//------------------------------// // New Information // Story: InFamous: Return of the Dazzlings // by Blackdrag-rose //------------------------------// Adagio huffed for a moment as she, Aria, and Sonata stopped their training for the day, something they had started rather recently and were getting used to, even though each of them had to be careful not to use too much of their power, lest the area around them be destroyed in the process. All three of the sisters were anthropomorphic ponies, despite their true nature as Sirens, which had been changed into a transformation for them to use against their stronger foes, and after their adventures they were used to their new bodies. Each of them were wearing dark blue jeans, the type made for running and jumping, or parkour as the people of the Earth they had been sent to called it, though Aria had long since cut the length of hers in half, making them more like shorts instead of pants. In addition to that each of them were wearing different colored shirts, as she was currently wearing a dark purple shirt, Aria had a dull green one on, and Sonata's was maroon, though in addition to that they had small backpacks resting off to the side that had straps for their cellphones, a gift of sorts from someone who was no longer of this world. Their training was partly due to the tournament they had recently taken part in, fighting for the sake of their universe and the rest of creation, while also partly being because none of them had any idea what the future held for them, so taking a bit of time to practice their skills made sense to them. "Well girls, I think that's all for today." Adagio said, because they had been training for a while now and she felt it was time for them to stop for the time being, where she found that Aria and Sonata lowered their arms as both of their brilliant blue auras vanished, something she was used to seeing these days. Such a thing reminded her of the world they had been sent to, the powers they had gained and the foes they had faced, not to mention the choices they had made to become the people they were today, an adventure she wouldn't trade for anything in the world. It also made her think about the unfinished business they had with the planet in question, they had no idea if the plan to take down the Beast had been successful, had no idea if the plague caused by the Ray Sphere's activation had been eliminated, and had no idea if peace had been restored to the world. Discord was the cause of such a thing, because the Spirit of Disharmony, or God of Chaos as he was called these days, had abducted them shortly before Cole activated the RFI, the anti Ray Sphere, to deal with the Beast and save the world, bringing them back to Equus while depriving them all of seeing the end of their adventures with their friends. Of course they were going to be annoyed with the chimera creature for that day, in fact Adagio was sure the only way they would forgive him was if he took them back to Cole's world to see what the aftermath of the battle was and what the three of them could do to set things right. After thinking about that she decided to shelve the thought for the time being, as there was no way Discord would help them get back to Cole's planet, in fact she was sure that he'd only help out if they begged him to take them back for a time, but she decided not to think about such a thing, as they would figure something out. "You know, I kind of miss fighting on the streets of Empire City and New Marais... we got into some interesting fights while helping the people out." Aria commented, where she walked over to the bench that held their backpacks and pulled out a bottle of water, since they had been at this for quite a while, before taking a few sips as her sisters joined her, though as she did so she raised her left hand and conjured some fiery red marbles in her palm. "I miss our friends too, Aria, but you heard what Discord said, the planet's at peace now... or at least he was positive of such a thing the last time we asked him." Sonata remarked, though while she knew that they didn't overly trust Discord, due to their past histories with each other, before they were banished to a world without magic, and his actions during their time in New Marais, she was hopeful that he hadn't lied to them. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid that whatever peace you fought for has been broken." a new voice said, where they turned their heads for a moment and found three newcomers coming to a stop near the section of Ponyville's training area that they had been using for the last couple of days, three figures they knew well enough due to recent events. The three newcomers were Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack, all anthropomorphic ponies like them, in fact all of the races of Equus were like this now, though each of them were wearing clothing that was unique to their stations in life, obtained shortly after the tournament Adagio had thought of not a few moments ago. They found that Rainbow was wearing light orange baggy pants with a darker orange cloth belt around her waist, with a sash that had two white cloud icons on it before ending in a lightning bolt that matched her Cutie Mark. She was also wearing a short white shirt about her upper chest, complete with a collar wrapped around her neck that had designs that matched it, plus she had a pair of golden bracelets on her arms and a single golden cuff on her left ear. It was still odd for someone like her to wear something while showing off her midriff, but it seemed to be in the style of the group she had joined not that long ago, and it sure looked like she was rocking her new look. Twilight, on the other hand, was wearing a violet robe with a black cuirass over it, complete with markings that matched what was on Rainbow's clothing, though she was holding a staff in her right hand that had an orb floating at it's peak, with a blue ring resting around it. Applejack was still wearing her cowboy hat on her head, or one that had been designed to fit her new form, Adagio and her sisters never got the full story from her on that matter, though in addition to that she was wearing a light green shirt and pants. According to what they had seen before this style of clothing usually had puffy shoulder sections, why they had no idea, but she didn't seem to care about that too much and had opted to make hers smooth, like an actual shirt, since she was a fighter and preferred to have clean movements. Over those she wore her own dark green jacket or robe, it was hard to describe what it was supposed to be even though it did seem a little posh, especially since the back side was far longer than the front since it ended in a point that reached the back of her knees. She was also wearing a set of earrings that were golden near the ears and had small green orbs attached