//------------------------------// // More Than Just a Show // Story: A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight // by Sandbar0227 //------------------------------// The corridors were getting busier and busier as they approached the dressing rooms, ponies from the organization scurrying about with final preparations. Blooming Rose picked up the pace, practically dragging Moonflower behind her. Marigold followed close behind them, dodging the rushing employees - “Blooming! Wait! What's going on?” - Marigold called in an urgent whisper. But her sister was focused on her goal, without pausing or explaining herself, finally, they arrived before a door leading to the dressing rooms for preparation. Blooming Rose ascended and crossed the threshold, taking Moonflower with her, Marigold didn't hesitate a moment before following them, but to her surprise, Aster suddenly appeared beside her, trying to sneak in. - “Aster? What are you doing here?” - Marigold said to him, looking nervously towards the door through which her sister and Moonflower had just entered. - “The same thing I might ask you” - Aster replied with a questioning look - “something weird is going on and I plan to find out what it is.” Before Marigold could answer, the door closed behind them with a dull thud. Blooming and Moonflower found themselves in a small foyer that smelled of locker room and glitter, while several more doors led into what appeared to be the Wonderbolts' individual dressing rooms with uniforms already laid out in alphabetical order. Marigold looked hesitantly at her brother - “listen, I'll tell you later, there's no time now” - she said before following them also in a hurry and locking the door behind her. Inside the dressing room, a swirl of extravagant costumes and glittering accessories spread chaotically. Blooming Rose was working feverishly, her spells dancing with dexterity as she undid the spell of unrecognition she had cast on Dash, the rush was palpable in the air, almost as tangible as the mess that surrounded them, beside her, Dash, the vibrant blue maned pegasus, was cooperating, quickly shedding the dress and jewelry that disguised her. The door resounded with an echo that cut through the frantic activity, and Marigold, on an instinct, interposed her body between Dash and Blooming Rose. - “But what do you think you're doing, Blooming Rose?” - her voice, laden with disbelief, demanded an explanation. - “No time for explanations now” - Blooming replied in a voice that vibrated with urgency. - “We have to undo this before the show...” An insistent knock on the door interrupted them, and the three ponies exchanged glances full of intrigue and caution, as if waiting for some voice on the other side to offer them the clue as to how to proceed. - “Rainbow Dash, are you there?”- Surprise's voice, tinged with concern and firmness, echoed through the door, the Wonderbolts had arrived. The sisters shared a quick glance, silent agreement flowing between them, and hurried to hide Moonflower's clothing and accessories in one of the lockers. With a quick motion, Dash pushed the two unicorns aside and opened the door, meeting the relieved but confused looks of her teammates, who were quick to wander into the spacious dressing room. - “Right now Rainbow Dash, I want you to tell me where you've been all this time...” - the stern voice of Spitfire, the team captain, froze in her throat as she noticed the two regal figures waiting in the dressing room, and noticing the expression on Dash's face lacked the determined spirit that always characterized her, she knew something was definitely not right. - “What are you guys doing here?” - Fleetfoot stepped forward, her question directed at the royal sisters with a tone that bordered on defiance. - “My apologies, dear Bolts, but Rainbow Dash has been with us since her arrival” - Marigol said quickly, her tone gentle but firm, with no hint of hesitation - “We were conversing about possible agreements that could greatly benefit the wonderbolts. It was not our intention to alarm anyone” - keeping the body control spell to make sure Dash remained silent during all that time. They had to keep Dash with them no matter what. The wonderbolts exchanged skeptical glances, clearly dubious at such an explanation - “wouldn't it have been simpler to mention that to us from the beginning, instead of creating all this worry and fuss” - replied Soarin, his gaze fixed on a Dash who seemed strangely frozen next to the unicorn sisters. - “Maybe” - conceded Blooming casually, though his mind was racing a mile a minute - “but we need to make sure we have the right equipment, so, we'll talk about it after the show.” An awkward silence hung in the air, tense as the strings of a lute. Dash held her breath, unable to speak on her own, as the princesses' forced smiles turned icy. Marigold calmly took the floor - “besides, we were just finalizing details before the show, which is just a few minutes away