//------------------------------// // Prologue: To Princess Twilight Sparkle // Story: Words of Advice from the many worlds of Twilight // by Joe Toon //------------------------------// To Princess Twilight Sparkle, It has come to my attention that you have recently locked yourself into a room for three days after feeling embarrassed about what could only be described as The Most Embarrassing Coronation in Equestria's History. Do not worry, this is not from Discord or any of his tricks of the sort (I've made sure of that), but even with the influx of support from your many friends, co-rulers and predecessors you still felt the uncertainty to leadership. And quite frankly, who am I to criticise? I remember when I was given my position despite being one of the last two of my kind (More on that later). The point is, leadership is never easy (I should know better than most). The only advice I could give to you would be to see the mistakes in the past and ensure never to repeat them. But you may ask, "who are you to tell me what or what not to do? who are you to give me advice when I don't even know you?" Well firstly I should introduce myself; I am what you may call The Administrator. An entity within a pocket universe that oversees EVERY form of reality. Please refrain yourself from drooling at the prospect of meeting a being from another reality before I can make my next point. Speaking of which, I suppose taking advice from a being such as I might be overwhelming to say the least (or underwhelming, if what I said earlier was too minimalistic). No, I decided to take the extra mile. In this letter contains a small seal that will enable you to communicate with (Drum roll please) Yourself. More specifically, the many, MANY versions of you across the alternate worlds of Equestria (or perhaps more). I figured if you want advice that really hits you, you might as well hear it from, who else but yourself. Keep in mind that what you will see will differ from what you have experienced. You should know better than most ponies that every decision in our lives creates a ripple effect that changes the course of history. Therefore (and I cannot stress this enough), be prepared for any eventuality; that being some of your versions may be more desirable than others. That's not to say you will be transported to their world (I am not that cruel), but that each version of yourself will meet one-on-one (or more if both parties agree) in a pocket universe I specially prepared for this occasion. You may ask, "why would you go so far as to do this for me? What is your game?" No game, your highness (again, I am not Discord). As altruistic as I am, the sole reason for my actions is simply to ensure one thing and one thing only; balance. Not balance for your world really but for balance across all reality. As I have mentioned before, each action we take creates consequences. Your little mopefest, if continued will affect your world entirely and I cannot afford to lose another canon reality. Doing so will splinter this world and will cause a domino effect across EVERY REALITY. No need to panic really. Metaphysically, none of you will feel the impact; you will still exist and your lives will continue as always (however differently it flows instead of how it should could be). I however cannot say the same for the rest of creation. The ripple effect will cause countless worlds to crack which will take quite the endeavour to fix or add in compensation to the many changes it will bring. (Before you go all theoretical about what all this entails please keep in mind any further exploration of the subject will remove the reason for my intervention.) With all this in mind, I cannot force you out of your stupor (however alarming as this may be). But I can try to persuade you by taking up this offer. You can even invite anyone to join you if you are nervous about meeting another version of yourself, but we both know you would salivate at the chance to compare yourself with other realities. Well, without further ado I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you will find the answers that you seek and remember; you can always use it again if you wish to seek more advice in the near future. Just bear in mind that there will be a certain time limit and cooldown of usage to ensure you will not use this device as an escape from reality. This is for advice and counsel; not for therapy or entertainment. If you lose the seal or if it gets damaged, need not fear; it will self-replicate back to your room and the previous version will just vanish from existence. For more details on several of its functions, please consult the manual attached to this letter. (Note: the manual and letter will seem like gibberish to anyone other than yourself if they read it, so bear that in mind if you're worried if these will fall into the wrong hands hoofs or if you are planning to show it to your friends) Also, for the love of the Lord of Creation, please do not let Discord, Pinkie Pie or anyone who has at any point had access to chaos magic touch the seal. The result will cause the seal to self destruct permanently which will take a very long time to replace, so please be careful. Good luck with all your endeavours and God speed Princess, Jonathan Toolonie, Administrator of Toonworld. PS. Yes, interloper. That's my name, and that's my world. Deal with it! Hanging from the letter was a large medallion-like seal with buttons and dials on the sides and a digital screen in the middle. The seal was coloured crimson red and shaped like a balloon tied like a chained necklace. Twilight looked at the manual with a incredulous look in her eyes; it was a small pop-up book.