InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings

by Blackdrag-rose

Cleaning the Streets

It took Delsin a few moments to actually go through with the act of absorbing a bit of Fetch's powers, where the sisters found that the neon seemed to wrap around both of their arms as he did that, though it also looked like they might be in the middle of sharing something. Adagio guessed that part of Delsin's powers allowed him to see the moments that lead to a Conduit gaining their powers, or maybe a powerful emotional moment that shaped their lives, which for Fetch had to be the day her brother died due to drugs, based on Reggie's report. Of course she and her sisters weren't about to pry, it was for Fetch to know and for Delsin to find out about so he could talk with her about it, or just to understand what she was feeling right now, but they were happy that Fetch saw them as allies and not enemies. In the next moment the pair fell backwards and her sisters caught them, Sonata rushing to Delsin's aid as Aria did the same for Fetch, though instead of forcing them to move, so soon after experiencing such a thing, the group decided to pause to let them catch their breath.

When both Delsin and Fetch were ready to go Delsin found that the first neon power he had access to was her running skill, the light trail they had seen when she fled from them earlier, and while he could only move in short bursts, which were uncontrollable, he had someone there to teach him how to move. Fetch had an idea in mind for a place to see what sort of powers he had gotten from just the exchange itself, so she carefully moved around the city as she reached a large building that seemed totally empty, though there were a fair number of old neon signs inside it. From there they dropped inside and she had Adagio create some dummies for Delsin to fire at, where he followed Fetch's lead as she demonstrated how she did her basic attack, firing a small burst of neon energy at the icy foes that Adagio set up for him. While they did that Aria and Sonata made sure to keep an eye on the outside, just in case the DUP showed up while they were focused on training, only to find that Reggie arrived to arrest Fetch for the murders she had committed, since it skipped the legal process that he and the other cops usually went through.

The two brothers had a private conversation about what to do with Fetch, who just stood with the sisters, before Reggie finally caved and left the area, meaning Delsin had convinced his brother that he knew what he was doing and that Fetch was in good hands.

"Sorry about that, Reggie couldn't see that you were trying to make the city a better place by taking care of the dealers that are here," Delsin said, as he knew that Fetch had been a little worried about Reggie's remark, not too much since the sisters wouldn't allow him to jail a Conduit who was fighting for the people, and this was his way of telling her that she was fine, before he thought of something, "Look, I know Augustine trained you to kill, but we can show him... show the people of Seattle... that you aren't who the DUP are making you out to be."

"Wait, she trained you to kill people?" Sonata inquired, mostly because if that was the case it confirmed what she and her sisters had suspected, Augustine had raised several Conduits to spread fear to make her false message known to the rest of the world, no doubt to fund her group for the foreseeable future.

"Yeah, but I gladly went along with it since it gave me the tools to deal with those who took my brother from me... even if my powers ultimately killed him." Fetch replied, where she rubbed her arm for a moment, showing that it wasn't a topic she wanted to talk about too much, which was understandable since losing a family member in such a way likely wrecked her emotionally, before she sighed for a moment, "However, I don't like how she's labeled me as a monster when I'm only trying to straighten out the city by eliminating the illegal drugs that are in the city."

"We think Augustine's doing this on purpose, to make you and all Conduits look like monsters while making the DUP look like the heroes." Aria said, something that caught the attention of both Delsin and Fetch for a moment, since this was the first time she or her sisters had mentioned their thoughts to anyone, but after everything they had been through they all knew that Delsin was trustworthy and Fetch, while being a newcomer, seemed the same way, "So, what do you say we prove her wrong by showing the people that we're more than the monsters she's trying to tell the people we are? You'll find that the people actually believe us."

"Look, if we're going to help Fetch out, I need more than a running skill and a basic attack... I'm not complaining, I love the feel of this power more than my smoke ability." Delsin stated, while at the same time telling Fetch that he liked hers, since there was a chance that she might get offended by his statement, but she either didn't mind or hadn't caught his words, or maybe she was focused on something else while they talked, "We need to find more of those Core Relays, both to wipe all of them out, since we have no idea what they actually do, and to get me some new powers... I am absorb the energy out of the devices and it gives me a boost, unlocking new powers."

Fetch told him that she'd have to look at the region of Seattle she had been operating in, as while she recalling seeing one or two before this point she also wasn't entirely sure if she was right or not, though as she started to leave Delsin called his brother to see if he had any information. Apparently Reggie pulled what Delsin called the 'Pouting Reggie' on him, likely due to the fact that everyone wouldn't let him bring in Fetch or whatever had been said between him and his brother not that long ago, but, despite what seemed like a small argument, his brother sent him the location of the only Core Relay his friends had discovered. With that in hand they departed from the ruined building and headed out into the city, where the group found night was truly upon the city and that most of it's citizens had turned in for the night, save for those that were up to no good, those who did late night activities, and the DUP patrols. Fetch knew of the one that Delsin told her about, where the sisters weren't surprised that the two had exchanged contact information, right before Reggie barged into their training session, and told them that she'd meet them at the Core Relay, as she was already done taking care of the drug dealers for the time being.

