> I Could be Your Rarity > by Lord Cheeseburger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Once > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, Spike, you may take a break. I can finish this dress. Thank you for your help." "Don't mention it Rarity. I'll be in the other room if you need me." Spike went into the next room over to let Rarity finish her current dress in peace. He had come to the boutique, both to help out Rarity in anyway he could, and to see her again. Spike walked into the room where Rarity stored fabric and gems. Sweetie Belle laid on the floor, lazily staring off into space. Her gloomy expression did not waver when she glanced to Spike. He sat down next to Sweetie Belle, who was lying on the floor, looking as bored as ever. "Hey, Sweetie Belle," he greeted her. She noticed him when he sat down. "Oh, hey Spike," she said in a less than enthusiastic tone. "What's wrong, Sweetie?" Spike asked with concern. "Nothing, I'm just bored," She mumbled. "Apple Bloom is doing chores and Scootaloo is doing... homework, I think. I always do my homework at school, and Rarity doesn't let me do chores, so I never have anything to do around here." "If it helps, you have me to talk to until Rarity needs me again." "I guess. You're probably the best male friend I have, if it means anything to you." "Really?" A huge smile formed on Spikes face. "Hey yeah! Of course that means something. You may not be Rarity, but you're a good filly." Sweetie Belle smiled. "Thanks, but don't say it that way, it makes me sound like a foal." "Spiiiiike!" Rarity called from the next room. She quickly peeked through the door before walking in. "I need you now. I just finished an order and sent it out. We're almost done for today." "That's great, Rarity!" Spike said with enthusiasm. "What now?" "All that's left for today is one big order I just need you're help. I need to make six suits and dresses for six friends down in Canterlot. So come on!" Rarity pulled multiple colors of fabric off her shelves and dumped them on Spike. "Let's get to it!" "Six dresses? I dunno about that. I'm still a little worn out from..." He stopped when he noticed Rarity looking at him in an almost seductive way. "Please, Spikey-wikey? I found a very rare gem and if you help me, I'd be happy to give it to you." Rarity fluttered her eyelashes. "Well, when you mention rare gems..." Spike tapped his claw to his chin a few times. "I'll do it!" He gathered the fabric and followed Rarity to the sewing room. Sweetie Belle groaned and buried her face in her hooves. It always annoyed her when Rarity do those kinds of things to get Spike to help her. Even though Twilight paid Spike in gems for doing chores at home, something about the way Rarity did it annoyed Sweetie more than anything. Rarity herself said that Spike would never be with her. That didn't stop her from doing things like that whenever she could. It always annoyed Sweetie because next to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, Spike was the only other friend of hers that was constantly around. Not only that, but she had recently realized something. She had a crush on Spike. They don't spend that much time together, but they usually talked whenever Spike was taking a break. Considering how often he was at the boutique, that was a lot. It had taken some time for her to realize this, and even more time to get over the fact that he was a different species. She had no intention of trying to be anything more than friends with him though. Why does Rarity always have to be like that? Sweetie thought to herself. If he should be with anypony, it should be me. Oh, what am I thinking? I dunno if he'll ever get over that crush on Rarity. She sighed hopefully. Maybe someday. ______________________________________________________________________ Several hours later, Rarity was almost finished the six dresses she planned on giving to her friends. She spent most of that time sitting down at her sewing, and she barely broke a sweat. Spike, on the other hand, spent several hours walking back and forth fetching supplies. "Rarity, are we–" Spike yawned loudly, "–almost done? I don't think I can do much more." "Well don't worry Spike, because I'm finished with the last suit." She picked it up and examined it. It was a black suit with the red tie, standard for any formal get together. The difference with this one was that is was specially made. Spike observed it through his worn out, drooping eyes. "It looks–" he yawned again, "–beautiful." He would be more enthusiastic about it, but he wasn't used to doing several hours of work at a time. "Spike, you did a very good job today, and, like I promised–" Using her magic, Rarity pulled out a topaz from her gem box and handed it to him. "–here it is." Upon seeing the gem, Spike got his enthusiasm back. He licks his lips and started drooling. "Rarity, is that...?" "Yes, Spike, this is 100 percent bonafide topaz. You deserve it for the work you did today." Spike wiped the drool off his face with his forearm. "Rarity, this is nice, but I can't accept this." He held it out to her. "You keep it. "Nonsense, take it. I don't need it anyway. If I want orange gems, I could just heat up some amethyst. It turns into a nice orange color with a heat treatment. Or if I looked hard enough, I could use citrine. Please, I insist you take it." "Alright, I'll keep it." Spike held the gem to his chest. "I'll always cherish it. Goodbye Rarity, I'll see you later." "Goodbye Spike." As soon as the door was completely closed behind him, Rarity sighed to herself. Oh Spike, if only you would actually eat the gems I give you. At least then they would be put to good use. "Rarity, why do you always have to push him like that?" Slightly surprised, Rarity turned to face Sweetie Belle. "I'm not pushing him, Sweetie, he offers to work with me. Besides, I'm always sure to reward him. "Yeah, but you've seen the way he acts with those gems. I highly doubt he ever eats them" "Why do you care anyway, darling?" "It's nothing, I just don't think he deserves being treated that way." Sweetie yawned. "I'm gonna go to bed too. Goodnight." Without waiting for a response, she trotted up the stairs, into her room, and closed the door behind her. I should be more careful with what I say. I wonder if she was suspicious with the way I climbed up the stairs. Probably not. The night began a little while ago, so it was fairly dark. The only light came for the moon shining down on Ponyville. Spike was so tired, he could barely walk. He