//------------------------------// // 75 - All Roads Lead to Viljatown // Story: Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone // by David Silver //------------------------------// Paul looked to Under with some fascination. "So, yer a real wizard? The classic variety? Tons of books and can make mountains collapse and all that?" Under raised a brow at Paul's query. "I am a wizard, but to what end would I test my might against a mountain? It has done me no wrong." He looked to Fast. "Have I mentioned what interesting company you keep?" Fast chuckled softly. "You have, the mark of the Author, I think you said." "Ah, yes." He nodded. "Well, let's put that aside. Before I whisk you all away, introductions are in order." He dipped his head in a light bow. "I am Under Score, wizard, as confirmed by your friend here, priest of Princess Luminace." Renewed curiosity shone on Paul's face. "Wait, I thought ya just said wizard, not priest. Which is it?" Tabitha tilted her head faintly. "He's got a point, you can't be both, right?" Under just chuckled softly, but Tree was the one that rose to answer it. "Of course you can." She put a hoof to her chest. "I like the sun chick and would tell that to others, like, no hesitation man. But I am a druid, and hear the song of nature." Fast smiled a little. "Sun Queen. That is the short of it. Under Score has always been faithful to Luminace and her pursuit of knowledge, and reveres her with every spell he can find and every secret he can unearth to share with her." Maud approached Under, looking him over. "I'm Maud Pie. You're an earth pony." She hiked a brow high. "I thought only unicorns can be wizards." Under nodded slowly. "That I am, and here I am. What does that demonstrate?" Maud went quiet again a moment before she pointed at Under Score. "You are either not a wizard, or I was wrong." Tabitha curtsied. "You already heard our names, but to make it more personal since Maud started, I'm Tabitha." He tucked his cane at his side. "I'm glad I didn't have reason to use this today." Paul peered at it. "Is that a real... Could it blow us up?" "Oh, that's exactly what it does." Under raised a brow at Paul. "Have you seen a fire staff before? Very astute." Fast shook her head. "Let's be thankful there's no reason for that. Introductions aside, how do you plan on getting us there?" "You have to ask?" He turned in the direction the train had gone. "I didn't leave the train with no way of getting to a soft bed tonight. Gather around me and place a hoof or hand on my back. I'll have us there before you know it." They gathered around him, with Bright perching directly on his head, to Under Score's surprise. "Mind where those claws go, new friend." "Possibly." Tree smiled gently. "That's Bright Feathers. He's really smart and totally righteous." The bird seemed to swell with pride at the words. Under gave a careful shake of his head before he intoned sharp and alien words. His hooves slid over the ground, making the needed pattern as those powerful words echoed through the universe itself, and they ceased to be. At least for the forever and an instant before they did exist again, but elsewhere. They appeared on a cobbled road that looked like it could use upkeep, with water pooled in puddles sporadically and the stones worn down in places where carts or hooves had tread on them for long enough. Before them was a building that had withstood the degeneracy visible in many of its neighbors. It was a temple and a library and wore both titles with grace. It was Luminace's sacred place, and it was what drew Under Score towards it. "Here we are. The Empire may be crumbling around us, but the ponies here, the ones who remain, are steadfast in their thirst for knowledge." He led the way into the temple. "Allow me a moment to speak with the mistress of the library. She will know what move to next take." He hurried into the stacks, lost behind rows on rows of books. One of the priests came from the same direction, speaking quietly as she walked, "Good to see you, Under Score." Her eyes focused on the new guests and blinked. "Oh! It's so rare to see new faces around here these days. Welcome to Luminace's Library, Viljatown Branch. Have you come in pursuit of knowledge?" She smiled with hope, almost desperate, on display. Fast nodded to her. "That we have. We're with Under Score." "Ah." Her hope dimmed slightly. "I'm sure he's taking care of you then. Regardless, I am Foot Note, and if you need any help, I'll be around. Please don't shout, this is a library after all." Tabitha took a step forward towards Foot. "Excuse me." Foot looked Tabitha up and down. "What a fascinating half breed, or are you a new species altogether? Was your mother or father the same species?" The questions left Tabitha with more questions of her own. She shook her head. "I don't know. I mean, no, my mother and father were both human so far as I remember, but I was hoping you could tell me more about what I am, and why I have pony magic." She reached up and brushed an ear. "To say nothing of the ears, tail, and hooves." Foot circled around Tabitha, making soft noises as she went as if considering the