> FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! > by InfernoRage008 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.1: Reawakening Retribution... (Prologue...) Why... Why was I even in here? Why were me and my friends send here for? Besides the killing of Demons and saving the day. Was there a better reason? I don't think I'll ever find out the answer to those questions, that I keep asking myself over and over again. Back then, before all of this crazy shitstorm, there was me, and my four best friends. Brothers even. But you were probably expecting that. Anyway, we were getting ready for this year's Convention Center. Before we could though, one of my friends suggested this shop that opens up for these kinds of events. Saying that it has many props, of High-Quality material, for a pretty good reasonable price. Even though it was run by a shady character, known simply as 'The Merchant'. Anyway, grabbing just a couple of things, from a certain game. We each gotten a pendant of Power-ups from the new DOOM, and a gun each. I had the Berserker power-up, along with the Heavy Assault Rifle. The second got the Haste power-up, while having the Combat Shotgun in hand. Third, Invulnerability and Super Shotgun. Fourth, Quad-damage with a Plasma Rifle. And lastly, Invisibility with the Vortex Rifle, which both were from the Multiplayer. The purchase for these only costed us like Sixty dollars each, which was a sweet deal. Unfortunately, little did we know, that this wasn't your average shop. Nor was anything inside average. At first, nothing bad has happened to us, until it came right before we entered on through the entrance of the Convention Center. All five of us were flinged through Time and Space, not knowing how this happen, or what's gonna happen to us next. But another flashing light blinded us until we past out from it. Soon, we woke up to find ourselves in another plane of existence... As Doom Marines. Knowing we were fully outfitted with the Praetor suit, it came to us as a surprise. We had all the weapons, all the gear, all the upgrades, everything! Well, almost everything. But it didn't matter. Selecting the weapons we wanted to use, we were in some kind of forest. Scanning our way through was no easy feat, but we somehow managed. Eventually we came face-to-face with the inhabitants of this new world: Ponies. Unfortunately, they mistook us for Demons, and tried to kill us. The only thing we could do, without killing these guys, was to run and dodge them. Although the real Demons did pop out, and ambushed the ponies. Being Doom Marines, we did what the Doomguy himself would have done: Fight and Kill them. After showing our prowess and effectiveness, the ponies we rescued gave us their thanks... Only to bring us in as prisoners. After explaining ourselves to their King and Queen, they locked us up. They couldn't take any of our weapons, whether physically or magically. So that's good. After some needed debating, they decided to have us on their side in this war with the Demons. Upon which, we Doom Marines simply dubbed: The Hell Wars. But after winning it all, we went on different missions: Hunt Down the remnants of Demons left in the Physical Realm. Going our separate ways, we tracked and killed those left from the war. We couldn't risk another incursion from them. Finishing up, I was the only one to return from my mission, and after two days of waiting, the others have not yet return. Tracking down there last known locations, I found many dead, but none of my brothers were anywhere in sight. Not even among the dead. And now we come to where I was now trapped in. After returning back, Celestia, the eldest of the two Princesses, and daughter of the late King and Queen, thought I was planning something sinster. Thinking I was a threat, she tricked me and sealed me away in the same tombstone as on the game. She was always too rash in her plans and decisions, hence the reason why we could never connect with her, because she still believe us as Demons. Unlike her younger sister, Luna, she always do the most stupidest things. Such as now, sealing my tomb away, underneath rock and earth. She stripped me of my arms and sealed them in another room, somehow. Now I await here, bound, like some animal. Just waiting to be released from here. Soon though, I drifted off to sleep. I would sometimes wake up, only to see that I'm still locked up, and then fall back to sleep. One day, one day they'll have need of me again. I just hope little Tia has an excuse for why she did this, and it better be a real good one, too... (10,000 years later. Princess Celestia, Canterlot Castle under siege...) "This is not going well." I whispered. Sometime ago, Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, came back to Equestria. Not for war, but to warn us about the coming war, with another Changeling Hive. This Hive belonged to her older sister, Cocoon, who is notorious among her own kind, beyond redemption. Chrysalis came to us, along with her Hive, because Cocoon tried the kill her, and her Hive. The only reason why she invaded was because she was tricked, as Cocoon was planning on assassinating her after she claimed Equestria. Such a nefarious deed. Right now? We were under attack. We've held out for as long as we can, thanks to our combined forces. But we were slowly driven back by Cocoons Hive, their forces seemingly overpowering us. This has been going on for days, and we are running out of options here. The battle now took place within the castle grounds. Alongside me were my sister Luna, Chrysalis, and the Elements. "Where is Cadence and Shining Armour? They should have been here by now, or before the battle started!" Twilight questioned. "Cocoon must have send forces their way. After witnessing my defeat at the hands of those two, she doesn't want a repeat of that happening to her." Chrysalis summarised. "That said, she has cut us all off from receiving reinforcements." "We won't survive this." Luna spoke. "Will we?" "Not unless you're thinking about giving up." Chrysalis answered her firmly. "I'm not sure if the Elements of Harmony will do it this time. Cocoon plans for everything, and I mean everything. She's always hatching a plan. No pun intended." She finished off with a snort. "But, we have to try!" Twilight exclaimed. "Yeah! Ain't no psycho got anything on the Elements of Harmony!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "But she ain't lyin' 'bout he sister having plans. What if she got something on her that WILL stop us!?" Applejack stated. While they were conversing among each other, I was busy arguing with myself, upon a decision I must make. "Sister? What are you thinking?" Pulling me from my bemusing, Luna asked, as she placed a hand my shoulder. "You are distress about something. As if whether or not you should consider it plausible." Chrysalis also caught onto it. Not surprising, seeing as Changeling can feel emotions. Sighing, I look at them all. "I may have an idea." Hearing this, the girls stopped on what they were doing and listened in. "There may be a way to turn the tide of this war." I explained to them. "But, in order to do so, we need you girls to do this." "What is it?" Twilight asked. "Follow me." I said urgently as we made our way through the halls. Reaching the Throne room, I opened up doors and step inside, the room was used for planning and such. Now though, it was a makeshift hospital. We lost almost half of the castle grounds, during the last couple of days. Walking up to the thrones, I used my magic to open up a secret passageway. I care not for those witnessing, they have done so much, they deserve it. "Okay. How long was that there!?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Long enough." I said to her. "Come." Walking down within, it took us straight to where we can get help. That is, if he's cooperative about it. Although, in all likelihood, I cannot fault him. Reaching upon the only door down here, I unlocked it and open it up. Entering in, the large room lid up, energy surging through again, as the runes started lighting up once more. In the middle of the room, was his tombstone. Within it, himself. "Um, Princess Celestia?" I heard Fluttershy spoke up. "Yes?" I turned to her. "W-why did you brought u-us down here? That is, if you don't mind me asking?" She meekly asked. "Well..." I was about to answer her, until we hear something explode back up in the Throne room. "Girls, use your Elements upon that tomb!" "But--!" "Luna, stay with them! Chrysalis and I will deal with this problem!" She didn't answer me, only staring straight at the tomb. Me and Chrysalis both ran back up the stairs. Although, Chrysalis was glaring at me, and I knew why. "How could you?" "Now isn't the time for this." I stated firmly. "I can't believe you. Doing that to someone I only thought was legend. You locked him up like an animal!" She shouted at me before we reached the top. "What made you commit such an act of betrayal!?" "Chrysalis, now is really not the-- LOOK OUT!!" Tackling her out of the way, a ball of fire was hurled at us. "My, my. What have we here~?" Cocoon, she was here. "Two unlikely pair of bickering children." "Dammit." I cursed under my breath. What's worse, Cocoon wasn't alone. She has about seven soldiers at her side. Laughing, she placed a hand under her chin, tilting her head slightly to the left. "Well then, shall we~?" (Twilight Sparkle...) "Okay. You girls ready?" Placing on our Elements, the girls and I were ready. "Ready!" Rainbow Dash stated. "Alrighty then! Let's... Princess Luna?" Applejack spoke. As we wondered what was going on with Luna, we looked back at her, and saw her crying silently. "Tia.... How could you?" She stuttered. "Princess?" I called out to her. "Please, Twilight. Set my friend free." We were all surprised at this. But before I could ask her anything else. "Girls, hurry! We need to get the princess's friend out! PRONTO!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. I was hesitant, but seeing Luna crying like that, claiming that her friend from, who knows how long ago, trapped within the tomb. I can't refuse her request. "Alright, let's save Equestria!" As I said that, we closed our eyes and concentrated, feeling the power of Harmony coursing through us. After building up enough magic, we released it upon the tomb. But in doing so, I don't know why, I just started having this feeling inside me, telling me...to fear? Fear what though?? Before I could ponder on this any further, the tombstone started opening up, only for somepony on the other side to bash it open. Making the lid fall and break apart, which gave us a fright. Looking back to the one who did it, he wasn't what we were all expected at all. Stepping out from the now opened tomb, stood a very large, armored being of unknown origin. "W... What is that!?" (???) Oh man... How long have I been imprisoned inside this damned tombstone? Eons?? Heh! I don't even know why...? Wait, what is that? Is that light? No, that feels like energy flowing through me. Giving me back my powers. Such a nostalgic feeling. The power to rip and tear through my foes, with glorifying efficiency. The binds to my hands and feet have gone, and the lid opening up, although a bit too slow for me. Head-butting it open, it fell to the ground and broke. Taking my first step in a very long time, I stretched out. Working out the muscles for a short while. Although... "W... What is that!?" I wish I could just enjoy the moment a little longer. Looking around, I saw six girls surrounding me, all of their reactions varying. Shock, fear, curiosity, disgust, and hatred. Nothing new there. "Whoa nelly! He's a big fella!" "H-h-he's n-not going to e-eat us, is he!?" "Fascinating..." "Does he like parties!?" "My word, would you look at that dreadful armour he has!" "How can we be sure this thing won't turn on us!?" "SILENCE!!!!!" Soon the room fell silent from that one familiar voice. Looking up ahead, I saw her, that cute little filly girl from all those years ago. Well, she wasn't so little no more. Wait, has she been crying? Walking up to her fast, she immediately hugged me when I reached her, almost dragging us both to the floor. "Little Lulu, are you alright?" I asked her, worried about her health. "It's... It's good to have you back with us, my dearest friend." She sobbed out. "I-I... I though you were... Why?" She sniffles. "Why did sister do this to you!?" Luna tighten her hug, as if fearful of me being taken away from her. I sighed as I hugged her. "I don't know." I told her honestly. "Your older sister does the stupidest things in life, without realising the vast consequences behind her actions." Running my armoured hand through her hair, she started to calm down a bit. "She always did jump to conclusions too rashly." Luna commented, which got a chuckle from me. Separating herself from me, she wiped away her tears and put on a serious look. "But enough of that, the castle is currently under siege." "Great. Not even ten minutes out and already everything's on fire." I groaned at this, shaking my head. "Alright, I'll go get my stuff. Luna, close the door! We'll be taking a detour!" Nodding her head, she ran to the door and closed it off. Walking over to my left, up to a wall, I placed my hand on it and opened up the secret passage way. "Girls, follow us!" Luna commanded as she fell in step behind me, along with the rest. Travelling through the hallway, we reached my stash of goodies, and by that, I mean my arsenal of badassary! "Oh good, she didn't get rid of them." I said as I started collecting them all. "It's not like we could have done so anyway. Remember how hard it was for us to try picking them up?" Luna commented, reminding me about the time they tried to use them. Epic fails all around. "Oh right! Hell, your magic couldn't teleport them away. They end up landing on top of your heads whenever you tried that." Grabbing the last of my runes, I equipped the three I'll be using for this fight. Rich Get Richer. Savagery. And Armored Offensive. Yeah, I know, pretty cheap for me to do so. But one can never be too sure, right. Once done, I went up to another wall and opened it up. But before I could go through, I got kicked from the back by someone. Turning around, it was a blue Pegasus, with a rainbow mane and tail, glaring at me with distrust. "Okay, that's far enough! You ain't going no further than that!" She - at least, I think it is - demanded of me. The only response I gave her was the middle finger and continued on. Leaving her dumbfounded. But I did hear someone slapping her across the face, which was probably Luna no doubt. Shrugging this off, I made my way up the stairs and opened up the way into the castle. Only to be greeted with the fallen and debris. Readying myself, I looked down both ways at the end of the hallway, Heavy Assault Rifle in hand, with the Tactical Scope attachment, pointed ahead of me. Clear for the moment, I waited for the girls to arrive, which didn't take long, thank god. Coming up first was Luna, looking über pissed right now, along with the frighten younglings tailing behind her, with the exception of Skittles holding her right swollen cheek. Looking at Luna, I asked her. "Sorry for being a pain, but which way was it to the Throne room again?" Yeah, I still can't remember how to get there, hence the reason why I had those passages built in. "This way." She said and quickly lead the way. I was right beside her, as the girls tried to keep up, making sure not to step on the dead. Me and Luna didn't have to look where we step, but we did had to slow down a bit, hearing fighting around the corner. Leaning against the wall, I poked my head a bit to see who's where, and what's what. Luckily the Guard was on this side, but they were losing men. On the other side was the enemy, some sort of insect humanoid pony, with holes in their hands and hooves. "Luna, what are those bug-like things?" I asked her. "Changelings. But be careful, we have allied ourselves with another Hive." She answered and warned me. "Okay. Why?" "Family matters, more or less." She said as she ran out there, with me following closely behind her. Reaching to them, the one in command saw us. "Princess!" "Commander, what is the situation!?" She demanded. "Bad! They cut us off from reaching the Throne room, but how did you-- Who is that!?" He began his report until he notice me behind her. "Our Salvation." She simply said, as she turned to look at me, a serious expression dawned upon her face. "Go, to battle my Doom Marine!" Nodding my head at her orders, pure and simple, I ran past them and into the frame. Aiming my gun, I pulled the trigger and let out a hail of bullets, shredding through the unprepared foes, once I was sure I was in front of friendlies. They didn't see it coming, and were quite shocked that I was tearing through their ranks. On the plus side, these Changelings are pretty distinguishable. The ones I ran through had a bluish/greenish colour on some parts of the body. While the ones I'm currently killing are blood red. I guess it has something to do with their leaders, or something. Anyway, back to the battle. They got over their shock and charged at me. Switching to my Super Shotgun quickly, and sprayed at least four or five of their teammate's bloody bits all over the place, with each shell fired. Soon they changed tactics and used their magic to take pop-shots at me from a distances. Most of them missed, as I was moving all over the place, while closing in on them. Those that did hit me, just bounced off me, but taking three points each of my armour away. An indication from my HUD, off to the bottom left of my VISOR. Once I was close enough to one of them, he tried to make a run for it, only to get grabbed at the back of head, by me, and slammed his face into the nearest wall, until not a single trace of that said face was left. Except for that splattered patch of blood on where I performed the Glory-kill. Some of them came charging at me again, so I pulled out the Chainsaw, and started sawing my way through them. They even tried to block it with their swords, which was hilariously futile. Pushing them back even further, we eventually made it to the Throne room's door. Although, enemy reinforcements were waiting there. Seeing this, they all grinned, thinking they can take me on now. Well, maybe. If I didn't had that Berserker power-up. "Hah! Face it creature, we got you this time!" Oh great, here comes the overconfident speeches. Seriously, cliché thing ever. "But! I'm willing to let you live, if you j--" "Okay, see, I'm gonna have to stop you riiight there." I cut him off, lifting up a finger. "Because I'm about to go berserk on your sorry-ass." "Wait, wha--?" Again, he couldn't finish his sentence, because I removed his head from his shoulders. Seeing it flying off and over the other side of his comrades, until it landed somewhere. As for the rest of his body, well, it fell apart after that, oddly enough. Shrugging it off, I ran into the crowd and started killing them like One Punch Man. Except for a few things, but it didn't matter at the moment. These bugs were too scared to do anything really, even if they did try. "Oh, I feel real good about myself." I commented before ripping another one in half... (Princess Luna...) "Um... Princess? With all due respect, ma'am, but are you sure...?" "This sounds like insubordination." I said to the Commander snidely. "But your highness, he is turning every last one them into a bloody pile of gory bits!" My Commander shouted. "I mean, look at the state of the castle now! It's going to take some time to clean this up!" "Well that sounds like it's not my problem! Sister and I just bill you weekly payments!" I snapped at him, folding my arms and letting out a huff. "Besides, we'll be doubling you and every other Guard left the amount you get." "... Can we choose to send the extra payment towards the Funeral?" He asked and I sighed sadly at this, sagging a bit. Maybe that was a bit selfish of me to say. "If that is what you all want, then it will be done." I said to him. "Thank you." "No. Thank him." "Um? Excuse me, Lunar Mistress?" I sighed at this, as one of Chrysalis's Changeling soldiers asked me by that title. "Please, refrain from calling me that, and yes, what is it?" I told him before replying to his question. "Apologises, Princess, but did you refer to that one..." He pointed out towards my bloodthirsty friend. "As the Doom Marine?" "Yes, I did." I answered him, which seemed to surprise him and the rest of his brethren. "B-but! Then that means... He's... He's the Bloody-handed Berserker!" Oh dear, they figured him out. "Wait a minute, you know what he is?" One of the Guardsponies asked them. But before any of them could answer that question. "Enough! Now is not the time!" I put a stop to it. "We will answer that, and any other question you wish to be answered, once the battle is over." After that, none of them said anything, falling silent and watched as my Doom Marine slaughtered the last of the enemy stationed here. Guarding it no doubt, I just hope that sister and Chrysalis are holding out alright... (Now back to the Doom Marine...) "Okay! That was the last one." I said as I finished off the enemy. "I still got some power left, I'll bust the doors down." Going up to the large double-door, I tested it for a bit and decided to shoulder-charge through it. Backing up, I readied myself and rammed them open, breaking them off their hinges and falling down. What I saw inside was worse; the wounded and medical staff were all killed. "What the--!?" One of the enemy soldiers said as he turned to look at me. Before he could do anything, I shoved my fist through his chest cavity and ripped out a couple of his organs, his body collapsing to the ground, before my Berserker mode finally depleted. The rest of these asshats saw this and ready themselves. Well, they won't be lasting long. Whipping out my Chaingun, I changed the mod out for the Mobile Turrent. Splitting them into three Tri-barrels, I pulled the trigger and mowed the rest down, until there was nothing left of them. Switching it out for the Combat Shotgun, I placed the Charged Shot mod on. Walking through the room, I saw Celestia and some other Changeling female, lying there on the ground. Beaten up. Scanning the room, I searched high and low, left and right, for whoever did this. Although, I guess it's clear that it was the enemies leader. But where is she hiding at? "So you're the one who killed my children." Snapping at where the noise came from, she came out from behind the throne, walking towards me. "And I suppose you're responsible for killing the defenceless." I said to her. "Yes, I suppose I am." She said with a smug look on her face. "I couldn't allow them to get back up, they'll be a persistent nuisance otherwise." "So, what do you want? I'm a little behind on the details about this whole war of yours..." Yeah, if you can even call it that. She hisses at me for that. "You dare mock me!? Ignorant creature, I will make you learn your place!" "And where might that be?" I taunted her. "Underneath my hooves!" With that said, she charges her magical attack, and tries to disintegrate me into dust. Of course, I kept on moving all over the place. When I was able to get close to her, I aimed at her, and charged up my three shells. Just before I could pull the trigger, she summons up a protective barrier. But it wasn't strong enough to handle my shotgun's Rapid-Fire. With it broke, I tried laying it on her, but she flew away from me. "Argh! What kind magic is that!?" She hisses. "This isn't magic." I simply said, swapping out for my Plasma Rifle. Aiming up at her, I used the Stun bomb to paralyse her, making her fall back down to ground floor. Just as I was about to finish the bitch off, I got tackled from the side. "For Queen Cocoon!" Oh great, it's one of her lackeys. With knife in hand, he raises it and prepares to stab me, only to get the back-hand to the face, and a head-butt to get him off me. Getting up, I grabbed his left leg, twisted it, and used its flat end to crush his skull. Ending his miserable life. "No! You bastard!" Hearing her scream out, I grabbed my Plasma rifle and started shooting at her. She placed a protective barrier between her and the plasma bolts, but it began to fall apart. In a last ditch effort, she lit the room up, blinding me in the process. After the whole light show, I felt her punch me, giving me a right hook to the face. Although, what surprised me the most was that, she didn't kill me, right then and there. I mean, she had her chance, so why didn't she take her chance? Hell, she even managed to bring my armour down to sixty-nine percent. Looking back at her, she was panting hard, trying to get her breathing back. "You..." She started as I slowly got back up. "Who are you?" "What does it matter to you? You're a dead one anyway." Pulling my Super Shotgun, I pointed it at her head. Yet, Fate would have its way, as one of her Changelings teleported in front of me, and with blinding speed, I found myself back on my ass, a few feet away from killing her. "Goddammit..." I groaned out as I leaned up, just in time to see them leaving. "My children, retreat! We have lost too many! Retreat!" By her command, Cocoons little helper flew her out through a window. Seeing the rest leaving with her. Falling back down, there was only one word. One word. That came to mind, explaining about what just happened... "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" After letting that one out, I breathed in and out for a little while, until I felt a little better afterwords... "Uh, hey..." And now back to square one. "Tia, go fuck off somewhere else. You just ruin my moment of peace." I told her off. Not wanting to deal with this now. "B-but! Can I at least..." She started as I heard her crawl over to me. Waiting for the right moment, I clenched my fist, and back-handed her, square in the face. "OW! My face! Why!?" "I told you to FUCK OFF! I'm not in the mood!" Bringing my fist back, I just lied there, looking up at the ceiling. "So, you're the Doom Marine, right?" I heard the Changeling ask me. "Yeah. And what are you, a fan?" I said to her sarcastically. "Kind of. I'm Chrysalis." "Well Chrissy, mind telling me what's that bitches problem is?" "I do not appreciate that kind of--" "Want me to kill you instead!?" I growled at her. "OKAY! Well it's kind of a long story, so I'll try shortening it for you..." Heh! Works every time. > Ch.2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.2: Retaliation unto the Damned... "... And that just about covers up everything of this war." Chrysalis finished explaining why all of this was happening. From the sound of things, her sister, Cocoon, she might as well be a Demon in disguise herself, and I have faced Demonic Shapeshifters. Or Possessed. But that's just my opinion, I don't know much about her kind, and only just met them. The good ones, I mean, the ones I haven't killed. Anyway, she explained, that back then, before all of this, Chrysalis crashed a Royal Wedding. She replaced the bride herself, a young Alicorn named Cadence, and trapped her within the Crystal Caverns, underneath the castle. When she was found out though, it was already too late, her Hive have already surrounded the city. And with the Captain of the Royal Guard, who apparently was the big brother of that other young Alicorn I saw before... Twilight Sparkle, was it? Yeah, that's her name. Anyway, he was under Chrysalis's mind-control, feeding her with love... Yeah, weird, and yet, somewhat ingenious. A race that feed on a beings emotions. Not to mention, they can feel what you're feeling, and identify that said feeling. Of course, in the end, she still lost. Cadence is known as the Princess of Love, ironically enough, and with her love for her future husband, she managed to bring him back around. Okay, so here's where things get a little confusing for me, perhaps somewhat maddening even, as in crazy. Somehow, the two soon-to-be wedded couple, with their love for each other, used that as a weapon, and repelled Chrysalis and her Hive, clear out of the city. Good thing they didn't cause genocide, otherwise they would have been made the bad guys. After that, she and her Hive returned to their home, out in the wastelands. During the last couple of years or so, she had been weighing on whether or not she should peacefully negotiate with Equestria. A couple of weeks later, Cocoon decided to drop in and assassinate her, destroy the Hive, and conquer Equestria with her own. During that time, she revealed that she was using Chrysalis. Reminding her on how she does things. She convinces you to do this, you take the charge, win it, and then get stabbed in the back. Yeah, a pretty classic strategy there. Chrysalis, of course, fought back, only to realise that Cocoon was more stronger than before. She was tough to beat before, but now, to her, it seemed as if she was trying to crack open a mountain with her bare hands. With no other option, she teleported herself, and her Hive, out of there. After convincing Tia and the rest of the country, they tried to prepare for the coming storm, upon which they didn't have enough time. Unfortunately, even though they were on the same side, there have been some 'Roadblocks' here and there. The Ponies didn't trust the Changelings, not after what happened last time, that it wasted even more time to get things done. That was two months ago, until the shit hit the fans. Only then, did they all got their acts together and fought the true enemy. Still though, they suffered more casualties than the other side. No one expected Cocoon to have amassed such a big army with in her Hive. Chrysalis suspects she produced it way before convincing her to invade Equestria. "So, how did you know of me?" I asked her, sitting up-right now. "Well, we only knew you through legends." She stated her answer. "Although, there are still a lot of things that no one seem to find the answers to. Answers you and the other Doom Marines have yet to tell." "Well, excuse us, but we were busy fighting Demons that kept pouring out from whence they came." I said as I fully got off my ass, cracking my knuckles. "Er... Sorry." She said to me, seeming to realise she was trending on a touchy subject. "Whatever." I waved it off. "It doesn't matter." "Just one question though; where are the others?" She asked me. "Gone." I simply answered her. "Gone?" "Well, they're not dead, if that's what you were thinking." I rolled my eyes, not that she could see, with my helmet hiding my face. "Oh... So, where are they?" She asked again. "I told you this already." "I know, but do you know where they gone to, is the question?" She explained a bit more. "No. We went on separate missions, and I was the only one to return back before the others." I started explaining. "Two days later, they have yet to come back. So I set out to find them, going to each of where their missions took place. I found no trace of them, not even their bodies." "How do you know they haven't died?" "Because everything else was lying dead." After saying that, I saw Luna walking through the massive doorway towards me. "My Doom Marine, I hope you're not planning on resting. We need to reach the Crystal Empire and see what has become of it." She stated her next move. But before we could get going, Chrysalis asked. "That's another question; what are your names? You just called yourselves Doom Marines and that's it." When she asked this, I saw Luna shifting left and right, in an uncomfortable way. "Well, that's not entirely true. Sister and I know of their true names. But..." "Bryan." I told her, surprising Luna by this decision of mine. "What?" Chrysalis said. "My name, it's Bryan." I told her again. "It's... Nice to finally meet you?" She said, feeling a little awkward from this. "... This is a lot to take in, isn't it?" "Yeah, it kind of is." She chuckled a little bit before speaking some more. "Although, I have one last question." "And that would be?" "May I accompany you both?" This was a surprise for us. "Why?" Luna asked, though a bit agitated. "Because I'd like to see him in action." Chrysalis answered her, while pointing towards me. "I want to see the prowess of his abilities." "That's all?" I asked her, feeling suspicious about her motives. "Pretty please~~?" She tried pulling that face with the puppy eyes, but all she got out of me was laughter, which confused her. "Hahaha! Oh my god woman. Okay, you can come along." Holding out a hand to her, I waited for her to take it. Hesitantly, she took it and I helped her up on her hole-y hooves. That's still weird though, I'm surprised it didn't collapse on her. Not that it matters right now. Cycling through my weapons, I reloaded the Super Shotgun, and started switching mods for the others we'll be needing. Heavy Assault Rifle with Micro Missiles. Gauss Cannon with Siege. Chaingun with Gatling Rotator. Plasma Rifle with Heatwave. And Rocket Launcher with Lock-On. I switched out my Savagery rune with the In-Flight Mobility. I won't be staying on the ground, I'll be jumping from building to building. "Wow..." I heard Chrysalis said in awe. "I've never seen so many weapons before. Where do you even store them?" "How the Hell should I know? It's just a lot scientific horseshit and whatnot." I told her off, turning to look at little Lulu. "Luna, I'll be heading back and replenish my armor. Get the spell ready, so when I come back, we're leaving straight away." "Well, if you say so..." She said as she prepared the spell. "Wait!!" We heard shouting from the doorway. Looking to see who it was, it was that Twilight Sparkle character running towards us. "You can explain it to her. Also Chrysalis..." "Yes?" She replied. "Don't tell her of my name. You're lucky enough to have even been told of it, by me no less." I stated firmly, and she nodded. With that done, I headed back downstairs to where I was imprisoned. Speaking of which, I'll deal with Tia when I get the chance... (Princess Luna, Throne room...) "Hey, wait!!" I heard Twilight shouted, seemingly wanting to go after dear Bryan. But both Chrysalis and I stopped her from entering. "What are you two doing!?" "Stopping you from antagonizing him." Chrysalis chided snidely. "He's busy at the moment." Twilight didn't take kindly to that. Glaring up at her, she was going to offer a retort, but I stopped her. "Twilight Sparkle, please do not disturb the Doom Marine." I told her, with a seriousness imbedded into those words. "But--!" She try to talk, but I cut her off. "I mean it, Princess Sparkles." I stated firmly, using her title. She flinched at that, seeing as how she never wanted us to use her princess title. But when me and my sister use it, it's in a very serious matter, of sorts. Her ears fell flat against her head, looking sadly dejected. Sighing, I hugged her. "I'm sorry Twilight, but it would be within your best interest to not question him." After saying that, I let go of her. "But why?" She asked solemnly. "Why can't I question him?" I sighed again. "He's not one for talking to strangers, so to speak. By that, I mean he's very secretive about his past. Not to mention, you'll only annoy him." "Do you and Celestia know?" "Yes. But we are sworn to secrecy ourselves, as well." I said as I let go of her, taking a step back. "Now, do you wish to come with us? We're heading towards the Crystal Empire. I know you must be worried sick about Shining and Cadence." I asked her. "Please." She answered. Nodding my head, I looked at Chrysalis, a little bit concerned. "Are you sure you want to come along? Even after that fight you and Tia had with Cocoon?" Looking herself over, seeing the bruises, scratches, scraps, and little gashes, she shrugs at this. "It stings, but I can walk this off. Mostly." Well, at least she's honest. I heard Twilight huff at this. "If you ask me, you're a liability." "Oh no..." I shook my head, seeing where this is going to go. Chrysalis hissed at that remark. "Says the one who was doing nothing!" She retorted. Before Twilight could utter another word, a few warning shot rang out. Snapping our heads towards Bryan, he held his Pistol high up, pointing it up before bringing it down, and firing a couple more near our hooves, making us jump away. "That's enough, both of you! Or you're not coming!" He shouted as he descended down towards us. Walking up to Chrysalis, she held her hands up. "N-now, now! Let's not get any violent here!" She pleaded, but that didn't stop him from shoving the end of his pistols barrel under her chin. Forcing her to look up. "Don't you fucking tell me what to do." He growled deeply, which made Chrysalis's form shook uncontrollably. Nodding her head frantically, he removed his Pistol, but aimed it at Twilight, who stared down the end of the barrel, eyes wide in fear. "And you, shut the fuck up, and do as you're told." He stated to her. When she didn't say anything, he placed his Pistol away, switching to his Plasma Rifle. "So... Shall we?" I asked him, making sure not to enrage him any further. "Hold up, I brought these." Bringing a hand up, he was holding three Tactical Communications, or Tac Comms for short. "All of you, put them on your ears." Taking mine, I placed it on my left ear, while the other two hesitantly took theirs and did the same as I did. "I suppose you activated the Comm Link?" I asked him. "Pretty much." He answers me. "Anyway, we should get going. Land us close to the city boundaries, not inside it." Nodding my head, I teleported us just outside. But what we didn't expect when we got there, was the weather. For some odd reason, we were stuck within a blizzard. I know we were up North, but this is a bit too early for it to be happening! "Why is this happening!? There shouldn't be a blizzard!" I heard Twilight shout, but just barley. The roars of the blizzards winds were strong, I could hardly stand against it, nor see through it. Not to mention the cold! I heard some static from my Tac Comm coming to life. "Alright, can everyone hear me through their Comms!?" It was Bryan, speaking through the Comms. Placing two fingers against mine, I tried speaking through it. "I copy! What about you two!? Say something!" "I can barley see anything two feet in front of me! Are we going or are we going to freeze to death!?" Okay, there's Chrysalis. Now where's Twilight? "I'M BUCKING FREEZING HERE!!!" Well, at least she's holding out... I felt a metallic hand grabbed one of mine and pulled me along. Soon I felt another hand, this one full of holes, which belonged to Chrysalis. Immediately, I felt her grip mine tightly, as I did the same. Bryan, my Doom Marine, always thinking of the best, possible actions to take. "If we make it out of this, I'm gonna kill him!" I heard Chrysalis say through the Comms. "The next time we go through something like this, I'm leaving you behind!" Bryan answered back. I felt Chrysalis being jerked the other way, possibly from him making her hold onto Twilight. Soon I felt him grab a hold of mine again. "Alright Luna, which way!?" He asked me. "Just go straight! I teleported us at the front entrance!" I answered him and he started walking, pulling us along with him. Walking through this kind of weather isn't really the best idea, but it's all we can do now. The winds kept blowing and knocking us down from time-to-time, but my Doom Marine kept us marching through it all. Luckily I didn't land us so far away, but we should have reached the Crystal Empire by now. "HALT!!!" We heard him yelled over the Comms and immediately did so. Was there something out there? Was it Cocoon's second army? After he told us that, I felt him let go of my hand. "Girls! Huddle up and hunker down! Do it now, you'll stay warmer for a little while longer!" Doing as he instructed, we huddled up closely and tightly, and hunkered down. "N-n-now w-what!?" Chrysalis asked through her chittering teeth. "Combine your magic and place a barrier around yourselves!" "W-what a-a-about y-you!?" I asked next, hearing the winds howling loudly.... Wait, howling?? "Don't argue, just do it! NOW!!!" Doing as he said, we let our horns touch each other's and created a strong enough barrier to protect us from the blizzard. Now that the wind wasn't blowing in our faces, I wiped away the frost and snow from my eyes. The others did the same as well. Unfurling my wings, I wrapped each one around the girls. Following my example, Twilight did the same, as we cuddled even more closely to Chrysalis, since she's worse for ware. Unfortunately, the moment of silence and rest was interrupted, when we heard howls being carried by the blizzards winds. But these howls, they felt familiar. Impossible. It can't be them. They are extinct. "What the Hell!?" I heard Bryan said, before aiming his Plasma Rifle ahead of us. "Something's coming this way! Multiple contacts!" Eventually, I can see something running through this blizzard, unhindered by the weather's effects. But barley. It's as if this thing is...blending within this storm. Oh no. Please, no. Let it not be true! I was hoping against hope, which was practically futile, because it is true. They are still alive. "My Doom Marine, beware! Frostwolves!" I screamed over the Comms, and true to these creature's name, they were like their counterparts; Timberwolves. While they reside in the Everfree Forest, Frostwolves thrive from the frozen lands; Crystallised ice was what they were made out of, with a glowing ice blue light, emanating from their eyes. Bryan, upon seeing them running towards us, opened fire. Shooting plasma bolts at the charging pack. He managed to kill a couple of them, but the rest of them broke up and started disappearing into the blizzard. Elusive predators these one are, a tad bit more cunning, too. What's worse, we were losing daylight very quickly, and the winds had picked up, hampering my Doom Marines ability to aim straight. "Princess Luna, what are those things!?" Twilight asked frantically. "They almost resemble Timberwolves!" "They are known as Frostwolves, but they should have been extinct!" I answered her. "'Extinct'?" "Yes, extinct. How are they still alive!?" "Wait a minute, I-I though they were a myth!?" Chrysalis chided in her input. "That's what they say, until it comes back around to say otherwise! Like me!!" Bryan commented before firing a volley of Plasma bolts at one of the Frostwolves running around, getting close but then backing off immediately. "FUCKING DAMMIT!!! HOLD STILL YOU BITCH!!!" This has been going on for nearly an hour, until we heard a very loud, and powerful howl, cutting through this blizzard. Its signal seemed to rally the ones that were playing with us, as they howled back themselves, they came out from their hiding places, and started running back towards whence they came. Not only that, but the blizzard seem to have lighten up now. I wonder if it was them to have created this blizzard. Probably most likely, but none of that matters now, we are safe for now. Bryan didn't move from his spot. I thought that he was frozen in place, but he was only making sure they were truly gone. Looking back at us, he bent down on one knee to get within our eye level. "I don't know what in Damnation is going on, but you'll have to wait here." He said to us, speaking normally instead of through the Comms. "I'll scout ahead." "Be careful, my Doom Marine." I said to him. He nodded, as he got back up and walked on ahead, until I could no longer see him. A few minutes later, I saw him running back towards us. "Come on! We gotta go! Now!" He said to us urgently. "Why? Is it those beast!?" I asked him. "No, it's about the damn city!" He answers. Dropping the barrier, we got up and started running towards the Crystal Empire. When we were coming close, we can see why it was urgent. The Crystal Empire has been captured... (Twilight Sparkle, outside the Crystal Empire...) "Oh no..." I whispered helplessly. The Crystal Empire has been captured, imprisoned in its very own defensive barrier, only this barrier wasn't theirs. It was Cocoon's Changelings now. "Shiny... Cadence..." "Is there a way of getting inside, without tripping any alarms?" I heard the Doom Marine asked, while Unpleasant thoughts were running through my head. The things they would have done to them... "Yes, there is, luckily enough." Chrysalis answered. "I can still interact with this barrier. Opening a way through." "Do it!" The Doom Marine demanded. Chrysalis walked up to it, placing both hands on the barrier. She channelled her magic to create an opening, although she seem to be struggling. "Well... I can't do this all day... Hurry!" I was the first to enter through, followed by Luna herself. We waited for the Doom Marine, but he went behind Chrysalis and kicked her through, which lead to the opening closing on us. "Ow! What are you doing!?" Chrysalis hissed quietly to him. The only answer we got from him, was this strange looking cannon he pulled out of nowhere. Looking towards Luna, her expression was that of stunned shock, as if... Wait, he can't be serious!? "You got ten seconds to hide until..." As he talked, his posture and cannon shifted and changed slightly, the cannon itself was charging up. "... I make my own way through." He's serious. Before any of us could try and talk him out of this, Luna grabbed both me and Chrysalis, and started running as if her tail caught fire! Sprinting through the desolated city, we turned around a corner into an alleyway, and Luna sat us down. "Okay. I think we're far away now. Just stay hidden and quiet for now." She said as we were hiding behind some crates. "Luna, why did you make us leave him all alone?" I asked her, a little confused about this decision. "Because..." She started, but stopped when we heard a very loud explosion, awaking the entire occupied city. Soon, the skies and streets were filled with thousands of Changelings responding to the Doom Marine. "Because he's bait." "Bait?" Chrysalis asked her. "Yes." Luna answered. "Whenever he pulls out a heavy weapon, it means he's mad." "'Mad'? As in crazy, or angry?" "A bit of both, but mostly the latter." Luna stated, before looking to me. "Twilight, do you remember how he massacre those Changelings back in Canterlot?" "Yes." I answered her, shuddering at that memory. "But what was that? It was unlike anything I've ever seen, or felt." "That was his Berserker power-up you witness. It gives him incredible raw power to destroy any and all with his bare hands." She explained. "Although, there are some side effects, such as short-temper, aggressive behaviour, etc. You've seen how he resolved you and your fight with Chrysalis." "Yes, with violence." After answering that, we heard the screams of the dying from the Changelings fighting against him. "Exactly. Which is why you never argue with him, otherwise he'll send you Tartarus." "Looks like he's on the move..." Chrysalis spoke as she listened in on the Changeling soldiers, speaking within their native tongue, just outside the alleyway we were in. "He's heading off, going around the east side of the city, using the rooftops." "And?" I asked her. "And just slaughtering his way through them, high and low... Wait." Her ears perked up at something. "Oh no..." "What is it?" Luna asked her. "They have a Tanker on station." When she said that, we looked at her confusedly. Sighing, she explained. "A Tanker is basically a heavily armored, stronger, bigger Changeling. They are only needed if we want to clear something out. But for the most part, just for defensive purposes." I was now feeling a little worried for him, but Luna didn't seem to be bothered by this in the slightest. "Fear not, for the poorly deprived fools. They will meet there end soon enough, just like the rest." She chanted with a small smile. I was about to ask her something, but we heard a ruckus from behind us. Startled, we readied ourselves for whatever it was, only to be surprised by who came out from underneath. "Your majesties, this way! Hurry!" A Crystal Guardspony whispered to us. Doing as he said, we followed after him down a rabbit hole. Figuratively speaking. Lighting up the place, we were in a tunnel. The Crystal Guardpony waved the hand to us, urging us to follow him. "This way, I'll take you to what remains of our forces." I wanted to ask him on what happened, but withhold it for now, and followed him. Sometime later, we arrived at a dead end. Or so I thought. He pressed one of the bricks in and opened up the way forward. "Welcome to the Underground Sanctum." He said as we walked inside. The place was filled with refugees, but at least it was spacious. Anything else beyond that, it was a little depressing to see them all so sad. "This is one of the many spread throughout the Empire. And I suppose you have question regarding your family, Princess Sparkle." "Yes. Please tell me, what happen to Shiny and Cadence?" With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes for a moment before opening and looking at me. "It pains me to say this, but both Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor have been captured. Prior of two days after they captured the city, almost a month ago..." (Bryan/Doom Marine. Surface...) "Cut him off!" "Are you crazy!? We can't beat that thing!" "Coward!" Jesus, you think they would give it up. After blasting my way through the barrier, the alarms started blazing throughout the entire city. Switching to my Heavy Assault Rifle, I ran for it, taking some detours here and there. To see if I can get up on the rooftops. Conveniently, there was a stack of big wooden crates, making a staircase for me to climb up. Of course, the Changelings were chasing me down, but either they get filled with more holes in unnecessary areas on their bodies, or get tagged by the constant barrage of Micro Missiles and blowing up into millions of bloodied pieces, you couldn't even tell if that's their head, or their ass. Anyway, I was running and jumping from roof-to-roof. Killing those little bugs along the way, however I want them to die. I even seen them arguing with each other upon who should take me on. Whipping out my Rocket Launcher, it locked onto one of them and I fired a cluster of rockets, killing the large group in the process. This has been going on for a while, along with some Glory-kills, until the rooftop I was on before got blasted within seconds. If I was standing on that any longer, that might've been me instead. Jumping down into an alleyway, I ran through it and turned left, entering in another. This one was filled with crates and whatnot, kind of giving off that resemblances to one of the original DOOM stages. Arming myself with the Super Shotgun, I zig-zag my way through it, and quietly. Soon I heard a woman's voice. "P-p-please, don't do this..." She was in distress. Rounding the last pillar of crates, I saw her seated on top of some crates, being held there by a Changeling. I clenched my free hand as I heard him laugh a little, before speaking as if he owed her life. "Now, now. There's nothing wrong with this. We're both adults, after all." After that, he holds up a gag ball to her face. "Please, no..." She pleaded more, turning her head away, with eyes closed shut. Yet, this sick fuck was purring in amusement. Since he was using his magic to restrain her, he used his hand, placing it under her chin, and lead it back to his smug looking one. Rubbing his nose against hers, she was crying at this point, as he gave her a quick kiss. Opening her trembling lips, he placed the gag ball in her mouth, and connected the straps behind her head. As for me, my free left hand has been spasming out of control. The Berserker within me told me to end his life, to use it on him. As much as I want to, it's too soon to do so. Putting my Super Shotgun away, I cracked both my knuckles and walked up behind him. He hummed a little bit before speaking. "See? That wasn't so bad. Now then, for tonight, let me show you a little piece of heaven." "Before you do that..." His form freezes up when he heard me talk. The woman opened her teary eyes back up, looking at me with wide eyes. "How about I show you the Highway to Hell." Grabbing him by his shoulders, I threw him off into the wall on the right, crashing in it before falling on the ground. Walking up to him, he tried to get up, only for his empty skull to meet my armored knee, leaving no trace of his face. Except for that patch of blood. Looking back at the mare, she stared up at me in fear. Walking up to her, she threw her arms up defensively, keeping her eyes shut. Moving my hands behind her head, I removed the gag ball from her. Feeling it being removed, she snapped her eyes open and looked up to me. Realising that I wasn't here to do worse, she started getting up, as I step back to give her room. Looking down at the gag ball, I crushed it and threw the remains at the deceased Changeling. Now, how the Hell am I gonna get her to safety? Is there even a safe place to begin with, anymore? Soon, we heard a ruckus from behind me. Snapping into action, I pulled my Super Shotgun back out, and aimed it at the now opened window. Taking a step back, making sure that she was right behind me, we waited for whoever it was. Then hands shot up and out through it. A hush tone of a male voice spoke out. "Hey, hey, hey! Ease up, I'm friendly!" Sticking his head out, I still had my gun aimed at him. "Please, let me help! I saw what you did to that Changeling, but more are coming this way!" As to prove his point, we heard their buzzing wings coming around. Grabbing the woman, I helped her up as the other guy helped her inside. Once done, I grabbed out a Hologram Grenade, chose the behaviour the hologram will do: Decoy. Throwing it, I jumped up and through the window, landing inside and closing the window shut. With my Super Shotgun in hand, all three of us hidden underneath the window, waiting for them to pass by... "There he is! After him!" We heard one of them shouted as they went buzzing after my holographic-self. Soon the buzzing died down. Sighing, I got up and out from under the window, same as the other two. "Well, that was close." The stallion spoke up. "Thank you, for saving me." The mare gave her gratitude to me. "You're welcome, and thanks for getting us out of there." I said to the two. "Well, after witnessing what you did to that rapist, it's the least I can do. Come on, we'll head into the lounge." He said as he lead the way, and we followed. "I heard an explosion of sorts when the sirens went off. That wouldn't happen to be you, would it?" He asked me. "Yes. It was me." I answered him. "What's the situation? I've only just woken up. And no, don't ask that." "Well, where to start?" "The beginning." The mare answered him. "We need to tell him at the start." "Yeah..." We entered in the Lounge room, which was I decent condition, considering no one ever goes out anymore. I think? "Have a seat folks, this might take some time." "I'm fine. Plus I don't think your furniture can handle my armors weight." I stated to him, as the mare went and lied down on the couch. Not that I blame her. "Alright then, but first, what happened to you?" He asked her. "I was minding my own business, then he came out of nowhere and knocked me out. Dragging me out into that alleyway to have his fun..." She explained, shuddering at the thought from moments ago. "Well, it's all over with..." The stallion said to comfort her. "So, can you tell me how these damned bugs taken control of this entire place?" I asked him. "Well, it all started almost a month ago..." ([Third Person]) This is all unexpected. They never thought outside forces were coming, or so they thought. After taking the Crystal Empire, by poisoning the Crystal Heart, making it theirs, and capturing the Royals themselves. Everything else was easy picking for their Queen engaging Canterlot, where her traitorous and a failure of a sister had fled to. When they had done their part, they moved onto enforced their occupation and such, making sure the citizens didn't try and start a rebellion; by publicly executing their Guardponies. After hearing the word of their Queen laying siege unto Canterlot, they were ecstatic. They waited for the victory call from when she claims Canterlot and all of Equestria. Unfortunately, the only thing they got from tonight was a being of unimaginable powers and weapons, storming on through town. Blasted its way on through their barrier and started murdering them on sight. None could stand up against such a menacing threat, so to quell this, they called upon the Tanker. Tankers stand as their strongest warrior breed yet. Taller than their Queen, they are used for defensive purposes mostly. But when send out onto the battle, they are something fierce to behold. Heavily armored by their natural chitin, making them even more bulkier, they can take on harsh punishments. But since they are bigger than their smaller brethren, they are a tad bit slower. They are not stronger then their Queen, per se. The Queens themselves can run circles around them, be able to do some more serious damage upon them, since they had more magical prowess. As such, they are better fitted for defending. Now, as soon as this metallic beast came strolling in, word reached them. Telling them that their Queen and her forces have suffered severely, and the Campaign in Canterlot is a total failure. They spoke of the thing that is killing them off, who stood against their Queen and inflicted pain upon her and their armies. If only this reached them sooner though, then maybe they would have stand a better chance. The Tanker and his group were sweeping through the streets, looking for this damned thing. So far, whenever they engaged it, it'll open fire upon them; whether it be up close, or afar, it still gets you. Capture wasn't an option, it was a death sentence. Destroying it will have to do. The Tanker caught a glimpse of it running on the rooftops, and took a shot at it, only to miss, and instead just blowing off the roof. Making another turn through the empty streets, the Tanker kept at a modest pace, making sure to look over everything it could be hiding. So far nothing. Not even force entry in any of the buildings. About halfway through searching, the Changelings that were in front of him were blasted into oblivion, their body parts flying off into the distance, while some were burnt to a crisp. Surprised by this, he readied himself, summoning a shield for him and those behind him. Some brave ones walked on over, only to realise how dead wrong that was to do. Hearing something whirling around, they were mowed down into bloodied pieces as a hail of bullets teared through the lot, soon it came towards the rest as he planted himself on the spot. When it hit his shield, he soon found out how powerful it is, as he was pushed back slowly. The others tried to help him, but even that did little to stop them from being pushed back. Just as it came though, it finally stopped. He looked on as to why, but it became clear. It... He was standing in front of them up ahead, a Chainsaw in his hands. The Tanker, along with what remained of his comrades, soon found themselves quivering. Why were they quivering? He was just one...whatever he's suppose to be! Scanning him over, he was a big one, bigger than any stallion he has seen. Looking closely, his eyes widen. He started to shuffle backwards, same did everyone else. They feared him. They feared his building rage. Hearing the revving of his Chainsaw, they saw him holding it up, and heard him spoke his piece, which placed even more fear within their hearts. "Start counting up your sins..." With that, he came charging at them, dedicated on cutting them all up into pieces. Every. Last. Changeling. > Ch.3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.3: Rekindled Fear and Legacy... (Princess Luna, Underground Sanctum...) I can't believe this... THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! HOW DARE THAT HARLOT WITCH COMMIT HER HIVE TO SUCH MONSTROSITY ACTS!!!! After what the Crystal Guardspony had told us, about the fate of both Shining Armor and Cadence, and the Crystal Heart. We were devastated, all three of us. Twilight, being effected by this the most, was worst for ware. She was crying out loudly from this information, and Chrysalis hugging onto her tightly. Twilight did the same. As for reasons why Chrysalis is also distorted... She won't admit it, but I think she did love Shining Armor. She's even hugging Twilight as if her life depended on it, even going so far as to hide behind her mane, so that none of us can see her shedding tears. Most notable though, was her singing a lullaby to Twilight and herself. She was doing it quietly, so that only the two would hear, but I can still hear it. As to why we were all in such a state? The things that Cocoon's Changelings are doing to them, are horrendous beyond belief. Shining Armor have been beaten, tortured, all publicly so. They even removed his left arm, and... And sterile him. They forced the citizens to watch as they did it, while the Changelings just laughed it off, like it was a joke! Worst of all, is that he and everypony have to watch Cadence... Getting used as a sex slave. This has been going on and it's breaking their will to fight back! "If only my Doom Marine were here to hear of this deprived debauchery of theirs..." I growled, feeling both angry and useless all at once! "Um... Pardon me, your highness, but who is this Doom Marine you speak of?" The Crystal Guardspony asked me. "You seem to speak highly of him." "Indeed." I answered him. "He was awoken just hours ago, brought the invasion in Canterlot to an abrupt halt, by pushing the Queen into a tactical full retreat, and now he will liberate your kingdom." "Amazing..." He commented breathlessly. "To think, one pony, strong enough to, not only beat the forces within Canterlot, but to stand his ground against the Changeling Queen." "Well, he's not a pony, per se." I corrected him, but he just looked at me, as if I was crazy. "Really!? But, if he is not a pony, then what is he?" When he asked that, I was about to answer him, but we felt the ground all around us rumbled. "W-what was that!?" "That would be my Doom Marine..." I answer him as I could barley hear the faint sounds of explosions going off, far in the distance. "And he's not happy." "Yeah, I'll say..." He added. The refugees inside the Underground Sanctum, are now whimpering in fear. With what my dear Bryan is doing up there, he must have heard of what happened to Twilight's family here. "What's going on up there!?" I heard a mare shouted in a panicking manner. "It feels like a Warzone is happening above our heads!" "What are we going to do!?" "Please...please don't let us die down here..." More and more ponies were going into a panicking frenzy, but I can't let their fear dictate rash decisions. "My dear little ponies, be calm!" I shouted out loud, getting every last soul's attention. "There is no reason for you to fear! What is currently happening up on the surface, will bring about your Empire and you to freedom!" Soon they began to murmur among themselves, not really certain of what I say is true. Sighing, I began to tell them a little story from long ago. "It was over ten-thousand years ago, when me and my sister were very young..." This grabbed their attention again. "... Back then, we were at war with the Demon Hordes of Tartarus. We were hopelessly outnumbered, outmatched, against a threat that thrives off of battles. There was no end to them." "How?" I head a young little colt ask me. "How did you survive? And is all of this true?" "Yes, little one. It appears my sister has a habit of removing certain past events from the history books, just to make things look so much more peaceful in Equestria." I shook my head at this. "While I understand her reasons, I still think she is acting childishly about it. She even removed you from the history books, out of fear of a repeat." "Oh... So, how did you survive?" He asked once more. "Why, the Doom Marines themselves, of course." To prove my point, more tremors rippled through the earth from the explosions. "Although, I may have brought just one, but that's more than enough to turn the tide." "But, your highness, our homes..." He spoke up. "Won't he end up destroying them, as well?" "I'm sorry, but yes. This Doom Marine is one of the strongest out of the Five. But, he is also the most dangerous." I answered him. "Not by choice, mind you..." "How come?" "It lies within his powers. While they do give him incredible strength to defeat, even the mightiest of Demons, it has its drawbacks." Just as I finish talking what needed to be said, we heard a voice rang out. "Your highness! Sir!" Looking behind us, we saw one of the other Guardsponies running towards us. At least there is a platoon down here with us, because I highly doubt the one I have been talking to, could have gotten all of these refugees down here by himself. "Private, what is it?" He asked him, once the young private reached us. "Sir! The entire east side is all on fire! Whoever, or whatever's doing this has the Changelings beat, they're completely disorganized!" The Private reported on what he saw on the surface. "This is our chance..." I said as I felt determined about this opportunity open to us. "We can storm the castle and rescue Cadence and Shining Armor!" "Even so, we can't get to the Crystal Heart. It's within a barrier they placed upon it." The Sergeant stated on what he told me earlier before. "I know, but we can worry about that later. For now, rally our forces. We need to reach the castle." With that said, the Crystal Guardsponies readied themselves for the upcoming battle. Before leaving, I looked back at Twilight and Chrysalis, they didn't move from their spot. Nor was I going to bother them. Asking a few of the Guardsponies to stay behind and look after the refugees. When that was done, I followed the rest of our comrades to the surface. Summoning my Moonscar Scythe, I reached up the front, beside the Sergeant. As they released the ramps, that we're apart of the roads, we charged up onto the surface. We meet resistances, but they were more of a minor annoyances. Still though, they slowed us down a bit. Looking out to the east, flying above the fights below, I can see Bryan's trail of destruction. He's close to reaching the castle. "DIE YOU WITCH!!!" A Changeling shouted from behind me. Trying to stab me in the back. The fool. Teleporting before he could plunge his sword through where I was before, I severed his head from his shoulder, watching the corpse fall back down to earth. Looking back towards Bryan's direction, he was only a couple of blocks away from the castle now. "My Doom Marine, please, hurry. Save them..." (Bryan/Doom Marine, Reaching the castle grounds...) "P-please! Please show mercy--!" I blasted the cowards face off with the Super Shotgun. After what that guy told me on what happened here, back at the house a blew through, only because I lost my shit for what these Changelings did. The executions, the torture, the rape... All of it, and more. But most of all, the rape and torture that they done on Twilight's family members here. For Hell's sake, they even forced the people here to watch it as they did so, especially the children! So, instead of picking them off one-by-one, I'll take them all head-on! The first group I ran into had some kind of Heavy-type Changeling with them. But, unfortunately, he was even more useless to do any good for the team. The Chainsaw did most of the work, but after about dispatching two or three more groups of these Cocoon loving fucks, the red light on it started lighting up, letting me know that it's on the twenty percent mark of fuel left. Switching it out for my Combat Shotgun, placing the Explosive Barrel mod on, I let loose some H.E. rounds on the rest, but I also ended up damaging house properties along the way, creating fires and such. As much as I want to use the BFG-9000, I'll only do more damage to the people, than I am to these fuckwits. Anyway, I reached the castle grounds, which was swarming with the bugs. They even had more of those Heavys with them. But that's not gonna stop me from tearing open a new asshole with every last one of them cunts! Switching to my Plasma Rifle, I charged straight into their ranks, shooting my way through them. They tried to overwhelm me, but I used the Heatwave to scorch those in front of me to ashes. Jumping into the air, by using the height of one of those Heavys, I whipped out the Rocket Launcher and started raining death and destruction from above. About halfway through of killing the living Hell out of them, I saw this Crystal Heart thing, sealed within a barrier surrounding it. But there is one way I can get inside, from above. What these amateurs did was widen the barrier, where you can fit about thirty of those fat-ass Demons with the cannons integrated on both hands. "Let's test this barrier of theirs..." Running towards one of the unfortunate volunteers, I grabbed him by the neck and threw him at the barrier. After that I kicked his face into nothingness, with enough force to make the barrier send out rippling waves across and around it. "Okay, save the Royals, and then destroy the Crystal Heart." With that said, I went back to killing the rest of them off... After finishing off the last Heavy with a Glory-Kill, by using that Lance of his to off his head, I looked around to see if there are any who survived me. I found one perched up against the barrier, struggling to stand up. Walking up to him, I heard him muttering something. "N... No... This is... This can't be..." Once I was up to him, he looked towards me with a face full of disparity. "You..." "Yeah, so?" I asked him rhetorically. But I still want to hear what's racing through his mind. "You... All of this... In ruins..." "Well, you started this war. Of course this is bound to happen, not everyone makes it back." "No..." He shook his head. "This... Cannot be called a war... I refuse to accept this as a war..." "Well, that's too bad." Pulling out my Pistol, I aimed it at his head, charging up the shot. "Because this is no longer your war. It's my war you're all playing now." I pulled the trigger, and splattered his head all over the barrier upon where he stood against. After killing the damned fool, I heard a pair of doors opening up from behind me. Turning around, a flight of stairs risen up from the ground to the doorway. I saw some more Changelings pouring out from there, only to realise that they made a grave mistake. Their eyes widen in fear, as they looked upon the mass bodies of their comrades, lying in pieces of themselves. They tried to get back inside, but I blew those bastards up with a couple of rockets as I raced up to the door. I threw a Frag inside and killed any who tried to closed the doors on me. Moving inside, I made my way towards the Throne room, at least, I think I was. The only reliable thing I can be certain of, whether or not I'm going the right way; is the enemy. The more there are, the closer I'm getting at. Heavy Assault Rifle in hand, I navigated my way through, and killing every fucking bug I run into. So far, it seems I'm making the right turns, more kept coming to get me. Making one last turn, I saw the doors across the other side of the hallway. The downside to it is, that it's filled with the fuckers blocking the way. They stand between me and that door. "No option, I'll have to go Berserk." Activating my power-up, I ran straight into them, filling out the corridor with their blood and guts... (Princess Cadence, Throne room...) "Well, this is unexpected. Are you certain?" "Yes sir! The Lunar Witch is in the Empire! We have yet to figure out how, but the bigger problem was whatever that thing was, managed to punch a hole through the city barrier!" "Hmm, this is troubling..." The Changeling Commander said, as he rubbed his chin with one hand, while rubbing my inner thigh with the other. I was sat on his lap, while he sat on the throne. "Still though, we have at least one trick up our sleeves. Perhaps that'll be enough." "Perhaps..." "And I had plans for tonight as well." He said as he stood up, picking me up and then settling me on the throne. With a grin on his face, he lifted my chin up, so that I was facing him. "I was going to have the troops have there way with you, before we kill your husband. But, we'll have to skip the best part, and say our farewells to the young prince." I was shocked by this. Of all the things they put us through, Shining was suffering throughout it all. Not to mention, it was my fault he lost his left arm, all for talking back to them. Letting go of me, he waved at his troops. "Bring the prince forward please." He called, as he walked down the throne's stairs. I struggled against the binds they placed on me, along with a custom made latex gimp suit. Which didn't cover much of my privates, just made me look like a slut for them to use. And my husband had to watch it all... "Ah, Prince Shining Armor! How loving to see you, doing well?" I saw them dragging him over. Oh my dear... "Well, at least you made it, through and through. Considering your condition." Look at what they've done to you. You've lost so much... "Well, I would love to sit and chat, but I'm going to need you to die now. Seeing as how you bore me up to this point." Pulling out a knife, he walks around him, standing behind him, he grabs a hold on his mane and pulls his head back. Tears were streaming down my face, as the knife's blade placed at Shining's neck. Grinning widely, showing his fangs, he taunts. "Go on. Say it. Say goodbye to your whore of a wife." Please, no! Don't do this to him! "Cadence..." I heard Shining wheezed, shallowing breathing through his mouth. "Yes, that's it, tell her." Stop this, you monster! "I..." "Come on. You're almost there..." No... "... Love you--" As he said those words, the Commander slit his throat. Blood pooled forth from the wound. As the Commander let go of him, Shining's body fell to the floor. "Ah... Such a sweet happy ending. Well, for us, anyway!" As he said that, he and the other Changelings laughed at this. Such cruel malice. What could motivate such acts of oppression? Why even do these things? Why... "Oh, now don't look so sad." The Commander said, as he cleaned the blade off on Shining's mane. "I mean, he's in a better place now. Well, as better as any other place, he can actually be of use!" I tried to shut it all out, I tried my hardest to do so. But he would not cease his sick little bantering about my dear husband. It wrecked my heart to hear and see all of the things they did. And now, they have taken away the love of my life. Those monsters... Soon, we all heard somepony teleporting inside the Throne room. Looking past him, my eyes widen as soon as I saw both Twilight and Chrysalis standing there. But when they saw Shining's body, they hesitated to act, which gave the Changelings a chance at apprehending them both. The Commander looked behind himself, smiling still, as he did so. "Ah, good! More pleasers to pleasure their betters. And what's even more exciting, is they are none other than the late prince's little sister, and the traitorous whore, themselves! Well, it explains how that Lunar Witch made it inside..." "Shining..." Twilight called out to her brother. "You bastards!" Chrysalis shouted in anger. "Ah, ah, ah..." The Commander 'tsk'ed at them, waving a single finger. "None of that now. He's dead, and there wasn't anything you could have done to better his conditions anyhow." He boasted to them. Chrysalis struggled against her captors, rage filled her eyes as she looked upon him, with an intent on killing him. Twilight, on the other hand, didn't do anything. How could she now? She just looked on in despair at her dead brother. The Commander was about to say something, but we heard a big knock on the door, which, in turn, shook the whole room. One after another. Looking at the door, there was a spell placed on it, to let only Changelings in and out, even by teleportation. Seeing it crack and break with each powerful hit, from the other side of the door, has put every Changeling present - excluding Chrysalis - on edge. Upon the final strike, did the doors came flying off their hinges, and the barrier broken down. Walking through, was something I've never have seen before. But what I felt coming from this being, along with the Changelings, sent chills down my spine. Rage. Pure and simple. And terrifyingly so, seeing as it surrounded his body. Every time his metallic boots stomped onto the crystal floor, sent booming tremors throughout the room. Those that held Chrysalis and Twilight, let go of their charges, and regrouped with their Commander, along with the rest doing the same. Coming to a stop, between Chrysalis and my little Twiliy, he looked at the two for a brief moment, until he spotted Shining's body, and stiffened up. The Commander, saw this, and using his magic, he picked up Shining and threw his body at him. Has he no respect, nor shame!? When the body reached the newcomer, he catches Shining and held it. Although, I can see his hands trembling, but not because of shock. It was of hatred. Slowly, he turned his back to them, and lied Shining body to the floor, decently so... "You... Killed him..." I heard him say, as his entire form shook with even more rage building up within himself. Seeing this as an opportunity, the Commander had one of his troopers sneak up on him and stab him through the back. But, just as he was about to do so, his entire upper form completely obliterated in a shower of blood and gore. We were all frightfully surprised by this, as we saw that it was the metallic being himself, who done the deed, with just one swing of his fist alone. I can't imagine such a creature wielding that much power. Getting back up, he looked towards the Commander, a sense of bloodlust filled the room. Soon, we started to see traces of fire lighting up around him, bringing up his shaking fist to his face. "Kill... Kill... I... Kill you all..." Wait, somethings not right. His voice... It changed! Why has it changed into something horrifying!? Soon, his entire form caught fire, as a circle of some kind started to appear under him. Seeing this, the Commander shouted his orders, pulling out a syringe. "Men! Inject!" Placing it within their necks, they pressed down on it and pulled the needle out. Soon, they grew in size and mass, twice their normal height! "Hah! Let's see if that thing can withstand against us now!" The Commander said, his distorted voice sounding a bit more deep. Although, his empty boasting were nothing to what is to come. Looking back at the small tornado of fire, I saw his silhouette taking a new form, his armour made some changes, to make him look a tad bit taller than usual, but not a lot. But the new design of its appearance, that's what set the fear into all of our hearts. It look so unnatural, as if it came from Tartarus itself. The presence of a Demon. Soon, the fires died down, and out came a monster. With glowing green eyes piercing through the Changelings souls, a fire was burning brightly from them. The Changelings themselves were frozen on the spot, they didn't even make a move or anything. They were just as scared as we were. Before anyone could say anything, we heard him let out a deep, feral growl, before shouting in the most Celestia-forsaken voice I have ever heard. "I WILL FUCKING MURDER YOU CHANGELING FUCKWITS!!!!!!!!" With that said, the first Changeling off to his right, was the first to go. Tripping him up, the mutated Changeling was suspended in the air for a second, before getting his head crushed within record time. The second mutated Changeling, saw this, and charged at him. Only for this creature to use his fallen comrade as a club, and whacked him onto his back. Throwing away the corpse, he jumped onto the downed Changeling, open up his chest, and ripped out his intestines. Two more charged up to him, but he was too quick for them, and with one punch for each of the two, did he sprayed parts of the room with blood and internal organs. The last four surrounded him, but even that didn't make much of a change. He still came at them, killing them in the most violent way possible. The last one, he ripped his horn out and stabbed his eye with it. All that was left, was the Commander, and before he could do anything, he was tackled onto the floor. From there, this Berserker proceeded to beating his face in, creating cracks within the floor. Even though he has already beaten every ounce of his being into oblivion, he still kept on punching. "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIIIIIIIIEE!!!!!!" He kept on repeating, over and over again, until the floor collapsed from underneath him. Falling down where the Crystal Heart was. Struggling on freeing one of my hands, I managed to free one and took off the ring inhibitor on my horn, I used my magic to rid myself of that suit and got me some clothes. After that, I flew over to where Twilight and that were. She was lying on Shining's chest, sobbing into it. Chrysalis wasn't any good herself. I don't care what happened back then, we were all suffering here. Hugging Twilight, I tried to comfort her, as best I could. Shining, your death has been avenged... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Crystal Heart...) "Ugh, fuck..." I groaned out. Picking myself up, I looked myself over to see I was back to my old self once more. But damn tired. Pulling out my Pistol, I looked around to see where that murderous prick was at, only to remember I killed him in my Berserker form. "Save us..." What? I looked around to see who said that, only to come face-to-face with the Corrupted Crystal Heart... "Help us, please..." There it is again. Was it the Crystal Heart? "You must help..." "What must I do?" I asked. "The Heart... Destroy the Heart..." Well, I see where this going now. Aiming at the Crystal Heart, I charged up my shot. "Please... Set us free..." Pulling the trigger, I shot at the Crystal Heart. Piercing through it, it started to crack, until I was blinded by a flash of light, as it exploded in my face, sending me flying off... ([Third Person]) As a blinding light emendated from where the Crystal Heart was, an explosion of sorts was heard, and all of the fighting taking place outside the castle came to abrupt stop. With it, the barrier that had imprisoned the Crystal Empire was now abolished, fading away from existence. Seeing this happening, the last of the Changelings decided to high-tail it out and retreat back to their Hive. Soon, the air was filled with cheers, as the streets were filling with its everyday citizens, coming out of hiding. Only to be silence, as a metallic body came barreling out from where the Crystal Heart used to be. Moving out of its way, as it came bouncing by them all, until it skidded to a halt, by digging up the ground. Everypony within the vicinity of the incident, came rushing over, to see what it was. It was unlike anything they have ever seen, it was either Pony, nor Changeling. There was something glowing in its right clutched hand. Before any of them could do anything , the Lunar Princess descended from the night sky, unto the mysterious being. "My Doom Marine! Are you conscious!? Say something!" She cried out. They were all thoroughly surprised by this, and did a double take-back. Soon, she started shaking him. "Come on! No, don't do this to me!" She was getting desperate at this point. "Please say something!" Eventually, though, the Doom Marine started showing signs. With a groan, he tried to move. "Oh... Goddammit..." He said groggily. "Oh thank mother, you're still alive!" She said in joyous, but it was cut short from what he said next. "If only that... Could be said... For all of us..." When he said that, she looked at him confusedly. "My Doom Marine, what are you saying?" She asked him, but she wasn't liking where this was going. "He's... Dead." "Who?" "The Prince." When he answered, the crowed around them both were thrown into a distorted state from this information. "What?" "They killed him, Luna. He died before I could even save him..." The Doom Marine growled. "I couldn't save him, but I sure as Hell slaughtered his killers." "Please, no more, my Doom Marine. It's over..." Luna tried to comfort him, but it did little to persuade him. "I'll kill them... I'll fucking kill them all..." He stated. Looking down at his right hand, he unclenched it to see what he was holding, which turned out to be a piece of the Crystal Heart. This part didn't seem to be corrupted by the slightest, which is weird, considering what it went through. Clutching his first again, he looked towards the castle. Getting back up on his feet, with the help of Luna, they made their way over there. They eventually made it to the Throne room, where they found the three mares crowded around the deceased Shining Armor, crying their eyes out. The Doom Marine looked at Luna suggestively, wanting her to be with them. Reluctantly, she let him go, and sat beside the girls. Shuffling his way out of the room, the masses made their way to the Throne room, gave him a wide birth of space, not wanting to hamper or bother him. Soon, he found himself a balcony, away from the crowd, for him think. He wanted to be alone for the moment, thinking over on what to do next, before hunting down Cocoons Hive and her head. First, a memorial will be built upon where the Crystal Heart used to be, carved with the Fallen's names upon it. After that, he'll carve in his Doom Marine's mark: The Doom Slayer's Mark. After concluding on this, the Moon itself started to change colour, going from its traditional pale light, to a blood-red light. Bryan looked up towards it, staring into it, until looking back at the piece of the Crystal Heart. Growling, he clenched his fist once more, glaring up to the moon, he made his vow. "I will murder all of those fuckers. I swear to God I will..." > Ch.4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.4: Mourning of the Fallen... (Twilight Sparkle, Crystal Empire, two days later...) "Twilight?" I heard Cadence whispering out my name. Groggily, I started to rub the sleepiness away from my eyes and opened them up slightly, closing them as I felt the sun on my face. "Ugh... What time is it?" I asked, groaning all the while. "It's a little past ten in the morning, Twi. Here, I brought us some breakfast." She said as I leaned myself up against the headboard of the King-sized bed. We were in Cadence's bedchambers, where me, Chrysalis, and Cadence slept together. It has been two days since the Liberation of the Crystal Empire and... The Death of my BBBFF, Shining Armor. The Doom Marine himself, upon which we all learnt his name was Bryan, has been working non-stop on the Memorial Stone, he had placed it where the Crystal Heart used to be. Luna has been trying to get him to go to sleep, but he stated that he's slept long enough... "Twi? Your breakfast is gonna go cold, if you don't eat it." Cadence snapped me back to reality. Although, I wish this was all a dream. "Oh, sorry about that." I said as I took my breakfast with my magic. She sat next to me as we dug into our meals. We didn't say much, we were feeling pretty depressed about all that has happened. Oh great, now I lost my appetite. "Twi, are you okay?" Cadence asked me. All I did was grabbed her left hand with my right hand. Getting the message, she took both our breakfasts and set them off on a table, on the other side of the room. Cuddling closer to each other, we stayed like this for sometime. "I'm sorry..." I muttered out. "What?" "I'm so sorry, Cadence." I told her. "I'm sorry we didn't make it to you sooner." "Twilight, no, don't say that." Cadence tried to comfort me. "None of this was your fault." "But... Shining's gone..." I sniffed, as tears started casting down my face, squeezing my eyes shut. "He died, because we were too late." "Shh..." Cadence hugged me closer to her chest. "It's going to be OK. At least... He's in a better place now." "Do you think he hates me?" "Of course not, Twi." "How... How can you be so sure?" I asked her, so desperately, I was afraid at that point. She didn't answer my question, but I felt her shift back a bit. Opening my eyes back up, I looked up to see her face; tears were forming in eyes, that held sadness and sorrow, but also happiness and relief, as she smiled at me through it all. "Twilight, I'm the Princess of Love. I've always known how much he loved you, loved us all. No matter what." After saying that, she rubbed our noses together. "I know you may think of yourself as a failure for not saving him. But, you are not at fault here." "But..." I tried to speak, but she silence me by placing a finger on my lips. "Twilight, look at this way: you may not have saved him, but you saved me. I know he would have been so proud of you in doing so. Not to mention, things could've played out worse if you haven't. There is nothing to fear anymore." After she said that, I just took her words to heart. She's right, if none of us did save her, things could have gone differently. Still though... "Hold me." I can't help it. It may have helped me see it as a good thing, but it didn't help change the fact that Shining's dead. "Come here." Cadence said, as she brought me back into her embrace. "Take your time." And so I did. We stayed like this for almost an hour, which felt like an eternity to me. I almost cried myself to sleep. Cadence silently cried along with me, during this time of ours. I still felt bad, but I think I got most out of my system. That was when we heard Chrysalis come in, with a loud sigh, she spoke. "FINALLY! We actually got him to sleep." She she saw us, she looked at us as if she got caught pick-pocketed somepony. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know!" "Oh no! No, it's alright!" Cadence assured her. "We were... Well, I guess you can tell, huh?" "No duh! But, anyway, Luna and I managed to get Bryan to sleep last night!" Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but he told both me and Cadence his real name, just yesterday afternoon. Luna already knew this, of course, and Chrysalis knew because he told her before we left Canterlot. Speaking of Canterlot, I had to write a letter to Princess Celestia, my friends, and family, about what happened here. The Crystal Militant Messenger, a Pegasus whom I gave it to deliver it the night before, came back yesterday morning, looking very tired, and gave me their reply. Just as I expected, they, too, were very distraught by the news. Mum and Dad especially. It even had stained tears on it, most probably from writing their letters. No, it wasn't one long letter, there were three of them: Mum and Dad's one, Princess Celestia's, and my friends one. All of which they say they're sorry for what has transpired here, and giving their thanks to Bryan. Mum and Dad especially, too. They wish to be here, but can't, since there are still things that needed to be taken care of back in Canterlot. "Really? At what time?" Cadence asked Chrysalis, as she flopped herself on the bed. "Ugh! Around midnight-ish. But then he got up at five in the morning, and went back at finishing it." Chrysalis answers, before groaning in annoyance. "Honestly, I knew he was stubborn, but nothing like this! This is just borderline crazy!!" "So he's finished?" I asked her. "Yes, he did say he and the Guard will have it ready today. It starts at Twelve." She answers. Looking at clock, it was five minutes past eleven. Sighing, I spoke up. "We better get ready then." "Alright, c'mon then." Chrysalis got off the bed and used her magic to pick us both up. We were surprised by this, as we all headed into the bathroom. "C-Chrysalis, what are you doing!?" Cadence exclaimed. "We don't have a lot of time, and you don't want to go making Bryan angry. He set this whole thing up for all of us, the least we can do is be there on time." Chrysalis explained as she turned the shower on. "Besides that, I always shower with a couple of my own Changelings. Plus, this is faster, and you got a pretty big shower Cadence." That's... Logical enough. Still though, she showers with others? Anyway, after finishing up in there, which was a little awkward, we got dress up in our Royal attires. Even though Chrysalis's one was different, it fits this occasion. Afterwards, we headed to the Throne room, where Chrysalis said Luna was waiting for us. As we entered, Luna was busy talking to somepony, and she didn't look or sound happy about this. "Your highness, please, reconsider..." It seems this one was trying to convince Luna about something, but couldn't do so. "Insolent whelp! How many times must we go over this!? I already told you, this is easy payment! Why must all of you Nobles whine over such insufficient things!?" Oh no, not the Nobility. "Besides, my Doom Marine has done you the honours of liberating your Empire!" "If you call destroying everything in your path liberating, then there's something wrong with our perspectives." He snarked off arrogantly. "Next time put a leash on that beast of yours, that thing is far too--HRNK!?!?" He couldn't finish off his sentence, because the Guard came in and one of them punched him in the stomach. Then they gagged him, cuffed his hands behind his back, and placed a ring inhibiter on his horn. "Strip him of his title and everything he has. After that, send him away. Go!" Luna commanded, and without missing a beat, the Guard saluted and dragged him off. As they left the room, we heard Bryan spoke up. "Too bad, I was about to kill him." Looking over to where the hole was, we saw him hanging off from the ledge, with that small weapon of his in hand. Luna shook her head at this. "My Doom Marine, please, no more." She said to him. "You forget Luna; the killing never stops for me." He retorted as he got up from the hole. "For you lot, maybe. For me, and others like me..." As he talked, he walked up to her and patted her on the head. "It never ends." Sighing, she hugged him. "It's not fair." "Life isn't always fair. There are hardships you must face, even if you don't like it." He said to her, almost as if he was teaching her a lesson. Luna chuckled dryly. "You should be telling Tia that. She has been hiding the darker aspects of Equestria's history, trying to make things look peaceful and prosper." Bryan groaned at this. "Xenophobic, racist, motherfucking dumbass. She just can't accept anything these days, can she?" Me and Cadence flinched from his harshness. But, for some reason, I can't seem to fault him for that. In all honesty, he and Luna are probably both right. Soon, Luna let go of him. "No, I'm afraid not. You could even say she might have become a little hypocritical about her idealism." "Luna, this is Celestia we are talking about. She doesn't exactly have a good fucking brain to begin with. Whatever she sets out to do, tends to come biting her in the ass, because she did it wrong." He started pointing out. "She's far from being pure and perfect, that's for sure. Tia's even more of a hypocritical idiot, and a source of corruption, even if she doesn't know of it." "Yes. She has been losing sight on what matters, and what needs to be done." Luna commented. It's kind of scary, with them talking like this. It's as if they can't trust anything with Princess Celestia, anymore. But then again, they're probably right about it. Even I have some serious questions regarding Celestia herself. "Alright, let's get going. Most of the city is here, and we got ten minutes until it starts." He stated, as we all made our way outside. Making it down the stairs, we saw that the area was packed with most of the Crystal Empire's citizens. There were still more to come, though. In the middle, upon where the Crystal Heart used to be, was the Memorial Stone: a squared-off pillar, standing up to nearly touching the underside of the castle. Did he literally just dragged that thing here? Maybe we should try and talk to him about this. Actually, no. Bad idea. Scratch that. The only answer we'll get out of him is death. "Twi..." Cadence called my name. When I looked back at her, she point out towards behind the crowd. What I saw, was my parents, escorted by some of the Royal Guard from Canterlot. Grabbing a hold on Cadence, I teleported us in front of them, and immediately, we all hugged each other. "Oh Twilight, Cadence, my dear girls." My Mum sobbed. "Are you both alright?" "Don't worry, Mum, we're fine." I answered her. My Dad spoke up next. "Cadence, they haven't... Have they?" I knew what he was asking of her. "No, Night Light. They didn't do that with me." She answers him. "Honey, please, call me Dad. You're family." He told her. "Will get through this, OK?" "I know... But this is going to be so hard." She wasn't wrong there. If this is what Bryan meant, about there being hardships, then this is our first true obstacle of getting through in our lives. After a while, we separated. "Come. It's about to start..." We walked alongside our parents until we reached the Memorial Stone. The talks were long, meaningful, and saddening. So many tears were shed, weeping for the many lives lost; friends, families, loved ones, you name it. Speeches were given for the Guard that have put there lives on the line for the cause, and one especially designed for Shining Armor, for the times he has been a great leader, alongside his loving and caring wife. That one got all of us crying the most. Luna, Chrysalis, and Bryan were up there as well, but they didn't say anything, not that they could anyway. After about two hours, the talks have ended and everypony got up, and gone up to the Memorial Stone, placing many things upon it. We went up there ourselves, I never really saw it, but the names engraved into the stone, were all glowing. We saw Shining's name and placed some kisses on his name. Mum was still crying her eyes out, telling how much she'd loved him. Dad said how he was so proud of him. But, all the same, gone too soon. Soon, Luna and that came up to us. "I hope we are not interrupting your time." She spoke. "I know how hard it is to lose a family member, for I have seen it far too many times." "Oh your highness. No, it's alright. But..." Mum replied to Luna, until she spotted Bryan. "Is he the one who...?" "Indeed." Luna answered her. "This, here, is my Doom Marine. He is the one who, not only liberated the Crystal Empire, but avenged your son's death." She explained. "Not to mention, he was the one who organized all of this, including the Memorial Stone." "Goodness." Mum was surprised by this. "To go so far... Darling, are you alright?" She asked him. "I'm fine, for the most part." He answered her. "Even so, this isn't over. Not until they're all lying dead." He growled, which scared my Mum. "Hey, now. Easy son." Dad came up to him and placed both hands on his shoulders. "'Son'? That's rich, given that I'm older than you are." He said to him. "From what Luna has told me, I've been asleep for 10,000 years or so." "Even so, you can't go losing your head." Dad retorted. "That said, I think it would be best if you just take a breather. All of us should be taking a breather." As Dad said that, I thought Bryan was gonna refuse the offer, but... "Fine then." He agreed to Dad, sighing heavily in defeat. "But I'm still planning on butchering them all." "I understand that, but for the time being, rest." Dad said and let go of him. I'm surprised that Dad had managed to convince someone like Bryan. I wonder how though? "Excuse me, but is that mark..." Mum spoke up, pointing towards the Stone. "In the background, is that yours?" Looking back, I can actually see the his mark in the background, if you look close enough. "Yes, as a matter of fact." He answers, as he walks up to it. "One last thing before we head back..." Placing his hand on the Stone, energy started to pour forth from his hand, and into his mark. After that, his mark started to glow red, where as the names glowed a transparent white light. We didn't question it, at least, not yet. Once done, he said. "That, there, is the mark of: The Doom Slayers." He explained. "I'm sure you have more questions, but we all had a long day. Let's call it quits for now, and head on home." Nodding our heads, we made our way towards the train station, where Mum and Dad came in on, and headed on back. While we were walking through the city, many ponies have been bowing and waving their hands at us goodbye. Of course, Cadence wanted to come back with us, which everypony was fine with. The newly appointed Captain, which was the Sergeant who helped us back then, said he will hold down the fort until Cadence has recovered enough to start ruling again. Of course, Bryan gave him some useful tips, which will benefit him greatly in the long-run, should Cadence need more time. Especially, when it came to the Nobility. I guess even he had to deal with Nobles, who were getting a bit too snobby for their own good. Reaching the station, we boarded it and took our seats. Bryan was at the far end of the train cart. Most likely wanting some alone time. As the doors closed, the train whistling, we were moving away from the Crystal Empire, with everypony waving out to us. That's a lot of moral support, that we could ever ask for. As the train ride continued, Mum and Dad were talking to Chrysalis, who was really nervous about all of this. But my folks weren't talking to her like she was still the enemy, quite the opposite really. Seeing as they heard how her so-called sister tricked her and such. As a matter of fact, they're willing to welcome her into our family, which she took gratefully, as she hugged them both for dear life. They didn't mind, seeing as how much she actually loved Shining Armor back then. Yeah, she told us that last night. Awkward, but understandable. My big brother was an eye catcher for the mares. I was sitting next to Cadence, leaning against each other, while Luna sat across from us. My parents and Chrysalis were sitting off on the left side. Looking behind me, I saw Bryan looking out from the window. It sucks that I can't tell whether he is looking out the window, or keeping an eye on us. Either way though, I'm thankful for him. Eventually, we reached Canterlot. Stopping at its train station, I saw Bryan getting up from his seat, walking up to the door, with one of his big guns in hand... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Canterlot...) Taking out the Plasma Rifle, I switched the mods, placing on the Stun Bomb. Everyone started getting up from their seats as they saw me walk by them. The door that leads into the next cart opened up, letting through one of the train workers. "Alright y'all, here we are..." When he saw me, he was surprised by my appearance. "Golly! What are you suppose to be, an alien?" "Now's not the time." I snapped at him. "Whoa! Easy there, stranger. I didn't mean to offend ya." He said, as he went to open up the outside door. "I'll just get this door here open for ya then." Nodding my head to him, he opened it up and I walked out, minding my head, since I was taller. Giving the all clear sign, the rest of them started filing out. I had the Guard watch and protect the family and that, while I lead us back to the castle. The city itself was a real smoking dump; buildings were destroyed in the attack, the Guard working their way through all of it, while trying to keep the populace under control, and finding any survivors in this damn mess. As we were walking on through, we got a lot of stares coming from the natives. Although, when I turn to look back at them, they just scuttle back from my gaze. At least this deteriorates any potential threats from them, just in case. There was some riots breaking out here and there, so to ease the Guards work, I fired off a couple of Stun Bombs to paralyse the groups. There were a few who tried to take me on, but a couple dozen warning shots later defused their efforts on making any future attempts. Finally, we reached the castle grounds and headed on inside. It was still a shitfest though, much like the rest outside, if not worst. I had the Guard lead us all this time, since I can't remember my way around this damn place, still. Honestly, whoever built this place must have been high or something, because it's a fucking maze. Passing by some of the Guard and Chrysalis's Changelings, they were working together on cleaning up the place. There were even those standing on guard duty with each other. But when they saw us, sympathy was all they could give us. They heard the news of Shining's death. Although, we heard some Noble prick whining about stupid shit, that has no real reason in life at all. Turning around the corner, we saw a white unicorn, blonde mane and tail, blue eyes, yelling about something to the Guard. I wasn't paying attention to him, since I walked up to him, and hit the fucker square in the face, knocking out a few teeth. As he fell on his back, I planted a boot on his chest on hold him there, whipped out the Super Shotgun, and blown his face into the red! Everyone who has witness this was shocked by this... Until they quickly gotten over it and went back to doing whatever it was they were doing before. This guy must have been a massive pain in everybody's asses for the longest time, if they don't give a fuck about his death! Damn, I'm doing more good for them, it seems. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Well, almost all of them, save one. Looking back at Twilight, she was staring in horror of what I just done. "What?" I shrugged at her. "I just did everyone here a favour. We all have much more pressing matters to attend to, besides his bitching." "B-b-but--!" "Raise your hands if you all know... What was his name again?" I cut her off, but I didn't know the guys name. "Hey Twilight, who was this guy?" "Blueblood! And he's the--!" "OK, thanks. Anyone here gonna miss Blueballs, raise your hand!" I shouted out, cutting off Twilight again. I know I mispronounce that name, but I couldn't care less. Actually, I can, and I do for this guy. Annoying little shit! Nobody raised a hand or anything, just looking at each other in confusion, while trying very hard not to let their shit-eating grins show on their faces. "I have no idea who this 'Blueballs' is you speak of sir!" One of them holler back. "Any of you guys!?" "Nope!" "Nuh-uh!" "Nah!" "Probably just some Nobody, sir!" More and more joined in, as they seriously proved their displeasure to this guy. Which seemed to shock Twilight to no end. Weird. Although, what shocked her even more was her family and that's reaction to this. "I don't know who this Blueballs is you speak of, my Doom Marnie. But his parents must've hated him." Damn Luna, that was cold! I'm so proud of you! "I wouldn't let that boy near my girls." Twilight's father said, as he hugged both her and Cadence close to him. His wife nodding her head. "Ew, that's gross. I don't want to go anywhere near that freak." Cadence snarked off, pointing her head up. "I wouldn't let that loser no more than ten feet close to me." Chrysalis said with a coldness. "See Twilight? Nobody cares!" I said to her. She didn't much of a response, but meh! "ACK!! Sir it's twitching!" One of the Allied Changelings shouted. On reflex, I snapped at the body and blown it to bloody pieces. Which spattered all over the wall. "Oh goodness gracious, thank you sir!" "Well, that takes care of--" "What happening out here!?" And I was in such a good mood! I heard Tia shout as she was running down the hallway. When she was within striking distance, I unloaded my Super Shotgun, placed the shells in, rounded myself and smacked her with it. Using the under barrel to lock and load it, as she was found planted into the wall painted with the blood of that useless prick I killed. "As usual Tia, you're such a buzz killer." After saying that, I walked off, leaving everyone speechless. I was just wondering off anywhere, really. Because I wasn't in a talking mood with Tia at the moment. And off by chance, I found the entrance to where Tia sealed me up in. Opening the wall, I walked inside, leading me back to my Tombstone. Heading off to the left, at the back, this wall will lead me to our Base of Operations. Opening it up, I headed inside and flicked the switches to power this place back up to functionality. The high-advanced tech Mainframe of a computer lit up, as did the huge-ass room, which was integrated with a library off to my left. Going over to the computer, I placed in the password and gain access. Scrolling through it, I tried to find something in here to help me track down where my brothers were being held up in. And just like last time, nothing. Sighing, I just keyed in a few commands to activate VEGA once more. No, he's no longer in the system, but he can still interact with it remotely. He has that robotic body, you know, the one where that Doctor Samuel Hayden made for storing his brain in? Yeah, that one. Anyway, his pod open up, around back, and he walked up to me. "Hello again, Bryan. It's good to see you up and about, once more." He said to me, sounding cheerful. "You too, VEGA." I replied to him. "Have you found the others yet?" He asked me. "Unfortunately, no. Is our Satellite still working?" I asked him next. "Yes, and I have seen what has transpired over these ten millennia, up to this point in time." He answers. "Shall I introduce myself to them?" "Go, and help them out, however you can." "Of course, sir. And please, do get some sleep." With that said, he activates a few of those little drones that carries those mod-packs for the guns, and heads out. As for what he said, I actually took his advice, much like how everyone else has been telling me to do. Moving into the Library sector, I took a seat within the classic leather chair. Relaxing in it, I took out the the piece of the Crystal Heart and looked at it. Yeah, it didn't want to stay, for some odd reason, asking if it could come along with me. So I agreed to its wish. Clutching it in my hand, I leaned my head back, as I closed my eyes and went to sleep, hearing the Crystal's soothing melodies lulling me to dreamland. Unbeknownst to me though, was that the computer was working itself on downloading some content... > Ch.5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.5: Tensions flaring, Trust tested, a Sin revealed... (Princess Celestia, Dining room...) "Ow...why?" I groaned, as I placed a icepack against my swollen cheek. After they got me out and down from the wall, they explained that he killed my nephew! And they just told me as it is! No emotions, what so ever, nothing! I mean, I understand they didn't like him, but I tried my best to put him on the right track! Now, now that chance is gone, no thanks to Bryan! "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you locked him up? Just a guess." Chrysalis sarcastically answered, not really caring about my condition, nor the fact that she outrightly denies Bluebloods existence! Groaning some more, I leaned back in my seat. We were all in the Dining room, along with the rest of the Elements. They all gave their sympathies to the lost of Twilight's brother. As well as trying to hug it all away. But, there is only so much you can do, to ease the pain of Lost. Although, when they heard about Bryan's episode with me, they all had different reactions. For the most part, shock. Rainbow was even more furious about this, while Applejack just looked at me with suspicion. "Really!? Such a violent brute! A ruffian like him should at least have the decency of treating a loving lady, like Princess Celestia, with respect and dignity!" Rarity shouted her distaste for him. "I still say we lock him back up!" Rainbow demanded. "I mean, sure, he helped us out! But who's to say he won't turn on us!?" "Now hold on, Sugarcube." Applejack said, raising a hand to silence everypony. "Ah may not like his attitude, anymore than the next pony, but he helped us out. Hay, he even helped to liberate an entire Empire, by himself, saved Princess Cadence, and avenged Shining Armor's death!" "I agree." Velvet, Twilight's mother, spoke up in defence of Bryan. "Not only that, but he has put so much effort into building that Memorial Stone back in the Crystal Empire for the Fallen. Does his actions not speak for what he has done for us?" Rainbow was about to say something, but Fluttershy silences her, by putting her hand over Rainbow's mouth. "Oh, of course it does! He has done us a great deal in helping us out, and so much more!" She said with an appreciative smile, until it dissolved into a frown. Sighing, she spoke again. "But the real question is, that we would all like to know..." As her gaze set sight onto me, every other pony followed suit. They, too, wish to know. "... Is why?" I... Couldn't answer them, at least, not yet! But I couldn't run away from this either. I mean, how do you explain it to them, that you are responsible for imprisoning a being, with immense power, who has helped your entire race from facing annihilation, only to get back stabbed by the one he trusted...even if I did hated him and the rest of his kind. I'm still surprised he hasn't killed me yet... "Sister!" Luna shouted, snapping me out of my bemusing. "We have asked you a question: why did you do that to our Doom Marine!? And don't say that it was because you were stupid and rash, there's more to it than that!" Sighing, I finally caved in, and told them. "I was afraid." Silence fell over again, as they looked on. "I was afraid because of their powers. I was afraid for our ponies Luna. Can you not see that what I did, was for the betterment for all of Equestria--" "ABSURDITY!!!!!!" Luna yelled in the Royal Canterlot voice, breaking the silence. "THOU WOULD DARE TO REVERT TO SUCH COWARDLY TACTICS, OUT OF PURE SUPERSTITION!?!?!?!" "DO I NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTECT OUR PONIES, LUNA!?!?!?!" I shouted back at her, also using the Royal Canterlot voice. "DO I NOT HAVE THE RIGHT, TO ENSURE A PEACEFUL FUTURE FOR ALL OF EQUESTRIA!?!?!?!" "AT THE EXPENSE OF THE HEROES WHO FOUGHT AND BLED FOR ALL OF US!?!?!?!" Luna slammed a fist onto the table, creating many cracks within it. "MUST YOU BE SO PARANOID SISTER!?!?!?!" "THEY WERE MONSTERS KILLING OFF OTHER MONSTERS!!!!! I CANNOT ALLOW SUCH BEASTS TO ROAM FREE!!!!!" I countered. "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE KILLING STOPS!?!?!?! WHEN THE RIVERS OF BLOOD HAVE ALL DRIED UP, AND THE MANY DEATHS OF DEMONS HAVE COME TO AN END, WHO WOULD THEY TURN TO, IF THEY HAVE NOT HAD THEIR FILL!?!?!?! US!!!!!" Luna stared at me, eyes wide open, as she looked on. Tension was thick in the air, as everypony were on edge from all this arguing, looking between me and Luna. Except for Chrysalis, for which I cannot tell what she's thinking... "... I hate you..." Now it was my turn to feel shocked by this. "What?" "I SAID I HATE YOU!!!" Luna shouted, as tears started running down her face. "Why Tia? Why must you do this to me?" "L-Luna, what are you--?" I tried to reason with her, but she cut me off. "Why must you torture me with your lies!?" She shouted again, through tears of anguish and sadness. "You said he was dead! I believed you! How many more lies have you told!?" I was speechless...because she was right. I had lied to her about Bryan's death. And it's just as he said would happen, when I locked him up. He didn't even fight back, not once... "When the Truth comes, Regret is, all, what you will ever feel. For that is the price for your Sin..." "Was I..." I heard her continue. "Was I nothing more but a pawn to you? A doll for you to play with?" "No." I said to her, or was I trying to convince myself? "Then what about all those times, where everypony showered you with their Love and Appreciation, devoting it all to you? While I was pushed aside, not just by them, but by you as well. Do you remember that?" No, no, no! That's not true! I would never... "Because that is exactly what happened to me. You betrayed my trust, by using my love for you, to get you where you wanted to be." "That is not true!" I shouted, with tears falling from my eyes, too. "Luna, I would never do that to you!" "Well, it was already too late. Soon, I became Nightmare Moon. And it wasn't out of jealously, but absolute hatred." "Luna, please..." I placed my hands against my ears, not wanting to hear this. "No more. I'm so sorry..." Even so, I could not shut out her words. "I don't think I can forgive you yet. Even if you beg for it." No, Luna, please... "Perhaps our Doom Marine is right about some things: you would use anything to get things your way, without realising the consequences you will inflict upon yourself, and those around you. For example: me." "Please Luna, stop this..." I was begging at this point, but she kept true to her word. "No, my dear sister. I will not, and you will heed this." She stated. "You have abused the Love of many of our subjects, especially mine. You have abused your very own family member, your sibling, your blood." That last part had more bite to it, one that made me feel it. "Truly, your blinding pride has no foresight, on how much pain you have caused me. Even now..." She didn't say anymore, everything was quiet. My eyes were closed shut, fearing to open them back up. I can feel everypony's staring down at me. It was very haunting. "Oh my..." My eyes snapped open, as we all looked towards the doorway. Standing there, was VEGA. "It appears I have arrived a little late." He started walking over to Luna, who was looking apathetically tired from the Talk. He had those Drones with him, each carrying plates, teacups, utensils, and others. They set the table up, even though it's in a mess of its own. But still... "VEGA? What are you doing here?" Luna asked him, who placed a robotic hand on her shoulder, as she wipes away her tears. "Well, Bryan wanted me to help you, however I can." He turned to look at the girls. "And to those who did not know, yes, that is his name." "Uh... Okay??" Rainbow said, unsure on what to make of this, as she and the others just stared at him, and the Drones. Soon they served us different types of tea. "So... Who, or what, are you?" "Apologies for the intrusion, and where are my manners. I'm VEGA, a Sentient Intelligence, within this Exo-body, upon which you can simply call, a robot." He explained. "Oh... So, like, are y'all aliens, or something?" Applejack asked next. "Yes." VEGA simply answered, which got them all gasping. "Well, if you think about it, technically, we are." "What do you mean by that!?" Pinkie shot up her hand. "I mean, how long have you guys been here!?" "10,098 years, to put it simply." He answered her, as he took out a napkin for Luna. When she took it, he came to me and gave me one, as well. "They were placed upon this universe of yours, along with me." "Wait, wait! 