//------------------------------// // The track home... // Story: The Smiling Monster of the Everfree // by Ghost Alvasa //------------------------------// It had been a couple of days since Gar had departed with Princess Sky Star and the flock of young hippogriffs from Mount Aires. Due to the sheer number and size of the group and the fact that many couldn't handle larger feral storms or longer flight they were forced to take an airship back the mainland and head to go all the way to Canterlot as it was the nearest skyport to Ponyville that could handle the larger scale vessels. So from there the group would then have to depart from the train station in order to get down to Ponyville alone. "Hey there big guy," came the voice of the ships captain. Gar turned his head to see Captain Celaeno. You sure have changed a bit since the last time you were on my ship. Big pretty butterfly wings and way more emotional. I heard you're a knight for Twilight and King of the Everfree now to. That all true?" "Yes it is," Gar replied. "You have my utmost thanks for bringing me and my..." he looked over his shoulder to the chicks. "Party... to Canterlot. Thank you Captain." "No sweat big guy," Captain Celaeno waved of the thanks as she pulled an elaborate pipe from her inner coat pocket. Looking to the monster she held the pipe up, "Do ya mind if I have a smoke?" Gar shook his head, "It's your ship." "Yea but I still like to ask," Celaeno stuffed some tobacco in the pipped and lit it with a match. Taking a slightly drag off the pipe she turned to over look the land. "And think nothing of the lift. Me and my crew owe your and those ponies big for getting us out of being the Storm King's delivery birds. We'll come to ya and go where ever ya need to be taken. Just say the world." The duo stood there simply enjoying the scenery when Celaeno looked over her shoulder and then back to the clouds. Tapping her pipe on the railing and dumping the ash over the side it fill the ground below. "So, what's with all the younglings?" Celaeno spoke up. "Students to be enrolled at Twilight's new school," Gar turned around. "I went to ask Queen Novo if she'd be willing to send some students." "Ah..." Celaeno nodded. "I get that, but why bring her?" She thumbed to Bright Star. "She asked to come and is willing to do as she's told so she was allowed to come," Gar grumbled as he still regretted his decision. "She's hyper but a good kid," Celaeno chuckled. "But then again a lot of the younglings here are. I guess it comes from being stuck under water for generations and being able to see new things." "If you say so," Gar rolled his eyes. Celaeno smirked as she go an idea. "She certainly hangs of you a lot." "Mhm... don't remind me," Gar crossed his arms and pouted. ""I think she might have a crush on you," Celeano smirked causing Gar to immediately turn to look at her. "In fact, since we're on the subject. I think a lot of the females around do." *SIGH* "I'm not going there," Gar held up a hand as he went red faced. "Why not big man," Celaeno said putting her pipe back in her pocket. "You have some great looking flanks around you and not to mention they're a very exotic variety. Looks like you're herd will be quite diverse. Not many males can claim that. Yea you're a king but you got all your tail before that." "Please stop," Gar solemnly hung his head. "I just messing with you," Celaeno jabbed him in his arm only to wince in pain slightly as she pulled back and shook her hand hissing. "Anyways, do you have some creature special in your life or are you one of types of hero has a ton of lovers with a one night stand thing going?" "I have Twilight Sparkle as my lover," Gar said with pride as he perked up. "And I don't plan on having anypony or creature else and I have no desire to be with another or to form a herd, hoard, etc..." "Wow," Celaeno looked at the king. "You're... serious about this aren't ya big Guy?" Gar looked sternly into the bird captain's eyes and nodded. "Well. I wish you luck in your to come, King Gar." She patted his back when a bell was rung. "That's the bell to let us know we're coming up on our port. I need to head back to the stern. Later," She departed as Mt, Canterhorn came into view with the Sacred Tree just to its left. Captain Celeano's ship, he McCaw, pulled into to port at the Canterlot airship yard. Waiting for Gar and his part were the Princesses, Captain Prince of the Guard Blueblood, and a whole contingent go guards in tow. "Thanks for the left again Capetian and crew," Gar bowed showing his thanks. "No prob Gar and don't be a stranger either," Captain Celeano gave a thumbs up as her crew ready the gangplank for departure. "You're always welcome on this birds crew big fella but best you get goin. Ya have a meeting with royalty it appears and then ya got to get to your honey," Gar blushed, "HAHA! Tell Twilight I said 'hi'!" She waved as Gar walked off the ship followed by Sky Start and a variety of hippogriff younglings. "Company, ATTENTION HUT!" Blueblood called out. The guards immediately stomped and clicked their heavy metal hoof wears together and throw their hands up in salutes as Gar exited off the ship. "Sir Gar," Blue clicked his hooves and saluted as well. "It is good to see you back in canterlot Sir!" Being a made a knight gave Gar a noble title and a rank equivalent to that of the captain but because he was a personal knight of one of the four princesses he was ranked above the reigning military. The fact that he was also the king of Everfree and wielded magical powers on par with the four princesses plays a major role in this to. Of coarse no pony has yet to learn of the relationship between the monster of the Everfree and the Princess of Friendship outside their respective immediate circles of friends on both of their sides. Naturally Blueblood was included in this, being Gar's fighting instructor and brother-in-arms, but kept his mouth shut due to the gossip that would sprout from the mouth of the nobles. Some were already against Gar for obvious reasons but most backed him for having saved the city and the princesses on more than one occasion already but they were always quickly swayed by most anything, specifically rumors and bits. "Gar," Luna as she and Celestia greeted the monster. "It is good to see you have made a full recovery." "I am guessing these are all the students for the school Twilight is starting," Celestia looked of the flock of younglings a yellow princess catching her eye, "I see you decided to join in on this little adventure Princess Sky Star." "Oh yea I've always wanted to see the outside world and now that we've opened the Mountain back up I CAN!" Sky Star jumped in the air gleefully. "Though for the moment I will be directly working with Gar at Twilight's School. Oh yea," she dove back into the younglings and quickly returned with a young hen roughly around the age of the CMC. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, let me introduce you to my cousin and one of my best friends friends from home, Silverstream." Silverstream is a female hippogriff youngling with a bright and bubbly outlook on life similar to her cousin Sky Star but much more adventurous and outgoing. Her mane and tail consist of a light cornflower blue and light cornflour bluish gray streaks while her coat and feather colors are a light magentaish grey with her beak and exposed skin being a pale grayish orchid. Around her neck was a piece of coral that allowed her to change forms from seapony to hippogriff. Her attire usually consisted of dress due to her parent's dynamic clashing ideas of where to live with her opting on both. "OH MY FAUST!" Silverstream flipped out as she flew around the princesses. "YOU AND THAT AND THESE AND THOSE AND..." She zipped around. "YOU'RE THE PRINCESSES AND...MHMHMHMHMHMMHMMMHMMH!" Gar quickly grabbed the youngling in a wrap of tendrils, "Hehehe... Sorry about that your highnesses. Sliver is rather and excitable about everything, even more so wit a that has happened and is happening," He nervously scratched the back of his head while Silver was now freaking out and getting excited over being entrapped by Gar. "Sorry about that," Sky bowed with a blush of embarrassment. "No trouble," Celestia giggled. "Are you staying in the city?" Luna looked at the fairy king. "No," Gar shook his head. "As things stand I must get the younglings to the dorms," he said nonchalantly, "i have been away from Twilight and the forest longer than I'd intended and must return. Things didn't feel quite right when I'd left days prior. I don't know what but something is sneaking around the forest and it's to well blended in to distortion what it is or what it's doing in my woods." "A problem?" Blue raised an eyebrow. "Do you want me to send some of my investigators. "I appreciate the thought but no thank Blue," Gar shook his head. "I think having guard ponies poking around will put the fairies on edge. Gloxinia is already paranoid enough as is and has a superiority complex to boot. Letting guards in would only fuel some of his suspicions about the ponies. Best I get the younglings to Twilight asap." "It's a good thing we prepared the train in advance then," Blue remarked. "I wish you could stay and talk perhaps even have a match but I of all creatures knows you have duties to uphold, one to your princess and one to realm and subjects. Just let them know at the station and they'll show you all the way. And I must say I like how expressive you've become."He saluted. "Good luck sir," the all marched off. Later at the Ponyville Train Station... "All will follow me to the school, understood?" Gar called out to the younglings certainly. "Yes Lord Gar," They all called out in unison while Gar turned and let out a strained sigh as he floated in the direction of Twilight's new school. Twilight and her friends we busying themselves getting the last of the preparations for her school to open when Spike suddenly burst through the doors of the library. They all stared at the drake perplexed. "Girls, the train just pulled into the station..." he huffed. " It's..." "So?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "It's..." "Not to rain on your parade there partner but trains pull into the station all the time," Aj crossed her arms. "It's..." "Darling we are quite busy at the moment," Rarity went about her work. "It's..." "Um... sorry Spike... but could you please um... leave us be.... that is if you want to," Fluttershy said from he place under the table. "It's..." "Spike, please go back to your chores," Twilight said not even sparing a glance from the papers. If she had she would've seen a very red faced drake she called a younger brother. "LISTEN TO ME AND STOP CUTTING OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFF!" He roared rising ten feet in the air and shaking the chandelier. They all looked over the see the drake still pissed with steady streams of glittering smoke coming from his flared nostrils. Spike took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "Grrrft," he cleared he throat, "Sorry about that but like I WAS trying to see its Gar, he back and at just got off the train..." Spike was soon whirling in place as Twilight rushed passed her little brother. "Hold on buddy," RD zoomed over and caught the dragon before he could fall over. "What was that?" His eye spun. "Twilight," Pinkie popped over. "What else were ya gonna say?" "Oh yeah, that a whole flock of hippogriffs just unloaded from the..." Spike started to say and then saw pink smoke and looked to his left to see it was coming from Pinkie Pie who had the biggest most excited shit eating grin on her face. "Ah what's going on?" "SHE'S GONNA BLOW!" screamed Rarity. "HIT THE DECK!" cried RD as sh grabs Spike and dives behind the couch. "TAKE COVER!" Aj called out. "EVERY PONY FOR THEMSELVES!" Shrieked Fluttershy, diving under a box with her tail stuck out until she pulled it in. Pinkie Pie some how morphed herself into the shape of a rocket and shot off into the sky. In the next second pink fireworks were going off over the castle. At the same time... "Come along," Gar moved the younglings trying his best to keep their attention on him. "We're almost th- ufff..." He was tackled to the ground by something purple with wings. He looked down to see twilight nuzzling his chest, "Your back!" she held him tight. Not being able to restrain herself she plant a big kiss and her stallion. They satyed this way for a few minutes until they heard a flowerpot drop and break. They looked to see everypony in town and a younglings staring with mouths agape. "Oops..." "Guess the cats out now..." Gar muttered "Oh... my... gosh..." Sky star said with a blush. "So SWEET!" She sang. That's when the heard fireworks and upper to see the sky lite up with pink firecrackers. Gar looked at Twilight and shrugged then kissed he kissed her this time before saying, "I'm back."