
Viewing 21 - 40 of 57 results

New Project I am working on · 5:22am Jan 23rd, 2020

You are trapped in a video game with no way out, due to circumstances of the Real World. The other players can log out at will, but you can't. Upon this being discovered you are captured and forced into slavery; your new career as a ninja-looting thief has begun. You desire freedom, the ability to be who you want, do what you want.

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update · 9:40pm May 13th, 2020

Hold on ta this fer meh - Next chapter has begun
*NEW* Songs of her icewater mansion - chapter 1 has begun
Greatest stories never told- 50% done
You'll never know- 50% done
*NEW* Roll That Dice- 50% done
short stories - As I feel like it and may be finished on a whim of inspiration (sorry my one offs aren't a priority)
Did We Make A Difference- Sunny Rays has begun the interview. Standby.
Two are currently on Stasis due to current pandemic- poor taste to release atm

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Back on track but- Update · 8:57am Sep 8th, 2023

I...Had a mental break. I fell to pieces. Sadly, it was a myriad of events that simply stacked far too much, too fast. Because of my understanding of my nature, I swiftly locked myself in my apartment, avoided community based communications; discord, fimfiction, youtube, even my own mmos. Everyone can relax, no one was hurt (others nor myself) and I successfully rebuilt the remains of mind. Happy to say, I am back to writing, though I need to avoid stories of my life for the time being. I hope

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Ideas to help spur the writing process into gear · 2:44am Jun 28th, 2020

When trying to get in a certain mood for writing a specific genre; I highly recommend music.
For example, Pegasus Device and Rainbow Factory are my go-to, in order to allow me to see a grimdark scenario. Try singing along to them or perhaps for a sad fic, you could listen to "The Magic of Friendship grows" if that doesn't make you at least feel bittersweet with pride...I have no idea why you are reading brony fics, to begin with.

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I would like to take a moment to thank the following · 12:18am Mar 29th, 2019

This blog post goes out to those on my discord who have contacted me and worked with me to provide ideas, put up with my hundreds upon thousands of postings and repostings my works in progress until the desired effect was achieved. They are as follows:
Statizkyz -my editor, my idea bouncer, my friend and fellow writer
Pink Wolf- my second editor, my emotional test subject, my friend
Derkader- for fun ideas, someone to talk to

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Forgive me... · 12:30pm Jun 22nd, 2021

For the foreseeable future, Broken and Cursed is being canceled. It pains me to do this, but I'm going to explain why. It's genuinely sapping my will to live writing it. The story is based on a mentally and physically abusive relationship I had with someone. As well as the permanent mark they left on my soul. I am not being dramatic, I can honestly say I was brainwashed in every sense of the word to where I couldn't function without them. It took years for a close friend of mine to undo most

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Time's running out to vote · 5:56pm Jan 6th, 2022

This poll is actually important. All three are mega chapters, with one being a full-length tale. Whichever one wins, will be focused on and could be anywhere from an estimated month to three of writing. The other two will be delayed until the voted one is finished. Sunday the 9th, is when the poll ends after being up for a week; 4 have voted. Make your voice heard, let me know what you want next. Link below.


I don't know why I'm telling you this · 4:08pm Jul 4th, 2020

Today is independence day in America; a truly wonderful day paid for over countless decades. I would normally be celebrating. Yesterday I walked down into town and visited an ex-friend's house. We had an argument and shit got heated, so he declared us no longer friends; a month or maybe two ago (I've never been good at days or times exactly). He was mostly a sociopath. He had no emotions aside anger but he still tried to get past that. And I was helping him. If he got violent I knocked him on

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Something interesting brought up on discord · 2:25am Mar 8th, 2019

For those who don't know, Celestia is my favorite princess. Twilight is by definition my waifu. She inspires me and her personality clicks with the ideals in my head of a perfect woman.

It was brought to my attention that I portray certain characters as Masochistic, Self-Depricating, Out of Character or otherwise "very poorly."

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Update on condition · 2:31pm Aug 27th, 2022

good news, I still hurt like hell, but no more than I have for the past 17 years. I'm back to writing again, though not nearly as fast as before, I am working on making longer chapters than I was, a common ask from you, my readers. So bear with me, the new chapter will be dropping sometime in the next few days.