from starting” - she said marking with her words the departure signal - “don't worry, everything will be clear once your long-awaited show is over” - the unicorn headed towards the door next to her sister - “for now, we wish you the best of luck, wonderbolts.” - with that said, both Shining Marigold and Blooming Rose left the dressing room at a firm and determined pace. Or at least, that was the impression they gave. Once alone, Spitfire approached Dash, her expression a mixture of concern and bewilderment - “Something about them doesn't sit right with me, tell me, are you okay, Dash?” - her question was laden with genuine concern. - “Yes, of course, why wouldn't I be?” - the answer came fluently and convincingly from the rainbow's lips, overshadowing the desperate denial that was struggling to emerge from her mind, an alarm sounded in her. “No, I'm not fine, that's not what I said” she thought, the sisters were still controlling her apparently. Spitfire wasn't convinced, the look on Dash's face, visibly dull and lifeless, worried her, but with the clock ticking relentlessly towards showtime, they knew they had to focus. - “Okay...”- she cleared her throat - “team, we have a show to put on, and we're going to do it as we always do: with excellence” - declared Spitfire, regaining her composure and assuming her role as leader with her characteristic determination - “we're on in 5.” Dash gritted her teeth in a rictus, her gaze reflecting the internal struggle to regain control of her own voice and body. For a fleeting instant, the characteristic gleam of defiance flashed in her eyes, the team enlisted and grabbed their uniforms, quickly grouping together, going over the final details of their choreography and making sure everyone was in sync with each other. The adrenaline was starting to flow, transforming worry into concentration, it was time to leave the problems behind and focus on the sky. However, the royal sisters, Blooming and Marigold, watched from the back, their expressions hard to read. Despite having retreated from the dressing room, their interest and presence, especially in Dash, remained intact. - "Why do I feel that there is something that definitely doesn't quite add up in this whole story” - Fleetfoot said to Soarin as he glanced sideways at Dash. Soarin nodded silently, sharing the same uneasiness. Dash's attitude was different since the two unicorn sisters left, but there she was, putting on her uniform and going through the routine along with the others, before her apparent naturalness he couldn't deny that the atmosphere was different, that wasn't the Dash he knew. Meanwhile, on stage, preparations for the big show were nearing completion. The spotlights were being turned on, the music was starting to play and the audience was waiting expectantly for the show to begin - “we'll talk to her after the show, let's go.” The atmosphere in the dressing room was tense but focused. Spitfire was leading her team with determination, reminding them of the importance of giving their best in every performance, Dash was joining the group, her calm and casual expression hiding the disagreement raging inside. With the curtain about to rise, the Wonderbolts gathered in a circle, the lights dimmed completely, leaving the audience in expectant silence. The show began with the precision and grace the Wonderbolts were known for, gracefully taking off to their audience. Dash, flying with an intensity that reflected her purpose to overcome recent events, moved with such synchronicity alongside her teammates that any casual observer would have been unable to detect the storm of emotions she had faced moments before. As the Wonderbolts executed their aerial routine with a precision that bordered on the supernatural, Rainbow Dash felt every movement vibrate through her wings as if it were an extension of her own being, at last something of her own. Above all else, flight was her release, her way of expressing all that words could not, she was frustrated, but despite the complexity of emotions that had overwhelmed her moments before, in the air, Dash found clarity, each twist and loop an affirmation of her resilience, a visible demonstration of her inner strength against the adversity of the involuntary magic she carried with her. From below, everyone's eyes were fixed on the sky, captured by the beauty and skill of the flyers. However, there was one gaze more surprised than the others. Aster watched intently, beside him, the royal sisters joined him - “I didn't know Rainbow Dash would be in the show” - he commented between whispers, his voice tinged with surprise and perhaps a flash of admiration, he had completely forgotten about her after running into Moonflower, but he was still not unimpressed by her presence at the show. - “That's precisely why we were in such a hurry earlier” - Blooming added, casting occasional glances skyward, where Dash was moving with a gravity-defying grace - “we wanted to make sure everything