Gravity of the Situation

by DJSkywalker

Gravity of the Situation

*****Third Person POV*****

A few days past since the death of the Gravity King and the Gravity Master. The ponies returned to Canterlot after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna proclaimed their return to the throne. Of course, they were aghast at the horrific state the city was in.

Thankfully, Pacolytese was able to convince the Dragon Emperor to lend assistance in rebuilding all that the gravity shifters had destroyed. Along with Canterlot, repairs sped up in the other cities that Kat and the nevi had trashed.

It was on this day, that seven ponies, a dragon, a star-coated cat, and a human gathered around a single slab of stone. This slab was placed delicately into the ground underneath on a shady tree at the peak of a meadowy hill just outside of Ponyville. Upon the stone, simple words were written that carried so much weight:

In memory of Fluttershy

Friend, Granddaughter, and Carer of all Living Things

May she be long remembered

Celestia looked upon the grave faces of those around her with deep regret and sadness. She still blamed herself for being unable to stop Raven from destroying Fluttershy, and seeing how much it had affected her dear student and her friends hurt deep. Slowly, she looked upon Kat, standing directly in front of the stone with her eyes fixated solely upon it.

Kat’s face was empty, having cried constantly over several days over her sister’s death. Celestia and Dusty had done what they could to comfort her, but it only slightly lessened her grief. Now that they were laying Fluttershy to rest, Kat seemed emotionless compared to before.

“Is anypony going to say some words?” asked Twilight solemnly as she looked upon her friend’s grave.

“I will,” Dusty said stepping forward from his spot by Kat’s leg. She looked down at her familiar with a glint of suspicion before returning to looking upon the stone. Dusty cleared his throat as he sat down in front of the grave. “Fluttershy, I knew you for only a short time. Too short, I suppose. But in that short time, I saw something grand within you. Single handedly, or hoofedly in your case I suppose, you changed around Kat Shifter. Something that not even after having been with her for nearly three hundred years was I able to perform. You brought her comfort, you brought her joy, happiness to an extent I had never seen in my kitten. And for that, I thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly grateful to you.”

Dusty bowed his head in silence as well as everyone else.

“And as such, I wish to show you my gratitude,” Dusty continued, surprising all but his mistress. He turned and looked at Kat. “You know of what I mean, do you not?”

All the ponies looked to Kat. After a moment, she let out a small sigh and unfolded her arms. “Ever since I Extinguished Rita and King, I’ve learned of several different techniques that I never knew of. But you knew, didn’t you?”

Dusty nodded hesitantly. “I only knew of its existence, not of how to perform it. If I had, believe me kitten, I would have told you in a heartbeat.”

“Uh, what are you both talking about?” asked Spike. The others all nodded, equally confused.

“There is a cure, a cure for the Extinguish technique,” Kat said monotonically. They all gasped and began to smile.

“So, ya can bring back Fluttershy? Could it be true?”

“Yes,” Dusty nodded. “It can be done. However...there is a price to pay for it.”

“What kind of price?” Rainbow asked excitedly. “Whatever it is, we’ll pay it!”

Dusty looked back at Kat with a nod. She sighed again. “Restore. It’s called Restore. It allows me to reform a being who was Extinguished--”


“BUT!” Kat shouted over the cheers of joy. “Not only does it take an extreme amount of power to be done, it also needs something else: a sacrifice.”

The ponies gulped. “A-a sacrifice, darling? As in….”

“A life for a life,” Dusty summed up. “For Restore to bring back one destroyed by Extinguish, a life needs to be given in the process.”

“But then that means,” Luna said before going silent, with understanding coming to her only a moment later. “Thou wishes to give up thine own life for dear Fluttershy’s?!”

The others gasped, and again after Dusty silently nodded.

“B-but you can’t just do that!” Spike shouted. The others voiced their own disapproval on his plan, but he just looked at Kat. She was just standing there in silence as she looked back to Dusty.

“Well, Kat?” he asked, looking at her. “What will you do?”

Kat was silent for a moment. “Just answer me this: why? Why would you do this?”

Dusty sighed. “This has been a long time coming. I’ve been by your side for so, so many years now, Kitten. I’ve watched as you’ve grown into the woman you are today. From that weak, traumatized girl who was gifted with incredible power, to the queen who stands before me. You may still see yourself as nothing, save for a military general who committed murder, but I see a true queen, a Gravity Queen. You don’t need a dirty, old cat keeping you safe anymore.” He looked over at Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, Celestia, Luna, and Spike. Then he turned back to her. “You have great friends by your side now. They are all you need.”

