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Thank you everyone who participated

Huzzah! A winner is me! And congratulations to all of the others chosen and to everyone else who entered! Because really, with all of the great stories this contest spawned, aren't WE ALL winners?:twilightsmile: *canned audience aww*

Well, I'm kind of surprised I didn't even place as an honorable mention. That's disheartening. Now I'd really like to see the judges' scores — at least for my story. I want to know if there were any things in particular I could have done to place higher and if said things were outside the story's scope or not.

I second the request, I'm not upset I didn't win or get mentioned just curious what the judges didn't like. Or did like

3560194 Congrats!

I sent you each a pm with a few of the judges comments, I did however omit the judges scores and their names. Please don't get discouraged, both of your stories were well received over all.

Good game all! It was pleasure to judge for this. So many good fics, it was hard to come up with reasonable scores... I would have given so many a ten if I could...
Congrats to the winners, and good job to the runners up!

Nice work guys. Congrats to the winners.

3560248 I was wondering if I could get a pm with some feedback too?

:facehoof:*sigh* why not. Got any feedback for me as well?:twilightsheepish:

Site Blogger

I won?


I won?


As pleased as I am that I managed to hit first in the non-mature category, I would still like to see some of these anonymous comments that are being shared. If there's anything anyone didn't like about Ordinary World – and there's always something – I want to know what it is.

Judging time aside, this was nice. It's not often I get to enter a contest with so many competitors, and that alone made it worth it. I'm accustomed to having only three or four, not 15, and what's the point if there aren't any rivals? So let me just take this opportunity to thank everyone who joined this contest. Without you guys, this would have been a hollow victory.

I, too, would be curious to see some commentary.



Thank you! I'm really honored by my placing, especially among such fantastic entries. I would also love to see some of the anonymous comments, as I'm always interested in what I can do to improve my work.

Thank you again! I'm sorry if at any point in the other post I sounded rude or impatient. I really do appreciate what you all are doing here.

Ooh, second? Surprise surprise! :pinkiehappy: I'm just happy to have had the opportunity (read: excuse) to finally write How the Other Half Lives. I've had so many readers approach me with questions and gratitude, readers who found the courage to stop ignoring what-ifs and might-bes and accept a part of themselves that they'd previously been afraid to acknowledge... That's the real prize. If a story I tell can change a life for the better, then I know my time was well spent. :twilightsmile:

Oh, and I'd also appreciate whatever insight you all are willing to give.

3560600 congratulations Adda, and everybody else.

Thanks, Timey. I also want to give a shoutout to Twinkletail, who I knew was going to beat me no matter what happened, haha. Credit where it's due and all that. :twilightsmile: I hope to finish reading the stories entered at least into the bracket in which I competed, and those of you who haven't heard from me yet should, given time. Thanks for making this a contest to remember, everypony! I had a blast.


Aww :twilightblush: You had exactly as much chance as I did! You make good pony words :twilightsmile:

Thanks, hon. :pinkiehappy: I still stand by my comment, though.

Congratulations to all the winners! Good job everyone else too!

I'm curious to hear what the judges thought of mine, though I can probably guess.

3561026 Do you want a normal review or a Zero Punctuation style one? ;D

Whichever you think would be more fun for you! :rainbowwild:

Congratulations to the winners! :pinkiehappy:

Site Blogger

First I win in the non-mature, but then I come back a day later and find that I've been listed as the overall highest-rated in the contest? How did I miss this? Holy crapola, thanks guys! :twilightsmile:

Would still like to see any criticisms the judges might have had, though.

Y U win every competition you enter?
You machine, you. What a bloke.

Site Blogger

I dunno, but I'm starting to feel guilty. I mean, seriously, at this rate everyone will start emitting distraught groans upon seeing my name on a contest entry. "What, he's entering this one? So much for my chances."

I love that I keep winning these things, but it makes my efforts to stay humble... trying. :twilightsheepish: Just one more reason I'm avoiding contests for a little while.

