The Smiling Monster of the Everfree

by Ghost Alvasa

Awakening of the Parazyte King

Chrysalis stares at Gar and then gritted her teeth in anger. The Smiling Monster had just let out one hell of a bombshell that very few in the current age knew. Not even any of the princesses knew about her heritage or link to them.

"My lord," Yuki caught her master's attention. "I'm sorry to point this out but I have sensed no goddess's blessing or grace from that one over there," She said changing her weapon back to its blade form.

"Yeah, there's no way she's one of the goddess race," Adreana added as she took off her backpack to reveal her own suitcase. She held up her case smirking, hitting the button on her suitcase's handle and it opened and unfurled into a club with a big handle suited for two-handed users.

(Adreana's Weapon)

"No I'm sure of it," Gar scowled under his mask as he pointed. "She is a goddess."

Chrysalis then started to laugh maniacally, "No creature has ever figured out what I am in all this time but I'll give you this my very large Fairy King," She glared at Gar as she tilted her head. "You partially right. My mother, was a fairy demon hybrid of great magical power much like yourself while my father was a full-blooded member of the goddess race." She spoke with much rage and venom against her father. "He used that friendship as a mask and came in a raped my mother who only wanted to only be his friend!"

"Now it all makes sense," Gar squinted at the queen behind her demon army.

"Yes, that is why I hate friendship and every false notion of it!" Chrysalis spat with venom. "Because of him! Because he used her friendship and spat in my mother's face! I will not stand for any notion of that false principle to STAND!"

"Her linage certainly clears up her ability to control the dark changelings," Yuki thought aloud as she tapped her chin. "Being half goddess would have greatly amplified her fairy natures. I never thought it would've been possible for a hybrid of demon and goddess to exist though but you being only a quarter makes it much more possible."

"You two take care of her demons and see if you can't close that portal to the demon realm," Gar ordered his subordinates reaching over his right shoulder with his left hand and taking his wing blade. "Chrysalis is mine," he glared at the queen as he rockets at her. The fight collide in a clash of purple and green as they shot through the sky leaving trails of purple and green magic as they broke apart and clashed over and over

"Let's get to work," Yuki threw off her coat to reveal a sort of body armor, and then she hit a switch on her wrist band causing the armor to spring to life coiling around Yuki's from in a mass of bloody red rings before hardening in to from of more protective armor. Her body was covered in a sleek black armor with a tealish-white hue where the light reflected off the armor's surface.

(Yuiki's armor model)

"Guess I better suit up too," she remarked clicking a button on her own vest. Her suit also sprang to life causing Adreana also dawned her own set of sleek black armor with a tealish-white hue to it. Adreana's was a bit different from her sister's as hers sported a full faceplate. Her weapon changed from a club into a massive black and red lance with an exterior blade front its tip to the base that ends in a small cone spearhead.

(Adreana's Armor Model)

(The Weapon in full view)

Taking a stance with her lance's tip angled at the ground with her left hand a quarter of the way down from the handle of the lance's base and her right hand nearly at the very bottom of the handle, "I may not have a multi-form type like my sister but I'm going to show you little pukes what I can do with my Doujima,'' Adreana remarked as she kept grinning evilly under her helmet as she charged forward.

Meanwhile up in Canterlot...

Celestia was seen running from the throne room out of the castle onto the main patio in front of the door that led into the castle from the main courtyard looking up into the sky. Luna was awoken from her sleep and rushed out onto her balcony looking out and towards the sky over Ponyville. The two sisters both saw the bursts of green and purple from the clash of two extremely powerful individuals as well as several smaller dark powers and two larger ones on par with their own clashing nearby. They already knew who the two largest powers belong to and had ideas about the two similar to their own that were fighting the dark powers.

Celestia turned to her nephew slash captain of the guard as he came to see what was going on for himself, "Blue, as fast as you can, prepare the most powerful guards skilled in light and purification magic we have for battle as well as pegasi and chariots! No is not an optional response!"

"Right away Princess," Blue saluted and ran off as Celestia took to the air and heads for her sister's balcony.

Celestia lands next to her sister who is merely staring out at the clashes of light, "Sister, what is happening? Why are all of these demons appearing now after all this time? Why is Chrysalis fighting against Gar and how is she this strong?! She's was never this strong before!" She yelled frantically.

Celestia didn't hesitate and slapped the shit out of Luna with a hard right to the left side of her face. Luna merely stared back at her sister who was glaring back with a stern look of determination.

"Get a hold of yourself Luna!" Celestia commanded. "We knew this day would come! We knew that demons would return it was only a matter of time!"

"But if they're back that means... " Luna's eyed shrank.

"No, it's not them, though it would seem a goddess played a role in bring the low and mid-tiers demons into this realm with a summoning spell."

"What?" Luna's eyes got big. "It wasn't Gar?"

"I don't even think Gar knows the spell to open the portal to the demon realm," Celestia sighed. "Besides that, I've never thought of him doing such an action. He truly loves Twilight and would never be willing to do anything to hurt or endanger what she cares for. He's protected her, her friends, Cadence, and us at every turn at great cost to himself. He went as far as to build a place of learning for her to help spread friendship to others."

"Then Chrysalis somehow persuaded Gar's aids to open a portal to the demon," Luna thought.

"No," Celestia shook her head as her sister went and changed out of her gown. "I never felt it till now but there denying that the former Queen of Changelings is a half goddess."

"So she is like us," Luna came out from her blind clad in black full-plate armor with a cross spear.

"Yes and after witnessing the display we have just seen I'm sure there is no way we can convince her to join us," Celestia sighed as flames enveloped her entire form and quickly died back to reveal her in a suit of full-plate golden armor with a morning star flail with and extremely long change at her hip. "Have the troops to be ready. Blue should have some ready to go by now though I'd rather not send them in if I'm honest."

"They will have to face battle sometime Tia," Luna stood next to her older sister. "And don't think I won't get you back for slapping the hell out of me but thanks for it."

"Any time little sister and I know you will," Celestia and Luna took flight and flew down to the courtyard where their troops were readying for battle. The sisters looked at their soldiers' faces and they could tell they were all scared shitless and even more after seeing them land in full armor. "And you're right, they need to see battle."

