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A Skeleton in the Closet · 6:10pm Oct 30th, 2022

You want another one in this AU?

TA Skeleton in the Closet
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon throw the most literal Nightmare Night party possible.
Epsilon-Delta · 24k words  ·  84  1 · 1.2k views

That's right! It's Silver Spoon vs. Freddy Krueger more or less, turning that one line about dream demons into a 30K word halloween adventure. This is basically my take on a seventh Nightmare on Elmstreet movie but with ponies!

Report Epsilon-Delta · 268 views · #Witches

New Story: A Ghost of a Chance · 6:01pm Jan 7th, 2022

It takes place in the same AU as A Witch in Broad Daylight, but no worries! You don't need to read either one to understand the other.

This one is about ghosts, so if you ever wanted to see more of them here's your chance! Most specifically, it stars the Shadowbolts. Lemon Zest becomes a ghosts and agrees to help Sugarcoat, a more experience specter, recruit other ghosts in exchange for an education.

TA Ghost of a Chance
Lemon Zest is pretty lucky for a pony who just got fried to death. She miraculously comes back as a ghost and stumbles on a haunted school where she can learn the basics of the afterlife. The fee of tuition? Recruiting more ghosts to school.
Epsilon-Delta · 150k words  ·  228  2 · 4.8k views

Broad Daylight Appendix B Factions: Equestria, Slayer's Association · 10:11pm Dec 23rd, 2021

The following is part of the appendix of A Witch in Broad Daylight. It contains some additional information, but only marginal spoilers if you've read past the Aliens chapter. Everything contained here is largely useless and if any of it becomes important it will be mentioned in the story. This is simply a way to organize information and give additional details to anyone who wants them.

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Broad Daylight timeline · 6:24pm Oct 2nd, 2021

I made a timeline of the past 100 years or so mostly for my own reference. I thought I'd share it in case anyone was curious. The timeline doesn't contain any spoilers if you've read up to the current chapter.

Link to timeline

Report Epsilon-Delta · 498 views ·
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