A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight

by Sandbar0227

First published

Caught between royalty and true love, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of personal transformation where she must discern her values and priorities. Along this path, she will discover the inner strength that defines her and the destiny she truly long

In the magical kingdom of Equestria, Rainbow Dash, the brave and daring pegasus of Ponyville, finds herself caught in a whirlwind of events after saving a royal family of unicorns from a brief accident. As a result, the royal sisters decide to make her a princess for their brother, causing her life to take an unexpected turn.

Will the prince be able to win her heart, or will the special bonds she shares with the charming Soarin determine her destiny? With the weight of responsibility and expectations on her shoulders, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of self-discovery, where she will confront her true feelings and must make decisions that will define her future in the kingdom of Equestria.

A Royal Visit

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The throne room of Princess Celestia exuded a majestic atmosphere as sunlight caressed the stained glass windows. The esteemed ruler of Equestria, with her shimmering mane, carefully examined the royal letter resting on her polished desk, the distinctive seal of the royal family heralded an event that would change the dynamics of the kingdom.

With her characteristic grace, Celestia took the letter between her hooves, noting the sender and carefully extracted the letter from the manila envelope.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

With great pleasure in greeting you, I address you in the best possible manner in these busy times, to discuss a matter of utmost importance, and at the same time, of great excitement for me and my family. As you well know, my eldest son, Prince Aster, is in the final stage of his preparation as an apprentice, so that in the future, he may assume the throne and the responsibilities that come with guiding our subjects with wisdom and righteousness.

However, a recent event has highlighted the urgent need for Prince Aster to find a worthy companion who can become his future wife and co-regent. I regret to inform you that during the royal succession ritual, a group of 3 ponies made an appearance, interrupting the ceremony.

Led by an imposing unicorn of dark appearance and straight hair, they employed their powers to invoke a terrible curse upon Aster, forcing him to come into contact with an ancient desecrated talisman. The effects have already manifested in the form of a mysterious and debilitating spell that threatens to consume the life forces not only of my son but also of the entire kingdom to which he is magically bound as the future sovereign.

Before disappearing into the shadows, the sorceress declared the terrible conditions for breaking this millennial curse: Aster must find his destined partner through the unbreakable bond of true love and seal an ancestral pact of union through marriage, or alternatively, face the witch mare if he found her. Otherwise, neither he nor I will be able to transfer the mantle of leadership as is tradition in the kingdom.

It is for this reason, with urgent insistence, that I respectfully request your permission to use the magnificent facilities of the royal palace of Canterlot and the relevant means of communication to organize a gala aimed at finding the right mare who can become Prince Aster's life companion. We believe that this event of vital importance deserves to be held in one of the most emblematic places of Equestria, witness to the birth of many of the most virtuous and beautiful mares that have ever existed.

If your response is positive, tomorrow morning my three children will be departing for Canterlot, trusting in your wise guidance and support, this gala will be the beginning of a new era of prosperity for our kingdom.

We thank you in advance for your consideration and eagerly await your response.


King Chrysanthemum"

An expression of deep concern crossed Celestia's face as she read the chilling details of the letter, shaking her head with regret, lamenting that such dark forces had dared to threaten the life of the young prince and the stability of her veteran colleague's kingdom.

However, her violet eyes reflected a spark of renewed determination; she could help, of course. She took quill and parchment and began to draft her response with a renewed sense of urgency:

"Dear King Chrysanthemum,

The news brought by your missive fills me with great anguish and concern; it is truly abhorrent that such evil beings have perpetrated such an act of villainy against your family and your kingdom.

However, I assure you that I will put all my influence, resources, and knowledge at your disposal to confront this threat. I will not rest until you are free from this curse that afflicts you.

Therefore, I wholeheartedly accept your request to organize this transcendental gala in the halls of Canterlot Palace. Count on my total and unconditional support in the preparations and development of the event. Nothing will oppose to ensure the success in the search for the mare destined to break the curse through the sacred bond of true love.

I will immediately send my best royal guards and most capable ponies to reinforce security and safeguard the discretion of the details of this process.

I await with hope the arrival of your children and will receive them with the due honors that royalty deserves in these delicate times.

Fraternally yours,

Princess Celestia"

There was no time to lose; she had to prepare for the arrival and welcome of the three royal siblings to receive them early the next morning, with her magical spell, she sent the letter immediately to Prince Chrysanthemum, and instantly, the room filled with her soft voice as she dictated her instructions to her assistants.

The orders echoed in the palace, starting the preparations for the royal gala. The palace, the invitations, the guests, the banquet, the attire, the publication of the event in the newspaper, a Wonderbolts show, among others. While she had done this many times before and the list always required the same preparations, she had to have a proposal for when the siblings arrived, and as she always accustomed, things had to go perfectly.

As the news spread, the kingdom prepared for the arrival of the royal siblings and the imminent royal gala that could change the destiny of more than one in Equestria.

- "A gala! Seriously, father?" - Blooming Rose looked at his parent with concern at such an announcement.

King Chrysanthemum approached with a grave expression. - "Yes, my children. As I have already informed you, the situation with the curse on Aster is extremely urgent, this gala in Canterlot is our best and perhaps only chance to find the destined mare to break the curse." - Blooming Rose frowned, understanding the gravity of the situation.

He knew that her outgoing daughter didn't really like those events where she wasn't the center of attention, but she is a princess and she must get used to it in any way. - "That's why Princess Celestia's positive response and her support for holding this transcendental event at the Royal Palace are so vital to our purposes."

- "I hope the mares of Canterlot are up to it then" - scoffed Shining Marigold with a hint of sarcasm, earning a knowing nudge from his sister.

Aster remained silent, his appearance a mixture of apprehension and longing, he knew that finding a partner was no longer a mere whim but a matter of life or death, both for him and for the entire kingdom.

Quickly, Blooming Rose turned to her brother Aster with a teasing smile - "What should my future sister-in-law be like, Aster? Any preferences?"

Aster simply smiled and rolled his eyes, his sisters had been teasing him a lot about that topic since he couldn't find a suitable mare in his hometown, resorting to Canterlot and its surroundings was the solution his father had proposed, though somewhat embarrassing, and his sisters were not going to let him forget about it.

-"Hahaha" - he said as sarcastically as he could - "at least I'll get someone faster than you could. It's impossible to bear you both."

His father smiled and watched his children tease each other. They've always had that kind of close relationship, and he was proud of them. - "Well, very well, you three are insufferable" - he said with a brief laugh - "now, go prepare your things, you will leave early tomorrow to Canterlot."

And so it was...

Prince Aster

Princess Blooming Rose

Princess Shinning Marigold

- "Wake uuuuuuuup!" - Blooming Rose's voice echoed with enthusiasm and joy, like a whirlwind of energy in the quiet morning, as she pounded on the main doors of her two brothers' rooms.

The prince, with a sleepy yet charming smile, rubbed his eyes with his hooves. - "Why always so early, Blooming?" - he managed to say loud enough for her to hear through the door.

- "Because love waits for no one, Aster" - Blooming Rose's response was quick and full of excitement.

- "Yeah well, I really don't want to keep the horses waiting for us in the carriage too long" - Shining Marigold chimed in with a calm and lazy voice, positioned behind his sister.

The siblings hurried to get ready for the trip to Canterlot, knowing they had to be ready to represent their family.

Aster got out of bed and got ready properly - "look, we have to make sure to make a good impression" - he said as he adjusted a casual suit for the journey. - "this is an important event for the kingdom, and we must live up to expectations."

Shining Marigold nodded. - "Exactly! We have to look impeccable and behave with the dignity expected of us as noble unicorns."

Blooming Rose joined in the effort. - "Yes, yes, I get it. I just hope all this is worth it."

'Hope all this is worth it' Aster repeated in his mind with apprehension. While he felt excited about the opportunity the gala represented, he was also extremely nervous; the burden on his shoulders was immense – finding true love to break the terrible curse before it was too late, he didn’t even know if he had a defined time.

He reflected on the mares in his hometown whom he had courted unsuccessfully. Most seemed only interested in his status as a prince and what he could offer them materially, without really caring about his feelings or getting to know his true self.

While he hated to generalize, Aster couldn't help but fear that the same pattern would repeat itself in Canterlot or blindly believe that all the mares he would go out with are the same. The change of scenery to Canterlot, a place where he wasn't so well known, could be good for him to find that girl who would make him feel complete without having to pretend, a destined companion to break the spell.

The royal palace of Canterlot was imbued with an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. The rooms were bustling with activity as servants rushed back and forth, preparing everything for the imminent journey; the news of the gala spread like wildfire and had attracted a lot of attention, and preparations were in full swing.

At the Wonderbolts' headquarters, news of the royal gala soon arrived; Celestia had requested a show from them. The recruits were already leaving the academy; it had been a long morning of training. however, Rainbow Dash, who had over time earned a friendly spot among the Wonderbolts group, stayed longer to chat with them, she was taking a sip from her water bottle when she stopped to listen to Spitfire's exciting revelation.

-"Attention, Wonderbolts! We have a show to give tonight; there will be a royal gala in Canterlot, and as we know, the princess is looking for a special touch" - she said with her authoritative tone to her team - "and we are going to give them an unforgettable spectacle! is it clear?" - she didn’t lower her voice tone at any moment.

- "Does this mean we'll have to stay longer to practice the routine we're going to present?" - asked Misty Fly, a question that everyone had in mind but no one wanted to say because they already knew the answer; the other Wonderbolts exhaustedly looked at her with daggers in their eyes when she finished.

-"Yes, of course, even though it was a last-minute event by Princess Celestia, they also tell me that the hosts of the gala are requesting us for after the royal ball, so we have all afternoon to practice" - Spitfire proudly announced. All the others gasped in response.

-"No complaints! now go get ready, now!" - At that moment, everyone went to their respective lockers, Spitfire signaled Dash to follow her.

-"Rainbow Dash, you're our best recruit, so I leave the decision in your wings" - she looked at her with familiar determination - "would you like to join us in tonight's show at the gala, or would you prefer to stay?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and pride, although she wasn't thrilled about elegant events, she couldn't deny the possibility of flying alongside the team she had always dreamed of being a part of. This increased her chances of being named a Wonderbolt much sooner than she thought, and the prospect of showcasing her skills at a real event excited her.

- "Of course, count me in!" - she said jumping with excitement like a filly, which elicited some small laughs from Spitfire - "I couldn't be more grateful that you're considering me for this."

-"Take it as compensation for your hard work here" - she placed a hoof on her shoulder as they entered the lockers - "besides, you get along very well with all of us, so it won't be difficult for you to adapt to tonight's routine."

Dash approached her, smiling in response. She saw Spitfire walking away towards her office and joined the other Wonderbolts.

-"Rainbow Dash, you'll be a Wonderbolt for one night! Do you realize how cool that sounds?" - Fleetfoot, infected by the enthusiasm, hugged her with energy as she expressed her joy at having her as part of the show.

At that moment, a dark blue-maned pegasus approached from behind and passed a hoof around Dash's neck in a friendly gesture -"Wow, our little recruit is taking the big leap tonight!" - Soarin's playful yet manly voice echoed next to her ear, causing a slight shiver to run down her spine.

She looked up into those hypnotic emerald eyes that watched her with a mixture of pride and mischief. - “Of course I'm ready Clipper” - She answered with her usual confidence, however, her curiosity led her to ask a question that revealed her lack of knowledge about social events. - “By the way, Gala of what, I haven't heard anything?”

The next thing she heard was an exaggerated sigh from Surprise, full of disbelief as she shook Rainbow Dash by the shoulders. - “Do you live on a rock farm? How could you possibly not be aware of tonight's Royal Gala?”
-"Spitfire only mentioned that it would be a last-minute event, she didn't give any more details" - Rainbow Dash defended herself - "you know I don't usually follow much of the royal press."

Fire Streak handed the morning newspaper to Rainbow - "here you go, the headline says it all: 'Prince Aster heads to Canterlot in search of partner at Royal Gala.' - Intrigued, Rainbow Dash takes the newspaper and begin to reading the details of the extravagant celebration. As she read on, her brow furrowed more and more, until she finally burst into a defiant laugh.

-"An entire gala just to find a mare? What nonsense!" - she commented amidst laughter, finding the situation more comical than she had expected.

High Winds, next to her, shared the irony with a slight smile. - "Well, certainly not the most original idea the nobles have come up with."

- "Aw, come on, Dash. It can't be that boring, just imagine the excitement of witnessing a prince choose his future wife!” - the characteristic emerald-eyed boy commented.

Rainbow arched an eyebrow skeptically. - "Oh sure how exciting, I'm dying to attend" - she replied sarcastically, eliciting laughter from her fellow Wonderbolts.

Soarin chuckled lightly, not removing his hoof from Rainbow's shoulders. - “Well, maybe not as thrilling as flying in our air shows, but having an entire gala to look for a wife is something…” - He paused, searching for the right word.

-"Desperate? Precipitated? Risky, maybe?" - offered Thunderlane, completing the sentence for him. The room filled with nods and shared laughter, agreeing with the peculiar nature of the royal event.

-"Hey, maybe the prince just wants a little excitement in his love life!" - said Fleetfoot before turning to Rainbow Dash. -"Anyway, we'd better go practice the routine before Spitfire comes out and starts yelling as she usually does" - she handed Dash her Wonderbolt uniform.

The light comment and quick transition to practical preparation emphasized the unique blend of humor and professional focus that characterized the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash accepted the uniform with a smile, ready to dive into practicing the routine they would prepare for the royal gala.

-"Yes, of course," - Soarin commented as the rest of the team went out to practice, his hoof still casually resting on Rainbow's shoulders. They advanced towards the training track located in the back part of the barracks, he gave her a warm smile before removing his hoof, to Dash's disappointment, and joined the others to start practice.

A Royal Crash

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As the practice progressed, Rainbow Dash found herself immersed in the excitement of the moment. The night promised to be memorable, and she was determined to make her mark at the royal gala, not so much for the event itself, as it was not in her plans to stay for the gala party after her performance with the Bolts, but the opportunity to fly with them was unmissable.

Spitfire laid out a routine on the board and explained each move in detail - "We'll start with an ascending spiral formation, followed by a perfectly synchronized loop. Then, we'll split the team into two groups for a cross pass in the sky, and finish with barrel rolls towards the audience." - Spitfire's instructions were precise, emphasizing the importance of synchronization and elegance in every move. -"Remember, the key here is precision, if we want it to be a show no one will forget."

The intensity of the training increased as the Wonderbolts delved into the most challenging maneuvers. Rainbow Dash found herself in the midst of the formation, quickly assimilating Spitfire's instructions and coordinating with her teammates. - "Come on, guys, we need that perfect synchronization on the cross pass!" - exclaimed Spitfire as she supervised every move. Soarin and Fleetfoot, two of the team's most outstanding members, flanked Dash during the ascending turns.

- "Dash, keep that steady speed in the loop" - urged Soarin with a warm smile. Rainbow Dash nodded, focusing on maintaining speed and precision in every turn.

-"We need to polish that ending. I want it to be a striking closure" - shouts Spitfire.

-"Hey Spitfire, what if we close the routine with something really spectacular?" - Surprise smiled enthusiastically as she approached the captain - "Rainbow Dash could do her famous Sonic Rainboom right at the end. It would be absolutely awesome closure!"

Spitfire's eyes widened, envisioning the impressive fireworks display that witnessing Rainbow Dash's rainbow explosion would be to culminate their presentation. A wide and fierce smile spread across her face. - "Excellent idea, Surprise! That would not only leave a lasting impression" - She turned to the rest of the gathered Wonderbolts - "Did you hear that, team? Let's go over the entire sequence once again, including the Sonic Rainboom at the end, I want every move to be perfect."

The routine was repeated once more, this time with Rainbow Dash preparing for her special move at the end. When the moment arrived, she broke away from the group and gained altitude rapidly, with a deep breath, Rainbow Dash launched into a low-altitude flight towards the ground, increasing her speed to levels incomprehensible by physics.

After a few minutes of frantic preparation, the three siblings gathered in front of the royal carriage, ready to embark on the journey to Canterlot. Servants had loaded their luggage, ensuring they had everything necessary for the event, among their belongings were elegant attire, fine jewelry, and some personal items.

-"I can't help feeling like we've forgotten something important" - murmured Aster with a trace of unease as they boarded the carriage.

-"Stop worrying so much, little brother" - Blooming Rose waved off his concern casually - "we have everything under control."

Just before they climbed aboard, Prince Chrysanthemus, their father, approached with majestic stride but a warm, proud gaze reserved only for a father's children. - "my beloved children, this Gala represents a unique and historic opportunity for our kingdom, I trust you will act with the nobility and wisdom worthy of your lineage. Blooming, Shining, take care of your brother on this crucial mission."

-"Don't worry, father, I can take care of myself" - Aster replied with a hint of youthful arrogance, giving a solemn nod as a farewell.

Blooming Rose playfully tousled her brother's mane - "still, it never hurts to have some extra eyes watching over you, plus, we can make sure you find the most charming mare of all." - She winked knowingly at Shining Marigold.

With those words, the three royal siblings boarded the elegant carriage, ready to begin their journey to Canterlot. The wheels began to turn, leaving their beloved unicorn kingdom behind to venture into unknown territories toward the glamorous capital.

As the carriage set in motion, traversing fields and valleys, excitement mingled with the fresh morning breeze. Equestria unfolded before them, ushering in a new stage in their lives.

Aster observed the changing landscape through the window with curious eyes, his mind filled with expectations and a certain reverential fear. Blooming Rose hummed a cheerful melody, infusing the atmosphere with her contagious energy, while Shining Marigold kept her gaze fixed on the distant horizon, as if she could glimpse the events to come.

-"I never imagined that my quest for true love would have to be so... public" - Aster finally commented, breaking the silence as he shared his thoughts with his sisters seated in front of him.

-"I understand, Aster, it's not the best idea either, but it's necessary to break the curse" - Marigold agreed with her brother, lamenting the situation the evil spell had put them in - "but I'm determined to free you from it, no matter what happens."

-"And I'm determined to make this Gala the most exciting and memorable event Equestria has ever seen!" - Blooming Rose's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she turned to her siblings with a practically conspiratorial smile. - "you'll see, we'll be the talk of the town after this."

- "Haha, I can bet you will" - Shining Marigold chuckled softly at her sister's antics. She then cast a compassionate gaze at Aster, sensing his nervousness beneath his facade of determination. - "hey, don't worry, Aster, we're here to support you in whatever you need" - she reassured him with a calm voice and a comforting nod.

The rehearsal continued with the team perfecting each maneuver with dedication, the combination of speed, skill, and millimeter precision turning into an impressive aerial choreography. Spitfire watched them proudly, shouting occasional instructions to correct minor errors. - "Well done, team! Fleetfoot, Blaze, keep that formation tighter! Soarin, don't lag on the turns! High Winds, don't neglect your posture when doing spirals!"

Finally, after repeating the routine flawlessly once more, Spitfire gave a brief break before lunch. The exhausted Wonderbolts collapsed onto the grass, panting heavily, some rushing to grab their water bottles.

Rainbow Dash lay back, letting the refreshing wind caress her mane tousled by the intense acrobatic flight, suddenly, a shadow covered her view of the sky, and a familiar smile appeared in her field of vision.

-"You look more disheveled than usual, Dash" - greeted Soarin with a light and teasing tone, though his breath was still heavy, he offered her some water and sat beside her, taking a sip from his own bottle.

Rainbow snorted and sat up with agile movement. - "Very funny, Soarin" - she retorted, shaking her mane to straighten it out - "at least I wasn't whining like a foal every time we did a complicated maneuver."

-"Oh, there go those lovebirds again" - Fleetfoot's voice came in a mocking whisper from where she sat next to Spitfire, who joined in the teasing - "let them have their fun for a while as they admit it."

Nearby, Surprise chuckled softly - "they look like two foals on the playground."

-"Who says I was whining?" - Soarin defended himself with a challenging smile, giving Rainbow a gentle push.

-"Yeah, whatever you say" - Dash finished her water bottle - "but I admit today's been a particularly intense training session."

-"Don't rush it, I'm sure you'll get used to it" - a slight blush threatened to cover Rainbow's cheeks at Soarin's genuine confidence in his words, clearing her throat, she hurried to change the subject - "Anyway, I better start getting ready, I still have some tasks to take care of in Ponyville before the show."

-"Make sure to rest for tonight" - Spitfire instructed, Rainbow nodded and began to stretch, preparing to fly back to Ponyville for the moment - "and make sure to be in Canterlot on time, I can't have any of my top ponies being late."

- "Of course, I'll be there" - Rainbow responded with a military salute - "I've never let you down before, i'm not going to do now" - with these determined last words, she propelled herself into the clear sky, leaving a trail of colors in her wake. Soarin watched her depart with a satisfied expression, receiving some nudges and meaningful looks from his fellow Wonderbolts.

- "What?" - he asked with feigned innocence, though his smile widened.

It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to reach Ponyville. From the air, she spotted the warm rays of the evening sun gently bathing the peaceful town, the fearless Pegasus, leader of the weather team, wasted no time and got straight to work with her daily tasks, which didn't require much effort, nevertheless, she decided to take a brief break, after all, she would need to be fresh and rejuvenated for the presentation that night. Although, of course, later she would practice and polish her aerial maneuvers near the palace to save travel time.

However, in the distance, she could hear commotion coming from the central square, which caught her attention, as she approached, she became more convinced that something unusual was happening. Upon arrival, she found a chaotic scene of frightened ponies and a massive, heavy billboard teetering dangerously over a carriage and its occupants.

Without a moment's hesitation, the agile blue Pegasus dove headfirst into the danger, her swift movements took her directly under the billboard, where with a powerful gust of wind and her innate strength, she held it up in the air just before it could cause harm, giving the ponies in the carriage enough time to get to safety.

Adrenaline coursed through her body, a brave and determined smile formed on her face as she saw that everyone was safe thanks to her quick intervention, she proceeded to carefully set the billboard aside and watched, relieved, as the ponies who had been on the verge of being victims of the accident breathed sighs of relief. Soon enough, she found herself surrounded by a crowd cheering her with admiration and overflowing gratitude.

As Rainbow Dash received the congratulations from the inhabitants of Ponyville, Shining Marigold descended first, checking that the luggage was in order and then assisting her brothers, Prince Aster and the spirited Blooming Rose, in dismounting.

Attracted by the commotion around them, the three royal unicorns approached with curiosity, it was then that they witnessed the final events of the extraordinary rescue performed by the rainbow-maned Pegasus. Shining was the first to react.

-"That was truly incredible!" - she approached, full of praise - "thank you so much, um..." - she added with a slight nod of her head.

Dash looked at the golden-maned unicorn who had spoken. - "oh, it was nothing, just a quick maneuver" - she replied with a humble shrug. - "I'm Rainbow Dash, by the way."

The effusive Blooming Rose approached and hugged Dash as if she had saved not only their lives but all of Ponyville - "it was nothing you say!? I saw my life flash before my eyes. How did you do that?" - she exclaimed with a mix of surprise and gratitude.

Dash responded with a playful shrug, trying to downplay the heroic act. - "Haha, seriously, it was nothing, just doing my duty" - she said, placing a hoof over her chest with pride.

-"That doesn't diminish the heroism of your act, by the way, I'm Princess Shining Marigold" - the unicorn introduced herself formally - "this is my sister, Princess Blooming Rose" - she mentioned, giving a respectful nod towards the Pegasus - "and he is my brother, Prince Aster."

Prince Aster, who had remained silent until then, was surprised not only by the impressive intervention of the multicolored mare but also by her modest demeanor - "you are modest and amazing, let me compensate you" - he said, approaching and unexpectedly taking her hoof.

Dash tensed instantly at the sudden contact, as if a flame had scorched her. She didn't expect this gesture from the prince and didn't know how to react.

-"It would be an honor to have you as my special guest at tonight's gala" - Aster continued with a soft, persuasive voice - "you'll agree with me that such a special evening deserves equally extraordinary company."

Surprise flickered in Dash's eyes as she evaluated the situation, noticing the prince's special gaze, she slowly withdrew her hoof from his, not because she felt uncomfortable but rather because she didn't know how to react properly, after all, she was aware of who they were from the morning paper. Though flattered but more confused, she knew the purpose of the Royal Gala, so she decided to be honest.

-"I... appreciate the invitation gesture, but those kinds of events aren't really my style, and I already have a commitment..."

-"Yes, I understand, Rainbow Dash, right?" - Aster smiled and delicately took back his hoof, moving closer to her, showing charming determination but without hiding his impatience - "but I would love for you to consider attending, maybe after your commitment, we could have a chat, or anything else you wish. It would be a true pleasure to have you there."

Rainbow Dash blinked, not quite sure how to respond to such insistence from the prince. - "I really appreciate the invitation, I reiterate" - she responded respectfully but distantly.

- "I think you're pushing her too much, Aster" - Shining Marigold approached and took her brother by the shoulders, slowly moving him away from her, in the process offering Rainbow a smile of apology for her brother's insistence. - "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash, my brother can be a bit... passionate in his gestures."

Rainbow Dash internally thanked the unicorn for intervening, allowing her to regain some personal space, she responded with a friendly and relieved smile - "no problem at all, thanks again for the intention, but I already have an important commitment, and those elegant events aren't my strong suit."

-"Oh, come on, Rainbow Dash! It'll be a unique night, and I'm sure you'll have fun, what if you think about it a little more?" - Blooming Rose positioned herself beside her with a light laugh.

The pomp of royalty and elegant ponies didn't fit with her lifestyle, and her patience was beginning to wear thin, but before the colorful mare could respond, Prince Aster, assuming her apology, joined the conversation with a charming smile, and although a bit disappointed, he accepted Dash's response with courtesy.

-"Not Blooming... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you, but if you change your mind, I'll be delighted to have you at the gala" - Aster says, briefly bowing to Dash.

Rainbow Dash nodded slightly, still assimilating the words and actions of the three unicorns in front of her, she was trying to disguise her growing irritation at the insistent invitation, the situation was becoming overwhelming, and she hadn't noticed the commotion around her until that moment when several ponies approached, requesting photos and autographs from the royal siblings. Feeling suddenly uncomfortable, she decided to leave.

As she headed towards her duties in Ponyville, she could feel Prince Aster's persistent gaze fixed on her, denoting a special interest. She couldn't help but wonder why.

After the wave of ponies in Ponyville, the royal guards managed to intervene and escort the princes to their carriage, preparing to head to Canterlot. Shining Marigold sighed, alternating his gaze between his brother and the direction Dash had gone.

- "Aster, I understand your enthusiasm, but, although I was also excited about the idea of having her at the Gala, you must understand that not everyone shares our fascination with elegant events and royalty" - he commented in a brotherly tone.

-"I know, Shining, but there's something about her that has captivated me, I have a strange feeling she seems different, unique, I would like her to enjoy the gala with us" - said the prince as he admired the sky in search of a flash of color that reminded him of the mare.

- "Calm down, Aster, for now, let's focus our energy on making the gala a memorable event" - Blooming Rose reminded him of the importance of making the gala unforgettable, and although Aster sighed with a hint of disappointment, he understood that they had to move forward with the preparations.

- "I know, Blooming, maybe it's just not her type of event, but I'll do my best to make the gala so special that even from afar, she can feel its magnitude" - his two sisters nodded with a smile and then turned to see Canterlot closer than they thought. They had arrived.

-"Aaah, Canterlot..." - Blooming sighed in reference to the capital - "It always surprises me with its beauty, isn't that right, Shining?"

- "Without a doubt, Blooming, it's an impressive place, although this gala has a specific purpose, we cannot deny the majesty of this city" - Shining agreed.

The carriage stopped in front of the majestic royal palace, and the three royal siblings descended elegantly, preparing to be received by Princess Celestia.

The royal siblings ascended the steps of the royal palace, escorted by royal guards. Upon reaching the main door, they were announced with pomp and circumstance - "his Highness, Prince Aster, and his distinguished sisters, Princess Blooming Rose and Princess Shining Marigold!"

The enormous doors opened, revealing the illuminated and luxuriously decorated interior of the palace. Princess Celestia herself, imposing and radiant, awaited to receive her illustrious guests, her voice, laden with ancient wisdom, resonated warmly in the vestibule - "welcome to Canterlot, my dear Prince Aster and princesses Blooming and Shinning, it is a true privilege to have you here to celebrate this gala, which promises to be so special."