Back to the south of Ponyville

"Bring it on you little shit stains!" Adreana yelled as she cut through demon after demon with her Doujima lance.

"We may be in battle but do mind your mouth sister!" Yuki scolded her twin sister as she cuts a demon in half and noticed a hoard of demons that had slipped around them and headed towards the town. "No you don't!' She shouted change her clever form to that of the spear shooter then sent crystal spears into the hoard killing every last one of the demons.

"Let's see how many of you bastards can resist my pull, Tatsumaki(Tornado)!" She twirled the weapon above her head creating a tornado and bringing many of the demons closer together then reeled back, "Spiral Driver!" and threw the lance spinning into the cluster fucked demons tearing them to bits and pieces.

More demons soon spilled from the portal to the demon realm.

"They just keep coming out," Adreana said through gritted teeth as she summoned her weapon back to her hand slinging it off to the side throwing the purple demonic blood from it.

"Indeed, if we are to stand any chance of stopping these creatures we must close that tear to the demon realm," Yuki shot a spear of crystal into the demon and sending them down to be devoured by the demon plants below. "The issue there is neither of us know the spell to do so and the tear is worsening the longer it stays open."

"Not to mention they're getting stronger too!" Adreana added firing ki blasted into several random demons.

The steady stream of demons started to increase as more poured through and there were indeed growing in numbers and strength.

"White Crescent!" A white slash of lunar magic came from behind the angels and cut several demons in half and sent them plummeting to be devoured like their kin.

"Solar Burst!" A stream of flaming yellow magic scorching the other demon and burnt them to ash on the winds.

The angelic sister looked over to see the royal sister both adorned in full-plate armor of their respective colors.

"Not bad for a couple of cooks," Luna remarks.

"You two have done well," Celestia added. "We have brought reinforcements," she points to the ponies who were charging in. "Can you two keep fighting?"

"Yes," they both said.

"Our master tasked us with killing these bastards," Adreana threw her lance again.

"And we're not going to let him down," Yuki shifted her weapon to clever mode and cut a demon in half.

"We can close the rip but we need you two to watch our backs," Luna explained shredding a demon to ribbons.

"It will take time and a lot of our magic," Celestia added. "We will be severally drained after it."

"That's not our problem," Adreana noted. "Our task is to protect the town like our master ordered."

"If you two go there then we will technically have to protect you afterward," Yuki combined her crystal mode with her cleaver mode and shot spears out. "Beyond that we guarantee nothing."

"Noted," the royal sister nodded in unison and started to make their way through demons to get to the portal.

High above everything else in the sky above...

Gar and Chrysalis both collided, creating a powerful eruption of purple, yellow, and green magic and ki. Gar knocked with his flesh arm and warped it into a whip-like tendril that wrapped around the queen's ankle allowing the king to thrash her around into the clouds. Due to her magic interacting with the surrounding clouds every impact created a large storm cloud.

Gar pulled Chrysalis in, retracting his arm, and right as the queen got in range he reeled his tree arm back as it was let with purple flames. Gar kneeled his fist into Chrysalis's chest, "HELL FIST!" the punch shattered the queen's armor sending bits of melting armor flying.

Chrysalis skipped across the cloud rolled to a stop. The queen shakily propped herself up and started to cough and finally spit up a rather large amount of green blood onto the ground. She looked down at her armor. The blow had not just shattered her armor but utterly destroyed it.

Gritting her teeth Chrysalis got up on out her hooves, though she staggered to do so. Clutching her stomach she lit her horn cast a healing spell she looked in front of her to see the Fairy King land on the clouds in front a few feet away.

All of the recently created storm clouds started to culminate into a massive thunderstorm that still seemed to only grow larger as time passed. Gar started to make his way towards Chrysalis, with every step he took thunder roared and lightning lashed out uncontrollably in all directions. In each moment of darkness, the queen could only make out the four glowing red eyes with slitted cyan pupils of the monstrous demonic fairy king staring at their prey.

"Down the hatch!" Tempest said as she forced Zecora's potion down the gullet of a dark changeling nymph.

"Take this and this and some of these and some of those and how about a bit of this! Haha!" Grubber remarks as he spun around and jumped all over the place, surprisingly spryly for the round man, using water guns filled with the potion to dose the dark changelings. One of them hissed at him. "Oh, a wise guy eh? Say Ello to my little friend," he pulled out a bazooka and all of the changelings' eyes shrank, "I call her Matilda," Grubber remarked in a southern-style accent, rubbing his finger in circles on his toy. "Asta LaVista babe," He with a thick German accent and blasted the changeling with balls of potion.

"Grubber!" Tempest scolded. "Enough playing around, now spray them! We need to get things under control here! I sense dark magic nearby!"

"Indeed our friends need us," Zecora added splashing potion on a changeling. "At this rate, we'll be overrun. Even with all of the other students' help, our time will soon be done!"

"If only there was some way we could spray the whole school at once," Gallus, a blur griffon in khaki cargo shorts and a black vest remarked.

"That may be plausible," Zecora recalled Gar explaining of the Scholl. He'd said he even modeled it to have a sprinkler system like the schools in his old world. "If we can get the brew into the pipes above then we can spread it across the crowd. The problem is we need to get below to the basement."

"This place is a tree right?" Grubber asked.

"Indeed," Zecora replies. "What is your point Grubber?"

"Why not have some of our fairies use their magic and manipulate the system to the cauldrons?" Grubber asked as everyone just stared at the little man for a moment. A changeling came up behind Tempest and he sprits it in the mouth. "I 'm smarter than I look, I know."

"You heard the hedgehog!" Tempest called out. "Relay it to all our teams, Gallus! Fairies are to manipulate the school's sprinklers to spray the potion! Get to the intercom now!" Gallus saluted and quickly head for a vent and pulled it off. "You and you," She looked at an orange dragon girl in a black tube top and blue jeans and a green opal mane and greenish sandy coat and he wore a blue polo shirt with black shorts. "Go with him. I'm trusting you three to look out for each other. It all depends on you."