Don't want you guys to feel like I'm ignoring you. I will send you all pm's back with the requested comments from the judges. It's just going to take me a day or two as I am rather busy with other things :applejackconfused:

edit: If you've won a prize feel free too send me a pm in advance so we can get those sorted out asap I've already taken care of 1 person so far ^^

Don't let that stop you. I've entered three contests and earned a first and two seconds, so I'm pretty happy with my chances. :twilightsmile: Besides, who cares about prizes when there are so many great stories to be written?

Site Blogger

I've won first in eight of the ten contests I've entered, and those are just the ones on FIMFiction. Might be overdoing it. :twilightblush:

Might I add that this is only the second contest I've ever entered that actually had a prize attached? I entered it for one reason: the prompt gave me an idea that I thought was worth writing. It's really the only reason to enter a contest.

Well, congratulations! :pinkiehappy: In that case, enter more. Set a bar for other writers to try to meet. Be a role model!

Site Blogger

I can't! :raritydespair: All these contests are eating into my own, non-contest-related stories that I just can't find time to write. The more of them I enter, the less my stories get written. That won't do, I have far too many plot concepts. I have to stop and write the stories I've been trying to write for months, not the ones that keep popping up because of interesting prompts.

Dammit, brain, stop coming up with new ideas! :flutterrage:

Oh, I'm sure we all know that feeling. :twilightsheepish: I've been writing novels since 2007 and I still haven't finished a single story aside from the short fimfics I've posted here. All I can suggest is that you do what's best for you, hon. Write enough on the side to stay fresh, but give your pet projects the time and attention they need to grow and prosper.

Site Blogger

You people make me feel like an old codger; I've been writing since the early 90's.

My pet projects are long; my TvE series is planned at 10 books, and that's just one of almost a dozen AUs I've conjured up in my head (so far). It's hard to finish anything when you're literary motto is "Go Big or Go Home." I anticipate my two latest projects to take around 5 months to complete.

Besides, I only just finished writing a spur-of-the-moment Halloween special; gotta get back to the big stuff.

Oh my stars... It's August! Why is Halloween taking over already? It's a holiday, not a holitwofeatheringmonths! But I digress.

Site Blogger

Oh, I just got inspired by a little something I read and – being a lover of the scary story – decided to write it down while it was fresh. Then I went camping and things exploded out from there, so... yeah, Halloween Special is now ready two months in advance. :rainbowdetermined2:

Whatever works for you. Can't let that inspiration slip away, can you? :raritywink:

Site Blogger

I've had to so many times lately. :fluttershyouch:

But not this time! :rainbowdetermined2:


I've won first in eight of the ten contests I've entered, and those are just the ones on FIMFiction.

*Eye twitches*

Where do you find these contests?

Site Blogger

Well I'm an admin at one group tht does nothing but contests (participation is wimpy, though). As for the rest, I just keep a weather eye on the horizon and have a number of friends who alert me when this stuff happens.

Damn my ignorance! I would've put more time into it, but I ended up getting addicted to TF2.

Curse you, Valve!

Congrats to all of the winners! And I'd be happy to hear what folks liked (or didn't) about my story.

Site Blogger

That would be Random Romance. We're a very 'quiet' group, because we only allow people to post stories that are entries in our current contest and otherwise aren't very active. Contest winners are decided by popular vote.

We foolishly went on hiatus for a few months waiting for group notifications to return (we are a silly people), but currently have an Applejack X Fancy Pants contest going.

Weird, even though I was tagged in the post, I didn't get a notification, so I didn't notice this thread until I looked at the feed from the group. I had been looking at the other thread.

Anyway, I'm so honored that I actually placed! There was a lot of good competition, I don't think I really expected that. Congratulations to everybody else who competed. You're all awesome. :heart:

I'm also interested in the judges' comments, if it's not too much trouble.

Honorable mention, sweet :twilightsmile:

Any chance of sending the comments on my story my way? I was actually waiting for them in order to do some editing and a final polish pass before making the story visible to the rest of the site.

3560248 Mind sending some of that feed back to me? Id love to know what I did wrong. Or am I too late?

Site Blogger

Can't be too late, I still haven't got my own feedback. :trixieshiftright:

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