The marked warrior

by Dark lord

Chapter 4

Letting out a loud growl under his breath, Dante tried to place his hand on his forehead trying to stop the headache but was surprised by the sound of chains clanking on the metal handle of the infirmary bed. Looking down he noticed the heavy metal handcuffs around his wrists, but before he could continue struggle with them anymore, a familiar voice coming from the right side of infirmary bed.

"Hey take it easy..." called out Spike quickly jumping from his chair and stood next to Dante's bed. “It’s best if you don't force yourself to much..."

"Wait you’re that boy that was with Twilight in that house..." Dante replied his vision still burly but clear enough to notice the boy's spiky light green hair. "Spike...right?" He asked squinting his eyes at the boy.

"Didn't think you would know my name" chuckled Spike "how do you feel?"

Dante let out a sigh "besides being confused and a massive headache, I feel fine..." Dante stopped and noticed Spikes confused expression. "What?" he asked.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

Dante placing his hand on his head growling at his headache that began to worsen with every memory flashing through his mind. He explain everything that had happened after protecting the girl from the guards and encountering Princess Luna in a fight to the point of near death. "And that's all I remember..." he said letting out a soft sigh, while looking blankly in to the white ceiling with a squared pattern.

"Wait...are you sure that's all you remember?" Spike asked with a confused look.

" be honest everything else is somewhat of a blur...everything goes black and I wake up chained to this infirmary bed"

"So you don't even remember getting that mark?"

"What?" said Dante quickly turning his head towards Spike, giving him concern look, Spike handed him a small round white mirror and showed him the reflection of the blood red mark on his upper chest. "What the hell is that?" he asked in a loud worried tone still starring at the reflection in the mirror with wide eyes.

"We don't know what it is, or why you have it for that matter, all Twilight told me was that it suddenly began branding its self into your skin." Spike explained.

"Where is she?" Dante quickly asked "is she okay?"

Spike nodded "yeah, right now she is in a meeting with Princess Celestia, Luna, and the magic consul." As the two continued talking, a loud, heavy knock came from the other side of the door and in an instant the small infirmary room was filled with guards that were ready for any sudden movement. Between the few seconds of confusion, one of the guards stepped forward and with his low intimidating voice he spoke.

“The Princesses have ordered your presents." his eyes locked with Dante's as two guards placed a heavy steel collar around his neck and secured the loose chains on the collar to the boy's wrist and forcefully stood him up and cuffed his ankles, make impossible for any chance to run for it. "Any sudden movements and I'll make sure you aren't capable to walk again..." The guard growled still locking eye contact with Dante "...Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal..." Dante growled loudly under his breath as he was being pushed out of the infirmary room and escorted down the long hallway with the sound of chins clanking with every step he took. Suddenly.

"IN COMING!!" One of the guards shouted, causing everyone to put their attention towards the giant boulder that was thrown in their direction.

* * * * * *

"My, my..." A tall hooded man spoke, watching the destruction from a distance. "What a mess she's making...if she keeps this up she'll end up killing the child." he looked back at a hooded woman slightly taller than him and gave her a maniacal smile as he looked at her tight clothes. "Wouldn't you agree Ivy?"

"Our orders where to retrieve the child harmless and to kill anyone who dares to stand in the way" she said watching as more boulders crashed into the castle with massive force. "Even if the child dies her power can still be removed..."

"But the procedure is quite a hassle is it not?" the man asked with a smile.

" any case if she fails to capture the child alive...kill her" she said walking away, leaving the man to the destruction show that he seemed to enjoy.

* * * * * *

"General Iron sword!" Celestia called out "What is going on?"

"W...we don't know my lady" he said in a confused tone "boulders began to fall from the sky-" the man was stopped by Celestia destroying a boulder coming towards them, into pieces.

"Well...well if it isn't the Princess of the sun herself..." a woman's voice could be heard in the distances as her calm steps began to getting closer. As the dust began to clear a woman stood a few feet away, holding a fairly large sword in her right hand, dripping blood from the tip and onto the floor.

"Gaia..." Celestia growled under her breath clenching her fist. "What is it that you want?!" she asked in anger.

