse? Really? This isn't a game?" Tanya gave her a sad look. "Here I thought you were the fun one, Snake." Snake rolled her eyes and returned to walking but quickly stopped, noticing something was wrong. "Damn it!" she shouted, looking around. Tanya stood up and asked what was wrong but could see Snake upset. "Look ahead," she pointed with her tail, making Tanya look straight ahead and realize it, too. "Oh fuck!" Snake and Tanya were in front of a mirror; somehow, their path became blocked off, and they became separated from the others. Tanya wasted no time taking out her beam sword and cutting the large mirror in two, but on the other side was a giant diamond showing their reflection. "Well, this isn't good," said Tanya, and Snake sighed at their current situation. Snake walked up to the diamond and felt it. To her, it felt like any diamond surface. She stopped touching it and turned to Tanya. "Okay, so now we know this weird maze can change at a drop of a dime. So, we had better stay close to each other, and we need to find the others, or we will all be lost in this endless maze." "Right, but don't look so groomly, Snake!" Tanya placed her arms behind her back and walked a random path that somehow appeared. "This could be fun!" Snake rolled her eyes and followed her, not noticing the giant diamond started to show a purple eye within its reflection and pulsate, and the ground began to shake slightly. As the two continued down the path, Tanya whistled familiar musical notes, and Snake asked her to stop. "Why?" "Because it's annoying, and I can't think of any plans on how to find the others, not without the sound of a fucking song," said Snake, who was starting to get irritated by Tanya's whistling. "What are you saying? That I'm a terrible whistler!? Why you...you, you big meanie!" shouted Tanya, puffing her cheeks. "Meanie? Really? What are you, a toddler? How old are you, 3?" "I'm 30, thank you very much, and don't make me kick your sexy butt!" "What are you gonna-" Snake realized what she said and blinked. "What did you-" but before she could finish, the mirrors behind them started to glow, making them turn toward it and see someone in them. Tanya and Snake backed up into each other as the light engulfed them. Tanya opened her eyes and found a vast, empty station area. "Where the hell am I?" Tayna twirled around but stopped when she heard a giant roar. Suddenly, a massive purple and green camo dino-looking machine appeared. She watched the cockpit open from its mouth, revealing Snake with a different-colored mane. "SNAKE!" Screamed the Snake lookalike, firing its machine that is mounted on the side of the cockpit, wildly around the area. Tanya took out her weapon and was going to deflect the bullets, but they just passed through her. "Huh?" she touched her chest, feeling she was solid, but again, she could see the bullets going through her like she was a ghost. "Neato! So what is this? A memory from Snake?" She searched around and saw Snake talking to what looked like a tall Alicorn in a cyborg suit. "Fox, why!? What do you want from me!?" asked Snake, watching Grey Moon Fox opening her visor, revealing her damaged-looking face. "I'm a prisoner of Death. Only you can free me," she answered, pointing her energy arm cannon at her. Snake grunted and looked away. "Fox, stay out of this... What about Nami?" Snake finally faced her old friend. " She's hell-bent on taking revenge for you." Fox closed her eyes, showing her hurt expression when she heard that. "Nami..." "You're the only one who can stop her," begged Snake, but Fox told her no. "Why?" "Because I'm the one who killed her parents." The giant robot started to shoot randomly in a random direction as Tanya walked up to them, listening. "I was young then and couldn't bring myself to kill her, too. I felt so bad that I decided to take her with me. I raised her like she was my blood to soothe my guilty conscience. Even now, she thinks of me as her sister..." Snake felt sad and pity for her friend, who was learning the truth about what happened to Nami's parents. "Fox..." "From the outside, we might have seemed like happy sisters. But every time I looked at her, I saw her parents' eyes staring back at me..." She raised her arm cannon to her chest, loading it. "Tell her for me. Tell her that I was the one who did it." Suddenly, they heard a roar again, and Snake's twin called out that she had found them. Firing the machine guns, the bullets hit a few barrels, causing them to explode. The flames engulfed the background as Fox slightly looked at it. "We're just about out of time. Here's a final present from Deepthroat." Her visor closed. "I'll stop it from moving!" she jumped away from Snake, who screamed her name. "FOX!" Tanya watched Fox do cool flips as she dodged the bullets; Tanya couldn't help but clap and cheer. She kept watching Fox, who kept dodging the gunfire and suddenly dashed toward the robot, taking damage from the bullets as she got closer, causing her visor to be blasted off. Still, she kept going and sliding on the ground and firing at the robot until she stopped and did a backflip, just in time, too, as the robot's front nose slammed into the ground, where Fox would have been. "Hell yeah!" cheered Tanya, pumping her fists. But as Fox flew backward, the robot raised its nose, revealing the energy gun under its chin, and fired it, blasting Fox's wing and arm off. She screamed in pain and landing a platform near the wall, dropping on one knee. She was in too much pain to move as the robot started to ram its nose into her, crushing her. "FUCK!" screamed Tanya, unable to look away as she could hear the sickening sound of flesh and metal being crushed together. Snake's twin laughed through the robot's speakers: "In the Middle East, we don't hunt foxes; we hunt jackals. Instead of foxhounds, we use royal harriers." Snake and