//------------------------------// // 23rd Harvest // Story: Just Horsing Around // by Darkness Shade //------------------------------// 'So, do you think that fellah made it to wherever he belonged in one piece?' Ryan looked up from fiddling with the technological doodad he was arm deep in and glanced upwards as he often did when talking to Dark, "What? Deej? Yeah, Ah'm sure he's fine. Considering how much he reminded me of us, Ah'm sure his luck helped out and got him to where he belongs. Besides, if his T-Sparks is the one that sent him careening about the multiverse, he'll eventually find a way home. Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll meet up again. After all, we didn’t get to show off many of the tricks we’ve still got up our sleeves. Still...after that little adventure Ah'd rather it be under better circumstances. That whole thing just...hurts mah brain to think on." 'Well, when time is involved, it can get weird...funny how it all resolved itself. I hope they're alright, I'd hate for something ta happen to mah new buddy Mallie before he had a chance to "finally triumph over shade-boy". Hahaha, but enough about that. What is this thing you've been tinkering with for so long?' "This thing?" Ryan closed up a panel before plugging it in, "This is the result of whatever free time Ah had and making something of that ridiculous dream we had way back on Dashie's birthday." '...I thought it looked like an arcade machine. Are you...are you telling me somehow ya built a fighting game with us in it?' "Hey, as Ah've said before, magic is a hell of a substitute tool." With that Ryan watched as it went through the boot sequence before finally a very catchy tune kicked in. Humming along with it he pressed start and was pleased to see it not crash, "Beautiful. Now as long as our dear little sisters come through with their task eventually, this will get another lovely update. Alas, as much as Ah'd like to play it now, there's some things to tend to." 'Right. We've gotta meet up with the gals and see what they could find.' With a nod, Ryan flicked a switch and turned off the machine before removing the grounding strap from his wrist. As he put everything away, he glanced at the calendar hanging nearby before lifting it up and reading the date, "Jewelie 3rd...it's officially been over a year since Ah arrived here. Heh, that little party yesterday was nice to celebrate...but..." Pulling out his wallet, Ryan glanced at a worn photo and smiled sadly, "If Ah could send a message to y'all, then perhaps all would be right in the world. Maybe one day..." 'Ryan...' "Heh, Ah'm okay Dark. Now then, let us hurry. We mustn't keep our mares waiting."   After getting changed and ready, Ryan was off towards the Treebary to meet the others. Upon arriving, he went to knock but waited. Staring at the door, he narrowed his eyes before just pushing it open...and then getting a faceful of fluff, "...hello, Fluffle. Doing well with yer new accommodations?" "PFFFFFFT." "Ah, excellent. Did you start using a new shampoo, by the way? You smell different." "...pffft." "Really? Well Ah think that's a great choice." 'Quite! With as fluffy as you are, cotton candy is the perfect scent.' Letting out a gasp, she lightly pawed at Ryan's head before hopping off and back towards the couch where Twilight and the others had been waiting patiently. "And our human shows up at last." Twilight smirked, "A bit busy with your toys, were you?" Not one to let such teasing slide, Ryan walked over before tapping her horn, "As Ah recall, those little "toys" of mine have brought you quite a bit of joy in "scienceing" over, T-Sparks." 'Now now, you can tease the horn later when we're not in company.' Dark mentally motioned towards Fluffle who seemed to be watching curiously, 'We do have business to conduct here after all.' "Ah reckon he's right, Apple Ryder. We can have a romp in the hay later tonight if yer so eager but for now..." "Apps!" Ryan coughed before shaking his head, "So...did you find anything pertaining to what Ah asked you about the information we were able to find in the Hidden Archives?" "Well, darling, we did do our best but..." "What Rarity is trying to say is we were only able to find a few things." Fluttershy brought over an envelope and set it in his lap, "This is all we could find with our searching." "Even the Princesses were unable to find out much despite remembering more about it from being there." Twilight looked down before back at Ryan, "Who is this pony you brought up? This Gauge Mechro?" "...somepony important." Ryan opened the envelope and found some small information within, as well as photos from the past....and the present, "....Dark?" '...you see it too, don't you? It's not clear, but in all these photos, few they may be, there's something common in them.' "...are you okay?" Ryan turned to Lyra and smiled, "Of course. While it isn't much, y'all have given me a chance to hopefully do something good."   With that Ryan had headed back to their home to add what they had found to his own information before spending the rest of the night pouring over it. As it was, he'd fallen asleep at his desk and was unaware of somepony moving him into bed before he was snuggled up to. The night passed quickly and soon enough the rising sun slowly roused Ryan. Yawning, he nestled into the comforting warmth he felt on his side, no doubt one of his herd that had been the one to bring him to bed. With a smile on his face, he was happy to lay there until he felt something was off. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but when he felt something wrap around his leg he knew that things were not quite right. Opening his eyes, he looked down to see a familiar tail wrapped around his leg and a paw resting on his chest, "...the fuck?" "Oh my, such language so early in the morning." Blinking at this odd voice that sounded so familiar yet different, Ryan turned to see something that caused him to jump back and his eyes to bug out, "Who?! What?!" '...wait. Wait. Ryan...' "...Ah think Ah see that too but, where's mah glasses?" Ryan muttered before feeling them land on his face, "....Dark, is that...but...." 'Oh my...I had almost forgotten about that form of yours.' Dark chuckled, 'How very nice of you to show up again...Eris.' "...Eris?" Ryan looked over what appeared to be a female draconequus just lounging on the bed, "But wait...Eris was the goddess of....discord." Watching his face pale, the lady giggled before batting her eyes at him, "I dare say, boy, now I see exactly why those ponies of yours love this so much. You were just so sleepy doing whatever nonsense that was, hee, that I couldn't help but have some fun. Although I must admit, I haven't had reason to go this form for some time. If I were to wager, was it not back then, Darkness?" '...I will say yes but admit nothing else.' Ryan watched...her seemed to fit, as he watched her giggle and certain assets began to jiggle and move about. Groaning softly he briefly glanced down before looking up and rolling his eyes, "Dammit boner...not now." "Oh my." Eris giggled before floating over to him, "Feeling a bit...pent-up dear boy?" "Guh...don't do that, please." Ryan sighed, feeling her run a claw through his hair, "This is kinda weirdin' me out. Wait...Dark?" '...yes?' "Did...did..." Ryan looked at her, "Eris here say she was last seen when...you were around?" '...again, neither denial nor confirmation from me.' Eris gasped before frowning, "Oh dear....little Darkness saying such mean things about me. Me, a sensitive little flower blooming in a field of chaos...did we not share some fun times back then?" '....Ryan, perhaps now would be a good time to put on pants.' "Wait...what?" Ryan looked down to note he was indeed clad only in underwear and a t-shirt, "Where the hell are mah pants?!" "Well you seemed so warm in them, I just figured I'd help keep you cool while we snuggled." Curling around his torso, she shot him a devilish smirk, "Did I, perhaps, make an error?" Ryan, for his part, was trying to make sense of this whole event and wasn't even sure if he was awake it was going so oddly. Taking a deep breath, he gently but persistently removed Eris from his person before spying his pants. Pulling them on, he sighed before smirking at the confused draconequus, "Look baby, it's me, not you. As flattered as Ah am that ya did all this for snuggles, mah herd wouldn't appreciate me showing you attention. It wouldn't be fair to them, or you ya know." "Oh but come now, we're friends are we not? Did Darkness not mention the times of enjoying peaceful, quiet nights with Tia and Woonie?" '...again, no comment.' "Ooooooh, so that's what happened. Ah have to wonder, how did Cellie and Lunes take this form of yers?" Giggling once more, Eris merely smiled, "Oh, I think they enjoyed it well enough. By the way, with all this commotion, how come your herd hasn't come running?" "...that's a very good question." Ryan headed downstairs, followed by the floating female version of his friend, "All quiet down here as well..." "Oh lookie, a note from yer little mares." Eris picked up the note off the table and grinned, "My, my, it says they had to take care of some business in Canterlot and won't be back for a few days. That'll be awful lonely, won't it? All by yer lonesome, in this great big house." Placing his head in his hand, Ryan rolled his eyes before realizing what she was getting at, "...you wanna keep me company like this, don't you?" "It wouldn't be weird, I promise!" Eris nodded, perhaps too quickly as she held up her hand, "Scout's honor! Unless you'd rather my actual self...." "No! Ah mean...no, that's...if this is going to happen—and it seems like it is—at least this way it's not as...weird if ya do what ya did this morning." "Splendid!" With that Eris floated him into a chair and poofed on an apron that read 'Cooking Eris: Chaos Magic' before going to work in the kitchen, "Just rest right there, read the paper, and I will make you a batch of my famous, other-world renowned pancakes." Raising an eyebrow at this, Ryan couldn't help but ask something, "...what exactly is gonna be in these? Ah assume yer still aware of what humans can and can't eat, right?" "Oh please, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't know just what would make my friend happy? Speaking of..." Eris flicked her tail, causing a glass of chocolate milk to rain down on the table, "I know it's your favorite, even if you don't openly say so." Looking at the glass complete with silly straw in the shape of Eris Ryan slowly picked it up before sipping...and then staring as his eyes glazed over. '...partner?' "This...is the richest, most delicious chocolate milk ever." Ryan's grin threatened to break his face, "Okay, how bad could this turn out? It's just the Rule 63 form of Disky...that's not a bad thing. Right?" Turning to face you, Ryan repeated his question though sounding slightly less confident. “...r-right?” After breakfast in which Ryan learned that Eris was, oddly, a very good chef she had stated she wished for some quality time. Said quality time being spent watching a movie, sitting on a couch...and, unfortunately for Ryan, lounging out with her head in his lap. "This...okay, looking past the fact you pulled a television and a DVD player out of absolutely nowhere and the fact that of all movies you chose a romantic comedy must you place your head there?" "Ooooh, but this is the comfiest spot." Eris whined cutely, "Besides, why wouldn't you like a romantic comedy? After all, is your life not one itself?" "...don't bat yer eyes at me. Just...watch the movie." "Hee-hee, okay." 