"Yes ma'am," they nodded and quickly hurried after Gallus.

"In the meantime, we work our way out and try and find Twilight and her friends," Tempest looked at the other. Zecora and Grubber nod in agreement. "Onward," Tempest order. She wasn't going to lose all she'd gained here. Grubber had given her a family, Gar had given her her horn back, Zecora a home, and Twilight and the others had given her friendship. 'I won't lose any of it, not again.'

Little did they know of the battle outside or the one high above their heads.

The skies had started to darken until the sun was blocked out completely by massive thunderhead clouds. Thunder roared and lightning flashed. The sisters and angels were busying themselves with cutting through demons in order to get to the portal that Chrysalis had opened to bring in reinforcements to cover her escape. All the mean whole every pony guard was also fighting demons and let the corpses fall to the ground and being consumed by the field of ravenous plants.

Adreana slashed, jabbed, and twirled her lance around cutting down several demons. She reeled back and use her 'Blessed Wind' skill to give her lance a temporary enchantment before throwing it spiraling into more demons shredding them to pieces.

"These bastards just don't give up easily do they," Adreana annoyed wiped her purple blood from her helmet. She held her hand up and used to control her lance, using it to drill through more demons before returning it to her hand. She slung it to the side throwing the blood off of it "I don't know how much more time we have."

"I agree with you sister," Yuki added using her butcher mode to slice and dice several faster demons. "If it was just us we could fight for several more days without getting tired but these ponies are much simpler creatures and they need rest." She looked at the guards still fighting hard as they could.

"How many have we lost so far?" Adreana asked her twin sister.

"A handful of them at most," Yuki was saying but suddenly,

"YUKI WATCH OUT!" Adreana yelled, pushing her sister out of the way as a massive lion-type demon laid a massive pawed fist into her.

The angel was sent flying across the sky and crashed into the ground forming a deep crater. In the insuring process, the demon got his claws on Adreana's lance. Floating on wings of darkness was a rather muscular anthropomorphic lion. His facial features being nearly identical to that of an Orange Demon. His most notable feature was the red downward facing nail-like mark on his left eye. In his right claw was a large staff and around his waist was a type of green loincloth.

"I thought you would've put up more of a fight," He said out of disappointment. "Here I thought there'd actually be a challenge for Lion King Derocchio of the Six Knights Of Black. Seeing as I'd sensed goddess magic here, but guess I was wrong. You don't deserve a weapon such as this," He held the lance up.

Yuki was shaking as she looked at her sister in the crater in the middle of the carnivorous plants. Luckily the impact had cleared them away from Adreana's body. She looked over to the mocking demon and slowly turned to face him.

"How. Dare. You." Yuki demanded with her eyes hidden behind her blonde bangs. She was trembling as she gripped her cleaver tighter.

"Is that anger I sense?," Derocchio taunted with a laugh.

"How dare you touch my sister's Doujima!" Yuki cried out and wind spiraled around her and started to grow colder. Yuki charged forward with her cleaver being blocked by Derocchio's staff, thoroughly shock the demon lion. "That was a gift from our father. Only he, Adreana, and our master are allowed to touch this sacred weapon!" She roared breaking through his defense raising her leg up she drove and ax-kick right into Derocchio's skull causing him the spiral down and lose the lance.

"Thank's sis," Adreana chuckled as she floated up next to her sister catching her lance. "That bastard is a lot stronger than he looks. It quite a bit of my magic to heal," She huffed.

"You focus on protecting the princess, Derocchio is mine," Yuki proclaimed white breath come from her lips.

"Not gonna argue when you're like this anyways," Adreana held up a hand. "Tear him a new one," She flew off taking out lesser demons.

Derocchio flew back up holding his head the was previously bleeding, "You bitch I'll make you pay for that!" He held his staff up, "Blaze Storm!" A massive flame pillar surrounded Yuki while Derocchio smiled then laughed. "hahaha... Take that and burn to ash!"

Suddenly the flames froze solid and one could see the angel inside causing the demon to stop laughing. "Pathetic," Yuki glared as she flacked the ice and it shattered. "If you're wondering how I froze your fire it was my Skill: Cocytus. It gives me access to the lowest levels of hell allowing me the ability to freeze anyone or anything I deem in need of it." She glared coldly at the lion demon. "I the winter angle of death, Shiro Yuki deem thee unfit to live in this world demon. Now feel the icy embrace of hell and freeze solid to the bone, Hoso Kōri(Diamond Dust)!" A blizzard came from the angel's palm.

Before he could even react Derocchio froze solid in and instant and using her cleaver, Yuki cuts him to bits leaving only his soul with a red mark on it behind.

"I can't leave that out," Yuki to the soul in her hand. "I'll give to Master Gar later. Perhaps now he'll see the light of devouring demons' souls." She went to join her sister for more fun. "I do hope master is alright, those clouds don't look too promising," She gave a glance upwards.

In the storming heavens above the other battles, the instigator and the defend clashed. Chrysalis had managed to heal herself while also repair her armor and create a new blade. She was also emitting her own green aura of magic around herself.

Gar was currently still in Forest Emulation mode paired with Super Saiyan Two rage form. The aura around him was his usual golden but around his body was a blue glow, like an inverted version of Super Saiyan Blue's aura. His aura now emits particles, resembling the same ones emitted by the aura of Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rosé. His aura was emitting dense, blue bio-electricity lightning, but even more blue, dense, and raging than his usual Super Saiyan 2 form. His hair spikes up even further than in his original Super Saiyan 2 form and takes on an even more golden color.

The two glowered at one another. Chrysalis let out a hiss and Gar roared as lightning flashed and thunder erupted while rained pelted them both.

The bug queen quickly creature several magic draggers behind her that float in the air just on either side of her. Quickly she jumps backwards and up, her wings buzzing. She threw a hand forward and sent several daggers into her enemy as she then proceeded to charge in.

Gar launched himself forward with one beat of his own wings. He spiraled to the side avoiding the knives. Chrysalis raised her sword readying for a slaughter. Gar in turn answered the call of the weapon with that of his claws and blades. The duo clashed in a flurry of claws and blades sending sparks flying in every direction possible.

