> Royal Twilight Inn > by Kentavritsa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 :Signing In: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . My cab is gracefully parking before the lobby. I had seen the looming building of glass and steel before me before, it is still just as imposing now; as the cab had stopped. "Glass and Steel!" I ponder; "but in this case it is more than the industrious industrial style could possibly convey!" I continue, as I open the door to the cab. A lanky girl of pale pinkish hue exits the building, walking up to the back of the cab in a measured, stylish gate. She almost looks regal. However, she is wearing a suit in what initially appears to be royal blue; though the tight knee-length pencil skirt and matching top is a glossy metallic electric hue. "Is this the heel-less high heels I had been hearing about?" I ponder, as I am observing the girl walk up to the back of the cab. However, these are full-length; as if they had been stockings with a fawn pattern, and matching metallic electric blue deer hooves for her to stand and walk on. Curiously enough, she has inch-long, semi-square metallic electric blue finger-nails to match the set. Her lips are a matching blue, as she is beaming a bright smile at me on her way. Curiously enough the shadows over her eyes are silver metallic and her inch-long progressively curled eye-lashes are highly glossy black and even as if picked this morning. The trunk snaps up with a distinct click, just as she reaches the back of the cab and she pulls it up; examining my luggage and snaps the fingers of her right hand, causing a trolley to appear beside her. She gingerly pulls my luggage out of the cab; placing it onto the trolley, before she trots off towards the lobby entry. "Right this way, please; Miss!" she offers, just as she finishes putting my luggage onto the trolley. "Thank you!" I respond; "Why isn't she a Photo Model?" I ponder, as I follow her. "Your luggage will be delivered to your room, shortly!" she explains. The three story lobby is expansive. The two sliding doors eagerly slide up, swallowing her as it is admitting me entrance. There is but the steel frame, making the lobby look like an Aquarium or Terrarium. However; the floor is laid with glossy marble stone, polished to a perfect mirror finish. "Clip, clop; clip, clop.." is heard as she trots over the floor. "Click, clack; click, clack.." is heard as I am walking over to the floor towards the counter. At first, this girl is looking as if she had been identical to the girl. However; her uniform is a metallic bloody red, in place of the blue of the porter I had just encountered. She does have equine hooves, but her nails and lips are the same red as her uniform as if it had been part of the uniform. Her hair, or mane is a glossy black, curled up in under itself. Her elfin looking ears turned towards me, as she is focusing on me from the instant I had entered the lobby. She does have tight inch thick, foot long braids before her ears reaching down over her cheeks. While I can't see it from this angle; she has an equally tight, three inches thick tail running all the way down her entire spine peaking out between her thighs. Just like the porter, her eyes are a brilliant, deep Sapphire blue. She is lifting her right hand up in a formal greeting, just as I am a yard from the counter. Now I notice the silicone white suction-cup covering the entire palm of the hand, as well as the bright cerise touch pads on the tip of each of her fingers. "Curious.." I ponder; "but she certainly is pleasing on the eye, almost as if she had been a designer doll!" I continue. Aside from the uniform, the two girls working here are practically identical. As if they had been minted in a factory. "Greetings, Miss Trotter; welcome to the Royal Twilight Inn!" she exclaims, as I am finally approaching her. "Greetings; and thank you, Miss!" I respond, with a smile "Place the palm of your right hand on the desk; and I will have you signed in, please!" she offers. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the surface of the desk. "Now, if you just spread your fingers wide; for confirmation, please!" she coos. "Oh, okay!" I respond, as I follow the last instruction. "Thank you, Miss Trotter; take the door on my right.." she offers, lifting her hand, indicating the direction. "Thank you, Miss!" I respond, as I turn in the indicated direction, walking over to the door she mentioned. The walls of the lobby, behind her are laid with a black stone; matching the marble floor, and polished to an identical high gloss. In the corner, I notice the door she had indicated; a pair of twin sliding doors in stainless steel for all I could see. Curiously enough, there is an identical girl standing before the door; in black, facing me. "Greetings, Miss Trotter; I am Ellie the Waitress, and I am your host for the ride up to your room!" she points out. "Of course she would recognize me, in an empty lobby; when I had just checked in, here!" I ponder; "But, where did she even come from?" I consider The doors slide up behind her, just as I am approaching; she is stepping in, and I follow her into the octagonal room. Each wall, a full six feet wide and eight feet tall. However, the most curious detail is the four foot wide cylindrical core, in the center of this room. The Elevator, or lift if you will. "Curious place.." I ponder; "but I have already checked in, so my payment is cleared; no point, in running away if I change my mind now!" I continue. "Of course; I would probably never have gotten this far, had my payment not been cleared!" I realize with a distinct pang. The room is well-lit; as the ceiling had been coated with a mate black silicon to hold the pin-prick LED star skape in place. The stars twinkle and fluctuate in order to imitate the actual stars overhead; even if it currently is still a bright day, outside. "Something, I probably will have to get used to.." I realize, blinking several times over. "Beautiful, isn't it?" she inquires. "Yes.." I breathe; but it just makes me feel, as if I had entered the Twilight Zone; as I followed you in, into the Elevator!" I prompt with a shiver. "This is the Royal Twilight Inn, what had you been expecting?" she inquires, with a curious look. "I guess; that is one way, to interpret the name?" I inquire. "In Twilight; everything is possible, you will see!" she chimes, in her wondrously beautiful voice. "Does Twilight employ Elves?" I inquire, as I am looking at Ellie. Even if her hair is black and styled in a clearly unelfish coiffure, but still. Everything about her; her posture, her aura, her voice and attitude. Of course, she had been granted a perfect bust, with B-cup orbs to die for; nothing else could even have been possible. Ellie is maintaining an even One-G, for the entire trip up. Just that the acceleration switched to deceleration at the half-way point. She had also made a seamless, smooth stop, as we reach my floor. There is a beautifully ethereal chime, as the doors slide up before me; I spill out, in the direction of my room. My suite. The black stone, or marble had been replaced. This floor had been laid with white oak in the place of the black stone. I can't complain, it is sturdy and hard underfoot, and looks just as grand. The walls are laid with a flaxen linden wood; but I can also see the four foot tall pink cherry-wood