slowly made his way through Ponyville, trying to see through the darkness. He stopped and looked down at the gem in his hand. It was topaz, a type a quartz that was yellow in color. Spike couldn't tell it's exact size from looking at it, but he estimated it to be 10-20 carats. The light of the moon caused it to shine dimly. With the lack of energy, the rarity of the gem, and hunger, it was very difficult to resist eating it. He licked his lips as he stared at it. He tried shoving it away from himself. No, I can't eat it. This is such a rare gem, and Rarity gave it to me. This is special. Even if I do happen to love quartz. He suddenly felt a rumble go through his stomach, making the gem look more appealing. Spike continued walking at a much faster pace so he could get home. The library he resided in was now in sight, he just had to walk a little further. Twilight was sitting in the main room of her library, fascinated with the book she was reading, when Spike slowly opened the door and stumbled through it. “Spike, where were you?” she asked sternly. It was obvious, even to him, that Twilight wasn't happy with him. "Did you see Rarity again?" Spike stood back up with some trouble. "Yeah, I helped her make some dresses. It's no big deal." He waved a dismissive claw at Twilight. She sighed. "Spike, go to bed. You've been working too hard." She picked him up and took him up the stairs. "We'll talk about your visits with Rarity in the morning, but for now, you need to go to sleep." "Twilight, it's no big deal. I'll be fine. I'm not ti-" Spike immediately passed out in his bed. Seconds later, he started snoring. She tucked him in and took the gem he was still clutching in his claw. She took it to the closet Spike stored his gems in and put it in there with the other gems given to him by Rarity Twilight sighed again. Doesn't Rarity know what she's doing to him? He's never this tired unless he's helping her. I don't want to think like this, but is she using him? > Twice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun radiated warmth and bright light all over Ponyville. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo were all strolling down the long dirt path from school to the Golden Oaks Library. Several ponies greeted them as they walked by.  They passed all the familiar sites as they discussed their next course of action.   "Sweetie Belle, Ah thought you were supposed ta think of the next thing we try," Apple Bloom chided.   "Sorry, Apple Bloom, I was just busy, I didn't have time." Sweetie Belle stated apologetically.   Scootaloo responded by slapping her face with her hoof. "You didn't have time? You always talk about how bored you always are, and now you're busy?"   "Maybe we could think of something. How 'bout we try an' be teachers?" Apple Bloom suggested.   "Who would take lessons from us? Maybe Sweetie here, she's the smartest of us, but not me."   They continued brainstorming until an idea came to Sweetie Belle, one that excited her. "Hey, I have an idea!" She jumped into the air.   "What is it?" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at her with interest.   "We could be jewelers! My sister knows everything about gems, and so does Spike at the library. We could talk to them."   Apple Bloom burst out laughing while Scootaloo snorted in derision, then joined Apple Bloom. Not only did they know of Sweetie's crush, they playfully teased her every time Spike came into the conversation.   "What's so funny?"   Apple Bloom is the first to stop laughing. "Either you're excited to talk to Rarity, or to see Spike. Ah think it's the former."   "I think you mean latter. If you're going to tease me, at least do it right."   "And once again, you prove that you're a walking dictionary." Scootaloo laughed.   Now it was Sweetie's turn to bring her hoof to her face. "Girls, hear me out. Don't you think it would be nice to have jewelry for a cutie mark? Besides, jewelry is expensive, that probably means that jewelers make a lot of money."   "All right, fine. We'll play along. C'mon, Scootaloo. We'll go to the library to get what we need."   Scootaloo shrugged. "I guess the idea isn't so bad."   They inhaled deeply. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS JEWELERS!" They all shouted in unison. The three raised their hooves and did a three-way high-hoof.     Apple Bloom was the first to make it to the library, and she immediately barged through the door, followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.   "Apple Bloom!" Sweetie scolded, "You really should have knocked before entering!"   "This is a library, Ah don’t have ta knock," Apple Bloom responded.   Twilight was standing near one of the many bookshelves in the room, looking for a book to read; one she hadn't already read a few times over."Hey, girls, nice to see you,"  She gave the CMC a friendly smile. "Do you need something?"   "Twilight, we need a book on jewelry. Do you have any?"   "Yes we do, Sweetie. Actually, I was just looking for a book to read myself," Twilight glanced up at the shelves. "Spike!" She walked to the stairs and called up to Spike. "Come down here and help me find some books!"   A few seconds later, a loud groan sounded from the room, followed by a tired looking Spike trudging down the stairs. He yawned loudly. "What do you need?" He muttered groggily. "If you need me to find a book, there are plenty of those around here." He points around the room to show all books in the library. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish my nap."  He began his trip back up the stairs.   "He's a real charmer isn't he?" Scootaloo sniggered, along with Apple Bloom.   "You're not done yet, Spike." Twilight picked him up and levitated him down the stairs. "Find a book on gemstones and jewelry for these girls." She set him down at the bottom of the stairs and motioned to the CMC.   "Those are over there." He pointed his claw to a shelf close to the CMC. "I'll get them." He rolled a nearby ladder to the shelf. "Oh, hi, Sweetie Belle."  He said as he climbed up the ladder, looking for the books.   "Hi, Spike." She greeted cheerfully. She suddenly felt something weird in her chest. She then realized that her heart rate increased slightly. She never had that problem with Spike before, so she just shrugged it off.   "Hey! We're here too ya know!" She joked.   "I know, I didn't forget about you two, Apple Bloom."   "Well ah'm sure she did." Apple Bloom pointed a hoof to Sweetie.   "I'd forget too if I were her and I was in Spike's presence." Scootaloo and Apple Bloom laughed lightly.   