Chrysalis raised her sword and brought it down hard. Gar used his massive tree arm to block. It wasn't enough to stop the strike though and Chrysalis cut through the monster's wooden limb and cleaved into his head.

"I've got you now you bastard! "Chrysalis laughed manically. "Give up and I'll be merciful. Pledge yourself to me and I'll heal that wound in your head!"

"Never!" Gar growled.

"What a waste," Chrysalis sneered. "Fine have it your way and die!" She tried pulling her sword free but quickly found she couldn't. "If I can't back up," She pushed down. "I'll just move forward!" She laughed slicing off part of Gar's right arm along with a good chunk of the right side of his head and mask.

"Too bad, you were so handsome," She licked the blood from her blade. "Hmmm, yummy. And tasty to boot."

"Hehehehahahrahahahhahaha!" Gar laughed.

"I wouldn't be laughing right now big boy," Chrysalis snickered at her victory. "If you don't get healed up soon you bleed out."

"You don't know me very well at all!" Gar roared morphing his arm into a tendril and wrapping it around the queen. "I can split my body into smaller pieces!" He yelled as a mini Gar flew up and latched sank its fangs into Chrysalis's neck. The changeling queen cried out in pain as the fairy king brought her in close to his face, his grip tightening to crack and squash her armor. "Where. Is. She?" He asked again.

The three students that Tempest sent out were busy making their way towards the PA system in Twilight's office. It was a good thing that Grubber had stopped the little pony known as Sandbar and given him a map of the vents telling them which way to go or the three would've been lost after they'd started to fight the first time.

"Ow, my foot!" Callus yelped in pain. "Watch those horns scalely!"

"My name's not Scalely, it's Smolder!" The dragoness rebuked. "And I wouldn't have to if you'd move!"

"You don't even know where we're going!" Gallus shot back. "You're just following me to keep those damn bugs off while I go and save everyone."

"Well, uh..." Smolder thought, "Your feet stink!"

"I hate to be the voice of reason here but neither of you knows where we're headed," the pony called out. "I have the map and I don't even know where we're going."

"Shut up pony!" the two other kids said in unison.

"My name is Sandbar thank you both very much and do try and keep your voices down," Sandbar scolded them. "We are trying to get to the headmare's office without getting caught."

"I still say I just bar be que them," Smolder huffed a puff of smoke from her nostrils.

"We are trying to save everyone, not hurt them," Sandbar reprimanded. "Left here."

"I may not want to be here but I'm with Scales," Gallus agreed with the glaring dragoness. "We should just fry their butts and save ourselves. That's why I'm doing this."

A low creak was heard.

"I hope we get there soon," Smolder sighed. "I hate all the crawling around and sneaking," she complained. "Wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for that disgrace of a wanna-be dragonlord her stupid mate."

"Join the club lizard breath," Gallus rolled his eyes. "I'm here cause my gramps forced me because my sister is friends with the rainbow one. At least your family didn't make you. What about you Sandy?"

"I kinda like that name and I'm here cause I asked my parents to enroll me," Sandbar stated proudly.

"Typical," Smolder and Gallus said in unison rolling their eyes.

Another creak sounded from around them.

"Oh no," Sandbar noticed the noise.

"Wha-" Gallus started to ask.

*CRASH! 0_o*

"Ah, enemies!" cried a hyper voice.

"Where?! Yona smash!" came a deeper voice.

"I do hope they're not hurt too much but still knocked out," came a rather timid voice said. "I really wish I wish I was back home."

"Bring it one whoever or bug-ever you are!" came the first voice as the dust cleared to reveal a hippogriff hen. "Oh it's not an enemy it more friends!"

"You sure Sliver?" came the timid voice of a little female changeling nymph.

"Of course I'm sure Ocellus," Silverstream picked the others up, placing them on their feet as their eyes were still rolling in their heads but Ocellus quickly shapeshifted into a coffee table. "We have a griffon. Ooo a dragoness, and a pony!" she giggles.

"Yona still says we smash," Yona held up a fist.

"Ow, my head," Sandbar said holding his head as he laid his eyes on Yona, "Oh, Wow."

"What you look at pony?" Yona squinted.

"Ah nothing," he quickly turned his head with pink in his cheeks. "Ah, where are we and who are you three?"

"I'm Silverstream," Silver points to herself, "This is Yona and that table is Ocellus, she's shy," Silver whisper shouted.

"Hi," the table squeaked.

"Where are we?" Smolder shook her head and looked around before slapping herself in the face. "Great, more weirdos."

"Ooo, I like you," Sliver giggled clapping and Smolder groaned, "Great, a peppy one..."

"Someone is standing on my tail!" Gallus complained.

"Oops," Yona stomped backward a bit. "Sorry."

"I hate repeating myself but, WHERE THE HELL ARE WE?!" Smolder threw her hands up.

"A little ways down the hall from the headmare's office in one of the spare rooms," the table said softly. "I ducked in here after I got lost and Sliver and Yona tumbled in not long after all hell broke out."

"Well, at least we're somewhat where we need to be," Gallus hmphed.

"We got separated from our group when the changelings attacked," Silver explains. "We didn't know what to do so we've been keeping quiet in here. I wish we could do something to help them. They're not doing this cause they want to."

"Ocellus told us that they being controlled by the evil queen," Yona said. "Yona honestly wants to be friends with every creature here but she will fight back with smash when necessary to."

"Luckily you don't have to," Sandbar dusted himself off. "We were on our way to the heardmare's office to tell everyone how to best help free the changelings from the queen's control," he pulled out a small vial of potion. "Ms. Zecora had us all put together these potions. We dose the changelings with them they pass out and a minute or so later they're free."

"How many of those things do you have though?" Gallus asked rubbing his sore tail.

"Only what I had left on me," Sandbar said putting six vials down. "One thing that I don't get is why isn't Ocellus being affected? All the changeling are, even though the reformed ones are resisting they still get headaches."

The table shifts back into Ocellus. "I was never one for following orders," She giggled nervously. "My own survival was always my own priority so it kind of overrides everything else."