The siblings entered, finding the princess herself in the middle of the hall - "thank you for welcoming us with such warmth, Princess Celestia. It is an honor for us to be part of this momentous occasion" - said Aster, bowing to her with his two sisters following suit.

Celestia observed them and stooped a little - "my esteemed ones, such formalities are not necessary, the gala is in honor of an important purpose, but it is also a celebration of the unity and magic we share in Equestria. May this night be memorable for everyone!"

After the warm words of welcome, the princes were guided on a tour of the majestic gala hall, the siblings admired the exquisite floral decorations, the arrangements of candles casting a soft glow, the tables covered with the finest linen, it had been years since they had walked these walls. Celestia explained to them the importance of preserving this millennia-old celebration and highlighted the diversity of ponies that would gather, then, she led them to their respective royal chambers, where they would have everything they needed to prepare and could request any additional services.

- "Please, do not hesitate to let me know if you need anything else" - she said as she left - "the gala will begin later tonight, so take your time to rest and prepare appropriately. Enjoy your stay here in Canterlot" - The royal siblings thanked the princess and headed to their respective rooms.

Once alone, Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold gathered, concerned about Aster's peculiar mood after Rainbow Dash's rejection.

-"Sister, I can't help but notice how much Dash's rejection has affected Aster" - Shining was the first to express her fears aloud - "I've never seen him so absorbed and excited about a pony before" - she commented, while Blooming examined some exquisite dresses.

- "You're right, it caught my attention too, it's strange how apparently we stumbled upon the right pony" - Blooming indicated as she selected some dresses she liked - "maybe destiny made it easier for us to find a pure mare to break the spell" - she proposed with a glimmer of hope.

A tense silence hung over them as they digested the implications of what they were considering, finally, Shining spoke up with determination - "if that's the case, then we must act accordingly, maybe it's our duty to bring Rainbow Dash as close as possible, hoping that she's the key to freeing us from that curse."

-"What do you think if we look for Rainbow Dash after the gala and spend some time together?" - Blooming proposed, Shining nodded with renewed determination.

The two sisters immersed themselves in choosing outfits, each seeking the perfect attire for the royal gala, amidst laughter and comments on the latest fashion trends, they discussed their expectations for the night.

The two mares then immersed themselves in the exciting task of getting ready, laughing and commenting on the latest trends in royal fashion.

The afternoon passed, and after completing their daily tasks in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash headed towards the outskirts of Canterlot, preparing for a personal session of aerial practices to polish her skills for the night, the sunset began to dye the sky with endless warm and orange tones.

The pegasus launched into dizzying acrobatics into the sky, leaving trails of rainbows in her wake, adrenaline rushed through her veins with each turn and twist in the air, the majesty of her flights stood out against the multicolored brushstroke of the sunset, and each movement was a display of her unique and unparalleled skill. However, the reckless speed and agility of the blue pegasus led her to an unexpected and impactful encounter with one of the imposing towers of Canterlot's royal palace.


The crash resounded in her ears, leaving Rainbow stunned for a moment, she shook her head to regain her bearings, lying on her back and looking around, realizing with astonishment that she had crashed through one of the windows of the royal palace itself. She found herself in a spacious and majestic hall, surrounded by elegant decorations and two familiar unicorns, who looked at her with concern, but also with a smile she couldn't decipher.


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The loud bang of the collision echoed throughout the place, immediately attracting the attention of the two royal sisters, Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold, who, with worried expressions, rushed to Rainbow Dash's aid, relieved to see that, although a bit dazed, she was unharmed.

- "Oh for Equestria's sake, are you all right, Rainbow Dash?" - Blooming Rose inquired, her eyes twinkling with genuine concern.

Rainbow Dash nimbly rejoined her seat, sketching a lighthearted smile to downplay the incident - "just a minor mishap, nothing this pegasus can't handle."- she shook her mane with a casual gesture. Shining Marigold couldn't help but let out a light laugh at Dash's carefree attitude - "you're amazing, even when you end up crashing into walls, you do it with style all your own."

Blooming Rose joined in her sister's laughter, but quickly resumed her composure. -"but tell us, what brings you practicing here in the halls of the palace? Do you need help with anything?"

Rainbow Dash, still dusting off her fur, pointing up at the wide sky visible through the windows says- "I was just perfecting some maneuvers and..." - a sharp sound of alarm cut off her sentence, the royal guards, alerted by the din, were approaching the unicorns' room in a hurry.

The two sisters, instinctive accomplices, shared a meaningful glance as the guard's hooves echoed ever closer. - "we must keep her from being recognized or you'll be in trouble" - Shining Marigold mused urgently.

Blooming Rose nodded decisively - "I have an idea, we'll transform Rainbow Dash into a princess, that way it's easier for her to go unnoticed around the palace" - and without further ado, the two magical mares approached the bewildered pegasus, surrounding her with a glowing magical aura.

- "What, what are you doing to me?" - Rainbow Dash protested, her voice tinged with disagreement and apprehension at the transforming spell enveloping her without her consent.

Shining Marigold gave her a mysterious but reassuring look - "No big deal, just a little change so they won't recognize you and you can get out safely."

- "You'll see, Rainbow Dash, we'll turn you into the perfect princess" - added Blooming Rose with an almost childish enthusiasm, ignoring the objections of the pegasus confident that her magic wouldn't harm her.

- "Princess? Oh no, no, no, no, no, let go of me!" - Dash's demand was in vain, as the lingering magic enveloped her completely. She was caught in a surreal situation, watching her identity change in front of her eyes with nothing she could do to stop it, having no control over the metamorphosis least desired for her.

The magical light of the two sisters enveloped Rainbow Dash, who watched her transformation with a mixture of awe and distrust. She soon watched as her sky blue fur disappeared, replaced by an elegant violet dress that clung to her figure, with a V-shaped neckline that subtly hugged her chest, noticed how her front hooves were adorned with fine black gloves and raised on high gold heels, sparkling diamond-like jewels materialized in her ears delicately, while a beautiful pearl necklace adorned her neck gracefully, two bejeweled yet delicate bracelets held her hooves, feeling almost like chains preventing her from escaping, while her once wild mane adopted natural, elegant waves.

A subtle touch of makeup enhanced her pure features, a bit of mascara and eyeliner that danced over her eyes ending in a winged tip, finally, dark violet shadow on her eyelids and an ornament of a lunar flower in her hair, matching her attire with the scent of a floral perfume that permeated the air and made her nostrils dizzy.


When the door suddenly opened, she was in the midst of a sigh of resignation. A royal guard entered, surprised to see the newly transformed Rainbow Dash standing next to the two royal sisters, His brow furrowed with confusion and suspicion.

- "Who is this mare, what is she doing here?" - She inquired in a sullen, menacing tone, wary of a stranger's presence in the palace corridors.

Blooming Rose stepped forward with a disarming smile. - "Oh, don't worry, the one present here is our friend."

- "We're just trying out some fun outfits before the big gala, you know" - added Shining Marigold with an innocent smile, supporting her sister naturally.

The guard, still skeptical of the unconventional situation, withdrew with a nod after a few tense moments. Once they left, the sisters relaxed their postures.

Dash took the opportunity to express her frustration - "What was that, I can't believe they put me through a transformation like that!"

Blooming Rose giggled softly, ignoring Dash's annoyance with nonchalance - "hey, not bad at all. Have you seen yourself in the mirror yet?, your appearance is worthy of a true princess, worthy of admiration."

Before Rainbow could attack her comment, Shining Marigold intervened with a conciliatory tone - "Calm down, little one, we just need you to leave the palace without attracting attention, there's protection and reinforced aerial surveillance after your.... little mishap with the wall, and we don't want you to be discovered and get in trouble with the guards or do we?"

Rainbow Dash, annoyed, but understanding the logic behind the princesses' actions, nodded in poorly disguised disgust - "okay, but this is the strangest and most awkward thing I've ever been in for a simple outing!"

Blooming Rose, unable to resist the temptation to joke - "oh, don't worry, Rainbow Dash, being a princess for a little while gives you an innate air of royalty. - she added with a sly wink - "maybe you'll even get a noble admirer at the big gala tonight!"

-" yeah well, I assure you that's not going to happen" - Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in exasperation and snorted disdainfully at the princess's teasing comment heading towards the nearest mirror to take a full view of the result of the imposed transformation.

The mare looking back at her from the glass was a perfect stranger to her, and though she maintained a defiant and rebellious attitude, she couldn't help but appreciate the meticulousness of the sisters' work and the flawless final effect they had achieved with her costume.

Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose looked out the window, sharing a knowing chuckle as Dash inspected every detail of her new appearance. The colorful pegasus was temporarily trapped in a royal dress, and though the situation was awkward, she knew she had to move on.

A magical aura abruptly stopped her in her tracks, and Dash turned sharply towards the sisters, what little patience she had left reflected in her countenance - "what now?”

- "You can't go out with such a hasty demeanor, they'll notice you're an interloper if you look like a princess, but don't act like one!" - explained Blooming Rose calmly as the magical glow dissipated over her, relinquishing the restraining spell.

Rainbow Dash exhaled a deep sigh, trying to calm down and understand the situation she was in. - "okay what should I do?"

Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose approached with a complicit look - "Don't worry, Rainbow Dash, just let yourself go and everything will be fine."

Rainbow Dash, still annoyed by the extravagant princess attire that had been imposed on her, walked resignedly towards the palace garden. Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold, noticing that Dash was not behaving with the grace and decorum expected of a princess, decided to use their magic to subtly control her, Dash's every gesture, word and movement was now directed by the sisters to keep up appearances before others. If all went according to plan, this magical control would leave her the moment she crossed the outer gate of Celestia's castle, just like her costume attire, however, as she walked through the royal garden, her appearance did not go unnoticed at all.

The dress, shiny and flowing, stood out among the nature of the garden like an exotic flower. Dash felt uncomfortable, as if she was wearing an armor that did not belong to her, every detail of her appearance was calculated to fit into the world of high society, however, her thoughts stirred her discontent, every step she took echoed in her head like a hollow echo, her feet sank into the soft grass, but she did not feel the freshness or freedom it used to bring her, on the contrary, she felt the weight of the dress and the oppression of the expectations she carried with her.

Inside, she longed to get out of there as quickly as possible, it was ironic to think that being the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria, she could not take flight or at least run, but the body control that the sisters exerted over her prevented her from any movement other than walking upright and elegant, with a dress dancing to the beat of her hips swaying side to side with each ridiculous step of her golden heels. She could do nothing but ponder the surreal situation she found herself in, and question why, being who she was, did she allow the sisters to transform her into someone she was not to leave the castle when the solutions were on a silver platter?

- "Oh dear, who is this lovely maiden lighting my way tonight?" - expressed Prince Aster with a mixture of fascination and genuine interest, she felt her body turn and her eyes meet the prince's, she wondered, how long had she been submerged in thought?

Just when she thought her misfortune couldn't get any worse, Prince Aster was not only approaching her with gallant assurance, but his comment had caught the attention of the guest ponies scattered around the garden. How had she not noticed they were there until now with their eyes on her in the first place? Would they notice her deep discomfort disguised under the facade of elegance the princesses were imposing on her?

The handsome prince Aster approached Dash with a determined step, without ceasing to observe her with an intense gaze, his charming smile seemed to illuminate the garden, all the gazes of those present followed him with admiration, Dash felt a turn inside her, a sudden longing to escape from that compromising situation that clearly surpassed her.

Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold watched from a distance with satisfaction as their elaborate plan unfolded to perfection, they had succeeded in transforming the fearless and defiant Rainbow Dash into a real princess, at least in outward appearance. Every gesture, every word that escaped Dash's lips, was carefully orchestrated by the control magic of the skillful sisters, making sure she fulfilled the assigned role without deviating one iota from protocol. It had worked out better than they ever thought possible, and when they saw their brother Aster approaching with unmistakable interest towards the disguised pegasus, they could not waste this auspicious opportunity.

Dash, her will completely subjected to the princesses' magical control, answered the prince with a soft royal tone that was far from the pegasus' natural speech - "I'm Moonflower, your highness, a pleasure to meet you." - the words burst from her lips against her will, in a honeyed, cloying tone she would never have used on her own.

Moonflower? Disbelief flooded Dash's mind upon hearing that impostured name. This couldn't really be happening, it had to be a bad joke, a nightmare from which he couldn't wake up no matter how much the alarm kept ringing, if that was meant to be, a dreadful dream, he repeated over and over again inside himself, clinging to the hope that it was all a terrible dream, while his body bowed respectfully and cordially to Prince Aster, against all his instincts.

The serenity and formality of the royal court gave way to adrenaline and the roar of the wind in the Wonderbolts' training field. There, each one of the intrepid flyers synchronized the extensive and memorized aerial routine, if, undoubtedly, in that enclosure the atmosphere was totally different from that of the palace.

- Do you think the modifications to our routine will be too risky for the Canterlot audience? You know how they are with surprises" - asked High Winds, his voice reflecting genuine trepidation about the reception of their risky acrobatics during training.

The ponies of refined Canterlot were used to the monotony and predictability of their elegant lives, they attended shows regularly, but they were always predictable events, repetitive choreography and well-established traditions, although they seemed to enjoy it, deep down they longed for something different and out of the ordinary. However, that same predisposition to order and custom made them a highly critical public when faced with any unexpected change or break with tradition.

High Winds' question resonated with the group, causing the idea of stepping out of their comfort zone for the impending presentation to royalty to generate an internal discussion, as they were not only facing an unknown audience, but one of high social standing, with high expectations and an ingrained taste for the typical.

Soarin observed his younger sister with a sympathetic smile. - "It's a valid concern..."

- "Canterlot is not Cloudsdale, ponies have different expectations, more.... - Fire Streak said as his gaze scanned the expressions of his companions - "...refined, so to speak."

- " But that's precisely the point, isn't it, I mean, if there's one thing I've learned from Rainbow Dash, it's that we should never underestimate the power of a good surprise, let alone our own abilities, I'm sure the audience is going to love it " - he then gave his partner a friendly nudge.

- " Now that you mention it, I thought Rainbow Dash was coming to rehearse one last time before the performance" - Fleetfoot noted, his voice dropping a tone that called some concern around him.

- "I hope she won't be too late" - Spitfire added, his expression tense, as his mind analyzed possible reasons for this unusual absence. - "It's not like her to miss this opportunity."

- "Do you think something has happened to her?" - asked Surprise with an altered tone, exaggerated for the tone of the conversation.

- Don't talk nonsense, she's always on time, isn't she?" - Blaze said with an unconvincing tone

Rapidfire shook his head slowly, sharing the growing unease - "well..., Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty. She wouldn't be missing without a good reason."

The conversation lapsed into a brief silence, each lost in thought, considering possible situations that could have held their companion back and prevented her timely arrival.

- "I think we're putting too much unnecessary spin on the situation. She's fine, I've seen how she handles practically anything that comes her way, and this time will be no exception" - Spitfire's words echoed loudly in the hangar, trying to restore confidence in the atmosphere - "she's probably already in Canterlot and we haven't even left the barracks" - he gave them a scolding look, urging the group to quickly get ready to head to Canterlot after his intervention.

The responsibility of the impending presentation weighed on their shoulders, and the last thing they needed now was to generate more unnecessary worry, as they were already relatively nervous about the important event, perhaps Dash was just as nervous and just needed her space to deal with it. Spitfire hoped that was the case.

Thunderlane's laughter cut through the tension like a bolt of lightning. - "Speaking of handling things, I hope tonight's DJ knows what he's doing. I remember last year, my great aunt danced better than the music they played."

Thunderlane's joke had the desired effect, and a wave of laughter and facetious comments rippled through the group, lightening the mood.

- "Hey, isn't your great aunt that one who fell asleep in the middle of the last gala?" - Wave Chill asked wryly with a nudge toward his friend.

However, amidst the laughter and banter, Soarin's gaze occasionally wandered skyward, still hoping to see the signature rainbow that heralded Rainbow Dash's arrival. Although her confidence in her was strong, the uneasiness of not knowing where she was or what had happened to her was still present in her mind.

At that moment, Prince Aster took Dash's helmet with gentle gallantry. - "It is a true pleasure to meet you, Lady Moonflower" - he said in a soft and melodious voice that seemed to flow like silk. The unexpected touch of her warm hoof generated a strange and confused feeling inside Dash.

- "The pleasure is more mine than yours, your highness," Dash replied in a forcibly casual yet formal tone, the words creating an empty echo in his own ears, a pale imitation devoid of his true voice.

- "I make no apologies for my boldness, for it would be a lie to declare that your dazzling beauty has not completely captivated me" - Aster declared gallantly, his eyes roaming Dash's face in admiration, appreciating every detail, from her striking magenta eyes to her radiant, lip-painted smile.

An involuntary blush took over Dash's cheeks, a blush that even the controlling magic subjugating her couldn't completely conceal. Despite the awkward circumstances, she couldn't help but feel flattered and slightly overwhelmed or uncomfortable by the handsome prince's words.

The two sisters, observing the scene, chuckled conspiratorially, amused at the idea of even the stoic and indomitable Rainbow Dash partially succumbing to her brother's charms involuntarily. It was almost comical to see how the magic that controlled and disguised Dash's every move played with her.

Blooming Rose leaned over to Shining Marigold, a smirk lighting up her face - "see, our little puppet isn't so lost in the role after all" - she commented in a voice brimming with amusement and cunning.

Shining Marigold raised an eyebrow. - "I can't believe you called her ' our puppet', it's not the most delicate way to refer to her" - he reprimanded her gently, though his eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and complicity at how quickly his brother Aster had set his seduction on the reluctant Dash in motion.

- "Oh, please don't look at me like that, you know it's all in jest, after all, it was us who transformed her into this exquisite vision to Dash's chagrin" - Blooming justified herself - "after all, aren't we here to give our brother an extra helmet?" - he mentioned trying to lighten the impulsive weight of his actions.

- "Well...yeah, I guess you're right. But still, I can't help but feel uncomfortable with the idea of using these spells on Rainbow Dash, even if it's with a good intention in mind" - Shining Marigold's voice revealed the internal struggle between the desire to support her brother and the ethics of her own moral principles with questionable magical practices.

- "Agh, I get your point. And now that you mention it, I hadn't quite considered the ethical implications of what we did" - Blooming Rose admitted with a slight frown - "but, what's done is done, besides, perhaps without realizing it, we are helping Dash in a way" - Blooming got a strange look from her sister after this sentence, she clarified - "I mean, you saw her, she's undeniably beautiful and possesses so many other virtues that would be more than enough for anyone who analyzed her closely" - she added, trying to convince herself as much as her sister that her actions could have a positive side.

- "Wait, you're right" - Shining Marigold stopped the conversation for a moment, capturing her sister's attention with a serious look - "too right..." - took Blooming gently by the shoulders, pulling her a little closer as her countenance darkened - "but did we ever consider if Dash already had someone special in his life before meddling?"

A long, awkward silence took over the space between the two sisters, their eyes glowing with unusual intensity, reflecting a mixture of emotions: surprise, disapproval, and a hint of fear at the possible consequences of their actions. Blooming Rose, on the other hand, was staring at the ground, her mischievous smile had faded, giving way to a serious and reflective expression.

They were standing in one of the wide corridors of the castle, a place that gave them a privileged view of the front gardens, from their position, they could observe their brother Aster courting the disguised Rainbow Dash in the middle of the garden, an image that now gave them more anxiety than pride. Should they intervene at that moment and reverse what they had unleashed so recklessly? what would happen to the curse if they backtracked now?

Shining Marigold wasn't sure, but she involuntarily stepped forward, intending to do something, perhaps with the idea of stopping it all right there and then?

- "No, we can't undo what we've done, but maybe we can mitigate the damage, we could... talk to her, explain everything after the gala"- a gentle grip on her helmet from Blooming Rose stopped her, providing a cautious reminder that, while regret was great, they should tread carefully and not make things worse.

And her sister had a valid point, as much as it pained Shining to admit it, they could no longer erase what they had done so impulsively or it would be worse, they were left with only the attempt to make peace with Dash afterwards and trust in her capacity for understanding of their delicate situation.

However, they were so immersed in their internal judgment that they did not notice their oversight....

The front lawn of Celestia Castle was a magical sight in itself. Celestia's dusk was beginning to bid farewell and Luna was greeting Equestria by slowly raising the moon in the night sky. Fruit trees, in full bloom, perfumed the air with a sweet and intoxicating scent, flowers of every color and shape imaginable vied for attention with their beauty as they formed a structured rainbow path to the main entrance of the castle, fireflies flitted among the plants, creating a magical and surreal atmosphere.

High-ranking ponies continued to arrive along the carpeted main concourse, where butlers and servants hurried to attend to each luxurious carriage, the air was a hive of animated chatter and laughter drowned behind fans and champagne flutes, as guests gathered in groups, critically assessing each other's attire and jewelry, with little disguised glances cast towards the center of the garden.

Aster gave a crooked smile, taking a step closer until she invaded Dash's personal space. The pegasus held her breath and just stared at him, she was playing with fire and the idea was no longer as terrifying to her as before.

- "Would you like to take a ride in the back yard, Lady Moonflower?" - Aster asked gallantly, offering her his hoof and leaning slightly towards Dash's figure, who despite the high golden heels, was a mare of small stature.

Dash nodded her head slightly, accepting the prince's invitation, something Rainbow Dash would have done under normal circumstances, but despite the tension she felt from the situation she was in, there was something comforting about the idea of stepping further away from the spotlight at the castle entrance.

And so it was, Aster directed her to the back garden by circling the castle to avoid entering and passing through the main hall, where the guests were already situated. The castle gardens, with their meticulous design and nighttime beauty, promised a refuge from the prying eyes and attentive ears of those elegant guest ponies.

She simply followed him into one of the castle's back gardens, feeling a twinge of pain in her hooves with each step she took on the gravel, "Damn heels," she thought, she felt awkward and uncomfortable in such impractical footwear, as if she were a foal learning to walk again. Thanks to this, her steps were becoming slower and more hesitant.

She couldn't help but notice her escort a few inches in front of her. Prince Aster was advancing with feline grace ahead, seemingly oblivious to the difficulties she faced, he was getting all the stares, all the smiles, everyone bowed respectfully to him, instead Dash felt so out of place, everyone was looking at her expectantly, with curiosity, some with envy, she was a stranger, even to herself. Dash gritted her teeth, determined not to let a pair of shoes make her look like a wimp, so she straightened her back and lifted her chin higher with a defiant air.

Suddenly and without warning, Aster stopped and turned to her, his eyes, filled with unusual intensity - "Are you feeling well, Lady Moonflower?" - He asked with genuine concern. Her sapphire eyes, illuminated by the moonlight, rested on Dash's, searching for signs of discomfort.

- "Why the question?" - Dash tried to keep her tone casual, how naive, of course Aster was going to notice her discomfort.

Aster approached her with an expression of genuine concern on his face, his eyes searching Dash's magenta orbs intently - "You're acting different, like something is making you uncomfortable, do you need help with something?" - her voice was soft and comforting, as if she wanted to offer him sincere support.

Dash instinctively recoiled at the stallion's advance, her hind hooves tangled in the wide skirts of her dress, causing her to stumble backwards into a sitting position with a thud, a few muffled exclamations echoed in the distance, from some ponies witnessing the scene.

- "No, what are you talking about? I'm fine..." - Dash started to protest in a strangled voice, somewhat annoyed by the prince's inquiry.

But the words choked in her throat as Aster rushed towards her again. Suddenly she had the towering steed leaning very close, invading her personal space, in an attempt to help her get on her feet after stumbling.

Her body reacted instinctively to the sudden closeness. A rush of adrenaline surged through her from head to toe, activating her fight or flight instinct, and without thinking or planning, she abruptly pulled away from him, propelling herself backward with the force of her wings. Suddenly, the atmosphere went completely silent, his ears were dazed and his vision seemed to slow down.

Aster was petrified for a few moments, bewildered by the sudden change in the mare before him.

It was then that Dash turned her head in bewilderment, as if looking for a way out, she thought she had found it as she exchanged glances with the unicorn sisters, who were watching her from a distance with petrified and alarmed expressions. Everything happened in slow motion from then on; her pupils dilated until they became two small pins while an alarm resounded inside her as she understood what was happening, it didn't take her long to tie the ends together: her controllers had momentarily lost their concentration, allowing her true self to emerge to the surface. A tingle ran through her limbs, as if she suddenly became aware that she was master of her own movements, she wondered at what precise moment she had begun to regain independence over her actions and how much of what she had said had actually been voluntary.

A flash of determination and disagreement shone fiercely in her eyes as her gaze met Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold's, that brief eye contact was enough for the unicorns to convey a silent message to her, "You will be free, but we can't allow it right now." He watched as the horns of both began to glow with their magical auras.

The freedom he had tasted for a brief moment was slipping away from him between his hooves, like a puppet that momentarily escaped the hooves of its puppeteers. As much as her conscience had awakened, she realized that her will was still trapped on the strings of the royal sisters' horns.

A bittersweet ride

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Moonflower stood up awkwardly, smoothing her dress slowly with her hooves. - "how I'm sorry your majesty" - she murmured, her voice trembling, ducking her head towards Prince Aster - "it's just that... I'm not used to someone helping me, I'm very sorry for the commotion I might have caused".

Prince Aster looked at her in a compressive way and slowly approached her figure- "don't worry lady Moonflower" - he turned to the other ponies who were still looking at them because of the spectacle of a few moments ago - "I usually cause that effect on the most beautiful mares" - and as if he was a successful lecturer exposing in a big theater, the ponies around him smiled complicitly at his comment, provoking friendly murmurs among the spectators.

A mental grimace remained on Dash's face at Prince Aster's smug remark, the comment did not accomplish its purpose with her, however, it did for Moonflower.

- "then, if you will allow me to enjoy a pleasant stroll through the royal gardens with your lovely company Lady Moonflower?" - declared Aster giving a complicit wink to the light blue mare.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes to herself at such cloying verbiage. But Moonflower, completely overpowered by the spell, reacted as expected.

- "It will be a real pleasure to walk beside you, your highness" - Moonflower replied in a honeyed tone, then bowed slightly and took the helmet Aster offered her gallantly smiling.

As they walked into the gardens, leaving behind the other guests who kept throwing them certain glances over their shoulders, the change in the atmosphere was palpable. The nighttime scents of flowers in full bloom mingled with the freshness of freshly cut grass, creating a scene that, despite Dash's initial reluctance, had its own charm and it didn't hurt to admit it in his thoughts.

The royal sisters hurried to follow them discreetly, they couldn't risk losing their concentration again, they couldn't generate another scandal in public, much less let their brother find out what they have done, but wait....

What really happened, how does the spell work, is it just one, what specifically does it control, does it have any weaknesses?

Don't worry, I know you have questions, I'll explain my dear reader.

In essence, the spell creates a sort of magical "second skin" that covers the real Dash under the mantle and control of Moonflower (gesture, word and movement that the real sisters exert), so despite the temporary loss of concentration of the sisters, Dash was still wearing the dress and with the subtlety of the spell that does not allow the ponies to recognize her as Dash but they see her as a stranger despite looking like Dash. What amounts to her unmistakable rainbow mane, vivid magenta eyes and other characteristic features go unnoticed.

That yes, Dash retains the ability to feel emotions, hold feelings and regret in a genuine way, the spell does not control her in that aspect, although it is true, that the actions that the sisters exert on her can alter, amplify or minimize these feelings/thoughts in the long run, thus distorting her reality through Moonflower's fictional reality.

This leads us to believe that there is indeed not only one spell in Dash, but two, but relax don't get upset, just read carefully.

We have spell #1 which is the "Body Control" spell, every gesture, movement and words coming out of "Dash's" mouth, is the expression of control by means of the real sisters spell, therefore, each of those 3 elements for the others and how it is going to be narrated is with the name "Moonflower".

We continue with spell #2 "unrecognition", this second spell, besides altering Dash's physical appearance, also projects a kind of "mental magic camouflage" on those who see her, so that not only her appearance changes, but the perception that others have about her is also being manipulated.

Under this logic, when a pony or living being sees "Moonflower" they are actually being affected by a branch of the spell that clouds their mind and prevents them from recognizing her as Rainbow Dash, trapping them in the aforementioned spell.