'Placed'? What does that mean!?" Twilight asked him. "Tell me, have you heard of a 'Displaced'?" VEGA asked them, which all shook their heads. "It stands for 'Dimensionally Misplaced'. Meaning that what you have seen of Bryan, is not what he used to be." "'Not what he used to be'? So, he used to have a normal life, in his own universe?" Twilight asked, and VEGA nodded. "But, what happened then!? Who, or what, could be so cruel, as to rip everything from Bryan, and replace it with what he has become!?" "The Merchant." VEGA answered her. When none of them understood, he continued explaining. "Bryan and his four best friends — brothers even — were going to someplace, where they could have a good time. Before reaching that said place, they stopped at this shop, where it opens up to these kinds of public festivities. The Merchant, as he was simply known, was disguised as a human, of a shady characteristic person, who sold props at a reasonable price. Which are, unfortunately, enchanted to place you somewhere else, in another universe. This is where the 'Multiverse Theory' comes to reality, seeing as this Equestria is a part of the Displaced-verse." Everypony at this point was staring at him, dumbfounded by this information. But who could blame them? My family and I were gaping at this knowledge. "S-s-so..." Twilight tried to speak. "We... We're not alone?" "Not by a long shot, no. The Multiverse is infinitely vast, beyond reckoning. Plus, it is self-explanatory, isn't it?" VEGA said. "B-but, if that's true, and that Bryan and his brothers are not the only Displaced, and that there are--!" Before she could go on, she was cut off by Applejack. "Slow down, Sugarcube!" Applejack said, as she placed a hand on her shoulder. "Yer head's gonna pop, if ya keep overthinking this!" Twilight was hyperventilating a little bit, until she finally steadied her breathing and called down. "Phew! Thanks Applejack, sorry I went overboard." Applejack smiled at her. "That's okay, as long as you don't go losing your head." Her smile turned into a thoughtful frown though. "But, Ah see where ya going with this. But like that VEGA fella said, it's infinite. Anything could happen in any of those other Equestrias." "And that's not the only thing, darling." Rarity chimed in. "There are others like Bryan. The poor dears, not knowing what they bought would transport them away from home, into any of the Equestrias." "Yeah..." Rainbow muttered. "That sucks. But, how come no one even reports this to the authorities!?" "Because, even so, the witnesses have no valid proof of such acts. The Merchant is a being of untold powers, but one thing is for sure, he can obliterate anything, if he wishes to. For now, though, the only thing we know of him is, that he's a Displacer." He answers her. "He is not the only Displacer, though. But I do not know who the other ones are." "It probably would be best, if we didn't know them." Twilight said. "Still though..." Rainbow spoke up, as she turned to face me. "Seriously? You locked up the guy, who was forcefully removed and replaced here, helped us in our time of need, and when it was all over, you just put him under lock and keys? Not cool, Princess. Not cool." She sneered at me. "I... I know." I said, feeling the regret coming in now. Bryan really can tell how this was gonna play out. "Aside from that. There is a way for other Displaced to enter through our dimension." VEGA said, pushing us away from my betrayal. "Tokens are created from them. These can be found throughout this Equestria..." "Um, excuse me, VEGA?" Fluttershy said, raising a hand. "Yes, ma'am?" VEGA replied. "I was just wondering, if you know all of this, does that mean the other five know of this, as well?" She asked, although she is right; he does seem to know a lot of this. "Only one of them knows of this. But since it was during throughout the Hell Wars, it was too much of a risk to tell the others. I knew this, because it was placed within my system." VEGA answered. "And, who would that be? Bryan?" Twilight asked. "No." He answered. "Then who?" "I cannot say his name, since you have yet to meet him. But, his title, he is known as The Hunter of Silence." Wait a minute, HIM!? The title seemed to have sent shivers down everypony's spines, as they heard that. "BRR! Man, that sounds scary! So, like, what? He doesn't say much?" Rainbow asked him. "The title explains him... To an extend." VEGA said. "Basically, he is the teams Sniper. He's the one that covers them, whether the enemy is in front, or coming around the back, he'll silence you." That sent even more chills. "Whoa nelly! So, is this Hunter the brains of this group of your? Besides you, of course." Applejack asked. "In a sense, yes, he is. He knows a little bit more than the other Doom Marines. But he does not speak of them." "Why's that?" "Some things, are better left unspoken, and forgotten. There are things you might not like, if you stumble upon them." VEGA stated. "Well, okay, yeah. Maybe, once Bryan finds him, he can teach Twilight a thing or two." Rainbow said, but then returned to facing me again. "As for you, princess, I'm pretty sure that I speak for all of us, when I say this: you seriously got some major issues you need sorting out. I don't think we can trust you, like we used to." "I understand." I said, as I looked within my teacup. "Anyway, please, ladies and gentlemen, drink up." VEGA said, as he managed to averted their distrustfulness of me, to their tea. One sip later, they all sighed in content. "My, this is quite loving! Thank you so much, VEGA." Rarity praised. "You are all quite welcome..." He said, until we all heard a series of beeps coming from him. "And it would seem the Hunter has left one piece behind to finding him. Bryan has acquired his locations." Everypony looked at him in confusion. "Um, how?" Applejack asked, but then shook her head. "Y'know what, nevermind! It'll probably go over mah head." "So, can we see him then? That is, if we are allowed to." Fluttershy asked VEGA. "Of course, please follow me." With that said, the Drones set out to clearing up the table, as everybody got up and followed VEGA. I was lagging behind, on purpose. I'm not sure if I should even be following... Anyway, we reached the Throne room and entered on through. Going further beyond the Tombstone, we saw Bryan sitting at the computer, where it was downloading details. Upon the whereabouts of the Hunter. "Man, he always surprises us with the stunts he pulls off." Bryan said as he saw us coming. "Hey! Look at that, VEGA brought guest!" He exclaimed, raising his hands above his head. "So, he did leave something behind, just in case." VEGA said. "It would seem, that he is somewhere within... A city." "Yeah, do you what this city is?" Bryan asked him. "Unfortunately, yes. And you are probably not going to like the name." "Why's that?" "It's a little too closer to home, sir." VEGA stated, and Bryan seem to have grimaced this. "Oh great. What's it called?" Bryan asked. Please, don't be a big city. Please... "Manehattan." Well, Buck me in the rear end! It just had to be Manehattan, didn't it!? > Ch.6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.6: Hell comes to Manehattan... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Home Base...) After hearing the name of the city, my mind just went into full reboot as I came back around to reality. "I'm sorry, VEGA, but did you just say Manehattan? As in..." "Indeed. That is what the city is called. I did warn you that you wouldn't like it." VEGA stated. I just groaned at this, leaning back in my seat. "Oh my fucking God... You're serious." "Well, I did also say it was a little closer to home." He said as he walks around back. "I'll download the coordinates for his position." "Yeah, you do that..." I muttered, as I rested my head on my hand, looking at the screen. "Um, excuse me, Mr. Bryan?" A meek, timid voice said. "Just Bryan is fine." I said, looking towards the yellow Pegasus mare, who 'eep!' when I did. "Also, when we're out in the world, you refer to me as Doom Marine. I don't like to give my name out to strangers." "O-okay, Bryan. My n-name is Fluttershy, it's nice to meet you." She told me her name, as she hid behind her long, pink mane. "Well, that's pretty self-explanatory." I commented. "Still though, nice to meet you." "Ah guess, we haven't properly introduce ourselves, huh?" The cowgirl spoke up next, tipping her hat to me. "Howdy, mah name is Applejack." "Hello AJ." I said to her, which she didn't seem to like. "Only mah family and friends can call me that." She said, annoyed that I used her nickname. "Well excuse me for not realising, but I was busy killing off assholes and whatnot." I growled at her, upon which she got the message. She held her hands up in defence. "Whoa there partner! Ah'm sorry, alright, Ah just get a little defensive! That's all!" I grunted at this. "Whatever. I just said that, because it's shorter and faster." "Well, now that that's settled, let's continue." The alabaster Unicorn mare spoke up next, right and proper mannerisms. "My name is Rarity. But, if you wish, you can call me Rares." As she said that, she held her hand out to me. I know the gesture she's proposing, but... "Uh... Rares?" I called her name. "What is it, darling?" She asked. "Do you not know what this...?" "No, I do know. There's just one problem." "What's that?" "How am I suppose to kiss it, through my helmet?" When I asked that, her face went from white, to red. "O-oh my! I forgot about that, so sorry dearie!" She said, as she brought her hand back. "No worries. Kinda tempting, really." I said with a shrug. "Really!? You would have taken your helmet off!?" Rares said, a hopeful look on her face, while still blushing. "Were you actually trying to get me to take off my helmet?" I questioned her. She didn't say anything, but her reaction to that question was more than enough. "Well, I gotta say, not bad." "Oh please, darling! Can we see your face!?" And now she was begging for it. "No." I said flatly. "Oh drat! Why not!?" She pouted at me, which made me laugh a little. "Because I said so, and I can." I told her. "You drive a hard bargain..." She muttered. After that, that other Pegasus mare, sky blue, rainbow coloured mane and tail, not to mention who kicked me, came flying up to me. "Hey there, I'm Rainbow Dash, the Fastest Flyer in Equestria!" She boasted. "... That was, yet, another bad first impression." I told her off, and left her flabbergasting. Seems she can't handle those who aren't easily impressed. "W-w-wha--!?" Well, she tried to speak, but I think I might have broke her. "B-but I'm... You... We..." "First of all..." I spoke up again, stopping her from saying anything stupid. "I'm not one for words, so if you want me to believe you, prove your worth. Second, you didn't even give an apology, so I suspect you still don't trust me." After I was done, her right eye started twitching, until she was glaring at me. "Okay, fine! Be that way! Not like I was going to say I'm sorry anyway!" She shouted angrily, then flew up above us all, ignoring us. Rolling my eyes at that sulking baby, I looked at the last one, which was full of pink and fluff, and an earth pony mare. Although, I'm not sure about that smile of hers. "Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie." She said simply, and judging by everyone's reaction to this, that isn't how she greet new faces before. As a matter of fact, she must be the overly energetic one. Let's test that theory. "What are you doing?" I asked her. She flinched, but recovered from it. "What do you mean?" "What are you doing, putting up a fake smile?" I inquired some more. "I thought that you were the hyper-active one of the group. There's at least one in every group of friends, and I should know, because we got one." I explained to her. "Now, tell me." She stared at me, until her form started to change, dramatically. Her bright colouring started to dull, her fluffy mane and tail deflated and straighten out, and she was crying her eyes out. Just before any of us could do anything, she became a blur one second, and I found myself on my back, with her hugging me to death. "BWAAA!!! I'm so sorry all of this happened to you and your brothers!" Wait, why would she apologise for what happened to me and the others? And how did... VEGA. He told them, at least, some parts of us. It was a struggle to get my arms free, but I did, and I tried to push her off of me. Only for her to hold onto me even more tightly. "No! No, please, don't push us away!" She cried out. "Pinkie, can you just give me some breathing room." I said to her, trying to pry her off, without breaking her bones. "B-but--!" "PINKIE!" I had to yell at her to stop her from saying anything else. "Can you just get off me now!" Doing as I said, she immediately got off me and stood there. Although, she was a bit twitching at the moment. Getting up myself, I dusted off and looked at her. "Now, tell me why?" Taking in a few deep breaths, she explained. "After what we learned of you and your four brothers, from Luna, Celestia, and VEGA, I was so torn. I mean, we all are! We just don't know what to do!" She choked up a bit. "I-I don't know if throwing a party would help..." "No, it wouldn't. Not yet." I said to her. "You say you are all at a lost. What does that imply?" "We aren't sure, whether we should trust Princess Celestia, anymore." She answers. "Maybe not now, but eventually." I told her. "Because I don't want any of you girls ending up like me. I may not trust her either, but I still hate her too. So do you hate her, as well?" She shook her head. "No, I don't hate her, but I don't like her either." "Then, give it time. Did she tell you why?" "She did what she thought was for the betterment for us." "Do you believe she was 'right', even if it was 'wrong'?" "... I don't know." I sighed at this, seeing as she and the others don't have an answer yet. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I will commit to doing deeds you find demoralising, because no one else will do, have to do, or can do. Understand?" I told her and she nodded her head. "I'm only doing this because I, and the others, made a promise..." I looked towards both Luna and Tia. "To the Queen, the Princesses mother." They all looked at me, then to them, upon which they were surprised. "Our mother..." Luna was at a lost for words. "So... You mean to say..." Celestia spoke, but even she was struck with shock and awe. "Yes Tia. She pleaded with us, that no matter what, whether Equestria turns on us, or you, not to hurt any of you." I answered her. "Then why!?" She shouted at me. "Why did you kill my nephew!? He was of no threat to you!" "No, but he was giving everyone shit, they don't want to hear." I answered her coldly. "Other than his annoyance... Don't you actually find it odd, that he wasn't in hiding? Because I did." She was about to argue back, but stopped to think about it. Same with everyone else. But before any of that, VEGA came back. "Bryan, I have successfully downloaded the information. Shall we be off?" "... Yeah, sure." I answered him, as I told the rest. "We will discuss this later. Tia, you're staying behind and look after things here..." "Oh thank goodness!" She exclaimed out loud, which confused us. "Tia, how crazy is it over there?" It's probably just as worse as home. "It's completely crazy, and it will drive you up the wall. Fair warning, the security over there must have doubled since this war began." She told us. "Well, shit..." I said, as I thought this over. "Hmm... Okay, here's how this is going down. Cadence, you and Twilight's family, are staying behind, as well. Get as much rest, as possible, and do NOT leave the castle grounds." "Don't worry, we'll take care of her." Twilight's mother spoke up. "But please, look after Twilight." "You got it." I answered her. "If it's alright, I want to pop in back at Ponyville. There's something I wish to check up on." Twilight said. "Make it quick." I told her, and she teleported off. "As for me, I'll gather my own Royal Guard. Sister and I lead different regiments." Luna stated as she, too, teleported off. "Just meet me at the train station, and don't be late." She said over the Comms. I forgot she still has her one. Speaking of which... "VEGA, give them some as well." I told him. "Of course." He said, as he started giving out each of those coming with us. "Just place these within your ears, you'll be able to communicate with each other at a certain distance." "Like this!?" Pinkie chirped, looking as her old self again. Strange girl. "Yes, like that." VEGA answered her. "This feels kinda weird." AJ commented, looking uncomfortable about the device. "You'll get use to it." I told her. Once they were done, Twilight came back with company. Two dragons, twins. Both purple and green. A boy and a girl. "Whoa..." They both said together, as they looked about the place. "Twi, who are these two?" I asked her. "Sorry, but I had to, just in case." Twilight said to me. "They don't know yet." "This...is gonna be a train wreck. Speaking of trains, we need to meet up with Luna down there." I said to her. Before we went though. "Will you be bringing one of them with us?" "Yes, Barbs." She pointed towards the young dragoness. "She'll be coming with us. I, kind of, promised her I will." "Fair enough." Looking towards the twins, they were poking at stuff that they shouldn't be doing. "HEY!" The two of them grabbed each other out of fright, when I shouted at them. "What do you think you're doing!? Get over here, now! Don't go touching what isn't yours!" They rushed over to us, and and were about to speak, but I held up a hand. "Save it! We don't have time for that, and we need to get moving!" As I said that, Twilight quickly teleported us to the train station. Luna was waiting... Hey, whoa, wait a minute. "Uh, Luna?" "Yes, my Doom Marine?" "What the Hell, have you done, to your Guard?" I asked her, as I saw her Guard. These ladies were all bat-like ponies. "What about my... Oh!" Luna was about to ask, but got the message. "I'm so sorry, my Doom Marine! I forgot to tell you about my Batpony mares, of the Lunar Guard." "Well, that explains a lot. Naturally?" I said to her. "Yes. They are born, naturally, like this." As she said that, one of them came up to me. "So..." She said, as she rounded me, examining me. "You're the one who liberated both Canterlot, and the Crystal Empire." "And you must be the Lunar Captain." I retorted. "Indeed, I'm Nightwish, Captain of the Lunar Guard." She said, as she came back in front of me. "And I must say, you are... Interesting." That last part had more emphasis to it, as if to stress out something important. "Especially, with all the blood I smell on you..." "Captain!" Luna shouted, making the Captain flinch. "Need I remind you, that none of you, are to agitate my Doom Marine!" "I-I-I'm sorry, your highness! I was just--!" Nightwish tried to explain herself, but Luna didn't want to hear it. "Just be quiet and get onboard! We're moving out, now!" She snapped at them, upon which they quickly filed inside the train, with the rest of us following behind them. Entering in, I went to the back and sat down there. Wanting to sleep through this train ride. At least there's a mini bar in this cart, VEGA can service this lot... (Princess Luna, Train ride to Manehattan...) "Um... Your highness?" My Captain called to me. "Not to be rude, or disrespectful, but what is he? And why is Chrysalis coming along with us?" She asked me. "I knew this was coming." I said with a sigh. "Okay, first off; my Doom Marine is Human. And second; because we need to make sure no Changelings from Cocoon are present in Manehattan." I explained to her. "Really? I thought he was some kind of robot?" One of my other Guardsmares said. "You know, like, this one!" She pointed towards VEGA, who was preparing us all some small snacks, behind the mini bar. "I can assure you, I'm the only robot here, along with the Drones." VEGA stated as he finished up, having those Drones give out the snacks. "Still though..." "Private, that's enough." Nightwish commanded. "Do you doubt our Princess of the Night?" "No ma'am! Not at all!" The young Private answered quickly. "Good. But, there's this question I wish to be answered, your highness." Nightwish said to me. "And what might that be?" I replied, but I know what she was asking for... "Is it true, that Prince Shining Armor is dead?" Not surprising, really. With how things were going about, nopony has spread the word of Shining's death, because it was so sudden. Nor was there time to be made for letting all of Equestria aware of this. Taking in a deep breath, I looked at her in the eyes, told her, and the rest of my Guardsmares, the truth. Explaining what has transpired at the Crystal Empire, to what they did to its citizens, and Royals, their reaction was immediate. Anger, hatred, and sadness, because of how he was demoralise, before they finished him off. Some of them even huddled together and cried. Not that I blame them, because who hasn't? Soon, though, we heard Twilight and Barbs coming back. Twilight took Barbs into another cart and break the news to her. Looking back, I saw Twilight's left wing wrapped around Barbs tightly, as the young dragoness weeps quietly. Poor dear. And then, out of nowhere, we heard singing... "Is there something wrong, your highness?" VEGA asked me, seemingly oblivious to the sweet, soothing melody. "Do you not hear it VEGA? The song?" I ask him. "Unfortunately, no. But I am picking up the area effect this magic has done. Tell me, what does it sound to you and everyone else?" VEGA answered, before inquiring me to tell him about it. "Well, it starts off with sorrow weaved for the Fallen, and to those that mourn for their Lost. Then, it sings of Hope and Courage, that there is a better Tomorrow, for the Future. A bittersweet melody, of sorts." I explained to him. "That's as best I can come up with..." "Sounds quite the poet, if you think about it. Speaking of singing, I found the source." VEGA commented, as he walks over to Bryan's sleeping form. "It appears to be the crystal shard he has obtained from the Crystal Heart. It's emanating its own magic through singing, giving you all the kind of feeling you feel now. It's in his hand." "My Doom Marine..." I got up from my seat and walked over to him. Indeed, what VEGA said is true; the shard of the Crystal Heart was within his right hand, glowing. I don't think he pulled it out of his pockets though, so maybe it still has some magical properties left. None the least, it has helped in soothing out the pain. Sitting down next to him, I grabbed a hold of his left hand, and in his sleep, did he responded by grasping mine, in return. Moving my lips to kiss his Doom Slayer's mark, on the top left of his helmet, I planted one. In thanks and moved closer to him... "Your highness, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we are arriving at Manehattan's Grand Central Station." VEGA stated apologetically. I sighed at this. "Understood." Still though, I leaned onto Bryan, just enjoying the feeling, until we reached to our destination. "Almost there, my dear Doom Marine." I whispered to him. "Wake up soon..." (Bryan/Doom Marine, Manehattan's Grand Central Station..) Feeling the train juggle and whistling, I woke up and found that we arrived. Looking at myself, I found two things that weren't there before. One: the shard of the Crystal Heart in my right hand. Two: little Lulu taking a nap beside me. The former was weird, while the latter was cute. Shaking her, she squirmed a bit. "I know... Five more minutes, please?" She whined. "I only wish, but we don't have time for that." I said to her. "We need to get moving." Groaning, she got up and walked off the train, and onto the station. Looking outside, I saw many flashing lights and ponies talking up a storm. I let out a groan myself. "Well, shall we be going?" I heard VEGA said to me. "I know you don't like this, but you can also see why Celestia didn't want to come here." "Yeah, I can see why she said it's crazy. They just want all of the juicy stuff on the Princesses." I said with a nod. Getting up from my seat, both me and VEGA walked towards the doorway, my trustee Super Shotgun in hand. Taking one step out, I saw the Lunar Guard trying their best to keep the masses at bay, away from Luna and the others. Although, the flashes weren't doing them any favours, hindering them a bit. Aiming my gun high up, I let one shell loose, frightening the masses until they stop what they were doing to us. "Ow... Sir, was that necessary?" One of the nearest bat mares complained. "Sorry, kinda want to get a move on." I told her as I walked up front, where the Captain was now. "So, Nightwish, know where the closest Hotel is from here?" "Yeah, there is one. Although, you kind of started up a problem." She stated to me. "I sincerely don't give a rats ass about that, I just want to get a move on." I snapped at her. "So do I, but we have to go through them first." She pointed at a group of cops, standing in front of us. In front of them, was a Unicorn mare, tapping her hoof and glaring at me. How do I respond to this? Flipping her the bird, which got an immediate reaction from her. "Alright, tin-can, listen up! Nopony goes around, taking pot-shots, flips me off, and gets away with it!" She fumed. "Bitch, fuck the police! I ain't got time for your bullshit!" I yelled back at her, which got a few snickers from the Guard, including the Captain herself. Before that cop could say anything in retort, Luna teleported up in her face, and gave an icy glare. "Excuse me Lieutenant..." Even her words were chilling to the bone, since that got the cops shivering under her gave. "But this is Official Royal Business, and you are all standing in our way. So, if you would kindly step aside and let us all through, none of you will get hurt." And that alone, broke their resolve. Easily enough, although... Oh, who the fuck am I kidding here!? I'm more worse, still, than Luna here! Sweating profusely, they created a path for us. "Y-yes, of course, your highness! Here you go!" She said urgently, not wanting to get hurt, whether by Luna, or me, it didn't matter. "Thank you, Lieutenant! Do keep up the good work!" Oh my God. Luna just went from Ice Queen, to Red Riding Hood, as she smiled happily, as if nothing happened! Oh, such a good girl, I'm so proud of her! Anyway, we left the station, and walked through the city. I haven't been to Manhattan back on Earth, so most things might look similar in comparison. The only iconic Landmark I found familiar was the Empire State Building, save for the horses head on top. Of course, every single Pony living here, and the occasional Griffin, etc., were staring at us. Me and VEGA especially. Some were getting a bit too curious and tried to get close. Only to get whacked in the face by a spear the next second. Well, the Guard are only doing their job. Sure as Hell wouldn't let strangers near any of us. Although, the Security around here seemed to have buffed up. I guess since Cocoon and her Changeling Hive declared war on Equestria, everyone needed to be prepared for the worse. Speaking of Changelings, Chrissy had disguised herself as a slivery white Unicorn mare. Although, I would have thought that this place would have some kind of spell, or device, to cancel out Changeling magic. Maybe they need to figure out how it works? I don't know, these things weren't my forte. We reached a Five-Star Hotel, I didn't bother with the name of the place, because I wasn't interested about it. But at least it has a restaurant. Since Luna was a Princess, she paid for it all, with a discount to it, of course. I didn't even want to know the cost of it all, otherwise I'll ballistically go bat-shit insane. We get the Penthouse, at the top of this Hotel. Before heading up there though, we were lead into their restaurant. I didn't really eat anything, because I wasn't that hungry, but Luna insisted I did. She even ordered some Fish Fingers and Chicken Strips for me, with seafood sauce and Honey Mustard sauce. "Goddammit Luna, don't go overboard with this for me." I grumbled at her. "I'm not having any of that, my Doom Marine. Now, eat up." She said to me, as she dug into her herbivore salad. "Whatever." Rolling my eyes, I lifted my helmet up, only to show my mouth. I wasn't gonna take it off fully. The group groaned at this, but I didn't pay them attention, and just ate. Damn, this is so good, I haven't had this in ages! "Luna, compliments to the chefs." "I'm glad you liked it, and yes, they do deserve a praise to their cooking." She agreed before taking another bite of her salad. Everyone was very content with their meals as well. Afterwords, once we were done, we headed to the rooftops, where the Penthouse is, and good lord did this take up the entire rooftop! I mean, where do I even begin!? This has so many rooms, while still having its wide areas. Indoor, spas, and outdoor pools. Nice, modest accessories, with a couple of fancy parts fitted into the interior. You can walk around outside, which was cool, so I did just that, as the others settled down. Night soon came around, and I saw Luna raising her father's moon. She was with me at the time, asking me some questions, along with going down the memory lane. "So, you want to start tomorrow in the morning?" "Yes. The sooner we get this over with, the better. He's the only one who can track down the other three, better than any of us, ever will." I answered her. "Well, he wasn't known as a Hunter for nothing." She commented. "I can still remember when me and sister used to play hide and seek, he always seem to find us. Tia always got into a hissy-fit that happens, and she gets frightened very easily by him too. Do you remember?" "How can I not?" I told her. "He can get pretty scary, when you push it with him. And fucking Tia kept doing that, hence that being one of the reasons she fears him. He can be quite the Fatherly-figure with you, and he doesn't need to say a word!" We laughed at that. "Well, not like he does, or can." "Hmm..." She hummed in agreement. "Excuse me, you two." We heard VEGA speaking. "But it's getting late, and I have the Drones on Sentry duty for tonight. I recommend you get some rest, please." "Okay VEGA, come Bryan, let's go." I rolled my eyes, but we went back inside. I lied down on the couch, seated in front of the fire place. "Oh, Bryan..." Great, now she's whining. "Luna, go to sleep." I told her. "And don't even think about sleeping on top of me. I'm hard as a rock, and that's uncomfortable for anything to be lying on." "Humph! Fine then!" She huffed and stormed off to her bedroom. "Glad Chrissy wasn't here to make any witty sexual innuendoes." I sighed as I closed my eyes, letting sleep take me once more... (The next morning...) "... Thank you kindly, good sir." Said the Engineer. "No problem. Those little shits needed a good beating of a lesson." I told him. Sometime ago, we called for an Engineer. VEGA said that the Hunter was somewhere within the Downtown Subway system. Unfortunately, the Youth over here, wasn't any different than Earth's one. What's even more unfortunate, for them, was me. I easily took care of them, just fooling around with their heads, making them hit each other, without raising a fist at them. So most of the damage was dealt to themselves. Although, I did have to get a little physical with one of them, as they tried to make a jump on one of the girls. The word try. He didn't get far, as I tripped him up, grabbed him by the neck, and threw him into a wall. No, I didn't kill the young punk, just winded him. "Well, at least they won't be much of a problem with folks anymore." The Engineer said as we made it to one of the metal doors, within the tunnels. "This should get you where you need to be. It's the only direct route." Unlocking and opening it up, air rushed through for a bit, blowing off a few rubbish papers. "VEGA, what do you think?" I asked him, since he downloaded the contents. He walked right in through, as he and this Drones scanned the area. "It's as he said, this is the most direct route. I'll be sending a Drone to scout it out." "Alright, let's move in." Luna, Chrissy, the girls, and the Lunar Guard filed on in before me. Although, I knew Fluttershy was scared out of her mind, seeing as it's dark. "What do you want me to do?" The Engineer asked. "Lock the door behind me." I answered him, as I went through last. "What for!?" He exclaimed his shock. Turning to look at him, I told him. "Unless you want something we missed, making its way back to where we entered, I suggest you seal it back up!" He blinked a couple of times, before replying, looking a little scared. "Well, I'm not one for folklore, but I sure don't want ANYTHING finding its way up and out. But promise me you lot will come back alive!" "We'll survive. Now, lock it up." Was the final thing I said to him, as he closed the door behind me, making it dark for the moment. Twilight, Luna, Chrissy, and Rares, lid up their horns and brighten our way. "Alright, here's how it's going: me and VEGA will lead the way. Luna, Chrissy, you two stay with the girls and the Guard will form up around you." Pulling out the Plasma Rifle, I placed the Heatwave mod on. "Any questions?" "Yeah." Nightwish shot her hand up. "What can we expect to be down here?" "Anything that will try to kill us. Whether they be Changeling, or otherwise. And pray it ain't Demons, or you're all gonna die." I answered her, a look of stunned shock plastered on their faces, besides Luna and Chrissy. "Speaking of Changelings, Chrissy, you got that. If you pick up any traces of Changeling magic or something related, you tell us. Got it?" "I gotcha." She answers. "Alright, let's go." VEGA's Drones lid up the way, as he, too, got out his Plasma Rifle. We were taking our time, even though VEGA knew the way, thanks to his scout. But still, can't be too careful. Making a few turns, going down a flight of stairs, we ended up in the sewers. The scout Drone was waiting there for us, before it continued onwards. We waited for a little while, until we heard an unholy screeching, echoing throughout the tunnel. "Sir, I just lost connection with the Drone. Whatever's up ahead, that made that screech, is hostile." VEGA stated. "VEGA, stay here with the girls. Everyone else, hug the wall." I said as I gave hand sign commands for two Drones to rally on me. "Ew, darling that's gross!" Rares protested, but the Guard just pushed them up against the wall, as the rest of VEGA's Drones surrounded them. "I'm saying that, because there might be something within those waters. VEGA, keep an eye out on the water!" I told Rares, before giving orders to VEGA. "Scanning..." He said as he aimed at the waters. With that done, I made my way over to where our scout has died, the two Drones lighting my way. Speed walking at the end, I saw the little guy. "OK, I found what's left of th-- SHIT!!!" I radioed in my findings, until something reached out and grabbed the scout, and quickly vanished. "My Doom Marine, what happened!? What is it!?" I heard Luna's voice on the Comms. "Jesus Christ, we are definitely not alone down here, folks. Stay frosty!" I warned the others, as I had one Drone look around the corner. Nearing it, I waited for the all clear signal, and if it isn't, I'll kill whatever the fucking Hell that thing was. The Drone blinked green twice, signalling the all-clear. Rounding the corner, I scanned the area for a bit, before moving forward. I had my Drones to keep an eye on the waters, just in case it decides to pop up for a surprise attack. Good thing I did too, because the moment those Drones's sirens were blaring, I manage to block the attack. But what pounced at me from the waters, was not something I was expecting at all! "What the--!?" Before I could finish, I found myself pinned against the wall. This damn thing was some kind of... Aquatic Changeling! "Oh great! Just what other twisted genetic augmented abominations does Cocoon have planned!?" I yelled as it hissed at me. "My Doom Marine, what’s happening!?" Oh shit, Luna! "Sir!?" VEGA... Looking back at the waters, I saw more of them swimming by us, straight for the others! "VEGA, YOU GOT INCOMING, WATCH THE WATERS!!!" I shouted through the Comms, pushing this thing back off of me. "I see them. Everyone, get back!" I heard him say, before shooting at whatever popped out. As for my problem, it reeled its head back, opening up its mouth, showing off all of its sharp teeth. Shit, its gonna try and bite my head off! Getting some leg room, I kneed the fucker in the guts, before grabbing and headbutting in its face. After that, I grabbed the back of its head, and tried to slam it into the wall behind me, but it reacted quick enough to stop itself from being spattered. Struggling, I pushed it against the wall, until I brought it away, and slamming it in again, this time I got the bitch! "Motherfucker!" I breathed, but then I heard more swimming by. "Oh Hell no, you don't!" Picking up my Plasma Rifle, I started shooting at the waters. It forced them to surface up, as the electricity was enough to shock them, but not kill them. Once their heads popped out, I blasted their fugly faces into oblivion. Soon, I heard one slithering its way to me. Snapping to my left, I soon found out that they can come on dry land. I just shot the Hell out of that dumb fuckwit, but it was a distraction for the others to come sneak up on me. Luckily, I let loose a heatwave, burning them all, at once, to a cinder. Soon I heard hooves and metallic footsteps running towards me. "My Doom Marine! These things, they are..." "Aquamarine Changelings! I guessed as much." I finished off before Luna could. Turning to face them, they seem to be fine, a bit shook up, but find nonetheless. Facing Chrissy, I said. "Chrissy, you got one twisted, fucked-up, bitch of a sister!" "Oh, don't remind me! These abominations are doing that just fine, alone!" She shouted in disgust. "Just what is she planning to do with these!?" "She's gonna sink Manehattan." I answered her. "I agree with this." VEGA chimed in. "If they are breeding these kinds of Changelings, then it's clear where they're going with this city. Flood Manehattan." "How!?" Twilight asked. "How are they going to do that!?" "Flood the subway, by destroying the pillars and support beams. As to how they got here? My guess is through the sewage underneath the harbours, at least one of them." I answered her, before continuing onward. "Come on! We need to get a move on!" ([Third Person]) "Sir! We lost connections with our swimming scouting parties!" One of the Changelings shouted. "Blast. Something's down here." The Changeling Commander cursed, before looking down to his water brethren. Crouching down, he reached a hand out to them, and one of them brought it to their cheek. "Find out who's causing us a nuisance, and get rid of them." He commanded them. Kissing his hand, he screeched out to the rest and they swam out. These Swimmers are a new breed of Changelings, and only recently. It was easy enough to try and get into the city, the hard part was breeding the Swimmers. But, nevertheless, they managed it, and created enough, with more coming from their Nest. They were a very complex sub-class of Changeling, but are no lesser beings, never. True, they cannot talk, but they're very intelligent, like every other sentient, so they understand. Sacrificing their ability to fly and magic to change appearances, they have become the aquatic predators of the waters. They're a little more intimate with their interactions, but nothing bad about it, not at all. As for reproductions, they work like seahorses, having both male and female reproductive organs. Funnily enough, they all look male. As stated before, very complexing. Although, the way they moved in the waters, is much like a shark, and can get aggressive, making them fierce. Especially, when it comes to choosing mates, outside their own, even exotically so. Male, or female, it matters not, whether they mate, or be mated. Again, very complexing. "Boss, we're in!" One of the Changelings digging through the thick wall shouted. Standing back up, he walked over to where they dug through. "Good job, now let's see what sort of damage we can inflict on this city." He said, as they started moving through. Unaware that they stumbled upon something they didn't thought possible. As soon as they entered, the area lid up, weird structures and runes were all over the place. And in the middle of it all, was a stone tomb. "What is that?" One of the Changelings said, curious about it. That one went up to the tomb, and placed his hand upon. Unfortunately, there was a protective barrier on it, and it set him on fire seconds later, as he screamed for his life. Others tried to put out the fire, but they ended up joining him, instead. The Commander, and the last two beside him, watched in horror as they became nothing but ashes within seconds. "T-t-this w-wasn't in the plans!" He exclaimed. Soon, though, he heard some commotion happening back out behind him. "Now what!?" Turning around, he and his two Changelings got ready for whatever's coming. The sounds of screeching and dying screams can be heard, as they got closer and closer. Until it suddenly stopped. Before they could anything, something was thrown through the hole, and out sprouted a transparent, light blue wall! They didn't know what to make if it. Was it an illusion, or is it real? But they didn't get the chance to figure it out, because, unfortunately, getting distracted by it costed them. They found themselves paralysed on the spot, and saw something run in, jump over the wall, landing on the Commander himself, and crumb-stomped his head into splattered blood. After that, the metallic monster grabbed the one on its right and slammed him into the wall, making his head disappear as well. Just as the paralysation wore off, the last Changeling tried to make a run for it, but found his left arm ripped from him, and bashed with it senselessly, until the beast finally finished him off as well. It was none other than Bryan, the Doom Marine. "Clear!" He shouted, signalling everyone with him to enter on through. "Hey! It's the same as your one!" Pinkie said, as she pointed towards the tomb. "That's weird. Because if the others were sealed away in the exact same tombs, as you were before, then how did Princess Celestia get a hold of one!?" She did had a point there. "I'll ask her another time, for now..." Bryan walked up to the tomb and examines it. "Let's see if you girls can do it again." "Okay, girls, you ready?" Twilight asked them, but there was a problem with that plan. "Uh... Twi, I think you guys forgot to bring the Elements." Barbs pointed out, as they all looked at themselves, only to realise NOW, of all times, did they forget to keep their Elements! "Dang nab it!" Applejack swore. "Now how are we gonna free his brother!?" "Well, shit." Bryan swore himself, thinking this over, ignoring everything else. "Maybe..." He's not sure if this was gonna work, but it was better than nothing. Placing his right hand over the tomb, he channeled his power into it, and that somehow did the trick! With the protective barrier removed, the lid to it was thrown off by Bryan. The Hunter had to shield himself from the light that shines through, for the first time, in over ten millennia. He found someone grab a hold of him, and started shaking him. "Kevin! Kevin, snap out of it!" He heard a familiar voice calling out to him. Shaking away the drowsiness, Kevin saw who it was, and got up from his tomb. "Kevin! You clever mute you!" It was Bryan, The Bloody-handed Berserker, and his brother. Kevin couldn't have been more happier to see a familiar face again. Unfortunately, their reunion was shattered, as they heard more Swimmers screeching. That, alone, seem to have caused cracks within the ground, as water started spraying out from underneath their feet. Looking back the hole, the Swimmers started flooding in. "Shit! Lock and load Kevin, now!" Bryan shouted, and Kevin quickly whipped out the Heavy Assault Rifle, with the Tactical Scope on it, aiming at this new threat, if it is a threat. "Just like old time, huh!?" He heard Bryan commented, and he nodded his head. The reunion will have to wait. For now, The Hunter of Silence, along with The Bloody-handed Berserker, had some work to do. Just like old times... > Ch.7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.7: Rippling Waves within Waters... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Manehattan's sewer ways...) "Son of a bitch! Literally!" I shouted as me, Kevin, and VEGA, were killing a lot of these fishy freaks! After finding out that the Changelings were here, and breeding this new kind, it was only a matter of time before they start overrunning this city. Switching to my Chaingun, I quickly placed the Mobile Turret on, splitting it in three Tri-barrels, and laid waste to them. But they still kept on coming. "We gotta get out of here!" I heard one of the girls shouted. "VEGA, go with them!" I ordered him. "My Doom Marines, what are you two planning on doing!?" Luna asked us in a worried manner. "What we do best, Luna: Fight like Hell! Now, go! Get out of here!" I shouted back at her. "I'll leave two Drones with you, good luck!" VEGA said and gave us the two he promised. "Your highness, we must go! We have to warn the city, before it is too late!" "But--!" Luna tried to talk, but couldn't, since this whole place was rocking and shaking about. "Oh, fine! But you two come back to me alive! You hear!?" "Love you too, Luna! Now go!" I said to her, before she, Chrissy, and Twilight, helped her with teleporting all of them out of here. Just in time too, because my Chaingun overheated from the ongoing Lead-spitting. "Fuck it! Chainsaw these bitches!" Kevin nodded his head, as we both brought out our Chainsaws and revved them up. Charging into them, we started cutting our way through them. After making it through the hole the Changelings created, the rest of them started swimming away from us. "They must be heading back to their Nest." I said to Kevin. Placing our Chainsaws away, I grab out the Super Shotgun, while Kevin had the Combat Shotgun, with the Explosive Barrel mod on. "Alright, let's hunt them down." After I said that, we started running towards where they fled back to, with our Drones keeping us both alerted at all times, in case they placed traps ahead of us... (Twilight Sparkle, up on the surface...) After we teleported back up on the surface, we were at Time square, and the streets was filled with everypony running for their lives. It was complete and utter chaos! A panicked, frenzy, of a stampede! Wanting to know why, I looked towards Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow, can you go and take a look!? We need to know why these ponies are running for!" I shouted over the screams of ponies rushing past us. "You got it!" She shot up into the air and flew in the direction where everypony was running from. "VEGA, what is current status of my Doom Marines!?" I heard Luna speaking to VEGA. "They're on the move. They seem to be finding where this new kind of Changelings are being created." He answered her, until we heard Rainbow screaming her head off in the distance. At least, I think that was her... "GUYS, WE GOT A BIG PROBLEM!!!" Looking up, we saw her streaking past us, with Changelings chasing after her! VEGA saw this, aimed his weapon high up at the cluster, and starting shooting at them. There weren't much, but once they came under attack, losing at least over half of their numbers, so they took evasive action from VEGA. When they past over our heads, VEGA paralysed them in flight, and they came crashing down. One of them landed on top of a carriage, and VEGA walked over to him, grabbed him by the throat, and dragged him back to us. The Lunar Guard placed his hands behind him, cuffed them, and placed a ring inhibitor on his horn. As for the other ones... They got ran over by the populace. I'm sure they're fine, not that I cared for them, but still... "Release me, you inferior mongrels!" The Changeling growled, while trying to wrestle his way out of his binds. VEGA, while watching this, walked up to him, and back-handed him in the face, with his left robotic fist. It made the Changeling lose a couple of his teeth, while causing him to bleed from his mouth. "You are in no position, to make demands." VEGA stated to the dazed Changeling, who snapped out of it and tired to hiss at him. But as soon as he opened his mouth, VEGA held it opened up, placed his weapon away, and grabbed his tongue. "If you do not cooperate, I will rip your tongue out. Among other things..." The Changeling eyes widen in fear, and tried to get away from him, but he can't. He tried to say something, but with his mouth preoccupied, we couldn't make out what he was talking about. VEGA let go him, and let him talk. "Alright, alright! I'll talk..." Well, that was easy. "But, I want an asylum! Otherwise, you won't get anything from me!" Maybe a little too easy. "And as I stated before; you are in NO position, to make demands." VEGA then walked behind him and bends down. "There are other ways in making you talk." "W-w-what are you--!?" Before the scared Changeling could finish, we all heard a sickening crunch of something breaking. Did VEGA broke a figure, or something!? "AAAHHHH!!!! You maniac, my finger!" Sweet Celestia, why!? "That's one little piggy gone. Nine more to go." VEGA, what are you doing!? This is pure madness! I couldn't watch this, but I can't stop the sounds of broken bones, and the screams of agonising pain. The same with my friends, especially Fluttershy, as they had her shun away from all of this. "A-alright, alright! I'll talk, I'll TALK!!! JUST STOP, PLEASE!!!" Oh good! I wasn't sure if I was going to last much longer. "Agh! Just what are you!?" "A robot." VEGA answered him flatly. "Now, tell us what were those new Changelings you bred?" And then he got straight to the point. "They... They're simply known as Swimmers..." He answered VEGA. "We were down there looking for someone, but before we could reach him, we ran into you, in the sewers. When did you get here?" "One month and a half ago. It was easy, but breeding the Swimmers was the hard part." "Were you planning on flooding Manehattan?" "Slowly at first; work our way from Downtown, all the way to Uptown." He snorted. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were expecting those kinds of answers. Surely, even you must have known." "Correct." VEGA answered him. "But I needed a little more Intel before then. So, I thank you, for your cooperation." The Changeling chuckled a little bit at this. "Yeah, well, even if you did manage to stop it all from happening, there's this Contingency plan my Queen has in place. Just in case." This doesn't sound good. "What is this Contingency plan, you speak of?" Luna demanded, glaring down at him. "Well, here's what I've heard..." (Bryan/Doom Marine, sewage ways...) "DIE, BITCH!" I shouted as I blown a hole through its chest cavity, throwing the fish-like Changeling out of the way. Kevin and I have been running about down here, shooting and killing off these things, while trying to find their Nest. So far, I can't tell whether we're getting close, or being lead astray by these things. One thing I noticed though, is that whenever we get closer, they get a bit more aggressive and cunning with their traps. Specifically themselves. Whenever we turn around corners, they would be two, lying and waiting, with one in the waters, the other around the corner. They tend to jump you at the same time, which is their mistake, when you have a buddy or two with you. Or you can take them both out at the same time, by yourself. "Goddammit! How deep have these fuckers dug themselves in!?" I growled in frustration. I was tempted to using my Berserker power-up and tear through every tunnel, just to get where we need to be! But Kevin tapped my shoulder, getting my attention. "Yeah?" "Let me take the lead." He texted me through our VISORs. In case you didn't know, there is a way for him to tell us what. Neural implants within his suit and him, apparently. I'm not sure about the details, but it'll probably fly over our heads if I tried to explain it. Science may be great and all, but it's still confusing and complexing as fuck. "Yeah, alright." I sighed and let him up front. We were taking it slow this time, at his pace. When it came to it, there wasn't a permanent leader among us five. Sometimes, it's best if you let the other do the leading, when and where you can't. Kevin was a Hunter for a reason, so he'll have the best tracking skills, and judging by where he was going, we were definitely getting close. If we are, then where are they? Surely they would have tried to ambush us, yet so far... They're planning on surrounding us, when we get to their Nest. Well, at least Kevin was cutting through all the shortcuts. Even so... Why stop, all of a sudden? Turning around one last corner, we found the entrance to their Nest. To put it bluntly, and simple, it reminded us a lot like Aliens vs. Predator. You know, how those Xenomorphs building a Hive and such? Yeah, like that. Anyway, we moved on in, keeping it tight. Still, none tried to stop us, or anything. They're definitely waiting for us. We found a doorway, but it was forced open, and left slightly opened, making it look as if it wasn't closed properly. And I highly doubt they would use it to get in and out. Whatever they're planning, it better be 'Everything' proof, because Kevin and I will lay it all on them. Going up to the door, we prep ourselves for breach. Switching to my Heavy Assault Rifle, leaving the Micro Missile mod on, Kevin pulled out his Burst Rifle. "Okay, you ready?" I asked Kevin, upon which he nodded. I got ready to kick the metal door open. "OK... 3... 2... 1!" On the last count, I kicked it open, and rushed inside. Kevin was behind me again, and as we made our way into the middle, of this dome-like structure. Yep, big reference to the Xenomorphs Hive. Checking our surroundings, we saw the eggs off to one side of the place, near the waters, and lots of them. They were glowing an cloudy green. But then Kevin got my attention, and pointed to this one particular egg, just sitting there, in front of us. I didn't want to find out what this one was going to hatch, so I aimed at the egg, preparing to pull the trigger, until... "No. Don't do it..." I stopped myself from pulling, and let go of the trigger. Looking at Kevin, he indeed heard the shard of the Crystal Heart. Pulling it out, I showed it to him, and it spoke up again. "Please, don't kill her..." "Her?" I was confused by this, until Kevin pointed to the egg. "Let us help her..." The shard said. "How?" I asked it. "Place us next to the egg, and we'll do the rest..." Doing what it asked of me, I slowly walked up to the egg with caution. Hearing the water to my left being disturbed, I carried my gun in my left hand, and aimed at the water. Those things were watching me from there. "Fret not. They are no threat..." "Bullshit." I told the shard. "We will prove it to you soon..." It said as we reached the egg. "Now, set us on top of the egg, and get back..." I was skeptical about this whole thing, but I did what it wanted, and got back. "This better be a good thing we're doing." I muttered out. Soon, the shard and the egg, both, started to shine bright. Even getting to the point where it's too bright. What happened next? Well, some kind of shockwave went off and knocked both me and Kevin on our asses. Although, the results was, that the egg hatched, and the hatchling started to grow rapidly, into her adulthood. She was just like the others, the only difference was that, she also looked a lot like Chrysalis and Cocoon. Even more so, is that she also had some crystal shards sticking out of her, like natural armour, or something. Is she suppose to be their Queen? When it was done, those within the waters started to come up to her. Almost as if she was their mother. They were all surrounding her, forming a defensive barrier around her, if not only hugging her. Do they prefer intimate contact, among any and all? Because it looks that way. She's even trying to get her arms around every single one of them, which, regretfully, is impossible. Soon, she and they looked towards us, but not in a threatening manner. It's as if they were... Grateful?? That doesn't make sense. Now why would they--? "Thank you..." Both me and Kevin were thoroughly surprised by this. She actually talked! "... For freeing me, and my children." "... You're... Welcome?" That was the only response I could give her, but it seems she also knew why I did so, in that form of manner. "I know you have many questions, but it was thanks to this shard..." She held it up in her right hand. "... That helped with my ascension. One that was, unfortunately, delayed by the wickedness of a foolish queen." When she said that, her children were hissing at that, and tighten their embrace on her. Even one nuzzled under her chin. Looking back at Kevin, he nodded his head, giving the OK signal. I turned back to her and asked. "Why would she deny your existences?" "Cocoon does not want any form of rebellion, within her ranks, of any kind. Especially, if another Queen, for any of new Changeling she creates, existed." She explained, a hint of venomous disdain for that bitch. "The ones that you fought and killed, were, unfortunately, not mine at that moment. Those ones are considered corrupted, even if they do still carry some of our traits." Now that she mention it, she and these ones are...different. The ones we killed were really ugly looking, while these ones were pure. If that even makes sense. I mean, these guys didn't have holes in them, unlike the first. They were completely whole and beautiful, exotically so. You never heard that part from me, and if you go around spreading that, I'll hunt you down... Before we could discuss this any further, something shot out of the dark, trying to kill the Queen. Luckily, the shard of the Crystal Heart, placed a barrier around her and her children, bouncing the attack off. Kevin and I snapped our heads towards where the shot came from, and found two Changelings next by the eggs. Kevin aimed down his sight, lined up his shot, and pulled the trigger. A single bullet made its way to the target, only for that said target, to jump out of the way, and killed off its partner, who was carrying a syringe. What the Hell were they planning on doing with the eggs? "Dammit!" We heard the Changeling spoke, which was a she, apparently. Kevin kept his gun pointed at her, while one of them Swimmers went to grab that syringe and came back. Giving it to their Queen, she looked it over, sniffed at it, then immediately threw it away, all of them hissing at it. Glaring back up to that flying bitch, she hissed. "You dare to poison my children!?" "They are not your children!" The other Changeling hissed back at her. "You all serve Queen Cocoon!" "Hey, bitch!" I shouted at her. "Tell your whore of a queen of sluts I'm coming for her head!" She didn't take it well when I said that. "Quiet, monster!" She growled at me. "If you didn't exist in the first place, all of this would have been an easy win!" "Well, guess what, wise-ass!? Me and my bro here..." I pointed to Kevin. "... Exist to fuck assholes's, like you, and that bitch you call Queen, or mother, shit up! And you can suck on it when you all get to Hell!" That seem to got her riled up, as she came charging down to me. Big mistake. Using the Micro Missiles, I shot out only six, which all stuck to her like glue, and detonated the next second. As for the reason why Kevin didn't kill her before, well he knew I wanted to kill her myself. Also, sharing is caring. He got one, so I get the other. It's only fair. Although, just as things were calming down, the whole place started to shake up, and the Swimmers started to screech out loud, almost as if they're in pain. I tried to reach Luna and that back on the surface, but the signal keeps fading in and out, and I can't make out what they're trying to say, until nothing but static was all I heard now. "Shit! This isn't good..." "No, it isn't at all." What the--!? "Now, now! Don't be alarmed! Well, not at me, anyway..." The entire area lit up in a blinding flash, revealing some kind of mismatched eastern dragon thing! Aiming at him, I was about to pull the trigger when he held his lion paw and eagle talons up in defence. "Easy now! I'm not here for trouble!" "Bullshit!" I retorted back at him. "Look! There is this sea monster heading for Manehattan, sent by Cocoon herself!" He explained. "Now, will you let me help you!?" "First thing first!" I said as I pointed to the Swimmers. "Get them and their eggs somewhere safe, then get us back up on the surface!" He looked at them and clicked his talons. They were gone in a flash of light. "There, done! I teleported them and their eggs to a isolated tropical island. They'll be safe there." He explained as he looked back at us. Before he could say anything, I heard gun fire. Turning to see Kevin aiming at where that syringe used to be, he destroyed it with his Burst Rifle. Nodding his head, we found ourselves surround by light, and ended up back on the surface. Everything was deserted, and the harbour was just up ahead. Just then, the ground trembled again, cracks showing along the streets and buildings. "Uh-oh~! Looks like Godzilla's here!" We both looked up to him when he said that. "Okay, how the Hell do you know Godzilla!?" I asked him, even though this wasn't the time! "Oh right! Sorry, but my name is Discord, the master of all things Chaos!" As he said his name, and what he is, the only response he got from us was our guns aimed at him. When he saw this, he started to sweat and laughed nervously. "N-now, now! Let's just think about this..." "I swear to God, if you sent those Swimmers into a fucking black hole..." I growled at him. "Look! I would never do that, I swear!" He pleaded. "I'll even prove it to you all, after we deal with that thing!" As if pointing it out wasn't enough, we looked back to see waves coming in, and then out pops the ugly fucker. "I wasn't lying about the Godzilla thing!" "No shit!" I retorted back at him, as me and Kevin ran towards the harbour. When that thing saw us, it let out a roar and tried to take a swipe at us with its tentacles. "Oh Hell no! I don't do that shit!" Dodging them, I let out a constant barrage of Micro Missiles at them, blowing off pieces of flesh. Unfortunately, all that did was create more tentacles, sprouting out from the holes I blew open. "Did I forget to mention that she mixed a Hydras DNA within this thing!? Sorry, but she did!" Discord shouted. "For Hell sakes, man!" I snapped back at him, thinking over what to do. "Alright, Discord, place a barrier around the harbour! We're keeping this thing in one spot! And open up some portals!" He was about to ask why, until a tentacle tried to flatten him. Well, he did got flatten by it, but he placed a thumb in his mouth, and ballooned himself back to normal. "Okay, yeah, I'm on it!" Clapping his hands together, he has lock down the docks and placed portals here and there. Perfect. Kevin already knew what was to come next, so we split up, dividing this things attention. Well, if it can keep up. Apparently, it set its sights on me, and used one of its arms to claw at me. Too bad for that fat fucker, I used one of the portals that was close and jumped through it. Jumping out on the other side of it, I found myself on one of the many rooftops, close to the harbour. Switching to my Gauss Cannon, I got up close to the edge, charged up my shot, aimed it at the thing, and fired. The shot pierced through its scaly hide, but what came crawling out of its wound were those Corrupted Swimmers. "Dear God, you're all fucking disgusting!" I shouted as they literally started jumping towards me. Backing up a bit, I fired off a few more times, killing the lot while more still kept coming. Using another portal to get some breathing room between me and them, I was inside one of the apartments. Looking out through a window, I saw Kevin taking pot-shots at those ugly fucks, with his Vortex Rifle. Looking back at this monstrous abomination, it started letting out more of its minions, creating more entryways out from itself. "Man, that's nasty as fuck!" I growled in disdain, until the door leading in here was busted down and they swarmed in. Grabbing my Rocket Launcher, I let loose on the crowd, blowing them all up into gory, bloody bits and pieces. Although I wasn't paying attention to what's happening behind me. Luckily though, Kevin warned me. "BEHIND YOU, INCOMING!" Turning around, I jumped out of the way from the tentacle. It came crashing down on the building, creating an opening. As soon as it moved out of the way, I got up and jumped out of there. No way was I staying in there a moment longer. "DAMMIT!" I shouted in frustration, running about on ground floor, killing my way through them. "How the Hell are we suppose to kill this Behemoth!?" "Actually, it's called a Leviathan." I heard Discords voice over on the Comms. "Let's just say Cocoon tends to sometimes replicate things from legends..." "Oh for fuck sakes..." I hissed under my breath, as I ripped open one of the Corrupted guts out, used one of its intestines as rope, swing it around a couple of times, until colliding with another. Making them both explode in the goryous of ways, upon contact. Running towards another portal, I ended up on one of the tallest buildings, with Kevin on it. Using the Comms, I asked that mismatched lizard thing for something useful. "Hey, Dick-face, any idea on how to kill this Leviathan!?" "Hey! That's just plain rude!" He shouted back. "I don't give a flying fuck! We need to kill this thing before--!" Before I could even finish, the whole building started to shake, as the Leviathan roared out loud. Not only that, but it also start glowing... That's not good. "Uh... Guys? Look past it, and you'll see what it's planning on doing..." Yep, definitely not good. Kevin used his Vortex Rifle's scope to look up ahead. Pulling out my Gauss Cannon, I switched the mods, placing on the Precision Bolt, and zoomed in on it. What we saw, wasn't really the awesomest thing. The damn thing is building up a massive Tsunami wave. "Shit..." Now how the Hell are we suppose to kill it in time? At the rate it's building, we'll only have about... Three minutes, tops. Before I could think of anything, Kevin texted me. "We have a chance now." I was confused by this statement. "What? Kevin, what are talking about!?" I asked him, and he pointed back at the Leviathan. "Yeah, so!?" "The power it's channeling, watch where it's all flowing towards." He explained. Looking at it carefully, I could just barley see the energy it's channeling, but it's there alright. Now, where was it all travelling to? It seems... "It all gathering at the back." "You're right!" Discord exclaimed over the Comms. "Not only can you disrupt its progress, but you can paralyse it, as well! The spine, for the most part, is exposed, and you can see the point of energy!" "So we have a chance..." I said before thinking over a plan. "Okay, Discord, think you can stop that Tsunami?" "I only wish I could, but Cocoon really has done her homework. This thing can go up against me, and I tried to wish it away, but that didn't work! All I can do is slow it down as much as possible!" Fucking slut! After he explained, he was already behind it, and the Tsunami has slowed down. "Don't think I can do this all day! Just because I slowed it down, doesn't mean it isn't building up some more..." From the sound of his struggling, he wasn't kidding. I looked towards Kevin. "Alright then, Kevin, you take the shot. I'll keep the fuckers busy." Nodding his head, he used one of his Teleporter Devices to get to where he needed to be. I just went back through the portal and found myself in the streets again. As soon as I arrived, they were swarming towards me, and I ran straight for them, activating my Berserker power-up, and started massacring the whole lot. "I'M GOING TO MAKE IT RAIN WITH YOUR BLOOD!!!" I roared out loud, as more kept on coming towards their demise! (Kevin/Doom Marine, on the move...) After Bryan thought of the plan, which was a simple one, I was making fast tracks to reach my target. I may be a mute, but that doesn't mean I don't write or think. Stupid jackass. Anyway, I looked back to where I figured Bryan was, because of all the flying body parts and such. "He's in his Berserker mode..." I thought as I continued on my way. I saw Discord floating behind the Leviathan, upon which I'm still surprised at it hasn't notice him yet. Although, my biggest concern was that Tsunami wave building up. Maybe the beast was more focused on sinking this city. Whatever, I'll take what I can get. Jumping from building to building, climbing up ledges and catwalks, I only used my Teleporters for when I need to reach something I can't do by myself. Although, it seems, when I reached the halfway point, some of the Corrupted Swimmers have been lying in wait. Not all of them were down with the rest in the streets. Six of them in total, surrounding me, circling me like sharks. Big mistake. Activating my Invisibility power-up, they were thoroughly shocked that I disappeared from them, yet I'm still here. Switching to my Pistol, I waited for one of them to come up to me, which it did. Pulling out my knife, I quickly slit its throat open, and popped the other five's heads off. After that, I ran like Hell, for every second counts. Reaching the end, I looked at my target, but I still can't make the shot. Dammit! And that Tsunami is getting a bit too big for my liking. Maybe if I... No! No, I won't risk it! I won't risk other Displaced lives in this matter! Even though they can help out immensely, I can't put their lives on the line! This fight is ours! Deactivating my Invisibility, I waved out to Discord, hopefully he'll notice me. But before I forget, I checked to see if my emergency/back-up Teleporter was still functional, which it still was. I leave these lying around when I want a quick get away, from something trying to attack me from behind. Anyway, I soon found myself floating next to Discord, who was struggling with the whole multi-task thing. "Whelp, what are you waiting for!? Shoot!" If only it were that simple. He was struggling to keep me up and still, as I was shifting and shaking all over. I couldn't get a clear shot. Realising this, he cursed under his breath. Looking at how high I was, I looked back at him, and signalled him to bring me up higher. "What? W-why would you--?" The Tsunami wave grew closer and closer at this point, and he brought me up some more. I kept signalling him to keep on going, until I had him stop. Whipping out my Vortex Rifle, signalled him what to do next. "D-drop you!? Are you insane!?" Tracing my thumb across my throat, I pointed it out of it happening to him, if he didn't do what I told him to do. "Okay, alright! Whenever you're ready!" Getting the message, I turned around and lifted up my left hand with three fingers to count down... 3... 2... 1... After that, I felt myself descending. Zooming in, I waited for my shot to charge up, as I kept my gun aimed at the target. With precision and timing, I pulled the trigger and struck my target, hearing the beast roar in pain and agony. Teleporting myself back on solid ground, you would think the momentum, upon which how far I was falling from, should have left me looking like those bugs splattered on a windshield. Well, miraculously, it didn't, and I was fine. Getting back up on my feet, I ran over to where Bryan was, since I was back on the rooftops. Reaching him, I saw him walking towards the paralysed Leviathan. Looking back down the street, it was filled with a lot of blood and guts of the Corrupted. Quite the Carnage, if not only borderline Genocide. Turning back to Bryan, he walked up to the creature's face, which moaned, but Bryan forced its mouth to open up, BFG-9000 in hand, shoving it in, pulled the trigger, and launched a green ball of mass death into its stomach. Which bloated and exploded, blowing Bryan away, and covering the entire harbour in its internal organs. Not something you want to bring your kids to see. Trust me, it's not a pretty sight. Getting down to where Bryan laid, I checked his condition and he wasn't looking good. He lost all of his armour, and his health is at ten percent. Pulling out a med-kit, I took out a needle filled with blue, stuck it in his neck and ejected into him. It brought his health back up to fifty percent, upon which he was waking up. I also slapped on some armoured pieces for him, it wasn't much, but it was all I could find down here, sitting at twenty-five percent. At least this way, he'll stay alive a little longer. "Ow..." He groaned asI helped him up. "Heh! That was something, almost as big as those Demonic Titans we faced. Remember that?" I shook my head at that memory. How can I forget that? Before we could get a move on, Discord teleported by us, panting like Hell. "Guys... We got a... Problem..." He wheezed out between shallow breaths, but pointed towards the harbour. The Tsunami was no more... Well, no more but a perfect wave for surfers. The unfortunate part of it all is, that it was still coming in. Before it could hit us, as we stared at it like a bunch of idiots, Bryan got one last word out before being washed away. "Really...?" ([Third Person]) After evacuating over half of the city, the citizens of Manehattan was still in a panic frenzy. After hearing reports of Changelings invading the city, camera crews, which were Pegasus, had flown towards Downtown's harbour, and captured footage of the sea monster appearing out from the sea. Although, before they could get any closer, a large barrier surrounded the harbour and a few buildings near it. Inside it was Discord, along with two unknown beings. One thing they did learned about them though, was that they're fighters. Warriors, unlike any they've seen before. Outnumbered, outmatched, these two stood their ground against the oncoming swarm of enemies, and emerged victorious over them. But the bigger monster was still a problem, and it kept on spawning more. Of course, when the crew saw the Tsunami being formed, most decided to book it before they drowned to their deaths. Although, a couple stayed behind, whether it was a good idea or not, they'll never know. Upon finding them on top of one of the tall buildings, one of them seem to have teleported off somewhere, while the other went through the portal and ended up on the streets agains. One kept an eye on that one, while the other went looking for the other. The one in the streets spearheaded straight for the swarm, upon which was complete suicide, but then it became apparent that this one had more physical strength, as she witnessed this armoured being rip and tear through the swarm. As for the other found the second, surrounded by six, but all of a sudden disappeared. That is, until all six of them died in quick succession. Looking about, she tried to find it, until she saw it floating next to Discord, who was trying his hardest to slow down the Tsunami, instead of just wishing it away. What even stranger was that the being was giving him instructions, possibly even a threat, if Discord did not comply. Her eyes widen when Discord dropped him, and this armoured being didn't seemed bothered by this, while using one of its mysterious weapons, it shot out lighting and struck the monster in the back. Causing it pain as it fell forward. Coming back with her partner, she saw her looking green, until she saw why so. The street was littered with corpses upon corpses, as the being began walking towards the injured beast, opening its mouth, shoving yet another weapon in it, and then the beast exploded. As for the one responsible for it, they found the being flying back from it all, until it just laid there. Was it dead? Well, they thought so, until the other one came by its side and brought its own back up. Things seem to have settle down, until Discord came back to them, and they all got washed away by the would-be Tsunami. When the wave hit them, the barrier disappeared and the waters were travelling up pretty quickly. The two of them were searching for the three, hoping that they're still alive. Back in Time Square, with Luna and company watching it all unfold on the big screen. They were all anxious about their conditions, not knowing about their whereabouts. Until, the water that was reaching them, they found it thinning out, and out came the three saviours of the city, lying there. Luna ran straight up to them, trying to wake them up. "My Doom Marines! Please, wake up!" "Ugh..." Bryan groaned. "Luna...cut it out." He said, trying to get up himself. Kevin wasn't far behind with waking up, and lastly, Discord. Although, Bryan punched him in the face, ultimately knocking him out. "Jackass..." The rest just stared at this in disbelief. "Uh... Why is Discord here?" Applejack asked. "He helped out." Bryan answered the group, as he and Kevin both got up. "Now, can we head back to the hotel, before anything else happens?" Unfortunately, his desire was halted by the camera crews and news reporters, rushing over to them. "HEY, LOOK! THERE THEY ARE!" "Oh Fuckberries..." > Ch.8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.8: The News... (Princess Luna, 1 week later...) "God... Why did this had to happen?" Bryan said in mild annoyance. It has been a week since my Doom Marines, and Discord, have saved Manehattan. From what Discord has said about the Leviathan, Cocoon has been very busy, if not only desperate. In his personal opinion, of course. But, she has also found a way to, somehow, counteract Discord's Chaos magic. Looking back at Bryan, he shift his body impatiently. Today was the day we had to go to a conferences, where we have to tell all of Equestria, and quite possibly the world, about what has been happening, what has become, and what of my Doom Marines. To be perfectly honest; they don't like these things, especially when it came to public meetings, and such. They didn't trust anypony with their identity and secrets, and within good reason. I placed a hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. "It'll be just fine. They can't ask about your names, or anything related to you. I made sure of that." "Yeah. Thanks Luna." He said to me, although, I can tell it didn't do much to lighten his mood. "But still, I rather we head back to Canterlot, so that me and Kevin can continue our search for the other three." "I understand. But you all must remember, that the world has change, if not only grown." I stated to him. Five days ago, I gave my Doom Marines the short version of what has transpired during their dormant slumber. Whether it sounded good or bad to them, I can't decide for them. They'll have to see it, within this new age. Well, technically speaking. Bryan grunted at this. "News flash; no matter how much the world changes, its people will remain the same, for a very long time." I raised an eye brow at this. "Surely you jest, do you not?" "Not in your wildest dreams, little Lulu." He answers me, not a shred of humour within his words. It's quite rare for him to tell jokes, only because he can't really form a good one. Shaking my head, we entered through the back door of where the conference will be held. The girls were already here before us, along with Discord and a disguised Chrysalis. I had Barbs send a message for me to Celestia, stating that we've found Kevin, saved Manehattan, and must attend to a conference. She replied that Bryan must never threaten anypony in there, and to answer questions that need an answer. He replied back to her, with a simple response to that... "Dear Tia... Fuck you." I was giggling when he wrote that down, but Barb got a bit too curious about it, and wanted to say it herself. Kevin stopped her from doing such a thing. She pouted and sent it off. Bryan is very straight forward with his responses, to things he finds stupid. Anyway, we were all standing behind the stage, waiting to be called forth. "So..." Bryan spoke up. "What's it like out there?" "Basically, the entire world is sitting and waiting out there." Discord answered him, but he sounds a little disdained about it. "Although, not all of them. Just some representing for other countries that can't be here. Those ones you need to watch out for." Oh dear, I was hoping they wouldn't be here. "And which ones are they?" Bryan inquired, as both he and Kevin pulled out their Pistols and set them to Stun mode. "They're pretty distinguishable, having to wear a sort of uniform, informing any and all who they are representing. It's these types that will ask questions, that the rules clearly state they cannot ask those one." Discord snorted, as he explained. "Now, I wouldn't say they will jump towards those questions immediately. But, if you ignore them long enough, they'll burst out their questions, out of desperation." "So, tease them until they bust?" Bryan asked crudely. Discord just stared at him. "... I can't tell if that was suppose to be a sex joke, or not, because of how dirty that sounded." And now I can't get that filthy image out of my head. "Discord!" Fluttershy gasped at his statement. "What?" Discord shrugged his shoulders. "That's what pop inside my head." Before this could go on, we were being called upon. Making our way onto the stage, the many flashes of cameras have gone off and the sounds of clapping hands can be heard by the crowd. I was seated next to Bryan on his right, while Kevin was on his left. The three of us were in the middle, somewhat, with the rest of the girls taking their seats. Discord didn't need one, preferring to simply float above us. As the sounds started to die down, one of the many reporters asked the very obvious question for all. "Your highness, thank you for being here. So, as I speak for everypony here--" She was cut off by Bryan, when he growled out loud. "Everybody!" He corrected her, which made her shrink and shiver in fear, along with most of our audience. "Honestly, I can never understand your kind's speech patterns! I mean, for God sakes, we got other races in here!" "I-I-I'm so sorry, sir!" She stuttered out. But he scoffed at this. "Whatever. As for what we are, we're humans. If you want to get technical, Homo-sapiens." With that said, all of them jolted this down in their notebooks. Including the mare who he scolded at. Looking about, there are indeed other species in here; Gryphons, Minotaurs, Zebras. What's surprising, however, is that there is a pony representing the Dragon Kingdom. Her attire is a reflection of their kind, along with a wyvern pet, sitting on her left shoulder. We do have a relationship with the Dragons, but they like to stay neutral, and tolerate any other species that come to live within their lands. And if you think it's all covered in ash, molten lava, and volcanoes, you're wrong. For the most part. While my little ponies filled in most of the room, the others are seated around them. Although, it doesn't look as if they wanted to ask questions of their own. Rather, they seem more content with just analysing my Doom Marines actions and such, and they seem to show respect for them. I guess, we're not that harmonic at all. I heard Bryan sigh and waved his hands. "Alright, let's get this moving. Any questions!?" And so began the rampage of questions. Most of them were fairly easy to answer, some regarding Chrysalis and her alliance with us, while the motivation of Cocoon's reason for declaring war. Bryan and I handled them, swiftly and honestly. Although, Bryan can be a bit too brutally honest, making the ponies green and queasy, even more so for those with green coloured fur. There were some bad ones, unfortunately. These questions regarded my Doom Marines identity and weaponry. Of course, Bryan and Kevin quickly draw out their Pistols, and stunned them on the spot. Making it clear that was crossing the line. Not to mention, that I made it explicitly clear, they cannot asked them those kinds of questions! I'm starting to wonder if some of them are purposefully ignoring my orders. But then, it came to that question, when they asked about the Crystal Empire. Twilight and Barbs were the first to show signs of breaking down into sobbing fits, slowly. The Reporters were confused, yet worried, about this sudden development. While the girls tried to calm her down, Bryan went into the details, but he warned those watching this from within their homes, to take their young ones away from their Televisions, for what is about to be said. As he told the events that took place, he didn't leave anything out, and they stared in shock, disbelief, and horrified, by the actions the Changelings had done. Even more so, when they heard the death of Shining Armour, and the things they did to him and Cadence before that. Of course, there was a moment of silence, regarding the Fallen Prince. As for the Representative Reporters, when they heard of this, fury flashed within their eyes. Although they have hidden it well, I can still see their anger and rage. Gryphons ,Minotaurs, and Dragons, place honour above all things. If you do not have a shred of it, you're consider a disgraceful scum, never able to redeem yourself, and will forever walk as one, until death claims you. The mare representing the Dragons shed a few tears at this information, while her wyvern nuzzled her and wiped away her tears with one of his wings. The Zebras were praying for Shining, praying for his safe journey to the afterlife, where he can rest in peace, and live his life as he should have, in this plane of existences. But then, after that moment, one of them asked him this question. "Sir? Did you... Kill them?" "Yes, I did." He answers them. "I've slaughtered most of those stationed with capturing the Crystal Empire, even avenging the Prince himself..." He explained to them on how he rampaged through their ranks, killed any and all who stand in his way, reaping retribution upon the damned sinners. Everyone was in total shock on how bloody and brutal his tenacity was, and is. Then, he finished off with this. "... I will murder and butcher every last one of them fuckers, and I will rip Cocoons head off her shoulders, and tear what's left of her body, out of existence. That, is my vow. As it is, for all of us Doom Marines..." After about three hours later, the conference came to a close and most of them left. We made our way out, but Bryan and Kevin both stop. Looking back, I saw the representatives walking up to us. My Doom Marines had their Pistols out, making it clear they're not in the mood for anymore talk. The Gryphon himself, held his talons up in defence. "Okay now, let's take it easy. We just want to talk..." "Well then, you should have done so, during that conference." Bryan replied. "Now, if you don't mind, we'll be taking our leave." As soon as they turned to continue walking, the Dragon's representative spoke up. "Wait! It's about that mark on your helmets!" Instantaneously, they both stop, and snapped their head back at her. "So it is you! You're the Empress's--!" "DON'T!!" Bryan cut her of before she could finish. "You even try it, woman!" We were all confused at this exchange, except for Kevin. I'm not sure if the details, but from what little I remembered back then, he was assigned to the Dragon Empress. As to why she was there, I cannot say. Again, it was such a long time ago, and I was too young. Kevin placed a hand on Bryan's shoulder, shaking his head at him. Bryan sighed and calm downed a bit, but he was still enraged. "Look, we've been buried for over ten thousand years. I know she ain't with us anymore, but don't think you have the right to speak of her to me like that. Especially her name." He warned her, to which she nodded and looked down at the floor, in shame. After that, he looked towards the others. "Anything else?" They turned to one another, and shook their heads. "No. I think you've answered one very important question." And with that, they all bowed towards them, and my Doom Marines did the same. As they came back up, the Gryphon spoke up one last time, before leaving. "Farewell, Doom Slayers." After that transition, we made it back to our Penthouse. Discord took the Doom Marines to where he placed the Swimmers, as their new home. Bryan said that the shard of the Crystal Heart helped with their Queen's birth and ascension, so he'll be needing it back. My Guardsmares have been waiting for our return, anxious, so I rewarded them with buying whatever they desire in the city. They happily accepted this, and rushed out. And so, while the girls went to do what they did, Chrysalis and I sat on the couch, waiting for Discord and my Doom Marines to return. We both made some small talk, just to pass the time. But still, I was thinking back at the conference, about those representatives, because they acted very differently from what me and Discord expected them to do. As a matter of fact, it would stand to reason that, despite all these years, they still remember the Doom Marines. This was... Disturbingly interesting, to say the least. I wonder how that's going to go over? Anyway, we heard those three teleporting back. I got up to meet them, until I heard Discord say. "Well, that was something..." "Yeah, no shit." Bryan replied. "I mean, Hell, they're just as colourful as the Equestrians. Not to mention the crystals infused into them." Are they talking about the Swimmers? It must be. I mean, what else could it be? They went there to retrieve the shard. "Looks like the shard of the Crystal Heart show us its potential once again. Saving an entirely new race and giving them a uniquely, exotic appearances." "That's the power of Love for you!" Discord commented. "... Dude, don't bullshit with us." I winced at that one, seeing as Bryan doesn't exactly believe in that. Not that I blame him, or anything, but surely he knows it works! I mean, it may seem far fetch to him, but Chrysalis told him about it! "Jeez! What's wrong with you!? Just ask Cadence, she'll tell you about it!" No! Discord, you blabbering idiot, don't say that! Unfortunately, before I could intervene, I saw Discord come flying pass, and crash through a wall. Looking around the corner, I saw Bryan clutching the fist he used to punch Discord, and Kevin standing there shaking his head in disappointment. When they saw me, Bryan sighed and walked up to me, along with Kevin, as they both hugged me each. Hugging back at them, we separated afterwords, and I asked. "Bryan, why did you say that? Don't you remember what Chrysalis said?" "Yes, I remember." He sighed again. "I also remember it being done with her husband, who died before I could do anything to save him." Bryan reminded me, still feeling as if he failed his mission. While it may have happened in that way, there wasn't anything doubting the possibility of her being able to do it on her own. While we talked, once coming back to the living room, dinner time was approaching. Instead of having to go down to the restaurant, I picked up a phone and relayed our orders to the staff, to give to the chefs. Once done, I hanged the phone, and Bryan whistled. "Whoa, what a relic..." Kevin nodded his head in agreement. Chrysalis looked at them confusedly. "What do you mean?" "The phone, the cameras, the T.V.s, all of that." Bryan explained. "Humanity created these things a long time ago. As a matter of fact, these versions remind me of the later 1980s. Do your T.V.s have colouring in them?" I nodded my head. "Yes, they do have colouring in them..." Our conversation carried on until dinner arrived, although, they were somewhat startled by the hole in the wall. I called out to the girls as we prepared. After that, VEGA returned from the Media Station, seeing as he was needed there for... Guidance. Well, when you have one Doom Marine that doesn't sugarcoat anything, while the other is a mute, someone's gonna need to tell the media what to censored out. Once we were done, I started to raise the moon, as the sun started to set. Although, it seemed that Bryan had ordered all of us a couple of Champagne bottles, while I was busy. Then again, they still know how to work a phone. Kevin grabbed us all some wine glasses, while VEGA popped open the cork, and poured us all a glass each. A Toast to the Fallen, this is what they planned for our last night in Manehattan. Gulping down our glasses, some wanted seconds or so, while the rest retired to their beds. When my Guardsmares came back, we poured them a glass as well, and they were thankful for this occasion. I may have been getting a little tipsy, so Kevin lead me to bed, and tucked me in. Heh, just like back then... Unfortunately, Bryan had to content with a very drunken Chrysalis, who drake the rest of the last bottle. Carrying her in bridal style, she clung to him as he tried to put her to bed. The word tried. Chrysalis was trying her best to pull him in with her, as Bryan was trying to pry her off of him. Eventually, he did, but she didn't stayed in bed for long. "Fucking dammit woman, go to bed!" "No! Not until you come sleep with me!" "No way! Piss off!" While they were arguing, I can hear the rest giggling at this, as I was, too. Although, what really made it funny, was when we heard Discord's voice. "Aww... What about me!? Nobody got me dinner, nor give me a drink! What's up with that!?" "Oh, go fuck yourself, you cunt!" "Oh..." ([Third Person] The next day...) With their mission complete in finding Kevin, and saving Manehattan, as a bonus, the group decided to do a little shopping before they leave the city. Walking down the streets, everyone waving and gave thanks to them, even though most of the work was done by the Doom Marines themselves. As for that one Changeling, he was sent to Canterlot for interrogation. Anyway, the Doom Marines decided to split away from the group, saying they wish to do something. Luna was about to ask them what, but they were already running to wherever they were going. Sighing, she shook her head as they continued on their way. She asked if VEGA knew what they were up to, but he couldn't say, or just using that as an excuse. As the day went by, they started to make their way towards Grand Central Station. Just as expected, those that were close to the station, was there waiting for them, giving their farewell to them. In Time Square, the big screen showed the news. "Good afternoon Manehattan! Tinker Timer here, with May Weather, bringing you news about the Crisis of Manehattan. Now, just about a week ago, the city had been infiltrated by the Changelings, planning to sink all of Manehattan. Had it not been for Princess Luna and her Doom Marines, we would suffered a crushing defeat. Isn't that right May?" Tinker said, looking towards the lovely mare to his right. She nodded her head, and replied. "Yes indeed, Tinker. And speaking about the Doom Marines, themselves. Yesterday, there was a conferences held, as Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle, along with their companions, explained the dire situation, that has taken place. The Changeling Hive declaring war against us, is lead by Queen Chrysalis's sister; Queen Cocoon. This one was the mastermind behind the invasion of Canterlot, manipulating her very own sister to take the charge of capturing it, only to be backstabbed later on, if successful." "Yes, quite right. Speaking of which, it is confirmed, that Prince Shining Armour, the husband of Princess Cadence, is dead." As Tinker Timer said this, the citizens of Manehattan were mortify by this, and thus, a great wave of depression and sadness settled within their minds. "The tragedy of such a death, to one of our greatest heroes, is quite the devastating blow. The Crystal Empire was under Changeling control for over a month, sealed and imprisoned, by the very Crystal Heart itself, poisoned by the Changelings. But, when all hope seemed lost, one of the Doom Marines, accompanied by both Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle, and Queen Chrysalis, have successfully liberated the Crystal Empire overnight. And avenging the Prince's death." Hearing this, it somewhat lifted their spirits, knowing that the Crystal Empire was back in safer hands. "Absolutely. It was none other than the Doom Marine himself. Reaching the Throne Room, he found the Prince lying dead before him, as the Changelings slit his throat open. Enraged, he charged into them, and massacred Prince Shining Armour's murderers, with his own bare hands. While this may seem impossible to believe, you cannot deny the footage we captured from over a week ago." May Weather said, as the footage showed Bryan just punching his way through the Swarm of Corrupted Swimmers, sending body parts flying all over the place, while leaving a bloody trail in his wake. "As you can clearly see, this just goes to show how powerful these Doom Marines are, especially when it comes to their cunningness..." Another footage showed Kevin being surrounded, only to disappear from sight, and dispatching his enemies. "Now, it is unclear what kind of magic these humans use. But one thing for certain, these Doom Marines, are a vengeful pack. Very much so." "Yes they are..." Tinker commented, before they were getting reports. "We're getting reports of our Princesses and their company leaving today. Although it would appear there is no signs of the Doom Marines themselves." As he said this, the image shifted over to Grand Central Station, where the group made their way towards the train. Just as they boarded, the camera crew shifted their focus on where the ruckus was going about. Soon enough, coming out of nowhere, the Doom Marines just burst their way through. "Oh my! That was fast!" May Weather exclaimed, in utter shock. Tinker Timer just nodded his head, watching as the Doom Marines running straight through the crowd, as they made way for them. There were a group of kids standing, dumbstruck, in there path. Fortunately, they jumped straight over them, using their thrust boots. As they reached he moving train, they jumped up onto the roof of the train cart. When they were on board, a group of cops came running in after them, although, it looks like they were completely outrun by the Doom Marines. "Well, you don't see that everyday." Tinker chuckled a little, as one of the Doom Marines flipped the cops the bird, opening up a hatch and jumped down into it. The other, gave a short salute to the crowd, and followed on in, while closing the hatch. As the train left the station, one of the cops got into a hissing fit and started growling at her own, while the crowd just laughed at this. Tinker Timer was laughing quietly, as May Weather shook her head. "Wow, talk about a meltdown. I wonder what those two did to make her so mad?" As she asked that, reports were coming in, with an image showing up. "Oh... Well, that explains a lot." She stated with amusement. Tinker nodded with a smirk. "Well folks, looks like we found out why they were in so much trouble." The image showed a symbol, graffiti on a brick wall. It was the mark of The Doom Slayer. "Hang on... We're getting reports that, before they sprayed this, they were spotted coming out of a toy store. Not too far from where they did this tagging." May said, earning a confused look from her partner. "Hm? I wonder why?" > Ch.9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.9: Unexpected Visitors... (Kevin/Doom Marine, on the train...) "You two did WHAT!?" Little Lulu screamed, while Bryan was just laughing his ass off. He told her where we gone to, the toy store, but we weren't gonna tell her what we discussed with the manager. After that, I got the idea of buying a red coloured spray can, and went to use it. Good thing Luna gave us some money, although, I don't think she'll let us shop on our own. Or do anything on our own, for that matter. But to Hell with that, it was worth the risk. Besides, I always wanted to do something artistic. "Are you two completely out of your minds!?" Twilight shouted. From what Bryan discussed yesterday, her brother was murdered. That really pissed me off, even if it didn't seem that way, it really did. Things won't be playing out the way they should be now, at least, up to this point. With the whole Changeling thing going on... I learned that the Unicorn mare with us, was actually Chrysalis herself. Surprisingly enough. "What!? We can't have our own fun!?" Bryan said as he stopped himself from laughing to death. "Oh c'mon! We've been incased in tombs for so long, and you're saying we can't have fun! Fuck you!" Oh great, arguments. Just what we need. Getting up from my seat, I walked off into another train cart. I wasn't going to bother stopping any of it, seeing it as hopeless effort. As I entered through, I noticed my compass lighting up. It only does that if there's a secret of interest nearby. Walking forward, I getting closer to the source, until I spotted it, or should I say, them. They, too, had the Invisibility power-up, just like me. There were two of them, waiting for me. But when did they get here? No, it matters not. As long as we know they're still alive, that's good enough for me. Walking over to them, I sat across from where they're seated, facing each other. Re-establishing my Link with them, they de-cloaked, showing themselves to me. Our Knights of Doom; the Night Sentinels. Soon, the one to my right spoke up. I know him the moment he spoke. "It is good to have you back in the waking world, milord." Azurai said, with the utmost respect and gratefulness. "We have all feared the worst." My nodded my head, and texted. "Our deepest apologies, things have taken a turn, for the unexpected, to the unsuspected." I told them. "We figured as much, the King especially." The one to my left, a young woman's voice, said to me. "He knew none of you were dead, but simply missing." She must be a new blood. "So, the old man is still alive." I commented. "And enraged." She stated. "As soon as the King felt the presence of the Berserker..." Azurai started explaining. "Many of those insects that have died by his hands, had the misfortune of being dragged before his highness." I know where this is going. "After the incident in the Crystal Empire, the one who murdered the Prince, as you five would put it; sealed the deal. The King burned his, and every other insect's soul, making them suffer for their crimes, for all eternity. Hence forth, he initiated the Recall Protocol." I thought as much. And in case you didn't catch on, he's talking about Tartarus. Yes, I know; what on earth am I talking about? I thought you guys were killing the demons that came out from there? Well, yes, we were. Or so we thought. It's a bit complicating, but let's just say that a civil war broke out, and leave it at that. And of course, yes, these two are demons themselves, just not in appearances anymore. When they dawn that armour on, their demonic appearances are replaced with human touches, while still retaining their original prowess. "So, he called the Legion back for this war? Bit of an overkill on his part, don't you think." I inquired. "Perhaps." He answered. "But from what we have gathered, from those you have slain, this Cocoon is messing with nature. Something she should not be doing. All of these experiments, are just building up to her imminent demise." "Such as the Leviathan." "Exactly..." And so, our conversation ranged from Cocoon, to them. I asked them on how are things going in Tartarus, and they explained that things have returned to normal. Beyond that, the many applicants of those wanting to become Night Sentinels have been skyrocketing, especially when the Recall Protocol went out. The ones we lead and fought with are still there, as they are now the veterans of the army. The new blood, named Tahilla, joined three years ago, her promotion coming up soon. Azurai was now ranked Colonel. After a while, we decided to check up on how things were going with Bryan and the others. Hopefully he didn't start a brawl, like he mostly does, because he gets bored. He's patient, but not that patient. Walking back in, I saw Bryan having an arm wrestle with Luna's Guard. He was facing the captain herself, although it may seem she's winning, in reality, Bryan was just messing with her. Making her, and everyone else, besides Luna and VEGA, believe she has a chance at winning against him. Well, it's a better outcome, than the one I thought would usually happen. "So..." The captain grunted, as she struggled to slam his hand down, with the crowd cheering for her. "Ready to lose?" Before she could finish it off, the shaking between them stopped, as Bryan brought them back to square one. This was a show-stopper, as they all became silence, and stunned. The captain herself, was too shocked to do anything, and before anyone knew it, she lost. As Bryan let go of her, she just stared down at her hand for the moment, and then her wings flared out wide. Along with the rest of the her Guard. We knew what that meant, but it didn't made it any less funny at times. Bryan tried his hardest not to laugh, which he was starting to lose against. That is, until we saw tears starting to stream down her bright red cheeks. "... You... You big meanie..." Oh no, she's gonna play that card! And now the rest of them are playing along with her! "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's just calm down now! No need to cry, okay, I'm sorry for laughing at your wing boner problem!" Bryan quickly said, but that only worsen it. Soon enough, she got up and started throwing random objects at him, and the others also pitched in helping her. Bryan took the little things they threw at him, such as; utensils, cups, plates, glass. Then things picked up from there, after they ran out of stuff to throw at him, they grabbed their spears and decided to beat him with them. Not stab, just whack him to death, if they can. As he dodged and weaved his way through them, making them hit each other. While this was going on, the Elements are just stared at this, while VEGA, Luna, and Chrysalis, just shook their heads. The two Night Sentinels behind me, looked at each other, before Azurai asked. "Is this the norm, in this plane of existence?" "You get used to it." I told him, which made Tahilla giggle a little. "Man, if this is how you five interact with the locals, I'd say it looks fun!" Oh dear, yet again, Bryan has become a bad influence to the young. "HOLD STILL!!!" We heard the Captain shouted, as she tried to stab him. But every time she does, it just breaks from the impact, and whenever that happens, she grabs another and does it again. Bryan was just standing there, taking it as it comes. "I am holding still!" Bryan shot back, as she breaks another spear against his armour. "See!? What more proof do you want!?" Gritting her teeth, she shouts out her orders. "Swarm him!" "Wait, what!?" He questioned, before they tried to pull him down onto the floor. Again, the word try, seeing as they were struggling with the task. "Okay, seriously, just stop it already! You girls aren't gonna win!" He reasoned with them, but that only made them stress out on trying harder. The only thing he can do, at this point, was tired them out. When Luna looked my way, she gasped as she saw the two Night Sentinels. Although, these two didn't seem to mind her, in the slightest. Soon enough Chrysalis and the Elements saw them as well. "Uh... Kevin, what are they doing here?" Wait, she knows them? How?? "Greetings, Princess Luna. The King sends his regards and sympathy." Azurai greeted her. "As to why we are here? Recall Protocol has been initiated." Looking between the two, I asked him. "Is there something I missed here?" "Oh! My apologies, but there was an incident — embarrassing really — involving an inmate escaping Tartarus. Tirek is his name, a Centaur sentence there for his crimes..." He explained about it, saying that Tirek went about sucking out magic from any and all. As to how he escaped, he didn't want to go into details about it, so I didn't push him. He said that once he escaped, he went at it again, trying to regain his powers and such. Before Tirek could even suck Tia, Luna, and Cadences magic, they stored it into Twilight. When he found this, he opened up a portal to Tartarus, and threw them through it. "... Around that time, we managed to catch them, and took them up to the castle." "That was where their King told us about your association with the Wardens." Luna spoke up. "We never thought you five helped reclaim their home." "It was on a need-to-know basis, Princess." Azurai answered her. "Should any of you find out back then, your older sister would have used that as an excuse. Making her look within the right the whole time." What he said next really got my attention. "We even knew she was the one who sealed the Berserker away." VEGA told me that Tia sealed up Bryan, when the rest of us got sealed up in those tombs. I was surprised, if not only a little agitated, by this past event. Seeing as how Bryan didn't kill her off the bat, he still remembers what their mother, the Queen, said to us. Nice to see him showing some form of restraint. Even so, I'll have to question her about where the Hell she got that tomb from? That kind of shit just doesn't pop out into existence, and if it was placed where Tia would have wondered onto, then something is out there to, either get us, or preserve us. But which one? Although, before I could think about this further, Bryan and the Captain crashed before us, with her on top of him. Suggestive much? Because that's as straight-forward as anything. Looking down at the two, Bryan looked back at me. "What are you looking at?" I shrugged at him. "I don't know, you tell me. Also, we got visitors." Pointing towards the two, he grabbed the Captain and threw her off himself and stood up immediately. "Christ man! Why didn't you tell me!?" He said to me, and I had to remind him that I'm a mute, which pissed him off. "Oh, don't you dare use that fucking excuse on me! You could have at least texted me they were here!" I only just smiled at him, playing the smartass card on him. Not that he can see, but he could probably tell. Before this could go on, VEGA intervened. "Sirs, we are approaching Canterlot. ETA: fifteen minutes." Sighing, Bryan pulled out his Plasma Rifle, switching the current mod to Stun Bomb. Following his lead, I did the same, as the other two whipped out their Hellshots. Before Bryan could say anything, the Captain punched him in the back, only to realise how much of a bad idea that was to do, because she's just hurting herself. We just shook our heads at this, and Bryan looked back at her. "Okay, Nightwish, can we save this conversation for a later time? I rather not want to deal with it now." This just reminds me of a feud between a married couple, if you think about it. As for her, she puffed her red cheeks and looks away. Bryan groaned at this. "What do I have to do here!? Fuck your brains out until you can't think, or walk straight, for a month!?" And just she had control over her wings, they *Pomf!