UPDATE! Chapter 5: Ashes - Teaser · 7:05pm Jul 26th, 2020

the next chapter is coming soon! I am really hyped about this. In this chapter you'll learn about the night Celestia broke, why she did, and just what was her mother thinking. But more importantly, what does she see in Twilight? Why is the little filly so special? Pain, agony, and tears are coming as the mystery is FINALLY revealed in chapter 5: Ashes, coming sometime this week!

I don't usually do teaser updates but my test readers have said they seriously think I outdid myself this time!


Poll Results · 11:02pm Jun 8th, 2022

By just one vote (7-6) Sunset Shimmer's princess origin wins.

There are Princesses and there are Princesses. Sunset Shimmer is a Princess Alicorn, but not a ruler. A teacher of Advanced Magical Theorum at Celestia's University for the Gifted, she teaches the next gens to use their magic to better society. She's taught this class for over 300 years. And this year, her class has some exceptional students. And-

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I'm honestly quite surprised · 12:53pm Jul 31st, 2020

I just hit 103 followers and gotta be honest: that's 103 more than I thought I'd ever had. It boggles my mind why 103 people actually care about the stories I write and are interested in my words. I'm...Not used to receiving praise as some of you who know me are aware. I'm awkward, beaten down, and incredibly dramatic; but for some reason, 103 people actually seem to enjoy that part of me. I know 103 isn't much to some but to me, it means the world. Thank you.

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[mature content] MY thoughts: Are Brony/Pegasister Fanfic Writers actually Weird? · 11:15am Mar 17th, 2019

The short answer is no. Believe it or not writing fanfictions makes us one of the most normal and average creative types there is. Fanfictions have existed for hundreds of years. A good example is "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. The story written was based on a real tale of love and loss, but the story itself is fiction. But wait, I can hear you now.
"But those are humans."

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Someone explain this to me · 3:39am Mar 25th, 2019

How is it people can take the time to click something, dislike and leave without ever bothering to view the actual story? Does it make them feel big just disliking without bothering to attempt to understand something? I just don't understand. I can tell when viewers have actually looked at my stuff before they like or see, the viewer count actually increases. Maybe they should actually attempt to read it...who knows, they might like it.

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Poll Results · 10:07pm May 20th, 2022

Utter landslide. Candy and Chrysi will be the next sequel. You voted and I listened; the tale of how Cadance met Chrysalis and the relationship began, is the next story in this universe. 34 to 8.

It all began on a shopping trip with her cousin, Sunset Shimmer. Cadence saw through the illusionary magic of a young Chrysalis; who was only hunting for love-based emotions from memories. This simple moment set in motion a chain of events, that neither foresaw but both would never forget.

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Happy Memorial Day · 3:28pm May 25th, 2020

You are not dead. I think that's worth celebrating. Today we remember those that weren't so lucky; fighting for others to live. They sacrificed their lives for us, just so we could smile through the coming dawn. This Memorial Day; think of them and live, laugh and smile.


New Avatar Rendition · 3:04am May 25th, 2020

Redrew my Avatar in a 3d model. Meet Gaia Magusa's new form. a nice bow and a collar. She lost her horns, but her eyes portray her sadness. She just wants to make friends. Her cutimark is oil painted; a magical staff and vines to portray Earth Magic. Now if only she could still actually cast spells. Poor Now-Hornless Druidic Unicorn. Her Antlers are gone, her talent; lost. Tell me your thoughts. See Avatar picture.


You decide: Help me decide what to focus on next- straw poll · 12:35am Jan 3rd, 2022

You know what you want, so help me understand, what do you think I should focus on for my next published chapter?

This is to determine what I should prioritize first. I will still work on the others but what should come first; what is it you want to read now. Tell me. Vote in the straw poll. The deadline is Sunday 9th at 8 pm est.

Love Doug/Zaky


Update on ALL Projects · 5:37pm Mar 28th, 2020

You'll never know - Chapter 2 is 1/2 way done
Alicorn of Sinful Pride : The final in the What the future may hold trilogy is underway. Chapter 1 has begun
Greatest stories never told: Chapter 2- is 2/3 done
of the 27 short fics i have started: (names withheld for reasons) 19 are 3/4 done and 6 more have almost 1/2 done 2 stasis given recent events.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 57 results