
Viewing 61 - 80 of 106 results

A bit more time... · 4:39pm Jun 8th, 2022

Hey guys, I was meant to get the Bluebird draft ready by today, but I had a bit of a setback. The first half of my holiday was great, a lot of people and fun was had at the convention, but then I got food poisoning on the last day. I was literally out of it on the one completely free day I had to work on it, and then I was camping for four more days so I couldn't work on it then either.

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Happy Xmas to All! · 2:23pm Dec 27th, 2023

Hope everyone is doing well! I had great food, met both sides of my family, and got some nice gifts.

Best of luck to all those submitting for Jinglemas. I would have submitted too, had I not dealt with the emotional toll of redundancy and starting a new job. Still I''ve seen some interesting entries so far (I hope there will be Young Six related entries in the next few days).

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"Daddy's Girl" - To Fic or Nor To Fic · 4:59am May 8th, 2016

Years ago I read a story on this site by an author I don't remember that has long since been removed. It left an everlasting impression on me. It was a story that I wanted to re-tell in my own words.

It was more of a clopfic but the longer I spent trying to recall all that it entailed the more I saw potential for something bigger. It was most likely removed for containing underaged humans in sexual situations and that simple fact gave me pause.

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New Story · 10:45pm Jan 12th, 2021

Hey all!

So I'm taking a small "break" from It's Got to Be My Destiny to start a new fic, a Cobra Kai/MLP crossover. The idea was inspired by a fic someone did recently with the same crossover, but that's basically the only thing in common.

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OBIASR - Update 001 - So fresh it might be stolen · 9:19am Mar 15th, 2016

I don't want to sound rude, but I think that I just saw a suspicious individual when I reached home.

He was black (African ethnicity), face hidden by his dark blue hooded sweatshirt and looking at me with questionable intent.

As any good computer science student that I am, I shrugged it off and considered the action as someone lost in deep thoughts. I thought that this male just liked the way I looked : mysterious, pleasant, with a well defined body.

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Quick update on secret story progress · 1:01am Jun 23rd, 2018

So, life's been getting the better of me, putting delays in my writing stuff (sorry guys), so I wanted to give a quick update.

The draft of my most recent story is done. It needs some tweaks and small additions, and probably a fuckton of editing, to be honest, but it's finally done. There were delays, irl issues, but you know what? It's about 23K words, and the basic writing and formatting is done. Now I just have to polish this shit until it shines.

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The role of the Gaastheer... · 5:46am Nov 13th, 2015

In a reality where Flitter sprained her wing, a different route must be taken to bring the Breezies home.

"Mees Fluttershy, noo that yuu've signed th' agreement, you are honor-bound tuu follow our directions. Ah knuu you're only theenkin' the best for us, but we Breezies knoo what werks. An' it's nuu set of animal cages."

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Bluebird: End of First Term · 6:36pm Jun 28th, 2021

Thought I'd give an update on where the story is going. I've decided to make The Long Reach Part 2 the end of the Academy's first term. That does not mean the story is finished, but that enough of the story and character development is done that I'm gonna give the next few chapters a change in the scenery before it returns for the second term. I've looked through my current plan and contemplated if I should add

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Fever - And sneak peak of Woebegone chapter 7 · 12:17am May 6th, 2017

I've been having an on-and-off fever going all the way up to 101.5 since Tuesday night.

Sure, I may have had to get two shots in the ass and miss a few work days, but on the bright side I got quite a bit more writing done.

Have a little snippit of the 2nd draft of the WIP chapter of Woebegone

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Happy Holidays · 9:46pm Dec 24th, 2021

Whatever the winter holiday might be, hope everyone enjoys themselves and look forward to the gifts and celebrations with one another.

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FINALLY UNDERWAY!!! 8D · 7:33am Apr 13th, 2016

I've finally gotten my Anthro story project thingie started! Well, at least some sketches/drawings of the main 6 anyway.

First up is (obviously) Applejack!!!!!!!!

..................It's nothing professional, or good, but I'm happy with it!

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My Music · 7:07pm Mar 1st, 2016

So typically I don't post my music or make blog posts about it here, but something I recently that I'm really proud of and I wanted to show it to you guys here


I would also appreciate if you looked at my other stuff<3

Criticism would be awesome! Always looking to improve!


What I'm Working On · 2:19pm Nov 23rd, 2019

I'm tearing up on an outline for that wastelander Lyra Fallout: Equestria thing I mentioned a while back. It'll be short for a Fo:E thing, but I'm estimating* it'll still be up over 100K words. My longest work ever! I'll probably start serializing it sometime early next year.

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On Writing "Where She Wants To Go" · 10:59pm Nov 28th, 2020

Well it took eleven months, but I finally managed to write a self-contained story on each of the members of the Young Six, and even a story that featured all six of them at once! It's a shame that this most recent story, focusing on Silverstream's past, didn't grab as much attention as I hoped, but unlike Yona's backstory, I was under much less stress and pressure to get it done, so there wasn't a hard blow to see it drop off as

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The Current Standing · 5:31am Dec 5th, 2021

I've noticed that a lot of my stories currently in the works involve guards, or guard-like characters. I'm starting to think I may have a type. Or possibly a problem. Nevertheless! They are what they are. Rest assured, though, I do have more than just guard-pony stories.

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The Curse of the Throne · 10:29pm Jun 20th, 2016

I've noticed as I work on my current project that a lot of my inspiration is drawn from the show Game of Thrones. One part in particular is based off of Stannis Baratheon's defeat at Winterfell. As I work on this chapter I noticed that I drew some characteristics from Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont when it comes to a relationship referenced indirectly in the story. There are a few things that happen that are inspired by the hit show but I won't talk about them yet.

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No Bluebird chapter Next Wednesday · 3:45pm Apr 17th, 2021

EDIT: Updated post title, since I've developed a pattern of uploading new chapters on Wednesdays.

After writing a new chapter each weekend for three months, I'm taking a break this weekend to work on something else. Plus it gives me time to get things to write for the next few chapters I'm working on, the next two be less heavy than the most recent chapter.

Thank you to everyone who's been reading thus far, it's glad to see the feedback and interest.


Bluebird: Incoming... · 7:18pm Jun 7th, 2021

There will be a new chapter of Bluebird on Wednesday, I'm proofreading it at the moment. It's gonna be the first of another two-parter because of its length, but Lightning Dust gets involved. Hopefully, people will like it, then I'll eventually let Gallus finish the first of three terms of the Royal Guard Academy.

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A Sneak Peek #2 · 4:09am Dec 18th, 2015

WIP cover art.

In other news...

Haven't been getting too much writing done past couple of weeks for a variety of reasons...not all of them good reasons (petty distractions are a powerful thing). With the holidays coming up, I might not get much more done...or I might get lots done. It's hard to tell with the holidays.

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The next chapter is coming soon! · 12:53pm May 20th, 2020

Hello! The next chapter will hopefully be arriving either today or tomorrow.

I've also been working on another Environment piece from one of the latest chapters. It isn't finished yet.

See ya soon lads!

Viewing 61 - 80 of 106 results