Doctor Whooves Episode 22: Black Sun

by Doctor Perseus

The Dance of Suns

Chapter 5: The Dance of Suns

Rebel Headquarters, Manehattan, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

"Your majesty? Come in! Over!" Lightning Dust shouted into the communicator. Nothing but static emanated from the speaker. She slowly placed the communicator down on the nearby table and rubbed the back of her neck. "This isn't good."
The temporary hangar she was standing in was packed with soldiers running every which way. Every few moments, a new jet bus filled with soldiers would fly out through the doors that lead out to the city of Manehattan and everything beyond.
Lightning ran one of her hands through her striped amber and gold hair before focusing on a nearby soldier. He was slightly shorter than the average person, had combed gray hair, and had a somewhat protruding jaw.
"Silver Shill!" Lightning called to the soldier. "Over here! Now!" The soldier known as Silver Shill nodded vigorously before running over to Lightning. "Could you be any more slower?"
"Sorry, Lightning Dust," Silver replied with a few deep breaths. "What's wrong?"
"Princess Luna isn't responding."
"Maybe she's busy?"
Lightning shook her head. "No. I've called her at least five times within the past half hour with no response. The Sun is starting to set. Something's very wrong here."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that the Princess may be dead. We need to activate Project Firefly."
Silver gasped twice. "Dead? Project Firefly?! But...but how can we be sure?! Besides...aren't there still glitches-"
"We don't have time to argue about this, Silver Shill! I have my orders and I'm following them! Tell the others to start getting Project Firefly up and running! I don't give a damn about any glitches!"
Silver nervously saluted. "Yes, ma'am!" He then ran off as fast as he could.
Lightning waited until Silver was gone to start shaking. She hastily grabbed her communicator and began calling into it once again. "Hello?! Princess?! Princess Luna?! Please pick up! Please!"

Crystal Caverns, Beneath Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

The Doctor jumped up like a spring. Donna, Matilda, and everyone else looked on with surprise.
"You're awake!" gasped Rarity.
"Indeed I am," the Doctor replied as he stretched his limbs. "Did I miss anything?" Twi was about to start explaining when the Doctor help up a hoof. "Wait. Let me guess. The human Princess Celestia has been turned into an ultimate weapon called Black Sun. Is that right?" Everyone and everypony awkwardly nodded. "And, also, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been captured by Discord Whooves."
"How do you know that?" asked Clockwork.
"I saw it." The Doctor's expression suddenly became incredibly grim. "I saw a lot of things."
"Do you know how to defeat Discord Whooves?" asked Flash.
"I know what's preventing us from defeating him right now. I know how he came to be. It's a long story. I'll explain on the way back up to the castle."
"Do you know about that too?" Twi asked.
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
Twi gave a sad face. "Black Sun is going after the Elements of Harmony. We need you to take them and put them in your TARDIS for safe keeping. The Princesses are holding her off upstairs but we don't know how long that will last."
"I see. Makes perfect sense that he would go after the Elements."
"I have a theory. I just hope I'm wrong."
"You can explain it on the way up," said Matilda as she began pushing the group out of the TARDIS.
"Everyone follow me," said Twi.
"Wait a minute," chuckled a familiar voice. Everyone and everypony looked to see the holographic Discord leaning against the console. "Leaving without a goodbye?"
"That's a weird looking Discord," Spike stated.
Discord raised an eyebrow. "Look who's talking. I think you look better as a dragon." Spike glared at the holographic draconequus but the Doctor stepped in between the two. Discord smirked at him. "It looks like your mind is still intact after all that. Interesting. I would have assumed you would have cracked or something."
"I saw and heard many things that I will never forget," the Doctor replied. "But I know his past. I know his secrets. The Paramae and the chip are key."
Discord nodded. "Indeed." Everyone and everypony aside from the Doctor and Discord gave a look of slight confusion. Suddenly, Discord turned his attention to Donna. "Donna, dear. Don't forget that prophecy of yours."
Donna was silent for a brief moment. "How could I forget something like that?" she asked.
"I dunno. Just don't forget it!" He then expanded his attention to the rest of the group. "Good luck, now!" With that said, he was gone.
"Come on," said Twi. "We need to get moving."
"And the Doctor can fill us in about everything along the way," Matilda said.
"Yes, of course," the Doctor complied with a somber tone.
Everyone and everypony hastily made their way out of the TARDIS and began to follow Twi along her shortcut back up to the surface.

