> A Dream Come True! > by G 5-1-6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Alone at a park > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To everypony else it just seemed like a normal day in Equestria, but not to one pony. Princess Twilight Sparkle was up on a hill and looking into the sunset, she stood there zoning out at the descending sun as the sky became dark and reddish pink. Her hair slowly flowed gracefully in the soft wind which snapped her out of staring and made her start her mission, she started moving her eyes and looking around PonyVille searching for something, you see, she was waiting for this moment for a while and she thinks that this might be the day her dream comes true. She eventually found what she was looking for, a blue Pegasus sitting at the park alone also looking at the sunset. Rainbow Dash was sitting there in silence and seemed like she wanted company, so Twilight spread her wings out and started flying towards the Pegasus at a calm pace. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she and the girls got back from Starlight’s village. As she flew, thinking about how this all came to this came to mind that brought a smile to her face every time. To understand, ever since Twi and her friends got back from Starlight’s village she had noticed something different about herself. It was about one of her friends, specifically Rainbow Dash. Every time she heard the mare’s voice she felt calm and happy. Even a warm feeling came to her heart, the way her mane flows in the wind was the most beautiful thing she ever saw, on one windy day she spent the entire day watching Rainbow do tricks in the sky.  The first time Twilight noticed this she wondered what it was and eventually came to the conclusion that she had fallen in love with Dash, at first, of course, she didn’t think that was possible. But after lots of thinking and pacing on the castle floor multiple times at 2am, with the evidence she had and even more evidence gained when she hung out with Rainbow, she eventually realized that she had fallen for her. Then one memory came to mind that she cherished, it was a normal day and Dash was alone zoning out at the sky and Twilight appeared and they started talking for a while, the entire time her tail was wagging every time Dash spoke. She admitted that it would be hard for the ponies to accept the relationship of two mares, but she would have a lover, and a bodyguard all the time. Her mind went back to that time of that day. Both the mares were staring at the clouds after speaking for a bit, but Dash decided to bring something up. “Twi, I have something to admit,” Rainbow said, still unsure if she should say it. “I started looking for… a lover.” Twilight’s breath caught in her throat and started coughing before gaining control of her lungs. “What!? I thought you were the one who didn't want a relationship with a pony?” Twilight said looking at Dash with confusion, shock, and a little bit of happiness in her mind because now she knew that her crush was looking for love. “Yea, I know. But I want a friend always by my side, I want to trust them with my secrets and doubts while even the best of friends can still tell others. I want someone who understands me and that supports me no matter what.” Dash said, sighing afterwards and looking at the ground. Twilight was trying not to have a giant smile on her face, but she knew not to get her hopes up because she might have been looking for a stallion instead. “It’s getting late, I better go home.” and with that, Rainbow was gone and in the air flying away. As soon as she left, Twilight’s warm feeling in her chest disappeared as she was alone again. That memory was 2 weeks ago, her mind came back to the present. By the time she got to the park where she saw Dash alone, she was doing a trick in the air while flying. Twilight smiled as that was the trick she showed Dash a while ago, it was where you fly slowly in the air in a double helix shape and at the end you go up and then do a dive, and if you got the speed right then when you landed a little cloud appeared. Twilight had actually made that trick and she was smiling also because when the cloud was formed one part would break away and form the letters ‘RD  Twi’ with a heart in between the two names for a second before going away. Soon Dash noticed the alicorn watching her do the trick at the same time she dived to the ground and ended the trick as the cloud formed and then was gone. “Twi! What are you doing here?” She said as she walked towards the mare, Twilight felt the warm feeling in her chest come back at the sound of Rainbow’s voice. “I saw you alone, so I wanted to check up on you.” she said as the mares both sat down and looked at the sunset. “I'm,” Dash said before looking at the ground, she sighed as her mood shifted, “I don’t know Twi, most of the stallions I see are too into the lovey-dovey stuff. I just want a close pony who is there for me all the time.” Twilight felt a pain in her heart seeing this mare this sad. “You know, you don’t have to get close to a stranger, you can just find somepony you’re close with and just get closer with them.” Twilight said, trying to give the hint to Dash. Dash paused for a bit before turning away in silence, it was so quiet they could hear ponies in PonyVille getting ready to hit the hay. “But then how would I know if they would accept the offer?” Dash said looking back at Twilight with tears forming in her eyes. Twi’s heart sank and she stopped worrying about the crush thing and knew she needed to comfort the broken mare. She walked up to Dash and started stroking her back as comfort, “I try. There is so much stuff I want to say to the world but I'm trapped in a shell because of my reputation stereotype that I only care about flying.” The Mare said, holding her head in her hooves and breaking down.  Twilight was shocked and heartbroken that the same mare who showed confidence and boastfulness was the same mare that was breaking down next to her, she had been keeping the emotions inside and kept entertaining the crowd that demanded more and more from her. The Pegasus eventually whipped up her tears and started to gain her composure. Twilight thought that now was the time to bring her dreams true. The Alicorn walked up so that she was in front of Rainbow and sat down, thinking of what to say. “Rainbow Dash, you have helped me throughout my darkest times, ever since we first met I didn’t want anything to do with friends, you were the first one to break away at that mold of me being alone all those years ago. You helped your other friends throughout your life and are the most loyal pony I ever met, even if it was at risk for yourself you would still do it for the ones you care for.” Twilight put her hoof on Dash’s shoulder and got a little closer. “No matter what happens you will always be there for your friends. You want everypony to not be worried about you, but you can’t just keep your emotions locked up in your head or you will feel like your mind and body are two different beings, one with complex emotions hiding, and the other always pleasing their fans with what they want. If you go too far apart from your body, you will lose you mind trying to keep up with the demand, I should know, I have kept my emotions bottled up ever since we got back from Starlight’s Village and I know that if we are there for each other and tell our thoughts then you can be as happy as you can be.” The entire time during that conversation the two got closer and closer until now they were so close they could feel the breath out of their noses. Dash's breath smelled like a cool mint as if it was the wind itself, while Twilight’s smelled like a calm and warm public library where it was peaceful. “Do you really think Equestria would accept two mares together?” Rainbow Dash said, both their lips being inches apart. “We can worry about that later, and still, we will get through it together.” Twi said before both the mares got rid of the air between their lips. It felt different to both mares, to Dash it felt like the world to her because she finally found her love and she could finally reattach her mind to her body, to Twi it felt like the world to her also but different because she finally made her dream come true and now she won't be alone and sad again. After a while their lips separated and they looked at the now rising moon and Dash yawned giving the hint, Twi looked at Rainbow with a soft smile. “Are you ready to start a new chapter of your life?” Twilight said with the warmth in her chest now burning hot. Dash looked at her with the same smile and some tears in her eyes. “Ready as I'll ever be.”