Spike gave Sweetie a confused look and she just responded with a shrug. What confused Spike was that she was starting to blush slightly. She looked away from everyone as an attempt to hide her face. I'm starting to regret telling them about Spike. "So are you girls gonna try to earn a gem related cutie mark?"   "Yep, it was Sweetie Belle's idea. She really looked forward to talkin' to you about it."   "Spike knows quite a bit about gems. Maybe he could show you what you're looking for." Twilight suggested.   Spike continued searching the expansive shelves on his ladder. "Yeah, you may not think I know a lot, but I really do. I was interested in knowing more about the gems I eat, so a while ago, Rarity taught me everything I know about them." He looked over shelf one last time and pulled out a book. "Here it is." He stepped down the rungs of the ladder and placed the book on Apple Bloom's back. "This'll tell you everything you need to know. If you'd like, I can go over it with you."   "Great, let's read it."   "Alright, gimme a second." Apple Bloom, with bit of struggle, lugged the huge book across the room and laid it on the table with a loud thump. She quickly opened it to the first page.   "Now, the first part of the book talks about the different types of gems..."       "... And that's it. Everything you need to know." Spike took about ten minutes to go over the general ideas of the book with the CMC.   "Thanks, Spike." Apple Bloom readjusted the book so it wouldn't fall off her back.   "No problem."   "You know who’s really thankful? Sweetie Belle is very thankful, aren't you?" Scootaloo nudged Sweetie slightly.   "Yeah, I am, I guess." Sweetie put her hoof behind her neck nervously.   "Uh, Scootaloo, what are you and Apple Bloom talking about? I've noticed you two acting kinda weird since you came in."   Sweetie groaned inwardly. "Alright, we should be going now. We need to learn all the information we can."   "Well Spike, to answer your question, we-"   Sweetie gasped and threw herself at Apple Bloom, shoving her hoof into her mouth. "We really need to leave now." She pulled out her hoof and pushed both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom out the door.   "Remember, if you ever need anything else, you can–"   The door slammed shut, cutting Twilight off. "–always come back."   "That was weird," Spike stated. "I dunno what was weirder, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's behavior, or Sweetie Belle's embarrassment towards it."   "What are you talking about? They acted just fine to me."   "No offense, but you're socially awkward. You can't even tell when somepony's acting normal." Spike remarked.   Twilight responded by giving Spike a light glare.   "But um... it suits you quite nicely. He he... oh, here's that book you were looking for."   Spike pulled a fairly new book out of the shelf and laid it down in front of her. It was labeled, "How to be Social."   "Anyway, I'm gonna go back to sleep." He briskly walked back up the stairs and into his room before Twilight could respond. He jumped into his bed and snuggled in. His tiredness, paired with the warmth of the bed, made him quite comfortable.   He was almost asleep when thoughts about the CMC crept in to his mind   All three of them were acting weird today, weren't they? It's like Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were implying something about me... and Sweetie Belle. And Sweetie was embarrassed to talk about it. Do they think... Realization and fear hit Spike like a truck. What if they think I have a crush on Sweetie Belle? Oh no, they must have heard about my crush on Rarity and got her confused with Sweetie! This is bad, I like Sweetie Belle, but not like that! His respiration increased slightly. It's okay, they wouldn't think that. There must be something else they meant... but there isn't anything else they could imply. They do think I have a crush on her, don't they? Oh no...     "Ugh, I cannot believe you two! Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? Those jokes were not funny!"   "Come on, Sweetie Belle, we were just having fun."   "Quiet, Scootaloo! You two are my friends, when I tell you about my personal secrets, I trust you with them. I expect you two to help me out and support me, NOT MAKE JOKES AT EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!" Sweetie's voice was cracking very badly with all the yelling.   Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked guilty after Sweetie explained to them why what they did was wrong. "Ah didn't think about it like that. Sorry, Sweetie Belle." Applebloom looked down at the ground.   "I'm sorry too."   "And now Spike's gonna know how I feel about him for sure."   "If he does find out, you two could get together. You two are perfect for each other."   Sweetie sighed "No! I can't, it's not that simple! He's a good friend, I don't wanna risk losing him because he doesn't like me the same way. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go." She huffed and walked away.   "Where are you going? This jeweler thing was your idea!" Scootaloo shouted, pointing to the book.   Sweetie kept on walking. In fact, she sped up to a trot, and shortly thereafter, she was gone.   "Uh... Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked with the heavy book weighing her down. "What do we do now?"   "We go talk to her."   "Of course we will. Ah meant what are we gonna do about this book?" She was already working up a sweat. "Ah can't carry it any farther."   "Alright, let's drop that off at the clubhouse first. We can use it later."   "Okay then."     Sweetie Belle sat in her brightly decorated room on her pink covered bed. She buried her face into her pillow, and was about to yell into it when a knock, followed by Apple Bloom walking in, interrupted her.   "Howdy." She greeted cheerfully, not realizing the mood Sweetie Belle was in.   Sweetie lifted her face off the pillow and looked at Apple Bloom, fixing her eyes into a glare. "Where's Scootaloo?" She was slightly irritated at the presence of her friends.   "Right here!" Scootaloo stepped out from behind the doorway. "We're here to-" she stopped when she saw the condition Sweetie was in. The glare fixed on both of them deterred Scootaloo slightly, but she persevered. "Well we just wanted to cheer you up. He he." She smiled sheepishly, along with Apple Bloom.   Sweetie's expression softened. "Just leave me alone. I'm not in the mood to talk." She laid her head back on the pillow.   "But Sweetie Belle-"   "What you two were doing was humiliating. Do you even know what I was going through when we were at the library? No, because you've never had a crush before. Spike may not be the smartest dragon, but I bet even Twilight could figure this out."   "Does it really matter?"   "Yes, it does matter! If Spike knew how I felt, there's no way he'd feel the same way."   Now Apple Bloom and Scootaloo started to look guilty. "But maybe-"   "Maybe what? Even if he still wants to be my friend, things will never be the same between us. And a relationship between us would never happen. I want to be left alone so I can accept this fact, so please, just go."   Apple Bloom and Scootaloo's head drooped and they looked at each other dejectedly, then back at Sweetie. "We're sorry Sweetie Belle. We didn't know what we were doing to you I guess if you can't forgive us yet, then we'll go. C'mon, Apple Bloom." They turned around and walked towards the door.   "Wait," Sweetie Belle said before they left the room. They stopped and turned around. "I'm not mad at you two. I know you were just teasing me. I just came home because I was embarrassed. But now that I've thought about it, I was finally able to figure it out. I just feel kind of sad that I can't be with Spike. I didn't have any intention of trying to be with him, but just the thought that he doesn't want to be with me is upsetting. It's also a bit frustrating."   Scootaloo and Apple Bloom wanted to stay, they wanted to say some encouraging words to help her through the trouble she was in. They couldn't unfortunately, so they both nodded and turned back to the door. They close the door behind them, leaving Sweetie Belle alone.   She was so frustrated she wanted to just scream. So she screamed into her pillow, hoping to get rid of the frustration. > Thrice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle was sprawled out in her bed with her head buried in her pillow, thinking about the previous day's events. It was only a little after 5:00 P.M, the day after her friends humiliated her in front of her crush. While she was mostly over it, that left her bored as always. All she had at the time were her thoughts to keep her busy.   She sighed. I hope Apple Bloom and Scootaloo aren't mad at me for yelling at them. Maybe they'll be available right now, and if not, I could try reading a book from the library... Spike immediately came to her head. She groaned and buried her face in her pillow. What am I going to do about him? I can't reveal myself to him because there's no way we could be together. If he finds out the truth, he might not want to be friends anymore.... Maybe I should ask for help on this. But who would I go to? She ran a list of ponies she knew through her head. Then she had what she considered the best idea of the day. Ooh, I know! I could ask his friends! Since they know Spike, they could give me specialized advice!   Sweetie hopped out of bed and walked down the stairs of the boutique. Rarity was sliding a red piece of fabric onto a mannequin while writing down measurements. She was doing something with a dress and her mannequin, but Sweetie wasn't focused on her and didn't get a good look.   "Rarity, I'm gonna go see my friends."   Without even taking her eyes away from her work, Rarity replied with disinterest. "Alright, Sweetie, don't be out too late."   Sweetie stepped out of Carousel Boutique and immediately started trotting towards the Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie's only connection to Spike is through Twilight, but I need all the help I can get.     Sugarcube Corner was as busy as always. Bustling ponies constantly came in and exited with less money and a bag filled with sweets. Sweetie Belle approached the door to the bakery. She opened the door and stepped inside.   As soon as she did, she was hit with a variety of different scents from the freshly baked cakes in the glass displays. All the delicious smells of pastries and candies blended together to form something amazing, and everyone who walked in enjoyed it. Behind the glass counter full of cakes on display, Pinkie Pie was serving a few ponies. The customers walked to a table to eat, and Pinkie greeted Sweetie upon seeing her.   "Hey Sweetie Belle! What can I do for ya?" She asked cheerfully. Instead of standing behind the counter, like she was supposed to, she ducked under it and reappeared in front of Sweetie.   Unfazed, she asked, "Can I ask you about something?"   "Can I answer you about something?"   "What?" "What?" Pinkie Pie mimicked her.   "I have something I need to talk to you about."   "Alright then, what is it? You can tell me anything!"   "Can I tell you privately?"   "Okay, just follow me!" In a single bound, Pinkie bounced behind the counter, being careful to keep from disturbing the cakes in the display. She motioned Sweetie to come over. All the other ponies eating were on the other side of the room and showed no interest in the two, so Sweetie stepped over.   "Promise not to tell anypony, okay?"   "Yep! Don't worry, Sweetie, I promise. Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Pinkie went through all the motions of a pinkie promise, crossing her hooves over her chest, making her hooves "fly" and taking her hoof to her eye. "Now what is it? What? Tell me! The suspense is killing me!" She leaned over the counter and peered at Sweetie.   She sighed. How do I tell her without really telling her?   "Well... I know somepony who needs help, but is afraid to ask for it."   "That's terrible!" Pinkie gasped.   "Anyway, she has a crush on Spike. And she doesn't even wanna try to be in a relationship with him because she thinks she has no chance with him."   "Sompony likes Spike? Awww, that's so cute! I'm happy for Spike, and this other pony," Pinkie stated effusively.   "What should she do? She's tired of keeping it a secret, but she doesn't wanna risk losing a good friend."   "Are you kidding? You can never lose a true friend, no matter what happens. If Spike doesn't return the feeling, then they can still be friends. And if not, than they probably weren't very good friends in the first place. I may have a lot of friends, but nothing is worse than a bad one."   Sweetie thought about this for a minute. "What else can you tell me?"   "I don't know anything else about love, I've never had that kind of relationship before. Sorry." She smiled an innocent grin. "That's okay, I wouldn't expect you to know much anyway. Look, I gotta go now," Sweetie Belle turned and started for the door heading out. "Thanks for the help!" She waved goodbye and left.   "You are so very welcome!" Pinkie waved furiously until she was out of site. "She is doing a nice thing for her friend," Pinkie said to herself. She then started to realize what Sweetie had told her before leaving. "Wait a minute!" She grunted, "What did she mean, she didn't expect me to know anything about love?... Is she saying I'm ugly? I guess she gave me the most helpful advice she could.   Sweetie Belle continued trotting down the path. Her next stop was Fluttershy's cottage, to see what she knew about the subject, if anything. There it is.   Fluttershy's cottage stood on the edge of the Everfree forest, looking peaceful and quiet like always, while the forest itself was anything but. A few stray trees stood tall and blocked the sun partly, casting some shadows over the cottage, and cooling the area off slightly. Under the shade, many exotic animals frolicked around, including a variety of mammals, reptiles, and birds.   With Fluttershy nowhere to be seen, Sweetie hesitantly approached the door and rapped the door a few times. A short pause later, and the door opened to reveal a white rabbit standing in the doorway. "Hey Angel," Sweetie greeted him. "Is Fluttershy here?"   Angel poked his head out the door, looked both ways, and pointed his paw to the right side of the cottage. "So she's beside the cottage?"   Angel nodded, then closed the door swiftly. Not wasting any time, Sweetie followed his direction and checked around the side. Instead of finding her at the side of the cottage, she found more animals. "Fluttershy?"   "I'm over here." Fluttershy called from behind the cottage. She didn't really call out, but she was loud enough to get Sweetie's attention. Going around the back, she could see that Fluttershy was feeding, surprise, more animals.   "Hello, Sweetie Belle. What do you need? I'm almost done feeding these little critters here, then I can help you."   "I need to talk to you about something."   "That's fine, go wait in my cottage, and when I'm finished, I'll make us some tea so we can talk."   Sweetie went around to the front and knocked on the door again. "Angel, I'm gonna wait for Fluttershy in here," she said when Angel open the door. He shrugged and hopped off, leaving her to let herself in, which she did.   She sat down on Fluttershy's green couch so she could wait. Looking around the room, she saw it was no different from the last time she was there. In fact, it looked very similar to the last time, when Fluttershy babysat for the CMC.   Just when she was starting to wonder how long Fluttershy would take, she came through the door holding a large, brown sack, overflowing with small brown pellets. She set it down near the door. "So where're the other two?"   "Apple Bloom and Scootaloo?" Sweetie shrugged. "I haven't seen them since yesterday."   "Oh, okay, it's not important. I was just wondering... I'm gonna make us some tea, if that's okay with you."   "Okay, just some regular tea would be fine."   "Alright, I’ll be right back." Fluttershy flew into the kitchen for a few seconds and returned to her spot on the couch. She sighed and looked at Sweetie with concern. "Tell me what's wrong, Sweetie, and I'll do what I can to help."   "Well, it's about somepony I know. I can't tell you who, because this pony is really embarrassed to say anything about it. She has a crush on somepony else.”   "Wait a minute, don't you think it's wrong to be telling others about your friend’s crush?" Fluttershy looked slightly uncomfortable about the subject. "She trusts you with a secret like that, and you could ruin your friendship."   It was at that moment that Sweetie realized her mistake. "Uhhh..." She trailed off as she thought of how she could fix the huge hole in her way of asking for help. "Well... she doesn't mind. A few other ponies already know, actually."   "Oh, I guess it's okay then. But if she's not embarrassed about other ponies knowing she has a crush, then why isn't she asking for help herself?"   "Um... Only her friends know, but she considers you as a friend, so it's okay."   "That doesn't explain why she wouldn't want to ask–"   "It's hard to explain. I don't know either, okay?" She sighed.   "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you. So who's the other pony?"   "It's Spike actually."   "Wait, Spike? And this is a pony?" Fluttershy was taken aback. "I've never heard of something like that before."   "He's a great dragon. He's funny and hardworking, especially for the ponies he cares about. And then there's the way he treats her when he visits..." Sweetie sighed wistfully. "Anyway, she doesn't care about the species difference, or what others will think. All she cares about is that she has a crush on Spike."   Suddenly there was a whistle coming from the kitchen. It was the teakettle, meaning that the tea was ready. "Let me get that." Fluttershy flew into the kitchen and prepared the tea and two cups for her and Sweetie. She came back out holding two teacups and gave one to Sweetie. As they continued the conversation, Fluttershy sipped her tea while Sweetie Belle drank it.   "Would you you like to know what I think? I may not know anything about all this, but don't think it's a crush your friend has. I think it's love."   "Love? I dunno about that. I'm pretty sure it's just a crush."   "But it could be. And thats why I think she should admit her feelings. Spike is a kind dragon. He would never reject somepony on purpose. The worst thing that could happen is that he doesn't return the feelings, and they continue being friends."   "That's a good point, I guess," Sweetie Belle said unsurely.   Fluttershy glanced at her clock hanging on the wall. "Oh, look at the time, I need to see Rarity for our weekly spa meeting,” She set down her cup and briskly walked towards the door. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave. I hope I was able to help you in some way." With that, Fluttershy closed the door, leaving Sweetie Belle alone with Angel. "Rarity doesn't have plans with Fluttershy today." She gave a confused look to Angel, who was eavesdropping on the whole conversation. When Angel saw that Fluttershy was no longer home, he glared at Sweetie for a few seconds, then pointed to the door while still looking at her. "Oh, uh... can I at least finish my tea before I go?" "Stupid rabbit," Sweetie muttered to herself as she sulked through the main street of Ponyville. "How was he strong enough to actually kick me out anyway?"   