to them, Adagio believed they were called 'Potara' and allowed one to merge with another to make a greater warrior, which she and Rainbow used against the foes that really required such a power. The sisters had to remember that Rainbow and Applejack were the daughters of Beerus the Destroyer, the former having taken over as the God of Destruction for this universe, as in Universe 19 and not Universe 7, which their father watched over, while Applejack was the Kaioshin, or God of Creation, leaving Twilight as Rainbow's Angel Guide. "What's that supposed to mean?" Aria asked, because she and her sisters had gone through a lot to make sure that the Beast was destroyed and that the world he was destined to bring ruin to was saved, so hearing that the peace they had fought for was broken made her, Sonata, and Adagio turn towards them immediately. "Applejack's been keeping an eye on the planets that the Displaced were sent to, just in case things changed for the worst while we were busy, and it happened to your world." Rainbow replied, though at the same time she found that Aria just palmed the marbles she had created, which held no power inside them from what she could tell, but it was easy to see that the Dazzlings weren't happy with this news. "According to what we've seen it seems like a new organization has taken root in your world, capturing Conduits while hunting others down." Twilight explained, something that surprised the trio for a moment, as they knew far more about the powerful people of the world and hearing that Conduits were in trouble had worried them almost instantly, before she tapped her staff on the ground, "We're not completely sure what's going on with the world you were sent to, but I figured that, before we send our God of Destruction to investigate, we should ask you three if you would be willing to head back and figure out what's going on... and whether or not divine intervention is needed." "You don't even need to ask us such a question: we're in!" Sonata said, where she grabbed her pack and put it on before tossing the other two to her sisters, who grabbed them before they even hit the ground, showing the trio that they were ready to go and that nothing would stop them from heading back to Cole's world. Twilight nodded as she weaved her magic into a sphere that surrounded her, Rainbow, and the sisters, though as soon as it was done she focused once more and they went flying into the air, leaving Applejack to focus on her own tasks as they raced across the universe. The benefit of traveling this way was that it was probably the fastest method, plus the magical sphere meant that they wouldn't have to worry about the depths of space getting to them, so the sisters were able to rest as they waited for Twilight to bring them to their destination. Such a thing caused the sisters to ask for any information that might help them on their new mission, just in case there was something, or multiple somethings, that the pair hadn't told them back on Equus, only to find that they had come to them as soon as they knew things had changed. That meant it was up to them to figure out what in the world was going on, who was in control of the organization that was messing with the Conduits, and bring an end to whatever threat might be lurking in the shadows. Fortunately the section of space that housed their version of Earth, as there were far too many in their universe, wasn't too far from where Equus rested and Twilight navigated them down to their destination without delay, landing on one of the islands that put them a good distance from the USA. "This is as far as Rainbow and I can take you... the rest is up to you three." Twilight said, where she undid her sphere, to let the Dazzlings touch down on the beach, while she and her friend floated before them for a few seconds, causing her to pull out a flat device with a blue ring around it, which she handed to Adagio before rejoining Rainbow in the air, "Use that to contact us once you've figured things out, or if you encounter something that needs our immediate attention... by then we should be able to set things right or even help you make things better for the Conduits." "Will do." Adagio replied, taking a moment to stash the item away in part of her pack, where it would be safe and sound for the foreseeable future, though as she did that Twilight and Rainbow burst into the air and departed, leaving no trace that they were even there to begin with, causing her to turn to her sisters, "Okay, we need to figure out where we are, and how long it's been since the battle with the Beast, before we do..." "Adagio? Aria? Sonata?" a familiar voice asked, one that sounded like the speaker was surprised to see them, causing the sisters to turn their heads for a moment and found a slightly chubby person standing nearby, wearing a white shirt with a flaming dice design on it, brown pants, a pair of well used sneakers, his trademark sunglasses he wore all the time, and, of course, a gun holster that had a gun inside it. "Zeke? Boy are we glad to see you again." Aria replied, as it was hard for them to mistake Zeke Dunbar, Cole's best friend, even despite his betrayal in Empire City, for anyone else in this world, even though it looked like he had lost some weight since the last time they had seen him, "Where are we?" "Condutopia... or the Isle of Thunder, as Trish calls it, located in the Bermuda Triangle," Zeke said, though while he said that the sisters rushed up to him and embraced him for a few seconds, as they had missed him during their time on Equus, all while Adagio realized that the odd word he had said had been broken up into syllables, as in 'Con-du-topia', "It's been seven long years since the battle with the Beast, and to be honest I was beginning to think we might never see you guys again... man, the others are going to freak." "Others?" Sonata asked, because while they knew that Trish was alive and well, he had just mentioned her, they didn't dare to hope that Cole, who sacrificed himself to stop the Beast and cure the Plague, was still around, and she could tell that her sisters were interested in what else Zeke might have to tell them. "Conduits of course... you guys and Cole were labeled as the 'Patron Saint and Angels of New Marais'." Zeke replied, where he started to head up the path that was behind him, the very one that he must have used to reach the beach that they had landed on, causing the sisters to follow after him so they could see what else was on the island, "Trust me, you guys are going to love this." The sisters chuckled as they followed after him, as it would be nice to see whatever he wanted to show them, before they worried about the organization that was harassing Conduits and what they had do to bring peace back to this world, a task they would start on after figuring out what happened after the battle with the Beast.