was in order for the show, right Shining” Marigold nodded at her sister's complicity, eyes and attention fixed on the sky, not losing sight of the rainbow trails. - "What about Moonflower? Where is she?" -Aster's innocent question caused the two sisters to exchange glances, a momentary silence falling between them. -“ I think that's an excellent question, Aster” - Belladonna's figure emerged from the corners of the dais where the siblings were standing, with an expression that was a mixture of fury and arrogance -“ I hope your sisters are willing to give us some answers regarding the mare who thinks, she can take my place.” - With that she sat down next to Aster without taking her eyes off the two unicorns. - “All right, closing of the first routine, we're through with the bell twirls on the second one now!”-her voice, though partly absorbed by the vast blanket of night, served as a beacon to the Wonderbolts, who regrouped and redistributed in formation. At that moment, for them, the world was reduced to the confines of the sky and their commitment to the show. In the center of the night sky, Dash soared gracefully skyward. Each flutter took her higher, but also deeper into her own mind, she remembered the looks of concern and bewilderment from her friends when the royal sisters appeared in the dressing room, the palpable fear she had felt as she realized she had no control over her own body, the impotent rage as she watched Blooming and Marigold manipulate her every word and action at their whim. - “Moonflower has her own business to attend to tonight,” Blooming said vaguely, clearly reluctant to divulge any more information. - “We'll see her later Aster.” Marigold, catching the hint implicit in Belladonna's gaze, armed herself with a countenance of defiance, though her words carried the burden of an uncomfortable truth. - “And as for you, Belladona, you should not assume so freely that you have a place reserved here, among us. In fact, I find it hard to understand your presence in Canterlot tonight” - she told her, her words imbued with a coldness that contrasted with the warmth of the night and drawing a look of surprise and indignation from Belladonna. As her height increased, so did her exhilaration. Her wings beat with renewed strength, her gaze fixed on the sky until she reached the infinite space stretching out before her. Rage was transformed into fuel. Spitfire traced golden lines in the air, her passage marked by a trail of fire that further illuminated the night. Soarin moved with speed and agility, zigzagging between the golden lines and Fleetfoot unleashed gusts of wind with each flap, creating swirls that added a dynamic dimension to the aerial spectacle. Misty Fly weaved through the air currents with fluid movements and High Winds fluid movements and High Winds supported her from below, creating a current that lifted the spiral already formed by her companions. Belladona drew herself upright, her posture as imposing as her words -“Naturally Marigold, my place is assured wherever I go. Or will you suggest that the pegasus, whose greatest achievement was to make a fool of herself on the dance floor and whose name is barely known, possesses greater status than I do?” - Belladona challenged, her voice laden with a confidence bordering on disdain and a look laden with undisguised superiority. - “Belladona, please!” - Aster interjected, his patience worn thin by the constant stream of accusations and claims. - “If we're going to talk about making a fool of yourself, why don't we remember how pathetic it was to think you were the dance partner only to be replaced by a pegasus out of nowhere?” - countered Marigold scathingly, Belladonna preparing her next verbal jab. - “Stop it everyone, you're distracting me from the show with pointless bickering.” - More a plea for sanity than a reproach, Aster sought to be a beacon of reason in the tumultuous void of bickering between her sisters and Belladona, he knew they have never gotten along. Despite the physical distance, she felt an inexplicable bond linking her to the events unfolding on the ground, she knew the 3 unicorns were there, watching her, a foreboding that led her to push her limits in the air, as if somehow, flying higher and harder could alter the course of things. she knew that wasn't going to happen. Her wings closed and her body leaned backwards falling freely into the void, allowing the sky and her emotions to open up before her, she hovered like a shooting star about to crash and explode to the ground, unleashing the bewilderment that had been burning inside her. Around her, flashes of color swirled at the speed of light, as the released energy vibrated in the air with palpable intensity. Then, like a celestial cataclysm, the Rainplosion was unleashed with uncontainable fury, the sky trembled, that was her way of reclaiming her power, of asserting the identity that left everyone present breathless, taking that breath away gave her