Tanya could see the blood pouring out of Fox's exoskeleton, which even Snake's twin commented on being so strong. Soon, Snake's twin's attention went to Snake herself. "Snake, are you just going to sit by and watch her die?" Fox's arm cannon came to life, as she used the last of her strength and aimed it at the radome that was on the shoulder of the robot, unleashing all the remaining ammo she had. "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!" The last remaining ammo destroyed the radome but also freed a katana from it, which fell near Snake. This forces Snake's twin to open the robot's cockpit. She clapped her hooves, very impressed by Grey Moon Fox's actions as she released Fox from being pined and falling to the ground on the platform. "Impressive. You are indeed worthy of the codename "Fox"! But now you're finished!" Fox coughed up blood and weakly looked at Snake. "Uuunnggh!! .....Now! Fire the Stinger!" Snake took out her stinger and pointed it at Liquid, but her sister eyed her, smiling. "Can you really shoot? You'll kill her too!" With blood coughing out of her, Fox started to speak to Snake. "Now in front of you. I can finally die. After Zanzibar, I was taken from the battle, neither truly alive nor truly dead... an undying shadow in the world of lights. But soon... soon. It will finally...end." Liquid uses the robot's nose to drag Fox off the platform and let her fall to the ground below. She tries to crush her once more, this time with the robot's foot but Fox's exosuit is truly strong. Fox is now clinging onto herself, her exoskeleton will break in moments, and she knows it. She slowly looks toward Snake. "Snake, we're not tools of the government or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at, but... At least...I always fought for what I believed in... Snake... farewell." Liquid applies all the weight she has on top of Fox. Her exoskeleton finally gives out, and she is crushed like a berry. Her blood spills everywhere. Tanya looked away, saddened that a cool badass like Fox was killed like that, but she could hear Snake screaming Fox's name. Liquid laughed harder, turning the robot toward her as she scraped the bottom of the robot's foot of Fox's remains. "Foolish mare. She prayed for death... and it found her. You see? You can't protect anyone!! Not even yourself! You are nothing but a failure, dear sister!" Suddenly, Tanya found herself back in the same area, but now it looked old, run-down, and the same robot resting on the ground. But this time, she could see Snake and two others with her looking at Nami Diamond and a dying unicorn colt. Snake, an orange mare wearing what seems to be an updated version of the cybersuit that Fox wore and a tiny pink robot were watching as Nami kneeled next to the hurting colt, who was begging for death. The cyber ninja walked up to her, telling her something. "Nami, Sunny asked me to tell you something." Nami just looked at her, waiting for the message that the young earth filly left for her. "I cooked them right." Nami slowly turned away from her. "I see." she slowly looked up, tears falling from her eyes. "Good for you, little darling. You finally did it." She retrieves a syringe as the colt reaches out to her, but she stands up and steps away, facing Otacon. "No. I can't save you. You have to trust me, Dr. Emmerich. Give this to him. Not for revenge, but to end his suffering." Otacon's tiny robot retrieves the syringe from Nami and examines it. The colt suddenly grabs it and injects it into his neck. Nami places her arms underneath the colt as his body begins to spasm until he dies in her arms. "Forgive me," she says, crying while the Ninja and Snake look away, while Otacon removes her glasses. "This doesn't change anything. Why?" says Otacon, turning her head to the screen. Nami carefully and slowly set the dead colt on the ground. " We can't... Erase the past. Nor... Can we forgive it. And so the only thing we can do... Is end it." she took the syringe, standing up and looking at Snake. "Snake... Liquid's down below us. She's stolen the Harmonys' System...Slipped out of their sight, and taken their ark." Snake faced her, confused. "Ark?" "A warship... Unfettered by land... Law... Country... Or network." Nami is slowly walking toward Snake. "The only place where they are truly released from the shackles of the Harmony...The place where they can be free." She stopped, both face to face with each other. "Outer Element." "Outer Element...?" "Liquid plans to launch the nuke from that ship. Snake... You have been given life so that you may fulfill your purpose. When all of this is over, you'll have no choice but to accept death." Snake's expression became serious. "We are given life only so that we can atone for our sins. Your life was created for that very purpose. We all must atone for our own sins. We must not pass them on to the next generation. We must not leave them for the future. That is your true fate..." Suddenly, the room started to shake as sounds of something landing near the base could be heard. "One that even you cannot defy." Everyone started to look around, hoping it wouldn't land on top of the warehouse of Metal Gear Spike. As this was happening, Nami saw her chance, quickly walking away from the group and looking at the syringe. Tanya placed her head in front of Nami's face, wondering what she was going to do with the needle. "Nami?" Nami held it tight and injected herself with the same liquid that killed the colt, she began to lose her balance; something inside her body reacted to the injection. Nami could only make sounds of pain, alerting the others to her. "What have you done?" asked Snake, seeing the syringe in Nami's hoof. Nami seemed to recover, standing straight with no hints of pain or discomfort on her face. "Blue Blood Vamp and I... We are the same. We're living corpses... Our bodies