> Alicorn Awakening: Lost and confused > by Akuma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - Four siblings and a horse that followed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a deafening roar in the distance, several buildings were torn apart, and projectiles thrown around the area. "Shit— Vel! How many are there in total!?" A man yelled, his deep voice vibrating throughout the area. He was tanned, tall, and wearing a black coat and holding two pistols, pulling the trigger multiple times towards charging enemies. A man— paler than the other man and noticably shorter— was rapidly casting spells over and over again, visibly sweating. "Uh— two hundred and seven? They don't have their mages. We're not super soldiers like our two sisters, Abbaddon!" He yelled before there was a loud splat, a large body on the ground, headless. "Free headless anyone? Oh—! take it!" One of their sisters yelled, noticably taller than them. Tanned skin, more buff and wearing black armor with gold streaks. She was throwing the enemies around like simple ragdolls, but every now and then she would get hit. "I wonder if Rowan is handling herself well?" She muttered. BANG! A loud swear could be heard after the noise, before dozens of bodies were split into two. "Nevermind! She can handle herself as if she's the threat!" She yelled to herself, roundhousing two soldiers who were wearing medieval armor— scratch that, all of the enemies were wearing medieval armor, fantasy, to be exact. They were all adorning a symbol on their chestplate; it was that of a scarred lion with black reptile wings, possibly dragon wings. The four siblings wore their own symbols; a single eye with a hand curled into a fist below it, yet it was pointing its index finger towards the eyes, as if it was saying to look and not speak. "Capture them! Dead or alive, it doesn't matter! The emperor wants their heads!" The enemy commander yelled, his companions charging towards them as their archers readied their bow to shoot. "Vel", as Abbaddon called, brought up his hand, purple light with black streaks illuminating around it, his eyes glowing purple. He quickly brought it towards himself before acting out a reverse slap of sorts, instead of the enemy being slapped by the palm, it was the knuckles, although it never touched them at all. The "slap" pushed the enemy soldiers away, their body parts that were touched by the wind of his hand were having internal injuries that was created by the attack, half of them even accidentally blocking their own allies' attacks and pushing others away. "Woe is me, thou hath been vanquished!" Vel exclaimed, grinning like a child. His brother rolled his eyes as he elbowed a knight before shooting them in the mouth. "The fuck are you saying? Why are you speaking in old english?" "Sorry, it's a habit I formed from the previous realm we reinCARNATED IN— DUCK!" Vel yelled, his brother ducking in time just before he was about to become meat-on-a-stick from a knight riding a horse and aiming an odd spear-weapon towards him. There was a fast blur of silver before the head of the enemy knight was cleanly sliced off, and another person pushing the headless body off the horse before quickly riding it. "Looks like Rowan's pissed off for some odd reason.." Vel muttered to himself. Another horse appeared, it was noticably larger than any other horse and light cream colored, putting a target on it's back. It looked like a shire breed, yet it galloped as fast as a thoroughbred, it actually looked like it had the best abilities of certain horse breeds, like shires with size, belgian drafts with strength, and so on. If horses ever had the unique ability to grin, this one would absolutely be grinning like a madman as it kept thrashing around while screeching like it's having a tantrum despite it not actually. "Haha! Looks like Solarius joined the battle! Where's Duke Felix, you meatbag!?" Vel's brother joked, before pulling a grenade and throwing it to a large area of enemy knights, damaging their armor and most cernainly their legs. The horse— Solarius— seems to shrug as she can, before bucking another horse behind herself and biting off a knights helmet. Vel's brother just swore again before seeing his older sister punched a knight's head, bursting their face off before throwing the body to another knight, who promptly just dashed left and tried to kick her head off. "Wow—" the oldest sister exclaimed as she dodged the kick, "they also know martial arts! Not just melee stuff—" she dodged another kick and did an unceremonious backflip, and then proceeded to swipe the floor with her leg, making two knights fall face-first to the ground. "Where are their archers anyway? Don't they have them?" Vel asked, before seeing his oldest brother point at a certain direction of trees, seeing multiple archers fall onto the floor, their arms cut off as they scream or their neck cleanly sliced to seperate the head and body. ah, he thought, so that's why Rowan is just a blur right now. He ignored the man in a noble clothing far away from him, who was battling the knight commander. He was their friend, but they knew he was going to die, they'll bury his body properly after the battle. "Sol! Five o' clock!" The oldest sister screamed, before the horse kicked someone behind. It wasn't even a normal battle anymore, it was like someone ordered the knights to just kill four siblings and a horse. Well, judging by the failed assassination attempts from the greedy emperor, it was probably the only way to kill them. Rowan grumbled as she stabbed two archers at their spinal cords, you'd think being reincarnated into a manhwa would be difficult, but I think it depends on the manhwa now. She thought. She blinked, realizing that there was something odd. The archers weren't exactly shooting any of them in critical points, they were just leaning a gash on their clothes, or just shooting enough to leave a stinging pain. Rowan's expression darkened, before grabbing a small reloaded crossbow from her hip, and pulling the trigger to shoot the nearest archer. "Vel, how many mages are there." She demanded, talking to her communicator attached to her ear, catching an arrow. "None, as far as my detector spell can sense!" He exclaimed, before pointing his index finger at a random enemy knight. "I cast Heat Metal!" A blood-curling scream was heard afterwards, making Rowan wince at the sound in her ear. She threw an arrow towards an archer, not even bothering to use her crossbow or short bow. Fuck. The emperor always sends at least one mage for the knights, did they not have back-up today? Or is it because this world is a manhwa and— "They sent one of the top five mages!" Rowan screamed at the top of her lungs, before spinning her body at 180 degrees as she cut three enemy knights through her dao sword. "Oh! That's the plot twist? Here's another! Where is the main