//------------------------------// // Harsh truths P1 // Story: How many have you forgiven today? // by Sarcastic Brony //------------------------------// Celestia awakes as her internal clock tells her that it’s time to raise the sun. She can feel a large smile on her face as she remembers Anon coming last night to her bed. She turns over quickly to face him but finds her bed empty. Her brow is raised as she looks about the room. Nothing is disturbed other than the side Anon was on. If it weren’t for his scent, Celestia would assume him being here was nothing more than a dream. She wants to check on him, to make sure he’s OK, but she already knows that something is bothering him and his absence is a sign that he wishes to be left alone. Though if he is not back tonight for the party, she will not give him that peace. She worries, but she doesn’t want to baby him. Though she would be lying if she didn’t admit that it hurts her deeply to hold her hoof and allow him to deal with the problems he wishes to keep to himself. He must live his own life but the thought of somepony hurting him is almost too much for her to bear. She hopes that what he faces can be solved without her help and that he will feel better when all's said and done. However, if he is not, then she will be there to comfort him through his trying times. Celestia lets out a long sigh as she gets up from her bed and gets ready to start the day. She must assure that everything is in order for his party. Perhaps that will help ease her worry for the day. Anon is sitting at the park alone. He watches in silence as the sun raises into the sky. It was stupid of him to go back to the castle. There’s no doubt in his mind that Celestia is worried about him after what happened last night. She already has enough things to worry about in her life and he doesn’t want to add his own problems to that list. Though why he came to the park is for reasons other than being close to Tia. He had a dream that confuses him deeply. It’s vague but he remembers being afraid. Without a doubt it was another nightmare. He hasn’t had one of those in a while, mostly thanks to the sisters but this was an exception it seems. That’s not the thing that confuses him. He remembers vividly that Nightmare Moon came to save him. It couldn’t have been the actual Nightmare, as he knows she’s trapped in Luna’s mind... Still, why her and not one of the sisters? His mind is scrambled. The events of yesterday are still fresh in his mind. He knows he did the right thing but feels as if he could’ve done it better. Anon can hear hoof clops in the distance coming towards him. Despite what he did, he’s not the same person he was once before, there are many things he runs from but this isn’t one of them. Anon looks up to see Bonbon trotting up to him, a panicked look on her face. “I-I got your letter.” This is another reason why he’s in the park. To make sure everything is on the level. “Take a seat.” Anon waves to the empty spot on the bench. Bonbon walks over and sits beside him. She’s breathing heavily, Anon can only guess she ran here after reading his letter. Anon looks off onto the horizon once again as they fall into silence. “Anon I want to start off b-” “Do you love me?” Anon asks. Bonbon stops as she hears his question. She closes her muzzle as she looks down at the ground. She takes a long breath in before letting it out. Well, she’s not surprised that he’s getting to the point. There’s no reason to lie to him about how she feels. “I care about you, Anon. I truly do... but, no. I don’t love you.” Anon keeps looking off into the distance, never turning to face Bonbon. It’s just as he thought. He could tell that something was wrong when he was in the moment. Just the way Bonbon acted was enough to tip him off on the fact that she wasn’t as enthusiastic as Lyra was. “Lyra talked you into what happened yesterday.” He states. Bonbon looks up to Anon as he continues to face the horizon. She doesn’t know how to explain what happened. She knew it wasn’t going to end the way Lyra wanted and yet she still went through with her plan. “I didn’t want that to happen but, bu-” “Bonbon, I understand.” A small silence builds between the two for a moment. He understands? How can he understand? “What do you mean?” Anon turns to face Bonbon as her eyes start glistening. This is why he brought her here, to help her understand. “I can’t blame you for what you did, Bonbon. I know how much you love Lyra. She means the world to you. You want her to be happy and that’s understandable. It’s true that you broke my trust,” Bonbon turns away from him but Anon uses a hand to bring her back to facing him. “But I believe you did it for a good reason.” Anon lets go of her as he faces forward and looks up at the sky. “You’re still my friend and I care about what makes you happy.” “Then why did you say those awful things?!” Bonbon shouts in frustration. Silence grows as Anon tries to find the right words to say. “The best solution to making you happy is by not being in your life