"Okay, so back to the plan," Gallus looked at the newcomers. "We're going to need all the help we can get right now and there are six of us and six vials meaning one shot each. The way I see out, Yona you take the front, dump that crap on you and plow through them to get us to the office. and smash down the door."

"Yes, yak good at smash," Yona pounded her fist into her palm.

"You guys cover me while I get over the horn," Gallus pointed at himself.

"Hold up why do you get to be the one to give orders?" Smolder pokes the young griffon in the chest.

"Not now Smolder," Sandbar shoved his way in. "He is the one that Ms. Tempest told to do it anyway and we were told to follow him too."

Smolder couldn't argue so she grumbles, "Fine, but I don't like it."

"Thanks for the backup," Gallus looked at Sandbar. "Now let's get this shit done!"

"Yea new friends!" Silverstream threw her arms around all of them and hugged them.

"Silver, we need focus," Ocellus reminded the hippogriff.

"Right right sorry," Silver dropped them all. "Let's go Young Six!"

They all looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Moving on," Smolder said. "Smash it, yak girl!" Smolder said.

"YONA SMASH!" Yona took off and ran straight through the door leaving a perfect outline of herself behind. The others looked perplexed as they then heard what sounded like bowling pins being knocked down.

"So much for the plan," Gallus murmured

"That's hot..." Sandbar said causing everyone to look at him. "Don't look at me like that I think she's cute!"

"Way is clear now!" Yona called out.

"Let's just go before more weirdo crap happens," Smolder said bluntly as they all walked out through the Yona outline.

With the way cleared they all entered Twilight's office and were stunned by what they saw. There were seven massive green glowing goop-filled cocoons stuck to the wall where Twilight, Spike, and their friends. Some of them heard the thrum of thunder outside and went over to see the massive storm in the sky with the muted bursts of green and purple inside it. They then looked to see the demons and ponies fight in the distance.

"What kind of a fuck fest is going on?!" Ocellus said out loud before throwing her hands over her mouth as her face turned bright red while the others promptly turned to look at her with gapeing mouths.

The young dragoness turned her attention back to the widow, "I don't know but those ponies sure can fight," Smolder gave the ponies props with a smirk.

"Enough gawking," Sandbar said. "Gallus, you get over the PA system and tell the fairies what to do. Yona, you and me will hold that door," he looked at Smolder, Ocellus, and Silver. "You three get the teacher out of those things!"

Everyone didn't argue and did as told. Gallus explained what needs to be done over the PA system in instructing the fairies on how to reroute the sprinkler system to spray the potions. Yona and Sandbar kept watching at the door. The other went about the task of freeing the others from the goopy sacks on the wall. As the young ones started with the far left they didn't notice Twilight started to glow with a bright green aura while gaining a smile on her face.

Back high in the storm...
Gar eyed the queen then was slightly taken back when her entire body was cover in a green aura. Her wounds began to heal immediately along with the cracks in her armor. Chrysalis gave Gar a twisted smirked and she began to force the tendril tightly coiled around her form open. She then proceeded to blast the fairy king in the face and rip of the smaller version of him from her neck.

"Die you little- RRAAAAAAA!!!" she said in triumph but suddenly felt shooting pains through her entire right hand. The mini Gar had sprouted several metal needles as Chrysalis had just closed her hand. The action not only kept the little Gar alive but force the queen to release him where she immediately flew back to his main body from where'd it had been cut from fusing back into the missing head segment.

"You're gonna pay for that," Chrysalis hiss as green aura covered her hand healing it, shocking Gar further. "Oh don't look so surprised hun. I f I didn't have this magical link I would've lost ages ago," She remarks opening and closing her hand. "Let's see," her magic cover the sword still lodged in Gar's right tree arm, "I'll have that back!" She snapped and the blade of the weapon twisted and broke off the arm just below the elbow before flying back to its master. "I believe the score is two to zero now!" Chrysalis cackled.

"Look at you," She scowled as Gar huffed clutching his chest. "You really gave it you're all but your power is just about gone by now. Now more magic and no more of that energy. I bet the form you're in now ate most of it up. You're just putting on a show and if you change back you won't be getting up again," She smirked, "Here, I can help with THAT!" Chrysalis shot emerald lighting into the monster's chest reverting him back to his base form while he plummeted through the storm cloud to the battlefields below.

Below the clouds near the Demon Portal

"How much longer are you tow going to dottle with that damned portal!" Adreana complained to the sisters.

"Excuse us but we're a bit out of practice with demon magic," Celestia retorted as she and Luna concentrated their Goddess Light on the portal to close it.

"It doesn't particularly help that you nag us either!" Luan added.

"It doesn't help that Chrysalis has a power boost as well," Yuki coldly added freezing several demons upon their initial assault on the princess before they could even come in close. "I don't normally agree with my sister but we need you to close that portal. I am running out of magic and Adreana's stamina will only last so much longer as well. Do you feel that change in pressure?" She looked up.

Suddenly an enormous fireball burst through the clouds and slammed into the field of hungry overgrowth forming a massive crater. The angels looked down in horror to see the mangled and burnt form of their master lying in the center of the crater as its cause of formation.

Adreana gripped her lance tightly and notched the demons headed for the downed king," YOU BASTARDS WON'T TOUCH MY MASTER!" She shouted as she reeled and threw her lance. "VANISHING THUNDER SHOT!" Adreana hurled her weapon so fast it vanished and in the next seconded the demons all imploded. "Yuki, you get to him, I'll cover you!" She yelled to her sister as she began to mercilessly slaughter the demons with her bare hands, "I won't let a single one of you leave here alive!"

Yuki in the meantime nodded to her sister and quickly flew to her master's side. When she made it down to the center of the crater she barely could make out Gar's form. The wooden parts of his body were still steadily burning from being hit with lightning strikes on his fall. This burning in turn burned his flesh externally and internally.

"Not good," Yuki said using her ice to freeze the flames. "That will do for now but he will have to overcome them on his own top but them out operantly." She looked at her master. 'The spear is too damaged to access the Life Droplets he has stored up too. There is only one way for to get the power he needs.'