picket-fence on the wall. Curiously enough, there is a hand-railing lining the wall in comfortable height as well. However; there are no light switches and I can see no locks on the door or on the side of the door. Strangely enough, the doors of the open suites are crystal clear glass; showing exactly what is in the room, as if to showcasing the style inside. The occupied rooms have steel doors; protecting the privacy of the occupant. As I reach the door of my room, I find a hexagonal plaque; a foot on the side, where the handle and lock should have been. The plaque is coated with what looks like black latex rubber. However, I am certain it isn't latex or rubber by any means. I lift my right hand, extending it towards the plaque on the door; pressing the palm of the hand gently onto the plaque, spreading my fingers wide. As I touch the black surface, I feel the inherent warmth clasping my hand; as my skin sinks in just enough, for me to notice it. As I am spreading my fingers, the door gently slides up before me; granting me access to the room. I step into the cloaking room, and the doors quietly slide shut behind me with a distinct swoosh and a click. Once the doors had closed, behind me; I can see the steel door preventing others from seeing me inside. I am at home, this is after all my suite. The floor, the walls and the ceiling are identical to the hall outside the door. I have the girl's room and the shower on my left. Should I chance to check the facilities now, or risk the shock as I need to use them? I think I know, what I have to expect; but you never know, when you visit a new place or establishment. I have shoe-rack, coat-hanger and hat-rack on the wall opposing the girl's room and shower; with room for all the clothes I could possibly be bothered to carry with me here. Since it is still warm, and the walk between the cab and the lobby is minimal I don't really wear much; just a pair of regular shoes. I step out of my shoes, after a brief inspection of the cloaking room. Of course, I have a plaque by the door to the living room, and one between the girl's room and the shower. "Maybe I should?" I ponder; as I am walking over to the doors to the girl's room and shower, respectively. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers, only to see the doors slide up before me and the light already on. The same night-sky extended into the respective rooms. "No squat, thankfully!" I mumble, as I step into the girl's room. I do have a sink, so I can wash my hands, just as I have a mirror, so I can inspect my face if and when I so choose. I find a platform in the size to fit my feet upon, and some manner of facility, slipping into position when I stand on the platform. Conveniently automated, so that I will not have to lift a finger or touch anything. I just need to slip my skirt and panties down, in order to use these facilities. The floor is laid with porcelain white, ceramic tiles; both in the girl's room and in the shower. The tiles on the walls are black, however. In the shower, I notice wooden seats on the right and left, under which I can store clothes and hide the towels I need. Behind a pair of sliding doors, I have the shower itself. The room is clean, white; with just the regular plaque on the opposite wall; with which to control the water. "Curious!" I ponder. Once I had inspected the facilities I had been offered, familiarizing me with them; I turn back, exiting the room. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; watching the door in fascination, as it is opening while I spread my fingers. The door opens, and I step into the living-room of my suite; only for the door to quietly slide shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold of the door. What is greeting me, is an expansive two story room. I have a three-seated cinematic sofa along the short wall on my right; while I have a flat-screen television screen covering the entire wall opposing the sofa. Naturally, I do have a small sofa table onto which I could place items. The table-top in a five millimeter thick glass plate that is crystal clear. Even if it is Sapphire and not glass, just as everything else I had been taking for glass. If I lift the respective cushions of the armrest of my sofa, I can find the snacks already in place. I even have a fridge containing a small set of cool fizzy drinks bottled and ready. At the tip of each armrest, there is a cup-holder in which I could place a can, bottle, glass of cup at my leisure. "A Seven Star establishment!" I ponder, astonished by the facilities I had been offered. Of course, I had been paying for everything in advance; this is an all paid suite, after all. Twilight had not spared any efforts, and neither had her staff of beautiful elfin girls. She had made me feel like a Princess, whom everyone is serving at my slightest whim. "Offer the staff a genuine smile!" I had red, somewhere in the material about the Inn. They forgot to mention; I'm tipping the staff in genuine emotions, and love first and foremost. There is no kitchen; but I can always order something in, if and when I need something. Attention is but a call away, after all. The cushions are comfortable, as I sit down in the middle seat. Once I sit down, I open the cover and extract a Sparkle Cola. Now I close the cover and open the bottle in my hand; lifting the bottle to my mouth, taking a decisive gulp of the cool and fizzy beverage. "The Challenger.." I ponder; "The taste is clearly Pepsi Cola" I consider. The fizzling drink is as cool as I could desire, without being cold in the least. I slowly gulp down the liquid, contemplatively; as I am enjoying the comfort, I had been finding myself with. As I am finishing the drink, in my hand; I raise to my feet, continuing towards the bed room. Not that I, by any means am in a hurry; but I still feel like completing the tour, of my suite. I have a door, leading to the flight of stairs taking me up to the second floor; the balcony over the sofa, where I have two bed rooms, a girl's room and a shower. "Nice to have the girl's room and shower available on the second floor, close to my bed room!" I ponder, as I continue towards the bed room. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers wide, in order to open the door. This time, I notice both of the doors slide up quietly with a whoosh; I am stepping into the first of the bed rooms available, examining the room I had just entered. Naturally, I have a bed on my right side and the twin doors of the two wardrobes on the foot end of the bed, just behind the bed. The floor had been laid with white beech wood; but otherwise the walls and ceiling are identical to the hall outside. The two bed rooms are identical, but mirrored. "As beautiful as the classical black is, I think I will pass!" I ponder, opting for the red instead. However, I will just have to disrobe or undress; before I could try these out, for myself. I lift my right hand up to my waist, slipping my skirt down; kicking it up, only to pick it up and depositing it on the floor of the wardrobe. I repeat the process, slipping out of my white cotton panties. "Metallic bloody red panties?" I ponder, as I am extending my right hand and extract the garment. I step into the smooth panties, feeling the glossy material slide over my skin; pulling the garment all the way up. Only affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to