are kept barely alive by nanomachines." "Then you..." asked Snake, in a quiet tone. "Cancer." The little robot reacted in shock, as on its screen, Otacon couldn't believe it. "I shouldn't even be alive right now. The nanomachines have kept it from progressing... But there's nothing more they can do. With the nanomachines gone... Time will unfreeze and begin to flow again." explained Nami, walking away from the group, standing in the very same spot where her sister died all those years ago. Otacon made the little robot move near Nami's leg, looking up at her. "What are you saying?" Nami looked down at her, smiling. "Goodbye...Hala." Otacon started to panic as she realized what she was going to do. "STOP! DON'T!" screamed Otacon, making the robot rush toward the syringe, but she wasn't fast enough, as Nami stabbed herself with it once more, this time, using all of the fluids inside of it. With a jolt of pain, she dropped the needle and fell to her knees, while hearing Otacon's soft crying. Snake and her friend could only watch from afar as they couldn't do anything to stop this. Nami slowly looked at them, jolting with pain and finally looking back at Otacon. She reached out and held the screen, smiling at her. "Give my best to Sunny." Otacon got closer to the screen, putting her hoof on it. "Nami, why? Why did you do it?" Nami looked confused, seeing Otacon crying over her, that she had to comment on it. "Are you crying...? For me?" she dropped to the ground, screaming as the pain started to become too great. "Nami!" shouted Otacon, making the robot approach her. Nami smiled again, looking at Otacon. "You have such beautiful eyes, darling." She hugged the robot, stroking the screen like she was touching Otacon herself. Suddenly, explosions appeared on the walls, as giant Alicorn robots entered the room, roaring as their eyes lit up. Snake and the Ninja backed up into each other, as they could see more entering from the roof and landing far from them. With her remaining strength, Nami tossed Otacon's robot toward them, screaming at her friends and love. "Now go!" The robot landed near Snake's hooves, wagging around like it was sad as well. Snake tried to grab it but it shocked her with its tail wire. "Sugar cubes, we need to go. NOW!" shocked the Ninja, readying her sword, as the Alicorns slowly walked toward them. Otacon faced Snake, still crying her eyes out. "Why does it always end this way?" Tanya could see that Snake was trying to hide her emotions as Otacon said that to her, and then, Snake grabbed the robot, telling Otacon to pull herself together as the Alicorns were almost upon them. "Just when I thought I was ready to fall in love again." cried Otacon, as Snake carried the robot toward Metal Gear Spike, while the ninja was behind them. They got into the cockpit and Otacon recovered from his breakdown. Hacking into Spike, she was able to start the giant robot. But as it slowly rose, Tanya could see the hidden pain in Snake's eye as she looked at Nami, who was watching them escape. The memory started to fade away by a bright light but Tanya could hear a voice. "You see? You can't protect and save anyone! Not even yourself! You are nothing but a failure, dear sister! You bring nothing but pain to those that you care so much about. Even to a friend you have known for a long time. And the worst part is... you know it's true." The light faded away, and Tanya found herself back in the maze. She looked at the mirror in front of her, seeing her reflection but she wasn't looking at her reflection but Snake's reflection. "Damn, Snake. You have been carrying all that around with you?" she whispered, not knowing what to do with this new information. She looked behind and was surprised not to see Snake there. "Shit, where is she!?" Suddenly, the mirror that is in front of her, blasted apart as something broke it, glaring at Tanya down with its eyes. Tanya sighed, taking out her beam sword and pointing it at the diamond-looking monster. "Fuck you! I don't have time for this! A friend needs my help, so how about you peace out?" The diamond monster roared at her so loudly and close, that when the creature finished its roar, and Tanya's hair was blown back. She gave it a smile and a small chuckle, getting ready for the fight. "Alright, mother fucker, let's do this!" "So, are you dating her?" asked AJ, nudging Haze's side as they walked behind Shiko, who was just looking at the mirrors. Haze was getting sick of AJ asking the same question, so she decided to tell her the truth, hoping that it would finally shut her up. "Yes, I am, we're together." AJ gasped and smiled, jumping up and down like a schoolgirl, which wasn't the reaction Haze expected. Even though she looks like a tough-looking soldier, AJ has her girly side. "Why are you blushing?" blinked AJ, noticing Haze just looking at her. Haze looked away, coughing and trying to dodge the question. Shiko stopped in front of the mirror, seeing her reflection in it. She heard the other two fighting again, making her turn to them and become shocked, "Hmmm, girls. Where's Snake and Tanya?" "What?" said the two in unison, looking back and just like she said, Snake and Tanya were both gone. They shouted their names and searched around but before Shiko could join the two, the mirror flashed a bit, making her stare at it. What she saw, confused her greatly. The reflection wasn't her own, but someone else. It was an older pretty woman, but her skin was white, and wearing a tattered suit. She backed away, feeling scared and fear grew as the mirror's surface became like water, reaching out to grab her. "MOM!" screamed Shiko, falling to the ground. AJ and Haze turned around, seeing Shiko being grabbed by the mirror and slowly being pulled in. "NO!" shouted the two, rushing toward her. Shiko was struggling, trying to break free, but she wasn't as strong