"Lord Gar," Yuki carefully roused her master. "You need to wake up!"

"Nah," Gar slowly cracked an eye," Twilight," he said looking to the angel. His vision slowly cleared to reveal Yuki and not his lover. "Yuki, I have to," He tried standing only to fall on his face in the blood-soaked mud.

The plants at the edge of the crater eagerly awaited him.

"You're in no shape to fight," Yuki placed a hand on her master.

"I... must... stop... her... and... save... Twilight... and everyone..." He stood up, his body starting to steam as the flames started to melt Yuki's ice.

"There is one way for you to fight again," Yuki pulled out Derocchio's soul. "I defeated a higher level demon and claimed his soul. If you were to devour this you'd be healed and gain enough power and magic to access your powers. I know you're against this act but you need this and times are direr."

"What do we have here?" Came Chrysalis's voice She rolled her eyes seeing Gar. "You're still alive. I swear you're worse than a cockroach." She rolled her eyes then her gaze came to Yuki. "What do you have there little false goddess?"

"I leave this with you sir," Yuki left the soul in the air by Gar. "I will hold her off."

"And what will you do little counterfeit?" Chrysalis snickered as she lazily points her sword at Yuki.

"Whatever I can,' Yuki said with ice on her breath. "SACRED TREASURE RELEASE!" Yuki yells out as a flood of magic washed outward from her.

Her blonde hair turned snow white and stood up slightly and her armor and weapon changed. Her weapon now took on the form of a square and jagged scythe and has an L-shaped blade with a sharp tip. Her armor was now a more advanced version of its predecessors was now much thicker and covered more. Claw-like blades were attached at the hands, as well as several protrusions coming from the upper back area that looked like they could to be used for offensive purposes. Her wings now looked as if they were made of ice and snow. Yuki's entire form radiated a chilling purple aura that froze the ground as she walked.

(The scythe)

(The Armor)

(Her Wings)

"This may be fun!" Chrysalis laughs as Yuki lept into the air and slashed at one another.

Gar in the meantime was there looking at the soul hovering before him. His body starting to smoke from the fires inside him.

"What are you going to do?' He heard his older brother's voice. "They need you and you're just standing here."

"I can't," he looked at the souls.

"You've taken life before how is this different," He heard again. "I know you said you might for the right reasons Gar. But what other reasons are there than to protect those you care for and your people This is no time to be a saint. Look up and see!"

Gar looked up to see Yuki and Chrysalis fight then turned to see Adreana bashing her bare fist into the skulls of demons while protecting Celestia and Luna while they worked to close the portal to the demon realm. He looked to see many of the ponies and fairies from his forest fighting the demons. He looked at the mud on his hand and then the blood ground.

Gar took a hold of the soul, "For my people, my friends, for Twilight," He roars he shoves the soul into his fangs maw and swallowed it whole as he'd seen Zeldris do once before.

Gar grabbed a hold of his chest as he felt his body pulsing. Soon the fires inside him were snuffed out and his wounds healing. He gained a few new skills along the way, Thermal Resistance, Soul Consumption, and the title Soul Devourer.

Gar looked to his missing arm and then to the carnivorous plants he'd brought into existence. "You bastards ate my arm but the thing about my cells is them don't just go away," he walked to the plants, and they all lunged at him. Gar thought up his spear-fused arm, "Parazyte Assimilation!" As the plants lunged forward Gar absorbed them into his arm.

"What the hell?" Chrysalis pushed Yuki back. He's... absorbing them!"

"More like reabsorbing!" Yuki slashed but the queen dodged. "Those plants were born from my master's magic and they did eat one of his arms but the thing is his cells aren't the type to just be devoured and broken down for nutrition."

"You're telling me his arm was..." Chrysalis started to say as she dodged another slash while she watched Gar devour the plants below. His body-splitting ability. He spread himself out so he could get it back later!"

"Exactly!" Yuki activates her scythe and the blade becomes several tendrils.

"I don't have time to play any more pretender," The queen remarks doing several teleports before teleporting out of sight. 'I'll just take my prize and come back another day after I've siphoned enough power from them.' She thought watching from just inside a thunder cloud.

Back on the ground Gar just finished taking in the plants and his tree arm was back indicating he had grained some measure of his magic. he held his hand up, "Parazyte Tree!" His entire body grew into a massive tree and before any creature or demon could react his branches reached out and bloomed. What bloomed weren't flowers but little cycloptic balls with mouths and small scythes for hands. They immediately sprang into action and latched onto demons burrowing into their bodies In the n

They immediately sprang into action and latched onto demons burrowing into their bodies In the next few seconds several demons began to attack their own kind and not just attack but utterly devour them.

"What is he?" Chrysalis cowered in fear.

Back in Twilight's Office...

The young six were all sitting on the potion-soaked ground huffing. Immediately after Gallus had used the P.A system most of the Dark Changelings and Mind Control Victims had started to gather outside Twilight's office. Yona and Sandbar were nearly spent from keeping the do shut. Gallus and Silverstream had taken to keeping the opposing side from getting in through the windows. That left Smolder and Ocellus to free the mane six and Spike.

"Come on just a little more," Smolder grunted as she pulled the cocoons free from the wall as Twilight's was the only one left but it seemed to be much stronger than the rest, and they were still having trouble opening them. "I think we'll need someone much stronger Ocellus. And we're all out of steam, to begin with."

"Maybe if we free the others," the nymph looked at the downed cocoons. "What if we had two dragons?"

"What no, Naha, no way am I gonna have him help," Smolder pointed at Spike. "He's the mate of the Dragonlord, and if he can't free himself then he is unworthy of having his title!"

"We're all relying on each other that that make us unworthy of being your friends and our help," Ocellus counters. "No one can do anything if they stay in those goop sacks! It's made so you stay happy in it. They're not gonna fight back unless they're awoken from the dream side and I don't princess Luna is gonna help with that!"

"Fine," Smolder crossed her arms. "How do we get him out?"

