Wargs of Fire and Blade: Book II

by One of Nine

1. Epilogue

Eight eyes blinked in the darkness. They’re green light, dim and cold. Four horns sweeping back in wide arcs, bone melded with darkened scales. Claws clicked on the stone floor, polished to a veiled shine. Two long tails swept behind those legs, their scales scraping the floor. Mile-tall doors of aged dark oak, spread agape in the cool air, giving way to the immense hall.

“I FEEL A PRESENCE, ONE CLOSE AND YET FAR. MY VISITOR GLANCES AROUND THE DARK, SEARCHING FOR I…” The thunderous voice of the dragon murmurs to herself, slithering among the enormous pillars high above. The spines on her back grated the ceiling, claws as large as houses gripped the columns. “HE ANNOUNCES HIS ARRIVAL IN A CLAMBERING MESS, DULL CLAWS ON MARBLE. MARBLE, A TRIFFLE MINERAL TO THE WARGS… MASTERS OF THE EARTH AND METALS… MY SERVENTS. BUT YOU ALREADY KNOW THIS, LITTLE DEAR…”

Spike looked up into the shadows, the far, pale light blocked by the dragoness’ enormous body. Her scales a deep blue and midnight, all but her numerous eyes clung to the blackness. Where his eyes had only gained a second pair within then next age, his Mistress had revealed her true face. She was an Ahamkara, like him. He thought that fortune was with him when she’d shown the clan this fact, but, she seemed… annoyed?

The young drake watched as she descended, the whole side of her head draped in a wall of eyes. Dark smoke enveloped her, fading for him to see her much smaller form. Tall and strong. Slim and graceful.

Mistress Ihkerah stood before him, having only six pairs of eyes, draped in extremely long silk and furs. She smiled and sighed, visibly relaxing. “Now, what needs need I fulfill, my dear?”

“I-I… uh…” Spike stammered, fidgeting. “I had a question…”

“Oh? I may have the answer, my little hatchling.” Her smile widened, patting him on the head and flattening his fins.

Spike grunted, shrugging her hand off. “It’s been over fifty years; I think I’m old enough for you to stop calling me that.”

“Aw, can’t I? Such a leap in time is but a trifle thing to dragons.” She playfully pouted, giving him big eyes with a smirk. “After all, I’ll always see you as my little hatchling.”

He quietly snarled, looking away, embarrassed.

Her smile dropped as she stood taller, all eyes gazing on him in saddened and silent realization. “Do you still miss them?”

His heart fluxed, simultaneously grew cold and warm, shame turning to sorrow. “A little… I’m still mad, just…”

“You know they don’t have long left…” Spike nodded slowly. Ihkerah stepped closer and pulled him into a hug, her tail wrapping around his. "I grant your request, but don’t go alone.”

“I… I won’t.” He affirmed, welcoming her embrace. He snuggled into the fur collar she wore, a soft purr escaping him. “Also, I think I’ll want to see the Dragon Lands… to…”

“To speak with Ember? Why?” A hint of anger reared its head, but Ihkerah squashed it.

Spike nodded. “I… wanted to…” He stalled for a moment, deep in thought. “S-show off?”

“Dragon instinct. You are compelled to saunter about and parade your gained splendors.” She raised her arms and smiled, strolling around him in a circle to demonstrate. “Very well, for I would like to boast of your wonders too. I will accompany you there, but not Equestria. I shall wait until you are ready, O Hatchling Mine.~”

Spike breathed a sigh, finding himself happy. “Ok. I was thinking of bringing Greg and Maggie with me.”

“Oh, the power couple? How sweet.” She giggled, receiving a shove and a chuckle from her adoptive son. “But in all solemnity, a decent choice. Prudent, even.”

“Thanks, I’ll just grab my bag and we can go.”

“I will wait on the main road.” Ihkerah smiled as Spike raced off. Exiting her mansion on the mountainside, the dragoness waltzed down the winding road that neighbored the bubbling brook.

The village of Dragneel had expanded immensely these past fifty years. What was once wooden cottages and shacks, now stood tall stone and metal towers amongst the mountains. Her little Wargs had made their own style of housing, each tower equating to a single home. Floors stacked upon floors, each room with their designated purpose. The entryway and kitchen were usually on the first floor, the bedrooms and baths after that, then perhaps a crafting room or two. But some, like Havaak and Luna, had preferred the tiny cabins. So, the couple had made a reverse-tower. Instead of going up, the tower dug down, letting them enjoy their tiny home in the north of the valley, next to a small brook, the fields of giant wheat, and the Great Hall.

Small businesses had sprung to life, each with their own form of trade, many inspired by the Wargs’ original homeland. Ihkerah had found their overall story interesting, but she’d heard comparable ones before.