as the others. AJ reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her, while Haze grabbed the other, but the mirror wasn't happy, as it extended out its liquid, and grabbed AJ's arm, pulling her in as well. "Fuck off!" shouted AJ, taking out her shotgun and blasting the mirror. The shells hit it but to everyone's shock, the mirror just absorbed it and started to glow, becoming stronger. AJ was panicking now, as Shiko was almost completely in the mirror. She tried her best to hold on to Shiko for dear life, while Haze let go and tried to use her magic but she heard something landing behind. She turned and could a diamond monster glaring at her and finally roaring. "Shit." Haze pointed her hand at the monster and used an earth spell to create rock spikes from under the monster, stabbing it, but the monster didn't react or scream in pain, making her worry. Shiko could feel the liquid pulling her in and AJ couldn't hold on much longer and lost her grip on her. AJ could only watch as Shiko disappeared into the mirror. "SHIKO!" screamed AJ, trying to run toward the mirror, but the mirror surface changed and what she saw wasn't her own reflection but Shiko. "Shiko?" The mirror grabbed AJ, pulling her into itself and vanishing, leaving Haze alone, as she was fighting the monster and didn't notice the other two were gone. Sounds of water could be heard, as it splashed against rocks and the smell of salt water was strong. Shiko opened her eyes but quickly closed them as a bright flash of light passed over her. She rosed up and opened her eyes again, but she could hear an old woman talking in her head. "I know why you've come, False Shepherd. I see every sin that blackens your soul. Wounded Knee. The Pinkertons. The drinking and the gambling. " Shiko felt like her head was pounding. "And now, to repay a debt, you've come for my lamb. But not all debts can be repaid, Brooker." She fell to her knees, seeing visions of the same woman she saw before, fighting her way through a floating city in the sky, saving a young girl, and escaping said city. "These visions, what are these visions!? Stop! Who are you?" But the voice continued to speak. "What brought you to Columbia, Brooker? 'Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt'? This will end in blood, Raina. But then again, it always does with you, doesn't it? It always ends in blood." Flashes of red filled Shiko's mind, as she could see bodies falling to the ground, covered in bullet wounds, snapped necks, burning or being eaten alive by black crows. The floating city streets of Columbia are filled with blood as the older woman that Shiko saw, stood there. Placing her gun on her shoulder. "She will abandon you, my sweet Annabeth. Once she has what she needs, she will leave you alone. What else could you expect from a liar and a killer of women?" Shiko could see a vision, of an old woman holding a baby as she walked into a portal gateway, but the sounds of a woman could be heard, racing down the alleyway. "GIVE HER BACK!" "Brooker!" cursed the old woman, turning to a pair of twins near a device. "Shut it down!" The woman finally arrived and grabbed onto the baby, wrestling with the old woman, who stepped onto the other side. "Give her back to me! I change my mind!" "You had your chance, Brooker." The twins turned a switch, closing the gateway and Shiko could see the portal slowly closing between the two women. "Please, I can't lose her! Don't do this! She's my daughter!" cried Brooker, still struggling to get her child back, but the woman didn't want to let go. One of the twins told the old woman, that she needed to hurry and get the child on their side of the gateway, as the portal was almost closing. The two kept fighting for the child. But before Shiko could see the fight's outcome, a light passed over her, blinding her. "One of many outcomes in an ocean of possibilities." Shiko could feel water hitting her face, making her open her eyes, seeing a lighthouse in front, and standing there, was the young girl she saw in her visions. "In many, she ends up dying before reaching the lighthouse, in others, she's male but having a different name. One of those names is Booker DeWitt. In another, she's more pony-looking, but her name is still Raina Brooker." explained the young girl, as her voice echoed, like she was all around her. Shiko looked around, seeing an endless sea, with an endless lighthouse with different versions of Raina and the young girl walking to each lighthouse. "Her debt must be repaid, no matter the outcome. That is why you are here." said the young girl, standing behind Shiko. "Who are you? What are these visions, I keep seeing?" asked Shiko, turning around and saw no one. "My name is Annabeth, or Sweetie Bell, or even Elizabeth. I have many names, depending on the outcome. I have the power to open tears to another outcome." she appeared beside Shiko, looking up at the night sky, seeing prism glitching effects. "But something happened, something has erased the outcomes of everything, and now I don't know what's coming." she placed her hand on Shiko's shoulder, smiling at her. "But I saw you before the outcomes vanished, standing by Brooker's side. Help her, Shiko. Help her find her daughter and make her repay the debt that she owes." "But what about my friends? They need me too. We need to save those kids at the top of the tree." Annabeth nodded. "They will be okay, for now, but Brooker needs you. Help her, and you'll save those kids, but you must help her first." she raised her hand, opening a tear back to the maze. "Go, she's waiting." Shiko walks to the tear, seeing Brooker fighting a diamond monster and killing it. She turned back in time, to see Annabeth pushing her through it. Annabeth smiled again but with sadness behind it, seeing Shiko falling in front of Brooker, who helped her up. Seeing Brooker being so