right now.” “How would that make me happy?” Anon can only sigh to himself as he gets ready to lay out the truth. “I do not love you or Lyra and I will not force myself to do so. We talked about this before. You promised me that it was just a phase and that given time she would forget about her feelings. Well, now we know how far she’s willing to take things and I will not stand for it. I care too much about you and her to allow it to happen any longer. It was my fault to let it go on as long as I have.” Bonbon looks down to see Anon has his fists clenched, shaking in anger but his face shows no indication that he’s upset. She decides to stay silent for now and let him speak. “I don’t hate Lyra but the fact she would actually manipulate you makes me sick.” Anon brings up a hand to his head to stop a flood of thoughts. “I can only imagine what you two talked about. I’m probably assuming the worst but that doesn’t matter anymore.” He takes a deep breath in to steady his thoughts. He can’t go off topic right now. He needs to get this over with. “I’m doing this for you, Bonbon. To put a stop to this game the only way I know how. I wish that things would’ve worked out differently than they did but I don’t regret the outcome.” Anon gets up from the bench and looks down at Bonbon. “We’ll still be in touch, I’ll send recipes as they come to mind and check up on the store every so often.” He takes in a deep breath and exhales. “However, if we pass by each other on the street, I don’t know you and you don’t know me.” This can’t be happening right now. Bonbon knows she can figure out some way to make this work. “Anon, you don’t have to do this. I’m sure we can expla-” “Bonbon, this is the only option. It’s harsh, cruel even but I will not allow myself to be a wedge in your relationship.” Anon can see Bonbon trying to think of something to say or an idea to make it work out. Anon just rests his hand on her head. “You’re a good friend, Bonbon. We’ve done a lot over the years. The store is a success, you don’t have to worry about money. Everything is perfect.” “It’s not perfect if you’re not there!” Tears are finally falling down her face as her mind draws a blank. “You can’t sacrifice what makes you happy because things get rough! We can work this out!” A ghost of a smile appears on Anon’s face. “You can’t make everyone happy, not with something like this.” Anon turns away and starts walking towards the castle. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Bonbon. I don’t know how long it’ll take but one day everything will be just fine.” Anon doesn’t hear Bonbon move from her seat. Even as he hits the streets of Canterlot, the only thing he hears is a scream of frustration from the distance. It’ll hurt but he knows this is the only solution. He hopes that they’ll meet again soon and Lyra will be better. For now, he has other things he needs to worry about. Luna wakes up with a groan. She didn’t get much sleep last night. Blossom and her were talking the entire time. The plan she came up with makes her nervous but she knows it’s without a doubt the best solution. However, the plan will have to wait till later tonight. Luna looks over to her dresser to see her dress resting on top. A smile grows on her muzzle as her heart flutters. Anon’s party. She can’t wait to get things started, for a whole new adventure awaits him. Twilight yawns as the morning sun comes through the window and rests on her face. She sits up and looks around the room, she fell asleep at the library again. She vaguely remembers Celestia coming to talk to her. Twilight’s gaze falls to the book she was using as a pillow. Understanding forgiveness A snarl grows on her face as she tosses the book off the desk. Her anger quickly turns into sadness as she rests her head in her hooves and starts to weep. She can’t do this anymore. This crushing feeling inside of her is overwhelming. She feels so alone, vulnerable and scared. It doesn’t matter who looks at her, they all have the same judgemental eyes. Even Cadance had a certain look that Twilight couldn’t ignore. She doesn’t feel safe anywhere. Even this library is little more than a prison at this point. Not only that, but all she has is Spike and she knows he’d give her the same look if he found out what she did. It makes her sick to her stomach to even think of what that would be like to see her oldest friend look at her like she’s a monster! She doesn’t know who to turn to. It’s as if she has no pony in the world that can help her. Her eyes widen as she sits up in thought. Is this how Anon felt this entire time? So helpless? As if the entire world was against him? The pain in her heart grows as that thought comes to mind. More tears trailing down her face. This is how he felt for so many years? She looks about the library, as if the entire world had just changed. This is why he locked himself away. To not let anything hurt him anymore. Twilight covers her head as a flood of emotions fill her mind. Everything that is happening to her now is nothing more than