//------------------------------// // Darkening skies // Story: Homecoming // by seeker9709 //------------------------------// Fear. It is was amazing subject indeed, full of ideas and theories, twists and turns. For some it was a motivator, fueling passion and excitement to accomplish new things. Of course, for others it was the exact opposite. Twilight had always hated fear. For her, it only lead to reckless haste. She was the kind of pony to take her time, to make sure everything was perfect and perfectly executed. Working quickly always left her open to more faults and mistakes. But there were times when haste was required of her, times when it was unavoidable, times when sacrifices and risky moves had to be made. This was her moment to shine. She had everything. The vile mana fruit had restored her to near-maximum magical capacity, nopony knew what her next move would be, and to top it all off, she had two hostages to prevent any more counters from being made. Yet as she worked, she couldn't suppress a chill from crawling up her spine. Down in the caverns below Canterlot, she could not stop the dark sensation that clouded her mind and dominated her thoughts while she continued carving into the stone. Even though she had tried to be as careful as possible, she had now surpassed the point of planning and thinking. This was a critical time, and everything she did affected her plans. If the damned beast decided to take control now, it would all be for nothing. Now she was driven by pure desperation and could nothing more than act, praying that luck would be on her side. It was doubtful, however, since luck had often failed her when she needed it most. The cruel world she grew up in taught her that if she did not succeed the first time, then she was bound to fail. It taught her that she had to win the first time. If she lost, then either she was dead, or another pony was. Twilight cursed herself, shaking her head. These thoughts would do nothing more than cause her to panic and become even more desperate. She needed to get control of herself before the situation went completely downhill. Only one other time had she felt like this, and it had ended with more pain and loss than she had ever felt before. If she let her emotions or her... other, get the best of her then it would not end well for anypony. Hell, who knew what might happen to Canterlot itself? She considered herself lucky that she had fought Rainbow Dash in an empty tundra, as she imagined her power going off in Canterlot. The loss of life would have been unimaginable. Not to mention, it would have thrown all of Equestria into disarray. No, if she was to complete her final mission, then she would need to control her demon once and for all. Now she had made the ultimate decision. There was no turning back now. No surrendering. No mistakes. Everything had to be perfect from this point on. She couldn't let her guard down any longer. The bitch had broken her, caused her to lose control. She had her revenge, but at what cost? Now was the time to finish this once and for all. If she did not, the monster inside her mind would be the death of her yet. Trouble comes in many shapes and sizes. For some, it comes in thoughts and feeling. For others, it can take the form be a beautiful mare or an enticing drink. But everypony must give in to that fact that, no matter how big or small, we all find trouble sometime in our lives. And while she had experienced trouble for much of her life, Octavia would rather be anywhere but the empty white room. Even the pits of Tartarus were preferable to what she faced. For Octavia, trouble took the form of two very angry alicorns. Each of them seemed to perfectly resemble their celestial object. From the one on the right, Octavia could physically feel heat emanating. Her eyes smoldered and burned, two small infernos that gave no mercy. Her fiery mane curled and lashed out, striking at nothing but appearing fearsome even so. The other was almost the opposite. While she may not have been as physically intense as the other, she gave off a frightening aura even so, cold and almost deadly with its presence. A chill ran up Octavia's spine as Luna's piercing gaze seemed to stare straight into her very soul. It was not a feeling the young earth pony enjoyed, and she greatly wished for the Moon Princess to remove her vicious gaze. But it was a wish that she doubted would come true. When Shining Armor had left the room the last time, Octavia knew that something was seriously wrong. Trapped inside her little prison, she could only pray that Twilight was not involved. The voice... the voice that had called for the Captain, had scared Octavia. Rainbow's voice had been full of panic. It was raw, pure, and mixed with something... else. It was not a common emotion. It was one of extreme pain. But all she could do was sit. No matter what, she maintained her composure, fearful of those who she could not see still watching her. And lo and behold, just a little over an hour later, her suspicions were confirmed by the entrance of the Alicorn Sisters. She didn't know what exactly they were capable of, but unlike Shining Armor, the Sisters knew that she was guilty. She knew the position she was in, and she could no longer lie or confuse her way out of it. She couldn't possibly hope to fool Celestia and Luna. There was a time when she could have lied her way out, in the beginning perhaps, but that time was long since past. In the platonic game of chess, Octavia was very clearly in checkmate. She had no moves. Nothing up her sleeve. She could think of only one pony who could save her from this situation, and that pony was also the reason she was where she was. “We will ask only once, and we expect only the truth.” Luna started. There had been something about her that had scared Octavia even more than her sister did, and now that something was far more apparent. The Moon Princesses' voice was full of it. It was not anger that was blunt and obvious. Instead, hers was calm and cool but teetering on the edge of madness. It was the type of anger that made you feel for your loved ones and not yourself. Still, Octavia could feel a sense of control