The Smiling Monster of the Everfree

by Ghost Alvasa

Parazyte Eve

(Play with the fight,)

Queen Chrysalis had indeed stocked up on quite a lot of power as she was easily matching Gar blow for blow in the air. The land below the fighters was littered with a good many craters and carnivorous plants with would attack any creature indiscriminately. Gar's anger had tapped into his demon and fairy magic to create these monstrosities. With each blow, Gar took and was sent to the ground with only more of them sprouted, and those that had already grown grew even more furious. though it did not stop him from getting back up to face the former Queen again and again.

The duo clashed in the air causing everything to shake from their impacts and blows on each other as purple and green explosions could be seen from all the way up in Canterlot Castle some would say. Gar had been thrown back into the air and after he stabilized himself he rocketed at Chrysalis and split his arms into bladed tendrils.

"You're not the only one who can change their body," Chrysalis snickered as her own arms glowed in an eerie green light and they split into bladed tendrils similar to Gar.

The two fairy royals soon found themselves going back and forth in a very deadly game of what might be classified as Patty Cakes but children but for adults. The two whirled around each other in a flurry of blows. They each landed blows and each other's bodies and as quickly as they hurt each other their wounds would heal themselves.

The two broke apart both breathing heavily as their arms reformed. "Why are you against me? We should be working together to rule this kingdom and the world," Chrysalis remarked as she held out her hands. "You alone are more powerful than the two oldest mages on the Planet. You and I.... together... we are more powerful than any of the ruling alicorns and could easily rule this world s it should be ruled."

"Perhaps if I'd met you first I would have deduced that to be the most logical path to take," Gar said as he looked at his clawed hand. "But even then," he closed his grip and his eyes then sternly looked at Chrysalis, a glow covering his entire body as purple lightning crackled and sparked over the surface of his skin. "It still would not sit right with me. '

"But why not?" Chrysalis tiled her head with a raised eyebrow. "Sure you're a fairy but you're also a demon. It is in your nature to destroy and to won't more power and rule on high. It also in your nature as a fairy to follow your nature. I have been watching you and I must say even for a half-breed you certainly have no shortage of power. You used to be much colder, then you had that fight with the high-ranking demon and nearly died. You come back and are exuding an even more powerful love for Twilight Sparkle than even Shining Armor's love did for Cadence. What happened to that cold king that I LIKED?"

"I WOKE UP!" Gar yelled as he shot in front of Chrysalis before she could realize it. With a ki ball in his right hand, he plunged it into her gut and blasted her skyward. "And I WILL NEVER BE LIKE THAT AGAIN RAAAAAAAAA!!!!" He unloads a barrage of ki blasts into the queen light up the sky in a bright almost white light. "BASQUIAS MULTIPLE!" He roared as he made hand movements and his spear split into thousands of short swords. He threw his hands forward and shot the swords and moved his arms in all sorts of different directions causing the sword to swarm in and out of the huge ki explosions.

Gar was now huffing fairly hard from the back-to-back use of a massive amount of his ki and his spear. Not to mention the magic that was leaking out of him causing the multiple carnivorous plants to grow underneath him.

Floating the Gar breathed as the sweat ran down his face, "I sure hope that was enough to finish her,"

"Enough to finish me no..." Came Chrysalis's voice as she flittered down in front of Gar. "But you sure as Tartarus did quite the number on me. I mean you pretty much shredded my armor to bits," She said as showing off the armor as it fell to the ground in scarps to reveal her black form underneath, wearing very little if nothing at all. "Just think this all," She took a sexy pose, "could've been yours," Chrysalis said in a sultry town as place her hand behind her head and showed off more. "But I think I'm done being nice. Just remember you had your chance," She said seriously.

Talking on a new stance more armor formed Chrysalis green magic but it was much less coverage than last time. Many would have argued it was closer to an outfit that a cosplayers girlfriend or wife would wear on their sex night or their honeymoon. Chrysalis still had a reason to wear this much less protective armor, her form changed due to her concentrating her power throughout her body. Now that Gar had expelled a large amount of his power with the last attack of his she thought she would go ahead and take him down.

An eerie green aura covered the changeling Queen's body. Her form started to pulse as her body began to twitch with veins starting to appear all over her form. Her body started to grow and writhe as cracks started to form over her chitin. A thick green fluid began to leak from these cracks. Soon piece of chitin started to raise up and fall off of Chrysalis's body. She was not only powering up be she was also molting her shell. She was now in a much large form than before, still smaller than Gar but larger than she'd been. Green fluid covers her body as she relished in the pleasure of her new body.