Kat sighed, shaking her head. “You stupid little cat.” She got down on her knees and hugged Dusty close. “I will always need you.”

Dusty hugged back, purring warmly. “Maybe, but you need Fluttershy even more. The world needs Fluttershy so the Elements can work. I know it will be hard, but it’s for the best.” He pulled away slightly, looking at her with caring eyes. “It’s time you let go of your past and move on to a better future.”

Kat put Dusty down, looking at him with slight tears in her eyes. “Do you really have to go?”

Dusty nodded solemnly. “I do. It’s time for you to grow up, to be the hero I know you’ve always been.”

Kat gave Dusty a small kiss on the top of his head, stepping back slightly. Kat’s hands began to glow as they stretched towards Dusty. He held his head high as her power began to surround him. The ponies and Spike just watched on with bowed heads, some tearing up slightly at losing yet another friend.

Wisps began to pour off of Dusty, orbiting around him. He opened his eyes and looked at Kat. “This is farewell, my kitten. Remember, I will always love you. And always be with you in your heart, and in your memories.”

“I know you will, Dusty,” she said with a smile despite the tears beginning to fall down her face. “But so you know,” she started, making Dusty cock his head a little, “You were the best father a girl could have.”

Dusty’s eyes widened, a couple tears forming in his eyes. He bowed his head as his body shuddered from Restore as well as his own emotions. “Thank you, kitten. Thank you.”

“I love you, Dusty. I’ll miss you.”

“And I you, Allison. Goodbye.”

Those were Dusty’s final words as his form burst into particles. But instead of falling to the ground, they began to get mixed in with the wisps. Against her tears, Kat searched inward for the being that was absorbed. She found them deep within the energy she absorbed from Rita and King and began to focus them into the wisps.

Slowly, they started to wrap around each other, forming the basic shape of a pony. With a final push, Kat poured as much power as she could into the form. A bright flash of light erupted from the body, blinding them all.

When they looked again, a butter-coated pegasus with a long, pink mane and tail laid upon the ground. Everyone was quiet as the mare began to stir awake. Her eyes fluttered open, slowly lifting her head up and looking around at all the creatures around her.

“Wh-where am I?” she asked in a soft-spoken voice.

Instantly, cheers and shouts of joy erupted from them all, her five friends hugging her tightly.

“Eep!” Fluttershy yelped from the outburst. “Um...what’s going on? Last I remember...I died.”

Kat got down on one knee in front of her, just the sight of her grandmother making Fluttershy smile happily. “There’s a lot we need to catch up on, Flutters.” Kat pulled the mare into a comforting hug. “Just know, I’m overjoyed to have you back with me.”

Fluttershy was surprised a little, but hugged her right back. “I missed you, too, grandmother.”

*****Fluttershy’s POV*****

It’s been a few months since grandmother brought me back to life. Of course, after I heard what had happened and how I was brought back, I cried for a few days. I was afraid that Kat would come to hate me for taking Dusty away from her. But she never did. In fact, she wanted to spend more and more time with me.

From watering my plants, to feeding my animals, and even just going shopping with me. She was always juggling her time with me with her duty to clean up her mess in Canterlot and the other cities. Even with the dragons helping, there was still a lot to be done. I felt happy just that she would spend time with me.

Grandmother and I were walking through Canterlot, helping out with repairs. Most of the city had been restored, thankfully, but homes and businesses still needed help. I noticed that as we were walking by, several ponies were shooting some very nasty glares in Kat’s direction. I looked up at her with a little worry, but she wasn’t paying them any mind, just looking forward as we walked with a tiny smile.

That made me smile a little, knowing that their opinions of her were not affecting her. That was good, I was afraid that the ponies’ hate for her would make her sulky and depressed again. Many were still very angry with her for her actions over the past year. I knew they had a right to be, but Kat did still save them all from a much worse fate than property damage.

I felt a sudden pull on my wing and was yanked off my hooves. I was forced violently against a cold, damp wall. I squeaked as I opened my eyes, seeing a very angry unicorn glaring back at me. “Wh-what do you want?” I barely managed to say, I was so frightened.

She growled at me. “I want you to die, you damned traitor! Bullshit that you were never killed by the Master. I was there! I saw you die!” She held up a knife in her magic, holding it against my neck. “Time to finish the jo--”

In a second, the mare was ripped away from me and thrown against the far wall.I coughed a little, standing back on my hooves. I looked over and gasped at what I saw. Kat had the pony lifted high up against the wall, flailing her hooves and looking like she was choking. Kat’s hand was coated in energy and I saw that she wasn’t even holding the pony, just using her energy.

“St-stop,” the unicorn pleaded, tears in her eyes. “I… I don’t...wanna...die!”

I glanced over and saw that Kat’s eyes were colder than ice. “I should kill you,” she said calmly, which sent chills down my spine. “I used to have so much mercy a long time ago. But you, ponies like you ripped that from my soul. I’ve protected your kind for longer than you will ever live. I lost good friends on those bloody fields. I lost my family through much terrible means. Yet you, you little piece of shit, want to take away my only remaining family.”

The mare cowered as she choked. “I-I-I’m sorry! I...’m sorry!”

I saw Kat’s grip beginning to tighten. “I should just Extinguish and be done with it. There’s nothing to stop me from killing you. From killing all of you who stand against me.” She dropped her hand and the mare fell to the ground, cowering and rubbing her reddening neck. “But I won’t give you the satisfaction. I won’t be the monster you all love to believe I am. I will defend the ponies to the last of my breath not because I feel I owe you anything. Not because I see the ponies as superior. No, it’s simply because I have made promises to others as well as one simple fact.” She leaned into the pony’s face, glaring into her eyes. “Because I am a good person.” She leaned back. “Whether you believe that or not.”

The mare cowered even more as grandmother turned and walked past me. “Let’s go, Flutters. Celestia and Luna want to see us before dark.”

“Uh… right.” I took one last look at the practically traumatized unicorn before following her towards Canterlot Castle. I should have been surprised by how Kat acted back there. I knew in my heart it was wrong, but… this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.

Over the past months, she was becoming more and more hostile to the hateful sort of ponies. It was very frightening the first time it happened. We were just out shopping for a dessert Angel wanted and a pony started calling Kat out as a monster and a devil. She slammed him against a building and threatened to Extinguish him too.

I kept seeing the signs that grandmother was holding back her anger. I knew that meant eventually she was going to explode on the nearest thing. I both hoped and feared that would be me. I hoped for it so I could help her get over these feelings, but feared it because nopony likes having their grandmother yell angrily at them. Leaves a pit in your stomach.

I was in thought for so long, I never even realized we had reached our destination and had already set ourselves at a large round table. All of my friends were there along with the Princesses. Even Shining Armor and Princess Cadance had come down from the Crystal Empire. I was still wondering though, why was this meeting called?

Princess Celestia stood from her seat. Her horn still wasn’t anywhere near it’s previous length, but it had grown back to about the size of a normal unicorn horn. It looked a little silly on her, to be honest.  “Thank you all for coming here today. I know it takes away from all of your busy schedules, but I must thank you all for your assistance in the reconstruction efforts. It has been of great help. But now, we face a trying problem amongst the populace.”

“What’s the problem, Princess?” Twilight asked, looking concerned. She hadn’t left Princess Celestia’s side in all of these months, being her personal secretary.

Princess Luna answered. “We, err, I hate to say it, but the problem is… Kat.” That got the table muttering amongst themselves.

“What do you mean Kat’s the problem?!” Rainbow Dash burst out. “She’s the bucking hero who saved us all!”

“Pardoning Rainbow’s language, I must incline to agree,” Rarity added. “She lost so much, yet she still saved the day. We’re only alive because of her.”

Princess Celestia nodded. “I know this. We all know this, but the ponies are less inclined to agree. They were not there to witness the Battle for Equestria. The only Kat they know is the Gravity Queen that destroyed their homes and livelihoods. They see her as a threat to their very wellbeing.”

“Ah’m with Dash,” Applejack shouted. “That’s their problem that they need to work out. We just need to show ‘em the real Kat. The one who, while a little messed up in the noggin (no offense), is a hero of Equestria.”

“That could be difficult,” Princess Cadance admitted. “All of you were condemned as traitors of the crown. Even if it was a simple ploy by Raven, it’s ingrained into the citizens. They see you as doing anything to make Kat look better as either simple mind-control or treason.”

Several of us recoiled at the mention of treason. “B-but it’s not traitorous!” I argued. “It’s the truth!”

