Red Dead Redux

by Lasrian Kano

Chapter 3

In a dim building of the sheriff’s office Arthur looked at the feline with dubious look

“scuse me?”

He could only utter one sentence, back in the day when he was but a teenager he would be often teased by his fellow kids for being ‘imbecile’ granted he wasn’t the best when it came to simple maths and all, but even after all the involvements in doings of right and wrong he considered himself a quite streetwise if not educated.

But now he was… proposed by a talking cat to help a town full of talking animals from another walking talking animals with murderous intentions.

“I’m mighty humbled sheriff, it sounds really fun and all but” Arthur exclaimed with raised brow pointing at himself with thumbs raised “I’m not from around this place, I’m not even sure if I’m in the same soil i was born, hell you had an arrest warrant in myself moments ago and I even ain’t sure if I’m in my own drunken hallucinations of my last bout of whiskey I had. But now you’re-”

He came across from another place where he was sought to be hanged for myriads of reasons of crime and not to mention his gang’s reputation… well former gang but nonetheless, as such he could only ramble with his rising troubled state

Before Arthur could continue Jo’va the sheriff looked at the Arthur with concerning eyes while frantically waving his hands, assessing for reasons to get a recourse from the rugged mercenary in question

“Listen, you did say you took out the mountain dogs” Jo’va went on motioning his frail hand around the room “well Tempest mentioned it but i need- we need your help” he finished

“And while it’s reasonable for you to be in doubt of me for asking a hand in need. And it’s not very polite to ask from someone who I had indeed permitted for arrest warrant but look”

In sudden vigor the old feline stood up from his worn stool despite his stage of life he advanced towards the window in hurried state. His eyes layers of darkened colors adorning, fatigued and haggard with dirt he still peered towards the town and it’s residence in deep speculation and concern

“I don’t exactly ask a stranger I came across or someone who fell from skies in your case, for help” stated Jo’va in dry chuckle eyes still towards the window

“Our town’s a little way off records from the authority Arthur, people here…” Jo’va continued finally breaking away from window looking at the outsider with hesitation, glancing at Tempest mere seconds before looking back at Arthur “are scared” he simply put before slowly tredging towards Arthur

“I wasn’t the only one you know” Jo’va quietly spoke “The town before you see is a but a parody of its former self Arthur”

Stopping infront of Arthur mere inches apart from his chest the feline slowly took out worn red cloth out of his pocket

“When I was around your age, the town was at its peak, oh I couldn’t imagine another town in equestria like ours. I was but deputy back then a little rascal out of his comfort in a town to help its people” says Jo’va stroking the worn now revealing to be bandana “Before then we had many residents in our town… and so was us”

Arthur wasn’t sure where the conversation was heading but he could only reckon one of those old man’s tale

“There were 4 of us, 3 deputy and our… Sheriff“ he muttered silently seeming to fade out in mention of his past sheriff “We were quite capable bunch, for years we went on in our service of protecting the people, we stopped thefts and some occasion we would get a raid from the self proclaimed gangs and what not, but there was not a day we couldn’t handle” He spoke directly making an eye contact with Arthur “Until those damn hounds came from the mountain” both hands clasping the bandana “All them years”

Arthur who was listening the whole time suddenly took a step back hearing those infamous words, he noticed how the sheriff’s eyes looked aghast and how his voice trembled with dread and distress, needless to say he now knew his tale wasn’t fabricated

“it took only one night” he continued eyes downcast “a decades of excellent service and they came out of the mountains like a rabid animals, all laughing like a maniacs and yelling for our death” taking a deep breath he put the bandana back in his pocket “what’s funny was that they were not only armed in an antique weapons as if to mock us, they also wore a goddamn armors. We were confidant we could stop the attack, we believed we could put those mutts out of their misery if not capture them but… they massacred us, they killed and robbed what or who they could find”

Another heavy breather and he walked back to his desk before he sat back in his chair presumably tired from recalling his worst day of his life. Arthur however wasn’t far from falling off too. He marched for several hours with his possibly the worst hangover without a minute to lay down for a rest, but it wasn’t his body that was importance for now however his mind was in turmoil

It never really bothered for him to assist a stranger from time to time as long as they hadn’t intention to harm him or somebody he cared, even after the doctor declared his impending death he never lost his morality, infact he gave more helping hand to the much needed people and gave everything to the people he thought deserving even his health was decreasing to the point of him being nearly dead
And then his death, he can now clearly remember

How he was cast aside from the very person he thought to be his father figure, instead how he started conceded the very ideas he instilled in him. How he preferred greed and conflict over survival and his family