It's as if the spell is hiding her in plain sight, because yes, others see her, but their subconscious minds fill in the details by recognizing her as a different mare than the Element of Loyalty bearer they know, because while her physique doesn't objectively change, the way her brain is interpreted by observers does, this means that while someone may notice unique Dash characteristics in Moonflower, the second spell will play with his mind, inclining him to ignore these signs or attribute them to similarity to someone else. This component ensures that even those who know Dash well may not immediately recognize her.

After all, who would suspect that this "mysterious and elegant maiden" is actually the fearless and daring pegasus Rainbow Dash.

Although, as we noted, the spell is not perfect, much less unbreakable, it requires concentration and good magical agility on the part of the unicorn sisters, skills that, yes, they proved to possess and manage quickly.

They also demonstrated that any lapse of concentration, however brief, can create cracks in the magical barrier that allows the real Dash to seep through; these "breaks" or distractions in the spell are fleeting, lasting only a few minutes before the sorceresses can recompose the spell barrier. But in that short period, Dash partially regains her free will and her authentic personality.

As you can imagine, the sisters have side effects while casting this spell, how do you think this spell is distributed, try to find out....

Inside her mind, Rainbow writhed in frustration, trying uselessly to regain control over her body somehow, while she thought deeply about the reason why she was able to recover it before, although she didn't know if she had recovered it by herself or if it was the fault of the two unicorns, one thing was certain for her, the spell has flaws, flaws that she could take advantage of to escape from it and make fun of the sisters in the same way she felt they made fun of her. But how could she know that? She remembered that, in her school period when she was more foxy, she received classes in theory and history of magic, she always complained and asked the purpose of these classes if she is a Pegasus, now she understood that she should have paid more attention.

- "Aren't the royal gardens a real spectacle for the senses?" - Prince Aster asked with mock modesty. He stopped in front of a huge fountain where two daring sculptures of alicorn ponies were spouting powerful jets of water into the marble pool.

- "Oh, they certainly are, your highness!" - Moonflower replied, smiling sweetly at the prince for his comment, Dash even constrained, rolled her eyes irritably to herself - "The meadows and gardens of Canterlot are of unparalleled beauty."

- "Though I must admit, lady Moonflower, that tonight I found in these gardens a flower that dulls the beauty of all the others..."- Aster watched her briefly but not long enough for her to notice the compliment, compliments that Dash within himself was beginning to get used to, attributing it to her innate way of treating others, especially mares like her, or like what he believed her to be.

The princesses quickly orchestrated Moonflower's reactions, communicating to Prince Aster with her body language, that she had been pleased by his rhetorical comment, making her blush goofily and bat her eyelashes at him. A goofy giggle escaped her lips.

Rainbow Dash wanted to smack herself against the wall at such cheesiness. She watched as Prince Aster gracefully and elegantly picked a rose from the nearby rose bush, manipulating it with his magic to carefully remove the thorns. His concentration did not go unnoticed.

All pony breeds have magic in them, however, it is the unicorns who can manifest it in the most tangible and direct way possible, by means of their horn. This, in turn, leads them to develop good mental and magical agility over time, the more they study and practice magic, the more dominant they become with it, requiring less concentration to perform complex spells over time.

The unicorn princesses, Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose, are experts in the use of magic. They had devoted years to their study and practice, which had allowed them to develop exceptional control over their abilities, however, the spells they had used on Dash are particularly complex and demanding, so, although one can carry them without problems, it will require a lot of concentration and mental wear during the time of execution of the spell, which is why they do it between them, to avoid more often these temporary effects.

They split the spell in such a way that the wear and tear is not so close to occurring on them, but the effects take their time, while one focused on managing their speech patterns and verbal responses, the other shaped their expressions and body movements, and between them they hold the spell of unrecognition, which, yes, is the most complex, but also the most durable (or slowly unraveling) if they lose focus for a few minutes, which is why, when Dash briefly regained agency, the ponies around her still perceived her as Moonflower, the sisters were quick on that score.

But, despite their vast experience with magic, the princesses could feel the tremendous toll this spell was taking on them. Maintaining absolute control over another being for prolonged periods of time was frankly exhausting, even for two unicorns as powerful as them, which explains the event of a few minutes ago, where their conversation distracted them and they managed to lose concentration for a few minutes, slowly detaching the body control spell from its target. It was in those moments when glimpses of Rainbow Dash's true will and rebelliousness managed to sneak in fleetingly before being suffocated again.

The prince smirked at Moonflower's shy and flattered reaction, and with a studied movement of his horn, he caused the petals of the rose to open before gallantly offering it to her - "a rose for you my lady, which, beautiful as it is, is not worthy to adorn your radiant presence" - he declared with pretentious eloquence. Smiling and pleased, Moonflower received it, Dash would have too..., What?, she had to admit that Aster had a good persuasive language, very extensive and elegant for her taste normally, even more extensive than that of Princess Celestia herself she would dare to say.

- "Oh your highness, you are very kind" - Moonflower replied in a honeyed voice, bringing the rose with her hoof close to her face to inhale its scent, "I'm afraid your flattery is too generous for this simple mare." - 'simple mare'?", Rainbow laughed wryly to herself.

Moonflower was the antonym of simple, the antonym of Rainbow Dash, who was indeed the synonym for simplicity. She didn't know why she was surprised at the lack of knowledge or even consideration Marigold and Shinning had for her true self.

Now that she thought about it more carefully, she could affirm that they definitely didn't even care about using her in this game, they didn't even think about it, let alone consider her real life before subduing her. Okay, she gave them consent in their ridiculous idea of disguising her to go unnoticed through the castle until they reached the exit, very bad and impractical, but just that. She didn't give them consent to even exercise the control they were currently exercising, much less to put her up as a pretty girl in front of her brother. This was definitely illegal.

Her brief reflection troubled her, made her think, how far are they capable of going? What is their purpose and how the fuck did Dash end up being a part of this now?

Aster gloated at the apparent effect of her gallantry. He stepped even closer, blatantly invading her personal space, until their noses almost brushed.

- "No, no, my lady. You are the very definition of perfection" - he purred and looked at her, of course Moonflower reciprocated the look, a look that Dash longed to avert, she couldn't deny that Aster is an attractive pony, but his impulsive behavior and confidence made her uncomfortable and annoyed.

Her hooves moved gracefully in feigned signs of shyness and submission, his mouth opened and closed, spouting honeyed nonsense that he would never have said of his own free will, and his eyes, those eyes that so often reflected his characteristic determination and excitement in adventure, now blinked coquettishly under someone else's orders, as if they had been replaced with new ones.

But something is missing, don't you think, tell me reader, what keeps the essence of a pony?

The train's powerful engines roared loudly, cutting through the air at high speed along the rails. The elite formation waited anxiously in the exclusively assigned carriage in the direction of Canterlot for their long awaited aerial display, they were aware that the gala had probably already begun, but there was no rush, their performance would follow the protocol of the royal ball, also taking into account that they were not invited for the gala directly but only for the show, it gave them less expectation and importance to the event for them, their mood before the disinterested gesture on the part of the royal family and their team, who are the ones who hired them for the show, limited them to go to what they were invited and that's it.

The carriage was relatively silent, Spitfire, the team leader was going through the checklist for the twelfth time, it was her way of keeping herself entertained and reassured that everything was in order: costumes, flight goggles, sound equipment, lights, fireworks, water, choreography, logistics, among others that she made up along the way. His teammates Fleetfoot, Soarin, Rapid Fire and Thunderlane were chatting animatedly, while the rest of the team remained absorbed in their thoughts, staring out the window or resting with their eyes closed due to the accumulated fatigue of the week.

It has been a complicated season for the Wonderbolts. They needed more visibility and relevance from the ponies, to find a way to stand out for more than just their exploits in the sky, no, they needed more dynamism, boldness and fairness, to be remembered and want to continue participating in their events, to create loyalty and surprise the ponies is not easy when they always ask for the same thing. They had to find a way to stay relevant and important, otherwise, the team would get bored of the job and, in the long run, they would end up leaving if better opportunities for growth presented themselves. It was those opportunities that "The Wonderbolts" were to provide them with, opportunities that they quietly sought for themselves and for the strengthening of the team.

Spitfire, for a moment looked up from his board, fixed on the horizon, pondering the situation. She knew that the team needed a change, but she was not sure what was the best way to achieve it, she knew the positive attitude of the team and the willingness they always showed, but these were complicated times, as more than one member had already mentioned, so she felt responsible for the permanence and demands of her teammates and did not want to make hasty decisions that could jeopardize the future of the team, because it could not be an abrupt change that would destabilize the team or take them away from the essence of what the Wonderbolts were. It had to be something that would revitalize them, give them a new purpose and, at the same time, maintain the tradition, reputation and respect they had earned over the years.

- "I can't help but feel we've been relegated to the background"-and everyone thought so, only Fleetfoot (who else? (sarcasm)) should say so-"We're not just a circus act; we're the Wonderbolts for Celestia!"

- "No, nor Celestia, she does consider us more than just entertainment" - promoted Thunderlane listlessly leaning back in his seat, looking for a way to lighten his muscles for the show.

They looked at each other sharing agreement and reluctance, but it was their job and they were on their way. The conversation was interrupted by Rapid Fire - "No matter how they see us now, tonight, we will fly so high and stand out so much with the show that they won't be able to ignore us"- He stood up, spreading his wings with determination.

- "Plus let's not forget that we will have a colorful support this time, so it won't be hard to catch the ponies' attention" - High Winds mentioned with positivism, unfortunately the comment didn't get the expected reception.

The comment fell on the wagon filled with tension, the eyes of the Wonderbolts met, sharing an unspoken concern. Dash's absence was more than noticeable, she was not only one of their best recruits at the academy, but also a source of energy and motivation, not having heard from her so far was beginning to weigh on the team.

- "What if she forgot?" - Surprise awkwardly proposed to break the silence.

Soarin frowned and shook his head vehemently. Her emerald eyes reflected steely determination as she opposed that idea - "impossible no, she's not like that, it doesn't make sense that she would have forgotten about a great opportunity to fulfill her dream, being so close I don't think she would have wanted to go far away voluntarily and, if for some reason she had decided to quit, she would have told us."

Fleetfoot nodded, backing his partner - "i'm with Soarin, I don't think she'd be so brazen as to leave without warning, knowing we'd be waiting for her. She's loyalty made pony."

Misty Fly, however, watched them skeptically, shrugging. -" well, she can be proclaimed whatever, but she's still an ordinary pony, we can't trust her 100% based on that fact only."

-" Oh no! What if she's being controlled and magically induced and can't escape this magical limbo to call for help or get away?" - exclaimed Surprise in a squeaky voice as she began to fidget back and forth exaggeratedly, shaking her hooves in comical but pure alarm.

Everyone stared at her in disbelief, rolling their eyes at her unconscionably ridiculous conclusion.

Spitfire finally interjected with a firm tone - "stop it, that's not even a real option Surprise" - he addressed the whole team - "listen Bolts, just like you I don't know what's going on, the only thing I know right now and what we should focus on is that we are The Wonderbolts, with or without Dash, and we will have the show tonight, whether she shows up or not" - as he spoke he was walking back and forth in front of his teammates - "if she doesn't show up, we will have to make do without her, but I will not allow anyone to doubt her commitment to the Wonderbolts until we hear from her, is that clear? ".

- "Yes ma'am!"-they were quick to respond in unison with renewed verve.

It was at that moment that the first lights of the brightly illuminated city began to come into view in the near distance, they looked at each other with consoling smiles.

The train stopped with a soft screech at the Canterlot station, they have arrived. They received orders from the train administration, telling them to wait for the other ponies to get off the train so they could clear the area and they could get out and head towards Celestia's castle.

The Wonderbolts descended from the carriage, greeted by a crowd of excited ponies all around, there was a group of royal guards dressed in golden armor and with spears in their hooves around the crowd to prevent the other ponies from passing and escort the team to the castle.

-It will always be my pleasure to welcome the honorable Wonderbolts," a grey-coated steed of distinguished bearing, old enough to be the Grandfather of one of the Bolts, greeted them with a smile.

- "Silverstone, old chap!" - Spitfire exclaimed with a wide grin, being one of the few times he abandoned his stoic expression, he reached over and shook the veteran butler's helmet with genuine affection.

Silverstone, one of the head butlers who inhabited Celestia's castle and who has handled more than one event in which the Wonderbolts have starred in the halftime show, knows the ins and outs of the castle and its staff like the back of his helmet.

- "Princess Celestia has entrusted me to escort and attend to you during your stay tonight, as always it is my greatest pleasure." - he added with a slight bow, though a kindly glow lit his gaze as he rested his ancient eyes upon the elite flyers who looked at him comfortingly and with pride that he was the one to escort them through the night.

Thunder stepped forward with a broad smile in a gesture of affectionate familiarity. - "We would expect nothing less from the legendary Silverstone and his unsurpassed treatment, my friend."

They made their way along the path already cleared by the guards for their passage through the charming village towards the castle, all around them were all manner of ponies, some looking at them with admiration and respect, the smaller ones with excitement and joy, and some others with superiority or ignorance.

- "So tell us Silver" - Fleetfoot put a wing around him in a complicit manner - "What news does this royal visit bring? For I doubt very much if it is only for our show."

- "Well, my dear Fleetfoot, as I'm sure you know, any royal visit to Celestia's castle always comes with a packed agenda of logistics and engagements. Tonight, in addition to your show, we must prepare everything for the royal dance to be held at the castle and the ceremonies handled by the royal family."

-" wait, you mean the dance hasn't even started yet?" - Fire Streak paused spectatorially looking at the older pony - "and we thought we'd be late".

Silver nods his head -" that's right, we've had problems with the coordination of the event according to the schedule" - continued Silver as they continued to move forward.

-And what is the reason for this delay in time? The organization of the royal family? Because with Princess Celestia the events have always been very punctual and according to her stipulated schedule" - said Soarin following the conversation with a bit of surprise for the oversight of the event.

- "The truth, son, is that the hosts of the gala, that is, the royal brothers, have been very scattered around the castle"- Silver answered him, with a tone of discouragement and tiredness in his voice. - "We don't know exactly where the unicorn princesses are, they are quickly getting out of sight, and the prince seems hypnotized by a mare that seemed to come out of nowhere and is not paying attention to the gala he himself convened."

That comment caused more than one Bolt to raise his eyebrows and look at each other with some disgust at the hosts' lack of order, The Wonderbolts, used to precision and organization, couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and nervousness at what apparently awaited them tonight.

High Winds snorted disdainfully, his navy blue, tousled mane fluttering slightly - "ugh, and here I was planning on heading home early after the show!"

-" I understand you and I must admit that this situation is rather unusual. Princess Celestia is concerned about the behavior of the royal siblings, especially on the eve of such an important event, there are already ponies in the princely hall and they haven't even announced themselves" - Her brow furrowed slightly at the thought of the impending royal reprimand awaiting them.

-"But wasn't it the purpose of the Gala for the Prince to find a bride? Looks like that's where he's got her"- Fleetfoot interjected with a hint of derision in his voice.

-" is true, but you should at least have the decency to announce it to your guests so as not to waste their time in vain. So did we" - The captain shook off her flaming mane with visible disapproval at the royal family’s apparent lack of commitment.

As they approached the majestic castle of Canterlot, the magnificence of the architecture rose before them, reminding them of the reason for their presence there. Despite the worries, duty called

-" well we can take advantage of this carelessness to highlight our abilities not?" - the cheerful voice of Surprise broke the tension of the group, who looked at her curiously at her idea - "if the Princes are not committed to their duties, we will show yes and bring excitement to those boring ponies!" - says Surprise with his characteristic joy and charisma.

That certainly encourage the group - "Sure, Surprise is right. In addition, I have heard that there will be special guests tonight, some even from outside Equestria. ¡ It could be our chance to impress some international sponsors!" - Fleetfoot shared the possibility excitedly.

- "I admit it never hurts to have sponsors backing us up, especially with the new emerging teams trying to steal the show" - Spitfire’s gaze hardened with determination as he thought of the future - "maybe that’s what we’re missing" - she thought to herself.

Just then, the imposing silhouette of the castle shrank against the starry sky, its towers seemed to touch the sky as they approached. The royal guards, erect and imposing in their armor, opened the doors with a solemn gesture, the Wonderbolts entered the vast front garden, where the light of the candelabra danced on the marble columns and the perfumed flowers indicated the way.

Just then, the imposing silhouette of the castle shrank against the starry sky, its towers seemed to touch the sky as they approached. The royal guards, erect and imposing in their armor, opened the doors with a solemn gesture, the Wonderbolts entered the vast front garden, where the light of the candelabra danced on the marble columns and the perfumed flowers indicated the way.

-"Let me notify the logistics team that you are already here" - said Silver straightening towards the door. The old pony began to make its way into the castle.

-"Silver..." - Spitfire stopped it before it moved further away. A knot formed in the captain’s throat when she spoke. - "You wouldn’t happen to see a slightly lower-than-average Pegasus with rainbow hair and a multicolored Cutie Mark here?" - the veteran stallion squinted and pondered for a moment with a thoughtful expression.- "No, my dear Spitfire. Why the question?"

- "she is part of my team for tonight’s show and I have not received news of her condition, I had hopes that she had already arrived" - Spitfire’s voice tinged with anguish as he continued - "I had hopes that she had already arrived." - she looked around with growing anxiety, unnecessarily scrutinizing every nook and cranny as she could not distinguish her companion Rainbow Dash. - "I’m distressed to know he’s not here.".

Silverstone placed a comforting hoof over Spitfire’s shoulder, giving her a paternal look. - "hey, let’s not hurry, I might be out there and I haven’t seen her in my hurry. Don’t worry, I’ll make a subtle announcement, okay?"

That seemed to cheer the tormented captain slightly, who smiled with gratitude. - "thank you very much, Silver" - she returned with his team, wishing she could repay all the favors and wise guidance that this old friend had given her over the years.

-"Every time I walk in here, I feel like I’m in a fairy tale" - Fleetfoot said in an enraptured whisper. The silver-haired mare spun slowly, admiring the sumptuous architectural details bathed in the light of the lamps.

Soarin exhaled slowly, his breath forming a slight cloud of mist in the cool night air. Her emerald eyes swept through the vast garden with a mixture of wonder and nostalgia as a path of brightly colored flowers formed a rainbow that curled gracefully into the castle. - "We hope that this time there will be a happy ending" - he muttered with barely audible hesitation.

He could see Spitfire approaching them slowly denying with his head, answering the question that hovered in the group’s mind. Where could she be? What could have happened to her not to be there at that time? , and no, he played his life to think that she had left them, it is her dream, so she has always tried, something else is preventing her, but what?. he didn’t want to think about it for long, but it was inevitable not to feel her absence, he just wanted to see her for the show, that would be a vision worthy of a fairy tale.

Camouflaged Encounters

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- "I wonder what secrets these ancient walls hide?" - commented Aster with a tone of intrigue, his gaze wandering over the shadows that stretched between the trees in the garden - "I imagine every detail has a story to tell."

The silver moonlight slipped through the branches of the fruit trees, casting an intricate lacework of shadows over the small clearing. Aster breathed in deeply, letting the scents of the night fill her lungs, the fragrance was almost intoxicating, a mixture of night flowers, fresh grass and a hint of silent honey permeating everything.

- "Everything has a story to tell, doesn't it?" - she continued, turning to Moonflower - "Tell me lady Moonflower, where are you from? I've never seen a mare as beautiful as you around here before." - what a good question, Dash replied to herself, eager to hear Moonflower's creative answer. Her magenta eyes met Aster's, as serene and naive as a lake after a long storm.

Marigold and Blooming, observing everything from the shadows of the vineyard exchanged brief glances, of course Aster would eventually inquire into the background of "Moonflower" that had captured her interest, they needed to come up with a convincing origin already.

-"There you are, Your Highnesses. We found you at last" - declared Silverstone with a weary sigh. - "The Wonderbolts, they have arrived and are waiting for their formal reception, I also inform you that there are already several guests waiting for them in the main hall."

- "The Wonderbolts?" - Blooming Rose frowned quizzically. - "Are you talking about the entertainment team Princess Celestia recommended to us? They were supposed to arrive after the royal ball."

- "And what do you mean they're already waiting for the guests in the royal ballroom?" - Marigold demanded to know in an incredulous tone. - "What's going on?"

- "That's right, Princesses" - stated Silver Storm regretfully - "there has been a delay in the event due to your failure to show up at any time." - He shook his head in ill-concealed disappointment.

But of course, the gala, how come they pushed it aside like that, they have been so immersed in their game that they forgot all about it, what disrespect for the ponies of Canterlot and for Princess Celestia.

-"That is why, your majesties, I recommend you to start right away, we will see to it that the ponies are not bored, but you must make your pronouncements immediately." - Silver said as she glanced briefly over the sisters' shoulder toward the back garden, where Aster and Moonflower were conversing privately.

- Moonflower, are you there?"- Aster's voice sounded somewhat puzzled by her companion's sudden silence, as she waved a helmet in front of her. - "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Rainbow Dash had a bad feeling at that forced silence. She could do nothing but wait static for some word to come out of her costume's mouth.

- "Was it something I said?" - Aster questioned herself if perhaps her question had too complicated an undertone for the mare. He would never know, at least not for now.

- "Sorry to interrupt..." - that voice, Marigold's voice echoed in her head, so that's why she wasn't responding said Rainbow to herself -" ... but we have received important news. The entertainment team has arrived and we must receive them, as well as the guests, we are late Aster" - informed Shinning Marigold hurriedly, while Blooming nodded in agreement at her side. They crossed glances with Moonflower who of course was still silent.

The prince was startled by the urgency in his sister's tone. The Royal Gala! For a moment he forgot his obligations to the event he himself had called.

- "Oh no, the gala is certain, we must go at once" - he answered at once, beginning to stride forward in hasty strides - "tell the stewards to get the hall ready for the royal dance, while we go to meet the show ponies at the entrance."

Without another word, he took Moonflower's arm somewhat roughly, urging her to follow him hastily out of the castle's back gardens.

- "You escort them, Blooming" - Shining's voice rose once again calmly and complicitly, as he made a slight gesture to his sister - "I'll take care of the guests, meet me in the main room."

The corridors of the castle seemed endless as Aster, Blooming and Moonflower hurried their pace. The echo of their hooves echoed off the stone walls, accompanied by the clinking of the armor of the guards escorting them.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the rainbow-haired Pegasus practically running beside him. Her expression denoted a storm of emotions that Aster could not decipher, and that he should not decipher, Dash did not know what to think, she only knew that she had to find a way to flee, to break Blooming's concentration and run, fight for her freedom or whatever, but she did not want to stay there anymore.

Soon, the impressive arch of the entrance gate loomed before them. The carved oak doors and golden hardware stood wide open, letting in the lights and murmurs of the elite, elite Dash knew all too well.

It didn't take them long to stand at the front door in front of the group of elite pegasus awaiting the hosts' arrival. At the sight of them they turned with wings outstretched in a formation that gave away their identity: the Wonderbolts themselves in all their awesome glory.

Aster swallowed horribly, feeling a pang of guilt as he remembered the main reason he had summoned them that night. He shook those thoughts away, pulling himself together. This was his chance to vindicate himself after all those embarrassing oversights and make up for his night.

The Wonderbolts, with the professionalism that characterizes them, made a brief bow in the presence of Prince Aster and Princess Blooming Rose, Moonflower was just another expectant one being held by Aster's helmet and Dash wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow her up and spit her into a black hole. She was in trouble, trouble that could cost her the dream of a lifetime, that only increased her rage.

Just imagining the disappointment on the faces of Spitfire, Soarin and the others on the team who trusted her turned her insides inside out. Losing everything and everyone, her dream of flying with the elite...it was too much, her legs threatened to fail her at any moment, she broke out in a cold sweat and started to hold back the urge to vomit. How could she do then, would asking for help with her controlled eyes work, how could she explain it if she got out of that spell, would they believe her if she said it was all an elaborate mockery by the princesses that she had hopelessly fallen into?

- "Good evening, honored flyers" - Aster's voice echoed throughout the hall, powerful yet warm at the same time - "welcome to Canterlot Castle on this special occasion, we hope you are prepared to put on a show that will leave an indelible impression this gala evening."

Spitfire recomposed her posture and approached the royal group, Aster leading the march with his head held high, his princely bearing commanding instant respect. To his left, the delicate figure of Blooming Rose advanced with elegance worthy of a princess, but her eyes betrayed a certain uneasiness before the expectant crowd of atrovata pegasus, and to his right, standing out like a wild flower among the greenhouse roses, was Moonflower, a pegasus with a rainbow mane, who watched her pale with her body tense, no doubt the third one impressed her, she had never seen her before although she would swear she had, there was something of familiarity that she decided to quickly ignore.

-"Your Highnesses, it is an honor for me and my team to be here" - spitfire told them shaking hooves with Aster in the process - "I can assure you that we will leave everything in the air tonight. A show worthy of a Royal Gala just as you requested" - Spitfire declared in her best captain's tone.

-Excellent, I am pleased to hear those words" - Aster smiled broadly - "allow me first to introduce my sister here, Princess Blooming Rose."

-" it's a pleasure" - Blooming replied with a forced smile, trying to keep her composure, the Bolts had slowly approached and attended as soon as she introduced herself, shaking helmets with their leader.

-And my other companion here, Lady Moonflower" - they all turned to see her, Dash was begging for help and Moonflower was smiling, pleased by the attention her presence was generating.

-"It's a pleasure to meet you" - Spitfire said politely as they shook hooves in the same way she had done with Aster and Blooming. Rainbow hoped for a miracle, but the look and smile that Spitfire gave her only reaffirmed that Moonflower was a simple stranger to them. Her hope was beginning to fade.

- "The pleasure is entirely mine" - Moonflower replied sweetly, letting her gaze wander with an air of sophisticated curiosity over each of the Wonderbolts.

- "Well, my dears" - Aster's voice echoed imposing attention upon him again - "seeing that you arrived ahead of schedule, I cordially invite you to enjoy the gala and the royal dance"- he turned toward the center of the main room with an almost youthful enthusiasm reflected in his countenance - "I am sure this evening will be memorable for all."

After nodding to Blooming, he leaned over to his sister to whisper some directions - "Blooming, please take the flying team to their rooms to unpack whatever they brought, instruct them to head to the main room after they do that" - without waiting for a response, he prepared to lead the way down the halls to the ballroom taking Moonflower's helmet again.

Before he could continue, Blooming's voice stopped him - "wait Aster, allow me a moment with Moonflower, please. I'll take her to you in the main room later."

That request made the prince raise a quizzical eyebrow at his sister, why would Blooming need to pull Moonflower aside if, as far as he knew, they didn't know each other? Blooming seemed to read his mind, for he was quick to respond before he asked the question - "I know it is with her that you intend to dance the opening piece and I must instruct her on the protocols she must follow for the ceremony."

Aster watched his sister with manifest confusion at her request to take Moonflower aside. It was true that she intended to court the enigmatic mare during the inaugural dance, but he saw no reason why Blooming needed to instruct her in the protocols. He left it aside, he was running late - "Very well, I trust you" -with this said, he made a brief farewell gesture to Moonflower and headed towards the main room through the castle's corridors.

-"This way please" - without further ado, Blooming began to lead the way to the castle suits where she would leave the Wonderbolts and chat with Rainbow Dash, her mind was between good and evil, she hadn't told Shinning that she was going to do this, but she couldn't take it any longer, she had to risk it, she knew it wasn't right, but she also couldn't back down at this point or everything would be ruined for her brother, she needed to find a way to handle it and come to an agreement with Dash, who most likely was angry enough as the Tartar herself. If Dash wanted to yell at her, insult her or more, she was aware that she had to put up with it, she deserved it for everything they had put her through, and what they were going to put her through later on.

- "I'm not surprised they 'invited' us to the gala during their mismanagement march" - Fleetfoot leaned over to whisper to Soarin in annoyance.

The light blue steed nodded with a snort, sneaking a furtive glance to the front where Blooming Rose and Moonflower were leading the march - "nor me. Had it been up to my pride alone, I would never have agreed" - Soarin admitted through chuckles - "but I understand that we must maintain a good image before them regardless."

