//------------------------------// // 6. The Awakening. // Story: A Noble Cause // by mari tech //------------------------------// Conrad braced himself against the explosion from down below. Screams rang out as ponies ran from the castle and guards rushed to find the attacker. Conrad took a look at himself and Celestia for any damage. Content with finding none, he looked over the edge to his savior. A buglike pony was in a newly made clearing, laying on its side about 30 feet down from the railing. The rail of which Conrad hopped over and rearranged his bones to take the landing without damage. Getting a closer look at the creature, Conrad recognized it as the changling exile herself. "Queen Chrysalis..." Conrad crouched low to look closer. He spotted the bolt in the side of her that penetrated the plate of chitin. Looking further, the explosion seemed to have completely blown out the other side of her as there was a gaping wound on the other side, oozing green blood. "You've met with a terrible fate... haven't you..." Conrad traced a fingerbone around the wound and looked at the now congealing green liquid. Celestia touched down from the balcony behind Conrad. Her eyes widening upon seeing Chrysalis. Conrad stood up and faced Celestia. His eyes seemed to disappear into a void of darkness as his voice became monotone. "Celestia, by order of the court of bone, the body of Chrysalis is claimed in the name of her royal highness, Princess Rosa Grimbane. Let none stand before her in her decision. By order of the court of flesh, Chrysalis's noble sacrifice grants her entitlement to being raised under the care of her new charge. Her new charge is Conrad Moody effective immediately." Conrad returned to normal and shook his head. "Sorry, Princess. That's kinda ingrained in my programming to do that." Celestia was shocked at the seriousness of the skeleton. "O-of course Conrad." "May I implore you to stand back about 2 feet?" Celestia raised an eyebrow but otherwise complied. Conrad dragged his foot in the dirt to create an elaborate circle. Celestia could feel magic becoming attracted to the circle immediately. Conrad began to hum unknown words in a dead language as the complicated creation was made. "Might I question what you are doing?" "Animate dead and raise dead spell combination. Chrysalis shall be as I. The damage is too extensive for a low-level resurrection but she deserves more than an animate dead. As such, she will become half-dead. She will be changed when she awakens from death. I'm going to have to hire a tailor soon, I'm sure she will want her wound covered." Conrad had stopped his circle making and stepped back to admire his handiwork. Luna finally came down to find her sister and friend. "Sister, what happened? Is that Chrysalis?" "Assassination attempt. And yes, that is Chrysalis. Glad to see you could make it this time." "I know I'm slow on arrival sister, no need to remind me every time something happens." Luna's pout was adorable. "Celestia, might I be granted a hoof sized chunk of obsidian?" Conrad interrupted. Celestia used her magic to coalesce a piece of obsidian from nothing and gave it to Conrad. Conrad took it and held it up to the sun, now very high in the sky. Conrad watching the black streaks start to pour from it as he pours a hint of his necromantic energy into it. "Perfect." Conrad did an abrupt heel turn and walked towards Chrysalis who was now attracting flies. He snapped his fingers and the flies dissolved to nothing. Shaking his head, he brought the volcanic glass upwards above him, as if revering it's very presence. "Obsidian is quite possibly the ultimate conduit of necromancy." Conrad began explaining. "Many believe that obsidian was created by the demon lord and patron saint of necromancy Orcus. Most necromancers say that it was shaped by him after getting slashed by a dagger and having his blood thrown into the sea of fire by a devil." Conrad brought the black glass to his chest. Black tendrils emanated from it, waving in an unfelt wind, and latched onto Conrad whose visage just became darker. Celestia and Luna were reminded that this wacky skeleton is also an adept practitioner of the dark arts. Luna gave a glance to her older sister in worry. Celestia either didn't notice or didn't care as she was focused on the skeleton before her. Conrad held the gem away from him and the tendrils detached. "It's all lies of course. Obsidian was created by one of the most powerful beings in our very existence. Without Primus, our existence would never have come to term. Primus created obsidian for balance. It is by his decree that the most sacred necromantic item existence." Conrad stepped forward and brought the glass over Chrysalis before letting go. The sisters expected it to fall, but instead, the piece of obsidian just floated and began spinning slowly. "We thank Primus for this great blessing." Conrad stepped away from the circle and stood