matter. "Sorcerer, I would imagine. Do you require material components for your spells?" Tabitha shook her head slowly. "I don't think so? What would those look like?" "I thought not." Foot sat in front of Tabitha. "Have you experienced any physiological alterations?" "What?" "Any changes in your body." Foot waved a hoof at her. "Besides growing pony parts?" Tabitha hiked a brow high. "Those were pretty dramatic." Maud raised a hoof. "She smells like stone, and became tougher, like rock." Foot tilted her head faintly before she righted herself. "I thought you were just a robust breed of human, my mistake. You--" She pointed a hoof at Tabitha. "--are clearly a unificationist, a bloodline particular to ponies, which you obviously must share, however dimly." She brought her forehooves together, but stopped just before a clop could be made. "How exciting! I never saw a human unificationist before." Tabitha twined her fingers together. "That sounds nice and all, but what am I supposed to be unificionating? What am I bringing together?" She tapped the ground lightly. "Further research would be required to answer that with authority, but you're already bridging humans and ponies together admirably, the earth-bound particularly. I'm not one of those, myself." She lowered her habit, revealing a spire on her brow. "You'll find a lot of unicorns in here. We love learning things by nature." "When a box is discovered, a unicorn will be the first to open it, for they must know what is inside." Around a stack, a striped snout of an otherwise robed pony approached. "A zebra may hesitate, for not every secret is meant to be disturbed. There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom, dear Foot Note." The female zebra approached the group, jeweled tail jingling faintly behind her. "What has captured your interest so?" "Bar Code! It's lovely to see you outside of your office." Foot Note bowed to her. "This is Bar Code, one of the elder scholars. She is our master of linguistics and forgotten tongues." Bar nodded to the group. "A pleasure. I heard Under Score speaking with such intensity, I could not keep away. Do you know what has filled his old bones with such youthful vigor?" Fast considered a moment, but if they were to get answers... She drew free the crown. "This." As one, both spoke the words of discernment, only to be blinded as Under Score was not long before. Bar laughed softly at herself. "I threw open the box without precaution, and now I am made a fool." She rubbed over her face with a leg until vision began to return to her. "It is rare that a true artifact appears before us." Paul took a stand a little before Fast, as if to protect the crown, but he said nothing. "Look." Maud called out in her soft voice, quiet enough to not call down the wrath of the library. "They have a book on rocks." She picked a book from the shelf with the skill of an Equestrian pony, stuck to her hoof as well as Under Score had managed. Foot perked up. "Let me show you the reading room. This way." She led Maud away to explore the new book. Fast tucked the crown away into her saddlebag. "I'm certain its purpose is to lead us to the new emperor or empress of the Empire. The trick is how." Tabitha frowned a little. "She didn't finish explaining what in the hells a unificationist is." Bar raised a brow. "The Author works in mysterious ways. The first empress, the Queen, she was a unificationist, and she unified us. Once, we were many tribes, bickering and feuding, then we were together, whole and strong. Now? We are sliding back, fracturing without her leadership." She looked Tabitha over curiously. "You are a curious harbinger, or do you mean to wear that crown?" Tabitha held up her hands together. "I'm happy meeting the ponies. I'm not certain I have the right stuff to be the leader of them all. Besides, I'm not even a pony." Bar leaned off to the left. "You have a tail of a pony, and the ears of one as well. Have you checked for what brand the Author has blazed on you? Perhaps it would reveal your fate." Her hands went to her sides, as if to guard any from inspecting any brands. "I wasn't born with any marks." Bar shook her head. "This is not my box to open, but from the way you speak, it certainly remains closed for now. When you feel the time is right, it will be at your hands that this changes." Paul shrugged softly. "Why not take a look?" Tabitha colored instantly. "You just asked a woman to lift her skirt." Paul took his turn going red as the truth was made clear. Tree shook her head softly. "Don't tease him. You know he means well, little sister. Whatever's on your flank doesn't change who you are, it just helps clarify it. Only you can decide what it means, to you." Under Score appeared from the maze of books. "Ah, right where... Where is Maud?" Bar nodded. "She is with Foot Note, reading." "Ah, very good. The Mistress of the Library has agreed to see you, Fast." Under turned back where he came from. "This way." Fast took a step forward, only to hesitate. "Just me? We're a team... a family." Under gave a toss of his head. "Bring them, just mind your manners. She does not appreciate outbursts or loud sounds in general."