Ponyville Hospital, Ponyville, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Trixie was uncomfortable. How could she not be? She was crowded into a hospital filled with injured and frightened ponies while armed humans from another dimension guarded the building outside from an army of robotic monsters.
It took some effort for her to stay with her group as she made her way through the crowd. Oswin led them through the lobby and up a few flights of stairs before arriving in a mostly vacant hallway.
"Thank Celestia," sighed Monty. "Room to breathe."
It was here where the unconscious Francis finally awoke. "What...what happened?" he asked as he head leaned from side to side.
Julianna walked over to him and swatted his mane with one of her forehooves. "You're just now waking up, stupid?!" she snapped.
"Don't call your brother names, Julianna," Monty instructed with a surprisingly firm tone.
Julianna rolled her eyes and began to lead Francis over to a nearby couch. "Come on. I'll fill you in on what's happened."
"We should be safe here. The shields should keep the Cybermen out," said Oswin.
"What if they upgrade?" Monty asked. "That's how they ended up being so powerful. Is it possible for them to upgrade beyond what your shields can block?"
Oswin looked nervous for a moment. "I assure you that we're safe now."
Monty shrugged his soldiers before sitting against the wall with Zecora. Oswin walked over to the nearby water fountain for a drink. Trixie followed.
Trixie waited until Oswin was done drinking to confront her. "I can tell that you're lying. You're just trying to keep everypony calm," she stated.
Oswin chuckled. "You can read me like a book too then. Just like the Trixie in my dimension." She turned towards Trixie and leaned against the wall. "The Cybermen have upgraded past our shields in the past. It really is only a matter of time before they find a way to bypass the shields surrounding this hospital. Once that happens..." Oswin fell silent for a few seconds. "I really don't want to think about that."
Trixie gave a comforting smile. "Then don't."
"That's easier said than done, Trixie. You can't help but think of every possible worse scenario when you're in a war." Suddenly, Oswin gave a confused look and began to look all around. "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Exactly. What happened to the sound of gun blasts and spells? What happened to the Cybermen shouts?"
Now that Trixie was thinking about it, she did indeed notice that the ominous ambience of Cybermen demands and return fire had mysteriously fallen silent. She and Oswin stared at each other for a moment before rushing into a nearby hospital room.
They ran towards the window peered out towards the front hospital grounds. Human soldiers could be seen walking around and looking as equally confused as them. The shields were still up but there was not one Cyberman to be seen. It was almost as if they had just up and vanished into thin air.
"Did they decide to leave us alone?" Trixie asked.
"I doubt it. I've spent a year fighting these Cybermen. They don't give up until either you're dead or they're destroyed," Oswin replied.
"Maybe they were defeated."
Oswin slowly shook her head. "No. That's not it. It doesn't feel right." Oswin leaned in closer to the window. "Something's out there. Hiding in the snow."
Trixie gulped. "Like what?"
"I don't know."
It was then that Trixie suddenly heard the sound of soft breathing. While Oswin was fixated on what was happening outside, Trixie turned towards the hospital bed to see a sleeping mare with a grey striped mane and a light gold coat. That's odd. I feel like I've seen this mare somewhere before, Trixie thought as she slowly approached the bed. Her attention was suddenly drawn to the bedside table. On it lay a neatly folded dark olivine vest and a tan pith helmet. Trixie's eyes darted back and forth between the sleeping mare and the clothes as she slowly put two and two together. Wait a minute. No. It can't be! How? Why? Huh?!
Just then, the entire building shook like an earthquake had just hit. "What the hay was that?!" Trixie asked.
Oswin was still fixated on the front hospital grounds. She noticed that a group of soldiers was standing around a bulging chunk of earth. Then, with a loud bang, the bulge exploded into a geyser of deformed creatures and grotesque animal hybrids. "Oh no," Oswin uttered as she watched her fellow soldiers down below get quickly overtaken and caught off guard by the vicious horde. She turned to Trixie. "We need to move. Now!"
As Oswin ran towards the door, Trixie turned back to the mare. Using her magic, she levitated the mare into the air and placed her on her back. She was much heavier than Trixie had expected. She then levitated the folded vest and helmet into the air and carried them with her magic as she ran out of the room.
"Let's go!" Oswin ordered as she exited the hospital room.
Monty, Francis, Julianna, and Zecora gave surprised looks. "Oh my dear, what is wrong with you?" Zecora asked. "Have those horrible monsters broken through?"
"No. A whole new group of monsters has gotten past the shields. Now move! We need to find a way out of here!" The sound of shattering glass could be heard from inside the hospital room Oswin and Trixie had just come from. "MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!"
The others wasted no time in following Oswin down the hallway. Trixie turned back just in time to see what appeared to be a humanoid bat with goat legs and dressed in battle armor fly out of the room. His dark, sadistic gaze met Trixie's stare for a brief moment before he charged after them.
Oswin quickly pulled out her blaster, aimed, and shot one of the bat's wings. He rolled like a wheel when he hit the floor and let out a shriek of pain. Oswin could tell that more were on the way. "Keep running!" she ordered. "Keep running!"
Trixie and the others did as they were told and ran.