acquire that ever elusive, perfect fit. "Oo-oo-ooh!" I sigh; as I notice how the silicone cover my skin, as if painted on. The surface is sleek, slippery and glossy. I notice, how these panties are reaching up to two inches above my belly button; just as they reach two inches down my thighs. Of course; it is what I had been expecting, just as it is why I chose these panties in the first place. I tentatively explore myself for a moment; caressing the mound and orchid for a moment, before I am turning my attention towards the top I am wearing. Since I am wearing a medium long blouse top; I start unbuttoning it, button by button, before I pull it off of me. I hang the top on the first free hanger; before I pull the brassiere off of me, by pulling it up over my head and place it under my top. "Rarity" the label reads; "E Cup: Productive-E" the subtitle reads. "Maybe, just maybe; I should be trying this one, just for the fun of it?" I ponder; as I am extracting the garment, from the interior of the wardrobe. "Certainly does look exciting.." I mumble; "but is this truly E?" I ponder, critically. If it is a genuine Rarity, I know I can't just leave it in the wardrobe; I have to try it on, in the blind hopes it will fit me. If it is vanity, but the quality of the craft-mare ship is to die for, plain and simple. However, it isn't just the quality of her work; it is also in the quality of the materials and how she matches colours that is to die for. Even if this is a monochrome, however vivid the metallic bloody red may be. But, still. As I had extracted the garment out of the wardrobe, wherein I had found it; it had been only too easy, to slip it down over my head. Affording it a few tentative tugs, in order to ascertain that ever so elusive perfect fit: once, twice and thrice. "Aah, that does feel good!" I ponder; "If his is what a genuine Rarity feels like; I have to obtain a full wardrobe, for myself!" I mumble. While I am at it, I find a pair of full-length gloves of her design; extracting them, in the intent of putting them on, before I had an instant to consider. Maybe, just maybe; it is just the hopes of wearing a complete ensemble, of genuine Rarity design? Either way, I found myself utterly incapable of resisting the urge. Slipping the right hand in, had proven simple; the glove eagerly swallowing the hand, and my fingers soon finding their respective positions with practiced ease. As if guided, by a will beyond my own. This, had not stopped me; I soon find myself repeating the process as I wear the gloves with pride. Even the gloves looks, as if painted on; not as if they had been gloves, created out of fabric. But of course, they are neither. However, they are inspiring me to explore the next exploit. Stockings. Full-length, toe-stockings. Skin-tight, but the same red hue; matching the rest of the ensemble, I am currently wearing. Almost, as if it had been the uniform of the customers of this hotel. Was it? I had never considered. Just as I had failed to even notice. Even now. I had found myself, extracting the stockings, slipping my right foot into the first; only to pull it all the way up as I slide my foot in; feeling the tight material swallow the foot, before my toes slide in into position. With the stocking on, I had put the foot down; only to repeat the process, before I set my left foot down onto the floor, with practiced ease. "There that was easy, maybe a bit too easy?" I ponder; "But, it still does feel good.." I mumble; "Now I am wearing an ensemble of genuine Rarity!" I chime. "Maybe I should be resting, for but a moment.." I ponder; stepping up to the bed. Folding the corner of the quilt up against the wall, had proven only too easy. Not that I had been expecting a challenge, but still. Stands to reason. If the sheet is a slippery smooth glossy and black silicon, but it still feels good under my hand as I am probing what I have before me. "Had I not enjoyed it; I could have asked, for some manner of replacement?" I ponder. The quilt is Pi inches thick, crystal-clear and highly elastic silicon; matching what I had surrounding me. I lift up my seemingly bare right foot; slipping it in under the quilt, sitting down and sliding my left foot in behind the right one. With that, I soon find myself lying comfortably in my bed; folding the quilt back down, over myself. Now I lay my head down, onto the quilt, relaxing, in perfect comfort. Just that I soon fall asleep, as I am relaxing. Whatever I had had in mind, follows me into the real of sleep. Luna's domain. Thankfully, I am not in need of her help, guidance or protection at the moment. Several pleasant dreams, awaiting me; some eight hours of restful sleep to enjoy before I will be waking up, with a distinct surprise to explore. However, that is eight hours in the future; I am fast asleep. Safe and secure. . I am taking the Employee's elevator down. The ride is just as smooth, as the customer's is. Of course. If it is not the same elevator; but it is exactly the same setup. Why bother installing a different one? That would only make for an issue, if and when you need to maintain it. I stop at the Sub Level thirteen; "SL13" the sign reads, as I step out. "Ping" is heard, the doors slide up and I step out. "Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak.." is heard, as I step out, trotting over the floor of the hall I had just entered. The floor is an inch thick, glossy black. A typical changeling membrane floor. The walls on my right and left consists of the same rubbery substance, squeaking at the slightest touch. It is a homey feeling, to me; something I have grown used to, but I had never set hoof outside the property of the hive. It is after all, where I had been hatched; or as the Humans outside would have said, born. This is a new Hive, all but the Queen herself are hatched here; we know nothing, but what we are taught for our life and work here. The light emanates from the star-skape overhead. The same star-skap that is applied to the roof of the entire building. Beautiful. Convenient. Easily maintained. It feels; as if I had been outdoors, to me. While I do not have to go out, but I can always see this if I visit the top floor. "The Top of the World" Trotting down the hall is easy and comfortable, it is home. Plain and simple. After a few minutes, the hall is opening up in a large chamber. I soon notice a table, laden with pink glazed cupcakes. "Cup-Cake!" I exclaim, hasting the final steps in the effort to reach the goal. The uniform of the day had melted away. I have no use of it here now. It is for the benefit of the guests and customers on the topside. "Pink!" I exclaim, as I am reaching for the preferred baked good. Even if I get most, of not all the sustenance from the guests; this contains everything I need, to stay healthy. She needs me in top shape, I can't afford to call in sick any day. We have far too much work, as it is. These cupcakes had been baked with love, and she had glazed it with a specially rich glaze containing all the love one such as I could safely take in. I had learned to enjoy this special treat; both for the flavour itself, as well as the experience it is imbuing upon me as I eat. How a mere Pony could have produced it, is beyond even our Glorious Queen; Chrysalis herself. It should have been impossible, and the mere notion is preposterous in and of