SugarFavor 112 members · 5 stories
Comments ( 2 )
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Toffee Bean
Group Admin

This is a boring list of rules, but are still important:

1. be friendly and respectful of others, this means no insulting, or trolling things along those line, if you are seen or reported for being disrespectful or trolling, you will be giving a warning three warnings and you get banned over night.
2. Put stories in the right folder, This is to help the admin keep the folders organized and if you put the story in the wrong folder it will be removed from that folder and put into the right folder.
3. follow site rules, and if you don't this will result in either a over night ban or permanent ban, depending on which site rule you broke.
4. If the same thread is posted twice the second one will be removed, if two threads are the same but too similar the newer one will be blocked and you will be giving a link to the thread other thread. After a day the thread will be deleted assuming the person found the other thread.

Three warning= over night ban
Three bans= permanent ban
Heavy insulting= permanent ban
Abuse of admin power= demoted

4250740 , I have a rule about following rules.:twilightsmile:

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