//------------------------------// // Showdowns and Investigation // Story: InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// While the sisters relaxed after the various fights with the DUP, breaking their hold over the city as a whole, Delsin had a small conversation with Reggie about what the DUP's announcer had done, he labeled them as 'Banner Men' and that the symbol on the flag was to inspire fear into the public. Not only was he insulted by the fact that the message was being twisted in such a way, when they were here to inspire hope into the people and show everyone that there was nothing to fear from Augustine's foul plans, but he was also insulted by such a dumb name. He went on and on about how he wished they had given each of them their own titles, like the 'Smoketastic Man', the 'Empress of Frost', the 'Wind Whisperer', and the 'Mistress of Flame', instead of insulting all of them by grouping them with a dumb name. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata didn't care about it as much as Delsin did, given that he was raging, though they were fortunate that they had picked a nice roof that the DUP had trouble getting up to, or maybe they didn't want to after what they did previously. Adagio was figuring out how to seize control of the districts from the DUP, calculating how much they had taken from each one by looking at a map that their hacker friends had supplied them with during the start of their break, and she was sure that, in due time, they would be able to start taking them back in the very near future. Once Delsin was ready to go, and had gotten over his frustration about the dumb name they had been given, even if the public couldn't link the Smoketastic Men to the Devil's Succubi, the group departed from where the sisters had stopped and resumed taking the fight to the DUP. Such a thing meant tracking down and arresting more of their secret agents, which came as a surprise to the Pawns and the people, finding the various reports that Epsilon had left for them to obtain so they could be used against Augustine iron rule, and just wrecking the DUP's stuff. Adagio was interested in the fact that Epsilon had the Conduit gene, which explained why he was working for Augustine, and while he originally believed in her mission, since it was saving people, he now knew that she was wrong about many things, and all of this was before Adagio and her sisters returned. It made them wonder how many of the DUP were doing this because it was a job and how many of them were doing it because they loved to track down 'Bio-terrorists', but for the time being the sisters focused on what they could do for the people of Seattle, even if it meant breaking every now and then to help Delsin tag an area. It never ceased to amaze the sisters that tagging an area like this would actually bring people together, as whenever they did it there were other artists ready to join them, making their own art, usually in the form of music or panting, all while Delsin gave the city a taste of his art... though during one of the gatherings Adagio felt her phone ring and walked over to a private area before answering. "Hello? Who is this?" Adagio asked, because she had no idea who else would bother to call them, given that she and her sisters were strangers in this part of the world, before wondering if it might be one of Epsilon's comrades, someone who had believed in Augustine's mission before realizing she was wrong. "Raymond Wolfe, a reporter... and brother to the late Sebastian Wolfe." the caller stated, where she could tell that it was a male speaking right now, someone who sounded similar to the researcher who died at the hands of Bertrand's men back in New Marais, something her sisters would find interesting when she told them about the call, "You might have heard of me, about how I cracked the military's real involvement with the affairs in Empire City... about how Moya did what she did and how she ended up. You should know that some members of the government wanted to imprison her for the crimes she had committed, especially after figuring out that she wanted to use the Ray Sphere and turn Cole into a weapon... oh, and by the way, I don't blame you or your sisters for my brother's death." "Bertrand paid for that and more by the time we were done with him." Adagio remarked, as Bertrand was probably one of the worst people she, Aria, and Sonata had encountered over their many years, given everything he had done to the city he was in control of, or at least until they reached New Marais, "So, what can we help you with?" "I need you guys to get to Sundial Park and I'll explain everything." Raymond replied, though given that he was a reporter it was possible that he knew something that might get him in trouble and that meant she and her sisters would have to save him, since there was a chance he might be one of Zeke's allies. Adagio said nothing to that as the call was dropped, causing her to focus on what the others were doing as Delsin quickly finished his art, which made fun of the DUP by showing Pawns being treated as babies or humiliated in some manner, but once he was done he thanked everyone for showing up and told them that it was time to get back to work. With that done she pulled the others off to the side and informed them about the call, surprising her sisters, since they weren't aware that Wolfe even had a brother, while Delsin was amazed that they knew Raymond's family, but everyone was eager to see what sort of mission he had for them. The park in question happened to be close to the bridge they had crossed over to enter Seattle, even though it meant tearing through the DUP in the process, and upon their arrival Adagio got another call from Raymond, who informed them that his editor had been captured by the DUP and that he was working on figuring out where he was being held. His latest story was resting nearby and he wanted the group to collect it before the DUP found it, since they would use it to cause major damage to his friends, causing the sisters to realize that Raymond had to be one of Zeke's allies, before informing them to look for his calling card, salmon stickers that were pointing in the direction that the next was in. That was the reason that he asked them to come to Sundial Park, the first of the markers was there, and by following it for a couple of minutes the group was able to find that it lead right to where a bunch of Pawns were patrolling, by the left side of the mountain range, causing them to wipe them out in no time at all and collect the report. It was titled 'Cole's Gift', and as Adagio, Aria, and Sonata listened to it, while Delsin made sure to knock out the DUP agents and smash their gear, they found that it was all about the aftermath of the battle with the Beast, as in curing the plague while taking a fair amount of the Conduits out with him. Such a thing made all three sisters realize that Sebastian designed it to not killing everyone