itself. However, the effect is self-evident; just as the existence of the lord of Chaos himself, known as Discord. There is no point in doubting. History taught me, us of the incident when Twilight had tried to understand and consequently prove fallacy; the equally consequential effect had been obvious and undeniable. The Rapidash had taken her place, even if for just a moment, but the occurrence had been recorded and is taken for proof of the event. "It is Pinkie Pie.." or, so the saying goes; Pinkie is just Pinkie.."; the expression could be rephrased, until absurdum, but it always holds true. If the Element of Magic had been admitting defeat before the hooves of this pink mare; known as Pinkie Pie, who am I to argue? With that, I had settled with accepting this rare treat. Just this one cupcake. I chew it with joy; knowing what it is and what it means to having it. I can as well take the time, so I do just that; I am taking the time, knowing it is worth it. Missing a few minutes of sleep and rest is worth it. Even our Queen herself had admitted as much. In her infinite wisdom; she had accepted the offer suggested, and we are all the better for it. The wealth of love we had been given a statue of living proof undeniable. I enjoy my treat, in perfect silence; taking the time; in silence and solitude as I am contemplating what I had been offered. Nothing is gained, by haste, nothing could possibly be gained; so I take the time, exploring and experiencing it for all it is worth. Once I had consumed my offering; I step away from the table; now turning towards the hall taking me to my sparse living quarters. It is sparse, Spartan; but what do I need, when everything I truly ask for is upstairs? This is my home, where I live on the free hours of my night. I continue on my way, step by step; followed by the squeaking noises, my hooves are producing. It is a sign of familiarity and home. I am consoled and comforted by their presence like a foal is comforted by the sounds of the heartbeats of her mother. At the end of my path, I enter a small room. The doors are closing behind me and I am at home. Ablaze with love and joy, yet exhausted by the efforts of my day. I had a long day, working my shift. Work is a privilege, but we are still few in numbers. Queen is hard at work, correcting this issue. Once the doors had closed behind me, I return to my original form; trotting over to the bed or pod, stepping in and fall asleep in a moment. Thus ends my day; only to be replaced by a new day, I will be granted the joy and glory of a new day. I had performed well, but she can not afford to replace me at this point; we are far too few in numbers, to afford to replace a perfectly functional drone or worker. . Twilight is sitting on her throne, enjoying a moment of rest; contemplating the day, while she is looking out over the map the table is presenting her with. The map of Equestria had been replaced, with the map of the country where she had directed Queen Chrysalis. The Queen had accepted the offer, wearily; but she had taken the chance, entering the offered establishment. Pinkie Pie is bouncing into the room, with her characteristic squeaking noises; imitating the rubber ball she is acting like. Only to take her place in her seat; accepting the place by the table, as she had stopped and sit down on her throne. "She is accepting the offer, but I know she had been enjoying these pink cupcakes.!" she points out. "For a changeling, these are to die for; rich in all the vital nourishment sustaining a changeling indefinitely!" Twilight recognizes; "but alas, how can a mere pastry sustain a changeling, even for a day?" she continues. "I thought you knew me better than that.." Pinkie huffs, slightly offended, but still snickering with undeniable, unkempt mirth on her voice; "I love all my friends, and I put my very soul into my work.." she explains; "In the process, these mere pastries are suffused, saturated by the purest of love!" she concludes. The door opens, and the next mare is stepping into the room with measured steps as she is maintaining a measured gait. A moment later, she is claiming her seat. Once she is sitting comfortably on her throne, she is examining the map, critically. "The location, where you directed the Queen?" she inquires. "Yes.." Twilight responds. "I take it, she accepted the offer.." Rarity inquires. "The location is perfect, for her needs.." Twilight acknowledges. "She could not refuse the offered Pastries, these cupcakes are ensuring her comfort and sustenance indefinitely!" Pinkie elaborates. "I see.." Rarity responds; "and she is looking positively radiant, she will be a stunning look.." Rarity puts forth. "Your contribution will ensure their success.." Pinkie affirms; "the presentation is depending on them; thus ensuring the customers enjoying the services offered.." Pinkie proclaims. --- > A New Day: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . No Pony is hurt, and no Human either; yet, the Changelings will be flourishing under Queen Chrysalis, on the offered location!" Fluttershy contently concludes, where she is sitting on her throne. . The sun is slowly raising on the arch up to the sky. The hour may still be early; but since the sun is up, it is still a new day. This morning is greeting me, eagerly; with a surprise, I had asked for. Even, if I had not realized it at the time. Now, it's too late to moan. I had put the suit on, wearing each of the garments the entire night; now, as I wake up it had yielded the preferred changes. The sheet is still the same black, as when I had entered the room the other day; just as the quilt still is crystal-clear silicone, Pi inches thick. What had I been expecting? The bed is the same, exactly, as is the room; but if that had changed, I would have been in shock. What had changed, is what is between the sheets, or more exactly: me, I had been submitted to the effect of wearing the chosen garments the entire night. I had had a comforting and restful sleep all night. Just as I had been expecting. The room had promised me this, and more. Now, it is living up to another promise; even if I had not realized it, at the time. I open my eyes, as I stir from my needed slumber; noticing the room is where I had left it, even if something had changed during the night. I can feel it, just as I can not deny it. Just that I can't quite make sense out of what my sensations are screaming. As I fold the corner of the quilt up towards the wall, sliding my feet out from under the quilt; I find myself sitting up on the bed, still wearing the strangely comfortable and comforting suit I had slipped into the other day. I can clearly see the metallic bloody red rubber coating my legs and feet, even if it is silicon. The fit is indeed perfect, even if it no longer is depending on the creation. I had been changed, and my body had adapted to what it had been submitted to. "Oh.." I merely breathe; as I lift my right hand up to my face, so I can examine the red glove I am still wearing. At first, the hand is still looking exactly as it did the other day; but then the revelation hits home, my nails are inch-long, semi-square and metallic bloody red, even as I can't see the colour of my glossy nails through the material of the gloves. Furthermore; I had been granted these hyper-sensitive, brightly cerise touch pads: reaching from the edge of the final joint of the