Discord Laboratory, Beneath Rainbow Falls, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Opal awoke to find a sharp pain in her nose and a surprisingly warm surface beneath her. It took her a few seconds for her to recall the last thing she had seen: Discord Whooves on top of her and throwing his hooves into her face liked an unhinged maniac. Her face felt stiff and incredibly dry. It was almost as if someone had thrown cake batter all over her muzzle. She reached a forehoof towards her nose to find a large part of her face caked in dried blood. It wasn't until her vision began to focus that she realized her hind legs were chained to something.
She slowly sat up, her entire body aching as she moved, and looked ahead to see her hind legs chained to the wooden frame of a bed. The bed she was in was bright pink in color and filled to the brim with fluffy stuffing, pillows, and sheets. Upon further examination of her new surroundings, she saw that everything in the room was vibrant pink.
The hairs on Opal's back rose up as her instincts kicked in, telling her that she was not alone in the room. She slowly turned to the left to see another bed situated on the other side of the room. Sitting on the bed and staring at her was...Twilight Sparkle.
"Twilight Sparkle?!" asked a shocked Opal. " that you?!" The unicorn remained silent as she stared at Opal. Her eyes were wide with a mixture of curiosity and fear. The large pupils and clear whites of the eyes made Opal feel uneasy. She had worked with plenty of foals in the past. She knew the expression of innocence like nopony else she knew. However, there was something uneasy about the innocence emanating from the Twilight staring at her. It was a weak innocence. Almost on the verge of collapsing into trauma. Something was broken within those innocent, curious eyes. Something deep, deep within.
Opal cleared her throat calmly and stated, "'re not really Twilight Sparkle."
The other Twilight nodded. She scooted back on her bed, away from Opal's direction, and pressed her back against the wall. "Mr. Whooves told me not to talk to you," she said.
"Well it looks like you've just broken that rule, honey," Opal replied with a teasing smirk. The other Twilight gasped and quickly covered her muzzle. "You look pretty terrified of him."
The other Twilight calmed herself down and lowered her forehooves. "I don't want to disappoint him. He's been so nice to me," she responded.
"I would imagine. You are his creation, after all."
The other Twilight gave a look of confusion. "How do-"
"Well, honestly, it doesn't take much time to figure out that you're a clone he created." Opal raised an eyebrow, doing her best to ignore the sharp pains in her face. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me why he created you?"
The other Twilight frowned and shook her head. "I may have been born today but I'm not stupid," she snapped.
Opal couldn't help but snicker at the other Twilight's response. It was meant to come off as a smart, defensive retort but instead sounded more like a little kid trying to act tough on the playground. "Well it looks like I'm going to be here a while," Opal sighed. "Name's Opal, by the way. Are you called Twilight Two or something like that?"
The other Twilight bit her lip before responding. "My name is Thalia."
Opal's eyes widened. Her ability to make a sound slipped away from her as she came to terms with who was sitting across the room from her. "You?!" she eventually managed to ask with a somewhat disgusted tone.
Thalia tilted her head. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Opal shook her head and turned away from Thalia. She looked up at the ceiling and let out a load sigh.
Thalia cleared her throat. "Aren't you going to answer me?" she asked.
"I think it's best that we don't talk," Opal stated. "Too much is at risk for me to accidentally give you a spoiler."
"A spoiler?"
Opal closed her eyes and kept herself silent as Thalia went into a short marathon of questions. She eventually stopped talking, leaving Opal free to dwell over her main goal: finding a way back to her family.