that had the gene, rather he managed to make sure it only killed a portion of them, while ensuring that the RFI was powerful enough to deal with their true foe and save the world. Of course there were people who were thankful and those who felt angry at the world, where the former were forced to abandon their ways to avoid being labeled as traitors by the DUP, just like those in New Marais, though Raymond had thoughts and ideas that were shared inside his report, causing them to pocket it without wasting too much time. Raymond informed them that he was looking for answers as well and that he was sure that, with their help, he would be able to do something with his story, causing the sisters to tell him that their aid would be his when he needed it, which he was relieved to hear as he entrusted the story to them and informed them that he'd contact them again in due time. "Man, I can't believe you know Raymond Wolfe." Delsin commented, all while the group returned to the city so they could figure out their next course of action, since there was more to do and more DUP agents to take down as Reggie searched for the other Conduits who had escaped earlier. "Correction, we knew his brother." Aria said, though she was pleased to hear that Raymond was happy that his brother had been avenged during their time in New Marais, that he didn't hold it against them in the slightest, and, more importantly, that he was turning his focus to his true enemies. With the story in hand, safety stored away until Adagio found a perfect chance to deliver it to Zeke without being seen by Augustine's forces, the group returned to the districts and quickly made their way to an area that became marked on their map, one that their hacker friend noted was a jamming area. Such a thing told them that the DUP was more than willing to disrupt the lives of the people, even the innocent ones, in the off chance that someone was harboring the Conduits that had escaped with Hank, and to move forward with their mission it seemed like taking the jamming center out was the only thing for them to do. With that in mind the sisters targeted the towers that had been set up around the section of Seattle that their hacker friend had pointed out to them, smashing through them as the forces of the DUP glanced up at the air, where Delsin lashed out at them with his powers while they were distracted. It was clear that, while many of the forces of the DUP had been trained to deal with Conduits, no one had warned them of their existence or the fact that they might have to fight them at some point, a flaw on Augustine's end since she had been expecting them to return at some point, a fact they would use against her. Sure enough they found another command vehicle in the center of the jamming area and Sonata went to town on it, since it was her turn after all, shaping the wind into blades that slashed through all of the weapons that the DUP had before she twisted it into a tornado that slashed apart the Mobile Command Center. "Okay, note to self: don't get on your bad sides." Delsin remarked, once more understanding that the sisters were a force of nature and that to stand in their way was pretty much folly, making him wonder what in the world was going to happen once they clashed with Augustine, as he was sure it was going to be awesome. Following the destruction Delsin took a few moments to make sure to absorb the Blast Shards, while the sisters took care of the defeated DUP forces that had been knocked down by Sonata's attack, though once that was done they departed before more enemies could track them down. Delsin wanted to tackle one of the billboard signs and the sisters were up for a challenge, though this time it was him writing down the number for the DUP before they got to work tagging it with a design they had come up with during one of their rests. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata had offered the idea of using the faces of the various important ponies back home, with Delsin noting that they were strange for picking a show that little girls liked to watch, but, while it was clear he hadn't put their appearance and the show together, he was fine with their ideas, since the message was far clearer. Twilight and the others spoke of harmony, the very message they needed to spread to show Augustine and the people that there was no reason for ordinary people to hate those with the Conduit gene, so they and Delsin were redesigning the billboard with an imagine of Pinkie on it, as the girls remembered her. By the time they were done Delsin wondered what other designs the girls had in mind, as he wouldn't mind meeting this version of Pinkie, if she existed anyway, but once the entire billboard was covered he pulled out his phone and dialed the number he had written down before they got to work. Hi, you have reached the DUP help line. Do you have a Bio-terrorist incident to report? a voice asked, a young lady by the sounds of it, who had to be one of the few people who got called when Conduits were discovered using their powers, not to mention someone who likely felt that Conduits were evil and impure people. "Yeah, there's been a disturbance nearby: four Bio-terrorists have vandalized one of your billboards." Delsin replied, while at the same time making his voice seem like he was older than he really was, a fact he was failing at by the sounds of it, but, for what they wanted to do, it was just fine. In the next moment the lady informed him to stay where he was and they would send some people to investigate, almost as if it was a threat or something in case the actual 'Bio-terrorist' was standing nearby, and sure enough they found a few vehicles approaching the area that the billboard was in. In addition to the trio of vehicles the group also discovered that the DUP also had access to helicopters and one just so happened to be coming right at them, where Delsin, Adagio, and Aria leapt down to the streets to welcome their guests as Sonata remained near the billboard. The reason for that was due to the helicopter, which fired a missile at where she was standing and she raised her hands, calling forth the wind to stop it in it's tracks, much to the surprise of the watchers, before sending it right into the side of the flying vehicle, blasting it out of the air as she made sure to catch the pieces so no bystanders were harmed. Everyone else tore into the DUP with ease, as Delsin's boosted power allowed him to deal with all of the Pawns without burning through his energy, while both Adagio and Aria blasted their targets into submission, causing the people watching to cheer for them. As they seized control of the first district the sisters knew that Augustine would be displeased with their actions and likely condemn them on the news, but it hardly mattered, the people understood the truth and soon all of Seattle would know, but before that happened they had some Conduits to find and recruit to their growing cause.