respective fingers, and all the way up under the respective nail as well. Too late for regret, and too late to mourn. The final change of the hand, is the suction-cup covering the entire palm of my right and left hand; cable of suction beyond what I could have dreamed up or wish for. Yet, it is there; now I will just have to deal with it, exploring it to learn what it is good for. I will need to be in control, lest I will be suffering the terrible and embarrassing consequences at every turn. "Oh!" I exclaim, lifting my cupped hands up to my chest; "Ooh, ooh, ooh.." I ponder, as my hands cup the enlarged breasts comfortably. As the top had professed, I am now sporting a very firm E-cup bust; my nipples just as large, despite what I had been expecting. How, and why had my nipples changed; the extent feels a bit overwhelming, to me at this point. Yet, I guess I could not complain; even if they will be obvious, standing out whatever I may be wearing. With the gentlest of touches, I caress my breasts, enjoying it and myself; then lifting my index-fingers, reaching for the tip of each nipple. As large as my nipples may be, I no longer find them all that bad; the tips of my fingers soon reaching their respective targets, sliding over the tip of the respective nipple. Since I am still wearing both the top, and the gloves; I can feel the coarse sensation, adding to the tactile sensitivity. Something I had not been expecting, but I am nonetheless enjoying it all the same. "Oo-ooh, oo-ooh, oo-ooh!" I exclaim, as I tease the tips of my nipples. I make a mental effort, stopping myself in order to stand up. Once I am standing before the bed, I turn around to face my bed; folding the quilt back down, leaving it in the state I had found it. As I am standing up, I had let go of my nipples; permitting my left hand fall down to the hip, while I am extending the index-finger of my right hand and lift the hand up towards my mouth. As the tip of my index-finger is approaching my mouth; I part my lips and extend my tongue, licking the touch-pad in excitement. "Oo-ooh, oo-ooh, oo-ooh.." I sigh, in response to the somewhat unexpected sensations I am experiencing. I pull my tongue in, slowly closing my mouth; thoughtfully placing the tip of the finger on the lip, tentatively. The free hand on my hip, meanwhile slides down and to the center; moving towards the mound. My fingers soon slide of the orchid; covered by the smooth and slippery silicone, but I can clearly feel the tips of my fingers sliding over the petals of my orchid all the same. "Ooo-oo-oooh, ooo-oo-oooh, ooo-.." I exclaim, in excitement; though the sound is cut short, as the tip of my extended index-finger is pressing down on my lip and my mouth contracts and I find myself wet. The further I press the tip of my finger on my lip; the more pronounced the instinctive contraction of my mouth is, there is no denying it even if I had not quite realized it. I feel the effect, as I grow excited where I stand still, without realizing how or why I am experiencing it. In the excitement, I am slipping the tip of my extended index-finger over the petals of my orchid; only driving home the excitement even further, holding me in place. "T- th- that, that feels good." I ponder, as my thoughts stutter. The fact that my mound had been extended during the night is escaping me, just as the notion of how stiff and sensitive the petals of my orchid had become barely even register; but what is registering, is the excitement the sensations are eliciting, as the touch-pads on the fingers of my left hand are. The moment comes to a sudden and very abrupt halt, as I find myself almost falling over; causing me to reach forwards, instinctively, in order to try to break the fall. Just a moment later, the spell had been broken; even if I feel the stirring excitement lingering, even after the contact had been severed in the process of pulling my hands away. My mouth is still wet, my lips glistering; but the contraction of my mouth is subsiding, before my mouth had closed completely. However, I close my mouth, as I am looking up. The catastrophe had been averted, before I could have fallen to the floor. The reaction had apparently shifted my balance; causing the issue to correct itself, before I had even realized it. I lick my lips, in excitement; considering the next move. While I had been at it, I had cast a glance down onto the floor under me; noticing how perfect my feet look, not that I had been complaining about my feet before. Petite, on the border of girlish and girl-sized; but still within the range of sizes, giving me the option of wearing heels and other more mature women's shoes, if and when I so chose to. The unusually long toes, now ending in what I could only take for miniature hooves; even if I could not see the red hue, matching the yet unseen finger-nails. Such is the effect of wearing the gloves and stockings, but for now I don't really care. Why should I be bothered? I know I can see my nails at will; all I need to do, is to slip put of my gloves or stockings. Nothing is preventing me to do it, if and when I so choose. What I had not seen, or realized; is that I am standing on the tips of my toes, as my feet reflexively tensed up in the moment. Not that it had changed anything. I can still walk around, as I please. Since I am in the privacy of my home, I had not chosen to dress up, I am still wearing what I had put on the other day. Modesty is still covered. Why worry. "Maybe I should have something to eat; I haven't had anything since yesterday, and the excitement have taken a toll on me!" I ponder, in stark realization; as I start walking over to the door. There is no door-handle, just a blank, smooth door. However, I soon find the plaque; coated in what appears to be black latex rubber, even if I should have known it isn't. The material is more akin to the silicone, they had taken a liking to here. No matter, so long as it leaves me with no irritation or long lasting issues to deal with. I lift my hand, extending the palm of my right hand towards the plaque; pressing my hand down gently, spreading my fingers in order to open the door. The door slides up and I am stepping out; the door slides shut with a quiet whoosh, as I had cleared the threshold. Once I had cleared the door, I turn towards the door and walk the flight of stairs down to the first floor; finding myself in my living-room once more. I continue to walk over to the sofa; slipping in between the table, plopping down onto the soft and comfortable cushion quietly. "There, that was easy.." I ponder; "even if it had been exciting, in the bed-room!" I conclude. Now I am leaning back, resting comfortably; relaxing in my seat, as I consider my current situation. After a moment, I am lifting up the cover that is the armrest; finding a few red cans of Rad Cola. With that, I am picking one up and pop it open in a single swift and fluid motion; before I lift it up to my mouth and press it to my lips, slowly taking a long sip of the cool, fizzing beverage. "The original.." I conclude; "Coke!" I muse; not that it had been that much of a difference, to me. Either way, it is refreshing. While not a meal, or a breakfast; but at least, I get something in my belly, even if just something to drink. I had drunk nothing; since I stepped into my bedroom, the other night. Whatever time of day, that had been. "I