"Normally we could just cut him out but I think the queen made it so no one but extremely strong creatures could break this," Ocellus poked a cocoon. "If we had some way to heat it up maybe we could make it soft enough to pop it."

"It's a good thing they got those sprinklers working," Gallus held up his wing," But know we're grounded till we dry our feathers."

"I don't think we have reason left to fight anyways," Silver said with her back against Gallus. "You got some good moves there bird boy."

"R-really," Gallus blushed.

"You said heat it up right?" Smolder smirked as Ocellus nodded. "I got this then," She pointed to herself proudly before breathing fire onto Spike's cocoon.

In no time the cocoon started to bubble where Smolder's fire hit it. "That's enough," Ocellus said. The dragon stopped and the nymph used some scissors she'd found in a draw to pierce the cocoon sending green goop all over the floor with a very dopy-looking dragon.

"Wake up you idiot!" Smolder yelled as she shook Spike and slapped him back and forth.

"Ember..." Spike said as smolder flushed a bit at the mention of her half-sister's name. "OW! MY FACE!" Spike grabbed his cheeks. "Wait a second; where am I? Students? Shouldn't you all be in class?"

"Yea we'll get right on that after the invasion!" Smolder threw her arms up.

"Invasion," Spike looked around and then saw the others. His eyes widened, "Now I remember. The bitch of a queen got the drop on us. Where's Twi?" They all pointed to the wall. "Why is she still up there?!"

"Hey we just spent a good bit of time freeing your ass and fight the controlled assholes," Smolder complains.

"Smolder is right dude," Gallus agreed. "We're tired."

"I'll give you all that much," Spike sighed. "Let's get her down."

As the dragons and nymph went to free the princess the room suddenly grew dark.

"Can I get some light!" Spike called out and the kids all turned to see what was blocking out the window and their eyes shrank. A massive orange demon was leering in the window and getting ready to punch in the wind when he suddenly flung his head back and cried out in pain. Its stomach began to convulse when He gave out a silent scream a pinkish blob with scythes for hands bursts from the demon's gut with a glowing bluish-white ball in the scythe before it ate the ball in one gulp.

The kids were never more disturbed in their lives.

Then there was a low buzzing and Ocellus's eyes shrank. She looked beyond the demon and saw the queen hovering in the air.

"You little assholes freed one of my batteries. I guess I'll have to teach all a lesson," She evilly smirked and then motived the very dead demon with the little blob staring at her "Of Fu-"

The blob let out and ear-splitting scream. The blob then assaulted the would-be queen in a flurry of slashes as it jumped from the demon corpse. The blob ducked, bobbed, and weaved around Chrysalis's blows easily due to its smaller size and ability to morph and squish its boneless body. It was all a distraction though, at least until the rest arrived.

Chrysalis heard the flapping of many wings. She slowly looked over her shoulder to see a whole flock of the little blob creatures. They all blinked at her and then glared unleashing a ton of bloodlust and killing intent.

"Bring it on you little shits I'll take you down just like I took down the big one!" Chrysalis pointed her sword at the swarm.

The blobs then responded, "We are the big one," they remarked in unison as they all started to fuse together until Gar was whole again. The blob the kids had seen quickly hopped into Twilight's office and looked around to see the mane six still in cocoons. It immediately went to work easily cutting open the goop-filled sacks before finally cutting Twilight free.

"Don't you get it already," Chrysalis cackles as she looked at the scowling giant monster before her. His body refreshed and nourished off the flesh and souls of demons and his magic replenished from absorbing the carnivorous plants. "There is nothing you can do! I have the power and I will never tell you where your precious Twilight."

"That's funny," coughed a familiar voice of the aforementioned purple mare. "Cause I don't need you to tell him where I am. For crimes against my Kingdom I sentence You to death, Die you evil bug bitch!" She looked at Gar. "DO IT!"

The lost Gar blob shot forward transforming into a drill and spiraled right through the queen's guts and into the main body fusing with it again. Gar held up his hand and his Basquias came falling from the clouds in the form of his severe wooden hand before transforming into his spear again. Using the flat of the spear Gar rocketed the injured queen into the storm clouds above. He wasted no time and followed suit. Once inside the dark cloud, he invoked his magic.

Gar spun his spear around his body rapidly bring the clouds into himself, "Sacred Treasure Release!"

Gar's hair once more stood on end golden and spiky with a golden and purple aura around his form. His spear shifted its shape into a massive silver spear-ax adorned with details. As he spun the weapon pulling in the storm clouds lightning was drawn to the weapon and thunder roar as the wind screamed and hollered for blood.

Activating his personal magic Disaster Gar turned into a living bolt of lightning bounding high above Chrysalis.

Quickly regaining the corporeal form he reeled back his spear drawing in every more storm clouds to his aid "TEMPEST JAVELIN!" The king of the Everfree hurled his weapon down at the queen splitting the air in a massive shockwave of thunder that would've deafened even the former Dragonlord.

Chrysalis could do nothing as the massive discharge struck her and sent her plummeting in a spiral into the ground.

Below the clouds, the pony guards and school staff and students were all recovering. Celestia and Luna were still hard at work closing the portal to the demon realm but were quickly losing their magic. The angels had their hands full killing any remaining demon or more that tried coming through the portal.

They all looked up to the sky lighting as the clouds were all being drawn to one spot. The heard it, a massive unholy roar that no mere beast or demon could've made alone. The angels looked at each other and wanted to head in the direction the noise had come from but knew they had to remain and follow their orders.

Just then lightning spilled out from the remaining clouds and a massive bolt striking into the ground while more of it branched out into the air.

The lightning targeted every single remaining demon. The Fairy King descended next from the lightning's origin point and looked to his servants. "Move the princess immediately," He ordered. Not even wanting to question their master the angels flew off and tackled the goddesses away from the demon portal.

Gar held up his hand as a ball of lighting formed above it.

"Disaster; Jupiter Strike!" He threw the ball into the portal and overloaded it causing the portal to implode on itself.