from both mares. They were desperately trying to rein themselves in, to keep themselves in check. Some might have thought it a relief, but somehow Octavia found herself even more terrified. And yet, as always, her expression gave no hint to her terror. She nodded sullenly. Though it was not posed as a question, Octavia knew what Luna wanted from her. Luna kept Octavia fixed with a brutal glare. “Twilight Sparkle. Do you know her?” The answer was obvious. “Yes.” Octavia said, flatly. No emotion. No feelings. Just a simple answer. The sisters nodded, pleased with her cooperation. “Do you know where she is?” Celestia spoke this time, her voice considerably steadier than her body. Octavia's answer came just like the last. “No.” “Do you know what she will do next?” Luna spoke again, her tone much more hopeful this time. Clearly she wanted answers, and though they were simple, Octavia's answers were at least satisfactory. At the question, Octavia sat back for a moment. She took a long breath before she responded. “Specifically? No. Ultimately? Yes.” “What do you mean?” Celestia pressed. Though her anger seemed to be ebbing, she too seemed desperate for answers. Looking to the younger alicorn, Octavia could see Luna shared her sister's feelings. Fear and worry were etched into her features. Octavia cringed inwardly. She hated her next answer, but she knew that no matter what, it was the only thing she could say. “It is not my place.” She replied grimly. Immediately, the angry stares returned. However, there was something different about them this time. There was anger, yes, but it was not aimed at her. Simply, it was for the lack of an answer. Octavia knew that they wanted to know what was truly going on. They clearly hated fighting blindly, but who wouldn't? It was a dangerous scenario they faced, and she was the key to it all. “What do you mean, it isn't your place?” The Sun Princess looked down on her with a mixed expression of partial anger and also curiosity. The grey earth pony took a deep breath. This was only going to get harder as they followed her down the metaphorical rabbit hole. “I mean it just how I say.” At their growing scowls, Octavia hurriedly corrected herself. “Forgive me Princesses, I mean no disrespect. I am truly sorry for what is going on, whatever is going on, but there are some questions that I cannot and will not answer. It is neither the time, nor my place to do so.” “What are you so scared of? You are safe here, if that's what you are looking for.” Luna returned, her desperation for answers now showing. Octavia simply shook her head. Her gaze was aimed squarely at Luna as she spoke in a somber tone. “It is not what I am afraid of, Princess. It is the promise I made many years ago. There are some things that are not for me to tell, and there are other things that I physically cannot tell you. It is not against my will, either. I promised the mare who told me her secrets that I would never repeat them, and in return she took away my ability to do so. It was not forced, I accepted the conditions which I was given.” “We assume this mare to be-” “Yes, Princess Celestia. Yes it is. The same mare.” Octavia stared down at he table, a small smile taking its place upon her features. “The mare that you call your enemy, at this very moment, is the mare I call my closest friend, greatest confidant, and, dare I say it, love of my life.” She was unsurprised by the shocked expressions worn by the alicorn sisters. It was the reaction she deemed to be the most obvious to occur. It was not every day you heard of Canterlot elite mingling with dead ponies. “You say that you can't help us, but not necessarily that you don't want to help us,” Luna started, “but then you say that you are very... close, to Twilight Sparkle. Whose side are you on, Ms. Octavia?” The room was silent for a moment. Octavia stared off, seemingly lost in a happy thought with a smile on her face. “That is a funny question. You see... it is not you who I truly want to help. It's Twilight who needs it most. I may not be able to tell you what they are, but Twilight has gone through terrible trials, seen terrible things, and had to do many many more of these. Like I said, it is not you who needs help.” Celestia, not missing a beat, spoke up. “But then why are you suddenly so eager to speak with us? Before we came in here, Shining Armor told us that you denied everything perfectly. Why the sudden change?” There it was again. That sympathetic smile. The one that showed sorrow for the pony, and said that they couldn't possibly understand her. It was the look an adult gave a child, and the alicorns hated it. “The reason I tell you... is not because I have had a change of heart, but because I know how this ends, and I have come to accept it.” “You know how what ends? How long have you known? Why won't you do anything to stop it?” Luna almost screamed. She stood up so fast her chair fell backwards with a loud CLANG as it struck the floor. There was another long silence as Octavia studied her, searching her face closely. “I understand your anger, Princess. I know that I am not making this easy for you, and I’m sorry, but there is one simple fact that is the cause of all of this.” Octavia stared Luna dead in the eye, her smile now gone. “Twilight Sparkle is dying.” Silence once more befell the cold, bland room. The Princesses didn't even bother with shocked expressions. Instead they mutely stared downwards, trying to fully grasp her words. Octavia, despite the massive load she had just placed on the Princesses, looked unaffected by her own words. She had told them that she was far more than a friend to Twilight, and yet she seemed unfazed. The worst part was how she had said it. To Luna, it was horrifying news. Suddenly, the crimes from earlier were forgotten, and memories of old were brought fresh to her mind. The filly she had once known was dying. And with such filth polluting her body. Though they knew very little, they did know for certain that a nefarious pitch polluted her body from the inside out. Could Luna live with herself if she did not at least save her from that? Could the mare at least die with a smile? “How...How can