Thinking back, there were a few little creatures that came from worlds similar to what the Wargs had described. Humans, she remembered, sent by some pathetic deity or another to conquer their world. A few had even thought that they were saving the day… the fools. They were always being used. If she recalled, they had a name they always designated themselves with… what was it again?

Ihkerah’s thoughts were stalled by hearing a child’s laughter. She turned to find Spike, a bag of supplies strapped to his back, playing with several Warg pups. She smiled at the scene, finding Spike’s constant openness a comfort.

She continued watching as the two Wargs, Damian and Greg came up behind the young Ahamkara. Joining the three amongst the giggling pups, they all nodded and started their long trek. Apparently, Maggie had been busy enough that she couldn’t leave.

Watching all this with crimson and silver eyes, Gwen observed Damian taking his leave. She didn’t know how long he’d be gone, but she knew she would hold down the fort… assuming someone wasn’t stupid and burned the place down, or piss her off too much. Which, as things were going, she doubted the possibility.

“Kevin! Pay your fricking tab!! I’m not bringing a complaint to Havaak for something this stupid!” She slammed her fist down on the counter, flinging spit in the bronze Warg’s face.

“B-but my next paycheck isn’t until next week!” He bravely or foolishly mumbled an excuse.

Though most wouldn’t have heard his mumbles, Warg ears were very sensitive, so she heard him with no issue. Her taking this week’s excuse with a calm demeanor, however, that was the issue.

Her eyes narrowed; fangs clenched. The dimly lit room adding to the horrors behind those blood red and steal-silver eyes, she witnessed him shaking under her gaze.

“I-uh…” Knowing he was doomed to oblivion, Kevin decided to tell his overlord the truth. “I-I spent it… on—”

“On what, Kevin?! Another crate of imported spices? More old shields and armor?”

“B-But I like those armor sets… all I have left is the boots for the Fuur-kah set…”

“How many does this make again?” She asked, very annoyed as she dented the nearest mug with a clench of her hand. “45?”

“57…” He defended his collection. “And they’re not old. They’re well-used.”

“Pieces of scrap and trash. Next time, pay up or I’ll bring this little topic to Havaak. I’m getting tired of repeating myself.”

Kevin slouched. “Y-yes ma’am…”

Gwen could tell that he just wanted to end the conversation. She sighed, groaning as she stepped back and took a deep breath. Opening her eyes, she turned and reached for a bottle of her favorite amber-oak beer, Diver’s Brew. Pouring a small glass, she took a shot. The alcohol lightly burned her throat, bitter and smoky as she sighed. It was one of the few pleasures she had, and she loved to abuse it whenever she could.

Kevin had the audacity to cough in his throat and speak. “Uh… c-could I h-have a shot?”

And just like that, the little spark of joy in her eyes was gone. “No. Congrats, you’ve ruined my day further, Kevin.”

Seeing his mistake, he shut his snout and left. Gwen sighed in relief, taking another shot. She needed a hot bath.

Looking around the bar, she saw a few who sat alone in their seats, one small party off in the corner, and one over clocked Alpha. Havaak sat in another corner, nursing his mug of mead and several documents. Hunched over the mess of papers, he looked grim and tired.

Sighing at how pathetic he looked, she walked over with a stronger bottle of mead, one she reserved for after these kinds of days. Havaak’s ears twitched as she approached, looking up with his greyish blue eyes with golden rings. His fur an artwork of blacks and various greys, dressed in plain clothes, a wool and brown leather trench coat over that.

Scars decorated his body, surviving a disease that took his wings, leaving him with scar tissue and his life. The Alpha never hid his facial scars; four long slashes across his face. Gwen had thought that if he wasn’t claimed by Luna, she would’ve gone for him, had Damian not swept her away.

He smiled to Gwen as she came near, speaking in his practiced wording. Having become the Alpha, he’d felt that he needed to be better equipped in clever speech. So, Havaak had set to using his new wording throughout these past fifty years. “Greetings Gwen, how goes your day?”

Gwen found herself showing a small, almost nonexistent smile, even if she found his new way of speaking annoying. “Alright… though, Kevin hasn’t payed his tab yet… and still wants frickin’ more drinks.”

Havaak hummed, his voice rumbling as he took note of her displeasure. “I’ll have a talk with him when I can. Other than that, what else?”

“Nothing that I’ve heard, things have been quiet. Which is both refreshing and a drag through the mud…”

“Getting weary of the same… yelling matches?” He chuckled, but at Gwen’s frown, he choked it down. “A-anyways… you’ll be alright while Damian is away?”

She breathed a long sigh, feeling that besides Damian, Havaak was one of the few who she could be honest with. “Everything used to be exciting; battles, mysteries, new magics, and technologies. Everything nowadays just feels… stale.”

“Looking for a change in pace, are you?” He grimaced at his stack of papers.