kind, Annabeth wanted to reach out to her. The tear closed, making her turn away from it. Snake stood up, holding her head. "What the hell just happened, Tanya?" she asked but she heard no reply from her, making her open her eyes and find herself in a desert highway road, leading to a castle in the far distance. "Isn't this where Tanya showed me before?" She looked around, hoping to find Tanya nearby but sadly, she couldn't see her. She heard the sound of a dragon roar, making her look up, seeing an energy beam dragon passing by her above, shaking the land as it soared across. Snake followed the dragon's long body to find its source was coming from a man dressed in a black suit and wearing a knight's helmet. The dragon came from a beam hilt, like the one that Tanya has. "Who is he?" questioned Snake, seeing the man holding his sword above his head and talking to someone but only to get punched in the groin from behind. Blood spilled out and the fist pulled out, making the man fall to the ground, dead. "What the hell!?" Snake quickly drew her gun but stopped, as she heard Tanya's sad voice. "In my deepest memories... I hear someone... calling..." The area changed to a kitchen inside a house, with a buzzing sound of the lights, flickering as Snake could see the dead bodies from before. "I remember... It was a hot summer day. Someone was standing behind my father and mother. That person killed my parents. The face... I can't make it out. Who are you?" Snake suddenly felt her head blasting with the worst headache ever. Like her brain was going to explode. She held her head, trying not to scream from the pain. She could see someone, forming in the darkness, as the lights went out and Tanya and a male voice were talking. "Remember." "Who are you?" asked Tanya, with pain behind her voice. "Try harder!" "I think I can see it... Almost..." "Do you recognize the face?" Snake could hear Tanya breathing her with panic, rage, and fear. "Yes... Yes, I remember now." "Good, very good, Tanya." The figure in front of Snake, became almost clear, as a young woman wearing nothing but her underwear and covered in blood, appeared as the lights flicker. Soon, Snake found herself back on the desert road, and standing before her was the woman wearing a white fighter outfit. She was glaring at her with a crazed look in her eyes. "You're still as gullible as ever, Tanya. Think. Why would he be your father?" Snake watched as Tanya walked past her with her hands in her pockets. "I guess you're right. I don't have a father, at least not anymore. You killed him, didn't you? Jenny." Jenny brushed her hair back, leaving part of the blood in her hair, which she didn't seem to care about. "Yes. And that's why you became an assassin to kill me." Suddenly, Snake found herself back in that bar once more, but she could hear Tanya crying her eyes out to Silvio, who was drinking the drink that Tanya had given him. "I lost everything that I ever cared about. My father, my Mother! DEAD!" Tanya took her glass and drank it in one go and collapsed on the table. "That bitch took everything. My only family! Dead..." Silvio just twirling the glass in his fingers, listening to her. He seemed very interested in Tanya's sob story, but at the same time, he didn't care at all. He placed the glass on the table, not once looking at her. "I can help you to get even." Suddenly, Snake found herself in a glitching place, seeing Tanya's dead parents, Jenny, and her friend's headless and bullet-ridden body. Jenny's voice could be heard. "Now you see what I've been through?" Snake could see the shadow outline of Tanya, who lowered her head as she spoke. "Maybe it had to be done... But vengeance begets vengeance." Soon, everything started to fade away from a bright light, while Jenny and Tanya were still talking to each other. "We're both in the same business, after all. And I've had enough." "Time for you to rest, Jenny." "Good night, Tanya." "I hope your next dream is a more pleasant one." Snake could hear a laser beam sword slicing what sounded like human flesh and Tanya's worried voice as the light engulfed Snake too. "I want to bail, but where the hell's the exit? There's no way out, is there? No, getting out..." The bright light faded away and Snake found herself back in the maze of mirrors, but she quickly heard fighting behind her. She turned and could see Haze fighting a giant diamond monster. "Kid, I'm here!" she shouted, taking out a grenade, pulling the pin, and tossing the grenade. The diamond monster didn't know what it was, so it caught the grenade in its mouth. Haze leaped away in time as the grenade went off, inside the creature's mouth. Haze fell onto her knees, seeing a few pieces of the creature falling onto the floor. "I don't think it's dead yet," warned Snake, taking out her rifle, ready to shoot the creature again. Haze looked back to the dead body and just like Snake said, the creature started to move again. Its body shook and started to piece itself back together, forming a different body shape. It had more of a female human body now. It raised its arms and its hands created sharp diamond claws. "It's never easy, huh?" grunted Haze, readying her sword, while Snake aimed with her rifle. AJ was in a void of nothingness, as memories on glitching screens were all around her, and a crying Shiko, was sitting in a chair and her head on her knees. AJ could see it all, all the suffering that Shiko went through in her life. All the pain, all the torture, all the abuse that made AJ filled with so much sadness and anger. "All of these things have happened to her, and yet she's still the nicest girl ever." AJ sat down in front of Shiko, resting her hand on her knee. "All that hardship you went through, you never stop moving forward. You never lose hope that someday you will be happy. You just needed a push in the right direction." AJ smiled and rubbed her hand on Shiko's hair. "You are the bravest girl that I ever met and I'll make sure that you'll live happily ever after." Shiko moved her head, seeing AJ sitting before her, smiling. Shiko lowered her head back down, revealing an older man behind her, his glasses reflecting a bright light as he sat at a table and had his hands together over his mouth. "People live on by forgetting their memories. But some memories can never be forgotten.” said the man, pushing his glasses up. "Shows how weak your heart is. You can't even bear the burden of those painful memories, and they end up becoming a curse. You're such a pitiful, little girl. Do you think you'll ever be hap-" He couldn't finish as a shotgun blast blasted his head off. AJ pumped her shotgun, her eyes filled with nothing but rage. "Don't you ever talk to her like that, or I will kill you again and again and again! Do I make myself clear, asshole!?" The world started to fade away, making AJ look back at Shiko. She placed her hand on the pink-haired head, stroking it. "Good women mean well. We don't always end up doing well..." With those last words, AJ was engulfed by the light. And AJ found herself back in the maze of mirrors and before her, was Tanya, who was done slicing a diamond monster into two. "Ha! Not so tough!" bragged Tanya, poking the dead body with her feet. "Tanya?" Tanya turned to see a confused AJ, but before either could say anything, the dead body raised, shocking the two. They watched as the creature reformed and became the same form as the other creature. "Ah, still have some fight in ya, huh?" Tanya readied her beam sword, while AJ aimed her shotgun. "ITS GAME TIME!" Shiko looked up, seeing a hand reach out to her, to help her stand. She took the hand, got up from the ground, and looked back to see the tear was just gone. "What was that?" asked Shiko herself, trying to understand what had happened to her. "What was what?" asked the older woman, looking at Shiko with a raised eyebrow. Shiko looked at the woman, remembering her name. "You are Raina Brooker, right?" Raina nodded. "That's my name, but how do you know that?" Shiko explained what happened to her, making Raina rub her chin, and think about what she heard. "So you met Annabeth then? But the mirror..." She walked over and placed her hand on it, feeling like any other mirror, just a plain one. "It brought you to her?" She looked back at Shiko. "What is this place? Where are we?" Shiko explained everything she knew, making Raina laugh a bit as she leaned against the mirror. "I see, I'm on another mission to save a group of kids, huh?" She removed her glove, looking at the branded two letters on her forehand. "Maybe, I joined in this mission, because I wanted..." she put the glove back on and saw Shiko looking at her but all worried. "I'll explain later. But you are right, we need to find the others, and save the kids. Come on, let's go." Raina walked off, making Shiko quickly follow her. She was close behind her, as they walked along the many halls, which were lined with many mirrors and no end in sight. Shiko knew a bit about Raina, as she saw those visions of her and Annabeth but there was one vision she remembered seeing, the one with Raina fighting with some older woman for a baby. From what she gathered, she gave the child up but wanted her child back. She remembered what Annabeth told her, to help save her daughter and repay her debt but what did she mean save and what debt? Was the child here as well? She needed to ask her something, like how the others asked her. "Hey, Raina?" Raina stopped and looked back at her, making her jump a bit, because her face looked really serious. "D-Do you remember anything before finding yourself here?" Raina's serious face became a frown, as she lowered her head and closed her eyes, trying to remember something. "I'm sorry, I don't," replied Raina. "Then... What do you remember?" Raina crossed her arms, remembering her adventure. "As I said, I was tasked with saving Annabeth from this floating city in the sky, and after a long journey, we finally met her mother, Cornstock, and I..." She eyed Shiko, not sure if she should tell her how she killed Cornstock by drowning her. "You killed her?" simply asked Shiko. Raina was taken aback, surprised that Shiko said that. "How did you know that?" "Well, you have that kind of vibe from you. It's hard to explain, but I could sense a lot of guilt and anger within you." Raina lowered her head, feeling the shame in her heart. "I have done a lot of things, that a lot of people would say was not right, and sometimes, I do regret those actions, and it's hard to forgive myself, but..." She looked at Shiko, smiling. "But I'll be happy to live with it all if it means that Annabeth can be happy." "Annabeth?" questioned Shiko, as Raina's smile dropped and she lowered her head once more. "She's Cornstock's daughter, who was imprisoned in a tower in the middle of that fucking floating city. I was tasked to save her, to wipe away my debt..." Shiko could see that Raina looked like she was in pain, as she held her head. "What debt?" Raina tried to remember what was her debt, and to the point, her nose started to bleed. "My debt...? It was..." She fell backward, her nosebleed becoming worse. "RAINA!" screamed Shiko, running to her side and holding her in her arms. "Annabeth, where is she!?" cried Raina, struggling to get up, and making Shiko hold her tighter. "I need to wipe away my gambling debt!" Shiko could see the despairing smile on Raina's face. She couldn't take this anymore, seeing the suffering before her. "Raina, listen to me. Everything is alright. You don't need to worry about debts or anything. Just relax and focus on my voice, ok." Raina's head became lighter, her body relaxed, and her breathing calmed down. "That's it. Just keep listening to my voice." Shiko