A few strides further back, High Winds and Spitfire exchanged glances at the murmurs of their companions, although the royal brothers tried their best to make a good impression in front of them, they did not quite succeed.

- "Hey Spit, have you heard from Rainbow Dash?" -Anguished High Winds asked in a low voice, risking raising the question that was on everyone's minds. - "Did Silver say anything to you?"

The captain slowly shook her head, her brow furrowed in frustration - "No, unfortunately. He told me he'd keep an eye out and let me know of any movement. But so far..." She let the sentence hang in the air with an evasive movement of her helmet.

- "And why don't you ask Princess Blooming?" - suggested Thunderlane in a barely audible whisper - "maybe she knows something no?"

Spitfire glared at him in warning. - "Of course not. That question would only indicate to them that we missed the parade of one of our team and give them the impression that we didn't come one hundred percent prepared for the show."

- "So..." - Thunderlane averted his gaze to Moonflower almost imperceptibly. - "how about asking her? She doesn't seem to be part of the hosts, maybe she's seen something."

- "What a good excuse to approach her" - Fleetfoot joked holding back his trademark teasing laugh - "She captivated you that quickly?"

- "No excuse" - Thunderlane defended, his tone denoting slight nervousness - "besides, don't give me any crap that you guys didn't catch your eye." - The furtive glances the team was casting toward Moonflower's slender figure did not go unnoticed.

Misty Fly shook her mane with a derisive snort - "of course she caught our eye" - she admitted with her characteristic frankness - "a mare like that captivates anyone's eyes."

- "Come on guys, behave yourselves. You wouldn't want Miss Moonflower to think we're a bunch of drooling foals, would you?" - Spitfire gave them a sly grin in a scolding tone.

-"Please, how could she think that of us? I doubt she'd listen to us" ...

- "Of course I hear you Thunderlane" - Dash mentally replied as if they could read her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could perfectly distinguish the looks and comments thrown in her direction, despite the dissimulation of her companions, who were not known for being the most discreet in Equestria. It was only in that situation that she was grateful for whatever spell made her unrecognizable, at least then she could avoid the utter mortification that would consume them if they knew they were talking about her.

So immersed was Rainbow in her inner turmoil that she did not notice the speculative glance that Blooming was giving her, the princess gave a slight enigmatic smile as she noticed the blush that colored the smooth cheeks of the late Moonflower.

If so, she heard and saw the same things Moonflower's eyes could see, this way she could know what to tell her to say or do, and if she understood correctly, these acrobatic pegasus knew Rainbow Dash and were looking for her for the show. Blooming had an idea.

They were finishing up the stairs, Blooming watched everyone stand neatly in front of her and Dash follow her body orders as Moonflower, no doubt it would be a very long and torturous night for the colorful pegasus.

- "All right, Wonderbolts..." - the voice of Blooming Rose cut through the silence like a bolt of lightning. - "...You may prepare here for as long as you need before the show. Moonflower will assist you with the technical and prop preparations for you to attend the gala, then another team will take you backstage for your show." - The words were like a bucket of ice water to Dash.

The pegasus entered the huge suit. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, the Princess added - "Oh, and Moonflower dear" - as she was starting to get annoyed with that name Dash said to herself - "when you're done here, I kindly ask you to give me a few minutes of your time before the dance, I need to talk to you about something very important" - with that last one the unicorn apparently left, apparently because Dash knew she would be controlling her behind those walls. Blooming Rose was definitely up to something and Rainbow was beginning to understand her game and of course, if she wanted to talk about the rules of this one Dash planned to let her know what he thought and would set his rules as well.

The room assigned to the Wonderbolts was adorned with full-length mirrors and hangers ready for their flight suits. As the team members dispersed to get ready for their flight suits, the team was getting ready for the show.

- "Remember, tonight is not just about the stunts" - Spitfire reminded them, adjusting his helmet with steely determination. - "It's about showing the grace and strength of the team, we need to take advantage of the hosts' carelessness to stand out."

The Wonderbolts nodded, each lost in their own thoughts about the night ahead. Some were mentally going over routines, while others were adjusting their costumes, making sure every feather was in place, and others were casting brief glances at Moonflower, who was just there walking slowly through the suit.

Fleetfoot was holding Rainbow Dash's flight suit with the utmost delicacy, gazing at it almost reverently. Her light blue mane fluttered as she approached to -" Spitfire what do I do with Dash's suit?" - He asked, holding out the garment with his hooves.

Spitfire looked at the suit with a look full of determination and a frown - "we'll take it with us"- answered the flaming mane pegasus - " I keep hoping it's in the main room" - hope is the last thing you lose, they say, and her persistence did not allow her to accept the idea that Rainbow had abandoned them even though the probability was becoming more obvious with every minute.

She had to be sure so... -"Skies, go and start a search immediately through the main room, have High Wings escort you through the main room. I know Silver will have already mobilized his guards and comarades, but it doesn't hurt to double your efforts. and .."

-" Pardon my intrusion, but may I ask who you are looking for?" - interrupted Moonflower's voice to the captain of the Bolts, A heavy silence fell over the Wonderbolts. by now Dash was already beginning to say goodbye to his dream.

Spitfire, with a mixture of surprise and suspicion, looked at Moonflower with a slight hesitation and at her team before answering, there was nothing to lose after all - "We are looking for one of our flight mates, her name is Rainbow Dash, we haven't seen her since this afternoon and we are concerned due to the fact that it is not her essence to be lost from the face of Equestria in these types of engagements" - she explained cautiously.

Moonflower nodded understandingly, though Dash could sense the underlying tension in the atmosphere. - "I can imagine the anguish you must be going through not being able to locate her. Please describe her to me a little more, perhaps I've seen her too and can help you." - what do you intend by this Blooming, Dash wondered.

Spitfire took a sidelong glance at the elegant mare in front of her and couldn't help a slight frown - "She's a pegasus with an athletic build but small, what stands out the most is her mane and rainbow tail, plus her cutie mark, a cloud with a colorful lightning bolt..." - he paused for a moment and looked at the mare in front of her - "... excuse the comparison, clearly I'm not trying to offend you, but she has a certain resemblance to you, although obviously with a very different demeanor than yours" - Dash had to make an over-equal effort not to roll his eyes. "this situation was bordering on the absurd!" She had literally just described her and she is talking to her.

She was stressed, very stressed, she was beginning to get the idea that the spell was efficient enough that those who had known her most of her life could not recognize her, giving her to understand that getting out of that spell was nearly impossible. But a part of her being and essence refused to think that it was so, refused to accept that there was no way out, but which one?

Which reader, you managed to find the answer, which is the essence of a pony?

The Cutie Mark, that unique symbol that represents the talents and special destiny of each pony, are not simple marks or badges, they are physical manifestations of the unbreakable bond between a pony and her purpose in life. This acts as an "anchor" that binds her to her true self, no matter how much they try to hide it under illusory disguises. It is literally the magical representation of their essence.

Because of this close connection with the essence of each pony, the Cutie Marks emanate a kind of invisible but powerful "magical aura", therefore, removing them implies detaching them from who they are and their purpose for being.

So yes, as you are thinking, the spell of unrecognition does not literally modify Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, therefore, if someone manages to catch even a slight glimpse of the unmistakable cyan lightning cloud on Dash's flank, they are unconsciously "tuning in" to the inner aura emanating from her Cutie Mark, and that resonance is what breaks the spell of unrecognition of the sorceresses, making them see that who they are seeing is actually Dash.

It's as if the aura of a Cutie Mark acts as an "anti-shock wave" that dispels any camouflage or manipulation, dispelling the ramification of the unrecognition spell on the ponies who see Moonflower and can see Dash.

It's a pity that our protagonist is far from reaching that conclusion, or is she...?

- "Oh, don't apologize" - replied Moonflower with a faint smile. Rather, I am pleased to be able to reassure you a little" - her comment attracted the attention of everyone in the suit - "yes, I have seen that pegasus you tell me about strolling around the castle grounds." - oh don't tell me, and where did you see her, in the hall of mirrors in the castle maybe. Yes, arguing with Moonflower's answers was Dash's new form of entertainment and venting.

A murmur of anticipation ran through the group. Spitfire, in a measured but urgent tone. - "tell us please, Miss Moonflower, where exactly did you see that pegasus? Any details may be vital in locating her."

All the Wonderbolts held their breath in anxious anticipation.

- "Moonflower..." - a serene but firm voice interrupted them - "oh how I am sorry to interfere, but it is time for us to prepare for the royal dance." - Blooming Rose, whose sudden appearance made everyone present startle, and who didn't hesitate to quickly grab Moonflower by the helmet and carry her off through the castle corridors.

- "Princess, wait! We need...!" - Spitfire's claims were muffled as the doors closed behind Blooming Rose.

The Wonderbolts exchanged looks of dismay. Soarin was the first to react - "well what are we waiting for, let's go after them! We can't lose Dash's trail now that we're so close." - with that said more than one Bolt ran out of the suit after the pegasus and the unicorn.

Blooming Rose knew exactly what she had provoked by interrupting the conversation and taking "Moonflower" away in that abrupt manner. She did it on purpose, of course, but even so she was aware that the Wonderbolts would not stand hoofed crusaders. She could feel their gazes on her back and their swift wings following them.
Controlling Moonflower's hurried steps with silent commands, the princess quickened her pace through the wide corridors of the castle, her eyes fell on Dash's folded wings. If she was part of the aerial squadron of pegasus, she had to be fast in flight, right? She risked mentally urging her to unfold them and advance by air, apparently she was ready but the adrenaline and stress of the situation betrayed her, failing to coordinate the movement of Dash's wings in her favor, causing Moonflower to stumble as she tried to take flight.

Dash slipped, she felt it, a fleeting shudder ran through her body, like lightning tearing through the darkness. The momentary stumble had allowed her to free herself for a split second from Blooming Rose's mind control, when her iron will weakened.

The Wonderbolts were speeding down the corridor, their hooves echoing on the stone floor with a frantic pace, behind them and she must act now before she was caught in the spell again.

Dance of Confrontations

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So close but so far away, luck seemed to have abandoned her completely from the moment she crashed into the long, glassless window located in one of the towers of Celestia's palace. The memory of her father's teachings came to Rainbow's mind like a distant echo.

-"Regretting is pointless, it only serves to duck into excuses of what might have been instead of facing the consequences of your actions" - he used to tell her frankly. - "do not regret for the past already trodden my child. Those memories of unbidden teachings shape you as a pony and prepare you for the future. Accept it and find a way to change it if you don't like it."

And her father was right, Rainbow had proven it many times throughout her life. At this very moment, however, she couldn't stop the "would have's" from swirling around in her mind, relentlessly tormenting her.

Why hadn't she stayed with the Wonderbolts at the academy instead of going to Ponyville? Her weather duties weren't so urgent after all and because of the commitment she'd shown to weather management, she'd earned the trust of the Poniville inhabitants. Or why did she decide to practice her dangerous personal flying routines just AFTER finishing those duties, and why on the heck did she think doing it near Canterlot Castle was a good idea to avoid being late for the function she was invited to?

Perhaps if she had asked more details about the meeting point with the Wonderbolts before leaving, all this would have been avoided. Had she done something so bad to deserve this unfair situation? Or had she brought it on herself by her recklessness?

No, this was not her fault, had she provoked it?, she had not right?, could she have sensed that something like this was likely to happen that day, of course not, or had she, but how? - "I should have stayed with them" ...it would have been better not to have practiced..... why didn't I ask more? .... maybe if I would have... but there was no way to.... "when did it all come out of my hoofs?...." - The cascade of recriminations went on and on in his troubled mind.

"Somebody please shut my mind up."

At that moment, Dash became suddenly aware of his surroundings. She was in a small, dark cellar, with Blooming Rose in front of her, imposing her magic to seal her mouth and render her immobile. The princess gasped, evidencing the great magical toll the spell was taking on her. In the distance, the voices of the Wonderbolts could be heard searching for them.

You're wondering what's going on, aren't you, let's recap.

Rainbow Dash had gained a brief moment of freedom, a respite from Blooming Rose's mind control. She felt the euphoria of regained autonomy flowing through her veins, with the Wonderbolts fast approaching as they spun through the castle corridors, her instincts screaming at her to run, to fly, to scream, but this sudden release caused her to stumble and stagger awkwardly from a momentary dizziness, to that add that the uncomfortable and tight dress of "Moonflower" restricted her movements, reducing her reaction speed, and not to mention the slight but annoying cramp that the imprudent maneuver of flying by Blooming's order had generated in her wings by opening them so abruptly.

Suddenly, an invisible force stopped her in her tracks, immobilizing her completely, those small setbacks had slowed her down enough for Blooming Rose to regain control, she had managed to relocate her magic and was channeling all her power to contain her again.

- "Stop doing that!"- Dash said as she struggled internally, she felt her body starting to disobey her again.

- "Rainbow Dash!?"- she could hear the distant voice of her flying companions calling her, feeling the vibration of the ground telling her they were getting closer. She just needed to be seen, but something pounced on her before she could articulate a word.

She struggled for what seemed like endless hours to her, but wasn't really.

Blooming Rose, with a titanic effort that made her gasp audibly, magically teleported them to a small cellar, away from the busy corridors. Rainbow was sealed and gagged, while the princess doubled over exhausted from the magical wear and tear.

Dash silently cursed her bad luck, so close but so far away.... Now, locked in that dark cellar, princess and pegasus were at a tense impasse. Rainbow's gaze reflected fury and a mute claim towards Blooming Rose, who managed to catch her breath and gave her an impassive look.

- "Wait... Please..." - with the little strength she had left she kept part of the body control spell on Dash, at least that would prevent her from escaping, but not from speaking. - "I need you to listen to me" - Blooming Rose's voice echoed with a hint of pleading, though her gaze remained steady.

- "No Blooming Rose..." - her mouth closed instantly in surprise at being able to hear her own voice lead again. She could speak, but her movements were still restricted. - "If anyone is going to listen in here it won't be me do you understand me?" - his voice taking on a higher, more aggressive tone.

Seeing Dash's defensive attitude, Blooming couldn't help herself - "oh I see, apparently this is getting out of control fast, isn't it, Rainbow Dash?" - Her words were accurate and direct, without a hint of the delicacy. "Or should I say Moonflower." - She didn't delay in placing a hoof in her mouth knowing the reaction her comment was going to cause.

- "I know you didn't want to get involved in this... mess. You probably want to be far away from here right now" - he slowly removed the helmet from her lips, with an attempt to show her that he wanted a conversation in order to generate an agreement - "but I need you to calm down, for both of our sakes" - seeing that the Pegasus had indeed "apparently" calmed down, he continued - "I know you're confused and angry, but there are bigger reasons at play here"

- "For the sake of both of us, is that a threat?" - Rainbow Dash growled in frustration and shook her head, feeling anger and confusion take hold of her - "and what reasons are you talking about, I doubt they justify how you and your sister have been using me as a ridiculous puppet all over the castle?" - replied Dash sarcastically, her voice full of disdain.

Blooming Rose kept her composure, meeting Dash's defiant gaze calmly - "I can't explain everything right now, but I need you to trust me..." - Blooming said, her tone imploring understanding - "we didn't mean to hurt you. We just wanted to...."

- "NO!!!, want what, why from me?" - Dash interrupted her angrily, Blooming was thankful she could keep her movements under her spell - "You're just trying to fill me with empty words and no, listen to me well, I am not willing to go along with this damn charade!"

- "I recognize that we made a terrible mistake with you and Aster, Rainbow Dash, and I need your help to fix it." - Blooming Rose took a deep breath - "before you claim, I know, I shouldn't be asking you for anything, but we can't ruin this gala any more than we have."

- "My help?" - Dash asked, with disbelief and irony, Blooming could feel the contempt in his words piercing her like a dagger and she was getting fed up. - "look, the gala to me doesn't matter, if they screwed up it's their problem not mine and about Aster, I don't know what they intend for me to..."

- "So it's not your problem?" - interrupted Blooming Rose, she was going to play her last card, she knew she had to be tough -" what about the Wonderbolts?" - Blooming knew she was going to win the truce the moment she saw how the rainbow pegasus was speechless after hearing her mention the elite group she was part of that night - "If that's the case, then I doubt you'll mind missing out on participating in your fellow flyers' show, because if you ask me, I wouldn't mind making you miss it."

The silence that followed was overwhelming. Blooming Rose swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his words hang over her like a slab. She still couldn't believe what she was doing, she would never do something like that, but it was the only way she found to come to terms with the pegasus, she felt a great disappointment in herself after uttering those words, but it was already said.

- "how dare you?" - Dash finally asked, her voice echoed with a tone charged with rancor and desperation - "use not only my will but now also my dream against me" - her voice cut off for a few moments, the words charged with pain. Dash pinned his eyes on Blooming Rose, the fire of indignation burning in his gaze - "do you seriously think you can use my passion and my hopes as bargaining coins!" - at this point the shouting at Blooming no longer mattered to her.

- "You have no idea what it's like to be trapped in your own body, and be a bystander while others decide for you," - Dash continued, her voice projected sharply between a mixture of anger and pain. - "and now, you threaten to snatch away the moment I've longed for the most, just to save your stupid gala." - Blooming Rose lowered her gaze, unable to hold Dash's accusing stare.

- "I'm really sorry, but..." - she murmured, her voice barely audible - "it got out of our shells and I know, it's not justification, but... I don't want to regret it anymore" - Dash's gaze softened a bit as she saw the princess's distress.

Despite the fury she felt, a part of her understood the pressure that could drive someone to make extreme decisions, a very small part indeed. - "I hear your proposal" - Dash spat with a tone as cutting as the edge of a sword - "but be prepared for what's coming, Blooming Rose, if I were you, not only would I never be able to sleep again, but I would carry the weight of guilt until the end of my days, what makes you think you deserve a second chance after what you've done?" - Blooming Rose flinched, Dash's cruel accusations hitting her like a hammer - "apparently you've had it all in this life, but if this is a trap, I assure you that your family's gala and reputation will be the least of your worries."

Blooming Rose swallowed saliva with difficulty, her throat suddenly dry. She looked up into the magenta orbs once more, her eyes glazed over with held back tears, she couldn't help but hide her face between her hooves out of guilt and shame at being there. Dash watched her for a few moments, the sharp gaze softening slightly at the princess' very obvious distress, and though part of her wanted to keep pushing and causing her moral pain, the other part reminded her that it is not like her to be this demeaning and humiliating to others, no matter how they have been to you.

Something inside her stirred, a spark of empathy struggling to break through the fury and resentment.
However, she had no intention of apologizing for what she had said.

Blooming merely nodded her head as she searched for his voice perched on the floor, a shaky sigh escaping her lips - "The agreement is... you will attend and cooperate during the royal dance, and then you can attend the show with the Wonderbolts" - she murmured in a shaky voice. - "And don't worry about explaining your absence, I'll take care of covering for you and avoid trouble with them."

Dash remained silent, weighing the proposal. She didn't like the idea of having to dance with the prince out of obligation but she wasn't going to let her dream be ruined by it - "Understood" - Dash finally said, her tone dry but without the previous biting.

Blooming nodded, relieved for the truce, however fragile - "Thank you, Rainbow Dash..." - She murmured, with a hint of gratitude in her voice. - "I don't deserve your trust, but... I appreciate that you're willing to listen."

Dash, not wanting to drag that conversation out any longer merely replied with a throaty clearing of her voice. The two ponies stared at each other, a palpable tension suspended in the air between them, a precarious agreement had been forged, but it was clear that the wounds were far from healed.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway outside the hold, reminding them of the urgency of the situation. The Wonderbolts stood static in the hallway, expressions of utter confusion on their faces.

- "But what the he...?" - Soarin''s sentence hung in the air in disbelief.

Spitfire, jaw clenched and gaze piercing, broke the silence with a question laden with urgency - "Did anyone see where they went?"

- "They disappeared!" - Surprise's alarm echoed through the air, cutting through the silence with a high-pitched tone that reflected the palpable concern in each of her companions - "We must do something, we can't just sit around hoofing it."

- "No, they haven't disappeared" - corrected Spitfire, his voice ringing with authority and determination. - "To the main room, right now!" - and with no more than a determined gesture, she led her team down the stairs, with her companions following in mingled bewilderment.

- "What are you planning?" - Fleetfoot said following her with an expression of intrigue.

Spitfire, without missing a beat, replied - "to find Moonflower, she mentioned she had seen Rainbow near the castle and that's the only lead we have" - she explained as they turned down the corridors towards the main hall - "And we know she'll be at the opening piece, so we'll most likely meet her at the royal ball and ask her for the explanations she owes us".

The other Wonderbolts nodded, catching the logic in Spitfire's reasoning. - "Makes sense" - Fire Streak commented, with a hint of obviousness in his tone.

The idea was simple but urgent: find Moonflower, get information, and hopefully find Dash to unravel the mystery surrounding his sudden absence.

With a firm determination not to let Moonflower go until she gave them answers about their missing friend, they set off towards the grand hall of the royal dance.

As they approached the main hall, the sounds of music and merriment filtered through the doors, reminding them of the duality of the night. While the rest of the world was celebrating, they were far from celebrating if they didn't find their friend before the show.

The ticking of the clock echoed in his ears, indicating the passage of time that seemed to stretch endlessly as he waited for his sister and Moonflower. What could be delaying them so long?, he had already introduced the gala, spoken to his most prominent guests and now he was just waiting for the opening piece.

Suddenly, firm footsteps made him turn around. An imposing unicorn with platinum dark blue fur and straight hair approached with an elegant but intimidating demeanor. Aster recognized her immediately, her heart skipping a beat.

- "Belladonna..." - Aster said with a nod - "What brings you here?"


clarification it is not alicorn (design error, sorry) it is unicorn.

- "Oh Aster, good evening first" - replied Belladona with derision - "I couldn't miss the opportunity to witness this... peculiar soiree."

- "Yes, sorry, good evening. I've been very busy getting ready and..." -excused Aster as he watched her sketch a sly smile as he looked around.

- "You look like you've been taking great care tonight, Aster" - she commented as she watched him closely, her eyes roaming over every detail of her dress and hairstyle - "Did you even know I was coming?".

A blush spread across Aster's cheeks at that compliment. "Not exactly"-he replied sheepishly, twisting his hooves a little-"I simply want to enjoy the dance, you know."

Belladonna arched an eyebrow inquisitively. - " oh, but of course, our dance " - her gaze flashed with a strange, almost urgent gleam - "But why hadn't you told me before? We're running late."

- "W-what? I... am, I'm afraid you're somewhat mistaken, Belladonna"-Aster shook his head, in an attempt to stop the impulsive unicorn who was already heading for the soundtrack." We don't have to..."

Belladona turned to the master of ceremonies, raising his voice with a certainty that did not admit any reply. - "Turn off the lights, the opening piece is about to begin. Sound, thank you. "

The lights in the hall dimmed and the music took on a more solemn tone, capturing the attention of all present. A murmur of surprise rippled through the crowd as the spotlights moved toward the center of the arena.

"Where will they be?" repeated Shinning Marigold to herself, trying to maintain a calm and elegant attitude in front of all her guests. Inside, however, restlessness gnawed at her as she saw that Blooming and Rainbow Dash (Moonflower) had not yet arrived.

It was crucial that everything went perfectly tonight, especially with the presence of prominent personalities and dignitaries. The absence of two such important figures as the Princess and the renowned rainbow pegasus did not go unnoticed, and Shinning Marigold could feel the curious and expectant gazes of those present in the middle, where Belladonna and Aster were.

Just at that moment, the doors of the hall burst open, Marigold turned with a hopeful smile, but instead of the expected ponies, the Wonderbolts burst in, with determined expressions and wings spread, as if they were about to start a rescue mission.

An awkward silence fell over the room, the Wonderbolts stood in the center of the main entrance, not knowing what to do, but what were they doing here?, said Shinning Marigold with a hoof on her face.

Spitfire, the team leader, cleared her throat - "ahem...excuse me" - The Wonderbolts mingled with the other guests, trying to disguise their noisy entrance, meanwhile, music began to fill the room, creating a festive atmosphere that contrasted with the tension in the air.

Although somewhat irritated by the mistake, Belladonna did not flinch - "where were we?" - she turned to Aster with an impatient smile.

Aster was in an uncomfortably dangerous situation. On the one side, Belladona was pressuring him to dance with her, insisting that it was something they had planned. On the other side, awaiting the arrival of Blooming Rose and Moonflower.

- "Belladona, I'm really glad to see you tonight, but.... "- Belladona looked at him with a mixture of surprise and disappointment - "I already have someone to enjoy the dance with, maybe later, if that's okay with you."

- "Later?" - She asked in a tone of voice that wouldn't take no for an answer. - "Aster..."

Aster knew how explosive Belladonna tended to be in such cases, and fortunately for him the ballroom doors opened again, and everyone's attention was diverted to the new arrivals. Blooming Rose made her entrance with an elegance that exuded confidence, followed closely by Moonflower, whose presence seemed to charm everyone present.

- "Hello everyone," said Blooming Rose with a beaming smile. - "Are you enjoying the gala?". - The murmur of the crowd faded as those present bowed in respectful reverence before the unicorn princess, acknowledging her position of nobility with gestures of admiration and respect.

Aster took advantage of the distraction caused by the arrival of Blooming and Moonflower to discreetly move away from Belladonna. As he coalesced around the new arrivals, he could feel relief flow through him.

- "Sorry I'm late, brother" - Blooming murmured to Aster with a knowing smile as he approached Moonflower. - "We had some slight complications." - With a friendly gesture, he stepped aside to give the multicolored pegasus the limelight that the occasion required.

At Shinning Marigold's prompting, the musicians began to play the opening piece, filling the hall with an elegant and harmonious melody. With smooth, coordinated movements, Aster gently took Moonflower by the hoof and led her to the center of the dance floor.

The music enveloped the hall like a gentle caress, flooding every corner with its melodies, Aster and Moonflower glided with ease across the polished floor, moving to the music with an innate grace, the dance steps were smooth and ethereal, as if floating on a sea of constellations.

- "Marigold, please, you take over this piece" - Blooming said as she landed next to her sister and dropped to the floor, visibly exhausted. - "I need to clear my head."

Marigold watched her with surprise, but nodded with determination. - "All right, but you'll have to tell me what happened" - she demanded, looking for answers in her sister's expression.

- "Of course" - replied Blooming with a forced smile, trying to hide her agitation.

Marigold perfectly coordinated the steps of the glued by the runway, normally the opening piece did not last long, however, if it is the opening to the other pieces throughout the night. As Aster and Moonflower danced gracefully around the dance floor, Marigold cast a worried glance towards her sister Blooming Rose, it was evident that something had shaken her deeply, and the unicorn princess was determined to find out what had happened.

-"There she is" - Fleetfoot indicated to Spitfire in a whisper, pointing to the center of the dance floor.

Spitfire nodded, studying the multicolored pegasus closely. - "You don't mean to interrupt, do you?" - she addressed the group around her, her voice ringing with authority. - "listen, we're going to wait for this piece to close, then we'll sneak out in the middle of the dance and head for Moonflower. Please be as discreet as possible." - The captain paused, her gaze sweeping over each of her subordinates. - "While some of us approach Moonflower in search of answers, the rest of us will search the room for Dash, is that clear?" - The Wonderbolts nodded in understanding.

As the melody enveloped the ballroom, the bolts strategically dispersed, mingling with the crowd of guests enjoying the sight of the ball. Belladonna, in the middle of the crowd, watched with sharp eyes the dance that was taking the attention of the ponies.

-" So, Lady Moonflower, what took you so long with Blooming?" - asked Aster, trying to make casual conversation, as they performed synchronized spins.

Moonflower grabbed him by the shoulders, following the beat of the music. - "We got a little too long, you know how time passes" - she replied with a faint smile and slight chuckle - "I didn't intend to keep you waiting."

Marigold, watching her sister from the side, couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. Blooming and Moonflower's tardiness had worried her, and her sister's evasive attitude only made her even more uneasy.

Aster gently drew Moonflower closer. - "Relax, what matters now is that you're here now, and you'll be here all night" - she told her sweetly, seeking to comfort her.

The last bars of the opening piece faded into the air, replaced by a warm applause from those present, Aster and Moonflower took a graceful bow to the appreciative audience.