"Oh yes now that's what I'm talking about!" She cackled. "I bet you're regretting not taking my offer now, kehehe.."

"The demon of hell can fuck you cause I sure as all get out won't," Gar hissed. "And if you're powering up then so will I! RAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

Gar body became engulfed in a golden aura. His entire body started to bulk up in muscle mass as his hair on his head and tail fluxed from chestnut brown to a brilliant golden blonde. His four eyes, inside them his pupils changed from brown to a bright cerulean blue. Finally, he gave one last push and his body bulked up to completely even out as he was surrounded in a bright gold aura his hair and tail staying its golden blonde hew as his eyes also remained blue. Super Gar was here and he was still pissed.

"Oh my," Chrysalis mocked. "I knew you had more power and another form. I also know you can't remain in it for very long either. Unlike your my new form is more... perm-"

She never finished that statement as Gar shot over and land a heavy fist right into her lower jaw sending her upward. Not wanting to give her time to recover he rushed her again leaving a trail of yellow as he chased Chrysalis. She however managed to stop herself and prepared herself for Gar.

Chrysalis reached up to her jaw and grasped it with her left hand. with a quick push, a sickening crack was heard. The queen tolled her bottom jaw and let out a sigh of relief, "Hmhhahaha... He's much stronger than I'd originally given him credit for," She smirked as she rubbed her jaw and looked down to see a very angry parazyte head for her and her facial expression hardened, "I'm going to have to be a more serious or I could end up dead if I'm not careful." She rocketed down at Gar leaving a trial of green behind her.

It only took a second and the fighters collide and unleashed a flurry of blows on each other. They ping-ponged and zig-zagged across the sky letting out booms and flashes of green and yellow light as they fought. They then locked clawed hands with one another, both hissing as they stared into each other's gaze.

"Chrysalis... where is Twilight!" Gar roared.

The queen smiled, "Who?" she remarked as she then kicked him in the gut sending him back. Chrysalis's horn glowed with green magic as her palms then did as well. "Emerald Flames!" She yelled as she threw out a hand, sending a torrent of shimmering green fire at Gar.

Gar's demon mark grew and his purplish-black darkness spread over his body as he held up his own hand as glowed with a light purple aura. "Hell Blaze!" Gar roared as he shot blackish-purple flames of his own had to counter Chrysalis.

The two poured on the heat as neither showed any sign of faltering.

At the same time...

Adreana and Yuki ran through the halls and looked for any creature not hypnotized or in cocoons that might be able to help. They had to be careful as the creatures that they came across as they would instantly swarm and attack the angels and many more would come to aid their fellows if not dealt with swiftly enough. They were forced to knock them out as fast as they could without seriously hurting them. They would also cut any out of the cocoons if they could spare the time

"This fucking sucks," Adreana fumed. "We should be helping our master, not running around a fucking school not knowing what to do and knocking creatures out!"

"As much as I am in total agreement with you dear sister we can not," Yukl said as she knocked a yak out with her cleaver. "We were given orders, and I think we might know the pony, or zebra to see about this."

"Yea... Zecora..." Adreana flicked a fairy off her shoulder. "If she's not brainwashed like the rest of these idiots then she'd be perfect!"

"Then it is a good thing I am not," Came Zecora's voice from next to Yuki as she pole-vaulted on a spear and double chest kicked a guard through a window. "As soon as I heard the explosion I took those who were with me and locked the alchemy lab's doors."

"Who all was with you?" Yuki asked as she propped her cleaver on her shoulder.

"Mainly the young ones," Zecora motioned for the angels to follow her. "I also have a few of the cleaning staff but not mainly other than a handful. Say twenty or so," they rushed through the halls. "It didn't take long for me to figure out what was happening. The first to act up were the Dark Changelings. They acted dazed at first and then started to grab others. I suspect that the queen had made a move against Twilight and her group after putting the changelings' behavior with the explosion. We are here," she motioned to the lab. "Inside quickly."

Yuki and Adreana both went in followed by their zebra friend. All around the room were dozens of scared young faces all huddled around each other.

"Do you have any idea how to reverse this?" Yuki asked.

"I know who to break the Queens hold over her former subjects but not her hold over the brainwashed students." Zecora nodded. "It is a simple brew that will counteract at her pheromone control. We can make it with what we have here in the labs. If we use can distribute it through the school the changeling may regain enough to help break the others' mind control."

"How can we help?" Adreana asked.