held Raina tightly, placing her head on her shoulder. "It's going to be okay." Raina felt Shikos's skin-tight suit on her forehead, as she closed her eyes, letting the calmness overtake her. "Thanks..." whispered Raina, slowly getting off of her. Raina held her head once more, remembering something. "After killing that bitch, we escaped from the airship and into a timeline, until we ended up in somewhere...I can't remember that but I do remember meeting someone there..." She let go and put her hand on Shiko's head. "Someone asking for help, which I guess that's why I'm here, right?" She smiled and petted Shiko. Shiko smiled back, nodding. But she knew something wasn't right, like Raina was hiding something but why? She didn't want to push her, because it would only hurt her going off by that nosebleed. "I think you're right," she simply said, not wanting to say anything else. "Well, shall we get going?" But Suddenly, Raina saw 'her' in the mirror, it was Cornstock. "You come to wipe your slate clean, False Shepherd -- but time will walk backwards before you find redemption. Some sins can't be forgiven." She smiled at her as she stood proud. "Was it worth it? Huh? Did you get what you wanted? Tell me! Tell me!" Raina glared at the mirror, wanting to shot at it. Before Shiko could say anything, the mirror behind them, scattered as Haze went flying and crashing into another mirror, revealing Tanya and AJ fighting the diamond monster. Snake followed Haze as she fired her rifle at the same diamond creature they were fighting as well. "Two of them now!?" shouted Raina, aiming her gun at the creature that was exiting out of the broken wall of glass. Shiko hid behind her and asked what she meant by that. "Did you fight these creatures?" "Yeah, when I first woke up, I was attacked by a diamond-looking monster and I thought I killed it but then it turned into that." She fired the gun, hitting the creature and saving Snake from being cut down when she was reloading. Snake noticed this new guest and Shiko while hearing Tanya and AJ fighting the other creature in the next room. She turned back to Shiko and Raina. "Hey, you just said that you fought these monsters, did you happen to kill it!?" "Yeah, you need to aim at the chest, with the glowing diamond shard! Like this!" Raina raised her hand and it quickly turned black, growing black feathers and her fingers becoming bird claws. Everyone watched as she unleashed a swarm of crows from her hands. The crows swarmed the monster, attacking its chest with their sharp claws and beaks. The creature screeched and tried to fight off the swarm of birds but it could only step backward, still screeching in pain as its chest started to break from all the stabbing and clawing. Snake raised her rifle and took a deep breath. She pulled the trigger, firing the bullet that pierced through the chest, breaking the diamond shard. "There!" she shouted, seeing the creature's body cracking and falling apart. She turned back, to see Tanya looking and then smiling as she knew what to do. "IT'S PARTY TIME, BITCHES!" Tanya dashed toward the diamond creature they were fighting, while AJ gave her an opening, as AJ could see the creature was trying to cover its weak spot with its arms. "No, you don't!" AJ raised her hand and fired off a light blue glow from a device on her wrist, slowing the creature down to a snail's pace. "DO IT!" Tanya nodded and continued forward, with one quick slash, she was behind the creature and putting her beam sword away. When she put it back on her belt, the creature's shard sliced in two, along with the rest of the body, killing it. "Hell yeah!" cheered Tanya, jumping up and down. "Hate to ruin your fun but we're not done yet," warned Raina, looking back to the broken mirror, and seeing glowing eyes. Tanya and the rest looked back, seeing more of the same creatures and glaring at them with their soulless eyes. The group hurried to one another and was ready for a long fight but before that fight could happen, they and the creatures could hear a scream coming from above them. "FRIENDS!" Snake and the group could see the shadow creature and were rushing their way. It scattered through an unseen force field and continued. "Damn thing is still alive! Spark couldn't kill it?" Raina looked at the approaching monster and turned to Snake. "What the hell is that!?" Haze fully recovered after healing her wounds and turned to her. "Trouble but something is different with it, no?" Snake looked back at it, seeing that Haze was correct. It somehow changed a bit and when it landed, it was even more telling. "WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS!?" screamed the monster, making it eye the group but quickly felt its back being stabbed by the diamond creatures, forcing it to fight them off, while giving Snake and others to escape. "MOVE! They're fighting each other, giving us time to leave!" The others didn't need to hear that twice, as they hurriedly ran through the hall, and tried to find a way out, which didn't take long, as a rainbow beam destroyed the mirrors in front of them, leading an open path to the spiral stairway. The group looked up and saw Spark floating in the sky, pointing to the tower and yelling at them, "HURRY! GO! I'LL KEEP HER BUS-" but suddenly, she was grabbed by two large black dead tree branches, squeezing the life out of her. The others looked and saw Fayth, floating down to Spark with a grin on her face. "Spark!?" yelled the few who knew her, while others were quiet. "GO!" Spark screamed, trying her best to escape from Fayth's hold, but it was no use, as she was quickly brought to her level. "Well, looks like you're having trouble there, Spark," spoke Fayth, her voice full of joy, and a hint of evil. "Maybe you need to sit this one..." with all her strength, she tossed Spark up in the sky with great force, and