//------------------------------// // 6: Letters // Story: Pony of the Gears // by TheFoxern //------------------------------// Dear Horsh, I realize that it has been a long time and that you may not want to speak with me, or hear from me in any way. I'm sorry that our friendship, or partnership if that is a preferable word, ended in the way that it did. But I am willing to put that behind us. We both made mistakes, and you were right in telling me that I was being selfish. I should have gone through with our plans so far and helped you. But I didn't and I am sorry. I regret how we both acted. But I had a dream Horsh. A magnificent dream, that inspired me beyond anything I have come to understand and I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give. I have included with this letter, two pieces of paper. The first is the first page of our airship design. My hopes are that you can see it in yourself to forgive me and this is the only true way I can think of truly apologizing. The other is a copy of my wing design. I know we had talked about it previously, designing a sort of glider to assist, but I believe I am close to having a perfectly functioning wing. It would mean a lot to me if you would look over and see what I could improve. First test flight was a success, though landing needs work. Hope you are well, Copper Feather P.S. I came across a book in the library here, called Pony of the Gears. I was wondering if you know anything of its author? Gears to me sounds like a pen name, but I have been wrong before. P.P.S. What are your thoughts on this Gem Cog that it mentions? It seems very intriguing to me, but something like that seems too good to be true. Dear Copper, It is good to hear from you. I will admit that I made many mistakes as well and I did not treat you with the respect you deserved and am sorry. But I am glad to hear from you. Thank you for the ship designs, I had been unable to recreate them, but now that I have the page, we are making leaps and bounds in airship technology. All thanks to you. As for these designs of a wing, I have to say I'm impressed. These are some of the most complex arrays I've ever seen, I'm not sure if I can be of any help at all to be honest. My eyesight is not what it used to be and your handwriting is so small and scribbly, I can't make heads or tails of most of it. But they look most impressive from what I can. I am quite familiar with the book and its contents. Most of it is mediocre stuff and I never looked much into it. But after I got a hold of a copy and read up on this Gem Cog, I have to say it sounds like some far fetched dream. But it is not the first time I have heard of it. I will ask around. But enough of this, how are you? What sort of things does Princess Celestia have you do now? I haven't heard any new news about you in some time and I was almost worried you were dead. Sincerely, Horsh Dear Horsh, I'm glad that you responded, I was worried that you wouldn't. And no, I am not dead. Got pretty close to it a few times, but not yet. And hopefully not for a very long time now. I've been retired. I don't know if Celestia is working on a new protégé, but I'm sure I'll be hearing from them if she does. I'm living in a place called Ponyville. It's very nice; quiet. I'm building Mark III of my wing now, unsure of what to call it. I was hoping that you might have some suggestions? And what about you? Your reply took a long time to arrive, I was starting to think that you were not going to reply. But I was happy when I received the letter. One of the ponies here in Ponyville is actually one of Celestia's students. Her best as far as I can tell. She sent a letter to the Princess asking about The Gem Cog. Hopefully one of us can figure out something. Sincerely, Copper Dear Copper, I'm glad to hear you’re finally free. It always felt wrong the way she ran you ragged. You're a pony who's seen far too much for your age. I'd wager you've seen far more than me and I nearly double your age. But it took a while due to recent events around here. Mail is being very slow since people have been shooting down airships. They're saying it's the work of some anti technology group. As for your wing, I showed some of the others working in the factory and we came up with a few names: Cool Wing Annex Copper Chopper (One of the new boys came up with this one) Copper Wing Cloth Wing Flyer (I came up with this one, thought you might like the incorrect spelling) Sky Higher Travester (Pony named Travis begged for this one to be on the list) I discarded most of the other names, as being too ridiculous. Also, what happened to Mark II? But about the Gem Gear, I've been asking around and it seems there's quite a few people who know about it. Mostly it's just from the book, but I've talked to a few people that know a bit more than the book. Things about it being hard to look at if you don't know about machines. Oddly enough people have actually been coming to me now, asking questions. They're always so disappointed when I can't tell them anything they don't already know. I did have one strike of luck. One griffon, unsure how trustworthy he can be as he is not in the best mental state, said that it was dangerous. Apparently, he hardly speaks, but when I mentioned it, he snapped. He started screaming about it. “Never touch it. Never use it.” He kept screaming and there was something about the way he said it that really disturbed me. Have you found out anything? Sincerely, Horsh Dear Horsh, Goodness. People are shooting down airships? What kind of ponies would do that? As for the name I've decided to go with Flyer. I'm already on Mark V, I just can't seem to get them to stay together past a few flights. I've taken to flying, when I can, with Rainbow Dash. She's taught me a lot of things that I'd forgotten with the time I spent grounded. Including how to land properly. Landing is hard to do right. And about the cog, I haven't gotten anywhere. Celestia claims that she has no knowledge of it, but I honestly don't believe her. I can't be certain why I don't believe her, but I don't. Life here is pretty boring to tell you the truth, but it's a good kind of boring. A restful boring. I keep feeling like Celestia is going to pop up at any point and tell me where to go and what to do. Your letters have been a real inspiration for me and I hope that sometime soon we can get together and have a chat. Why not come to Ponyville? It's a quiet place, I'm sure you could do with a vacation. Just don't use any airships. Be safe, Copper Copper. Don't reply. Don't send anymore letters. I'm ok Horsh To Whom it May Concern We regret to inform you, that the griffon known as Crispen Horsh has been found dead. You are receiving this letter as it was in his Last Will and Testaments that you be informed. We are sorry for your loss.