"You two keep watch," Zecora motioned to the door and windows. "I will have the youths help me in fixing multiple batches of the potion. Once we start though, our actions are sure to draw attention."

They both nodded and took to the opposite side of the room.

"Did you two manage to find our monster of a king?" Zerona asked as she and serval of the children hurriedly to start making potions.

"He was the one who ordered us to help the others," Yuki said looking out the door's crack to the hallways.

"The last we saw our master was when he rushed the queen bitch," Adreana added. "I think they're fighting to far out of or range to see. I certainly hear a lot of booms off in the distance. He was pissed that she would tell him where the princess was too"

"I pray that he does not do anything he will regret," Zecora mumble to herself.

The King and Queen both floated in the air-breathing heavily. They decide that neither could best the other with their flame attack and that they were just waiting for magic power at this point so they canceled the attacks. They were currently waiting on each other to make the next move as they knew they could not fight for much longer having both already expelled a great deal of power on the other, more so Gar as he di use a lot of ki to blast Chrysalis early. The upside is that she couldn't feed on it, the downside it looked like it had very little to no effect at all.

"I have to know," Chrysalis finally spoke up. "Why? Why are you against me? You're a changeling, a royal changeling at that. You call yourself a parasite and the true form sends other creatures running for fear at the first sight of you. You should want to be on my side at my side helping me! So why are you against me?!"

"Like I said before that would be the most logical of choice that has the highest rate of survival at the time," Gar remarked as he held out his hand and flexed a finger. Basquias suddenly flew to his hand and he spun it as he positioned it behind himself. "But even if I still had my emotions muted I still wouldn't have chosen that path. Even if I'd met you before Zecora I wouldn't have gone that route! Because it's the path I CHOOSE TO LIVE!"

Gar charged forward. Chrysalis quickly create and sword from her magic and used it to block Gar's onslaught of multiple thrusts. She did her best to dodge then got above the huge demon monster and sliced is arm off. Gar howled out in pain as his arm fell into the field of carnivorous plants who immediately began to devour his flesh. He looked at the cackling queen through his left two eyes as his right two were clamped shut due to the paint.

"You bitch," he winced. "You heated the blade of your sword just enough to cauterize my flesh as you cut my arm off."

"Why yes I did," Chrysalis held her weapon up to her face and licked some of Gar's dried blood off of its blade. "Oh this is a flavor I would love to taste every day," She said in a wave of euphoria. "Please do reconsider my offer Gar? You could have all the females you want, including Twilight Sparkle and me. You'd be a great king to my queen. Together we would be unstoppable!"

Gar stared at her and then started to think. he was thinking about all of the time he'd spent with his friends. Images flashed in his mind of all the happiness that he'd experienced with every creature he'd met thus far. His thoughts then turned to the girl who'd saved him from himself when his brother had come to heal him and had left him to make a choice. That choice was immediate when he heard her voice calling for him to come back to her and then he thought about the reason he was fighting this evil queen right at this moment. It was all for her sake, for his girl's sake, to make her dream a reality.

Gar took the Basquias and turn the tip towards his missing limb. Chrysalis was as perplexed as to why he'd turned his weapon on himself. Gar drove the spear into his flesh where his arm had been only moments ago. He howled out in pain ten times greater than when he'd lost his arm as he drove his weapon deeper into his body. As he the Basquias started to change its shape. Vines sprouted from the spear's shaft and dug into its master's flesh. The weapon continued to change from binding and splitting.

"What the hell is he doing?" Chrysalis said as she pulled back as magic and ki waved started to surge from the monster's actions.

"Damn it this really fucking hurts!" Gar roared as he reeled back and gripped his right shoulder in pain. The spear still warping its form as Gar started to emit waves of ki and magic. So he was surrounded in his golden aura but purple lightning was mixed in. He had achieved Super Saiyan Two without the need to use 'Promotion' on himself in his train recently but he had entered the state due to his actions of anger and pain as an emotional trigger this time.

His power started to stabilize soon. As the wave of energy and magic calmed one looked at the Smiling Monster of The Everfree and they would still see him with a jagged toothy smile but now parts of his body appeared to have been replaced with pieces of the very forest over which the Fairy King ruled.

Gar's entire aright arm was a mass of bare living roots and tree limbs. The roots reached over the right pectoral of Gar's chest and into his body. On his head were what would easily be mistaken as horns upon first glance that formed into a crown of roots and limbs the reach backwards and over his face forming a mask, one could still see his four piercing eyes through it. His hair had gotten longer but if you looked closer it was actually hanging moss. His body had roots jutting out in random places as well and his left leg had been taken over by roots and limbs to form a leg. His left took on a more plant-like visage as well as separating from his body but hover in place as it curved outward. One might think it was a sword

(Waht the wing looks like"

Gar's body crackled with purple lightning as he twitched his body. Suddenly Gar reared back and, "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" He roared as magical power and ki burst outward in waves shaking the very air, sky, and land.

