A Wayfinders Guide to Equestria

by ChrysalisM

The Author

That embarrassing scene last chapter was a very good exercise In watching where you are going. I was about to call it quits when the moment I was about to give up I heard a clacking reminiscent of a typewriter and a figure appeared in front of me, incorporeal with a malicious grin on his face. "Giving up so soon o great one?"

"Who are you and what is your business here" I shouted out to the figure. He simply grinned even wider and said to me, "I am a teller of tales, a sculptor of world's. You Meerak have a role to play. You will get the sword and bring it to me."

I looked at him and said, "Why should I believe you are more than a phantasm, a figment of my mind, an illusion."

Suddenly Meerak felt pain, greater than what he had felt for century's.

"I'll do anything! Just make it stop!" I pleaded, helpless for the first time in centuries. "Bring me the sword, or I will edit you out of the story."

Nevertheless I agreed. and in the blink of an eye, the figure vanished, and the pain stopped. Only a malevolent chuckle on the wind, almost inaudible, showed any sign he was there. I do not know what he meant by editing me out, but I was not taking any chances.

To be continued (with a longer chapter next time.)...