next to the sisters. "Let the ceremony begin." Conrad raised his hands and the circle he etched into the dirt began to glow a sinister red that turned quickly to the same green as Chrysalis' blood. The cardinal points of the circle emitted the same tendrils as the obsidian did. They rose before funneling through the black glass and into the body of Chrysalis. "And now, we-" A god awful sound emanated from Chrysalis' body as something strange happened to her. "Shit." Conrad stepped towards her body and inspected the circle before slapping himself with a bony hand and changing the circle a bit. Chrysalis' body calmed down and the ritual continued. Conrad thrust his hand towards the body as the world darkened a bit before returning. "Surge et turpi qui decipitur." The piece of obsidian shattered into thousands of pieces before being caught and suspended in the air for just a moment before embedding themselves into chrysalis' now shaking corpse. Her chitin turns extremely glossy for naught but a second before turning an ashy grey rather than a burnt black like normal. Conrad spoke softly as if speaking to a newborn waking for the first time. "Rise young one... your duty to this world is not over yet." Conrad's skull cracked a bit as he managed to smile, healing immediately afterward. "You have a bright future ahead of you." Upon his last words, Chrysalis suddenly shot up, scaring Celestia and leaving Luna dumbfounded. Her eyes were dead and lost the spark of life, but Celestia could see the intelligence and understanding in them. Chrysalis slowly looked down at her now ashy hooves before turning to see the gaping wound in her side. "Oh..." Chrysalis sounded sad but, more noticeably, her echo was gone. "I guess my plan didn't work as well as I thought." Conrad stepped forwards to Chrysalis. "Greetings young one." Chrysalis turned to Conrad with wide eyes. "I have granted you the gift of undeath for saving not only me but also my friends." He gestures to the sisters. "However, I must ask why you gave the ultimate sacrifice." Chrysalis seemed to think for a moment before the events before-hand came to her. "Music." Conrad tilted his head. "I-I heard music, it told me what I needed to hear. It told me that I was forgiven, but if I needed proof of it that I was to follow it." Celestia put a hoof to her chin. 'She seems different now... the way she talks, how she holds herself, it's unnerving but I'll take what I can get.' "For your sacrifice, I would definitely say you are forgiven Chrysalis." Celestia put her hoof back down. Luna was still skeptical but reluctantly accepted it. Conrad crouches low and helped chrysalis onto her hooves, only to find that her rear hooves aren't working anymore. "I can fix this." Conrad reached his smallest fingerbones into her wound and began reconstructing her enough that she could move. Chrysalis felt nothing from Conrad's intrusion. "Celestia, please forgive what I did before... at the wedding. It was done out of necessity and nothing more." Chrysalis lowered her head slightly. "And please, don't call me Chrysalis anymore. I am now a queen to a dead kingdom. Chryssie is just fine." Chrysalis looked away. "It's a bit refreshing to use that name anyway." Celestia nodded. "You are forgiven Chryssie." "I'm going to start on damage control now sister." Luna flew up and out of sight. Conrad shoved Chryssie's pelvis back into place and lifted her up once more. Finding that she was stable enough, he gave her a nod. "All good." Chryssie ignited her horn and found her magic to be far different than before. "Now master, what next for your spymaster." Chryssie was oddly focused now. Conrad drifted his skull to look at her. "We train and build." Conrad fixed his shirt. "First, let's get that wound covered when we go in." Conrad and the crew found themselves back in the dining room approximately 2 hours later. The sun has started to make its descent already. Chryssie had managed to get herself some dark robes to put over her barrel with a light gambeson to put over it. "Tell me why I am wearing armor as a spymaster?" "You are currently the only protector I have Chryssie." Conrad fixed his coat sleeve. "I cannot be expected to be able to defend myself on my own. Until I can raise my own guards, you will need to assist me. Your new magic should be just perfect for the job." Chryssie flexed her corrupted magic. "Of course, sorry for questioning you." "Non-sense, I encourage you to speak freely." Celestia had her head down on the table. The paperwork was giving her a headache. Sitting back up, she brought her gaze over to Chryssie. "Conrad, are all your necromancy rituals as long and complicated as what you did to her?" Conrad shook his head. "Complicated... No. But most necromancy requires time. It was complicated because I created an entirely new spell to create Chryssie." Conrad looked downwards into a cup of tea. "My grip on magic is loosened here. It's like