character!? The male lead!? The female lead!?" The oldest sister exclaimed, running away from a knight before jumping towards a tree, pushing herself away from it, making her do a backflip, and then punching the knight with her spiked gauntlets. "Maybe we're the main ones now! Which is bad because there are hundreds of enemies after us—" Solarius just pulled Vel collar from the back and threw him ontop of her before he can finish his sentence. "Fucking hell, and I thought Bellona was the dumb one for jinxing us most of the time." Abbaddon muttered, earning a 'hey!' from the oldest sister. He was currenly shooting at the hidden mage in a dark robe, who was trying his best to dodge the bullets— how was it a he? Easy, it was the fucking face of the damn Number One evil mage in the realm they were in. There were only a dozen enemy knights left, and all of them were slowly dying in agony. "Should we fire an arrow at the dark mage?" Rowan asked, aiming her crossbow at the unknown figure. "Yeah, be ready just in case the guy creates thorny vines or chains." Vel stated, changing his stance into one of battle, a glowing rune circle below him while Bellona picked up a boxing stance. "Fuckin— HELL!" Abbaddon yelled, aiming at the chest and shooting at the dark mage as he rode their horse friend, the bullet going through the chest as blood splattered, the body falling to the ground. ... "I thought there was supposed to be a plot twist?" Bellona asked, squinting her eyes. Rowan shot at the dead body, just to make sure. The corpse just started pulsating purple and black electricity, gaining a grunt from Rowan. "Well, that's probably a suicide spell, similar to a suicide pill but it activates once killed, and the electricity is enlarging." She explained, before quickly sprinted off, the others loudly swore and followed suit. The corpse was still pulsating electricity, but it was slowly emminating more and more of it to the point it was five times bigger than the corpse. "RUN FOR IT!" "WE LITERALLY ARE ABBADDON! YOU'RE ONTOP OF A HORSE!" Vel yelled at him, casting up a teleportation spell while running. Crack— BOOM! The forest was in shock Animals were panicking, monsters froze in confusion, and the earth moved. The leaves of trees were being blown by strong wind, and the moving wood were being scattered into literal branches, never reforming into wolves. In a castle far away, a pony with wings and a unicorn horn stood in shock, their eyes widening for a split second before returning back to normal. They looked towards the nearest window, gazing towards a forest. "Princess? Is everything alright?" A grey pegasus with armor asked, being smaller than the winged unicorn. "Hm? Oh, yes, everything's alright, I just sensed something odd." She replied, softly smiling at the pegasus. In the heart of the Everfree, four unconscious alicorns appeared, along with a very sturdy and panicky horse that was trying to drop all of them on its back to quickly run off to a safer place of the forest. As much as Solarius wanted her human-turned-odd-equine friends to stay at the abandoned castle, it just screamed danger. Maybe being next to the abandoned castle is safer? Well, she also gained wings and a horn but it looked larger and longer than her human friends, she also knew unicorn horns means magic, right? ... Yeah, being next to the castle was definitely safer than the scary throne room she just saw. > Chapter 1 - Everfree: Castle Findings and Artifact Upgrades > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snap! Tik! Solarius used her newfound magic to snap some small branches, and put them inside her folded wing. She looked around, she wasn't exactly smart just like her friends, but with her new and better intelligence— she can guess this wasn't what her human friends would say as a "comic book" of such. Manga or whatever they call it, she'll just call it a comic book. She already found a source of water, but she doesn't know if it's safe to drink. She already saw a lot of wildlife in the odd forest while looking for food and branches for the campfire she's trying to light up. There was an odd creature that didn't exactly look like an animal, what did they call it? A manticore? She almost thought it was a cartoon version of a sphinx. And then the bear that saw her, she just waved a wing at it before continuing her work, it was oddly docile. Alright, as far as I know, the only actual danger around here are the wooden wolves that reform, I'd know if they're near because of the disgusting smell they have. I don't know about the manticore and the natural ones though. She thought, her body getting goosebumps just by thinking of it. She needed to ask Veliomoure to teach her how to cast a very controlled fireball that won't spread to the trees, because she's pretty sure these trees are flammable, even the scary ones (Why are there trees with scary faces? She does not know.) A few minutes later, she was back at the side of the odd abandoned castle, throwing the sticks and branches at the small fire she casted before she went out to look for more fuel. The forest felt familiar, not familiar as in reincarnated as someone important like her friends, but it was like she saw it before. Or maybe it was one of those reincarnations where she died as a young child in a ridiculous death that it embarrassed her enough to forget. Solarius clicked her tongue and looked at the four sleeping equines around the campfire. Hmm.. well, at least I know who is who because of their fur coat color and hair, or is it mane now? She thought. She looked at their unicorn horns, wings, and tails, each was definitely different than the last. She levitated some water. It's a good thing Vel thought me this when he was bored, even though I still can't talk just like them though. The forest murmured with life, a symphony of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle babble of a nearby stream. The wind whispered secrets through the branches, while the occasional snap of twigs underfoot added a hint of mystery to the air. In the distance, the haunting call of an owl echoed through the trees, punctuating the tranquil melody of the forest as creatures roamed, hid, and slept. Splash! Splish! Multiple short screams were heard for a split second, followed by loud expletive cursing, and someone punching the first thing they see; a tree. Bellona choked on the water that accidentally went through her nose, earning a hard pat from Solarius, who looked quite worried for the human-turned-equine. "Th—" She wheezed, before letting out a final cough, "Thanks Sol, but where are we?" She asked, the horse just waved around, flapping her newfound wings in confusion... Wait a second. Bellona looked at Solarius' wings, there were two pairs; one was the main wings, and underneath the main wings were smaller wings. She also appeared to be in a cartoonish style now, and her mane and tail was a mixture of lilac and black. Oddly enough, Solarius also appeared to be more of a monstrously strong horse now, which was horrifying because she was bigger and taller now. The horn just looked like a weapon now. 