still don't like to go out, but I do need something to eat!" I point out; "Besides, I don't even know where to go; maybe I should have asked, but I guess I could ask as the room service show up with my breakfast!" I conclude. I pick up the remote control, examining the item in my right hand for a moment; before I am activating the full-screen device covering the entire wall before me. Once the screen comes to life, I opt in "Room Service" and choose "Breakfast". However, something appears to me; I can choose who is delivering the services. "Okay, that is curious.." I ponder; "but I guess I could as well explore my options!" The default girl is standing before me, showing of her assets before me. I ogle her, for a moment; distracted by what I can see on the screen, as I try to make up my mind. "Name" I read; "Hitomi" I fill in. "Skin colour" I read; "Porcelain White" I fill in. "They asked, so I chose the option!" I ponder, as I notice the selection had been accepted. Each opted chose taking hold, as the girl is changing, before my very eyes. "Feels, as if I had been creating a character for some online RPG or MMO game, rather than specifying the servant, delivering my room service!" I ponder. No cost is stated, so I assume it is free custom service. If they make a fuzz of it, later; I will be protesting, making it utterly clear that I had not been informed of a cost for the service. Unless it had been stated clearly at the time of order; I can't be expected to pay for it. Everyone should know it, but you know there will be someone trying a fast one. Hoping you don't realize it, and let it slide. I opt in high-gloss gold for lips and eye-shadow. More for the fun of it, than anything else. I notice how good it looks, on her; however, so I keep it as is. "Why does the girl have a braid reaching all the way down like this?" I ponder; "But I guess there is a reason; so I will run with it, and ask her as she arrives with my food!" I continue. I leave her with the firm bust, B-cups; why bother making a fuzz, when it does not change anything? I don't want her flat, just as I don't want her so busty, it is painful for her. "Horn.. Yes/No" I read; "Yes" I fill in, watching the standard Unicorn horn appearing on her forehead. I continue to opt in or out what is presented, one option at the time; adjusting her appearance, the best I can. In the end, I am happy with what I am presented with; firmly opting to save her as is, for all future interaction. "They had hinted towards a reason, but it had not made any sense to me; but if she is looking and acting pleasing to the eye, maybe the girl is getting more out of it?" I ponder. Since I had chosen the girl performing the service, it is time to order in the breakfast. Granted, I could have made this choice the day before; but I had waited, until I need the service. Since it is a breakfast buffet, delivered to my room; I had been faced with a list of options, so I make a few choices. Opting in, and opting out various items on the menu I had been presented with, before I confirm the order. "An 'all you can eat', breakfast buffet is always something extra!" I ponder, giggling. I had paid for the all-inclusive stay, so I could as well enjoy it for all it is worth. Using the Room Service for my Breakfast Buffet would just be the first on my list, after all. If I like, what they serve; I will opt to have the same breakfast served tomorrow, just as I will be coming back next time. Well, why not? It had not been all that expensive, after all. Some ten minutes later, the door to my room slides up and the girl henceforth known as Hitomi enters my suite with the breakfast I had ordered; making her way through my cloaking room and into my living room. She merely stops, extending the palm of her right hand; in order to open the door, before she continues. Once she is reaching the table, she stops; moving the buffet over to my living room table, presenting me with the breakfast, I had just ordered. I notice her, as she is standing in the flesh in the room. "Greetings, Miss Rose-Moo!" she exclaims, as she is entering the room. "Greetings, Hitomi!" I respond. "Your breakfast is served!" she continues, as she had finished placing the buffet onto my table. "Thank you, Hitomi!" I respond, beaming a delighted grin at her, as she remains before me. "Uhm, Hitomi; would you be so kind as to have a seat beside me, please!" I offer. "But of course, Miss Rose-Moo!" she responds, stepping over to the seat beside me. "There, much better.." I offer; "I like having company, while I am enjoying my breakfast!" I continue. "Yes, Miss Rose-Moo.." she responds; I understand, and I wholeheartedly agree!" she continues. "Would it be acceptable, if you just call me 'Rose-Moo'?" I inquire. "But of course, by all means.." she responds, as she is watching me consuming the breakfast she had just served me. I love the service she is delivering, and she knows it; I can't say her appearance is hampering, and she certainly enjoys sitting by the table with me too. My smile and joy is like tipping her; even if I had failed to understand the vagaries, but so long as she is happy. Why worry? With the girl by my side, I enjoy my breakfast. Why shouldn't I? So long as she does not complain, I will enjoy her company. I beam at her, where she is sitting; she enjoys my company, as I am loving the company of Hitomi. Why should she fuzz or complain, I am apparently paying her quite handsomely. Not that it had cost me anything. She had been selected, based on her compatibility to what I had specified; thus earning her and the Hive the most for their effort. They could have sent the first girl available, but that would have made for a lesser service. She would not have enjoyed my company as much, either. If she had already had her breakfast, but she does not require any sustenance beyond my freely offered 'Love' in the first place. Maybe I could have offered her to take a more active part in my meal, but since she had not given me the idea; I make the most out of it, enjoying what she had just served me. In the end, the meal comes to a conclusion; the food is all gone, consumed. I feel satisfied. Of course, I could have ordered in more, if and when I so desire if I am sill hungry. Besides, I can always have my lunch in a few hours, anyway. "Delicious.." I exclaim, licking my lips as I had concluded my meal. She is remaining seated, but observes me. She had already known it, and had prepared for the eventuality; considering the top I am currently wearing, since I had not taken it off before I walked out of my bed room. Well, why did I need to bother; she clearly does not care, and it still feels just as good to wear as it had the night before. She is winking at me, snickering. Did she mean something, or does she just enjoy my company. "Just lean back and relax.." she now offers; "Place your hands, on the tip of the armrests; pressing the palms of your hands down, gently!" she suggests; while she continues to snicker, once more winking at me conspiratorially. I follow her suggestions, curious; "Hold on, hold on.." she coos, as she is leaning over me; directing her voice directly into my ear, teasing me to comply. "Relaxed, I take it.." she coos; "Relaxing..." she continues; as she is placing her hands, on the back of my hands; gently pressing down tentatively. "Yes.." I respond; "Yes, yes, yes.." I