* back to full erection. Yep! That's Bryan, alright... (Princess Celestia, Canterlot Castle...) "Not good, not good, not good..." I kept repeating to myself, as I paced back and forth, within my chambers. They will be here soon, and I just know Kevin will scowl me over! I mean, I know he can't say anything, but that doesn't mean he can't do something to make up for that! "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Oh, this is so stressful! "Auntie!" I was snapped out of it from Cadence. "Will you calm down for just a moment! This is not helping you!" I forgot she was in the room. After telling Spike what happened to Shining, he didn't take it very well, and went on a rampage for a little while. Good thing it wasn't done in the Doom Marines's base, otherwise they would have done far worse, if that happened. Sighing, I sat down next to her on my bed. "Cadence, you don't know them as well as Luna and I. Bryan maybe a raging, bloodthirsty monster, but if I had to choose between him and Kevin, it be Bryan." I told her. "Why though?" She asked. "Why are you afraid of Kevin? You said he's a mute, so how does...?" "Do not be fooled by his disability to talk." I snapped at her. "He's a formidable person, who can hunt you down, no matter where you go or hide, he will always find you." I paused before continuing on. "He can be very persuasive with you, and he doesn't exactly always need to threaten your life, to get you to do something." "... What do you see?" She asked me, which surprised me. "Sorry?" "I said what do you see? As in, how do you view him?" She explained her question, which actually made sense. How do I view him? Thinking this over, I told her my answer. "As I stated before; they were monsters killing off other monsters. That's how I always viewed them, because of what they can do to the Demons." I sighed as the memories came flooding in. "But, when it came to Kevin, he would play with us, when he can. I never liked it, mind you, because Luna would ask him to play hide and seek with us. I always hated it when we get found by him, and I thought that he was cheating. There were times where I was pushing it, and that's when I saw him acting like our father, or more accurately, he was like father. That's when I knew I was in trouble, and I couldn't defy him, even if I wanted to, I couldn't." "Why's that?" "Because if I talked back to him, I am essentially talking back to my own father." I answered her with a heavier sigh. "Kevin will report of my actions to our parents, my father especially. But, he has yet to do so. Even so, I always watched what I said to him, because I didn't want to get into trouble. By him, or by my father." After saying that, everything was quiet. It was funny, to say the least, because here I am, explaining about the things I thought of them, while realising how somewhat foolish I was back then. "... Was he the only one, you find as the fatherly-figure?" He asked another question. I let out a little giggle. "No, not really. There was another, he wasn't as strict as Kevin, but still firm. Bryan and the rest tried to connect with me, but I wouldn't let them." I looked down at my hands. "Bryan hardly ever stayed at the castle, choosing to travel to the Everfree Forest, and kill any and all that are Demon related. The only time he ever comes back is when father has some pressing matters to discuss with them all." "So, Bryan was very distant." Cadence said. "Only because of me." I stated. "I kept pushing them away, because of my inability to trust them. Bryan even said I was too stubborn, xenophobic, and racist, because I called them names." "Celestia!" She gasped. "I know, Cadence. And I wasn't let off that easily either..." Before we could discuss this any further, knocks came from the door. "Enter!" I answered as both my Guard and Chrysalis's Changeling came in. "Your highnesses, Princess Luna and her company have return." My Guardspony stated. "But it seems that the Doom Marines have brought in extra companions, as well." The Changeling added, which left both me and Cadence baffled. "That can't be right. They never do that sort of thing." I told them. "Well..." He continued. "It would seem that the Doom Marines are quite familiar with these two. Their armours seem so similar to each other, in technology. But the theme is what separates them, since these two seem to come from ancient times, from wherever they come from before." My eyes widened when he explained it. Shooting up to hooves, I walked pass them and went to the front entrance. Or tried to. As soon as I turned around the first corner, they were all standing there, waiting for me. How and when did they get here so fast!? And more importantly, why are my Doom Marines's Night Sentinels doing here!? "Greetings Princess Celestia." I winced from hearing Azurai voice. "Kevin would like to have a word with you now, and I'll be accompany him." It's official, I'm bucked. I'm so bucked right now. Not to mention, that other Night Sentinel looks just about ready of wanting to gun me down. Only for Bryan to point his Pistol at her head. "Don't even think about it." He told her firmly. "As much as I appreciate it, it's not your place to make my decision, upon this matter." As he stated that, she placed her gun away. Sighing a breath of relief, I heard hoofsteps from behind me, and out came Cadence with the other two. Once they saw who it was, the Changeling gasped in surprise. "No way, the Night Sentinels! So the legend about there being The Knights of Doom are true!" He exclaimed. It was then that Bryan spoke up. "Alright, this is where we all leave them. Cadence, come on, you're not needed here." With that said, all of them left, save for Kevin and Azurai. Cadence was a little hesitant about this, but I nodded my head to her, and she went with the others. Although, Kevin held up a hand, stopping her. Coming up to her, he hugged her, which surprised her, but she soon returned it. It was the kind of hug any parent would give to their child, to reassure them that everything will be alright, that it'll work out eventually. After they separated, Cadence gave her thanks and left to catch up with the others. Sighing, I lead the two back my chambers, where we'll be having our Talk. Yep, definitely would rather have chose Bryan. ([Third Person]) After the whole dilemma, the two Guard — Pony and Changeling — just stood there. Not really sure what to make of this, although, one thing is for sure; it was all very unexpected. Especially when there are new people coming in. Speaking of new people. "Hey? Did you say those other two, the ones that look like Knights, are Night Sentinels?" The Guardspony asked his Changeling companion. "Yes." He nodded his head. "Legends say that they were, and apparently still are, the Wardens of Tartarus." This surprised the pony. "You mean, they're Demons? If so, what brings them here?" "I cannot say, nor should any of us pry into it. It's a death sentence." The Changeling said, and they awkwardly just stand there like a couple of idiots with no clue on what to do next. Although, the Changeling picked up on his companion's stress and frustration. At first, it seemed manageable, but now it looked as if he's about ready to flip something over. Sighing, he grabbed his by the hand and started walking. "W-whoa! Hey, what's the--!?" "Just shut up and follow me." The Changeling silences him with his magic and went up to one of the many guest rooms. Opening it up, he lead them inside and locked the door behind him, and placing a Soundproof spell on the room. The other was just plainly confused and wanted answers. Although, not in the form of what he was seeing, as his Changeling companion started to undress in front of him. While his brain turned off, his junior was standing up to attention, which wasn't very comfortable, mind you. "What are you doing?" He was snapped back to reality, looking at the now naked Changeling, with...quite the foal-bearing hips. However he managed to hide any of that, was beyond his comprehension. "I...could ask you the same thing." He replied, looking straight in his companion's eyes. "I mean, why?" "Because of you." The Changeling answered with a deadpanned expression. "Everypony around here has been feeling uneasy, and it's upsetting you all, and don't even try to lie to us, we can feel what you're feeling right now." "Well, you're right about that. Everything has been going so fast, we can't keep up with it." "Well, you have us, and we don't judge. Now strip." "... Okay." > Ch.10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.10: Hot Heels and Running Gags... (Kevin/Doom Marine, afterwords...) "... That went better than expected, milord." Azurai commented. It was late in the evening, and after the Talk I had with Tia, she seems to have grasp what she done was an act of betrayal, especially when it's against her parents's final wishes. Even if she was within the right. While she did confessed, Tia still has a long way to fix things up with us. But I'm uncertain how she'll be able to fix things with Bryan, seeing as how he's not letting her apologies to him. Sometimes, he can be very hard to read, and stubbornly so. Even I can't figure him out at times. Then again, who am I to judge? Even I still have secrets. We all do. After leaving Tia to do what she needs to do, we made our way back to the others. I asked Bryan where they all were, and answered that they're in the Dining room. Once there, I saw Bryan and Tahilla sitting on one side, while the rest were sitting across from them. I shook my head at this, and went over to him. Sitting next to him, he was talking to Tahilla, so I didn't interrupt them. Looking across towards the girls, they were trying to strike up a conversation, which only turned out to be small talk. I don't think they're used to that kind of thing, from the looks of it. Although, there were twin dragons sitting next to Twilight, along with her...parents, I presume. Soon though, our dinner had arrived, as both VEGA and Luna came walking in, with a couple of carts. Stacked with food. It was a quiet one, once the food came out, everyone just focused on eating. Guess war hasn't popped up in a long time, seeing as they act like total strangers to the concept. Then again, both Luna and Celestia did state that the world has been at peace for so long... Well, in Equestria, that is. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time, before another war broke out. For reasons, all too familiar, and all the more annoyingly stupid. After dinner, we went our separate ways. Luna was with us at the time, while she raised her father's moon. Making our way towards our base, I sensed that we were being followed, my hunter instincts tingling. It wasn't hostile, by any means, but whoever this is better have a good reason for stalking us. Arriving at one of the secret passageways, Bryan opened it up and went through. I made sure I was the last one, discretely so, and looked back to see the entrance close behind me. Staying there for a few more moments, I started making my way towards catching up with the others. Once there, Bryan asked me. "Kevin, what's wrong?" Looking at him, I answered. "Someone was following us." "Who?" "I can't say, but whoever it was, didn't follow us through. We're safe." "For now..." He stated as the others were staring at us. Bryan explained to them about it, and it got our Night Sentinels on edge. VEGA said he'll have some Drones patrolling the castle, alongside the Guard, while Luna handles with the giving the details to the Guard about this. As they set out to do so, I asked Bryan for the shard. "Bryan, do you mind if I use the Crystal Heart's shard? It'll help benefit with searching for the others, I promise." "How?" He questions. Before I could answer that, the shard appeared in front of us. "We will be happy to assist you. Let us begin." It said. Looking at Bryan, he nodded his head, and I took it to the computer. Opening up a hatch, I placed it inside and things were going through smoothly. "Question: how long have you been planning this?" Bryan asked me. "Years. Let's just say I had a hunch about something like this happening. It's a good thing I've actually planned this out." I answered him, and seeing as the shard is doing most of the work, I being explaining to Bryan about the Displaced. He seem to have taken it well, for the most part, but he did mention that, if that's true, then some may as well be dressed up as the enemy, from other gaming franchises, and so on. Which, I agree, and even admitted that I mistook something as a Demon, only because it looked the part, and played the part too. I also told him that the first Displaced I've met was a young kid, who was a Scalebound, and even showed him the Summoning Token, that he created. "So... You can create these Tokens out of anything?" He asked and I nodded at him. "Incredible." Azurai commented. "So, it would appear a God-like being, is posing out as a old man, and sending people off to other dimensions, all for what they paid for? That's... Strange. But still, incredible." "I don't know. That sounds unreasonable, even for a deity." Tahilla stated her input. "I mean, why would he do that?" "Maybe because he's bored, and wants to shake things up for all parties involved." Bryan shrugged. "But, in all honesty, I don't think we should question it any further. Nor do we want to know any other beings like him." We all nodded in agreement. After that, me and Bryan decided to go to sleep. As for our Night Sentinels, they wanted to stay on sentry duty. We didn't stop them, as we took our seats, and dozed off to sleep. Hopefully, nothing happens while we're asleep... As much as we would like to make sure it stays that way. (Azurai/Night Sentinel...) After watching our lords take rest, Tahilla and I stand guard over them. Making sure they sleep peacefully, and not let anything ruin it. Looking about, this is our very first time being within this realm. Although, this is probably not for me, and I don't want to leave Tahilla unsupervised here. Speaking of which, she was looking at the many tomes that sat upon the shelves. Some were ancient, others were technological. Digital reading, as our lords would put it. At least, I think they would call it that? Sometimes they say the most profound things that doesn't make much senses. "Bored." I heard her say, walking over to their computer. "I thought they would have something related to 'fun' around here." "Tahilla, don't touch anything." I told her. "This isn't a playground, and even if they did had it, they wouldn't place it where it gets in the way. We are at war." I reminded her. She sighed, her shoulders sagging a bit. "I know, sir. But I've always wondered what life would be like here." She then sat in the chair, looking up at the screen. "Yet, here we all are, fighting. This isn't even our war..." "Do not speak so carelessly." I snapped at her. "Of course this is our war. Our lords are charged with keeping Equestria safe, which effects us, as well. We still owe them a debt." "Yeah..." As she said that, we felt something powerful within the facility. Before we could do anything, that something appeared into existence. "What the--!?" "Please..." The hooded figure whispered, pointing towards our lords. "Do not be alarmed, or you'll wake them up." Well, she has a point. But still... "Who are you?" I asked, finger on the trigger, as I eyed this mysterious woman. "I am simply know as a Guardian. I was created for the Doom Marines." She answers us, and she wasn't lying either. But if that's true, why would she stalk those she was charged with? Did they even know of her? "Why have you chosen to appear? You could have--" "I could have, yes. But I couldn't yet." She cut me off. "Not without finding out who sealed up the first four." She answered. "... And did you?" I inquired some more. She sighed. "Yes. Unfortunately, they're dead. They have committed suicide." "Well, that's terrific. We can't exact vengeance upon them." Tahilla snarked off at this. "But moving this along, can you help?" "Well, that we can agree on." She said as she walked up to the computer. "I have found out where the third one is. But as to who, I cannot say. Not yet." Typing in a few things, the computer worked on downloading it quickly, and the location of one of our lords have appear. Out in the Badlands. "Well, that'll be all."'she said as she started to walk away. But before that, she turned to look back at us. "Should Kevin awaken, tell him the Guardian was here." With that said, she teleported. Sighing, I looked towards the computer. Wondering which of our lords are in the Badlands... (Princess Celestia, the next morning...) After waking up and raising my mother's sun, I went down to the Dining room. Once there, everypony was there, except for my Doom Marines. They're probably more focus on finding their brothers, I guess. Nevertheless, I sat next to my sister and ate my breakfast. Still though, having that Talk with Kevin wasn't the greatest. He's still as frightening as ever, a complete extension of my father, for sure. He even said on what would my parents would think on such an act? I knew the answer to that; disapproval and disappointment. Somehow, he even knew about my decision of banishing Luna to the moon, when she turned into Nightmare Moon. It was quite terrifying, but then it became clear, when he said he went to another version of Equestria. I told him that VEGA explained about the Displaced-verse and the whole Multiverse Theory thing. But Kevin, he said that, when he was there, helping out a young boy with his enemies, he asked what year it was. That Equestria's Applejack, told him the year, and explained what happened, what events took place, and such. When he heard about the banishment, he got so angry, he destroyed an entire building, with a single punch. Not surprising, really, seeing as he said that he was in Appleloosa, since the entire town's buildings are made of wood. He was disgusted of me for doing that to Luna, and he doesn't care if I said it was the only way, because I was suppose to look after her, be there for her. So, when I told him about it, how it happened here, he punched one of my draws into oblivion. I wasn't going to hold it against him, since he was right. I should have looked after her, not use her. "... Sister, are you alright?" I was snapped out of my bemusing, by Luna. "Uh... Yes, I'm fine. Honest." I tried to put on a smile, but it didn't do much to convince her. Sighing, I dropped the facade and told her. "Luna, Kevin knew about your banishment." "W-what!?" She shouted in shock. "How!? He was--!" "I know Luna. But he knew beforehand..." I explained to her about his travel to another Equestria, and what they have told him. "... Apparently, he thought we could stray from such a path, on our own. But, seeing as how it has come to past, it happened anyway. Perhaps he should have told us..." "But, back then, you were still very distrustful to them, and that anything he says would sound crazy." Luna added. I nodded at this. "That, and I would have thought he was driving a wench between us." Looking back at the present company, they were staring at us. "Everyone, remember, this is something beyond our comprehension, it would be best if you don't question it any further." I told them, reminding them on just how deep this really is. After breakfast, we all went to the Doom Marines base. Twilight went into explaining the whole Displaced story to the twin Dragons, which got them even more surprised by this. Entering through the Throne room, we saw that was only Kevin and VEGA here, no sign of Bryan, or the Night Sentinels. "Ah, good morning everyone." VEGA greeted us. "We had a late night guest come along, and helped us with finding the others." He explained, seeing as Kevin was busy on their computer. "And who was this 'guest', you speak of?" Luna asked him. "I'm sorry, but I cannot answer that, for obvious reasons." We sighed at this, but let it be. Seeing as they still tend to keep secrets from us, they stated before that it was for our own good and safety. Walking over to Kevin, he was mainly focused on what was happening on screen. Apparently, it was a VID-CAM from Bryan's helmet. But, what really surprised me and present company, was the fact that he, and the Night Sentinels, were riding on the back of Cerberus. As to where they are now, in the Badlands. "... Kevin, question..." I looked towards him. "... Are they there, because one of the others are buried there?" Facing me when I asked that, he nodded his head. He even typed in who it was, which only made me run around the castle, screaming my head off, out of terror. Every being in the castle, saw me and looked on in shocked confusion, as to why I was doing what I'm doing right now. Soon enough, I barricaded myself in my tower, along with my stash of Royal Sweets. I don't care what's happening out there, they got Luna and the others, so they can take it up with them! All that matters is keeping my stash safe and sound, at all times, with me. But still... "Why? Why, oh, why did it had to be Deaths Runner!?" I wailed, lying on my bed, eating some ice-cream, just to make me feel better. "... So why isn't it working!?" (Bryan/Doom Marine, in the Badlands...) "... Alright big boy, that's far enough!" I shouted. We woke early in the morning, with Azurai explaining about this mysterious cloaked woman, known simply as Guardian, who helped out with speeding up the search. Kevin explained that she was the one who sent him to that other Equestria, created by that Merchant, from where we got our things. As Cerberus skidded to a halt, me, Azurai, and Tahilla, dismounted from him. Landing on the soilless ground, we started walking up to where Deaths Runner would be buried. Cerberus sniffed the ground, to see if he can pick up his scent, or any other scent we should be wary of. Seeing as this place is still an unknown, there could be anything living out here. At lest we're far away from those towns, settled either within its borders, or outside of it. Still, who's crazy-ass idea was it? Although, about half an hour later, we felt the ground starting to tremble. Soon, Cerberus started barking like mad. Whatever's out there, it just picked a fight with the wrong kind. But what came out, from underground, wasn't what I was expecting, nor anyone else. It was a gigantic, fucking, worm. When that happened, I found myself lifted into the air and landed back on Cerberus. Looking back, the others were with me, as we started running around the thing. The hide of this thing is thick, I doubt anything can penetrate it, since it's made out of stone. Hell, we can outrun it, but the damn thing is persistent, while trying to keep pace with us. "Sir, what do we do!?" Tahilla asked over the Comms. "At this rate, we won't find Deaths Runner!" I was about answer her, but then Cerberus changed course and ran away from it, and fast. He must have sniffed something out, and hopefully not a giant-ass bone. Jesus, he must be running at about a mile an hour, but for some odd reason, that giant worm wasn't chasing us anymore, and I doubt it gave up on us easily. A while later, Cerberus came to a halt, and out in front of us, was this stone made panel. "... How convenient." We all said together, agreeing on what are the odds of finding this sitting way out here. Jumping down, I walked up it, with carvings on the whole thing, but the only one I know of is our Doom Slayer's mark. I just shook my head at this. "Just what the Hell did this to us?" I got a bad feeling about doing this, but there is no other option. Placing my hand on it, I felt the energy flow within it, and the ground up front gave way. Backing up a bit, I got out my Heavy Assault Rifle, Micro Missiles mod still. Instead of something popping out to kill you, like the usual, it was a pillar-like structure shooting out from within. Once it was done reaching towards the sky, a door opened up, and I walked up to it. Although, as I came closer to it, I heard a lot of noises happening inside, along with some screaming and...someone running really fast? But that can't be right, I didn't even open his tomb up! Before I could enter on through, I heard him getting closer and closer, and BAM! At blinding speed, I got ran over by that son of a bitch, and put into a bit of a daze. As for him... "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!?!? WHY AM I HERE!?!?!? WHERE IS EVEN HERE!?!?!? WHAT HAS MY LIFE BECOME!?!?!?" He was screaming these things, while running around the pillar, in circles, anti-clockwise. I just groaned at this. "Goddammit, Vincent..." Speaking of which, I gonna have to stop him. Seeing as he was using his power-up Haste, I pulled out a Frag and armed it. Throwing it in his path, timely so, as he continued on so, with yelling out more stupid shit. The only warning he ever got from Azurai was, "GRENADE!" "I WAS-- WAIT, WHAT!?!?!?" Just as he past by it, the Frag went off, the force behind it sending Vincent flying. Momentum of Speed, plus Combustion of Grenade, equals disastrous results! "OW--! JNK--! OUCH--! SON OF--! HRNK--! A BITCH--! ARGH--!!" Vincent said, as he was bouncing off in a straight line, somewhere. At least we can find him, until he fell off a cliff and into a patch of cactus. "... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW-- Oh wait, I got armour on! But still, this fucking hurts!! BRYAN YOU CUNT, I KNOW IT WAS YOU!!!" He shouted. "NICE OF YOU TO FUCKING NOTICE, YOU ASSHOLE!!!" I shouted back at him. Before we could bitch at each other any further, the ground started shaking, and out came that fucking worm... With Vincent clung to it! "UH!? A LITTLE HELP GUYS, PLEASE!?" "... Oh Fuckberries." > Ch.11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.11: Insane as Hell, and at Heart... (Princess Luna, back in Canterlot...) "Oh why...?" I groaned, seeing my sister fleeing for her life. "Uh, Princess, what was that all about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Should we be worried about this?" Twilight Velvet questioned. "I'm more concern about what's so different about this Doom Marine?" Night Light wondered. "I mean, if he can make Princess Celestia run for her life..." As more and more questions kept piling up, I just held up a hand to get them to stop. "Okay, listen up everyone! Because right now, this Doom Marine is the fastest out of all of them. Hence the reason why his title is known as Deaths Runner." As I said that, all of their forms shivered visibly. "Okay, princess, what the hay is with their titles?" Applejack asked, which I looked at her unamused. "Dame Applejack, I'm fairly certain it was discussed before." I said to her, emphasis on the word 'discuss', to remind them all. "It is through their deeds of slaying so many Demons, and/or other elements, that it has gained them a reputation of sorts." That said, she blushed at this, but she wasn't the only one either. The only exception is the twins, themselves. Looking back at the scene, I saw Bryan and that running away from some abominable creature roaming the barren wastelands. Although, their purser stopped, Cerberus skidded to a halt in front of some panel, and Bryan walked up to it and activated the strange device. As he did that, a pillar-like building shot out from the ground, and he approached its entrance. But then, out of nowhere, he got rammed by Vincent, who somehow got out from that Tomb of his, and started running around like a headless chicken. It even got more crazy, as Bryan threw a Grenade in his path, and sent him flying, by his own momentum. As they shortly argued, that giant worm came back, only this time, Vincent was on it! "Oh sweet mother of me, what is that idiot doing!?" (Vincent/Doom Marine, Badlands...) "WWWOOOOAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Okay, not the way I wanted to start that day off, once I got up and out! I mean, who would be stupid enough to pull this shit off!? Oh wait, I'm the idiotic madman of the team, so of course I would make an attempt on this! Ha-ah! "WOW!!! OH SHIT!!!" Losing my grip! "No, no, no, no, NNOOOOOO!!!!... GOTCHA!!!!!" Getting my grip back under control, I began scaling up its side, as it traveled through this God Forsaken place, to get on its back. "Almost... There..." Heaving myself on top, I gave out a victorious laugh. "AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA--!!!! OH SHIT!!!!!" Only to duck my head back down as I heard gun fire. "VINCENT, GET YOUR ASS OFF OF THAT FUCKER, RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Wait, my Comms still work!? Cool! "Yeah... No." I told him, not because I was being a dick to him... Okay, maybe a little, but just bear with me. "Look man, I just got out, okay? Right now, I need to-- FUCKING SHIT!!!!!" Well, I tried reasoning with him, and he just retaliated with Micro Missiles, making me find a more suitable defensive position. What a dick, I'd say! What. A. Dick! "YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON WHAT'S HAPPENING!?!?!?!?!?" Oh, I can hazard a few guesses. But I'll go with the answer we now relate to. "Besides the fact I'm riding a Rift Worm from Gears of War 2, sort of, there's yet another war going on." When the barrage of Micro Missiles stopped, I continued. "Look, I know this will sound crazy, but let's just say I'm having some déjà vu here and there." "... What do you know so far?" He asked. "Well, where to start? I guess you could say that I've been having visions, in my sleep..." And so, I began my recap. At least, the points that seem more important, because of how much of an impact it had on the lives of many, whether for better, or for worse. Yet, while I was counting those events, I started to feel pissed off. I don't know why, but at the same time, I do know why. Does that even make sense? "... Well, for the most part, you're not that far off. But still, that's just insane as fuck." Bryan said. "And that's besides the point of your position." "Yeah, well, trust me. Especially this part. I think this thing just wants some help... WHOA!?!?" Right when I was about to tell him why, the Rift Worm just shot itself up into the air, and dived straight into the ground. Oh this is gonna suck. And how right I was. As soon as I went in with the rest of it, I tried to get as low as possible, but that did jackshit, since I kept getting headbutted by the debris and the roof! "OW--!!! GOD-ACK-DAMMIT!!! ARGH!!! MOTHER OF--OUCH--FUCKING JESUS CHRIST!!! WHY!!!!!" This went on for about a solid three minutes, until finally I arrived in some underground cave. "Oh thank God!" I exclaimed and went limp. But then, I felt it shift, or at least the part I was lying on, rolling off to my right, until it snapped to the left, flinging me off it. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Flying off in the air, straight into a fucking wall, I manage to use my Thrust Boots to change my momentum. Luckily I still had that In-Flight Mobility rune equipped, otherwise I'll end up like those bugs on a windshield. Landing on solid ground, my suit taking care of the fall damage, I looked back at that fucking worm. As much as I would want to yell at it, to my heart's content, I knew it would simply ignore it. You know what, fuck it, I'll do it. "YOU FUCKING FUCK WORM!!!! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!?!?!? TRYING TO KILL ME WON'T HELP ANY OF US IN THE SLIGHTEST!!!! STUPID CUNT!!!!" After my rant, it didn't do anything, just sitting there idly. Yep! The fucker just completely ignored me! "ALRIGHT, FINE!!!! BE THAT WAY!!!!" Yeah, I do and say the strangest, random things in life. But I don't care, as long as I don't end up in the mainstream of things, because fuck normality! Oddity is the best! A while later, I heard Cerberus running in, and stopped mere inches from me, at arms length. Looking up, the big boy's three heads looked down at me, until he brought them down to me, for the others to jump off. Me? I just hugged the middle head. "Aww... Who's been a good boy? Yes, you are. Yes, you are a good boy~" While the other two heads rubbed up against my armour. "Vincent." I heard Bryan call out my name. "You knew about those six girls, the Elements of Harmony, through those visions you had in your sleep. How?" He asked. "I think it had something to do with my Tomb. Whoever, or whatever, did the deed, must have wanted me to see these things. And..." "And what?" "Something entirely different. Something about the whole Multiverse, itself." "Well, you're not that far off..." He gave me a short review about how there are other versions of Equestria itself, and how Kevin found out about it. "... So, in all likelihood, if we decide on about making a Summoning Token. Chances are we'll be more busy as fucking Hell, especially with this war going on." "I guess..." As I said that, the feeling of being pissed off was still there, and rising up. "Bryan, I don't know why, but I've been feeling pissed off. It started just as soon as I woke up, so care to tell me what happened?" I asked as I let go of Cerberus. When I told him that, he growled before answering. "Someone I was suppose to save died before I could get there. But I still got to kill those murdering fuckers..." "Who?" Because now I feel the same. "You know Twilight Sparkle, that new Alicorn? She lost her brother..." As he told me what happened to the late Prince Shining Armour, what they did to him and his wife, my right eye was twitching like crazy. Now I knew why I was so pissed off. "... So, did that help?" "Very..." I answered him. "Although, are they also experimenting with shit they shouldn't?" "Pretty much." "I guess they're here then, because I also had a vision about this thing over here." I pointed towards the worm. "I'm not sure if this is big momma, but to Hell with it! I wanna kill me some Changeling pricks!" With that said, we made our way through one of the many big-ass tunnels. Cerberus and the worm stayed behind, and I lead us through them. As we came around a corner, I caught a glimpse of a Changeling's tail, as it just left. Slowly and quietly, I trailed the little dipshit, to wherever he was going, and surprisingly enough, he didn't sense me. Well, that's his fault, and whoever else is here. Okay, Kunai knives? Check! Grabbing one out, I got a little closer, grabbed him, and proceeded to stabbing the ever living fucksticks out of him. Once done, I only just realised that I basically murdered him in front of his pals. "Monster!" One of them yelled out, as they stopped whatever they were doing before, and got ready for a fight. Too bad it was already over before it even began. Getting out a second Kunai, I activated my Haste power-up, and went about killing them all fast. Slashing my way through the lot, I tried to take the time to see what it was they were boxing up. It looked like eggs, but I can't tell with these wanking, limp dicks coming up behind me, and every time that happens, I get right behind them and slit their throats open. Sometimes I ripped their crooked horns right out and cut open their guts, and watch their internal organs fall out. Throwing a couple of Kunai knives at them, they tend to get pinned to a wall. But, as the last few saw that I've slaughter them in under two minutes, they decided to book it, only to get gunned down, mercilessly, by Bryan and that. And seeing them get ripped apart by gunfire... Oh, was that good to see. Did I forget to mention I was laughing all the while doing this? Well, I was laughing like a maniac. Although, I heard movement from behind, I threw a Kunai at the last one, but unfortunately it got away, as the secret passageway door closed on me. "Shit. I missed." I said as I ended my Haste. "What is it?" Bryan asked, as he came up to me. "One of them got away." I told him bitterly. Walking up to one of the many crates, and opening it up, they were indeed eggs. But, for some reason, I don't think they look quite right. "Oh great. The bitch is at it again. Cocoon's trying to create these things, in her own image." Bryan explained on what I was seeing. "Well, no wonder why big momma didn't want to come along. They'll just try and turn her somehow." I said as I looked about. "Okay, most of them are stacked in one spot. Let's grab the rest and blow them all up." "Sir, what about that one Changeling?" Azurai asked me. "There's not much we can do about that. Unfortunately, they got away with one, but it's better then getting away with all of them. Now let's get moving." I told him, as we got the few crates and placed them with the rest. With that done, we needed something that can create a big enough explosion. "Hey, I found a crate full of Dynamite!" Luckily, the new blood found the solution to the equation. Thanking her, I told them all to wait outside, while I set up the pyrotechnics. With that done, I got a Frag out, pulled the pin, threw it, and ran like Hell. Once I was out, the grenade went off, as it set off the Dynamite, making everything explode inside, and causing a cave-in. "Well, with that done, we need to make sure there aren't anymore unwanted assholes." Nodding in agreement, we started making our way through the tunnels once more. Eventually, we came into an even, slightly bigger room, with some abominable ovipositor. It was laying those ugly as fuck eggs. "Ugh! Disgusting thing..." "To you, perhaps..." A voice echoed all around us, until we looked up. The owner of the voice, was some kind of Changeling that looks like a scientist, but instead of a traditional white lab coat, it was black. Not to mention, he wasn't alone, but he was a tad bit taller and slimmer then the rest of them. As he overlooked each of us from higher ground, with an inquisitive streak of curiosity, he continued. "But to me, it's perfection." "Oh great, a perfectionist." I sarcastically said, with a roll of my eyes. "Not to mention, possibly an emotionless sociopath." "Correct." He answered me, unfazed by my response to his personal being of character. "But I cannot help it. For you see, I do so to see how far my work has taken us all. Although, I must say, I'm quite surprise the Princesses of Equestria was hiding such monsters themselves." "I'm afraid I can't comment on that one, but he though..." I said as I pointed towards Bryan. "He can tell you. He got out before me." "To answer your question, in the most honest way possible; Celestia is a fucking idiot." Bryan told him. "In what context? Because you're not exactly right or wrong." The Professor asked with a raised brow. "As in how she lied, to not only her own people, but to her sister. I'm pretty sure you can figure that one out." He answered him. "Hmm..." He hummed, while closing his eyes. "I see what you mean, yes. Truly, very hypocritical of the Sun Tyrant." "'Sun Tyrant'? I don't remember her having the balls to do that." I commented. "Well, you could say that, with how she tends to rewrite Equestria's history, she's not exactly doing much good. So, I wouldn't be surprised if she left you out." He explained. "That's why I view her as a Tyrant, and that she's no different to our Queen herself." Okay, either I'm hearing things, or he actually has a grudge against his Queen. "Sirs, shouldn't we be killing them? Like right now!?" The new blood spoke up. Getting a little impatient. "Which ones?" I asked, which confused her. "Huh?" "Kill the ones up there?" I pointed up to, before finishing with, "Or the ones that got us surrounded?" And to prove my point, the group of Changelings came out into plain sight. "Impressive. I can see why she's very cautious of you lot, clearly, you are beyond any being upon this world." The Professor stated, enjoying the development of the situation. Even if it didn't sound like it. "Still, I must know what makes you who and what you are, to date." "Alright then..." Shrugging my shoulders, I whipped out my Chainsaw, getting ready to rev it up. But before that, I looked towards the others and told them. "I got this one guys, just kick back, relax, and enjoy the show." Bryan groaned at this. "Let me guess; Nightmare Fuel?" I nodded at him. "Nightmare Fuel." With that said, I revved it up, activated Haste once more, and went to work. Now, the reason why me and Bryan said Nightmare Fuel is because... Well, let's just say I experimented our Chainsaw's fuel, by mixing it with Hell Energy. Yeah, I know, pure fucking insanity, and you're not wrong there. Just don't ask about it, trust me, there were fireworks going off afterwards. A lot of fireworks. There is some good news though, for my Chainsaw doesn't need to be top off anymore, even more, that it has a special effect before I kill my enemies, it causes them to hallucinate when I get close. It won't affect Bryan and that, but it can affect others, such as ponies. Oh, did I had fun 'Pranking' Tia back then. Just to get back at that little shit! Can't wait to put her through that rollercoaster of fun! Anyway, with the Professor focused on me, I gave him a quick preview, using his own as my test subjects. Showing him just how devastating we Doom Marines can really be. As soon as I was done on our floor, with them bitches screaming for their lives, just before I killed them, I took the most direct route and went up. This surprised the Professor, as the rest with him were just shitting their pants, figurative speaking. Once I was there, I went straight for him, only for him to just barley dodge my Chainsaw. Pulling out a Saber sword from under his coat, he tried to off my head, only to end up killing one of his own. This didn't effect him in any sense, save for the rest of these Changelings, as they backed off. Getting a good look at that Saber sword of his, it, too, was black, with a hint of red and green, just barley though. Must be one of his creations. "I see you noticed my sword." He spoke up, once he saw me inspecting it. "Yes, I did create this. Although, finding the right material, and harnessing the magical properties it needed to take shape and form, was no easy feat. But, it was well-worth the effort." "But that's not the only thing, is it?" I said to him. "Because you don't seem all that affected by my Chainsaw's effect." While I was looking at him, he didn't seem to show any kind of reaction, nothing like the lot around us. I wonder what they see him as, if they see me as a monster, they probably see him as one, as well. "I thought it might give off a sort of hallucinative spell. While I can resist such effects by myself, for a short amount of time, I have taken into account about crafting items to give me protection from such things. You won't be able to fool me so easily." Deviantly smart, this one is. He has prepared himself for these kinds of encounters. "Now then, shall we continue?" He asked, and I answered him with my Chainsaw. While I was on the offensive, he has been parrying my attacks away from him, and he's been keeping my with me. But barley. When he saw his chance, he takes it, only to miss me completely. Whenever this happens, we both end up killing off the stiffed bystanders, watching us go at it. That sword of his is tough, but even he's not stupid enough to risk it with colliding its blade against my Chainsaw's teeth. With the last bystander killed off, by his blade, I grabbed him, threw him on the ground, and tried to saw his guts out through his mouth. Only for him to get lucky and deflected it, but not enough to stop me a second time. I'm sure I nicked him, since I shredded a part of his coat, giving him a little bit of a nasty scar above the right side of his waistline. Holding a hand there, applying pressure, he knew he had to disengage. "Dammit. It would seem I can't kill you, not yet at least. I will remember this fight of ours. Farewell." Lighting his horn up, he teleported himself out of here. "Until next time..." I muttered to myself. Looking back at that egg laying machine, I took out my Lightning Gun, backed up, ran up to the edge, and jumped towards it. Catching onto it, the base of it all, I shoved my gun into one of the glowing bits, and pulled the trigger, sending high volts of electricity into it. "FRY YOU MOTHERFCKING BITCH!!! AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" "He's at it again." I heard Bryan commented. "Crazy bastard..." "HEY!!! WE BOTH KNOW I'M BEYOND CRAZY!!!!" I shouted back at him, before letting go of the damn thing, before it exploded in my face, which was awesome to watch. A bit sticky and icky, but awesome explosion, all the same. With that ugly ho out of here, I landed on the ground and started making my way up top of the pile of eggs. Carefully so, but they seem to be holding, but I'm not about to test it. Reaching the top, I started planning on how to get rid of these things now. Maybe... Yeah, that should work! Although... Eh, it shouldn't be much of an issue, because it won't last long. At least, I hope it doesn't. Putting my Siphoning Grenades on, I asked the others to give their ones. Once there were enough, I placed two Frag Grenades on next. "Vincent, what are you doing?" Bryan asked. "Improvising! What else!?" I answered him. "What would be the likely outcome?" "Well, the explosion will cause enough damage to possibly create a small enough blackhole. So..." "I'm sorry, but WHAT!?!?" Yep, they weren't liking this idea. Not that I blame them, but I will blame them for forgetting it's ME! Some things I do is borderline suicidal! "Okay, this is going too far! Even for you!" "Then you better start running..." I told them as I readied myself with pulling the pin. "Because you won't have much time." As I heard them running as fast as they can, I waited for some moments, just to make sure they're far away. Once I thought they got to a safe distance, I pulled the pin, and ran out of there. Just as I got out, I heard the Grenades went off, and stealing a quick look behind. Indeed, I somehow manage to create a blackhole, as it did its job, it started to compress on itself, until it imploded on itself, sending out a shockwave. Soon enough, the entire place was crumbling and collapsing, but I managed to make it back to the others. The worm itself was already gone, but as we made it back up to the surface, with them riding on Cerberus, we saw the cave's rooftop came crashing down, going on for miles and miles! Hot damn, that's a long way! Once the whole thing was over and done with, everything became calm again. Looking up to the others, I smiled at them, not that they could tell through my helmet. "So, shall we head back home?" Bryan shook his head. "You insane asshole. C'mon, get on! I don't want to spend another minute in this damnable place!" With that said, he stretched out a hand to me, as I jumped up to it and grabbed hold. Pulling me up, I got comfy as Cerberus started making way back to Canterlot. Tia, I now know you did something you shouldn't have done, and I'm gonna make you suffer for it... "Also, don't even think about it. Luna did most of the work." When Bryan said that, it left me in a very conflicting state. On one hand, I'm proud of little Lulu. On the other, I still want to give a piece of my mind to Tia! Groaning, I looked up to the sky, something I haven't seen in a long time, and muttered out. "Goddammit..." ([Third Person]) As the entire underground network came crumbling down, a lone Changeling watched in terror, as he escaped the jaws of death from the monsters responsible for this destruction. Shivering, he was glad to have survived, hearing the news about these strange creatures. But, after witnessing their ferocity and tenacity, it became clear they cannot win against such a foe, not without having something to combat this threat on equal grounds, or giving their side an edge. But the question is, "What can we do? How do we go around this?" "Quite observant of you." The Changeling squeaked, as the voice from behind him was none other than the Professor himself. The Overseer of this entire operation. Looking back at him, he saw him holding his side, as that part of his coat was ripped and teared open, revealing his very first battle scar. Well, once it stops bleeding. "It would appear we lost yet another battle to them. But I see you at least got one egg out of there with you." "Y-yes!" The Changeling stuttered out, because it was highly unlikely to get a good compliment out of him. "Good, good..." He said, as he turned his gaze into the direction of a certain Pillar, off in the distances. "Well, what do we have here?" Looking the same way as the Professor, his jaw dropped slightly, thinking he was now seeing things. "Wait a minute! That wasn't there before!" The little Changeling exclaimed, which made the Professor chuckle darkly, which send chills down his spines. "It would seem we might be in luck." He commented with a small smile on his lips. "Do return back the the Hive and report on what has happen. I'll be busy researching on these 'Doom Marines' that everyone has been talking about." The little Changeling was more than happy to do so. As he flew away, the Professor teleported himself towards the Pillar, although it causes some discomfort for him. Taking out vial of Elixir, he gulped it down, and started to feel its effects, but slowly. His face contorted with grim. "Hmm... It would appear that his melee weapon does more than make his victims hallucinate horrific things. Very clever, for even I didn't see that one coming." but still, he pushed on, as he entered the structure, and a flight of stairs later, he came into a massive room, with a Tomb in the middle. While it was clear who was inside there, it wasn't going to do any favours for them, not this time. Scanning the walls, he found hieroglyphs upon them. Unfortunately, he can't read them, for they were unlike anything he has ever seen. "Not to mention the eerie feeling they seem to give off." Shuddering a bit, he forced onward, to see if there was any valuable knowledge to pluck from here. At the end of the room, he found a symbol of sorts. He doesn't know why, but it seems familiar. Until he realised that was their mark, but that was only half of the reason. "I feel like I should know this, but where?" Sighing, he took out a pencil and notebook, and started drawing this insignia. Along with recording as much as he can of this place. "Perhaps, once I return to the Hive, I can finally use that potion of mine to help me understand these things. Because I highly doubt it's the language of the Doom Marines..." > Ch.12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.12: Hazardous Distortion. Part 1. (Bryan/Doom Marine, Everfree Forest...) "Bryan, are you sure you want to go looking into that? Not that I'm against it or anything, but..." Luna was on Comms, talking with me and the others. Once Cerberus dropped us off in here, he had to race on back to guarding the Gates of Tartarus. "Yes Luna. Because I'm planning on getting it back up to operational order." I told her. "Besides, we're gonna check on what we missed out." "I can tell you that!" She shouted defensively. "I highly doubt that." Vincent interjected, but he had a point. "Oh for--! Why must you be so cynical and distrustful towards Government Officials!?" "Because experience, Luna. You can't always rely on the Government, if they're not gonna do shit." He explained to her. She was about to say something, but he cut her off. "I don't care how things have changed, I'm not gonna follow through with it. You can't convince me. Now if you excuse us, we got work to do!" After that, he cut Comms with her. "Sir, I'm not sure that was wise." Azurai spoke up, giving his input. Vincent just scoffed at this, waving his hand off. "Azurai, I completely don't give a flying fuck about what I did. I'll deal with it later, when the time comes." I shook my head at this, and if you think I'm fucking nuts, you don't know just how wrong you are. During our trek through this forest was very... Memorable. I still remember the many Demons that used to inhabit this entire place, making it their stronghold, more or less. Of course, it had to look and feel home-y to them, so they decorated it with the blood and guts of their prey, giving off that gory scene they enraptured themselves in all too much. Anyway, making our way through the overgrowth, we came to a familiar castle. Or what's left of it. Luna wasn't kidding about it being in a sorry state. She explained that this is where the fallout between her and Tia happened. Not that she needed to go into details, not when you covered the entire castle with hidden microphones. So, I heard their little argument. "Jesus fucking Christ man! What the Hell!?" Vincent exclaimed. "Luna did say that she and Tia had a fallout." I reminded him, while looking over the crumbling bridge. "I'm surprised that damn thing still stands." "Well, if it can handle our weight before, it can weather it's way through some rough times." Vincent commented. "Alright, let's go." Moving towards the bridge, I tested it out. It tends to groan and creak underneath, but surprisingly enough, it still holds. We went across it one by one, not wanting to have it break with all of us on it. Once we all made it, we headed inside, or whatever counts as inside. Because there wasn't much of a roof or ceiling. Most of the things were in ruins... "So, you want us to split up?" Vincent asked, but I didn't answer him. "Bryan?" Again, I didn't answer him. Sighing, he continued on. "Okay, look, I know it's fucking stupid on splitting up. But this isn't a horror movie, and we're not useless idiots, that don't know shit. We've faced worse shit, and still manage to kill them all. So, it'll be alright, we can take care of ourselves, and whatever comes out, will wish to have stayed hidden." I rolled my eyes at this, but he has a point there. "Fine. You got Tahilla, and I got Azurai." I answered him. "Cool! C'mon new blood, we're checking the lower floors!" Vincent shouted, as he grabbed a hold on her and ran off, with her screaming her disapproval about this, followed by the echoes of that dumbass's laughter. Looking at Azurai, he turns to meet my gaze, as I asked him. "... Do you think she'll survive?" He shrugs his shoulders before answering. "I'm not certain. All I know is that, if she does, she'll be wanting your head for that." "Well, it's not like I was purposely signing off her death wish." I retorted at him. "Besides, I wanted to ask you of something, and it's personal." When I said that, he knew what I was on about. "You wish to know of his highness's daughter." It wasn't much of a question, but I nodded all the same. Sighing, he told me. "I'm sorry, but I cannot help you there. None of us have seen her outside of the castle grounds. Not even the Guard, or the King himself, will give a reason why..." (Tahilla/Night Sentinel, getting dragged through the lower levels...) "SIR, STOP!!! YOU'RE GIVING ME BUTT-BURNS, DAMMIT!!!!" I screamed at him, but he wouldn't listen! No wonder why his faction within our Order never seems to slow down! "HOLD ON, WE'RE ALMOST-- WHOA!?!?!?" He was about to say something, but when he ran over something slippery, we went spiralling out of control, and crashed through a wall. A wall! Soon enough, I got him off of me, because he was lying on top of me. Honestly, how do the other Lords handle him!? Anyway, I got up and dusted myself off, with Deaths Runner groaning and getting up himself. I fixed him with a glare. "Well, I hope you had your fun, because that could have killed us! You damned moron!" He laughed this off, of course. "HA! Yeah right! Like that was gonna kill us!" As soon as he said that, a part of the ceiling, where he was standing, fell on him. "OW!!! FUCK YOU MURPHY, YOU BOUNDED CUNT!!!" I snickered at this, as he dug himself out of there. Looking at me, he flipped me his middle figure. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it the fuck up, kid." "Well, it's clearly not my fault that scene happen as it did." I waved at him. Grumbling, he went back out into the hallways, walking this time. Following behind him, he searched through most of the rooms, at least the ones that matter to him. I think? Then again, he didn't exactly specify his reasons of being down here. Although, he did question me on something, something that involves The Bloody-handed Berserker. "Tell me something; did Tia seal up Bryan, by any chance?" That actually surprised me. "Wait! How did you know that!?" "I had a hunch... But I also dreamt of it happening, seeing it all unfold in front of me." "Oh..." "Still though, that was one of the many things that was gnawing at the back of my head." He stated. "At least he didn't outrightly kill her. That would have gotten her parents rolling in their grave." "But wouldn't they be disappointed in her; as well?" I asked him, which he snorted at. "Maybe so, but Tia didn't try to kill him. Besides, those two really need to sort their shit out. Especially Tia." He answers, before his right leg dropped through the floor. "SHIT!!!" Before he could fall on through the floor, I grabbed him and pulled him away from that hole. Sighing, I spoke up. "Seriously sir, you need to stop what you preach out next." I suggested to him. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever!" He said as he got up, dusting his boots off. "I just want to find something that..." He trailed off, before running towards another room. "Oh please be here. Please, please, please..." He said as he entered on through. "Uh... Okay?" I didn't know what to make of this. I mean, I've never heard of them running off in a panic. Walking up to the door, I heard him shuffling a lot of stuff around in there. "Alright, alright, alright... Now where did I last left it... Oh!" 'Left'? Where and what did he left? Moving inside, I saw him lifting an old bed up, throwing it off to the other side of the room, and lifted up one of the floor tiles up. Revealing a metallic briefcase inside, which didn't look a millennia old. "Oh thank god." He sighed in relief, as he grabbed it. "Uh, sir? What's in the briefcase?" I asked him, curious about the context inside it. "Blueprints!" He said excitedly. "Blueprints of a couple of mods to add, and some new upgrades to some of our weapons. Especially to our Pistols." He explained. "Anyway, we should get back with the others." I was about to question him, that is, until we heard crackling within the floor. I thought it was going to cave in on us, but it turned out to be much worse than that. I saw antennas sprouting out, before the heads pop up next... "... COCKROACHES!!!!" I heard him shouted, as he pulled out his Pistol and started shooting at them. And by the Red Sands of Tartarus, they were big! Grabbing out my Hellshot, I started shooting at these things as well. Moving out of the room, he threw a Frag inside there, blowing up those disgusting creatures. "Goddammit! How the fuck did they end up like that!?" "You mean, they're not usually that big?" I asked him. "No! Not unless they were exposed to radiation, or some form of chemical reaction! But yes, mostly radiation!" He answers me. I remember how he and his brothers told us things, things that their kind have invented, and/or discovered. Although, most, if not all of it, came out from the wars they have had, over the courses of human evolutions. Some things, that have nothing to do with war, were created to show the many good things they can do for everyone. The unfortunate part is, those things tend to get weaponized, whether by choice, or otherwise. "So, now what? There could be more." I spoke up. "No shit. Because there is more!" And just to prove his point, those damned things started coming out of the walls. Which in return, destabilised them, making it crumble before us. "Ah, crap..." (Bryan/Doom Marine, the old Library...) "... Alright, that's done." I said, as the disc-like scanner drone was finished with scanning the entire library's old tomes. Don't ask me how this thing works, I'm still figuring that part out. Well, was, but I gave up on it, and went with it. No secrets lying and hiding about in here, seeing as someone already discovered something that wasn't suppose to be founded. So, I'm guessing Tia had something to do with forgetting it was there in the first place. Something dangerously stupid, no doubt. Still though, when I grabbed it and placed it away, my mind just went back to her. From what Azurai has told me, of what he knows so far, it's that she's still alive. Now, I'm relieved about that, but that still doesn't explain everything. He even stated that she looks...different. Nothing too drastic, she just sounds and looks more beautiful. Even going so far as to looking exactly like her mother, within appearance and shape. When we get the time, or more preferably, gather our last two brothers, we'll head off to Tartarus and see the Royals there. I need to know what happened to her. No, it's nothing like that. None of the sort... I hope. There was a rule I placed upon us, to which was carried, unanimously. That we were to never have any relationship with anyone. Because we knew it wouldn't work, and that will only put more lives in unnecessary danger. Demons are Demons, they'll try to get leverage over you. Shaking the thought away, me and Azurai walked out of there and headed off. Only to hear a Grenade go off. "What the Hell?" I muttered. "That sounded like it came from the lower levels." Azurai stated. I used my Comms to ask what those two idiots were doing, only to hear screams, yelling, gunfire, and the like. That was more than enough to make us both haul ass down there. Passing through some corridors, down a flight of stairs, and nearly slipping up, we found them. And boy, were they not alone! Just how the fuck did those Cockroaches get that big!? Nope! Shoot/Squash first, find out later! Whipping out my H.A.R. (Heavy Assault Rifle), I switched out the mods for Tactical Scope, kneeled, wait for a clear shot, and took it. Short controlled bursts, each and every bullet making its mark. Of course, Vincent would let some close, only for them to get crump stomped by his boots. Once we were all together, we made a run for it. The only problem was, the floor gave way underneath us, and we fell through it. No idea what was down here, but hopefully some answers... > Ch.13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.13: Hazardous Distortion. Part 2. (Kevin/Doom Marine, Canterlot Home Base...) "Grrrr.... What is wrong with him!?" Lulu shouted in anger, after Vincent hung up on her. Shaking my head, I turned back to the screen, seeing the group making their way through the overgrowth, to get to the castle. While ignoring Luna having a childish pissy fit, as the others try to calm her down, with little success. Not that I blame her, but Vincent still has a point. "Luna, will you stop acting like a school filly for a minute! I mean, shouldn't this be something you already know about Vincent!?" Chrysalis shouted at her. At this point, I'm not gonna get involved. Too much of a hassle for me, and this is something Bryan usually resolves. I was more focused on what was happening with the four. Seeing them going inside and splitting up. Unfortunately, for Tahilla, Bryan hooked her up with Vincent, as he ran off down into the lower levels. But I was more focused on Bryan at the time, seeing as he did that on purpose, he wanted answers. He wanted to know what happened to the Princess of Tartarus. Shockingly, Azurai didn't know much, other that she's still alive and well. It didn't make much sense, but I know that Bryan will want to head for Tartarus, to find some answers. Looking back at Vincent, he went through ransacking his old room. He found what he was looking for, which he explains that the briefcase housed some Blueprints; new mods for the Pistol, and some upgrades for other selected weapons. Although, just as he and Tahilla were about to leave, some overgrown Cockroach came out of the ground. That sent Vincent into a trigger frenzy, while Tahilla did the same. Getting out of there, Vincent threw a Frag Grenade in there, killing the ever living Hell out of those things. If only it were just those ones... "What in the...?" I heard Twilight try the speak, but she and the others were staring at the screen, with wide open eyes. I didn't need to look to see it, I just know. If they opened up any further, their eyeballs will pop out easily. "How is that...possible?" I just shrugged, even I don't know. A lot can happen in over ten thousand years, and apparently, this is one of them; Cockroaches outgrowing there normal parameters, somehow. "Sir? Should we assist them?" VEGA asked me, but I wanted to see how this will play out. Seeing as Bryan and Azurai hooked back up with the others, they made a run for it, only to fall through the floor. Now, we gear up and assist them... (Vincent/Doom Marine, after the fall...) "Vincent!... Vincent, wake up!" Oh... My head. What did I drink last night?? Wait, was I even drinking??? What the Hell is lying on me!? "Vincent!! Get your fucking ass in gear, and get up! NOW!!!!" Bryan! Oh shit, I remember! Oh no, my briefcase!! Pushing the debris off of me, digging myself out, just to see those FUCKING BUGS AGAIN!!! The others were busy killing them, but one of the Cockroaches made it pass them, jumping straight for me. Unfortunately, it didn't live very long to regret it, as I grabbed a rock and smashed its ugly-ass face into a fine red paste. Getting up, I started searching for my briefcase, and don't go judging me! I know we're in the middle of an infested shitstorm, but I'm not losing that damn thing over a bug problem! "Vincent, what the fucking fuck are you doing!? Help out, for fuck sakes!" Bryan shouted at me, before going back to shooting some more. "Bitch, please! I need to find my fucking briefcase! You got everything under control!" I shouted back, while crushing yet another repulsive annoyance of a freak-show, searching under rock and stone, for that briefcase! "WHAT!? Motherfucker, you better get your ass over here and help us the fuck out! Or so help me...!" "Oh, fuck off to Hell!" "Dammit all! Will you just come down here and help already!" Azurai snapped at me. "Shut the fuck up and keep shooting! I'm still looking!... Hey, fuck off bug!" I shouted, smashing another bug's face into oblivion. "For Hell sakes, Vincent! Leave it alone!" I gasped dramatically at that suggestion he made, and got pissed off with that. "Fuck you, Bryan! That's practically my own baby!" I growled at him. Still searching for it, I saw a group of Cockroaches swarming towards one spot. Now, I don't know why they would do that, but-- "OH MY GOD, MY BRIEFCASE!!!" Pulling out my Lightning Gun, I ran over there and started electrocuting the living shit out of these fuckers! "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY BABY, YOU NASTY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!" While I was doing this, some were set on fire, burnt to a crisp, and others were boiling from the inside-out, until they exploded! Oh, that part's my favourite to watch happen! Once done, I threw the burnt corpses out of the way, and dug out my briefcase. Or so I thought it was my briefcase. "What the--!?" What I actually pulled out was some ancient book, upon which I threw away at the mass swarm of oversized Cockroaches. Upon which one of them grabbed it eagerly, and as soon as that happen, they all stopped and retreated. And that's when I knew, slowly but surely, I fucked up. "... Oops..." I managed to say, just before I got jumped by Bryan in a Blood Rage. This isn't gonna end well for me, is it? (Kevin/Doom Marine, walking through the Everfree Forest...) "Girls, are you absolutely sure about this?" "Rarity, for the umpteenth time; yes!" "Yeah, girl! C'mon, where's your sense of adventure!? Like that time with Daring Do!" "Rainbow Dash, I'll have you know that a lady, like me, does not go about searching for danger, in the most vile of places, just to get noticed!" I made such a terrible mistake. Why did I not simply just go by myself, without the need to constantly hear them chattering about, while giving away our position, to the local wildlife in here? Maybe, when I find the others, we can teach these kids some common sense. Seriously, I should have brought VEGA with me. Well, at least he lend me some Drones, to keep an eye on the group. But this is the last time any of us are bringing any civvies along. Although... "Girls! Can you please be quiet!" I am thankful Chrysalis came along, with two of her own bodyguard. Elite Hunters, she calls them. Because this type can move about within the most hostile and hazardous environments; such as here and now. "We don't have time for your useless bantering!" As she hissed that out, her Elite nodded their heads in unison. Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth. "Who put you in charge!? I don't remember anyone of us electing you leader!" "In case you fools forgotten, let me do the honours of reminding you; that we're in the Everfree Forest!" Chrissy shouted back. "You shouldn't be talking, so ignorantly, in here!" This isn't getting us anywhere. I may not be like Bryan, handling these with a show of force, but that doesn't mean I'm a pacifist, either. Before anymore talking could be done, I pointed my Burst Rifle up towards the sky, and let some rounds off. At least it got their attention, although the girls were scared. What made it worst was when a bird fell from the sky in front of me. That, alone, upset a certain yellow Pegasus mare. As she rushes pass me, picking up the dead bird, and started crying. I didn't mean it to happen that way, not to her. But things tend to happen. Unfortunately, things weren't going my way, while the girls were shouting angrily at me, for what I've done, I heard movement all around us. Damned Timberwolves. As soon as the Drones picked it up, they started blaring out loud, the sirens shutting everyone up. Walking up to the timid girl, I grabbed the dead bird out of her hands, and threw it a head of me. Like moths to a flame, the pack jumped at it and started fighting over it. Although, those were younglings, as the older, more experience ones came out. You can tell, just by looking at them; their height, the extra features on their wooden bodies, such as scars and bite-marks, the ferocity within their eyes, and weaponry. Don't even get me started on how bad their breath can get, especially when they grow up. Good thing I got a helmet on, but now wasn't the time to analyse. I switched out my guns, bringing out my Super Shotgun, I walked up the pack. While this may seem insane, even for me, I know what I'm doing. But, for some reason, some of the Timberwolves looked to have... I don't know, I can't quite put my finger on it. I didn't need to think on it any further, since one of them seem to glow with energy, pulsing throughout its entire being, and I found myself upside down in the air. Apparently, that one can control some of nature, but I wouldn't put it on pare with a Druid. Is there some form of unknown magic affecting any and all in this place? Because now these guys are showing it. "WHAT IN TARNATION'S GOING ON!?" Looking behind me, as soon as Applejack shouted, the rest of the group were getting tangled up. Aiming at the vine I'm tangled up in, I shot it and got free. Landing back on my feet, I looked towards the one Timberwolf responsible, protected by its pack-mates. Before I could do anything, something big came charging off to my right, and smacked me on the ground. Quickly getting back up, it was a Timberwolf, the only difference is that it was bipedal, robust, and a real heavy hitter. But that doesn't make it a big threat, not by a long shot. But I rather finish this quickly. So, I grabbed a Teleporter, threw it at the bastard, stuck to his right shoulder. Looking at it in confusion, I teleported myself there, atomising his entire right arm out of existence, and blew his head off. Jumping off and letting the wooden corpse fall backwards, I reloaded and switched weapons, using my Rocket Launcher. Changing the mods out of it, putting on Detonator, I aimed for the middle of the pack, and fired. Before hitting the target, I detonated the rocket, letting the payload destroy everything in its radius. Surprisingly though, as soon as the smoke cleared, the one that created these vines was still standing, mostly. Protecting itself by surrounding itself with thick layers of the vines. But even that didn't do much. Grabbing out my B.R. again, I aimed down my sight for a clean headshot. Too bad I had to jump backwards, dodging yet another one of those Brute Timberwolves, there was two of them this time. Looking behind me, some of the girls, including Chrysalis and her Guard, have started to break out of their bindings. Seeing as they can get themselves out, I returned my focus back on the Brute Timberwolves, both of them circling me now. Rolling my eyes, I can easily tell what these two mongrels were planning, especially when they both raised their right fists in the air. Their reaction time was so damn slow, as soon as they swung down at me, I just leaped forward. What they didn't expect, was me leaving a Frag where I was standing moments ago, upon which blew up their fists. Growling in pain, I jumped on one of their backs, and unloaded into his head. Once done, I tackled the other one down, jumped up with using my Thrust boots, and slammed my fist into where your heart would usually be, letting him bleed out from that. Jumping off, I pulled out my Chainsaw and stared down that one Timberwolf with the vines. Seeing as it prepared itself, growing out multiple vines from its very being, which had razor sharp thorns running along it, the tips having hook-like thorns on them though. It be best if the rest stay out of this one, and I know that rainbow-head Pegasus will charge in head-on. Speaking of which, they were finally all free. "That's it, weed-eater, you're going down!" Ignoring that cringeworthy pun, I held up my hand. "Huh!? Hey! What's the big idea!?" "Stay out of this, idiot! It's his kill!" Chrysalis growled at her, sending the message out on what I was about to do. "Interfering will get you kill by one of the two!" That was true enough. Before they could say anymore, I ran straight for it, revving up my Chainsaw. Seeing this, its vines started whip and slash at me, only for it to get cut down by my Chainsaw. But it was doing a good job on keeping me at bay, hindering me from reaching it. So, once I had room, I used my Invisibility and faded from existence. Unfortunately, this didn't go as plan, because as soon as it saw me gone, it charged straight for the girls. "NO!" (Fluttershy...) After witnessing all of the senseless killing of this...fight, and seeing how different some of these Timberwolves have become, I couldn't believe it. How can these beast become even more terrifying? Is this even the work of Queen Chrysalis's sisters evil doing? I cannot say, but watching as these Doom Marines kill even more lives, of any and all, made me think back on what Princess Celestia said about them; monsters killing other monsters. How can any living being live a life like that? That's not a life worth living, it's no life at all. Even if the circumstances of the past have been explained, I still can't decide on whether-- "LOOK OUT!!!" I was snapped out of my musing, when that last Timberwolf came charging up towards us, towards me! Placing my arms to shield me and closing my eyes, I braced for the pain that will soon follow. Only to feel someone to grab me and drag me out of harms way. Opening my eyes back up, I found Chrysalis and Twilight standing where I was moments ago, with a shield set between them and the beast lashing out at it fiercely. Turning to who pulled me, it was one of Chrysalis's Guard, as they placed me with the rest of my friends. Jus t as they did that, we all heard something cracking. The sound itself came from the barrier, as we saw cracks running along it now. Although, when it seem to have the upper-hand, something grabbed it by its many vines from behind, and started slamming it all around, like a rag doll. Then, out of nowhere, a small whirlwind tornado came, and swallowed up the Timberwolf. While it may seem so strange for something like this to happen, what made it even stranger was the fact we can see two silhouettes; one the Timberwolf, and the other Kevin. Or, at least, I think that was him. It's just that, he seems so different. Wait, how did he get in their!? Was it him that caused this!? Whatever the case, the two shadowy form began to move about, or at least, the Timberwolf with the vines did. But it didn't last long, because once it leaped into the air, did the other went into motion. I couldn't tell what happened, it was so fast when it happen. The Timberwolf split into many pieces of its former self, and the remains scattered out from the whirlwind tornado, seeing them being flung out and across the forest. We were all so speechless, we couldn't make out any of this. Still though, once it all died down, Kevin came walking up to us, which brought us back to reality. We were all about to ask questions, but he held his hand out, and brought a single finger up to where his lips would be. The gesture he motion was very simple: Quiet. He wanted us to be silent, and motioned us to follow him now, and followed him, we did. I'm not quite sure what to make of him. Since he wasn't anything like his brother Bryan, who says and does a lot of horrible things, but that's besides Kevin's inability to speak! He already made his point, we are not to muck about in here. Just as Chrysalis said before. Still though, what was that all about? Was that really Kevin inside that thing? Did he really condor up that whirlwind tornado? So many questions, I'm starting to think like Twilight now. But, in all honesty, none of those matter. What I'm more concern about is these Doom Marines. If causing this much death and destruction is all they have done, how can they cope with a normal life? And, most importantly; is killing everything, in their path, the right choice? > Ch.14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.14: Hazardous Distortion. Part 3. (Bryan/Doom Marine, moving through the tunnels...) "Ow... You asshole..." Vincent complained. Again. "Shut the fuck up, you little shit-stains. It's your fault for throwing away our chances of resolving this damned mess." I snarked back at him. Right now, we were moving in through the tunnels, following the trail of wherever those Cockroaches went with that damnable book. "I still say it's the Ponies fault! I mean, c'mon, it's so obvious!" "So you keep saying, something I highly doubt. They can't be that stupid." Yeah, Vincent thinks that book was made by the Ponies. Even so, what would they use that for? Make themselves out as bimbos? God, someone sounds desperate. "I'm still surprised you didn't go berserk on him, sir." Tahilla said. Speaking of which, both she and Azurai are carrying Vincent, each of his arms over their shoulders. Well, I told them to do that, because I'm still pissed off. "Are we even going the right way?" Azurai asked. "No, but--" Before I could say anymore, a giant Centipede came crawling out, trying to pinch my leg off. "OH SHIT!!!" Jumping back from it, I shot at it, but the rounds just bounced off. "Aw Hell, it's just like Gears of War 3! Shoot at its tail-end!" Vincent informed me. When it was about to strike, I jumped up and stomped it in the face, temporarily stunning it. Running along its body, I found the glowing substance of its tail, and started shooting at it. Each piece of its body part exploding in a shower of blood and guts. Once the last of it was finished off, I ran back towards the others, seeing if they're alright. "Well, looks like it ain't just Cockroaches." Vincent snarked off. "No, it isn't. And I'm not liking this one bit." I retorted, before we continued on. "C'mon. The sooner we find that book, along with destroying the rest of these things at its source, the better." And I just hope we don't get slowed down again... "Sir, do you hear that?" Azurai asked, hearing a lot of crawling echoing throughout the tunnel, or should I say, tunnels. "Of fucking course, they would have built a home." Reaching the end of the tunnel we were in, I poked my head out, and saw a large area, which looked more like a highway, because of the traffic of bugs moving to and fro. A lot of bugs. "Well, shit. How do we even get pass all of that?" "Bro, would they actually have any sort of rooms for storing their eggs?" Vincent asked. "I think so, but I can't tell where they would move them. Why?" "I may have an idea..." He laughed a little, only to winch in pain afterwards. I'm not sure what he has in store next, but no matter how crazy he makes it out, it had better work... (Queen Chrysalis, high above the Everfree Forest...) "Okay... Why didn't any of us thought of this before?" I thought out loudly. Twilight actually came up with the idea, of me and her, creating an antigravity spell around the group. Controlling it so we were all floating above the Everfree Forest, and giving The Hunter of Silence all the freedom to fight all out, without the need of worrying over us. "As much as I like this, I'd rather fly high in the air naturally." Rainbow Crash commented, while shivering slightly. Of course, for the Pegasus, they would rather fly with what they're born with. Their wings are very important, and losing them is like crippling someone's legs for life, unable to fly. And yes, I called her Rainbow Crash. Only because of how brash and bravado she acts, only to end up in a wall the next second. "Rainbow Dash, this is the only way to make sure we don't get in his way." Twilight explained to her. "I know that! But why do I have to be... You know..." "Because you tend to just fly into a fight so carelessly. That kind of thinking will get you killed, or one of us killed, one day." Twilight retorted coldly, which surprised us all. Sighing, she spoke again. "Sorry. I guess I'm still trying to get over Shining's death..." Shaking her head, she took in a deep breath, before continuing. "Anyway, the Doom Marines have faced many things, that would maim you within an instant, without any form of remorse. They have lived their lives through dangers so fatal, I doubt any of us would be able to remain sane, if we even somehow manage to survive the experience." "You're right about that." I chided in. "From what the legends have depicted them, their lives does revolve around so much violence, the foes you have faced wouldn't be able to hold a candle against the very enemy they've defeated, time and again." I explained to them. "Both they, and the Demons, are so relentless." "Monsters killing monsters..." We turned to face the little timid Pegasus, Fluttershy, as she said that. "Isn't that what Celestia stated about them before? 'Monsters killing other monsters'?" She reminded us. Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. She may not have said it, but what she's feeling from that statement is entirely different. My guess; is that she doesn't believe in that. How ignorantly naïve of her, for someone so smart, you would think she knows everything. She probably thought all monsters were the same, with a common goal. Forgetting that, despite being the stuff of nightmares and terrorisers, that they all come in different shapes, sizes, and have different goals, altogether. Still though, she said her piece. "Fluttershy, I don't know about that. I mean, monsters killing off other monsters, that doesn't make much sense. What's the point? Even more so, why would one work for that, of which, it hates the most?" I shook my head at this, and answer her. "Twilight, not all monsters, are ever the same. When you get the chance, perhaps you can consult that with them." I pointed out to the Hunter, upon which he was busy dealing with a Cockatrice. The little thing didn't seem mutated, by any means, and was trying to turn him into stone. Upon which it did absolutely nothing. Shaking his head, he pulls out that small weapon and shot its head off, before continuing on. Although, when we did reached the Everfree Castle, we heard an explosion go off, with smoke coming out from beyond the castle grounds. Right behind it, actually. "My word! What in Equestria was that all about!?" That white Unicorn fashionista asked. Rolling my eyes, I answered her snidely. "That's the other Doom Marines at work. They're probably where those bugs colony will be." Looking down, I saw Kevin running into the ruins. Most likely to take the same route as the other four did. Or ended up taking anyways. As we hovered over to where the smoke was rising from, we gaged from the horrid stench, covering our noses. "Sweet Matriarchs from above! What did they blow up this time!?" I shouted, my stomach churning and turning, the tell-tale of wanting to vomit. But, I managed it, luckily enough. Although, I wish the same could be said, about some of the others. "Ugh! I don't feel so good..." That rainbow Pegasus stated, looking green in the face, as her cheeks puff out. Oh no... "You and me, both..." The pink one added, as she was showing the same signs. But... "Same here, y'all..." I was more worried about them puking their guts out in this spell! "Ohhhh.... Don't say that, darling. I'm not fairing any better either..." Oh great, that makes four of them. Looking towards the last two, they seem to be doing fine, the same for my Guard. But even they were feeling worried themselves! Before any of us could do anything, they let loose, and my word that was a lot! It all flew everywhere, chunks of bile from what they all eaten! Worse of all, it landed all over us! Upon which we let loose loud screams, and I was certain all of Equestria could hear us! This is the most disgusting experience I've EVER had the displeasure of being in, right now! (Bryan/Doom Marine, fighting within the Colony...) "Well, at least it work! For the most part!" I heard Vincent shouted over the gunfire. "Bullshit! That did fuck-all, you jackass! This is payback, isn't it!?" I shouted back at him, killing another Cockroach in the process. He just shrugs at this. "I don't know, you tell me!" Seriously, what was I thinking!? I mean, sure, we still got to blow up some of their rooms, where they shifted the eggs. But it didn't take them long to figure out it was us! Right now, we were running through the entire damn place, trying to find out where they took that book! Vincent, for the most part, was doing fine. Getting back into the action, as soon as he got a few Glory-Kills to replenish himself. He whipped out his Plasma Rifle, with the Heatwave mod on. I had my Chaingun out, with the Mobile Turret mod still on, mowing down any stupid fucker, unlucky enough, that stands on the receiving end. The Night Sentinels were doing fine, picking off the little shits themselves. Making another turn through the tunnels, getting some breathing room, we came across this bridge, which lead up to these huge-ass doors. "Well isn't that convenient..." Vincent muttered, while the rest of us nodded our heads. "At least we know someone has the book. We kill whoever it is, and destroy the book. End of this crazy ride..." "We can't destroy the book, not while this is still going on." I told him. He groaned at this. "Why not?" "Because we'll fuck it up even more so, than it already is." I growled my answer. "Ugh, fine! We'll get the stupid book! God-fucking-dammit..." He said as he crossed over the bridge. But then he stopped halfway. "Did you guys hear that?" "Hear what?" I asked, catching up to him. "I could have sworn I heard screaming." He answers, as we all looked about. Although, he shrugs it off. "Eh, it's not important. Let's just get this horseshit over with." Moving up towards the doors, two of us were at each one, and pushed it open. Just as we did though, a bunch of vines shot out and grabbed a hold of us each. Flinging us inside, we skidded across the floor, until grinding to a halt, just meters away from some stairs. "So, you're the troublemakers that's been causing me headaches." A gruff voice spoke to us. "Although, I thought you would be ponies. The book was created by their most powerful Unicorn..." "Oh, I don't give a rats-ass about whoever the fuck made up that damn shit." Vincent snapped, getting up quickly and aiming to the owner of that said voice. "Right now, I'm.... What the flowery fuckwit are you suppose to be?" What? Standing up myself, I saw what he meant. Sitting up on some throne, was a dog. Both me and Vincent were at a lost with this, because no one told us about this. Looking at each other, we didn't know what to make out of this situation, it just went from strange, to even more fucked-up strange. "A Diamond Dog? Really??" We heard Tahilla speak, as she and Azurai got up. "You guys know this guy's kind?" Vincent asked. "Yes. Diamond Dogs are known for their obsession for jewellery: Gems, Diamonds, Crystals, you name it." Azurai explained. "They're a nomadic race, forming many different Clan-packs, as they prefer to live underground, and rarely ever come to the surface, unless they have to..." "And when they do?" I asked next. "It's usually to kidnap the Equestrians and forced them into labour work. Having them dig up whatever Gems they find." That.... Was not the answer, I would have liked to hear. "So you know my kind, bravo. But I don't know anything of your kind, so care to enlighten me?" He spoke up, sounding annoyingly bored. "Can we kill this mutt already!?" Vincent shouted, not really giving a damn about him. Except for wanting to kill the fuck out of him. As for me, I just pulled out my Heavy Assault Rifle, placing the Micro Missile mod on, and aimed at him. "What the Hell? Let's kill him!" After saying that, we all opened fire on him, although he wrapped himself up in vines pretty quickly. A lot of which kept on coming in, replacing the ones we shot up, even with the Micro Missiles active. Soon we saw it grow out some real long, pointy thorns, as it start roll. "SCATTER!!!" I shouted as that Death-Ball really started picking up speed. Azurai, Tahilla, and I jumped out of the way, while Vincent used his power-up to lure it around the huge-ass Throne Room. Running after them, I was about to pull out the Gauss Cannon, only to get pinned to one of the many pillars, by some mutated Timberwolf with some more muscle to it than usual. Just as it was about to try and bite my face off — seriously, what's up with biting my face off, just stop — I head-butted it, following up with kneeing it in the guts. Grabbing a hold of its head, I ripped its bottom jaw out, and smashed its head in with it. Now, with that fucker out of the way, I pulled out the Gauss Cannon, and got back to trying to kill that mongrel. "GODDAMMIT!!! OPEN THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE!!!!" Vincent shouted, running about and around, while trying to shoot his way through that thing. The Night Sentinels were busy with dealing with some of the new Timberwolves. Switching the mods on my Gauss Cannon, placing on Siege Mode, I charged my shot and waited for my moment. Once Vincent got out of the way, I pulled the trigger and punched straight through that Death-ball. The only problem was, it was empty. "What the...?" "Bryan, behind you!" Vincent warned me, as I barley got out of the way. Turning around, it was a Centipede trying to backstab me, so I just one-shot the bitch dead, and be done with it. "That was a little too close... Whoa, what the fuck!?" Vincent exclaimed, as we all felt the room changing around us! Before any of us could do anything, we were all shifted into the centre of the new room, which was filled with platforms...and traps. "Well, shit. Now what's gonna happen?" I growled, not liking this one bit. "I think I found the answer." Vincent said, as he pointed up towards where that asshole went off to. Apparently, he fashioned himself a new body; most of him was like that one Timberwolf I killed, only he had glowing dark crystals, coming out from within his chest. His arms had two Centipedes wrapped around them, with their pinchers sitting on top of his claws. Soon enough we saw four Cockroaches came flying in and attached themselves on his back. Once done, he started laughing. "Well then, now that you all had your warm-ups, how about we start the real fight?" He said in a deeper tone, one filled with glee. Before we could say anything, he jumps into the air and tries to crush us underneath his weight. Splitting up again, we got out of his way, and each of us took different routes. See if we can find anything else he might be hiding from us. Whipping out my Chaingun, I switched the mod to Gatling Rotator, and grabbed his attention, by shooting a lot of rounds into him. "Hahahahaha! Quite the interesting species, you all are! I can't wait to see what lies within you, once I render you all as lifeless corpses!" He stated, as a Scorpion tail portrayed out from his back, where his tail would be. Of course, I may be damaging him, but it was only chipping off chunks of wood. Using his tail, he tried piercing through me, only for my armour to save me, but at the cost of losing seven points of it. "Grrr... Damn you! That should have pierced right through your armour!" He growled. "On any other type of armour, yes it would have. However..." I spoke up, while Vincent had his Chainsaw in hand, and took his chance. "This isn't the case!" As I said that, Vincent cut off his tail in quick succession, as this damnable thing roars in pain from that. "ARGH!!!! Why you--!?" Before he could say anymore, I activated my Berserker power-up, and laid waste to his pathetic existences. But, surprisingly enough, he held up against my brutality. Still though, he wasn't able to hold out much longer. Just as I was about to rip one of his arms off, one of those big Timberwolves charged into me, pushing me off. "SIR, WATCH OUT! SPIKES!" Azurai called out, and looking behind me, there were spikes sticking out from the wall this fucker was pushing me into! "Oh Hell no!" Grinding to a halt, I turned the tables, and threw the wooden beast into the spikes. Getting stuck in it and dying from that. Turning around, I instinctively snapped my hands up to grab a hold of a Centipede's head. Its pinchers trying to pinch through my skull, as it struggled to do so, and I know who did this. "Grrr... Are you ever going to die!?" "Not today, asshole!" I snapped at him, as I pulled him over towards me. "Now, GET OVER HERE!!!" Okay, I know, not original. But he doesn't know it. Speaking of which, as soon as he was within striking distance, I clamped both my hands together, balled them up, swung it back, and then forth! Of course, he would have tried to block it, but he only ended up losing both of his arms, and bottom jaw. Sending him flying backwards before he hits the floor, I was about walk over to him, only to get smacked at the back of my head. "Really man? You had to use that one line?" "It's not like he knows about it. Speaking of which..." Raising my hand, I waved out. "You two! The kill's yours, take it!" Soon enough we heard the distinctive gunfire from their Hellshots, even using its secondary, which launches a fireball, of sorts. Which also has a lasting damaging effect, when it hits its target. "Yeah, well, you could have come up with something else, or just say nothing. I'm just saying... Hey what's up with that?" He pointed out towards the dark crystal, which started to float from above the charred wooden corpse. The energy within it started to pulse, with a darker mist of cloud forming around it. Soon enough we started seeing everything changing around us, it's as if we were...about to be warped into another dimension! "Oh, shit! Sentinels, form back on us, now!" I ordered them, coming towards us quickly. I don't want any of us to be separated in whatever we may end up in. "Well, this is something you don't very often..." > Ch.15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.15: Hazardous Distortions. Part 4, Finale. (Kevin/Doom Marine, working through the tunnels...) "Well, it's official; this is a total mindfuck." I thought to myself, as I traversed through the tunnel. When I came down here, I actually found Vincent's briefcase, hanging up on the ceiling, however random that may sound or happen, it was just there. Anyway, I saw the end of the tunnel I was walking through, with smoke rising still from the explosion, that happened earlier. These things were more busy with putting out fires, spreading throughout the this colony. Activating my Invisibility power-up, I quietly slipped through the one tunnel, filled with bug corpses. Glaringly so. But, just to be sure, I planted Kinetic Mines behind me. On the floor, the walls, and the ceiling. Once I reached a bridge, leading up to a huge double door, I ran up to it and tried to open it. Only to get shocked by it and blown off my boots, falling backwards. "Okay... New plan." I thought groaningly, getting back up. Unfortunately, the electricity wore out my power-up, now I was in plain sight. "Great, now I wished I had the girls with me." I thought ruefully. Looking around the place for some sort of secret entrance, I compass started lighting up, and I followed it as it intensify when I was getting closer. Off to my left, there was a cave entrance, it was hidden pretty well within the growth. Pushing it out of the way, I made my way through the cave, as it worked its way upwards, somewhat, with some turns in it. "... GET OVER HERE!!!" Hey, that sounds like Bryan! Picking up the pace, I found the exit, overlooking the fighting taking place. Apparently, this must be the boss and cause of all this weird shit. I'm surprised they got this wrapped up. Or so I thought. While the boss was being gunned down, the dark crystal within its chest started to act up, and not in a good way. Activating my Invisibility, once it was working again, I jumped down and regrouped behind the lot. Making sure they didn't notice me, while the fabric of reality was being warped and twisted into something else. As soon as it came though, everything became pitch black, until it all flashed white. Our eyes were adjusting themselves, as things started to clear up, and now... ... Now we found ourselves in another dimension, altogether. (Vincent/Doom Marine...) "Holy shit..." I muttered, as we all started seeing again. Looking around us, there was one word to describe this whole thing: Necromantic. Well, there's more to it, like the Gothic structures added to this place. Seriously, references to H.P. Lovecraft, especially Dark Souls and Bloodborne. As for the...sky, because we weren't inside any building no more, was coloured purple, with ghost-like forms sailing through it. Giving off that eerily feeling. Yes, I'm a huge nerd about them. But right now, it isn't the time. Which begs the question, where the fuck did that thing ran off to? First it teleports us somewhere else, and now it wants us to play the deadly version of Hide and Seek!? Dick move! "Well, how do we go about this?" Tahilla asked. "Because I don't want to stick around one spot for long." "Agreed. Let's find that asshole and be done with this." Bryan said, as we moved about this place. There wasn't much happening, although, there were a few puzzles we had to complete before moving onward. Such as; opening doors and gates, which was pretty boring and easy. But, there were a few challenging ones, with a time limit to it. Don't do it in time, you die. Unfortunately, the last one had forced us to split, by via teleportation, and that one really pissed me off. "Oh, son of a whorish cunt..." I growled in anger, only for that feeling to be replaced with salvation. "Oh hey, the book!" Once I saw it, I ran straight for it. Only, when I was inches away from taking it, something smacks me away from it. "OW!?!?! What the--!?" I didn't had time to finish that sentence, because I was being thrown around like a fucking rag-doll right now. And fuck me, did this hurt! "OW! OW! OUCH!! WOULD--! ACK--! YOU--! HRNK--! CUT IT--!! AGRH--!! THE F--!! OW--!! FUCK OUT!!!!" Now, I couldn't exactly see what has gotten a hold on me, but I can only guess who though. Throwing me off into a wall, I shook off the pain and got myself out of there. Looking back at that asshole, it was nothing but pulsing black cloud, with the dark crystal at the centre of it all. Activating my Haste power-up, and whipping out my Chainsaw, I ran straight towards it, trying to hack at it to pieces. Wanting to end this. But, it had another surprise for me, and a shocking one at that. "Ah~! Now I know where that mark is from..." It spoke up, as it stopped me from destroying it, somehow, and tapped at where the Doom Slayer's mark was at. "Also, do you happen to remember a certain creature he found? Here... Let me show you!" It shouted, as it picked me up and threw me into the same wall again! Just before I got myself down, I saw the thing taking shape, growing in size... No. No way. That can't be right. "A... Hell Guard?" No, seriously, that's what this thing is shaping out to be! "My, my... I don't why, but that sounds sssoooo satisfying~! And exactly, what is it?" It asked, sounding deliriously gleeful in this form, as it completed the harden, dark crystallised, transformation. It had every aspect of the form right, down to the smallest detail. "A Demonic Bio-Mech." I said as I got down from the wall, feeling my powers reaching that new height, as I my blood boiled with hatred. "I don't know how that motherfucker got into the world, but I can guarantee you this..." My voice started to change, as did my everything. As I felt the energy coursing through me, electricity started appearing around my body, even a tornado of lightning surrounded me... "What? How is this possible!?" I heard it growled, but I didn't bother with explaining anything to that rip-off. "What are you!?" "I am a Doom Marine, first and foremost." I told him, hearing my voice into an even more demonic tone, just as my form. Feeling my armour becoming one with me, more so than before, as it started to morph into an exo-skeletal like structure. Of course, I felt my mass and muscle compressing and compacting, giving me a more leaner and agile body, perfect for flexibility and dexterity, for when I'm REALLY running. Not to mention, on how taller I'm becoming. Well, a tad bit more, but still taller than before. And my eyes, they were lighting up with a golden-white colour from them. "However, as by my title I've made and earned, you'll be the first, in a very long time, to understand why I'm known..." Once everything felt complete, the electrified tornado started to die down, revealing the new me. Once it got a look at me, I can feel the fear building up within its soulless hunk of crystals. Forming both the Staff and the Club the Hell Guard are known to use — whether one, or both of them — it got into a defensive stance. Holding my Chainsaw in one, bone-clawed hand, I pulled out my Pistol with my left one, while laughing up a storm, before screeching out the last part. "AS DEATHS RUNNER!!!!!" Roaring, it came charging up to me, only for me to end up behind him, within a flash, and slashed at his back with my Chainsaw. Leaving a nasty scar running down its back, which bled a black ink substance from it. Growling in pain, it tried to swing its Club at me, only for me to run around it in circle, while firing my Pistol upon the damned thing, which was working a lot like those auto pistols, because of how fast I was pulling the trigger each time. Using the Staff, it raised its shield, with my rounds bouncing right off of it. Stopping my attack and skidding to a halt in front of it, it started to make it rain with pointy, sharp, dark crystals, and I went back to running again. Dodging and weaving through this much hail, it felt like I was dancing, dancing to the beats of the Inevitable End. Oh... How I have always longed for this to last, for all eternity. For me, when comes to battles, they never last that long, only because of my powers. There were a couple, which I consider was, the most filling and thrilling. Because it really got me moving around and about the fights. Anyway, enough about diving through the past. The here and now, is what matters most. Turning back to the Dark Hell Guard, its shielding started to waver and fade, weakening with each passing moment, I took this opportunity and smashed my way through it, cutting off his left arm completely. "ARGH!!! HOLD STILL, DAMN YOU!!!" It growled in anger, not being able to land a single hit on me. With the lost of its left arm, it couldn't use the Staff the same anymore, save for telepathy. Which begs the question, why not use that on me? I mean, sure, you're suppose to have a line-of-sight on your target, but it could have easily used it before this fight, ever, started. But if I have to guess, I think it just wanted to test this form out on something suitable. Because this is, probably, its first time using something like this. And I'm also guessing that this is using up nearly all of its power to keep the form from breaking down. No wonder why the shielding was starting to fail on it. Snapping out of my musing, I quickly back-paddled from its Club, swinging mere inches away from my skull-face. I did say exo-skeletal, by the way. Raising my Pistol, I started shooting a lot of hot lead at it, as they started to chip away at its crystallised form, bit by painful bit. Before it could anything, we both heard rumbling and crashing from above, coming straight down to us. I can only guess who might that be. As it came closer and closer, I got out of the way, right before the ceiling collapse on top of that thing. "WHAT IN THE--!?" It try to say, only to get its other arm ripped off and ruthlessly smashed with it. "DIE MOTHERFUCKER DIE!!!!!" Yelled Bryan, seeing him in his new form, for the first time. Damn, did he look like a total badass! Picking up the useless piece of shit, I stand aside and towards where the book was lying in wait. "Right there, bro! Some barrier is protecting it!" I told him, as he threw Dark Hell Guard at it, which seem to make the barrier show signs of cracks from that. Growling ferociously, Bryan walked up to it, picked it up, and repetitively started ramming it against the barrier. "O-PEN-THE-FUCK-UP-BITCH!!!!!!" I was just cackling as I watched on, seeing him doing this kind of thing with anything that pisses him off is always funny. As the Dark Hell Guard started to bleed out more profusely from the abusive savagery of Bryan, the barrier finally broke. Falling into millions of pieces. Looking back at me, before looking down towards the broken beast, he growled and chucked it at my feet. "FINISH HIM!" Grinning like the madman I am, I placed my Pistol away and pulled out some of my Kunai, and pinned it to the floor. I had to stomp on them, just so they can dig into the crystal and through it. Once done, I revved up my Chainsaw, and started to cut it in half. Really... Really... Slowly. Travelling from South, all the way up North, a fountain of the Black Blood started spilling and spraying, as I continued on moving up, until I reached the end. Stepping away from the corpse, it would seem that the Diamond Dog was inside that thing all along. But however the Hell it managed to find a crystal like that, and infused itself with it, is beyond me. But that doesn't matter now, he's dead. DEATHS RUNNER WINS! FLAWLESS VICTORY! FATALITY!!! Both I and Bryan were very surprised by hearing the voice from Mortal Kombat. That was just random as fuck! But hey! I'm not complaining, although I'm questioning as to why I got 'Flawless Victory'? Random on as fuck, this is. Hearing a doorway opening, we got ready to murder whatever walked through it. Only to find that it was... Wait a minute, KEVIN!? How the fucking Hell did he get here with us!? And he found our Night Sentinels! "Well, I'll be damned. You ballsy son of a bitch..." I spoke up, as they filed on in. Until I remembered where we are, and groaned. "Well, shit. Now we're all fucking stuck here!" "Not true..." What the Hell!? Before we could do anything, a bright light lid up the entire room. Covering our eyes, we waited for the light to die down, and all I saw was a crystal. I was about to cut this one down, only to get back-handed by Bryan, and get stuck in a fucking wall again! "OW! BRYAN, WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted as I got down, only to fall down to my knees. I ended my power-up and returned back to normal, getting back on my feet. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE DO IT VINCENT! THIS IS THE LAST SHARD OF THE CRYSTAL HEART!" Bryan growled at me, as he, too, ended his one. As for the crystal, it floated in front of Bryan. "Please, cease this irrational behaviour. Retrieve the book, and we'll get you all home..." Wow. This thing is trying to reason with someone like Bryan? Please, the day he does what you ask of him, is the day I... "Fine." Die???? OK, what the fuck just happen? I mean, I know I said I knew what happened, but some parts weren't very clear. The rest was. With a sigh, he walks to retrieve the book I threw away, and came back. Kevin came up to me and gave me the one thing I've been searching for; my briefcase. Taking it and giving my thanks, I hugged at it tightly. "Say, what happened to you? You seem to have grown." We heard Bryan ask that crystal shard. "Love never stops... We have been growing stronger, little by little, ever since..." It explained. Or is it they? Since it keeps saying plural words, instead of representing itself as a singular individual. "Huh... Well, that makes sense. But, we gonna need to come up with a name for you." Bryan stated. "If that is what you desire of us... Now, gather around..." Doing as told, we circled around it, as we were all enveloped by a light. Once again, we found ourselves back inside the-- "THERE YOU ALL ARE!" Snapping into action, I pulled out my Combat Shotgun, with the Charged Shot mod on, turning around, and aiming down at... The girls. "... Well, aren't you the disappointment." I snarked off at the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, where she and the other girls were standing right behind us. Although... "What even happen to you lot? It's almost as if; either a fuckton of birds shit-bombed you, or something big vomit down on you." And just the mere mention of that, made her snap. "SHUT UP AND HELP US CLEAN THIS OFF!" "Yeah, I'm picking the first one..." I said, deliberately ignoring her demands. Gritting her teeth, she glares towards Bryan. "Bryan, help me clean up..." Wait, what the shitfest of a fuckshow? "No. Fuck off. We're still busy right now." Okay, now there's the Bryan I remember! Good to know it's still him! "WHAT!? YOU DARE DEFY ME!?" Whoa, is she high or something? I still think Magic Grass, is the equivalent to Weed. "BITCH I AIN'T DOING FUCK ALL FOR YOU! YOU GOT MAGIC ON YOU LOT, USE THAT!" He snapped back at her, which made her flinch and reminded her on who she's talking up a shitstorm to. Before anymore argument could be made, something came crashing down through the roof, and landed on the throne. The force from the impact made the seat crumble away, and ended up creating a crater from it. A groan was heard and what crawled out from it was that crazy-ass Draconequus, Discord, although he had a lot of cuts and bruises, a bleeding nose, and whatnot. Walking up to him, Bryan pulled him out and threw him down in front of us. "What did you do this time?" He asked sarcastically, as if he knew... Actually, yeah, I have to agree with him. Discord would wound up pissing someone powerful than him off. Grunting, he told us who did the deed. "You can thank that Guardian of yours, when you see her next time." Bryan, for his part, threw the book to Kevin, came down to the downed Draconequus, placing a boot on his throat, and whips out the BFG-9000... Oh, shit! And I wasn't the only one either! "What, did you do, to piss her off?" He growled, as he aimed down at Discord. Who was, at this point, really struggling to get Bryan's boot off his throat. "S... She just... Came out of nowhere! Found me... Beat me up... And just threw me this way! S-She said something a...about helping out... With a b-bug problem!" He explained, wheezing and choking. Bryan just snorted at this and got his boot off him. "Then you better get to it. But before that..." He said, as he pointed towards the girls. "Clean them up..." It took some time, but he pulled it off. With all of today's problems over and done with, we finally got to see what was within that book. Once we read out who this was created by, Twilight gave out a gasp. "Star Swirl the Bearded!? But how is that possible!? All of the things he did are back in Canterlot!" "You mean Cunterlot?" I snarked off at her. "In all honesty, he sounds like a combination of some people back home." She glared at me, but I just flipped her off. Sighing, she went on. "This doesn't make sense. How can something like this exist, without anypony, including himself, realising it?" "Twi, shut up." Bryan told her off. "He wanted this to stay hidden, even from himself. The things within this book contains a lot of stuff, and the one we Doom Marines want to find out is... Here it is!" He said as he went through the pages. Showing us all, he found the the pages containing the Hell Guard this Star Swirl discovered. Found dead within some cave, with demonic hieroglyphics written upon the cave walls. Out of all of them, it carved a bigger one; The Doom Slayer Mark. "Well, that explains it. After getting as much as he could, he destroyed everything in there, including disintegration of the body completely, and high-tailed out of there. After coming back, he went straight to his Studies and buried the book away. Performing an Amnesia spell on himself, making him forget about it for good." Bryan explained, while pointing out the things the old man left behind, detailing them in here. "At least we don't have to worry about those fuckers again. It still begs the question; how the Hell did this one Hell Guard get here?" I implied. "They don't exactly leave their post, period. Unless ordered to do so, if given a task. All I see from this one, is writing up its fear and hatred for us five." "Whatever it was, let's be glad it's no longer an issue. It died before it could do anything sort of damage. You gotta admit though, he sketched all of this, and it real good." Bryan said, as he closed the book, and grabbed the Shard of the Crystal Heart. "Come on, let's head on back. We'll come back here at a later date, right now I want to focus on killing Cocoon and her Hive off. Everything else will have to wait." I shrugged at this. "If you say so. Dizzy, takes us back to Cunterlot." "... You're just as worse as Bryan is!" The White Unicorn, Rarity, shouted. I flipped her the bird just as Discord took us back home. Stretching myself out, I walked over to one of the seats and took a nap. While the others did what they gotta do; like Bryan putting the book within our archives, as Kevin was back on the computer, searching for where our last two brothers were buried, and our two Night Sentinels went to inform Luna and VEGA that we're back. The rest? I don't know, they most likely just left as soon as possible. Hopefully, there won't be anymore interruptions... "Hello, my Doom Marines. I have something for you..." I spoke too soon. Opening my eyes back up, there she was, our Guardian. Standing there in the middle of the room, with her cloak hiding her true identity from everyone. Sighing, I got up and walked over to her, same with the other two. "Okay, what's up? I was gonna take a nap before you showed up." I told her, feeling a little agitated. "Oh, shut up. You've slept for over ten thousand years, besides I need you lot to create your Token." As she explained her reasons for being here, she pulls out this Obsidian stone, with our mark carved into it. "Just place your hands over it, and channel your energies into it, along with your memories of your battles. This way, whoever needs your help will know what you are truly capable of, but I'll be there in case I find that one Displaced to be... Well, I've been sorting out the trafficking of Summoning Tokens out. I know where not to be placing your Tokens in." "... Alright." I shrugged at this as me and the bros placed our hands over it, channeling some of our powers into it, along with our memories. Once done, we step away from it. "Will that do?" "Yes, that will do. Thank you, and I'm sorry for this. I know you're all still busy with this war going on, but I'll let you know what will transpire. So, be prepared to meet other Displaced out there, in the multiverse." She said as she looked over our Token. "Usually, most would leave a recorded message in theirs. But since there are five of you in total, I rather you leave a visualised message. This way, you won't have to worry much..." "We're we suppose to be worried?" Bryan asked her. "You know how complicating these things are. Anyway, I'll leave you all to your business. Take care." With that said, she vanished into thin air. Shaking my head, I went back to my seat and lied my head back, taking my nap. While we may have left our memories imprinted in that stone, we also left that favourite quote from DOOM on it. Showing the many Demons we had to face, before getting in there and killing them all... They are Rage. Brutal and without Mercy. But you, you will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is done. > Ch.16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINE! Ch.16: Out of Town... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Canterlot Castle, one week later...) Well, things have been, for the most part, settled down. There were a few skirmishes breaking out throughout the city, as its citizens were still acting up. But we sorted that out, mostly either Luna or Tia will come out to calm them down. Other times, the others and I would have to come out and make them calm, with the usual; stun their sorry-asses, or get up close and personal. They even tried to shift the blame on us for starting this war, which is complete bullshit. Seriously, the Nobility has gotten worse still, more so than ever. Of course, there was that briefcase Vincent had kept secret from us, saying that it was some new upgrades for some of the weapons, and new mods for our Pistols. The Pistols will have a new design to them, since it'll push up to Mark V, faster rate of fire, quick draw, and instead of blue neon lights, it's red. As for its mods; a Silence Sniper, and Rapid-Fire. Silence Sniper is, as it is intended for; Infiltration and Assassination. Headshots are very advisable, for they'll get the job done, and with the Scope added to it, zooming in will charge up your shot. Rapid-Fire comes with a extended mag, the Predator's Tri-laser, and a long barrel. Firing at a five-round short burst, you'll lay waste to your targets, and aiming down your sight will enter Full-Auto, but will eventually overheat, overtime. Either way, we have to remember that, this is a prototype. But hey, at least VEGA was there to help create it. No way in Hell are any of us leaving Vincent by himself again. Speaking of which, about five days ago, we haven't seen Tia ever since we got back. So, what did we do? Go look for her! Asking about, they all said that they saw her running around the castle, like a headless chicken, and barricaded herself inside her room. We were both surprised by this, and went straight for her bedchamber. Once I kicked down the door, we found the place in a heap of mess! I mean, really Tia!? We leave you by yourself, and you somehow manage to make a mess of yourself, and your room! Christ, I thought she placed herself within a food coma, but she was just sleeping off her late-night snacks. Once she woke up, and saw us, she started screaming like a madwoman and throwing all of her rubbish at us. Well, most of it was aimed at Vincent, and it became apparent why she was running around the castle in the first place; all because of Vincent. Still though, if only she didn't act like a stubborn asshat, none of this would've happened in the first place. Shaking my head in annoyance, while Vincent took on her pitiful trashy assault, I walked around her bed, grabbed her by the mane, and dragged her off to the bathroom. Because she really needed to shower off the filthy fucking stains on her! Once I threw her inside, I yelled at her to clean herself up, while also ordering the two dipshits standing guard at her door to get some maids up here. Nodding theirs head frantically, they speeded off, while Vincent and I started picking up all of the rubbish Tia left lying around. You know, for someone who is royalty, she sure knows how to horde quite the food stash, although the sweet-tooth kind of food. And now you're probably thinking; why the Hell are you guys cleaning up for her!? Let the maids do the job! It's what they're there for! You're right about that, but when you have a mother who snaps at you for not cleaning up your rubbish in your room, you pick up on why she was always so pissed at you. Even when your father warned you about that habit. So yeah, there's my only reason for doing this, besides taking off some of the workload for the maids. I mean, c'mon man, have some dignity for fuck sakes. Take up responsibility for yourself. Vincent did whine about her messing up his armour with ice-cream stains and such, but only for a little bit. Once we were done picking up every last rubbish, a group of maids came in with the cleaning material. They were actually surprised by us for doing the rubbish, and had them in two separate piles; one for recycling, the other for throwing out, obviously. Once we put the piles in their bags, and having the maids clean up Vincent's chest-plate, I told them to sweep, clean and tidy up everything in here, except the bed. They were confused as to why, so I told them I want Tia to do it herself. The maids, and those two guards, were staring at me like some lunatic, that just came out from the loony bin. Pulling out the Heavy Assault Rifle, the maids got the message and went to work, sweeping, cleaning, and tidying the place up, leaving the bed alone for Tia. Once everything was nice and proper, Tia finally came out looking nice and proper herself. When she saw that things were back to normal, she was about to thank the maids, until she noticed her bed not made. Asking why, I told her to tidy it up herself, upon which she did a double take-back from that statement. Seeing me with my gun out still, she knew not to argue with me and went to do it. She was about to use her magic, but I snapped at her for that, and explained to her that to make the bed 'NORMALLY'. And by that, I mean by hand. No magic. Just her bare hands. Now, during that time, she was literally shaking and sweating profusely, because she didn't know how to make her own bed! Let me tell you, it was funny watching her do it, because all she did, was destroying it all, piece by piece. At the very end of it, both me and Vincent were laughing our asses the fuck off, because she somehow made it all crumble in on itself, and went up in flames! No, I'm being legitimately serious about this; she set her own bed on fire! While we were both still laughing at this, the rest were watching on, staring at it with wide eyes and slack-jawed, as Tia was freaking out over this, shouting out for us to fix this. Trying to catch our breaths, I managed to shove some of them out of the way, and had Vincent go find a Fire Extinguisher. Giving a mock salute, he uses his Haste power-up and ran out to find one. Looking back, Tia was on the other side, jumping and flailing like an idiot, while trying to put out the fire, only to make it worse. Before she could do anymore damage to her stuff, Vincent came back with the Fire Extinguisher, readied it and aimed the hose at the fire, with Tia in sight. Once he started, white cloud spewed out from the hose, putting out the fire and covering the bed in white. As for Tia, well, she looked more like a snowman now, all we have to do is add the buttons, the eyes, and the carrot nose. Once done, Tia shook off the stuff and glared at us both. Although, the maids were all glaring back at her, which shockingly surprised her. They all placed in their opinions on how she was making the bed, which only lead to the same conclusion: Learn how to properly make a bed! Vincent whispered to me that he wanted to see if Tia got anymore hidden stashes of goodies, because he doubts that was all of it. Shrugging my shoulders, I just waved him off to do what he wants to do, which he greedily took. I just left Tia to her problems. Now if only we could have recorded all of which has happened in there. Shame, really... Anyway, back to the here and now. Azurai and Tahilla are no longer with us, stating that they must return and report in to the old man. They did say that they'll be back, and with forces to back us up. Before they left though, Azurai asked me if I wanted him to relay anything to her, so I told him this. "Just tell her I'll be seeing her real soon." With that said, we bowed to each other, and they disappeared. Heading back to Tartarus, their home. Sighing, I went over to a table and reviewed the reports the Lunar Guard had written up. Apparently, it seems that Cocoon has called off all operations and pulled her forces back home. They couldn't track them, since each Changeling army stationed in every strategic position to overtake other settlements and cities, have teleported off. I'm surprised she didn't have them take it all. Probably because of me and how I fucked it all up for her, from when we first met, to the Crystal Empire. The rest were when I was setting out to find my brothers, only for us to fuck it all up even more for her. Four times. Hearing someone entering in, I looked up and saw Nightwish, Captain of the Lunar Guard. "So, what do you think it means?" She asked me. "Obviously, she doesn't want a repeat of losing." I told her. "Cocoon has already lost four times in a row, with only one small victory in the last scuffle. She hardly knows anything about us Doom Marines, and she's not willing to lose anymore, than what she already has lost." "So she goes into hiding for now. Lay low until she got something to work with." Nightwish stated. "Yes. That's pretty much it. Unfortunately, more experiments of abominations. Fucking terrific." I spat out, shaking my head in annoyance. "Seriously, this bitch got some issues." "Sir, feel free to say no to this, because it'll feel far left field... But, when was the last time you actually had fun?" That...was a pretty weird question to ask someone like me. Then again, she is right. When was the last time I had fun? When was the last time any of us had fun? Something outside of all the killing and murdering, the ripping and tearing of the enemy. "... Not for the longest of time." I answered her. "I mean, there was Manehattan..." "Sir, you really need to loosen up." She said to me, looking at me with a scolding look. "Well excuse me for trying to keep all of you fuckers alive! War was all I've ever done, killing is all I've ever knew how to do! You think it's just easy to go back to doing normal things in life!?" I growled at her, upon which she backed off in fear, realising how much she ended up on pissing me off. "I-I'm sorry sir! I didn't k-know it--!" "Shut up!" I snapped at her, holding a hand up to stop her talking any further. "In case you've forgotten, you remember the blood you smelled when we first met?" "How can I forget that? I can still smell it on you and the other two!" "Well guess what? That's the Blood of Demons we've slain. When this was brought to light, the first to realise this were the dragons, since they got noses that beats most of any other nose." I sighed at this, the memories of that mission, that one mission where I had to go with the Dragon Empress, back to her kingdom... Where I... "... Sir??" Snapping back to reality, I looked at her for a moment. "Are you...?" "It's nothing you need to worry about. Back to your question, no we didn't. We couldn't, because it was a very different time, all those years ago." I explained to her. "It was far too different for us, and not everyone back then trusted us that much. Sure, we can kill Demons with effective results, but that didn't earned us the best reputations. As a matter of fact, if they saw you bat ponies, they would have tried to wipe you guys out." "That's horrible!" She exclaimed, feeling appalled by this. "That's only because Equestria, to us, was only starting out, as a species. We categorised that whole thing medieval, or primeval even. Only because of how things were playing out." I told her, shaking my head at the beginning of our new lives. "Honestly, what a way to start out. Not to mention, some of them even tried to kill us." "What is wrong with them!?" "Different time, different mindset, different people. These guys weren't cultists, but they were so deluded, they didn't know what they were doing. No control over their actions. So, we had to kill them off. Although, the populace didn't like that, we had no other option at the time..." "Can we not talk about this!? I'm feeling sick just listening to this." She hissed out. "Sorry, just telling you how it was back then..." I told her. "Okay! It's official, you lot are going out to have some real fun!" She declared out loudly, pointing towards me. "Right now, the Mane Six are heading back to their hometown, know as Ponyville..." "Oh great, more shitty-ass pony puns." I complained. "Sir!!" "Alright, alright! But what about Luna and Tia? They'll need to know about this." I said to her. "Worry not! I got that one covered. This was something Princess Luna sort of slipped from her tongue." She explained to me. "Anyway, I'll go tell her. You and your brothers should get ready..." (One hour later...) "Oh, take care my sweet little darlings." Twilight's mother, upon which we learned was named Twilight Velvet, or Velvet, so we don't get mixed up, said as she hugged her children. Cadence was also coming down to Ponyville with us, along with the same squad of Lunar Guard I worked with back in Manehattan. VEGA had to stay behind, looking after things up here. "Don't worry mum, we'll be fine." Twilight said to her mother before separating and hugged her father, Night Light. "Everything will work out, don't give up." He said to her. "I won't daddy." She said to him. Once all the hugging was over, we all got on the train. Chrysalis wanted to stay behind, saying that she didn't want to leave her Hive unattended. Responsibilities and such. Tia tried to squeeze in some more Guard, but I told her not to spread her forces out too thinly. When we got on, the train started moving, as the group waved out toward those on the train station, until we were both out of each other's sight. Me and the bros were seated at the back, checking out our new Pistols. Trying on the different mods... "... Hey!" Snapping our head towards the sound, it was RD, who jumped back from us. "Wow!" "What is it?" I asked her. "Um... Well, okay, I gotta know, how come you guys don't mingle with us that much?" She inquired. "I mean..." "Because we chose that." I answered her. "Can we really not have our peace and quiet? Alone within familiarity?" "Okay, okay, sorry." She groaned at this. "Man, no wonder why Pinkie has yet to throw you guys a party." "Because I told her it won't work." "I know that, but it's also because she can't get to you. She said something about still pushing us away." She explained to us. "It's complicating, and it's best you not know of it yet." I told her with a sigh. "Anyway, why can't we have those weapons?" She asked her next question. "Because you can't pick them up." Vincent answered her this time. "No matter what, you guys can't pick any of our guns up." "What about magic?" Rares asked next, as she came up. "You couldn't even pick it up with your magic, and teleporting it will only end up falling on your head the next second." Vincent answered her. "Not to mention, giving you guys this technology, is out of the question." For some reason, every single one of them — excluding Fluttershy — just groaned at this. "This isn't a game and it's not up to debate. Besides, you've already invented T.V.s and all that other stuff." I reminded them. "And you all did it without the need of weapons..." "What's that suppose to mean!?" RD shouted, glaring at us. "It means you invented things, without war breaking out." I answered her coldly, which really got them all shivering. "You see, for us humans, war fills out most of mankind's history. While it is bad, it's also good..." "How can you say that!?" Twilight screamed at this. "Sorry, Twi. That was controversial, but just let me explain." I said to her, as she and the others calmed down enough for me to talk. "Now, as I stated before, war is bad. No mistake. Why? Because a lot of people die in these things, such as the nature of war. Not everyone makes it back, and you wish for all of them to come back home unscathed. Unfortunately, that's not the case." I explained to them, as much as I didn't want to tell them this, they need to learn. So I continued on. "As to why it is also a good thing, because there are technological advancements being developed, along with creating many jobs back home. The economy grows, new discoveries of Research & Development, and so on and so forth. That's how our species has grown and survived for so long..." "But... All those ponies..." We heard Fluttlershy whimpered. "Flutters, we're humans, not ponies. Your kind needs to understand and accept that it's not alone, nor is it superior. Supremacy is not a life, it's dictatorship." I said to her. "B-b-but--!" She tried to talk, but I held a hand up to stop her. "Flutters, let me tell you this; nothing is ever truly the same. Things change, and you need to learn to accept these changes. Also, calling someone a pony, who's not really one, is offensive." I explained to her, reminding them all from that Conferences back in Manehattan. "See? Now you all remember why, because it wasn't just your kind in there..." "Y'all said that there was some good in war? But those things ya said didn't make any sense. Ah'm still skeptical about that." AJ stated. "Because all I know is war ain't good for nothing!" "I wasn't even trying to deny that it isn't bad from the start." I snapped at her, getting really agitated by this stupidity and not paying attention to details. She was about to say something, only for Twilight's magic to appear around her mouth and clamped it shut. "Applejack, let him talk." She said to her, narrowing her eyes. "And pay attention this time." "Thank you, Twilight." I gave her my thanks, and gave them one better. "Now, the main reason why war is good, is because you learn from it. You learn why these soldiers, these brave men and courageous women, who put their very lives on the line, fought, and died. They did it just so the rest of us can actually live a life. A life where there's prosperity. Peace and Harmony are, but a luxury, because it is an eventuality. It never lasts forever, as much as we all like that." Once I was finished, they all stared at us, not uttering a single word. Rolling my eyes, me, Vincent and Kevin ignored them, minding our own, while their brains worked on rebooting. Although, once the train passed straight through a tunnel, I could have sworn I heard something else, besides the train's rattling and whistling. Although, Kevin helped with confirming it. "We have unwanted attention." He texted us both. Great, more idiots to take care of... "ALRIGHTY Y'ALL, LISTEN UP!!!" We all heard a voice shouted out, and as we came out from the tunnel, we saw some guys inside the train cart, holding up... REVOLVERS!? Nightwish was the first to respond to this. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Although, that got the one shouting to aim at her, pulling on the trigger. Luckily, I got in front of her, and took the shot. As soon as we heard his gun go off, I felt the bullet hit me, but bounced off my armour and fell to the floor. Looking down at the bottom left, the bullet itself only managed to shave one point off, from my armour. "... Well, that ain't right. That should punched right through your armour." He said, surprised about this development. As for me, I didn't say anything, just whipped out my new Pistol, charged my shot and blew his head off. When the rest of his buddies saw this happen, they did the smartest thing to stay alive; drop their weapons, surrendering, and begging for mercy. "Oh sweet Celestia, please! Please don't kill us!" "We surrender! Have mercy on us, just don't kill us!" "... Alright." I told them. "Just as long you're the only two left." Nodding their heads, I had the Guard strip them of their weapons and ammunition, and have it laid down on a table. With those two cuffed and restrained. Me and the bros inspected the Revolvers, emptying out their chambers of bullets, and seeing the workings of historical pieces in the flesh. "Jesus Christ, man. These really are Revolvers." Vincent commented, aiming downwards, cocking it, and pulled the trigger, the ignition hammer snapping into place. "Yep, all in working order. The real big question is; how did they get these guns?" He asked, and his question did not go unheard. "Uh... W-well, you see..." One of the bandits started to speak up. "These guns were given to us by the boss, the one you killed." He answers. I groaned at this. "Well, shit. Now we have to find the Black Market the hard way. Alright, I want you to tell us as much as you can..." And he talked. The reason why the guns they carried with them was unheard of, because Celestia was too much of a idly, lazy bitch, for the most part. But it was also thanks to the Nobility taking all of her attention, that making the weapons and selling them was easy. It's even hinted that they think the Nobility, is also funding the materials and such, to continue on producing it. Wherever this group is, no one knows, but they have a select few meeting spots, where you can make the grab, at a reasonable price. They also explained that, the rounds are not enchanted, by any means, of magic. Well, at least it narrows it down to who's making them. "... The Revolvers, they can't be the only guns they're making, right?" Vincent asked them. They shook their heads. "No sir, but they were the cheapest to get. Other ones were pretty expensive, including this new multi-barrel automated gun. Not much is said about it, save for it can mow down a lot of ponies, with a lot of bullets." One of them explained. "A fucking Gatling Gun." I stated. "Now they're making machine guns!" "That ain't good man. And with this war going on, it'll make a lot of people go towards them, for better arsenal." Vincent commented. "Hey, uh, not to be rude or anything, but how do you know all of this?" One of the bandits asked. "That was more stupid, than rude. But if our Pistols weren't enough, then fine, we'll show you our arsenal." That being said, I lined up all of my weaponry, coupled with Kevin's Burst and Vortex Rifles, and Vincent's Lightning Gun. Everyone just stared at it in awe and fear. Fear being the bandits. "Does that answer your question?" "Well... Yeah, that does explain a lot. You guys made guns long before any other being in this world." The bandit said, as they both were slack-jawed. "Sir, what should we do with them, after we reach Ponyville?" Nightwish asked me. "Have them on lockdown, and send word for transportation. I want them moved up in Canterlot until further notice." Nodding her head, we looked upon Twilight writing a letter, and having one of the twin drakes send it by flame. It was weird when Twilight explained it before, and it still is, besides the coloration reminding me of those Barons of Hell, when they start throwing green fire balls at you. "... So, where does that leave us?" We all looked at AJ, when she asked that question. "Ah mean, y'all said you weren't gonna give us any. But now..." "We'll figure that part out later, for now, these will be under lock and key." Nodding our heads in agreement, the Lunar Guard confiscated them, but they weren't confident enough to pick the last one, from a dead man. Rolling my eyes, I went over to the blood dripping corpse, and removed it. "... Okay, that's just gross, sir." I heard one of them comment. "Spare me the fucking lightweight commentary, I don't care what you think." I snapped back at whoever said it. "Are we close to reaching town?" "Yes darling. Come here, and you can see it." Doing as suggested by Rares, I came over to the windows, after I handed over the belt and that. Looking outside, we saw the town where they live, which seems to be a decent change of pace. "Well, that's something, and it's close by the Everfree. So that's good." Vincent stated, which got confused looks from the rest. "Pardon me for my negligences, but why is that a good thing?" She asked. "Because if the town tries to kill us, they'll have to catch us. I doubt they want to come after us in there." Vincent answered her. "... ARE YOU COCO IN THE LOCO!?" We heard Pinkie shouted. "That's a big understatement." I snarked off. "He's completely insane, but he's right about one thing; how can we be sure the entire town won't try to kill us?" "Now why would they wanna go do that!? I mean, sure, we jumped to conclusions out of pure superstition at first glance! But--!" Rainbow started talking, but I cut her off. "RD, you just confirmed that much." I stated, making the lot think about this. Sighing, Twilight spoke up. "Girls, they're right. We need to make sure that all of Ponyville know that the Doom Marines are not a threat." "Well, that's gonna be kinda hard! Because of the whole 'DOOM' theme surrounding them and all! I mean, whoever has heard of a Doom Marine!?" Rainbow placed her input, which was a pretty good pointer. No thanks to Tia for pacifying everything in the country. While that may be a good thing, she has unfortunately let everyone around the world know about this. Eventually, we were pulling up into the train station, and we saw a lot of people waiting there. Looking towards the girls, they were just as surprised by this. "Wait, how come most of the town is here? We didn't tell anypony about this." Twilight stated, which got me a little concerned. Getting back up, I pulled out my Plasma Rifle, attaching the Stun Bomb mod on. The other two followed my example. "Okay, here's how it's gonna go: Girls and Drakes, you guys huddle up and stick together. Nightwish, I need four of your Guard to stay with these two at all times." "You got it, sir. Anything else?" She said, as she picked out her chosen four. "Form up around the group, defensive formation. You're on point, lead us straight to Twilight's castle, and no matter what, don't stop." I told her, as I pointed towards the prisoners. "Keep them in the back. I don't want them getting any funny ideas." She nodded her head at this plan. "What about us, bro?" Vincent asked. "Vince, you got the right side covered. I'll be on the left, and Kevin will be on rear guard duty, behind the prisoners." Agreeing on the plan, we were about to get ready, only for someone to come up and knock on the window. "Hey, uh, Applejack? It's me, Braeburn, yer favourite cousin!" "Braeburn!? What the hay are y'all doing here!?" Applejack responded to her cousin. Looking out at him, he was dressed out in those cowboy themed outfits, complete with a Sheriff's badge on his upper left. Although, he also had something else on him, that raises suspicion and questions. Even AJ caught onto it, and with a disapproval frown, she asks him. "Cousin, where did you get those guns?" "Oh, these? Well, that's quite the story, but maybe another time." He answered her, oblivious to our glares. "Anyway, I came up here to find some wanted criminals who have--" "We have them!" I snapped at him, which made him jump back. "Now, do us all a favour, and get in here!" With that said, a couple of the Guard opened the door, went up to him, and dragged him in. "W-wait a minute, y'all!? Can somepony tell me what in-- SWEET MERCIFUL CELESTIA!" Okay, this is getting annoying already, and I want to get a move on. Walking up to him, I back-handed him I the face. "Will you shut the fuck up!? We just got here, and you have the fucking balls to waltz in, all guns blazing!?" "N-n-no sir! That's n-not my i-i-intention--!" "Shut up! You're coming with us to Twilight's Castle for questioning! So, in the mean time..." I went to pick up the corpse and gave it to him. "Do something useful, and carry this thing. Everyone else, FORM UP OUTSIDE! NOW!!" As quick as they can go, the girls and drakes have huddled up and went outside, followed closely by Nightwish and her Guard. The four chosen to keep the prisoners in check, grabbed Applejack's cousin and dragged him outside. Once they all got into position, we moved into ours. I on the left flank, Vincent on the right flank, and Kevin on the rear end. Nodding my head to Nigtwish, who looked back at me, she nodded back and got us moving, with the mass crowd giving us some space to move onward. Keeping my gun at the ready, I took in my surroundings, seeing what's what. The mass crowd seem to be keeping pace, but have yet to do anything to us. They were just watching us, staying quiet all the while. Most of them looked at us with sympathy, most likely towards Twilight and Cadence, while looking at us Doom Marines in awe and fear. Others glared at us with distrust and hatred, all of which is very unreasonable and un-fucking-necessary. If it weren't for me and my brothers, you all would have been enslaved! Daft cunts! "Mummy? Is that them?" "Wow, look how big they are!? "So cool..." We all heard the children speaking out about us, looking up to us as... Heroes. If you ask me, the ones that are no longer with us, the Fallen from all around, they are the true heroes. We were neither the heroes, but nor are we the villains. We are monsters, and I'm fine with that. "Can they be trusted?" "None of us would be here, if it weren't for them!" "How can we be certain they won't turn on us after?" "Don't be stupid! One of them avenged Prince Shining Armour!" And here are the adults arguing among themselves. Thinking about this and that of us. Well, at least it's better than way back when, because every last one of them were against us. Some were even crazy enough to try and assassinate the Royals, all because those two stood by us, through thick and thin, and I'm thankful and grateful for them. "Excuse me! Twilight!" We heard someone up front calling out for Twilight. Walking up to us, was a mare dressed formally, with another right next to her. "Mayor Mare, Now's not a good time. I just want to get to my castle, so can't this wait?" Twilight said to her, as we walked around her. "Oh, but dearie, please!? This concerns these... Doom Marines!" That made us all stop and snapped our heads towards her. Shocked by this, she took a step back, but still managed to speak up. "Y-Yes, well, the ponies of Ponyville have mixed feelings about them. Especially... Well, THAT!" She pointed towards Braeburn, who was staring at nothing, much like a zombie, while holding onto the corpse. "Yeah, well, that guy tried to kill us on the train!" Rainbow retorted back at the Mayor, which got the townsfolk to gasp. Before the Mayor could say anything, we heard shots ringing out. That, alone, turn everyone into a panic frenzy, as they all started stampeding in every direction. Without thinking much, I got a hold of the Mayor and shoved her with the girls, along with barley grabbing her assistant. Tightening formation, we all ran for the nearest, largest building there was, busted open the door, and filed on through. Once inside, we went up to the third level, since it was a three story complex building, and hunkered down. Keeping the group away from the windows, Kevin went up to them, to see what was happening outside. I can still hear the stomping and screaming of people running about headless. Shots were still firing, but I don't think they're aimed at the civvies... "Just what in the name of the Moon was that!?" Nightwish hissed out. "I don't know. That was a first for us, too." I answered her, looking towards our prisoners. "Any ideas, you two?" "We may know who, but we can't be sure if it is them." Prisoner One said. "It has to be them! But what are they doing all the way out here!?" Prisoner Two stated. "Well, you gonna give us a name?" I asked them, as the sounds of the stampede started to die down. "There is this group of bandits, they call themselves The Western Raiders. They have a bounty on their heads, each one worth 150,000 bits." Prisoner One explained. "But nopony has managed to get close to them, nor find their hideout. And if all of them are here, this town is a goner." Well, that's just perfect. "Bryan, they're standing outside our current location." Kevin warned me. "HEY! YOU LOT INSIDE THAT BUILDING!" We heard some asshole shouting out to us. "THE NAMES GUNSLINGER, BIG BOSS OF THE WESTERN RAIDERS! NOW YOU SEEM TO HAVE SOMETHING THAT BELONGS TO ME AND THE BOYS, AND WE LIKE IT BACK!" "Horseapples! He's talking about us!" Prisoner Two clarified, and seeing as how I killed their boss... "Where is that Sheriff?" I asked, seeing as how he was holding it... "There you are." Moving over to him, I pried the corpse from his stiffen hands, which seem to bring him back to reality. Shaking his head, blinking a few times, he looked around the place, until he settled onto AJ. Before he talked, she placed a hand over his mouth, keeping him quiet. Getting up, I dragged the corpse over to the window, seeing about... Forty-eight of them, in total. Now I see why each head cost that much, these guys are packing something alright. Kneeling down, I looked to Kevin. "Find the exit, and flank these fuckers from the back." Nodding his head, he quietly made his way out. Then I turned to Vincent, as he came up to me. "Head back down stairs, Chainsaw at the ready. You'll hit them up front." Hearing this, he went down stairs, with his Chainsaw in hand. "Y'ALL GOT 'TIL THE COUNT OF FIVE, BEFORE WE OPEN FIRE!" Well ain't that just adorable of you to say. "FIVE!" Craning my neck, I prepared myself to throw the corpse out the window. "FOUR!" "Hunter, in position..." Good... "THREE!" "Runner, in position. Waiting on the signal..." Almost time... "TWO!" ... "ONE!" Just as he said that, I threw the corpse out the window, shattering it as the body fell in front of them. Surprised by this, they were distracted easily. "WHAT THE--!?" "ZERO MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!" I shouted out to them, as I whipped out my Heavy Assault Rifle, and that's when all of the Bullets started flying... > Ch.17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.17: First we Kill, then we Drink! (Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville...) As soon as we heard Bryan shouted out to the bandits, he switched weapons, and started firing his massive gun. Just as he started to, the bandits shot back at him, as I saw the windows and such getting ripped apart by their bullets. Did I forget to mention just how loud it gotten when this fight started? Since there was a multitude of guns blazing, it started to hurt my ears. Not to mention the screams of the dying. Looking back at Mayor Mare and her assistant, they were getting really shook up from all of this, seeing as this is their first time hearing guns going off. The Mayor looked at me with fear in her eyes. "T-T-Twilight, what's happening out there!?" She asked me, shaking like a leaf. "Death, Mayor Mare. Death is what's happening outside." I told her emotionlessly. She stared at me when I said that, not surprising, really. Even so, I still hated it. But, I guess that's how life also works... "... But Applejack, I can help him!" Turning towards Braeburn, he and Applejack seem to be arguing. "And Ah said to stay out of his way! Out of their way! They know what they're doing, and all you're gonna do is get yourself killed!" Applejack stated firmly, trying to keep him from getting caught in the crossfire. "DANG NAB IT! SOME OF Y'ALL GET IN THERE, AND THE REST OF YOU SPLIT UP! FIND MORE COVER!" We heard this 'Gunslinger' shouted. "VINCENT, GET READY!" I heard Bryan said through the Comms. Me and the girls still had ours, seeing as how they wanted us to keep them. Soon enough, we heard that familiar revving of the Chainsaw, faintly so, as some of those bandits came rushing in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! IT'S RAPING TIME, BITCHES!!!!!!" We heard him shout, as he started cutting down those foolish enough to run in here, screaming out bloody murder. You know, when I asked Bryan or Luna about him, they described him with the same answer. Well, Luna's one was more friendly than Bryan's one. "He's just bat-shit fucking insane. Crazy doesn't even cut it anymore, and it never will..." "BOSS HELP!!!! HELP US BOSS--!!!!!!" I heard one of them calling out, only to be silences by Vincent's Chainsaw. "BOSS! WE'RE GETTING FLANK FROM BEHIND!" That was probably Kevin taking them out from behind. "SCATTER BOYS, GET THE HAY OUT OF HERE!!!!!!" Gunslinger demanded, hearing them running away in all directions. While still shooting wildly at Bryan. "Oh no, you don't!" We heard him say, as he backed up to the other end of the room. As he did this, he ran straight towards the window and jumped out from it. "YOU'RE MINE GUNSLINGER!!!!!" "Oh my gosh!" Mayor Mare exclaimed. "Is he crazy!?" I was going to tell her that he was alright, but then she got up and ran over to where Bryan jumped out from. Getting up myself, I tried to pull her away from the windows, in case there were a couple of them in hiding, she ended up collapsing in my arms, her eyes rolling inside her head. "So much blood..." She deliriously muttered out. Shaking my head, I pulled her away and back with the rest of us, lying her down. Her assistant came over and started fanning her. Sighing, I spoke on the Comms. "Vincent, are you there?" "Twi, I'll be heading out now! I'm going hunting with the bros, okay!? You lot just get to the castle and wait for us there! We'll be finished soon enough!" Just as he said that, we heard him running out of the building, in a random direction, going after these bandits. Sighing again, I turned towards the others. "Alright everypony, it's safe to go out now. We'll meet them at my castle. Braeburn, show the Captain how to use that Revolver..." (Kevin/Doom Marine...) "C'mon y'all! Keep running!" "Where are we even going!?" "Anywhere but back there! We'll commender the train back to--!" "Well, didn't watch where you were stepping." I thoughtfully commented, as the three lackeys of Gunslinger's men stepped into my trap. Once the Kinetic Mines were tripped, they flew straight towards their targets, and blew them up. Sending their limps, bloods, and guts everywhere, creating quite the gory mess. I just hope this town doesn't get all uptight about it. Otherwise, they'll have to deal with Bryan, and that's not a good idea. Anyway, I was on the rooftops, overseeing the enemy movements. Ever since this fight started, the forty-eight men were minimised to about twenty now. Getting up, I ran towards the tallest building, which is the clock tower, threw a Teleporter up there, and teleported up. Getting my Vortex Rifle out, I looked through the Scope, seeing what's happening. Bryan was running after their big boss Gunslinger, with three-- scratch that, two of his boys. Bryan managed to pop one of their heads. Well, since he has that covered, I continued on scanning around, until I spotted where most have gathered at, within the market place. That's when I saw Vincent racing straight towards them, his Chainsaw in hand. Although, what surprised me was that they brought a Gatling Gun with them. One was carrying it, while another was feeding him the ammunition. Not sure if that'll do them any good, but there better not be anyone hiding in the market place. It's bad enough if we get civvies caught up in this fight. Taking one last scan before I head back and see if the group was alright, I spotted three bandits holding three children, as hostages. They tied, gagged, and blindfolded them, carrying them over their shoulders, while making their way to wherever. Likely to get us to stop and let them go. Not happening. Jumping down from the tower, I used my thrust boots to ease me back down to the ground, and made my way over. Switching to my Pistol, I attached its new mod on, the Silence Sniper, and went invisible. Once I reached a cross-section, I hid within an alleyway, waiting for them. Soon, I heard them running this way. "By the Celestial Light! What kind of freak show was that all about!? We've lost so many of our boys!" "Relax! We got our bargaining chips right here!" "Heh! I hope we get to keep them!" Okay, that one said it in the most perverse way, I wanted to lung myself at him, and rip his throat out. You know what? I'll do that last. It seems his two other companions agreed with what I felt towards that statement. "Y'all sicko, brah! The boss ain't gonna like that kind of thinking!" "Yeah! We got standards, and that's crossing the line! What's wrong with ya!?" "Oh, c'mon! Don't tell me y'all never thought of it?" As they came into view, they stopped as the other two glared at the depraved asshole, who just grinned a shit-eating grin. "Ah mean, think about it? These three girls have fine figures on them!" Oh, now you're just pushing it. "This is why you always get into trouble! You just can't keep it in your pants, and you tend to waste your money away on whores!" One of them retorted angrily. "Take that back! Those ladies are some of the finest!" And now they're arguing with each other. This would have been the perfect opportunity, but none of them were lined up the way I wanted them to be, and I can't risk taking the shot, I might end up hurting the girls. Before anything else, some big red stallion came out of nowhere, and charged up against that depraved asshole, making him drop a yellow filly with red mane and tail, complete with a bow on top. Pinning him to a wall, he proceeded to punching the living shit out of him. It wasn't anything like Bryan, but he might as well be counted as a Berserker. Unfortunately, that asshole managed to pick up a broken bottle, and made a cut on both his legs. Gaining the upper-hand, he pushed Big Red off, and started beating him up in return, even giving a few more cuts. "Y'all should have stayed out of the way! You would've lived long enough to get some!" He taunted, as he kicked Big Red on the ground. "Ah gonna hand it to ya, though, y'all put up a good fight. But now, it all ends here..." Before he could end it though, I shot both of his knee caps, or where they usually are, and his hands. Effectively disarming and crippling him. "ARGH! WHAT THE--!?" I lunged myself at him, pinning him to the ground, and ripped out his fucking throat. Slowly. Just to get the message across to his two buddies. He couldn't do anything about, he just stared at me with wide opened eyes, the fear of death shown plainly on him, as he started dying from there. Soon, all life was gone, the blankness within him settled the conclusion. Finally revealing myself, I got up from the corpse, and turned to face the last two. Who were shaking in fear, not knowing what to do. So, I simply just pointed it out to them; hand over the girls, or I'll do you far worse than what you witness. Getting the message, they immediately threw them to the ground and started to run for it. They didn't get far, since I placed a bullet in each skull from behind. True, they did what I told them, but I didn't state them to throw them around like rag dolls! That's just plain rude! Walking to one of them, I took out my knife and cut their binds, the rest they can get themselves. Once done, I went over to Big Red, took out a syringe filled with blue, and injected him. Now, I wasn't completely sure if this stuff would work on other sentient beings, outside humans, but it did the trick. "Oh... My head..." He groaned, as I helped him up on his hooves. "Thank you kindly. I'm--" "BIG MAC!" One of the girls shouted out, as she and the other two tackled him back on the ground. Shedding tears from their eyes. "Ow..." He winched out, getting back up. "Alright girls, I'm fine. Now, what were you three doing out here?" He asked them, getting serious about it. Even I wanted to know why. Getting off him, they wiped their tears away, and explained. "Well... We wanted to get our Cutie Marks in saving the day, or something... But that didn't go over smoothly." The orange Pegasus stated, looking very guilty, much like the other two. As for 'Big Mac', he just facepalmmed at this, and sighs tiredly. "Girls, you really need to started thinking more clearly and carefully. This isn't the time to go play hero." He told them firmly. "Right now, as of this moment, all three of you are grounded, for a month." "Aww..." They whined at this, but, nonetheless, accepted the consequences. Just then, we heard gunfire, and that was coming from where Vincent was at. Tapping Big Mac's shoulder, I made some motion with my hands, telling him we need to get going. Understanding what I was getting at, he nodded. "Alrighty then. Twilight's castle?" He asked and I nodded at this. "'Kay, come follow us." With that said, he grabbed a hold of the girls, one on his back, and two in each arm. Once done, he had me on point, with him telling me which way to go. As for those unfortunate bastards in the market place; may you forever burn in the fires of Hell. Because that's where you're all going... (Vincent/Doom Marine, market place...) "SHOOT AT HIM, DANG IT! SHOOT!" "AH'M TRYING! BUT THAT THING WON'T STAND STILL!" "HURRY UP AND KILL IT! WE'RE DYING OUT HERE!" Well, aren't you lot the whiners. I found this lot just hanging around here, for no apparent reason. Unless they really did want to die. Anyway, there were only about nine of them left, all standing in one spot. I've killed off most of them, these ones won't be any different. One of them was too far spread out, making him my next victim. Speeding towards him, I cut off both his arms, because he was going akimbo. Worst attempt if you ask me. With him spasming out from the lost of his arms, the others saw this, and I just waved at them... With one of his severed arms. "Hi! Nice weather we're having, aren't we!?" I said in a neighbourly manner, as I put away my Chainsaw, while baiting them stupid fucks into doing what I want them to do. Oh, and did they take a bite out of it. Aiming down my way, I quickly grabbed the disarmed and made him my bullet-sponged meat shield. Upon which I pulled the corners of his mouth up, making him grin. "Smile for the cameras..." I whispered sadistically in his ears, as the lead started flying once more... Once I heard the clicking of empty guns, it signalled they're out of ammo. It lasted on for about five minutes, upon which I was surprised my makeshift shield held out that long. Looking back at it, there wasn't much left, just ripped flesh and tear through bullet holes. Then the body started to tear away at the neck, as I now held the head, as its body fell to the ground. Facing the now decapitated head, I started playing around with it, preferably the mouth. "Hello Deaths Runner! It would seem I've lost the will to live." I mimicked every time I moved it. "Yes, it would seem so." I replied to it, nodding my head. "BUT! I have a joke to tell, before I depart from this realm. Care to lend a ear, please? I promise you, it'll be a killer of a joke..." "Oh~! I do love me some killer jokes! They're the only kinds of jokes, besides dark humour, that really make me feel alive... On the inside!" I laughed at myself for that one, even making the skull laugh along with me, while our audience stared onward. "Ohohoho~! Marvellous, now then, before I start, I must warn you; it's a tad bit cliché. Seeing as it has been used so many times, I came up with a new one. One I know you'll like, because it's right up your alleyway. Ready? Now; why did the headless chicken — yes, you heard me right — cross on through a graveyard?" It said, making me think. "Hmm... Okay, first off; why is the chicken headless?" I asked. "I don't know how it became headless in the first place. Why the Hell should we care!? It's just a joke, no need to make it go balls-deep!" It retorted back at me. "Sorry. Anyway, was it because its head mysteriously flung out in there?" "No." "And like that, you lost me." I said with a deadpan expression, not that anyone can see anyway. "Okay, I'll tell you. Why did the headless chicken cross on through a graveyard? Because it tried to get into the other side... OF THE AFTERLIFE!" As soon as it said that, we laughed. It was that kind of laugh that would have made the Joker proud. Although, our audience left us, dropping their guns and just ran for it. Shaking my head, I threw the head away and took out a Telsa Grenade, upon which I modified a bit more, making it travel further and faster, while charging up for the Big Bang, once it discharged. Priming it, I threw it ahead of me, and it raced off towards the targets, leaving behind a trail of electrical red energy. Once it reached them, they all got shocked into bloody oblivion, as they all got blown up into gory bits and pieces. It may or may not have caused some property damage along the way. But, you know what? Fuck it! Because I sure as Hell don't give a damn about it! Now then, which way did Bryan run off to? Walking through the empty streets of a ghost town, everything was closed shut. I wonder if they have a Pub? I could really use a good drink. Soon enough, I heard the telltale of flesh and bone being pounded mercilessly, as I turned around a corner, and found Bryan doing what he does best. As he finally finished off Gunslinger's man, by punching his face into nothingness, he gets up and walks over to the downed Gunslinger, who just finished reloading his Revolver. Firing at Bryan, the bullets just bounced off him, not really penetrating the armour. Once the fifth shot went out, Bryan quickly snatched it out of his hands, whacks him across the face, knocking out a few teeth, shoves it in his mouth, and blown his brains out with the final shot. Covering the walls behind him, where he was leaned up against. Throwing the gun at the now deceased body of Gunslinger, Byran turns around and sees me standing there. "So, is that all of them?" "I guess so. If not, then Kevin would have hunted down the leftovers." I replied to him. Speaking of which, I got on Comms and radioed to him. "Yo, Kevin, where are you at bro?" There was some commotion happening on his side, sounds as if someone was yelling about something, but Kevin replied. "Marking my location. We're all at Twilight's castle." Looking up at our compasses, we saw the way to him. Looking back at Bryan, he nodded and we started hoofing it there. Heh! Hoofing it. Fucking pony puns, man. Anyway, enough of that shit. Eventually, we made it to the castle, and opened up the door. But, for god sakes, must every castle made by the Equestrians be a fucking maze!? Luckily, we didn't have to worry about getting lost, because we can hear shouting, as we ventured on forth. Coming up to where the shouting was, Bryan kicked open the door, only to see the entire room thrown into chaotic arguments. Now, none of us knew why, but we looked towards Kevin for answers, only for him to shake his head. Meaning, it was completely hopeless to figure out, and pointless to do so. Bryan pulled out his Pistol, attaching the Rapid-Fire mod on, aimed up to the ceiling, and fully unloaded. Everyone ducked underneath this round table, of some kind, until Bryan stopped. "OKAY! What the fucking Hell people!?" He growled, making it clear he wasn't gonna put up with this sort of thing. Slowly, everyone started to come out from under, and stood in silence, shame and guilt written all over. Sighing, he continued. "Look, I know this hasn't been easy, for any of you. But right now, just be thankful you're all still alive. Right now, I want all of you to cut this shit out, because it isn't gonna get you anywhere." They all agreed and said their apologises to one another. Once done, they turned back to him. "Good. Now then, Nightwish; I need your team to come help with confiscating all weaponry from the bandits. I don't want any fuckstick coming and taking them." "Yes sir! You heard him girls, move out!" She ordered them, as they quickly out, with Kevin leading them. Looking back over to the so-called sheriff, Bryan told him. "As for you, I want you to confirm all forty-eight of the Western Raiders are dead. Write it up, if you must. Once Celestia or Luna gets down here, you can shift the money over to them, when you get back to the bounty board." The little guy gulped. "S-s-sure thing. Ah'll...get to that." Grunting, Bryan walked out of there, with me in tow, after I waved at the lot... (Bryan/Doom Marine...) After we all collected in the weapons, or what we can collect, because some of them were broken from the fight. But, every piece counts, and we couldn't risk anyone popping their own heads off by accident. Returning back to Twi's castle, we seem to have drawn in uninvited guest, as the townsfolk were following us. Luckily enough, Tia came in with the prisoners transport, and quickly dealt with the crowd. Although, she did needed to reassure them that everything was under control and perfectly safe. Once inside, we stored them in one of the vaults, having them transported tomorrow morning. From there, we discussed about the sentence for the prisoners. I told Tia I wanted them in the Guard, which raised some questions as to why. I explained to them that their kind has now started to create these weapons, and that the Guard will be needing them. Tia, for her part, didn't exactly liked this idea, and would rather have us to train the Guard, even Nightwish agreed with this. So, in retaliation, I gave Tia a black-eye, making it absolutely clear on what's going to happen. Most that were new became surprised by this action, while others just cringed at this. There were a couple that were neither, just staring at me, unamused and disapproval. Those ones, I just flipped them the bird, and they sighed. Of course, Mayor Mare had to make an announcement to the crowd that had waited outside. We were all out there, at the front door into Twi's castle. Most were still fearful of us, but at the same time, grateful of us. There are those who looked at us with distrust and disdain, even voicing out about us, blaming us for all the bad things. Although, these were quickly stumped by Tia, who declared that any attempts on our lives, is a direct violation to the Crown, and an act of treason. She was also using an illusion spell to hide the black-eye I gave her. While this may have stopped them from trying anything, it didn't quell their hatred for us. What's even more unfortunate, is that they have failed to realise, it was for their safety. Tia was trying to protect them, not us. She knows damn well that we can take care of ourselves, but they can't. So, she's trying to minimise unnecessary civilian casualties, even if it was out of self-defence. Once everything was said and done, they all went back to their daily lives, while the Mayor was giving us her thanks, and went back to her office, complaining about the paperworks on this. Braeburn also talked to Tia, explaining about the events, and the whole bounty thing, to which she was very pissed off about. She even said that she won't accept the payment, since it was all money being paid in blood. But, a Super Shotgun pointed to her head made her change her mind. Gritting her teeth, she gave the details to Braeburn, as he did the same. He was going to stick around, saying he'll get on the train tomorrow. Once done, Tia glared at me. "Why are you doing this!? You're not mercenaries, for crying out loud!" She demanded. "Because we busted out asses for saving this town, and cleaning up the mess." I told her. "Not to mention, you weren't paying much attention. It's either that, or we scamp off of you. Which will it be?" I counteracted, knowing full well she won't risk it, and she can't exactly argue about it. Her right eye starts to twitch, as she throws her arms up in the air dramatically, screaming her head off, as she walked to the transport. Not saying a single word. Once she left with the prisoners, I chuckled a little before heading back inside, to see what the others are doing, with Braeburn following me. "Uh... Say, uh, mr. Doom Marine? Was that really necessary? I mean, y'all were arguing to--" "I know who I was talking to, but you are too stupid enough for not paying attention. I did gave her a fucking black-eye, remember." I cut him off, knowing what he was saying. So I have to remind him on who I was. "Oh... Right." He said nervously, but spoke no more. Reaching the others, they seemed to be sorting things out, in a more civilised manner. Well, as long as they don't go crazy, they'll be fine. Although, the entire room seem to be decked out for some party. Confused, I walked up to one of the bros and asked. "Hey, what's going on?" Vincent replied. "Pinkie Pie, is what's going on here. Apparently, she somehow managed to get this place ready for a party." And to emphasis this, he pointed up to a banner, which said; 'Let's All Give A Big Thanks To The Doom Marines And Welcome To Ponyville Party!' OK, now that was just disturbing. Now I'm getting the feeling she's somewhat like Deadpool, where he breaks the Fourth Wall. "Yeah... We're starting to think so, as well." Vincent stated, knowing what I was thinking. "... Pinkie, are you sure about this? Is it even necessary?" I asked, knowing she'll come running up to us. Upon which, she did just that. "Because silly filly, I--" "We're not girls, Pinkie!" I snapped at her, which made her flinch, realising her mistake. "Sorry. But, anyway, I thought that throwing you guys a party would give a change of pace!" She explained, while giving us her trademark smile. "So, what do you think!?" "... It's kid friendly." I commented flatly. She looks at us confused. "Huh? Well, duh! I mean, we do have kids here!" She pointed out, until a question popped up in her head. "When was the last time you guys--" "Not for the longest time." Vincent answered her, cutting her off. She gasped at this. "WHAT!?!?!?" "Pinkie!" We heard AJ shouted, as she thrown a lasso over Pinkie and pulled her towards her and the girls. "C'mon, Sugarcube! They have been fighting for a very long time, maybe we should let them do what they want to do." "I have to agree with Applejack on this." Rares said, while the others nodded their heads. Pinkie thought this over, and she sighed. "Oh, okay. What do you guys want to do?" She asked. Looking at each other, they nodded their heads and I answered. "We'll stay for the party. For a while, anyway..." Liking our decision, we heard music playing, as she got up, jumped high up, and shouted. "LET'S PARTY!!!!" Things started picking up from there, real quickly too. Me and the other two just sit back and relax, taking in the scenery, that was happening. The Lunar Guardsmares even got into the groove of things, just dancing around with each other and having fun. Big Mac, along with Braeburn, were sitting with us, and we made some small talk. Braeburn even asked us, if we can give some of the guns we confiscated today, to his family members here. I told him we'll think about it, but there has to be rules on how you get them. Soon, the three fillies came up to us. "Say, mister, what are Doom Marines?" The yellow Earth Pony, Applebloom, asked us. "We're soldiers." I simply answered her. They were confused by this. "What is a soldier, anyway?" The orange Pegasus, Scootaloo, spoke up next. "Fighters." I answered. "Like the Royal Guard?" The white Unicorn, Sweetie Belle, asked. "No. Completely different." I told her, which seems to confuse them even more. "But, you said you guys are fighters, right? Like the Royal Guard?" Scootaloo asked. "Don't compare us both. We're two separate things." They wanted to know more, but Big Mac came to the rescue. "Alright y'all, that's enough. Yer only confusing yourselves at this point." He said to them, upon which they whined. "Now, now. None of that, ya hear? Run along and play somewhere else, Ah don't think you can do much over here." After that, they ran off somewhere. Soon enough, Fluttershy came over to us. "Oh, hello there. I'll be leaving now. I have to get back home, and make sure the animals are alright." She told us. "Okay. But on one condition." I said to her. "What might that be? If you don't mind me asking." She said, and I pointed towards Kevin. "He walks you home." I told her. "Oh... OK?" She tilted her head to the side, confused by this. So, I explained it to her. "It's just to keep you safe, besides it's getting dark out." Pointing out towards a window, the sun started to set, and there wasn't much sunlight. She gasped in surprise. "Oh my! I didn't realise... Wait, but this is Ponyville. Everypony here knows me." "In the day, yes. But things are different at night." I explained. "We're just protecting you. Only because we lived a different life, than yours. So you better get going, now." Kevin got up stood next to her, nodding towards the door. She was still uncertain, but she went along with it. As they left, I heard Vincent sigh. "What's wrong?" "Dude, there's no boozes." He answered. "I did say this was kid friendly." "Yeah. But I wanna drink the night away." "Oh for fuck sakes..." I groaned, as I looked towards Big Mac and Braeburn. "I don't suppose you know a Pub around these parts?" "Eyup!" Big Mac replied. "There's one in town. C'mon, Ah'll take us there. Celestia knows Ah need one, too." "Woohoo!" Vincent cheered, as he jumped up to his feet. "Alright, let's blow this joint!" "Yeah! Let's do that!" Pinkie said, as she rushed on over and grabbed Vincent by the hand. "Wha--??" Was all he said, before being taken by the Pink Menace, onto the dance floor. Oh, this is too perfect, and I'ma take it! Motioning the other two to come along, they got the idea and were snickering, while we sneaked away from the party. Once we were in the hallway, we ran for it, laughing all the while getting outside. When we got outside, we heard Vincent yelling out at us. "YOU ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!" "Well, looks like he found out." I stated. "So, pub?" Big Mac nodded. "Alrighty then, follow me." Moving into town, there wasn't that many people, so that's good. I don't wanna have to deal with anybody's stupid shit. Eventually, we made it to one. "Well, here we are. Blood-drunk Mary Berry. Don't even ask why, she just named it that way." "She?" I asked. Before he could answer, someone got thrown out from the place, landing right in front of us. Then some more got thrown out, on top of this guy. That made up about five people getting thrown out. Soon, we heard a woman's voice shouting. "You lot better not come back here, if you know what's good for your health!" Groaning, they all tried to get up, only for me to grab one of them by the throat. Startled, thee rest quickly shuffled away from me, with the other I was holding struggling. Holding out my Pistol, I pointed it against his head, only for the owner to come out. "Whoa! Hey, hold up there, hero! No need for that!" She called out. Looking over to her, she was an Earth pony, as for her colour, I couldn't even tell if it was considered purple or not. Looking between her and the young punk, I threw the kid down on the ground, as he and his pals made a run for it. The owner gave a sigh of relief. "Phew! Thank Celestia for that..." "She can go fuck herself, for all I care." I snarked off, which got the message across. "Okay... Never mention her name in a praising manner." She muttered. Shaking her head, she spoke up. "Anyway, welcome to my pub. Sorry about that, those boys were getting a little too friendly with my daughter. Names Berry Punch, by the way." Holding her hand out, I took it and shook it. "And by that, they were sexually harassing her, in their drunken state of mind. I know the feeling..." "You have a kid? Since when?" "I didn't meant it that way, no." "Oh, sorry." She said as we let go. "C'mon in, drinks are on the house." Before we could go in, the three of us boys got tackled down to the ground. "You CUNTS! Leaving me at the mercy of the Pink Menace!" "Oh, there you are. Where have you been?" I asked him cheekily, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Don't you fucking give me that! Now, y--!" "We're getting free drinks." "I love you guys!" Getting up, he was about to run in, only for me to trip him up. Falling face first, he poked fingers at me. "You fucking prick." "Shut up bitch. It's your fault." I bantered back at him. Berry was laughing at this. "Oh my goodness! This is funny! But seriously, boys, hurry up and get your sexy flanks in here! The drinks aren't gonna serve themselves!" "Coming!" Vincent yelled as he got back up and ran up to the doorway. But stop short from entering in. Turning around, he spoke. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come on!" Rolling my eyes, I shoved the other two off of me, and walked up to the door. Big Mac and Braeburn got up and we all went inside. Everyone inside didn't seem to mind us, as they just waved at us, and we waved back at them. Confused by this, we all looked towards Berry, as she went behind the bar, getting our drinks. "Say, Berry, why isn't anyone here freaking out?" I asked. "Yeah, I was somewhat expecting them to tell us off, or something." Vincent added. "Well, what do you think? You guys are heroes. Maybe not the ideal type of heroes, but one we really need. Besides, the news keeps talking about you..." She said as she pointed up to a T.V. "Speaking of which, there they go again..." Turning up the volume, we watched what was on. "... In other news: we come to Manehattan, where we last saw the Doom Marines. Apparently, on the last day, they went to a toy store to give the toy makers a design of themselves, along with a few bits and pieces these collectibles will have. The toy makers, themselves, commented on how challenging it was to make these toys, but they have enjoyed it. Even stating that they have left them a device, far more advanced than ours, to help with making them. And did they deliver quite the impact. Unfortunately, they are only for display, showing you the many different colour schemes and names they each have. As for the price, the Doom Marines have set it to a very reasonable one, $3.99, which will get the little ones all riled up, upon which they'll be ready for sales..." "Holy shit, look at that! You sly sons of bitches..." Vincent commented. "... Not only that, but it seems to have inspired some young artists . Ever since the attack, there have been numerous fan-based pictures and such, drawn for the Doom Marines. Most of which, are basically revolving around battling monsters and armies, with various weapons, besides the ones they would usually use. Ranging from many of the melee weapons, it would one particular Doom Marine is always founded, either using a Longsword, a Battle Axe, a Warhammer, or Mace. Others contain either them in a relationship with someone, or a multitude of them..." "And there goes my hopes for them." I said as I just tuned out the news. Because we all know what those types are doing right now. Giggling, Berry gave us our bottles of... Apple Cider? Well, I don't mind it. But Vincent however, is gonna complain about this. "Here ya go, boys!" Nodding to her, I took mine, popped the cap open, with my thump, lifted my helmet up to reveal my mouth, and took a sip of it. Gotta say, not bad, but the alcohol in it is nearly nonexistent. It tasted more like a fizzy drink. Then again, it's our power-ups that seem to have, somehow, given us a boost an alcoholic tolerances. When Vincent stopped laughing his ass off, he looked at his bottle in contempt immediately. "Hey, where's the real heavy stuff? I'm trying to get drunk here, and I haven't felt that in a long time." Shaking my head, I finished mine off quickly and grabbed his one. Not like he was gonna drink it now... Berry raised a brow. "Okay, I may have said that drinks are on the house, but I didn't say the real good stuff was a part of the equation." She stated, pointing up to the top shelves. "Those ones, you'll have to pay, because they were very expensive to get..." Hearing me finishing my second one, she just stared at me, and then handed me another one. "And now I'm starting to have second thoughts about this." "Too late to back out, and he could do you one better." I told her, popping off the cap and drank from it. "Oh yeah, how?" Oh she shouldn't have said that. Now I know I'll have to watch out for Vincent. "1v1 me, sister! Drinking contest! Whoever drinks themselves under the table loses, and last one left standing wins!" Vincent declared loudly, making everyone go 'Oohhh' from that. As for Berry, her left eye twitched a couple of times, before she gave a predatory grin, and pulled out a big bottle. "... You're on." The crowd went wild, cheering on for these two to get it on. Rolling my eyes, I asked them. "Is there a Jukebox in here? If so, put some music on!" "I gotcha!" One of them said, getting up and turning it on. "Berry, turn that shit off! No one wants that on." I said to her, as she grabbed the remote and switched it off. Once done, she grabbed a glass, each for her and Vincent. "Pinch! Could you be a dear, and watch over the bar for please?" She called, and a young girl came running over. "Sure mum! Go get 'em!" Her daughter, Pinch, said to Berry. "Oh I will dearie, don't you worry none." Berry said, letting her daughter's head. She then turns to Vincent. "Ready to lose?" "We'll see about that!" He retorted, as she lead them over to a spare table. Pinch then came up to me and said. "Your friend's gonna lose." She whispers. "Your mother never won against a human. What makes you think it's no different? Has she won against a Gryphon, a Minotaur, anything that's not a Pony?" I snapped at her, making her flinch from me. Snorting, I took a sip before saying. "Didn't think so." "Well... OK, you have a point." She said. I wasn't looking at her, because I was more focus on the challenge. The crowd has been cheering on, seeing as it's their fifth round. I think they were drinking rum, at least, I think it is. "This is gonna take a while..." ([Third Person] Later that night...) After Kevin made sure Fluttershy was back at her cottage, he stayed around for a while, listening to her talk about the animals she took care of and such. Even making friends with a Eagle she rescued. Although, a certain rabbit soon learns that, you should not mess with a Doom Marine. Not to mention, getting caught in the act by said Doom Marine, and shown to his owner and caretaker. Fluttershy, being who she is, lectured to Angel and sent him off to bed. But he wasn't the only one. She soon turned to Kevin, trying to lecture him next, but this was met with a presences of authority, from Kevin, who stood there with his arms cross. Making it very clear that she shouldn't try it on him, for he did not start the knife fight, and that he was well within his rights to defend himself. He was even tapping one finger and one foot, giving off that fatherly feeling. This is something he would use on Tia and Lulu, when they were young, and wouldn't do as they were told. Fluttershy thought about using 'The Stare' on him, but then remembered how that turned out for that one Cockatrice. Even without Kevin's helmet on, she highly doubted she could get him to listen. She doesn't know much about humans yet, they may have given her and her friends some knowledge, but we're still very reluctant to reveal everything. The only thing she could do was submit to his decision, and accept that he was right. Besides, he didn't kill Angel on the spot, but she knew she should be more careful around Bryan. He was the one with the temper, and if Angel ever tried to it again, with him no less... Well, she rather not think about it. Feeling a hand patting her head, she looked to see Kevin not feeling or looking disappointed in her, seemingly forgiving her. Sitting on the couch, they talked some more, even when Luna started to raise her father's moon. Although, they heard a knock on the door, which scared Fluttershy half to death. Getting up, Kevin snuck over to the front door, Pistol in hand, with its silencer still on. Nodding at Fluttershy, she hesitantly got up and came up to the door, where Kevin faded from sight, as she opened the door a little. "Y-Y-Yes? Who is it?" She asked, while still hiding behind the door. Then a feminine voice replied, but not to her question. "Kevin, it's me. Come out of hiding, and put the gun away." This surprised Fluttershy immensely. Somehow, this stranger knew who and where Kevin was. As for him, he quickly came back to existence, placed his Pistol away, and got between her and the door. Backing away, Fluttershy saw Kevin opening the door fully, to reveal one of the Night Sentinels, standing there. The only differences is, that she was carrying two swords. One on her left hip, and the other on her back. Although, this one felt... Different from the rest. At least, the two she met for a short while. This one felt... She couldn't quite figure it out, but she felt as if she were important. Perhaps, she was very close with the Doom Marines. If so, then that must be it, because it stands to reason that, she didn't refer to Kevin as 'Sir' or 'Lord'. "Good to see you again, dear Hunter. Mind if I come in, please?" Snapping out of her thoughts, when she heard her speak, Fluttershy quickly replied. "Oh, yes! Of course! Please, do come in!" She answered her, as Kevin steps aside to let the Night Sentinel inside. Minding her head and the sword on her back, she bends down slightly to go through the door. As she comes in, Kevin looks outside, making sure nothing was waiting and hiding, then closes the door. From there, the Night Sentinel turns to face Kevin. "I'm glad you're all alright. But tell me; where is Bryan?" She asked him. Kevin replied. "Last time I saw him and Vincent, was back at this town's castle. Although, I highly doubt they're there anymore. The party was too kid friendly." She sighed at this. "And, knowing Vincent, he's probably somewhere in town drinking. With Bryan watching over him." She concluded, with Kevin nodding his head in agreement. "Um... Excuse me?" Fluttershy spoke up, getting their attentions. "But, if you want, I can lead you to where they might be? Because, well, Ponyville only has one Pub in town." Thinking this over, the Night Sentinel nodded. "Thank you, young one. But let's wait it out a bit. Vincent can get a little... Rambunctious. Especially, when he's drunk off his head." And just to prove her point, they heard banging and crashing, even laughter, out in the distances. Although barley, but it was there. Smiling sheepishly, Fluttershy spoke up. "Um... Yes! I can see why... A-A-Anyway, my name is--" "Dame Fluttershy, Bearer of The Element of Kindness. We actually know of all six of you." The Night Sentinel said, surprising her in the process. "I know you have questions regarding me, but I'll tell you at a later date. My name is Visilia, Princess of Tartarus." That last part surprised Fluttershy even more, and before she could say anything, Kevin placed a hand over her mouth. Stopping her from screaming out something embarrassingly stupid. Shaking his head, Kevin let go of her, and looked back at Visilia. "Why are you here?" "I came here on my father's permission and blessing. He wants me to inform you that our forces with be coming here in the morning. A hundred strong, twenty soldiers each from the five factions. Some you know and remember, others fill in as new bloods." She explained, as she pulls out the sword from her back. "Other than that though, I need to see Bryan, and give this to him." Fluttershy looked at the sword, while it wasn't anything new to her, the characteristics and the feeling she got from it was... Unique, shall we say. "This is Bryan's very own sword." Visilia explained to Flutters. "At least, the very first he started out with. He has slain many Demons with this weapon. It was craft by our late Forger, the greatest one we had. For he created the armour, as you can now see on me." "Oh... My." As they talked some more, Fluttershy was starting to feel tired herself, but fought through it, trying her best to stay up with them. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long though. "Well, I think we waited long enough." Visilia stated, as she placed Bryan's sword on her back, and went outside. Followed by Kevin and Fluttershy. Fluttershy lead the two through the sleeping town, though a bit slowly, because she was tired. Along the way, she heard Visilia talking to herself. "If only I could bring the Crucible to him... Or maybe even..." She didn't speak too much into it, but from the sound of things, perhaps she has feelings for Bryan. But that seemed strange. Bryan didn't look like the type to get into a relationship. Then again, she doesn't know much about any of them, only from what they told. Eventually, they made it to the Pub. While it may seem relatively intact on the outside, the inside is where the real mess is. Visilia walked up to the door and opened it up, finding it as she predicted; Destroyed. Every drunken idiot was on the floor, snoring away, while she tries to find the two Doom Marines. She found one, oddly enough, hanging upside down, from one of the chandeliers. Laughing and muttering incoherent words in his sleep. Shaking her head, she heard a groan, one that was all too familiar to her, and straight to it. She found Bryan, but was a little agitated by the sight. He was lying there, his head at her feet, with some youngling on top of him. Not to mention, his helmet was missing, showing his face fully. She and Kevin were both surprised by his new appearances; his hair was silvery white, his face still looked young, although you could have mistaken him to be in his late twenties, to early thirties. Looking about, she found his helmet, picked it up, and threw it at his head. Waking up immediately from that, Bryan was very pissed off, jerking up with his Pistol in hand. Looking behind him, he aimed his gun at her, baring his sharp teeth at her, growling all the while. With his eyes wide open, she can see they, too, have changed colour, blood red eyes, coursing with his building rage. Although, he stopped when he finally realised, that it was her, and that she wasn't a happy lady either. "... Oh, fuck me." "That can be arrange, jackass." > Ch.18 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.18: Hell Marchers… (Bryan/Doom Marine, Blood-drunk Mary Berry [Destroyed]) "... Oh fuck me." "That can be arranged, jackass." Yep... That's Visilia alright. Groaning, I tried to get up, only to find Pinch lying on top of me. Wait a minute, when did that happen? Oh, right, she flung herself at me, when I least expected it. Ow, my head! What did she got us to drink? And why the Hell is she smiling? God, we better not have kissed. "So... Enjoy kissing young ladies?" "... Fuck me sideways." I said, feeling rather awkward right now. Because fuck the hangover I'm starting to feel crawling its way into my head. "And exactly, how would you know of it?" "I just do and because I'm a lady, as well. Now put her to bed." She told me off, and I just flipped her off. "Cute." Grunting, I picked up Pinch and carried her off up stairs. I kicked open one of the guest room's door, and tucked her into bed. At least she was out like a light, unlike a certain Changeling Queen I know of. Once done, I went out and closed the door behind me. "Okay, why are you moving them out of the way?" I headed Visilia ask. Looking over the railing, I saw Kevin moving some of the drunk sleepers out of the way. That was when I realise Vincent was hanging off on the chandelier in front of me. Shrugging, I pulled out my Pistol, charged my shot, aiming at the chain holding it, and fired. Breaking the chain, Vincent fell to the floor, along with the chandelier, created a crater in the wooden floor. "Oooowwwwwww..... Bryan, you asshole....." We heard him grumbled, but he didn't bother on getting up. "You never changed..." Visilia commented. "Oh really? What gave it away?" I said sarcastically, as I walked down the stairs. "Well, maybe not your attitude. But your looks have changed." When she said that, I looked at her in panic. Catching this, she waved this off. "Nothing serious. Your eyes are blood-red, and your hair colour is slivery white. No major defects." I sighed in relief, but that was short-lived, as I felt her slap me across the face. "OUCH! WHAT THE FUCK WOMAN!?" I growled at her, and I don't give a fuck if I was hurting the drunks eardrums! I want answers! "That one was for letting it happen." She stated coldly. "I can't believe you went along with it. What if none of you were, ever, going to come back?" "We're still alive! For Hell sakes, I didn't like the idea, and I may have suspected it to happen, but I can't kill her! All that will do is prove her point!" I argued back at her. "You could have come back to Tartarus! Leave Equestria, leave this realm!" She countered. "HA! Yeah, sure! Great idea, I never even thought of that. Oh wait, I did, and it still wouldn't work!" I told her off. "Besides, you heard the reports about us! We're Displaced!" "And how does that justify anything!?" She shouted. "Everything! Because it doesn't matter where we go, the entire multiverse will throw something our way! Whether it be for better, or worse, we don't know!" "And that gives you the right to leave me alone!?" I was shocked out of my anger when she said that, because it didn't made much sense. "What the Hell does that mean!?" When I asked that, it made her even more pissed at me, that she took off her helmet and threw it at me. But I caught it before it could hit me in the face. "You were always a fool! Ever since you placed that stupid rule on yourselves..." Oh, come on… "Hey! I made that rule to make sure we don't endanger any who are close to us! I didn't want those I love die needless and meaningless deaths. None of us do!" I said as we both glared each other in the eyes. Her Golden eyes reflecting her frustrations over the eons, while tears threatening to spill from them. Seeing this, for the first time, it made me feel something I thought I would never have to feel again: Guilt. I was feeling guilty, and I knew why… Visilia had feelings for me, and she still has those feelings. Which at this point, I don't know what to do now. I was at a lost to this whole thing. I mean, I should know what to do, but can I do it? I've followed that one rule I made up, for so long, it might as well be my little religious pledge, for a lifetime. I can hardly remember on how to go about this now. Looking away from her, I paced back and forth, with no clue on how to fix this sort of thing, without the need to brutalise some things along the way. "... Wow... You two completely suck at this, huh?" We heard Vincent spoke up, apparently having to figure out what was happening. "I can help in that field." He proposed. "Really? Can you really help me...help us both?" I retorted. "Well..." He spoke while getting up and walking over my way, or tried to. "I've been in relationships before. I know what you two need to do, which is basically simple." "And what's that?" I asked him skeptically. "Last time I checked, your relationships didn't get very far." "True." He shrugged. "But that doesn't mean I don't have any experience. Now then..." As he talked, he pulled me by the arm towards her. "... You like her, don't you? More than just a friend, more than just your best friend?" He asked. At this point, I can't tell if he's still drunk or not, but I answered him... Answered her. "In truth, I guess I did at one point. But I had to bury them in order to keep her safe from the dangers. Safe from me..." "Ah! Self-doubt. That's what it was, huh?" He said. "You thought you weren't good enough." "Bro, our line of work is not the healthiest, nor the sanest. So what makes you think I want to put more pressure on any of us two?" I told him. He pats me on the shoulder. "If you ask me, you're also afraid of... Breaking another's heart again?" I shouldn't have reacted at that notion, but I couldn't help it. It's not like I was looking for romance or anything. That was hard enough as it is! "So it was that. Back then, when you were..." "Don't read too much into that, please?" I sneered at him. "The last thing I need you to do is expose me." And I rather not remember that pain again. "But you need to be exposed, for her." He points towards Visilia, who has been staring at me desperately. "She needs to know, alright. You need to show her, and the answer is simple..." Moving behind her, she pushes her closer to me. "... Kiss the beauty in front of you, ya dumbass of a beast!" As if agreeing with him, I saw Kevin nodding his head, while holding a sleeping Fluttershy, and the usual drunks groaned in agreement. I don't know why they would think the same? They don't even know shit about us, only on what they seen and heard on T.V.! As for me, I thought this over… … ... … … And I threw Visilia’s helmet at that bastard of a brother behind her. Hitting Vincent in the head made him fall backwards, weirdly enough. As for Kevin, he just shook his head at this. Visilia just chuckled at this. “Oh Bryan, you are so hopeless…” “Yeah, well, screw you too.” I growled at her, which only made her laugh some more. “You always sound adorable that way!” Oh great, now she’s mocking me. Grumbling, I turned away from her, only for her to lick my left cheek! Surprised, I jumped away from her. “Aw~. What’s the matter? Afraid of a little affection?” “No. No. No! Don’t do that! Don’t you dare do that with me, woman!” I shouted, wiping off that lick of hers. “Oh, come now. Don’t be shy about it, or are you scared?” “Of course I am, for fuck sakes! This is my very first!” I wasn’t lying either. I was too much of a loner, and too much of a thinker. The subject of getting in a relationship never really popped up. “That just makes things all the more better…” Oh shit! Why did I tell her that!? “Hah! You know what that means…” No, Vincent! Don’t you dare add more to this shit! “I swear to god Vincent!” “Bow chicka bow--” Before he could even finish that one line, I was upon him and kicked him in between the legs… Hard. “... Mommy… Fluff my pillow…” He squeaked, holding his manhood as he whimpered from the pain. “... You monster.” Rolling my eyes, I just flipped him off, only to get smacked from behind my head. “Bryan!” Visilia shouted. “What!?” I shouted back, looking back at her. “Must you always pummel things into the red!? Can you simply not just… I don’t know, go about it another way!?” “You know how I can be! And you know how he can be!” I pointed to Vincent, still holding onto himself. Sighing exasperatedly, she facepalmmed herself, along with Kevin, before speaking again. “Look, let’s just get out of here, find a motel, and just sleep this off. And I’m paying.” To prove her point, she grab a bag full of bits. “Now come on, we’re leaving.” With that said, she starts walking outside. Grunting, I grabbed Vincent by the leg, and dragged him out, while Kevin flipped the sign from ‘OPEN’ to 'CLOSED’. After that, he says. "I’ll take Fluttershy back over to Twilight’s castle, and see if they’re all in bed. There’s a motel not far from here, that should be suitable.” As he said that, he teleports away. “Well that’s good, also here’s your helmet.” Visilia said as she puts my helmet on me, and she did the same with hers. Soon enough we arrived at the motel Kevin was talking about, which was a pretty decently simple enough. Walking inside, we saw the Receptionist at the front desk. “Oh! Welcome to our…” She paused as she realised who she was talking to. “Oh my! The Doom Marines! Here!?” “Yes, that they are.” Visilia answered her. “And before you ask, I’m known as a Night Sentinel. I would like to purchase two rooms please.” “... Okay?” The Receptionist was confused by this, but gave her two keys anyway. “Second floor, up the stairs. You’ll find your rooms.” Paying her to stay for the night, we made our way up, while I still dragged Vincent by the leg. Which means he was hitting his head on each step up. “Ow… Ow… Ow… Ow…” Heh! Reminds me of something back home… Oh yeah, TFS! When Goku was in that tank, and every time he laughed, he causes himself pain. Aw, man. Now I miss the episodes. “... Ow… Ow… Ow… Ow!” “Shut the fuck up, man. We’re here.” To my disappointment, we reached the second floor. A little too quickly if you ask me. Walking up to one of the rooms, I asked. “So… Who’s sleeping where?” “You and me, in here.” She answered me. “Vincent and Kevin will have the other room.” Giving me the other keys to the other room, which was next to ours, I took them and dragged Vincent inside. Leaving him lying on the floor, I went back to Visilia, who went inside. Looking about in the room, it was decent itself. Nothing too fancy, just your regular motel rooms, up to standards. “It’s pretty nice.” I commented. “I concur, but you…” She said as she points towards me. “Strip.” “... What?” I was lost at this point. “You smell like a mini bar. Get out of that armour, and wash up. We have a big day tomorrow.” She explained. “About a hundred of our Night Sentinels will be here, and I rather you don’t stink up the place with your shame.” Yikes! That’s harsh...but fair enough. “Point taken.” Moving towards the bathroom door, I opened it and turned on the light in there. Showing me a marble white bathroom. Shrugging at this, I stepped inside and was about to close the door. Only to have it stopped by a boot. “What the--??” “Let me in.” Visilia demanded. “Why the fucking Hell should I!?” I shot back at her. “So that I can clean your armour out!” She answered. Thinking this over, I just shook my head at this, and did what she wanted. Opening the door, I let her in. “Fine. But no peeking for fuck sakes. I don’t need a perverted stalker made out of you.” Nodding her head, she turns to face the closed door, while I quickly got out of my armour. Piling it up nice and neat, I opened up the shower door and hopped in. Closing it up, I turned on the shower, feeling the cold water hitting me, until it started warming up a few moments later. Sighing, I got to cleaning myself up. It’s been too long since I’ve showered, but I didn’t smell too bad. Maybe the armour soaks up the wearer's sweat? Probably, but that’s somewhat disgusting in itself. That made me want to clean up more thoroughly than ever! “You OK in there, Hun?” I heard Visilia call out to me… Wait a minute, did she call me 'Hun'? “Uh… Yeah, I am.” I answered her. “How’s my armour?” “Ugh! Honestly, you men just love sweating up a storm!” She complained, as I could barely hear her scrubbing away my armour. “Seriously, this thing reeks!” “Yeah, well, I doubt you can wash away the smell of blood.” I retorted. “No, I can’t. Nothing can wash it away. It’s stuck there forever.” She stated. “Still though, that smells better than this, for fuck sakes!” I just groaned at this, and went back to cleaning myself up. Not even bothering to listen in on her complaining. Once done, I turned the shower off and was about to exit, but stop myself from doing that. I got nothing else to wear, not even a towel, the one thing I forgot to get for me! That is, until one landed on my head. “Dry off. There’s a robe over here.” I heard Visilia said. “Thanks…” I said to her, as I dried off and tied it around my waist. Walking out of the shower, I saw her washing my chestplate. Pointing to a white robe, I got it and put it on me, with the towel still wrapped around me. “Get some sleep. I’ll be finishing cleaning this up.” She said, moving to my gauntlets. “... Right. Goodnight.” I told her as I went out. “Goodnight, my love.” I heard her answer, but making it sound a little more intimate. Closing the door behind me, I just stood there. Thinking. She really wants to be with me. But I’m still not sure about it. There was so many things I was afraid of, possibly paranoidly so. I’ll just sleep this off, worry about it another time. Moving to the queen-sized bed, I got under its covers, and tried to sleep. But I couldn’t, for the life of me. Try as I might, it wasn’t coming to me. Was I really that riled up from having to think about that? Is it wrong for me to settle down, or think of settling down? Oh I fucking hate you brain, just shut off and rest. Eventually, I did managed to get some sleep… Finally! (Princess Visilia/Night Sentinel, inside the bathroom…) “... Finally.” I sighed in relief, finishing off cleaning out Bryan’s boots. Setting up his armour in one pile, leaving it there until he wakes up. Walking out, I saw him sleeping in bed, lightly snoring. It’s cute, really. Seeing him like this. There is so much to tell you though, Bryan. But for now, rest. No need to rush this through. Getting out of my armour and placing both of our swords in one corner, I went to grab another robe out from a closet nearby, and put that on. Once done, I jumped into bed with him, crawling closer to him. This isn’t the first time we slept with each other, but those times were during The Hell Wars, and we were sleeping with our armour still on, down on the stone-cold ground. Out of sight, mind you! Didn’t want the Demons of Hell getting the drop on us. Anyway, I wrapped my arms around him, and in his sleep, did he do the same. I was...happy. More so than ever now. It was so… No, no! Don’t ruin this moment! It may seem like that at first, but it won’t last forever. Just enjoy the feeling, as much as you can. Savour this moment. Oh, if only I could tell him… But I know I shouldn’t, not yet. But it really would make things better! I’m jumping ahead of myself over this whole relationship thing, aren’t I? Yeah, I’ll stop that now. Closing my eyes, I let myself fall asleep. Finding comfort with him there, in a very long time. Sometimes I would stay awake for so long, because I was afraid to sleep. The dreams I’ve had over these ten millennia, have not been kind to me. They were all a Hellscape nightmare. Showing me nothing but the deaths of all that I have loved, especially the Doom Marines themselves. Bryan was always the worst, because, either I was forced to watch him die, or the reverse; he watches me die. Now though, those dreams have finally stopped, and I was relieved of that. A few hours later, I felt the Sun Witches sun rising. The blinds maybe closed, but I can still tell and feel it. That traitorous bitch! I wish I could just kill her, for her acts of treason! But I know I can’t, because that action alone is treason within itself. I would have become a Betrayer myself, and Bryan will very much disapprove of it. Not to mention, I would have made things even harder for them. Still though, I can never forgive her. If I so much as see her face, I’m punching it. Feeling Bryan getting out of my arms and bed, I tried to stop him. “Mmm… No. Stay here…” I whined. “C’mon Visi, time to get up.” He said to me, trying to pull me out of bed. “They’ll be here any moment now. We need to gear up before they arrive.” Ugh! I hate it when he’s right. Groaning in defeat, I let go of him and got up, but I didn’t get out of bed. Not saying a word, he just went into the bathroom, leaving me by myself. “Not even a morning kiss…” I grumbled, now feeling agitated by his stupidity. Huffing, I got out of bed, took the robe off, and placed my armour back on. I’m still mad at him for not kissing me yet. Honestly, how dense can he be!? Okay, okay, just calm down. No need to get so shoddy about it, and he’s right, we got to meet with our comrades. Placing my sword back on, I picked up his and looked it over. Everything was still in good shape and sharp as ever. Hearing the bathroom door open, I saw him walking over to me, holding his helmet in his left arm. “I can’t believe you brought that old thing here for me.” He said, sounding a bit surprised by the fact I have his sword. As for me, I just held it out for him to take. “Shut up and take it already.” I told him off. Shrugging, he reaches out with his right hand, taking it by the handle. Placing his sword on his back, mag-locking on, we heard knocking. “Yo, guys. You decent?” Vincent asked. “Yeah, yeah. Go choke on a dick, you perverted cunt.” Bryan snarked off, going up to the door and opening it. Revealing both Vincent and Kevin. These two didn’t had their helmets on either; both of them having the same silvery white hair, although, Kevin's one was long, going past his shoulder blades, along his back. Their eye colours, also red. Sighing, the two of them just walk right in. “So, no one kissed the other?” When he asked that one, I just shook my head, while Bryan just headbanged against his helmet. “Eh, another time. Anyway, when are the Hell Marchers coming? Took a quick shower and cleaned up my armour as soon as I got up.” “They should be here any moment. We’ll know when we feel them marching on through.” I answered him, as Kevin was busy tying up his hair, and maybe I was feeling a little jealous about the length. I mean, my scarlet red hair is long, but not as long as his one. However he keeps it in perfect condition is beyond me. What? Even I get bad hair days. Although, I did ask them a question. “This might be far left field, but what is Kevin’s culture anyway?” “Oh, him?” Vincent pointed. “Half Red Indian, or Native American if you want, and half Japanese. A rare thing to hear, but it’s actually pretty cool!” Kevin smiled at this comment. I may not know much about Humanity, but it still fascinates me. Even if they don’t want to talk about it. Just then, we heard the marching sounds of our forces coming through town, and they weren’t far off either. “That must be them now…” “No shit.” Bryan said, as we all placed our helmets on. “So… How do you want to do this?” He asked. “I’m sorry, but what?” I asked him back, in confusion. “Why should you worry about--?” “I’m jumping out through the window!” Vincent said, cutting in through what I was about to say. “I mean, c’mon! Let’s do some crazy intros for the troops to laugh about! We haven’t seen them and they haven’t seen us too!” I just stared at him for that. “... Okay, I’m with you on that.” WHAT!? “Bryan, why!? That sounds completely idiotic!” I shouted at him, shocked that he would agree to Vincent’s insane plan! “Oh, c’mon Visi, live a little. I know I need to from time-to-time.” He answered me. Just as the marching became louder and louder, the more they came closer, they gave one final stomp before they halted outside. “Showtime!” Vincent stated as he ran towards a window and opened it. Bryan followed behind him as they both jumped out through it. “Hello, everybody! We’re back in business, bitches!” As Vincent said that, our comrades cheered to that, saying praises to the Doom Slayers present. Shaking my head, I looked back at Kevin, as he stood outside the room waiting for me. Nodding, we both went out the more civilised way, making our way down stairs and exited out the front entrance. From there, we saw the two mingling in with their brothers and sisters-in-arms. They were all happy to see them, like a reunion. “Ah! There you two are.” We turned to see Azurai and Tahilla walking towards us. “I see the Lords are in good spirit today, your highness.” “Yes. That they are.” I replied. Tahilla giggled at this. “Ma’am, you seem a bit miffed at this.” “A little bit, but I won’t stop them from doing what they perceive as fun.” I said, as we watch the two having a joyous moment with their Night Sentinels. Unfortunately, that moment was ruined. Out of nowhere, the town was under attack. From the look of things, it was Cocoon’s Changelings, some of them flying about overhead. “Take this town!” One of them commanded, only for me to shoot his head off his shoulders. The rest were also gunned down. “That fucking does it!” Bryan shouted, enraged of this situation. “Where are they coming from!?” “Outside of town!” One of the Night Sentinels said, getting up on the rooftop and pointing it out. He was a part of Kevin’s faction. “Looks like at least over 2000 strong coming in, my Lord!” “Crusaders, on me! Let’s teach these assholes why you don’t fuck with any of us!” Bryan called out, getting his faction to raise their fists in the air. Making way, he ran straight through them until he was out front, leading his faction out to the field. Nodding to the others, I ran after him, as I heard Azurai give out orders. “Defend this town! Do not let these insects take it, nor harm its inhabitants!” Making it up the front, I ran beside Bryan, as we made haste. Passing by civilians, they had to jump out of the way, making sure not to get ran over by us and taking shelter from the attack. Drawing our swords, we reached the edge of town, charging straight into the unsuspecting enemy. With only one goal in mind, we all chanted it out loud, as we engaged those fucking bugs. “RIP AND TEAR!!!!!!!!!!!” (Kevin/Doom Marine…) “Here they come!” “Open fire!” “Slaughter the Betrayers on sight!” As we saw the Changelings taking to the air, after hearing the Crusaders chanting and slicing their way through them, we all started shooting down the many stragglers. It didn’t matter where they have gone, whether it be in the air, or ground, trying to hide behind cover, whatever. It won’t stop us from finding and killing them. Most of them were dropping like flies, literally, but there are those that seem to have made it through. Me and my faction were all on the rooftops, running along them, jumping from one to another, providing additional fire support from afar. Of course, I was trailing one of them, sneaking into an alleyway. With my Vortex Rifle, I aimed for his head, only to find he wasn’t the only one. Regrouping with some more Changelings, they were discussing about the situation, without noticing my presence. “How… How did we miss something like this!? There wasn’t suppose to be any forces inside town!” One of them hissed, while the others nodded. “This isn’t going well. We need to call in reinforcements!” Another suggested. “How is that going to change anything!? They clearly outmatch us!” One protested. “We have no choice! I’m calling it in!” He said as I readied a Frag. “Even if we don’t call it in, others will--” Before he could finish talking, I threw the Grenade and it exploded, killing off the lot. But then I saw a flash of light, and out came more Changelings, right inside of town. Soon enough they raided all over the place… “Quickly! Swarm the castle!” Uh-oh! The girls and that are there! “I need some Ghosts with me! We cannot let them take the castle!” I sent out to my Faction, as I made my way over there. Switching to my Burst Rifle, I started shooting down as much as I can, while running from rooftop to rooftop. Although, that made them look my way. “Dammit, it’s one of them! Deal with him!” One of them shouted, as a group of them came swarming down on me. Or they would have, if it weren’t for my Ghosts, as they shot them down before they reached me. “You called for backup, sir!?” Tahilla said, as she and some others followed me. “Thanks for that. These bugs are going to overrun the castle. We’ll be cleaning up house.” I stated to them, as we eventually reached the castle. Already we could hear gunfire going off inside, the Lunar Guard holding them off. They must have acquired the guns we confiscated. There was some waiting for us outside, but they were easy enough to take care of. Inside, however, was a different story. They practically flooded the whole place, but that’s not gonna stop us. Switching to my Combat Shotgun with the Charged Shot mod on, we charged straight into them, painting this entire place with their blood and guts, as we ran through the hallways. Out of nowhere, one of those Heavies, known as a Tanker, came out around a corner and pinned me to a wall. Before he could do anything, a couple of my Ghost jumped on his back and started to stab the ever living Hell out of him! Soon enough he lost his grip on me, as I grabbed his head, shoved my shotgun in his mouth, charged up my three shots, and blew his brains out. Once done, we threw him off to the side and continued on, killing any and all Changelings getting in our way. When we reached the main room, we saw the Lunar Guard fighting off the Changelings, while the girls were inside a bubble shield created by Twilight and Cadence. Getting in there, we used our hands to start snapping necks, ripping off limbs, kicking in their spines, punch off some faces into the red, anything related to gruesome, really. Once done, we started setting up defensive positions, using whatever we can get our hands on, while I set up the Kinetic Mines outside. Moving the injured into a more secure area, which is basically within Twi’s and Cadence’s barrier, I switched over to the Plasma Rifle with the Stun Bomb mod on, and aimed at the doorway, as we heard the many buzzes and screeches of Changelings coming straight for us. “Alright people, dig in. We’re not done here…” (Button Mash, Basement…) Okay, this has got to be the best, yet worst day, ever. Why is it the best? Well, just as me and mum were about to go out for early shopping, which was kind of annoying. Seriously, who wakes up this early? Anyway, once we were done, we started making our way back home. Only, along the way did we heard something coming. It sounded like a large marching band, just without the instruments. Then we felt it, as it got closer. Soon enough though, we saw this army of armoured beings, marching through town! Mum quickly got us out of their way, as these guys continued on marching. Getting a good look at them, they were just like those Doom Marines we saw, only their armour themes are different. Still though, very advanced tech! Of course, everypony knew about them guys at this point, seeing as… Aw man, I’m still bummed out that he is gone. One of my idols was Prince Shining Armour, Princess Twilight Sparkle’s older brother, and hearing him deceased was the worst thing I’ve heard. At least… At least he was avenged when he died. Once they were out of sight, mum sort of rushed us off home. She probably felt a little intimidated by them, even though they weren’t going to do anything to us. But, really, who would have thought the Doom Marines actually had an army!? That is so freaking cool! They all must be Knights of their secret Order! I wonder what they call themselves? Doom Knights, maybe? I mean, it's pretty fitting, when you think about it. Although, there was my mum’s different perspective on what we witness. She was shook up by it, easily so. Once we packed the shopping away, she had us both sat down on the couch. “Buttons, honey…” “Yeah, mum?” “I’m going to be honest with you… I don’t feel very comfortable with them being here.” She said to me, as I heard her out. I mean, okay sure, it sounds like complete nonsense. But I’m gonna hear her out and give her my input on it. She hears out my problems. “Why?” I asked her. “It's just that… Ever since this war started, I’ve always worried that something bad might happen.” She explained. “Much like yesterday?” “Yes. Much like what happened yesterday.” “Do you blame them?” “... I don’t know who to exactly blame for all of that has happened, so far.” She sighed, sagging a bit. “And I’m not sure if I should feel relief or terrified about these Humans. Everything they have done so far have been...ruthlessly violent.” She shivers at that. Figuring that’s all she wanted to state, I moved closer to her. “Mum, while you may have a point about something, we don’t know everything about them. True they have killed many, but that’s how war is, because the stakes are always high.” I told her. “It isn't the prettiest thing to do, but they didn't start this whole mess, they're finishing this fight. For OUR sakes, mum.” “... When did my boy became a grown-up so fast?” Aw, sheesh mum. Before I could answer her, we heard screaming outside, along with the sounds of buzzing. Lots of buzzing. This is where the worst comes in. Yesterday were bandits, today was Changelings. A lot of Changelings. Mum grabbed me and got us down into the basement, locking the door. Going to the far end, we hunker down and hugged each other, hopefully we’ll be able to wait this out. Then we felt the ground shake, as if a stampede was rolling on through, like a freight train. But that’s when we heard something, sounded like a thousand voices shouting out one thing. ‘Rip and Tear’, I think it was. After that, was the sounds of those guns going off. The fight has begun, as we heard the battle cries from those Doom Knights, going all guns blazing. Moments passed, as we thought things couldn't get any worse, we heard our front door get kicked in, and I knew who done the deed. As they stormed our house, we heard one of them shout out. “Search the place! We’ll get these monsters to comply with our demands with hostages!” Looking at mum, I whispered to her how I felt right now. “Mum… I’m scared.” I know it may seem so cowardly to admit such a thing, but I’m no hero or anything. Because that’s something we need right now. Hearing this, she hugged me even more tightly. “Don’t worry honey. I won’t let them near you, I promise.” She vowed to me. Although, I don’t think it really mattered to the Changelings. “They’re in here! Can you sense their fear?” Because they just figured out where we are hiding. As he cackled, they started to bust down the basement door, our final barrier between them and us. While we tried to make ourselves seem small, something fell right in front of me. It looked like some weird-looking handle, alien in appearance, even for those Doom Marines. If my gaming experience ever taught me something. Mum was far too busy looking at the door, so I picked it up and looked it over. Although, as soon as I picked it up, I heard a voice coming from it. At least, I think it was. “This is Sebastian of the Dark Angels, and Spartans Viktor and Alexandra of the UNSC. For those out there, if you are outnumbered and need help, or if your world and its inhabitants are in danger or you just want to hang out, call upon the protectors of Humanity’s future, from both the 41st Millennium and the 24th century. Ave Imperator! For the Emperor and the UNSC! For Equestria!” Okay… What the hay was that all about? Before I could question this any further, we heard the door breaking down. Letting them in now. Terrified by this, I held onto mum for dear life, thinking that this would be the end. Whimpering, I shed a few tears, praying to Celestia that some miracle comes to save us. “Please… Somepony help us. Anypony.” Just when we were losing all hope, something unexpected happened. A portal, of some kind, opened up from the ceiling of basement, and out came three figures. Well, they more or less dropped in, landing in front of us. “Alright then, let's get a move… What in the--!?” One of the Changelings said, as he and some others came down the stairs. “Ugh… Anyone get the number of that Pelican?” Um… What? Was that suppose to be a joke or something? Well, anyway, all three of them started to get up, we got a good look at them. They kind of reminded me of the Doom Marines, yet, I don’t think they are the same. The first two were sleek and toned in appearance, their colours consisted of red and silver, on the left side of their chest armour were numbers; 918 and 719 .Their helmets were definitely different from the Doom Marines, one having a pointed head with a yellow visor, while the other had a yellow half bubble visor with a white skull on it. Although one of them had a bit more bulk to it, so I’m guessing that’s a male, and the other is female… Wait, is that a robot arm she has? Wow, that’s so cool! Oh no, wait, she lost her real arm, so that's bad. Now I feel sorry for her. The last one… By the Celestial Light, he’s bigger than them! More heavily armoured than the first two, bulkier even, his head almost touching the ceiling itself! Dark green was his entire armour’s colour, his right shoulder had a sword with wings spread out on both sides, while his left one had a red sideways double headed arrow with a weird looking number 2 on it. His helmet had a narrow muzzle with two eye slots above it that glowed a hellish red. On his back was some kind of backpack, but it had what looked like nozzles on it. His chest armor had what looked like a golden double headed eagle, while his knee… why is there a red stripe on it? As they shook off the dizziness, they had a look around for a bit, until they spotted the Changelings behind them. “Where the hell are… WHAT IN DORN’S NAME?!” The big green one exclaimed, as if he and the others were thoroughly surprised to see a Changeling for the first time. “Who the hell are these guys?!” “JUST HOW MANY OF YOU DAMN THINGS ARE THERE!?” The Changeling shouted, as he and his companions were just as surprised as they were. Before anything could happen between these two groups, the Changelings were getting shot down from behind. The first had his legs shot at, while his buddies were...killed, leaving him crippled. “AGH! MY LEGS!” Just then, we heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs, and it was one of those Doom Knights. He was carrying a two-handed Warhammer, as he came up to the downed Changeling, placed a boot on his back, to keep him pinned, raising his Warhammer over his head, and crushed the Changeling’s head in a bloody fashion of oblivion. It’s kind of sickening, now that I witness the real-deal. When the deed was done, he turned his attention towards the three newcomers, while they just stared at him, until they looked back our way. “Wait, is that a pony with a human body?” One of the two smaller ones asked in confusion. “What kind of Equestria is this?!” “Ahem!” The Doom Knight coughed, gaining their attention. “If you’re quite finished, may we take this outside?” He asked them, as they nodded their heads and went up stairs. Leaving us alone. This day just got a whole lot more complicating now… (Sebastian/Space Marine, Button Mash’s house…) Okay… What the bloody hell is going on here? First, Sebaste asked one of us for something. Next thing we knew, we got sucked into a portal out of the blue! Right now, the only guide we have is this Templar leading us out of the basement, after killing off some type of insectoid pony thing. It almost reminds me of those Tyranids. Almost. It was then one of us asked him the question. “What exactly is going on here?” “War.” He answered us. “If you couldn’t tell from the gunfire and battle cries ringing outside.” Well, now that he mentioned it, we probably should have guessed as much. Seeing as these bugs are causing trouble. “Great… We go from one war to another…” Alex muttered, her voice full of annoyance. But this didn’t go unheard of by the Templar. “That’s odd. I thought you lot were warriors, not whiners.” Okay, I can’t tell whether he’s insulting us, or speaking out his disapproval of her attitude towards the situation. It’s as if we were suppose to expect a fight on a regular daily basis. That was when she snapped at him for that comment. “We have our own problems back in our own Equestria.” Now, I thought he was going to go berserk from that. But clearly that wasn’t the case. Quite the unexpected opposite. “Ah, so you lot are Displaced yourselves. I’m sure our Lords will want to hear of this.” That, alone, literally surprised us. He knew what we were, what a Displaced is, and the whole Multiverse thing! But how!? Was he a Displaced himself!? No, he would have told us that by now. Just then, a portal opened up and out came Sebaste, or Eliteslayer, as he would call himself, landed in front of us. Getting up, he was face-to-face with the Templar, as he was just as surprised to see him and taken a step back. “How… How the heck did a Templar get into Equestria?!” He shouted in shock. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m no Templar.” Wait, what? “Also…” Before he continued, he made a grab for Eliteslayer, and pulled him over. Just as he did that, something came flying through the window; a half-torn corpse of those bugs. Looking out through the house’s windows, what we saw was an utter bloodbath outside. “Mind the body parts. The young ones tend to get rowdy in a fight. I’m a Night Sentinel, by the way, now follow me, and kill anything that’s a pest.” He explained, as he lead us to the front door. “I can see that…” Sebaste said as he took in the scene happening right in front of us. We saw one of those bugs rushing towards this one pony, oddly enough this guy was unfortunate to have gotten mixed up in this mess. Although, what surprised us was the fact that he had a gun on him. Aiming at the bug, he pulls the trigger and with an earsplitting BANG!, did the bug drop dead. A bullet hole in between its eyes. “Stupid bugs…” Sebaste muttered. “Quite right and nice aim. Now come…” The Night Sentinel said as he got a move on, running through this mess like it was the most normal thing to do. Upon which he kind of left us here. Looking at each other, we didn't know what to do next, that is until another one of those Night Sentinels came running in. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? EITHER YOU GET A MOVE ON, OR GO KILL YOURSELVES!” We were surprised that this one was female, and even more so on what she done next. After shouting at us in anger, she somehow managed to kill five… Five of these things buzzing about, within seconds, and let me tell you; it was all done with such sheer brutality. And she did it with her own bare hands! Before any of us could say anything, she was already gone, and lightning fast, too. “How wude!” We heard Viktor said in a funny voice, after the Night Sentinel left us. “Can it Vik, we need to get moving. Alex, Sasha, clear a path for us.” Sebaste ordered. “You got it, Seb.” Alex said as she unsheathed her snake blade, activating its whip form. As for me, I quickly summoned up a pair of bladed gauntlets, each forming on both of my armoured hands. After that, we both charged forward, as I brought down three of these damned pest, slashing them away in a flurry of cutting blows, while Alex unleashed blast after blast of offensive magic from her free hand, as she delivered devastating blows with her own melee weapon. Viktor and Sebaste were right behind the whole way, shooting down those trying to attack us from up high. While we were plowing on through, I couldn't help but take in the fights happening all around us. These Night Sentinels were just about everywhere, even on the rooftops. Those ones are probably tasked with shooting down those bugs in the air, trying to keep them from reinforcing the others on the ground. But no matter what, they were all dead men anyway. Hell I even witness one of them ripping the bugs arm off and used it as a baseball bat, knocking the owner of said arm head off his shoulders, in a gory fashion. We even heard some of them shouting out, calling the bugs 'disgraceful cowards’, seeing as they were, apparently, trying to take hostages. I guess that's what we just witnessed ourselves when we first arrived here, and I think I speak for all four of us here, when I say; I concur with the Night Sentinels. Soon enough, we found the first Night Sentinel we met, killing off another one of those annoying little pest with his Warhammer. After he was done, Sebaste asked him. “Who exactly are these ‘Lords’ you mentioned?” Yes, we did told him about that part along the way… (Vincent/Doom Marine…) “Bye-bye!” I shouted as I swung my Chainsaw at the next unfortunate victim, cutting threw his flesh. As soon as this fight started, my faction and I have been running about and killing any Changeling that was on the ground, sweeping through every street to slice and dice these motherfuckers. Of course, when shit hits the fan, for them, they call in reinforcements. Heh! Like that’s ever gonna change anything. It’ll only make things all the more fun for us! So I say bring in everything you got on you! “My lord, they’re trying to break into the houses!” One of the Night Sentinels shouted out to me. “Oh… You cheap-shot little shits.” I growled as I got on Comms. “All units, be advised, Changelings are trying to take in hostages! Converge and annihilate any who tries it!” Once done, I looked towards my own. “Alright, new plan: split up and spread out! Run around town and help out anyway you can!” With that said, they ran around town, as I went up to the rooftops. Why was I up here? Well, I was looking for Azurai and see where’s Kevin. Usually he’ll be up here sniping, with his faction. Right now, he’s nowhere around, along with the fact that they’re missing some of their own. So where did they sneak off to? Oh hey, there's Azurai! “My lord, what brings you here!?” “Where's Kevin?” I asked him. “At the Princess of Friendship’s castle! The enemy is trying to take it!” He answered as he shot down some assholes flying about. I scoffed at this. “Fucking twats.” “The Defenders will be busy dealing with the whole hostage situation! I’ll be needing some more fire support from the Gunners!” “Alright, you got it!” After that, I just kept on running about, killing anything I can swing my Chainsaw at. Hearing their screams at the fact they’re getting cut up like this is pretty funny, like, they thought getting cut down by swords or something pointy was bad enough. After awhile, I came up to find one of my Chasers heading my way. Stopping in front of me, she spoke. “Sir! There seem to be a four man squad of Displaced here!” “You’re shitting me!?” I exclaimed from hearing this. “No joke sir! Although, they’re kind of slow at this whole thing, possibly new blood to the whole concept!” She stated, before pointing the way. “You’ll find them that way!” I nodded to her and headed that way. If these four are indeed Displaced themselves, I just hope they know how to fight. Making it to where she last saw them, the other Night Sentinels pointed the way, seeing as they moved onward. Just then, I finally saw them; three Spartans from the Halo series, and one Adeptus Astartes from Warhammer 40K, a Dark Angel to be precise. Walking up behind them, with my Chainsaw on my shoulder, I heard one of the Spartans asked our Night Sentinel a question regarding us Doom Marines. “If it isn't obvious to you, then I’ll explain it; they are like you. They, too, are Displaced.” He answered them, as he crushed a Changeling against a wall, killing the sneaking prick in an instant. “Why doesn't that surprise me…” The Spartan in question muttered, sounding a bit moody. So I decided to make myself known. “Wow. Who’s the mopey Spartan over here?” When I said that, they were surprised by this. Turning around to face me, they were quite shocked to seeing me. “A Doom Marine!?” Another Spartan shouted. “Yes, that I am! I’m one of the five Doom Marines; Deaths Runner. You can call me Runner, for now.” I told them, without giving my real name. They may be Displaced themselves, but you can never be too careful. One of the three Spartans spoke up, Mr. Mopeypants himself. “Eliteslayer, and these three are Sasha, Alex and Viktor.” He introduced himself and his team; Sasha being the Dark Angel, while Alex and Viktor are the other two Spartans. The Astartes nodded to me, while the male Spartan gave me the Peace sign — oddly enough, considering the situation we’re all in — and the female Spartan just waved at me for a little bit. “Nice to meet you.” Alex said to me. I looked towards her and nodded. “You too. Although…” I turned the face the Dark Angel, thinking of something that popped into my head. I mean, should I do it? “Uh… What is it?” He asked me, confused as to why I’m staring at him. You know what? Fuck it! I’m doing it! “... Pussy Slayer.” I bluntly said, which made them do a double take-back from that. Of course, this pissed off Sasha. “Excuse me!?” He growled, taking a step forward, only for that Eliteslayer to step in front of the Astartes, stopping him. “Oh, come on. You should have seen that one coming, Lion Lover.” I told him, seeing as I wasn't so easily scared off. That was when I heard chuckling. “He mostly just stuck to the books and DoW series.” Alex stated as she sheathed her blade away. “Although he did see the Prologue to a recent fan animation called “The Lord Inquisitor” before we got Displaced. So he wouldn't recognise that reference.” Oh, well, that explains a lot. I might have to give him a Datapad with all of the Warhammer 40K Lore and such, just so he can learn in his spare time. But that’ll be next time. “Hmm…” I hummed in thoughtful thinking, before speaking. “I don’t suppose you all remember “If The Emperor Had A Text-To-Speech Device” parody on YouTube, would you?” I asked them. “Never watched it.” Sasha… Okay, I’m sorry, but that name doesn't roll of my tongue correctly. I mean, that can't be his real name. Possibly his nickname, but not his whole name. Anyway, since none of them know it, I’ll just tell them. “Well then, here's a references that one of your own brothers used when he saw Leman Russ in the Warp: “Lion for life, dogfucker.” So you can see why I said that.” I explained to them, which left them dumbfounded from that. I just continued on. “What's worse, was that little shit was in Deathwatch itself. So most of the Inquisition got thrown in through the Warp, when they invaded the Golden Throne. All in attempt to save the Emperor, when really, they just pissed him off…” “Sir, if you’re quite finished with your bantering with them, we have a battle to win.” Verharai, one of our many Veteran Night Sentinels from The Hell Wars, said as he killed a Changeling with his Warhammer. He’s from The Mountains Pillar faction, hence they all have hammers, in memory of the late Forger. Pillar has the old man's one. That said, we got back to killing. “Who exactly is in charge of the Changelings attacking? Chrysalis?” Eliteslayer asked as he delivered a headshot to a nearby Changeling. And it seems he knows about Chrysalis and Changelings. “Nope! We are allied with her because her fucked up bitch of a sister; Queen Cocoon, set the whole thing up with that Canterlot Wedding thing. By tricking her sister to invade and take Canterlot and Equestria, only to get stabbed in the fucking back by her, so she can take over the world.” I explained to them, with that last bit being sarcastic. “Seriously, cliché as fuck. I’m just wondering when we’re gonna kill her.” I scoffed off, revving my Chainsaw and sawed a Changeling’s face in half. “We have our own problems back in our Equestria. You’re not the only one fighting a war!” Viktor said as he gutted a Changeling with a pair of energy swords. Well, more like whining to me. Seriously, why are you whining at a time like this? “Bro, shut your fucking whining already, okay? You are what you paid for. That’s how the whole Displacement goes.” I stated, as I pulled out my Super Shotgun and started blasting away. Sending bits of Changelings all over the place. “I know that the hard way…” Eliteslayer muttered, as he summoned up a UNSC Chaingun and unloaded the heavy machine gun onto a group, that tried to flank us. “And this is the second time I’ve been Displaced…” “Oh yeah? Try being entombed for over ten thousand years, then we’ll talk.” I retorted, as I performed a Glory-Kill on a nearby Changeling, by ripping his arm off and bash his head with it. “Geez, seems a lot of Displaced seem to get Stoned… and I've met a pair a long time ago.” The Spartan chuckled. “News flash! If you’re talking about the Elements of Harmony, or whatever the fuck you call them…” I stated, as I broke another Changeling’s neck in the process. “One: the Elements NEVER existed way back then. And two: someone else placed me and the other three in Tombstones.” “Let me guess… Celestia?” “No you fucking dumbass! She may have done that to the Berserker, but she didn’t make them!” “Then who did? Did you even see who put you in the Tombstone?” Alex asked as she fired three missiles, that came out of nowhere, into a throng of Changelings. “You try seeing them when you get blindsided!” I growled at her. “Can we not talk about this!?” “Alright, sheesh…” Viktor said. He then leapt up into the and slammed into the ground, sending a visible shock wave that sent the remaining changelings flying. Just as we were done, I get a message from Kevin, saying to come over at Twi’s castle. “Alright ass-fuckers, over to Twi’s castle, let’s go!” Just as I said that, a blue, red and white shield suddenly smacked into me, and Pinkie's voice sounded from behind. “Language!” “FUCK YOU! DON’T MAKE ME GET BERSERKER!” I shouted back, and I wasn't exactly sure if that was our Pinkie, or another version of her, but I couldn't care. When this happened though, it made the four busted out laughing, since it was so sudden and random. “Alright, you heard him. Let's roll out.” Eliteslayer said before a Warthog appeared next to him. Sasha jumped onto a Space Marine Bike, while the two other Spartans took their spots in the Warthog. So apparently these four can summon more than just guns. That’s cool. “This ain’t a Michael Bay movie. Also…” As I got up, a witty idea came to mind. Grinning under my helmet, I pulled out a Kunai, and popped one of the tires on the Warthog. “Race ya!” And just like that, I was already gone in a flash. While I fool around with them, I wonder how Bryan is doing? Probably the usual… (Bryan/Doom Marine, outskirts of town…) “WE’RE GETTING SLAUGHTERED OUT HERE!” “HOLD YOUR GROUND, DAMMIT! THERE’S NOT THAT MANY OF THEM! SWARM THEM!” “COMMANDER, WE NEED TO RETREAT! THIS BATTLE HAS ALREADY BEEN LOST!” “NO! I WILL NOT TURN TAIL AND RUN--HRNK!!?!?” “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT!?” I growled as I grabbed their Commander by the throat and threw him onto the ground. Ever since we rampaged through their ranks and cutting them down to size, more kept pouring in to reinforce, but it didn't help. Maiming my way towards their Commander, it wasn't hard to find him, since he was yelling out commands and whatnot. Getting back up, he held his Spear in a defensive stance, but something about that weapon of his seemed...familiar somehow. Noticing this, he spoke up. “Ah. Well, you can thank the good Professor for making these fine weapons. Made out of the same material as his Saber, if you remember the Badlands.” “Right, thanks for the reminder. Now do me a favour, and die.” I stated as I thrust my sword, trying to pierce his heart. Only for it to get parried away from someone else. “What the--!?” I didn't see it coming, but I got pushed back from that asshole. “Sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t let you do that, beast.” Great, someone else wants to tango with me. Turning to who it was, a female Changeling stood next to the Commander, with a smug grin on her face. “Besides, we promised our beloved queen to take this town. You killing my brother will get you nowhere.” “Do you honestly believe in that bullshit? Because like I told your brother, you’re not getting out of this alive.” I told her off, cracking my neck. “That bitch you call a queen, hasn't been playing this smart.” That got her to hiss at me. “You dare mock her in such a--!?” Before she could finish, a rock came flying pass me and hit her square in the face. “ARGH!! What in the-!? Who threw that!?” “I did, sweetheart.” I heard Visilia say, as she came to my side. “Arrogant cow! You’ll pay for that!” The female Changeling shouted, but this only made Visi huff at that remark. “Fine. Whatever. It's your funeral.” She said as she quickly closed the gap between them. Her sword clashing against the Changeling’s Spear. “Why you…” The Commander growled, but I made him focus back on me. I was on the offensive, pressing him back, step after step. “Dammit all to Tartarus, back off!” He told me off, only for me to keep going. “To Hell with you pieces of shits!” I retorted, as I kept swinging at him. Although, he did manage to turn it around, tripping me up and landing on my back. “Ah-ha! Gotcha!” He shouted proudly as he lifted his Spear up and brought it down to pierce through my head. But I parried it away and kicked him in the face. “OW! My face!” Staggering backwards, I got up and shoulder charged him, making him barrel onto the ground. “Don't think you won yet, fucker!” I growled as I swung down at him, only for him to quickly roll out of the way. “I can say the same for-- WHOA!” Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed his leg, lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground. Or would have, if he didn't teleport out of my grasp and reappear on my back. From there, he started to strangle me with his weapon, before talking again. “As I was saying; I can say the--!” Cutting him off again, I elbowed him in his ribs, making him loosen up enough to head-butt him off me. Turning to face him, he was holding his throat, as he coughed a little. Seems I got him there. Rubbing my throat a little bit, I was about ready to chop his head off, only for Visilia to tell me otherwise. “GET DOWN!” Doing as she told me to, I ducked down in time to see her opponent get flung straight into my one. Getting up, I looked behind me to see Visilia walking over to me. “I’m not sure that's how it's suppose to work.” I said to her. “I wasn't exactly in danger.” “No, but I felt like doing it, for the sake of it.” She replied as she stood by me. “Now we kill these two idiots and get this over with.” She stated. Just then, our opponents got back up themselves. “Watch it whore! You might just get it!” The sister shouted, as she and her brother got ready to go one last time. “You don't stand a chance! Together, we can topple you both, easily!” The brother stated. “Really now? Well that's just too bad.” I told them, which made them look at me all confused. “What?? What are you even talking about!?” The sister demanded. “This part…” As I said that, I activated my Berserker power-up. When I did that, not only did Visi do the same, but my faction did so, as well. That's when the Changelings realised how fucked they were now. Already they were losing a lot more than before, that they started to flee. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!” The brother ordered, but none of them listened, too scared out of their minds. Taking our chance, we charged at the two and swung at them. They reacted faster than we thought, and that their Spears withstood our strikes, surprisingly enough. So we kept at it, seeing how long they can last against us like this. After about a dozen swings, their Spears started showing signs of breaking, as cracks began to spread throughout its length. In one final stroke, my sword cleaved through it, cutting the brother in half. As for the sister, Visilia cut both her arms off, stabs her in the guts, effectively pinning her to the ground, grabs her legs, and pulls the Changelings towards herself. Splitting her into two halves as well. After that, the last of the Changelings were already gone. Heading back to their Hive, wherever the Hell that's supposed to be. I turned to one of my Crusaders. “Call it in, tell them we’ve won!” “Yes sir!” “Find any surviving Changelings and finish them off!” I called out, as we all got busy. “Bryan?” Visilia called. “Yeah?” I replied. “What was the point of this?” “This attack? Or this entire war?” “The war, obviously. I mean, she knows she can't win now. Not when we're here.” She said to me, as I stabbed a Changeling faking his death. Too bad he missed his chance to escape with what's left of the invading army. I sighed at this. “Well, no matter how smart a race becomes, it’ll continue on doing stupid things. All for the sake of jacking off their inflated ego-induced dicks, in your face, possibly even smacking it across your face. Just because they think they can, without fearing about getting kicked in between their legs, or getting their cocks chopped off.” I stated while I continued on stabbing the same bloodied up corpse throughout that rant of mine. She was silent for a moment, until she spoke up. “OK, honey, you really need to work on your speeches. Not that I don't understand the metaphor behind it, but because you really need to tone it down.” Oh great, now she wants me to be proper. I grunted at this. “Yeah, well, screw you woman. And anyone else who thinks so, as well. For Hell sake, you know I don’t sugarcoat bullshit.” “True, but what about the children? Are you going to teach them how to hate?” And now she pulls out and plays that card on me. Fan-fucking-tastic. Hey wait a minute… “... Visilia, are you implying something more, than what you mean?” I asked her. “Well, maybe. But my question still stands.” She answers as she slits open a Changeling’s throat, making that one bleed to death faster. “No. But even I’m not sure if I can stop them from experiencing the sensation of hatred. War tends to do that.” I gave her my honest answer. “If we want to become parents in the near future, I’m not sure if I can just hang up my armour and feel absolutely sure that it's all over.” “That, and the fact that you're a Displaced.” She added. I groaned at that mere mention. “Fuck! There's that, too…” She sighed sadly. “It's just as you said, all those years ago: the killing never stops.” “Yeah. And war was all what we ever really knew. It's never easy to forget, or let go of, especially when you're neck deep in bodies and blood… Or just straight up drowning yourself in them.” I stated as we continued on our search and destroy. Already I was feeling pretty pissed off, as expected after usage of my Berserker power-up. After a while longer, we heard Vincent's voice. “Yo! Bro, we got some visitors. Guess what they are?” “I’m not sure if I’ll like it… Displaced?” I guessed. “Ding-ding-ding! Correct! There are four of them; three of them are Spartans from Halo, and one is a Adeptus Astartes…” He explained, but I growled at the last one. “Whoa, easy there! He ain't a Ultrasmurf if that's what you're thinking.” “I don’t care, he’s still a Space Marine.” I snapped at him. “Well, he’s a Dark Angel, so… Wanna meet them?” He asked. “Fine. But if any of them try anything, I’ll kill them.” I warned him. “C’mon Berserker, they're just kids. Well, three of them are, as one claimed to have been re-Displaced. So I say we hear them out, and I told them no wise-ass jokes. Now, let's greet them without blowing their heads off with our Shotguns~!” He stated happily. “... Runner, you’re still an insane asshole…” I told him flatly, as I walked past him. “Yeah, I know. But you love me for that, otherwise you wouldn't be able to laugh.” He said in that cheerful tone of his, which will leave people scared to death, until they start running away from him. I’m still surprised he didn't end up in the Looney Bin back home. Strolling through the field of death, I saw our newcomers with Kevin and the girls. They didn't notice us then, but as we got close enough, one of the Spartans started questioning about the Night Sentinels. “... How did those humans wearing old Knights Templar armor get here? Them being here shouldn't even be possible, as they need something to send them to Equestria…” He asked, but I didn't exactly liked that. Runner may have said they aren't what they are, but I’m sure as Hell not gonna risk it. Picking up a Changeling corpse, I flung the damn thing at him, hitting him square in the chest. Staggering backwards, he and the rest were left confused by this, until they all finally looked our way. We stopped in front of them, as I still had my sword out, just to be sure none of them tries to pull a fast one on us. “Geez, ask an honest question and I get a bloody Changeling in the chest…” The Spartan muttered. “Hey! What did I say about wise-ass jokes!?” Vincent reminded them. “I wasn't cracking a joke that time, idiot!” The Spartan snapped back at him. “I was honestly curious about something and got interrupted by that changeling getting thrown at me!” Letting out a growl of my own, it made these little shits back away a bit. That was when another Spartan spoke up next. “Wow, okay! Maybe we were getting a little too personal with that question! Don't you think ES!?” He said this in nervousness, while looking at me. ES let out an exasperated sigh. “It was about the Night Sentinels, I was just curious as to how they even got here. Then again, I’ve seen Equestrias that have Clone Troopers and Droids from Star Wars…” And I don't entirely give a damn about that last part, because that's not what you wanted to know. Before I could say anything, Visilia placed a hand on my shoulder, having me to calm down. “Let me tell them. They are only curious…” She said. “I know that overgrown Cat Licker right there…” As I said this, I pointed my sword towards the Dark Angel. “He’ll kill you for what you really are, if you tell them. I’m not risking that.” That was when the Space Marine spoke up about that accusation. “Buddy, I’m not an actual Astartes.” And we’re not buddies, you prick. “I just happen to be at the wrong Comic Con when I bought that Bolter from that blasted Merchant.” It wouldn't matter, either he gets you sent somewhere, or something else will. Chances are; you’re still screwed. I growled at them again. “Oh really? Well then, if you want to know, then fine. The Night Sentinels are Demons from Tartarus!” As I said this, I knew behind me their helmets that they were surprised by this realisation. Although, when ES spoke up, he said so with interest, looking directly at Visilia. “Interesting, I’ve fought against Chaos Daemons, but I can tell you're something different. I have heard of good demons, but never seen one myself.” A Spartan facing off against Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines? Hmm, maybe I jumped the gun. But still… This, of course, got a chuckle from her. “Good demons? Really? That’s a first for us.” She said amusingly. “Although, I wouldn’t say good, but nor are we bad. We are the Wardens of Tartarus itself. It’s our duty to punish those who have wrought sins, such as Tirek. Besides, someone has to do the deed. Wouldn’t you agree?” “So you're the guards of Tartarus itself?” The Dark Angel asked her. “Indeed. But for me, I’m actually the Princess of Tartarus.” She answered the lot. “Say wut?” The other Spartan asked, dumbfounded and shocked, much like what his team is probably doing right now. “You heard right.” She said cheekily to them. This actually a chuckle out of me, the dark type, as the other Night Sentinels joined in. Of course, this act seems to have sent chills down the Spartans and Space Marine’s spines, although it was a bit subtle. That was when I noticed the female AI, sitting on that other Spartan’s shoulder. “So why exactly are you allied with the Doom Marines?” She asked her, filled with curiosity. “If it wasn’t for them, the Armies of Hell would have killed us off, and taken Tartarus into their realm as their spoils of victory.” Visilia answered the AI. “But we weren’t humans back then, at least not in appearance.” “Then in this case, I’d like to introduce myself and my cohorts. The name’s Eliteslayer, and these three are Alexandra, her brother Viktor and Sebastian.” So that's what ES stands for. Well, as Eliteslayer introduced his team, the three Spartans snapping a military salute, while the Astartes crashed his right arm across his chest. “Greetings, my name is Visilia. Nice to meet you.” She replied, giving a bow towards the four. Eliteslayer nodded his head in return before looking at me. “So you're the Marine that single-handedly managed to take back two cities in just a day… I'm impressed, not even a Spartan could manage that.” He chuckled. I guess the girls must have told them that. For me, I just shrugged at this. “They didn’t even see it coming, and they weren’t technologically advanced either. Although, I was so close to killing that bitch Cocoon, she got away from me. No thanks to that cheap shot her Changeling gave me at the last moment.” While we talked, I placed my sword my back, mag-locking it into place. “Other than that, I finally get to punch Tia in the face.” At the mere mention of Celestia’s name, I heard Visi growling at that. Looking her way, I also saw her clutching her fist tightly. I’m gonna have to make sure she doesn't outrightly kill Tia, hurt her maybe, but not kill. “Bad blood?” Eliteslayer asked before continuing. “You’re not the first Displaced to be sealed in stone by Celestia, although in their case, the Elements of Harmony were used while you got sealed in what the Doom Marine was in from the rebooted game was in.” “True. But at least there has been some good things made, without the need for war. So that’s something to look forward to, I guess.” I said to him, thinking that it might help somehow. Then I asked them. “What’s your war anyway?” “A pony called Flame Tail had declared war on the Princesses, he’s managed to persuade many of the other cities to join him and so far, he and his allies are winning.” Eliteslayer replied. “I had done a few infiltration missions to see what we were up against when these three managed to turn the tide by stopping an attack on Ponyville.” He said, gesturing at the other three behind him. Nodding my head, I asked them another question. “So… How much ground has been lost? And which cities as well?” “Right now, the main body is being held at Fillydelphia, but raiders from the main base in Stalliongrad have hit Manehatten, Cloudsdale and Ponyville.” Sebastain said. “The three of us, along with Eliteslayer are stationed at Ponyville, our job is to assist the Mane 6 until they're called into duty.” Well, that's rather complicating. Their situation is more worse than this, and from the sound of things, their gonna start hitting low on their supplies and resources. Visilia then looked at me, and asked. “You want to bring retribution upon the Betrayers, don’t you?” She knew what I was thinking at that moment. “We already have support in the form of HK droids and a ACU. And we plan on making an assault on the main base in two months time.” Eliteslayer said to us. Now I may have a guess on what HK stands for, but I’m not sure about the ACU. I only hoped that it's a Mech, if so, they’ll be fine for a while longer. “That’s not what I meant.” Visi stated. “Then what did you mean?” The female Spartan, Alexandra, asked hesitantly. “Reclamation is what I mean.” Visilia answered them. “Rather than hit them at their main base, he would retake lost ground, while killing the Betrayers and sending their souls into eternal damnation. With my father waiting on the other side to greet them.” She explained. “I’ll need to talk to Luna and Celestia before I give my decision. But if they allow it, I will call upon the Doom Marines to take the cities back.” Eliteslayer said, although I get the feeling he was frowning underneath that helmet of his. “But understand that you will be given orders as to where you would be needed, other than that, you will be free to deliver retribution to Flame Tail's forces.” And there's the kicker. Visilia chuckled at this and replied. “You can give them directions, but not orders. What you must understand is that they can’t control them, or us. We care not what they think. Although, they are welcome to try it.” That last part didn’t seem to sit well with any of them, as they look upon the field, getting reminded of what we can do. “Very well.” Eliteslayer said with a sigh. “If you ever need our help, we’ll assist you.” Even though our first meeting started off real rocking? Although, if we are to try and work together, next time I’ll assign them each a Strike Force. This way, they’ll be able to know how to lead and coordinate with the Night Sentinels. Along with us Doom Marines, too. Being there for them and such. Yeah, that’ll work nicely... “Thank you.” Said the new voice. But we knew who that belonged to. Lifting up a hand, I signalled the four to turn around, and standing there was a familiar cloaked figure. Guardian. Surprised by this, Sebastian shouted. “Holy Terra! Where in the Emperor’s name did you come from!?” “Out of thin air.” She answered him. “But in all seriousness, I am the Doom Marine's Guardian. I take care of this universe.” “So you’re technically a Displacer of sorts?” Eliteslayer asked her, but the reply she gave was… Out of the blue. When he asked her that, he started gasping for air, as if something was strangling his throat. Almost like Darth Vader’s Force Choke. “Do not make me out as those disgusting Void Dwellers. I was created by the Merchant himself, and even then, I am not counted as one, for I have forsaken that kind of power.” She told him coldly. This was a first for us, seeing her acting this way. “I… meant… no disrespect …” The Spartan gasped. “...I wasn't… aware… of that…” “Silence.” She commanded. “I do not associate myself to those low lives, and would rather kill them off.” “Then… we have… something… in common…” Eliteslayer chuckled hoarsely. “I… have no love…for the Merchant either…” “He’s not included.” When she said that, she let go of his throat, making him breathe normally again. He coughed a little bit, getting his breathing under control and said, “I'm not a fan of the Void Dwellers myself, hell, a friend of mine even fought one.” “So I’ve heard. But do not mistaken The Merchant as those things.” She stated. “He may displace many, but he does not start wars. Those happen by themselves most of the times, while others are created for those so-called God’s entertainment.” “Got it…” He then looked at us, before a UNSC Assault Rifle appeared in his hands. Tossing it over to me, he said, “If you ever need me, use this to call me.” Looking it over, this was one the Assault Rifles in the REQ system for Halo 5’s Warzone. This one had the energy bayonet on, underneath the guns barrel. And you know, being a fan of the series myself, holding the real deal gave way to a feeling of nostalgia. Damn did it feel good. Nodding my head, I placed it away, and look towards the Guardian. “Can you get them back home?” “Of course, I will need to see their princesses, and show them your Token.” The Guardian answered, as she opens up a portal to their Equestria. “Wait.” Alexandra said before she, Viktor and Sebastian each summoned their own Tokens, all of which being swords, and impaled them into the ground. “These are our tokens; a Power Sword, Energy Sword and a replica of my Snake sword. Use these if you ever need our help.” Her right arm whirred as it moved back down to her side. “Are we ready to proceed?” The Guardian asked them. Eliteslayer nodded before the four entered the portal, followed by the Guardian. Once it closed behind them, me, Vincent and Kevin looked at the swords. “So… Who gets what?” Vincent asked. “I got Sebastian’s Power Sword.” I answered as I retrieved it. Its energy field wasn't activated, since it wasn't glowing like it should be. Accidentally, I managed to activate it, seeing the blue electricity static and plasma flames dimly lighting up along the blade. “Whoa!” I yelled in surprised shock. Holding it upwards, everyone backed off from me. Once I deactivated it, I let out a relieved sigh and placed the sword away. “Well at least it works…” Vincent commented. “Kevin, what's your pick?” When he asked him that, Kevin just went up to Viktor’s Energy Sword and picked it up. Giving it a few test swings, he nodded and deactivated it, placing it on his belt. That only leaves Alexandra’s Snake Blade. As Vincent pulls it out and inspects it. “Hmm, let's see what you can do?” He said as he took a few swings with it. “Yeah, this feels more like it… Whoa, hello!” As he said that, the blade changed its form. Extending itself from its original form, into a bladed whip… Oh shit. “Oh yeah! Now I can really do some sick moves with this!” “You’re planning on having it whip around with your Chainsaw, aren't you?” I asked him flatly. Already know how this will turn out. “Yep! Also, could you bring out Eliteslayer’s Assault Rifle.” He said as he walks over to a Changeling corpse. Doing as he said, I pull out the Assault Rifle, when Vincent cuts off the head. “Now then, since these Tokens are still lethal weapons, let's see if the gun still works. Think fast!” He shouts as he throws the head up into the air. Taking aim, I was surprised that the Smart-Link still worked, either way I open fired on the head, ripping it up in a hail of bullets. Once I stopped, I took a look at the bullet count, and once again surprised that it still sat on Thirty-Six. “Holy shit!” “I’m guessing it didn't countdown.” Vincent said. “It may be from Halo, but I think the Rich Get Richer rune might be the cause. Giving it the bottomless clip.” He shrugs at that. “Besides, we don’t exactly reload our guns. It would kinda suck…” “Yeah, well, as great as it is, I like to keep it authentic.” I told him as I looked it over again. “Bro, hold it out for me, please.” He requested and I did so. Then he turns to Visilia. “Visi, your Hellshot.” “Uh, okay… Why?” She asked as she pulls out her Hellshot. “I just thought of something. Now I can see it.” He answered as he looked back and forth, from gun to gun. “Yep! That settles it; the Hellshots will be given energy bayonets as well.” He concluded, sounding very pleased with this outcome. “Can it actually be done?” I asked him, now that I can imagine it, too. “Yeah, it can. Just need to integrate it, since the Hellshot solely runs on Argent energy. Not to mention, technically, it's kind of like the Unmaker’s little brother. Because of how much damage it does to Demons. Not a one-hit kill, but it still gets the job done, and it's not fixated to Demons either.” He answers. “So no, there shouldn't be any problems.” Nodding at this, we both placed the guns away. Before we could do anything, Guardian pops back in. “Well, that was something… Oh, hello again everyone.” “Sounds like you had an interesting time over there.” I said to her. “Well, it was interesting, until I sensed the shift. They just lost Fillydelphia.” She stated to us. “What!? How the Hell did that happen!?” Vincent exclaimed. Even we were surprised by this turn of events. “Flame Tail. He lead the assault on the city, and he won. Only one survived, making it back to report this.” She answers us, and already we were all just burning for another fight. “We can’t do much, and they don't know what Flame Tail has in store for them. Until then, we wait for their answer…” “Whose call?” I demanded. “The Displaced, or their Princesses?” “Obviously the latter. They’re not like any of you lot, and that's something you need to remember.” She retorted. “I don't care what the Princesses thinks, and neither should they!” I shouted back at her. “Bryan, all you can do is wait. For now, just focus on the tasks at hand, and find your brothers.” She stated calmly. “Besides, weren't you distrustful of them?” “Yes, but that doesn't mean I want them dead. The only one with experience is Eliteslayer. Possibly the only one we can trust.” “What of the other three? They're no slouches either.” “No, but they're still a little inexperienced right now. Eliteslayer has got his work cut out at the moment, but he’ll shape them up.” After saying that, I looked around and saw how bloody it still was. Sighing, I turned back to her. “Could you please clear up this mess?” “Of course.” She complied and within a flash of light, everything was spotless. “I also took the liberty of cleaning up last night's mess. Anyway, take care. Also, Bryan?” “Yeah?” “Eliteslayer wants you to know; that you are not the only one.” Heh, I guess Twilight and Cadence both told him about Shining Armour’s death, and how I felt about it… How I still feel guilty of failing to save his life in time. “Next time we meet, I’ll give him my thanks for understanding.” I told her. “I know you will, but next time you meet other Displaced, try to act civilised. Farewell for now.” With that said, she teleports in a flash. Leaving us alone. “Alright, I want a report on this ASAP. Girls, what are you lot going to do?” I asked them. “Well, me and my friends will be staying here.” Twilight answered. “But, if you're going back to Canterlot, I can send a letter detailing on what happened here today.” “Yeah, you do that. We’ll be stationing some of our Night Sentinels here, just to keep the town safe.” I said to her. “Okay. But…” “Twi, don't worry about it. The life of a Displaced is pretty dysfunctional, so we shouldn't really be surprised about being pulled into another war across dimensions.” I tried to calm her mind down. It's pretty easy to tell how she tends to overthink and overanalyze everything, and she does that. But the lost of her brother may have pushed her back into that even further. “... I’ll try.” Well, at least she's willing to do so. “We’ll keep her company Bryan, don't worry.” Cadence said as she hugs Twilight, along with the rest of the girls. “Thanks. Alright let's head back…” ([Third Person] Inside the Everfree Forest…) “Well, this is all unexpected…” Said the Changeling Professor. After the Invasion to take the town had failed, all due to the unexpecting retaliation of the Doom Marines and their army, it all fell apart before it could even begin. Not to mention, the lost of one of their many great warriors, will cause great displeasure to Queen Cocoon. Not that he cares to listen to her wailing. Besides that though, four newcomers came into the frame. They had some similar traits to the Doom Marines, obviously the same race. What stands out though is how they interacted with each other. “It would seem that they don't entirely trust each other...yet.” He concluded. “But wherever they come from, is an even bigger mystery…” “Um… S-Sir? Should we not return?” A Changeling asked, the very same from the Badlands expedition. “Not yet. This all seems far more bigger than we could've possibly imagined.” He replied. “Still, I’m very much intrigued by this turn of events.” “W-W-Wouldn't the answers lie within what you discovered?” The Changeling asked. “It's only based around the Doom Marines alone. But perhaps, you are right. Come Thorn, we will need to continue on it.” As the Professor turns to leave, Thorn stands there a little while longer, Before catching up with the Professor. “Is something on your mind, young one?” “It's just that… Are we ever gonna win this war?” Thorn asked him. “... No.” “What!?” “You heard me right. Not only have we lost for the fifth time, but we now learned that they have an army. To top it all off, a powerful entity that has complete faith in them, and anyone else who stands with them.” The Professor tells him. “This means that one doesn't need to interfere, at least not directly. Not unless we attract her attention.” “You mean, that thing had something to do with those four creatures?” “Yes, I believe so…” While those two returned back to their Hive, another group of two were secretly sitting on one of the clouds, overlooking the town of Ponyville. These two are the very same Pegasus mares from Manehattan. They have caught everything on tape; ranging from the army of Night Sentinels marching through town, to the battle of the Changelings. “... Windy, we better get a raise from all of this.” The mare said to Windy Glider. “Why, Rider?” She asked Thunder Rider. “Because of all this crazy stuff we’re doing.” She replied. “I mean, heck, this is getting really intense!” “I know what you mean.” “I wouldn't be surprised if they give us a promotion from the feed we got out of this.” Rider said in wistful thought. “But what if we're taking this too far?” Windy asked in worry. “As in…?” “Well, the Doom Marines won’t exactly like it that we have been following them, ever since they left Manehattan.” Windy explained. “I mean, this will only bring more questions they probably don’t want to answer.” “That, or the answers are more complex as they are.” Rider added. “C’mon, let's head back. Hopefully we don’t get sued for doing this.” As she said that, they both jumped from cloud to cloud, keeping themselves hidden from view, until they felt they can fly without being seen. “... This war is gonna get more bloodier and bloodier, isn't it?” “I’m afraid so, Windy.” “Is there another way?” “... No. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this war.” > Ch.19 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.19: A Nightmare bleeds, Fear a Titan's Power. (Bryan/Doom Marine, Canterlot Castle, 5 days later...) "Alright, the Link is established!" One of the new Night Sentinel Tech-heads, Sheria, stated. As she uplinked our main computer to the one in Tartarus. "He should pop up any second now..." After the whole scenario back in Ponyville, things have been getting quite busy. As the King of Tartarus kept on sending more and more troops our way. Which is a good thing, seeing as we now stand six hundred strong. Of course, when we came back to Canterlot, there have been some... Interesting developments, other than the fact that we were upgrading the Night Sentinel's Arsenal. But that would be for a later time. Right now, I just want to see the old man. "Damn. This is practically our first meeting, in a very long time." Vincent commented, as he paced back and forth. "I mean, now that everyone in Tartarus knows about The Multiverse, or Omni-fucking-verse as I like to call it. Because, let's face it, this whole Displaced thing was always a fucking shit-show to begin with!" "Thank you for your input, Vincent. But we can worry about that later." I told him, as the screen started to load. "Right now, I want to see what he thinks, and what he plans to do." "You say that like it's a bad thing." Visilia spoke up. "It could end in disaster. Especially since our first encounter with other Displaced." I replied to her. "Don't you think you were rather rude to them?" She asked me. "Honestly, I sensed nothing foul among them." "Unfortunately I wasn't really good with new faces, especially with other humans. That was practically the first time we've seen humans in a long time, it made me feel out of place." I explained to her. "Out of the four, Eliteslayer is the only one I trust right now." I gave her my honest opinion about them. "Those three on the other hand, they're newbies to this whole thing." "That may be true, but you need to learn to get along with others. If you're going help people, you'll need to let them help you." Visilia stated. "I'll let them help me when they earn my trust." I snarled, at which she sighed. "Can you blame him? You don't just lend some fucking stranger your trust so easily and naively. We only just met them, for Hell sakes." Vincent explained to her. "I understand that, but you know more than you let on. Not to mention, Eliteslayer has experienced the same feeling of failure and lost." Perceptive as ever Visilia. "You're right. But besides him, what is your opinion about the other three?" I asked her. "Well, like you said, they're newbies at best. They still have a long way to go, but don't shrug them off so easily. I still believe in their abilities, although that Viktor seems to be... How would you put it?" "A whiny little bitch." Vincent suggested. "I mean, that's just me. But I can't help but feel as if he can jinx it all, since he keeps talking smack shit about irrelevant things. I mean, when I ran into them, he just felt the need to clarify that we're not the only ones fighting a war!" I just let out a grunt. "I think he's just compensating for something. But I don't care what it is, because if he so much as rant his bitchiness at me, I'm gonna throw him up into their Canterlot." No joke. If he does that, I will toss him up there. Vincent just laughed at this. "Hahahaha! Oh man, I will pay you to do that! Seriously, I keep thinking the kid will let his mouth run off too far, even for him." "My Lords and Highness, he's here." Sheria stated, as the screen connected to Tartarus's network. There we saw him, sitting on his throne. A shadowy figure. King Hydrax. "Ah... Finally, we meet. It's good to see you in fighting spirit once more, my sons." Yeah... He keeps calling us his sons when we first met. Right of the bat. I don't know why, but it happened. I even punched him in the face for that, and the old bastard just laughs it off. "Hydrax, how have things been in Tartarus?" I asked him, reconnecting with the old man. He gives off a friendly chuckle. "Things have never been so prosperous! Our people have bounced back from extinction, thanks to your efforts, and The Day of Liberty is soon closing within a few months. Be sure you have found all of yourselves, for it will be even grander that you participate in such festivities once more!" He stated proudly. "Don't worry, we will be there. Mind if we brought in a few honoured guest?" I asked him. Even though he is but a shadow, I can tell he was smiling. "By all means, bring them here. Especially Celestia and Luna, and whoever else you can think of! It will give them a fresh new perspective of Tartarus, a new experience!" After he said that, he got serious and we got down to business. "Now then, about this Displaced subject. I know what you want to ask of me, and answer is... I will do nothing, not unless it effects me directly. So there's no need to fret, Bryan." "Well, that settles that. I guess we can also take the army across dimensions?" "Yes. If there is a war brewing across wherever you go to, fight it. I will trust your judgements on how you carry it out. Just be sure you know who's friend and who's foe. I don't want you to cause such trouble..." "Are you serious?" Vincent asked rhetorically. "Yes, I am. Guardian has already told me of this, and expects you lot to behave." He stated firmly in a fatherly fashion. Sighing, we nodded at this. "We'll try, but it's hard not to when everything is going to try and kill you." I said to him. "I know my sons, and I understand the peculiar nature and notion you have against Celestia. Even the different versions of her. But you can trust in those who are just like you. Besides, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of her other selves have plans set for them, should she thinks they go rogue, or have outlived their usefulness." When he said that, I gave out a growl. If I so ever catch of her betrayal. Oh, there's gonna be Hell to pay. Up front and personal. But, even so, I can't do much. Not when I promised the Queen I wouldn't kill her. Which now spreads towards other versions of Tia, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt her. That was when Kevin spoke up. "Your highness, are we allow to bring other Displaced to the festival?" We were surprised he would ask of that. The King especially. "Well, now this is a surprise. Although, I probably wouldn't mind meeting some of them. Just be sure they can be trusted and won't freak out about it. I know some of them also kill demons for a living, and I want to give them a reason to relax and feel comfortable. Either way, I did give you permission to bring anyone you wish." After he said that, one of the Juggernaut Guard came up to him and whispered something in his ear. "Hmm... I'm so sorry my children, but there is something that needs attending. Farewell, and good luck. And just try to behave, and I don't mean you lot, but the other Displaced as well." Once done, the video feed was cut off. "Well, that was something. Nice to see him again." Vincent commented. "Yeah, it is..." I said as VEGA came towards us. "Excuse me, but I wish to inform you all that the Hellshot Bayonets are ready." He stated to us. "Cool! And what about our vehicles, how are they progressing?" Vincent asked him. No, it's not a joke, we are making armed vehicles. "They are coming along nicely. If you would please follow me..." As he answered, he lead us back to where everything was being made. You see, when we came to Canterlot... Well, let's just say this isn't a normal mountain as most would've lead to believe. Apparently, our home base was already there. Along with having a small pocket dimension connected to it. The Crystal Caverns aren't the only thing this mountain holds. Coming up towards a portal, we stepped inside and came out into that said pocket dimension, one that was completely outfitted to be our very own, personal, manufacturer. Seriously, this place is fucking humongous, it's ridiculous! Many of machines and drones were coming and going, working nonstop. Shifting the necessary supplies and materials needed to build and create many things. All of it, is the courtesy of UAC's equipment and technology. Back then, we didn't have much use of it, but more so of not letting the Equestrians getting their hands on this stuff. Anyway, as we were making our way through the facility, many of our Night Sentinels – assisted by the smaller drones – have been making many vehicles; ranging from transports, to tanks. There are future plans on creating carriers and such, but right now I just want us to focus on the smaller things, before moving on the bigger projects. But if anything, we barley even filled out the first quarter of this place! "Damn... I keep forgetting how big this place is!" Vincent stated, having us nodding our heads in agreement. Moving through the tanks assembling line, we were retrofitting the bigger Cargo Drones. One line was in charge of integrating the bigger version of the Gauss Cannon, for example, having its two mods along with it, where it can change between them. It's going to be an anti-everything tank of sorts, remote controlled too. So you can get the picture on what else we'll throw on. I wish I could tell you everything else that is going on, but there's so much happening in here, that I doubt I could. Just then, one of the Cargo Drones, carrying a crate in its grip, flew over to us, and VEGA then brought out one of the new Hellshot Bayonet, seeing its red energised bayonet protruding out from under. "As you can see, everything is in working functionality. We will be able to have them ready within a day." "That's good. And what about the rest of our Arsenal?" I asked him. "Ready to be of service." He answered, as he placed the weapon back inside. Yes, the Night Sentinels will be getting the rest of our weapons, just like us. Nodding, we continued onward, seeing our army working and training. While we're on the subject, let's give a recap on what happened five days ago. Anyway, once we went back to Twi's castle, she written up a message to Tia and that, while the Night Sentinel went around town to see if everyone was alright. Thankfully, they are, and we got busy with writing up reports of what happened that day. Once Tia came down, she demanded an explanation, only to be greeted with punch to the face... By Visilia, not me. While it was funny on how it happened, I had to pull Visi away and into another part of the castle, just so she can cool off. The others told her the short version of what happened, and what's about to happen. After all that, Tia teleported us, along with Visi and a few of our Night Sentinels, back up to Canterlot. Although, when we got there, we heard Chrysalis yelling and screaming her head off about something. Boy was she pissed at the time. Searching for her, we found her in one of the guest rooms, but she wasn't alone, and it was a very complex situation. Apparently, a Guard and his Changeling partner have been mingling, even more so that the Changeling was somehow pregnant. Until Chrysalis explained that this Changeling was a rare case, he was actually a herm, or male-herm, if you wish. That particular discovery was... Well, I can't exactly find the right word to express it, but it didn't matter and I never want to question it. As for Chrysalis, she was still pretty pissed, but I had to get in there and stop her bitching. Getting her to stop wasn't easy, even more so when she was pushing me to do physical harm to her. Eventually though, I managed and had her go down to Twilight's castle, have her be with Twilight and Cadence. With her gone and out of the way, we questioned the two on when they started fucking each other's brains out, and the male-herm Changeling answered us simply: on the day we returned from Manehattan. That...was kind of funny, in a weird way. Once we sorted some things out, we just left them with whoever could assist them. We went to see Luna after that, up in her room. The theme it was set was what she represents, like her father before her charge on raising the moon after her mother sun sets. When we got there, she was just about to call us to her, saying she wish to tell us something, although she was surprised to see Visilia. After introducing each other, Luna told us she has been Dreamwalking through Twilight and Cadence dreams. Hearing this for the first time, I was about rant off to her on how indecent and insensitive that was, when Visi stopped me and explained why she does this. Apparently Luna has become The Guardian of Dreams, because how easily ponies get nightmares and how it effects them in real time. That was when Vincent commented with - and I quote - "You ponies are fucking wusses, even in your sleep." Yeah he said that to Luna's face, and she got pissed at that. And got worse when he challenged her to a knife fight, something she wasn't feeling confident in doing. Then it got even more worse when Kevin pulled out his knife and engaged Vincent's Kunai. Out in defence of Luna, mind you. As for me, well, I waited the right moment until I saw the opportunity, and gave a left hook to Vincent's face, making him spin in midair until he landed on his back with a groan. As soon as Kevin put his knife away, I gave him a quick right uppercut next, making him do a couple of backflips until he landed on his stomach. Yeah, I know, asshole moves. Sue me you ball-less twats. After that was settled, Luna continued on with the dreams that Twi and Cadence have been getting as of late. Apparently these have become repetitive, and she believes something is at work here. Luna wasn't sure if this is the work of Cocoon, but we can't leave that possibility out of the question. While she has been able to help the girls getting through and out, these nightmares have been increasing in power, if that makes any sense. So, she wants us to help her out. But there's the problem; she can't get into our dreams. Hell, she can't even see into ours through the Dream Window. But luckily, we know someone who can actually help us on that along the way. Guardian said she'll be able to help, but before that, she'll be with Luna for the time being, wanting to get as much information from this as possible, and see if it really was Cocoon, or something else. Now, after waiting for the sun to set and the moon began rising, we were all back in Luna's room, as she and Guardian were working on a spell that'll get us all inside their dreams. "... Alright, that should do it. This will get you all inside." Luna said. "Now, let's see if... W-Wait. What's the meaning of this?" That doesn't sound good. "Luna, what is... Oh no, the girls." Guardian was about to ask her, until she must have felt it too. "We need to get you four in there now!" "Well shit! Alright let's get a move on!" Vincent stated as we took our seats. And yes, Visilia is coming along with us. "Alright, closes your eyes. This will only take a second." As she said that, we closed our eyes and felt things change. Once I opened my eyes, I felt like I was falling... Wait, I am falling!What the absolute fucking Hell!? "We're so sorry, but we couldn't risk it! Things are getting wild on the ground!" Guardian told me telepathically. "WELL, WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON DOWN THERE!? ARE BOTH TWILIGHT AND CADENCE HAVING THE SAME DREAM!?" I shouted as I straight myself out. Looking around, I saw Kevin and Visilia, but not Vincent. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT INSANE SON OF A BITCH!?" "Sorry bro, I'm busy with something on my end! Just find the girls and I'll point you the way to me! I promise it'll work!" He explained on the Comms. Wait, they still work? Nevermind! "VINCENT, GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OVER HERE!" I shouted over the Comms. "Can't! I'm busy setting shit up for us! Just get the girls, get them out, and drag that asshole behind this shit in here, alright!?" He shouted back. Growling, I stopped arguing with him and looked towards the ground... Which was actually the Crystal Empire turned into a warzone! "Holy shit..." "So what's the plan!?" Visilia shouted. "Find the girls! But we're gonna split up!" I shouted back. "There! I found them!" Wait, was that Kevin!? "Guys, this is a dream! So, of course, I can do that in here!" Oh right, dreaming. "OK, BREAK!" Once I gave the word, we all went our separate ways. As for where Kevin spotted them? Just follow where all the fighting is happening the most. Getting closer, I activated my Thrust Boots to ease me down, until I landed on top of the rooftops. Whipping out my Heavy Assault Rifle, I attached the Micro Missiles mod on and ran straight towards the girls. I don't even know how the Hell they're both having the same dream, so something must have pulled them both in together. As for the enemy, I don't know what to make of them. I mean, they're ponies, but they were wearing different armour, especially that mask, or helmet, or whatever. Now that I think about it, these guys are pouring straight out from the Crystal Castle. So that means Twilight and Cadence are forced to retake it. Whoever came up with this game is gonna die for sure. I was getting close to them, and I could just see them, with some backup, but there wasn't enough of them. Just before I could reach them, some asshole cut me off by blasting the rooftop a few feet in front of me, making me stop. "What matter of creature are you suppose to be!?" Oh I did not like this guy one bit. "Who the fuck's asking?" I asked the owner of the voice. Looking about down low, I found him and I really wanted to punch the ever living shit out of him. Growling, he shouted. "Arrogant beast! Bow before your true king!" "Are you serious right now?" I taunted, not really taking him serious. "ALL SERVE KING SOMBRA! But if you wish to defy me, then so be it! Kill it!" So said this King Sombra prick, as his soldiers started firing off magic spells with killing blows. As for me, I jumped down into the building, through that hole he blown. Once inside, I can hear them already entering and making their way up to me. Switching weapons, I pulled out my Chaingun, with the Gatling Rotator mod on, and spin it up. Heading downstairs, they came straight for me, but I cut them down in a hail of bullets. Working my through them, I got outside on the streets, hoping to kill that asshole, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Fucking coward..." I muttered as I massacred my way through to get to the girls. "Hey, who's this asshole?" I heard Kevin on the Comms ask. "Is he wearing a crown?" I asked him. "Yeah. Why?" "That's Sombra. Apparently he's behind all of this shit." "Sombra!? Are you serious right now!?" Visilia exclaimed, sounding very surprised by this. "Well, that explains a lot! He was suppose to be presumed dead, but we never received his soul! However he did this, he's going to repent for this action!" She explained to us. Well, that's just terrific; a guy that refuses to die. Whatever, we'll make him stay dead soon enough. Upon clearing out the stupid shits in front of me, Cadence and Twilight saw me and were thoroughly surprised by this. Although, I was surprised to see them wearing war gear. Before I could meet up with them, their soldiers blocked me off. "HALT! Identify yourself or we will--!" "Out of my way, jerkass!" I shouted as I jumped on top of his head and leaped in front of the two. "What the--!? Hey!" The soldier complained. "Shut the fuck up, and focus on the enemy!" I said as more of them came swarming in, which got them re-engaged with Sombra's forces. "Girls, what the fuck is going on? How is that asshole still alive?" "YOU BEAST! I'M RIGHT HERE!" I heard Sombitch shout, but I ignored him. "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!" "I'M IGNORING YOU ASSWIPE!" I shouted back at him. "YOU DARE TALK TO YOUR KING LIKE THAT!?" "BITCH YOU AIN'T THE KING OF ANYTHING NO MORE!" "WHY YOU LITTLE PEST!" "BALL-LESS TWAT IS WHAT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!" As soon as I shouted that, everything became quiet the next second. Looking around, everyone was staring at me with wide eyes and slack-jawed. Especially Twilight and Cadence, but seriously, it's me for Hell sakes. As for the one I called as such, he was practically fuming! I can actually see steam coming out of his ears, red in the face and... Is that tears in his eyes!? Holy shit, this guy hasn't gotten laid! Well, I haven't gotten laid myself, but at least I'm still alive to do it! Gritting his teeth so hard, he balled up his fists as he spoke up. "Y-Y-You... You--!" "Oh hey, there you guys are!" Turning around, I saw Visilia come up to us. "I heard a lot of shouting, so what's going on? Also what's up with that wuss?" She asked, pointing towards Sombra. "Oh him? Eh, he's just jelly because he never got laid when he was alive. That and I called him a Ball-less Twat." I answered her, which got gasps of shock from everyone else. "Oh okay..." She said with a nod, before facing Sombra. "Hey you Virgin Ball-less Twat! How's your daydream been!?" "What are you two doing!?" We heard Twilight hissed at us in a panicked manner. "Are you trying to get yourselves killed!?" Cadence whispered next. Visilia and I just looked at each other and just shrugged at this. "In all honesty, I could care less right now. Especially since this is a dream." I told them. "We know this is a dream! But we can't escape from here!" Twilight retorted. Before we could continue this, Sombra started shouting again. "WILL YOU ALL STOP IGNORING ME! I'M NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN JUST BRUSH OFF!" Oh really? Well, OK then. I got something for you, ya little prick. Pointing out towards him, I spoke. "You see that girls? That is the definition... Of a Manchild. All because he wants the attention to himself. That, and he has a childish grudge, going from being pitiful, to intolerable annoyance." "WILL YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUS! THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH ITSELF!" "Oh for fuck sake. Okay, let me ask you this then; why are you attacking these two in their sleep!? You ain't Freddy, by any means..." I asked him. "I don't know who this Freddy is, but that's besides the point! My reason is so I can regain my form and claim them as my wives and queens! After that, I will conquer all of Equestria and the world!" He answered. "But first, I'm going to kill you and any who dare stand in my way!" You know, for some odd reason, I didn't like the idea of him claiming Twilight and Cadence as his queens. And the Dreamscape seems to have reflected on that thought, because things started changing around us all. It was all starting to look like Hell itself. "... Visilia, takes the girls and get out of here." I told her as I started walking towards that Ball-less Twat. "Daddy's gonna go teach this little shit a lesson." "Yeah, you do that. C'mon girls, we're leaving!" She said as she grabs them and made a run for it. As for him, he and his forces looked around, baffled by what's happening now. "W... What's the meaning of this? I'm the only one capable of changing things!" As he said that, he looks towards me. "Just what in Tartarus are you!?" "A Doom Marine..." I told him as I placed my Chaingun away. "But I'm also known as The Bloody-handed Berserker. If you're wondering how I got it? Look no further to what I'm about to do to you and your so-called army." Cracking my knuckles, I entered in my Berserker mode and ran straight into their ranks, wrecking their shit up within the masses. On and on, the more he keeps sending my way, the more body parts I keep making. Punching my way towards the Ball-less Twat, he got desperate when I was closing in on him. Hell, he tried to kill me with his magic and spells, but I kept on punching at them, too. Breaking them completely. "Why... Why!? Why is this happening to me!?" He shouted, as he backed away from me. "This isn't suppose to happen!" "Sorry to piss on your parade, but I don't have time to listen in on your stupidity and denial." I said to him, as I stood in front of him, with his army in bloody pieces of itself. "Right now, I want you dead, so that the girls can just live, without you in their lives." Raising up my right fist, I was about to pound the living Hell out of him, only to get interrupted by someone else. "HA! I've found you, Mr. Doom Marine!" Cocoon, the Queen of cock-sucking bitches, was here. Looking her way, she was standing behind Sombra, just some distances away from us. Turning around, Sombra saw her and said. "Wait a minute... You're that disgusting queen that attacked my Crystal Empire!" She looked surprised by him. "Sombra!? What are you even doing here!?" "I'm here to resurrect myself, reclaim what is rightfully mine, and make both Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Cadence my--!" "Bored now!" I cut him off, as I picked him up. "H-Hey!? What are you--!?" He tried to speak, but I just threw him at the Cock Whore, and they crashed onto to the ground. "OW!!! UNGRATEFUL MONSTER!!!" "GET OFF ME, YOU USELESS STALLION!!! HIS DEATH IS MINE TO CLAIM!!!" Cocoon growled, as they started fighting among each other straight away. While I watched this, Vincent called up. "Hey, bro!? I got the girls out! I need you and Kevin to bait those two bitches to follow!" He instructed. "Alright! Kevin, get going! It's me they both want, then they'll have to get it!" I said over the Comms. Not waiting for an answer from Kevin, I got their attention. "HEY, DUMBASSES!!! ARE WE GONNA FIGHT, OR ARE YOU TWO GONNA PLAN OUT YOUR WEDDING INSTEAD!?!?!?" I shouted out to them. When they both heard that, they stopped trying to kill each other and glared at me. The first to speak up was Cockhole herself. "How dare you!? I'll make you suffer for that witty remark!" After her, Ball-less Twat took a swing at it. "Damnable thing! When I get my hands on you, I will--!" "Yeah, sounds great and all, but I'm gonna have to go now..." I said to them, as I started walking away. "I got better things to do. Besides, killing you two fuckwits is a waste of my time." With that said, I left them flabbergasted. After gaining some distance away from them, I turned around a corner before hearing them scream their heads off. So I started running for it, with them trying to catch up to me. Even in dreams, I can still outrun these two, as they try to take potshots at my head. Which they missed. "OUT OF MY WAY! I SAID HIS DEATH IS MINE TO CLAIM!" Cocoon shouted at Sombra. "NO! YOU GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'LL SETTLED THIS BY MYSELF!" Sombra shouted back at her. And since they're missing me by a mile, I'm guessing they're pushing the other to take a piece of me. That was when I saw a light shining through, a tear of sorts, opening up to me. Legging it, I ran straight through it, and skidded to a halt. Because I almost bowled over the rest. Looking behind me, the gateway closed and we were standing in utter blackness. Funny enough, we can still see each other. "Okay... So, now what?" I asked. "Now we kill those two assholes." Looking over to my right, I saw Vincent walking over to us. "And before you ask, yes, they did follow you through. As for where they are..." With a click of his fingers, a screen popped up over his head. On it was Sombra and Cocoon, both locked inside glass boxes, as they tried to escape from it, but couldn't. "They're in a different part of my mind." ... Wait, what? "I'm sorry, but what do you mean by 'your' mind?" Cadence asked him, as I just stared at him. "Exactly what I mean, we're inside my mind, meaning my dreamscape. More or less." Vincent explained. But I just lost it. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?!?!?!?!?! WHY ARE WE EVEN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?!?!?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE US BAT-SHIT FUCKING INSANE LIKE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!" Both Cadence and Twilight held their ears, as my voice boomed all over the place. Rattling their senses. "Oooowwwwwwww...... Bryan, could you tone it down? You're gonna end up busting our eardrums..." Twilight whined, but a growl from me made her flinch. "Okay, nevermind..." "Bryan! Calm down!" Visilia told me off. "Calm down!? Visi, we're stuck inside this jackass's head! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is inside here!?" I retorted back at her. "Bryan, it's Vincent. Anything he does is dangerous, no matter what." She answered. "Besides, I doubt even he would risk the girls lives..." "You'd never know, he might be onto something." Vincent stated with a little chuckle. "And, as you stated, it's me!" I looked at Visilia with a deadpan expression, underneath my helmet. "Visi, please do shut the fuck up." I said to her flatly. "Don't make me come over there and fuck you up." She retorted. "Guys, can we please focus! Because we need to deal with those two, instead of arguing!" Kevin shouted, bringing us back to the topic. "Now then, Vincent, this is your mind, so how do we go about this?" Vincent laughed a little, before speaking up. "Alrighty then! Visilia, you'll be staying in here with the girls, and keep them company..." "I seriously hate you, right now." She said to him. "Love you too, sis." He said back at her before continuing on. "Anyway, Bryan and Kevin, you'll have the honours of murdering those two dumbasses, however you see fit." "Okay, but what's the catch?" I asked him, because he's up to something. "Oh... I don't know. Maybe I want to pick out the location, something we know and missed back home. A game or show, you could say, but I have full control of it." He stated before asking us. "Besides, don't you want to have a bit of a challenge?" Well, it's not like we have much of a choice. "Fine, you win. But this better be worth it." "Whoo! Awesome! Okay, let's get you lot moving, and I promise you won't be disappointed with what I have for you. It'll be quite the... Nostalgia." As he said that, he opens up two different gateways. "Anyway, here you go. You'll be sent to the same Arena, as I would like to call it, but you'll be placed in different positions. Now, off you go!" Rolling my eyes at him, I walked through the one on the left side, and when I came out on the other side, I was inside a complex building, made of concrete. That was when I started to feel the ground shake and some things being destroyed outside. Going up to the nearest window, I looked out and jumped straight the fuck back from it. Oh my fucking God, Vincent sent us to Spyro! How do I know or be very certain of this, you ask? Simple, I was in the city of Warfang! So yeah, the setting is in Dawn of the Dragons. "You like?" I heard Vincent asked over the Comms. "Jesus Christ, are you fucking serious?" I questioned him in return. "Well, yeah! Anyway, Sombra and Cocoon are in now, so be on the lookout for some...changes they've made. Trust me, they're easy to spot." He told me. I just groaned and said. "Thanks a lot, asshole..." "Oh! And before I forget, Spyro and Cynder are in this one. Full grown adults, together with child, and the like. So make sure you're there for them, because of their Dark Aspects. It's stuck with them for life. Good hunting, fuckface!" Well, at least he warned me about that. Seriously though, is he trying to make me remember that one time he had me-- "Hey, ape!?" Fuckberries! Turning around, I saw a Cheetah Warrior standing there, pointing his spear at me. "Put your hands where I can see them! And no funny business, either!" Rolling my eyes, I ignored his demands, pushed him out of my way, and went outside. "What the--!? H-Hey, get back here!" Oh great, now he's gonna follow me. Thanks Vincent, you useless insane wanktastic cunt-muffin. Shaking my head, I started walking downhill from here. Moving through the streets, I saw Cheetahs, Moles, and Dragons alike working, running to and from the battles with wounded, or going towards where the fight was happening. Of course, they all saw me walking through, looking surprised, shocked, and baffled about me. Then there was the kid, who persistent me. "Will you stop you stupid ape!?" Yeah, he wasn't giving up. Strangely enough, no one else has tried to stop me. Either they're too busy, or they don't want tangle with me. Whatever, they're not my concern. Sometime later, I felt the kid grab hold of my arm and yanked it. Well, if you can call it yanking. "Alright, that's it! Either you come with me, or I'll-- WHOA!?!" I cut him off by yanking him off my arm and fall in front of me. "Kid, stand down. You can't take me on, especially with that useless toothpick you call a spear." I warned him, as he got back up. "Yeah, right! Like I'll listen to a monkey!" He retorted and thrust his spear towards my chest plate, which the spear broke on impact. He was surprised by this, but then proceeded to whacking me, only to break again. "What kind of armour is that!?" "None of your business, that's for sure." I said to him, which he didn't take lightly. "Will you take this seriously! And stop treating me like I'm not a threat to you!" He shouted, but when I glared down at him, and he knew I was, he flinched and backed off a bit. "Okay, let's just take it easy now..." "You better watch your fucking mouth or I'll smack the bitch out of you." I growled at him, which made him submissive, before I grabbed him by his shirts collar. "Now, here's what I want you to do; head back up, grab a new weapon, and defend the wounded. If the doctors or nurses need assistance, help them. Otherwise, you're on sentry duty. NOW MOVE IT!" I shouted and shoved him back uphill, to which he ran pretty fast. Then again, he's a Cheetah. Sensing someone sneaking up behind me, I quickly grabbed the idiot by the throat, as he had a knife in hand. Squeezing his throat, I strangled him for a bit until he finally dropped his knife. Lifting him off the ground, I held him there before saying. "And what was that going to accomplish?" He struggled to get out of my grasp, so he wheezed out his answer. "I...couldn't let...you live to...to harm more lives..." "Well, you're half right about that assumption, but still wrong." I said to him, before seeing a catapult on fire being flung our way. Throwing him out of the way, I whipped out my Gauss Cannon, with the Siege mod on, and charged up my shot. Once it was close enough, I took the shot and blew it up before it hits. Looking back at the adult Cheetah, his mouth hung open as he stared at me with wide eyes. The same can be said about everyone else that saw it. Shrugging at this, I put away the Gauss Cannon and continued on, until my boot kicked into something. Looking down, I saw something very, very, majestic, and picked both of them up. It was the Brute Spikers from Halo 3, and I couldn't be anymore nostalgically happier. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this..." I whispered. "Dude, you're salivating." Hearing Kevin say that snapped me out of it, as I glared up at him on the roof. "Fuck you, asshole!" I shouted at him. "Hey! I was just saying, man." He said as he held his hands up. "Besides, we still got a job to do." I groaned at this reminder. "Okay, you're right. Let's get a..." I trailed off because I saw Wyverns coming in from behind him. Raising my Spikers, I shouted. "GET DOWN, NOW!" Doing as I said, he got down low enough for me to stake the fuckers with a lot of hot rods into them. And just from the feeling of shooting them was enough to get the blood flowing, as they fell from high up to rock bottom. Of course, one got away from Death's grip, but not for long. As it landed, I went up to the thing and kicked it up against a wall. From there, I held it down and let loose a lot of spikes in its ugly face, until it stops resembling an ugly face, with the amount of spikes sticking out of it now. Sighing with the utmost contentment, I stood back from my handy work, as Kevin spoke up. "Usually, this is where someone would say Overkill. But to Hell with it, that was awesome!" "Damn straight it was awesome!" I said in agreement, only for us hear some people spewing up the contents in their guts. "Oh my god, you fucking lightweights..." "Ugh! By the Ancestors, was that really necessary!?" The Cheetah said. Looking back at him, I flipped him off and said. "Go fuck yourself, jackass! We've been through more gruesome shit than you could ever stomach! Now, where the Hell are those in charge!?" I wanted to avoid saying Spyro and Cynder's names, otherwise it'll cause us trouble. "At the centre of town! I'm sure your friend there can point you the way." He answered, pointing suggestively at Kevin, since he has the high ground. "But, what are you going to do?" "What do you think? I'm gonna murder me some ugly fuckers!" I growled at him, which made him scuttle back from me. "Look alive! We got bad guys inbound!" Kevin shouted as we all looked down the street we were in. True enough, we saw a horde of those little fuckers running towards us. Grunting, I raised my Spikers and ran straight into the charging Horde, firing upon them as I got closer and closer to them. Once I was there, I charged right into their ranks, running, gunning, and smacking the living shit out of them with the Spikers blades underneath them. Seriously, I was having too much fun at that moment. Of course, we got a job to do, and that was to kill a king and a queen off. But hey, at least I repelled the enemies attack, as they started to either dig or run away from me. With them out of the way, for now, Kevin lead me through this massive city, which I can't tell if it's bigger than Canterlot or not. Anyway, we made it to their position, Spyro and Cynder weren't the only ones there; the last three Dragon Guardians, Spark the Dragonfly, and Hunter the Archer - not to get both him and Kevin mixed up - were with the two. There was a problem though, both the Guardians and Hunter are a bit too old to fight nowadays. Especially the Guardians. Sighing, I was about to help them out, only for Cynder to see me and assumed the worst of me. So she used one of her breath powers on me, which was Poison, and I had to dodge and weave my way out of that mess. Once she stopped, Cynder turned to warn Spyro of me. "Spyro, we got an ape behind us!" I groaned internally at that. Seriously, I can understand, but there's only so much bullshit I can take. Upon hearing this, Spyro snapped towards me and glared. "Great, as if we didn't have enough problems. I'll finish him off quickly!" As he said that, he leaps up into the air, hovering above me. "I don't know how you got behind us, but it ends here..." As he said that, he got ready to unleash a torrent of fire on me, if not for Kevin's interference. With his Burst Rifle, he fired a single bullet, clipping at Spyro's right horn, making him flinch and redirect his fire breath elsewhere. Rubbing his horn, he snapped back at me. "OK, what did you do!?" He demanded, but I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Don't play me for a fool!" "Too bad you already are one." I bluntly said to him, to which he was taken back from. "W... What? What do you mean by that!?" "Because you're about to let your girl and friends die." I told him as I pointed towards the situation they're in now. Apparently, this is what Vincent meant when they're easy to spot, as the changes were plain as day. Sombra's ones were covered in dark crystals, making them slow, but tough to kill now. While Cocoon's ones became more ferocious and frenzy, easy to kill off, if you can hit them before they move out too quickly. Oh, and the green glowing eyes, too. Looking back up to Spyro, who was awestruck, I brought him out of it as I spoke up again. "Listen, I'm here to kill two people that are just as worst as whatever it is you're fighting. But the only way to do that, is for you pisshats to stop calling me ape, and let me help you. It's your only chance of survival." I reasoned with him. Thinking this over fast, he sighed in defeat and nodded. "Alright, fine, you win. But be warned, if you--OW!" Before he could give his 'Warning' speech, I fired off a single spike at him, just scratching his right cheek. "H-Hey!? What was that for!?" "Do you want to win, or not?" I asked him, but before he could offer his reply, I ran past him and into the fight. "Because if you do, then you better start fighting like Hell!" I shouted as I got in front of Cynder and that, letting loose a hail of spikes onto the abominable. Of course, while it was hard to kill them now, at least I got their attention. So I let them get in close to me, as I mostly clubbed them to death, splattering their rotten organs all over the place as they kept on coming. There were times where I had to shoot up a few stragglers passing by me and going for easy kills, but at least Kevin was there to make sure they didn't get the chance. Things took a turn for the worse, when they all decided to form a wall of sorts, and charged straight into me. Pinned down, they all ganged up on me and started scratching and clawing away at my armour. So I went Berserker again and fought my way out, and with a surprising twist to my favour, as I still held onto my Spikers. Every time I pulled the trigger, the spikes will rip through the masses with ease, as they either leave big, gaping holes through their chests, or blow off a limb or two. Laughing, I shouted. "Now this is a proper BLOODBATH!" As the fighting continues, they started sending in their bigger, heavy-hitters, but they fell just like the rest. I may or may not have destroyed a building or two in the process of extermination, but to Hell with it! All that matters is me killing every last one of them, until the big finale. Luckily, depending on how you look at it, I didn't have to wait for too long. Both Sombra and Cocoon came into view, as they walked up the destroyed street filled with their minions corpses lying around, in pieces of themselves. Of course, they were so thoroughly pissed at me for fucking up their shit again. "How hard is it to try and kill you!? Really, just kneel over and die already!" Cocoon spoke up first, followed up by Sombitch. "You've been a thorn in our sight for far too long! Now you'll pay for your insolents!" As he said that, his frown turned into a smug grin. "And I know the perfect weapons to deal with you..." When he said that, I looked behind me and barely ducked from Cynder's tail. Or more accurately, Dark Cynder and Dark Spyro. "... Shit." I growled as those two fuckers chuckled a little bit. "My, my, I never thought they carried such darkness inside their hearts. How delightful." Cocoon said. "Go my pets! Take vengeance upon the monster who murdered all you have protected!" Sombra shouted, twisting this whole thing around, which was working unfortunately. Letting out their roars, Dark Cynder took a swipe at me with her claws, while Dark Spyro tried to torch me with black fire. All I could ever do was dodge them, and to make matters worst, the others were out of commission. Not dead, just knocked out. During that time, Dark Spyro spoke. "I should never have trusted a filthy ape like you! You bring nothing but death and destruction!" He accused me. "Hey, pissant! Snap out of your delusional darkness! You ain't doing anything better for anyone, or yourself!" I yelled back at him, as I ducked under Dark Cynder's tail again. "What's wrong!? Too scared to fight back, coward!?" Dark Cynder snarled at me. "If I was, I wouldn't be here! Besides, I don't want to kill the little girl's parents in front of her!" At the mention of 'little girl' and 'parents', they stopped their attacks. "W... What are you...talking about???" Dark Cunderdin asked, feeling rather confused as she shook her head. Even her Dark form seem to be breaking away, but not by much. So I pressed on. "What am I talking about? Cynder, you're a mother. And the father..." I turned to face Dark Spyro. "Is the man himself, Spyro." The same was happening to him as well. The darkness was starting to fade away. "I'm... I'm a father?? But, when did that--?" "Mummy! Daddy!" Before he could finish, we heard a little girl's voice. Looking behind them, with me looking past the two, we saw Kevin standing there, Burst Rifle in hand, with a little Dragon girl on his back. "N... Nina..." Cynder said, as she and Spyro both returned back to normal, with tears of shame coming from their eyes. "O-Oh, my baby girl..." She choked for a bit. "Nina, honey, we...we're so sorry..." Spyro stuttered, before he and Cynder took a step forward. "What are you two doing!?" That stupid Ball-less Twat ruined their moment! "I didn't say you could interact with that brat! Get back to fighting!" The two Dragons turned and glared at him. "So, you were the one who controlled us. You used our fears of him to manipulate and have us give in so easily!" Spyro growled. "How dare you!? I will not become another evil-doer's slave again! I won't give up on my baby girl!" Cynder declared. Cockhole herself scoffed at this. "Typical. You couldn't even control them for long. No matter though..." As she said that, she summoned up more of those little shits of hers. "We still have the advantage here." She stated arrogantly. Does she really believe victory is hers? Sombra growled. "Fine then! I'll retrieve our little surprise." As he said that, he turns into a black mist and disappears. As for Cocoon, she grins at me. "Tell me Doom Marine, can you do it right this time?" I was confused by this, until she clarified it. "Can you protect a family from their demise? I seem to recall you failing to save a certain Prince." Oh, the bitch did not just pull that one off on me!? Letting out a growl of my own, she laughs at me before saying. "I mean, for all of your achievements and feats in stopping me, you couldn't stop me from taking the lover of Princess Cadence! It must be a crippling experience you must have felt-- ARGH!!!" I cut her off with a single spike fired at her face, scratching her cheek. "Yeah, I failed to save the lover of Cadence, a brother to Twilight. But that ain't gonna stop me from murdering every last one of you fuckers!" I shouted at her. "Besides, he isn't the only one I've failed to protect. But the situation at that time was out of my hands, and I couldn't do anything about it, except avenging the Fallen. With a fuckton of blood, enough to drown an entire world or two in the process!" She hisses at me. "So what!? You think I should be feeling afraid of you!? It matters not of what you did in the past, because it amounts to nothing!" Before she could continue, something fell from the sky pinning into the ground. "What!? That idiotic brother of yours said he wouldn't aid you!" "That's because it isn't him..." I said as I walked over to the object in question. Placing both Spikers on my thighs, mag-locking to it, I examined what was sticking out of the ground quickly, before grabbing it and pulling it out. It was a Chainsword, but not made by the Imperium of Man. No, this was from the Blood God himself, Khorne. Just then, I heard a Daemon's voice from it. "Greetings, Doom Slayer. The Blood God sends his regards to you." It said to me. "To whom do I own the pleasure?" I asked it. "You will know me as 'The Bloods Banner', and The Blood God wishes to bestow me to you for the time being, until you can wield me in real time." It stated the reason for this meeting. "How long have the Dark Gods been watching us?" "Long enough. Khorne especially, ever since you and your brothers bloodlust alerted him to your presence. Although, trying to contact you was not easy, with that Guardian of yours, and the risk of letting that Satanic fuckface get the upper hand, he settled with watching and observing. Even though it wasn't just The Blood God, he'd mostly would watch over you." It explained to me. "Huh. And I said I wanted his head that one time..." When I said that, the Possessed Chainsword laughed at that. "What? I thought that would've pissed you and him off?" "Hah! Not even close! He just laughed at that, thinking it was cute of you to say so, and he still does." It told me, well, more like he told me. I grumbled at that and he laughed some more. "Aw, come now, young Berserker, no need to be bashful about it. Besides, we have blood to spill and skulls to collect." Looking back at Cocoon and that, she was pretty pissed at us for ignoring her, as her minions were antsy to get on with the killing. Straining a smile, she spoke up. "So, are you done ignoring me? Because I'm tired of waiting for you!" Not waiting for an answer from me, she just gave them the order. "KILL HIM!!!" Screeching, they came charging forward. Shaking my head, she clearly forgot that I was still in my Berserker form, as I revved up The Bloods Banner, and grabbed a Spiker for my free left hand. Surprising enough, The Bloods Banner big, razor sharp, saw teeth were revving really fast, they started to glow from the super heat generated from it. It didn't seem to bother him, as I kept hearing him letting out dark chuckles, waiting for the slaughter we're about to commence. Eh, fuck it! I'll say it for the Hell of it! "Blood..." I started as they got closer, and once one of them was in range, I lashed out at the little ugly fucker with the Chainsword, cutting it up real good and bloody. After that, I charged at them again, finishing off the chanting with, "FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!" Now this is what you would call a Hell Raiser. Because I was a real professional at it. Gunning and sawing my way through the mass bodies of limbs, blood, and guts, I was getting closer and closer to the stupid bitch. Who was just standing there in frustration, with a hint of fear. For the most part, I've devastated her army, while some got past me, but Kevin took care of them. Just as I got through the last hurl, the ground started to tremble and rumble. Something big was coming, and I could only guess that it was their surprise. It better not be the damn Destroyer! Luckily, it wasn't that. Unfortunately, it was that Golem thing. Rising out of the ground, it was just as fucked up as I remembered, only this time its left club arm was infused with a lot of dark crystals. And what do you know, standing on top of its head was that Ball-less Twat himself. Grinning widely, he shouted. "Behold, you foolish pest! Now we'll see just how strong you really are against something bigger than you!" When he said that, more of their combined forces came back again. "Tsk! What an idiot! He should have gotten something bigger than that pathetic lump of rock!" Banner said, and yes I'll be calling him that, as he snarked off at the Golem. Apparently though, that thing heard the insult and roared back. "Cry me a river! Let's just get this over with!" "I couldn't agree more..." As I said that, I started to feel myself change as I became the very monster that kills other monsters. Not only did I changed, but so did Banner, and the Spiker. Banner was now a two-handed Long Chainsword, and I'm still able to carry him with one arm. Warhammer 40K ain't never mention this shit before! As for the Spiker, it was slightly larger than before, while looking more demonically gothic, with four barrels, and the two under blades having razor sharp hooks in them now. I nodded my head at this. "I'm really liking this more and more. How do you feel Banner?" "Oh, the amount of power you possess! Its effects can warp and morph certain types of weaponry to fit the needs of your enemies demise!" He answers me with glee and laughs for a while before demanding. "Quickly now! The blood and skulls of our enemies won't off themselves for our glorious Blood God! Come on, hurry!" I even let out my own demonic laugh. "Such enthusiasm! Alright then, let's get to work! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!" I roared out loud before sprinting towards the Golem. "SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!" Banner finished it off, as we went back to killing. Oh, was it all so satisfying! Pulling the trigger to my new Spiker; Demon Spitter, the rate of fire on this thing was maddening fast, firing much like the Chaingun with its Sentry Turrent mod on. It practically shredded through them like paper! Swinging and slashing Banner's new form was a blast, as I was splattering them across everything, with him laughing and raving on about blood and gore. Unfortunately for me, the Golem snatched me up with its left arm, and raised me up to its fugly-ass face. What's even more unfortunate, for that thing, was that my arms were still free. Before it tried to either roar or roast me, I pointed my Demon Spitter and let her rip. Quickly, it blocked the spikes, distracted by this as I revved up Banner and started cutting into the crystal arm. It roared in pain and slammed me into the ground. Shaking off the daze, it let go of me, only for me to grab hold of it and pulled it down on even ground. With its face in range, I forced open its mouth and shoved Banner up against the roof of the mouth, and started cutting my way up into its head. Although it shook me off, it screeched, while flailing and slamming its arms everywhere. Dodging them as much as I can, I sawed off its right arm easy enough, and it fell forward. Looking at its left arm, I went to it, hooked Demon Spitter's under blades to it, and started cutting it again. Once I was done, I pulled it right off and used it to beat its face in. I sometimes wonder if it was begging for mercy, but even so, I'm not giving you the luxury. On the final strike, its head exploded into pieces of itself. Of course, I haven't forgotten Sombra, it's just that he failed to stay on it and ended up falling off it. Climbing over the corpse of the Golem, I saw him trying to crawl away, as I didn't see Cocoon anywhere, but that doesn't mean she's gone. Jumping down, landing with a heavy thump, it alerted him to me, as he quickly got up on shaky legs. Instead of getting ready to fight, he held his hands up. "W-Wait a minute here! Just hear me out, perhaps we can make a deal!?" He said, but I shook my head as he backed away from me, as I drew closer. "No! Please, you can't do this to me!" He shouted in desperation, as he began to panic. Before he could say another word, I sliced him in half with Banner, starting from the top of his head, all the way down to his third leg, so to speak. Once done, he splits into two, as his corpse fell with blood and internal organs spilling out onto the ground before me. But that was one threat removed forever, now where is she hiding out at? Hearing her screaming from above, I looked up and saw her nose diving towards me. As I got ready to introduce her face to my new little friend's saw teeth, I saw a familiar green energy ball of mass death speeding towards her, and as she was hit by it point blank, she exploded in a gory fashion. What little remains of her splattered onto the ground, and I knew who pulled the trigger. Ending my Berserker mode, returning back to my normal self, along with everything else. Just as I did so, a portal opened up and I snapped into action. But upon looking at it, this was a portal connected to the Warp itself, and a single Blood Letter walked through it calmly. Lowering my Spiker, the Blood Letter came up to me, the sword they're known to use in battles wasn't with this one, as he held out his arms to me. Getting the message, I gave him The Bloods Banner, but before he left with him in tow, Banner spoke up once more. "Hey, kid? This isn't the last time, we'll meet again. Just keep doing what you do best." Nodding, the Blood Letter gave a short bow before returning to the Immaterium. Sighing, I looked back at the rest; Kevin was holding out his BFG, which he used to kill Cocoon. While Spyro was sweating up a storm, Cynder was giving me the death glare, as she hid their daughter in her wings. Rolling my eyes, I just flipped her off. "Fuck you too, woman. I was only doing what I do best, and that's fighting a war, killing a fuckton of bad guys, and win it." I told her off. Before she could offer a retort, another portal opened up, but this one we know of. Waving at Kevin to come over, he came and went on through with me following behind him. As I walked on through though, a fist came flying towards my face and connected, making me fall to the ground. Groaning, I saw Visilia standing over me. "You asshole! You love guns more so than you love me!" "Oh shit." I said as I tried to get up. "Okay, look, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, alright? Just let me get my bearings." "Oh yeah! Sure! Why not!? Because this shouldn't take so long for you to adapt to!" Visi said, letting me know just how pissed she was right now. Huffing, she picks me up and hugs me. "Next time, if you're gonna get something new, get me one, too. Okay?" "Okay." I promised her as I hugged her back. "Hey guys! GUYS!" We heard Vincent's voice, as I looked behind to see him running over to us. "Vincent, what is it!? Wait, where are the girls!?" I asked him, only realising now that neither Cadence or Twilight were here. "Oh, don't worry! Cadence and Twilight are in Chrysalis's dream. Luna picked them up and took them there, so she's looking over them. Guardian has retrieved Sombra's Soul and taken it to Tartarus, so we won't have to deal with that annoying little shit no more. But that's besides the point!" He explained before getting back to his topic. "The point is, I found something! Or rather, it was always there!" I shook my head in confusion. "What!? Vincent, what are you saying!?" "The Titans are not dead!" He answered. When he said that, I was surprised. The same can be said with Visilia and Kevin. "Yeah, I know! But it explains the powers we can use now, because we gained them from the Titans we've slain, all those years ago!" "But how!? How the fuck are they still alive!?" I asked him. "I think it has something to do with their powers, as it leaves a bit of their psychological trait of their being. And ever since we killed them, gain their powers, their psyche got transferred into us, as well!" He explained, before wanting us to follow him. "Anyway, c'mon! They're waiting for us!" Doing what he wants us to do, we followed him as he took us somewhere else. As we ran, we came upon five large thrones. Two of them were empty, but the rest were filled with the Demonic Titans we've killed. One was male, while the other two were female. The one I fought was the male, while Kevin and Vincent fought against the other two females. The male Titan was the first to acknowledge us. "Ah! We finally meet again. Good, for there is much to talk about your newfound powers, you've gained from us." He stated, his voice booming all around us. One of the two female Titans spoke up, talking slightly faster than the normal person. "EEEE~!This is so exciting! Finally, we were able to make the connection with the Doom Slayers! Quickly, tell them, tell them, tell them!" Yeah, this one is definitely Vincent's Titan. My one is the male, and the last one is Kevin's Titan. Speaking of which, she chimed in, although she spoke more normal like us. "Please, restrain yourself. Don't fret, we will tell them about their progress." When she said progress, we looked at each other, thinking along the same lines of what they meant by that. "Yes. That is what we meant. Your powers are growing, Doom Slayers, ever since you've slain us. But without us, you would have lost control and die from the mass Hell Energy we've obtained." The male Titan explained to us. "You see, you are the only beings to have, not only kill us, but successfully fused with our powers. We just had to quickly suppress as much as we can before you snapped." "Indeed. If it were left unchecked, anything could have happened. So we have been analysing your progress this whole time." The second female Titan said, as the progress icons from the game popped up over there heads, five of them in fact. Looking at mine, I only fully completed one Token. ONE! Barely starting on my second one! The other two were just about halfway finished with their second Token! When Vincent saw mine, he laughed and mocked me for it. "HAHAHAHAHA! You only got one!" Although, he was quickly silenced when my Titan cut him off. "SHUT UP MAGGOT! AT LEAST HE CAN NOW DESTROY BUILDINGS WITH ONE PUNCH WHEN HE ENTERS HIS BERSERKER POWER!" He growled out loudly, which literally did shut Vincent up...for a few seconds, until he throw a hissy fit at him. "MOTHERFUCKER! WHAT THE HELL, HE GETS ALL THE GOOD SHIT! WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Vincent shouted back at him, but his Titan answered him instead. "Oh! You can now run faster than ever, and you don't run out of energy as fast as usual! Did you also notice that you can see things differently, motion wise?" She explained before asking him. "Well, yeah! Now that you mention it, I didn't really bother with questioning it, and just went with the flow. I can practically breeze my way through, even the most shittiest of shitstorms, and come out of it unscathed." He answered. "See? Just because you can't destroy a building with one punch, doesn't mean you can't do it in your own way." I swear, these two are just made for each other. "Okay, but what about Kevin? What's his one?" I asked his Titan. "His one is a elemental one; control over Wind, upon which he can create a tornado-like barrier around, whenever he enters his final form. Something you all have experienced, but he has control over his one. Problem is, he can't hold it for very long, but that doesn't make him weak." She explains his power. "Far from it. When he enters that final form, he can cut down about anything, and there's nothing you can do to stop him. Especially since you can't touch what you can't hurt. In a sense, he turns into a killer ghost." We were silent when she finished, as we turned to look at Kevin. Sighing, he answers us. "Yes, it's all true. But there is a limit to it, and it's very short." "Still though, damn." Vincent commented. "Anyway, I wish we could talk more about this, but you'll soon wake up. We will discuss more on this topic at a later date. Farewell for now." When she said that, I started to feel this pull on, as everything around us started to fade away... Groaning, I opened up my eyes and found myself back inside Luna's room, meaning I was awake. Getting out of my seat, I stretched out my muscles and went to my thighs, only to realise the Spikers weren't exactly real to begin with. I whined a little, only to get whacked from behind, as someone smashed their chair on me. And by someone, I mean Visilia. "For fuck sakes, woman..." I groaned as I kneeled to the ground. "You're still picking weapons over me, you asshole." She stated. Again, I groaned in annoyance. I'm guessing this is also a part of your love life, huh. ([Third person] ???) Back within where Cocoon and her Hive lives, a lot of screaming of rage and things getting thrown about was all of Cocoons doing. Ever since the Professor created a potion for her to enter the dreams of her targets, the Doom Marines, it hadn't worked out as she hoped for. Unexpected outcomes kept presenting themselves throughout the course, an uneasy alliance with a dead mad king, an insane lunatic of a Doom Marine manipulating her, unexplained anomalies from outside her understanding. All of which mounted up to her defeat, yet again. As soon as she woke up, she started tearing up the Hives home, in a raging fit. The Professor sighed. He was in his laboratory, located underneath the entire Hive, where he could conduct his experiments and inventions of sorts. Right now, he was still trying to decode the glyphs, with little success, again. "Well, this language is rather elusive." He said. "So...can we really not figure it out?" Thorn asked, shaking still from the Queens wrathfulness. "I'm not so sure anymore. All I know is that Queen of ours will get us all killed." He answered him. Sighing again, he placed his notebook away. "If things continue on like this, our Hive will perish. We have to convince some of the Changelings to leave this place." "B-B-But, what will they do then!? Without someone to guide them, they'll be lost!" Thorn stated. "I know, but perhaps if we can get into contact with the Doom Marines, maybe we can have some of those who wish to leave Cocoons Hive, join with Chrysalis's one." The Professor answered. "Even so, I feel that it might be a temporarily solution." Thorn was about to say something, when he notice something. "Hm? Sir, what's this tome?" "Tome?" He asked, to which Thorn pointed at the lower part of his bookshelf. "The one that's glowing...strangely enough." Thorn answered, but he felt creeped out about it. Moving towards it, the Professor picked it up and looked it over. Taking a look inside, it made him remember something as he turned towards his notebook, then back at the book in hand. Snapping it closed, it made Thorn jump in surprise. "W-W-What is i-it?" "I just remembered where I heard of them now. They also go by another title known as Doom Slayers. There are legends depicting their deeds and such, although just vaguely, but enough to tell you not to fight them." He stated before saying. "We need to figure out how to save what we can of the Hive..." > Ch.20 (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.20: The Complexity of Love. Part 1. (Bryan/Doom Marine, Train ride to the Crystal Empire, 2 weeks later...) Okay, let's start off with a recap. First there was that whole dream fight thing, weirdest form of fighting I've ever done, and I don't even remember any of my dreams, or just don't have any dreams. After dealing with two annoying little shits, we encounter the Titans we killed. After some explanations and benefits, we woke up. Although, when Luna woke up, she was red in the face, and when she looked at me, her eyes widening and her blush intensified. Gaining a nosebleed out of nowhere, Luna rushes into her bathroom, with the shower running. I don't know what was happening on her end, but it must have something to do with Chrysalis's dream. After all, she brought Cadence and Twilight over there. So what in Death's name was she even dreaming? All I felt from wanting to know the answer behind that question, was dread. After all that, things, for the most part, returned normal. Canterlot was fully constructed back to stability, but the Nobles were getting even more restless and degradingly stupid. Surprisingly enough, The Noble Council put a stop to their whining and placing some new rules on them, for the duration of this war. The Nobility had no choice but to comply to these rules, or be stripped of everything, and have it distributed to the people. No idea where this all came from, but that works for me, now we won't have to deal with them for a while longer. The Night Sentinels kept on coming in by the day, right now we stand at two thousand strong, at the latest. Of course, we talked with King Hydrax about some of the plans we wish to happen, such as the Everfree Castle, or Fort, but the latter was rarely used. So he sent in some teams to assess it and see what becomes of it. He even states that they are developing a new weapon on their side of things, calling it Reaper. Not sure what it does, he didn't go into too much detail, just said that it was still in the experimental trials. Oh, and he gave us his Thanks for apprehending Sombra's soul. Then there were our discussions with our Titans. They went into detail about the whole 'Progression' thing. But here's the difference; my progress is slower than the rest! When I asked why's that, he merely responded with me being more stronger. We just stared at him, thinking he might be bluffing. He wasn't. But he warned me about not getting carried away with it, stating that there are ways of making me dead. I asked if there was a way to progress faster, and there was. The problem was, that with your regular enemy that you would fight, for the most part, won't cut it anymore. Since they tend to die so easily with just one punch from me. I needed to fight more powerful, more experienced, more skilful opponents. That last fight within the dream counted, because of how real of a threat Sombra actually was, and for what he has committed back then. There might be even the rare case of gaining more from a certain mission. My Titan also warned me about some of the enemies I might end up running into, since they know about the whole Displaced thing and such. Thanks to Guardian telling them about it. Speaking of which, we asked Guardian about Khorne. She said that she sensed his power and went to ask why he helped me. The only answer she got from him was that he's interested in me, and wants to help me. By giving me that Chainsword, in good time. Yeah, no pressure there. I just hope that's the only thing he gives me. Although, I wouldn't mind if he grants our Night Sentinels with Chainswords or Chainaxes. Question is, what do I have to do, for him to grant that? Also, the vaguest of his intentions. Now then, for the twist of things; I finally let Tia make her apology to me. Yep, no lie. And I accepted it, but on the condition that she trains under either me, or Visilia, should I and the bros be in another version of Equestria. Hesitantly, she agreed to this, but she also knows she'll be needing to work real hard to earn Visilia's trust. Me? I trust her well enough to do what's necessary. At this point, she needs it. As for Luna, well, for the most part, she's fine. Although she tends to blush when she's around me, sometimes even acts and says weird things too. Vincent believes Chrissy was having a wet dream, and as much as I want to deny and punch his face in, I believe him on that one. After all of what we needed to do, Cadence got into contact with us, through Twilight's Comm I gave her. She said she was heading back to the Crystal Empire. And so, here we are. On a train heading towards her kingdom. Unfortunately, Vincent's prediction to what happened in Chrysalis's dream was true. She had a dream of having sex with me, and Luna and that waltz right into it. Even got involved in it, too, by the look of it. Good thing a platoon of Night Sentinels were sitting in the next train cart. Of course, this didn't make it any less awkward. Kevin was with me, while Vincent stayed behind in Canterlot with Visilia. All three of the girls were sitting opposite of us. Each of which looked and acted differently. Cadence was basically on the same level as Luna, sort of. Chrysalis had a deviant, seductive smile on her lips, definitely trying to get into my pants. Twilight wrapped herself up in her wings, hiding her entire being from me. All the while making these strange, subtle noises, which I could only think of as sounding submissive. If anything, whenever I try to talk or get close to her, her form shivers, as if that alone brought her to orgasm. Even worse, Twilight's parents were here, too! Sitting right across from us! Her mother, Velvet, was blushing, like the girls themselves. The father, Night Light, looked at me with sympathy. Yeah, you would think he be mad, but no, that's not the case. He was scared for me. Sighing, I leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. I'm so confused about this whole love affair, I'm lost in it. I don't know how I'm suppose to deal with it, and I can't do it the way Dragons do it. Yes, Dragons practices polygamy. Well, the last time I was in their country, they were. I'm not sure if they're still doing it, or forsaken it. Either way, telling a dragon to stop doing this or that, is like telling a mountain to flatten itself out. The result; they won't do it, and will more than likely try and kill you. Anyway, I tried to figure out a way for these three to sort their feelings out. Because right now, Chrysalis's feelings towards me, has effectively screwed up the other two's feelings. I can count on Luna to sort herself out, but Cadence and Twilight need some serious help. And possibly even Chrysalis. God knows I suck at romantic relationships... "Dearest Bryan, what's wrong?" Chrysalis asked me, sounding so naturally seductive. Groaning, placed my head in my hands, and said. "Chrissy, don't ask me like that, please?" "Aw, but why? Is