Spark crashed through the ceiling, leaving a hole behind. "OUT!" Snake grunted, seeing Fayth looking at them, and started to fly toward them with a sea of black hands behind her. She turned to the others and ordered them to run to the stairway. The group listened and hurried to the stairway, but behind them was Fayth, Fayth's endless black hands, and now the shadow creature, which killed all the diamond monsters. "Damn, we're not gonna make it!" shouted Haze, turning back to fire off a magic spell at the incoming threats. The group was almost at the entrance of the stairway but Fayth and the shadow creature were almost upon them, just then, Spark landed between them. She darted toward Fayth but like before, she tripped over nothing and rolled toward Fayth. "NO! NOT AGAIN!" screamed Fayth, seeing Spark rolling toward her, and like last time, she was run over and trapped between Spark's chest. The rolling rainbow soon reached the shadow creature, who was also caught in the rolling. The group reached the entrance and turned back, hearing the screams from all three while they could hear a loud crashing noise at the start of the maze. They didn't see what happened but they believed Spark tackled them away. They ran up the stairway until they reached the next floor. "What the hell?" said Snake, as she and the others were confused about what they saw on this new floor. They could see the tunnel but at the end of the tunnel, was the spiral stairway entrance. "Something not right..." whispered Shiko, shaking with fear but AJ held her close, making her calm again. AJ turned to the others, not liking this too. "Shiko right, something is a miss. This can't be this easy. Why is the exit right near the entrance?" Snake got closer to the tunnel and looked back, happy to still see the others. She returned her attention to the tunnel and slowly down it until she was at the end of it. She turned back and again, she was happy to see the others were still at the start of the tunnel. "So far, nothing happened. Rest of you, get over here." The others slowly walked down the tunnel but as they did, they didn't notice the glowing unicorn wood carving. As they passed through, there was a weird glitch effect. "What the hell?" said Snake, as she and the others were confused about what they saw on this new floor. They could see the tunnel but at the end of the tunnel, was the spiral stairway entrance. "Something not right..." whispered Shiko, shaking with fear but AJ held her close, making her calm again. AJ turned to the others, not liking this too. "Shiko right, something is a miss. This can't be this easy. Why is the exit right near the entrance?" Snake got closer to the tunnel and looked back, happy to still see the others. She returned her attention to the tunnel and slowly down it until she was at the end of it. She turned back and again, she was happy to see the others were still at the start of the tunnel. "So far, nothing happened. Rest of you, get over here." The others slowly walked down the tunnel but as they did, they didn't notice the glowing unicorn wood carving. As they passed through, there was a weird glitch effect. "What the hell?" said Snake, as she and the others were confused about what they saw on this new floor. They could see the tunnel but at the end of the tunnel, was the spiral stairway entrance. "Something not right..." whispered Shiko, shaking with fear but AJ held her close, making her calm again. AJ turned to the others, not liking this too. "Shiko right, something is a miss. This can't be this easy. Why is the exit right near the entrance?" Snake got closer to the tunnel and looked back, happy to still see the others. She returned her attention to the tunnel and slowly down it until she was at the end of it. She turned back and again, she was happy to see the others were still at the start of the tunnel. "So far, nothing happened. Rest of you, get over here." The others slowly walked down the tunnel but as they did, they didn't notice the glowing unicorn wood carving. "Huh?" said Haze, noticing something was off. As they passed through, there was a weird glitch effect. "What the hell?" said Snake, as she and the others were confused about what they saw on this new floor. They could see the tunnel but at the end of the tunnel, was the spiral stairway entrance. "Something not right..." whispered Shiko, shaking with fear but AJ held her close, making her calm again. AJ turned to the others, not liking this too. "Shiko right, something is a miss. This can't be this easy. Why is the exit right near the entrance?" Snake got closer to the tunnel and looked back, happy to still see the others. She returned her attention to the tunnel and slowly down it until she was at the end of it. She turned back and again, she was happy to see the others were still at the start of the tunnel. "So far, nothing happened. Rest of you, get over here." The others slowly walked down the tunnel but as they did, they didn't notice the glowing unicorn wood carving. Haze stopped, knowing something wasn't right. "You got that same feeling too, huh?" asked Tanya, taking off her pink shades. Haze nodded. "I feel like we're..." "Repeating the same thing?" said Raina, joining the two, while AJ and Shiko kept walking. Somehow, within the tunnel, walked a young teenage girl. She sighed as she looked behind and within seconds, her head went flying as something cut her from behind. Her decapitated head flew in the air, landing right in the center of the spiral stairway entrance, and behind Snake. glitched effect happened. The girl woke up in the tunnel and sighed again. "Damn it, no matter how many times I fucking die, I can't get a good look at what's killing me..." She looked ahead, seeing the same thing and she sighed again, walking down the tunnel and repeating the same death but in a different way. End of Chapter 8