poetic justice. She deserves this and so much more. She’s a monster! What’s the point of seeking forgiveness when she’s already tainted? Yeah... Twilight’s hooves rest onto the table as she blankly looks at the table. She’s tainted. There’s no salvation for ponies like her. Twilight moves away from the table and walks towards the library door. Spike walks in just before Twilight can open it and is surprised to see she’s already awake. Celestia told him that Twilight was really tired and needed some time alone, so he decided to check up on her early in the morning. “Hey, Twilight. Are you heading over for breakfast?” He asks. Twilight doesn’t even respond to him as she walks past. Spike is disturbed by the zombie like look on her face as she walks into the hallway and off towards her room. He can only guess she’s still tired from everything that’s been going on. Though he can’t fight this strange feeling that something is wrong with Twilight. Sure, they’re not in Ponyville right now but he knows it’ll all go back to normal eventually. Right? Anon is walking down the streets of Canterlot. No place really in mind, just walking along to clear his head. Forgetting about what happened is not an option. He needs to remain vigilant, this is for the sake of Bonbon’s relationship. So he must be certain about his actions. He doesn’t love Lyra, at all. He even has a hard time trusting her when he’s alone. He knows she means well but she can also push boundaries. Thankfully it never got physical but perhaps that’s only due to his resistance. “I gotta say,” Anon jumps slightly as he looks beside him to see Blossom. “What you did was really brave.” After catching his breath he scoffs a bit at the thought. “I was anything but brave, Blossom. I undoubtedly broke the heart of two ponies with this decision.” “And I know very few ponies who could do the same thing. You did it for the right reasons and I respect that a lot.” “If you say so.” Anon stops in his tracks as Blossom flies in front of him. There’s a deep level of understanding in her eyes about what he did. “Seriously, Anon. It took a lot of guts to just come out and say what needed to be said. Even if it hurt your friends, you did it for the right reasons.” Blossoms lands in front of Anon. “Listen, I know how hard it is to deal with stuff like this on your own. I can easily tell that you keep a lot of this stuff from the sisters because you care about them. So, how about you talk to someone that you can trust?” “Who can I trust?” Anon asks with a skeptical looks. “You can trust me.” Blossom states with confidence. “Your loyalties lie with Luna. What’s to stop you from telling her every little thing we talk about?” Blossom scoffs. “I know how to keep secrets and I know when to tell them. If I fear that whatever you say to me may cause you or another pony harm, I have to do my best to protect you, even from yourself. However, I know when things are said in jest and deep personal secrets that harm no one will never leave my lips.” Anon doesn’t know what to think about an arrangement like this. Blossom so far has gone above and beyond her station to help him. The whole Nightmare Moon thing, she could’ve easily just told Luna about that or flatout refused to watch him. Not to mention what happened in the dining hall, as well as the thing with Gilda. If anything, she’s probably been doing a lot of things off the book for his sake. It’s so weird for Anon to trust a pony so quickly but Blossom has never shown any signs of deceit. She’s always straightforward with him. It admittedly does sound nice to get some of the things he knows off his chest. Still, he can’t let this be one sided or else he wouldn't accept it. “I’ll agree, on one condition.” Blossom raises an eyebrow. “What’s the condition?” “We exchange secrets. You tell me something you’ve never told anyone and I’ll do the same.” Anon notices the fur on Blossom stand on edge. “I see... There are things you have yet to tell the sisters?” Anon chuckles hollowly. “Sure is.” “Why?” “That’s not how this works, Blossom. I won’t speak a word of it until you tell me your secret.” Blossom locks eyes with Anon for a moment. “Then we are in agreement that everything between us stays private?” “You have my word, as long as you keep yours. Then again, that’s why we’ll be sharing stories. You spill mine, I spill yours.” Blossom smirks some. “You’re rather devious when given the chance.” “I have my moments. So, what’s it gonna be?” Blossom turns on her hooves, walking away from Anon without a word. From what he can tell she’s not leading him towards the castle but he can tell she’s made her decision so he’ll follow her to see where this goes. Nightmare has been looking at the hoof she used to clear Anon’s nightmare. It feels tainted by his dream. A nightmare she has never experienced before but one she knows all too well. She grits her teeth as she slams her hoof down in anger. Why did she help him!? She owes him nothing! What that fool did was of his own doing and she was not indebted to him