• Published 9th May 2024
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Jade, the Savior of Canterlot - AjitaniShirasu

A pegasus' journey to find where he belongs.

  • ...

caeli desuper

Author's Note:

1. The "Spoiler" feature is utilized to act as CLASSIFIED information. You can still view it, but it may ruin some of the experience.

2. Also, keep in mind that this story takes place post Season 5, so a certain somepony might be included.

Transmission # 16 21 18 5 16 5 19 20 9 12 5 14 3 5. Designate: ALPHA

Subject: Jade overseen by his father, post-school.

Unknown location, likely to be above Equestria.

1500 hours January 18, 2015

A blinding light shined from above the clouds, sat atop a vastly open realm, which could be mistaken for the pearly gates of the heavens. Atop what seemed to be a small slab of marble sat a blue filly, playing with an assortment of building bricks. He was busy at play, focusing on building a cathedral of sorts. He was incredibly intelligent, given his age. A while passed before a bright-cloaked figure hovered over to the filly and looked down at him. "Enough play for today, my child. We must prepare for our supper." The filly gave the figure a puppy face before sighing lightly. "Yes, Father."

The little filly was named Jaden Mist, who liked being called Jade. He had grown up in a sort of utopia, much of the area being colored varying types of white and gold accents. There was color here and there, but was mostly reserved for public spaces, homes, or buildings such as schools. As for his guardian, he was a humanoid-shaped figure with a bright-white cloak, like that of a priest. Its face was blacked out, and so were its limbs. He could perform a variety of tasks, despite having no visible limbs. He had no name but had adapted to Jade referring to him as "Father."

He had gotten up from a light slumber after teaching Jade all day. It was a Thursday, so he knew his filly could be let loose a bit the following day. Dinner today was a simple box of organic macaroni and cheese with a salad. Funny enough, the salad was Jade's favorite. He had grown up and always ate the vegetable first, which is what he oversaw that afternoon. He happily mixed the lettuce and tomatoes in a bowl, humming a tune they both shared. His paternal figure glanced over at him as Jade giggled, looking up. "Am I mixing the salad up well, Father? Am I doing an excellent job?" His father seemingly smiled under his cloak and chuckled. "You're doing an excellent job, my child. After you are finished, we will have supper." Jade jumped gleefully before putting the salad and checking a chore off his weekly list.

Jade always enjoyed spending time with Father, whenever or whatever it might be. They talked over dinner and cleaned up, making another checkmark on the list done. But at that moment, he counted his checkmarks and his eyes widened. He pulled his list off the billboard and showed it to Father. He subsequently leaned down and nodded as though he was incredibly pleased. "It seems you've completed your chore list, my child. After supper tomorrow, we will go out for frozen custard." Jade gently put the list on the counter and flew to his room, barely able to contain his own excitement.

Jaden grabbed his crayons and kept working on a card for Father. Somehow, the holidays arrived sooner than he thought. With that in mind, he took it upon himself to make him a gift of Jade's own. He had heard around his hometown that the fillies would be getting lots of expensive gifts from Stallion Claus. He heard it yet brushed it off. 'Father does not need to get me any gifts.' Jade thought to himself. 'He does not know that I saved up my change for a small gift for him. I do hope he likes it.' Father, on the other hand, sat down to watch local events on TV. He had already shopped for Jade and got him a few small gifts. He knew his child would be thankful, no matter the gesture. His faith in his child as his Father was more than anyone else he knew or heard of.

Without another thought, Jade flew downstairs and looked up at Father. "I'm ready for bed, Father." He spoke as Father nodded. "Have you brushed your teeth as well?" Jade nodded with absolute confidence. "Then it's time for slumber, my child. I will see you at dawn for breakfast." Father replied, as Jade clapped his hooves and flew back. He let out an exhausted sigh, entered his bedroom and lay in bed.

The next morning, Jade bolted out of his room, landing his nose straight on a cabinet corner. Father quickly turned out to Jade, whimpering on the floor with a bit of a bloody nose. Father moved towards Jade and looked down upon him in what felt like disapproval. Jade felt the room become eerily tense, his small bloody nose slowly increasing its flow. After looking back up at Father, the room filled with red smoke as he quivered. "F-Father...?" He asked, his heart racing. Father spoke over his child, talking in a lower voice. "You will know true fear soon... Jaden Mist." Jade's eyes widened in horror, and kept yelling, "You're not Father! You are not Father! You are not Father!" in any hope of salvation. Father spoke over his child once more, much louder this time. "You are a disgrace; do you not understand? You are not my child, nor was Mother part of our so-called family!" Jade backed into a corner of the house, a trail of blood following him as he moved. "You will soon be erased from this, and all other timelines!!!"

Jade threw himself out of bed, letting out a blood-curdling scream followed by a loud thump. Father came rushing into the room, quickly picking his child up and caressing him. Jade could not see Father's arms, nor did he ever know he had them to begin. Father quietly soothed his child with soft winds to his ears. Jade knew it always helped him calm down, even in the most stressful situations. His child quickly fell asleep as Father got the last ointment they had to help with Jade's bruise.

When Jade woke up, he hesitantly walked out of his room, then into the main hall, then into the kitchen. Jade looked left, then right, then left again. It was very unlike Father to be out of the kitchen. Not the smell of his smelly drink, let alone a plate of breakfast and a note. Jade got a bit worried and searched around the house for him, but to no avail. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Jade could hear a faint sound, like an extra annoying alarm clock. After a bit of quietness, a tornado siren echoed across the town. Jade looked at the front window to see it barricaded. He peeked outside to see what his neighborhood was once covered in various debris; sand barricades, other houses with forms of plywood, and hundreds, no, thousands of flyers were flying. Jade had to shut the door and take a few breaths, as he was not used to such speeds. As if Jade's odds could not be bleaker, the roof of his home was almost instantaneously ripped off. He attempted to hold his ground and consider his next course of action. But before anything, a sudden force grabbed and suspended him into the air.

Jade, completely distraught, screamed at the top of his lungs "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" A deep, familiar voice echoed from a distance. "Find the figure of Lunae Lumen and Sol Luminaria and bring them back to me! Only then you will receive your salvation!" It echoed as Jade felt a sudden thrust downward, knocking the breath out of him. He rolled over during his fall to find himself being forced straight into a pit of lava. At that moment, he knew it was all over. His heart only beat of desolation, firmly believing that there was no way out of this situation. But a moment before he would meet his demise, he felt something had changed. Maybe he grew taller, or perhaps bigger wings? It did not matter though, for the moment he hit the lava... it was cold?