Castlevania: Magic of Friendship

by WiltedBloom2013

Chapter 5: Thornweed galore!

Scootaloo awoke from the save room and left it, ready to deal with the challenges ahead... until she runs right into a plant and takes damage. Alucard crouches down and cuts the plant with his sword, "Be careful, Thornweeds are usually everywhere in this castle," he says and he moves about cutting the Thornweeds down to size.

Plants, none the less weeds, such an unexpected threat.

Alucard and Scootaloo eventually reach an area neither can get to, as it's too high up. "Looks like we need some form of double jump or flight to get up there..." Alucard said as Scootaloo tried her wings... to little success. Well... at least there's a path to the right and a path down but the down path is blocked by a glowing door so... it probably needs some form of rare object to open it... hold up, "That door wasn't there when I entered before with my friends, well... I guess now they're ex-friends, did the castle add that after I bolted?" Scootaloo asked as Alucard nodded... great... as if this castle wasn't confusing enough as is.

So Scootaloo and Alucard go to the right, immediately leaving the Ever Garden and entering... a library.

"Great... Scoots has to trot through egghead territory..." Rainbow said with some minor annoyance, "Look at the bright side, Rainbow, at least Scootaloo isn't reading those books considering anything could be in them," Twilight retorted not even noticing that some of the books were alive and actively attacking Scootaloo and Alucard.

"Ah'm more worried 'bout if Scoots'll be able ta fight Apple Bloom and Sweetie since they don't seem ta be on Scoots' side fer once," Applejack said as Scootaloo used a Dash Attack on a book. Fluttershy noticed Alucard doing some gestures and taking the souls of all nearby enemies... multiple times sometimes, "Alucard's powers are scary, I'm so glad he's not like his father or else that world was doomed," she noted before Discord said "Fluttershy, you realize Alucard has the same powers as his father right?"


"Darling, I'm worried for Scootaloo, she needs to get out of the castle!" Rarity states but Discord shakes his head no, "Sorry, but this might be fate, for all we know all of the crusaders being sent there was preordained from the start so I won't get Scootaloo out, and she doesn't even need me as she always knows what's up next through those 'save points' so, let's just watch," obviously earning looks from everypony(except Pinkie Pie because of course).

"You know Discord's right! It'll be our own little version of Lucar's 'A Sweetie Dreamland'"



By this point Scootaloo was walking through a room with multiple destroyed bookshelves, right before jumping over a possessed book.

Scootaloo and Alucard had split up again, Scootaloo opting to search the lower path which had lots, and that's not a joke, lots of Thornweeds and even some Corpseweeds. Luckily Scootaloo now knew how to use Soul Steal so the Thornweeds(He opted to calling them just Une) weren't a hassle... the Corpseweeds however... the head trapped in the Corpseweed shoot gunk towards Scootaloo and she either had to attack the gunk to destroy it or dodge it and the number of them makes dodging them perfectly difficult.

Scootaloo had to slowly approach to ensure that they didn't give her too much issue. Eventually she did so and found... an empty room with a hole in the roof... you serious? Now to go through the Thornweeds and Corpseweeds again...

One return trip and horde fight later.

Scootaloo went upstairs as Alucard came back, a rare jewel(As Scootaloo assumes) in hand, "Now we can open enchanted doors like we saw earlier, did you find anything Scootaloo?" Alucard asked and Scootaloo just shook her head. They went back, using some potions that Alucard somehow had to get to full fighting condition("Corpseweeds are awful and I hate them" Scootaloo said), to the Ever Garden, and opening the enchanted door they saw earlier taking them to another new area...

The Deep Caverns.

As it's name suggests, these are some deep caves, probably going to the Earth's cores if they go deep enough. Alucard said how the last time he had to go deep below, he had to fight three bosses in specific(Well, not actually, two of them were technically optional.)

Alucard entered a room with pillars, finding the guard dog Cerberus. It wasn't hard, all Alucard had to do was stand on a pillar and throw holy water, occasionally dropping down to slash at its faces sometimes... was that supposed to be hard?

Alucard stepped into a massive room with many corpses throughout it... and he knew... it was Granfaloon, called Legion by some. Axes in Hand, Rehab's Frost in the other, Alucard was ready for this fight!

Alucard stepped into what looked like an ordinary save room... but he knew better. He interacted with the save room and fought the Succubus without problems.

Scootaloo(and the ponies) felt her eyes go wide at hearing those... Cerberus, guard dog of Tartarus has a counterpart, a collection of dead bodies called Granfaloon(or Legion), and a Succubus... if those stories told Scootaloo anything... it's be prepared for anything. Along the way... Scootaloo got lost. "Oh great... now where do I go from here?" She asked as Alucard had seemingly let her get lost..