freedom. When the Rainplosion finally came to an end, silence descended over the applause and cheers of the expectant ponies, a wave of admiration and respect for the flyers who had transformed the night sky into their canvas. Each team member descending towards the ground in controlled spirals, marking the end of their contribution to the night. Belladonna was the first to recover her speech, breaking the stillness - “Well, that certainly was...eye-catching” -she said with pursed lips- “although no more than a simple exhibition trick with no real grace, too aggressive for my taste”. - “you're about to start”- said a fed up Blooming Rose - “stop disdaining the accomplishments of others just because you can't match them”- yes, that started another dispute between the sisters and the grayish unicorn. Belladonna let out an indignant snort - “How dare you, I, upstaged by some acrobatic pegasus?” - I rolled my eyes - “the very idea is laughable!” Before Blooming could launch her second attack her sister stopped her - “there's no point in going on, we have something more important to do now” -she mentioned nodding towards the pegasus in the center of the stage landing gracefully. - “That was sensational!” - Surprise exclaimed, joining Spitfire from behind and giving Rainbow Dash a friendly pat on the shoulder. - “I've never seen a Cosmic Rainplosion executed with such perfection!” - her voice vibrated with excitement as the other Wonderbolts congratulated each other on her outstanding performance. Dash smiled briefly, she was happy for the show, for her friends, but something wouldn't let her let go of the happiness she might be feeling right now. Fleetfoot stepped forward with his typical carefree smile - “Did you see those twirls just before the final burst? Perfectly timed eh!” - She made an additionally emphasizing her words as she gave Soarin a friendly tap on the shoulder. - “Of course I saw them” - the steed elbowed her back - “we were practicing those moves for weeks.” At that moment, Blooming Rose and Shinning Marigold approached the proud group of pegasus. - “Congratulations Wonderbolts, you certainly broke expectations tonight”- said Blooming Rose with a smile. "Them again" said Dash to herself rolling her eyes “why don't they just leave me alone for once” she gave Blooming Rose a flat look. - "It's our job, princesses” - replied Spitfire firmly, approaching them. Marigold stepped forward - “Speaking of work, why don't we adjourn to the party in the main hall, we have a business matter you will surely be interested in discussing.” - She suggested smiling at the yellow pegasus. Spitfire looked at his team, who nodded at the suggestion - “Of course, we'd love to.” - “great, we'll be waiting for you there” - with that said Marigold approached Dash - “let's go”. Dash, still unable to speak, but keeping control of his body and not wanting to make a fuss, stuck to Soarin's side and held him tightly. A look of concern crossed the stallion's face at such an uncharacteristic gesture from her. - “We'll be there, ladies” - said Soarin immediately stepping in between them, sensing Rainbow's discomfort, this was enough for them to move on as they went their own ways. This confirmed his suspicions that there was something the multicolored pegasus hadn't told them and he wasn't going to waste time finding out. Soarin wrapped one of his wings around Rainbow Dash's body and turned his head to her with a questioning look - "Will you tell me what's going on, Dash?" - his voice was a low murmur so that only she could hear it. Dash moved his lips in an attempt to explain herself, but no sound came out. - "Because if you won't do it, I'm sure the royal sisters will be happy to cooperate" - the celestial steed continued hoping that comment would generate some reaction in Dash and it did, just not in the way he expected. Soarin's comment jolted her out of her reverie, bringing her abruptly back to the present, a soft touch on his side and a negative head gesture were her answer - "I just want to get out of here as soon as possible" - she found her voice again, she looked sideways towards where the sisters were, completely distrusting their intentions, the aforementioned sisters stopped in their tracks and turned towards her. - "That doesn't say much Rainbow Dash"- was the answer she received in return from the steed. He knew there was something else but he had to respect the mare's confession times. A tense silence lasted for a moment, interrupted only by the distant murmur of their companions' conversations in front of them. Shinning Marigold watched Rainbow Dash with narrowed eyes as the pegasus stood close to Soarin, clearly distrusting her. She turned to her sister with a meaningful look. - “Looks like we need to make sure she doesn't release information” - she muttered under her breath. Blooming nodded slowly - "I agree. but I really feel very drained magically, I'm starting to feel bad and ...." - She hesitated a bit and