Gaia chuckled and instantly dashed in front of Celestia. "That..." she began and landed a blow on the Princesses' abdomen with an incredible force that sent her crashing through a wall several feet away leaving the general in a state of shock. “...Is none of your business" said Gaia, sighing in disappointment then glared at the speechless guard with a wicked grin. this is it Iron Sword thought, paralyzed as he watched Gaia raising her sword over her head this is how it ends . Before Gaia could bring down her sword on the man, Celestia quickly appeared behind the man and instantly teleported several feet from Gaia as her blade hit the floor. "Princess..." the man stuttered looking at her with wide eyes.

"Find Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight and the others and make sure they are safe." she ordered keeping her eyes focused on Gaia.

"B...but your highness I can't just leave you-"

"I'll be fine, go protect the others, that's an order!" Celestia commanded interrupting the Guard before he could hesitate. Iron Sword quickly stood up and quickly followed Celestias orders.

"So..." said Gaia with a smile on her face "I assume you finally realized why I am here for...right?" she questioned pointing her sword at Celestia.

"It was only a matter of time...but I didn't expect it to be so early." Celestia answered holding her hand and summoning a gold bladed long sword with a symbol of the sun a few inches above the handle, quickly gripping the sword Celestia charged towards Gaia and swung at her without hesitation.

This is going to be very interesting thought Gaia as she lifted her sword, blocking Celestias attack.

* * * * * * *

The stench of blood filled the air within the castle as goblins and guards massacred each other, the sounds of swords clashing and muffled screams echoed from behind the double doors of the throne room, where many of the servants feared the worst to come.

"Please, everyone remain calm..." Princess Cadance announced, trying to calm them the best she could.

"We are all going to die!" a man shouted out from the crowd, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT US TO REMAIN CALM!"

"No one is going to die!" shouted Shining Armor removing his helmet, reveling his blue hair. "Right now my men are risking their lives to protect all of you and I promise no harm will come to you" he announced looking at his wife with worried eyes, that told her it maybe all a lie. Calmly Shining hugged his wife and daughter tightly and quietly whispered " Listen to me as soon as I tell you to run I want you to take Flurry and everyone and make a run for it okay? No matter what happens just keep running "

"No...No I'm not leaving you!" cried Cadance staring into her husband's eyes. Before she could object any further, the ceiling shattered sending large fragments of the roof to fall towards them, together Cadance and Shining Armor quickly created a magic barrier over the servants in order to prevent any casualties. As the cloud of dust began to fade Celestia could be seen forcing herself to stand on her own two feet only to have her knees give up on her a cause her to collapse on the ground. "Aunt Celestia!" Cried Cadance instantly running towards Celestia with Shining following her.

"I have to say you put up a good fight..." Gaia called out as she began walking closer to the three dragging her massive sword behind her. "...but I'm not impressed on what I've seen so far" she stopped as Shining Armor stepped in front of Cadance and Celestia, aiming his sword towards Gaia. "Aw how cute the knight protecting the princesses..." she chuckled softly "Do you honestly believe out stand a slight chance against me!" Shouted Gaia swinging her blade with great speed.

Shining immediately blocked the incoming attack but suddenly, shining was forcefully pushed back as soon as the two blades collided with one another "l...I'll take any chance I have in order to protect my family" growled using all his strength to hold his ground and push back the woman's blade back the two heard the double doors slowly creek open and the scent of death began to fill the inter room causing Shining to have a cold chill go down his spine.

"I guess you know what happens now..." Gaia laughed kicking Shining in the stomach sending him to the floor in front of Cadance and Celestia, who was starting to regain conciseness, with a hard "thud". "If you don't want to die painfully I suggest you hand the child over" she said walking towards Cadance only to be stopped by shining armor casting a violet red dome around them.

"Over my dead body" he growled noticing his sword was out of his reach. "Cadance..." he thought pulling out a dagger from the back of his belt and braced himself for Gaia's attack "I'm sorry...please...stay strong...Protect Flurry...".

"SHINING!" his wife shouted with tears pouring from her eyes.

"DADA!" shouted the child as Gaia's sword reached her father. But before the blade could come in contact with Shining Armor, Gaia noticed what appeared to be a fist from her right peripheral vision, but was to slow to dodge the attack that once the first came in contact, she was sent rolling on the floor with an unbelievable amount of force that left everyone astonish and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of chains rattling in the utter silence.