something the matter?" She asked again. "Yes, there is. It concerns your feelings towards me." I told her. "Clearly, it has affected Cadence, Twilight, and Luna, that it scrambled their emotions. How do I know what you feel for me is real? How do you know?" When I asked her that, her and the girls drastically changed. Gone was their fondness of me, replaced with thoughtful, sad, depressive frowns. Even Twilight let her wings droop down, showing her one. Sighing, Chrysalis answered. "Alright, I'll admit it, maybe I was feeling insecure about myself. Maybe I was just afraid of losing my life, without finding any purpose in life. Maybe I was just feeling absolutely lonely." She explained firmly. "Ever since I heard and read legends about you and your kind, I was astounded by it. Of course, some of us thought it was a folklore made up around a campfire, but one that we actually liked, nonetheless." "Okay, so after hearing it all, what was it you were thinking?" I pressed on, and so did she. "I was thinking of how amazing it would be to meet you. Learn more things about you. Find out where you came from. Discover the technological foundation of your rising civilisation. The more I thought about, the more I became obsessed with it. But, sadly, it was never meant to be, over the course of my life, I became a new queen for a new Hive. As for the rest, you already know of..." She lets out a sigh before continuing. "And yet, as soon as you showed up, I was surprised. But I was also angry at Celestia, guessing that she locked you up in that tomb. Over time, I began to learn more about you, or at least tried to. Your methods are always so direct, but they can also be seen as misguided meanings. But that's only because none of us really understand your motives." She's not wrong there. "Well, you can probably also tell that I'm not one for explanations, or conversations. Because even I wouldn't know how to put it into words, and I've been so secretive, that I can't even express myself in any other way." I said to her. "Honestly, the only things I've ever felt, for the longest time, was anger and hatred, all wrapped up in a ball of fury and rage. Not to mention, buying shit from that Merchant without realising it'll send you off somewhere, it makes you feel kind of forced in a life you never thought possible. With no other choice but to try and make a living here." I explained to her. “What was it like? Back home, I mean.” Cadence asked. “... It was shit. That's how I remembered it.” I snarled, not at her though, I didn't meant it that way. Chrysalis held onto her and Twilight, both. “Bryan, please, stop being such a sour puss. I know you don't like most things, but surely there was something you liked, long ago.” “That's just it Chrysalis, it has been so long, that I doubt Earth is the same anymore.” I told her with a sigh. “Being stuck inside a tomb for over ten millennia makes you wonder just what the fuck happened? Either mankind has expanded across the stars, not without bloodshed, mind you. Or it killed itself off.” “That's… Very depressing…” Twilight said sadly. Before anymore talk could be made, Velvet squeaked and we turned to see what was up. That was when we saw her with a staff. Some wizard’s staff, of some kind. As she was holding it, her eyes widened as she seems to stare off into space. Getting up, I took it out of her hands and heard a woman's voice coming from it. “Ah, crap. It's a fucking Token…” “I am the goddess Palutena, When you are lost or in danger grasp this staff and call on me, and I will be your guide to safety. Those who summon me with evil intent will face my wrath!” The message echoed in my mind. Looking at Kevin, I handed to him and he heard the message too. “So, any thoughts on this one?” I asked him. “She seems and means well. Perhaps she could help you out on your dilemma with Love?” Kevin suggested. I shrugged at this idea. “I don't know, man. I mean, she may be a goddess and all that, but last time I checked, we had to deal with a lot of nutjobs worshipping Demons. I don't want another Zealotry popping up because of her.” I told him as I sat back down. “Not that I’m trying to blame her, or anything, I just think it might cause an uprise or something.” “Alright then, when we get the chance, we’ll ask her for assistance, and see if she can clear this up for you, and the girls.” He stated and I nodded. After a little while of talking, we finally arrived at the Crystal Empire. Speaking of which, I also brought that Shard of The Crystal Heart along, hopefully to at least help along the lines of this mess of mine. Moving out, there was a group of Crystal Guards waiting for us, with one of the Sergeants walking up and saluting to me, to which I saluted back. “Greetings sir! The Captain will like to speak with you all, there seems to be some development happening today!” “What kind?” I asked him. “The political one, sir!” He answered. “Ah, Hell dammit all! Who the fuck’s here?” “The Dragons, Minotaur, Gryphons, and Zebras sir! Follow me please!” As he said that, he and his men formed up around us, but me and Kevin stepped out. He was about to ask, until he saw our Night Sentinels, which shocked him and his men. “My word, it's true… You do have an army.” “Wait, how the Hell did you know of this?” I questioned him. “Sir, haven't you been watching the news? They caught you lot with your armies, along with finding that third Doom Marine.” He answered, still shocked by this display. I groaned and shook my head. “Let's just get a move on…” As I said that, we started walking towards the city. Upon entering, everything seems to have been repaired. The people here were a little shocked to see us and our forces, but they bowed to us. Even the children were in awe to see us. Then there was two familiar faces I remembered when I first came here; Golden Light and Silver Terra. Golden Light was a Unicorn mare, with a golden yellow fur colour, a two-toned coloured mane and tail; white and pink, and baby blue eyes. Her body was lean and beautiful, even more so. Silver Terra, an Earth pony Stallion, had a Dark brown fur colour, with a silver mane and tail, and purple eyes. He was mildly built and fit in body. As they saw me, they waved out to me, and I waved back at them. I wonder if they're together? Unfortunately, the calm was shattered when a couple of Dragon Legionnaires dropped in front of us, all armed to the teeth. Growling, I drawn out my sword and pointed at them. “What the fuck is going on here!?” When I asked them that, they flinched from me, meaning I’m still a top dog in their Society. Good. One of them answered me. “We were asked to bring you along with us… My Lord.” From the sound of things, these were just young teenagers, and they were scared of me. “Tell the one in charge that I can fucking walk over there. And if he or she got a problem with that, we can fight it out, if they like?” I snarled at them, making it clear that I’m not in the mood for this bullshit of theirs. Nodding quickly, they took flight and flew back to the castle. Sighing, I placed my sword on my back again, and waved for us to continue onward. Once we reached the castle, we saw a larger Dragon waiting outside. Of course, this one was female, because of how lean and flexible this one looked, not to mention the armour design for such a fighter. That was when we saw her transform, shifting from her quadruped feral form, to a biped anthro form. She was about the same height as me and Kevin, and her scales were orange, with yellow eyes. As she took her first step towards us, I went to grab my sword and she stops, getting the message. Then she spoke up. “My Lord, please, I apologise for my rash act towards you. But, when we heard the news about you, we were anxious.” “Oh for Damnations sakes, will you all just calm down! Christ, I haven't even seen your Kingdom for a long time, and now with my return, you act as if it's the end of the world!” I growled at her. “I past all of your trials, killed off any and all political corruptors and oppressors, and stopped Hell’s army from invading you lot next! And now you think you can claim me like some fucking trophy, or whatever the fuck you believe in!?” “I-I-I’m sorry! It won't happen again, I promise! I’ll even send word back after this meeting!” She sputtered as she bows before me. “Please, don’t kill me!” “Oh god, enough with the begging already! Now, why are all of you here?” I questioned her, as she got up. “Well, we were hoping to lend some of our support towards the Crystal Empire, and pray that we might meet up with you. Thank the Heavens you have arrived.” She explained. “Heaven can go fuck itself with a rusting Spork, for all I care. Now, let's get this horseshit over with!” When I said that, she just looks at me in stunned awe, until she falls to the ground and starts laughing. “And you all still remember how much I swore my head off, don’t you?” She snorts before saying. “My Lord… With how you… Tend to act… it's still funny!” She said this between laughs. Once it has passed, she gets up and stands besides me. “Anyway, we must go. The others are waiting for us.” Rolling my eyes, we started to move towards the stairs. But that was when we saw Cadence, Chrysalis, Twilight, and her parents, went towards the Memorial Stone. Seeing as they need time to themselves, we continued on without them, moving up the stairs and into the castle. After some time of walking about, we found ourselves within the Throne room, where the hole I made was patched up, and a long-ass table was set up. Of course, the Representatives from before, in Manehattan, were here as well, seeing as they saw us come in. “Ah! The Doom Slayers have returned. Good, now we can explain things to them.” The Gryphon said with a smile. “And what do you know, they have an army with them!” “That was quite the surprise, to say the least. Everyone thinks you're going to conquer the world, all because of our sins.” The Minotaur said with a snort. “Moronic doomsayers, always preaching about some nonsense!” “I’ll say, you should hear what they say back in the Dragon Kingdom! Most believe that the Doom Slayers have come to reap vengeance upon the world that have wronged them, for all the good deeds they did to protect us.” The Pony that represents the Dragons said. “Please, can we move this on, and not keep our Lords at bay? They wish to know why we are here.” A Zebra said. “Hunter, you can handle this. I’m just gonna sleep this off.” I said as I grabbed a chair and dozed off, not wanting to get caught up in this stuff. “Heh! They really don't like politics…” I heard the Minotaur said before everything get shuts out of my mind. An hour or so must have past, since I was woken up by Chrysalis. “Bryan, don't you think that was rude of you to sleep in the middle of a meeting?” She asked me. “Who has the fucking balls to say no to me?” I answered her with another question. “Bryan, please. You can't brush this off, even if it's something you don't like.” She stated to me. “Besides, that Dragoness and mare was sneaking in some ‘goodbye’ kisses in your sleep.” “Really? I mean, really?” “Yes, really. I can even feel their emotions, and I say they're drawn to you and Kevin. You with the Dragoness, and Kevin with the mare.” She explained. “Anyway, they’ll be staying for sometime.” “Great.” I said sarcastically, before Kevin texted me. “Bryan, I think it's time to call her.” I groaned as I was having second thoughts about this, but there was no turning back now, I guess. Getting up, he passes me her staff, and I took in some deep breaths, before talking into it. “Hey, uh, Pally? If you have the time, I need help with something.” When that was done, a portal opens up... (Goddess Palutena) The train was speeding along to Canterlot so we could join 'Tia and shore up our defenses, when my musing were interrupted, “Hey, uh, Pally? If you have the time, I need help with something.” echoed in my mind, I drew out a long suffering sigh, attracting the attention of everypony in the train cabin. “Something's come up I’ll meet you there,” I said as I gave Twilight and Theia a kiss on the forehead. I opened a portal and walked through it. (Bryan/Doom Marine) … From there, out came a… Alicorn? Well, that was surprising, to say the least. “Greetings, I am Palutena, goddess of balance, crafting and wisdom, how may I be of service?” Palutena introduced herself, with a sweeping and graceful bow leaning on her staff to keep balance. “Um, wow. This is something...different.” I said awkwardly. “Sorry, not used to this whole ‘god-like’ theme. Although, where to start?” Now I’m at a complete lost. “How about at the beginning? What is your name?” She suggested with a patient smile. “It's Berserker.” I told her. “And no, you can’t learn our real names. It's protocol.” “Ah? Just like Fate/Stay night.” she said with a smile. “Well Berserker, it's a pleasure to meet you. From the sound of your voice you are the one who called me, how can I help you this day?” She asked with a tilt of her head. “Right, well, this is gonna sound stupid, but, I need help in...understanding Love.” I said to her. “And let's just say, we’re older than we may appear.” She frowned. “Why not ask Princess Cadance, the princess of love? Is there a specific reason you came to me rather than her?” She asked me. “Oh, and not appearing like your age is common amongst immortals. You’ll get used to it and it's better if you ignore it from now on otherwise you are going to be a very lonely guy.” She added in addendum. “Let's just say that both her and Twilight are...lost and confused as well.” I answered her. “Also, I didn't say we were immortal, and I’ve always been by myself. More or less.” I added in. She raised an eyebrow at me before sighing. “Okay, what specifically is the problem? I could just read your mind but I doubt you’d like that.” She said as she stretched and stood straight. “That, and I don't want you to...well, it's complicated. Anyway, the reason why those two are in such a dilemma, is because circumstances kind of pushed it. Remember Sombra, by any chance?” “Oh? Crystals McGee? He hasn't shown up in my Equestria yet.” she replied. “Well, let's just say that Ball-less Twat wouldn't stay dead. So he started haunting both of their dreams. When Luna found out, she had us go in there and kill him off. Although, while we were in there, he said that the reason why he was targeting them was for his personal reasons, besides wanting to resurrect himself and take control of the world, he wanted to make both of them his Queens and wives, but I didn't take too kindly to his plans and started fucking up his imaginary army.” I explained to her. Her face grew darker, as many forms of magic began spilling out of her like that of a super saiyan as she was shaking, the ground began to shake as her the whites of her eyes turned black, her iris turned red and around it was a ring of light and rainbow. Shadow leaked out of her right eye, while light leaked out of the other. “He wanted to do what to my daughter!?” She said her voice reverberation and sounded distorted, in her now obvious rage. “Relax, he’s dead for good. His soul is now trapped within Tartarus, thanks to King Hydrax. I doubt he's gonna get any mercy from him.” I told her. Palutena began doing a hand movement in and out as she breathed, “mustn't get stressed, calm down.” She said between breathes before sighing and returning to be normal. “Apologies, I don't like it when people threaten my family, even if they are alternate versions of them.” She said sounding apologetic. “Who the fuck doesn't feel that way? Wait, don't answer that, I might go on a killing spree throughout the Multiverse! Let's not do that.” I waved it off. “Anyway, while I was busy trying to kill him off, Luna had sent Cadence and Twilight over to Chrysalis’s dream, and well...let's just say that's where it all started.” “Oh so they are horny? Like the female version of blueballs?” She asked me. “Um, more or less. Only because Chrissy was having a wet dream...about me.” I said with a sigh. “Problem is, that I’m with someone already, but within the shortest amount of time, Chrissy has already developed feelings for me, which affected Cadence and Twilight, possibly even Luna, since she got dragged into the sex scene… FUCK!” I growled as I tried to calm down. “I was never good at this shit.” “Emotions are rarely logical, for Twilight and Luna the solution is simple enough, assuming that is if like my Twilight and my Luna they have a crush on each other. Chrysalis will be harder to deal with, Cadance is married so that should resolve itself.” She says to herself as she is thinking about possible solutions. “Oh god, Shining Armour…” I said as the memory of seeing him dead before me comes back. “He didn't have to go out like that, or ever.” “Oh buck me sideways! He’s dead? Fuck! fuck! fuck! And I can't in good conscience resurrect him after he got his eternal repose! Damn it! Now I wish I was there when he died! Well that complicated things a fuck tonne!” She groaned in exasperation. I gave a dry chuckle at that. “How ironic is that? The first thing I do when they wake me back up, is to fight a war they were mere inches away of losing. Saved Canterlot and travelled to the Crystal Empire, only to find it in enemy control. What do I do? Stormed right in here and fucked as many idiotic people up, saved Cadence, murdered Shining Armour’s killers with my bare hands, and destroying the Crystal Heart, which they have poisoned and corrupted. Turning this Kingdom’s greatest defenses, against oneself. Hell, one piece of it survived.” Pulling it out, I showed it to her. “Pass it to me, I can repair it, at the very least.” She asked me. “No, Our fair Lady.” The Shard spoke up, which surprised her. “Why do you reject being repaired little one?” She asked curiously. “We cannot return. The Mantle of protecting the Empire, now falls to its people, and Fallen. We must help the Doom Marines, wherever it need be.” It explained. “Would you object to being changed alongside the praetor armor so you can remain close to them?” She asked with a warm smile. “Yes, we would. For it is not needed.” It answered. “Very well little one, as for your conundrum, this isn't going to be an quick and easy fix, well at least not without invasive alterations, gather the… afflicted. While you do that I’ll sit down carrying sextuplets is murder on your ankles.” She said as she sat down on the nearest chair. I nodded as Chrissy and I went to find the others. I just hope they're alright… (Kevin/Doom Marine) “So mr tall, demonic and silent, are you going to ask me anything?” Palutena asked me. I just shrugged at her, while tapping on my throat and shaking my head. Hopefully she gets the message. “Ah, your mute, my condolences.” She said while offering a sympathetic smile. I nodded at her, as we wait for Bryan and that to return. “You know i could help you with that if you want? The being mute thing, I mean. I could give your Armor text to speech or I could straight up fix your throat if you want? No catches, no cost.” She offered sincerely. But I shook my head, answering her with a ‘No’. “Not even giving you telepathy?” She asked, which I shook again. “Fair enough, but be careful, principals are good until they start costing you, like when I committed genocide in defence of another version of this place and I have to live with that for eternity.” she advised with a tinge of sadness in her voice. Searching through my pockets, I found and pulled out a Datapad and given it to her. I texted her a message saying. “If that's true, why are we still around? Can you answer that one?” I asked her. “Because, you're good people, selfless and foolish people. All heroes are likely to lose so much, yet keep going. That in itself is virtue even if it is still foolish.” She chuckled ruefully. “Is that so? Well, maybe I’m not the one who is stupidly foolish here. Because we never said we were heroes, but nor are we the villains of this story.” “It all comes down to perspective, you personally may not think you're heroic. But others do, those that you saved. Whether you wanted recognition or not, whether you believe that you can't be a hero because you’ve done reprehensible things. People still cheered my name, branded me a hero, even after I caused so much death and forever altered the environment of the empire with my attacks.” She sighed “Tell me something, how old are you? I’ll tell you ours.” “Slightly over a thousand a number like any other, age doesn't breed wisdom.” she replied. “No, but it breeds experience. And I should know, because we’re over ten thousand years old.” “Heh, and Bryan thinks he's not immortal.” She chuckled, and she put a finger over her lips “it may be limited but I'm still omnipotent.” “Dumbass, he said we woke up. What does that tell you?” “That you woke up, out of your sarcophagus. Do you think that doom guy wasn't immortal prior to that? Though I wonder what definition of immortal are you using?” “We are not immortals. Period.” “Fine, I’ll stop, but we’ll know for sure in a couple of centuries as long as you don't get killed.” she said with mirth in her voice. Only to have something big and heavy dropped on her head, and can you guess who did it? “Grrr! Alright, who the fu--!?” She stops as she looks at the anvil, it has the mark of the Blood God, Khorne. “Khorne! You ass raping clown! I’ll remember this!” She scowled at nothing. “You do know Slaanesh does all the ass raping, and the clown is The Laughing God, right? Not to mention they outrank you.” “It isn't only Slaanesh’s, and honestly the laughing god can keep clowns,” she growled, “so why is the hemophiliac dropping anvils on me? It better not be because of spoilers.” “Because you are a dumbass in believing we are immortal, that's why. All four of them knows us. Don't believe me, ask Tzeentch.” “oh? You still haven't told me what definition of immortal you're working off of,” she asked again. “Where we live forever. That one.” “well I go with immortal means, ageless but can still die from wounds and unnatural causes,” she said shrugging, “anyways, what can you tell me about this war you're fighting?” “You know that Canterlot Wedding where Chrissy invades? She was set up by her sister Cocoon to do so, just for her to backstab Chrissy and claim Equestria as hers.” “Yes I am aware of the show but anything past season five is murky. But really, betrayed by family? Now that sucks,” she replied. “What the fucking Hell are you on about? What show?” I asked her, confused as to where she was taking this, or what she's talking about. “Oh me you don't know do you? This world, all the displaced Equestria's come from a show called My little pony friendship is magic, or generation four. Produced by the Lauren Faust who created the powerpuff girls etc. depending on how much a displaced influences it. The world almost always follows the show.” she explained in a serious tone, she conjured a stack of papers, “these are the show transcripts, they will be slightly different from this world though,” she warned as she handing them to me. “Well, okay, but I don't think it matters much anymore. Besides, as much of a mindfuck this is, what isn't fictional made reality?” I texted as I handed them back to her. “Well my main concern was simply knowing about possible future events may give you an advantage. For example, Tirek escapes Tartarus. When Cerberus leaves his post.” She explained. “Yeah, we know that, but it’s already past and dealt with.” I told her. “Damn how far ahead is this world, gah whatever.” She groaned. “You do know with different elements, changes the entire story, right? Meaning in this one of ours, it's not heading in the same direction.” “you mean the butterfly effect, where changes to established history even tiny ones have far reaching and wide effects?” she asked, “also shouldn't they be here by now or is Berserker just being mobbed by horny mares?” “You know, for a Goddess, you’re not that good at sensing things out.” Came the voice of Berserker. “I can but that's just boring, and he is totally being mobbed by horny mares,” she replied with a smirk. Only to lose it when he walked in with them looking just fine. “Huh? Maybe that was an alternate timeline.” She pondered. “Then that makes you an easy target, if you lose yourself within somewhere else, instead of focusing on the here and now. You are a failure as a Goddess.” Berserker stated harshly. “Oh sure you say that but you try being omnipotent all the time, oh goddess you must know everything. Please tell us what shall we mere puppets do, even though we break and are so fragile,” She growled, “ and you try and be nice you help to the best of your ability without totally giving everything away because that is just asking for trouble. Then you have to deal with snarky mortals who think they can do it better!” She snapped. “Do you know how many fucks I actually give about the shit you produce? None. Because it isn't my problem, and I didn't bury myself in that mess. You did. So you dig yourself out of there! Besides, I didn't call you here for a history lesson, or for any of that TV bullshit.” He replied to her. “No you called me because you can't deal with being loved, you can't deal with being with someone because you are too scared of breaking them. You called me because that Cocoon bitch is part of the fact those girls are horny. So perhaps practice what you preach?” She does know that's a two-edged blade phrase, right? “I can say the same about you, too. Besides, I did break a woman's heart, not because of fear for not returning them. But the fear of losing her to the Demons of Hell. Do you honestly believe I want them living in a Hell-hole, filled to the brim with nothing but death and destruction, at the hands of either mine or theirs? Woman, you don't know shit about me, so don't go around thinking you do!” He countered, while he also confessed about breaking a woman's heart, for her sake of living. “No, I do not believe you want that. Look, let's just bury the hatchet, forget what we both said and start a new. I don't need the stress as it is, and we need to sort out this problem.” She sighed tiredly. “Why don't you need stress? Is something wrong?” Twilight asked her, although she was hidden right behind Cadence, who hid behind Chrysalis. Palutena gave her a deadpan look, “because I’m pregnant with my fiancé, Celestia's six foals, that is why,” she explained in response, which surprised most of us. Most of us. As for Berserker, well, he wasn't too thrilled by this news. “Tia…” he growled as he clutched his right fist. “Why that no good, motherfucking…” “Whoa! Whoa, hey, Berserker calm down! No need to get protective about it! Really, it's fine!” Palutena tried to calm him down, which didn't help at this point, and only made him yell at her. “HOW!?” He shouted which made her jump back. “Well it's simple really my Celestia is a futanari, that is a hermaphrodite and well, peg a inserts into slot b,” she explained while blushing, only to make Berserker stomp his boot onto the floor, which created cracks along it. “I KNOW HOW FUCKING PROCREATION WORKS!!!!! WHAT I WANT TO KNOW IS TIA! SHE ISN’T TRYING TO GET YOUR HOPES UP, IS SHE!?” Berserker yelled at her. “Whoa, of course she isn't getting my hopes up! Here,” Palutena pulled off her ring that Celestia gave her and gave it to me to read, “inside the band is a message,” she added. It was gold and decorated with Celestia's cutiemark and inside the band was a hand engraved message from Celestia to Palutena. The message read,”To my beautiful light, Palutena. I, Celestia, pledge myself to you now and for eternity as your wife.” After telling Berserker about this, he finally calms down and reads it himself. “Okay, this is proof enough. Sorry, it was Tia who locked me up, and I was the last Doom Marine. So, yeah, I’m still going to have trust issues with other Celestias. Fair warning.” “Oh and my world's Luna and Twilight are dating, just thought you should know before we continue. So that there no more surprises come out.” she said, poking out her tongue, until she saw Berserker going for his sword. “Oh for goodness sakes, Berserker, stop! It’s not even happening in yours!” Twilight blushes and tries to look away, “Lulu and me dating? No, that’d never happen, nope,” Twilight tried to sound convincing, that is, until she looks at Berserker. “H-Hey, uh, Berserker? Say t-that we were all together, you wouldn't mind if t-t-the girls and I mingle with each other, would you?” Where the Hell did Twilight’s mind run off to? As for Berserker, he sighed and moved his hand away from his sword. “If we did hook up, and you wanted to do that with each other, then go for it. But Twi, I’m not sure how this is going to work, even if the Dragons were still doing Polygamy, I won't be around for that much to be with you. I just know that there are wars that need to be fought and won. Otherwise, I would have started a family with you lot right then and there. No more worries, no more fighting. Just living and living it good.” He said with a shake of his head. “God, why does this suck balls so much?” “Because you all know you can't hang up your armour.” Pally guessed. “Yes, because of that.” Berserker sighed again before saying. “Wanna know what I did after I’ve liberated the Crystal Empire and avenged Armour’s death? I built a Memorial Stone. No bullshit, I dragged a large enough rock, out from the frozen wastelands, back to where the Crystal Heart used to be, set the fucker up and started on it. With the help from the Crystal Guard, of course, since they written up the many names. That took us about two days or so to finish it, and I didn't really sleep until it was nearly done.” “Well that was a good way of honouring the fallen,” Palutena complemented, “So, what were you guys up to before you called me?” She asked, “I need some cathartic release and your enemies seem like the perfect target,” she declared as she stretched, “what if you get hurt!?” Twilight exclaimed, with worry evident in her eyes. The Goddess gave her a deadpan look and conjured a one handed short sword and without flinching lopped off her left arm, causing the ponies present to run around screaming, with us two facepalming at them. “Are you insane!?” Twilight screeched. “The jury is still out on that one,” She replied nonchalantly as her left arm regenerated and shoved her old arm into her body to be reassimilated. “I am fully immortal and functionally invulnerable, at most being cut to pieces is merely an inconvenience at worst it's annoying,” Palutena continued and shrugged at the shocked expressions. “That's if you can find them. We don't even know where their Hive is located.” Berserker answered her. “So if they aren't here, why are you guys here?” She asked “Cadence wanted to come back, stating she's willing to rule again. You could say everyone wanted her to have some time away from ruling and recover however possible.” Berserker explained to her. “So, yeah. That's about it.” “That's understandable dear, and you have my deepest and sincerest sympathies,” Palutena told Cadance and hugged her. “Thank you. But, can I ask you something, about these feelings?” Cadence asked her, as she hugs her back. “which feelings do you mean child? I can think of a few but I want you to tell me which ones,” Palutena asked. “My feelings for… the Doom Marine.” She answers her, which made Berserker stiffen up a bit. “Ah! Of course. Well those feelings when did they first surface? Dreams are made of your memories and it is the brain’s procedure for working through your day's events but dreams cannot directly influence you. So, logically, your feelings came before you had your Chrysalis dream encounter. Again I have an idea of what might have caused it but I want to hear it from your mouth,” Palutena asked Cadence. “Well, yes, you’re right. But before that, I never really had such feelings for him, other than the fact he scares The Celestial Light out of me, but I never hated him. When me, Twilight, and Luna went to see Chrysalis, only to walk in on her special moment with him, something just clicked. After that whole thing, my feelings for Berserker changed, starting of small…” Cadence explained. “I have a few theories as to why you are feeling this way, my first theory is that you did have feelings for him, but your fears were distracting you and seeing him in the dream most likely destroyed that fear or at least allayed it enough for you to notice your new feelings. Theory two, you were vulnerable after Shining Armor passed on, and after the trauma you experienced, the one who saved you made you feel safe somewhat even if you were consciously afraid of him as well and eventually those feelings slowly morphed into a crush over time and the dream just pushed you over the edge so to speak. Theory three and this is highly unlikely but also the simplest explanation, the dream did affect you because it wasn't your dream. Occam's razor, “the simplest explanation is often the correct one”. “I’m not sure if it was any of those, but they were pretty close. I guess, overtime, I saw him as a fierce warrior, one that was unrestrained, which still scared me, but I can also see him caring for me and my family's welfare, along with anyone else who is suffering. Not to mention, his sheer hatred and distrust for the Government, of any kind. And that also includes Equestria’s one. Anyway, back to it, as I said it started of small, and it only grew with each night I dream of him. Even though he was of a completely different species from his own, it was still him, nonetheless…” That last part had us confused, at least, me, Berserker and Pally. The rest seemed fine by it. “What kind of race was he then?” “A hybrid of sorts; a wolf and a dragon.” Cadence answered. Palutena turned to look Berserker up and down, “he doesn't look like a wolf or a dragon. Still I am not one to talk my true form is that of a four eyed, six winged feathered dragoness. Though I used to be human,” she said, not sure if Cadence meant it was metaphorically a hybrid or not. “I think I know what she means by that.” Berserker spoke up. “Oh do elucidate us then?” Palutena asked with a look of curiosity. “First, the wolf. Before the five of us have ever met, we were Lone Wolves, each finding our paths in Life, while experiencing some things along the line; the good, the bad, and the ugly. We were our own selves, our own little warriors, with our unique set of skills, cunningness, strengths, and weaknesses. Once we have met with one another, we completed the circle, creating our little Wolf Pack. From there, we’ve learned and teach one another about things, becoming more like brothers than friends. Even if things turn to shit, and that shit hits the fan, before heading down South, we had each other's backs.” Berserker explained to them, to which I nodded in agreement. Yeah, those were the days. “Okay so where does the “dragon” come in then?” Palutena bade him to continue. “You know how aggressive, straightforward and brutally honest they can be? Yeah, that's why, because that's how I can be. I can be really fierce to dumbasses that think they're better than me and everyone else. Also, I had quite the Hoard, if you know what I mean?” “oh i can relate,” Palutena said as she opened a rift directly to her treasury vault, with a smirk. It was filled with gold, bits, gems, books and jewelry. She also opened a rift to a library filled with tons of books. The latter making Twilight drool, as her wings flared. “Good god, Twilight, you better not have had a Nerdgasm right now.” Berserker said to her, which made her blush and covered her face with both hands. “Heh, that's adorable,” Palutena commented with a chuckle. “Well, that actually does sound a lot like you. Anyway, in the dream, I would always meet up with you, and we would go out into town, spending some quality time with each other. We would also pass by your other brothers, they too as hybrids. A wolf and something else within the mix. Every time we did this, it always felt so special, we even flew together, you leading the way to what you found…” Cadence explained her dreams, grabbing our attentions once more. “Just a heads up if anyone wants wings, I could give you them or I could just improve your jetpacks if you have them,” Palutena interjected. Only for me and Berserker to shake our heads, which made her right eye twitch a bit. “What is up with everyone refusing my offers?” “Because we didn't ask for them, nor do we fucking want them. For Christ sakes, shut the Hell up, woman. You were saying Cadence?” Berserker told Pally off, before having Cadence continue on. Much to Pally’s annoyance. “Well, it kept changing to new scenes for a couple of nights, until it came to that point, where we...actually made love.” She blushed at that, as we all guessed at what she meant. “Honestly, that was pretty intense and we were going at it for a long time. At least, it felt like that. And you were carrying quite the package, I wonder how you move around with something like that in your armour, or clothes.” “... Now that you mention it, I’ve been questioning that, too.” Berserker stated, which also got me thinking about my own. How do they fit inside this armour, without causing any form of discomfort? “M-Moving on! There was a bit of a time skip, somewhere along the lines, I remembered that we were married, because of a special wedding ring you had custom-made from the Dragons. Besides that though, I was...was…” Cadence’s blush intensified as she hugs herself and looks away from Berserker, until she starts drawing a circle with her finger...around her stomach. “Wha--!? Really!? You were pregnant!?” Berserker asked, sounding excited by it, all of a sudden. She nods her head. “Yes, and you could never keep your hands away from our little one. Always sneaking in a feel whenever you get the chance, although you were very overprotective about us. Possessive even, whenever we were alone in our room, you would lick my belly. I think I was six or seven months into it.” “Well, well, well! You really are a stud underneath that armour of yours.” Chrysalis teased with a mischievous grin. “And what do you know, he even has Dragon instincts, and I bet that tongue of yours wasn't the only thing you used to mark your territory?” “Not that this isn't riveting,” Palutena deadpanned, “but I am going to go to Canterlot now,” Palutena said as she began to walk off. “Hold up! You forgot something.” Berserker called out to her. “And what would that be?” Palutena asked. Reaching for his pockets, he pulled out our Token and threw it to her. “Our Token. With that, our contract is complete. If I remember that correctly.” Oh, right, Guardian told us how to send other Displaced back to their own dimensions. Nothing happened and Palutena stood there looking at us, before she turned away and began transforming into her true form. “I said I was going to Canterlot not home. All aboard who's going there as well.” Palutena said “Goddammit! The last thing I need you to do is piss off some people, or get pissed off by one of ours!” Berserker growled at her. “A tad too late about that last one berserker, however I am not going to cause trouble. I am going to see if they need some help, I am certainly not needed here,” she stated with a tinge of venom in her voice. “No, no one needs help. But you know what, fine. Hunter, go with her!” Berserker begrudgingly relented and I went up next to her. “And if you happen to run into him, or he into you, don't help her.” Palutena rolled her four eyes, “come along then Hunter,” she said waiting for me to jump on. Everyone, besides me and Berserker, gaped at her size, which was three times higher than Celestia. Shrugging at this, I jumped onto her. She ran out on all fours and threw herself into the sky. Her six wings began flapping alternating between each other, picking up speed until she performed a sonic boom, shattering the visible light spectrum, I almost lost my balance and crouched down to lower my center of gravity. Half an hour into our flight, I could see Canterlot clearly, an arrow whizzed past my head, “ how rude,” rumbled Palutena as she erected a shield around us. > Ch.21 (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.21: The Complexity of Love. Part 2. (Vincent/Doom Marine, Canterlot Castle…) Heh, what a day it must be for Bryan and Kevin. One I’m fairly certain they'll be able to figure out by themselves. That, or asking help from somewhere else! Either way, maybe this might change the pace for a while… “SIR!” Looking behind me, I saw a Royal Guard running up to me. “We have a contact trying to fly into Canterlot!” “Wait, what? Where!?” I asked him. “This way!” He said as he lead me towards one of the Castle walls. The Royal Guard were shooting arrows at...something? I really can't tell if that’s a new kind of Dragon or not, but it has a barrier protecting it, so I just held up an arm and they stopped. “Alright, when did this happen?” I asked. “A few minutes ago, sir. We saw that thing speeding towards our way, so we thought it might be hostile, even one of Cocoon’s new weapons.” The one who led me up here answered. Before I said anything, I heard movement from behind and saw some of the Night Sentinels running up towards me. “My Lord, what is happening?” A Sergeant asked. “Don't know, yet. But let's wait for it to land and see where this goes.” I answered him. “Are you sure?” He asked with concern. “I’m sure.” I said with a nod, as this beast came in fast and landed inside the courtyard. We had to duck down for that. “Any particular reason why my lord?” the sergeant asked. “Because, that.” I said as I pointed at Kevin, who hopped down from it. “And I can only guess who this might be…” “I am the goddess of balance, wisdom and craftsmanship, Palutena.” The beast answered as she shifted form into an anthro alicorn mare. “Well good for you, jackass. So who summoned you?” I asked her. “Berserker, he was having mare problems, and we sorted that out pretty much, so I came looking for other issues people were having before I left, you ponies seem very jumpy you never seen a dragoness before?” Palutena replied. “Oh, I don't know. Maybe because they thought you were a mutant freak? Just saying, having six wings gives the impression of impending doom.” I shrugged. “Wasn't entirely my choice really, used to be humanish, still you have mutants out here? Need help cleaning them up?” She asked rubbing her hands together in glee. I thought this over and shook my head. “None that I can think of, no. Wanna see anyone while you're here?” I asked her. “Well there are only two ponies I’d like to see, my sister Luna or my fiancé Celestia well alternate versions of my sister and fiancé anyway.” She said with a shrug. “Hmm… Alright, Tia’s training with Berserker’s Girlfriend. C’mon.” I said as I led her through the castle. “Wow, he's building quite the herd isn't he?” Palutena commented before asking me. “Quick question how will Tia react to me carrying my Tia's foals?” I stopped when she said that. Turning to face her, I said. “Okay, let's get one thing straight, keep that shit to yourself. Never speak of anything about your Equestria, or what has happened, to her. I know you tend to troll, but you don't use it stomp on someone's heart.” I told her. “This way, it won't cause a scene.” “Fair enough, though let me correct you I don't always do it for malicious reasons plus I care about 'Tia, so let me just remove my ring then,” she said as she pulled off her engagement ring. “That's good and all, but like I said, keep that to yourself. Especially your feelings, because this isn't your Equestria, and we don’t want a scene.” I said as we continued on. “Yeah, yeah geez I know, I’ll introduce myself ask if she has any need of help or have a spot of tea with her then leave, barring extraneous circumstances.” She replied. “It's just some policies we made and agreed to. I’m sure you understand. Also, Berserker isn't trying to start a harem, but do you think it might be...unavoidable?” I explained to her before asking her. “Well seeing as Twilight, Chrysalis, Luna and Cadance are crushing on him and he seemed to be warming up to the idea, though still had some reservations about not being around a lot and all the fighting, whether or not it's avoidable is doubtful, at least not without a lot of hurt feelings,” she responded, “still, in the end it might be a good thing for him, for all of you if you find somebody to love and care for outside all the fighting, a place you can relax and forget your problems if only temporarily.” She added with a smile. “He may be warming up, but he's too cautious to even do it. He might just stay with only one. I know him, but I’m sure I can get him to agree with the idea. But my dream girl ain't here, in our Equestria. No one here will ever love a madman like me.” I told her. Palutena sighed, “I won't bore you with platitudes, you might find someone you might not, you won't know till you actually try, but I atleast wish you luck,” “Trust me when I say I know my girl ain't here. But thanks anyway.” “Your welcome,” she responded. After a while of walking and talking, we reached the room where Tia and Visi were training in. Opening the door, we saw the two sparring with each other. Visi was out of her armour, as they both wore some sportswear, and were sweating up a storm. The scene in front of Palutena, caused her wings to flare and her nose to bleed, she flusteredly conjured tissues in order to stop the bleeding. This made me laugh out loud, which caused the two sparring partners to stop and look our way. “What's going on, and what happened to her?” Visilia asked me. “Oh, don't worry, she's a lesbian.” I answered her. “Oh, that's cool. Like the show?” Damn, Visi! You thinking about giving Berserker a show!? “Visilia, no! That's inappropriate!” Spoilsport, Tia. Don't be such a cock block! Palutena giggled at visillia, “while I did enjoy the “show” as you put it, I came for a different reason…. “ She paused and thought how that could taken, “innuendo unintended!” She quickly adds blushing slightly. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Palutena, goddess of balance, wisdom and craftsmanship. A pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Palutena said as she performed a flourishing half bow. Ignoring the snickering off to her side. Visilia looks between her and me before asking. “Is she for real?” I sighed and answered. “Yes, she is. She's dressed as a anime character from a game series from back home. Although, technically speaking, she was stoned.” “Stoned? As in high?” As soon as Visi said that, I laughed so hard at that, while Pally just stared at her like she was crazy. Palutena sighed, “No I am not stoned, I was petrified for a thousand years because I shielded a child, that would have been hit instead. And yes I'm a real goddess, though I would like to point out my omnipotence is limited. now I know how God feels with all those atheists,” “Yeah, sorry to say this, but I meant that as a joke. I knew what he meant when he said stoned. Also, I’m not an Atheist, but I really don't care much about your Godhood. I also think you need a break from that stuff.” Visilia explained, which shocked Pally, until she facepalmed herself and groaned. “How do you mean?” Palutena asked. “Because you're pregnant.” Visilia bluntly stated. “And that isn't very helpful now is it? So let's sit down, have some tea, and talk.” She suggested. “Yeah I could use a vacation, six foals is a lot,” she replied sheepishly, until she blinked. “Wait a minute, you’re human?” Wow, took her long enough. “Yes, and no. I’m the Princess of Tartarus, a Demon turned human, thanks to the Doom Marines.” Visilia told Pally, the latter leaving her jaw hanging there. “We’ll get things set up. C’mon Tia.” When she and Tia left, Pally grabbed me by the shoulders. “THAT’S Berserker’s Girlfriend!?” She screamed at me. “Yeah.” I simply answered her, not really bothered by her reaction. “Then that means all those Templar soldiers are Demons of Tartarus as well!?” “Yeah.” “So why are they following you!?” “Because they were dying.” When I said that, she flinched. “Wha--?? Dying? What could possibly kill demons besides a few notable exceptions and other demons?” she asked, “You do know both Hell and Tartarus are two separate dimensions, right? How else do you think Hellspawns were getting into this Equestria?” I asked her. “well, usually through a portal or an anchor like gore nests, or through the gates although that way is guarded by Cerberus,” she answered. “Gore Nests are actually their checkpoints. It isn't powerful enough to ship that many troops into reality. Tartarus, at least here, used to be a shitshow, until Visilia’s father declared civil war against his father and won the war. After rebuilding and rearranging things, it was going great for some time, until Hell came breaking down the door and started killing them. There were even a few traitors before then, and they helped them.” I explained to her. “So how did they become human?” She asked. “Because of us. They had Demons that they called Splicers, which can splice any form of genetic material. But we called them Scinoxs, which they adopted and everyone started calling them that now. Anyway, since we were already infused with Hell Energy, they only needed one sample from each of us, from there they cloned it, and the many warriors and volunteers were altered and augmented with it. The results were actually better than they had previously thought, and there were only four old Scinoxs left.” I told her. Just as I had finished with the history lesson, Celestia and visilia had returned, and set everything up. “So who's the sire, anypony we might know,” Vasilia, joked. I think Palutena was screaming internally judging by her expression, before saying, “ I am sorry, but I am currently honour bound to withhold that Information, I will say however that she is a beautiful, kind, intelligent and generous mare,” she answered wistfully looking down in her tea cup. “Yeah, Visilia, I told her not to say anything about her Equestria, in case it causes a scene.” I said to her. “Right, Displaced. So, did she grow the dick, or did you have a hand in it?” She asked so blatantly. Pally gave her a deadpan look, “i am the pregnant one so there's a hint, but no magic was involved, she is a hermaphrodite,” “Who’s to say she didn't want to get pregnant herself?” She said, which Pally just stares at her. “Oh she’s pregnant too… Wait a minute, how did you guess that!?” Oh, so she was onto something. “It was a lucky guess, and the fact that maybe one of you started to want more, and have a bigger family. Really, it wasn't that hard.” Visilia said as she sipped her tea. Palutena seemed to accept the explanation, and I shrugged at this. Although Tia has yet to say anything, so when I was about to ask her, she was just staring into her tea, lost in thought. “Celestia, are you alright? You haven't touched your tea,” Palutena asked, concern laced in her voice. That seemed enough to snap her back to reality. “Wha--? Oh, sorry about that, I was just thinking about something. Nothing to worry about.” She quickly said before sipping her tea. Me, Visilia and Pally looked at each other, but we didn't push the issue. Thinking she could sort it out herself. Pally then asked Visi, “So, you and Berserker, huh? That's quite the twist, seeing as how he tends to just fight, more than love. Which is sad, now that I think about it.” She sounded depressed by that. “Yes, we are together. And while it is sad he chooses to fight over love, he can be a bit of a block head at times. But I’m sure I can make it work, he has been trying, though a bit too hard. He’s always so stiff about it, it's hard for him to relax.” Visilia stated, which I agree, he can be stiff about it. “I get that, duty and all that faff, but he shouldn't drop other avenues, battle puts a heavy toll on the mind,” Palutena replied as she took a sip of her drink. “If you ask me, it did, although differently. He is The Bloody-Handed Berserker after all. Fighting is what he relishes in, because he's within his habitat; on the battlefield.” I said to her. “Has he not tried arena combat?” Palutena asked. “Yes, but even that was about killing, too.” I answered. Palutena sighed and looked up as if looking at something, “War… war never changes.” “... Rip-off artist.” I snarked at her. Playfully so, I didn't mean it in a harsh way. “It’s a quote, words of wisdom passed down through history.” Palutena responded waving off the plagiarism accusation. “Still though, fuck you, ya little shit.” She playfully huffed and turned away from me, which I chuckled at. Just as she was taking a sip, I asked her. “So, wanna be our sister?” Just as I said that, she did a spit-take in Visilia’s face, which I laughed at. Palutena’s head twisted around fast enough that it would give a normal human whiplash, to look at me incredulously, “what brought this on?” She asked the incredulity seeping into her voice. “What? Can’t I ask for that?” I asked with a shrug. “I suppose you can, it just Kinda came out of left field,” she responded cautiously. “Well, I suppose you could say, it’ll do us some good. Berserker especially, since he never got along with his family at times, including his older, yet short sister. They tend to have a fallout, and he both loved and hated her. Although she does get a bit bitchy at times, for no absolute reason, and blames him for it.” I explained as I remembered what happened when I first met her. Sheesh, she sounded like a banshee. “Well after the death of my parents the only family i had left before my displacement and ascension was my sister, which was a thousand years ago, My mother, Theia died during my birth and my father died saving a family from a burning building,” Palutena sighed Visilia gasped in shock, but when Palutena turned to look she had covered her mouth. Oh shit, no wonder she never talks about her mother, she died the same way Pally’s mother did. “Oh my… I lost my mother giving birth to me, too.” “Huh small multiverse,” Palutena remarked. “I guess so.” Visilia agreed. “Let's keep this on the down low. If Berserker finds out, he's gonna flip.” I warned them. “At which part will he flip, you asking me to be your sister or that both mine and Visillia's mother died during childbirth?” Palutena asked before shrugging, “and as for the sister thing I suppose it couldn't hurt.” Although, as soon as she said that, a look of panic was on her face. “Please Murphy don't punish me!” “Who's Murphy? And why would he punish you? Aren't you a goddess?” Celestia asked. “Have you ever heard of a phrase saying; What comes around, goes around. That's how Murphy’s Law works, kind of like Karma.” I stated. “For example a squad of veteran soldiers prep for an easy and straightforward mission, and a newbie tags along. That newbie proceeds to say, something along the lines of “this mission is going to be easy.” the whole squad runs into problems in the mission or abnormal events happen, making the mission unusually difficult. Or when a cop says aloud he has how many days before retirement and is then gunned down that same day. That is Murphy's law everything that can go wrong will go wrong especially if you dare the universe like saying “this day couldn't get any worse.” The universe will prove to you that it can.” Pally explained to her. “It's all about you unwittingly tempting fate.” I added. “Which I just did, while I’ll be safe if inconvenienced anyone less sturdy who is around me is likely to suffer or cause problems.” Palutena shuddered, “oh btw can hunter read lips?” “He’s a mute. Not Deaf.” I answered her. “He doesn't have to be deaf to read lips, it’s a useful skill for long range surveillance. And I asked because I saw a reflection glinting outside,” Palutena replied. “Hmm… Not sure.” Just then a sniper round impacts Palutena’s head. Splattering everyone with blood. “Oh… That’s what you meant. Wait a minute, who the fuck shot that!?” I shouted as I got up. “Pally, get up! Time to kill some bitches!” Blood flowed back towards Palutena's missing head as her head regenerates, “do you know how annoying it is to regenerate a head!?” “I don't know, but you don't see Alucard whining about it, he just laughs it off!” I said as I got out my Heavy Assault Rifle, with the Tactical Scope mod on. “Yes, well unlike me, he doesn't feel pain,” Palutena snarked “Whatever.” I got on the Comms. “Hunter, get over here! We got a sniper and some dumbasses to murder!” After I said that, we heard a lot of footsteps moving about from outside. Palutena rose up from her seat and created a DMR with a scope. She opened the window and looked through the scope for the sniper, she spots a sniper running across the roots of Canterlot, “Tango spotted, three clicks east heading towards city edge.” She called out, and started shooting. “What does he look like!? Changeling!?” I asked her. “Can't tell tango is wearing a full cloak with hood,” she replied taking marked shots, “shit tango out of range, what's hunter’s status?” “Target escaped. He used teleportation.” Hunter texted. “Fuck, he’s gone!” I told her. “Dammit!” She growled, tossing her DMR on the ground and causing it to shatter into fragments of light. “I found the bullet shell, and you’re not gonna like this…” Hunter texted. “He’s got the shell, but it sounds bad. You won't like it.” I replied to Pally. “I’m sure I won't, but tell me anyway,” Palutena responded wearily as she sat back down to a frozen Celestia and a calm, yet wary Visilia, who had her Pistol out. “He’s on his way back.” I told her, picking up my seat and sitting down. With a groan, and a click of her fingers, the room repaired itself and a fresh tea set with tea, appeared. Palutena poured herself a cup and conjured a flask and poured it in her cup. “What's in that?” I asked, to which she just grunted as she took her spiked tea and tossed the flask to me, I looked at it shrugged and lifted my helmet and took a swig, my throat burning as liquid flowed down it, “Whew that firewater has a right kick to it!” I praised and drunk another swig. “Oh yeah, that's the stuff!” “Celestia, you there?” Palutena asked as she waved her right hand in front of the mare's face. Slowly Celestia came around. “What the fuck!? I saw your head explode!?” Celestia screeched, and wow, first time she has ever sworn. “About that, I am totally immortal, barring very specific requirements, nothing can kill me. Doesn't stop hurting like a bitch though, probably why Alucard is a sado masochist,” Palutena explained before taking another sip of her tea. Celestia's eye twitched and she then took the flask of whisky from me and started chugging it, without seeming to stop, “Celestia, that's a flask of infinite whiskey you’re never going to finish it, so stop before you get alcohol poisoning,” Palutena deadpanned. “Aw, now you tell me!” I whined. Palutena snorted and laughed, before conjuring another flask for me. Visilia stole my new flask before I could drink it and I glared at her until Palutena rolled her eyes and made another for me, just as Hunter came in through the door. “Oh, hey bro. So, what was it?” I asked as he walks over. Just before I took a sip, he throws the shell on the table and we stared at it. Putting the cork back on, I picked it up and looked it over. “Holy shit, you got hit by a 50 cal.” “An anti-material rifle? I'm so honoured,” she drawled sarcasm dripping from her voice, “So any company name or army registration numbers?” she asked. “No, dumbass, I mean this shouldn't exist beyond these fucking walls!” I shouted at her, to which she got the message. “Oh, fuck me sideways. How did this even happen?” She asked. “We don't know, and this wasn't manufactured by normal means. This is used for assassinating certain targets, and they’re being very careful about it. Fuck!” “So either this is an inside job or you got a spy in your midst,” Palutena said as she drunk the rest of her tea. “Still not sure why they’d want to kill me?” “No, not you. Tia was the target. They mistook you to be her.” I said to her. “It's a message, stating they don't want her or Luna to rule anymore. They want them out of the picture.” “excuse me for a moment gentlemen,” Palutena excused herself and left the room. A few moments later the room shook from the sound of a furious roar, rattling cutlery and window panes. After a couple of moments Palutena calmly returned and sat down, ignoring the stares. “You done?” I asked her, to which she replied with her middle finger. “yes, thank you,” she replied. “Okay then, no, no one is a spy, nor is there a inside job. Nobody, besides our Night Sentinels, are allowed inside our Home Base. This happened beyond Equestria.” I stated to her. “then the alternative is someone reverse engineered them from casings left around the country and bullets from corpses,” she replied. “No. The bullets and shotgun shells practically disappear afterwards. It's gotta be something else.” “So the only other explanation is this is a natural progression,” she responded “Possibly, but the only weapons they have developed is Revolvers, Winchesters, and Gatling guns. Nothing too seriously advanced. Not like this piece.” I said as I stared at the damn thing. “well in our world around this kind of age they had rudimentary gattling guns. But that was a single bullet that was shot at us,” she shrugged “From a Sniper Rifle, too. Meaning this is bigger, and a pain in the ass. Although…” I stopped and thought on this new discovery. “Hmm… Perhaps. If we can find them…” “Do you have a way of tracking a teleport?” Palutena asked I shook my head. “No, I don’t. But I was thinking of something else, a project we Doom Marines thought over. Problem was that there were too many obstacles that we couldn't tackle. One of them concerning the Royal Guard.” I said to her. “Let me guess, corruption or it was filled with people who just wanted power and authority or abused it.” She guessed. “Good guess, but no, there wasn't any of that. The problem was that King Solaris kept sending them out on suicide runs, while he had us cooped up in here.” “so he didn't trust you or thought you too valuable an asset?” Palutena asked “No and no, he thought a big invasion force was coming, and wanted us here to defend. But we knew the Demons were playing tricks on him, so Berserker initiated a challenge to him. Officially, it ended in a draw. Off the records, Berserker won. And he was only using his fists, while he had Solaris use everything at his disposal.” I told her, and a look of surprise was on her face. “It was the only way to get out and kill off the Demons, before they actually start up an invasion force. Not to mention, he is only one to have ever fought against an Alicorn.” I added. “Okay, so what does this have to do with advance ballistic weapons?” she asked. “We were thinking of changing the Royal Guard, so that they can use said advance ballistic weapons. But we couldn't give them our guns if they can't pick them up.” I answered her. “I see where this might be going, you gave them copies of blueprints for lesser guns?” She asked, “No, we wouldn't give them blueprints, just the guns. We actually got a UAC Manufactorum within this mountain, but it exist in another realm. Unfortunately, we kept on coming up empty handed with ideas and designs.” I stated. “So then what did you do? You're running out of ways this could lead to somepony making the guns.” Palutena stated. “True, and we can't stop them. For the most part, they invented things without the need for war, such as TV, computers, etc.” “Well that's similar to my world although that was due to direct interference on my part, focusing on benign or helpful tech.” She stated. I just chuckled at that. “Well then, that means things have switched about, I’m guessing.” “Sigh yeah, ponies now eat meat where I live, weather is chaotic like on our old home because Pegasi worship me and refused to control the weather. And they have TV and cellphones and internet, ironically it filled with porn pretty quickly,” she explained and shrugged. “Oh internet, can’t live with it, can’t live without porn on it.” I snorted and laughed at that. “Christ, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same here.” “What's porn.” Celestia asked in confusion. “Sex videos, where you can watch your fetishes from the screen, and wank off to it.” I answered her. “Pictures of unshorn fetlocks,” Palutena added. ([Third person] Meanwhile with Luna…) Luna looked around confused, she had the oddest sensation of needing a monocle and hiding mares from something scandalous and improper. (Vincent/Doom Marine, back to our little get together…) “Unshorn fetlocks, how is that sexual?” I asked her. “I never got it myself, or that whole socks as lingerie thing.” She shrugged missing the massive blush on Vilisia’s and Celestia’s faces. “Now I’m worried.” Celestia said. “Now I’m curious.” Visilia stated. “Oh my~” I said in a certain type of voice. “Now look who’s rip-off artist!” Pally snarked. “I couldn't help it! Someone needed to say it!” I shouted as we both laughed, with Hunter shaking his head in amusement. After we stopped laughing, Palutena rolled her eyes, as she summoned a pile of examples and gave them to Visilia. Celestia leaned over to look with cautious curiosity. Palutena watched their reactions with interest. As they came to the last, Celestia's blushed deeply and her wings flared out, turning to look at Palutena briefly, before looking away. And Visilia kept looking up at her and down at the picture. “What's wrong?” Palutena frowned, Visilia turned the picture around. I looked on with interest as did Palutena, well until her wings flared and her face flushed, in the photo Celestia was fucking a pregnant Palutena doggy style. Palutena quickly took the photo flustered as she looked, “how did that get in there that's not porn!” She said as she summoned a photo album and placed the photo inside, before sending it away. “You sure? It looked like porn to me,” I snarked. “Nope, not porn, we we’re experimenting at the time and…” Palutena responded but covered her mouth interrupting herself. Slowly she turned to Celestia and Visilia both girls faces were almost completely red with blush, Celestia’s eyes were wide and her pupils shrunk to pinpricks. Visilia though had a look of mild concentration, then her eyes widened as if she had stumbled on the truth. As her eyes fixed on Palutena’s belly. “Oh shit, this isn't good.” I cursed internally. “That was real!? I thought it was fake!” Celestia exclaimed shrilly. Well, that was rude and offensive as fuck. Palutena looked at me for help, “Fine, tell them. But do it gently.” I said with a sigh. Palutena sighed and pulled out her engagement ring and gave it to Celestia. “In my world, I am Celestia's fiancé and Twilight Sparkle and Spike's adoptive mother.” Celestia took the ring and looked inside the band. “To my beautiful light, Palutena. I, Celestia, pledge myself to you now and for eternity as your wife.” She read aloud, slowly. “Wow, that's sappy.” I commented, causing Palutena and, oddly enough, Celestia to glare at me. Celestia got up and gave Palutena her ring back, who put the ring on. Celestia looked down to Palutena's belly, kneeled, and caressed it silently with a slight frown. “Is your Celestia the sire?” Celestia asked, looking up at Palutena, who smiled warmly as she caressed her belly. “Yes, she is,” Celestia gained a sad and thoughtful expression before she could do or say anything though Celestia was picked up and pulled into a gentle but firm hug. After a few moments Celestia fully embraced Palutena and started crying into her shoulder, Visilia and I looked on the scene with confusion. As Palutena comforted Celestia and stroked her mane. “Okay, what the fuck is happening here?” Hunter texted me, and I just shrugged at him. Visilia calmly got up and joined the hug, sandwiching Celestia between her and Palutena. Me and Hunter just waited for them, not wanting to interrupt this little tender moment. Even so, I can't help but feel...aggravated. I don't know why, but I bet something happened to Tia, that she doesn't want to talk about it. Eventually she’ll have to tell us, whether it be by her own according, or something relative to the cause. Looking over at Hunter, I can see him tightening his left hand into a fist, as if feeling he needs to punch someone's face into a splattered red paste. He's feeling it, too. No doubt the other bro is, as well. And I can only hope no one is in his way, because that's where he’ll be throwing his fists at… (Bryan/Doom Marine, Crystal Empire…) “GOD-FUCKING-DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!” I growled out loudly, as I smashed my fist into the nearest wall, creating a huge-ass hole in it, which showed off the room in there. I almost killed one of the passing maidens, scaring the living shit out of her, by accident. “Bryan!? What is it!? Is there something wrong!?” I heard Chrysalis shout from behind, as she and the girls ran up to me. “What's the matter!? Why are you angry!? Besides the obvious!” Cadence asked as she helped the maiden up. “I don't know why…” I answered her. “But I just feel the need to get back at someone for doing something.” “As in?” Twilight asked, nervously. “Again, I don't know. All I know is that I need to KILL whoever the fuck that needs killing! Hell, I wouldn't mind murdering an entire nation's worth of its population!” I growled my answer, which both surprised and scared any and all who heard that. “D-D-Don't you think t-that's taking it too far?” Cadence asked in a shaking voice. “It wouldn't be the first time, to tell you the truth. I’ve seen it happening before, and that wasn't the last time I’ve either witnessed, or done myself.” I told her before walking off. “I’ll be out in the frost.” “What for!?” Chrysalis asked in surprised shock. “For a walk.” I answered as I headed out into the Frozen Wastelands... (Palutena, back in Canterlot…) I shivered all of a sudden, as I felt something. A need to slaughter, to spill blood, to kill with a murderous intention. I can only guess who could be feeling such things. Looking over to the two Doom Marines, I sensed what they were feeling, it was the same, but not as intense as the one Berserker is giving off. I just hope it doesn't cost him of anything. Turning to Visilia, she nods her head and steps back, letting go of Celestia as she stands back up. “Oh my, so sorry about that, Palutena. It's just that...well...I’m not confident enough to say it, yet. It happened a long time ago, just after I had to banish Luna to the moon. I couldn't tell her either, after she came back.” She says to us, sniffling a little bit. “It's okay, Celestia, I don't mind lending you my shoulder,” I ducked under Celestia's horn and kissed her on the forehead. She blushes a little at my show of affection, but at least it made her smile a bit. “Thank you.” She whispered. “You're welcome, so let's get back to the person who seems to think an anti-material rifle is appropriate for soft targets,” I suggested. “Alright. Unfortunately, this will have to wait until we can get more Intel on who the fuck is making and causing more unnecessary shit for us, when they could be helping us. They probably think they dictate the world now.” Runner stated, with a shake of his head. “Well who, besides Cocoon, would benefit from Celestia's and Luna's…. Wait, if Celestia is in danger, wouldn't Luna also be targeted!?” I exclaimed and started pacing in a panicked way, “Fuck!” I opened a shadow portal to wherever Luna was, “that leads to Luna, I’ll stay behind with 'Tia and Visilia. And here is my token it doubles as a mega laser!” I quickly added conjuring my staff token. “Alright, thanks.” He says as he gets up, takes my staff, and jumps through the portal. After a few seconds, he comes back with Luna unharmed. “Eh, she was fine. Although she was hiding som--” “NO I WAS NOT!” She shouted, cutting off Runner, as her face went red. “I-I wasn't hiding anything…” I grabbed Luna and pulled the pornographic material from her hands, I deadpan when I see the title, “Mares, Mares,Mares big flanks edition.” I read aloud, and then looked at her, “ mind if I borrow this for a moment?” I asked with a smirk. “Noooo...give it back.” She whined as she tries to grab it, but I didn't let her. “Hmm… Nah. I mean, maybe I will, but on one condition.” I said with a smirk. Luna shrank a bit. “What might that be?” She asked nervously. My smirk widened a tad bit, before I told her. “Who is it?” The moment I asked her that question, her eyes widened, her face becoming red as tomatoes, and she desperately tried to retrieve the dirty reading material from me. “No deal! Give it back!” She demanded. I teleported the magazine to Runner, in a magical game of keep away. Looking towards him, he said. “Okay, look, normally I wouldn't do this to her. Never could. But…” He looks down at the magazine before continuing on. “I’m a little curious myself, even though I can guess the answer to it. But what if it's more than just him?” Oh, I see now… “It's not like that, Runner! Now give it back, please!?” She runs towards him and makes a grab for it. Only to get tripped up by him, as he moves out of her way, and she falls flat on the floor. “Ow~! Runner, you jerk, give it back!” “Tell us who she is, I have an idea of who it might be, but I want to hear it from your mouth,” “It's not a she, and you know it.” She says as she gets up, rubbing her snout. “Oh, we already know about your feelings for Berserker, but there is another that your love is going to.” I responded with a cheeky grin. Celestia, meanwhile, fell back on her chair staring off into the distance. Visilia was...I don't know, but she wasn't mad in the slightest. Hunter was looking on with concern for Luna. I caught glimpses of Visilia’s thoughts and giggled, such a naughty filly “While I don't usually do it without permission, I can read your mind Luna.” I told her. She looks at me in alarm. “Why would you do that!?” “I am curious, if it helps you find the courage to tell us who the lucky mare is, I’ll tell you my own, my fiancé and the sire of my six foals is the Celestia from my world.” I told her with a smirk, “which means we are technically sister's. And sisters share things like their crushes,” I said with the brightest grin I could muster without using light magic to cheat. “... You’re cruel.” She whimpers as tears start forming in her eyes. My grin faded and I rushed over and hugged her, “I am so sorry Lulu, I was only teasing you, there, there. You don't have to tell us if you really are that embarrassed. You should have seen my world's version of you when she confessed to Twilight Sparkle at the grand Galloping Gala. It was so cute and they danced, I was so busy reminiscing that I missed the blush and her eyes widening and her pupils shrinking. “Nice one, sis. I mean, what are you even doing; cheer her up, or snap her mind in half? I’m pretty sure Berserker is gonna kick your ass for that, if it wasn't for the fact you're pregnant.” Runner said as he facepalmed. “She's pregnant!? I just thought she was overweight!” Luna's eyes widened further. “What? Oh sorry lulu tell you what anything you want, your wish is my command, I said as I let her go, held my hands in front of me, orbs of my aspects flouted in a ring rotating above my hands, “Phenomenal cosmic power, no itty bitty living space,” I grinned cheesily at my reference. Runner groaned at my reference. “Terrible. That was just terrible, Pally.” “Um...are you sure?” Luna asked me, sounding very uncertain. “Of course, I have the aspects light, darkness, harmony, chaos, order, craftsmanship and wisdom, though I'm still working on that last one,” I said scratching the back of my neck sheepishly. “Well, I can't think of anything, really.” “It doesn't have to be a thing. it can be anything, I will however forbid any wishes pertaining to resurrecting the dead, as it's not fair to them. Although I could do it. And I can also transform myself and other people,” I explained. “Why would you do that? Why would anyone want to wish something like that?” Luna asked. “That seems...well…” “Grief is a powerful emotion, it makes people do the strangest and stupidest things, or even cause the mourner’s death from it. Sometimes that includes wishing for those they loved to be returned to them. If you meant why would I transform people? Well several reasons why, to help them perform tasks they normally couldn't, give them abilities that make their lives easier, cosmetic reasons, punishment for crimes etc. The list goes on. Of Course transformation isn't for everyone, just letting you know it's within my ability to do so.” I shrugged,” if that doesn't work for you I can perform wishes of a less than savory variety, punish those who hurt you, decimate enemy armies, or I could just repair Canterlot it’s seen better days,” I said as I looked out the window, “ I can do a lot of things,” I smiled at Luna, “or…” I conjured my shop orb, “or I could open my shop of spells to you, and let you choose one or two of them for free.” I added. “Yeah, I’m afraid we can't let you do that. We don't think it's a bad thing, nothing against you, but it's not needed. Once the war is over, maybe then you'll be able to set up shop. For now though, we can't accept things like that, otherwise it might come off as us being lazy. No offence.” Runner explained to me. “Aww~! Now you're making your sister feel inadequate!” I said as if I was hurt by his words. “Oh, my dear brother, how could you?” “Suck it up, woman! Ain't nobody got time for that horseshit!” I glared at him when he said that, and before I could offer a retort, he said. “Also, wanna know something about Tia? She can't make her own bed.” I stared at him blankly, as my brain crashed and started the reboot system. Once done, I looked at Celestia and she was blushing in embarrassment, with Luna and Visilia looking at her with disappointing frowns. I just lost it and laughed my ass off, almost falling out of my chair. “Yep! Tia can't make her bed, and she had to do it with just her hands! No magic, and yet she managed to set it on fire, once it collapsed on itself. So, fair warning if yours can't do it, as well.” He added. “Ohohoho~ Goodness me! It would have been so much better if one of you were recording the whole thing! Then I can show my dear fiancé and rub it in her face.” I said with a smirk, but then I dropped it and got serious. “But still, I expect that little snarky comment from Berserker.” Runner just shrugged. “Eh, too true. But, if, and this a pretty big IF, we were to become gods, my affinities would be; Death, Despair, Madness, and Souls. Berserkers ones would be; War, Ruin, Rage, and Blood. Like I said, that's a pretty big IF, and those are just some examples.” He stated. Humming in thought, I actually found myself in agreement with this statement. “Yeah, I can see it that way. But what about Hunter? What would his ones be?” I asked him, rather curious about what would he best represent. “Hell if I know. Perhaps Nature itself, such as Prey and Predator, how that whole thing works. Possibly even Ingenuity. Again, I don't know, and only he would tell you, but he's keeping that to himself.” Runner answered his best. I shrugged, “fine then, I have a warning for you though if you do become gods,” I digistructed the javelin that had almost ended my life, “this javelin is made of an alloy called orichalcum,” I started although I was interrupted as chairs fell back as Celestia, Luna and Visilia tried to get as far away from it as possible, “it's properties include magic absorption, mass increase based on magic absorbed and one nick from it can kill a god, goddess or any immortal,” I continued as I de-digistruct it and go other to Celestia to pick her up. As Hunter helped Visilia up as Runner helped Luna up. “Why do you have that evil metal!?” Celestia screeched. “Because a group of griffon mercs/assassin's tried to use it to kill me with it.” I declared. “Why would they do that?” Luna asked. “It might be because Pegasi stopped controlling the weather…” “But why would you be responsible for that?” Luna asked. “Because I am indirectly responsible, Pegasi took me as their patron goddess, and believed that they were stepping on my toes by controlling the weather they all abandoned the practice completely and became a totally military focused society, many becoming mercenaries or joining the Pegasi armies, like the night sentinels are to you Doom marines, Pegasi everywhere are loyal to me before anypony else, but rather than being because of any deed, it's more instinctive and primal for the Pegasi. Unfortunately at the time I wasn't controlling the weather so life was lost all over the world as the weather went out of control, forcing me to take the reigns of the weather. It took a long time but I managed to fine tune it so it would work similar to our old world's weather. However before I managed to reign in the weather, two ponies I know personally were affected the most, Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor, lost their parents, Shining Armor was already in the guard at the time but Twilight became a ward of the palace as a student of Celestia, When I found out about it and was freed from my stone prison, which bound me, myself and Celestia adopted Twilight and Spike.” “Why were you petrified?” Celestia asked frowning. “Pfft, I had just arrived I scryed Canterlot by accident, after my ascension and my Celestia noticed me doing so, soon after I found myself facing a battalion and Celestia sucker punched me, when I was looking around what would become Ponyville. One of her guards rushed me with a sword with an illegal petrification enchant, normally I could have dodged out of the way, It was insanely telegraphed. But if I did it would have hit the child that had run up behind me in her curiosity, so I turned around and took the hit while shielding the child with my body.” I explained. “Trust 'Tia to use underhanded tactics,” Runner snorted with a wry mirth. “Why wasn't I there?” Luna asked. I smiled sadly, “because a month prior Celestia banished you to the moon. Anyway I don't know who put out the hit, but I mean to find out, and find out where they got it and return the favour,” I as I said that I scowled. “Well, at least we're not planning on becoming gods. Berserker said that it was stupid to do so, but that was his opinion on the subject, and the fact that he's sick of religion as a whole. You can guess why.” Runner stated, with me giving a sad sigh. “Demons.” I simply answered. “Yeah. Besides that though, ever since the attack on Manehattan, a fandom may or may not have started up.” Runner chuckled. “Let me tell you, these assholes are no different than back home.” I smirked at the idea of Berserker getting mobbed by fangirls. Then a thought occurred to me. “Say, why were you in Celestia’s room?” “Because she locked herself up in there. That was when they found my tomb, out in the Badlands. Hell, she even had her stash of sweets with her, and gobbled it all up. Once we found out, me and Berserker went up there to get her, and as soon as she saw me, she threw rubbish at me.” Runner snorted at that. “Like that's gonna stop shit.” “I bet it was funny though?” I said in response, “Anyway I still haven’t heard your wish Luna?” I asked while embracing her, “Anything you wish short of resurrecting someone,” I reiterated. “I...don't know.” Luna said, unsure of what to wish. “Well what have you always wanted, more than anything?” I asked “I guess… I want my Doom Marines back.” “Wait a minute, here. Luna, not the best of ideas.” Runner stated firmly. “If it is the lack of difficulty that you are concerned about runner I will merely provide all the locations.” “You do know Murphy’s gonna get you for that, right?” He countered. “At this point I don’t care murphy has been an ass today as it is, if he messes with me I will hunt him down,” I stated matter of factly, “now lead me to vega or summon him.” Runner groaned and Hunter shook his head. Seriously, what is up with them? Anyway, the two lead us to their Home Base, through one of the few secret passageways. From there, we came upon the same tomb as from DOOM itself, which I’m guessing was where Berserker was held in. Moving past that, we walked up a few stairs and into a large room, with a computer at one end, and a library at the other end. That was when VEGA came towards us. “Greetings, how may a help you?” “Greeting VEGA, I have come to offer some help to the doom marines in finding the rest of their brothers. My apologies VEGA this may sting,” I placed my hands on the avatar of the AI VEGA and proceeded to speed myself up to match his computing speed, “Link established, How’s the connection VEGA?” I asked “ACCESS DENIED.” Wait a minute, that didn't sound like VEGA! “Pardon me a second,” I traced back the source, finding a wimpy little man, behind a desk wearing business casual and looking rather like a generic nerd, “You and me are going to have a chat little man…” (Vincent/Doom Marine…) Back at the base it didn’t look like Palutena had moved but after a few moments, several girlish screams emanated from what sounded like a guy coming from nowhere, begging for mercy and apologising profusely. “Access granted,” VEGA said in his proper voice, while the Doom marines looked at each other, and shrugged. Palutena, spread out her sight over the planet, and for every signature similar to the room she noticed she’d download the location into VEGA, after ten passes and making sure she hadn’t missed any, and then placed a boost on VEGA’s communication range to connect him to his mainframe. “Okay, done, you now have all the locations of your brothers and I boosted VEGA’s connection to his mainframe so he is able to make use of it to scan, communicate, coordinate troops and show you the locations of your brothers. I also kicked Murphy’s ass, man that was cathartic,” she sighed in contentment. “Well, that was something. Thank you.” VEGA expressed his gratitude, making Palutena giggle. “Love to sit and chat some more but I need to get back to my world, now as I am sure my family are panicking already,” Palutena explained to us. “Okay, sure. You need us to do it, or are you alright by getting back yourself?” I asked her. She hummed to herself in thought. “You send me back as that is how I got here.” She said. “Okay. Our contract is complete, see you next time, sis!” I said to her, as the portal open up from behind her. “Hopefully, the next time we do, Berserker mellows out a bit. In all honesty, I’m starting to worry about his health.” Pally said in concern. I just scoffed at this. “Oh yeah? What about me, a madman?” She just looks at me with a deadpan expression and flips me the bird. “Seriously Runner, just look out for him. I know Hunter has been for you lot.” She said before waving at us. “Take care.” And with that, she walks through the portal back to her Equestria. Leaving us alone… “Oh dear…” VEGA spoke up. “It would seem that the coordinates she has given us have become corrupted and fractured all of a sudden. I will need time to repair it as fast as possible.” I sighed at this information. I just knew Murphy was gonna pull a fast one on us, as soon as Pally left no less. “Great. I wonder how Bryan is doing at the Crystal Empire…” > Ch.22 (Unedited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.22: The Complexity of Love. Part 3. ([Third person] Crystal Empire, night time…) “So, any reason why you came here, of all places, Mr. Doom Marine?” Golden Light asked, as she pours tea for her and Silver Terra. Ever since the Liberation of The Crystal Empire, and all that has happened before it, things have been looking up for her and Silver. They have been seeing each other for some time now, and have decided to move in with one another. Was it out of fear, or for the sake of love? They never knew the answer, but they will make the most of this new forged bond between them. As for Bryan, he was sitting on one of the couches, while the two sat on the other. He had his helmet off, where they can see his face. “Just to ask you guys something completely stupid, that should have never come to past. As much as I like the idea, it's nothing more but wishful thinking, a fantasy.” He answered her. Ever since he left to go into the frozen wastelands, he couldn't really find much to express his anger out on, not even a single pack of Frostwolves. So he just ended up walking about until he got bored and came back later on. “Oh really? Are you sure about that?” Silver Terra asked him, as Golden sits next to him. “Indefinitely. Here's the stupid part, it's about Love.” He said to them, which gained them some confused looks. “You see, I’m actually in a relationship. But with how long I have been fighting, the many lives I’ve killed, battles I’ve won and lost, it just erased the very concept of Love.” Golden Light gasped at this. “Oh my! That does sound like a horrible way to forget!” “OK, let me tell you this; that is stupid, but not without reason. You have a long way to remember it, that's for sure. But what is this about wishful thinking, a fantasy you said?” Silver Terra questioned, getting this conversation moving along. “Right. Unfortunately, there are others that have come to have feelings for me, as well. They already know I’m in a relationship, but their feelings won't relent. They can't stop loving me.” Bryan said with a sigh. “And here's the kicker; it's Cadence, Twilight, and Chrysalis. They are the ones who love me.” When he said that, both Golden Light and Silver Terra were very shocked by this, but they were also sporting blushes on their faces as well. Bryan groaned at this. “See the issue that I’m in right now?” “... So, what did they tell you?” Golden asked me. “What they dreamt about…” “Which was?” Silver prompted him, getting a thump from Golden and a stern glare. “I’m pretty sure you can guess.” Bryan stated dryly. “I really don't want to go into much detail, but let's just say that they want to start a family with me. But like I said, I’m already with someone else.” Bryan sighed. “Besides, I was born a human, growing up on the ideals and beliefs of what it was built around on. Then again, I’m more inhuman now, holding onto something I can no longer go about. Even so… I don’t know what to do...” Back at the castle, Cadence, Chrysalis, Twilight, and her family, were having a private dinner, to discuss some things. They were in Night Light and Velvet's room. “Girls, can we ask you something?” Velvet asked them. “What is it mum?” Twilight inquired. “It's about your feelings towards Bryan. Now, we aren't telling you not to, but…” Velvet started. “We’re worried about you girls, and him.” Night Light finished. This left them in confusion. “I’m sorry, but, why are you worried about us and Bryan?” Chrysalis asked him. “Well, it's about your feelings towards him, and how he thinks and sees. If anything, with him, it's his Intellect vs his Instincts. Especially when it comes to Love, in general.” Night Light explained to them. “Now, he may not say it, because he might have been caught up in the moment. But he might feel apprehensive about it, and he won't tell you.” Chrysalis sighed before saying. “I thought so, but he's good at hiding it. Although, when we said we were pregnant, he would react in excitement, but that's the only time I could feel his emotions. Besides his anger and hatred.” “So, will we become a burden on him?” Twilight asked in worry. “I hope not. The last thing I want to do is cause panic within his ability to be something more than what he is.” Cadence said in concern. “Give him time. Bryan still needs to sort himself out, and I can see it in him.” Night Light suggested. “I do worry about how he goes to one battle after another. You would think he become a different being. Well, perhaps he did…” Velvet stated. After a while of more talking, they finished their dinner and supper, and they decided to hit the hay. Giving their goodnights to each other, the girls went off to Cadence’s bedchamber and laid within the King-sized bed together. From there, they closed their eyes to sleep, and awoken in the same dream, with the Lunar Princess there. They were all on top of a hill, overlooking a field of grass, with a picnic set up. Looking towards Luna, who was blushing, Cadence asked her. “Luna, how was your day? Did you see Kevin and Palutena?” Luna nodded her head. “Yes, I have. But, well, things happened back in Canterlot. It's… Complicated. I’ll explain later, right now though…” She paused and pointed behind them, some ways down the hill. That was when they all heard little children chatting among themselves. “C’mon! We can do it, this time!” “We have been planning this out, more thoroughly than usual.” “Yeah, well, we haven't been getting anywhere with how we’ve been doing things!” “Whatever, egghead! Let's get this rolling already!” Curious, they went to see what was happening, and they were surprised to see the five children sitting around some sort of magical orb, hovering off the ground, projecting something to them. But from the look of these little ones, their distinct appearances leaves no room for doubt; those are their children. And from that certain Doom Slayers mark on their left cheeks, they knew who the father is, which made them all blush intensely. “So, I’m guessing we know which child belongs to who?” Cadence asked. Chrysalis nodded her head. “Yes, very easily. That little Changeling is my son, and he looks like his father.” She stated proudly. “Those two Alicorn girls are mine and Cadences. They actually take after us, if not only more so.” Twilight said as she and Cadence smiled at that. That is, until they turned to Luna, and pouted at her in jealousy. “Then that means the last two are your twins, aren't they, Luna?” Chrysalis questioned, as the twins were both a boy and a girl. Luna gave a sheepish smile. “Heh, yes. That they are mine. Guess I got the lucky strike with the father…” Speaking of which, they saw something fly past them from above. Looking up towards the sky, they saw their lover high up, as the Wolf/Dragon Hybrid, being chased down by some transparent creature. All four of them were confused, until they heard Luna’s twin son spoke. “HA! I got you in my sights, old man!” His twin sister giggled and rested her head on top of his. “I don't know~ Daddy could be leading you into another trap~” The girl sang. Her twin brother scoffed defiantly at that claim of hers. “Yeah, right! Alright, bro, let her rip!” He said to his Changeling brother. “About time!” He replied. Out on the field, another ghostly-looking creature came up from its hiding spot and started using spells on Bryan, but these weren't meant to hurt or anything, just tag him. Of course, he flew through the flak, while the one pursuing him stopped and went around the flak. As for Bryan, he was breezing through it without trouble, not minding it one bit. That was when his pursuer appeared in front of him and launched homing spells on him. Grinning, he flew straight into the thick of the flak, where the homing spells kept track of and followed him through it. “Whoa, hey, what's dad doing?” The twin son asked. “I’m not sure, but I got a bad feeling about this.” His Changeling brother replied. As for Bryan, while he was flying through the flak, not only was he thinning out the homing spells trailing him, but he was also flying straight towards his Changeling son’s avatar. As he passed through the thick of it, only three homing spells were left, and Bryan made a hasty beeline towards the avatar on the ground. Once there, he got behind it, kicked it into the homing spells, and took the fall meant for Bryan. “Aw, man…” The little Changeling groaned. “Great, he actually knows...again.” “That's not fair!” The twin brother shouted. “I told you so~” His twin sister stated. Grunting, he went back to pursuing Bryan. Suddenly Palutena appeared next to Luna, confused for a second, but growled in exasperation, when she spotted Bryan, “why am I being dragged into this dream as well?” As soon as the question left her lips a dream version of herself appeared in her anthro alicorn form, “oh, that's why.” She huffed as her dream doppleganger was mobbed by the foals, “Aunt Pally!” they cried in excitement, Palutena fell to one knee clutching her chest. “hnng, the adorableness is too much!” The girls looked puzzled by her arrival, “Palutena, not that I'm not pleased to see you again but didn't you go home?” Luna asked. Palutena shrugged. “No clue. One moment I'm laying my head down in my world, next to my fiancé Celestia expecting a very kinky sex dream involving her and My Luna. Now I am here.” “Celestia's your fiancé!? Wait why Luna as well!?” The group who didn't already know shouted. To which Palutena just shrugged again. “well if you must know, My first time with Celestia was quite abrupt because I was in heat at the time and Luna accidentally walked in on us while Celestia was mounting me and she “volunteered” to help. It was three long weeks of fun, though Luna got away after a week, I wasn't so lucky and 'Tia got me pregnant in the process.” Palutena sighed wistfully. “Three weeks!?” They all exclaimed in surprise. While Luna was looking down and covering her face in embarrassment. “Tell me about it, apparently my heat lasts that long because I'm a goddess of light or was before I gained my new aspects.” Palutena replied. “But why would Celestia be mounting you?” Twilight asked while she was thinking she missed Cadance's deadpan. “Well, atleast in my world, she is a futanari or hermaphrodite for the more scientific name. How else do you think she got me knocked up?” Palutena asked rhetorically with a lecherous grin. Chrysalis put her hand up like a school filly. “Yes, Chrissy?” Palutena asked “Why am I feeling a connection of love between you, me, Cadance, Luna and Twilight?” “Well in my world, Lulu is my sister in law, Twilight is my adopted daughter and Cadance is my niece in law and while it may or may not be the case here as well, but my Lulu and Twilight are also dating each other. As for your involvement it's complex, my world has two versions of you, one that belonged there and I haven't met yet and one from another that was exiled from her equestria, and I transformed her so she wouldn't need to hide or feed off emotions. She serves as my priestess as repentance and is currently dating my Captain, Rainbow Dash,” Palutena explained and noted with great interest that Twilight's wings flared as she blushed. “Got something you want to talk about, Twilight?” Palutena asked coyly, which was cut of by two other pairs of wings flaring. They were all looking behind me, so while I was frowning, I turned around and saw another dream had taken over. Oh so that is where my dream went. Dream doppelgangers of Palutena, Luna, Celestia, Cadance and Twilight. And then Bryan walked in. “Dear Faust no! Not him, okay, which of you mares are corrupting this dream with your Bryan lust?” Palutena demanded. Another mare teleports in and it's Chrysalis. Palutena turned to the real Chrysalis and saw that she was blushing green, and trying to avoid eye contact with her. They heard the sound of someone conjuring, followed by a crack of a riding crop, “Oh Palutena! Whip me I’ve been a bad mare.” Came the crooning voice of Chrysalis, causing Palutena to raise an eyebrow. Chrysalis tried to hide behind her mane and turn her face away as far as she could, while Palutena gave her a “really!?” She exclaimed. Suddenly, they heard a clapping sound, and things were set back to normal. Confused, they looked behind and saw Guardian standing there. “Well, that was unexpected.” She said as she looks towards Palutena and gave a small bow. “Greetings, Lady Palutena. I’m the Guardian of this dimension, sorry I couldn't be there for you, I was busy talking to The Chaos Gods.” “What happened? Also, why did Khorne drop an anvil on me?” Palutena asked her. “Well, they're not going to invade, nor convert anyone here. They were just curious about the Doom Marines. Khorne especially. When Sombra showed himself, Khorne sent one of his Demons to assist Bryan in defeating him.” Guardian explained. “Also, he just doesn't like you in general, even if you agreed to be their sister.” She added. Before Palutena could offer a retort, the children gathered around her. “Auntie, can you help us? We can’t tag dad, and he keeps flipping our plans on our heads!” Twilight’s daughter begged her. “Aww~ You’re so cute when you do that.” Palutena cooed as she pats her niece’s head. “But I don't know, it might be considered cheating, and you know how much me and your father hates cheating.” She stated to her. That was when Luna’s twin daughter spoke up. “Guys, daddy’s waiting for us.” Pointing up, they all saw him hovering there, smiling down at them as he waved. Waving back, Palutena ushered them. “Alright, let's go, get back in the game.” With that said, they all went back, save for the little Changeling. “What's wrong?” “I’m out. Father turned our own tactics against us, again.” He answered his aunt with a pout. “It's like he knows…” “This is your father, of course he would know.” Palutena said as she grabbed him and sat with Cadence and the others. “You do know he has been fighting for most of his life, right?” He nodded. “Yes. But you would think he’d be tired of it.” “I know, but it's who he is.” Palutena said as the match got back under way. “Anyway, did anything happened while I was away?” She asked the girls, while the little Changeling was busy listening to some music his father got for him and his siblings. During that time, the girls explained what has transpired, which surprised her. “Wow, that is something. Wait, where is Bryan right now?” Palutena asked them. “We don't know, and I’m starting to suspect that he and his brothers are going to be doing this a lot.” Chrysalis answered her. Palutena sighed. “Yes, I suppose so. He probably just needs some time to himself, to think or calm down. Sometimes stallions just need to cool down. A tip for you ladies, when a stallion walks away from an argument, do not pursue them, do not stop them, they do it to avoid doing or saying something they will regret. If they do just let him cool off.” Palutena advised them. Palutena sat down on a piano stool in front of a grand piano that appeared from nowhere, “so do you girls want to talk about your feelings for Bryan?” she asked as she began to play a tune, and everypony got a glass of whisky in their hands with Palutena’s laying on the grand piano. “Well…” Twilight started, rubbing her neck, until she felt something that wasn't suppose to be there. “Wait, what is that?” She asked the others. When they came to see, Cadence, Luna and Chrysalis let out gasped and checked each other, finding the same bite marks on the left side of their necks. Which only means one thing… “Oh my~” Palutena said with a sly grin. “Looks like my brother really is part Dragon, after all.” As she said that, all four of the girls blushed furiously. “Y-You mean, we’re his Hoard Mates? Or is it Pack Mates?” Twilight asked her. Palutena lets out a giggle. “Aww, my dear, you look so adorable!” She teased Twilight. “Either way, no matter how you look at it, he is yours, as you are his.” Palutena answered her. “Aww, c’mon!” The twin son shouted as Bryan finish off his combat avatar. “Sorry bro, but you’re out of the game. Leave it to the professionals.” His other sister stated, as the last two combat avatars appeared and charged at their father, who was still grinning all the while. “That smug bastard.” Palutena commented with a smile of her own. “He seems more happy like this; continue on fighting, but in a more fun way.” Luna stated, as they see him fool around with his two daughter's combat avatars, who can't land a single hit on him. “Just look at him, he really is having more fun, especially with his own children.” She smiled happily at that thought. “Oh, if only he was sleeping right now, we could bring him here and show him how much of a great father he actually is, no matter how much of a dream this is.” Cadence said. “Unfortunately, he’s not sleeping. As a matter of fact, he won't let himself sleep.” Guardian stated. Palutena facepalmed herself. “That idiot.” “This wouldn't be the first time, and it won't be the last.” “He is going to burnout, I don't care how much of a badass you pretend to be, only the gods and some immortals can pull that kind of thing off, as sleep is more a luxury rather than a need.” Palutena sighed as Luna nodded in agreement. After some time, Bryan won the match, with his children groaning in defeat. “Seriously, why can’t we win against him?” Luna’s twin son whined. “This is the third time we lost to him.” Twilight’s daughter said. Flying down to the group, Bryan landed with a smile. “Sorry guys, better luck next time.” He said as he turned to Palutena. “Hey, Pally. What brings you here, visiting sis?” Palutena replied with a smile of her own. “Hey, bro. Thought I might pop in and see what's happening.” As she said that, she and the others realises the many battle scars along his arms. No doubt even throughout his body as well. Realising what they were staring at, Bryan sighed. “Guys, c’mon, The…..Wars are over. Although, I wish we didn't become fucking Gods at the very end.” He grumbled that last part, showing sheer disdain of it. “Oh godhood isn't so bad is it?” Palutena asked. “Pally, you know how much I hate it. It's so fucking overrated. The only reason I’ve not resigned my Godhood is because you, the bros, Khorne, Khaine, and any other God-like bitch and asshole convinced me. Annoyingly enough.” Bryan told her, which she sighed at this. “Again? Really? Well, at least you got us.” Guardian told him, but he scoffed it off. “Yes, well you got your wish for the fighting to stop. Because of it your family and you can say you’ll never be lonely anymore.” Palutena said reassuringly. “Pally, I’m the God of War, Ruin, Rage and Blood. Just because it's not happening here anymore, doesn't mean I can't feel it across the multiverse, and I can't shut it out.” Bryan explained to her, looking a little depressed about it. “Sorry bro, I wish I could help but messing directly with aspects isn't something I can do. but hey atleast your not a walking contradiction. Chaos, Order, Light, Dark and Harmony what was i thinking?” Palutena groused. Bryan groaned in annoyance. “Again? Goddammit, Pally. You and your Tia have enough children to pull out your hair. Hence the reason why I’m not hitting it with my ladies.” “You know birds of a feather flock together, and you have your kids too.” Palutena pointed out. “Yeah, but at least they aren't trying to drive me insane anymore.” Bryan countered. “I suppose, I don't know what happened, we raised them right fairly with discipline and right and wrong and now I got the equivalent of eight simple rules but instead of two daughters and a son. I got eighteen kids, three living with their mother Ava, the rest with me, ‘Tia, Crescent and Galaxy-eyes most are ponies but also got dragons as well.” Palutena sighed. “Ava, huh? I still remember how annoyed she would get whenever I visit Slaanesh for some help.” “She's a fertility goddess and was raped, and rape is Slaaneshs’ m.o., what do you expect?” Palutena snarked. Bryan sighed at this. “I said I was sorry about doing that, none of us knew, nor did we want to know. The least she could have done was told us, but we also have rules regarding a Displaced past life…” “I know you did,” Palutena placed a hand on his shoulder, “look let's get off this dreary topic, okay?” she suggested. “Yeah, sure. Anyway, some of the bros are Off-World, going to explore the cosmos and colonise habitable planets. Or fighting a war on said planet.” “How’s Vincent? He was looking pretty depressed last I talked to him. Did he get a marefriend yet? I know he said that even Hunter getting his own family hit him hard.” Palutena asked, concern entering her voice. Bryan smiled at her. “Oh, sis, either you forget, or just a complete dumbass by natures design. But enough of that mopping attitude.” “A little from column A, a little from column B, some from column gamma and a lot from column troll.” she smirked self deprecatingly. He just shrugs at this response. “Whatever. Anyway, you don't need to worry, they got their own ladies and family. By the way how’s Pitt? Still getting used to being a different gender?” Bryan asked her. “Yeah, it was a shock when she turned up as Pitt, she at least has her ex brother/new sister to help her get over it. It’ll take time,” Palutena explained. “I still find that weird as fuck, and also saddening, too.” Bryan commented. “Eh, at first it was weird and I ranted about it many times during my imprisonment, but I eventually found the joy of a relationship and fully embraced my new life and it's benefits,” Palutena chuckled while Chrysalis wiggled her eyebrows suggestively in response. Bryan just glared at her for that. “Chrissy, no!” He stated firmly, which made Chrysalis flinch and looked away. Palutena just gave Bryan a flat look. “Really, bro? You're still acting like such a Hardass, even after all these years?” She asked. “I have rules for reasons, besides the children are our top priority, and they can keep her and their brother fed.” Bryan answered her. “fair enough, if it's because of the kids.” Palutena sighed. Before anymore could be said, Bryan got tackled by all Five of his children, which ran or flew away from him, blowing raspberries at him. Smirking, he quickly got up and looks towards them. “Oh, you woke the big bad dragon now, you little brat!” With that said, he chases after them, as they playfully scream and ran away from their father. The rest laughed at the scene, save for Guardian, which Palutena found weird. “Hey, is something wrong?” She asked her. “Tell me, did Runner really asked you to be their sister?” Guardian inquired. “If so, then you need to know what happened all those years ago.” This surprised Palutena. “He did. Said that they needed it, especially Bryan and I accepted,” she responded solemnly but sincerely. Guardian hummed and held out her hand. “Place your hand on mine, and I will show you what they have all been through.” Palutena, placed her hand in the Guardian's. From there, many memories flowed through her mind, as they were playing flashbacks. There wasn't much happiness found anywhere, only fear, pain, madness and suffering. Mistrust also played its dirty hand among the populace of ponies, as they saw her brothers as freaks, no matter how many times all Five of them saved their worthless lives, they'll just spit it right back at them with insults. Then came the memories where they have traveled to Tartarus, seeing the real big picture of the situation. Skipping ahead, it came to the final battle within Tartarus’s Capital City, where the Hell Portal originated from. There, she saw Bryan, lying prone on the floor, alone, as he crawled his way over to shut down the portal. Unfortunately, even in his success, the Hell Portal stayed open, and there was no other way to stop it. That was when he saw Celestia and Luna’s mother, Queen Gaia, standing there. He was about to ask her how she got here, but she cut him off saying. “I’m so sorry.” With that, she flew up towards the portal, along with her husband, King Solaris, as they sacrificed themselves in order to close off the Hell Portal, dying in the process. If that wasn't bad enough, the Demonic Horde converge onto Bryan's location, where he stood alone. But even with this mass army pit against him, it did little to try and quell his rage, and with a mighty roar, he rushes against them all, with nothing but a sword. All for the sake of killing every last one of them. Over and over, he kept on on killing them, as they kept on coming at him, with no end in sight for either side. Even when a Hell Knight punches his helmet off, the arm it used to do so was ripped from it, with Bryan using his own teeth, as he also used them to rip out the Hell Knight’s throat. For hours this killing spree went on, as bodies kept piling up upon one another, creating a mountain full of corpses, with Bryan buried beneath it at the very end. With a gasp, Palutena stopped seeing it as she takes a step back, shocked to what she just witnessed. She shook her head and gained an expression that was of steeled determination. she walked over to Luna who was looking confused at Palutena's sudden change in disposition. Luna squeaked adorably as Palutena’s pair of impossibly strong arms, for their size and the lacking in the appearance of any muscle, wrapped around her. She found herself lifted off the ground into a tight embrace as her face was pressed into Palutena's generous bust. “Um, Palutena, why are you hugging me? Not that it isn't pleasant.” Luna asked, Palutena just tightened her hold on her and Luna was sure that if Palutena wanted, she could crush her. But that didn't seem to be the reason why, and when Palutena brought her wings around her as if shielding her from something, but remained silent. That just further added to her confusion, “Guardian, why is Palutena doing this? What did you do?” “I showed her what happened to your parents all those years ago, along with what happened before and after.” Guardian answered her. Luna was silent for a moment, until she hugged Palutena and started to sniffle a little bit. “My mother and father...they left us a note, stating that we were in charge now...saying they won't be coming back. Tia blamed our Doom Marines, but she never voiced it...she just locked herself inside her room…” Palutena's hug intensified when Luna mentioned Celestia blaming the Doom Marines, which struck Luna as odd especially as Palutena started humming what sounded like a Lullaby. It seemed to resonate some form of familiarity to Luna, but she couldn't place it. All she knows is that it was very calming and thoughtful. “I’m so sorry you lost them, Lulu. It must have hit you hard.” Palutena whispered to her. “Not as hard as Bryan and the others. Especially Bryan.” Luna whispered back. “It’ll work out, don't worry. I’m not leaving any of my brothers hanging, I promise.” Palutena stated firmly. “Thank you.” Luna said, expressing her gratitude. “I hope you do well with your pregnancy.” “Same here.” Palutena said with a sigh, until they felt the dream starting to end. “Looks like you’re all about to wake up.” “I guess so. Fare well, Palutena.” Luna said her goodbyes, along with the rest of the girls. “Goodbye, and make sure Bryan gets some rest and relaxation with you girls. If I’m lucky, they might let me set up shop.” Palutena said with a smile, as a portal opens up and she walks through it. “Don’t worry girls, it’ll work out. Bryan, make sure you pay attention to your loved ones and family. We’re all here to help you…” > Ch.23 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.23: Back to Hell Town... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Train ride to Manehattan. 