turned away avoiding eye contact with her sister - "let's just say I had a little conversation with Dash before the dance." -" How did you say?" - Marigol suggested repeating it hoping she misheard - "listen, you'll tell me on the way, but just for know right now, I'm not at all happy that you did that without consulting me" - she stopped in her tracks and turned in the direction where the Wonderbolts were walking - "for now let's focus on the new spell for our little pegasus." Both unicorns concentrated their magic, horns glowing brightly, preparing the "mind bonding" spell. That's right, let me explain it to you my dear reader, this part is essential to the plot of this story. This "mind linking spell" is an ancient (and relatively forbidden) magic technique, little known outside of Equestria's more erudite magical circles, that allows users to establish a direct mental connection, facilitating instant communication without physical barriers. It is as if an invisible bridge is established between the thoughts and intentions of those involved, allowing them to share information and thoughts discreetly. It basically involves a magical link that allows the sisters to project their interactions and orders directly into Rainbow Dash's mind, being the spell used as a means of communication for the 3 ponies, as if they were talking, but with the resource of their minds so to speak, sharing vital information between them without anyone else knowing and without necessarily having to be face to face to say it. However, it is important to note that the spell does not allow involuntary thought reading, that is, each participant has control over what they wish to share, only what they consciously decide to express is transmitted, like when you talk to someone, you decide what the other person hears. I understand that this concept may generate confusion at this point in the story, however, I assure you that as the plot progresses, the dynamics of the spell and its repercussions will become clearer in greater detail, read on.... - "Now we can communicate freely"- echoed Blooming Rose's voice inside Dash's head- "you're welcome, precious." Dash, stunned, turned to the princesses, not knowing how to respond, they only gave her a brief nod, yes, definitely the voice in her head was real, but she couldn't understand how it was possible. Before Dash could respond, Soarin shook her gently to get her attention - "Dash, are you okay? You were just gone for a moment." - "Y-Yes, I'm fine" - Dash lied not knowing if it was the right thing to do, but she was too confused to explain herself now, she put her eyes forward and kept walking leaning on the steed as they headed towards the dressing rooms to change her outfit before meeting the sisters in the main hall as previously agreed. - "Don't be afraid, we can't read your mind or anything like that, we have only created a mental link with you so we can communicate directly, this spell will allow us to be in contact at all times, no matter the distance" - explained Marigold in detail to Rainbow - "look on the bright side, you already have some freedom" - "Thank you?" - Dash told them with disagreement, still stunned by the magical nature that let them know she had said it, it was an amazing and terrifying idea at the same time, Dash knew they weren't doing it for her, their personal interests in keeping tabs on her life was what had led them to such a spell, it intrigued her to wonder how far their power goes? As she tried to process this new information, she could see Prince Aster approaching her with a friendly smile, interrupting her thoughts with his jovial and charming presence. -"Excellent show, I've never seen anything so spectacular before!"- exclaimed Aster as he approached Soarin and Dash. -"Thank you very much, we are glad to know that we fulfilled your purpose of inviting us here" - said Soarin in response, although polite, it was tinged with professional pride. -And you, Rainbow Dash, that was an incredible maneuver you pulled there,” Aster continued, his attention now completely turned to Dash, as another mare joined the conversation from behind. Belladonna, who had been watching silently with growing disgust, finally interjected with a contemptuous snort. - "Please control yourself a little, Aster, you're embarrassing yourself with your unconscionable flattery towards these acrobats." - her interruption not only cut off the flow of conversation, but also injected a discordant note disguised as advice. Dash cleared his throat, correcting her firmly. - "Excuse me, but we're not just acrobats. Every show requires preparation and dedication, something I doubt you'll ever understand." Belladonna didn't respond directly just gave her a scan from the bottom up and Rainbow just raised an eyebrow in her direction. -"Dear Rainbow Dash don't listen to her" - Aster hurried to say in a soft voice - "I, of course, know how to recognize your beauty, the beauty of your art and..." - "I