It was now or never, the Wonderbolts instantly sprang into action, with fluid, studied movements, they scattered across the dance floor, each graciously requesting the company of a guest for the next dance.

- "Prince Aster..." - Dash recognized that voice, a sly smile flashed across in her mind - "would you do me the honor of dancing the next piece with me?" - Spitfire asked politely, extending a hoof in an inviting gesture.

From across the room, Thunderlane bowed ceremoniously. - "Dear Princess Blooming Rose, would you care to join me for the next dance?"

Near them, Fire Streak bowed graciously to Marigold, her expression radiating kindness and respect. - "May I have this dance, Princess Shining Marigold?" - A charming smile crossed her face.

- "Of course," replied the three royal siblings almost in unison, accepting the invitations graciously from their positions.

The music resounded again, filling the air with its lilting notes. - "I'm fear I cannot leave a beauty such as yourself unaccompanied in this piece..." - Soarin stepped forward towards Moonflower with a dashing bearing, offering him his helmet with a bow befitting a gentleman. - "Would you do me the honor of granting me this dance?" - Dash was infinitely grateful that he didn't recognize her at that moment.

Moonflower smiled softly, a smile that Dash would have given her as well, feeling comforted by the kindness and familiarity in the steed's voice. - "It would be my pleasure" - she replied graciously, accepting the invitation with grace and elegance.

Around her, the rest of the team took strategic positions with their respective dance partners.

- "May I have your company for this piece of music, my dear?" - Fleetfoot approached Belladona with a polite smile, though his eyes studied her warily.

Belladona looked at Aster, then at Moonflower before replying to the bold pegasus in front of her - "sure, why not?"

With each dancing couple in place and the music enveloping the room in a magical atmosphere again, the Wonderbolts' plan was getting underway. "This was going to get really good" Dash thought to herself, pleased to be, in this case, the spectator to the disaster.

Soarin gently led Moonflower to the center of the arena as the orchestra played a lilting waltz. Meanwhile, Marigold and Blooming exchanged furtive glances, communicating without words, they knew they had to keep a watchful eye on Moonflower to prevent her from being compromised by their magical control.

Soarin twirled gracefully with Moonflower, pulling her a little closer. - "I hope you are enjoying the evening" - he commented in a casual tone - "It was quite a surprise your arrival at the ball, especially after losing track of you in the castle corridors."

-" WHAT?!!!!" - Marigold said aloud, catching Soarin's words through the spell.

- "eem... I said how did you like tonight princess?" - repeated Fire Streak at the sudden surprise of Princess Marigold.

The princess pulled herself together, clearing her throat uncomfortably. - "Yes, that. Well, it was very nice" - she answered somewhat sorry for her outburst - "the atmosphere of Canterlot is lovely" - she finished her sentence by directing a hard glare at Blooming, what will this girl have done?

She hastened to interject before Soarin became suspicious by her silence. - "Yeah, about that..." - Moonflower said, resuming her graceful dance with the pegasus - "I had a setback that was waiting for me, a sincere apology if I caused any inconvenience , I hope you can understand the unforeseen circumstances."

Soarin narrowed his eyes inquisitively at her evasive reply, but kept an affable and polite expression, turning her around deftly - "Of course I understand, don't worry" - he spun her around twice gracefully before resuming the partner position - "But now that you are not in a hurry, I would like to know, where did you last see Rainbow Dash?"

- "RAINBOW DASH?! How is..." - Unfortunately for Shinning Marigold, Spitfire and Aster were walking past her when without thinking she said the name of the bewitched pegasus.

That was quick thought the wonderbolt with suspicion- "Streak change of partner" - without further ado, she separated from prince Aster and took Marigold as her new dance partner, moving her away with a gradual agility across the track.

The two steeds stood there with confused looks without knowing what was going on, Belladonna was not going to miss that the orange pegasus had separated from Aster and quickly headed towards him with a seductive smile and swaying her hips. She did not take into account that her companion Fleetfoot was also attentive and with more agility, she intercepted the prince taking him as her partner to lead him away among the elegant dance.

- "Tell me your majesty..." - Spitfire gave Marigold a friendly but piercing look - "Where exactly did you see Rainbow Dash?"

Shinning Marigold was beginning to understand the gravity of what was going on, but she still had many doubts as to why they would be asking Moonflower and now her about Rainbow Dash's whereabouts.

-I don't know who you're talking about," replied Moonflower to the celestial steed who nimbly guided her through the complicated steps of the dance.

Blooming could hear the whole conversation thanks to the spell imposed on Dash, giving a worried look to her sister Marigold as she noticed that she was now under the scrutiny of Captain Wonderbolt.

- "Agh it can't be..." - Blooming Rose muttered in irritation. Her Thunderlane dance partner looked at her quizzically.

- "Excuse me?" - Thunderlane asked as she heard her Blooming whine.

- "Oh, sorry, I've been a bit distracted with... family matters" - Blooming apologized pulling herself together from his carelessness and resuming her regal bearing.

- How do you say?" - Soarin paused for a moment, extremely confused - "But you told us you had seen her when we asked you in the suite."

Moonflower hesitated - "yes well I..."

- "I saw her today in the afternoon, when my brothers and I had a little mishap in the town of Ponyville" - Marigold admitted to Spitfire frankly - "After that I haven't seen her again, I swear".

Spitfire exhaled with evident desperation as he spun around thanks to Marigold's movement on her own axis - "I see" she concluded, clearly noticing how little interest Marigold was showing in his situation, she hoped that her companions had obtained more valuable information.

- "Why do you need her so urgently?" - Moonflower resumed her pace, leaning towards the handsome steed with curious concern.

- "We explained it to you earlier, Miss Moonflower" - Soarin replied sternly, beginning to think that she was either extremely forgetful or was deliberately avoiding him to hide Dash's whereabouts - "She is an essential part of the air show we will be presenting shortly and we need to locate her as soon as possible."

- "oh right that..."- Moonflower exhaled softly to Soarin, as if registering an important detail that had escaped.

The dance ended. Marigold knew she had to get Dash out of that situation immediately - "nice to have danced with you" - Moonflower mentioned hastily, making a move to discreetly separate. But the steed was quicker.

-I insist that the pleasure is mine, Miss Moonflower..." - Soarin told her with a slight bow full of mockery, then subtly approached Moonflower by the arm and gave her a threatening look - "But my pleasure will be greater if you tell me where Rainbow Dash is at this precise moment" - the mentioned Dash was gathering herself in her mind before the nervous Moonflower.

A shiver ran down Marigold's back. At that tense moment, she thought about approaching but a familiar voice interrupted them.

- "She's backstage waiting for you guys for the show!" - Blooming Rose hastened to say in a firm voice as she pushed her way through the crowd towards them, stepping in to divert attention.

The tension in the air was almost palpable when suddenly the royal trumpets resounded imposingly, interrupting the dance music. Everyone present turned toward the center of the hall, where Silverstone was standing on the stage.

- "Noble mares and steeds! Distinguished guests!" - He proclaimed in a powerful voice - "It is my great honor to announce that the show you've all been eagerly awaiting is about to begin. Tonight's starry skies will be the canvas for the amazing acrobatics of the legendary Wonderbolts!".

The aforementioned looked at each other with urgency and anticipation, without thinking they rushed backstage.

- "Please everyone make your way to the observation stands to witness their impressive aerial maneuvers!" - Silver continued to indicate as he watched the team go to get ready.

A commotion immediately ensued. Guests began to boisterously disperse to the balconies and outdoor terraces to get the best view, amidst the commotion, Blooming Rose took the opportunity to gently but firmly grab Moonflower and lead her towards the side corridors - "come on, we have to get to the backstage before they do."

Marigold looked at her sister apprehensively but moving forward, following them closely down the crowded corridor, she had a lot of explaining to do. Unfortunately, the princess wasn't the only one who saw them leaving, Aster noticed it too and full of curiosity, he crept stealthily behind them entering the service areas towards the dressing rooms, he knew something was wrong and he wanted to know what his sisters were hiding from him.

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The corridors were getting busier and busier as they approached the dressing rooms, ponies from the organization scurrying about with final preparations. Blooming Rose picked up the pace, practically dragging Moonflower behind her.

Marigold followed close behind them, dodging the rushing employees - “Blooming! Wait! What's going on?” - Marigold called in an urgent whisper.

But her sister was focused on her goal, without pausing or explaining herself, finally, they arrived before a door leading to the dressing rooms for preparation.

Blooming Rose ascended and crossed the threshold, taking Moonflower with her, Marigold didn't hesitate a moment before following them, but to her surprise, Aster suddenly appeared beside her, trying to sneak in.

- “Aster? What are you doing here?” - Marigold said to him, looking nervously towards the door through which her sister and Moonflower had just entered.

- “The same thing I might ask you” - Aster replied with a questioning look - “something weird is going on and I plan to find out what it is.”

Before Marigold could answer, the door closed behind them with a dull thud. Blooming and Moonflower found themselves in a small foyer that smelled of locker room and glitter, while several more doors led into what appeared to be the Wonderbolts' individual dressing rooms with uniforms already laid out in alphabetical order.

Marigold looked hesitantly at her brother - “listen, I'll tell you later, there's no time now” - she said before following them also in a hurry and locking the door behind her.

Inside the dressing room, a swirl of extravagant costumes and glittering accessories spread chaotically. Blooming Rose was working feverishly, her spells dancing with dexterity as she undid the spell of unrecognition she had cast on Dash, the rush was palpable in the air, almost as tangible as the mess that surrounded them, beside her, Dash, the vibrant blue maned pegasus, was cooperating, quickly shedding the dress and jewelry that disguised her.

The door resounded with an echo that cut through the frantic activity, and Marigold, on an instinct, interposed her body between Dash and Blooming Rose. - “But what do you think you're doing, Blooming Rose?” - her voice, laden with disbelief, demanded an explanation.

- “No time for explanations now” - Blooming replied in a voice that vibrated with urgency. - “We have to undo this before the show...”

An insistent knock on the door interrupted them, and the three ponies exchanged glances full of intrigue and caution, as if waiting for some voice on the other side to offer them the clue as to how to proceed.

- “Rainbow Dash, are you there?”- Surprise's voice, tinged with concern and firmness, echoed through the door, the Wonderbolts had arrived. The sisters shared a quick glance, silent agreement flowing between them, and hurried to hide Moonflower's clothing and accessories in one of the lockers.

With a quick motion, Dash pushed the two unicorns aside and opened the door, meeting the relieved but confused looks of her teammates, who were quick to wander into the spacious dressing room.

- “Right now Rainbow Dash, I want you to tell me where you've been all this time...” - the stern voice of Spitfire, the team captain, froze in her throat as she noticed the two regal figures waiting in the dressing room, and noticing the expression on Dash's face lacked the determined spirit that always characterized her, she knew something was definitely not right.

- “What are you guys doing here?” - Fleetfoot stepped forward, her question directed at the royal sisters with a tone that bordered on defiance.

- “My apologies, dear Bolts, but Rainbow Dash has been with us since her arrival” - Marigol said quickly, her tone gentle but firm, with no hint of hesitation - “We were conversing about possible agreements that could greatly benefit the wonderbolts. It was not our intention to alarm anyone” - keeping the body control spell to make sure Dash remained silent during all that time. They had to keep Dash with them no matter what.

The wonderbolts exchanged skeptical glances, clearly dubious at such an explanation - “wouldn't it have been simpler to mention that to us from the beginning, instead of creating all this worry and fuss” - replied Soarin, his gaze fixed on a Dash who seemed strangely frozen next to the unicorn sisters.

- “Maybe” - conceded Blooming casually, though his mind was racing a mile a minute - “but we need to make sure we have the right equipment, so, we'll talk about it after the show.”

An awkward silence hung in the air, tense as the strings of a lute. Dash held her breath, unable to speak on her own, as the princesses' forced smiles turned icy.

Marigold calmly took the floor - “besides, we were just finalizing details before the show, which is just a few minutes away from starting” - she said marking with her words the departure signal

- “don't worry, everything will be clear once your long-awaited show is over” - the unicorn headed towards the door next to her sister - “for now, we wish you the best of luck, wonderbolts.” - with that said, both Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose left the dressing room at a firm and determined pace. Or at least, that was the impression they gave.

Once alone, Spitfire approached Dash, her expression a mixture of concern and bewilderment - “Something about them doesn't sit right with me, tell me, are you okay, Dash?” - her question was laden with genuine concern.

- “Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be?” - the answer came fluently and convincingly from the rainbow's lips, overshadowing the desperate denial that was struggling to emerge from her mind, an alarm sounded in her. “No, I'm not fine, that's not what I said” she thought, the sisters were still controlling her apparently.

Spitfire wasn't convinced, the look on Dash's face, visibly dull and lifeless, worried her, but with the clock ticking relentlessly towards showtime, they knew they had to focus.

- “Okay...”- she cleared her throat - “team, we have a show to put on, and we're going to do it as we always do: with excellence” - declared Spitfire, regaining her composure and assuming her role as leader with her characteristic determination - “we're on in 5.”

Dash gritted her teeth in a rictus, her gaze reflecting the internal struggle to regain control of her own voice and body. For a fleeting instant, the characteristic gleam of defiance flashed in her eyes, the team enlisted and grabbed their uniforms, quickly grouping together, going over the final details of their choreography and making sure everyone was in sync with each other. The adrenaline was starting to flow, transforming worry into concentration, it was time to leave the problems behind and focus on the sky.

However, the royal sisters, Blooming and Marigold, watched from the back, their expressions hard to read. Despite having retreated from the dressing room, their interest and presence, especially in Dash, remained intact.

- "Why do I feel that there is something that definitely doesn't quite add up in this whole story” - Fleetfoot said to Soarin as he glanced sideways at Dash.

Soarin nodded silently, sharing the same uneasiness. Dash's attitude was different since the two unicorn sisters left, but there she was, putting on her uniform and going through the routine along with the others, before her apparent naturalness he couldn't deny that the atmosphere was different, that wasn't the Dash he knew.

Meanwhile, on stage, preparations for the big show were nearing completion. The spotlights were being turned on, the music was starting to play and the audience was waiting expectantly for the show to begin - “we'll talk to her after the show, let's go.”

The atmosphere in the dressing room was tense but focused. Spitfire was leading her team with determination, reminding them of the importance of giving their best in every performance, Dash was joining the group, her calm and casual expression hiding the disagreement raging inside.

With the curtain about to rise, the Wonderbolts gathered in a circle, the lights dimmed completely, leaving the audience in expectant silence.

The show began with the precision and grace the Wonderbolts were known for, gracefully taking off to their audience. Dash, flying with an intensity that reflected her purpose to overcome recent events, moved with such synchronicity alongside her teammates that any casual observer would have been unable to detect the storm of emotions she had faced moments before.

As the Wonderbolts executed their aerial routine with a precision that bordered on the supernatural, Rainbow Dash felt every movement vibrate through her wings as if it were an extension of her own being, at last something of her own. Above all else, flight was her release, her way of expressing all that words could not, she was frustrated, but despite the complexity of emotions that had overwhelmed her moments before, in the air, Dash found clarity, each twist and loop an affirmation of her resilience, a visible demonstration of her inner strength against the adversity of the involuntary magic she carried with her.

From below, everyone's eyes were fixed on the sky, captured by the beauty and skill of the flyers. However, there was one gaze more surprised than the others.

Aster watched intently, beside him, the royal sisters joined him - “I didn't know Rainbow Dash would be in the show” - he commented between whispers, his voice tinged with surprise and perhaps a flash of admiration, he had completely forgotten about her after running into Moonflower, but he was still not unimpressed by her presence at the show.

- “That's precisely why we were in such a hurry earlier” - Blooming added, casting occasional glances skyward, where Dash was moving with a gravity-defying grace - “we wanted to make sure everything was in order for the show, right Shining”

Marigold nodded at her sister's complicity, eyes and attention fixed on the sky, not losing sight of the rainbow trails.

- "What about Moonflower? Where is she?" -Aster's innocent question caused the two sisters to exchange glances, a momentary silence falling between them.

-“ I think that's an excellent question, Aster” - Belladonna's figure emerged from the corners of the dais where the siblings were standing, with an expression that was a mixture of fury and arrogance -“ I hope your sisters are willing to give us some answers regarding the mare who thinks, she can take my place.” - With that she sat down next to Aster without taking her eyes off the two unicorns.

- “All right, closing of the first routine, we're through with the bell twirls on the second one now!”-her voice, though partly absorbed by the vast blanket of night, served as a beacon to the Wonderbolts, who regrouped and redistributed in formation. At that moment, for them, the world was reduced to the confines of the sky and their commitment to the show.

In the center of the night sky, Dash soared gracefully skyward. Each flutter took her higher, but also deeper into her own mind, she remembered the looks of concern and bewilderment from her friends when the royal sisters appeared in the dressing room, the palpable fear she had felt as she realized she had no control over her own body, the impotent rage as she watched Blooming and Marigold manipulate her every word and action at their whim.

- “Moonflower has her own business to attend to tonight,” Blooming said vaguely, clearly reluctant to divulge any more information. - “We'll see her later Aster.”

Marigold, catching the hint implicit in Belladonna's gaze, armed herself with a countenance of defiance, though her words carried the burden of an uncomfortable truth. - “And as for you, Belladona, you should not assume so freely that you have a place reserved here, among us. In fact, I find it hard to understand your presence in Canterlot tonight” - she told her, her words imbued with a coldness that contrasted with the warmth of the night and drawing a look of surprise and indignation from Belladonna.

As her height increased, so did her exhilaration. Her wings beat with renewed strength, her gaze fixed on the sky until she reached the infinite space stretching out before her. Rage was transformed into fuel.

Spitfire traced golden lines in the air, her passage marked by a trail of fire that further illuminated the night. Soarin moved with speed and agility, zigzagging between the golden lines and Fleetfoot unleashed gusts of wind with each flap, creating swirls that added a dynamic dimension to the aerial spectacle. Misty Fly weaved through the air currents with fluid movements and High Winds

fluid movements and High Winds supported her from below, creating a current that lifted the spiral already formed by her companions.

Belladona drew herself upright, her posture as imposing as her words -“Naturally Marigold, my place is assured wherever I go. Or will you suggest that the pegasus, whose greatest achievement was to make a fool of herself on the dance floor and whose name is barely known, possesses greater status than I do?” - Belladona challenged, her voice laden with a confidence bordering on disdain and a look laden with undisguised superiority.

- “Belladona, please!” - Aster interjected, his patience worn thin by the constant stream of accusations and claims.

- “If we're going to talk about making a fool of yourself, why don't we remember how pathetic it was to think you were the dance partner only to be replaced by a pegasus out of nowhere?” - countered Marigold scathingly, Belladonna preparing her next verbal jab.

- “Stop it everyone, you're distracting me from the show with pointless bickering.” - More a plea for sanity than a reproach, Aster sought to be a beacon of reason in the tumultuous void of bickering between her sisters and Belladona, he knew they have never gotten along.

Despite the physical distance, she felt an inexplicable bond linking her to the events unfolding on the ground, she knew the 3 unicorns were there, watching her, a foreboding that led her to push her limits in the air, as if somehow, flying higher and harder could alter the course of things.

she knew that wasn't going to happen.

Her wings closed and her body leaned backwards falling freely into the void, allowing the sky and her emotions to open up before her, she hovered like a shooting star about to crash and explode to the ground, unleashing the bewilderment that had been burning inside her. Around her, flashes of color swirled at the speed of light, as the released energy vibrated in the air with palpable intensity.

Then, like a celestial cataclysm, the Rainplosion was unleashed with uncontainable fury, the sky trembled, that was her way of reclaiming her power, of asserting the identity that left everyone present breathless, taking that breath away gave her freedom.

When the Rainplosion finally came to an end, silence descended over the applause and cheers of the expectant ponies, a wave of admiration and respect for the flyers who had transformed the night sky into their canvas. Each team member descending towards the ground in controlled spirals, marking the end of their contribution to the night.

Belladonna was the first to recover her speech, breaking the stillness - “Well, that certainly was...eye-catching” -she said with pursed lips- “although no more than a simple exhibition trick with no real grace, too aggressive for my taste”.

- “you're about to start”- said a fed up Blooming Rose - “stop disdaining the accomplishments of others just because you can't match them”- yes, that started another dispute between the sisters and the grayish unicorn.

Belladonna let out an indignant snort - “How dare you, I, upstaged by some acrobatic pegasus?” - I rolled my eyes - “the very idea is laughable!”

Before Blooming could launch her second attack her sister stopped her - “there's no point in going on, we have something more important to do now” -she mentioned nodding towards the pegasus in the center of the stage landing gracefully.

- “That was sensational!” - Surprise exclaimed, joining Spitfire from behind and giving Rainbow Dash a friendly pat on the shoulder. - “I've never seen a Cosmic Rainplosion executed with such perfection!” - her voice vibrated with excitement as the other Wonderbolts congratulated each other on her outstanding performance. Dash smiled briefly, she was happy for the show, for her friends, but something wouldn't let her let go of the happiness she might be feeling right now.

Fleetfoot stepped forward with his typical carefree smile - “Did you see those twirls just before the final burst? Perfectly timed eh!” - She made an additionally emphasizing her words as she gave Soarin a friendly tap on the shoulder.

- “Of course I saw them” - the steed elbowed her back - “we were practicing those moves for weeks.”

At that moment, Blooming Rose and Shinning Marigold approached the proud group of pegasus. - “Congratulations Wonderbolts, you certainly broke expectations tonight”- said Blooming Rose with a smile. "Them again" said Dash to herself rolling her eyes “why don't they just leave me alone for once” she gave Blooming Rose a flat look.

- "It's our job, princesses” - replied Spitfire firmly, approaching them.

Marigold stepped forward - “Speaking of work, why don't we adjourn to the party in the main hall, we have a business matter you will surely be interested in discussing.” - She suggested smiling at the yellow pegasus.

Spitfire looked at his team, who nodded at the suggestion - “Of course, we'd love to.”

- “great, we'll be waiting for you there” - with that said Marigold approached Dash - “let's go”.

Dash, still unable to speak, but keeping control of his body and not wanting to make a fuss, stuck to Soarin's side and held him tightly. A look of concern crossed the stallion's face at such an uncharacteristic gesture from her.

- “We'll be there, ladies” - said Soarin immediately stepping in between them, sensing Rainbow's discomfort, this was enough for them to move on as they went their own ways. This confirmed his suspicions that there was something the multicolored pegasus hadn't told them and he wasn't going to waste time finding out.

Soarin wrapped one of his wings around Rainbow Dash's body and turned his head to her with a questioning look - "Will you tell me what's going on, Dash?" - his voice was a low murmur so that only she could hear it.

Dash moved his lips in an attempt to explain herself, but no sound came out.

- "Because if you won't do it, I'm sure the royal sisters will be happy to cooperate" - the celestial steed continued hoping that comment would generate some reaction in Dash and it did, just not in the way he expected.

Soarin's comment jolted her out of her reverie, bringing her abruptly back to the present, a soft touch on his side and a negative head gesture were her answer

- "I just want to get out of here as soon as possible" - she found her voice again, she looked sideways towards where the sisters were, completely distrusting their intentions, the aforementioned sisters stopped in their tracks and turned towards her.

- "That doesn't say much Rainbow Dash"- was the answer she received in return from the steed. He knew there was something else but he had to respect the mare's confession times. A tense silence lasted for a moment, interrupted only by the distant murmur of their companions' conversations in front of them.

Shinning Marigold watched Rainbow Dash with narrowed eyes as the pegasus stood close to Soarin, clearly distrusting her. She turned to her sister with a meaningful look. - “Looks like we need to make sure she doesn't release information” - she muttered under her breath.

Blooming nodded slowly - "I agree. but I really feel very drained magically, I'm starting to feel bad and ...." - She hesitated a bit and turned away avoiding eye contact with her sister - "let's just say I had a little conversation with Dash before the dance."

-" How did you say?" - Marigol suggested repeating it hoping she misheard - "listen, you'll tell me on the way, but just for know right now, I'm not at all happy that you did that without consulting me" - she stopped in her tracks and turned in the direction where the Wonderbolts were walking - "for now let's focus on the new spell for our little pegasus."

Both unicorns concentrated their magic, horns glowing brightly, preparing the "mind bonding" spell.

That's right, let me explain it to you my dear reader, this part is essential to the plot of this story. This "mind linking spell" is an ancient (and relatively forbidden) magic technique, little known outside of Equestria's more erudite magical circles, that allows users to establish a direct mental connection, facilitating instant communication without physical barriers.

It is as if an invisible bridge is established between the thoughts and intentions of those involved, allowing them to share information and thoughts discreetly.

It basically involves a magical link that allows the sisters to project their interactions and orders directly into Rainbow Dash's mind, being the spell used as a means of communication for the 3 ponies, as if they were talking, but with the resource of their minds so to speak, sharing vital information between them without anyone else knowing and without necessarily having to be face to face to say it.

However, it is important to note that the spell does not allow involuntary thought reading, that is, each participant has control over what they wish to share, only what they consciously decide to express is transmitted, like when you talk to someone, you decide what the other person hears.

I understand that this concept may generate confusion at this point in the story, however, I assure you that as the plot progresses, the dynamics of the spell and its repercussions will become clearer in greater detail, read on....

- "Now we can communicate freely"- echoed Blooming Rose's voice inside Dash's head- "you're welcome, precious."

Dash, stunned, turned to the princesses, not knowing how to respond, they only gave her a brief nod, yes, definitely the voice in her head was real, but she couldn't understand how it was possible.

Before Dash could respond, Soarin shook her gently to get her attention - "Dash, are you okay? You were just gone for a moment."

- "Y-Yes, I'm fine" - Dash lied not knowing if it was the right thing to do, but she was too confused to explain herself now, she put her eyes forward and kept walking leaning on the steed as they headed towards the dressing rooms to change her outfit before meeting the sisters in the main hall as previously agreed.

- "Don't be afraid, we can't read your mind or anything like that, we have only created a mental link with you so we can communicate directly, this spell will allow us to be in contact at all times, no matter the distance" - explained Marigold in detail to Rainbow - "look on the bright side, you already have some freedom"

- "Thank you?" - Dash told them with disagreement, still stunned by the magical nature that let them know she had said it, it was an amazing and terrifying idea at the same time, Dash knew they weren't doing it for her, their personal interests in keeping tabs on her life was what had led them to such a spell, it intrigued her to wonder how far their power goes?

As she tried to process this new information, she could see Prince Aster approaching her with a friendly smile, interrupting her thoughts with his jovial and charming presence.

-"Excellent show, I've never seen anything so spectacular before!"- exclaimed Aster as he approached Soarin and Dash.

-"Thank you very much, we are glad to know that we fulfilled your purpose of inviting us here" - said Soarin in response, although polite, it was tinged with professional pride.

-And you, Rainbow Dash, that was an incredible maneuver you pulled there,” Aster continued, his attention now completely turned to Dash, as another mare joined the conversation from behind.

Belladonna, who had been watching silently with growing disgust, finally interjected with a contemptuous snort. - "Please control yourself a little, Aster, you're embarrassing yourself with your unconscionable flattery towards these acrobats." - her interruption not only cut off the flow of conversation, but also injected a discordant note disguised as advice.

Dash cleared his throat, correcting her firmly. - "Excuse me, but we're not just acrobats. Every show requires preparation and dedication, something I doubt you'll ever understand."

Belladonna didn't respond directly just gave her a scan from the bottom up and Rainbow just raised an eyebrow in her direction.

-"Dear Rainbow Dash don't listen to her" - Aster hurried to say in a soft voice - "I, of course, know how to recognize your beauty, the beauty of your art and..."

- "I agree" - Soarin interrupted him with a measured tone, though a strange pang came over him as he saw the devotion in Aster's eyes - "I know Dash very well and believe me when I tell you that that was just one maneuver among many."

-" well, rather than believing her I'd like to see it and know her better" - Aster said with a challenging smile, but seeking not to get out of her formal posture.

- "yes you're right, it's a pity we have to leave you but we have a meeting to attend" -the celestial stallion advances almost imperceptibly gently pushing Dash with his wing to move forward - "a pleasure to talk to you prince Aster and..."

- "Belladonna, his mate and..." - the lacy unicorn introduced herself

- "I think that's wrong, her partner is Moonflower" - suddenly Dash's voice resounded, but the answer was not Dash's, her body stopped being hers again - "her partner, what's wrong with you?" - claimed the sisters with surprise and indignation through the mind linking spell.