2 days later...) "... Are we really gonna do this?" I asked Vincent. "Yes, we are." He replied. After spending some time in the Crystal Empire, and making sure there wasn't going to be form of national, or international breaches, things were starting to look up for us all. Although, we did ask the representatives of how they remember us without Celestia realising it. Turns out, they hidden all knowledge and info about us, but still talked about it through whispers. They have never forgotten about us saving their lives. But the news about there being more of us, and having an army, was spreading fast until just about everyone knew about it. As to how, the news media has sent out two camera mares to follow and document our activities. So I had to leave the Crystal Empire, station our Night Sentinels there, come back to Canterlot, pick up Vincent and another platoon of Night Sentinels, and then head straight for Manehattan. "Still though, there's a good chance they'll die." I told him. "Bryan, unfortunately, everyone is dying. They'll die even more faster if no one knows of it." He countered. "Not to mention, they haven't lied or twisted anything about us. From what I hear, should anyone try that, they'll be getting a lot of flak for just rewriting things to suit their needs." I just sighed and laid back. In case it wasn't apparent, I don't like the media. Of course, I'm pretty sure some of most others would see the same as me. "My Lords, we are nearing Manehattan." Azurai said to us. "Thanks." We both said to him, as he gives a short bow before leaving us be. Soon we were crossing Manehattan's bridge as we came into Grand Central Station, although it seemed there was a huge crowd waiting for us, as we saw the paparazzi flashing their cameras at us, fans waving at us, and the Po-Po trying to keep them at bay. "Quite the welcome party." Vincent commented. "No shit." I said as I got up and walked over to the door. "Let's go, we may as well go through this Hell-hole." They all laughed a little as they got their weapons ready. They are equiped with more weapons, but they're using their newly reformed Hellshots with the energised Bayonets. Snorting, I opened up the door and went out first, the fans screaming out as they tried to push through the police. Rolling my eyes, I moved out of the way so that Vincent and our Night Sentinels can come out. That really got the fans and paparazzi riled up. "It is very odd at how...popular we have all become." Azurai said, looking at the wild crowd. "Let me fix them up." I said as I pulled out my Super Shotgun and pointed it up. Although, very interestingly, before I could pull the trigger, everything went dead silent as the crowd stopped what they were doing. "Well then, I guess we all remember what happened last time!" I said to the crowd, all of them nodding their heads. "Good." I stated as I lowered my gun. "Oh! I see their cams!" Vincent said as he quickly runs off and drags the two Pegasus mares back over. "Here they are!" He said with glee, while the two were blinking in confusion. "What just happened?" They both asked. "You've been abducted." I answered them, even though it was meant as a joke, they still freaked out about it. "W-W-What!? Please, no! Don't experiment on us!" Camera mare One pleaded. "I don't wanna get cut up! Or get things replaced! Or have my rear end probed!" Camera mare Two also pleaded. All the while they were pleading over nothing, everyone else was trying their hardest not to laugh. But it was no use and everybody lost their shit, laughing out loudly so that the entire world could hear them. When the girls finally realised this, they looked at each other and blushed fiercely, covering themselves up in their wings. "Well, took them long enough." Azurai said, though I can tell he was smiling in amusement from all of this. Rolling my eyes, I looked at the two Pegasus mares, who were still hiding behind their wings. "Girls, can we ask of your expertise and services?" I asked them, making the crowd immediately stop laughing as they now stared at me. However did they hear me, I haven't the slightest clue. As for the girls, their wings sprung open wide, just so I can see their surprisingly shocked faces. "Really?" They both asked at the same time. "Really." Vincent answered them. "Seeing as how you two seem to have filmed and recorded our activities, and haven't rewritten anything, it would be best if we can have you two come along with us." He explained to them. "This is... Unexpected." Camera mare One said. "I mean, we were expecting you Doom Marines to be angry or something." "Yeah..." Camera mare Two said with a slow nod. "But, if you guys are serious about this, then we'll need to see our boss." "Alright then, you two can lead the way." Vincent said as he moved away from them. They nodded to us as they lead us through the chattering crowd, who moved out of the way, since our Night Sentinels surrounded us, creating a defensive formation. Walking up the stairs, we found ourselves at the very same, busy streets of Manehattan, as we continued on walking. Many people that are out and about looked our way, staring at us with slack jaws and in awe, while the children were waving and smiling at us. "Hey look! It's the Doom Marines!" "And their Doom Knights! So cool!" "Are they gonna make Doom Knight toys, too?" "That would be super awesome if they did that." We heard the little ones talk, which kind of reminded me of what Visilia wanted after everything is said and done. She wanted to have children with me. I guess over ten millennia, you tend to really think about starting a family. "... They didn't remove it." "What?" I asked Camera mare One, as she spoke up. Snapping me out of my musing. "That tag you and that other Doom Marine graffiti, it's still there." Camera mare Two explained. "No one wanted to remove it. Not even the authority." "Wow." Vincent said in surprise, before asking them a question. "By the way, what are your names?" "Oh, right. Kinda forgot about that." Camera mare One said before answering. "My name is Thunder Rider, and this is Windy Glider." Thunder Rider said, introducing themselves. "Hello." Windy Glider said, greeting us. "Now that we told you our names, how about you do the sa--" "No." I cut her off. "We're not giving you our real names." I told her firmly, making her wilt a bit. "Well... Is there any sort of code names you guys go by?" Thunder Rider asked nervously, both of them realising they shouldn't give personal questions. That was when Vincent answered them. "Well, my moody brother over here is known as The Bloody-handed Berserker, so just call him Berserker. You can call me Runner, as my full title is Deaths Runner." He explained to them, making the girls shudder in fright. "Okay, are all of your kind carry some sort of scary title that tells you everything?" Glider questioned. "Not everyone is like us. As a matter of fact, both of our species societies aren't all that different, save for a few things" I answered next, pipping their curiosity. "Like?" They both inquired. "It's kind of complicating, since Humanity is a bit more complex. For starters, we can be a little more wittier than usual. Our history has more bloodstains within its pages, it might as well be written in blood. And most importantly, we've been trying to achieve peace, but it never lasts." Vincent told them, making the two stop and stare at us with wide eyes. "Yeah, that's kind of th-- Oomph!?" He grunted in surprised as Thunder Rider hugged him. The same can be said about me as Windy Glider hugged me, too. Vincent and I looked at each other in confusion, not knowing why they did this, until we heard them sniffling. Are they actually crying? "Hey, you two alright?" I asked them. "You poor things." Glider whimpered out, lifting her head from my chest, as she looked up to me through teary eyes. "How can your own live with things like that?" I sighed at that. "I don't know. Neither of us were born in those times. All we know that it was one Hell after another being dealt with, however or by whatever means were deemed necessary." I answered her. "For one, we might as well be considered a warrior race, through and through. But at the same time, we can be peaceful, even though it's getting harder and harder as time goes by." "Things never stay the same, and just like time, it continues to change. Either adding or removing, we'll never know. Nothing is perfect, but that doesn't make it imperfect immediately." Vincent explained next. "Sometimes, we strive for something too much, we end up harming so many things in the process. When you become enraptured in your ambitious goals, it turns into obsession. You stop caring about anyone and everyone, but yourself." "That's horrible." Rider stated. "Quite right." I nodded with a sigh. "In all honesty, I'm hoping against hope for Humanity's survival. But if it does survive, and this may sound crazy, I hope we are still warriors." They both gasped at that, along with some people that heard me as well. "Why would you want that?" Glider asked in shock. "With all that your kind to go through, I would have thought you want the fighting to stop." "I doubt it would ever truly stop. True that I want the fights to end, but there's always a war happening somewhere." I answered her. "I'm not saying we should be warmongers, but nor should we let our guards down. It may sound like I'm being paranoid, but can you be absolutely certain you won't get attack by someone or something?" I asked them, and when neither answered, I did it for them. "The answer is no. Things can change dramatically, within a blink of an eye, and you would be none the wiser." "I... I guess so?" Rider said, uncertain about whether to believe the answer or not. "I mean, I understand where you're going with this. Seeing as what happened back in Ponyville, that's an example to go by. But, if you want your kind to keep its military, will it be like the Royal Guard?" She asked me. "No. Our militaries are trained to kill, but they don't start wars, they end them. Those that start wars are considered madmen. Dictators who lead their armies against the world, but fails." I answered her. "If anything, when we start dropping all of the bullshit and actually cooperate, will we be able to leap farther than ever before." "What about aliens?" Glider asked. "What if there is an alien race that needs help?" "If we were able to explore and expand across the stars?" Vincent inquired. "Yes." She nodded. "It depends on the situation. But let's get a move on. No need to dwell on the past." I told them, shifting their attention back to the task at hand. They looked at each other for a moment, a quick expression of unease before it left their face. Nodding their heads, they continued on leading us towards the Media station, which was just like any other building inn it cities; tall. Walking inside, we became quite the showstoppers as we walked up towards the front desk. "Hey, could you get the boss on the phone and tell her that the Doom Marines want to talk?" Rider asked the mare. "S-S-Sure." She stuttered before picking up the phone and dial in their bosses office. Once she told her, the mare looked back up to us. "She'll like to meet you in her office, top floor." "Got it." Rider nodded to her before going over to some elevators. "Quickest way up. Unless you guys got some way of getting up there." "Elevators." I said with a shrug as we took the elevators and went up. I didn't mention what both Thunder Rider and Windy Glider look like, so I'll describe them while we wait till the top floor. Thunder Rider had cloudy grey fur, with both her mane and tail almost looking like Lightning themselves, a two tone colour of yellow and white. Her eye colours are pink. She looked pretty radical. As for Windy Glider, her fur was a dim shade of green, with her mane and tail being mostly pink, along with a couple stripes of red. Her eye colours are orange. Nothing with an extra flare of uniqueness about her, but she seemed to be the cute one. "Question, what's your boss lady like?" Vincent asked them. "She's not all that bad. She only focuses on what's fact, and doesn't like any of the facts to be changed or twisted around. If somepony was found trying to change it up just to liven things up in the story, they'll find themselves on the streets in a heartbeat, jobless." Rider answered, describing what type of boss we're going to be dealing with. "That's a good boss, right there. She ain't taking anybody else's bullshit, all for the sake of causing unnecessary drama among the masses." I comment just as we reached the top floor. "No kidding. She doesn't like the idea of causing a scene to get views, she said only fools would want such selfish desires." Windy said as we walked through the work place, making everyone inside to stop and stare at us. Although we were surprised that it wasn't just ponies working around here. "Hey, why are there others here?" I asked them. "Hm? Oh! You mean you guys didn't know? This building is actually a Multimedia station, so basically most countries from around the world can watch their news channels in Equestria, too." Rider explained. "Really? That's weird." Vincent told them. "That's what everyone says, but they get over it eventually and appreciate it. In fact, I think we're the only ones to pull this sort of thing off. Hasn't collapsed on itself so far." Windy stated as we leave the work space and enter the CEO's office. Surprisingly enough, it was an Earth pony mare running the place. She had a cherry red coloured fur, with some freckles, a modest styled out mane and tail, fiery orange coloration, and emerald green eyes. Seeing us, she smiled to us. "Hello Doom Marines. Can I just say that this is a unexpected surprise, but not unwelcome. My name is Isle Coral, and yes, not a name you would hear often, but I don't mind." She told us. "Hey there. Sorry to come on such short notice, but I'm sure you know why we came today." I said to her and she nodded. "I understand and I'm very sorry about tailing you. But I didn't want anyone to be left in the dark, even though it was completely rash of me to decide. Even so, I'm still quite surprise that other nations know about you." She stated. "Would you believe us if we told you that we're older than you suspect?" Vincent asked her. "Yes, actually." She answered calmly, surprising us in the process. "Oh, please. I have Dragons working around her too, you know. They haven't stopped talking about you lot, so I had them give me as much information as they can." "That would be me they were talking about." I explained to her. "I was in their lands when the Empress from long ago came to us for aid." "Alone?" She asked with a raised brow. "It was a solo Covert Op, so yes, alone." I nodded to her. "Doesn't sound like a Covert Op to me." She said. "No, it wasn't. But it was still successful, nonetheless." "I see." She nodded before asking us. "What about those four new warriors? The ones back when Ponyville was under attack." Vincent and I looked at each other, thinking whether we should just tell her, or not. "Is there something wrong?" Isle asked us, looking like as if she crossed a line she shouldn't have ever cross. "Was that a bit too personal? If so, then I'm sorry to ask." "It's fine, nothing's wrong. Although, it's just that we don't know if what we say, you would believe us or not." I explained to her. "Guys, it's fine. I mean, I know I'm going to get surprised, but I don't know just how much. So you can tell me." She told us, which seemed reassuring from the sound of things. "Okay, quick question, do you believe that there are multiple universes, with alternative versions of your own dimension?" Vincent asked her. "... Oh. That deep, huh?" She asked, looking surprised beyond belief, and we nodded to her. Taking in a deep breath, she took a seat behind her desk and motioned us closer. "Wow. I mean, I knew you guys were aliens for the most part. But hearing that the Multiverse actually exists, that takes the cake." "So you believe us, why?" I questioned her. "Guys, remember, Equestria has had its weirdest moments. Most things that we thought myth or legends tends to become fact and truth." She explained with a sigh. "That said, I've had scientists documented and filmed about the possibilities of life existing beyond our world, with different ways and such to ours, ponies tend to dismiss it all too easily. They just don't believe much." "That sounds familiar." Vincent commented and I nodded in agreement. "Well, tell about your story..." She said, and we told her. Of course, we kept it short, but with enough exposition to explain the kind of life we had ever since coming to Equestria. She was shocked to hear it, but she didn't dismiss it. We even explained about the whole Displaced thing, which she figured that Eliteslayer and all the others are Displaced, but from an alternative version of Equestria. At the end, both Thunder Rider and Windy Glider were staring at us, while Isle sighed. "That's a lot to take in, but the Science Department are gonna have a field day about this." "So you do believe us." I said to her. "Pretty much, whether or not everyone else would, is up to them." She told us, before getting up from her desk. "Anyway, may I ask you all out for a walk?" She asked. "Where to?" Vincent inquired. "Down to the Manehattan's Ministry of Science." She answered, before looking at the girls. "Girls, make sure your cameras are rolling, okay?" "Uh, yes ma'am!" Rider said as she and Windy set their cameras up. "Forgot they had those." I commented as we left the building. It took about a couple of hours, but we made it to the Manehattan Ministry of Science. I'm surprised they even had one here. While it has the classic white building to it, one that either makes it look like a historical museum, or court, with a taller building connected to it from behind. It was a stylish one, with many windows, but you can't really see very well from this angle. "Well, these guys are going to get a kick out of this." Isle commented with a chuckle as we entered through the front doors. "Oh, by the way, we'll be on the big screens for today. So everyone's gonna know." "As if they haven't heard of us yet. If not that, some might as well get sick of us." I joked, making our laugh a little. "Too true, bro." Vincent said before a group of the white coats came towards us. Although, one of them looked very... historically iconic. "Good heavens, it really is them." The old Earth pony stallion said with gleam. "Ah. Professor Einstallion." Isle called out with a smile. "How have things been for you and co?" "Very good, my dear!" He answered happily, taking her hand and kissing it. "We've managed to make the breakthrough!" "What breakthrough?" Vincent and I asked him at the same time. "Ah, yes. I'm sure your kind has made the same impossible become the possible." He told us, before motioning for all of us to follow him. "Come, come now, I'm sure this will jog your memories." We followed him through the ministry building, seeing some of the inventions that actually looked like art. In a way, I guess it is art, because you're creating something. Soon enough we've arrived at the restricted area, going down a hallway which lead to some stairs. I told some of our Ghosts to remain up here and on guard, spread out through the ministry. Those who have volunteer nodded and went invisible. "Why would you asked them to do that?" Einstallion asked me. "A precaution." I simply answered. He hummed before nodding. "Yes, yes. You have the right idea." He said as we traveled down the stairs, coming up to a large metallic door. "Behind this door, is where we conduct our little science projects." He told us before knocking on the door. A see-through window opened to see him, before closing it and opened up the door. "Ah, Professor Einstallion! I see you brought them here for it." The Earth pony stallion said, readjusting his glasses, and he was also a historical iconic figure, too. "Indeed." Einstallion replied with a nod, before facing us again. "This is Professor Rutherbuck, a friend of mine that has singlehandedly made this discovery become a reality." "No way. Are you saying that..." Vincent started, but I answered him. "He did." I stated, which confused the others. "I'm sorry my Lord, but we're a bit confused about this." Azurai said. "Let's just head on through and have them explain it." I told him, as the two Scientist lead us through, but told the Camera mares to turn off their cameras and store them away. Once that was done, we came up to a catwalk which overlooked a huge basement, where scientific projects and experiments took place, from smallest to largest. "Wow..." We all said as the Professors chuckled at us. "Indeed, it is. Come along, we have yet to show you it." Einstallion said in earnest, as those two lead us down and through. "Down here, is where both Science and Magic meet. Coming together to balance each other out, in order to coexist. Star Swirl the Bearded might as well be the leading pioneer for the two, technically speaking, but, while he hurled forward the potential of Magic, it also bore fruit to Science. You see, his notes documented some scientific mathematical and other related solutions, although most thought it was just how magic worked and nothing more. But delving into it more, by removing the magical part of the equation, you only end up with digits and codes. Thus, came the birth of Science." He explained, and while I may not know any of the sort, it would seem he removed the layers and opened up new possibilities. "Indeed." Rutherbuck chimed in. "It's how I discovered the means to split a special particle, into two, through alchemy and other means." "A particle?" Isle asked. "Yes, indeed." He nodded as we walked through a vault and into a room. "In here, you will witness the splitting of the atom." He stated, as we looked through a tinted window, seeing two tubes with a glowing sphere in each. "The tube's glass have been modified to magnify the atoms, since they're so small and cannot be seen by the naked eye. The one on the right is the original, as the other one is the results of splitting it up." He explained as we all stared at the small spheres, that might as well hold the power of the sun. "It's amazing. It's like watching Princess Celestia's Sun, without getting your eyes burned." Thunder Rider said in awe. If only the peace would last, as alarms started going off... ([Third Person] Back up in the ministry...) Those within the building were going around and admiring the inventions that Science bore fruit to the world at large. While that was happening, there were certain characters that have been lurking about in plain sight, but nobody was the wisest, as these individuals made it to the security room. Once they silently killed off the guards inside, they started punching in command codes in the system and had the place on lockdown. On the outside, large metallic shielding started to cover the entire building, blocking the outside world from ever entering, while those within can never get out. Once the building has been sealed off, those within disguises discarded their clothes and activated camouflage, disappearing from sight as they armed themselves with weapons, most of which consented of highly advanced guns. Getting on the Comms, one of them spoke through it. "Operation is a go. Search and Destroy the Science Lab. Rig this place with high explosives. Failure is not an option." > Ch.24 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.24: A New Enemy, Equal Grounds... (Kevin/Doom Marine, Canterlot Home Base...) "This is quite the mess." VEGA commented as we worked on salvaging the coordinates Luna made her wish on from Palutena. Too bad Murphy's Law came into effect and screwed Pally's wish granting up. As to why he did that, I'm not sure. Then again, he has become a Universal Law, him screwing over Gods and Devils alike is probably him saying-- "My Lord! Trouble in Manehattan!" Shouted out Krimzon, both a Sergeant and a Hermit, believe it or not. He's also a Veteran Night Sentinel, losing his left arm before we ever came to Tartarus, so he fought through the Hell Wars with just one arm, until at the end of it they've managed to create a mechanical replacement for it. No one really knew his name, for he just forsaken it and went with his new name, but it also comes from his title: The Soundless Krimzon. He wore a cloak that covered mostly his left side, hiding his mechanical arm, while also wearing a hood over his helmet. Looking back at him, I asked him with texting. "What happened?" "An attack has appeared at The Ministry of Science! We have lost visual contact and communications with Lord Berserker and Lord Runner, along with their forces. We believe this is a new enemy, as they are not using magic by any means, but rather technology!" He answered, detailing what they know of so far. "We also suspect it's the same group that tried to assassinate the Royal Sisters two days ago!" Well, that narrows it down. "Gather up two strike teams, we're going to Manehattan." I told him as I made my way over to the Throne Room. Unfortunately, both Celestia and Luna have to take Court, meaning they've to listen to Nobles whining and complaining, about the most trivial and selfish things. Nitpicking, that's what they still do. Reaching the Throne Room, there was a long line of Nobles waiting to place their case, but I ignored this and made my way through the snobby lot. "What!? Why I never..." "The nerve of these savages!" "Who does this barbarian think he is!?" I rolled my eyes and shook my head at these idiots, although a Noble couple came out of the line and stood in my way. Before either of them could rant at me, I kicked the male Unicorn in the nuts, making him wheeze in pain as his partner and the other Nobles gasped in shock. As for the female Unicorn, I activated my Energy Sword, as a show of intimidation, which worked as she quickly grabbed her husband and ran out of the room. The rest in line shook in terror and shuffled back when I so much as look at them. "Hunter!" I heard Celestia call out to me. "Please restrain yourself!" She told me and I obliged. Deactivating my Energy Sword, I walked up to her and Luna. "Our Doom Marine, what is the problem?" Little Lulu asked me. Before I could give her a Datapad, Krimzon and our two strike teams came in. "Your highnesses, Manehattan's Ministry of Science has been targeted and is on lockdown. Our Lords and their platoon are stuck inside and we need to get there fast." He explained, making both of the sisters' eyes widen. "What happened!? Are the Changelings attacking Manehattan again!?" Celestia questioned. "No. This is not the work of Cocoon's Changelings. Rather, this new enemy may very well be the same ones that tried to assassinate you from before." He answered her. "Whatever they're after, we do not know at this time. All we know is that they are a threat, and are most likely either going to steal or destroy the entire Ministry. We need to get there, fast." Luna quickly stood up from her throne and came down the steps. "I'll teleport us there. Where would you like to be?" She asked us. Looking at Krimzon, I texted him and he replied my answer. "Two blocks away from the Ministry. I will take team one up to the rooftops, while Lord Hunter will take team two and search for a secret entrance." He told her. She nodded as her horn glowed and teleported us exactly two blocks away, out of sight no less, which is good. "I'm coming with you this time, Hunter." Luna stated with a serious look on her face. "And nothing you say will make me change my mind." I didn't want to argue with her, so I nodded my head. Krimzon's team went up to the rooftops, while we sneaked our way around and hidden from the public's eyes, as the Police Department was heading towards the Ministry and keeping everyone away from the building. (Vincent/Doom Marine, Ministry of Science [Lockdown]) "That's not good." I stated the obvious as the alarms kept blaring loudly, while the scientists tried to lockdown everything they have been creating down. Surprisingly enough, once everything was all secured, they all sunk into the floor before it closed on them. "That's handy. But what about the Atoms?" I questioned as I pointed to them. "We need to evacuate the civilians down here." Einstallion said as he and Rutherbuck pushed us all out through the Vault door as they closed it off. "We'll figure something out if it comes to past." "My Lords, can you hear me?" One of our Night Sentinels from upstairs contacted us, there was some static, but nothing too serious. "This is Runner, go ahead." I replied back. "Sir, we have a situation up here. Every civilian is in a frenzy panic, and there aren't any security guards left standing." He reported in, which surprised me. "I'm sorry, but what? Are the security guard all dead?" I asked him. "They're all corpses, sir. The enemy must have infiltrated as security guards." He answered, explaining how these terrorist did it. "Well, shit. I'm also guessing they sabotaged the controls to disable the lockdown system?" I asked. "Yes sir." He answered. "Hold up... Sir, they have active camouflage." "What!?" I exclaimed. "They have active camouflage and are making their way down towards you. I count at least six." He warned me. "Shit! Berserker, get the scientist and everyone else out!" I told him as I moved back up to the catwalk and opened up the heavy door. "What the Hell are you doing!?" He asked me. "I'm gonna fix this problem! They probably rigged the whole place with explosives by now!" I told him before closing it behind me, moving up stairs. Once I made it halfway up the stairs, I heard something dropping down the stairs and saw it was a fucking Grenade! Before I could move out of the way, or let out a single swear word, it blew up and sent me falling down the flight of stairs I climbed up. Groaning, I tried to shake it off quickly and get back up, only to get shot at with what sounded like Pistols with Silencers on, shedding off points of my armour. Growling, I pulled out my Plasma Rifle with the Stun Bomb mod on, launching one at them that, not only stun them, but short circuited their cloaking system. Taking the chance, I shot a lot of Plasma Bolts at the fuckers and killed all six of them. "So, how do you like me now, ya fuckers?" I asked rhetorically, walking up to the bodies, that wore a full body, black spandex, from head to hoof, only to hear something clicking. "Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed and quickly ran up the stairs before the bombs went off, erasing everything known trace of those I've killed, along with destroying that part of the stairs. "Oh, great. These pricks are walking trip mines waiting to be set off." I snorted as I made my way back up, radioing the other Night Sentinels to try and evacuate the civvies discreetly, and to not engage the enemy until the place is cleared out. I also contacted Bryan to send some of his Night Sentinels to help with it, explaining why and he understood how twisted this got. Reaching up top, I quietly opened up the door, using my Pistol and setting it to stun, looking around to see a few civvies waiting with a couple of Night Sentinels, all of which also had either their Pistol out, or Plasma Rifle. Of course, I could also hear the rest of the civilians trapped in this building running amuck, trying to get out. "Sir." One of the Night Sentinels whispered to me. "We're trying our best, but they're all scared out of their minds that they won't listen to us." "Goddammit." I muttered under my breath as I snuck on over to him, looking around the corner to see people trying to force their way out, however possible, but with no results. "Where are the enemy?" "They're around here, just waiting for us to make the first move." He answered, while the other Night Sentinel took the civvies downstairs. "I don't think they saw us though, moving around invisible." "You would think they'd produced some headwear to detect the unseen." I snarked. "Anyway, what would be the best way to draw the enemies attention, while snapping everyone out of their messed up heads and listen?" "My best bet, you'll have to walk out there and get shot at, while we move the rest of the civilians out of harms way." He answered me. "I figured as much." I said with a sigh, before getting up and walking out there. It seemed to have worked, at least drawing most the people's attention, until I was being shot at, again. Everyone was smart enough to hit the deck when the bullets started flying my way, as the other Night Sentinels started launching their Stun Bombs at the shooters, stunning them and revealing them in plain sight. Soon after that we quickly filed everyone down towards the Lab, trying to keep them clam as I radioed the team downstairs that they're on their way. Once the last one made it through the door, I asked for more support to get up here, before we locked it down and moved to deal with the enemy. Only to see them come charging right at us. We knew what they were trying to do, so we popped their heads and quickly threw the bodies away from us as they exploded. "Did they drop their weapons?" I asked as we looked around where they were stunned on the spot. "No, my Lord. Looks like they're not taking chances, and the bullet shells have no form of identification on them, as well." One of the Night Sentinels answered. "Alright, search the area. We need to make sure there aren't anymore lurking about on this floor. Set up some Motion Trackers in case we missed some." I ordered as we went around, looking for any signs of life, while others quickly set Motion Trackers up. Once we finished up sweeping the area, I had a four man squad wait down here while we moved up one level at a time. So far, there wasn't anyone around to save or to kill. Which isn't always a good sign, and my hunch about rigging this whole place to blow up was confirmed as we found some explosives strategically planted in places to bring this entire Ministry down on us. "Okay, nobody mess with these things. Just mark the bomb's position and we'll keep moving. And set up more Motion Trackers, have them all linked up to my Datapad." I told them, doing that before we moved up another floor. They were quite creative with their explosives, I'll give them that. There wasn't that many, but if they destroyed some of the Ministry's floors, the building will just crumble under its own weight, since they're gonna let gravity do the most of the work. Reaching the fifth floor, we heard hushed voices as we snuck inside to see hostages rounded up around this huge bomb smacked in the middle of the room. "Okay, let's split up. The enemy is probably hiding and waiting for us." I whispered as we all spread ourselves out. The hostages will have to wait, we need to find those that have attacked the place. "I see the Royal Sister's Doom Marines and their Doom Army have arrived." The voice called out. "Yeah. So what of it?" I asked the owner of the voice, looking around to try and find him. "Just that it was unexpected, and yet, not unwelcome." He replied. "As a matter of fact, this proves to be a fitting challenge, shall we say." "Really now?" I asked as I kept looking about, I don't think it would matter if I was hiding from him, since he and whoever's left with him are hiding from us. "Yes, indeed. And I see what you're doing, so I'll play along and keep you entertained." He answered along with shooting me in the back. Quickly turning around, I shot my Pistol but didn't hit anything. Moving to where I think he shot me from, he wasn't there as he did it again. "Come now, you didn't think this was going to be easy, did you?" He questioned me. "No, not really." I answered as I went looking for him. "Although I haven't fought against an enemy I can't see in a long time." I commented as I hid behind cover. "Is that so? Well, this shouldn't be too much for you." He told me, hearing his bullets hitting where I was taking cover. I heard a couple of explosions go off, with my Night Sentinels confirming their kills away from the hostages. "Hmm, I see you've already figured out our suits are wired to go off if the wearer dies in combat." "Yeah, along with not being able to track down wherever you fuckers came from." I said as I moved around, trying to get the drop on this guy. "I see we are both familiar with the Power of Knowledge. Yes, we have to in order for us to keep operating without worry of retaliation." He said with a chuckle. "Of course, we know that will never hold out for long, so we're just living on borrowed time. But it's a good thing we've trained ourselves to take care of beings like yourself." "That's funny. Last time I checked, my team's winning this round." I told him, ducking behind cover as he fired upon me, and hearing another one of his own blowing up. "True. But for how much longer?" He asked me. "For as long as it's necessary, until people like you are dealt with properly." I replied, shooting back at him. "Agh! We'll see about that." He grunted as I barely saw him moving positions. We didn't talk much after that, we were trying to shoot the other one dead. But... Throughout that talk, he had an accent to him, even if his English sounds naturally fluent, I don't think these guys are from Equestria. At all. I know I'm not hearing things. After a while of playing 'Hit or Miss', I heard his pistol clicking, telling me he was out of ammo. "Damn." I heard him curse before he made a run for one of the elevators, but my Night Sentinels stopped him. Reaching them, we surrounded the guy and he de-cloaked. "Well, it would seem I've gotten myself in quite the predicament." He said as he slowly raised his hands, his pistol in his right, but his left was closed up into a fist. "Hey, what's in your left hand?" I questioned him, aiming at his head. "Oh, just a parting gift for you." He answered vaguely. Before we could do anything, we heard the elevator doors opened before the guy opened up his closed hand, dropping something to the floor. Once It hit the floor, we all got blinded by a flash, covering our eyes as the cheeky prick got away on the elevator. As our sight slowly returned to us, we let out groans of annoyance before we went towards the hostages. "Damnit. He probably has the remote control detonator up on the rooftop." I growled out as I got to work on disabling this huge bomb. "Get these people out, I'll handle the rest." "Yes sir." They all replied before leading everyone downstairs quickly. I didn't want them taking the elevator, in case they rigged them to blow up. "Okay, let's see what makes you tick..." (Bryan/Doom Marine, escorting the Civvies and Scientists...) "How long until we reached the sewers?" I asked Einstallion. "It shouldn't be long now." He answered until we came up to a metal door. "Here we are." He said as I opened it up, with me and some Night Sentinels checking to see if we're in the clear. "Okay, we're good to go." I said as we continued onward. The Civilians were a little hesitant to being down here, not that I blame them, since what happened last time. But, nonetheless, we kept moving on through. "Okay, this is absolutely terrifying." Windy squeaked out, huddling closer to Rider. "Tell me about it." Rider shivered as everyone steered clear of the waters. As we kept walking, we soon heard echoes of heavy steps running from around the corner. We got everyone up against the wall as I leaned against it, standing near the corner with my Super Shotgun at the ready. As soon as the first one came around the corner, we both aimed at each other's face, until I realised that it was Kevin, along with Luna and a strike team. "Jesus, Hunter! We nearly killed each other." I said with a loud sigh, as we lowered our guns. "Berserker, are you alright? Where's Runner?" Luna quickly asked me. "I am now, since you're here. Runner's still back in the Ministry building, dealing with those who took it over." I answered her. "Sir, I just got word that more Civilians are on their way." One of the Night Sentinels reported. "They should be here soon." "Alright then, keep an eye out for them." I told her as she went to the back of the line. I turned to face Luna and said. "Once the last batch is here, I want you to teleport all of these people back up to the surface. They're still skittish about what happened last time." Luna frowned at me. "Why can't we all go together? I doubt there's--" Before she could finish that sentence, she got shot at, in her left shoulder, from behind. Grabbing a hold of her, I pulled her out of harms way, while Kevin and his strike team took up firing positions, shooting down the other end where the enemy was waiting for us. "Hold still, Luna! I need a Medic over here!" I called out as Azurai came over and helped me tend to her wound. "Argh!" Luna hissed out in pain. "That hurt..." She groaned out. "Trust me, you have no idea how bad." I told her. "But, the good news is, the bullet went through you." "Indeed." Azurai chided in as we cleaned and bandaged her up. "If it were stuck inside your shoulder, we would have to pull it out." He said before injecting her with some of our healing vector. Soon the last of the Civilians arrived and Luna teleported them, though albeit begrudgingly so. Switching to my Heavy Assault Rifle, we were now getting surrounded, getting shot at from all sides, while we tried to kill them off. "Hunter, be careful! These guy's camouflage suits are rigged to blow when they die!" I warned him as we quickly moved on, running around in the sewers as we tried to outflank one another. These guys are definitely well trained to take on us, counteracting our moves, keeping a distance between us. Hell, they even used fucking Claymores on us when we least expected it, and it was a laser trip wire! I learned that one the hard way as me and a couple of other were sent flying off. At least I didn't fell into the water. I warned Kevin about the explosive traps they'll set up, but then something happened. The enemy tried to rush us with bombs now strapped to themselves! Quickly shooting at them, a series of explosions went off, causing the place to shake, and we didn't want to stay down here if it's about to come down on us. Getting up, Kevin lead us all out and up to the surface as we legged it. Once we got there, we found Luna and the group not far away as the police force helped with keeping the situation under control and having the people remain calm. Walking over to her, she was being examined by the local medical teams, as some were looking over those trapped inside the Ministry. "My Doom Marines, what happened down there?" She asked us. "An ambush. Not to mention they somehow managed to replicate some of our old tech, but I think that was a cover up. If they can create stealth suits, why use some things from modern times?" I told her. "Other than turning into a suicide bombing squad at the last second." "They what!?" She exclaimed. "You mean that explosion down there was them!?" "Yeah." I nodded before our Comms came on. "Guys...an you hear me? It's me, Vincent." We heard him said. "Yeah, we hear you, loud and clear. What's going on?" I asked him. "I'm just disabling the bombs planted around the place, with the help of Krimzon and his team. Come back over here with the Scientists, so we can fix this lockdown." He told us before going off the Comms. "Well, at least our Comms are working again." I commented as we waited for a little while until we moved back to the Ministry building, with the Scientists and Luna. ([Third Person] A few moments earlier...) "Well, that could have gone better." The mysterious stallion said with a sigh, as he rides the elevator up towards the rooftop, where it will be his last stand. Hearing the dinging of the elevator, its doors opened and he made his way outside, walking up to the ledge overlooking the crowd below. Pulling out the detonator, he flicked it on and placed his thumb on the red button. Breathing in deeply, for the last time, he closed his eyes and pressed down on it, ready to go out in a blaze of glory. But it never came. Opening his eyes, he looked at the detonator and kept pressing it, but the explosives never went off. Before he could think on how he could fix this problem, someone shot the detonator out of his hands, destroying it as he turned around to find himself surrounded with guns pointing at him, again. "Hands in the air." One of them demanded, a Night Sentinel wearing a hooded cloak on him, aiming his Pistol. "Slowly." "Why didn't the bombs went off?" The stallion asked him, raising his hands up again. "Our Lord has created a signal to block off your detonation, using your jammer against you since he hacked it not too long ago." Krimzon answered him, surprising the stallion. "Amazing. I never thought he would have figured it out so quickly." The stallion commented. "He truly is the fastest out of the Five..." "How do you know them and us?" Krimzon questioned the stallion, who sighed before saying. "I'm sorry, but I cannot tell you." He said before quickly throwing out another Flash Bang Grenade. "Eventually, though, you'll find out." He said, covering his eyes as the Grenade went off and blinded the Night Sentinels before he used a device to teleport away. Once the Night Sentinels temporary blindness has past, he was no longer there for them to capture. "Damn!" Krimzon cursed, shaking his head. "Alright, let's head down and help Lord Runner with those bombs." "Yes Sergeant!" They replied before they went down the elevator and helped Vincent. Once all the bombs have been disabled and confiscated, Vincent and the Scientists worked on uplifting the lockdown, which they eventually succeeded. "Hey, guys, can we talk in private? It's about those guys that attacked this place." Vincent asked his brothers and Luna. Nodding their heads, he lead them off to a nearby room. "Okay, Vincent, what did you learn about them?" Bryan asked once the door was closed and locked. "Well, I don't think these are Equestrians." He told them. "What?" Bryan asked in confusion. "These people are not Equestrians. I know they're ponies, but I don't think they're from around here. In Equestria, specifically." He explained. "Is that even possible?" "It is." Luna answered. "You could say that, after the Hell Wars, ponies started to expand and colonised other regions, making it their own land." She explained to them, which made them facepalmed. "Oh my god. We should have saw that one coming." Bryan groaned out. "You mean we should have expected that." Vincent chimed. "Whatever the case, at least we now know why there are some languages similar to back home." Bryan stated. "No kidding. Even though his English was naturally fluent, it sure as Hell wasn't his first language. I swear it sounded as if he had a European accent, but you wouldn't be able to tell." Vincent explained. "Well, shit." Bryan swore. "They were even using Claymores with laser trip wire. I learned that one the hard way." "No shit! I saw the guy using a M1911 Colt pistol!" Vincent told them, surprising his two Doom Marine brothers. "No way, are you serious!?" "Yes, I am." He nodded to them. "So then, they really are using some of our old tech to conceal their identities, while using them to their effectiveness." Kevin texted to the two, all three nodding in agreement. "But still, who the Hell are they?" Bryan questioned. "I don't know, man. All I know is that when we find out, heads will be rolling for days." Vincent answered. "Let's just hope it ain't Humanity's past reincarnated..." > Ch.25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.25: Within a different Spectrum of Reality... (Bryan/Doom Marine, Canterlot Castle, two weeks after Manehattan...) “Well, that escalated quickly.” Vincent commented as he drunk some whiskey that Pally gave him. A flask with an endless supply of the stuff. After that whole Ministry thing, we had to stick around for yet another conference. Telling the public what happened in the attack. At this point, we’ll be dealing with more than Cocoon’s Changeling Hive. I’m just glad we won’t have to deal with Hellspawns, but, I kinda miss killing the fuckers, in a weird, messed up sort of way. Anyway, after telling the press that, we went on about placing some of our forces in Manehattan. For the most part, they agreed, save for some who voiced their concerns about the idea, while they also understand the reason for us doing so. This was basically the second time Manehattan was attacked, but by an unknown force. Visilia’s father, King Hydrax, decided to amp up the troops we’ll be getting. Two hundred of our Night Sentinels will be sent our way now for each day, standing about five thousand strong. On the bright side, the children in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, Ponyville and Manehattan seem to like the Night Sentinel. “Yeah, well, at least they’ll feel a little safer. For now.” I stated. “Still though, whoever they are, and wherever they come from, they know about us.” Visilia reminded us. “Then that means they may have one of the last two Doom Marines.” “Our thoughts exactly. Hopefully VEGA and that can salvage the data.” I said with a sigh. “How is Tia’s training coming along?” “Pretty good, though she tends to use her magic out of habit sometimes.” Visi told me. “Although, what are we going to do with the Royal Guard? They’ll need to be trained themselves, along with some upgrades, as well. Especially since we might, or will be, fighting against those with firearms.” “She’s not wrong.” Vincent sighed. “Looks like we’ll need to buff up the Royal Guard’s training.” He stated. “Right.” I said as we all nodded in agreement, before the doors opened up. “My Lords, my Princess.” Krimzon said as he came inside the room. “A message from Princess Sparkle.” He told us, handing us a scroll. Visi took it and opened it up, reading it. “She’s back in Ponyville, but she wants to spend some time with you.” She told me. “Really?” I asked in confusion. “Doesn’t she have any work to do?” “She’s finished for now, on break and wanted to see if you’re available. Oh, and she doesn’t mind if I and/or your brothers were there.” She answered. “I’ll stay behind and work on buffing the Royal Guard’s training up.” Vincent said, getting up from his seat and walking out. “Go visit the girl, she’s yours to take care of.” He chuckled as he left. “Yeah...one of many.” I muttered, still feeling apprehensive about that topic. “You’ve been working hard. I, along with everyone else, would say you need a break.” Visilia told me. “Besides, this is the perfect opportunity for you to at least bond with the poor girl.” “Yeah.” I sighed deeply. “Alright, let’s head down there.” I said as Visilia, Kevin, Krimzon and I left the castle. Walking through the city, the snobby Noble pricks were going about their business, though they shot us glares as we passed by them. They kept their mouths shut, so as to not give me a reason to kill them, even though it was tempting to punch their faces in. As for the Royal Guard, they were working alongside our Night Sentinels and Chrysalis’ Changelings, keeping the peace and enforcing the Law. The Changelings were living in those Crystal Caverns underneath the castle, within the mountain, making it their new home. Making it to the train station, Visi and Krimzon paid for our tickets, as we waited for the train to arrive. Which wasn’t very long, as it came in and we hopped on board. Once everyone was on, the doors closed and the train started moving. Nothing much happened during the trip, everyone minding their own business while staying away from us. Was it out of fear, or respect of personal space? I can’t tell, and I really didn’t give a damn. Soon enough we arrived at Ponyville, pulling into the town’s station. We saw Twilight waiting there, as we got off and made our way to her. She looked nervous. “Hello Berserker.” She said to me. “Hey.” I replied with a nod. “Is everything alright?” “... No.” She sighed, her head hung low. “I didn’t really think this through. I don’t even know what you even like.” “Was this... Suppose to be a date?” I inquired. “Not exactly... I don’t know anymore.” She whined, resting her head on my chest. “Can we go back to my castle?” “You invited me here, along with the others. You’re kind of leading us at this point.” I told her. “Okay.” She sighed before taking a hold of my hand and walking us back to her place. Everyone that we walked past looked towards us in bewilderment, not sure on what to make of it. While the Night Sentinels stationed here only gave a quick glance, before continuing on with their duties. In all honesty, this whole thing felt pretty awkward. Fuck me, I guess Twi and I are both hopeless in this romance thing. Go figure. Anyway, we made it to her crystal tree castle, walking inside with some more Night Sentinels guarding it. This is basically where they sleep and such, since it’s big enough to house them and the necessities they need. Twilight lead us into her room, the Royal Bedchamber, as she jumped onto her bed and buried her head into the pillows, sighing deeply and loudly, which was muffled. “Twi...” I started, taking off my helmet and sitting on her bed. “What’s wrong?” Sighing once more, she turned around to face me. “I’m sorry, Bryan. I think I just wasted both of our time.” “What makes you think that?” “I didn’t even come up with a plan for this occasion. I thought that maybe we could have a picnic, but I wasn’t sure if that was your thing, or if it ever was.” She answered. “Not to mention, my friends are all busy, so I couldn’t invite them either. And from the look of things, I guess Vincent was busy, too.” “Something like that, yeah.” I nodded. “How are the twins holding up?” “Fine, for the most part.” She told me, before something lit up in her mind. How do I know this? Well, she made a face that indicates an idea. “Say, I don’t suppose you’re interested in comic books?” “What sort of comic books are we talking about?” I asked her. “Superheroes.” She simply answered. “Apparently, there’s a new addition that recently came out. It’s suppose to be an alternative universe to the original.” “Oh? And what is this comic series called?” I asked her with interest. “The Power Ponies.” She answered. “I should’ve saw that one coming.” I sighed. “Oh c’mon, it isn’t that bad.” She scoffed at me. “Yeah, but that’s because you’re a Pony. And it’s a comic book based around Pony heroes and villains.” I retorted. “Whatever.” She waved me off. “Anyway, this alternative universe was inspired by you Doom Marines. I’m not sure what it entails, but to quote on what the author and that say; ’Heroes fall from grace, as Villains dominate unopposed. But Hope remains still, within the hands of the Last and the Lost.’ That’s basically it.” “It’s a Dystopian World, where the Villains now rule it all. Most of the Heroes have died, and only one, or a few that remains.” I commented, which surprised Twilight. “What? It’s not that hard to figure out. But it could be interpreted in a number of ways.” “Well, okay, yeah. But what about ‘The Lost’ part?” “Something from the past, thought lost, but still draws breath. The real question is; where?” I told her. Before she could say anything, the Dragon Twins came rushing into her room, with wide, razor fang-filled grins plastered on their faces. Although, it was clear why, as Spike held the comic book. “Twilight, Bryan, guys! It’s here! The first addition to a spin-off comic series!” He said in fervour excitement, showing us the comic. The front of the cover told you what you were about to dive into: a futuristic, grimdark Dystopia. It was called The Dark Apocalyptus. “Awesome, right!? It starts of in Canterlot, which has gone through a lot of changes, with Mane-iac as the dictating ruler. Here we have four new characters infiltrating the fortress, trying to do something, but instead, stumble upon...” Lifting up a finger, he points it towards me. “You!” “... Well, that explains a lot. Especially the name of the first chapter.” I pointed out, seeing it saying, “No Pity. No Remorse. No Fear.” Barbs shivered a little when a said that, but not out of fear. “Definitely something you would say.” “I get the feeling GW is gonna sue somebody through the Warp.” I said sarcastically, but it left the Equestrian and Dragons confused. “I’ll tell you lot later. Although, Spike, Barbs, did you look at the age restrictions?” I asked them, pointing towards it. “You two need to be eighteen or over that to read it.” “Oh man, c’mon!” Oh no, now they’re gonna start begging us. “We may be underage by a year, but you guys are here!” “Whoa, hey!” I held a hand up. “I know you guys want to read it, but I can guess what that book entails! I’m not sure if we should even let you!” “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease~!” Barbs pleaded, trying to use those puppy eyes. This only annoyed me. “Will you cut that shit out!” I growled, snapping her out of it and making them both back away, Spike dropping the book. “Alright, that does it! You two are not--!” Before I could finish, the book started to glow and I found myself getting sucked into it faster than you could say Fucknuggets! Nobody said that this damn thing was magical! Unfortunately, I blacked out from the experience of being transported into the damn book, before waking up inside the fucking Tombstone. However, I started hearing voices and fighting from outside, circling around my Tomb. Two of them, strangely enough, sounded familiar. “Don’t let them open that tomb!” Some random asshole called out. “Hurry up and kill them!” Bitch, I don’t need help! Lifting my hands up to the lid, I pushed against it and popped it off, throwing it to the side. Of course, the fighting immediately stopped as I sat up and took a look around. There were the four supposedly heroes, wearing a combination of Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, and Star Wars Republic Commando. At least, to me, some of them sort of resembles them, including the weapons. As for the asshats who wanted me to remain sealed and locked away, they were wearing something akin to Imperial Guards, but completely different and not as advanced as I’d imagined. The Lasguns and Auto Rifles though, looked accurate. “Quick! Kill it!” Oh, that motherfucker’s gonna die first. Jumping up onto my feet, I quickly rushed over to the enemy Officer, grabbing him by the throat and punching his face right out of existence, before finishing off the rest of them. Although, after I was done sating my bloodlust, I realised a few things. One, I wasn’t wearing my helmet. And two, my armour looked different. For the most part, it was still the Praetor suit, but it seemed to have been upgraded, looking a little more bulkier, among other things. Not to mention that I was made taller than usual. The coloration of it was red as the primary, and black as the secondary, with white highlighting to what I suspect are supposedly my battle scars. Now onto the...accessaries. As you would probably expected, I looked like an Edge Lord. Ugh, you kids and your fucking terminologies. Honestly, I don’t think many people even respect the classics. Just because I have spikes along my arms and legs, doesn’t make me an Edge Lord, I just really like Metal and/or Heavy Metal. Okay, metaphorically ranting like an old man aside, I also had silver chains wrapped along my forearms, between my wrists and elbows, along with a tattered loincloth coloured in black, with the Doom Slayers’ mark on it, hanging off on my left side of my waist. I was also wearing a chained necklace, with the Iron Cross hanging from it, that had the Roman number engraved in the middle; VIII. If only they had added skulls to my armour, I’ll be set for the Dark Hero role... “Don’t move.” I heard Twilight, from the sound of her voice, as I turned around to find all four of them aiming their guns at me. “Or what?” I taunted. “You’ll shoot me?” “Well, yeah, duh.” One of the others replied, a male. “I mean, from what Intel we’ve gathered, you’re the reason we’re in this mess.” “... They took my helmet, didn’t they?” I asked them. “Whether or not you were directly involved with the enemy’s plans, is debatable. However, given the from what we’ve seen of your combat prowess, you’re an unknown danger to anyone and everyone.” The other male stated in a factly manner. “Not to mention, since you were locked up, for whatever reason, doesn’t help your case.” “Yeah, I figured as much, smartass.” I snorted, pushing through them as I walked towards the Home Base...only to find it in ruins. “Those dirty motherfuckers fucked up my Base.” I growled. “Hey, uh, I thought we were supposed to shoot him if he moves?” The first male spoke up. “We...we kind of messed up by not keeping to our threats.” “... She was right about you.” Twilight said, walking up behind me. “Sorry, man, but that was just a test.” The second male told the first. “Boss Lady and I were sworn to secrecy, we actually know a little more about him.” “Seriously?” His pal questioned, sounding a little hurt. “If so, then what’s his name?” “Didn’t say, only that we know him as Berserker. That’s the codename he goes by, which is deprived from his title; The Bloody-handed Berserker.” The smart guy answered. “Other than that, he’s not gonna give two shits about who threatens him.” “Are the Princesses alive?” I asked them, only to met with silences. “They’re dead?” “... Princess Celestia is, yes.” Twilight answered in a shaky voice. “Things...have changed.” When she said that, I felt this heavy weight pulling me down to my knees. That was my guilt and failure, I know because I’ve been brought down by those feelings alone. Hell, this alternative universe, within a comic book series no less, just makes me feel like I fucked up big time. “... Who did it?” I asked coldly. “A crazy mare that can move her mane around at will, Mane-iac. She somehow devised a toxic that could kill Alicorns, even though it was very limited in terms of knowledge, resources and development.” She explained before taking in deep and controlled breaths. “I’ll tell you about it later. Right now, we need to get you out of Canterlot.” “Not without my helmet and weapons.” I told her as I moved over to the alternative passage, opening it up after I closed the route from the Throne room off. “No disrespect, sir, but it’s impossible to retrieve your helmet. They have it locked up tight in the castle’s R&D facility.” Smart guy informed me. “They have Mechs and Super Soldiers guarding it.” “We’ll see about that.” I said as I led the younglings through, collecting my things and continuing onward. “Just lead me to that facility, I’ll deal with the rat fuckers.” “If you insist.” He sighed as we came up to a empty hallway, which wasn’t marble white anymore, now made of obsidian, with purple carpets. I guess the castle went through some changes as well. “This doesn’t look good.” “No shit.” I muttered, whipping out my Chaingun out, with the Mobile Turret mod on. Slowly walking out into the open, I checked both ends of the hall, until I ended up looking outside through the windows. “Fuck me...” I said as I walked up to see Canterlot looking a lot more bigger. It’s practically the size of an Imperium’s Hive City. I’m not even kidding, either. “As I said, things have changed. And not for the better.” Twilight reminded me. “Come on, Research and Development is this way.” She told me as I catch up with them. So far, we haven’t ran into anyone, which is odd. From the sound of the short description of this Mane-iac, she should have sent her armies after us, the castle on high alert and whatnot. But no, we have yet to run into any sort of problem. However, it would seem she had predicted that, in the event I should be let loose on the waking world, I would get my helmet back, because she placed a lot of assholes between us and the facility. The Super Soldiers looked like advanced models from the Wolfenstein series, while the mechs they were talking about were those fast moving recon walkers from The Clone Wars series. At least it wasn’t the model from the Warhammer 40K, the ones the Imperial Guard use. I could probably take them out, but I’m not sure if these four handle that sort of situation. Not to mention, my tactics might as well be considered suicide to them. “Well, that complicates things.” Smart guy stated. “You sure you can handle all of that?” “Yeah, but it’s going to complicate things further.” I answered, switching my current gun to the BFG. “And leave a bigger mess behind.” Moving out from cover, I charged up my shot and fired, seeing it going straight towards the crowd of enemies, watched them get destroyed completely, along with taking out a part of the castle. But hey, at least the R&D facility was still there, and I blew the doors open. Also made a bit of mess inside the place. Security my ass. With all of that out of the way, I rushed inside and started searching through the place, as the alarms went off, while the other four went through and took as much Intel as they could. Moving in deeper, I saw vector tanks with more augmented super soldiers inside them, in stasis. That was when I came across a room with my helmet in it, wires hooked into it and extracting information from it. Although, I get the feeling that these pricks may have added a tracking device to it, in case my helmet was taken. “Hmm...” I hummed as I went over to a terminal and started looking into whatever the fuck they’ve done to it. My suspicions were correct about the tracking device being tagged on my helmet, and in a place that’ll fry it. I tried to turn it off, but it wouldn’t work, I needed the security clearance...something their ‘Empress Mane-iac’ has. “... Fuck.” “Well, well, well...what have we here?” A voice rang out on the comms, the terminal’s screens turning static before revealing who I assume is Mane-iac. “Oh, if it isn’t the Doom Slayer himself. Had a nice nap?” “Fuck you.” I replied to her. “Aww, don’t be like that darling. I mean, you’re the sole reason for all of this technology to flourish. But I will admit, trying to find a middle ground for magic and science was absolute tedious work, it almost driven our scientists and mages insane. Nevertheless, they’ve finally managed to bridge the gap between the two, and so came a new age.” She explained to me, as if to say I should be thanking her and feel proud. What a cunt. “Really, you should feel honoured.” “That’s a joke. Especially since you want me dead.” I retorted. “Not to mention, you tagged my helmet.” She sighed, shaking her head at this. “I knew this wasn’t going to work, and I was so hoping you would side with us. Then again, you are a very dangerous man, and trying to keep you on a tight leash isn’t going to cut it. No matter, because you and your rebel friends won’t be making it out of Canterlot alive!” She finished with a crazed laughter, the terminal shutting down as I heard a firefight going on. “Fuck it. I’ll get the damn clearance from her.” I stated, walking over to retrieve my helmet. I can’t exactly wear it, yet, so I had it hanging on the left side of my hip. Making my way back, all four of them were at the door, shooting back at the enemy set up out in the hallway. Regrouping with them, I asked Twilight, “How bad is it?” “Looking pretty bad. The whole place is on our doorstep.” She answered, as I poked my head out to take a look, only to quickly retreat as machine gun fire kept us pinned. “Yeah, there’s no way for us to get pass that.” “We can’t leave yet, not without paying that bitch a visit.” I told them, which made them look at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Well, you little pricks can, but I can’t. The moment I do, they’ll track us down since they tagged my helmet. I can’t remove it without that damn thing short circuiting it.” I explained to them. “Then leave it!” Barbs suggested and I glared down at her. She didn’t like it and glared back at me. “What!? You think I’m easily in-!” I didn’t let her finish that sentence, as I punched her in the face. “Fuck you, cunt!” I growled, pulling my sword out from my back. “You know what? Fuck all of you! If you don’t wanna help, fine! I’ll go by myself!” I stated before I ran out there and charged into the fray. Enemy firepower was all pointed towards me, as I ran straight through it. Their bullets and lasers hitting and bouncing off of my armour, causing minor damage as it held. Once I made over to their line, I started wreaking havoc, slaughtering them with my blade. Slicing through their armour and weapons as they tried to defend themselves against me, some even charged at me with bayonets. Soon enough though, enemy reinforcements arrived, their Super Soldiers carrying heavy weapons that were basically made to destroy Tanks. Right now I was in a pretty bad spot, so I rushed towards them and kill them off quickly. Although, I soon realised that they were equipped with thruster packs on their backs, as two of them came charging at with the help of those. Shoulder charging me, I was sent tumbling backwards onto the ground, so I tried to get back up. But they decided to start shooting at me while I was on the ground, so I had to roll away from where they were aiming at. Caused a few dents in my armour when they did land a hit on me, making me trip up whenever I try to get up. They weren’t satisfied killing me with guns, so they got personal and grabbed a hold of me. I really thought they were gonna rip me in half, or tear my limbs off one by one. But no, they just pinned me up against a wall and started punching the ever living shit out of me. I was losing conscious at that point, as I really thought I was gonna die here...as a failure...who couldn’t even redeem himself, or set this fucking right. “... No pity...” I muttered under my breath, as I felt my rage rising. “No... Remorse...” I growled, even through the beating I was receiving, I managed to stop another punch coming towards, crushing the offending fist. “No...” Clutching my right fist, I punched the Super Soldier’s head clean off, before picking the body up and ripping it in half. “FEAR!!!” I roared out, my Berserk Power-up active as I started punching my way through these useless, genetic abominations. “I’ll kill every last one of you fucker! Cleanse this world of your filth with your blood! Burn all of the sins you’ve committed away!” I declared, retrieving my sword as they started firing again, only I was harder to hit this time, dodging and weaving through their shots as I closed the gap between us. “TIME FOR A PURGING, MOTHERFUCKERS!” “Fall back!” One of them started shouting as the normal soldiers ran for it, while the Super Soldiers tried to hold me off. “He’s not stopping!” Another screamed as I carved my way through their disgusting mutants. “We’re all going to die-!” One yelled out before I killed him. And so I hunted down the cowards who ran from battle, these so called warriors who were supposed to be trained for war and prepared to die. But it doesn’t matter, either way, I’m going to kill them. During the carnage, I left behind many dead. Filling these darkened halls with their discarded body parts and internal organs, painting the floors and walls in blood. Some had tried to kill me, even though it wasn’t enough, as they shared the same fate as those I’ve killed before. Not even their Walkers could stand against me, as I went for the legs before killing the pilots. Once I was certain that I had killed them all, I actually found myself standing in front of the Throne room’s doors. What’s unfortunate, though, was that my Berserk powers had ended. “Oooh~ Such a marvellous monster you are. Congratulations, you have successfully massacred your way through these halls to reach this point. As a token of my appreciation, you get yours truly, all to yourself~” Mane-iac stated, sounding a little aroused by watching me killing all of those serving her will. She’s seriously one messed up bitch. With that said, the doors slowly opened up, revealing...well her sitting upon a newly fashioned out throne, along with the room as well. Strange, there weren’t any guards with her. What’s her game? “Come now, don’t be shy~” She cooed to me, beckoning me over to her with a single finger. “I know you have a trap waiting for me.” I accused, pointing my sword at her. “Aww~ But I want to see more! I want to test out something new against you, and see what sort of results it will bring out.” She stated with an insane smile. Probably one Vincent would kiss. Damn crazy bastard of a brother of mine. “Admit it, you live for this. The carnage, the mayhem, the combat! The adrenaline it brings with it! In the midst of battle, you strive to destroy any and all you come across, nevermind their reasons for being there! You lust for the blood of your prey, the chance to meet your equal and see who lives and dies!” Okay, she’s getting into this way too much. “Oh, fuck this.” I snarled, placing my sword away and pulling out my Rocket Launcher, firing off a few straight at the crazy bitch. Only for me to find out that she’s within a protective barrier. “Hah! Come now, warrior, did you honestly think that it was going to be easy!?” She cackled. “Yeah, because you don’t look like a smartass to me.” I retorted, making her almost trip up on herself. “What the-!? Why you... GET HIM!” She growled her orders, as I saw...six new forms of Super Soldiers. These ones were taller than the ones I’d fought earlier, more armour on them, which were decorated, and they had actual jetpacks on their backs. The only thing they didn’t carry were heavy guns, choosing melee weapons to fight me with. One carrying two Axes, one a Warhammer, another a Halberd, a Flail, a Lance and a Scythe even. Before I could do anything, I felt something wrap itself around my waist and pull me into the Throne room. The doors closing and locking behind me as I was alone, forced to face these monstrosities. “Tch! Dammit!” I tsk’ed as I grabbed my sword once more. I didn’t get the chance to see what pulled me through, but I suspected it was Mane-iac’s doing. The first one was with the one dual-welding two Axes, and that was the first one to show how damn fast these ones were. I barely had any time to react, almost getting my head cleaved off by him. He was literally pushing me back. I was stuck on being defensive, trying to block his attacks. However, what I failed to realise was that he was keeping me focused on him, in order for the others to get the drop on me. I was sent flying into a wall, getting hit by the Warhammer that’s bigger than my head, making me cough up some blood as I gasped for breath. Unfortunately, I wasn’t going to get a respite as the ones carrying the Lance and Halberd came charging me, both flanking me for the pincher movement. I barely dodged it at the last second, just ducking under them pointy sticks as they stabbed the wall instead. Soon enough I saw the one with the Scythe charging down the middle, going for an uppercut to slice me in half. I rolled out of the way when that happened, but I rolled off to where the one holding the Halberd was, as he pulled his weapon out from the wall and started slamming the axe-bladed part of it down on me. So I took the chance and slipped out from between his legs, only to get a Flail to the face, knocking me back down on the floor. Throughout most of that fight, I was getting my ass handed to me at every given turn. I barely managed to get the upper hand on these pricks, especially when they use their Jetpacks to try and ground pound my ass. My armour is pretty fucked up and I’m bleeding out here, only managing to survive out of luck. All while Mane-iac was just sitting there and watch, smiling at the onslaught I have to endure. Just then, the one with the Warhammer decided to pull my feet out from under me, making me do a front flip before falling on my back. Before he could bring it down on me, I rolled towards him, kicking his legs as I made him stumble on his knees, kicking the arm holding his weapon, and then kicking him in the face, putting a dent in his helmet. Staggering backwards, I got up and shoulder charged him in the guts, making him fall as I got on top and stabbed him in the throat, cutting his head right off. Restoring some of my health and armour, just enough to keep going. “Finally-!” I started before getting stabbed in the back. “Argh! Son of a-!!” Before I could finish that sentence, I got picked up in the air and slammed back on the floor. Looking up, that fucker with the Halberd came down on me, but I wasn’t going to give him the chance. Pulling out my Pistol, I started shooting at him, even though his armour protected him as I wasn’t really doing much damage, it provided a good enough distraction to throw him off. Rolling out of the way, I got behind him and charged my shot, aiming for his jetpack. Firing, it exploded and covered him in flames, as he tried to put himself out, but I finished him off before he started annoying me again. Cutting his head off as well, and gaining more health and armour. Two down, four to go. Of course, the prick with the Flail sent me through...a pillar? I didn’t even realise they installed these. Anyway, crashing through one brought it down, so I kinda opted to using it as a bat. Mustering up the strength, I lifted it up and swung at them, only for three of them to stop it, as the cuntbag with the Scythe sliced it in half, having the others throw their piece at me, knocking me back down. “God-fucking-dammit!” I growled, getting pissed off with how they keep counteracting my attacks. Especially since cuntbag is always hovering in the air and only attacks if given the opportunity. “I’m gonna need to take him out.” I said, getting back up as I devised a plan. Seeing as how high he was, I’m gonna need something to help me get at him. I can use the pillars to my advantage, but I’m not strong enough to break them and push them to fall towards him, not to mention my Berserk Power-up wasn’t fully recharged. So I’ll have the other three do it for me. With that in mind, I backed myself up against another pillar, waiting for them to strike. The first one was with the range, the Lancer taking some quick jabs at me, as I parried and dodged them, having him weaken the base of the pillar before moving out of the way, seeing the Flail coming in to strike at where I was standing, weakening the structure further. Next came that asshole with the two Axes, going at it with me once more. I kept dodging and parrying his attacks, steering them clear away from my neck and face as most of it ended up hacking and slashing at the pillar. Soon cracks started showing and spreading around the base, as the Flail came at me from behind, duck as it almost did the trick of making it fall. Using the pommel end of my sword, I bashed it against the asshole’s plated face, stunning him for a bit before throwing him against the pillar, finally making it fall. Cuntbag saw it falling his way as he just simply hovered off to the side, out of its way. What he didn’t count on was me running along it and getting the jump on him. Getting behind him, I held him in a headlock, as he tries to throw me off and break free of my grip. My armour protecting me from the heat generated from his jetpack, but it was slowly doing damage as I can feel it through the damn thing. So I broke his neck once I got a good enough grip to do so. Although, we did land on top of the prick Flail, as I grabbed the huge Scythe and cleaved his head clean off, before shoving it in that asshole’s stomach, pinning him to a pillar. However, the one with the Lance stabbed me in my left shoulder, pushing me back as I held my ground and pulled it out. Seeing this though, he pulled back and threw me off balance, before he almost stabbed me in the eye. If I didn’t had a grip on it, I probably would’ve been dead if I didn’t move it away. So, I actually started to bend the tip away from me, before pushing it aside and charging him. Only he hit me with the pommel end of his weapon, sidestepped me when I stumbled and used his broken Lance as I bat, whacking me in the back as I skidded across the floor. “For Hell sakes...” I groaned, looking behind me to see him pick up the two Axes. Once he did, he came after me, as I looked off to the side and saw the Warhammer, picking that up and blocking the incoming attack. I steered that prick off to the side as I got back up and tried to smash his head in, which almost worked if he didn’t dodge. So I tripped him up and finally killed the last one, crushing his entire chest cavity and splattering his face on the floor. “Thank fuck!” I shouted, panting like Hell. But my victory was short-lived as I found myself getting swiped at all around me. Green tendrils smacking and hitting me within a flurry of attacks, even picking me up by the legs and throwing me all over the place. Soon enough it stopped as I saw Mane-iac walking towards me. Well, guess they weren’t kidding about her being able to control her mane like this. “Well, I must admit, you’ve successfully both impressed and annoyed me. However, I’m still very grateful on how this all turned out. While they had failed to kill you, they still wounded you to the point of exhaustion.” She spatted, sounding very pissed off. “One last chance; submit and serve me, or die like the rest. And choose wisely.” She hissed, turning me upright as I looked at her scolding face. “Just know this, I will punish you for rebelling against me, if you choose to be with me.” “Heh heh...” I wheezed out. “Fat chance.” Before she could do anything, I lunged at her and bit down on her neck, taking a chunk out of her. Shocked, her mane started flailing about, throwing me out the doorway, crashing through a window and falling down into the lower depths of the city as I blacked out once more. “Ugh...my everything.” I groaned as I opened my eyes, seeing Twi, Visi, Kevin, Krimzon and the twins surrounding me. “Please tell me that I’m back?” “You’re back.” Visi answered with a sigh of relief. “Great.” I said with a grunt, Twilight helping me up. “Oh my gosh, Bryan, are you alright!?” She asked in a panic, looking me over. “I’m not sure. But that was a weird, yet interesting, experience.” I told her, picking myself up. “And I’m still not sure if you two should even be reading this stuff.” I pointed towards the twins. “Actually, we all kinda did.” Barbs stated in a nervous tone. “Explain.” I demanded. “Well, you see, as soon as you got sucked into the comic book, things were already playing out. Twilight wanted to try and pull you out, but Visilia stopped her from doing anything rash.” Spike explained, as I looked towards Twilight. “Really? You could have made things worse.” I said to her. “I know, but I was worried.” She whined. “We saw the whole thing. It felt like I was forced to watch you die at some point. Heck, you were even thrown out of the castle and plummeting to your death, or something!” “Alright, alright, I get it!” I stated, making her stop talking. “Look, I’m sorry, I really am. But you do know that I’m basically going to get dragged into fights most of the time.” “And that qualifies as just being the norm for you!?” She shouted at me. “That’s not fair! That’s not even living!” “Oh! You think!? I haven’t noticed, because I’m too busy trying to stay a-fucking-live and making sure the world continues to spin!” I argued back at her. “And really!? You think you’re having it rough!? Get in line, don’t talk to me about fairness! I’ve already seen my fair share on how brutally unfair life can be, and you’ve only gotten a taste of it!” She was taken aback by this, her eyes tearing up as I just reminded her the death of her brother. Groaning, I turned away from her sadness as the others took the twins out of the room and left us alone. I tried thinking on how to salvage from this mess I’ve made. “Goddammit.” I snarled, really wanting to punch something to death...namely something with my dumbass face on it. Because I was the cause for her to cry, I reminded her about my failure to save her brother! Just... Grrrrah! “FUCK!” I growled out, throwing my fist on a wall and ended up leaving a hole in it. “WHY THE FUCK CAN’T I DO ANYTHING RIGHT!?” I questioned, knowing that I wouldn’t get an answer. “Bryan...please stop...” Twilight sniffled. “HOW!?” I asked her. “HOW DO I EVEN STOP!? I can’t do the things normal people do anymore! I’m practically scarred by War and Death, from head to toe! I’ve seen things no one should ever have to witness! Done things and endured so many inhuman obstacles that no normal man could do! Pray to fucking God he doesn’t dream of it! I’m...” Taking a breather, I tried to calm myself down before I go flying off the rails again, sitting down on the bed. “I’m no longer human anymore, Twi. Even though I still have my human features.” I said with a sigh. “But...I don’t feel human. I feel more like a Monster with a very bad temper.” “... Maybe.” She whispered, walking over to me slowly before sitting down next to me. “But you’re my Monster that I have to take care of.” She said, taking a hold of my hand, even though I’m actually scared that I might end up crushing it. “I’m so sorry, Twi. I’m a huge fucking mess that you’ll have to put up with. Especially since I’m stuck in my old ways.” I groaned, placing my other hand on my face. “I... I know.” “Do you?” “... I can only hope that I can keep up with you. Maybe even prove you wrong on what you think about yourself.” She stated. I wanted to scoff at that, but I caused her enough pain and worry for one day. So I just sighed and said nothing more. Soon enough she leaned on my shoulder and asked. “You want to get something to eat?” “... Sure.” > Ch.26 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.26: Hanging out with Ancient Beings... (Twilight Sparkle, Castle of Friendship...) “... Okay, it’s fixed.” I said with a sigh of relief, as I’d just finished with fixing the wall Bryan destroyed, using my magic. I probably should have expected him to react so drastically whenever he gets...emotional about this sort of stuff. Especially when he doesn’t know how to deal with it. Then again, we’re both in the same boat. “Sorry.” Bryan said to me, again. “Bryan, I told you, it’s fine. We’ve worked it out.” I told him, reassuring him. “Look, how about we go out into town tomorrow? Maybe head over to Sugarcube Corner where Pinkie works?” I suggested. The sun was already setting down, so there was no point in going out now. “Can’t we just head over to Berry’s pub?” Oh, by the Celestial Light... “No, Bryan. You’re not going to ‘crack open a cold one’.” I stated to him, folding my arms as I gave him a firm look. “Oh, c’mon woman!” Here we go, again. More arguing. “Bryan, getting drunk is not going to solve anything!” “You haven’t even gotten shit-faced, so you wouldn’t even know how much of a good time you’d be having!” “Being an alcoholic isn’t fun!” “Bitch, I’m not an alcoholic! I haven’t even drunk in over ten thousand years!” “You bastard!” “Oh, you couldn’t even swear for shit!” I think we may have been arguing for an hour or so, over this and that, never really staying on one topic. Gosh, is this what it’s like when couples argue? If so...this is both tiring and exhilarating. At the end of it all, we were both panting for breath, well I was the most, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. Bryan then started to laugh, putting a hand on his face as he looked up. “Heh heh heh... Oh man. That was fucking hilarious!” He said before looking back at me. “You were actually cute throughout that whole thing.” I think my face was set on fire when he called me cute. “U-Uh, t-t-thank you.” I stuttered, covering my face and turning away from him. Oh, I feel so embarrassed. “Was that your first time ever arguing?” He asked me. “Of course not! I’ve had many arguments in the past!” I blurted out, facing him again, even though my face was getting redder. “Just...not this long, or intense.” I muttered, looking away from him before looking up into his eyes. “You really think I was cute, when we were arguing? We were saying some pretty mean stuff to each other.” Bryan sighed. “I know, but still, yes. You were really cute.” He confirmed. “Oh...” I said as we stood there and stared at each other. But... I think my body was moving by itself, because I found myself leaning up to his face try to-- “Ahem!” The door was kicked open by Visilia, barging into my room and making me fall backwards out of shock. “Ow...” I mewled, rubbing the back of head as I sat up. Bryan blinked like some dense dolt, looking at Visilia, before looking down to me. “Were...you just about to...?” “Yes. Yes, she was.” Visilia answered, giggling at his reaction. “Hey, wait a minute! You barged in here on purpose!” I stated, getting up on my hooves and glared at her accusingly. “How long were you waiting outside my door!?” “As soon as I heard you two arguing, like an old married couple.” She answered, waving me off with a sly smile. “I could’ve swore you two were about to get it on and go at it.” “Uh... Context? Because it sounded like you thought we were gonna... Fuck each other silly until she starts popping out babies.” “Bryan~!” I whined, covering myself up with my wings, crouching down as Visilia was busy laughing herself off. Oh. My. Gosh! Why would he say something so blatantly vulgar!? I knew he was blunt, but not this blunt! Even now, I’m envisioning us doing it on my bed, ravaging one another, the sounds of our lovemaking echoing from the castle for all to hear and then--! “ACK!” I yelled, snapping myself out of it before I delved too deep. “Um... Twilight? You’re entire body is glowing red.” Bryan told me. “Seriously, you’re fucking lit like a Christmas tree.” “... I’m going to take a cold shower.” I said, rushing into my bathroom and locking the door. Turing on the cold tap, I got out of my clothes and hopped right in, shivering as the cold water washed over me. Soon I got to washing myself off from the dirty thoughts of having sex with Bryan, even though they were going to stay with me. Once done I turned it off and dried off, putting some new clothes on and walked out, seeing Bryan and Visilia waiting for me. “Alright, well, dinner’s ready!” Visilia told us, snickering under her breath, wrapping her arms around Bryan’s right. Seeing this, I rushed over to his left arm and grabbed hold of it, puffing out my cheeks as I glared at her, but she poked her tongue at me cheekily. Sighing, Bryan yanked his arms free from us before picking us both up and sat us on his shoulders. I was surprised by this as he carried us through the door...or so I thought. Instead, he banged our heads into the doorframe. “Ow!” I hissed, holding my head. “Argh! Bryan, what the Hell!?” Visilia growled out. “Oops, sorry. Let me figure this out.” Was...was that sarcasm coming from him? We didn’t have time to think on it as he moved through the door sideways, and yet he still manages to hit our heads on the doorframe! It offical; he’s doing it on purpose! “BRYAN!” We both yelled at him. “Hey, fuck you two. I’m not some fucking boy-toy, where it makes you feel like you have bragging rights.” He told us off coldly, throwing us down on the ground as he glared at us. “I’m not gonna deal with your shit.” Before this could go on, three anvils dropped on all of our heads, harder then I would like it. Seriously, it felt like someone threw it at us. One thing I soon realised was how painful it felt, and how heavy these were. I’m surprised I haven’t even died from this! Luckily Bryan helped me with it, lifting it off me, though he looked angry about that happening...at random...out of nowhere. How did that happen? “For Hell sakes, Khorne.” Bryan growled, picking me up and had me stand. “Khorne?” I questioned, blinking in confusion. “Yes, Khorne. The Blood God.” He told me with a snort. “Okay, that was weird.” Visilia groaned, shaking her head as she got up. “Hey, you little shits cut that out!” We heard a voice bellowed out, as we looked up to see a purple portal opened, where I saw something that seemed worse than Bryan being angry. Sitting upon a throne made entirely of skulls, oceans of blood and fire raging all around him at the base, while the cries of war echoed and battles waged throughout his realm... It’s no wonder why he’s known as The Blood God. Speaking of which, “Fuck off, old man!” He just told a God off. A GOD! Bryan, are you crazy!? Upon hearing that, Khorne growled before grabbing a pinch of anvils, which were a lot for us because of the size differences, threw them at Bryan and buried him under the whole bunch. In all honesty, I really thought he killed him. I mean, the force from it all created cracks across the floor! However, it seemed that Bryan had managed to survived, digging himself out. “Good, you still show promise.” The Blood God huffed. “As much as I would like for you all to continue arguing, save your anger for the enemy. This sort of thing tends to annoy me.” He snarled, letting us know that we had annoyed him. He’s definitely far more different than Palutena. “Whatever. I was just making a statement.” Bryan snorted, making Khorne sigh deeply. “Boy, look, I’m not the best at relationships, but just don’t hurt them that much. You’ll end up regretting it.” Uh...wow. A God of Blood giving advice to Bryan, something not a part of his nature? That’s something. “Damnations, fine.” Bryan groaned. “Just hang in there, you’re doing fine, son.” “What is with you guys and calling me ‘son’?” Bryan questioned. “You still need some father figures in your life.” He answered, almost sounding as if he’s proud. “As strong as you are, you can still become stronger. You just need someone who can show you how.” He explained. “Well... I can’t say no to that.” Bryan stated. Nodding his head, The Blood God glared down at Visilia and I. “As for you two, show some damn respect to him! He saved your realms! You do that, he’ll show respect in return! Do not treat him like he’s a piece of meat on a pike, and he won’t treat you like pieces of shit.” He warned us, growling as flames risen from his mouth. “Right.” Visilia conceded with a sigh. “Y-Yes sir!” I answered, trembling in fear. “Heh! Good.” He snorted, the portal closing as all the anvils he threw at us disappeared. “Well, I guess I can now tick the ‘Meet the Blood God before I die’ off my metaphorical Bucket List.” Bryan commented with a smile. “Over my fucking dead body, boy! You’re not kicking that damn bucket!” We heard Khorne retorted, his demonic voice echoing around us. “Um... Bryan, why was he glaring down at me with hatred? What did I even do?” I asked him, still shaken up from the experience. “He hates magic users.” Bryan simply answered. “His followers and warriors a part of his patron are practically immune to ‘Foul Sorcery’. He’s all about physical, martial prowess.” He explained. “Oh... I see.” Now I’m even more terrified! How does Bryan even do it!? How can he just tell a God-like being off so casually!? “Let’s just go and get some dinner.” Visilia said, something we all agreed on and headed towards the Dining room. Some of their Night Sentinels were in there, having something to eat, while the others continued their duties until they’re relieved. It was very surprising that the Dragons and Gryphons were supplying more meat, though, it was for the Doom Marines and their armies. Speaking of which, while I was sitting with Spike and Barbs, eating our meals, I listened to the conversations Bryan, Visilia, Kevin and their soldiers were having with one another. Although, the mentions of The Hell Wars had popped up more so, but that tends to be a hush-hush discussion. I’d tried asking them about it, but they wouldn’t answer me. Although, seeing Bryan being happy and talking with his... Kin, it kind of made me happy. But he seemed, underneath the surface of it all, sad. I wonder what happened in that war? Did he lose more than just his comrades, the thousand upon thousand of soldiers under his command? Wait...what happened to the Princesses’ parents? The King and Queen? Celestia told me that they died, but not how. “Hey, Twi? You’re overthinking again.” Spike said, snapping me out of my musing. “Huh? Oh, sorry. I got carried away.” I chuckled a little, focusing on my food. Those questions can wait. Who knows, maybe I could ask Bryan on how his first days of being sent to our world was like, tomorrow? Anyway, after dinner, I went about the rest of my night with some light reading. The only down side is that Bryan might not be sleeping with me in my room. Dammit, I wanted to know what it’s like to sleep with someone you love! Okay, calm down Twilight, maybe he’ll change his mind. Just be patient with him. It was almost midnight when he finally came into my room with Visilia. “I don’t know how I should be feeling about this.” Bryan said to Visilia. “It’ll be fine. Now, shower.” She ordered him, pushing him into my bathroom and closing the door. She stood guard as I heard the shower going, waiting for Bryan to finish. Which didn’t take long, only about a few minutes or so he came out. He didn’t had his armour on, wearing a bathroom robe, drying off his hair before throwing the towel back into the bathroom. I found myself blushing again, as I looked upon him, and I think my nose was bleeding a little bit. “... By the Celestial Light, take me now...” I whispered, hoping he didn’t hear me. Unfortunately, he did. “Keep it in your panties, and get your head out of the gutter. I ain’t sleeping with you if that’s what you’re gonna end up dreaming.” He told me off, making me squeak in embarrassment as he jumped into bed. Visilia took her turn in the Shower next, taking a robe and towel inside as she closed the door, leaving me alone with Bryan for the time being. Looking at him, I saw that his face was covered in many scars, more so than that Spartan from awhile back, Eliteslayer. Then again, given his preferred combat method and style, he’s a full frontal Assault Trooper. Just charging into the chaos headlong first to rank up all the kills. “Is something wrong?” I heard Bryan ask me, as he looked up to me. “Bryan, those scars on your face, are they...?” “No, they’re not the only scars. I told you before; I’m practically scarred by War and Death, from head to toe.” He answered, sitting up and pulling his arms out of his sleeves, letting me see his upper torso...riddled in scars, bite marks, stab wounds, and the rare few burn marks on him. That was besides his muscular physique. “... You’re drooling.” Dammit! “I can’t help it!” I shouted, wiping away the drool and pouted. “I can’t help that I’m attracted to your physical appearance!” “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” He told me and I blushed. He actually likes my compliment...that’s a good thing. “... Did it hurt?” I asked him. He snorted at the question. “Of course it did. Every last one of these hurt me. Hell, look.” He said, showing me his hands that were covered in scars and bite marks. “Imps tried to bite my hands off. Too bad they didn’t have their teeth for long.” He explained. “Ouch.” I winced, tracing each scar. “Do you always prefer to deal with Demons up close and personal? It sounds like you could’ve lost your arms before your life.” “Yes, I do prefer that. It feels far more satisfying to crush something that was suppose to be the true monster.” He chuckled darkly. “Didn’t exactly helped that they were hunted down by us.” He said before sighing. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “... Does God even care anymore?” He questioned, which left me confused because that came out of nowhere. “I’m sorry? Bryan, you lost me here. What do you mean by that?” “Sorry, Twi. I tend to ask myself about him...even though I’ve given up on praying to him.” He told me, his facials hardening as he clutched his fists tightly. “If Hell exist, then surely, Heaven exist as well. And yet, no Angels came to save anyone. No God to confront the Devil. Nothing.” “Bryan?” I was getting worried at this point, seeing him in this state of mind wasn’t for the best. Taking in deep breaths, he calmed himself down as I held onto one of his arms. “There are many religions back home. One of them is known as Christianity, or Catholic, both saying that their is only one God, that created all of Life itself.” He scoffed, a hint of disdain in his words. “They preach about it, but they sometimes bastardise it. Hell, back in the medieval times, they had many armies under their influence and beliefs, one of them was very fanatical and zealous; The Templars.” “Were these Knights?” I asked. “Yes, you could say that. They’ve committed many things in their Crusades; some good, some bad. They say it’s the Will of God, and they fight in his Name.” He frowned. “Who knows the truth anymore? A lot of religions with different beliefs grind against one another, Holy Wars break out, and many die, be they soldiers or civilians. All because of their Faiths.” “... Is that why you got a little hostile against Palutena?” I asked him. “Because she’s a Goddess?” “Yes.” He sneered. “It may not be what she expected to happen to her, but it’s what she got. In all honesty, I don’t trust Gods. Save for Khorne, seeing as how he’s not trying to screw me over.” “Oh.” I muttered, looking down. “But, if so, why did you summon Palutena?” “I thought she could help me in this whole damn relationship. Technically, she did, but, I guess you could say, it probably wasn’t what I was looking for. Either way, I’m just glad that I actually understand some things about your choices in wanting to be with me.” He huffed. “The only thing I didn’t like about her, is this whole ‘Godhood’ fucking with her thinking. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt, but, really, I wanted to kick her teeth in, rip an organ or two out, have her choke on them, before blowing the rest of her guts out and that empty head off with my Super Shotgun.” “Is that how you solve things; through violence?” “I’m no Saint, Twilight. You should know that by now.” He sighed. “I know, I know, but... I just wish you didn’t had to resort to your guns and fists, straight off the bat.” I told him. “That’s all I’ve ever known to solving a problem; shoot it, until it dies. And if it’s still alive, get a little more personal and finish the job.” He retorted. “Alright, that’s enough.” We heard Visilia said, standing in the doorway. “It’s time to sleep.” Sighing, Bryan covered his upper body as we all lied down in bed and slept. Bryan even had his arms wrapped around each of us, pulling us closer to him. We snuggled up to him and hugged him, smiling as we let ourselves dream away. (The next morning...) “Wow-zers! Look at him go!” Pinkie exclaimed with that silly smile of hers. Looking over to Bryan, who had his helmet off, he was munching through his cookies and choc-chip muffins, drinking some of his cookies and cream milkshake. If you’re wondering why, it’s because he didn’t had any breakfast, stating that his sweet tooth was tinkling for some ‘Yummies’. Don’t ask how Pinkie guessed the milkshake he wanted, or how she knew of this new flavour. Well, new to us, but not to Humans, seeing as how he missed it. He also seems to call cookies biscuits, and candy lollies. I asked him why he uses those sorts of terminology, only for him to answer with, and I quote; ‘I’m not American’. No idea why he said that, but I won’t question him about that. Anyway, he seemed to like Sugarcube Corner. When we arrived here, he asked if this building was edible, even though he knew it was the theme of the place. Along with him, Visilia and I, Barbs and Spike were here as well. They asked him if he knew anything about the Dragons, which he did, or at least some of it. I think he would rather take them to the Dragon Lands, even though the first time they went there, without our knowing, didn’t go so well. “What’s the difference between an Imperial Dragon and those other Dragons we ran into?” Barbs asked him. Swallowing whatever he had in his mouth, he cleared his throat and answered her. “The difference is simple, the ones you two ran into are miners, in a sense, since they live in a harsh environment, where they find gems and crystals. That just means they’re a lot more stronger, enduring more punishment than any other, but that doesn’t label them as stupid.” He explained. “I don’t know, the ones we hanged out with are--“ Spike started, but Bryan cut him off. “Dumbass teenagers that don’t know shit and think they’re all that? Tsk, yeah right. They couldn’t take care of themselves, so they couldn’t take care of their own wet dreams.” Really, Bryan? Really? “Trust me, the Dragon Lord in charge of that Region would’ve punished them himself. If there’s one thing you need to know, is that you can’t lie to Dragon Lords.” He stated. “How many Dragon Lords are there?” Barbs asked. “Three.” He said with a sigh. “Three? So, back in the Crystal Empire, with those Imperial Dragons...are you...?” “Yes, Twilight, I am.” He answered, leaving the twins stunned. “Here’s the proof. You two, do the barrel roll.” He ordered the twins, as I watch them actually do the barrel roll. “Wow, that actually worked? Cool.” Wait, what? You didn’t know if that was going to work!? “What the--!?” Spike yelled as they both got back up. “How did you do that!?” “I’ll tell you later. Just be grateful your kind’s still live.” He told them. That actually gave rise to some questions when he said that. From what Bryan had demonstrated, what he had told us thus far, how are they still alive? With such power to control and command an entire Horde of Dragons under their sway, you would think that they start waging wars against one another. The temptation of wielding something like that would be impossible to resist. “Wait a minute!” Pinkie shot up. “If that’s all true, then who’s keeping an eye on them? Why would there be an Imperial Empire, when not all of Dragon Kind live in it?” She questioned. “The Empress, or Emperor, whichever is ruling, oversees each of their trials. The Imperial City is where politics, trades, diplomacy and the like are held. Records of their history, covering all three Clans, are stored, archived and preserved there.” He answered, taking a sip of him milkshake. “Really!?” I said in excitement. “Yes, Twilight.” He sighed. “Your excitement for their Knowledge is showing, you know.” “Oh, c’mon! I can’t help it!” I whined, making him snort at me. After hanging around a little while longer, I paid for the food and we bid Pinkie goodbye, leaving the store and went walking around town. The ponies looking our way either waved or kept a wide berth, the later making the experience feel weird for me, even though I knew the reason why. I’m not blaming him, but he still does give off that feeling of ‘Don’t mess with me, or else’. It didn’t seem to bother him though, as he ignored them. I showed him and Visilia around, pointing out to this and that, giving some explanation to the subject. Not sure if Bryan was paying attention, as he kept looking over his shoulder, almost as if he thought someone was going to attack him. Maybe he was being paranoid, or maybe I wasn’t paying attention at the time, because as soon as we got moving, I could’ve sworn that there were a couple of ponies tailing us. I didn’t want to look behind me, it’ll give away that we’re onto them. I wasn’t sure if these were ponies, or Cocoon’s Changelings, even though there had been no reports on them. Either way, this was turning into something I really didn’t want right now. We walked around for hours, stopping here and there, buying some things, and yet, the feeling of being watched and followed was still there. I took us to the park next, where there wasn’t much going on, it should give Bryan and Visilia some more room to work with if things go south. Not to mention, there won’t be anybody else getting in the way by accident. From there, I started up a random conversation, something we can all easily talk about, without giving away about our knowing of them. A few moments later, those who have been following us sprung into action, attacking both Bryan and Visilia, specifically. Didn’t exactly do much when you have two insanely strong warriors, who were trained to kill, turn things around. They quickly subdued the would-be assassins, disarming them and pinning them down to the ground, arms pinned behind their backs. Well, Bryan broke both arms of his captured, making him scream in pain and agony. “You know, I don’t appreciate being a target for making quick money. So tell us, who hired you?” Bryan demanded. “To Tartarus with you!” The Stallion, an Earth Pony in question, shouted back at him in defiance. That only made the Doom Marine break one of his legs. “AH, MY LEG!” “Wrong answer, asshole!” Bryan growled. “Again, who hired you!?” “We won’t tell you Monsters anything!” The one Visilia was holding down, a Mare, also an Earth Pony, told them off. “Let’s hand them in. Our Night Sentinels will make them talk.” Visilia said to him. “I would rather kill them off, but that would be a waste of effort, and they’re not worth shit.” He snarled. “Alright, let’s go.” Nodding my head, I teleported us over to Ponyville’s Prison, which, in all honesty, wasn’t really much to look at. Of course, it was just a facade, the outside and inside was all for looks. It was what was underneath it all. A group of Night Sentinels came out and taken to two inside, closing the door as I sighed. “I can’t believe that happened.” I said out loud. “I knew some dumbass was gonna try something like this.” Bryan grumbled. “And today started out so well, I was enjoying it, for all its worth.” “That was terrifying.” Barbs shuddered. “But, I’m actually glad you guys were around.” “Why attack you two, though?” Spike asked. “Because someone doesn’t like us. It’s as simple as that.” Bryan answered bitterly. “But that’s stupid! What would be the point of that?” “You’ve already answered that, yourself.” Wait, did Bryan just used sarcasm? Spike opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and thought it over. “Okay, yeah, whoever did this is stupid. But, bro, there are so many stupid reasons out there, I can’t even fathom which one is it.” He sighed. “Don’t bother. Like you said, so many stupid reasons. Why bother trying to figure out which one? They all share the same thing. They’re all plain stupid, enough said.” Bryan explained. “But...” I started, but he raised a hand to stop me. “Stupid’s stupid, Twilight. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t overthink it, or make it complicating.” He told me. I sighed. “You’re right.” “So... How long would it take them to get some answers out of those two?” Barbs asked. “Not long.” Visilia answered, which she was right. Not long after, one of their soldiers returned, giving a short bow to us. “My Lord and Princesses, we’ve found the one responsible. A Mare named Spoiled Rich, married to Filthy Rich, had hired those two to assassinate you, my Lord.” He told us. “Princess Visilia was just made an extra bonus.” “Jeez, really? How much were they getting paid for this?” Visilia asked, sounding a little miffed. “Two billion bits for each of them, if they succeeded in killing him.” The Night Sentinel answered. “You were an extra five hundred million, milady.” “What a fucking leech.” Bryan sneered. “I bet that’s the bitch’s husband’s money.” “It is, sir. With such wealth, she has committed some sins, most along the lines of greed, bigotry, racism, hypocrisy and supremacy.” Okay... Wow. I knew that they were Demons with Human bodies, but they can still sense the sins you have committed? That’s amazing. Or do they actually have a list on them? “Anything else I should know about?” Bryan asked. “They have a daughter, named Diamond Tiara, who has ended up picking up her mother’s bad habits.” He answered. “The reason why is because she views you and the other Lords, as a threat. If you were to die, she thought that would be enough persuasion to have the rest of us leave.” “Even though we won’t, because we would’ve ended up torching half the town in finding whoever did it and execute them on the spot.” Visilia retorted with a huff. “Not only that, but she tends to go off on a ranting tantrum about something so trivial, it makes you wonder if she’s even sane. I still don’t understand why Mr. Rich is even with her.” The Night Sentinel commented. “Anyway, we’ve notify the Mayor about this incident, while Lord Hunter and Sergeant Krimzon look into Spoiled Rich. With enough evidence, we should have this issue wrapped up in not time.” “Thanks for all your work.” I told him. “Any time, Princess.” He replied. Giving our farewell, we left the station and went to sit down at the fountain. The twins and I sighed, just laying back from all of the excitement. Seriously, how can Bryan and Visilia not be tired from all of this? “Okay, question; could you tell us about the other two Doom Marines?” Spike asked. “Why?” Bryan countered. “Because you don’t talk much about them, and I want to know what their powers are.” He gave his reason. Bryan sighed as he thought this over. “Okay. They’re known as The Mountains Pillar and Collateral Damage.” “Are those their titles?” Barbs asked. “Yes.” Bryan nodded. “Pillar has a Power-up called Invulnerability, which is pretty self-explanatory. Collateral’s called Quad Damage, meaning the weapon he has on hand, can now do four times the damage.” He explained. “So, does that mean Pillar is the Defensive one, while Collateral is the Weapons Specialist?” Barbs inquired. “I mean, your positions and roles on the battlefield. With you, you’re always on the Offensive, while Hunter’s your Sniper, and Runner’s...well, you know what I mean, right?” She explained to him. “You could say that, yes.” He nodded. “I’m the one that leads the Assaults. Hunter provides Overwatch for all of us. Runner is...well, Runner, he does whatever he needs to do.” He shrugged before continuing. “Pillar is the Defender. And Collateral is Fire Support.” Bryan finished his statement about himself and his brothers. “Huh, sounds pretty straight forward.” Spike commented. “Hey! Don’t jinx it.” Bryan snapped at him. “You never say stuff like that.” “But--“ “Ah!” He cut Spike off. “Wow, I didn’t know you were this superstitious.” I blinked at him. “Really, Twi? You wanna tempt fate?” He asked me flatly. I opened my mouth to offer a retort, but closed it shut as memories of trying to figure Pinkie Pie’s senses came back to me. Yeah, I don’t want a repeat of that happening again. “Didn’t think so.” He snorted at me. I winced. “Yeah, you’re right. Don’t want anything crazy happening again. I got hurt so many times, just by trying to figure out Pinkie Pie’s senses.” I said to him. “Hey, speaking about senses, why didn’t any of your guy’s Night Sentinels came in to stop those two?” Barbs asked them. “I mean, they must’ve known those two were up to no good.” “They did, but, the only reason why was because Hunter’s Ghosts told them not to engage them. Seriously, even in broad daylight, you guys wouldn’t know they were there.” Bryan explained. “Besides, we already knew about their presences when Twi brought us out to the park. And, Ghosts aren’t supposed to be seen.” “Oh, yeah. Those guys.” Barbs chuckled nervously. “Hey, can we see you and Visilia have a mock fight against each other?” Spike asked him. “Spike!” I gasped. “What? I said mock fight, it’s not like they’re gonna go at it for real.” He said, waving me off. “Heck, with this war going on, unsuspecting surprise attacks by third parties, I feel the need to actually get into training.” “Be careful what you wish for.” Visilia warned him. “The training we do is not for the faint of heart.” She told him, standing up. “C’mon, Berserker, let’s show them.” Bryan shrugged and got up, both of them drawing out their swords and getting into a battle stance. As we watched them, they stared at each other for a few moments, before Bryan made the first. Visilia was quick to block it off, deflecting his blade away and thrust hers towards him. He parried it and countered her, both of them trying their hardest to land the first hit. Their swordsmanship showing as they went at it, grunting while trying to outdo one another. Visilia then tripped Bryan up, lowering herself down to dodge his attack and kicking his legs out from under him. Falling on his back, Visilia stood back up and was about to swing her sword down on him, but he kicked her in the face, making her stagger backwards so he could get back up. Then they were back at it, again. In all honesty, since they were using real swords, instead of training swords, I was worried that they’ll end up injury one another if they landed a blow. Both Spike and Barbs were more focused on their fight, as some of Ponyville started to come and see what was going on. “Why are they fighting?” One of them asked. “Maybe they had a disagreement?” Another said. “So, what? They fight to the death?” Oh my gosh, it’s not like that. “Or, maybe they’re just training?” Well, at least one got it right. In a sense. While the gathered crowd was talking, the match ended in a draw. Bryan had his blade up against Visilia’s neck, while hers was in between his legs. I winced at that, and I wasn’t the only one. “Did she really aimed for his crotch?” “She’s crazy.” “That’s messed up.” “If you’re all done talking smack shit, like a bunch of dumbasses...” Bryan began, gaining everyone’s attention as they flinched away from him. “We were just sparring, and I needed to let off some steam for what happened moments ago. As peaceful and relaxing a normal life is, it’s not for me.” He told him as the two withdrew their swords and placed them away. The ponies gave nervous chuckles. “R-Right! S-So sorry, sir. W-W-We’ll be out of your way, have a great day!” After that, they all quickly left, power walking away. We all sighed. “Goddammit.” Bryan grumbled. “Being brutally honest does has its drawbacks.” Visilia commented. Then Spike asked a question to change things. “Say, Berserker, does your sword have a name?” “What?” The Doom Marine replied in confusion. “Does your sword have a name?” Spike repeated. “If it does, what it is called? If not, what would you call it?” He specified. Bryan stared at him for a moment, before bringing his sword back out again and looked at it. “It doesn’t have a name. I didn’t had the time to bother giving it a name.” Barbs cringed away. “Dude, lighten up a bit, will ya? It’s kinda disturbing when you talk like that.” Bryan shot her a glare, seeing as she ducked and covered her head, as if she thought he was going to attack her. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! Please, don’t kill me, please!” She begged, shivering like a leave in the wind, out of fear of his retaliation. “... Hell’s Bane.” He said, which left us all confused. Well, besides Visilia, because she seems to get what he meant by that. “Uh, say what now?” Spike asked, earning a sigh of annoyance from Bryan. “I’m naming my sword Hell’s Bane. There, happy?” He growled. “I think it’s time for us to return home and take a breather.” Visilia suggested. “Yes! Most definitely!” I quickly agreed as I teleported us back to my Castle of Friendship. “Bryan, dear, how about to go and take a nap? We’ll fix ourselves snacks and have some saved for you later.” “Yeah, alright.” He sighed, walking off towards my room as we went to the kitchen. “He seriously needs help with his social skills.” Barbs commented. “It isn’t easy for him to adjust himself.” Visilia stated. “And killing Demons are?” Spike countered. “Yes. Because they tried to kill us in the past, and still would be trying to kill us, if they managed to find their way back here for round two.” She answered him. “Oh...sorry.” Spike said, his head lowering a bit. “I know that, but don’t set yourself up like that. You now understand why he and his brothers had to do what they did, right?” She asked him as we reached the kitchen. “Survival.” He answered. “Exactly.” She nodded. “And seeing how there’s no way for them to go back home, it’s probably for the best.” She told us. “Why?” I asked her. “That doesn’t make much sense.” “With how they are now, if they were able to return home, what do you think the rest of Humanity would do to them?” She questioned. “They won’t welcome them back with open arms. They’ll lock them up and take whatever they had on them, and use it for their own benefits. While the Doom Marines rot in a cell.” She answered. “That’s horrible!” I gasped. “Of course it is. Even worse, they might experiment on their bodies, see if they can create super soldiers.” She added. “That’s not right! They’re heroes, they can’t just do that!” Spike argued. “To us? Yes. To Humanity? No. There’s a difference between us.” Visilia stated. “We know them for who and what they’ve become and done for us. Humanity sees them as an opportunity, an object to use however they see fit and cast them aside once they’re done with them.” She explained. “... No wonder why he was a little harsh on his own.” I muttered, feeling both angry and sad. “It’s just how they see it happening.” She said with a sigh. “Come on, let’s make something, clear our minds of that predicament.” Nodding our heads, we rid our minds of that thought and got to baking and cooking. But... I can’t help my mind wondering back on what was said; should Bryan and that found a way back home, only to be treated like expendable, freaks of nature. If Humanity truly is capable of such things, then... No, Twilight, stop thinking about it! Just focus on making Bryan happy and loved. That’s the best thing you can give to him, and right now, he needs it. > Ch.27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.27: Secrecy... (Vincent/Doom Marine, Canterlot Castle, home base. One week later...) “Vincent? A word?” I heard Celestia said to me, just as I was coming out from my Workshop. “What’s up?” I asked her, dusting off my hands. “It’s about the new training program you and the others had proposed.” She told me. “What? Are you gonna scrap it?” “Not exactly. While I do agree about the reasons behind its harsh structure and methods, this sounds like it’s only just the start.” She explained. “That’s quite the educated guess.” I stated to her. “Yes, that’s only the beginning of it. This was something we’ve been planning for a long time, the only problem was the means.” I told her, waving my hand to have her follow me. “That being?” She asked, following closely behind me as we went through the portal leading to our secret Manufactorum. “We’re going to change Equestria’s military structure. The Royal Guard will still exist, to an extent, but a new military branch will be made. The Royal Marines.” I answered her, as I called for transportation to get us where we needed to go. “The Royal Marines?” She blinked in confusion. “Yep.” I nodded as our ride got here, a Train of sort, the one that the Doom Slayer used to get to where Hayden was at. When the doors opened, we hopped on board and I went up to the controls, punching in the sector to transport us. “Are...you boys for real?” Tia asked, her voice laced in disbelief. “I mean, is that even possible? I’m sorry, but I’m finding it hard to wrap my head around.” She said, taking a seat as the electric-powered Train started moving. “We’re serious about this.” I told her, going over to where she sat and held onto the top railing. “But...in the document you filed to us, you also estimate that more than half of our current Royal Guard staff would more than likely to drop out and stay within the Guard branch. How can you be so sure this will work?” She asked, her doubt was founded true. “Because those with hardened steel of will and conviction make it work.” I answered and she chuckled. “Is that so?” “After what happened a couple or so months ago, many will be motivated. However, only a few dozen handful are made Marines.” I stated and she sighed. “Those that don’t make it will be completely devastated.” She told me, feeling sympathy. “Doesn’t mean they can’t get another shot at it.” I said with a shrug. “With how dire things are going to become in the near future, dealing with more threats other than Cocoon’s Hive, we don’t have a lot of time to be picky about this shit.” I sighed. Natural Selection can be such a bitch, but we don’t have the luxury for such things. It didn’t take long for us to reach our destination; Sector 117. If you guessed it, congratulations. Wondering how is it possible we’re creating weapons just over four centuries ahead of time? Well, it involved Eliteslayer’s Summoning Token, as well as Palutena’s. So now we have UNSC weapons, armours and vehicles in preparation for the Royal Marines. Of course, I went looking through our computer’s databank, checking out the lore of the Halo Universe. Just to be sure I got everything right and spot on. The Covenant weapons will be for another time. I actually felt really drained of energy after using two tokens for more extensive purposes. As for Celestia, well, she was slack jawed, looking through all of the manufacturing assembling lines with her eyes wide as saucers. “... How?” She finally asked. “Remember Palutena’s staff?” I replied with a question of my own, as she looked back at me. “Well, since she’s a Goddess of Creation and all that jazz and shit, I did some test runs with it to see if it still works. By using another’s Token to create...this.” I explained, my arms wide open in a dramatic fashion, showing off on what I had managed. “Oh...that would explain all those explosions.” Oh, right... That. If you’re wondering what she’s on about, let’s just say it wasn’t as straightforward as I thought it would be. Yep. More fireworks going off in my workshop. Well, at least I didn’t blow up the entire city, or the mountain, or even worse the country itself! To be blunt and straight to the point, using Magic for the first time, was a lot more harder than I’d thought. I keep forgetting that the only reason why the Unicorns and Alicorns make it look so easy to do, was because they’ve been doing it ever since they could properly talk. There are a few bumps here and there when it came to controlling it, some random spasms of their own magic going out of whack. For me to be doing this with my sister’s staff, who’s a Goddess, I really thought it was going to be easy. Only to be reminded just how cruel Life can be to you, when you wish for too much. Reminding me how much of a HUGE bitch Karma can still be. EAT THE FATTEST OF DICKS, YOU TWAT! AND GIVE A RIMJOB TO A HAIRY ARSE! Letting out a sigh, I looked back at Tia, who was still gawking. “So, now you know.” I stated, gaining her attention as she shook her head. “Anything you wish to ask?” I asked her. “I... I don’t know, really.” She answered, looking around. “Other than having you stop raiding my secret stash of sweets and treats. Seriously, stop doing that.” “I’m only doing it because Bryan, Kevin, Visilia and that, told me to do so. Not only to stop you from having to stuff your face when no one is looking, but because I can burn that off easily just by running.” I told her, making her groan. “Please? I need my sweets.” “You’ll get fat, again.” I casually said, earning a gasp from her. “Y-You dare!?” She screamed in shock and I nodded. “Yes, because it’s true. I mean, have you looked in a mirror lately?” I questioned, folding my arms. “Honestly, your ass and hips were getting bigger than your tits, I was afraid the extra pounds you would’ve gained were gonna make them sag.” She froze up, before looking herself over in a panic. She was feeling and checking each of her ‘feminine assets’, making sure none of them had deformed or lost their potential beauty of appearance. Once done, she gave a sigh of relief before smiling at me, in a cocky manner. “Hah! Nothing so detrimental has transpired as of yet. My beautiful, immortalised figure still holds true!” “Well, let’s hope Bryan thinks so as well.” I said with a chuckle. “What do you mean by that?” She asked, her confidence diminishing. “Well, let’s see...” I hummed for a moment, before speaking again. “So far, he hasn’t tried to punch you, or yell at you. He treats you like a normal person... Well, in his own, special way.” I snickered, making her shiver at the thought. “However, he hasn’t been giving you time, has he?” This was a trick question, a bait, one that she took a bite on. “What do you mean?” She asked, looking confused. “Well, seeing as he’s not hounding at you, since you both have forgiven each other, do you two ever talk?” I asked. “... No.” She sighed, letting her head hang low. “At least, not on a personal level, like, with Luna. We rarely ever talk, and even when we do, it’s just business. Professional.” “Ouch.” I winced, cringing a bit. “I didn’t want to say it, or show it, but... It hurts.” She said, her voice cracking a bit, as I could tell that tears were forming within her eyes. “I know things didn’t start out well, and even when we both got over our issues, I really thought we could start again. But, so far, he’s been so focus on working to protect Equestria, it feels like he still hates me.” “Goddammit, Bryan.” I sighed, shaking my head. I knew something was amiss between those two. But, seeing as how fucking dense he can be, that tends to make you think that he doesn’t want to be friends. “Do you really want to be friends with him?” “Of course I do.” She sniffled, looking back up to me as she wiped her teary eyes. “I want to be able to stand beside him. Get to know him better. Help him understand his own feelings...” And she was listing off things she wanted to do to make it up to him, wipe the slate clean, and all that other stuff. To be completely honest, this sounded more like a love confession to me. Once she was finished, I asked her this question. “Do you actually have more personal, desirable feelings for him?” When that happened, there was a pause, her face went blank as her mind tried to comprehend what I had asked. After a few moments, her face lit up, slowly going from white to a light pink, before turning red. “Do I...love him?” She muttered the question. I shrugged at her. “You said it, not me.” Well, technically, that was half true. Only because, in hindsight, I kinda did ask, the only difference being that I wasn’t being very direct about it. “Why?” She asks herself. “Why would I feel any love for him? We’re on opposite sides, always at each other throats. He even hits me!” “To him, you deserve those. And you kinda do set yourself up.” I commented. “No one asked for your opinion!” She snapped. “Too bad, I’m still throwing in my two cents in there.” I retorted with a shrug. “Hmph!” She huffed, turning away from me. “Anyway, is this all you wanted to see?” “... You say that as if there’s more to see.” “Another time. Doing all of this with magic for the first time nearly killed me.” I sighed. “And I’m being serious, it felt as if my soul was being drained from my body.” “Oh my gosh! Are you sure you’re alright!?” She asked in a panic, looking back my way. I gave a chuckle and waved at her. “I’ll live.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “Okay.” She sighed in relief. “Honestly, if anything had happened to you, Bryan would’ve gone after Palutena over a misunderstanding.” We both winced at the thought. “Yeah, how about we stop talking and have you sent back?” I suggested, shoving her back on the train. “I need to check up on something.” Before she could ask, the doors closed as she was ferried away. Once gone, I called in a ride of my own and have it fly me to a...secret part of this place. The only one that knows about it besides me was Kevin. Coming up to a deactivated teleporter, I typed in the code to activate it, I walked through and appeared to my destination. I came by this place by accident, but one I was glad to had happened upon. Here’s why: Spaceships. That’s right, this place can indeed build us Spaceships, be they civilian, delivery, explorers, or military, this part can build them. All of it was prefabricated and assembled together by automatous machinery, for the last ten thousand years. This wasn’t the only assembly line, as their were many to build all of the many ships, right now I was in the military one. Heading up towards the control room to check the numbers of how many were made. Currently, for the military graded ones, there are about... over a hundred and forty-five thousand ships ready for combat. Yeah, that’s a lot. These machines can work fast. We won’t be needing them just yet. Now, yes, we could use them to search for Cocoon and her Hive, end the threat immediately and win the war. However, there’s still the problem of trying to detect their whereabouts. I mean, for all we know, we could just fly over the bitch and not really notice. If neither Guardian or Discord could find her, what are our chances of finding her, through technology? Zero. Anyway, that’s besides the point. Once everything was checked out with the other assembly lines, I left the place and made my way back to Home Base. There were still some things that I was planning on, be they for our sakes, or our allies... Now, how about I shed some light as to why I didn’t share this information with the other three? Simple. First off: the ships weren’t even ready, and we couldn’t exactly leave such dangerous devices in the hands of a primitive race. Any ONE of them could end up turning this world we all call home into a wasteland. Second: there was no point in using them, not to mention the learning curb of piloting such things would be too time consuming. Hell, I wouldn’t even trust Bryan flying the damn things, he’ll end up crashing the fuckers and burn us all. Third: the world’s populous would think we were now taking over, once Hell was dealt with. I mean, think about it, how fucking scared out of your mind would you be if you saw such a massive fleet hanging over head 24/7, just waiting to blow you the fuck up? You have to remember, we’re Humans. Aliens to these people we have sworn to protect. And here comes my Fourth: back then, no one in Equestria liked us. To show such force would only prove them right, or worse, making demands of us giving these war machines over to them. Yeah, not happening. I guess what I’m trying to say is...we don’t want anyone making the same mistakes that Humanity has made, or would make, if given the chance. And we don’t want to get into unnecessary fights, if they can be avoided. Equestria, back at the time, truly felt very, very alone. Pitted against impossible odds and trying to survive, all so they could live a little while longer. Hell was gunning it for this country, for what purpose at the time, we really didn’t know. Except now. They were after the Tree of Harmony, a crystallised, magical tree where the Elements of Harmony were created from. Now, back then, nobody really knew of its existence, and the Demons didn’t really know where it was, hence the reason why they were always spotted within the Everfree Forest. They were close, so very close to finding it, that when we popped into the frame, they focused much of their attention on us. So, we managed to throw them off their game and fuck their plans up. As for the Tree itself? Well, I don’t think it was a Tree, not yet. Perhaps, it started out as a Seed, trying to gather as much magical energy as possible to grow into one. The Seed of Harmony, that’s what it would had been known at the time. Anyway, that’s it for a quick history lesson. Now, let’s see if I can find a way to upgrade our weapons and armour. It wouldn’t really hurt to be on top of your game. > Ch.28 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.28: Knock, Knock... (Kevin/Doom Marine, Ponyville, Fluttershy’s Cottage. One day later...) “... Sorry about that, Kevin.” Fluttershy apologised to me for the umpteenth time. “Rarity can be very...passionate, when it comes to ones wardrobe.” Yeah, we went to Rarity’s place today. Reason why? Fluttershy’s idea. She thought that, since I was always in my armour, I needed some clothes. All Rarity did was take measurements. That fashionista was... Intense, in her measuring of my body. I had to take off my armour. And yes, I have been hanging out with Fluttershy most of the time, during my stay here in Ponyville. Anyway, we returned back to Flutters’ place, she started making some tea as I set up the table next to the couch, with some cookies and snacks. Once done, Flutters brought tea and poured us both some. Taking off my helmet, we sat down and drank, just relax for a little bit. Of course, Fluttershy’s curiosity about my past tends to come up. It was always something she would constantly ask me for, wanting to know me a little bit better. I tend to deny her an answer, because of how so innocent she really is. I couldn’t tell her, but... “Kevin?” Oh, I must have let my mind wonder off somewhere else. Shaking my head, I looked towards Fluttershy. “Are you alright?” I nodded to her. “Are you sure?” She asked, wanting to be sure. I thought about it, as I looked towards one of the windows. Getting up, I walked over to the one facing towards the Everfree Forest. “What is it?” I heard her question, as she got up from the couch and followed me over. I pointed out towards the Everfree, memories of my time in there started playing within my mind. Besides all of the killing and hunting of Demons, their was one particular event that didn’t involve Hell. At least, not entirely. There was a town in there, completely isolated and cut off from the rest of Equestria. Well, I should say, there used to be a town. Not anymore. “Oh... Oh!” Fluttershy gasped. “I just realised that Zecora lives in there!” Wait, that’s a Zebra name. Before I could do anything, Fluttershy placed her now empty tea cup down and was about to rush out the door, but I stopped her at the last second. She was about to say something to me, but I placed a finger on her lips together to stop her. Once she was calm down, I went over to place my tea cup down on the table and picked up my helmet. Placing it back on, I send out an order to my Ghosts, until we heard some rapid loud knocks on the door. From the sound of them, they were of someone in desperate need of help. “Fluttershy!” A voice shouted, sounding terrified. As for Fluttershy, she rushed to the door and opened it up, showing a female Zebra, shaken up as she stumbled in. Catching her, Flutters brought her over to the couch and lied her down, the Zebra was covered in cuts and bruises, some of which looked like were done by a blade. She was tortured. Not to mention naked, because I don’t see clothes on her, just mud with some leaves stuck to it were the only things to protect her modesty. Kneeling down, the Zebra saw me and gasped, as I pulled out my syringe and injected the healing vector into her, healing her of the wounds. Once it was all gone, she used whatever strength she had left to hug herself close to me, crying as she thanked me multiple times. “Zecora?” Fluttershy asked softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Tell us; what happened to you?” The Zebra sniffled a little bit before she answered. “T-The Changelings...they w-wanted to know where...the Alicorn Amulet is hidden.” Zecora answered between hiccupping, making Fluttershy gasp. “The Alicorn Amulet!” The Pegasus said in shock, before looking towards me with a worried look. “Hunter, please, you must stop them from finding it! If they get a hold of it, things will escalate!” This was the first time I’ve ever heard of this Alicorn Amulet, but, from the sound of it, that damned trinket probably grants you the power of an Alicorn. Nodding my head, I was about to get up before Zecora tightened her grip on me. “Wait...there’s something you need to know.” She told me. “I-I was saved...by someone, or a group.” The Zebra’s grip loosened as her adrenaline started wearing off of her. “They...could help...you...” “Zecora!” Fluttershy quickly grabbed a hold of her as she fell backwards from exhaustion. Soon I grabbed my helmet and send a message out for backup. Even so, from what Zecora had told me thus far...I can only guess what she meant by being saved...but can it really be them? It’s been so long that-- No! I’ll figure things out along the way. Even if there's a small chance of it being their descendants. “Kevin?” I looked back down to Fluttershy, who stared up to me in worry. “Please, be careful.” I nodded my head before leaving her Cottage. Once outside, I saw my Ghosts waiting, along with a couple of Scinoxes, our female doctors. Exclusively so. Yes, we do have Medics, but Scinoxes are a special breed of Demon. It was thanks to their kind, that the Night Sentinels were formed from our blood. Just that alone made it possible. “Greetings my Lord.” The two said in unison, bowing to me and I bowed back in kind. “We will tend to the Zebra’s condition.” They told me. Of course, they didn’t exactly mean physical trauma. “Tahilla, Krimzon and I will accompany you, the rest will stand guard.” Azurai informed me. Nodding my head, I lead the team into the Everfree Forest, passing by the platoons setting up their perimeters along the treelines. We kept to the trees, staying high up so that we wouldn’t have to deal with whatever scuttle along the forest floor. On the upside, if we do come across any of Cocoon’s Changelings, we’ll get the drop on them. The only problem is trying to find out where they are all based throughout this deathly place. The first place we went to was the Old Ruins, just to be sure they weren’t sulking around in this place. So far there were no signs indicating the notion. We were planning on building a base here, but we’ll have to wait until we had more manpower to get started. Satisfied, we continued onward. The next stop was...the Old Town. Sunny Town. (Some time later…) “Where is this damn thing!?” “I swear when I get my hands on that Zebra cunt…” “Stop your vulgar belly aching and keep searching!” “Whoa...Sir, do you think we can take all of them on?” Azurai asked me. We were just outside of the ruined town, where many, many Changelings had occupied. “Security is rather tight, and not because of the local wildlife.” Krimzon pointed out, as a dome barrier surrounded the entire town, with what looked like a tower of some kind built in the middle of the town’s square, powering it. Not only that, but the Tankers were patrolling the perimeter, while the rest of the normal Changelings kept working on digging around the place. “And look, they even have cannons.” He noted, pointing to one of the Tankers carrying such a weapon. “Looks like they charge it with their magic and fire.” “But how dangerous is it? This is the first time we’ve seen them use this kind of weaponry. Are they learning from us or something?” Tahillia questioned. “Good point.” I texted. “We should test them out. I know it may seem like we’re wasting time, but we can’t rush in there without knowing our enemy's strength.” “How shall we proceed?” Krimzon inquired. “You know, we could use the local wildlife to our advantage.” Azurai spoke up. “At least some packs of Timberwolves would do. No need to escalate things like, say, enraging an Ursa Major and leading her this way.” As fun as that may sound, it’s too risky to take. Not only would we get into a lot of unnecessary danger, but we’ll end up alerting these bastards. They might book it, true, but they might also had found the amulet before we even have the chance. No one’s stupid enough to take on a Ursa Major. ...Well, maybe Bryan would. Because, you know, Berserk Power-up. And Runner, because of how majorly fucked up in the head he is. “My lord.” Snapping out of my musing, Tahillia pointed out to a wounded Changeling running for his life as a large pack of Timberwolves gave chase to their prey. Two Tankers responded to this and moved outside of the barrier, firing off their cannons as soon as the injured made it past them. That pack didn’t stand a chance against those cannons as most of them were completely eviscerated from existence. “Okay...let’s avoid getting shot by those guys.” “Hm, they remind me of what those worm-like aliens use. The way how they have to charge their shots before firing it off.” Krimzon stated, which surprised me because I knew what game he was talking about. “Wait, you play it, too?” “You, as well?” Wait, they all played it? Since when!? “How do you all know of that?” I asked them. “Lord Runner.” They all answered. Of course he would tell them. Shaking my head, I looked back at the two Tankers...only to find them lying on the ground. What the Hell just happened to them? Are they dead? “Krimzon, get down there quick! We need to know what happened to them.” I ordered as he wordlessly went down there to investigate. “Why haven’t the rest gone out to see what happened?” Tahillia questioned as we waited. “It must have happened so suddenly. No way of telling, even for these Changelings.” Azurai concluded, but even he wasn’t so certain from the sound of his voice. “Then again, remember how that one Changeling was getting chased? How did that even happen? You would think he’d just either flew back or teleported away from the danger. But no, he ran.” He brought up a good point. Why run when you have two alternatives to make a quick escape? “Yeah, that doesn’t make sense, now that you mention it…” “My Lord, Krimzon here. I’ve found something lodged into their necks. Needle-like darts coated in poison.” Krimzon radioed in, relaying his findings. “It would seem someone or something in here doesn’t want these Changelings around.” “But does that make them our allies, or enemies?” Tahillia questioned. “Great job, Krimzon. We need to scout out the perimeter and come up with a plan.” I told him as we all split up, trying to find a weak point in their defenses and use that to our advantage... (Later on, night time…) “...Well, at least we made it inside.” Tahillia said on the Comms with a sigh. “Yes, but now the entire place is on high alert.” Azurai hissed. A few minutes ago, we figured out the pattern within their patrols and their was a small opening we could use to slip pass. But it was going to be a tight fit and the chances of putting the place on high alert was unavoidable. So we split up and infiltrated at different parts of the Old Town, created some diversions to draw their attention and once they took the bait, we rushed through. Of course, there was nothing we could’ve done about the barrier, so we ended up triggering the alarms and now the whole place knows we’re inside. We probably should’ve thought about calling in some backup… “Cut the chatter.” Krimzon spoke. “Stay focus. My Lord, what should we do?” He asked me and I thought for a bit. “Azurai, Tahillia, I need you two to create some diversions. Keep them occupied while Krimzon and I find out where their Commanders are.” I told them, feeling confident enough they’ll be fine. “Understood.” They both replied. We knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but it has to be done. “Alright, get to it. Krimzon, meet with me at these coordinates.” Sending the coordinates to him, I heard some explosions go off and the Changelings responded accordingly. Many of them swarmed towards the explosion, rushing by until it was all clear for me to move forward. Pistol in one hand and a knife in the other, I made my way towards the destination as silently as possible. There was no need to rush, as there were still some Changelings patrolling some of these parts. They were easy to get by without being noticed, though there were a couple of close calls where one would stick his head inside the building I was hiding and looked around, before pulling away and kept walking. That made my heart jumped up into my throat because of how close they were to me. I’m just thankful they didn’t look down when I was literally underneath their noses, or walk inside and give a proper inspection. Counting my blessings and giving my thanks to God, I kept going until I hooked up with Krimzon. “My Lord, while I’m impressed that this is one of the few houses that are relatively still standing, with most of its infrastructure, why did you choose this one, specifically?” We were in the living room of this house, as I looked over to the fire place… “...This is where they murder the child.” I started as I moved over to the fire place. “The adults mercilessly battered her before dragging her in here and threw her into the fire, burning her.” Kneeling down, I bowed my head and gave a little prayer, as her skeletal remains were still here. Even after all these millennials, I’m surprised they haven’t turned to dust. “...This town’s destruction, it was your doing?” Krimzon asked quietly and I nodded. “How did you come across this place? How did it get here?” “One of the children ran away from this place one evening and happened to run into me. He was scared, confused, crying.” I answered him as I finished with my praying. “I didn’t bother with asking how a town was built within the forest.” “...I see.” Krimzon said with a sigh, shaking his head. “I thought this place felt off, as if it was a breeding ground of sin and depraved madness. But enough of that, what’s next?” “The tower we saw earlier today.” I stated to him, looking out through a window that had a clear line of sight. “We make our way over there and start our search there.” “Hmm, if so, it must also be heavily guarded as well. They didn’t build that thing for just powering their shield.” Krimzon brought up a good point. “Convenient for them, inconvenient for us.” “We will manage.” I texted before hearing an even bigger explosion go off, the ground shaking a little from the blast. “And we better take the chance.” Nodding in agreement, we moved towards the tower, using the buildings to avoid the streets. “Hurry up! We need to get rid of those damned knights!” A Changeling Commander shouted as we reached the tower. We heard gunfire going off as Azurai and Tahillia held their ground. “You may want to hurry up! I don’t know how long we can keep this up!” Azurai told us over the Comms. “Says you.” Tahillia retorted with a scoff. “You’re no Crusader.” Krimzon snapped at her comment as more Changelings headed their way. “And on that note, more are heading your way.” “We see them!” Azurai confirmed. “Look.” I pointed to the Commander making his way inside the tower through the front entrance. Two normal Changelings were standing on either side of it, guarding it since every other Changeling were sent to Azurai and Tahillia. “Divide their attention, but don’t kill them. No point in letting them know we’re here, too.” I told Krimzon as we split up and flanked the guards, turning invisible again. Grabbing a rock, I threw it close to where the one on the left heard the noise and went to check it out. Krimzon did the same for the other on the right, and once they were far away, we ran inside. Once we made it in, we were surprised that it wasn’t buzzing with much activity. On the ground floor, there was a lot of supplies, equipment for digging, and explosives tucked away behind a forcefield. It has dim lighting in here, since they were using some form of bioluminescence, just enough to see wat was where. Still, why explosives? Were they mining for gold, or coal? I shook the thought out of my mind and stayed focus. “Hmm, no staircases.” Krimzon noted as I looked around, seeing no staircase that lead up. “Looks like they fly up to their levels.” “If that’s true, then we need to find their tunneling system.” I concluded. Since Changelings act like a colony of ants, or any other hivemind insect creature, they would have a tunneling system that leads to rooms, or chambers. “Hmm…” Krimzon nodded as we looked for the tunneling system, or the entry point of it. Of course, our compasses started lighting up as we converged on where it became strong. Soon we found it, or them, a wall lined up with the tunnels. I’m surprised they could fit this tower with so many. “Okay, we found them, now we need to find the that will lead us to where we need to go.” “Well, our compasses are still lighting up, so it’ll lead us to the path.” I texted him as we followed onward. Soon we found the tunnel we needed to take, a really big one. “This one must be for their Tankers.” “So it would seem.” Krimzon agreed. “Shall we?” Nodding my head, I took point and started climbing up. There was more than enough leverage for us to climb, as we navigate our way through this twisted labyrinth of tunnels. Soon enough we reached the top, I think, and again, no one was here. “I don’t like this, my lord.” “Either do I. Tread carefully, this could be a trap.” I texted before climbing out of the tunnel. We looked around the room we were in, finding an opening that overlooks everything outside. “I think it’s safe to say this is the observation room.” “I believe it is, yes.” Krimzon whispered before we heard clicking noises coming from our right. Crouching down, we slowly moved towards where that sound came from, down the corridor that circled around this entire level. The clicking got louder as we got closer, peeking our heads around the corner to see the Commander sitting on the ground, his back turned to us as his wings would buzz sporadically. “He must be contacting his Hive.” “You might be right.” I agreed with my Sergeant. “Let’s flank him while he’s in contact.” I suggested, Krimzon nodding and we moved out; I was flanking left, Krimzon flanking right. As always, we stick to the shadows, getting into position and leveling our Pistols at the Commander’s head. Even so, this still felt off. Too easy...wait. “Gotcha.” I let out a throaty gasp and jumped out of the way of my attacker, barely nicking my neck as I started shooting at the would-be assassin. I’d either missed, or this one’s chitin was super tough, because none of my bullets seem to have wounded, or kill him. “Get down!” I heard Krimzon shout, doing as he said and ducked, seeing some kind of spike, about as long as a polearm, fly overhead. “The Commander!” Looking back, the Commander was nowhere to be seen. Was he sitting on top of a escape tunnel!? “We really must give thanks to the Professor.” It was the same voice that tried to slit open my throat, as he and his partner came into the light. Krimzon and I were shocked to find that these two were sporting spikes all over their bodies, some of it grown out long on their backs. Their chitin, in some areas, looked a lot more thicker; their forearms, shoulders, torso, and legs. Damn, well, it had to have happened eventually, they’ve started growing tougher armour. “Indeed, now let’s finish them.” The other ‘Spiker’ said, as two blade slid out from his wrists. “Gladly.” The first Spiker agreed, pulling out a longer spike from his back, wielding it like a spear. “This could be a problem.” Krimzon said before drawing out his sword out from underneath his cloak, wielding it in his right hand, Pistol in his left robotic hand. “It already is a problem.” I retorted, looking back and forth between our opponents. “Let’s switch partners.” “As you wish.” Krimzon said and we made the switch, going on the offensive as we made the first move. Clutching up my left hand into a fist, the second Spiker saw what I was about to do and put his arms up to block my punch. Throwing it at full force, he blocked it but staggered backwards from it. As for me, I hissed in pain as the spikes on his forearms acted as a defensive mechanism, much like a hedgehog. Looking down at my hand, there were some dents in it just from punching him. As for my opponent, he grunted in pain as he shook both his arms. “Damn that hurt. But at least I still got my arms.” We’ll see for how long. Before I could get the chance, the first Spiker spoke up while fighting off Krimzon. “We need to leave, now!” And just like that, they both blinded us with a flash of their magic, fleeing the place along with the rest of the Changelings as they flew. Wait, don’t tell me…! “My Lord, we’ve gotta get out of here!” Krimzon told me, just as the tower shook. “Krimzon, Hunter, they set off bombs inside! Get the Hell out of there!” Azurai shouted over the Comms and we ran towards the windows. Jumping out, we fell towards the ground, activating our thrust boots to land safely. Of course the explosions were still going off, so we ran away from it as the tower began to crumble under its own weight. Soon enough Azurai and Tahillia regrouped with us. “Sir, they found the damn amulet.” Tahillia said, growling in frustration. “It would seem we were too late. Now we’ll have a harder time dealing with them.” Azurai sounded a little defeated when he spoke those words. “We have to try. We can’t let them escape with it. Come on!” Taking the lead, Tahillia pointed in the direction they went and followed after them. Heading deeper into the Everfree Forest. ([Third person] The retreating Changelings...) “Dammit, brother! I wanted to finally kill one of them!” The Spiker groaned out his frustration, as he and the rest of the Changeling flew back to their Hive. “I know. But our mission was to find the Alicorn Amulet and we did just that.” His brother told him, before letting out a sigh. “We will continue our battle with them another time, when we finally have the upper hand.” “Indeed.” Their Commander chimed in, carrying the chest that holds the amulet. “With this in our possession, it’ll be easy pickings.” He stated with utter confidence, his lips pulling up into a smile. Before they could continue on, they were attacked. All around them, arrows came flying out from the bushes and trees at them, the arrowtips coated in poison. Already almost half of their remaining forces were cut down by this sudden surprise attack as the rest gathered around the Commander and created a barrier, blocking out the arrows. “Shield your eyes!” The Commander ordered, lighting up his horn and flashing the surrounded area in a blinding light. “Quickly! We need to fall back to Alpha!” They all made a run for their secret base within the dreaded forest, all while being hunted down by a mysterious group of beings. “These Changelings must not leave with that amulet. Keep them boxed in…” > Ch.29 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.29: Meet the Mage... (Kevin/Doom Marine, Everfree Forest…) “My lord, look! Up ahead!” Azurai pointed out, a few feet away as we came upon what looked like an ambush. There were bodies of the Changelings we have been chasing, shot up by arrows. “It’s them, isn’t it?” They didn’t reply since there was no need for one. “Alright let’s keep moving, the Changelings are on foot now.” Following the tracks, we found more dead Changelings along the way. There were times where we had to take a detour around some of the predators that were feasting upon the bodies. Just then, I stumbled upon something that didn’t quite belong in this forest. “Hold up.” I ordered. “What is it?” Krimzon asked. Walking over to it, I kneeled and picked up a single blade of grass. Well, I thought it was, but it wasn’t the case. It was a token shaped like grass, or a symbol of one. Surprisingly, it didn’t weigh as much as I thought, it was light as grass itself when you pull a single one out from the ground. Then again, Guardian said that you could make a token out of anything, so I guess this token is grass. Strange... Of course, with tokens, comes messages. “In brightest day, In blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship Evil’s might, Beware my power, Green Lanterns Light.” Wait, hold up. This is a Green Lantern’s token? “My lord?” Azurai placed a hand on my shoulder, gaining my attention. “Are you alright?” “Just a little confused.” I texted him, looking back to the token. “Although, this one could help us out with our problem.” Holding it up, I tried summoning this Green Lantern to aid us. But instead of one, I ended up summoning something else. That something being an anthropomorphic wolf with fur that glinted faintly, wearing red robes, falling from the sky and landing on top of me, rather unceremoniously. Letting out a throaty grunt of pain from being almost flattened, the others pulled the seemingly unconscious wolf off me and helped me up. “My lord, are you hurt?” Krimzon asked as he checked me over. “Nothing serious, just some sore muscles.” I answered, looking down at our new arrival. “How is he?” “Sir, he’s in bad shape.” Tahillia said as she and Azurai examined the wolf in question. “He must have been in a fight some time ago. Whatever hit him did some damage.” She pulled out a syringe and stuck the needle into his neck, injecting him with the healing liquid. We waited for a while until the wolf let out a gasp and quickly got up to his feet. Tahillia and Azurai backed away immediately and gave him some space, so as to not provoke him. "Uh… Hi? Was I summoned, or did that bass cannon just simply knock me into next century?" He said, unsure of how to react. The first to answer him was Krimzon. “He summoned you here.” He pointed to me as I held up the wolf’s token for proof. “You were badly injured when you got here, so she helped you.” He then points toward Tahillia. “Hey.” She waved at the wolf. “Also, bass cannon? As in some sonic-based weapon?” The wolf nodded and sighed, replying with, "Yeah… Turns out Vinyl knows how to weaponize SOUND in my Equestria… And Sunbutt is a murderous asshat." He held up a hand to stop us from interrupting before continuing on. "I'll tell you if you really want to know, just bear in mind most humans won't like the answer." We looked at each other before I texted my answer to them and Krimzon relayed it to the wolf. “Perhaps when we have time for such things. Could you tell us your name, please?” He asked before pointing towards me again. “His words, not ours. He’s mute.” He explained. "Ah. Cool beans. Name, depending on if you want to use my human name or the name of the guy I got stuck as, is Ashton or Silphen. Take your pick, I've learned to respond to both," Silphen said as he took a small bow. “Silphen? Hmm, that’s a nice name.” Tahillia complimented before introducing herself to him. “I’m Tahillia, by the way.” “I’m Azurai.” Azurai said next. “And I’m Krimzon. This,” He gestures a hand my way as he introduced me to Silphen, “is Hunter. No, it’s not his real name, it’s his codename.” He added so that Silphen would understand. "Ah. Nice nice. So um… Whose hive do these red guys belong to? Chrysalis is green, and they sure as buck aren't the stupidly retarded skittlebugs from season 6," Silphen said as he gestured to the dead changelings. “Good eye. No, these are not Queen Chrysalis’s own, they are her sister’s, Queen Cocoon.” Krimzon stated. “Cocoon tricked Chrysalis into invading Canterlot on Princess Cadence’s wedding day. When that failed, Cocoon revealed why she did so, in order to take over Equestria through proxy. Of course that meant killing Chrysalis off after the deed was done.” He explained to the wolf. "Huh. So multiple hive theory works here. Cool. Quick question by the way, are all of you Displaced or just Doomguy over there?" He asked, pointing to me. “He, along with his brothers, are the only Displaced here.” Azurai answered him. "Ok, even cooler. Another timeline with more than just the one… Say, why are you guys out here, and is there a way for me to read what Hunter is saying without him having to use one of you three as his voice?" He asked again, this time waving his paw between us all. Nodding my head, I pulled out a Datapad and handed it to him, with some text on it. “This will come in handy for understanding me.” "Sweet! So, what are the lot of you doing here, middle of what I assume to be the Everfree, surrounded by the corpses of the Mad Bug Queens sisters kids?" This time, I get to answer him. “We’re here to stop those Changelings from leaving with a dangerous artifact, the Alicorn Amulet. We tried to intervene before they could find it, but we were too late. However, some mysterious group of beings that live in this forest are trying to stop them as well, so there’s still a chance.” "Ok… That fucking thing, that thing needs to be destroyed when you get the chance. Also, I might, mind you I said MIGHT, be able to help track it. Takes corruption to track corruption, and all that bullshit… and I just realized I can swear again. Cool." “We...were considering destroying it. But…” I looked towards Azurai when he said that. “What do you mean?” I asked him. “I meant no deceitfulness, it was merely a suggestion should we take back the amulet.” He quickly said, waving a hand before letting out a sigh. “But I’m more afraid of destroying it than having it locked away in our care.” "Moving along, would you like me to try and help, or nah?" Silphen asked, trying to refocus the topic. I let out a sigh before nodding my head. “Yes, we would like your help in tracking down the amulet, please.” The wolf nodded and handed the Datapad back to me, before baring his claws and jamming them into the dirt, saying something in a tongue I couldn't understand. What happened next, was that his form seemed to melt away like Sombra did in the dream fight, leaving a pair of glowing, albeit closed, purple eyes. “What the--!?” Alarmed, my Night Sentinels raised their weapons at where Silphen used to stand. No idea why though, but then again, I’m not a demon like them. “What are you all doing?” I asked them, wanting to dissuade them from doing something stupid. “He’s using ancient demonic powers.” Krimzon answered. “We don’t know how he knows of this, but we don’t like it.” Azurai spoke up next. “That sort of power snuffed out too many innocent people and good soldiers during the civil war in Tartarus. Something the Mad King took great pleasure in displaying.” Tahillia added on and I began to understand why they’ve reacted this way. "Half a klick off… And while yes, this is dark magic, and the language I use to channel it is ancient demonic, I have no intention of going on a murderous rampage. Unless someone hurts Aurana… Again," Silphen said, as his form returned to normal, not a trace of the taint to be found on him. They stared at him for a moment, their guns still pointed his way, until they slowly lowered them. “Okay, you’ve convinced us. Sorry about jumping to conclusions.” Tahillia told him, sounding a little ashamed. Silphen shrugged and began walking in the direction he felt the Amulet resonate from while he said, "Eh… when the solar whore of the timeline wants you dead just because you have a book with every dark spell in existence in its pages, whether or not you'd actually use them, you get used to that kind of stuff. Oh, by the way, quick note, I'm all but immune to electricity while I have the robes on. Between the metal fur acting as a metal cage directing the overflow into the ground, and the enchantments woven into the robe itself…" The part where he said his fur was made out of metal was a surprise for us all, so we followed after him. “Your fur is living metal?” I asked him after handing the datapad back to him, so that he could read my question. "Yepyep. Oddly enough, the last group to summon me didn't ask about the fur. Did take a nice tree to my ass from the force of that attack, but yeah. Still kickin'," Silphen said, almost like it was perfectly normal for a wolf to have metallic fur. “Huh, that’s pretty cool.” Tahillia said with a nod of appreciation. “How good are you in combat?” Azurai asked the wolf. "Depends. Spell slinging? I can take on Twilight and make it last a day or so before she won. CQC? Er… Close quarters combat? Not very well. I know a few spells already that can help in a situation like that, one making crystal armor and the other an ice scythe, but outside of those? Nothing. Not between me, or the guy I got launched out as," Silphen replied. “Then perhaps, when we’re done here, we could help you train in CQC?” Krimzon suggested to Silphen. The wolf chuckled and nodded as he said, "Yeah, that might be a good idea… Especially if I plan to make a hut just inside the Everfree in my world. Oh, and don't worry about how long I'm here, I noticed that my timeline is stopped when I leave." “Fortune seems to favor you.” I texted him and the others nodded their heads. Silphen chuckled again, this time a sad sound. "Not quite… If it did, I would've been allowed to live my life without the memories of Silphen Dardo overwriting my own. Starting to get hard to recall if I had a cat or not… or what its name was." I winced. “I probably should’ve worded that properly.” Damn, now I feel like a dick for bringing up bad memories for him. That wasn’t what I was going for. “Sorry.” Silphen shrugged and turned around as he began walking backwards, and fairly expertly, as he replied, "No harm done. So, that shitfest aside, what's your full title? Pretty sure Hunter isn't just it." He’s very perceptive, I’ll give him that. Bet he could snipe just as good as well if given a sniper rifle. “It’s The Hunter of Silence.” I answered him. "Nice. Fits you pretty well given the fact you're a mute," Silphen shot back, a witty smirk crossing his muzzle. “Hmm.” Krimzon hummed as he looked around. “No bodies. Only signs of some skirmishes. Are we getting close?” Silphen slowed down and closed his eyes, focusing on the resonation from earlier, and nodded. "Yeah. Very close." That was when we heard some explosions going off, confirming it. We went in slowly, keeping our heads down as we snuck our way over to where the fighting was taking place. There were a couple of times some of those Tankers’ shots came flying over our heads, detonating off behind us. “They’re firing off at random. Must be that group keeping them pinned.” Tahillia whispered. Silphen nodded and began whispering in a language that we didn't even seem to understand as the mud began to reshape and show us the area in a 6 foot radius around the Amulet. "This is a 6 foot radius… Can’t get better without setting off any mana detection wards they might have…" “Is it in some sort of cave? I can’t imagine them being stuck out in the open.” Azurai asked Silphen. The wolf closed his eyes and focused, nodding slowly as he returned to his senses. "Yeah. They're in a cave, and I think it goes to some tunnels or something." “That nails it. Maybe this was how they got so close to Ponyville and attacked it without being detected.” Krimzon hypothesised and it sounded rather solid, especially with what we found back at the Old Town. The wolf twitched slightly as Krimzon said that Ponyville was attacked, and the purple mist stuff began to flow from his eyes. "I'm sorry… Did you say those shit faced ass monkeys attacked the most peaceful town in all of Equis?" “...Yes.” Krimzon slowly answered him. "魂を収穫して体を破壊する. 死の波,” he said, standing up and stalking towards the cave as if he had a death wish. What was that orb forming over his head? “What’s he doing!?” Tahillia hissed as the wolf continued. “He’s pissed.” I told them as this sort of reminds me of what Bryan would do when he’s pissed; going on a killing spree. "Harvest the soul and destroy the body. The wave of death!" Silphen bellowed, the shadows and chill of death swirling to and around him as the orb grew, and grew, and grew. “Should we even be here when he’s casting that!?” Azurai asked, sounding concerned about our safety. “Maybe not! Let’s back away and let him do his thing!” Krimzon motioned and we all fall back to a safer position. Gaining some distance between us and him, there was a ditch we used to hunker down and wait out. “I wonder how those Changelings are fairing?” Azurai questioned while we wait. “They’re probably begging at this point.” Krimzon let out a disdainful scoff. “Not like that’s gonna matter…” ([Third person] Changelings, Alpha Cave…) “W-What’s going on out there!?” The Commander asked as he held onto the chest for dear life. “Why do I-I feel like Death’s come to claim my soul.” He whispered fearfully. All of the Changelings, the ones that survived, were also experiencing the same dreadful feeling. That was when they realised the fighting outside had stopped all of a sudden, they couldn’t sense their Tankers anymore. There was nothing. That was when they saw it. A black ooze like sludge flowing its way towards them, just along the top of the grass as it made its way into the cave. The first to touch it didn't know what it was… All they knew was that it ate them alive, and used their shadow to spread the ooze even further. And soon, the cave itself was dripping with the shadowy liquid death ooze, as it transferred from shadow to shadow, feeding on all things that were once, and currently were, living. All that remained of the Changelings were the dissonant screams and possible psionic residue of their passing, along with the trees, grass, and chest with the Amulet secured within. (Kevin/Doom Marine…) Some time has passed since Silphen went in alone, we couldn’t go with him for obvious reasons. All we really can do is wait. “Hmm, seems quiet out there.” Krimzon told us as he used his Vortex Rifle’s scope to see what was happening out there. “Then they are all dead?” Azurai asked. “Yes. I don’t see anymore fighting going on. So, yes, they are all dead.” Krimzon nodded as Tahillia shuddered. “That spell...I think it killed them all.” She whispered, sounding rather frightened by it, with good reason. It was shortly after she said that, that Silphen himself came into view of Krimzon’s scope, walking, seemingly calm, out from the cave entrance. “He’s returned, and with our prize intact.” He told us. “Let’s regroup.” I said as we got out from the ditch and met up with the wolf halfway. Silphen gave me a nod before setting the chest down and opening it to reveal the Alicorn Amulet, as he said, "Deal or No Deal?" “Pardon?” Azurai tilted his head in confusion. He and the other two wouldn’t get it, but I do. I held up the datapad and answered him, “Deal.” Silphen smiled weakly at that and chuckled mirthlessly as he closed the chest and walked over to us, handing it to Krimzon before putting a single fist out to me. "Glad you got the reference, pal." Smiling myself, I bumped fists with him. “Used to watch it from time to time. Are you going to be alright?” "I'll need some time to recharge my mana, given the fact I poured my entire ocean into that one spell, so I think I may be stuck here for a few hours. Before you ask why, I apparently need to open my own portals to travel between the Realms. And I can promise you, I have nowhere near what I need to go back home. Not yet," was the wolf’s response, before a rock hit him in the head from out of nowhere. It was unexpected and out of the blue, and while it wouldn't have been enough for normal folk, Silphen was apparently weakened as it knocked him out. “THAT’S FOR ALMOST KILLING US IN THE PROCESS! YOU ASS!” A feminie voice rang out. We couldn’t really pinpoint where it was coming from and nothing more came from it. “Uh, let’s...just leave.” Tahillia suggested and we opted for that. I carried Silphen on my back as we made our way back to Ponyville, and it was quite a walk. Eventually we made it back to Fluttershy’s cottage, but I was surprised to see more Night Sentinels stationed along the border of the Everfree Forest. I guessed that it must have been Bryan’s doing, and I was right. I saw him, Vincent, Visilia, Luna and Chrysalis making their way over to us. Before any of them could reach us, Fluttershy burst past them and stopped in front of me. “Kevin! Are you and your knights alright?” She asked me until the shy pony realised the wolf on my back. “Wait, who is this?” “This is Silphen. He helped us in retrieving the amulet.” Krimzon answered her for me, holding up the chest. “Thanks goodness.” Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief. “Well, Zecora is fine and made a full recovery. Thanks to your… Scinoxes? That’s what they are known as, right?” “Yes, ma’am.” Krimzon nodded as Bryan and the others made it. Of course, I should have seen this coming when Bryan was in front of Krimzon. “Sir--?” Before he could even speak, that damn Berserker punched through the chest and ripped the Alicorn Amulet out, storming off into the Everfree Forest without a single word. This course of action made us groan in annoyance. Silphen groaning as he came to, holding his head as if he had a hangover. "Someone get the license plate of that 18-wheeler…?" The wolf grumbled, shakily getting off my back. “No, but we have other concerns.” Visilia spoke up, making her displeasure known as she folded her arms. "And that would be…?" Silphen asked right before mumbling something as a green light washed over him. “Self-healing spell, I'm assuming?” Luna asked the wolf with a raised brow. "Close, but no. General touch based healing. The glow is a side effect. Also…" Silphen bowed to Luna, his right fist over his heart with his left fist behind his back over the right shoulder blade. "Praise be unto the Night Mother, protector of Dreams, Mistress of the Moon." Luna’s eyes widen as her cheeks were burning red. “U-Uh! Well, this is… Oh I don’t even know how to respond to this.” I kept it together so that I wouldn’t laugh at Luna’s embarrassment, she looked rather cute with how flustered she was now. “But, thank you, you honor me.” She told him, smiling shyly with her wings twitching. Was she trying to keep them from springing out? His tail began to wag slightly beneath his robe, as he stood up straight with a smile trying to spread across his face. The only thing that kept him from doing so, was noticing Vincent and asking, "What's your title, friend?" “Deaths Runner. You can call me Runner, ya smooth criminal.” Vincent replied, smiling underneath that helmet no doubt. No sooner had those words left his mouth did the wolf grab his crotch and lift, giving off that iconic 'Hee hee!' that we haven't heard since coming here, and in near perfect replication too. Vincent gave out a joyous laugh as he began clapping to Silphen. “Hahahahaa! Not bad my dude! Ah, good ol’ MJ, honor be his name and may he rest in peace.” When he said that, the three of us traced the cross on us for the man and legend. This left everyone else mildly confused as to what we were talking about. “Is… Is this something from your home world, or something? You three have lost us.” Luna asked. "Yeah, something like that. Michael Jackson, gods, ancestors, and shadows guide him, was a legend of a musician back home. Great singer on stage, bad rep off it," Silphen explained, chuckling happily as he shook his head from the impromptu scene. Luna nodded. “I see. Perhaps you boys will indulge us all in his music?” She asked us, specifically, Vincent and I. “We can do that. We’ll reveal all of Humanity’s music genres for your listening pleasure.” Vincent answered her before sighing. “Right now I’m more worried about Berserker.” "Berserker? Who's that?" Silphen asked as he looked between us all. “Our angry brother, known as The Bloody-handed Berserker.” Vincent replied to the wolf’s question. “He just punch the box and took the amulet.” He pointed towards the broken chest Krimzon was still holding in his hands. "Ah… Why's he pissed? He feel the spell?" “Spell? Nah, he’s pissed because the local Zebra mare got hurt and nearly raped by the Changelings looking for that amulet.” Vincent explained Bryan’s reasons for being pissed right now. “Of course, that tends to lead him doing some really risky, stupid shit.” Silphen twitched again and took a very long and deep breath to keep from following after him. "Ok… if he's going off to kill any stragglers, I 'ate' all the little shit faced asshat monkeys." “Ate?” Chrysalis questioned, looking confused. “Trust us, you don’t wanna know.” Azurai intervened, stopping them from pressing on. Before any more talking could take place, the wind started picking up slowly, until a stronger gale force came in and almost blew us over. It came from the Everfree Forest. Oh no, don’t tell me that’s Bryan’s doing. Soon the wind picked up more and I had to grab Fluttershy or else she’ll get blown away. Soon a red beam of light shot up into the air and I ordered the Defenders to erect a barrier to protect us and Ponyville from whatever was about to happen. A green dome surrounded us and the wind stopped, giving us a chance to stand up properly, but it didn’t do much to stop the ground from shaking. "Ok, first off, WHAT IN THE NAME OF EVERY GOD, GODDESS, DEMON, DEVIL, AND ANGEL IS THAT CRAP!?!" Silphen yelled, more out of shock than fear as he jabbed his finger at the pillar of light. “Oh, shit.” Vincent groaned before answering. “Berserker’s trying to destroy the amulet!” That didn’t sit well for any of us, even though I’ve already deduced it was him, I didn’t like it. "I know I said it had to be destroyed, but wouldn't chucking the damnable thing into a fucking volcano be easier and smarter!? Either that, or send it to the fucking sun! Ain't nobody got the tech or spells to handle that bullshit!" Silphen yelled. Seemed he was slowly starting to panic as he began pacing after he pulled out his spellbook. “Yeah, he’s not one for waiting when he believes he can do something about it.” Vincent told the wolf before he saw something happening with the pillar of light. “Oh, what now?” Looking back at it, the red light started to become brighter and brighter, a big ball of energy gathering up at the top until it dropped itself down. Then came the big bang from it, the explosion was big as the blast wave reached the barrier, almost blowing down the big trees if they weren’t so deeply rooted into the Earth itself. This scared Fluttershy as she held onto me for dear life. "Gods and devils… He either blew himself up, or managed to destroy that black artifact. One or the other." Silphen said as he took what notes he could about the magical resonance of the barrier around them, mentally preparing to need to use a resurrection spell if need be. “I’ll go have a look.” Vincent said before speeding right off, running through the Everfree. After a while he came back with Bryan in tow, his armour fractured and broken as he placed him down. Letting go of Flutters, I pulled out my syringe and stuck it in his neck. “Okay, good news, he destroyed it.” He told us, but he sounded uncertain. "Lemme take another potshot… Bad news is that it decided to embed a shard into his hand. If not, that's nice, I'll still help heal him," Silphen said, already taking a few steps forward, his right paw glowing in that green energy. “Hey, could you also scan him for any sort of magical trace of that amulet’s power?” Vincent asked the wolf. “There wasn’t anything left, no shards, nothing. But I think that ball of energy may have done something to him.” "I could try. But if he handled it bare handed, there would likely be a lingering echo from how long he was holding it. I would need to scan you two as well, Runner." He replied, looking between me and Vincent. We looked at each other and nodded to him. “Alright.” Vincent answered. Silphen nodded and began trying to get Bryan to sit up. "Get him into a sitting position, then put one hand each on my back!" He said through gritted teeth. Helping him, we set Bryan upright and placed our free hands on Silphen’s back. What happened next was something that would make even the most veteran drug user freak out as his body went slightly incorporeal, his hands sinking an inch into Bryan with ours an inch into him, all while he began chanting in ancient demonic again. Everyone else watching probably didn’t know what to do, though some of the Night Sentinels looked about ready to put a round through the wolf’s head should this go wrong. For now, all they can do is wait. Either way, this experience was freaky as Hell. After several minutes of the chanting, Silphen’s form returned to normal, pushing our hands out of his back as he pulled his out of Bryan with a sigh. "There is a small trace of that damn things taint on him, far as I could tell… By the way, do all three of you know you have a fucking mountain of hellfire burning in your souls?" “That’s...probably the Argent Energy you were sensing just then. But, burning our souls?” Vincent asked Silphen. “What do you mean? I don’t feel like I’m burning up from the inside. You?” He looked towards me and I shook my head. He shrugged as he turned back to Bryan with yet another sigh. "No clue. All I know… Is that there is… demonic? Yes, I believe demonic is the right word… Demonic energy inside the three of you, and it is fucking tall." “Tall… Oh, the Titans!” Vincent clicked on what he was talking about. “Yeah, we killed them and now they live inside our heads. That, in turn, also means that they’ve given us their powers, since they were the same as ours.” He explained to the mage. "Ah… yeah, that would do it… Anyroad, he should take it easy for a few days in my opinion. Destroying something designed to eat the purity in ones soul the longer they were in contact with it is not an easy feat. That, and I imagine the armor will take some time to repair." Silphen said as he gestured to the all but destroyed suit. We nodded our heads before one of Bryan’s hands twitched and reached up to his helmet, wrenching it off and revealing the bloody mess his face was in. He spat out a mouthful of blood as he breathed heavily. This would be the first time the wolf had seen one of our faces, silvery white hair, blood red eyes. Of course, Bryan’s teeth were that of a Demon set of razor sharp chompers. "Putting up a mental perception filter… Initializing healing process…" Was all the wolf said as he held one hand to his own head, the paw glowing blue, while pressing the other paw to Bryan's back beginning to heal him. Bryan’s wounds were starting to close up and the blood being washed away. But the scars he’s earned through every battle remained, but I wasn’t expecting them to go away, he wouldn’t allow it. They were there to remind him that he’s survived each encounter that could’ve been his last. Once the wolf was satisfied with his work, he removed the paw that was healing Bryan and stood up, turning away out of respect before he asked, "Healing complete. Anything out of place, Berserker?" “No.” Bryan said weakly. “Thanks.” Silphen nodded again. "Good to hear. Say, you got the helmet back on? This spell is gonna fade as soon as I remove my hand. Paw… thing." We were confused as to why, but Bryan placed helmet back on. “It’s on.” With those two words, Silphen sighed in relief as he removed his paw from his head. He then groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, saying, "Fucking mana burn…" “We should turn in for the night.” Vincent suggested. “It’s pretty late, I think the time is… Half-past three in the morning.” Damn, we’ve been out for that long? "Lovely thing that idea… Know anywhere a werewolf or 'diamond dog' could sleep without setting off a lynch mob? And how does your Sun bitch treat the darker aspects of magic?" Silphen said as he tried to do what he could to avoid the impending migraine. “If Tia causes you any trouble, send her my way and I’ll punch her face in.” Bryan said to the wolf. “Either way, she can’t do shit to you under our care.” He assured him as Vincent helped him up. “Anyway, as to where, we’ll just head on over to Twilight’s castle and sleep there. She has more than enough rooms.” Vincent told Silphen. "Nice to hear… Used to love Celly just as mu-..." Silphen started to say before stopping himself and turning to Vincent. "Flying purple book horse?" “Yes.” Vincent nodded his head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t go off on her questioning everything about you.” Bryan waved at him, leaning on Vincent for support. “Since we’re done here, let’s get a move on.” Silphen nodded and began following us back to Ponyville. "Not the fact that it's book horse, she's adorkable when she nerds out, but the fact she has the castle so soon… Has Tirek wrecked house yet?" “Yes.” Visilia answered him. “It was embarrassing that he managed to get away from us, tricking Cerberus to leave his post, not our proudest moment.” She sighed as she rubbed her arm, the other Night Sentinels muttering about their incompetence when Tirek escape. "Wait, your Tartarus has actual guards aside from the massive dog?" Silohen asked as he turned to the three of us. “You’re looking at them.” Bryan said, waving his hand at all of the Night Sentinels. “They’re the Wardens of Tartarus, as well as the locals of that realm.” He explained. "Realm? Thought it was just a giant ass crack in the Everfree… Eh, different worlds, different timelines. Moving on from that… What is your power, Hunter? I saw Berserker can do some kind of insane Hulk stuff, and Runner… Well, he could possibly give Flash a run for his title." Silphen said as he winced, grabbing his head lightly. “He can turn invisible.” Vincent told him and I showed him my ability, disappearing from his sights before disabling it, reappearing. "That's pretty damn cool… Almost wish I was sent off with you guys instead of as a fucking weak assed Soft Metal Furred Wolf mage…" Silphen grumbled. “Weak!?” Azurai exclaimed. “Sir, with the shit you pulled off today, you are anything but weak!” “Yeah, dude, you shouldn’t be selling yourself short.” Tahillia chimed in. “You helped us in getting rid of Cocoon’s Changelings, retrieved the Alicorn Amulet, and healed our lord from his stupidity.” Krimzon stated. The only response Bryan gave to him was the middle finger. “Classy, sir.” “Fuck you.” Bryan grumbled before looking at Silphen. “They’re right though.” "Yes, but one good throat check and I'm out of the fight. All my spells are verbally linked, meaning I NEED to speak in order to cast." Silphen countered. “And that’s why we’re gonna help teach you hand-to-hand combat.” Krimzon told him. “Once things have settled down in town, we’ll begin your training.” While Silphen didn't seem to enjoy hearing that, he did nod in agreement. "Yeah, there is that, isn't there…?" “You don’t sound confident.” Luna point out as she looked at him. “Something the matter?” "Just the fact that I had trouble getting one unconscious human into a sitting position, Mistress…" Silphen replied solemnly, before growling and giving himself a very loud slap. "Fuck that! The armor made Berserker weigh a metric fuck ton! Hand-to-hand should help me get better with that." That was when Visi spoke up, holding a hand out. “Let me see your arms.” That made us all stop. "Uh… Ok?" He seemed hesitant at first, not that any of us could blame him, but he held out his arms. Grabbing a hold of it, she started feeling along his arm. “Hmm, you’re on the lean side of things.” She noted before letting go of him. “Have you been eating properly?” She asked him.  "Er… Until about a week ago, I had been in the Canterlot Dungeons as an unofficial prisoner… Then I had to figure out how to hunt and gather for myself and Aurana… So, not really…?" The wolf replied nervously. Visilia let out a sigh at this response. “Of course. Well, first thing’s first, building up your strength and muscles. You’re gonna need it in order to survive the training.” She told him as we began walking again. “Now, normally, we wouldn’t do anything to speed things up, but we’re making an exception for you. The food you’ll be getting will be slightly altered in order for your body to develop a little quicker. This will cut down on time.” "I'm not sure how well I'd enjoy being altered...I used to be human like those three, but Merchant's bitch ass happened, and… Yeah." Silphen replied, jerking a thumb to me and my brothers. Visi waves her hand at him. “It will only affect your muscle development. Nothing major in any way.” She explained to him. "Uh-huh… Welp. Only thing I give two shits about is Aurana and her half changeling sister back in my timeline, so why in the nine pits of hell shouldn't I get stronger?" Silphen asked rhetorically as he shrugged. "Besides, if I'm already able to swing a stone fucking katana around like it's made of plastic, why not be able to swing it around like it's plastic that can cut a mountain?" “It can wait until tomorrow morning.” Bryan said as he pointed out towards...Ponyville’s residents. “If they’ll leave us alone and go back to sleep.” Right, the explosion he caused. Luna sighs in annoyance, pinching at her forehead. “Let me handle this, the rest of you continue onward.” With that said, she spoke to the masses as the rest of us continued making our way back to Twilight’s castle. Of course, some of the townsfolk gave us some dirty looks, so we flipped them off and moved along. Uncaring about their retorts or complaints. Silphen lingered near Luna for a brief moment before following after us. As he caught up, he asked Visi, "So… What's your rank? Or title? Still unsure how many Displaced are here…" “I’m the Princess of Tartarus, and one of Berserker’s girlfriends.” Visi answered, stunning the wolf. “There’s only five Displaced and that’s the Doom Marines.” She added. “Ah. Coolio. Wait… Then what’s the titles of the last two?” He asked, now very interested in our past. Vincent answered him, “The Mountains Pillar and Collateral Damage. Pillar fought through defensive means while Collateral fought with big guns or a lot of guns. So one sets up fortifications where we can all hunker down and the other set up firing lines to gun down the enemy.” He clarifies to Silphen. “Anything else you wish to know?” “Nah. Aside from what version of Doom you got Displaced as, I think I can imagine why the five of you were separated,” Silphen said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “2016. We’re also over ten thousand years old, so you're hanging out with some ancient bastiches.” Vincent told him. “Uh… Bastiches…?” Silphen asked, confused. “He mashed both bastard and bitch into one word.” Bryan clarified. “Ah…” Silphen leaned over to me and whispered, “Is he… Insane…?” Pulling up the Datapad I texted, “Yes, he is insane. Also, that word he used? It came from a DC character, an alien bounty hunter named LoBo. First seen in the cartoon series of Superman.” After that I pulled up a file on LoBo and let the wolf read through it. “If you thought Runner was insane, wait until you see what this guy has done before coming to Earth.” Silphen facepalmed and sighed heavily, saying, “Being both a Marvel and DC fan, you’d think I’d know that…” “Well, he’s never always around like the other characters.” I shrugged. Honestly it’s only because LoBo isn’t put into the front of the page, per say. “Anyway, we’re close.” I saw Twilight’s castle up ahead of us, seeing the Princess of Friendship standing at the front of the entrance. Upon closer inspection, I can already tell that she wasn’t happy. She was mad, but also worried at the same time. Seeing Bryan in the state he was in, she puffs out her cheeks. “Oh, shut up woman. I do what I want.” Dammit, man. Don’t make it worse. “Do you have ANY idea what you’ve almost done!? You could’ve died and destroy the town for your reckless actions!” Twilight screamed at him, verbally tearing into him. “Of all the things that could’ve been solved relatively easy, you just had to choose the hard one! Why didn’t just, oh I don’t know, locked it up in Canterlot!?” “Where one of those Nobles would dare to steal it and use it? Fuck that. Not to mention another impending attack on the city by Cocoon and her Hive, when reconstruction is still underway? Fat chance!” Bryan countered her. “Yes, it was stupid of me to do what I did, but this way, NO ONE will ever get their hands on the damn thing, ever again.” They both glared at each other for a few, tense moments, which felt like an eternity, until Twilight was the first to relent and sigh. “Okay, fine. You win this time. No more risk-taking, you hear?” “My line of work is an occupational hazard. ‘Risk-taking’ is a part of it, as an option.” Bryan firmly stated. “Okay, if your lovers’ quarrel is over and done with, let’s head inside and sleep. There’s enough excitement going on tomorrow.” Vincent interjected before any more arguing could be made, moving inside so as to give neither of them a chance to utter a retort. Visilia, Chrysalis and my Ghosts following after them. “Hello, Book Horse. Before you go off about what I am, how I can use magic, this that and the other, I have a stack for you. Managed to fill out most of it while in my Canterlot’s Dungeon. My Book Horse actually gave me the stack originally,” Silphen then pulled out a 1 THOUSAND page book from his satchel and passed the monster to Twilight. “Oh! Well, uh…” Twilight grabbed it and grunted from the weight of the damn thing. “Unf! Tell the other ‘me’ on your end to compact these sorts of books.” She growled, hauing the thing inside. “Didn’t catch your name, did I?” She asked the wolf as we followed behind her. “Ah, bollocks… Human name or the one I got Displaced with?” The wolf asked. “Displaced.” Twilight answered. “Silphen Dardo. Archmage of the Soft Silver Furred Wolves. One of the last pages details which branches Silphen still had left to study,” was his response. “Okay, thanks.” Twilight huffed, still carrying the book with her hands. Which was strange because she could easily use her magic to do that. “Hold up.” She said as we stopped at one of the doors of her castle, this one having a distinctive, ornated, stainless glass within it. Using her magic to open the double doors, we saw what was on the other side; the library. Going inside, she placed the huge book on a large, round table in the center of the room with a loud thump, sighing before coming back to us and closing the doors behind. “I’ll be coming back to read up on that book tomorrow. For now, let me show you to your room.” She told Silphen, leading the way to his room. Silphen gave his thanks to Twilight as he retired for the night, closing the door as she lead Fluttershy and I to our rooms. Well, that was until Fluttershy made her request. “Um, Twilight? If it isn’t too much to ask, can Kevin stay with me for tonight?” I wasn’t surprised, maybe a little, but not so much. I suspect it was because of Cocoon’s Changelings and what Bryan pulled off, she was still frighten. Twilight blinked owlishly as she stared at her. “Uh, sure.” “Sorry, Twilight, but I’m just so worried. After what has happened…” Fluttershy started to whimper as I tried to calm her down. “No, Fluttershy, there’s no need to be sorry.” Twilight shook her head as she placed a hand on Flutters’s shoulder. “I understand.” With that said, she leads us to our room, this one being just as big and spacious like Canterlot Castle. Once Twilight left, I waited for Fluttershy to shower and get ready for bed. Looking over to one of the two nightstands,  located on either side of the large bed, there was a clock on it and it was already four in the morning. I sighed until I heard the door to the bathroom open and Fluttershy came out in a bathrobe, with a towel wrapped up and holding her mane on her head. Upon seeing that, I turned my head away in order to preserve her modesty and innocence. Well, what innocence remains within her being. “Kevin?” Fluttershy called. “Is something wrong?” I slid the Datapad across the bed from my side to her, with the following message I left on it saying, “I do not wish to tarnish your modesty upon first glance.” “Oh…” She mutters before saying, “Thank you for being honest. The shower’s all yours, if you want to wash up.” I took up on her offer and went into the bathroom, getting out of my armour and washing up. Once done, I dried myself off and put on a bathrobe. No need to wear my armour. Walking back into the room, Fluttershy was already fast asleep. I couldn’t help but smile at how she looked so...peaceful, while she sleeps. Letting out a sigh, I snuck myself underneath the bed sheets and get in as much shut-eye as I could. Before closing my eyes, I felt hands grabbing a hold of my left arm, I knew it was Fluttershy’s, because of how soft and smooth they felt against my skin. I didn’t move my arm away, deciding it best to let it be and fell fast asleep. (Princess Luna, Dreamscape…) “...Hello?” I called out to the wolf, as I walked into his dream, approaching him. As I approached, the land seemed to stretch and distort, before I was confronted with three paths. To the right, looked to be a swamp. The left, some plains. And behind me, an active volcano. “Ooooookay...hmm, which path to choose?” I questioned, looking at each path. “The swamp might not be the best. The heat from the volcano would probably melt his fur right off, even though this is a dream.” I sighed as I chose to walk the path leading to the plains. “Plains it is, then.” Once I’ve made it, I looked around to find the wolf. Crossing through the grassy plains as the breeze blew, rustling up the grass, it felt serene. Moments passed, and I finally found him; sitting against a large tree on top of a hill, overlooking the land. Taking flight, I flew up the hill and was hanging overhead of him. "Crazy land, ain't it, Mistress?" He asked, not looking up from where he was, and there looked to be some roses growing near him surrounding a stone. “Maybe.” I responded, flying down and sitting myself next to him. “So, what purpose does this dream of yours represent?” I asked the mage. "This? This ain't a dream. Well… Not a proper one at least," he looked up at me, and it took everything I had not to gasp in shock. His face was a shifting mass of what I had seen in the waking world, and what I can only assume was who he was before he became Displaced. "The swamps are where We go to work on the Voidic tree of magic. The volcano is for the Aetheric tree. What you and Sun Who- er… Celestia use fall under that category. The plains are for the Psionic tree that few know of, and fewer still can use." I stared at him in… amazement. “So, these are one of many branches of Magic, itself?” "Eeeeh… Yes and no. The meditation helps Us read from the trees, not just their branches," he said as the human aspect stood up and wandered off, leaving the wolf behind. "We were once two souls. Now We are one. Ashton Grey cares for the active mind, while I, Silphen Dardo, Archmage of the Soft Silver Furred Wolves, tend to the sleeping mind. If Azurai and Krimzon speak to you of what Ashton performed back with the Shadow Mimes, know that any gods of death for the realm shall find their numbers to be short a few dozen. The spell Ashton used steals the soul to use it as an amplifier to Our mana pool. Ocean would be more accurate at this point. While doing so, it destroys the body and the soul, leaving behind only psionic residue and dust." “This is… Wow, that’s a lot to take in.” I held my head as I processed everything he said so far. Or was it they? “I don’t suppose there’s a book to explain all of this? Because I’m starting to get the feeling that ours won’t hold many details in them.” "There are two. One, the book your Purple Horse now has, details mine and Ashton's lives. The other, my spellbook, is my collection of spells and magic branches across the thousands of wars I have fought in my world before We became as one," he replied, smiling faintly as he reached out a single paw. "If you would like, Mistress of Moons and Dreams, I can give you a brief run through my first memories of using that accursed spell…" I hesitated a moment, wondering if I should learn what misfortune befell upon the wolf. “Well… You know what, fuck it.” Reaching out, I grabbed a hold of the offering hand. “I accept.” The transition was instant, leaving my head spinning as the smell of death, blood not my own, and both rage and sorrow filled my senses. I realized only too late that I was in the memory when I looked down and saw the body of a young female, his daughter, bleeding out in his arms. The rage and sorrow grew stronger and stronger with each passing moment, until finally, I roared out at the shadows to do as I had commanded them to do more moments before, and they listened. The room darkened, the shadows spread outward from me and consumed all the living flesh they touched, using a small bit of the soul to amplify themselves and keep feeding. The city, and for several miles around, was soon empty save for myself, and I knew it. But that wasn't enough. The enemy, the Avoni, had to all be ERASED from the planet, so I used what was left and did just that. The planet that had been torn from Soft Metal wolves wouldn't fall into enemy hands. I gasped as we both came back to the tree, falling to my knees as I tried to steady my breath. “Holy Celestial Light…” "Should We have warned you first, Mistress?" He asked, a mildly worried look upon his face. "The physical toll from that spell left Us- left ME, unconscious for three days, and three nights. Upon which, I awoke to travel back to my homeworld. One may have mana, but one needs the body for that ocean to coarse through in order to use it." “I’m not sure if… a warning was going to do any good in… preparing me.” I said in between breaths. “But… I’m sorry you and your kind were not so lucky.” Silphen, for that was the one I now knew I spoke to, laughed mirthlessly, and looked at the stone. "Lucky? No… We were a race born of genetic intellect inhibition. The lower ones Fur was, the weaker ones mind was… I saw the corruption and tried to flee… But it followed and consumed my daughter. Now I am trapped with Ashton, and I shall not see the same thing happen again. I swear it unto you, Mistress." “... Why do you keep referring to me as that?” I asked him, a little flustered. He replied with a small smile and said in the happiest voice ever, "Our people once worshipped the moon. Both mine and Ashton's. We both hold a special love for the moon, he for the beauty of it, I for the freedom it represented back home. We could never see the moon, but we always knew it was there. When the clouds parted, and it lined up with the birth of a Wolf, they were raised up to the sky and called upon as Blessed Children of the Nightmother. I was the last one before being ripped from my own world, same as Ashton." “Why couldn’t your people be born on Equestria~?” I whined, lying down on my back. “Maybe then I wouldn’t have ended up as Nightmare Moon, even if my little ponies did not revere me in the same light as Celestia.” I pouted just at the mere thought of it. "Because the electromagnetic storms that are always present would kill off your entire race in a mere hours time. Growing food had been done very carefully as all plants had a higher electric discharge than we could normally handle," was his answer. I stared at him when he explained. “That’s insane!” I cried out. "Tis how we acquired our coats and our titles. We are, afterall, Soft Metal Wolves. We have a tolerance for electromagnetism that would make an Arkashi, a robotic squirrel about yay high, got a Soul Core in their chest that contains their actual mind and soul, jealous." Silphen said as he described a three foot tall squirrel construct. “Oh.” I sighed. “Well, at least I got rid of a guilt-tripping spell I cast upon myself. The Ta-.” I was cut off by him. "The Tantabus. Also known as a Nightmare Maker curse. Nasty bit of Dreamer magic… Still, good on you for removing it. Tends to spread like-" “Wildfire. Yeah, I know.” I finished, getting in my chance of cutting him off. Silphen winced as he nodded. "Yeeeeaahhh… How long did it take to spread for you?" “It didn’t spread.” I shook my head. “I felt it trying to, so I made sure it stayed put. Or so I thought. After many failed attempts on its end, I decided to get rid of it. Only, once I did, it showed me one last thing: its fear.” "Truly? A sentient Tantabus? That is… Frightening, and interesting. They are usually mindless blobs that feed on the nightmares of one they had infected… Would you mind sharing with me, not Ashton, the variant you used?" He asked, more curious than worried about it spreading. “Of course.” Nodding my head, I used my magic to replay the memories of my self-penance. Throughout the torment, it was starting to try and escape from me. But something made it stop whenever it was close to breaking free. “See what I mean? Just before making the final push, it stops immediately, as if stricken by fear of something far more worse was waiting out there to kill it.” "Yes, I see… It had spent long enough in one host to acquire a few memories… Those memories, possibly of the Doom Marines, made it recognize the threat of leaving without permission or with ill intent… But what's more, is the fact it acts very similar to M347. Should a Dreamer or Waker curse be successfully kept within one Host long enough, it will either possess the host, or seek to be born from the coupling of the host. Might I have the variant you used, Mistress? The spell itself, not the memories." He asked again. “If that is what you wish.” I said before granting him the spell I used. “And you are right: it feared the Doom Marines, or more specifically, one Doom Marine. The Bloody-handed Berserker. Apparently my sister locked him up and had him hidden away in our castle. The mere presence of sensing him seemed to have done it.” "I thank you, Mistress. And it is as I thought. This one is different from the one I learned from the Kalru-kidara. Only slightly, but with Dreamer and Waker magic, the slightest deviation can bring the largest changes." Silphen said as he bowed to me, exactly the same as he had in the waking world. “And I thank you for sharing your story.” I said, bowing back to him in kind. From there we gave our farewells as he began to wake up from his dream, so I left him and Ashton be and returned to my own dream. One where I’m spending time with my children and my husband... > Ch.30 (Edited.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHT LIKE HELL, FIGHT LIKE DOOM MARINES! Ch.30: The Departure of a friend... (Kevin/Doom Marine, Twilight’s Castle of Friendship, two weeks later…) “So how are you feeling?” I asked Silphen while he was lying on the ground, breathing heavily from today’s final training session. "Hell.. of a lot better… than when we started." He replied, rolling over and up as he quickly recuperated. "Say, Hunter, have you told the others about that thing with the thing and them yet?" “Say what now?” I questioned him, becoming rather confused. “How about speaking english and not butcher cryptic messaging? It’ll save us all a headache or two.” I know that was rude of me to say, but he wasn’t making much sense right now. The wolf sighed and motioned for the datapad. After I gave it to him he tapped a few words out and handed it back, with the question, "Have you told them they're from a tv show yet?" written on it. So I responded with this, “The ‘show’ never existed on our Earth. There’s no point in telling them what we don’t, or didn’t, know of.” This, in turn, stunned Silphen. “You weren’t the first one to tell me this, but I can assure you there was no such show called My Little Pony back home.” I explained to him. "Huh… Well fuck me sideways with a cactaur, that's a mindfuck and a half," Silphen replied. “If it helps, and as a reminder, Twilight did defeat Tirek some time ago. Mind telling me when that took place in the show?” I asked him, still finding it hard to believe that this whole world, Equestria, to have been a show on other Earths. "In the show, Tirek managed to take the magic of all the races except Alicorns. Flurry wasn't born yet, so no worries there. Seemed he didn't even know about the Crystal Kingdom since he and Dissy never went there. Anyroad, the princesses were the last ones to have their magic stolen, so they all gave it to Twilight. She has trouble with it for a little while, then a huge fight scene that even DBZ would envy breaks out, destroying her tree. All her friends are captured with the aid of Discord who also gets his own magic stolen, the princesses are locked in Tireks old cage, and he tries to use Twily's friends to strong arm her into giving him the magic. She takes the deal, gets the girls free, then says that Discord is a friend as well, gets a trinket, unlocks magic chest from Tree of Harmony, beat Tirek and trap him back in Tartarus." Silphen explained, nutshelling best he could. “...Flurry? As in Shining and Cadence’s child?” I asked him, now feeling sad for Cadence. "Yeah, why? Shining ain't died has he?" Silphen said, chuckling faintly as he shook his head. “He is.” We heard Bryan answer as he came up to us, sounding a little pissed off. “Shining is dead, and it wasn’t an honest, warrior’s death. They tortured him, amputated him, even cutting off his third leg. He was forced to watch his wife getting raped by the bastards that served Cocoon!” He growled, intimidating Silphen into submission. “...And I was too late to save him. But at least I got to avenge him. For now.” "Wait, what? Seriously?" Silphen asked, turning to face him. "If he is, I have a couple spells to resurrect, but… It needs the body and something to repair the soul." “You’re far too late.” Bryan stated, ending it as he walked away. “The last thing I want to do is hurt Cadence, Twilight and Chrysalis.” The wolf nodded and turned back to me, saying, "If I can, I'll try and find a way to pull Cocoon into my world. Maybe above an active volcano?" “If only it were that simple.” I shook my head. “Trying to find her and her Hive is difficult, even with Discord’s help.” It was getting rather ridiculous that even someone who is the embodiment of Chaos, cannot find a bug’s hive. "Like I said, I can try." Was his response. “It’s okay. We’ll be fine for now.” I told him before changing the subject. “So, liking your new body?” I asked him. The wolf’s body has gained some muscle growth and surprisingly enough, an unexpected… buffs, shall we say. Apparently, his soft metal fur had become something akin to natural armour, somehow hardening itself whenever he’s feeling threatened where most physical attacks cannot harm him. Swords, knives and other bladed weapons couldn’t pierce, cut or slice through it. However, that doesn’t mean the kinetic force of blunt weapons didn’t hurt him, such as a warhammer, or punches and kicks. But his natural resistance to electrical based attacks had also increased. “I’ll admit that these changes were… interesting. Especially throughout your training session.” "Indeed. Honestly, not even a Copper Wolf has these enhancements, and they're our footsoldiers. Granted their intelligence is equivalent to that of a 10 year old autistic child," Silphen said. “I’m guessing magnetic based attacks didn’t work on them as much, did it?” I questioned since magnets couldn’t stick to copper like other metallic components. "Considering the Soft Metal Wolves live on a planet with an almost constant electromagnetic storm that prevents anything not safe from an emp from even working properly… I'd say so," the wolf replied. "Why? Yooouuu got a gun that fires off electromagnetic pulses to fry the Incubus rocket launchers or something?" “We were thinking about creating such a weapon, but that’s debatable. The only thing that even comes close to such a feat is our Siphon Grenades.” I answered him as I showed the demonic, fleshy looking grenade to him. “As the name implies, it siphons ones life force and transfers it to you. However it also works as an EMP, disabling anything electronic for a time before it reboots itself.” I explained to him. "Hmm… If you'd like, I can offer some fur for you to test around with." Silphen offered but I declined. “No need to do that. I hate to see such perfect fur being ruined.” "Takes a simple chant to regrow, I really don't mind," Silphen said, pulling his hood down to reveal his raven black hair. “Well, if you insist. Alright then.” Seeing his magical potential first-hand, I wouldn’t doubt it. Silphen nodded and, with a few quick words he summoned a knife and cut off a few patches of fur for them, then regrew the patches with another chant. “Huh. And the Zebras say you can’t use magic for everything.” I commented, remembering my time in Zebrica when they were under attack by Hell. While the saying remains true, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for everyone. "Yeah, I haven't been to the Zebra place in my world yet. That, and the fact that when I got summoned I had literally just been blasted by tangible white noise. Not exactly what one would call a great entrance, yeah?" Silphen replied, chuckling faintly. “I suppose not.” I shrugged as he handed the patches of his fur over to me. “Thanks.” He nods and turns to Bryan, "That being said, you mind helping me with my defense magic again?" “Alright.” He nodded as we switched out. “So, remind me again on how defense magic works?” Bryan asked the wolf. "The spell is based on the caster's willpower, and only adds on to what the caster is already used to. So basically, the sturdier the caster is, and the better the will, the more effective the spell is." Silphen explained the basics of how defense magic operates. “So, an endurance test of sorts.” Bryan commented. "Yeah, pretty much." The wolf nodded in acknowledgement. With a shrug, Bryan and Silphen got to it, with the latter doing an immediate fat roll to put three layers of his Rock Armor on. Turns out that was another thing the training did for him. If he used a spell enough times now, he doesn't need to chant it. With that done, Bryan went in to attack, fists clenched as he assaulted the wolf with his punches. I warned him that Bryan was physically the strongest amongst the Doom Marines, as he was the most aggressive. Silphen learned it first-hand on how strong. Over time, the wolf has grown to endure such harshness and fight back. Learned to keep his wits about him and figure out how to counteract. But, there are some things you can’t beat. Hopefully he won’t be faced with such a task, yet. Trying to power on through such things, while doable, is a tedious task and very taxing on one’s self. Silphen took a good slugging to the face, the rock shattering from the blow, as he tried to use the spin from the punch to counter attack, getting a quick jab to his stomach for his efforts, cracking down to the first layer of the armor. Bryan saw what he was about to do, so he ducked under the wolf’s counter attack and gave a quick jab to the stomach. While the armor protected him, Silphen had to let out a gasp of air, stumbling backwards before regaining his footing and getting his breathing under control. “Well, you’re holding out okay.” Bryan complimented. "Thanks. Trying…" Silphen grunted as he fixed the armor, pulling more stone up from beneath him before trying to punch Bryan again. He didn’t try to stop it, taking every hit Silphen was throwing at him for a few moments, before grabbing both of the wolf’s rocky fists and head-butting him. Silphen stumbled back, the rocks crumbling off of him from the head-butt. "Ow…" He said, groaning as he held his head, "Note to self, try not to head-butt a dragon…" “Dragon?” This confused, yet intrigued Bryan. “What makes you say that?” "Oh, please! Silphen and I have merged enough for me to see vague images of the Spiritual Branch. Auras and Spirits are the representation of one's truest self. You, sir, have the shape of a beastial dragon beneath your fiery surface," Silphen said as he reformed the armor and charged back in. “Oh, yeah. About that…” Bryan started talking while also deflecting Silphen’s attacks. “Apparently Cadence had a dream about me being an anthropomorphic hybrid of a wolf AND dragon.” He told the wolf before performing a roundhouse kick to the face, knocking Silphen down. Now that he mentions it, Cadence did say something like that, so it’s not far from the truth. “So, if the dragon represents ones fury, what does the wolf represent?” Silphen groaned as he got back up, using his 'dazed' position to lay a minor Earth column trap in front of Brian as he responded with, "No idea. Loyalty maybe? That, or the fact that you're always with your pack of War Brothers." Bryan nodded his head in agreement with the wolf’s answer. “Sounds about right.” He said before walking into the trap. I really can’t tell if he’s teaching Silphen, or is purposefully dicking with him. He literally walked into it and now he’s stuck. Did he even notice it? “Shit!” My angry brother hissed, trying to free his legs as he was left vulnerable to attack… or was he? Just because Bryan’s serious doesn’t mean he’s incapable of lying. Silphen noticed that, instead of launching him off, it simply entombed his legs and put his hands up, the signal for his acknowledgment of defeat. "Nope. That shit was meant to launch you at best, send you tumbling at worst. Not entomb your legs. Not about to fight that shit, you win," he said as the armor crumbled off of him again. “So the trap was supposed to launch me, but instead, it broke down and trapped me on the spot?” Bryan asked as he decided to PUNCH his way out of it, the ground surrounding his legs crumbling away, freeing himself from it. Silphen nodded and backed away slightly. "Yep. Was seriously not expecting it to do that…" “... Am I really that scary?” Bryan asked with a deadpan expression. “Seriously, I’m pretty sure there are a lot of scarier things out in the multiverse.” I rolled my eyes at this, while what Bryan said is true, he’s the scariest thing Silphen has faced. More so than the wolf’s Celestia. "Look, my Solar Monarch might have tried to give my soul a tan, but I think I can hold my ground now, since she only uses magical attacks from what I heard traveling. You? I would die in a heartbeat were our sessions truly life or death," Silphen countered, pointedly inverting the mana flow around himself briefly, causing any spells focused on himself to invert. “Hm, true.” Bryan shrugged before dusting off dirt from his legs. “Can I ask you something, Silphen? It’s been bothering me ever since I’ve destroyed that damnable amulet.” He asked the wolf mage. "Yeah? What's up?" Silphen asked. Bryan lets out a sigh before answering him. “I… I’ve been having these… Nightmares? No, that’s not right… Visions? Yeah. Visions of some sort.” Silphen and I looked at each other before turning to face him as he continued. “I think the Alicorn Amulet, whatever spark of power it had left, was trying to contact me.” That’s… alarming. "That uh… Fuck, I thought it would fade… Look, I detected the spark when you came back, but I figured it was just from holding the thrice cursed relic for as long as you did…" Silphen said, beginning his small pacing circle as he worked himself up. Again. Then came the kicker on Bryan’s part. “The thing is, I felt no form of malice. It’s as if it was...submitting to me?” That made the wolf freeze in place. “Look, it’s still confusing as Hell, I know. It could even be a trap for all we know. But… I’m very certain that it doesn’t want to cause me any sort of harm.” More like annoying the Hell out of you. "Uh… huh… Would you be willing to bet your eternal soul, be it damned or saved, to trust the Perfect Corruptor?" Silphen asked, turning to Bryan slowly, making sure that he saw how his fur bristled faintly. “If I’m being completely honest? Yes.” Bryan answered. “Besides, there’s also… something I wanted to show you. A gift of sorts from it.” He sounded a bit conflicted by that point, holding out a hand and...conjured up fire? Yes, fire. Heat was radiated from it, before specks of ember started to fly up and then came the fiery, blood red flame. In that brief moment, we were in awe before he quickly put it out. Strange, Bryan’s attitude towards his newfound ability is… “I still don’t like the idea of using magic myself.” I was rather surprised by his utter disdain for magic. He’d never shown such negativity towards it before. Why now? “Interesting… This could very easily be a side effect of holding the Amulet so long, and then destroying it, or what souls that were still trapped are granting you their power in favor of freeing them… Those are really the only two things I can think of, aside from the enchantment itself having gained sentience and just trying to survive.” Silphen said, still pacing slightly. “Okay, but why do you hate using magic yourself Berserker?” I asked him. “It feels weird. I’ve never used magic before, neither have you, or any of our brothers.” Bryan explained with a shudder. “It felt so forgein whenever I used that kind of power. And when I do use it, the fire will grow to dangerous levels if I leave it idly.” That would cause problems. “As much as I would love to set my enemies ablaze, it’s not worth it if I end up burning everything on the planet.” "And how do you think We- er… I felt when I first got Displaced? Magic, even though I'm physically used to it, is fucking weird and has it's own laws and rules. For example, you having fire magic doesn't mean you can't use it to heal someone without some serious training and knowledge. Ever watched the Karate Kid remake?" Silphen asked, still pacing slightly. “Which one?” Bryan asked, folding his arms. “Also, using fire magic as a means of healing someone? Are you out of your mind?” Yeah, that doesn’t sound right. At all. "Hey, it works. And the 2010 remake. In it, the sensei used an old Japanese fire trick to 'heal' the broken leg the kid had. The theory of it is the same as an IcyHot patch, just using pure fire for it instead and washing the area of the wound." Silphen said. “Okay, yeah. We’ve seen that trick.” Bryan sighed. “But I’m not a healer type.” "Just using that as an example. Fire, next to shadow and light, is quite literally the most versatile element you can start with. Fire can hurt, heal, restrict, and boost. It's flashy, yes, but it does the job in th-... Aaaand now I see why you have fire magic," Silphen said as he was beginning to shake and snicker. “... So I have Pyromancy because of my temper, isn’t it?” "Well… More because you take the shortest and most obvious path to do something, and when you don't it's because you plan for it~," he countered in a little bit of a sing song voice. "That aside, how goes the search for your brothers?" “We’re close to piecing together to where our fourth brother may be. But, once we do, we’ll have to be ready for it. Someone has him in their care and is using the information our armour contains to technologically advance themselves.” Bryan told the wolf, but he had a look of bewilderment. “Let’s just say Runner and I ran into them during our second visit to Manehattan. Stealth tech, 1911 colt pistols with silencers, claymores and other sorts of explosives. And even before that, they sent an assassin to snipe Celestia and Luna out of existence.” "Fuck me sideways with a cocktus… Are you serious…? That uh… That's some news. Claymores? Shit, those things are not something you just play around with," Silphen said, rubbing his muzzle in mild thought. “What’s worse is that they are using these things to cover-up who they really are. And I’m afraid it’s probably one of the other games from Bethesda.” Yeah, that’s an even scarier thought. Bryan has a point since Guardian backed-up that claim. Silphen groans and chuckles at the name of that company, "'It just works'... Moving on, if you can get me anything from them, anything at all, I might, mind you I said MIGHT, be able to trace the astral and spiritual resonance back to the forge. Won't be able to get more accurate than that, but when dealing with magic…" “Well, we do have their bomb they planned on using to blow a building up.” Bryan made mention of it. "Sweet a-... A bomb…? You guys have a fucking building razing bomb, and you're giving it to a mage to track down its origins, when magic might set it off?" Silphen asked, very calm given what he just learned. “Maybe? Or perhaps this new group is very paranoid and make sure to build stuff where neither magic, or science, could help in finding them?” Bryan countered the wolf mage’s question. “I mean, you said it yourself; you MIGHT be able to track them.” He pointed out Silphen’s choice words which we all heard him say. "Y-yeah… Point taken… Still, worth a shot, right…?" “Anything to help in searching for our brothers is worth a shot.” Bryan answered and I nodded in agreement. “Of course we’ll have to head back up to Canterlot since we stored the bomb there.” Hearing this the wolf sighed. "Right, Canterlot… So long as Celestia doesn't try to give my soul a tan, I'll try not to taunt her," he said, mildly agitated at having to possibly see the solar diarch. “Eh. Don’t sweat it, she can’t do anything to you in any way.” Bryan shrugs as he assures Silphen before walking towards the castle. “Let’s go see Twilight and have her teleport us up there.” "Oh, I can do that myself, assuming the distance isn't that far off from my Equestria!" Silphen said as he moved to catch up. “Really? Well, wait for a bit. I’m still gonna check up on Twilight. Be right back!” Bryan said before running off, leaving Silphen waiting with me to keep him company. “Well at least he’s trying to be a good, responsible boyfriend.” Silphen chuckled slightly as he nodded before saying, "Yeah… Vinyl blasting me and Aurana with her Bass Cannon is bad enough for me. I can only imagine how Berserker is handling this stuff if he's as bad as you say." “He may not have been the most sociable being, but he wasn’t as rude as he is now. He was ‘reserved’ shall we say. Unfortunately, that doesn't always work and you have to be a mean asshole, just to get your point across. That’s what he thinks, at least.” I explained to the mage with a shrug. "Ah… Yeah, that can be a bit upsetting at times, I'll admit… Wasn't the best person before getting Displaced myself. But, after being here for so long, I'm able to distinguish between myself and Silphen again! So that's some good news. I am curious as to why it started though…" Silphen said, humming as he thought for a second. After a few moments of waiting, Bryan came back. This time he had what looked like documents of sorts. Did Twilight wanted him to deliver something to Celestia for a review? As for my brother, he stared down at the documents, looking at it with uncertainty. Whatever Twilight wrote on them has him second guessing. “...Fuck.” “What's wrong?” I asked him. “Some plan Twilight cooked up. One I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, even though it sounds right. There’s just the possibility of opposition that would stand against her proposal.” He answered, letting out a sigh. Silphen and I looked at each other in confusion before I pressed the issue. “Care to elaborate on what Twilight is proposing?” “When we get up to Canterlot and meet with Celestia and Luna. Contact Runner and tell him about the meeting. Silphen, can you take us to the City of Cunt-y snakes and Ratbag pricks?” Silphen stifled himself from laughing out loud from Bryan’s blunt statements. "Sure thing, just give me a sec to get the circle set up," he said, pulling out a small trowel to begin digging an arcane circle into the dirt. “Do you remember the ins and outs of the castle?” Bryan questioned. “Because if so, have us teleport close to the throne room.” Silphen scratched his head as he brought up his mental map, before scrunching his nose and briefly abandoning his digging to sort through the maps he had before finally nodding and standing back up. "Can do. Just… Hey, do you guys hear something?" “Hear what?” Bryan asked as we looked around, wondering what he meant. "Hmm… Nothing. Thought I heard something talking about time. Anyw-" Silphen began to say, before a portal opened up beneath him and he was sucked back into his own world with a loud pop. We just stared at where he used to stand, then looked at each other. “That was unexpected.” “Maybe it was time for him to go back?” I questioned, seeing how abrupt it was. Pity, I was enjoying his company. But we all have a duty to our home. “... I’ll go get Twilight.” With a sigh Bryan went back inside the castle to retrieve one of his girlfriends. Luna and Chrysalis had to return to Canterlot, and Visilia had to make a trip back to Tartarus to meet with her father. Whatever that may entail… It didn’t take long for Bryan to come back with Twilight in tow. “Okay, seriously, do I look good?” The purple Alicorn asked as she straightened out anything that was out of place; wrinkles in her dress, pulling back a strain of hair, etc. “Yes, Twilight, you look great. Now stop fussing with yourself before you end up messing with your image.” Bryan replied in exasperation, wanting to get this over with. Impatient prick. That was when Vincent contacted us on Comms. “Hey, could you guys come up here? Celestia and Luna received some letters from the other nations.” I looked towards Bryan, both of us shared a look of cautionary interest. They probably want to talk…