Whatever, that doesn't matter. What does matter is talking to Rainbow Dash about the situation. And maybe I'll talk to Applejack. Obviously, I can't talk to Rarity or Twilight about this, so that leaves Rainbow and Applejack.   Sweetie Belle picked up her pace as she contemplated where Rainbow Dash could be. She was currently in the marketplace of Ponyville, where it was as busy as always, with crowds of ponies walking through. All the markets were full of ponies trying to get what they wanted before the supply ran out.   Most of the ponies were on the side of the road, shopping in the markets. This left Sweetie with plenty of room to walk. In the sky, there were a few cumulus clouds floating several feet above the ground. Laying on one of those clouds was a black pegasus stallion with a white mohawk she'd never seen before.   Thinking this pegasus would know where Rainbow is, Sweetie called up to him. "Um, excuse me, sir?"   He looked down from his cloud. "Yeah?"   "Do you know where Rainbow Dash is?"   "Rainbow Dash? She was supposed to help me put some cirrus and cumulus clouds in the sky, but she decided to do it at her own pace down at Sweet Apple Acres. If you're going to look for her, I'd go there."   "Thanks!" She flashed a small smile. She trotted past the cloud, and the pegasus, towards Sweet Apple Acres.   It wasn't far from the marketplace, as it was entirely visible before long. The big red house was in sight, along with the barn. Huge fields mostly consisting of apple trees expanded in all directions, with some other crops closer to the farm.   When Sweetie arrived at the entrance, she could already see Rainbow off in the distance, sitting on the branch of an apple tree. Applejack was there too, bucking the apple trees around her while Rainbow ate an apple. The tree they were at was nearby the barn.   Sweetie ambered over to them down the dirt path leading to the apple trees, while admireing the vast sea of apple trees in every direction. As she got closer to the barn, she could hear a few animals from the inside, along with a faint odor she couldn't identify. I really hope that smell's not what I think it is.  Suddenly, Applejack yelled at Rainbow, and when Sweetie got closer, she could hear why.   "Dangit, Rainbow, quit eatin' the apples and help me out! That's the whole reason ah called you here!" Applejack snapped.   Upon getting closer, Sweetie saw a small pile of apple cores next to the tree Rainbow was in.   "Relax," – Rainbow waved a dismissive hoof – "I just need a break."   "You haven't even started yet!"   "Oh, hey Sweetie Belle." Rainbow casually raised a hoof.   Preparing to rebut what Rainbow said, Applejack spun around in time to see Sweetie Belle approach. "Well howdy Sweetie, what can ah do for ya?"   "I was just here to see Rainbow Dash, but you can help me too."   "Sure kid, what can I do for ya?"   "I need advice for a friend. She has a secret that she's embarrassed about. She only trusts a few friends, including you and Applejack, with this secret."   "Applejack's not the best at keeping secrets."   "Hey!"   "It's okay. I trust her too. Somewhat."   "What was that?" Applejack asked sharply.   Sweetie evaded the question, causing a light scowl to form on Applejack's face. "Anyway, I'm gonna keep my friend's name anonymous. She doesn't mind, but I don't want to risk messing anything up between us."   Nice lie, Sweetie. Why didn't I think of that with Fluttershy?   "Anyway, she has a crush on Spike."   Applejack's scowl faded away into a small smile. "No foolin'?"   She shook her head. "No."   "Alright!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hoof in the air. "Spike's gonna get a special somepony! Remind me to congratulate him. So what's the problem?"   "She's pretty sure she has no chance of being with him, so she doesn't want to tell him. She doesn't think keeping it a secret is a good idea either. What should she do?"   "Well isn't that cute? Young love for the baby dragon. Ah can't wait to meet her." Applejack effervesced.   "Actually, she's not in love, it's just a crush."   Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "How can you be sure?"   "Well... it just is. She says so all the time."   "Maybe she's denying herself."   "No offense, but what would you know about love?"   "What do I know?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Let me show you. And you, Sweetie Belle, let me show you something that might help you." Rainbow Dash zipped up into the air.   She flew up into the air, higher and higher, with air and gravity fighting her the whole way as she rose in elevation. When she felt that she was far enough away, she started her quick descent towards the ground. She darted downwards, causing the distance between her and the ground to rapidly decrease. It was right when she was about to hit a tree when she veered upward once again, creating a small explosion of rainbow colors. Fortunately, it wasn't a rainboom, which would have been devastating at her current height. She flew back down and landed on the branch, smiling confidently.   "Now what the point of all that? Any closer, and you would've uprooted mah trees!"   "Alright, I'll get to the point now. Did you see the huge risk I took there, Sweetie? And how awesome that was?"   Sweetie Belle nodded her head.   "Well, life is a lot like that stunt I just pulled. Huge risks mean huge rewards. If you don't take risks like that, the stunt will turn out boring, just like life. If you don't take risks, your life'll be safe, but boring. Your friend need to take the risk and admit her feelings."   "Ah may disagree about her life analogy, but's Rainbow's right, sugarcube. She's gotta be honest about it. Spike's a dependable dragon. He'll understand completely, and he'll stick by her side until the problem can be sorted out. And at the very least, he'll appreciate your honesty."   "You think so?"   "Ah know so. Now you should probably be leavin' now, sugarcube. Me an' Rainbow have quite a bit of work left."   "Alright, I'll be on my way. Thanks for the advice."   "No problem, Sweetie. It's the least I could do."   "It's the only thing you've done today."   "Oh yeah?"   "Yeah!" An argument quickly erupted from the two as Sweetie Belle slunk away unnoticed. She had no reason to sneak away, but no pony wanted anything to do with an argument from either one of those two.   