Aster hastened to clarify, with a soft smile - "yes, Moonflower you're right, unfortunately I lost track of her after the dance and didn't get a chance to see her show" - mentioned the steed somewhat downcast as he remembered his colorful companion - "in fact, Rainbow Dash, your final stunt reminded me a lot of her, it even looked like she had done it herself."

-" You're going to come on about missing her now?" - Belladonna replied with some annoyance in her voice - "you didn't remember her until this pegasus mentioned her, so you didn't miss her much it seems."

Soarin visibly tensed at the comparison, his gaze shooting sparks - "I guess everyone has their own style, however, Dash is one of a kind, and I don't think anyone can match her" - he said in a cutting tone.

- "I am not meaning it as a bad comparison, sorry if I took it that way" - he sought to repair Aster with an apology to his comment, but without the apologetic tone he usually used.

Soarin just nodded his head, An awkward silence settled among the group for a brief moment, until Fleetfoot peeked out from the second floor of the dressing room.

-"Hey, you two, we're going to be late for the meeting" - the pegasus athlete called, her tone loud enough for them to hear her at that distance.

Soarin, grateful for the interruption - "well, we'd better get going then, it was nice meeting you." - He gave a slight, quick nod to Aster and Belladonna before leading Dash towards the dressing rooms.

Dash felt overwhelmed by the avalanche of events she had just witnessed, first the mental intrusion of the sisters and how they resumed their control spell on her no matter how exhausted they may have been, then the conversation with Aster, Belladona's defiant attitude and Soarin's behavior. Everything seemed to go too fast to process and endure, she already wanted to leave that place, to her warm home in Ponyville, away from everything and everyone, alone with her tortoise without thinking about anything until she regained strength to start the other day, but no, she had to stay there, now they were heading to a meeting that didn't let her mind rest.

- "Are you okay?" - The light blue steed asked Dash in a low voice, cutting through the silence that accompanied them on their way to the dressing room, searching for the answer in her eyes.

She nodded, though she looked just as uneasy - "yeah, just... a little confused, what do you think the royal sisters want to talk to the team for?" - she paused and looked at him

- "I don't know, they gave no clues" - Soarin replied, remembering the strange attitude of the rainbow mare since they found her with the two unicorns - "but it seemed like they had a good proposal in mind."

Dash frowned - "I doubt it's that good" - he told her reluctantly and kept walking.

-"don't underestimate us, Rainbow Dash" - echoed Shinning's voice in Dash's head, it was irritating that magical feeling again

- "Don't threaten me, Shinning Marigold" - replied Dash in the same tone she had spoken to him, hoping the spell was good enough to convey to the two unicorns the contempt and disagreement she felt, thanks to the voices in her head she wasn't paying attention to what Soarin was telling her.

-"By the way Rainbow Dash one question, who is he and...." - Shinning said suspiciously

- "...How did you meet him?" - Soarin finished the sentence out of her mind, shock froze her body in surprise as she heard the voices of Shining Marigold and Soarin overlapping in her head, and she wasn't sure which question was from whom no matter how different the voices were, she didn't want to accept that she had to get used to this new spell now, she didn't want to accept the control she was losing over herself without warning.

Her silence caught the attention of the pegasus that accompanied her, he turned to look at her and stood in front of her to face the answer, she knew that he knew something was wrong and that he was not going to leave her alone until he knew, what should she do?....

Should she tell him?


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-I'm getting tired of these unusual silences from you, Rainbow Dash, what's going on?” - Soarin urged her with evident impatience, his voice full of concern at seeing his friend so evasive and distant, bringing her out of her thoughts once again.

Dash rounded on him and quickened her pace, evading her friend's gaze - “I told you I'm really tired, besides I wasn't paying that much attention”. Her tone was defensive and impatient, tired of so much interrogation, and while she knew Soarin only cared about her, how could she explain something she didn't understand herself?

Soarin narrowed his eyes, unconvinced of her excuses - “yeah right, I've seen you more tired than you are now and you weren't acting like that.” - he followed her and confronted her directly, bluntly.

Dash stopped dead in her tracks, and turned around facing Soarin with narrowed eyes. - “Well, now I do!” - Rainbow's curt tone added to the tension. A dense silence hung between them, their gazes locked on each other in a duel of wills, neither willing to give ground.

Soarin slowly nodded his head and frowned, accepting that he wouldn't tell her anything no matter how much he insisted. He knew she was hiding something from him, but there was no way to make her talk if she didn't want to, and that hurt him more than he would admit, to think that maybe she didn't trust him as much as he thought she did. Without another word, he resumed walking towards the main hall where they were expected for the meeting, to which they were already running late.

Rainbow followed him at some distance, a mixture of emotions swirling in her chest. She felt guilt gnawing at her for her cutting words, for pushing him aside when Soarin only cared about her, she was showing him a distrust he didn't deserve. He was probably one of the few ponies she trusted the most and there was no excuse for how she evaded his questions.

Perhaps after the meeting, once alone when the situation had cooled down, she could ask his forgiveness for her attitude. She knew the steed's pride very well, and she also knew that she should be the one to initiate the conversation to clear things up, but now was not the time.

- “You're not very good with word selection are you?” - Blooming reprimanded her gently through the spell, trying not to be reckless, just trying....

The cyan pegasus gritted her teeth, restraining herself from responding to avoid another quarrel between her and the sisters, her pride prevented her from accepting criticism so easily, especially when it came so directly and worse, from one of the ones causing her bad moods

She concentrated on maintaining her impassive appearance as she followed Soarin inside the main hall, dozens of pairs of eyes of the guests at the party rested on them as they crossed the doors, probably for having been protagonists in the spectacle of a few minutes ago.

In the background she could see her other fellow Wonderbolts drinking or eating something, as they were in the company of the 2 royal unicorns. They approached and made their way to the side of their companions.

- “What took you guys so long?” - Fleetfoot asked Rainbow Dash in a low tone. Another time she would have used a more mischievous and insinuating tone, but seeing the long face they arrived with she guessed that wasn't what she was thinking.

- “Let's just say we had an inconvenience on the way” - Soarin answered quickly instead, breaking the awkward silence, Dash just rolled her eyes.

- “I'll explain to you later” - Dash whispered to her Fleetfoot companion, deliberately ignoring Soarin's annoying presence next to her - “have they mentioned anything about why we're wasting our time at this party?”

- “No, I thought we were waiting for you guys” - denied Fleetfoot, shaking her mane - “but apparently they hadn't even noticed you were missing”

- “Be patient Rainbow, at the end of all this it will end up benefiting both sides” - Shinning Marigol told him with confidence, confidence not at all believable, at least for Dash.

The sisters were standing in front of her, elegantly taking some of the exquisite appetizers prepared for the sumptuous feast. But the cyan pegasus knew that they were actually watching her, scrutinizing her every move and gesture with penetrating gaze, attentive to every word that came out of her mouth, ready to seize the slightest opportunity to take control of her in a matter of seconds. She wouldn't admit it openly, but her magic provoked in her a deep, instinctive fear.

She hated feeling this way. Dash slyly approached Spitfire, who was conversing with Thunderlane about something she didn't catch, taking care that the sudden movement didn't alert the suspicious unicorns.

-“Spitfire...” - she called to her in a low tone, her impatience barely concealed.

The aforementioned turned to Rainbow, the gesture of curiosity plastered on her features. - “Yes, Dash?” - Spitfire replied calmly, waiting to see what was troubling her subordinate.

-“Why are we here?” - Rainbow questioned impatiently, “I don't see the slightest initiative on the part of the royal sisters to start the conversation and they're just wasting our time.”

Rainbow hoped that Spitfire would take her hint that it was best to leave the room as soon as possible, Spitfire held her gaze for a few moments, evaluating Rainbow Dash's words. Finally, the captain nodded gravely, acknowledging the validity of her subordinate's arguments. It was clear that the situation was dragging on for no apparent reason.

- “Princess Shinning Marigold...” - the call brought attention, not only from the aforementioned and her sister, but also from her fellow Bolts- “I think we've been giving the matter a lot of thought, tell us please, what did you want to talk to us about?”

The two unicorns watched Dash, then exchanged glances briefly and nodded their heads in a barely perceptible gesture. Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose stepped forward.

- “You are right, it is time to get down to business” - Shining admitted - “We have summoned you here on a matter of the utmost importance to both of you...”

- “After your great performance and after consulting with the leaders of the friendly nations...” - Blooming continued with the same tone of uncertainty as his sister.

-“They sure do like to give the subject a lot of thought” Thunderlane said discreetly to Fire Streak, who only gave a knowing smile at his comment.

Thunderlane just gave him a knowing smile and mentioned in a low voice - “be patient”.

-“We have decided to organize a tour of major proportions aimed at boosting your visibility as a team, while you grow stronger by competing against other smaller teams” -said Shining Marigold in a solemn tone. The Wonderbolts huddled a bit more and looked at each other.

- “You will have the advantage, of course” - continued Blooming Rose - “you will have all our equipment on your side and, in addition, you will have the sponsorship of Moonflower, the organizer of this great event” - hearing that name, Rainbow Dash felt a shiver run down her spine.

Before they could even finish pronouncing Moonflower's name, they were already watching Dash warily. It is worth mentioning that Dash had no reaction time until the sisters again controlled his body movements, waiting for her instinctive reaction upon realizing their plan. Once again, they were taking advantage of her dream to hold her captive, but what did they really want her for?

An awkward silence hung over the Wonderbolts team as they assessed Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold's proposal with a mixture of interest and wariness. Rainbow Dash stood motionless, her wild eyes reflecting her internal struggle to regain control of herself.

- “Wow, a Moonflower-sponsored tour, that sounds amazing” - commented Lighting Strike, excited at the prospect.

Spitfire, however, raised a hoof, requesting a moment - “Allow us a moment, please” - dared Spitfire to request calmly, wishing to evaluate the proposal with her team alone.

With a nod, the royal sisters granted them a breather, the Wonderbolts separated and quickly gathered to discuss their possibilities.

- “So, what are your opinions and perspectives on this?” -asked Spitfire, curious to know her team's perceptions.

Thunderlane was the first to raise his voice, his tone denoting enthusiasm, “Well, undoubtedly, it's a promising opportunity for us.”

High Wings nodded fervently - “Yes, we would have much wider exposure and visibility, as well as their invaluable support and sponsorship” - so far, the feedback had been decidedly positive.

However, the celestial steed kept a more reserved expression - “Certainly, the proposal sounds extremely tempting and irresistible” - Soarin said with a hint of hesitation in his voice - “But doesn't it seem too good to be true?"

Fire Streak nodded in agreement with his companion - “In a way, I share Soarin's apprehensions. Since our arrival, something about this situation hasn't quite inspired confidence, and I wonder if there isn't something more hidden behind all this.”

Fleetfoot interjected with a beaming smile - “I don't think it's some kind of trap against us, they have no reason, and in the event that it supposedly is, we're used to all kinds of challenges.”

- “If that's true, just imagine all that we could accomplish and achieve with your invaluable support and backing!” - of course Surprise would not be far behind with her characteristic optimistic outlook.

Spitfire nodded, encouraged to note that most of the responses were positive, however, she didn't let go of the uneasiness of not having the active participation that had always characterized her best flyer. Her gaze shifted to Rainbow Dash, who had been silent throughout the conversation, immersed in her own thoughts.

- “Rainbow Dash...” - he called softly to her - “what do you think?”

There was a brief silence, the group turned their gaze to the multicolored mare who, until a few minutes ago, had been lost in her own mind. At the sound of her name, she seemed to disconnect from them to observe them and flash a lively smile, but devoid of her essence.

- “That's a great idea, it brings us a lot to grow as a team, it would be very foolish of us to miss that proposal” - said animatedly that Dash that Blooming and Shinning wanted her to be but for their bad luck she would never be.

Spitfire turned to the sisters, denoting an undoubted confidence as she answered - “Princesses, we appreciate your generous offer and, after carefully weighing all aspects, we Wonderbolts are willing to accept your proposal. It will be a true honor for our team to be part of this tour” - announced Spitfire with firmness and proper composure.

A glint of triumph shone in the eyes of the royal sisters, who exchanged a meaning-laden glance. - “Excellent choice, Wonderbolts, we are sure that this collaboration will be mutually beneficial” - replied Blooming Rose with a subtle but eloquent smile.

- “If you don't mind, I would like you to provide us with more details about the specific terms and conditions of this proposal, so that we can be fully confident that this is the best decision for our team” - requested Spitfire, her tone denoting cautious caution.

-"Of course, Captain Spitfire. We are more than willing to share all the details of our proposal so that you can analyze it thoroughly” - concluded Shinning Marigold.

As the sisters headed to the Wonderbolts to offer more details about the tour, Rainbow Dash felt a tingle in her mind. - “Why are they doing this to me, what do you win by controlling me?” - She mentally inquired, knowing that the princesses could hear her every thought through the link.

- “Patience, Rainbow Dash” - Shining Marigold replied in a reassuring but smug tone. - “All will be explained in due time and you will understand the reason behind all this, but for now, enjoy this moment with your companions.”

With a resigned sigh, Dash resigned herself to her fate temporarily, focusing her attention on the sisters' words and the reaction of the Wonderbolts, who it's worth mentioning, didn't hold back their enthusiasm and showed it in their own ways.

- “By the way team, we have prepared the best suites in the castle for you to rest tonight.” - Blooming Rose indicated as she took the floor again - “and in a few days, we will give you all the details about the tour itinerary and your participation guide.”

Spitfire took the floor with her usual calm determination: - “We greatly appreciate your hospitality and consideration in making us part of the tour, princesses.”

The royal sisters nodded with a smile, seemingly satisfied with the aerobatics team's response. Dash noticed how Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold's gazes were diverted to her, as if they were assessing her behavior, even though they already had it under their control.

Having concluded the greetings and arrangements to meet the next day to discuss the details of the tour, the Wonderbolts escorted the sisters to the elegant suites of the castle. The grand gala had come to an end and the guests had already retired to their respective homes.

Prince Aster was in a meeting with Princess Celestia, discussing matters of state. During the meeting, the prince reiterated his apologies for his unpunctuality during that evening's event.

The atmosphere in the castle was serene and calm after the excitement of the gala. The sisters and the Wonderbolts walked the halls, engrossed in animated conversation about plans for the upcoming tour, their voices echoing softly, creating an echo that spread across the walls of the imposing building.

As they approached the suites, they could feel the tension gradually ease, it was as if the hustle and bustle and excitement of the previous evening had been replaced by a sense of introspection and reflection.

Finally, after a few more announcements, it was time to retire to rest. The Wonderbolts began to make their way to their assigned suites in the castle. Dash mentally prepared herself for what was to come.

The princesses approached her with a carefree air, as if they were going to escort one more guest - “Oh, we forgot to mention, due to capacity issues your suite is further away from your team” - said Blooming Rose with mock politeness - “but don't worry, it's bigger and you'll be closer to us and Prince Aster, let us guide you”.

With this comment some of those already on their way to their rooms stopped their step, the other Wonderbolts could not help but exchange looks of surprise and curiosity. There was an air of uncertainty and, perhaps, even wariness among them and before Dash could react, Soarin took the floor with a slight frown.

- “Excuse me, Princess, but we've been to this castle before and we know it has enough capacity to house us together as a team, so why separate Rainbow Dash?” - some came forward in support of their companion's mention.

The sisters exchanged a glance before Blooming Rose replied with a reassuring smile - “not for nothing, but that is due to the instructions of our sponsor, Miss Moonflower, you will understand that she was so fascinated with your performance, that she has requested to have this Pegasus closer under her personal tutelage” - she explained - “she wishes to make sure that her patronage towards you is worth the time and investment”.

Spitfire also approached, with a cautious expression - “We understand, but we are still concerned that our newest flyer is so separated from us.”

- “Nothing to worry about, after all, we are in this together and it won't be for long” - Blooming said trying to soften the context orientation created by the acrobats - “it's while we define the tour schedule and travel schedules” - finished Blooming Rose, without losing her composure.

The words were carefully chosen to sound like a great honor and privilege, Spitfire narrowed her eyes, not very convinced, but finally nodded with reserve. With that the Bolts resumed their walk to their suits, some occasionally casting glances behind them.

Dash's helmet waved in farewell to her companions, hopefully being the last body check the sisters would exert on her heralding the end of probably the worst and most vulnerably confusing day of her life. With that, the princesses escorted Dash to the private suite, leaving the other Wonderbolts with an uneasy feeling and a determination to talk to their companion later in case there was something she wasn't telling them.

Once alone, the princesses resumed their course with Dash following closely behind them through the labyrinthine corridors, neither said anything.

Finally, they arrived at a lavishly decorated private suite, but located in a secluded and secluded wing of the castle, it was in the middle of the two sisters' rooms and opposite Prince Aster's. With a graceful gesture, Blooming Rose opened the door and let Dash enter first.

The interior of the suite was impressive and spacious, with luxurious furniture, soft carpets and a huge bed that occupied the center of the room, the walls were decorated with colorful tapestries, while the silk curtains let in the moonlight, creating a calm and cozy atmosphere.

As soon as the heavy doors closed behind them with a thud, the sisters' countenances changed completely, their faces turning cold as marble and their eyes tired and determined from what seemed like sincere prompt action.

- “All right, Rainbow Dash”-Shining Marigold's voice cut through the air like a whip-“it's time for you to know the real reason behind our actions and why we need you to set us free.”

A shiver ran down Dash's spine as she processed that what was about to be revealed to her was probably something she wasn't sure she wanted to understand. She swallowed hard, her heart pounding against her heart.

Meanwhile, in Spitfire's suite, Fleetfoot and she were in silent restlessness, unable to enjoy the luxurious atmosphere around them, something about Dash's behavior since they had found her had kept them uneasy.

Fleetfoot paced back and forth, his gaze lost in some distant spot. - "Something's not right with Rainbow Dash” - she declared, her voice laden with an apprehension she wasn't sure how to describe.

Spitfire nodded, stopping to face her friend. - "I noticed it too. Her behavior has been... strange since we found her after we lost track of her.” - Her amber eyes narrowed slightly.

-“ Especially when we're close to the three royal unicorns” - Fleetfoot added, analyzing the previous scenarios after finding her friend -“ add to that, they moved her away from us so she'd be closer to them.”

-“You're right about that, I hadn't thought of it that way” - Spitfire paused in her gait and frowned, her expression turning into a mask of concern, - “we can't ignore this any longer, we have to talk to her.”

Determined, the two mares left their comfortable quarters and strode steadily towards the secluded wing of the castle where Rainbow Dash's suite was located. An unsettling foreboding was pressing on their chests.

Tell me, how many times have we seen a loved one plunge into darkness, unable to understand what or who brought them there? It is in those moments when we most need the understanding and support of those around us, what would you do, dear reader? To be witnessing how someone close to you moves away from herself, from you, without really moving, transforming herself into a shadow of herself and projecting it onto others as if it were tangible, as if it were real, it is powerless to think about it and heartbreaking to live it.

Reaching to understand it and creating action requires patience, empathy and genuine surrender, offering a safe haven where they can find the strength to face their own fears, the pain is less when there is more support, when it is not carried alone.

Perhaps behind that huge door, that barrier that stands like an unbreakable wall, were the expected answers of the two pegasus, where certainties were scarce and reality, when finally revealed, might not be the salvation her friend needs...

Echoes in Need

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A radiant sun shines brightly over the majestic kingdom, its rays stood out and took shape imposingly in every corner of the city, among valleys and villages covered with lush green grass and vivid colors. An air charged with pure magic and filled with joy enveloped every corner, as an excited crowd of unicorns congregated in the lush gardens surrounding the splendorous palace.

As the golden arrows of the sun delicately caress the fortress walls, magical sparkles unfold in a mesmerizing spectacle of light and color. The energy in the atmosphere is palpable, generating an atmosphere of anticipation and happiness shared among the magical beings present.

Trumpets resounded throughout the main threshold of the throne room of King Chrysanthemus' castle, as the subjects gathered to witness the ritual of royal succession, the completion of the first steps of a stage for the king's young son.

Aster, with his lilac mane and eyes full of determination and hope, resplendent in his ceremonial armor, advanced steadily toward the central dais. At his sides, his sisters Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold walked with their heads held high, beaming with pride, their subjects cheering enthusiastically.

-“Today, we celebrate not only the end of an apprenticeship stage, but the beginning of a new era for our kingdom,”- the king declared, his voice ringing with pride, - “Aster, my dear son, has proven himself worthy and is ready to assume the role of crown prince.”

The king's words were met with cheers and applause. Aster smiled, feeling the burden of duty and the promise of a future full of possibilities.

- “Aster, you have proven yourself worthy to bear this title, your actions have reflected your commitment to the welfare of our kingdom and your leadership skills will fill us with pride.”

The crowning moment came when the king gently placed the crown on Aster's head. The symbolic weight of the cold metal seemed to melt with the warmth and solemnity that emanated from these sacred moments.

- “As of this day, I name you Prince Aster, heir to the throne.” - Mentioned the king in a deep and confident voice.

The deafening echo resounded throughout the hall as the subjects cheered the new crown prince. Enthusiastic voices full of fervor proclaimed in unison - “Long live Prince Aster! Long live Prince Aster!”

Aster felt his chest fill with gratitude and determination at such an overwhelming show of popular support. Her gaze swept over every face in that hall filled to the brim with excited ponies, the very ponies whose lives were now relying on their young but promising hooves.

- “I solemnly swear to dedicate my life to the service of our beloved kingdom” - each word spoken echoing clearly within the great hall - “I will work tirelessly to pave my way to the throne and lead our nation to an even brighter future.”

A murmur of approval rippled through the hall. Blooming Rose and Shining Marigold exchanged a beaming look with their younger brother. This would be the beginning of a new golden era for their kingdom.

Suddenly, the joy was interrupted by a deafening roar that shook the foundations of the castle, the solid oak doors were thrown off their hinges by a blast of dark magic as a group of hooded figures burst into the hall violently and without warning before the guards could react. Screams of terror erupted from the crowd the unicorns present quickly backed away from the entrance and the walls, shielding each other, as they watched certain presences steal the limelight at the entrance to the throne room. The intruders unleashed a whirlwind of dark magic against them, in turn intimidating the guests and alarming the king and his sons.

The leader of the dark unicorns advanced with a firm step, whispering words of ancient and fearsome power. Before anyone could react, a dark mist began to cover the hall. The festive atmosphere turned icy as it was invaded by an evil energy that paralyzed the hearts of all present.

-"Who dares to break into our kingdom and desecrate our space? Identify yourselves immediately!" -The king demanded to know in a voice that pretended to be firm. He set up a protective field with his magic, with his children around him, ready to attack if necessary.

The leader of the dark unicorns spoke in a defiant voice from the shadows - "Pathetic” - she pronounced with contempt. - “This will be our kingdom” - the voice of a mare emerged from the shadows of her hood. Her physical features could not be made out clearly, except for the slender silhouette of a unicorn whose fur contrasted with the darkness of her attire, who emanated a powerful and sinister aura.

-“I demand that you explain your intentions and withdraw at once,” - Shining Marigold commanded defensively, her horn flashing with the threat of a spell about to be cast.

The dark leader let out an icy laugh that raised the skin of everyone present. Together with her followers, they began to create a great magical aura that swirled with increasing intensity.

- “I'm afraid that won't be possible, my dear princess”- her tone dripped with malice.

- “From this day forward, your magic will be slowly consumed with each generation, you are to belong to us” - the mysterious sorceress declared - “The unicorns will be born with less power, and little by little you, and your kingdom will wither in our hooves” - with these words each of the hooded figures shaped their magic into the air and expanded the curse.

A shiver ran down the spine of the royal family as they understood the gravity of those words. The dark mist swirled around them and those present were quite frightened at the oppressive and suffocating presence of the hooded figures, the bewitching fog was clouding the rays of the sun shining through the stained-glass windows.

The hissing voice of the leader of the invaders boomed with spectral echoes, chilling the blood of all present, as she approached dangerously close towards the royal family. - “Only an act of utterly selfless surrender and union by a pure and loyal soul can break this millennia-old curse” - the sorceress sentenced with a bone-chilling laugh. - “But I doubt you will find anyone so pure in this spiteful and selfish realm.”

A sickly green glow enveloped Aster like a suffocating cocoon, while the others momentarily imprisoned the king and his two daughters in their dark auras.

- “Your domain will slowly rot until your royal lineage completely loses the spark of magic you all proudly claim” - with this statement, the leader concluded the curse. The prince screamed in agony as the curse struck him, unleashing a powerful current of energy that shook the walls.

He fell weakly along with his family to the cold ground, Blooming and Shining with tears streaming down their faces, running to him in a futile attempt to help him. But they were repelled by an invisible force field that threw them backwards violently, knocking their father to the ground on the way at the abrupt act.

The leader of the dark sorcerers gloated in triumph with an icy laugh - “Enjoy your last magical rays of light, for soon darkness will reign in your bodies forever!”

After those critical words, the cloaked retinue disappeared in a cloud of greenish smoke as suddenly as it had arrived, the royal family and those present transfixed.

Aster crawled towards his family, finding them lying on the ground limp and cold, the unicorns present embraced each other with heart-wrenching sobs, with a heavy conscience that their kingdom would never be the same if they did not do something soon.

The King, wild-eyed and fur bristling, ran to join his children. His horn glowed brightly as he cast several protective spells, but to no avail. The curse was already implanted, permeating every corner of the kingdom with its foul essence.

- “What... what have we done?” - stammered Blooming Rose through tears, clinging to her father, - “Why are they attacking us like this?”

- “Greed... They accused our kingdom and subjects of being spiteful and selfish!” - muttered Shining Marigold hoarsely, her mind clouded by the anger, humiliation, and sadness they were putting her, her family and her kingdom through. - ‘How dare they?’

In the days and weeks that followed, the curse was spreading like an unstoppable virus through the prosperous and fertile lands. Crops began to slow their production, animals now more wary of their caretakers were beginning to move away, the magic that kept harmony was slowly fading in the kingdom.

The royal family watched helplessly as day by day the kingdom they swore to protect was slowly being consumed before their eyes. In a desperate attempt to find a solution, they announced their plan of action to find a solution to this curse, they strove to find in the kingdom the ideal being of an “act of selfless surrender and union by a pure and loyal soul”.

And after so many disappointments and investigations, they came to the conclusion that Aster had to find his “destined couple” to marry and form the “bond of selfless and loyal union” that would break the spell.

Dash listened with growing horror to the terrible curse that had fallen upon the royal family and their entire kingdom. The invasion of the sinister unicorns during Aster's ceremony, the greed, and abuse of power they were accused of, and the slow, agonizing agony of watching their home consume before the dark mist.

Shining and Blooming had finished their tale, barely holding back tears at the memory of that event, they looked at Rainbow Dash with a mixture of hope and despair, hoping that she would finally understand that their actions towards her were not malicious or out of Machiavellian pleasure, but the result of deep despair and their interpretation of the prophecy.

The three mares were sitting on the spacious and elegant bed of Rainbow Dash's suit. They waited patiently, in silence, until the colorful pegasus managed to process the overwhelming information they had just received. It was curious how the atmosphere had changed so much. There was no longer as much tension as before between them, although Dash kept to herself and somewhat distanced herself from them, she was no longer completely defensive and alert.

- “I...I am very sorry to hear what is happening to your kingdom, and well, I can come to understand your measures” - Dash looked at them with compassion in spite of everything, although there was something that was still not entirely clear to her - “But, I still don't understand, how can you be sure that I am the one who will help you get rid of that curse? How am I supposed to do it? Was it necessary for you to make me go through all that before when you could have simply told me from the beginning? and ...”

- “Wow, all your questions will result, but let's take it a little at a time, shall we?” - Interrupted Shinning cautiously to Dash

- “Okay, I'm listening,” - Dash commented with a nod, his impatience now abandoned by the curiosity of where this was going to go

- “You remember that moment in Ponyville” - said Blooming Rose, her tone becoming softer - “when you saved us from that accident, risking your life without asking for anything in return, showing such pure courage and loyalty that...” - we looked at her intently - “We knew you were the one.”