But he could also reckon his final moments, how it felt and how he thought at last moments of his life. Up in the mountain

He saved and did every possible deeds he thought good and much more. He remembers after crawling up to get a better view in his final moments

A warm sun ascending as if to greet him, a soft wind caressing his skin. He was content to leave what’s behind

But now he was here, somehow very much alive minus the nailing hangover

“All them years” He repeated to the sheriff

The sheriff who was silent during his silent musing took out a pack of tobacco, pulling out two before offering one to Arthur “A decade of peaceful life and good service I thought we were capable Mr. Arthur and they swatted us like flies and did whatever they wanted to our town and left with a bloody trail” Arthur took the offered tobacco litting himself before inhaling the bitter smoke and exhaling through his nose closing his eyes nodding his head to ease himself up from the recent memory

“You want me to find them?” Arthur asked nonchalantly tobacco still in his fingers, he wasn’t sure of himself if he was committing himself to help the sheriff but knowing himself he was sure he was going to get himself involved one way or another

The sheriff who was surprised for a moment took another drag from his tobacco before replying in menacing tone

“Son, I want you to find them mountain dwellers and destroy them, I don’t care if you have to blow the entire Mountains to get the job done I just want you to get rid of them for us” he stated finishing his tobacco before pulling out a sheet of paper

“Across from me there’s a store” sheriff spoke scribbling in the paper “I’ll compensate for whatever you need for this bounty sir, just take whatever you need not whatever you want”

Arthur who now finished the tobacco looked at the sheriff with raised brow “you’re not giving me any money?”

“Us folks around here don’t usually have and use ‘money’. The princesses and the whole crown took out the bank and left us here to rot on our own miserable life, we don’t even know the current currency. As of now it’s been almost 5 years we’re basically living under a rock. But I promise you after you get the job done I’ll give you every possible things I could find from out little town for your next journey, now” Jo’va stated neatly folding the paper and handing it to Arthur

“I don’t understand how you folks living like this, what’s the point of having a store at all If not use currency” exclaimed Arthur taking the paper in his hand, glancing back at Tempest in question

Said Tempest only shrugged in return before walking up to stand beside him

“Faith, I guess” Sheriff replied silently “The store clerk usually trades with neighboring buffalo tribes for supply and sometimes from people who visits our town but his usual store supply has been hit by a gang yesterday, but I’m sure he’ll give you everything you need and lastly Tempest” he says looking at the freelancer finally “It would be best if you could accompany Mr. Arthur”

Tempest who stood silent for most of the time during the conversation tilted her head in question, before she could voice her opinion Arthur interrupted her

“I ain’t no child I can take care of myself around these place, believe me” Arthur said resting his right in his belt near his sidearm

“I do, but I think your work would be done hastily if you have at least one more pair of arms to help am I not wrong?” responded Jo’va gesturing towards Tempest

“I’ve done this before”

“I’m sure you’ve done the same wherever you come from but it’s not wherever you come from so-”

“Sure feels like you giving me a damn somebody to take care of”

“I know you took them out in second but be reasonable”

“Do I get to change her diaper too?”

Again Tempest stood silently hands tucked underneath her cloak, ignoring the unintentional or intentional jab at her competence for minutes before eventually her patience waned. She moved quickly, in split seconds she sidestepped and rotated herself halfway before throwing her cloak revealing her dark orchid armor, long dagger resting at her thigh and the revolver who Arthur gave her back prior entering the building

“I’ll come” she stated taking a brief look at Arthur with narrowed eyes

The latter looking back at her with for several seconds before giving up to interject in her proposal, nodding his head at her and straightening his jacket he started walking towards the door

“Yeah well I’ll catch you later then, Sheriff. How about you find me a place to rest for the night?” Arthur regarded Jo’va and asking the freelancer hands gesturing her to follow before going outside

Tempest who watched Arthur exit the building looked back at Sheriff with raised brow, pointing her finger at Sheriff

“There won’t be peace after this, Jo’va”

Sheriff who looked relieved for finally having somebody to help him and his town replied with hands behind his head

“It isn’t enough to talk about peace, one must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it, one must work at it, Tempest I’m sure you two could be partners”

Narrowing her eyes further she took a quick turn and stormed after the outsider

The sheriff now alone in the building finally let out a shuddering breath, taking the worn bandana out of his pocket second time looking at the worn cloth for a long minute and reckoning a quote from someone

“I’m not one to take revenge, I leave it to the universe to take care of them”

Putting the bandana back “Mhm… quite literal” he mused to himself