It had been silent outside the room for some time. Twilight was beginning to feel quite uneasy about this particular detail. Everypony else in the room had fallen silent. Rainbow Dash would occasionally try to break herself out of her restraints but each attempt provided negative results.
"It sure has been quiet for a while," said Fluttershy.
"That makes me feel really nervous," Applejack replied.
"Me too," Rarity concurred with a sigh. "What exactly is going on out there?"
Twilight groaned as he shook her restraints. "I feel so useless," she said. "Here I am: a damsel in distress. I should be out there helping the Doctor, Donna, and everypony else. Instead I'm a prisoner of Discord Whooves waiting to be rescued."
"Don't get yourself down about that, Twilight," said Applejack. "As you can see, you're not the only one who got caught."
"Yeah! Discord Whooves was just unfair and caught you off guard, like us!" Pinkie Pie chimed in.
"It does suck apples to be stuck here, though," said Rainbow Dash.
"Hey! Don't be using apples in that context!" Applejack snapped.
Rainbow Dash snorted and glared at Applejack. "I'll use apples in whatever context I want!"
"Please don't start fighting!" Fluttershy pleaded.
"Fluttershy's right," said Rarity. "The last thing we need to do is turn on each other. We need to stick together."
"It would be nice to find a way out of here," Spike stated. "Too bad Discord Whooves thought of everything. Fireproof. Magic-proof."
"Let's hope he didn't make it TARDIS-proof!" Pinkie added.
"He probably did," Twilight sighed. "Besides, I don't think the Doctor even knows that we're here."
As the others talked about their predicament, Derpy remained silent. Her mind was still filled with questions about the frightening vision she had experienced earlier.
Suddenly, the ground began to shake beneath Derpy's hooves. Her heart began to beat like a drum as she started to frantically look around for the source of the shaking. After a few seconds, the shaking stopped as soon as it had started. Derpy held tightly onto the side of the cage and let out many long, deep breaths. She looked around the room to see if anypony else had experienced what she had. As she scanned the faces of her friends, she could tell that she was, yet again, the only one to experience the strange event.
"Did...did any of you feel that?!" asked Twilight.
Derpy's attention quickly turned to Twilight, who was breathing heavily and looking around the room.
"Darling, what are you talking about?" Rarity asked.
"The shaking! The whole room shook! Didn't you feel that?!" Twilight's breathing slowed down as she looked at her friends. "Really? None of you just felt that?"
Everypony in the room shook their heads; that is, except for one.
"I felt it," Derpy stated.
No sooner than the moment Derpy and Twilight locked eyes the room started to shake once again. Twilight let out a loud gasp. Derpy fell back against the side of the cage. The others looked confused beyond all measure.
"What's going on with you two?!" asked a worried Spike.
"Twilight?!" asked Fluttershy.
"Derpy?!" asked Pinkie Pie.
Suddenly, the whole room and everypony in it seemed to fade away. Derpy and Twilight found themselves floating in an abyss of swirling stars. A loud boom pounded against their ears as they turned to see a spaceship flying towards them. Both mares screamed as the ship flew into them.
The ship and stars vanished and Twilight and Derpy found themselves back in their restraints in the circular room.
"What the hay was that about?!" snapped Applejack.
Derpy said, "I-"
Twilight gasped, "Don't-"
The two mares sighed, "Know."
One thing Derpy and Twilight were sure of was that something big was about to go down. And the event in question wasn't that far away.

Canterlot Castle, Canterlot, Equestria, Gaia, Winter, 1002 C.E.