for his actions! Yet, despite her anger, her eyes drift over to the bandage that is still snug on her foreleg. She doesn’t understand him. Even with Luna’s memories she cannot fathom his thoughts. Not to mention that nightmare he had. She lets out a snort of frustration. She doesn’t want to waste thought on him any longer. She needs her rest, clearing his nightmare took a lot out of her. As Nightmare lays her head to rest, she can feel the inkling of something from the void. She’s not too sure what it is but she gets the feeling that things are going to get interesting soon. Blossom is standing before a house she hasn’t seen in a long time. She would’ve prefered leaving it as the relic it is but if she wants privacy then there is no better place. “Is this your house?” Anon asks surprised that Blossom has a home. “Not anymore. I haven’t used it in decades.” Blossom walks up the short set of stairs leading to the front door. It’s been awhile but she’s sure it’s still here. She kicks the hoofmat below her to reveal a key. As she picks it up, it leaves an imprint of dust, showing the undisturbed nature of its location. “I’m surprised no one tried to break in.” Anon remarks. “Just look at this place. Most ponies probably think it’s haunted.” Blossom remarks. Anon never really gave the house more than a passing glance but it does have an odd look to it. The white walls have faded over time, all the glass is covered in dust and there are a few cracks here and there in the woodwork. It looks abandoned but not in total disarray. He’s seen worse on earth but then again these are ponies. So it’s probably scary to them. “I guess.” “Come inside, excuse the mess.” Anon doesn’t say anything as he walks past Blossom as she closes the door. Everything goes completely black as Anon hears Blossom walk past him. “Follow me.” “Blossom.” He hears her hoofsteps stop. “Yeah?” “It’s pitch black in here.” He hears her chuckle a bit. “Oh yeah, I forget most creatures can’t see in the dark.” Anon stands in wait as Blossom walks past him and off into the distance. It’s quick but Anon hears shuffling to his left and a small ray of light pierce the darkness. He looks over to see Blossom using her wing to clear the dust from one of the front windows. She’s standing in what appears to be a living room of sorts. Despite all the dust, Anon can tell that everything in here has been untouched by time. As Blossom continues to let in more light, the more Anon sees. It’s odd that the outside of her home had some wear and tear but there’s nothing wrong with the inside. If Anon had to guess he’d assume that magic had something to do with how pristine all the items inside are. “It’s been awhile since I last cleaned these windows.” Blossom opens the window to get some fresh air inside. “I’d be embarrassed but it’s not like this place is home anymore.” Anon doesn’t say anything as he clears the couch of dust and takes a seat. It’s high quality from what he can tell, almost as good as the couches in the castle. Anon glances about the room. What he first notices is all the frames on the walls, yet he cannot see who’s in them, as the layer of dust throughout the house covers them. He can only guess they are family related. “It’s interesting to see how well the inside held up.” Anon runs a finger over the armrest on the couch. “Other than the dust.” “Yeah, some ponies that go on extended vacation use a spell to keep everything in order.” She chuckles slightly as she takes a seat next to Anon. “It wears off after awhile. That’s why this place is covered in dust. Never mind that, we’re here for a reason.” Anon gives a nod. “I guess small talk can wait for later.” Anon looks around. “Private, secluded. I think this place will work just fine.” Blossom nods. “My thoughts exactly.” Blossom leans into her couch a bit. “So, let’s talk.” Luna has a skip in her step as she trots down the hallway. She stops briefly to look out a window that overlooks the garden. Flowers are in bloom, birds are chirping merrily as they fly about from tree to tree. “Such a lovely day to be alive!” She says with glee as she whispers to herself. “A perfect day to be in love.” “What has you in a good mood, Sister?” Luna flinches slightly as she looks behind to see her sister standing there. Luna blushes some as she clears her throat. She must be careful with what she says out in the open. “Nothing much, sister. It’s simply a beautiful day. Do you not agree?” Celestia raises a brow at her sister. “Well, the days are always beautiful, as are the nights. What makes this day special?” “Well...” Luna would like to talk to her sister about the why but that must wait until the party. She knows her sister isn’t great at controlling how she feels. “It’s the day of Anon’s party of course! Such a day should be celebrated in its entirety.” “Oh, yes... Forgive me, court has scrambled my thoughts a bit.” Not entirely true, Celestia spent most of that time worrying over Anon and what happened last night. “You could’ve called for me if it was too much of a burden.” Luna reminds her. “Yes, I know but I had a lot on my mind.” Now that Luna gives her sister a once over, she looks tired, as if something has run her mind ragged. “Are you troubled by something, Tia?” She asks worried. “No, it's just...” Celestia lets out a long sigh. She can’t keep this from her sister. Perhaps she can even help? “May we talk in private?” Luna doesn’t hesitate. “Of course!” Celestia smiles some. “Thank you. Let’s not stand here waiting.” “Alright... So where to begin.” Blossom rubs under her chin in thought. “This house, probably.