'Oh sweet fuck the super soldier horse became a mythical creature' Bellona thought, her eyes wide as she just stared at Solarius like she grew a second head. Abbaddon groaned, sitting up, a hoof on his head. "Ugh... My head... How hard was the fucking explosion? I—" he cut himself off once he realized he couldn't feel his fingers, and felt that he had wings. Again. "Oh for fucks sake what did we transform into this time? Horses?" Solarius made an odd choking sound, gesturing to herself. "Ah, so definitely not horses, foals?" Abbaddon asked, Solarius just shook her head. Rowan was looking at her own new body, noticing that her wings were a bit larger than theirs (except for Solarius), along with her horn. She looked at the tip of her feathers, noting that the tip of her feathers were sharp like a knife, probably not enough to hurt, but enough to only get hurt if stabbed or properly sliced. "Huh.. I thought I'd be a tiger again, or an elk. I didn't expect to become an odd pegacorn.." Rowan mumbled. Her coat color light pink, while her mane and tail being (neon?) pink, she was tall, lean, and had scars all over her new body. "You also have more fur than we do! But I have more fur on my chin, so I think I have a stubble? Or is it a goatee? I'm not good at facial stuff.." Vel muttered, noticing that the shoulder(?) joints of his new legs also had more fur, or is it feathers? He also had a shorter tail. Abbaddon just glared at his own flank. "What fucking tattoo is this? A target and a locator of sorts? And why do I have a cow tail!?" He screeched, before Solarius threw a large branch at him to shut him up. Vel slowly stood up, before looking at the wall beside himself. "Looks like Solarius made us get outside of the shelter instead being inside it. Row, are there any monsters nearby?" He asked. His oldest sister shook her head, "Right now? No, Solarius is currently drawing on the ground with her wings, and all I can understand right now is that there are wooden wolves made of sticks." She stated, looking at her friend who was still drawing on the ground, adding swirly lines above her drawing. "And apparently they stink, and there are manticores too." She continued, her eyes narrowing. "Do you think we can still use our uh— screens? We gained powers while reincarnating and transmigrating, right? Does it work here?" Bellona asked, Abbaddon just muttered something before a loud "ding!" was heard. He nodded. "Yeah, it works, we're lucky we can still open the game screen." He responded. He tapped an icon with a hoof before scrolling, "Lets see... items are still there, food, tools, notebooks, fountain pens, clothes— ah, there it is." He clicked an icon and selected something. Poof! he was wearing his black coat once again, Rowan facepalmed— or facewinged. "Stop admiring yourself you idiot! We need to see if something can be found in this building." Vel shouted at them, already at the entrance of the abandoned castle. "And how do you know? We don't even know how to use our horns and—" "We used to reincarnated as birds and literal unicorns! And I already casted a damn detection spell! Our magic is still the same as ever you fuckass!" Vel interrupted, earning a grumble from his older brother and a snicker from his oldest sister before all five walked through the entrance of the abandoned castle. Bellona looked around, noticing banners of a sun and moon, along with a white winged unicorn and a dark blue one. "Castles have libraries, right? We need some information first." She stated, before stopping infront of a kitchen of sorts. "I'll try to see if I can find some old kitchen stuff inside, we can probably renew it since we still have our System of sorts. Who knows? Maybe we need to cook!" She told her siblings, before trotting towards the kitchen. Abbaddon walked past his siblings, "I'll try to find the armory, I'll collect the weapons that I see. Vel, look into our shared Inventory if we still have our packed outfits and those weird sewing kits or stuff related to it. We might need to create new clothes for ourselves, lil' dude." He stated, his little brother rolling his eyes. Rowan glanced at the floor before finding an old helmet. Picking it up with a hoof (and noting that she can pick up stuff with her hooves), she dusted off the dirt covering it using her wings, a visible layer of rust. A blue screen appeared in her vision with two smaller boxes underneath it, after reading the text it showed, she clicked the smaller left box. All of a sudden, a blinding blue light engulfed the helmet, making her hiss and close her eyes tightly from the sudden brightness in the middle of the night, before the brightness was suddenly gone. "Holy shit Row, you were supposed to polish it, not upgrade it!" Vel hissed at her, pointing at the helmet, he was far away because he was exploring the castle as much as he can. The newly upgraded helmet glimmers with an eerie iridescence, casting shadows that dance menacingly across its surface. There were horns on its sides, curving upward twistedly, adorned with jagged spikes that seem to defy gravity. Crescent moons etched with ancient runes embellished its sides, emanating an ominous aura. The visor, obsidian black and gleaming with malice, conceals the eyes, leaving only a hint of glowing, malevolent energy seeping through the cracks if worn. The helmet went from a high grade steel metal into that of the highest adamantine, reflecting the moonlight from a window, it covers the the whole head, except for the eyes, which had the odd visor. Rowan's blank expression slowly turned into a grin. "Oh it did more than that, it's gleaming." She stated, before opening her and her siblings shared Inventory, a screen that can be found from a game. She could already see the items both Bellona and Abbaddon found. She clicked on one of them, before glancing at Vel and seeing his expression of worry, "Do not fret dear brother, this will not take up any of our Points— Shards for this matter." She stated, before she quickly clicked a smaller box, which was likely [Yes]. Meanwhile, Solarius was watching something through her "screen", her eyes slightly squinting in confusion before going back to normal, she then looked around before watching her screen again. If this is like one of those reincarnations we've been into, I'd say this alternate universe is a lot more weird. I'd better hope we at least have an identification card that exists here, not appearing out of nowhere. She thought. Actually wait— scratch that, it's better if we just appeared out of nowhere rather than explaining to some people we don't know about that we actually don't know them, or this is the "right" place.. damn, looks