'This is fun.' "...how is this fun, Dark?" 'Because we're not alone while our herd is off doing something mysterious.' Looking down at Eris who was smiling as the movie played out, Ryan supposed he had a point, "Ah guess...it could always be worse, right?" As the movie came to an end, Eris smirked before looking up at him, "Ry?" 'Uh-oh.' "...ignoring him, yes Eris?" "I'm hungry~ Let's go out for something!" Ryan blinked before stammering, "U-uhm...out? U-us? For food? W-why do that? Can't we just...ya...ya know? Cook something here?" "But Ryyyyyy, I wanna go out for something. Maybe something nice...as I recall you do have a very sharp looking outfit modeled after yours truly." Ryan sighed before glancing away, "Thanks Rares...." Looking down and seeing Eris' eyes unwavering in their intense pleadingness, Ryan groaned before slowly nodding his head. Eris let out a squee of glee before hopping off the couch and pulling him up, "Come now, then! We must get you dressed so we might enjoy the afternoon!"   After being dragged upstairs and told to change, Ryan found himself walking through town...with Eris latched onto his arm. Looking over his ensemble, he silently cursed how well his marshmallow was at turning any pattern into magnificence. As it was, most of the ponyfolk were giving second glances when they saw the human and draconequus walking about towards the quaint restaurant on the east end of town. As they passed by the market, Big Mac, who had been selling their first harvest of apples, caught sight of the two and became confused. That confusion led to mistaken thoughts, and that eventually led to him wandering over and confronting the two. "Mac?" "Eyup!" Big Mac frowned, "And what are you up to? Mah sister and the others are only gone for one day so far and ya already got some floozy hanging all over you?" "What? Mac!" Ryan sighed, "It's not what ya think." "Then what is it? Ah suppose yer gonna try to say this is Discord or something crazy like that, eh?" "....well." 'Actually...' Big Mac blinked his eyes before tilting his head, "...what?" Eris batted her eyes before winking at Mac, "Hey there big guy, how's it going?" Looking to the ground, back to them, and then to the ground again, Macintosh tried to make heads or tails of what was going on before sighing, "Ah probably shouldn't ask, but Ah'm gonna guess this is some kinda thing...she cooked up because mah sister and the others are gone." Eris chuckled softly, "Oh you know me too well." "Well, he does get a bit sad when he can't go off with his herd somewhere." Big Mac snickered, "Mah brother...he's...he's one to get real lonely real fast, that's fer sure!" "MAC!" Ryan grumbled, bopping him on the noggin, "Must ya?" "Eeeeeeeeeeyup~" After bidding farewell to Big Mac, Ryan and Eris continued down the street towards the cafe where they enjoyed a rather pleasant lunch...despite the fact that many ponies including the wait staff couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on and did their best not to stare. When they finally finished eating, Eris dragged Ryan down the streets towards the shops intent on indulging her sweet tooth. "Eris...we just ate. Do ya really need candy?" "Oh silly boy, of course I do. Besides..." Eris pouted, "You wouldn't treat sweet little me?" 'Guh!' "The eyes....Eris." "Yes?" "...and that smile." Ryan sighed, "Why can't Ah win with this?" Eris merely chuckled in return before pulling him into Bon-Bon's sweet shop. Ryan was thankful it was quiet in there, with only one other pony browsing about. As it was, Bon-Bon went to welcome them as they entered, "Welcome! Today we have a...Ryan? Who is this...lady you're with?" "Well she's..." Bon-Bon narrowed her eyes, leaping over the counter and staring down Ryan, "Don't you remember what I said about not breaking Lyra's heart? I don't know where she went with the others in your herd, but is this how you spend the time you're left alone? Hanging about with...whoever this is?" "B-squared, it's not what you think. God..." 'Yeah, Bonnie...this chick is not who she seems.' Bon-Bon looked at this "chick" as Dark said while she browsed the cases full of candies curiously, "Okay then...who is she?" "She is Discord." "....what?" Bon-Bon blinked before shaking her head, "Why....? How?" "Ah...Ah'm not sure why either but...something about keeping me from getting lonely while mah herd is off? Something about being a good friend..." Ryan shrugged, "Either way, at least Ah'm not bored so Ah'm just rollin' with it." Bon-Bon narrowed her eyes, “...I see. Well...as long as yer not doing anything to two-time Lyra I guess that’s okay….?” ‘Works for me, Bonnie….but yeah, it is a little off-beat even for Cordy. Not that he hasn’t done this before, mind you, it’s just been….a very, very long time.’ “...right. This is getting weird so...is there anything I can get you two since she’s getting something?” “Just the usual fudge Ah like, B-squared. Ah kinda need it with the day Ah’ve been having. Heh.” After acquiring enough to satisfy Eris’ snaggly sweet tooth, the two of them had returned to Ryan’s home where they unwinded with some game-time on the prototype Supah Ponetendo that hadn’t exploded into colorful bits when first powered up. While initially suggesting to start with the co-op sequel to ‘Super Mare-io Sisters’ that they’d been working on for Luna, Eris had instead been drawn to a cartridge with a strangely super cute and colorful title instead. Of course, the cover was a bit misleading as when they started the game it was deceptively violent as enemies filled the screen and both her and Ryan’s character were made to dodge, weave, and throw punches like a boss on the mean streets of some city in Fauxquestria. “So...the whole point is to beat the the ever-loving fun stuff outta all those punk and gang looking ponies in order to save the one dragon-chicks stallion?” “Pretty much...why else would they be the Double Dragons?” “Hence the pun-filled name. Clever of you.” Eris’ eyes lit up as she did some kind of super-powered spin-kick, “...this is actually really fun. What is this called?” “A beat-em-up. At least back home it was called that, since it’s just a side-scrolling game where you punch, kick, and just be a total badass. Yer actually pretty lucky, Eris. Of all the prototypes Ah tried making with T-Sparks, this is the only one that didn’t explode. And of all the attempts to make that game, that’s the fifteenth copy to work.” Eris hit pause and turned to him, “Fifteenth?” “Yeah...see...the first fourteen worked...but when we hit certain parts of the game...the cartridge exploded into pure magic fire.” “....so then the other prototypes…?” ‘Bingo! Those were lost when Ry tried to beat a game and instead got plastic burning flames!’ Eris giggled at that, “Oh you boys and yer silly games. I suppose it’s admirable at the very least: trying to use magic to replace knowledge is some messy business, but you sure don’t let that stop you any.” Ryan blushed at that, “...what is with you and that giggle, Eris? Sheesh...come on, let’s keep playing.” And so it was that they played long into the night, testing and trying out whatever prototype cartridges that were lying about until the clock finally chimed in at 3am. Ryan gave a mighty yawn and slumped against Eris without even really thinking about it. “Sleepy, big guy?” “Kinda...Ah haven’t stayed up this late in long time. That herd of mine, despite what ya might think, usually gets me to bed at a reasonable hour.” “Heh, they really do keep an eye out for you don’t they?” Eris laughed softly before noting a lack of response, “Ryan? Ryan?” Looking down at him, she could see he’d finally succumbed to his sleepiness and passed out once they’d stopped playing. Realizing she really had kept him up quite late, she smiled before turning off the monitor and picking him up. “Oof, yer heavier than you look, Ry. How the hell those little pones of yers manage to carry you to bed is something I can’t fathom.” Having arrived at his bedroom, Eris set Ryan down before pausing for a moment. ‘...I know what you want to do.’ “Guh...Darkness?” ‘Heh, what? While it’s true I sleep when Ryan does, that doesn’t mean I have to. I just usually do since I can’t do much other than that when he is. But...this time, I wanted to see what you did. Haha...I’m not surprised by what you’re thinking.’ Eris smirked before rolling her eyes, “Just like the past, huh? Why is it this never phased you?” ‘Because yer chick self is hot...plus, isn’t that how this kinda plot device goes? Hahaha, at least that’s what I gather from Ryan’s mind and what he knows of situations like this.’ “Idiot...but...I suppose it wouldn’t do any harm. He didn’t seem to mind too much this morning.” ‘That’s Ry...he rolls with the weirdest shit!’ “Quite. Well then...we should get to bed.” ‘Right. Good night, old friend.’ Ryan yawned, the sunlight waking him as he sniffled a bit before looking around. “Odd...Ah kinda figured that Eris was gonna be all snuggled up to me again like last time. Although…” Looking at the covers showed the sign that someone was there but had recently left. ‘She’s probably the source of that delicious smell.’ “Hmm?” Ryan sniffed the air before grinning. “Oh yeah. There is quite the aroma floating about.” With that he hopped out of bed and laughed. “Oh hey! And this time, mah pants are still where they belong. Huzzah!” With that he headed downstairs to find a most lovely breakfast set out...but Eris was nowhere to be seen. Sensing this to be odd, he slowly sat down at the table and looked about curiously. ‘...where’d she go?’ “Ah’m not sure.” Ryan paused before looking at the lovely bacon and eggs arranged into a smile. “Still warm...what’s going on here?” “Hello!” Eris greeted Ryan as she hugged him from behind. “Guhacksk!” Ryan made a sequence of unintelligible sounds before breathing quickly. “Eris! Dammit...don’t sneak up on me like that.” “Oh my, so sorry.” She giggled before ruffling his hair. “I really shouldn’t do that, but you make the most amusing sounds when someone startles you.” Narrowing his eyes, Ryan ‘humphed’ before eating his breakfast. “Yer just lucky there’s bacon here to distract me.” “Oh relax...always so stressed out.” Eris smiled as she sat opposite and enjoyed her breakfast as well. “Now then, I was wondering if you’d be interested in a little fun this evening.” Ryan looked up at Eris and raised an eyebrow. Dark spoke for him as he kept eating. ‘Fun, eh? Should we even ask what this fun might be, Eris?’ “Oh, well...I saw that you have this delightful little club that’s such a lovely slice of a certain decade in Equestria that was marked with ridiculous fashion, crazy hair, and very awesome, cheesy music.” “...what?” “Oh...how to equate this into terms you would get, Ry? Oh.” She snapped her fingers, “Basically, it would be the Pony version of the 80’s from your world.” “...you have mah attention. Also...how do you know what the 80’s are?” “Oh you dear, dear man.” Eris giggled as she winked at him. “You should know the answer to that well enough. So then...is it a date?” Ryan pondered that question for quite some time before smiling. “Why not? Sounds like fun...ya aren’t tryin’ to get me ta sing, are ya? Ah know it seemed fun when Deej was here, but singing all the time like that seems like it’d get a little stale...and God knows we don’t want that to happen with this.” “Oh please, you worry so much over the silliest things. Hahaha.” ‘...that wasn’t a no.’ Ryan waved a hand dismissively. “Oh it’s fine. Well then...Ah’ll try to wear mah best fashion disaster as it were for tonight.” That night Ryan was waiting at the front door wearing the most neon colored orange shirt he had, his cutie mark emblazoned on the back in similarly neon shades of red and yellow. Lifting up his shades and tapping his hi-top sneakers, he sighed as he waited for Eris to finally show up. “Ah swear, what is it about gals and always taking forever to get ready? She’s got snappy Chaos powers, for crying out loud. It shouldn’t take but a snap for her to get set for this outing.” ‘From what I can see of your memories of this decade she mentioned, clothing back then was very flashy, tacky, and sometimes complicated. So just be patient...in all honesty, you look like a fashion disaster, partner!’ “That’s the 80’s, alright! Awesomely bad outfits and totally radical times!” Eventually Eris did poof in, and man, did Ryan have to double-take at her get-up: a haphazard mix of colors decorated her over-sized top, she had the shortest denim mini-skirt he’d ever seen that was barely visible under her top, and then, to top it all off, bright yellow leg-warmers. “...well, Ah can’t say Ah’m surprised 80’s fashion was nearly the same here given all that happened.” “Hee, indeed, Ry. We’re just a pair of walking fashion disasters.” Laughing, he followed her outside and towards town. “We are so tubular to the max, yo!” ‘...you guys looks ridiculous. I love it!’ Eris giggled again. “Oh Darkness, then you’ll love everypony else’s attire. Now then boys, this way~” Following after her, they arrived at a building adorned with a very bright and gaudy neon sign signaling it to be some sort of ‘totally excellent and bodacious place’ as the vernacular of the 80’s would put it. Noting the bouncer let them in, Ryan was a bit stunned to see that nearly all the ponies there were wearing similar fashion faux pas and enjoying one another’s company while neon lights and laser beams danced across the room. His eyes bugged out slightly when he saw Cheerilee of all ponies sporting leg warmers and swaying to the beat. “Heh, now that’s something Ah never thought Ah’d see...but we are kinda all the same age so it makes sense.” Not one to pass up an opportunity to tease his friends, Ryan smoothly made his way over to her and smirked. “So, does yer mother know a young thing like you is out at such a crazy club?” Cheerilee was slightly startled as she turned to see Ryan. “Mister Ryan!” Ryan rolled his eyes. “Cheers, Ah told ya...we’re the same age group so none of that mister stuff. Nice outfit by the way, very awesome.” “Oh, uhm, thanks...what are you doing here? I didn’t even know you knew about this place.” “Ah didn’t…” Ryan pointed at Eris sitting at a table, ordering some drinks. “But a friend of ours decided we needed some fun while the herd is outta town on some kinda business.” “Friend?” Cheerilee examined the one he’d pointed to and made a face. “...I feel like I know her...but why?” ‘Easy, ‘Lee: that there is a female Discord.’ “...what?” “Exactly as Dark stated. Apparently he has this form...don’t, don’t ask too many questions. Ah’m just rollin’ with it because it’s easier that way.” Cheerilee blinked a bit before smiling and shaking her head. “That definitely sounds like something you’d do, Ryan. Well, have some fun and don’t get into too much trouble.” “Hey, this is us we’re talking about.” Ryan struck a pose and flipped down his shades. “When it comes to me, there is no such thing as “too much trouble”.” With that he rejoined Eris, taking the drink she’d ordered for him. “...this drink is neon colored.” “Well, what else did you expect you silly boy? Everything is flashy here, even the refreshments.” Accepting that explanation, Ryan shrugged and down the strangely glowing, purple beverage before grinning. “Tastes like grapes...but with a boozey punch.” “So you like it?” “Eyup. To fun, Eris!” Eris lifted her glass and clinked it with his. “Totally, Ry!” As the night continued on, ponies poured into the club as the beats kept ramping up. Curiously enough, Ryan had noticed Eris’s lack of presence and started getting a bit suspicious. “She’s up ta something…” ‘Oh come on, Ry. What could she be possibly planning?’ Blinking and then seeing her sitting in his lap, he could only sigh. “When chaos is involved, ya can never be too sure, partner.” “Hmm? Are you boys talking about me, again?” Eris giggled before placing an arm around Ryan’s neck. “So, I was talking to the DJ and she’d love it if you came up and performed a song that totally fit in with this decade.” “...DJ? Song? Wait…” Ryan turned to actually take a good long look at the DJ and—despite the disastrously 80’s attire she was wearing—there was no mistaken that it was Vinyl behind those table. “What? Wait? Sing? A song that fits here? Oh God. Ah know exactly which one yer wanting me ta sing, Eris…” “Sooooooo…Will ya do it?” She batted her eyes. “It’d be quite fun if you pulled a page from your inter-dimensional friend’s book and performed for us.” ‘Does PON-3 even know how to play that song?’ Ryan sighed and nodded. “Eyup. She was quite taken with the music that followed me, so she knows that particular song.” Eris watched as Ryan slowly moved her out of his lap before standing up. Downing the rest of his neon green drink, he smirked before making his way towards the stage. Vinyl, seeing that Ryan was game, grinned before winding down her current song. “Okay you rad ponies! We’ve got a special treat for you all as we’ve been graced by one radically awesome dude tonight. I know him, you know him, and we all knows he’s totally tubular. Let’s hear it for Ryan!” Ryan blushed slightly at the attention before waving to the crowd and grabbing the mic Vinyl handed him. “Dudes and dudettes! Y’all feeling amped to the max?!” At that the crowd cheered, spouting so much terrible 80’s lingo that the whole decade blushed in embarrassment. “Bitch’n. So then, Ah’m gonna sing a song that is the bombdiggity, yo!” Ryan turned to Vinyl and grinned. “So, ya know which song we’re playing, right? That one by Kaufmann?” “Oh, oh, oh, yeah! That song is so boss! Just let me know when you’re ready, Ry!” Tapping his foot, adjusting his shades, and clearing his throat, Ryan snapped his fingers and pointed to Vinyl. “Alright! Let’s give these pones some choice tunnage!” Vinyl laughed and started the track, allowing the bouncing beats of the 80’s to flow forth. Off the ceiling and onto the dance floor Flashing colors are shimmering bright As she watches him move, to her delight At that Ryan began dancing to the beat as he sung, winking at Eris and any other lady in the crowd he met eyes with as he continued. Like a tiger she waits in advance for Her attack when the moment is right In a jungle of laser beams, tonight The pony manning the special effects cranked up the lasers, sending spectacular colors ricocheting across the dance floor and illuminating the fog that accompanied it, truly creating a jungle of laser beams worthy of jamming out in. Follow me / Follow me! Yer love is callin' me! Callin' me! Take hold of me, Like a sorcerer controllin' me Couldn't be any clearer Upon mah magic mirror, Ah can see Yer true nature callin' me. As the breakdown continued on, Vinyl working the song to the max, Eris giggled and walked up on stage to join Ryan, quietly singing out the echoed beats as she danced around him. Your true nature calling me, calling me, calling me~ Your true nature calling me, calling me, calling me~ In a matter of moments she'll seize him Like a lioness out of a dream Gettin' ready to pounce with all her might It took all Ryan could not to laugh as Eris grinned and began pacing, following Ryan on the stage and mimicking the song lyrics to a tee. Like a kitten with yarn, she will tease him Have him comin' apart at the seams As they dance in the laser beams tonight With one last