continue, in growing excitement. "Good, good; excellent.." she coos; lifting her hands and extend the index-finger of her right hand, only to place the tip of the finger on my lower lip. "Oh, oh, oh.." I coo, as I feel the touch-pad on my lower lip, still not quite grasping what she is doing, or the effect she is having upon me. Her left hand is sliding a panel open, presenting the option on my right and left side; pulling the offered entertainment out, from within the recess. The tip of the touch-pad remaining on my lower lip, just slowly pressing down, distracting me, from what she is doing. "Rose-Moo?" I ponder, as I notice what she is pulling out from within the recess; before she is placing it on my right nipple, and one on my left. I feel the crystal-clear item sliding over the sensitive flesh; as she is pressing it down, right and left. The item should have been stainless steel, all according to tradition; but Hitomi had apparently opted for this crystal-clear Sapphire in its place. Each is connected, attached with a thin silicone-tube. "Part your lips, please.." she coos, tentatively; just as I feel a tingling sensation covering both of my nipples, as the suction is initiating the production of a vacuum. As I am parting my lips, the tip of her finger gently press down more. Just a little bit firmer, and a little bit, and a little bit. "Ooh, oo, moo, oo, ooh!" I just sigh, enjoying the surprise she is handing me on the proverbial silver-platter. "Is this the dessert, I had forgotten to ask for?" I ponder, as she is looking me deeply in my eyes, with a loving smile spreading out over her face. While the vacuum is building up, making me lactating; she is pressing the tip of her index-finger onto my lower lips, just as I part my lips. The more I part my lips, the more my mouth is contracting. "Lift your hands up, slowly.." she now suggests and I start complying; "hold on, hold on, hold on.." she intones, and I find the suction-cups engaging as she pronounces these words. With each time she is pronouncing the words of the subconscious command, the suction slowly grows more pronounced and intensify; making it harder and harder, to lift my hands. After a minute, or so; my hands fall back down onto the armrest, with a squeaking noise I can't escape hearing. "Since I take it, this is your first time; we will be taking it slow, cautious.." she explains; "I want for you to enjoy this experience; for the best possible result, so you are looking forwards to it next time.." she promises, chiming delightfully at me. "Yes.." I respond; "yes, yes, yes.." I continue, cooing. "Focus, focus, focus.." she is instructing me; "Hold on, ho-oo-oo-oo-old on, hold on.." she mouths, seductively; "Focus on the experience and the action.." she now coos. As she speaks, I feel the suction growing stronger, stronger, stronger, more and more pronounced, as she continues. "Feel the suction, fee its strength?" she inquires, and I nod. "Could you by chance tighten the grip, feeling the control in the process; so you can perform the action on a more conscious level?" she incites, and I nod, as I attempt to do what she had suggested. With some initial effort, I shift my focus; feeling the suction, instead of my fingers. Picturing holding on with my fingers; while I engage the suction, instead of my fingers. As I focus, she is pressing the tip of her finger down on my lower lip; soon contracting my mouth considerably, without me even realizing it. "Lift your hands, gently!" she coos; slowly pressing the tip of the finger down just a bit more; causing my mouth to contract, and my lips to close with a sucking noise. She is lifting her finger, yet my mouth remains contracted and my lips tightly pressed together; had I tried, I could have done nothing about it. Now she is lifting her left hand up, extending the index-finger before me; moving the hand slowly toward my mouth, and soon I feel the tip of the finger touching my lips. Slowly the finger slides in, effortlessly; causing my mouth to contract further in the process, and the finger slowly slides all the way in. She stops, for but a moment; before she slowly pulls the finger out, half the way. Now, she slowly slides the finger in and out, in and out; only to make me feel excited, excitement rising as she continues this action minute by minute. She is observing my reaction, lustfully; as she continues to tease me, moving the finger in and out over and over. Never pulling it free, just as she never pushes it too far in. "Ooo-oo-oo-ooh, ooo-oo-oo-ooh; ooo-oo-oo-ooh, ooo-oo-oo-ooh; ooo-oo-oo-ooh.." I coo, in time with her finger moving in and out, back and forth. Trying to part my lips now, at this point; is pointless, utterly futile. However, I guess I should not complain; as I find it enjoyable and exciting, despite myself. Had it been anyone other than Hitomi, and anywhere else but here; this should have been embarrassing, no end. But it is Hitomi, and I am sitting in the cinematic sofa in my living-room. "I thought so.." she muses, still observing me; growing excited in the process, as she is making sure I get that special first experience she had promised me. She is building up my experience, of what I had been asking her for; even if I may not have realized it. Now, she is approaching the peak, the crescendo; making these actions instinctual, and I will not be able to resist it, any time they are invoked. The intimacy, the pleasure and joy she is applying to what she does; is building up within me, creating the instincts implied beforehand, as I am learning what she is offering to me so generously and freely. While I will be able to control the suction, and the grip up to a point; I can be triggered into engaging each individually, to the effect. If triggered, it is in her hands; she is holding the control, but I am enjoying it for all it is worth. Of course, why shouldn't I? It is, what she had been aiming for from the start; this, is her desires and needs such as presented. She lives to serve; and when her Queen is not in the room, I am taking her place. Right now, my needs, my desires are everything; she is instinctively pleasing me, but not just to save herself or for the moment of joy. She is pleasing me, because she enjoys to please me; she had been selected based upon compatibility, and now she is enjoying what I am offering her. Her rewards, are not in monetary or simplicity; but since I am loving what she is offering me, she is content and enjoy it with me. Almost, as if I had been doing it to her. "I can't resist it, or her suggestions.." I ponder; "but I enjoy it, far too much; to protest, or regret this now!" I realize. She is lifting her right and left hand, respectively in turn; insinuate, that I should be trying to mirror her action. I take her suggestions, at face value; attempting to act, as I think she wants me to. While I think I am correct, in assuming she wanted me to do what I am doing; based on her facial expressions, and her vocal intonations. I still can not lift my hands up as suggested. An excited smile spreading out over my lips and onto my face; the expression soon is mirrored, on her face in turn. "There; perfect, perfect.." she merely muses, as she can see the effects of what she had done. Since she is triggering me, while I am in the desired mood; this is taking hold, and I can no longer revert back to who or what I had been before. The