"What the hell are you?" Chrysalis pulled back as she shook in sheer terror and horror.

"Basiquias Form thirteen, Forest Emulation," Gar said in a much more demonic and gruff tone. He then vanished and appeared in front of Chrysalis. Before she could fully react she summons a defensive shield sphere around herself as Gar landed a heavy right, shattering the shield with one blow.

‘How is he this strong?!’ Chrysalis yelled in fear. ‘He was losing power just a moment ago but he fused with that spear and his power skyrocket. No, it was before that it was when I started to taunt him. Each time he gained another small surge of power. It couldn’t be? I know emotions can fuel magic but anger is only a brief trigger but yet it seems with him it’s more than just magic... more than magic that storage attack! He’s able to gain power from his righteous anger and keep it while attacking with his own life force energy without endangering his life!’

Upon her realization, she used her magic to cover her body in full plate black armor.

Gar waved his limb arm sending out a wave of beautiful flowers then huge tree roots shot up from the ground. Chrysalis used her sword and flames to keep the roots at bay as best she could while Gar also dove in at random times with an onslaught of blows and or ki blasts from a distance. The queen doing her best to keep up and even throwing up shield bubbles only from them to be shattered with a single hit and sent backward to be smacked around by Gar and his roots.

Chrysalis was now fully back into a corner and she knew it and there was only one thing she could do, "Ne sai fo fa lo gama ser ada nad fin..." She said and threw out her hand and a green spell circle appeared and a portal formed. Out of it came quite a few bronze demons. "To think I was forced to summon these beasts, it's utterly shameful."

The bronze demons looked at Gar and he back at them. He knew he could take them but their sheer numbers of them were the problem. Sure he could take a majority of them but even he can do so much, especially with his dwindling magic. The truth is he was nearly out of ki too. He was sure Chrysalis had only summoned these monsters as an escape plan.

'Yuki, how are things on your end at the school?' Gar mentally called out.

'Things are under control my lord,' she answered. 'The dar changelings are returning to normal and breaking the mind control spell over the other creatures as we speak. Our numbers grow by the seconds.'

"Can you and Adreana separate from the main group?'

'Yes, we can. Do you have need of assistance my lord?'

'The big bug bitch just summoned a bunch of bronze demons. I think it's her last-ditch attempt at escape. With what power I have left I won't be able to take them all. I have need of you both immediately!'

'On our way!'

His attention turned back to Chrysalis.

"What are you waiting for ?" Chrysalis shouted. "Attack him and destroy that town and everything in it!" She yelled.

The demons immediately roared and began to attack. Gra reacts with his roots by spearing or beating the evil beast. He made use of the carnivorous plants to by knocking several demons into them allowing the deadly flora to eat the beats alive. Gar did what he could but even Chrysalis smiled as he started to struggle with the number of enemies he was facing.

Suddenly a spared of crystalline spear sprayed over the demons impaling them. Chrysalis looked up to seek Yuki and Adreana floating down to their master's side. Yuki's knife had taken on the shape of what appeared to be a crystalline wing but it quickly changed back into a knife as she hit a button on the handle.

(Looks like this)

Chrysalis glared as she hissed through her teeth.

"You seem to have unlocked a new from my lord," Yuki noted Gar's appearance.

"Yea and it's ugly as sin," Adreana pointed out and Yuki slapped the back of her sister's head.

"HE MAY NOT BE APPEALING IN THIS STATE BUT HE IS STILL OUR MASTER ADREANA!" Shout only to realize what she just said while Adreana gave a cocky grin. Yuki quickly turned to her master. "Lord Gar I am so sorry for insulting you like that please forgive!" She screamed as she bowed.

"All is forgiven Yuki," Gar said. "I imagine I do look much was in this state than I'd like to admit. But that can wait. I nee you tow to take these demons on while I go after Chrysalis."

"Yuki can manga the demons on her own my lord," Adreana floated down next to her master. "I'll help you with queen buggy mc go splat under my boot," she cracked her knuckled with a smile.

"No," Gar thew up an arm. "I am the only one who can match her at the current time and power level. She may be a fallen goddess but she is still that, a goddess."

"She's a what?" the sister said in tandem.