like actually watching children shows became helpful for once. "Aha!" Abbaddon exclaimed while smiling, lifting up another armor piece he found before chucking it inside his Inventory before seeing it upgrade into something better, Rowan's doing. He quickly looked for more of the odd armor, picking up a small arrowhead and chucking it into his Inventory too. "Okay, I already picked up all the stuff I can find," he lifted up an odd holster, which held a smaller version of a pistol crossbow, although the arrows where no where to be seen. "Those small arrowheads were probably some of the parts.." he muttered before walking around. There was something glistening on the floor. Walking towards it, he picked it up and inspected it. It was a necklace and it had a tiny sheathed dagger attached to it. "Oh damn I'm keeping this." He stated, putting it over his neck. Meanwhile, Bellona was carefully putting the items she found to her Inventory, occassionally seeing it being upgraded by Rowan, which was literally just the item suddenly being covered by a flash of light and it being better than before. She glanced at an odd object; it looked like brass knuckles, but for wings. She quickly put it in her Inventory, waited for Rowan to upgrade it, before wearing it, seeing that it looked good on her, it strangely had her weird punching bag tattoo, but it didn't matter. "Microphone, record." She mumbled, before a sudden microphone icon suddmely appeared infront of her, being inside a screen, it was also recording. She lifted up a very rotten apple before speaking, "Hey, do you think the [Polish and Upgrade] button can be used to food and not just normal objects?" She asked, before tapping the microphone icon, ending the recording and chucking the rotten food in the shared Inventory. A few seconds later, a loud "NOPE!" was heard a few hallways away after she just saw the apple make small red explosion and just disappear. The yell startled her for a bit, but it definitely sounded like Abbaddon being the one yelling instead of Veliomoure. ...why do they even have a halberd in the damn kitchen? Eh, she'll take it anyway. She quickly walked towards the main area, seeing Veliomoure walking towards them too, he was holding a paper that had a drawing. "Is that the map of this castle?" She asked, earning a nod. "Sort of, I haven't exactly measured the distances yet, but yeah, it's the map, the blueprint currently." Vel stated, before looking at Abbaddon, who was outside the entrance of the castle now. "We've been in this fucking castle and forest already, we need to fucking explore!" He complained, earning multiple eyerolls from four of them. As they finally got out of the castle, they followed a large space, although Solarius looked like she knew where everything was. "Familiar, Sol?" Bellona asked, earning a nod from the mute horse, who made her "game screen" appear, showing an intro theme song of a show. ... "I fucking knew it, it was the stuff Vel here used to be obsessed with—" "My Little Ponyyy! My Little Pony~ AHHHHAA—" Vel's singing was interrupted as Rowan pushed a hoof at his mouth, making him gag and spit out saliva after she removed it. "Gross! Your hoof is being used on the ground you know!?" He exclaimed at her, glaring. Rowan just rolled her eyes, "Dude, if you've noticed, we're in a cartoon, and we literally don't have dirt right now." She gestured at everyone and then herself as they walked, a few bunnies and squirrels looking at them, one was even on Bellona's head. "Wait— Sol, are there any timberwolves nearby?" I don't know, use your damn detection spell, not my nose! They're not even nearby! Solarius thought, before shaking her head. She looked at him before trying to sign language with her wings before realizing she couldn't do it. "Well, at least we didn't encounter any monsters or people, that'd be confusing to explain." Rowan stated, clicking something in her game screen, before a small flash appeared and she was already wearing her clothing, black tank top and sweapants. She looked at everyone else, "You all should do the same, we need to look normal, not alicorns." Veliomoure and Bellona looked at each other, before shrugging and activated their game screens, "I'll wear my iconic shirt of sorts, along with my cargo pants." Bellona stated. "Well, I guess I'll wear my coat—" "Isn't your fur white just like your coat—" "It'll be obvious I'm wearing a coat, you damn brute." Vel hissed at Bellona, who looked offended as she was just called a "brute". ...Well, she's the brawn, so.. "Use your game screens inside your clothes, Bellona, hide your horn, you're a thestral and the wings make it obvious." Rowan gestured at her horn. "Oh! You're right!" Bellona exclaimed, before clicking something at her game screen, a fedora appeared ontop of her head, covering her horn. Solarius clicked her own screen, a fern green jacket covering her torso, mostly importantly her wings. "What'll be our cover story then? We're from Canterlot but we're staying in Ponyville?" Abbaddon asked, Bellona just shrugged. "Or Manehattan, but we know Canterlot better." She replied. Solarius paused her walking, before looking behind her and glancing at them. Hey, we're here. She thought, moving her head towards the front, the four siblings quickly understanding it. They looked at the town, it was vibrant and colorful, buzzes with activity and warmth. There were sounds of laughter and chatters, ponies seen greeting each other, along with fillies and colts having fun in a nearby playground. They all stared ahead, before Bellona broke out the silence, "So what are our pony names going to be?" She asked, Rowan just shrugged. "We'll figure it out, I already thought of mine." > Chapter 2 - Ponyville: Free house! Woo! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville, a vibrant and colorful town nestled in the heart of Equestria, buzzes with activity and warmth. Its winding streets are lined with quaint houses and busy shops, each adorned with cheerful pastel hues and adorned with colorful decorations. In the town square, ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors gather to socialize and celebrate the magic of friendship. The sound of laughter fills the air as residents go about their daily routines, exchanging smiles and starting up conversations. And amidst the bustles streets and colorful medieval buildings, the four siblings and the horse-turned-alicorn found themselves in the front of Mayor Mare's office, inside the building after they told someone they needed to ask the mayor a question of sorts. "I'll do the talking." She took a deep breath as she steeled herself for the conversation ahead, as much as they didn't want to interact with anyone, they were in desperate need of a place to call shelter, or else they might interfere with the mane six and spike to much. "We've been in the damn town for a whole