Princess Celestia stood silently in front of wall that guarded the Elements of Harmony. She was joined by a group of pony and human soldiers. Behind her and encased in a powerful magical shield was a silver box that now contained the Elements of Harmony. She was ready to pass them on to the Doctor when he arrived.
For a long time, Celestia heard nothing but the muffled sounds of the endless battle playing out in the streets of her beloved city; and, if she focused hard enough, she could almost hear the battle spreading out throughout her entire realm of Equestria. She did her best to hold back a tear.
Suddenly, the door to the chamber opened.
"Doctor?! Luna?!" Celestia asked. Her heart dropped like a thousand bricks when she saw who was passing through the threshold.
Black Sun strolled into the chamber with a cold, calm demeanor. She came to a halt a few feet from the door and pointed one of her weapons forward. "Hand over the Elements of Harmony," she ordered with her emotionless voice.
"Where is my sister?" Celestia asked as she started to shake. The volume of her voice was just above that of a whisper.
"Your majesty?" asked one of the pony soldiers. "What are your-"
"WHERE IS MY SISTER?!" Celestia snapped at Black Sun.
Black Sun tilted her head slightly. "The Princess Luna of this world and the Princess Luna of the other world have expired."
Celestia began shaking even more. "You...killed...them."
Black Sun then proceeded to speak in a tone that was eerily between being devoid of emotion and expressing sadistic mockery. "That is correct. I killed them. I killed your sister." Her tone became more vibrant and entertained. "I killed your precious, pathetic sister. What are you going to do about it, Princess?" A small spark of green light emanated from Black Sun's skull and her tone returned to being completely emotionless. "Step away from the Elements of-"
Without warning, a huge blast of energy shot from Celestia's horn and smashed into the weapon Black Sun was presenting. It flew into the air and fell apart into dust. "I'LL KILL YOU!" Celestia yelled as she sent another attack at Black Sun.
Black Sun took to the air and send a shower of projectiles towards Celestia and the soldiers. Celestia took to the air. The soldiers did their best to avoid Black Sun's attack. Celestia shielded some of the slower soldiers but found that some of the projectiles passed through her shields as if there were nothing there. A human soldier let out a gasp as her leg was shot and a pony soldier crumpled to the floor like a rag doll after being critically hit.
Celestia flew towards Black Sun, firing every spell she could think of. Black Sun, in turn, flew towards Celestia and unloaded her weapons. Celestia was quick to dodge the projectiles as was Black Sun. The two collided with a gargantuan clash. A shockwave spread out from the fighters. The windows of the chamber shattered into dust. The soldiers down below were instantly knocked out. It was just the two of them now.
"You will not win. You will lose everything," Black Sun stated as she attempted to crush one of Celestia's hooves with one of her hands.
Celestia broke free but Black Sun slapped her across the face and kicked her hard in the gut. As she fell down, Celestia's horn slashed a small compartment on Black Sun's side. Sparks rained down from a good portion of Black Sun's weapons as Celestia collided with the floor below. Black Sun aimed her remaining weapons at Celestia. Celestia snarled like a primal animal as she stood up and looked at her sister's murderer.
"You killed my sister! YOU WILL NOT LIVE ANOTHER DAY!" Celestia screamed. She felt a fury unlike any she had ever felt before. A massive heat wave spread out from her, causing Black Sun to lose balance and fall to the ground. Celestia slowly rose into the air. Her coat began to glow and turned pure white like heated metal. Her rainbow mane and tail turned into violent spirals of flame. Her eyes glowed bright red. "FACE THE POWER OF THE SUN!"
A gamma ray shot out of Celestia's horn and smashed into Black Sun. Black Sun was knocked down for a moment before quickly recovering. Her entire body became coated with a layer of black smoke. "The Sun will be eclipsed," she stated coldly before flying up towards the fiery Celestia and crashing into her once again.
An even larger shockwave spread out from this. The walls of the chamber were scorched. A wave of fire spread out through the already broken windows and temporarily coated parts of Canterlot in bright red light.
Celestia and Black Sun spun around the chamber like a top of fire and smoke. Celestia slashed Black Sun with her horn while Black Sun punched and clawed at Celestia with all her might. Celestia could feel some of her bones breaking and her skin burning but she didn't care. Tears of lava streamed from her red eyes and burned through parts of Black Sun's armor.
Just then, the sound of others entering the chamber could be heard. Celestia looked down to see the Doctor charging through the door. He was followed closely by Donna, Matilda, Colgate, Clockwork, Twi, Flash, Shining Armor, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike.
"Holy hair of fire!" gasped Spike.
"Princess Celestia!" cried Twi.
"GO! TAKE THE ELEMENTS AND GO!" Celestia ordered as the shield protecting the box containing the Elements faded away. "I'LL KEEP HER HERE! GO!"
"Already on it!" said Donna as she raced towards the box. Flames and sparks rained down from above as she raced across the chamber, grabbed the box's handle, and ran back towards the others. "What are you all waiting for?! The sky is not only falling but it's on fire! Go, go, GO!"
"You heard her! MOVE!" ordered the Doctor as he and the others charged out of the chamber.
Black Sun attempted to break away but Celestia wasn't letting go. "You're not going anywhere!" Celestia snarled before driving her horn straight through Black Sun's face.
A blast of green energy sent Celestia flying back. She looked at Black Sun to see a clean hole in the top of her head. Magical, green energy began to form around the hole. Celestia gave a look of shock as the disfigured face of Discord Whooves appeared within the cloud of green energy.
"Do you think you can stop us?" laughed the head of Discord Whooves and Black Sun together. "Do you think you can stop me?! You can't! Your sister is dead! Everything you love will be dead!"
"DIE ALREADY!" Celestia shouted before howling furiously and flying towards Black Sun.
A gamma ray of green magic shot from the hole in Black Sun's face and engulfed Celestia. Celestia screamed and spun around as the dark magic attacked her. She felt her fiery magic fading away as Black Sun's dark magic surrounded her. Her strength to keep flying escaped her and her vision began to turn to black as she fell towards the ground below. She felt three sharp pains emanate from her back and splatters of red could be seen at the edges of her vision.
Before she collided with the floor, a disfigured image of her sister appeared before her. Her image was constantly changing between that of Luna and Nightmare Moon. "Sister?" asked the glitchy Luna. "Why did you fail me?"
Salty tears fell from Celestia's closing eyes as she hit the ground.