flourish as Eris pounced and spun with him, she and Ryan posed as lasers illuminated the stage and gave them an otherworldly 80’s glow to help them bring the song home. Follow me / Follow me! Your love is callin' me! Callin' me! Take hold of me, Like a sorcerer controllin' me Couldn't be any clearer Upon my magic mirror, I can see Your true nature callin' me. Your true nature callin’ me, callin’ me, callin’ me~ As the song’s outro began playing, the head-bobbing beats slowly coming to a close, he couldn’t help the grin on his face at how much fun he’d had. Looking into Eris’ eyes as they slowly danced to the fading song, he chuckled softly. “Thank you mah friend, for a very fun night.” “Hee, anything for our favorite humans, Ry.” As the crowd cheered their performance, Vinyl was pumping them up for more. “That. Was. Sick! What a surprise with the duet! Mondo cool for reals! Alright you pones, let’s party till we ralph!” Ryan rolled his eyes at Vinyl’s choice of words as he slowly made his way off the dance floor with Eris. “It’s getting late, wanna jet?” “Sure thing, stud. Let’s motor.” With that the two headed out, Eris wrapped around Ryan’s arm as they made their way back to his home under the light of the full moon, making idle chit-chat and enjoying one another’s company. The next morning Ryan awoke to something poking him rather forcefully. “Hmm? Eris? What are you doing?” “Ahem!” Ryan’s eyes fluttered open to see a pair of green eyes staring at him. “Ack!” He flopped about before falling off the bed and saying good morning to the ground. Groaning in pain, he rolled over and saw several ponies staring at him. “Ladies? Yer back! How was whatever ya had ta do?” “Don’t you change the subject, mister!” Rainbow Dash shoved her face close to his. “Who is she?” “Her? Heh, yer not gonna believe this, but that there is Disky...but...as a chick.” Ryan sighed, “It doesn’t stop sounding weird no matter how many times Ah keep saying it.” AppleJack eyed him oddly before shaking her head. “Really? Discord? Apple Ryder, did ya hit yer head or something?” “No...why?” “Because that there is one crazy story and you’d have ta have some kinda brain damage ta think we’d buy that one.” “Eris, back me up on this one.” Ryan huffed, feeling as if something was off. “Oh dear Ry, why hide the truth?” Eris smirked as she floated over and curled around Ryan’s sitting form. “Ah-ha! I knew it!” Pinkie exclaimed, throwing a hoof at Ryan accusingly. “Pinks…” Ryan groaned. “Look. Why would Ah make up a story like that? And besides, how many other draconequus do y’all know of?” “Uhm...Ah’m sure there’s plenty! Yeah!” “Apps...you’ve got the eyes of a shifty fish going on.” Ryan narrowed his and smirked. “Y’all are giving me the business, aintcha?” “Oh drat, girls, it would seem he’s just too smart for us.” Eris sighed cutely. “Still, we almost had him.” “Maybe if AJ didn’t get all shifty eyes every time she fudged the truth we could’ve kept griefing our human just a bit longer.” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Rainbow’s nonsense aside—” “Hey!” “We figured that you’d get lonely when we left so we asked Discord to keep you company…” Twilight laughed into a sigh. “We just didn’t think he’d get so...into the role.” “Well, no harm Ah guess. Y’all kinda nail it on the head with me, since Ah do get lonely pretty easily. But...where’d ya go that ya couldn’t have me tag along? What were y’all up to?” The girls all looked to AppleJack who gave a shrug. “Well, Ah don’t see any reason we can’t tell ya, since it’s gonna happen soon anyhow.” “And what might that be?” “Oh, we just spent the last few days paying a visit to each of our parents letting them know to come visit for your birthday at the end of the month.” “Oh, well that should be okay. Ah have been curious to meet the others and—” Ryan blinked. “Wait...yer parents? All of yer parents? Oh boy...oh boy…” “Besides, Ryers, we figured that maybe it’d be a good time to ask for their permission as well.” Ryan sighed contentedly as Lyra nuzzled his side. “...a good time for what? Permission?” “Yeah, silly: to marry us of course! I mean, you have said you plan to do that eventually when the time is right, so why not go ahead and get permission so we can make things easier down the road?” Ryan squeaked out a noise and turned to stone at the thoughts running through his mind. Dark did his best to snap Ryan out of it, eventually breaking through and getting him to mumble incoherently. “Oh...oh...uhm...well...that...that is true. Haha. Heh. Hmm...well, how bad could it be? Ah mean, Apps and T-Sparks’ parents already know about me...and Ah imagine the rest of yer parents know what Ah am so...it won’t be that awkward. Ah hope.” “Oh Rysy-Wysy, haha, you worry so much.” Pinkie nodded her head rapidly before grinning. “You did fine so far, and I know the rest of our parents will just adore you!” “...maybe.” “Heartsy?” “My parents, well, heh...they never expected me to get married, let alone find a stallion, so they’re still kinda doubtful you’re real. Especially after they kinda found out that you’re, ya know, a human.” Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “And my dad...well, he’s pretty protective. So just anticipate that.” Ryan finally stood up and stretched. “Well, no point in worrying about it now. Ah’ll just worry about it when the 31st gets here.” “Well, I suppose this means it’s time I moved on.” Eris sighed cutely. “It’s been fun, Ryan, and hopefully this won’t make things too weird when it goes back to normal.” “Haha, weird is normal here, dudette. But hey, if the occasion ever comes up again...feel free to visit.” Ryan laughed as her eyes lit up at that. “Really, Ry?” “Well, like ya said it’s been weird...but it has been fun too. Ah suppose now Ah can see why Dark would have enjoyed moment’s like this.” ‘Again, I admit to nothing.’ “Well, this is fun, but as I said I must be off, dear boy.” Eris smirked before kissing Ryan’s cheek and heading off. “Ta-ta!” And with that she slowly disappeared, Cheshire Cat style until only she was only a pair of eyes and a smile...and then that was gone too. “Well...that was something. Sheesh, better make sure Deej never finds out Rule 63 Disky was hitting on me...he’d never let me hear the end of it. Now then...shall we get to breakfast?” A week after the whole Eris moment, Ryan and his herd were heading into town to meet with Mayor Mare about some kind of situation she needed their help with. She hadn’t said what it was that was bothering her, but that she needed to meet with them as soon as possible to help with the crisis she was worrying herself over. “Ah wish she wasn’t being so vague about things.” Ryan huffed as they came upon Town Hall. “If she’s calling us, it’s gotta be something bad.” “Well, maybe she just needs someone with experience in odd situations?” “T-Sparks, are you saying we’re good at odd situations?” “...yes? Is that not a given?” “No, it is. Just wondering when you finally admitted to our normal always being abnormal, is all.” Twilight shook her head and sighed. “Just get in the office, you big goof.” As they entered, Mayor Mare was pacing slightly. Upon seeing them, however, she smiled and quickly welcomed them. “Ladies. Ryan. Thank you for coming.” “No problem, Mayor. How’s it hanging?” The Mayor chuckled at Ryan’s casual attitude. “As laidback as ever, I see. It’s okay...save for this situation. There’s been strange rumors lately about a creature roaming the edges of the Everfree. Ponies that travel and do business around there have been encountering...something.” “I’m...I’m sorry. What do you mean by something?” The Mayor sighed before sitting down. “What I mean, Fluttershy, is that the reports are all over the place. Some say they’ve seen loved ones that couldn’t possibly be there, others say they’ve seen terrifying monsters, and then...well…” Ryan raised an eyebrow. “Well what?” “Well, Mr. Ryder, others have said they’ve seen you.” The group deadpanned at that. “...wut?” “Yes, we’ve got very mixed reports so we’re not quite sure what is out there skulking about. So, I would like to request you and your herd go check things out. I can’t really turn to anyone else, since any other pony would most likely not be able to handle whatever they find let alone that forest itself.” “Well, Ah suppose that isn’t too unreasonable a request. But…” “The fact that the reports are so inconsistent throws you, right Rys?” “Yeah, Dashie. Ah don’t know why they’d see such different things...including mahself.” Ryan sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. “Well, we won’t know what’s up until we head there so let’s do this thing!” ‘Hell yeah, adventure!’ The Mayor simply shook her head as they made their way out before laughing softly. “He certainly is one of the more curious residents of my town, that’s for sure. I just hope whatever they find isn’t dangerous.” Having decided to start at the edge of the Everfree closest to their house, Ryan and his herd split off into two groups to cover ground a little more quickly. At first, certain members were against that because of what this place was and the trouble it had brought them before, but after working a few things out—which involved Fluttershy enlisting the help of a few forest denizens she’d managed to befriend—they began their search for this mystery being. “Are you sure we can trust that thing?” Rainbow Dash eyed the Cockatrice cautiously as it followed alongside them. “You remember what Fluttershy said, darling. This is the one she made friends with. It’s the same one that lent us that feather, isn’t that right you little sweetie?” The Cockatrice bawked in reply before pausing. “Bawk…” “That sounded ominous.” “Yeah it did!” Pinkie giggled, “I mean..yes...yes...need to be serious here.” Looking around cautiously, the group didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but that didn’t mean squat when it came to this forest. The Cockatrice slowly walked forward, peeking here and there. “Bawk.” “Hmmm...that sounded not as ominous. Maybe whatever it was left?” “Perhaps, darling, but…!” “What? What is it, Rarity?” “Rainbow Dash, for a moment...amongst the trees. I...I could’ve sworn I saw…” Rarity looked at the ground and scrunched her face in thought. “No...that wouldn’t be possible.” Meanwhile… “Ya think we’re gonna find anything out here, Apple Ryder?” Ryan shrugged as they kept walking, occasionally cutting down vines when their path was impeded. “Ah’m not sure, hon. Something is out here, causing the pones to bug out, but it’s rather quiet now. Which is a bit...off, for the Everfree. Ah don’t like it.” “What puzzles me the most is all the eyewitness accounts of this creature being so varied.” Twilight looked over some of the things the Mayor had given her before they left. “So many different creatures have been seen: ponies to griffons to even you, my peach. That one there bothers me the most.” “Y-yes. Why would our human be seen? How would he even be here, when most of the times of those accounts have him elsewhere?” “Ah don’t know how they saw me, Flutters, but we’ll get to the bottom of—!” “Apple Ryder…?” “Shhh…” “What is it, Ryers?” “Ah feel something, Heartsy...something...something unusual.” Ryan felt the hair on his neck stand straight up. “Oh, this is an odd feeling...and Ah…” “Ry?” ‘No...it...it can’t be. C-Cecil?’ Dark, as far as Ryan could tell, seemed as if he saw a ghost. Looking to where Dark seemed to be, Ryan saw...a human? He seemed to be in his mid-to-late twenties and had shining, purplish silver hair. He wore some odd armor, and he was just staring at the group. ‘Cecil? Is...is that you? How...could it be….’ Dark seemed very puzzled at seeing what seemed to be one of his old friends...that then began to run off. ‘Cecil! Wait!’ Not wasting any time, Ryan took off after whoever this was, unaware he was leaving Apps and the others behind as they tried to keep up through the thick overgrowth. “Apple Ryder! Wait!” AppleJack gasped, tripping over a root. “Dammit! Dark...what got into you?” “I think I know.” Twilight explained as she and Fluttershy caught up to AJ. “This Cecil...we’ve seen him before, remember? On that odd device Dark pulled out of nowhere to show us the memory of the Amulet’s creation.” “Twilight’s right. That man seemed to match not only one of the members of their group that went to investigate it during it’s origins, but I’ve also read about him in the books of the past from the secret library.” Lyra paused before shaking her head. “There was something interesting about him, and the kind of warrior he was, but now’s not the time.” “Right! We’ve gotta catch up ta Apple Ryder! Come on!” ‘Cecil! Stop! It’s me, Darkness!’ “Dark...if this is him, which Ah honestly don’t know, how could it be him?” ‘I don’t know: ghost? Spirit? Remnant of the Past? Either way if...where did he go?’ Looking around, Ryan could see that he did indeed vanish...but the feeling of something or someone there did not. “Oh, Ah’ve got the willies something fierce.” Ryan shook a bit as the chill went up his spine. “...there!” Sure enough, poking out from behind one of the trees ahead of them was Cecil. Upon being seen, he hid behind the tree and poked back out after Ryan got closer. Only, this time, it wasn’t Cecil but...“Apps?” Hearing no response, he moved closer, each time the figure disappearing and reappearing as somepony or someone else that he or Dark knew until finally he was in front of the tree. Waiting for the figure to reappear, he jumped back in shock a bit when he saw it was him. And what freaked Ryan out even more was when whoever this was started speaking in his voice! “Get away...isn’t the guilt Ah have enough?” ‘Guilt…? Ryan...’ “Ah know, Ah’m confused.” Ryan, the real one that is, looked at this other him curiously. “Were you...all those other people?” “...why do you keep returning?” “Ah...Ah don’t…” “WHY DO YOU KEEP HAUNTING ME?! Is this torment mah punishment for what Ah did to you?” “What you...did to me? What in tarnation are you talking about? In fact, what is going on here?” The fake Ryan stood there staring for a long time at the real Ryan before he spoke again, but not in the voice he and Dark expected. “...for….for killing you…” ‘Ryan….’ “Ah...Ah know….that voice!” Sure enough, as he watched his copy fall to his knees, the image faltered as “he” continued talking. “...I didn’t want to. I really didn’t...it was...it all should’ve been different. But...their love...your love…” Ryan was silent as the image finally shimmered away and there, flat out on the ground and crying, was somepony he never thought he’d see again. “Those forms...the strange reports. They all make sense now. You were all of them, because of what you are. Chrissy…” “I couldn’t control how amazing it all was. It was so strong...too strong for me...I tried to conquer everypony...tried to control them...enslave them...put my children at risk. I hurt your herd...in the worst way. I killed you…” Chrysalis was in tears at this point, making it clear her mental state was all over the place after all this time. “I can’t ever fix that...so why is the guilt not enough? Why do you always show up?” “Chrissy...Ah’m not a hallucination. Ah am here.” Ryan walked closer to her, only to stare as she started shaking. “No...no more lying! Why are you always so calm when you see me? You aren’t ever angry...or mad. Only understanding and kind...be angry dammit! Hate me! Why...why….ugh…” ‘Chrissy!’ “...she’s weak. If she’s been out here as long as the reports say, then she probably hasn’t fed properly in so long. We need to get her some proper care...and then maybe figure out what the hell happened since the wedding.” With that Ryan knelt down to see she was barely awake at this point. “...just...hate me...I deserve it...I….” “Shhhh...this guilt has been eating you hard, hasn’t it?” Ryan frowned before doing his best to lift her up. “Uff...yer a bit heavier than mah herdmates, but Ah can still lift ya outta here. However…” ‘Right. We need to let the others know to regroup.’ “Way ahead of ya, partner.” Ryan adjusted his grip so he could raise an arm towards the sky before releasing a burst of magic that cleared the treeline and exploded in the shape of his cutie mark. “There. Now then...let’s get you back home, Chrissy. And get you healthy.” Spike, who had been waiting outside the forest at the designated regroup point, was getting impatient. It was pretty close to when they were supposed to meet back here and so far there was no sign of them. “Dammit big bro, I told you to let me come with you.” The young dragon grumbled, pacing about. “I know you needed someone to keep watch in case y’all take too long getting back but…” And that’s when he saw the signal flare and realized something must have happened. What that was, he wasn’t sure yet, but not long after that he saw Twilight and the others emerging from the treeline. “Twilight! Wait! Where’s big bro?” “Ryers isn’t here? But his signal…” “Ah reckon he found out something and that’s what is holdin’ him up.” AppleJack turned to the trees. “Let’s give him a few moments to show up.” “What I have to wonder is what did he find? If he found this mysterious creature, why would he not want us to meet up with him instead?” “I’m not sure, darling, but our human knows what he’s doing…” Rarity bit her lip before laughing nervously. “Well, usually.” “There’s not much we can do but wait, so let’s see what big bro managed to find out.” About ten minutes later, Ryan was finally emerging from the trees, and what they saw on his back was certainly not what they expected. “...a changeling?” “U-uhm...I don’t think that’s just any changeling. It’s that queen one…” “Chrysalis?” Lyra frowned before tapping her chin. “Why...why would she be here? I mean, that makes sense now that the reports as to who and what was seen varied but…” “Ladies, we can sort out why later. Right now, Chrissy is in bad sorts. Her mind is still reeling from the fact that she almost killed me and she’s weak. Really weak. We need to get her to a hospital...but even that might not be enough to help her out.” Ryan looked over his shoulder to see Chrissy panting tiredly. “...get on the horn and contact Cellie and Lunes. Ah have a feeling we need them here as well.” “...sorry….so sorry…” “Shhh, just rest Chrissy. We’ll take care of ya...and fix things. Ah hope.” “...I really don’t know what we can do for her, Ryan.” “Redheart, there’s gotta be something.” “Yes, but we don’t know much about changeling physiology. From what we’ve done of tests, she seems like she should be healthy but...she’s not. She’s weak. Almost like she’s malnourished.” “As Ah thought…” “She needs love, doesn’t she Apple Ryder?” “That’s right, Apps...quickly!” Ryan raised his arm up and pointed towards the sky. “Love me mah ponies, so that Chrissy may feast on our passion and recover!” “...wut?” Rainbow snickered. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m always down for fun with you, Ry, but that was overdramatic as can be.” Redheart sighed. “I’m not sure I can let you do that here, but you perhaps have the right idea. Hmmm...perhaps if you just make out or something that would be enough?” “But how do we know if she can siphon the love if she’s not all-together there?” “Won’t know till we try!” Pinkie shouted as she lunged at Ryan, wrapping around him tightly and commencing with the smooching. ‘Haha! Now that’s my kinda medicine!’ “Clearly, my Darkness.” Luna commented as she and her sister entered the room. “Ah. So the report was true...you have indeed found the Changeling Queen. Though...she does seem to be in dire straights. Sister?” “Yes. She is indeed suffering from love sickness. She clearly has not fed in some time and it’s taking a toll on her mentally and physically.” Celestia turned to see Pinkie still going at Ryan. “Ah! That should help nicely. Good thinking, my little human.” “Uhm...mmmm. All in a day’s work, Cellie.” Ryan managed to get out before Pinkie continued on. “Uh-uh...is it wrong that I want to join in? I-I mean...you know.” Fluttershy blushed before pawing at the floor. “To-to help Chrysalis recover and...stuff…” “...don’t Ah get a say in this?” “Oh my sweet, warm peach. Of course you do, but how could you say no to something that should help Chrysalis out? You wanted to help her, right?” Ryan eyed Twilight as best he could as she sauntered over to where he lay, pinned to the ground by Pinkie. “Uhm, of course Ah do T-Sparks it’s just...with how things have been lately it’s been awhile since we’ve been all lovey-dovey like this and….oh my.” Redheart sighed before hearing a change in the monitor’s beeps. Ignoring the human being “attacked” by his herd, she looked over the numbers and smiled. “Well, fancy that. It’s actually working.” “Mmmm….love….so...delicious.” Chrysalis mumbled in her sleep, smiling at the bits of love energy drifting around the room as her body absorbed it. “...familiar….mmm…” “Well, sister, I do believe this should sort out soon enough.” Luna nodded before biting her lip. “I only wish I could...no...no…” Celestia smirked before whispering to Luna. “You wish you could help via Dark, do you not?” Luna’s blush was all she needed to know she’d nailed that one on the head. Regardless, Luna shook her head and composed herself. “N-No...Ryan and his herd have it covered. We only wish to revive her, not drive her crazy again. Nurse?” “Yes, Princess?” “We will be waiting outside. With how they’re…handling him, it’s doubtful the Changeling Queen shall be asleep for much longer. When she awakes, and Ryan has no doubt explained what has happened, let us know so we may speak with her as well.” “Very well.” Redheart watched the two alicorns leave...before she cleared her throat. “All I ask is you don’t make a mess of things.” “R-righty-o~” Ryan shakily replied. “Less talky, more kissy, Ry~” “Yes, ladies.” A few hours later, after Ryan had been, ahem, ransacked by love’s embrace, they waited patiently for Chrysalis to awaken. Slowly, but surely, they heard her make some groaning noises before finally opening her eyes. “What...where...ugh...I feel as though I have not been myself.” “That’s an understatement, Chrissy.” Chrysalis gasped as she whirled to see, “Y-you! But...but how? No, not another hallucination…” “Chrissy...Ah’m not dead. Ah came awful damn close, but thankfully love is an incredibly powerful thing.” “...” “Not convinced, eh? Hahaha, well, maybe this will convince you.” With that, Ryan lifted up his shirt, showing her the nasty scar on the right side of his chest. “This is all that’s left of when you attacked me.” Chrysalis’ face paled at seeing the jagged scar on his chest. “I...how long has it been since that fateful day? How long since I did something that I didn’t want to believe I did?” She grabbed her sheets and frowned. “I tried to forget it, to pretend I didn’t, but the guilt...that image of you, lying there in your blood, it burned itself into my mind. I broke...ran away from my hive...my children.” “Chrysalis?” Twilight walked over and placed a hoof on hers. “Twilight Sparkle...why? I tried to kill your human, so why do you…” “Because I know things were not how they seemed...and I know that you weren’t entirely in control of your actions. The love of a human...you did not expect that nor know how to handle it, correct?” Chrysalis nodded slowly before sighing. “I...did not. It was so intoxicating. My thoughts were so cloudy. I had never experience such raw power from an emotion before...I felt invincible. And that feeling was the downfall of everything. But again, I ask...why do you want to help me? I did such awful things...hurt so many...basically committed a crime against the ruling government. I’m surprised you don’t wish to kill me outright or make an example of me.” “It is true that you did much to my subjects, and that you aimed to take down both myself and my sister…” “C-Celestia…” Chrysalis choked on her voice, noticeably worried. “And you did nearly kill our little human...but as they have said, we know that things were not how they seemed. The guilt you had...were you truly a heartless being, you would not have felt it.” “My sister is right. You certainly would not have been driven mad by the guilt.” Luna nodded. “There is...most likely to be some that are still upset when they find out Ryan and the Element Bearers rescued you.” “Heh...even with you ponies and all your friendship talk, it is no surprise that some would hold a grudge. I...I will accept any responsibility, but please...whatever is left of my children, please spare them. They are innocent in this...all they did, it was the product of a child’s love and devotion. That is...if they’re even still around.” “What do you mean, darling?” “It has been quite a while since I was at my hive. I do not even know if they are still okay...if...if they aren’t I…” Chrysalis began crying in earnest. “Then I will have truly lost everything because of one stupid act…” Ryan, turning to his herd, saw them nod at his unspoken question before smiling. “Well, when you feel better, let’s go check on them.” “Wh-what?” “Ah said, let’s go check on them. Ah would assume you know where to go, yes?” Chrysalis looked down before quietly replying. “...yes. However…” “Yer afraid of how they might react with how you ran away?” AppleJack could see in her reaction she’d been right. “Look, they’re yer kids right? And ya...ya can’t leave like that, right? They don’t deserve that, and Ah know ya know that.” Chrysalis took a deep breath before nodding. “Yes...Miss Redheart was it?” “Yes?” “Please let me know when you feel I am clear to leave. I...I must go make sure my children are still okay.” “Of course. We’ll have you back in shape in no time.” “Yeah we will! Especially if we keep the love train going by smooching our human.” Pinkie giggled before comically kissing Ryan. “Guh!” “Haha.” Chrysalis allowed herself to smile slightly. “You still are such an unusual being. But...thank you.” Despite the shock her system took being so love-deprived, amazingly she was—as far as Redheart could tell with what she knew—back to a healthy enough state in order to travel to the location of her hive. Chrysalis still felt uneasy, but smiled slightly when she felt Ryan’s hand on her shoulder. “Come on, Chrissy. Chin up. It hasn’t been that long, right? And yer kids, they were pretty tough so Ah’m sure they’ll be fine.” “...I don’t deserve your kindness.” ‘Are ya still on that? Come on, Chrissy-baby! We told you to not sweat the details.’ “...very well, Darkness. If you would all follow me, it will take a bit of time. Our hive is...quite a distance from here.” ‘...it wouldn’t happen to be near the Badlands, would it?’ Chrysalis about leaped out of her skin at that one. “H-how did you…” ‘...a friend of mine told us about you...or rather, another you. I just took a stab in the dark that the same was true here.’ “Well...it is close to there, but even we know not to hole up in that horrid place. I imagine, then, that having said that you know a quicker way?” “Well...we could teleport there if you give us a clear enough picture. Neither I nor my peach have been there, but if we have enough of a mental picture from you it should work.” “Twilight Sparkle…” “Besides, Twi is right! If we can, then that saves time and that might be just what is needed.” “AppleJack…” “W-well, let’s go then!” Fluttershy squeaked. “Even if they did cause trouble, that still doesn’t mean they should….die…” “All of you….” Chrysalis frowned in confusion. “So...how...do we do this?” “Heh, leave it to me!” Twilight remarked as the group huddled up around her. “Uhmm...this is kinda uncomfortable. I’m freaking a little bit…” “Relax, Chrysalis. If Twilight knows anything, it’s stuff like this.” Rainbow smirked, “Now just picture your hive...oh! But like, a clearing we can pop in to. Teleporting into other pones is not fun...or recommended.” The changeling queen made a face at that and nodded. “...that does sound unpleasant. Very well. There is a clearing not far from the hive.” “Hmmm...yes. I can see it! Ry?” “Yes, T-Sparks.” Ryan closed his eyes and concentrated. “Ah can see it too. Hold on, everypony, we’re heading out.” “...I better not end up hurling again.” Spike remarked, his eyes going all swirly. “These long-distance trips are always murder on me.” And with that said, they blipped out of existence and traveled ridiculously fast across Equestria until… “Ugh….” Chrysalis groaned, her wings buzzing slightly as she emptied her stomach into a nearby bush. “...I can see now why the little dragon would dislike this. That was...unnerving to say the least.” “Eh, ya get used to it...ya handled it about as well as Deej does, so consider that an accomplishment, Chrissy.” “...Deej?” Chrysalis was puzzled by this odd name but shrugged. “If he is an acquaintance of yours, then I suppose I should. Now then, let me get my bearings...oh, good. We’re closer than I expected us to be but…” “Look, they’re your kids, right?” Lyra asked, motioning for her to lead on and smiling as she did. “So why worry? It’s possible some might be upset you left, but I’d wager that a lot of them will be happy to see you safe and in one piece. Changelings don’t strike me as weak, so I’m sure they survived.” “Hmmm...perhaps you are correct. You sound as if you have experience with such a situation.” “Heh, well, you know...when reuniting with a parent they haven’t seen in a while, a child usually shows great joy. Besides, they were there, they know what happened. I can’t imagine they didn’t and—” “Heartsy? Why’d you stop—oh. That’s why.” Ryan remarked, having climbed the hill and joined the others to see a massive structure looming in front of them. Giving a whistle, he smirked, “Dang, Chrissy. That’s one nice castle. A little..odd architecturally speaking, but Ah imagine that’s the insectoid nature of yer species shining forth.” “....it seems quiet.” Chrysalis took a deep breath before nodding and approaching the entrance with the others. “I certainly hope that is not a bad sign.” Knocking on the gate, there was no reply for quite a bit of time. Eventually, a slot in the door slowly opened before a hissing noise was heard. “Yesss? Who dares to knock on—my queen!!” Suddenly, the door was quickly opened before a somewhat ragged looking Changeling peered around the door to see that Chrysalis was indeed there. “...mother? Is..is that really you?” “Yes, my child. I...I’m…” “Wait...who did you bring with…!” Sensing his distress, she quickly tried to reassure him. “They are here to help.” “You can’t be serious! I mean that with all respect but these ponies! And...him! How is he? That…” Chrysalis stamped the ground hard before starring at her worried brood. “Silence! Stop this foolishness at once! They are here as emissaries of peace with our kingdom and...and were it not for him, then I would not be able to see you or the others again. So please...status report, my child.” “Yes, your highness! I am sorry!” The changeling cleared his throat before leading her and the