She nodded, sighing with brows furrowed. Pulling out a small box from her sleeveless jacket, she retrieved a metal cigarette. Blowing into the packed tube, she lit it with her fire breath. The bulb on the end lit, a steady stream of smoke drifting upward.

“You seriously need a security.” She smirked, blowing a puff of smoke, glancing at his stack of papers. “Maybe Luna could?”

“Not in her current condition.” Havaak reminded her, looking up.

“O-oh, right…” She sighed, groaning as she flicked her metal cigarette.

“Anyways, go for a hunt if you’re bored.” He said, holding his breath as he caught scent of the tainted smoke. “Take some edge off.”

“But I’m all edge.” She smirked.

Havaak mixed a laugh with a grunt, rolling his eyes. “Even after half a century, you haven’t dulled.”

“Well…” Taking a swig of her liquor, Gwen stood up. “Looks like I’m going out…”

Taking a minute collect herself and return her drink, Gwen made her way to the outskirts of town. At the base of the mountain range, they lived in, the Wargess crouched on all fours. Claws extending and igniting in red flame, Gwen let her alter take hold. Eyes shining silver, Gwen felt her body launch forward and up the mountainside.

Through tinted eyes, she watched as she clawed her way up the mountain in a snarling frenzy. Claws slicing through rock, she got to the bridge of stone that spanned between the two towering peeks, looking over the sprawling lands and forests below. The twin suns shone down on her silver and grey fur, what little her sleeveless jacket and ripped pants failed to conceal. Fangs showing in her mad grin, Gwen’s alter took off and jumped down into the lush forest.

Huffing clouds of hot break and smoke, Arza tore through the forest at high speed on all fours. Her nose flaring, she picked the scent of a healthy and strong manticore male. Silver eyes locked on the direction of her target, she leaped over a log and tore the two trees at her sides as she exited into the field. As the duo of towering oaks collapsed, the manticore she pursued saw her and ran. Arza only grinned like mad and dashed after it.

Catching up to it in seconds, she grabbed the tail’s stinger by the bulb and wrenched it free. The manticore screamed as part of its tail was pulled off, spinning around to meet the Wargess. The two combatants roared in each other’s faces, the manticore in desperate salvation, Arza in a mocking challenge.

Taking command of the situation, Arza set her claws ablaze and clamped the beast’s muzzle shut. The flames entrapped the manticore’s jaws, searing the flesh together. The manticore tried to roar, but its cheeks ached, and his head rang. Dizzy and throat sore, Arza’s prey stumbled, leaving an opening for her. The Wargess lunged.

It was a hour later that Gwen returned to town, dragging the mangled corpse of the manticore into the butcher shop. Heaving it onto the counter, she left her kill for the butcher to deal with.

Havaak watched as Gwen returned to her home down the street from his. Sitting on the porch, he’d taken a minute to clear his head. Eyes closed, his ear twitched at the sound of claws clicking on the heated stone floors. From the mental map he had, the owner of those claws was headed to the bedroom.

His mind shifted to the Mistress. She’d often do things on a whim, and her leaving with Spike, Damian, and Greg was no different. He imagined that they’d be gone for a while, but not too long. The Mistress wasn’t usually gone for that much time, and if she was, she’d often return with news.

Opening his eyes, Havaak stood in the lamplight and headed indoors. Deciding it was time for sleep, he lazily walked into the room and laid next to the bundle of sheets and blankets. Sighing as he felt the mattress support his weight, he looked to the large bundle. “You stole all the blankets again.”

“I was cold…” Came muffled Luna’s defense.

Havaak looked to the bronze thermometer mounted next to the door. “It’s 76 degrees in here.”

“Well excuse me if I’m not a walking stove.” She grumbled, the sheets pulling tighter over her.

Unfazed, he smirked. “But you are~”

Luna made a small moan, grunting as she sat up and let the sheets slip off her head and shoulders, the sheets bunching together around her round and stretched belly. “So I am~” She winked as she leaned over him, propping her more plump self up with an arm, her body having changed with the addition of life housed inside.

“How are they doing? Any health issues?”

“No. All six are growing big and strong.” Leaning down just enough to plant a kiss on his forehead, Luna bit back a grunt from her aching back. “Though, I’ve had to use the bathroom twelve times today, which is always fun…”

Havaak noted her distaste, bringing a clawed hand up to stroke her arm. “I know it’s been hard, but please hang in there.”

Luna huffed, her teal and silver eyes filled with affection. “We’ll do our best~” She leaned down and planted another kiss, stopping after her gift was passed on, feeling her insides shift. “I need another bathroom break…”

“Of course.” He smiled, watching her waddle away and stealing the blankets back. “Hehehe…”

“I will return for those!” Luna shouted as she closed the door.

“They’re mine now!”