hour.." Abbaddon grumbled, a glare on his face. Rowan knocked on the door, "Miss Mayor Mare? We– my siblings and friend have a question to ask you, we're new to Ponyville." She asked, a bit confused on how she should respond afterwards. She could hear some shuffling — papers perhaps? Or folders — before a muffled response of "Of course! Come in!" was heard. Rowan quietly pushed open the door to Mayor Mare's office, the bell above announcing their arrival with a soft chime. The mayor looked up from her paperwork with a warm smile. "Hello! Welcome to Ponyville, What brings you here this evening, dearies?" Rowan shifted her stance, her request on her mind. "Well, Mayor Mare, I wanted to inquire about any vacant houses in Ponyville. You see, my siblings and I need of a place to stay along with my friend." She moved her head to point behind her where her siblings and friend are. "Hi!" "Hello!" "Sup." Solarius was the only one that waved. Mayor Mare's expression perked up, understanding the request. "Of course! We do have a few vacant houses available, would you like a house that's large of sorts?" She asked, looking through a folder and flipping through some papers. Rowan nodded, "Yes, preferrably one that has large rooms too." "Hmm..." Mayor Mare hummed, before nodding. "Ah, yes, we do have a large vacant house at the outskirts of town, although the inside may need a bit of a fixing," Mayor Mare said, pointing to a location on a nearby map. "It's been empty for quite some time, but it should be suitable for your needs, all you need to do is sign this document first." She continued before showing a document along with an ink and quill. Rowan carefully read it, before realizing she needed her own signature and names of the ones who will live in it first. Rowan blinked, 'huh, free house, I guess?' Rowan nodded again, "Alright, the location is perfect." She stated, levitating the quill and dipping it in the ink. 'Hmm.. so the document needs the name of the pony who will own it of sorts..' She thought, glancing behind her, she made a hand sign— or something similar, all she did was move a hoof around in a specific pattern. Vel perked up after realizing what she was signing, he nodded his head. Rowan wrote her pony name, and signed her signature. "Finished." She stated, handing the document to Mayor Mare, who delightfully took it. "Wonderful! Please, allow me to show you the location of the house." She stated, smiling as she clapped her front hooves together, she walked towards the door, signaling the others to follow her. While they walked, they could see ponies laughing and having fun, up above in a cloud, a blue pegasus with rainbow mane was sleeping, while an orange earth pony mare with a cowboy hat was selling apples nearby. The earth pony looked at them, "Howdy!" She exclaimed, waving a hoof. Abbaddon nodded at her, "Howdy." He stated. Vel could see a few ponies looking at them, before half of those few whispered to other ponies and pointed at them. "We need to hurry, fast. Our appearance isn't exactly like a normal canterlot pony." He hissed at Rowan, who nodded. "Miss Mayor Mare? Is it alright if we hurry our tracks? We're a bit, erm, impatient sometimes when walking." Mayor Mare blinked at her question, before nodding, "Of course! We shall speed walk there instead." "Wow, it's..." Bellona started, looking at the building in awe. "Surprisingly bigger than we imagined." Abbaddon finished the sentence, looking at the front of the house, the building itself was similar to a certain fashionista's boutique, but it looked fancier, it was certainly large enough to house a dozen ponies, but they were only five. Why wouldn't anyone be in the house? It was literally bigger than every building in the town! And all they had to do was sign a document! It had three floors and a balcony! Rowan looked at the retreating earth pony who was going back to the Town Hall, she then looked at the door and opened it. And was immediately enveloped in dust. "WHAT THE FUCK—" "MY EYES, MY EYES! IT HAS DUST!" "It's in my fucking lungs—" most of them exclaimed in shock, while Solarius covered her nose with a hoof. "Maybe we should've brought masks," Vel violently coughed as the dust finally settled, he looked around the room before going inside. "I must say, it's very spacious, we can probably add a billiard, no wait— a giant TV screen! And some video games!" Vel exclaimed, grinning as he explored the house excitedly. "I'll make a blueprint for you guys so we could know where to put stuff!" Abbaddon simply grumbled before pointing at an area, "Okay, the kitchen is obviously there because of the counters, along with the dining tables— why's it fuckin' dusty as hell here!?" He complained, waving a hoof around to swat away the dust near him. Rowan rolled her eyes before casting a specific spell, a bright pink flash covering everything before it settled. Abbaddon blinked, "...Oh, there's no dust anymore." He said, looking around as Rowan huffed. They could hear Vel on the upper floor, "It certainly needs some work done in here, guys!" His sentence was muffled by the walls as he went back down from some stairs. "Alright—" he produced a paper of sorts, which had the blueprint of the building. "So! I think I figured out the reason why no one bought this house (I have no idea why we got it for free) but one of its problems is that the bathrooms do not properly work, there are cracks in the walls, and there is a racoon in one of the rooms. Also I found some stuff we can sell to gain money from—" he levitated a dusty camera towards them before Bellona suddenly snatched it and used her game screen to renew the camera. As Vel kept talking, she glanced at her siblings, who nodded at her and pointed at the door. She looked at Solarius, "Hey, was there a building where we can sell this?" She asked, Solarius just rolled her eyes. There was a building that had a sign that said "Trade 'N' Tails", we can go there, she thought, signaling Bellona to follow her through the door. "Hey guys! Make sure to put my room near the stairs! We also need food, so I'll give Abbaddon the bits!" "Excuse me WHAT—" "Hey! Sol! Wait up!" Bellona yelled after Solarius, who was walking too fast. Since Solarius was the tallest and biggest one amongst the group, her walking was faster. 