> Shininglestia > by DoYourBest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been three months since Twilight Sparkle and Luna were married and had got along nicely. Spike enjoyed spending time with them, at least. At the alley, the Miao siblings were resting. "Come on, put your back into it! You act like you've never rebuilt a alley before! Don't give me that look, you're the idiots who volunteered to work on the palace of the Foolish Magistrate, I'm pretty sure that you knew the risks when you started! We alley cats live in the alley - knowing that we are not allowed in the palace!" Jet-Jet growled and stamped back over to the Miao siblings, all on a tea break. Their fifth of the day. "Bit harsh, don't you think, Jet-Jet?" remarked Sagwa, sipping on her brew casually. The tabby cat grunted, and backed down angrily next to his friends, whom had arrived. They were in the midst of yet another renovation project. They had somehow managed to find hardhats made specifically for cats, and were now 'helping' Fu-Fu clear his bat cage. Helping of course, in the broadest possible sense of the term. A fly could have helped more than the Alley Cats at the moment. "Next time, I'm getting a plastic mac!" Wing-Wing muttered rebelliously. "The dust is playing havoc with my temple of a body!" "You know, perhaps the problem with this is lack of mood music." Lik-Lik suggested. "What, do you want us to do Feng Shui and move the trucks around so that the chi can flow more effectively through the alley?" Shei-Hu was in a good mood today, mostly because he had finally been allowed to get drunk for a bit. "No, he's got a point actually." Hun-Hun looked around at the grumpy sods doing the working. "I mean, at this point, we can hardly do worse, can we?" "So what song shall we ploy? Er, play?" In answer to Sheegwa's question, Sagwa turned to the massive ghetto blaster that the Magistrate had set up to inspire morale in the troops, and banged it lightly. "Okay lads, our theme song is coming up. Three...two...one." And as one, they belted out together! "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE WE ARE! BORN TO BE KINGS! WE'RE THE PRINCES OF THE UNIVEEEEEEERSE!" Meanwhile, Twilight and Luna were playing cards, when a doorbell rang. "I'll get it." said Twilight. It was revealed it was Shining Amor when Twilight answered it. "Hello, Twilight. I just got news for you." "What is it?" "Me and Princess Celestia are getting married in a few days. Do you and Luna wanna join?" "Sure, Shining." After a conversation, Twilight went back to the table and asked Luna if she could come. Of course, she had agreed. When the Miao kittens heard about this, they decided to go too. At last the big day came, and Twilght, Luna and the ponies left for the wedding. Meanwhile, Hun-Hun was having her fish feast, when Tai-Tai's Sleeve Dogs came in barking. They knocked her over with their strengh. "OW!" the orange female alley cat cried out in pain. Jet-Jet, Lik-Lik and Wing-Wing were, indeed, appalled by this and rushed towards Hun-Hun. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT, HUN-HUN!?" cried Jet-Jet. "Yeah..." moaned Hun-Hun. "But those horrible dogs gave me a bruise on my leg...." And they went to tell Cook about what happened. When everyone arrived for the wedding, Twilight, Spike and Luna were dressed in their outfits. Shining proposed to Celestia at a ball that they would be wearing these outfits earlier, and they were also wearing them at their wedding. After the proposel, they kissed each other a few times before going to the wedding. Soon, the two arrived at the wedding, and danced and kissed a lot of times during that time. Everyone was impressed by the acts the two were doing. At last, before the wedding came to a end, Pinkie had brought something for Shining and Celestia. "Here is a collection of Thomas VHS tapes." she said. "Thank you, Pinkie." smiled Shining and Celestria. "You are welcome." At last the wedding was over and Shining and Celestia kissed together as they went home. When Twilight, Luna and Spike, along with the Miao family arrived, before taking their outfits off, Cook told the couple about what the Sleeve Dogs did to Hun-Hun. Hun-Hun just had her leg bandaged by Cook a few hours ago and was just resting as Sagwa, her siblings and the alley cat bullies came to see her. Of course, the alley cats had told Sagwa what happpened. "Feeling better, Hun-Hun?" asked Sagwa. "Yeah." smiled Hun-Hun. "That's good." Jet-Jet said. "Hey, did you wonder where those stupid dogs are?" "Hmmm." Hun-Hun poundered. "YOU!" shouted Tai-Tai, looking to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. "-HAD EMBARRASED ME ONCE AGAIN!" The sleeve dogs whined. "Cook told me about what you did to one of those stray cats! It is UNEXCEPTABLE. AS POSSIBLE. This is JUST as bad as the time you had almost crushed my chances of making Angwan's wedding perfect! And the time you destroyed my husband's lantern!" The sleeve dogs just stared at her. The Magistrate on the other hand wished his wife would calm down, but she couldn't since her sleeve dogs, being the obnoxious sods they were, kept on causing trouble. Even more so than usual. "Your punishment is that I will take away your treats for the REST of the night! NOW GO TO MY ROOM! RIGHT NOW!" The Sleeve Dogs went up to Tai-Tai's room. That night, Sagwa and her siblings were making puns about the Sleeve Dogs' actions. "So, those stupid dogs had embarrased Tai-Tai again!" teased Sagwa. "Quite right, Sagwa" agreed Sheegwa. "I heard they hurt the nicest alley cat!" teased Dongwa. "And while those other three alley cats aren't the nicest, they would never stoop as low as those dogs!" snickered Sagwa. While all is this was going on for a little whilw, the Sleeve Dogs screamed aungishly til the punning had stopped. At last, everything was quiet, and everyone was fast asleep, but the Sleeve Dogs had lost their sanity for once.