“That may be,” Celestia admitted. “But our citizens would not be so easily convinced. Gravity shifters have changed them, and not for the better. They are bitter and angry; they require something to blame. With Kat being the only surviving shifter, all the blame falls upon her. Whether it’s right or wrong.”

We were all silent after that. I hate to admit it, but in their position I would probably feel the same. How could we possibly try to convince them otherwise? There had to be a way.

“I’ve made my decision,” Kat said suddenly, shocking us out of our gloom.

“Grandmother?” I asked to myself.

“Oh?” Princess Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow. “And what decision is that?”

Grandmother sighed and looked right at her. “I’m leaving.”

In an instant, we were gobsmacked. “L-leaving?” I whimpered.

“Apologies dear, but what do you mean, ‘leaving’?”

Kat took in a breath before exhaling it out. “I think Equestria, and the world, needs to rebuild without the interference of the Displaced. I’ve caused so much damage and the longer I stay, the more I’m going to cause.” She held up a hand just as we were about to retort. “I am not saying that due to self-hatred. I’m saying that because the Displaced are dangerous. I’m dangerous. I just feel the world would be better off if I leave, if only for a while.”

There was a still silence around the table for a few moments, all of us trying to digest the message. Eventually, Princess Celestia spoke up. “Where will you go?” She sounded very sad.

Kat lifted up a gold coin and began to flip it. “Another Displaced has offered me a temporary home on his world. I figure it will be a good stepping stone to completing Gilgamesh’s mission.”

“Yer still goin’ through with that?” AJ asked.

“I probably should. Gilgamesh has always had his reasons for doing things. Might as well humor his just this once.”

“B-But… but I’ll miss you,” I cried, hugging my grandmother tightly around her waist. I felt her wrap her arms around me, rubbing my back soothingly.

“And I’ll miss you too, very much so. But, this world needs to return to it’s harmonic state. And I feel that would happen better and faster if I were no longer in the equation. I just have this gut feeling it’s what I should do.”

I sniffled a little, trying to be strong. “B-but what are we supposed to do without you?”

She smiled sweetly. “Be strong. Because I know you are. I’ve seen your strength and the strength of everypony in this room. You don’t need me to hold your hooves as you walk through life.”

“Of course not,” I admitted. “But it’s nice to have you by our side.”

She leaned in and gently kissed my forehead. “I know. But I won’t be gone forever. Just enough time for the other ponies to calm down on their hatred and disharmony. Then I’ll be back before you know it.”

“But how will you know?” asked Twilight. “Do you plan to stay in contact? Can you even stay in contact?”

“I don’t know,” Kat shrugged with a smile. “I just know I will. Just trust me for once, Twilight Sparkle. Trust in me.”

“I trust you,” I said. Even though I would miss her, Kat did need to live her own life too. Perhaps, when she come back, because I knew she would, she’d be better than ever. A mare could hope at least.

“Ah suppose Ah do too.”

“I’ll always support my friends!”

“I have faith in you, darling.”

“Yepper deppers!”

Twilight looked around the table for a minute before sighing and slouching. “... Alright, I guess I could trust you. Just this once.” She pointed a hoof at Kat. “Don’t get used to this, missy.”

We all chuckled, Kat included. “No promises, Twily.” Twilight pouted at being called such a childish nickname by her.

“Are you certain this is the best, Kat?” Princess Luna asked.

Kat nodded. “I am. I know it’s sudden, but when I come back, I’ll be ready to take on my life with everypony. I promise it.”

“Pinkie Promise it?” Pinkie asked with a very questioning look. Kat chuckled and proceeded through the motions of a Pinkie Promise. Pinkie smiled and nodded. “Then you’re clear for take off!”

“Thanks for that, Pinkie,” Kat laughed. “But, I do need to speak with the Princesses for a moment in private. Could you girls give us a few moments?”

We all nodded and proceeded to get up from the table. I stopped and looked back, rolling my eyes with a giggle. “That means you too, Twilight.”

“B-b-b-but!” Twilight looked at the royalty around her who nodded. She huffed and pouted as she too rose from the table. “So not fair.”

“Come on, girls!” Pinkie beamed. “Let’s go to the kitchen! I’ll make some cupcakes and milkshakes!”

“Does anypone else feel like that’s a reference to somethin’ sinister?” We all shook out heads, ‘no’. “Huh, must just be me. Ah call the one with the rainbow swirls!”

“Why did a chill go down my spine?” Rainbow asked.

I giggled, following my friends and worrying about the days to come.