others inside. “Since we lost track of you, some of the higher-ranking Changelings have done their best to keep the hive together. They’ve done an admirable job, but more often than I would wish to admit we’ve been short on...our needs.” “Ah take that ta mean you haven’t been able to get the love you need.” “...yes, human. That is correct.” He spat with more bite than perhaps he meant. “...sorry. It’s just...that whole ordeal is a sore spot.” “Hey, no big deal dude. Ah ain’t gonna argue that the whole thing was a mess. Ah just wish it could’ve gone different but…” “Hmm...anyway, we’ve been able to secure enough from our agents still installed in other nearby cities, but...it’s just barely enough to keep us going. And that hunger...has made some very irritated.” “...does this include you, Strike?” “...yes, mother. Though I know better, some of the younger brood...well, perhaps it’s best if you talk to them. If you're here, perhaps we can bring them to their senses.” “Ya know, if you guys are just needing some love, we’ve got a quick solution to help you right now.” Pinkie giggled. “We can just do what we did to help your mom and get Rysy-Wysy to assist.” Strike raised an eyebrow at this, his wings buzzing in confusion. “What...does she mean?” “Oh my dear child, she means for them to affectionately attack their human in order to produce his very potent brand of love.” Chrysalis chuckled at how Pinkie was eyeing Ryan once more. “You may recall having it before, when it was sent from Canterlot by...by…” Ryan and his herd didn’t have to ask, they knew exactly what she was thinking. Ryan could only look at over his shoulder at his sword and grimace, his heart aching over that memory. “Ah’m sorry, Chrissy…” “I know. I know.” Chrysalis composed herself. “You didn’t mean for it to happen, but my son was always like that. He was always so devoted to his mother, more so than any other of my children. Then again...he was special.” Ryan’s eyes lit up at that. “Special…? Wait...no, it couldn’t be. C-Chrissy?” “Yes? What is it, Ryan?” “Was...was that particular son of yours...not hatched from an egg? Was he...actually born from you?” Chrysalis was quiet, simply looking at Ryan with wide eyes. “How did you…?” “We ran into someone from another world sometime ago. He told us of the you there, of what she did, and how he had interacted with her. He mentioned one born of her and not from an egg. In that case, it was a daughter.” Ryan shrugged. “Ah figure mah herd had the same thought, so Ah just decided to ask.” “I see. Well, we can discuss that later. Right now, I must address my children before they become too unruly.” “Yes, my queen. This way.” In a large gathering hall, a number of changelings of various sizes were arguing with one another over what to do. “I keep telling you that doing something like that will just cause us more trouble! We can’t just invade somewhere by force! Otherwise it’ll be Canterlot all over again!” “You’re a coward! You would rather we scrape by on such meager offerings when we can live as we used to!? All because you are afraid of some ponies and their magical rainbows?” “He’s right! The only reason things went bad in Canterlot was because of that human! He was the cause of things, but as we know our mother took care of him...before disappearing.” “That’s exactly why we can’t invade! Do you think they’d take the death of someone like him so lightly? He knew both the Princesses and the Element Bearers. If we invade, they’ll be out for blood!!” And on and on it went, devolving into angry yelling and noise until the doors swung open, silencing them all as a voice cried out loudly. “STOP THIS MISBEHAVING AT ONCE!!” Chrysalis yelled in the Royal Changeling Voice. “BEHAVE YOURSELVES NOW, MY CHILDREN!” ‘...damn, Chrissy-baby has got some lungs on her.’ “Q-Queen Chrysalis?!” Many of them stuttered after being blown back by her shouting. “Yes. And to return only to see my children bickering and apparently planning reckless actions has made your mother quite upset.” “So? You left us. You disappeared after that encounter in Canterlot! Why should we even care what you have to say?” One Changeling in particular marched towards them, his wings buzzing violently. “Especially when you dare to bring that damnable human and those ponies with you! You truly have gone insane, haven’t you mother?” “I WILL NOT TOLERATE SUCH INSOLENCE!” Chrysalis bellowed, causing the upstart Changeling to cower. “Ahem...I may have disappeared, and I may have brought them here, but they are an envoy of peace. They are here to help save our hive, and to save you, my children.” “...and why would they do that?” “Because we know you guys only invaded Canterlot as a last resort. Chrissy here was forced into what she thought was her only option.” Ryan explained, hoping they’d listen. “All to save y’all. So we’re wanting to give it a….” “Do over!” “That’s the perfect way to say it, T-Sparks. Indeed, we wish to work things out peacefully so that no one gets hurt. There’s been enough pain in Equestria as it is…” Ryan closed his eyes and frowned. “If we can do anything to prevent more, than we should take those steps.” A large majority of the Changelings there thought over his words, as well as what they meant for their future, before looking towards Chrysalis and bowing. “We will follow your will, mother.” “My children…” Chrysalis noticed a few of them still hesitant. “And you?” “...we will watch. But if it does not work, we will do as we feel fitting.” “So insolent…” the Changeling Queen huffed before rolling her eyes. “Teenagers, am I not right?” “Ah suppose.” AppleJack shrugged, “We all were a bit unruly at that age after all.” “Hey, wait...I’m a teenager now so I feel like I should be offended by that statement.” Spike noted, making a face. ‘Relax, little bro. You’re overthinking things.’ Dark laughed softly. ‘Now then, Chrissy-baby, we’ll arrange the details with Tia and Woona and then...well, let’s hope those pompous airbags can shut up long enough to listen to her suggestions.’ Two days later, in Canterlot… Celestia and Luna were waiting patiently as they prepared for court, the nobles beginning their usual, self-absorbed nonsense as usual...save for the few that actually seemed to care about something other than furthering their own causes. As such, they were awaiting the arrival of their guests as well as their little human and his herd before finally the large door opened and in they walked. Only for the nobles to start freaking out. “I say! What is she doing here?” “Is this another invasion? And why is that rapscallion of a human with her?” “I always thought he wasn’t to be trusted.” “And the Element Bearers? What-what? I demand an explanation for this.” And so on and so forth it went as most of those gathered there wouldn’t shut their yaps for one moment as Chrysalis and the others joined the two Princesses. Celestia attempted to speak, but her voice was being drowned out by all the bickering. Eventually, Ryan and Dark got slightly annoyed by all this and initiated their rebuttal. “IF YOU OVERBLOWN WINDBAGS WOULD KINDLY SHUT YER YAPS FOR ONE SECOND AND TAKE THE STICK OUT OF YOUR BUTTS, THEN MAYBE YOU’D GET AN EXPLANATION AS TO WHAT IS HAPPENING!” Ryan and Dark huffed. “Oh, save for you Fancy Pants. You and your group are always quite respectful, so thank you for waiting patiently and our apologies for our uncouth, yet necessary, outburst.” “As always, dear sirs. And think nothing of it! I am most intrigued to find out what is going on.” “Hey! What gives you the right to act so brutish towards us? You may have connections to the Princesses, but you are far from royalty.” “Then as a member of royalty, I would kindly ask you to do as he says and pull the stick out of your rear post-haste.” “Who dares?!” A light grey unicorn with slightly amber hair rose and stared down this noble. “I do.” “P-Prince Blueblood? Why would you…” “While I must admit I too am confused by the sudden presence of Changeling royalty, my aunt would not do something without reason. So does my decree of shutting your trap suffice, sir?” Blueblood eyed the noble intently. “I will not have you disregard a friend of my aunts in such a manner. So be quiet and sit. Down! Am I clear?” “Y-yes, Prince.” Needless to say, that little display quieted the rest of the murmurs and finally allowed silence to descend over the court. “Heh, thanks Blues. Well played.” Ryan smirked as Blueblood nodded at him before he turned to Celestia. “Well ladies, that’s yer cue.” “Well, that’s one way to do it, my little human.” Celestia snickered, amused at the antics of not only Ryan but her nephew as well. “Ahem. Now while I am quite aware you would be hesitant to see a Changeling again after past events, know that their Queen is here under a more peaceful pretense. I will be short: her children are suffering and she has come here today to ask for our help.” “What gall! She attacks us and then wishes for help?” “Why should we help anyway? Changelings are a nasty lot that steal your very soul! Won’t someone think of our children?!” Luna huffed, rolling her eyes. “This is why I hate holding court. Stuffy nobles that won’t listen to anything but themselves.” ‘Quite, my Woona.’ Chrysalis frowned before turning to Celestia. The Princess regarded her for a moment before nodding and allowing her to speak. “I know what we have done in the past was not the most...tactful action. I have no excuse for the actions I set in motion, but I can only say that I was desperate. We were dying and if I did not find a source of love, then my children were going to die. As a mother, I could not let that happen, even if I had my doubts about what was to be done.” Chrysalis bit her lip, calming her emotions before she continued. “I never once considered just asking, as pony kind and Changelings had not interacted in hundreds of years. As your words show, you only have remnants of rumors making us out to be some kind of “love bogeyman” to be feared or hunted. But truthfully, are we any different? We both look similar: our frames, our features. We have wings, as do the Pegasi, and we have horns, as do the unicorn. We simply are somewhat more insectoid in nature.” “Like Ah’ve said before, horseflies.” Chrysalis smirked at Ryan’s bad joke. “Yes, if that is how you wish to put it, human. Either way, we have similarities that shouldn’t be ignored.” “Like your love for your children.” Celestia looked at those gathered. “Who among you with little ones of your own would not do all you could to protect them?” There were quiet mumblings from a number of nobles, which was all the answer she needed. “So then, should we not meet them on this offer of peace? It has been so very long since peaceful contact with Changelings has been a reality, and despite having suffered somewhat from her assault, I am willing to give Queen Chrysalis a chance to turn over a new leaf.” Celestia closed her eyes and nodded. “At least, for the sake of her children.” While it seemed some of the crowd was swaying towards this decision, some were still unconvinced. One mare in particular stood up before clearing her throat. “And what of the human and his herd? What do they think, considering that the very Queen before us nearly killed him?” “...Ah don’t like her tone.” “AJ, relax. She’s just trying to rile us up and cause a scene.” Ryan blinked. “That was oddly reasonable of you, Dashie.” “What? I can be smart and calm too, ya know.” “Anyway, to answer yer question Miss…” “Money Bags, if you will.” “...really? Ahem, anyway, Miss Money Bags, yeah. Chrissy did impale me and by all accounts Ah probably should’ve died, but Ah didn’t. And, besides, during that whole fight all Ah could feel was such sorrow behind her actions. As if she was pained that this was the option she had to go with.” Ryan rubbed his shirt, feeling the scar underneath. “The fact that when she’d been knocked to her senses by mah little bro and reacted as she did, well, that makes me feel like she genuinely wants to co-exist. So, Ah’ll vouch for her.” ‘As will I!’ “Well said. I shall as well!” Fancy Pants remarked. “Let us show the world that we can put differences aside for a common good and let bygones be bygones, eh young man?” “Quite.” “As usual, I cannot find fault in your words, Ryan. Sometimes I do that hate that about you.” Blueblood smirked. “But I too wish to see how this will all play out.” Eventually, one by one, all the nobles there began to give their affirmation as well before Ryan redirected his gaze towards Miss Money Bags. “So, does that suffice?” “...yes.” She tersely replied before sitting back down. “Well then, sister, I do believe that a peace treaty between us and Chrysalis’ hive has been approved. We should get to writing it up then, so that it may truly become official.” “Indeed, Luna. If there are no other matters, court is adjourned for today.” A few minutes later, after the nobles had cleared out and the others had moved to the throne room… “Thank you. I...I honestly don’t know how you guys can do this. I really screwed up, but you still want to help.” “Well, your kids did do some crazy stuff, buuuuuuut other than Rysy-Wysy dying, that action-y stuff was super fun!” “...you’re so weird sometimes, Pinkie.” “Heh, aren’t we all, Lyre-Wyre? You and your human stuff, me and my parties, AJ and her apples, Rarity and her designs, Twilight and her books, Rainbow and her awesomeness and Flutters with that clutch intimidation of hers. But it’s so perfect!” Pinkie grinned before hopping up on to Ryan’s shoulders. “After all, our human is pretty dang crazy too! He even has another voice in his head! He’s the literal definition of crazy! And so that’s why helping you is totally in line with our actions, Chrissy-pie.” Chrysalis regarded all this oddly before laughing softly. “You all are too kind...I wish I could go back and start it all anew, with a different plan. A less...invading one. Then perhaps we could’ve avoided quite a bit of...unpleasantness.” “We can’t turn back time.” Twilight looked left and right quickly before laughing nervously. “Well, you can, but it’s best to not change the past.” “What Twilight is trying to say, darling, is the past is the past.” Rarity put a hoof around Chrysalis and smiled. “So let us look towards a future that is fabulous!” “Thank you. Though...until this treaty is officially enacted, I still need assistance in acquiring enough love to keep my children happy.” “Heh, not to worry. My peach and I have been thinking on something, and we think having a small presence in Ponyville may help ease the other ponies into eventually accepting the Changelings into our lives. We even have somewhere you can stay so that you can collect love to send back to them.” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “That is, if you’re okay with that, Chrysalis.” “Somewhere to stay? But where would you find somepony that would be willing to give me room?” “Oh that’s easy!” Pinkie giggled, pulling on a red and blue plumber’s outfit. “Pinkie, what are you doing?” Lyra tilted her head before gasping. “And where did that giant goal line come from? And...is the tape in the middle moving?” “Getting us to Ponyville the fast, fun way!” Pinkie grinned, running towards the tape and jumping. “And as for your questions….the answer is fun! YAY!” As she broke the tape, a strange melody could be heard which made Chrysalis look around oddly. “Wh-what is she doing? What is the sound? What?! Why is it getting darker, where is this darkness coming from?” Laughing, Ryan smirked before giving the peace sign. “Oh, such a classic. That and three will always be the best 2D ones. But it’s simple, Chrissy: nothing beats a classic iris fade for scene shifting.” Before Chrysalis could get any kind of reply out, the scene went totally black….before opening up to show all of them now in front of the Treebrary. “How? What? When? I Don’t….” Chrysalis continued making twitchy, confused remarks as she tried to process exactly what had just occurred. “That is...I...I…I don’t feel good.” “Was that too much, Rysy-Wysy? I really thought she could handle our shenanigans.” “Hmmm…” Ryan stroked his chin in thought. “Ah-ha! Rare-bear, are you thinking what Ah am?” Rarity eyed their human oddly, before a thought dawned on her. “Oh yes! She could definitely benefit from something relaxing like that.” “...what are y’all plannin’?” “It’s easy, Apps: Chrissy right now needs assistance, but not the kind the Elements of Harmony can give. Oh no, no, no...rather, she needs the help of the Elements of Therapy.” “The what-who now?” “The Elements of Therapy: our very own Lotus Blossom and Aloe. We’ll get her the full package after we introduce her to her roommate.” Chrysalis paused as Ryan opened the door. “...roommate?” “Yeah! She’s great, you’ll love her. She’s energetic and friendly, and has lots of love for everypony so she’s sure to help with those supplies yer kids will need and…” Ryan suddenly was muffled as a ball of fluff latched onto his face and gasped in joy. “Oh...hewwo, Fwuffle.” “Pbbbt.” “Yes, Ah can tell yer glad to see us, especially since we’ve been so busy lately. Now then...we’ve got someone we’d like to introduce you to. She’s gonna be yer new roommate for however long she needs!” “Phbbbbt?” “Heh, she’s right there, darling.” Rarity pointed to Chrysalis. “This is Queen Chrysalis, leader of the Changelings.” “Well, technically leader of the only remaining changelings. But details.” Chrysalis waved her foreleg dismissively. “Anyway, I suppose we are going to be roommates then? You certainly fit the company that—” Fluffle had put a hoof to her mouth, signaling her to be quiet. “Pbbt.” “I...did she just say I had her at ‘Well’? Also, how did I...” Chrysalis attempted to talk, before Fluffle pressed her hoof against her mouth slightly harder. “Ah’m gonna go with yes.” AppleJack chuckled. “As for how she talks without using anything other than ‘pbbbt’s...some mysteries ain’t meant ta be known.” “You’ll help her out and get her settled here, right Fluffle?” Fluffle nodded repeatedly to Ryan’s question, before dragging Chrysalis around and showing her the different areas of the Treebrary. Chrysalis gave Ryan and his herd a confused look, trying to get any kind of answer as to what was happening. “She’s taken a liking to you, that’s what, Crissy-wissy.” Pinkie giggled. “Besides, Ryan did promise someone with a large source of love...and Fluffle has the most to give that I’ve seen from any pony! She’ll help get your kids rolling in no time!” Still not completely at ease with that as an answer, she none the less let herself be given the tour. Seeing that Chrissy was in good hooves, Ryan and the others bid them farewell till later so that he could focus on one very important thing coming up in a few short weeks. “So...Dark...how did you handle it when ya met Lunes and Cellie’s parents?” ‘Me? Well...I think I handled it well enough. After all, their dad was pretty chill, but their mother greeted me with a massive fireball to the face. Something about wanting to see if I was truly this ‘hot stuff’ as her dear little moonie had told her.’ Ryan facepalmed. “That’s...that’s not very reassuring.” “Apple Ryder, it ain’t gonna be that hard. Ya already met and know some of our parents.” “Ah know Apps, but...the ones Ah haven’t met, Ah’m worried about what they really think about this whole thing we’ve got going. Ah love y’all and won’t change mah plans even if some of them are unhappy with it, but it’d mean a lot more if they all were okay with us being together.” He turned to his herd. “And Ah know that’d mean a lot to y’all as well.” Lyra nodded, sensing some of her herdmates distress. “I know my parents are a bit...hesitant after I told them about not only who I was dating but in what way. My mother seemed okay but dad...he never did like grandpa telling me about Equestria’s past and of the humans from back then. Said it would lead me to become some kind of crazy delinquent. But ya know, Ryers, whatever happens we’ll still love you. Nothing will change that, even if not all of our families are on board with us being together.” Ryan smiled at that, especially when the other gals reaffirmed this with their own words. “Haha, we’re just one big, crazy, happy family ain’t we? Y’all, me, our little bro, and our little sisters. And Ah suppose Darkness as well, which means Cellie and Lunes are in there too.” He looked up at the clear sky and smiled. “Ah wouldn’t change that for anything! Now then! We’ve work to do: a town to prepare for Changeling co-habitation and, of course, the details involving mah birthday and yer parents visiting.” ‘You heard the man! Let’s get awesome, everypony!’