agree" - Soarin interrupted him with a measured tone, though a strange pang came over him as he saw the devotion in Aster's eyes - "I know Dash very well and believe me when I tell you that that was just one maneuver among many." -" well, rather than believing her I'd like to see it and know her better" - Aster said with a challenging smile, but seeking not to get out of her formal posture. - "yes you're right, it's a pity we have to leave you but we have a meeting to attend" -the celestial stallion advances almost imperceptibly gently pushing Dash with his wing to move forward - "a pleasure to talk to you prince Aster and..." - "Belladonna, his mate and..." - the lacy unicorn introduced herself - "I think that's wrong, her partner is Moonflower" - suddenly Dash's voice resounded, but the answer was not Dash's, her body stopped being hers again - "her partner, what's wrong with you?" - claimed the sisters with surprise and indignation through the mind linking spell. Aster hastened to clarify, with a soft smile - "yes, Moonflower you're right, unfortunately I lost track of her after the dance and didn't get a chance to see her show" - mentioned the steed somewhat downcast as he remembered his colorful companion - "in fact, Rainbow Dash, your final stunt reminded me a lot of her, it even looked like she had done it herself." -" You're going to come on about missing her now?" - Belladonna replied with some annoyance in her voice - "you didn't remember her until this pegasus mentioned her, so you didn't miss her much it seems." Soarin visibly tensed at the comparison, his gaze shooting sparks - "I guess everyone has their own style, however, Dash is one of a kind, and I don't think anyone can match her" - he said in a cutting tone. - "I am not meaning it as a bad comparison, sorry if I took it that way" - he sought to repair Aster with an apology to his comment, but without the apologetic tone he usually used. Soarin just nodded his head, An awkward silence settled among the group for a brief moment, until Fleetfoot peeked out from the second floor of the dressing room. -"Hey, you two, we're going to be late for the meeting" - the pegasus athlete called, her tone loud enough for them to hear her at that distance. Soarin, grateful for the interruption - "well, we'd better get going then, it was nice meeting you." - He gave a slight, quick nod to Aster and Belladonna before leading Dash towards the dressing rooms. Dash felt overwhelmed by the avalanche of events she had just witnessed, first the mental intrusion of the sisters and how they resumed their control spell on her no matter how exhausted they may have been, then the conversation with Aster, Belladona's defiant attitude and Soarin's behavior. Everything seemed to go too fast to process and endure, she already wanted to leave that place, to her warm home in Ponyville, away from everything and everyone, alone with her tortoise without thinking about anything until she regained strength to start the other day, but no, she had to stay there, now they were heading to a meeting that didn't let her mind rest. - "Are you okay?" - The light blue steed asked Dash in a low voice, cutting through the silence that accompanied them on their way to the dressing room, searching for the answer in her eyes. She nodded, though she looked just as uneasy - "yeah, just... a little confused, what do you think the royal sisters want to talk to the team for?" - she paused and looked at him - "I don't know, they gave no clues" - Soarin replied, remembering the strange attitude of the rainbow mare since they found her with the two unicorns - "but it seemed like they had a good proposal in mind." Dash frowned - "I doubt it's that good" - he told her reluctantly and kept walking. -"don't underestimate us, Rainbow Dash" - echoed Shinning's voice in Dash's head, it was irritating that magical feeling again - "Don't threaten me, Shinning Marigold" - replied Dash in the same tone she had spoken to him, hoping the spell was good enough to convey to the two unicorns the contempt and disagreement she felt, thanks to the voices in her head she wasn't paying attention to what Soarin was telling her. -"By the way Rainbow Dash one question, who is he and...." - Shinning said suspiciously - "...How did you meet him?" - Soarin finished the sentence out of her mind, shock froze her body in surprise as she heard the voices of Shining Marigold and Soarin overlapping in her head, and she wasn't sure which question was from whom no matter how different the voices were, she didn't want to accept that she had to get used to this new spell now, she didn't want to accept the control she was losing over herself without warning. Her silence caught the attention of the pegasus that accompanied her, he turned to look at her and stood in front of her to face the answer, she knew that he knew something was wrong and that he was not going to leave her alone until he knew, what should she do?.... Should she tell him?