*****Kat’s POV*****

As the doors closed behind my friends and granddaughter, I turned to Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor. “I have something for you.” I pulled out a manilla folder from my jacket and passed it to the solar diarch.

She took it in her renewed magic (still hard not to laugh at how tiny her horn is) and read over it. Her eyes had widened by the time she passed it to Luna. “You cannot be serious, Kat. There must be another way.”

I shook my head. “I trust Auric with my life. If he says it will work, then I’m inclined to believe him. I know it may seem drastic, but I truly believe it could work.”

Luna passed the folder to Shining and Cadance. “But it’s so risky. Perhaps too much risk for the reward.”

“The reward is having a true god on your side,” I countered. “His influence could be important someday. I just have this feeling.”

Cadance put the folder down, giving off a thousand yard stare. “It’s… it’s just too much to take. Discord’s our only hope for protecting this world from Displaced?!”

I nodded. “I know it’s a long shot, trust me I do. But if put in the care of the right pony, I know he could be changed for the better.”

“But who?” asked Celestia. “What pony could possibly reform the lord of chaos and disharmony?”

“Fluttershy.” They all looked at me like I was crazy. “I know it’s hard to believe. But she’s the perfect choice for this. Hell, she reformed me! She may not know it, but without her, I don’t think I ever could have fully given up on killing you both. So… yeah. She’s the reason I let you live.”

“Let us live?” Luna parroted. “Oh, so you believe you could truly take me on, Shifter?”

“Anywhere and anytime, Luna,” I said with a smirk. “I’ll whoop your ass up and down the block.”

Luna stood tall. “Challenge accepted! Upon your return to Equestria, we shall have a duel that will be remember for centuries to come!”

I chuckled a little. “I can agree to that.” I stood from my seat. “I should be going. I need to pack for my trip. I hope you’ll consider my idea, though.”

Celestia nodded. “I shall. The Displaced are a legitimate threat and we intended to take it as such.”

I nodded and opened a portal. “I’ll meet you at Fluttershy’s cottage in an hour. Tell the girls for me. Please and thank you.” I stepped through the portal after they agreed and reappeared in my room at the Castle of the Two Sisters.

I moved over to my dresser and began to rifle through my light belongings. I didn’t have much in the way of possessions, but I felt I should take what I could. Who knew how long I was going to be gone?

I packed up some of the more...ahem, personal items into a the portal, stowing it away. I personally loved being able to do that. The portals just made it so easy to hold anything and everything. It was also easier to open them now. It took practically no power to do so. I knew the reason for it, too: Raven and King. Both of them were powerful shifters. Extinguish has gifted those abilities and powers they had. It was because of them I knew about Restore, how my powers were so much easier to use now, and how much stronger I was.

At this level, I could easily level the planet. At this level, I knew I was too strong for this world. I was going to need to learn control over these powers. I may not be showing it, but there’s just so much that it’s getting hard to contain. As a wise alien once said: “Control, control! You must learn control!”

I packed away the dresses and spare clothes Rarity made for me in my new wardrobe dimension and made my way to the bedside table. Why here? I opened up the top drawer and pulled out my little book. I could still feel all of the Void energy within. So many worlds, so many Displaced.

Speaking of which…

Yep. Still there. Still watching, waiting in the shadows.’s time to fix that.

I located his exact position with my Gravity Sense and yanked. It came crashing through the wall and right into my grip. I love how these powers let me steal from Star Wars. Makes me feel like Vader. Oh don’t give me that, you know you wanted to be him at least once in your lives. I held it high above me, its metallic skin gleaming in the light of the setting sun.

“I knew you were watching,” I told the Rahkshi. “I knew you’ve were there, just watching me. Your ‘father’ wanted you to gage how much of a threat to him I was, didn’t he?” It only flailed as I continued to choke it. “Well, then you tell him this: I don’t care who he is, I don’t care how strong he thinks he is, or what he has done. That doesn’t matter to me. But, if he ever dares to harm my world, my family and friends, then I will hunt him down and destroy him.” I crushed even more, getting a nice little squeal for my efforts. “Tell Teridax, that if he fucks with me, then he will be destroyed.”

I dropped it down to the ground and moved back to my book. As it gasped out for breath, I quickly took Makuta Teridax’s summon totem out of my personal void, juggling the stone in my grasp. I moved over to the Rahkshi, forced its mouth open, and jammed it in. “And he can take back his curse of a totem. Now get the fuck off my planet.” I snapped my fingers, and the metal beast fell through a portal back to his cursed father.

