//------------------------------// // Away // Story: We wanted to tell you // by OB //------------------------------// Pinkie ran and ran. Where she was going she didn't know. All she knew was that she needed to get away. Away from the lies. The treachery. Her p... employers. She just needed to get away. And somehow that led her to here, Twilight's castle. If you were a fanciful person, you might think that this was destiny, fate. That in her hour of need, she ran to the one person she felt comfortable with the most. But we're not fanciful people are we? And that would be ridiculous. It didn't matter how she got here. All that mattered was resting for a while, until she could figure out her next steps. So she knocked on the door, tentatively. After a while, spike answered. "Pinkie... What are you doing here so late?" yawned spike. "It's a long story spike... Can I come in and speak to Twilight?" asked pinkie "Of course" said Spike, letting her in. Pinkie made herself comfortable in the sitting room, while spike went to fetch twilight. While pinkie waited, she took a look around at the different books. Some of them she recognized. Like the one that drew them in and they had to fight their way out (Why was it here?). The one that told the legend of the secret siren kingdom (For a future adventure perhaps...). The ones that Twilight had brought to their book club (started by her, of course). "Enjoying the view?" asked Twilight Pinkie pie turned around and witnessed the woman, the myth, the legend, princess twilight sparkle. Even after all this time, seeing her in all her glory took her breath away a little. She always thought twilight was cute, but after her ascension, it seemed that she had only become more beautiful (to pinkie anyway...). "Hi Twilight..." said Pinkie. "What are you doing here so late at night" asked Twilight. And then it all came rushing out. How she had been looking after the twins. How they had messed up the living room (again...). How she had found the book and the cakes came in and, and, Pinkie found herself sobbing into twilights chest. Of course Twilight, being the absolutely wonderful pony she was comforted her as she managed to finish her story in tears. "S-S-So I was wondering... Can I stay her for a while?" asked Pinkie "Of course, take all the time you need." said Twilight Classic Twilight, so kind, so helpful, so beautiful. But pinkie pie could never admit just how much she loved admired her so she just thanked her and followed Spike to a vacant guest room. As she was laying there, trying to get to sleep. She thought about the whole situation. Why did the cakes lie to her? Did her family from the rock farm know as well? Was she related to applejack or not? These Questions and more floated around her skull. Eventually she dismissed them. She would solve none of these problems without sleep. so with a heavy heart, she drifted off to the dream realm...