smile on my face, reflecting the emotional out-poor; the love I am exuding, aimed for her and her alone. She is relishing in the pleasure; as I enjoy myself, while she is pleasing me. . I had released her, helped her up. She had been enjoying, what I had been offering her. However, I have a feeling; she will enjoy a different service, and I will be facilitating it to the best of my abilities. Just that this may be best served; by someone else, or rather two girls by her side. I am activating the screen before the sofa, opting in the Room Service, searching for the options she will be enjoying. "Rose-Moo have the spare bed rooms required; so the girls could sleep over, for the night!" I ponder, snickering. I choose "Neko" and "Mejika" as their names. However, I give them the traditional appearance of two females, or Maids of our Queen, working at the Royal Twilight Inn. I opt for them to wear the full, standard uniform; consisting of: panties, top, skirt, stockings and gloves. The ensemble can be taken of; if and when prompted, of course. It is part of the deal, after all. Once I had placed the order on the request cue, any of the drones can accept the task. The two girls will then take the elevator up to the floor; walking up to the suite, before promptly entering. Once I had placed the order on the request cue, any of the drones can accept the task. The two girls will then take the elevator up to the floor; walking up to the suite, before promptly entering. . I had answered the latest call, as I am following another girl up to the suite of Miss Rose-Moo. The name Neko had called out to me and the description of what I was expected to do, had been just right for me. Of course, it is always my choice; to accept the request, when I feel the connection of a personality and service is matching. I am a Worker, not an Automaton; after all. While most of us are Females in nature, there are still the select few who feels leanings to accept the male requests. This is formatted; to indicate she desires two female companions, for the duration of our services. Unless it is stated, to the contrary, it is customary for us to enter the suite directly; with that, I am opening the door promptly. I lift up my right hand, pressing the extended palm gently onto the plaque by her door; spreading my fingers wide, and the door quietly slides up eagerly before me. I step into the cloaking room, with Miss Mejika by my side; the door slides shut behind her, just as she had cleared the threshold. I am slipping a pair of slippers of; standing barefoot in the small room. Naturally; my companion Mejika had been mirroring my action. Now I step up to the next door, extending my right hand onto the plaque; feeling its inherent warmth in the process. As I am spreading my fingers wide, the door is sliding up before me; I step right in with Mejika in tow; whereupon the door slides shut, just as she had cleared the threshold. "Greetings, Miss Rose-Moo!" I exclaim, with Mejika as chorus. "Greetings, Neko and Mejika!" Hitomi exclaims. The girl is raising to her feet, and steps out of the room; a moment later, Miss Rose-Moo enters the room. "Greetings; Misses Neko and Mejika!" she exclaims, with a courtesy. "Greetings, Miss Rose-Moo!" I respond, with Mejika chorusing once more. "Please, just call me Rose-Moo; and have a seat on my right and left!" she then prompts. "Of course, Rose-Moo.." I respond; "and call me Neko!" I then add, as I am taking the offered seat on her right. "Of course, Miss Rose-Moo.." Mejika echoes; "and call me Mejika!" she continues, as she is accepting the seat on Rose-Moo's left side. "If you do not mind?" Rose-Moo offers; as she is extracting three bottles of Rad Cola. "Thank you, Rose-Moo!" I respond, for the two of us as I am accepted the presented bottle. I watch Rose-Moo uncapping her bottle, taking a sip; while I mirror her action, just as Mejika does. "Time to change into the night wear; Neko and Mejika!" I offer, as we are about to go to bed. "Yes; but of course, Rose-Moo!" Neko respond; "It is late, so we do need to sleep!" Mejika adds. "Curious, they are acting like Twins!" I ponder, giggling. I open the door to my wardrobe, examining the contents. As I am pulling the top up over my head, pulling it off; dropping it onto the floor of the wardrobe, the two girls behind me are mirroring my action. I slip my skirt down, kicking it up; picking it up, before I am dumping it onto the pile. Now I am slipping my panties down, kicking it up; placing it onto the pile, on the floor of my wardrobe. Giggling. I hear the girls snickering, as they are mirroring my every move; leaving a pile of garments on the right and left of my own. I lift my right and left foot up in turn, pulling the stockings off of my feet; placing them onto the pile; only to repeat the process, with my gloves. Once I am nude, I am extracting a pair of metallic bloody red panties for the girls behind me, and one for myself. "Rarity" the label reads; "E Cup - Play" reads the subtitle. While I am stepping into my panties, pulling them up; only to afford the garments a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; they mirror my actions. "Thank you, Rose-Moo; these panties are very comfortable!" Neko exclaims, with Mejika chorusing. I pick up a top, pulling it down over my head, pulling it into position; before I am affording it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. My top is marked "B Cup - Production" while theirs are marked "A Cup - Play" and "E Cup Fun". I am offering them a pair of full-length toe-stockings; marked "Ballerina", while I choose the same stockings I had been wearing the previous night. I am slipping the right foot into the first stocking; pulling it all the way up, affording it a few tentative tugs: once twice and thrice. Only to repeat the process, with the left stocking; knowing only too well, they are slipping into their offered garments as I do. "Size 36 - Petite" their stockings are labeled. I find a pair of gloves, identical to what I had been wearing the night before; slipping my right hand in, all the way; feeling the glove amorously swallowing the hand and guide the fingers into the correct positions. Just as I had been selecting a pair of gloves, matching the girls behind me. Just as before, they are putting the gloves on without an instant of hesitation; as if they were well versed with these garments, experienced with what they are offering. "Try this on, please!" I offer; as I am handing them a muzzle or snout matching their respective names. As I watch, they are accepting the preferred garment; slipping it in between their lips and gently biting down. As they bite down; the muzzle spread out over the lower part of their respective faces, in a smooth motion and leaves their faces just as smooth. While they put the muzzles on, I am extracting a pair of matching diadems for them; offering them to put them on. As Neko puts hers on, a pair of matching, metallic bloody red ears are sprouting on the top of her head. Mejika is sprouting a pair of matching ears and a pair of short stags befitting her more Deer-like persona. I yawn, and they yawn sympathetically with me; before they walk over to the next bed room. As they leave the room, I close the door to the wardrobe and slip in under my quilt. I know they are going to bed, for a good night's sleep for eight hours. --- --- ---