'Why is she even taller than EVERYONE anyway!? Is it because she was an actual horse?' She thought, pouting as she caught up with Solarius, walking right next to her — or trotting. Solarius chuckled when she saw Bellona pout, unfortunately, they had to walk fast, an extremely tall war horse isn't a good sight to see, especially with the scar she had at her chest and nose. She sighed, she was thankful that the streets of the town were bustling more than usual, probably because it dismissal time for the kids— children? Kids are technically goat babies or something. As they approached a quaint shop known for its collection of goods, Bellona's new wings fluttered with excitement, while Solarius remained silent. Pushing open the creaky door, they were greeted by the sight of various trinkets and more displayed on shelves. There was a blue blur that went by after it bought a book. "Wow.." Bellona gaped, her expression full of awe seeing the stuff on the shelves. Solarius glared at her, oh so you're amazed at this, but you don't appreciate my collection of weapons in my game space? She glanced to her left, seeing some old books. Ah, limited editions, who is this Star Swirl? His clothes look like a stereotypical wizard. Behind the counter stood a unicorn with a dusty brown coat and a perpetually bored expression, looking at the floor. This guy's probably the resident trader and seller of trinkets in Ponyville. Solarius thought, she glanced at a few shiny objects, before poking each of them lightly. A loud "ding!" was heard inside her mind and a blue system screen appeared infront of her everytime she did it, although it seems like she was the only one who could see it. The unicorn glanced upwards before staring back at the floor, he then did a double-take, realizing he had customers. "Ah! Welcome, welcome! I apologize for ignoring you both, I didn't expect anypony today since I have nothing new!" called out the owner, a nervous expression in his eyes. "My name is Barter Hoof, what can I do for you today?" Bellona flashed a mischievous grin and nudged Solarius forward. "We've got something old of sorts, we want to sell it for some bits. A real beauty." She exclaimed, earning a raised eyebrow from Solarius as she showed the camera. The unicorn's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the device Solarius held in her hoof. He took it in his magic, examining it from angles. "Goodness! How did you both find this? It's a relic from a bygone era, but remarkably well-preserved! It's possibly older than somepony I know.." He looked at the two mares, "How?" He asked, his jaw agape. 'Wait.. these two mares aren't normal, one is a– sweet Celestia, a thestral! In the day time too! Their skin is sensitive in the sun! And the other is... oh good gravy this one looks scary under the cloak—' his brain short-circuted after realizing two things. ... Oi. Solarius thumped the counter with her hoof, almost snarling after it had been a minute of him short-circuting his own brain. I know ya can't hear me, but the money? Hello asshole? Barter Hoof stuttered, walking away before grabbing a large pouch and thrusted it to Bellona's hoof. "Thank-you-for-going-to-Trade-'N'-Tails-nice-meeting-you-come-again!" He hastily responded to them before politely pushing them outside the door and shutting it. They blinked. "Uh.. at least we have money now? And judging by the weight of this pouch, it's a lot!" Bellona laughed, showing it to Solarius right at her face. The light-cream colored pony took the large pouch and opened it, counting the bits inside. She smirked. Looks like the camera was quite rare. > Chapter 3 - Ponyville: Names and First Encounters (EDITED) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbaddon sipped on his coffee that he grasped with his hoof, reading a newspaper just outside of a cafe, his feet— hindlegs? Up on the table. Him and his siblings, along with his friend, did some experiments on their bodies before they slept (the fact he had to tackle Bellona just to get the bits out of her hands just so she wouldn't spend it on a bed they can literally create themselves). Oddly enough, they still felt the same, it was just that the ears, tail, and legs were new instincts now, he even managed to master how to move his cow tail like a drama queen of sorts. "Thankfully our new bodies can read their language.." He muttered to himself inaudibly, ignoring the way some mares looked at him like he was a hunk— he used to be a fucking cold northern duke! One that says "interesting.." like it's his favorite word! He glanced away from his newspaper, thinking of something. 'The Pink One should've been at our faces, or at least made us go to a party... how come she hasn't appeared yet? No Pinkie Sense this week?' He thought, before he drank the last droplets of his coffee, he rolled up his newspaper before throwing the styrofoam cup into a nearby trashcan, he then got up and walked away. He clicked his tongue, 'Alright, Bellona already checked the date, and tomorrow is the summer sun celebration, Vel is creating as much spells as he could for future episodes, like avoiding turning into stone by a cockatrice. Rowan is in the Game Dungeons, completing as much rooms as she could so we can have a lot of money, and Solarius is trying to make sure we're getting breaks and thinking straight.' He thought, he's a bit glad he looks scary and hot at the same time, but it's becoming a bit of an annoyance, seeing that some ponies are slowing down their walking just to gaze at him. He quickened his walk towards a certain direction. 'First stop: Applejack. It should be easy, compliment her apples, buy some and say one of your siblings really likes fruits, apples especially. Simple plan. Just don't swear like you're going to curse a family member into an ugly toad.' Again. He stopped a dozen feet away from a simple shop — which was just a stand — and looked at the long line of buyers before grabbing multiple apples and lining up too. He found himself in line at the apple stand, waiting to purchase some apples he grabbed. The aroma of freshly baked goods and the chatter of ponies filled the air. He could see familiar faces; Lyra, Ms. Cake (she's on break, right?), and a few more he saw in the background repeatedly. 'Hmm.. Fluttershy... Vel said she's obviously shy, and you need to have trained ears for her voice.. Rarity is obsessed with fashion, I need to think of a way to hide my wings to not wear my cloak, I should tell Vel to make an illusion spell. Pinkie is the problem, she hasn't appeared ye—' Lost in his thoughts, he was jolted back to reality as a rude pegasus stallion cut in front of him in line, a cocky smirk on his face. The stallion had a short grey mane, blue fur, and an air of arrogance about him. Abbaddon's acidic green eyes narrowed as he examined him. This wasn't just a simple mistake; the stallion had purposefully disregarded the line. 