As Sweetie walked home, she went over what each of Rarity's friends said to her. They all treated the situation in the same way, but gave her different advice, but she couldn't figure out why     She walked into the door of her home to see Rarity doing what she always does: making dresses. This time, she was writing some stuff down without any fabric around.   "Hello, Sweetie. I'm a bit busy right now, so talk to me later, okay?" She said tiredly.   "Yeah, sure." Sweetie walked up the stairs leading to her room and closed the door behind her.   She flopped on her bed and sighed. Is it just me, or was the advice they gave me hopelessly generic? Kinda like those motivational posters at school. Maybe I could still take something from it. Well, they all seemed to think I'm in love. That's kinda funny.   She chuckled with uncertainty. "It's just a crush, nothing more." She told herself. "Nothing more."   "Are you sure about that?" said a mysterious voice in a hushed tone.   "Huh?" Sweetie turned around and yelped in surprise. Standing behind her were the distorted bodies of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. "What’re you four doing here?" She asked with a hint of fear.   "We're just figments of your imagination!" Pinkie Pie showed off her distorted hoof. Then she shoved it into the bed, phasing through it. "See? Is this awesome or what?"   "Never mind her, sugarcube." Applejack joined Pinkie Pie at the edge of the bed. "Since we're just in yer head, we know everything you know. And we think you're in love. You just need somepony to convince you."   "Thank you, but no, I'm fine."   "You do, come on Sweetie Belle, you can use our advice. It isn't generic like you say it is."   "I'm not sure about that, but what I do know is that I'm not in love like you think I am." Sweetie mumbled. With all of her willpower, Pinkie Pie managed to tear herself from shoving her hoof into the bed. "Oh come on, Sweetie, think about how awesome that would be! You two'd be a cute couple!" "Would not," Sweetie muttered, looking away from the group and blushing lightly. "Come on, sugarcube, we can tell your lying to yourself. It's not helping anypony." "If you aren't real, then why do I need to be honest with you? Besides, I'm not lying to you or me." She said irritably. "Now calm down, this ain't no reason to be upset. We're just trying to help you."   Fluttershy came to the front of the group and spoke up. "Sweetie, it's completely natural to feel this way. While I'm not sure if I could say I was ever in love, I can say I love my animals, Rainbow loves her stunts, Applejack loves her apples, and Pinkie Pie loves everything and everyone."   "But that's different. You're not in love with your animals... or at least I hope you're not..."   "Hey! What you're feeling for Spike isn't any different!" Rainbow jumped in front of Fluttershy and went face to face with Sweetie, eyeing her fiercely. Fluttershy just blushed and shrunk back into the corner of the room.   "I already told you, I don't love Spike!" Sweetie Belle stamped her hoof into the bed. "What is it gonna take for me to convince you that? Why can't you just accept that I won't be with him and leave me alone? You're all just as bad as my friends!" She turned her back the the four ponies and laid down on the bed, with her forehooves crossing over her chest.   An awkward silence hung over the room for several seconds. Applejack looked on in remorse. "Sugarcube..."   "I'm just as bad as my friends..." Sweetie spoke softly, not turning to the others.   "Sweetie, I'm going to say this as a good friend: please believe us when we say you're in love with Spike." with no response, Pinkie Pie extended a comforting hoof and placed it on her. "Don't be sad, Sweetie. We may not be family, but we love you, We'll be here for you, no matter what, and we'll get you outta this funk, whatever it takes."   Pinkie wrapped her hooves around Sweetie, as did the rest of the girls. They squeezed lightly on her to try and help. They thought they were cheering her up, but that notion was proven wrong when Pinkie something drip on her foreleg. Looking at it, she saw that it was a tear. "Oh no..." She let go, as did the rest.   "I never wanted any of this," Sweetie breathed a sigh dripping with morose. Her head sank into her forearms. Her eyes fell to the drops being left behind on the bed. "I was hoping I could just stay friends with him forever, and never tell him anything.... But I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to tell him, I had to let him know, because... because..." she was hesitant to finish, but she continued. "Because I love him." Her voice wes getting shaky and her voice had taken on a quieter, deeper tone. Some might think I'm just a filly who's too young for love... but they're wrong. He's the best dragon anypony could know. He's wise, funny, kind, and all the other qualities of the elements of harmony my sister always talks about....  And most of all, I see myself in him. He never has anything to do with his free time, and he's always doing what he can for the ponies he cares about, no matter what."   "I didn't want to realize all this, because I didn't want to get hurt. Love hurts more than anything this world can offer, I didn't want that to happen. I must have really convinced myself, huh?" She sighed again. "Well it doesn't matter, because He would never be with me, only Rarity. All I can do is watch from the distance as the dragon I love is slowly and unknowingly hurt by her, and she doesn't even appreciate him in the same way I do. She doesn't deserve him, nor does he deserve her. He deserves to with someone who loves him for him..." She wept into her forelegs.   "Oh my..." Fluttershy, moved by Sweetie's speech, had tears forming in her eyes.   "Don't give up." Pinkie hugged her again. "Just remember, you can never lose a good friend, no matter what."   "Huh?" Sweetie Belle remembered what Pinkie Pie had told her at Sugarcube Corner.   Fluttershy joined in the hug next. "Please, Sweetie, stop crying. Spike really is a kind dragon like you say he is. He would never hurt you. And you would never get hurt by loving him."   "I dunno..."   Applejack wrapped her forelegs around the group and squeezed tightly. "Sweetie, if anypony could help you out here, it's Spike. He'll stick by you until the very end to solve the problem." "I guess so..." "Oh alright, I'll do it again," With that, Rainbow was the last to join in the hug. "You need to take the risk. You need to admit to all of your feelings to Spike. If you do it, he'll at least appreciate your honesty. And one more thing, I once heard a saying from Rarity that goes like this: ‘you can never be hurt by love, only by holding back.'"   