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” Anon notices as Blossom looks around a certain glint in her eye appears. A look Anon has never seen from Blossom before. “This place has a lot of memories.” Blossom remarks. She looks over to a small stand next to her that has a frame on top of it. She picks it up and tosses it over to Anon. Anon catches it and looks over at Blossom. She nods her head to it and he clears off the dust and looks at the photo inside the frame. His eyebrows raise in surprise. It’s Blossom, she looks almost exactly the same as she does now, with a few exception, such as less noticeable crow's feet under her eyes and a bit more toned appearance. That’s not all he notices. There’s also an earth pony standing beside her, his foreleg over her withers, an embarrassed look on Blossom’s face and a large smile on his. The two of them decked out in full plate armor. As Anon examines the photo closer, he even catches what appears to be a battalion of ponies behind them as they march on towards the horizon. “That photo was taken a few weeks before our battle with the griffins.” Anon looks over to see Blossom looking off into the distance. “The pony beside me was named Sweeping Gales.” Was. That’s the word Anon focuses in on. He can already draw an idea of what this is all about, though admittedly a vague one. “He died?” Anon asks. Blossom smiles slightly. “No but I wish he had.” Celestia and Luna are now sitting in their seats. The two of them even went so far as to combined a privacy spell to ensure that nothing could hear them. Luna can tell that whatever her sister wishes to speak with her about is a serious problem indeed. “We are disconnected from the outside. So what’s bothering you?” Luna asks. “Last night something strange happened.” “Strange?” “Yes... I was getting ready for bed when Anon showed up at my room.” “How is that strange?” Luna asks confused. “That wasn’t the strange part... He came to my bedside and asked me for a favor.” “Favor?” Luna can now see the strangeness in what happened. “He simple told me to face away from him and to not move. I saw no reason to deny his request but the strangest part was when he got in bed and held onto me.” Luna feels a blush on her face. Was this a move made by Anon? Does he actually have feelings for her sister? “He held you?” Celestia feels her face turn red as well. “Yes but... It didn’t feel as if he was doing it for me but for himself.” “What do you mean?” “Something happened to him...” Celestia feels her face harden some. “I don’t know what hurt him but it was strong enough to drive him to seek comfort.” Luna should feel jealous to think that Anon would go to her sister for comfort instead of her but that doesn’t matter to her. All she cares about is Anon, so much so she can already feel the fur on her body start to stand on edge as her attitude falls to a serious one. “Was it Twilight?” Luna asks. Celestia shakes her head. “I doubt it. I was speaking with Twilight last night. There’s no way they could’ve ran into one another.” “Did he not tell you what happened?” “You know him, Luna... He keeps so many things to himself. I feared to ask him at such a delicate moment.” “Then why not this morning?” “He left before I could raise the sun. I have no idea where he went but I felt that giving him space was the best choice for now.” Luna looks to her hooves in thought, she understands her sister's point but she also can’t stand the unknown. Let alone the thought of some creature harming the one she loves. Luna’s thoughts come to a halt as she hears sobbing. She quickly looks up to see her sister covering her face as tears run down her face. “Tia?” Luna quickly gets up and walks over to her sister. “What’s wrong?” “It hurts so much, Lulu... I want to protect him so badly. Yet I know that if I keep him close then he’ll simply push me away.” Luna hates seeing her sister like this. It was not even a few hours ago that Luna was in the same seat as her sister. She wants to keep what she knows a secret until after the party but perhaps this may be the best time? “You’re afraid because you love him.” Luna feels the words leave her mouth. Celestia stops crying as she looks up at her sister. “Excuse me?” “Tia... I have something I need to tell you. The fate of Equestria itself pales in comparison.” Celestia can hear how serious her sister is at this moment. What could be so important that not even Equestria can match what her sister wishes to speak about?