The Doctor and Donna were running as fast as they could at the front of the group. "We're almost there!" the Doctor announced as they neared the balcony where the TARDIS was being kept. "Just a few more seconds!"
A loud scream emanated from behind them. Everyone and everypony turned to see a damaged Black Sun, surrounded by black smoke and green magic, flying down the corridor towards them.
"I don't think we have a few seconds," Clockwork gulped as his pace quickened.
The Doctor rounded the corner, his tie flapping as he went, and hastily pulled out his sonic screwdriver. He proceeded to activate it and the TARDIS materialized into view. "INSIDE!" the Doctor ordered as he ran towards the doors and nearly broke them down getting inside.
The others wasted no time in running through the doors. As Fluttershy, the tail of the group, entered the TARDIS, the Doctor practically came face-to-face with Black Sun as she rounded the corner and flew towards the open TARDIS doors.
In that split second, the two enemies locked eyes. In the swirling magic around Black Sun, the Doctor could see the hazy and ghostly eyes of Discord Whooves. He then slammed the doors shut in Black Sun's face and locked them.
The TARDIS shook as Black Sun proceeded to begin attacking the TARDIS. The Doctor ran to the control console and pulled a lever down. The TARDIS shook as it lifted into the air and flew out over Canterlot. Black Sun was holding on tightly. "Hang on!" the Doctor ordered as he spun a nearby wheel. The TARDIS began to spin around like a tornado. Everyone and everypony inside held on for their lives. It took a few seconds but Black Sun was eventually knocked off. "And here we go!" The Doctor pulled another lever and the TARDIS's famous sound reverberated through the air as the ship took off to its next destination.
"Where to now?" asked Flash.
"We're going to save Twilight Sparkle, Derpy Hooves, and the rest of our friends," the Doctor replied. He then looked at Donna and nodded. "Hurry to the Rainbow before it's too late." Donna nodded back with a determined look. "Next stop: Rainbow Falls!"