She walked through the Deep Caverns, finding human like creatures that controlled ice that she'll call an Ice Elemental, probably not the right name but she is kinda lost right now. Scootaloo had a battle with the Ice Elemental only getting hit once by a big icicle, "Ow... note to self: Icicles hurt," she stated, knowing full well she was just stating the obvious.

As Scootaloo went deeper in the caves, she eventually found a room with a keyhole shaped portal in it, stepping into it sends her to the... entrance? She cane tell she is in another warp room but... where is she now? She pressed a switch and opened a shortcut to the Chemical Lab, however she has no reason to return here for now so she goes back to the Deep Caverns through the Warp Room.

Back in the Deep Caverns, she looks around for Alucard again, finding several rooms with rare stuff, some armor, some Life ups(of which she used half of her finds), some Heart ups, a new kind of drink that increases her magical energy which she called a Mana up. She knew that getting all of the things would be impossible for now, it's kinda been that way the entire castle, pathways the hide stuff(Most likely) that she can't reach yet without some form of enhancement like flight or teleporting... if only... maybe... her wish can come true.

Scootaloo focused for a moment on the out of reach area and.... in a flash... her artificial horn teleported her! "Woah! Okay, I can get used to this!" She exclaimed happily! Now she could teleport without using Hellfire! If only se had a bit more range, if this platform was any farther away she would have had to struggle to get on the platform. We went and grabbed both the Life up and the one mysterious object. She just feels that it'll be important... for what? No idea, she just does.

It took her a good solid minute to find Alucard who had found a boss room and was gathering hearts, now having the Knife subweapon. "Finally, took you long enough," Alucard said.

"Sorry, I got a little lost. I did find a strange device but, nothing that particular," she responded as she attacked a candle that dropped some holy water. Picking it up and using some hearts to test it, the holy water created an extra tall flame with a line of fire(Not as tall as the base flame) in all of the the cardinal directions. "Sick!" She said, watching as the fire vanished.

Before they entered the room, Scootaloo used the holy water to open a strange wall. Behind the wall was a new room with... a single switch. "Well, guess we should press the switch for whatever in this room," Alucard said as he stepped on the switch, pressing it and it revealed a chest which had... a new sword. It had a purple wing like hilt and a purple grip. Its blade had three triangles at the end.

"I remember Button Mash talking about a sword that looks similiar to that from 'The Myth of Hilda,' if I remember it was called the 'Master Blade' or whatever," Scootaloo commented as Alucard put his old sword away and started using the "Master Blade."

They went back to the boss room and enter the room.

The ponies watched as Scootaloo and Alucard entered the boss room which was... a save room? "Oh... Scootaloo gets to save..." Fluttershy said looking up as Scootaloo interacted with the "Save Point" only for the portal to change screens to show Scootaloo in a completely destroyed Ponyville, no sign of Alucard.

"So what is going on? This is weird," Twilight asked... only for Discord to shrug in response.

Scootaloo walked around the streets of this destroyed Ponyville, not sure why she's here after saving. A little bit farther and she sees... corpses. Lots of pony corpses(This freaked the ponies watching out) the farther Scootaloo went, the more there were, and then Scootaloo reached an area with a big bubble of nothing it seemed, out of the bubble came an odd creature, it was basically a giant robot monkey with rocket launchers... and yet, in this place, Scootaloo knew what it was... Galleom. She didn't know why or how but she did. She started the fight by using her holy water which the Galleom has major problems dodging due to its large size, Galleom tries punching her but she dodges before it can.

Scootaloo grabbed Fatal Wind in her magic and used it to attack the Galleom which... did more than she expected. The Galleom jumped and turned into what is basically a carriage as it dashed towards her... she dodged with a well placed teleport. "Goodness, this Galleom really doesn't want to let up, does it?" She said as she attacked it with holy water again, clearly getting it angry enough for it to stomp as it turned red, "It does have a short temper though," she said as she giggled... then came the unexpected rockets, the first three hit her as she attacked and busted the fourth before she landed on the ground and used Hellfire... but instead of shooting fire balls, she shot balls of darkness!

The balls of darkness seem to have hurt the Galleom tons as it starts sparking almost as if it's short circuiting, one more attack from Fatal Wind and the Galleom explodes!

Scootaloo awoke and grabbed the now in the room reward(A pair of artificial wings) as she gained a double jump. Walking out of the room and she finds a save room not far in which she saved for now... if that Galleom was bad... what can she expect of future battles?