she be dying?” Celestia finally spoke, her younger sister still at a loss for words. Octavia simply regarded them with a comforting smile, one that finally succeeded in setting Luna off. “TELL US, MARE.” Luna screamed, her control gone. Though most ponies would cower in fear at the Royal Canterlot Voice, and with a furious princess on the other end no less, Octavia remained stoic and calm. “I'm afraid I cannot say. You have to ask the right question, if you want answers.” She wanted to lash out again, to scream at the mare and demand her answers. And yet, as Luna stared into those deep, forgiving eyes, she found herself calming. She shook her head, the feeling that now washed over her felt unnatural. Raw. It was like nothing she had ever felt. She glanced at her sister and, when she saw the look on Celestia's face, she knew that she could feel it as well. Interested, the Sisters turned back towards the young mare. “How are you doing that?” Celestia whispered, seemingly in awe. Octavia shot them a confused look, cocking her head to side. “I beg your pardon, Princess?” Before the silence could overtake them once again, Luna spoke. “How are you doing... that? We can feel the power radiating off of you. Octavia, how are you using magic?” Luna was in wonder, her eyes wide. Octavia took on a shocked expression as well, staring back at the Princesses with wide eyes. “But... how did you know? I thought I was being subtle?” The Princesses shook their heads in unison. “There is nothing subtle about what we are feeling, Octavia.” Celestia spoke. “I am not even trying, and I can feel it in the air. I cannot, however, explain how an earth pony is using magic.” Octavia, for her part, was considerably surprised. She looked confused and... possibly offended. She blinked a few times while staring at the alicorns waiting quietly. Seeing no way out of the situation, Octavia felt forced to speak under the curious eyes of the Princesses. “I assume the both of you are familiar with Earth Pony magic?” The alicorns nodded, urging her on. “Since I was born I, as well as all others around me, knew that there was something different about me. I was always... calmer, than other. It's a strange thing to describe, I know, but there is no real other way I can think to describe myself. “Ponies always said I was infectious. No pony around me could stay angry, or frustrated, or panicked, or upset. My very presence could help ponies. I met Twilight when I was 17 years old, Twilight herself a year my junior. Before I had met her, nopony really understood my abilities, but she helped unlock my true potential.” At the mention of greater power, both princesses stiffened. They eyed her carefully, doubting that the refined and proper mare would do anything, but not wanting to take any risks all the same. For all they knew, she could have the same dark magic that possessed Twilight inside of herself as well. Though she saw their reactions, Octavia continued without pause. “Well, according to what Twilight has told me, my magic is unique from all others. Instead of the earth, mine reacts with ponies. I can read emotions, and alter them. Think of Princess Cadence's powers, but instead of love, I can calm creatures and even put them to sleep if I really try. I am truly unique.” “For a few months she stayed with me, helped me hone my skills, and watched over me while I grew and learned. In return, I helped her in a way that nopony else could. I helped to give her peace of mind. You see, Princesses, it's like I said, Twilight is dying. Not a regular death, one with physical pain or crippling, oh no. Instead, her mind is dying. She is quickly losing the fight to the monster inside of her.” “You must understand, this filth is so much a part of her that she has given it a name. It's not an infection, it's integrated into her, and it will be for the rest of her life. It can't be destroyed, only suppressed. I have seen first-hoof how it twists her, how it forced its will upon her and breaks through her shields.” “She is truly a prodigy. Twilight is the kindest, most loyal, and generous pony I have ever met. But if she lets her guard down for even a moment, then the damned creature takes hold of her and does what it does best. Kill. Torture. Maim. Destroy. Feed. The only thing “Dementis” lives for, is to end life.” “Maybe if it was found when she was younger she would have had a chance, but now she is far beyond help. The most I can do is make her final days comfortable. She only has one last mission to complete, and then it will be finished. She can finally rest. She can finally know peace.” The silence rang once more as the Princesses stared at Octavia, the earth pony sitting with a small, sad smile. Her grace and pose never failed throughout her entire speech, as if she had been prepared to give it for so long. It was clear that the mare had been preparing herself for whatever was to happen next, and had truly come to terms with it. If nothing else, it was heartbreaking. “But what can we do, Octavia?” Celestia barely whispered, her voice teetering. “We cannot just sit by and do nothing. She has been wreaking havoc in the past few hours, and has gone past the stage of forgiveness.” “The way I see it, Princess, is that you have two options.” Octavia held her left hoof up, exposing the underside as if she was holding something. “You can either let Twilight finish her mission, and let her find her own peace, or...” She held up the other hoof, her expression rapidly darkening. “You can kill her.” The two sides continued to stare at one another. Octavia's eyes were cold, and had lost all trace of kindness and concern. “I'm afraid there is no alternative. There will be death before this is over, and I will not blame you if you choose either one, but I ask you, on my life Princess, please do not capture her. Do not force her to live with her demon. If you do, you are helping nopony, you are only subjecting one to more torture and pain.” Octavia stared into Celestia's eyes, the calming sense gone. Now there was only hurt and anger in the grey mares eyes. “For the love of Faust, Princess. Make the right decision. I am begging you, make the right decision.”