'The fuck is this guy's problem?' He thought, his eye twitching. "Excuse me, sir," He firmly said, his voice carrying an unexpected weight that resonated with authority, "but there's a line." He stated, pointing behind him, a line of ponies looking right at the stallion who just cut the line, most of them appeared agitated after seeing the pegasus. The stallion turned to him with a haughty sneer, clearly unimpressed by his words. "So? I don't care dude." he scoffed, dismissing the black furred unicorn with a flick of his tail. "Hey! Just go back to the end of the line! The newcomer hasn't exactly adjusted to Ponyville, give him some slack!" A green pegasus exclaimed, the blue one just ignored them along with everyone else. Abbaddon's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. He knows he has anger issues, but the damn pegasus was making things difficult just by his tone of voice and his shitty personality. With a subtle flick of his magic, Abbaddon's horn emitted red electricity and made the (surprisingly shorter) stallion face him "I suggest you heed my words and go to the damn back, you pest." Abbaddon said, his voice low and agitated, pointing a hoof at his chest after the last word. "I fucking hate those who cut in line." He snarled, the pegasus froze before he audibly gulped. "Y-Yes sir!" He exclaimed, quickly backpedalling to the back of the line, some of the ponies in the line were looking at the unicorn in surprise, shock, and curiosity— and a tiny bit of fear on the words. Abbaddon huffed, the line infront of him was short now, so all he had to do was wait— oh, nevermind, it's his turn now. Applejack looked up at him, a friendly smile on her face as she turned to the newcomer. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise after realizing the stallion was the reason a line cutter went behind the line when he was still far away. "Woah! So 'yer the reason why that line cutter ran like angry bulls were after 'im?" At her question, he nodded. "Yeah, I'm actually surprised he backpedalled so quickly because of my anger." Apple chuckled at his response, "Thanks 'fer that, he was being a rude one. Ah haven't seen ya 'round these parts before. New in town?" She asked as Abbaddon handed her the payment for the apples. He nodded, his expression guarded. "Yep, just moved in with my siblings and friend. We bought a house on the outskirts of Ponyville. We don't like attention very well." He responded before moving to the right, letting the next pony in line finally pay for apples. Applejack raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh really? — that'd be twelve bits, thanks — Well, welcome to Ponyville then! Name's Applejack, — that'd be four bits ma'am, thank ya — and this here's Sweet Apple Acres, ah'd be glad to introduce you to mah family, but ah'm a bit preoccupied right now partner." She gestured to the sprawling apple orchard behind her and the apple stand she was managing, handing a hoof towards Abbaddon. He shook the hoof quickly, before realizing it was Applejack that was shaking it in an energetic manner. "Ah, my name is—" Abbaddon. "Trigger Shot." He replied simply, adjusting his black coat. "Clothes, clothes, how on earth do I get clothes? Wait— Rowan can already loot the Game Dungeons for clothes, since there are Game Dungeons just for that.. fabric, maybe? I mean, that can also..." Vel shook his head, a clipboard in his magic as he walked in random directions, unconsciously memorizing the roads as he muttered to himself. He looked up, 'Wait... meat! We need meat! I mean of course we need it, we still have our original digestive system of sorts, so we can technically eat anything.' he looked around, trying to find the directions to the marketplace of sorts. He walked left, yeah this was definitely the marketplace, he's sure of it. He looked at his clipboard, which had a paper that was a checklist. Clothes (Taken care of by Row) Money (Taken care of by Row) Fruits (Half taken care of by Abbaddon, Game Dungeons and Ponyville) Vegetables (Half taken care of by Abbaddon, Game Dungeons and Ponyville) Meat Horseshoes, our hooves are different than everyone else for some odd reason. Armor (Row) Weapons (Row) Loopholes? Sol is worried we'll get mauled in the forest, why not use a shield spe Nevermind, Sol is actually a genius when she's worried for us holy sh As Vel walked towards the direction of the marketplace, he suddenly bumped into something, both of them falling to their butts— or flanks, and a small surprised squeak was heard. "Oh sh—" he stopped his cursing once he realized who he bumped into. It was a lanky pegasus mare, with a yellow coat and a long pink mane and tail, her cutie mark had three pink butterflies. And he made her accidentally let go of the basket she was holding, which was full of carrots. 'OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK IT'S HER—' "I-I'm so sorry!" "I'm so sorry!" Both Vel and and the yellow pegasus said at the same time, with the mare making a small squeaking sound once she realized he also talked. Vel looked surprised that she actually said sorry. "I apologize miss! I truly am! I'll make it up to you by buying you new carrots— these are probably dirty now and— oh wait I can just cast a spell to clean it." Vel exclaimed before he realized it, casting a cleaning spell to the carrots as he levitated it back to the mare's basket. He's quite glad he knew how to cast it, since in one of the universe's he was transported in, it was dirty as hell. "I-It's actually o-okay sir, a-accidents happen.." The mare mumbled, hiding behind her mane. She was on the ground, not standing up, embarrassment, maybe? Also, why was there a small pair of rabbit ears in her mane? Vel blinked, trying his best to do his old blank face expression once again. "No— it's not okay. I apologize, I should have looked at where I was going." He apologized again, lending out a hoof to help her get up. The pegasus mare slowly grabbed his hoof and pulled herself up. "T-Thank you.." she mumbled, her voice was louder. "Don't mention it!" He stated as he nervously laughed, scratching thr back of his neck with a hoof, "but uh... I have a question, do you know where to get meat in this town? Not that I eat meat! I-I have a friend who eats meat! Half reptilian, part of the diet!" He exclaimed. 'Bellona is half reptile right? She had a lizard tail, although it was spiky.' He thought. Her ears perked up, "H-Huh? O-Oh. There's one foodstall that sells different kinds of meat, j-just, erm, g-go left a-after the house w-with a pink door.. eep!" she trailed off, she was more confident now, but she was still hiding in her mane. A rabbit popped up from her mane, squeaking at him, it looked a bit frustrated before its expression relaxed. Vel just blinked, "Oh, okay! Thank you for the directions, cool rabbit, by the way! miss..?" He asked. The mare nodded, a bit happy that he liked the rabbit, perhaps he was an animal lover just like her too? "F-Fluttershy, I'm Fluttershy.. Thank you for complimenting Angel, he's my friend." He smiled, "No worries! I'm—" he slightly hesitated. Veliomoure, he can't just say his name, right? "—Glyph Spell! But you can just call me Glyph." 