And then… I gulped. I just then realized that I probably ticked off Teridax...bad. I shoved the book into my jacket, finishing my packing. “Ooh, I hope that doesn't came back to bite me in the ass.”

I teleported to Flutter’s cottage, finding Celestia, Luna, the Mane Six, Spike, Paco, and Garble. “Where are TK and Tiny?” I asked Garble.

“They wanted to come, but the Emperor had an mission for them.”

“The Emperor gave them a mission?”

“Yeah, after what we did in Canterlot, all of us have been getting a lot of respect. That’s what happens when we save a goddess, ya know?” He rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed.

I made it even worse by giving him a small kiss on the cheek. He stared at me in shock as I smiled. “And I thank you for doing that. Paco--”


I rolled my eyes. “Your grandfather told me how insistent you were on saving me. Thank you. I greatly appreciate it.”

He laughed nervously. “A-anytime. What are friends for after all?”

I moved over to Paco and Spike, who was sitting on the elder’s shoulder. “You keep an eye on him, got it? He means a lot to me.”

“What do you take me for?” Paco said, sounding offended. “I would never harm a youngling, let alone my new apprentice.”

“I was talking to Spike.” Everyone laughed as Paco gaped like a fish before giving me a deadpan.

“Always the jokes, Shifter.” We hugged it out, promising to see each other when I returned.

It was followed by a rushing hug from my pony friends, each of them crying over my leaving. I gave them all a big hug, giving Fluttershy a much greater one.

Luna and I said our goodbyes next. She expertly reminding that I owed her a proper duel the next time around.

And finally, I was saying goodbye to Celestia. We hugged, the longest hug out of them all. There were no words, just that. It was all we needed.

I moved off in front of all of them, smiling sadly. “There are so many words I could say to you all. So many things I wish I had said back then, and so few I have to say now. Over the years, you've all been there for me in one form or another. From giving me purpose and a home,” I indicated Luna and Celestia, “to giving me friendship and love,” I motioned at the ponies and dragons before looking at Fluttershy, “to giving me family. I couldn't ask for better friends. Hell, I wouldn't want any better. You all have a special place in my heart, and no matter what happens out there, I will always remember you.”

“Just come back soon!” Pinkie shouted. “That way, I can throw you a ‘Welcome Back Forever’ party!”

I smiled at her, a tear lining my eye. “Sure thing Pinkie. I wouldn't miss it for the world.” I waved one last time before turning and opening a portal.

“You will come back, right?”

I turned my head, seeing Celestia had stepped forward a little worry and sadness in her eyes. I smiled at her widely. “Of course I will. A child always returns to their mother every now and then.” Before she could responds, I jumped into the portal. “See y’all later. I love ya!”

Little did I know, Celestia was so stunned that she instantly teleported away after I jumped through the portal. When she reappeared, she was standing in her memory vault deep in Canterlot Castle. There she stood in front of a large plaque, tears of joy running down her cheek as she stared at a sheet of paper in the plaque. A paper with both of our signatures on it.

*****Deep Void Space*****

You wanna know something?

Flying through the Void is painfully brain numbing. You can’t see anything in front of you, you can’t really move, and it’s just so boring!

Now why can’t something just happ--

Lesson learned kids: Never. Tempt. The Universes.

I don’t know what I hit, all I know is that it hurt. A lot!

I groaned aloud, sitting up. Which was the first indication that I actually was on the floor of something.


I opened my eyes, seeing three ponies standing off a ways from me. One was an earth pony with a dark brown mane and a light brown coat with an hourglass cutie mark. The other was a grey pegasus with blonde hair and bubbles on her flank. I was so tempted to make a joke, but at the moment I wasn't too sure I should. The final was a ginger unicorn (I kid you not), with two cogs being his mark.

“How did she get in?” asked the pegasus, a light, cheery voice. “I thought that was impossible.”

“What?” I asked.

“Well, she talks,” the unicorn said with a monotone voice. He seems annoying already.

“What?” Of course I talk, why wouldn't I talk?

“How did you get in here?!” the earth pony asked, his voice hysterical, yet curious.

“Maybe the poor mare’s lost,” the pegasus suggested.

Mare? I rubbed my head with my hooves… wait, why did I have hooves?! I looked down where my hands should be and saw golden coated hooves instead.

“WHAT?!” I looked back at the ponies and did the only logical thing I could… I screamed.