- “So we held on to that hope,” -added Shinning Marigold with a glint of hope in her eyes- “we couldn't let you go and, well...the opportunity presented itself to us, we couldn't miss it.”

Rainbow Dash's look went from anger to surprise to pity in less than a minute. She could feel the burden of the sisters' expectations and pain, and while she knew she had to act with caution, also with understanding. More than once, she had been expectant of how her world had come close to vanishing, how her loved ones had skirted the edge of their lives, and worse, how some had let it go so she could get on with hers.

-“I... I can understand,” - she mumbled in her hoarse voice, - “You would have done anything to protect your family and your home, I would have acted just as desperately in your situation. But, I still don't understand what exactly you expect from me and how you justify your actions against me.”

- “We understand that our actions have caused you confusion and displeasure, so we ask that someday you may forgive us” - Shining Marigold continued with a hint of regret - “But we beg you, help us save our kingdom.” - Her eyes implored Rainbow Dash's understanding, while her face reflected a deep concern for the fate of her kingdom.

The royal sisters looked at each other once more, this time with a glimmer of hope reborn in their hearts. If Rainbow Dash could empathize with their desperate situation, perhaps there was still a chance to win their willing cooperation.

- “Is that to say that I must marry Aster to free the kingdom, just that?” - Rainbow Dash asked, her voice denoting a mixture of confusion and skepticism at the magnitude of the task she was being given.

- “Not exactly...” - Blooming Rose replied with a deep sigh. She brushed aside a lock of her red mane as she gathered the words, “As we said, the dark sorceress stated that only an ‘act of absolutely selfless surrender and union of a pure and loyal soul’, meaning you would have to be willing to selflessly offer an act of pure and loyal love towards Aster, expecting nothing in return other than to break the curse."

Rainbow frowned, growing more and more confused. - “But I don't understand, isn't true love supposed to come naturally, not forced?”

Shining Marigold interjected in a hopeful tone - “You see Dash, we believe that, if you set out to meet Aster and let everything blossom between you, that selfless romantic bond would be the ‘loyal union’ that the curse demands.”

-"It's our only hope...” - begged Blooming with pleading eyes- “Please Rainbow, try. Open your heart to my brother. I'm sure, with your willingness and the purity of your soul, you will succeed.”

Dash stared at them dumbfounded for a moment then shook her head slowly. - “listen, that stuff about true love and opening the heart sounds very nice and all, but I can't just ‘decide’ to fall in love with someone on purpose, I mean, I'm no expert in these matters, but I know that love doesn't work like that.”

A heavy silence fell over the room. The princesses looked at each other with renewed unease. Shining Marigold took the floor in a conciliatory tone - “We are well aware of that Dash, and it is precisely for that reason that we have decided to create Moonflower and the tour, conducive for that bond to gestate naturally.”

This explanation caused Dash's head to tilt slightly - “You mean the purpose of the tour is for me, or more accurately Moonflower, to fall in love with Aster?” - her disagreement regaining presence in her countenance.

- “It's not quite like that, you see, the tour is indeed going to happen and indeed, we will announce it so that the competition we promised the wonderbolts will exist” - quickly explained Blooming to Dash - “however, you through Moonflower, will have the opportunity to spend time with my brother, living together and getting to know each other better during the tour”.

- “It is also worth mentioning that this tour will travel through several cities and kingdoms before culminating in our kingdom in a few weeks.” - Added Shinning to her sister's explanation - “enough time so that, when we get there, you can close your vows and fight against the curse thanks to the bond you will form together.”

- “No pressure or impositions!” -added Shining Marigold quickly upon seeing Dash's hesitant expression- “Just allow him and open the possibilities for Aster to conquer your heart naturally with his gallantry and honorable spirit.”

Rainbow pondered for a few moments, her mind working at full speed. The idea still seemed far-fetched to her - “I'm not really sure, as I said before, I'm not very good at those romantic matters, and now with a curse involved and Aster knowing about the situation, I'd feel very uncomfortable and I doubt it would come to anything.”

Blooming Rose shook her head at the pegasus comment - “But if Aster doesn't have the slightest idea about all this, only the three of us know about it. For him, this will be just a tour next to Moonflower.”

Dash blinked in surprise that she hadn't noticed it before, Aster doesn't know about the control her sisters had been exerting over her, doesn't know that she knows about her curse and also doesn't know that, apparently, she is the one who can be involved in breaking it.

That gave her the green light to use that against the sisters in the future if she needed to.

- “Okay, I'll try,” -the sisters smiled at the long-awaited answer- “But under some conditions, I want Moonflower's total freedom, since, it must be an authentic experience after all.”

- “I understand your point, but understand that you can't have it all one hundred percent,” -interjected Shining Marigold, entering the negotiation- “Moonflower's main characteristic is to behave as you would never behave, so we can't give you the free will you would like. However, you will have a seventy percent say in her interactions with the outside, we will have thirty, and every time we take absolute control of you, we will justify it and negotiate through the mindbinding spell. do we have a deal?”

Dash considered Shining Marigold's words carefully. Seventy percent control over Moonflower, but with the idea that the princesses could take the reins at any time without her consent made her uneasy.

- “All right, I accept the deal” - said finally, even with existential doubt that she was doing the right thing.

The sisters nodded in satisfaction that they had won that valuable concession.

-"But there is still one last point. What guarantee do I have that they will keep their word? If this... curse and tour turn out to be a sham or a fake to me and my friends?”

A sudden glint flashed in Shinning and Blooming's eyes, it was their last card, But after all, none of this would work if Dash didn't cooperate in good faith.

They slowly approached Dash with a small object in their helmet - “Here we have a horn magically generated by the most skilled unicorns in the kingdom, including us” - They watched Dash carefully - “we have kept this one since we left our kingdom”.

They extended the horn towards Dash, who took it between her hooves almost breathlessly, she could feel the magical charge spread through her body the moment it came in contact with the object.

- “It is clear that we would not hand over a piece with such power to just anyone” - The princesses indicated to her as long as she trusted the veracity of her words, although with the latent fear that Dash could use that fragment against her eventually - “It contains a lot of magic, almost that of a skillfully inborn unicorn. With this you can be sure this is for real.”

Finally, she nodded solemnly. - “All right, I agree” - She pronounced, now with more assurance in her tone.

The princesses' shoulders visibly relaxed, their hearts relieved to have Rainbow Dash on their side. Although the situation was complicated, there was new hope in the air.

-“Thank you so much, this means a lot to us,” - Blooming Rose mentioned with deep appreciation.

Dash nodded and gave them a slight smile back, feeling a weight slowly lift from her chest, as if there was a knot that wouldn't let her heart rest.

At that moment, firm knocks on the door of the elegant suite startled everyone present. The two princesses immediately hid themselves using a camouflage spell, their magic wrapping them in a subtle cloak that made them almost invisible to the eyes. Rainbow Dash approached the entrance cautiously, preparing for whatever she might find on the other side.

The Weight of Loyalty

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-Dash, are you there? It's Fleetfoot and Spitfire. We need to talk to you,” - Fleetfoot called, her voice projected with a hint of concern.

Opening the door, she was met by the familiar faces of Spitfire and Fleetfoot, her teammates from the prestigious Wonderbolts. At the sight of Dash, both mares' countenances lit up with a mixture of relief and joy. Evidently, they had been looking for her.

- “Rainbow Dash, at last, there you are!” - exclaimed a tired Spitfire, stepping forward - “We've been looking all over for you, we narrowly missed dodging the guards in this area.”

- “Yeah, can you believe how funny it was to knock on several doors and the one who opened for us wasn't you?” explained Fleetfoot with some laughter following his comment.

- “Well, that was more embarrassing than funny, Fleetfoot,” - Spitfire corrected her friend with a snort.

Dash chuckled and took a quick glance towards where the princesses were hiding. Luckily, they seemed to have gotten the message to stay hidden.

- “I see, and what do they have to talk to me about? Did something happen?” -questioned Dash, puzzled by the sudden presence of the two pegasus at that hour.

-"Well, actually, we just want to talk to you a bit, since we didn't have the space after the show” -suggested Spitfire with a more casual tone-.

-“Yes! And even worse when you were separated from our room,” - Fleetfoot added, - “So, shall we go for that walk?”

It had been a long time since she enjoyed one of those soothing and comforting night flights. Those where your wings seemed to have control of their own and gently led you through the most beautiful sights created by the underrated princess Luna and her beautiful starry night. Those special flights you didn't know you needed until you had them once again.

In the middle of the serene night, Spitfire was the first to break the silence of her placid air ride.

- “Dash, we were really worried about you today. We've noticed that you've been behaving strangely since we arrived at this place” - Spitfire said, with a mixture of concern and curiosity in her voice.

Dash exhaled a long sigh. Where to begin...? Recent events had been a real whirlwind, and she herself didn't have all the answers yet, indeed, she was in doubt whether or not to tell them about her torment.

- "Well, all in all, today was a... peculiar day, shall we say?” - she began her explanation vaguely, mentally preparing herself for the interrogation that would come with this opening of the subject.

Fleetfoot narrowed her eyes, unconvinced with that vague answer. - “Peculiar? Dash, you disappeared for hours over the face of this world and then magically appear in the dressing rooms, where were you all that time? How did you manage to get into the castle on your own? Or how do the members of the royal family know you?”

Yes, she knew - “Relax, it's no big deal what happened no matter how much it seemed so” - with her evasive answers, hopefully, she could get them to change the subject, she didn't want another dispute as it happened with Soarin's questions previously.

- “Well, if it was no big deal in your words, tell us what really happened” - insisted Spitfire with a persistent tone.

Dash admitted to herself that Spitfire was the most complicated to mislead when she latched onto a subject. She would have to come up with a partially true explanation, but omitting key details.

- “Well, I met the unicorn brothers in Ponyville, when I saved them from having an accident with a big billboard...” -began her tale as the three pegasus descended on a cloud so they could better converse face-to-face.

- “After that, I was invited to stop by the castle, as an honored guest at their gala. And well, since I had to be here for the show anyway, I accepted and that's that.” - She finished her modified story by swallowing her saliva. It was technically true, but she omitted and invented key details. Spitfire and Fleetfoot stared at her for a few moments, studying her.

- “By my calculations, if you arrived at the castle at the same time as the royal brothers, that doesn't explain why we didn't find you when we arrived or why, when we asked them, they themselves denied seeing you,” Spitfire stated insightfully.

Dash stirred uncomfortably at that sharp reasoning. She would have to think fast of a credible explanation.

-“Well, I was in the main hall the whole time, I don't know the reasons why they didn't tell you that from the beginning,” she replied with a shrug, - “But that's my version of events.”

A tense silence hung over the three mares as Spitfire and Fleetfoot seemed to evaluate whether or not to believe their friend's words. Dash kept a passive expression, though inside her mind was working a thousand trying to foresee a possible counterargument.

- “Okay Dash, if you say so. Though admit that this whole situation looks pretty suspicious from our perspective.” - Fleetfoot indicated with hesitation and some hesitation even.

-“I agree with Fleetfoot, we were most of the time on the royal brothers' heels, not to mention we looked all over the room for you when the ball started, and you weren't there,” - Spitfire said, crossing her hooves, “But we'll respect your side of the story, at least for now.”

Dash nodded solemnly, feeling a slight pang of guilt in her chest - “listen, I've never had a bad intention in saying things that aren't, and I honestly appreciate that you care about me, but...” - what was she to do?

Her two friends looked at each other with a hint of renewed concern in their countenances - “but...?” - Spitfire urged her on, looking for her gaze to reassure her that she could trust them, and she found it.

- “But there are... factors involved that compel me to keep details in reserve for the time being.” - Dash wasn't quite sure she had said the right words, she wanted to speak, but a part of her kept her from blurting it all out, the events of the day were still fresh in her mind and she hadn't had the time alone to process it all properly.

-“Listen Dash,” - Spitfire began in a conciliatory tone, - “You know you can count on us for anything, right? If for some reason you're into something that's out of your hooves... just let us know.”

- “Yes, and you can be sure that we will help you get out of it, we are friends, right, and we would never judge you for expressing what you feel” - they both looked at her hoping that her words would have the effect of sensitizing the pegasus' feelings.

Those displays of sincere loyalty and unconditional support from her friends made Dash's heart swell. She gave them a genuine, if somewhat sad, smile as she reflected on all the whirlwind of craziness that had been unleashed in her life in such a short time.

-“Thank you for your support, you don't know how much I appreciate this space” - Her two friends nodded regretfully, though still with some distrust reflected in their gazes. They knew Dash would have a hard time letting go of her stubborn and self-sufficient nature, even when she needed help the most.

Still, they would respect their friend's decision for the time being. Deep down, they were confident that if things got really dangerous, the endearing loyalty they felt for each other would make Dash come to them without hesitation. At least they were pleased to feel that they were talking to the real Rainbow Dash after her strange behavior during that day.

- “Changing the subject, remember what you told me you'd tell me, Dash?” - A mischievous grin formed on Fleetfoot's face as he tossed the question into the air. Her eyes twinkled with a spark of mischief.

Rainbow Dash frowned, trying to recall. - “'Truth be told, Fleet, I don't remember.” - She tilted her head, her rainbow mane falling like a cascade of colors over her shoulder.

- “Oh come on, don't get clueless.” -Fleetfoot let out a chuckle. - “You told me at the after-show party that you'd tell me what happened with Soarin when the two of them came alone and were late for the meeting.”

Spitfire's eyes widened like dishes at the mention of the pegasus at her side. - “What?! that's why you were so late?” -A smile identical to Fleetfoot's broke out on her face. - “What were you doing?”

Dash now had the inquisitive eyes of the two mares on her. A slight blush threatened to cover her cheeks as she shook her head frantically.

- “But what are you insinuating? No, we didn't do anything.” -She rolled her eyes, remembering the altercation with the steed. - “We had a misunderstanding, that's all.”

- “Aaww, your first discussion?” - Fleetfoot let out a chuckle, as Spitfire raised a suspicious eyebrow with a low chuckle

-"First discussion? No, of course not, it wasn't an discussion” - Dash tried to repair with her ears lowered - ”It was a simple misunderstanding. He was talking to me about something, then he asked me something else, but as I wasn't paying attention to him he started asking me more questions and well, I got a bit irritated so I unintentionally answered him the wrong way and he got upset.”

- “You're not very good with word selection are you?” - A regretful deja vu hit Dash as Spitfire spoke. This stunned her at the remark, so similar to the one Blooming had once made to her.

- “Aamm... I guess I wasn't in my best mood at the time” - she finally admitted, remembering that she had planned to talk to Soarin after that to patch things up. She would have to postpone it again.

- “Have you apologized to him yet?” - Fleetfoot asked with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.

- “No, I didn't have time after that and I'm not close enough to his suite to have gone tonight” - Dash justified herself, although now that he thought about it it wasn't a very convincing one.

- “Excuses, Rainbow” - declared Spitfire shaking her head resignedly - “Typical of you to go around procrastinating that sort of thing.” - And yes, she knew her well enough to know it was true.

- “I know you have a lot on your mind, Dash,” - Spitfire began, her voice softer now, but with her typical essence - “But even the slightest misunderstandings need to be talked out, if you hang around waiting for the snowball to take shape, it might be too late.”

Dash ascending, feeling the weight of her words. -"You're right. I'll talk to him tomorrow, besides, it was a very small thing compared to other bigger situations.”

The tension of the subject slowly faded, giving way to a lighter atmosphere. Fleetfoot, ever the teaser, took advantage of the change in tone, Spitfire smiled knowingly. - “You'd better, Dash. Because if you don't, I assure you, we'll make you do it.” - Now her friends were finding amusement in poking a little fun at her situation with Soarin.

- "Hey!” - Dash felt a blush tinge her cheeks. She shook her head in resignation, a smile peeking through her lips. - “Alright, alright. Let me deal with this my way, will you?”

-"Well, that's enough talk for today. What do you say we head back to the suites?” - she indicated as they got up from their places to return to their flight - “Do you coming with us Dash?, yours is too far away and I doubt you'd want to go back.”

-“Good idea,” - Fleetfoot replied - “Dash, how about coming to my suite? That way you don't have to go back to yours alone.”

Dash accepted the invitation and the three pegasus took flight to that area of the castle. On the way, her friends told her about their day and how they had had to dance with the royal family to find her, Dash couldn't help but laugh at their perspectives of anecdotes she knew all too well.

As they flew carefree, unaware of everything, the Blooming and Shining sisters watched them in the distance. Thanks to the spell that allowed them to walk on the clouds, they had heard the entire conversation, which generated a mixture of confusion and concern, and while they couldn't decipher all the details, they managed to catch slightly clearer mentions of Dash's life.

The sisters looked at each other, exchanging a look full of unease. On the one side, they felt reassured to have evidenced that Dash, on her own, had not revealed anything of what had actually happened that day. However, they were concerned that at some point she might do so, especially considering the closeness she seemed to have with her flying friends. In addition, they began to get uneasy when they noticed that Dash and the celestial steed, Soarin, apparently have a close relationship, and from how they had seen them that day, they suspected that he might be an indirect rival, capable of influencing Dash's feelings. Although they still didn't have much information about those speculations, the situation generated some discomfort and suspicion in them.

They decided to withdraw in silence, with doubt etched on their countenances, aware that they would have to be attentive to future movements, and even more so to present challenges thanks to these new dynamics.

It didn't take them long to reach the area of the castle where the suites destined to house the team were located. The three pegasus exchanged a few brief words and said their goodbyes for the night. Spitfire headed to her suite and Dash followed Fleetfoot, who still remained talking about whatever was on her mind. Dash tried to give her the attention she needed, but her tiredness and thoughts were active in her mind, slowly claiming her energy. Despite this, she would give her friend gestures or nods that indicated she was listening to her, just as she and Spitfire took the time to go find her and listen to her.

She felt grateful, immensely grateful, to the point of believing she didn't deserve it. She had stopped feeling like she was in the body of a stranger, her words and movements belonged to her again. She stopped feeling alone and ignored thanks to her friends. But what did she do in return? She continued to keep everything to herself, without thinking about how this affected them, Soarin and the team as well.

Despite being herself again, she didn't feel authentic. The day wasn't over yet and a sense of emptiness came over her, again.

They finally arrived at Fleetfoot's suite. Dash let out a long sigh, her eyelids feeling heavy. Her friend looked at her with a sympathetic smile.

-“Thank you for everything you've done for me today, I really appreciate it,” - she said quietly. - “I know I haven't been the best company, but I promise I'll be better tomorrow.

Fleetfoot turned to look directly at her. - “You're welcome, you know you don't have to carry everything alone, Dash.” - With that said they entered the suit - “Now, I think we'd better get some rest. It's been a long day.” - With a final smile, both pegasus settled into their beds, letting the quiet of the night envelop them.

The hours passed torturously slow, Fleetfoot slept peacefully beside her and Dash tossed and turned between the sheets, unable to give in to sleep, her thoughts and memories were forcing them to debate with herself and would not leave her alone if she did not give in.

She relived the moments of that afternoon, in Ponyville, the moment she prevented a sign from falling on the royal family, an act of courage that she did not regret having done, however, the confession of the Blooming sisters and Shining a few hours ago had sowed doubts in her mind, now she wondered if that had really been a plan to find someone to tie up, and although their intentions were not malicious, their ways of executing them were questionable.

In the castle, the exact place where her body began to disobey the orders of her brain, she felt a chill as her mind led her there, with the constant fear, helplessness and rage of losing herself again in that spell had accompanied her every second, as if someone was lending her own life, claiming it at convenient times.

She had come so close to losing the chance to participate in the aerial performance, something that meant so much to her, and the thought of losing all that to an external manipulation was unbearable. And how could she forget the permanent anguish of seeing her friends looking at her and treating her like a stranger while they worriedly searched for the mare they had present in front of them, there were many things about that spell she still didn't understand and Dash couldn't help but feel used by her innocence and ingenuity.

Then there was Soarin... The discussion over a silly thing that had resulted in a major misunderstanding still rattled her, she feared she had let him down in some way, and she hoped she would have a chance to repair that situation in the morning. Although she had to admit that this initiative had come about thanks to the conversation with Fleetfoot and Spitfire, she still had her friends' giggles in her mind as they made fun of her “closeness” with Soarin, the mere idea made her heart race a little, causing an involuntary smile. Dash felt confused by her own emotions, wondering if there was actually more going on between her and Soarin than it seemed at first glance. Those jokes of her friends, rather than annoying her, seemed to have awakened a warm feeling inside her, one that she didn't quite understand.

To her regret that feeling did not last too long, at that moment, Dash felt invaded by a deep sense of revulsion, the weight of the agreement with the royal sisters hit her again...

'You see Dash, we believe that, if you set out to meet Aster and let everything blossom between you, that selfless romantic bond would be the ‘loyal union’ that the curse demands.'

A lump formed in her throat.....

'But if Aster doesn't have the slightest idea about all this, only the three of us know about it. For him, this will be just a tour next to Moonflower.'

She began to feel a pain in her stomach.....

'As we said, the dark sorceress stated that only an ‘act of absolutely selfless surrender and union of a pure and loyal soul’, meaning you would have to be willing to selflessly offer an act of pure and loyal love towards Aster, expecting nothing in return other than to break the curse.'

The tension was rising in her chest....

'It is our only hope...Please Rainbow, try. Open your heart to my brother. I'm sure, with your willingness and the purity of your soul, you will succeed. '

'All right, I accept the deal'´


Dash sat up with a start, her breathing hitching. Doubts and fears swirled in her mind, a few tears began to escape her eyes as she headed to the bathroom to wash her face.

She felt caught between two worlds, between her own desires and the expectations of others. Sleep eluded her, but at that moment, in the stillness of the night, all she could do was keep breathing and wait for the next day to bring some clarity, waiting for the uncertainty to face the consequences of her actions.

When had it all gone off her hooves? What had she gotten herself into?

Mirages of Expectations

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The first rays of the rising sun filtered gently through the window, casting a warm, golden glow on the face of Rainbow Dash, who had finally fallen into an uneasy sleep after last night's overwhelming emotional stress.

To her chagrin, she awoke abruptly to loud knocking echoing at the door, what a good start to the day. Beside her, Fleetfoot's heavy breathing indicated that she was still deep in the realm of dreams, so her heavy sleep forced Dash to be the one to open the door.

Rainbow Dash slowly got out of bed, her fur and mane disheveled, and her eyes puffy from the bad night. She stretched with a yawn as, with cautious steps, she approached the door of her friend's suit.

The knocking was repeated, this time with more insistence, so she peeked through the peephole with an irritated gesture, trying to get a glimpse of who might be knocking at such an early hour. Her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the familiar figure, and without further ado, she opened the door.

As he opened the door, she was met by Soarin, whose presence seemed to fill the entire threshold. She looked up to meet the steed's face.

- “Wow, until you finally open the door, Fleetfo...”- Soarin commented quickly, his tone revealing impatience for the time he had spent knocking on the door. He was speechless when he saw Dash instead of her companion. His eyes widened in surprise and quickly changed as he noticed the mare's tired expression.

Dash made an attempt to smile, but her eyes betrayed the exhaustion she had experienced that night. - “Fleetfoot is still asleep, what are you doing here?”

- “I could ask you the same thing. I thought your room was at the other end of the castle." - Soarin looked at Dash with a mixture of curiosity and concern - “You haven't seen yourself in a mirror yet have you?”

She rolled her eyes at the comment, feeling suddenly conscious of her disheveled appearance - “I'm glad to see you too Skies.” - She replied with a hint of sarcasm and stepped back into the suit, as she stepped aside to leave the door open, allowing the steed to pass through.

He shook his head with a slight gesture of disbelief and closed the door behind him, undeterred by Dash's sullen tone. He knew well her aversion to being woken up, especially after a rough night like the one she'd apparently had. - “I'm not kidding, Dash, I'm serious, you couldn't fall asleep?”

Dash averted her gaze and turned to Fleetfoot - “what do you think?” - she replied wryly to Soarin's question, while trying to wake Fleetfoot up by shaking her, though to no avail.

- “Hey...” - Soarin said, in a soft tone of voice, one he rarely used and which, of course, caught Dash's immediate attention - “I'm sorry about yesterday, okay? I shouldn't have been so pushy with you. I just... well, I care about you, that's all."

Those simple words were like a soothing balm to Dash's troubled soul, who paused to look at him stunned by the sudden and unexpected apology, an initiative she should have taken, since it had actually been her fault - “ Soarin I...”

- “What time is it?” - Fleetfoot interrupted, rubbing her eyes, hair disheveled and looking sleepy.

Dash cleared her throat in her direction drawing an innocent glance from Fleetfoot, who looked around and it didn't take her long to realize the situation she had interrupted

Soarin gave her friend a friendly smile, although his attention was still on Dash - “It's still early” - he explained - “but I came to pick you up to have breakfast with the team”.

Fleetfoot yawned noisily and stretched like a lazy cat - “Just give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll catch up with you guys, okay?” - Fleetfoot said in a sleepy voice, blinking slowly as she came fully awake.

Dash nodded, impatient to begin the departure. Without waiting for Fleetfoot to finish waking up, she headed for the door next to Soarin. - “Okay. Don't be too long." - Before they could get very far, Fleetfoot grabbed her by Dash's shoulders and turned her toward her.

- “Are you going out like that?” - asked Fleetfoot, scanning Dash up and down with obvious lack of enthusiasm in her appearance.

- “Is there a problem with that?” - Rainbow asked, with a hint of disinterest at her appearance.

- “You should clean up that mess you've got on you a bit,” - she advised Dash with a wink and mischievous grin - “You wouldn't want to drive away Soarin away with that look, would you?”

- “Fleetfoot!!!” - Dash reprimanded her as the heat slowly claimed her cheeks at her friend's reckless remark. Beside her, Soarin let out a laugh.

-"No, leave her like that,” - Soarin said, stirring her multicolored hair with her elbow. - “To me she's already perfect like that.” - He added that last sentence with a charming smile that made Rainbow's belly tighten.

Inevitably she blushed even more, but this time she couldn't stop a smile from escaping her lips. She covered her face with her wing as the two pegasuses present burst out laughing at her gesture. As much as she tried to appear serious, the reality was that those casual comments and complicit glances from Soarin filled her with a warmth that was hard to hide.

Fleetfoot's eyes widened in wide surprise at Soarin's compliment, shaking her head in a gesture of disbelief, though her laughter continued to echo through the room at Rainbow Dash's amused expressions. - “Though I must admit, Soarin has a point” - Her friend scoffed with a slightly more chuckle - “you look adorable with that tousled look.”

- “Oh, please shut up” - Dash replied in a playful tone, his cheeks coloring for the moment. Although she tried to maintain a pose of seriousness, she couldn't contain the laughter that escaped her lips, infected by the two pegasus present.

Finally, they managed to regain their composure. Soarin regained his speech - “Well Fleetfoot , then we'll wait for you outside”.

After Fleetfoot nodded, Soarin headed for the exit, accompanied by Dash. Although she was no longer as flushed as before, there was still a slight blush on her cheeks.

Once outside, the first rays of sunlight began to illuminate the castle. As they walked silently through the corridors, each step they took allowed the sun to shine brighter, creating long, golden shadows in the corridors. The cool morning air caressed the feathers of both pegasus as they walked leisurely through the corridors, and clouds scattered in the sky, indicating that it would be a clear day. Dash felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, experiencing a sudden feeling of lightness.

- “So, what were you going to tell me before Fleetfoot interrupted?” -asked Soarin in a soft voice trying to pick up the subject gently, turning his head to look at her out of the corner of his eye.

She took a deep breath, considering the right words for her answer - “Soarin, about yesterday...” - she began - “I'm sorry for behaving so defensively, it was a complicated day and I didn't know how to handle it at all well”- she began, her voice full of sincerity and a touch of calmness, which came to make her husky voice higher pitched than usual.

Soarin slowed his pace to look at her squarely. His emerald-green eyes, normally giggling, reflected a deep understanding. -“Hey, it's okay Dash” - he murmured tenderly - “We all have bad days now and then. The important thing is to support each other." - he said with a faint sympathetic smile.

Dash couldn't help the corners of her lips curving into a slight smile, she was relieved by Soarin's understanding - “I know, Soar” - she finally said, feeling a small part of her burden lighten - “And I appreciate it more than you can imagine.” - Soarin rubbed her shoulder with his helmet in an affectionate gesture.