Sweetie considered this. "You know," She sniffled, "That actually makes sense... I done nothing but hold back, and so far, nothing good has come from it..." She pondered their words and made the realization. "I'll do it!" She smiled for the first time in quite a while. "I'm gonna help Spike, and I think I know just how to do it! Thank you all so much." She turns to face the four and returned the hug.   "Great!" Pinkie beamed. "Now that we have that outta the way, I have one question," She grabbed Sweetie's face and pulled it towards her own. "At Sugarcube Corner," Pie glared furiously into her eyes. "did you imply that I'm ugly?"   "What?" Sweetie Belle jolted in place, then sat up and looked around. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy were gone, and she was under her covers. It took her a couple seconds to realize that it was all a dream, going to their houses, getting their advice, and tearfully realizing her feelings for Spike. Even the day passing was just in her head.   She laid her head back her pillow, damp with tears and looked at her alarm clock. It was only a few hours after she was with the other CMC, when she decided to take a nap out of boredom. "You know what?" She sat up. "I can still use that advice," With a look of determination, she jumped off her bed and trotted to the door. "I need to go over there and tell him how I feel!" She made a note to thank Rarity's friends for giving her the confidence she needed. She walked out the door, took a few steps, and immediately ran back in her room.   But first, I need some makeup. Nopony needs to know I was crying.     Sweetie Belle strolled down the road towards the library. She had a bit of eyeliner on her eyes, along with a few fake eyelashes to go with it. She did look a bit weird wearing makeup, especially since she accidentally applied the makeup too thickly. Despite this, everyone pretended not to notice and treated her as they always would.   She slowed down when she started to approach the Golden Oaks Library. She approached the door of the library, brimming with confidence. After a few more steps and a few light raps on the door, Sweetie waited patiently for an answer.   The answer came in the form of Spike. He opened the door leisurely and looked through. When he saw who it was, he smiled. "Hey Sweetie Belle. What's up? And what's with the makeup?"   Maybe she's wearing makeup because she thinks I like her, so she'd be wearing it for me. I hope that's not true.   "Oh, I just decided wearing a little would be nice. Anyway, I'm here because I need to talk to you about something."   "Sure, what is it?"   "Well I was just... uhh..." She looked down at the ground and kicked some dirt around.It was at that moment that Sweetie Belle realized she was talking to the dragon she loved. She felt all of the confidence she gained quickly drain out of her body. "Well I wanted... t-to..."   "Hello Sweetie, what can I do for you?" Twilight stepped into the doorway.   Sweetie inwardly sighed a breath of relief. "I have something important to talk to Spike about."   "Well, I was just making cocoa for me and Spike. Why don't you come in and have some so we can talk about this?"   "Okay, I'll have some. Thank you!"   "No problem. Come in." Twilight and Spike stepped aside and allowed her entry. Twilight led Spike and Sweetie into the kitchen. On her stove, there was a small lavender kettle containing the cocoa. She levitated three mugs out of a cupboard, poured cocoa into each of them, and gave them both to Spike and Sweetie.   "So what is it?"   Shoot! What now? I can't admit my feelings to him! But I can't get out now without telling them.   "I gotta go." She got off the chair and walked for the door. She stopped herself when she noticed Twilight and Spike looking very confused.   No! She forced herself to stop. If I don't get this out of he way soon, I'll just keep putting it off forever! I have to do this!   "Wait, never mind, I don't need to go after all." She went back to the chair.   Spike and Twilight exchanged confused looks. "So what is it? You can tell us."   "Sorry." Sweetie giggled with sheepishness. "Alright. What I need to say is important. I need to say that–"   No! I can't do this! But I can't disappoint them.   "–I wanted to take you out for dinner! As friends, of course."   "Really?" Spike stared at her with bemusement and annoyance. "That's the important thing you wanted to say?   "Spike! That's rude!" Twilight scolded.  "What's this date for?"   "The other CMC are busy tomorrow, and we haven't been able to spend much time together outside of the boutique. I just thought it'd be perfect for both of us. Sorry for the disappointment, Spike."   "Eh, it's okay. Sure, I'll go. Rarity is taking a bit of time off."   "That's great, Spike. Don't worry about your chores, I'll have Owlicious get them. It's not often you get asked out by the fillies." Twilight giggled.   "Oh, um..." Sweetie Belle blushed slightly. "Twilight, have you been reading the book I found for you?" "Yes I have, and I'm happy for you Spike, because Sweetie sure a good lookin' filly huh?" Twilight nudged Spike slightly with her elbow, giving him a smile. "Huh? You hear what I'm saying?" Spike slaps his face with his hand while Sweetie's blush intensifies. "Okay, did you read the entire book?" "I think I'm gonna go now..." She slowly back out of her chair and towards the door. "Spike, come to the boutique at 5:00 tomorrow." "Alright, see ya tomorrow." Spike waved a claw briefly. Sweetie left the house, leaving the two alone. Sweetie walked out the door, and slowly closed it. "I did it!" She jumped in the air and a burst of green magic coming out of her horn.   I didn't admit anything to him, and he does think we're going on a date as friends, but I just need some time to prepare. I'll tell him on the date. I'll also have to think of a place to go.   She trotted off humming happily to herself.     Jeez, I know I only gave Twilight that book earlier today, but she would've finished it by now if she was interested in it. Well, speaking of which, I just agreed to a date. I’m sure it won't be that bad, Sweetie Belle's a good friend. I'll be fine... Right? Yeah, it'll be fine, I can just use this "date" to prove to her that I don't have feelings for her.   Spike sat at the table, continuing to ponder what had just happened as he finished his cocoa. Then, noticing that Sweetie Belle left her full mug on the table, he took it and drank the rest of it's contents.