Gar then quickly flew to the forest and used his magic to expand his voice, "FAIRIES OF THE EVERFREE HEAR YOUR KING. WE HAVE JUST FACED AN AGE-OLD ENEMY AND TRIUMPHED BUT NOT AT A COST. I NOW CALL UPON THOSE OF YOU TO COME FORM AND HEAL THOSE IN NEED OF IT FIOR WE NEED NOT LOSE ANY MORE OF OUR FRIENDS!" Without a hesitant word, a low rumble was felt and soon a swarm of buzzing fairies flew up from the trees and went to aid those in need of it.

Gar in the meantime went to check that point of impact where Chrysalis's body should've been but instead, he found only glass and ash. Celestia and Luan soon arrived.

"I must say you continue to amaze us," Celestia crossed her arms with a scowl. "Did you really need to go that far?"

"To protect those here, yes," Gar turned to the sister.

"Overloading a portal with raw elemental power is reckless," Luna added. "You're not hurt too badly are you? You've been fighting a lot more than anyone else here?"

"I am very tired and I have spent all of my remaining magic," Gar said as he floated on his Basquias in pillow form.

"It will take some time to repair things but with you and your fairies, I think things will work out for the better," Celestia looked out the injured. "To think she was a goddess- ike us this whole time."

"Where is her body?" Luna asked. "Did you take her soul like the lesser demons?"

"No," Gar said. "I did that out of need Luna so doesn't even go there. Red hands and Black deeds are not for ideal work, it was a necessary evil I did. As for Chrysalis, she escaped somehow."

"Any ideas?" Celestia looked at the ground. "Normally an attack like that would've vaporized her into ash."

"Someone divine intercepted her with a teleportation spell," Gar spun on his spear pillow, his form diminishing from the lack of power and nutrition. "I sensed its remnants when I got here."

As they spoke the angles arrived with Twilight in tow. Gar sat up and his girlfriends wasted no time in tackling him and thanking him over and over before kiss his cheek. The angles both knelt down to their master and couldn't be prouder to be serving him.

"It's time for you to rest and feed Lord Gar," Yuki spoke up have returned to her original form.

"She's right my lord but don't expect too much from us," Adreana said with a bit of displeasure at having to tell him that. "We have spent our defending the town."

"I am not angry or displeased in any way my faithful attendants," Gar smiled. "You did what I told you to and didn't waste any effort to do so. I am very proud of both of you," he turned to the sisters. "I will leave the details to you two for now. My friends and attendants need rest, not to mention those brave students I saw in Twilight's office. I will be taking those six as my personal students."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Luna asked.

"You're already caring for the entire hippogriff population at the school Gar," Celestia agreed. "Personal students aren't simply part of the equation."

"They are deserving of my full attention and will receive it," Gar said adamantly. "I will not slack in any of my duties, with it be the forest or my charges. This is the life of the Smiling Monster of the Everfree. Now I must rest." He floated off with Twlight holding on to him. Adreana and Yuki flowing on either side of their master.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other.

"Can he really still be trusted after devouring so many souls?" Luna asked.

"I know you're preferences on that action Luna and yes, we can still trust him," Celestia motioned around her. "You must remember he is still half-demon and by nature will consume the occasional soul as is his nature. That fact that he only did so with demons and that dubbed evil is a credit in its own right."

"I supposed so," Luna sighed. "Still, his power is incredible. This is only what he managed from what he'd gained from reabsorbing some of his power and the souls he ate. Think of what he could do at full strength."

"Yes, he is indeed a terrifying creature both in terms of power and appearance alone, but he has a good heart and a loving noble soul." Celestia's attention turns back to the crater. "But our focus needs to go to finding who helped Chrysalis escape."

"I concur," Luna nods. "Another goddess. How though? Twilight was her prisoner and Cadence hates her? Are there really more of us out there?"

"It would seem so Luna," Celestia sighs. "It would seem so. For now, we must attend to our ponies." She flew off and so did Luna.

"That was much more entertaining than I'd ever hoped it be!" Cackled an echoing voice.

"This could be bad though," another one said. "That fairy king is much stronger than any of his predecessors and his power is still growing."

"I can still see why my counterpart is attracted to him though," And said with a bit of disgust but lust as well. "Personally, I find him very handsome though."

"Enough Midnight," Called another more commanding tone.

"You're no fun Day Breaker!" Midnight countered.

"I agree with Day Breaker," the second voice said. "We must plan more."

"Thank you Nightmare," Day Breaker gave a nod.

"I'm with Midnight," giggled a new voice. "He is quite fetching for a demon," She said with thirst in her voice. "Are you up for sharing Midnight?"

"Spill you lust somewhere else Heart Ripper!" Nightmare countered the new woman.

"You're no fun Nightmare," Ripper pouted.

"Enough bickering you three!" Day Breaker shouted. "We have plans to make and set in motion."

"Yes," Nightmare says and a violet form comes into focus to reveal a very badly injured Chrysalis. "I managed to pull her from the attack but enough damage has been done and she will die soon This one is usefulness has worn out."

"Perhaps not," Day breaker chuckled. "Just being here in this realm has caused her wounds to heal. Leave her in stasis for now and once she is healed put her to the south in the deep forests. Prompt her with a bit of madness."

"As you wish," Nightmare rolled her eyes.

"What about that school?" Midnight said. "It could turn out to be a real pain."

"I have already found one we can use," An image of a filly with a pinkish-gray coat with wings, moderate scarlet eyes, pale light grayish arctic blue curly-que mane and tail wearing a powder white doily style sundress came into view in the pool from with the four had been watching.

"A descendant of yours?" Midnight raised an eyebrow.

"Someone else," Day breaker said looking to Ripper who merely stuck out her tongue.

"She and that demon vacuum cleaner of a centaur are the keys to opening a portal so we may be free," Day Breaker explained. "We will still need to possess items that come into contact with the willing mortal host in order to gain a hoofhold into this world so way may get our physical bodies back. This will also serve to shield us from the others."

"Must we," Midnight said in disgust.

"It is not that bad," Nightmare added. "I would've had my form if Celestia hadn't sealed me in the moon at Luna's behest. That mare is stubborn and fought me for control of the body after accepting my promise of power."

"Find your items and be ready, "Day Breaker commanded. "We move soon..."