'Oh fuck, I am so dead once the four hear my fake name.' Peaceful, it was absolutely peaceful. Resting under a tree, birds chirping nearby (one was even ontop of her! How adorable!) And the sounds of the pond infront of her. The day was absolutely glorious, if you remove the fact she was worried for the four siblings, that is. Solarius sighed as she closed her eyes, she only occassionally saw the four of them when something eventful was going to happen in the world they were currently in. And half of their backstories in those worlds they kept getting reincarnated and isekai'd in (she'd rather call the latter "transmigration") with sad traumatizing backstories! They even went insane in one of them! Who could blame her for trying to take care of her— "GASP!!!" Oh for hells sake, who is it now? A small — medium? — pink ball of fluff enveloped her vision, startling her as she opened her eyes. The pink ball had blue orbs— no wait those were eyes, and a excited smile on its face, standing on its tippy.. hooves? "Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm super duper excited to welcome you to Ponyville! It's the bestest place ever, filled with parties, cupcakes, and friendship galore! I couldn't find you when you came to the town for some odd reason so I looked everywhere but then Mayor Mare told me someponies — plural! There's more of you! — bought a large house on the outskirts of town but she didn't tell me so— ooh! We should totally throw a welcome party for all of you! It'll be so much fun!" as the Pink Menace kept rambling, Solarius' eye twitched in irritation. Thank you for the odd... introduction, Pink Menace, but I love my personal space, so please get away from my face right now, also, us five — yes there are five of us — really don't want a party this week, unfortunately. Just give us a cupcake for now. she thought, pushing Pinkie away from her with a hoof on her chest. Pinkie Pie just kept smiling (dear goodness make it stop it's becoming scary—) even as she stopped pushing her, a bit uncomfortable at the sudden intrusion. Pinkie just nodded rapidly, (what the hell? Her head is becoming a blur!), "Okie-dokie! Welcome to Ponyville though! I really want to meet you all because it's so obvious you talk for all of them which means you're friends with all of them!" She suddenly pulled out a confetti popper from her mane and twisted it, making confetti explode infront of her. ...What. Solarius stared, her eyes wide and her pupils as small as pinpricks. Wait, how did you even know what I'm saying when I don't even— A blue aura enveloped Pinkie Pie, dragging her away from the large horse. "Pinkie! How rude! Isn't it obvious that you're slowly scaring her?" A sophisticated and refined voice interrupted them both, it was a white unicorn mare with purple mane with blue eyes. "Oops! Sorry! I didn't realize that!" Pinkie exclaimed, making Rarity huff. She looked at Solarius, "I'm sorry about her antics, she has a way of getting carried away.. My name is Rarity, I'm the fashionista of Ponyville. You certainly stand out in Ponyville with your unique and beautiful appearance dearie, is it alright if I take your measurements for future events?" She stated, complimenting Solarius. Solarius just nodded. A-Ah.. thank you, and sure, I'm uh... Solarius, pleasure to meet you. And Pinkie's enthusiasm is quite refreshing, actually. It's nice to meet ponies who are so, uh, welcoming. she said, unfortunately, her voice wouldn't come out, so all she was doing was speaking without a voice. Literally. Rarity tilted her head in confusion until Pinkie Pie relayed her the sentence with a happy expression. The unicorn mare's eyes glanced towards her as she listened to Pinkie Pie, an eyebrow raised. She took a moment to study the mare before her better, noting the scars that were on her snout and chest and the way she carried herself with a quiet confidence, although the confidence was just confusion now because of of a certain pink earth pony. "You know, Solarius, your manestyle reminds me of a character from a famous book for fillies and colts that I once read," Rarity said, her eyes lit up with recognition. "She was a brave and noble warrior, much like yourself. I must say, you have a certain... regal air about you." Solarius's ears flicked in interest at Rarity's words, a faint blush coloring her cheeks beneath her dark fur. You flatter me, Rarity. I'm simply trying to find my place here in Ponyville.. Also, who do I remind you of? she stated thought, Pinkie Pie relaying her sentence once again. It was actually quite helpful, although she won't question how Pinkie knows. It might hurt her brain. "Oh, of course— You remind me of.. hmm.. what was her name again? Ah, yes, her name was Phantasia, you could probably act as her if there was a roleplay of the Mare In The Moon!" Oh, this is new. Her eyes wide. This time, Pinkie didn't repeat her sentence because she knew it was for herself, not meant to be said (possibly also because she doesn't know what she thought of). I apologize but I forgot about Phantasia's role in the story. I read too many stories, but I know the two main characters. Rarity softly lauged, "It's alright, darling, she's just a side character after all." She stated before continuing, seeing the unfamiliarity in Solarius' eyes, "Phantasia is the best friend of both the eldest sister and Nightmare Moon. Why, I remember that in my old school, there was an argument if Phantasia was loyal one of them more than the other!" She chuckled. Solarius just rose an eyebrow because she joined the chuckling. Ah, so that's why I always loved the manestyle I had, all I remember is that I wanted it after reading a story. she lied, Pinkie Pie repeating her sentence while laughing along with them. She had to change her manestyle very quickly. Well, at least there won't be a welcome party this week. She even befriended Pinkie Pie and Rarity, so yay. The history of this Equestria is oddly different, though, she thought it'd only be personalities, not the history. ... Oh shit the history is actually different now. "Heya! Is this cloud taken?" "Nope, you can have that cloud." Rainbow Dash stated, simply lying down on her own cloud, sunglasses on her face as she rest. "Alright, thanks! My day has been busy." Bellona replied, flopping belly-first onto the cloud, the rainbow-maned pegasus just rose an eyebrow, "Dude, you're a thestral, how come you don't look like the sun is annoying you?" She asked, thestrals had sensitive skin from the sunlight. "Sunblock!" Bellona happily exclaimed, and lied. "And because I'm half-dragon. My name is Nightfall, by the way." She stated, showing her front forelegs, which had claws, and her tail, which had spikes like an alligator's. She held out a claw towards Rainbow Dash. The rainbow pegasus shook the claw, "I'm Rainbow Dash! Sooo does this mean you can breathe fire? Do you have a cool treasure hoard like the other dragons I've heard about?" "Yeah, but I don't have a hoard—" as Bellona started chatting, Rainbow Dash did the same. This was surprisingly the most normal interaction amongst the three siblings, their second oldest excluded because of looting stuff.