As such they found the location of the first Core Relay and Delsin smashed it, where he absorbed it and revealed that he had a new precision attack, where he could either hit the legs and arms to restrain his foes, to capture them alive, of, if he was feeling evil, hit them in the head to kill them, where he decided to avoid the latter. Sure enough the sisters found that several DUP Pawns were in the area and it proved to be an excellent chance for him to test out his brand new power, as he struck them in their blue weaknesses, or at least they were blue to him, restraining them in no time at all. Fetch, on the other hand, departed from the area before he even finished absorbing the power and contacted him once she had news, she had found another Core Relay and she had left a trail for them to follow, special neon markings that pointed towards the next one. While it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, since it left something for the DUP to track, the sisters were fine with taking to the sky and following Delsin as he tracked down the Core Relays, though while he did so he found that a few more drug dealers had been taken down by Fetch.

What was amazing was that the pair seemed to talk a lot while Delsin carefully followed the markers, as he tried to tell her to tone down her rage, to not feed the monster that Augustine wanted people to think she was, where she told him to bite her, showing that she was still angry, despite her earlier friendliness. The second Core Relay happened to be near one of the docks, where Fetch happened to be watching over it as she downed more drug dealers that annoyed her, allowing him to break it open and get another power from it's inner energy, causing him to smile in the process. The grenade power was up this time around, allowing him to knock his foes into the air to make it easier for him to hit their weaknesses and restrain them, which he used to perfection against the dealers that came to investigate their fallen friends. After that they discovered that the next Core Relay was near the edge of a mountain, not the one they had visited previously, and that the next power was his concentrated blast attack, this time the focused beam of neon energy, which he used to decimate all of the incoming DUP agents.

After that they found one that amazed them, as the last of the Core Relays gave Delsin his super skill, the strongest one that really drained him, where he released a massive surge of neon energy that lifted enemies and vehicles into the air as he floated in place, before he released a number of neon missiles that just obliterated everything in his path.

"Holy hell... now THAT'S a finisher." Adagio remarked, as it was far more powerful and more dangerous than the Orbital Drop, meaning it put a greater drain on Delsin's energy than the previous super skill he had gained, and she could tell that her sisters were surprised by it as well.

"Oh man, Fetch you didn't tell me this thing packed such a punch." Delsin stated, because he agreed with the sisters, this power was possibly the strongest one in his arsenal now, and the most dangerous when he considered what he could do with it, the level of destruction he could bring upon all of their enemies.

D, you must have gotten a watered down version of my strongest move... that was nowhere near the power of my own finisher, the Singularity. Fetch said, which caused the sisters to raise their eyebrows as she mentioned it, because while Delson's power was incredibly strong in it's own right, and very destructive, this only made them wonder how strong the true finisher of the neon power actually was, Listen, I've been thinking about things, and I've decided that it's time to truly make a difference for the people of Seattle: I'm going after the source of the drugs. Whose with me?

"Do you even have to ask?" Aria remarked, to which they found that Fetch had already sent them the coordinates of the area she wanted to meet them in, meaning she knew that at least she and her sisters would come to help her out, causing the four of them to head out without wasting even a second.

As it turned out she wanted to meet them at one of the docks, a larger one than the one Delsin got a power near, but Fetch ended up calling along the way and informed them that she was going to be late, as she had learned of a large shipment of drugs that were in the marina, whose mark was the dolphin. With that in mind the group headed out to check the boats for the marking, where Delsin intended on making them in his own manner so Fetch could destroy them with precision, and, as everyone expected, there were drug dealers in the marina, which Adagio dealt with. Such a thing gave Delsin a good view of her power again as she froze the criminals to the docks, so when the cops arrived they would be able to arrest them without fear of them running away, though as Adagio did that her sisters aided Delsin in tracking down their targets. What surprised them was that there were a few people aboard the boats that the drug dealers were using, hostages to make the cops and the local authority stand down, who they freed as Delsin carefully tagged all three of the boats with a marking that Fetch would appreciate.

When they were sure that the boats were clear of innocents, and the sisters were sure of that, they pulled back and Fetch went to town on their targets, using her more powerful beams to blow up the boats and the drugs that were aboard them, forcing the dealers to move a truck with the last of their shipment, which the group ambushed and knocked down the drug dealers while releasing the hookers that were aboard it.

"People really adore you three, don't they?" Fetch asked, as the girls that were aboard the truck thanked the sisters for the timely aid before disappearing into the night, allowing the Conduits to take control of the vehicle so it could be delivered to Reggie and properly catalogued before the drugs were destroyed.

"Indeed... and, if you stay on this path, they'll adore you as well." Sonata said, though at the same time she noticed a scene that brought a smile to her face, Fetch and Delsin seemed far more interested in each other right now and it seemed like a good idea to leave them alone.

With that in mind the sisters dropped them off near the Olaf sign, witnessing them share a kiss before heading up to the area of the roof they had encountered Fetch in earlier, before heading off to deliver the evidence to Reggie, though they knew this would be a major blow to Augustine's attempts to label them as monsters and they were eager to bring down her schemes, after some rest anyway.