They walked in a straight line for a few moments, enjoying the shared tranquility, until Soarin stopped and stared at her. - “But it's all right now, isn't it?” - She also paused and formulated her answer patiently.

- “The truth is... there are some things that are bothering me. But don't worry” - she hastened to add when she saw his expression - ”It'll pass. I just... need to gather my thoughts."

Soarin nodded with understanding and wrapped a wing around her shoulders in a friendly gesture of comfort, a typical steed gesture. She of course reciprocated the contact, almost instinctively turning into an embrace, letting her body move closer to his and without thinking too much, rested her head against Soarin's strong shoulder, letting her weight rest against that firm muscular body. She closed her eyes for a moment, allowing that moment of closeness to comfort her.

The warmth emanating from Soarin immediately enveloped her, comforting and warm, Dash inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with that familiar, soothing scent that made her feel at home. Soarin for his part, exhaled a deep sigh, his chin barely brushing the top of her head in a gentle caress.

Some distance away, aforementioned unicorn noticed the moment. Shinning Marigold appeared at the end of the hallway and, seeing Soarin and Dash together, hurried to interrupt the moment.

-“Good morning, dear flyers” - Shining greeted, his voice soft and melodic, catching their attention immediately. He approached with a friendly smile, but his eyes reflected a mixture of urgency and concern.

Soarin and Dash separated suddenly - “Good morning, Shining”- answered Dash, a little surprised by the sudden appearance of the princess.

- “What brings you so early in these halls?” - Shining Armor commented, looking alternately at Dash and Soarin, her tone seemingly casual, but with a hint of unease hidden in her eyes.

-“We were just calling our other companions to go to breakfast” - Soarin replied, trying to hide his discomfort at Shining's sudden interruption.

Shining Marigold, with her characteristic elegance, interjected with a serene smile - “Oh, breakfast. You don't need to leave the castle for it, the chefs are already preparing it for all of us in the dining room” - A clear invitation to stay, said with a subtle authoritative touch that would not admit replies.

- “Okay, thank you very much. In that case, we should let the others know” - Soarin said to Dash, who nodded in agreement with his companion.

The princess, with a suggestive tone and an intriguing look, turned to Dash - “What a good idea, but Dash... I need to talk to you. Could you join me for a few moments?” - She waited expectantly for the pegasus' answer.

It wasn't a question, but a veiled command. The cyan pegasus exchanged an apologetic glance with Soarin, who gave him an understanding nod before withdrawing

Bidding a brief farewell to his friend, Dash began to follow Shining Marigold . At this point, her mind was already preparing for what she sensed would be a long conversation.

As they walked, Dash couldn't help but notice the details of the castle. Walls adorned with ancient tapestries told stories of valor and wisdom, and crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, reflecting the sunlight in a kaleidoscope of colors. The marble floors beneath their hooves echoed softly with each step, creating a rhythmic symphony to accompany their progress.

The atmosphere in the castle was filled with a quiet elegance, imbued with a sense of majestic serenity. As they advanced through the corridors, Shining Marigold turned a corner, leading them through a maze of corridors with no apparent clear direction.

-“Dash, I know this has all been a lot for you” - Shining began a conversation, her expression serious but kind -“Is there anything we talked about last night that's been bothering you?”

Shining's question took Dash by surprise, and she stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes meeting the princess's. - “Why are you asking me?” - Dash questioned

Shining turned her body towards Dash, showing her genuine interest. - “Your appearance reveals that you haven't had a good night's sleep” - she mentioned, catching Dash's attention to her own dark circles under her eyes and the tiredness on her face

Dash rolled her eyes and bit her lower lip, recognizing that perhaps she should have taken Fleetfoot's advice. - “You want a recap?” - She sighed and resumed pacing forward next to the unicorn princess. - “Insomnia” - she concluded in a weary tone, unwilling to unburden her thoughts to her.

-“I see” - Shining Marigold replied with a sympathetic nod as she led Dash through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle. The sound of their hooves echoed in a muffled echo on the polished marble as they advanced.

-“So, Dash” - Shinning said, picking up the conversation in a seemingly nonchalant tone -"what got you interested in the Wonderbolts team?" - asked Shining with interest, her gaze fixed on the pegasus.

Dash blinked, confused by the sudden change of subject, but decided to play along for the time being. -“Well, for as long as I can remember, it's been my goal to become an official member of the team” - she explained, her voice laden with passion - “And I've been fortunate enough to match on various stages alongside them, which has earned me a place in the group.”

Shining nodded, appreciating the passion in Dash's voice. - “It must be exciting, no?” - Her eyes glittered with curiosity, searching for a deeper connection. - “To fly so fast and perform such impressive acrobatics”- she cocked her head to the side in a perceptive gesture-“Do you have any close friend on the team?”

Dash hesitated for a moment at the intent of the question - “Yes, I've made some good friends there.” - was all she said in reply, with studied ambiguity.

- “Yes, I could see that a few minutes ago” - the comment was tossed off with prepared naturalness. Dash couldn't help but frown at the clear insinuation. She opted to remain silent, uncomfortable at the turn the conversation had taken.

An awkward silence settled between them as they continued walking, they passed several corridors and rooms adorned with ancient art and magnificent tapestries. After a while, however, Dash began to notice that they had been wandering around the castle with no clear purpose.

Confusion flashed across her face as she looked at Shining. - “What are we really waiting for?” - Dash asked, trying to understand the situation.

With a soft smile, Shining replied- “Oh, we were just killing time for breakfast.” - She turned her gaze towards the entrance to the dining room, a few feet away from them, where the team of pegasus were already gathering.

Dash thoughtfully nodded, though the answer didn't quite convince her. - “So, what did you really need me for, if we were just making time for breakfast?”

Shining looked at her seriously. - “Because I need you to resume the role of Moonflower, Dash” - she took her gently by the shoulders and pulled her close - “Through you, well, Moonflower, I will inform your companions about the planning and itinerary of the tour.”

Before Dash could respond, she felt a strange energy vibrating around her. A gentle electric current coursed through her body, making her skin crawl and leaving a sense of anticipation in the air. A faint yellowish light began to glow around her.

Suddenly, a burst of light illuminated the yellowish aura, revealing a short, beautiful, casually elegant dress materializing around her. The gown, made of soft, luxurious fabrics, fit her figure perfectly, enhancing her curves in a sophisticated way that featured a lovely combination of colors: a deep dark blue with subtle hints of silver and gold at the edges and details.

The skirt flared out in a soft drape to her knees, the delicate lace and subtle beading appliqués adding a touch of sophistication. The edges of the dress were finished with silver and gold trim.

In the blink of an eye, Dash found herself swathed in a casually elegant outfit that seemed to have been custom created for her.

- “I don't think I'll ever get used to the dizziness your transformations give me” - she muttered unwillingly, observing her reflection in the crystalline wall with a mixture of fascination and rejection - “Besides, I don't understand, why should I be the only one wearing such extravagant outfits?”

Shining watched her with a critical eye, analyzing her closely. -"Because Moonflower is a refined lady, Dash. Quite the opposite of you” - she told her in a measured but scathing tone - ‘You need to look like that to live up to the situation.’

Rainbow tensed at those words, followed by an involuntary shiver down her spine -” But why do you, who are the royal family, all you wear are discreet accessories? Why do I have to change completely? “ - Her voice charged with helplessness.

Shining exhaled a condescending sigh. - “Because it's more natural for us to be that way in this castle. They already know us, unlike you, Moonflower” - Shining excused herself quickly as she sensed the tension - ‘Now let's go inside.’

With those laconic words, her horn lit up with a pearly glow as she began to prepare the spell of body control and unrecognition on Dash, who, this time, became aware of Shining's intentions and jumped back, breaking her magical concentration with a sharp flap of her wings.

- “What do you think you're doing?” She spat, indignation turning to sparks of fury in her eyes - “That wasn't what we agreed!”

Shining watches her impassively, as if expecting this outburst. - “Oh, I know...” - A sly smile forms on her lips as she shakes her head. - “But tell me, what do you intend to accomplish with your intemperate actions, Dash?” - Shinning watched her impassively, with obviousness.

She frowned, feeling indignant at that questioning - “What's wrong with how I am?”

Shining sighed, trying to remain patient. - “It's not that there's anything wrong with you, Dash” -she gave her an icy look- “It's just that a few minutes ago, your mane was a mess, your face reflected anything but the impression you have to give. Not to mention your speech and gait, which are far from refined." - Her tone was that of an adult reprimanding a stubborn foal.

The words struck a chord, a rebuke Dash had heard too many times in her life. She clenched her fists, struggling to control her temper, as a familiar pang of insecurity washed over her

- “And what's wrong with that?” - She rebutted - “I've never been a refined lady like you expect Shinning, and I don't see why I should pretend to be.” - she spat in a resistant tone between her teeth

Shinning exhaled another sigh, this time tinged with a mixture of impatience and pity - “Because from now on you are Moonflower, who carries with her much more than a beautiful dress. Just look at her Dash."

With a gesture, Shinning pointed towards one of the crystalline walls of the castle where Dash could see her reflection, where she could see Mooflower dressed in perfection, watching and judging her

- “Moonflower, she is a lady of high society, someone who radiates elegance and grace in every step, who masters the art of conversation and who captivates everyone with her presence." - Shining continued, accentuating each word with a mixture of demand.

- “You have to be like her, if we want this to work” - Shining's words were demanding - “And if you want to have control over her, your manner must reflect it.”

A crushing silence hung over them both. Dash looked away from the reflection, as if Moonflower's gaze would open the emotional wounds Dash had carried with her for a long time. Though Dash frowned, she restrained herself and chose not to respond, knowing that any defense would only fuel even more criticism, besides, as much as she had been annoyed by Shining's disdainful treatment of her, deep down she knew she couldn't back down.

Shining sensed her defeat, her face softening ever so slightly. - “Don't worry, with a little practice and our advice, you'll get there, but, for now, I'll take care of modeling your behavior. Just concentrate on following my directions, okay?" - there was no response from the multicolored pegasus.

Shining took a deep breath before taking almost complete control over her. Under her influence, Dash's posture straightened with unnatural grace, her expression softened, taking on a more feminine and expressionless air, and even her gait changed, becoming delicate and graceful like that of a ballet dancer.

- “Perfect, that's much better,” - Shining approved with delight, like a sculptor admiring her masterpiece - “Remember, Dash, it's only temporary, Blooming and I will help you integrate these qualities into your day to day life, until you have the Moonflower freedom you want so much.”

The dining room door opened wide. The murmurs and laughter of the Bolts died down as the two imposing mares entered with regal strides. Moonflower, now under Shining's control, greeted politely, her melodious voice echoing softly in the room and charming those present.

-“Good morning everyone"- she said with a serene smile as she gracefully advanced toward the table, her steps graceful and controlled. Every movement seemed calculated to radiate elegance and sophistication, followed by Shinning, who also greeted the pegasus. She sat next to Aster, her posture impeccable and her expression calm.

Aster greeted her with a friendly smile. - “Good morning, Moonflower. It's a pleasure to see you again."

Moonflower smiled back at Aster and nodded gratefully. - “The pleasure is mine, Prince Aster. It is always a delight to be in your company."- she replied graciously.

Shining makes an elegant gesture towards the chefs, who move with an almost choreographed grace as they approach the table to serve breakfast to each member. The harmony of their movements creates an atmosphere of refinement and care.

Spitfire watched the scene closely and noticed an empty chair at the table. Leaning over to Fleetfoot, she whispered curiously - “Where's Dash? I thought she'd be arriving with you.”

Fleetfoot, without looking away from her plate, replied quietly - “She went out with Soarin before me.”

Soarin, who was sitting next to Fleetfoot, interjected - “Yes, but Shining Marigold said she needed to talk to her.”

Spitfire's expression turned suspicious at these words. - “What!?” - She exclaimed quietly, her voice laden with disbelief. - “But Shining Marigold is here, and she arrived with Moonflower, not Dash!” - she added, her brow furrowed.

The three pegasus exchanged confused glances, trying to find a logical explanation to this puzzling situation. Spitfire frowned, her instincts telling her that something wasn't right, she watched Moonflower and Shining carefully, as if waiting for an answer. She expected to interrupt and ask questions, but....

Just then, the door to the dining room opened wide and Rainbow Dash walked in....

The Tour Call

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-“Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late!” - said Rainbow Dash, taking a seat next to Soarin.

- “What the...!”- exclaimed Moonflower, rising abruptly from the table, her eyes wide as saucers as she looked at the newcomer. Shining Marigold acted quickly, holding Moonflower just a beat before she finished her sentence. She had not anticipated that Blooming Rose, who magically changed her appearance to assume the role of Rainbow Dash, would arrive so soon. Therefore, she had given the real Dash some leeway, so that she could eat breakfast in peace.

Dash immediately tensed up, disbelief and indignation flashing through her insides. The genuine surprise and confusion on Moonflower's face did not go unnoticed. The murmuring ceased, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and suspicion. Everyone present passed their quizzical eyes between Dash and Moonflower.

-“Moonflower, is everything all right?” - asked Aster, his voice full of concern and curiosity.

Moonflower resumed her speech, regaining her poise thanks to Shining Marigold's control. - “Yes, everything's fine. I was going to say, it's an honor to have you all together this morning."- She nodded slowly and gave a quiet smile to those present, hiding her inner turmoil. -“In a few minutes we will talk about what we are gathered here for, which is the itinerary and details of the expected tour.”- Having said that, she took her seat again.

As conversations slowly resumed, with a hint of uncertainty about the unusual moment in the dining room, some Wonderbolts continued to look quizzically at Moonflower and Dash

- “That was strange, wasn't it?” - muttered High Winds to Surprise, keeping her tone low so as not to attract too much attention. - “I hadn't noticed the great physical similarity between Dash and Moonflower.” - Surprise nodded with a thoughtful expression as she watched the two pegasus.

- “You're right, it is quite strange. Maybe it's just a coincidence” - suggested Misty Fly, a bit more skeptical. - “After all, what else could it be?”

- “What does this mean?” - Dash's voice echoed with great anger through the mind linking spell. - “Are you mocking me?”

- “Please believe us, we mean you no disrespect.” - Blooming Rose, who was starring as 'Rainbow Dash' in front of the others, hastened to add.

- “How dare you ask me for credibility, just how dare you?”- Dash's anger was palpable. - “You're faking my identity without my permission, much less my knowledge, and look that you had time to orchestrate it, how dare you even warn me!”

- “We knew you were going to get like this, but understand, it was a last minute thing, besides it's the most logical option” - explained Shining calmly, trying to defuse the situation. - “Or did you prefer that your companions again start looking for you all over the castle and get frustrated when they can't find you, not knowing that the real Dash is Moonflower?" - Shining emphasized in her rhetorical question. - “It's the only way no one would suspect and the only way you can both be in the same space.”

Shining seemed to be looking for a practical and unobtrusive solution to the dilemma, trying to convince Dash that this was the best alternative available at the moment.

Blooming added in a pleading voice - “Also, stay calm, I promise to respect your identity and not to tarnish your reputation in any way. I will act as discreetly as possible, just as you would."

-” ‘Just as you would’ ” - sarcastically and mockingly Dash imitated Blooming's voice. - “You have no idea what I'm truly like, and you're already going to imitate me to those who do know me” - Dash let out a bitter laugh. - “this is disgusting, now I understand why you deserve everything that happens to you.”

The words crossed the line, striking the sisters viciously. No doubt they had not expected such a hurtful verbal attack from the normally loyal and noble Dash. Silence reigned in the uncomfortable uneasiness of their linked minds.

Despite not wanting to bring up painful family memories, Dash was forced to do so as a last resort to make herself heard. They hadn't considered her at all and her blatant identity theft was what broke her patience and unleashed her fury again.

"Moonflower, is everything all right? You seemed very... upset when Rainbow Dash arrived." - Aster asked her cautiously, who was watching Moonflower with renewed curiosity.

Moonflower, swallowed the morsel she had been chewing slowly, taking a moment to regain her composure. She looked up at the prince with a faint smile - “Excuse me, Aster. I was just surprised to see the mare who owned the Sonic Rainplosion yesterday."

Aster laughed softly as he remembered the impressive show he had witnessed the night before- “I understand. It was an impressive sight, no doubt."

She reciprocated the gesture with mild sentiment and continued to enjoy her meal like the others. However, Aster's curiosity was still not entirely satisfied.

- “By the way, where were you during the whole show?” - He asked with a hint of genuine interest. - “The last thing I remember is watching you and Blooming go backstage before the show.” - With her brother's comment, Shinning decided to let Dash answer on her own, giving her a warning glance out of the corner of her eye

- “I... had a last minute mishap that kept me from being in the gazebos with the others” - she answered cautiously, choosing each word with utmost care, as if she were walking over a minefield. - “Nevertheless, I was present the entire time it took for the show to end.” - and for her peace of mind Aster seemed to be satisfied with that poor response.

-"I see that you took the time to follow my advice to get ready, Dash" - Fleetfoot indicated in a mocking tone when he saw his renewed friend - "In fact, now that I detail it to you, you over-groomed"

Blooming Rose, felt a knot in her stomach. She wasn't sure how Rainbow usually responded in these situations, so she decided to play along with what she had heard earlier.

- “Well, as you mentioned, a girl should look fabulous at all times, right?”- she replied with a falsely natural façade, sketching a smile that she hoped was convincing enough. and continued to enjoy her breakfast.

All the Wonderbolts who caught the response abruptly stopped their conversations and turned their necks toward the multicolored pegasus, some even crunching their vertebrae at the suddenness of the movement. Stunned and bewildered gazes were riveted on Blooming Rose, who suddenly felt infinitely small under such intense scrutiny.

- “What?” - she said suddenly, trying to maintain her composure under the scrutiny of the stunned gaze of her peers present, though inside she was trembling like a leaf in the wind, feeling the weight of confusion.

- “I never said that at all” - Fleetfoot observed quizzically, along with the others who did not catch the characteristic sarcasm Dash usually employed in such remarks.

-“I guess there's always a first time for everything” - she replied quickly. She turned back to her plate, trying to end the subject and divert attention.

The real Rainbow Dash, hidden under the guise of Moonflower, gave Blooming a flat look and rolled her eyes before returning her focus to her breakfast, though inside she was boiling with indignation.

- “That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard myself say” - Dash mentioned through the mind linking spell, her voice exuding sarcasm. - “It's ironic because, I wouldn't have said that in my sound judgment, Blooming Rose” - she added with a tone of disbelief. She paused, pinning her gaze on Blooming Rose across the table, she felt as if she were in front of a mirror, with regret that she didn't recognize the mare in front of her.

- “But wait, right, you obviously don't know” - she concluded, letting out her frustration at her.

Shining Marigold, who had so far remained silent, felt her patience wearing thin. - “Can you stop now, Dash?” - It wasn't a question, but rather a direct order spoken in a firm tone.

At Shining's firmness, Dash responded with a tone of feigned innocence and smugness. - “So I'm the one who has to stop?” - she replied, defiantly.

Shining, sitting next to Moonflower, gave Dash a warning glance. The tension in the air was palpable as Dash maintained her defensive and sarcastic smile, showing no signs of intimidation. Finally, Shining Marigold decided to take control of the situation and the pony at her side.

Moonflower stood up, capturing the attention of everyone present. - “Very well Wonderbolts, I think it is now a suitable time to have a conversation about what competes us” - she announced in a firm voice.

The murmur in the room gradually faded, leaving an expectant silence charged with curiosity. The eyes of the Wonderbolts were riveted on her, eager to hear her words.

-“All right, members of the Wonderbolts, we are about to embark on an unprecedented grand tour” - Moonflower began her speech with determination. The real Dash listened attentively, while the imposter, embodied by Blooming Rose, watched silently.

- “This is not just a tour, but a succession of challenges that will not only test your skills, but also your determination and team unity.” - Moonflower continued. The Wonderbolts exchanged looks of curiosity at the prospect. - “Each destination we will visit harbors mysteries and challenges unique to yourselves, designed to bring out the most outstanding in each of you.”

After a brief pause for his words to settle in the minds of those present, Moonflower continued. - “Allow me, dear flyers (and dear reading audience) to detail the itinerary for this tour, pay close attention, please” - The anticipation in the room was palpable.

-"As you all know, this will be a tour of competitions involving the flying and skills of each competitor. This tour will travel through regions in and around Equestria. At each location, you will face teams representing that region/city, which will add an element of competition and excitement to this event.“ - announced Moonflower excitedly, noting the mixed reactions among the Wonderbolts. Some of the team members nodded - “but remember, the skills required will vary by location, adapting to the culture and environment of each site. It won't all come down to synchronous flight and daredevil acrobatics."

She continued - “The budget will basically cover all necessary expenses, from accommodation and transportation to feeding the team and producing the events. In addition, we will generate additional revenue through ticket sales, merchandising, advertising and other ancillary agreements. As your official sponsor, I want to assure you that you won't have to worry about any of that, as long as you stay on top of the competition.”

Moonflower assured, conveying confidence to the Wonderbolts, who nodded with determination and showed gratitude for her support. However, she warned firmly - “that said, no team member will be allowed to withdraw without a sufficiently valid extracurricular excuse that leaves them no other choice” - some members exchanged glances at this last statement

- “Now let's get on with the itinerary” - she declared, urging the Wonderbolts to stay focused on the next stage of the plan.

At her gesture, Shining and Aster magically conjured a detailed map of Equestria and its surroundings, projecting it with a mesmerizing glow in the air.

- “The tour will begin in Cloudsdale, the home, probably, of many of you and the cradle of pegasus culture” - she said emphasizing the importance and relevance of this first destination - “The competition in Cloudsdale will be typically acrobatic,representing the essence and the loyal pride of being a pegasus, therefore, the competition will include complex aerial maneuvers, speed races and synchronized flight demonstrations” - she detailed and paused briefly to observe them.

- “So none of this will be new to you” - she added with a tone of recognition. - “You have proven to be the leading and most acclaimed team in that field” - The Wonderbolts looked at each other with a mixture of confidence.

- “The next stop will be the Crystal Empire, where the culture and environment are noticeably different” - She emphasized - “The course will include elements unique to the Empire, such as relays, crystals and ice challenges, similar to the Equestria games, if you ask me. Which will require a combination of speed, agility and teamwork“ - she takes a breath and continues - 'Because just like the crystals that shine there, the true brilliance is in sharing one's inner glow with others.” - she concluded with this destination.

She continued - “After the Crystal Empire, the tour will head to Griffonstone, home of the griffins, known for their rugged and individualistic nature. The competition here will be a challenge of individual speed and skill. This stage will test one's individual courage and ability, a challenge that will reflect the honesty of your soul." - Some shared looks with raised eyebrows at this destination.

- “We continue our journey to the Land of Dragons, a place where the executions will be extremely challenging and risky, inspired by the Fire Challenge, a competition unique to their culture” - Moonflower announced with intensity - “This stage will not only test your skill and bravery, but also your ability to remain calm under pressure, so only the most persistent and cheerful at heart will prevail in the face of danger.”

After a brief respite, Moonflower resumed speaking, her tone becoming more solemn as she spoke of the next place.

-"From the Land of Dragons, the tour continues to Mount Aris, home of the hippogriffs. Here, the competition will be a mix of aquatic and aerial challenges, demanding excellent coordination and synchronicity among the team members. Synchrony and collaboration will combine in a collaboration that will highlight their innate kindness.” - added the sophisticated pegasus.

Moonflower paused for a moment, letting anticipation settle in the air before revealing the final, most significant destination of the tour.

- “And finally, the tour will culminate in the Land of the Unicorns” - announced Moonflower with a tone of reverence - “In this grand finale, a competition will be held involving the magic of the unicorns and the skills of the participating teams, at this stage communication and recursion will stand out, therefore, only those who work in perfect harmony with the magic will win.”

A warm smile came across Moonflower's face as she contemplated the expressions brimming with excitement and determination reflected on the faces of the Wonderbolts.

-"The purpose of this tour is much more than just a competition” - she explained - ”it's about celebrating our diversity and working together toward a common goal. Each leg of this tour is a tribute to the elements of harmony that all of us creatures carry within us, it is an opportunity for each of us to prove our worth, not just as ponies, but as members of a team and as inhabitants of Equestria."

Applause echoed through the room at the end of Moonflower's speech. It was clear that Shinning and Blooming had successfully communicated the importance and purpose of the tour, both in terms of competition and in terms of collaboration and unity.

Although deep within them, the tour would not only benefit those directly involved, but would also serve as a platform for the unicorns to get noticed. It was a subtle call for help so that all the kingdoms would know the situation about the curse and could offer their collaboration to the unicorn kingdom once they have reached the last stage of the tour.

Moonflower paused, scanning the room to make sure everyone was connected with her words. Inside, Dash was truly impressed by the meticulousness of the sisters' planning, recognizing the importance of every detail in organizing this event.

- “Any questions at the moment? I'm here to clear up any questions and make sure we're all on the same page." - Moonflower said, resuming speaking.

From the oval table, Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, cleared her throat before speaking - “How long exactly is this massive tour going to last?”

- “The detailed schedule will be provided to you soon”- Moonflower replied calmly. - “We will ensure that there is enough time for travel, team rest and incidentals. The tour is planned to last several weeks, with each competition spaced out so that you can adjust and recover between each one."

This time it was Soarin who raised a wing with a hesitant gesture. - “You mentioned that no member could leave the group, right?” - The pale-furred pegasus frowned. - “What if there's an accident in the middle of the tour or someone gets sick?” - Moonflower nodded sympathetically.

- “I understand that unforeseen events can arise on any tour”- she began, turning her gaze to everyone present. - “That's why we will have a dedicated support team to handle any eventuality. Whether it's technical problems, health issues or last minute cancellations, we'll be prepared” she paused to make sure everyone understood the importance of what she was saying.

-"We will work closely with the team to develop robust contingency plans. In addition, all members will be covered by comprehensive insurance throughout the tour, ensuring that any problems are addressed immediately and with the best possible care." - Murmurs of approval rippled through the venue as those present exchanged calmer glances.

- “And what are the prizes or evaluation rubrics on the tests?” - asked Fleetfoot, Moonflower smiled, anticipating this question.

- “Regarding the prize”- she said, projecting her voice clearly, - “we have decided that the fairest and most logical thing to do is to negotiate with each team based on their needs and preferences. The base prize is a commemorative cup, but we also want to offer additional prizes that include special supplies or specific resources that the winning team may need."

Murmurs turned to a wave of approval as members of the Wonderbolts and others present assimilated the information with nods and pleased expressions.

- “In addition, the evaluation rubrics will vary by proficiency, focusing on specific skills and your way of adapting to the characteristics of each region or city.”

Spitfire interjected again with a practical question - “What about training? will we have enough time to adapt to the new competencies and cultures of each location?”

-"Absolutely” - Moonflower replied firmly. -"The detailed schedule, which you will receive soon, includes training and adaptation times in each region. We have coordinated with local experts to ensure that you arrive a few days early at each location before the competition, so you can better understand the environment in which you will be competing.” - Spitfire visibly relaxed in her seat, Soarin and Fleetfoot shared one of their characteristic buoyant smiles.

The murmurs were positive. It was evident that Moonflower's responses were reassuring those present.

-"Well, if there are no further questions...” said Moonflower, sweeping the room with her serene gaze ”...I'll let you know right now that the tour will open next week, plenty of time for you to establish your strategies and training plan as a team. And from our side, we will work on giving visibility to the tour with posters and newspaper ads” - She paused briefly before adding.

- “Also, the methodology of the competition and its obstacles will not be revealed to you until you are on site and ready to begin.” - An expectant silence filled the dining room. The Wonderbolts and others present looked at each other, seemingly satisfied with the answers provided.

Rainbow Dash, even playing Moonflower, felt a pang of admiration for how the sisters were handling the situation. The way they orchestrated Moonflower's leadership abilities and her ability to reassure everyone around her was truly impressive. However, inside her, feelings were clashing. She clearly remembered the words of Shinning, who had told her that in order to be able to control and freely interpret Moonflower she had to be like her. Though it was hard for her to admit it, the idea of sacrificing her own authenticity to take on the role of who she was meant to be challenged her insecurities. However, if that was what it took to stop being a prisoner of the sisters and her own body, she would have to do it.