Mystra, the goddess of magic, has no presence here. Thus, I was able to improvise something." Celestia nodded. "I suppose that soon enough, I'll get a demonstration of what is normal?" "Of course, I have ideas." Conrad scratched his head in thought. Conrad leaned over to Chryssie and whispered in her ear. "It will be done." Chryssie shapeshifted into a less suspicious form. "Glad that still works." Conrad gave her a couple of folders. "You know your job." Chryssie nodded and went away for the time being. "Might I inquire about your actions Conrad?" "I need a jumping-off point for the noble house. I sent her to find the dying and giving them an offer." "A good plan as any." Celestia took a sip of tea before continuing. "So, what exactly is Chryssie now?" Conrad looked up to the solar matriarch. "Her unique relationship with life and death makes her a shadow sorcerer now. I believe a comparison you would understand is Sombra." Celestia seemed to tense up. "Of course, she is nowhere near what Sombra is, it is just the best comparison that can be made." "I understand." "Yes, she is now extremely hard to kill. The most basic but most powerful ability it gives her is something our world knows as 'one-shot protection'. No one single attack can kill her now no matter how powerful. With a bit more training, she can create magic darkness that she can see through, gain a deathly companion, and mark enemies for death." Conrad takes a sip. "She will become very powerful and more deceitful than she was in life. Thankfully, she is now bound to me and relies on my power to sustain her." Celestia nodded as Luna finally entered the dining room. "Sister, we got the population settled down now." Luna closed the door behind her before taking her seat. "Good." Celestia glared at her reflection in her cup of tea. "Can't believe it happened... Any idea of our would-be assassin?" "A mercenary. It was obviously an expensive one if the enchantments on the bolt were of any indication. We can rule out the lower and middle class as such." Luna shook her head. "A noble had to have hired them. Frankly, I am excited to start a crusade on the nobles." "Luna..." "Sister, they have gone unchecked for too long. They made an actual attempt on your life. They need to be brought down a peg or ten." Luna crossed her front hooves. "Luna, please..." "Celestia, my dear sister... you have been soft on them. They have grown way too cocky with your ruling while I was gone." "Your speech has changed sister," Celestia said as a matter of factly. "Don't change the subject sister." Celestia's ears were pinned back. "I'm sorry Luna. I suppose I have been a bit too lax in the years past." "A bit?" "Fine, I've been way too lax. But now, we have a weapon to fight back!" Celestia pointed to Conrad who had been snacking on a bouquet of flowers on a nearby table. Conrad slowly turned around to look at the two sisters before slowly lifting another petal to his teeth. "Conrad." "Yes ma'am?" "Why are you eating my flowers?" Conrad looked to the flowers before looking back. "They had spices on them." Celestia looked at the flower before raising an eyebrow. "Conrad, there is poison on the flowers." "Huh." He took another bite. "Tingly." Luna looked at her sister. "So... Weapon huh?" "Well... At least he's humorous." Celestia shrugged before giggling. "Oh, dear stars it's spreading." "At least I've got a funny bone sister." She gave a hearty laugh. "You're laughing. Somepony tried to assassinate you with poisoned flowers and you're laughing." Chryssie finally had come back with a stack of packets in her magic grip. She slid them over to Conrad and stood at his side in her new undying form. "Ah, finally." "All went well, master. It seems nearly every pony has some want to be able to help after their death. A curious trait about ponies, but will be useful for what we need." "Beautiful. You have done well Chryssie." Conrad gave Chryssie a scratch behind her ears which caused her to blush ever so slightly. "I thank you, master." "Stay by my side for now." Conrad was about to walk back to the sisters before turning back. "Want some poisoned flowers?" Chryssie raised an eyebrow and took a delicate bite. "Hmm... Needs more wyvern venom, otherwise, tingly." Conrad turned to Luna. "Told ya it was tingly." Luna rolled her eyes as Conrad returned to his seat with Chryssie in tow. Celestia turned to Conrad. "I believe I have an idea to fight back against whoever may be trying to assassinate us." Conrad put his elbows on the table and intertwined his hands, ready to start scheming. "I'm listening." Conrad walked through the streets of Canterlot. Many watching the unliving embodiment of their future were more than a little disturbed. "First stop is a mister Iron Hooves." Conrad took out the packet of his next stop. "At least it's old age this time..." Conrad said somberly. A disguised Chryssie stuck to his side, reveling in the necromantic energies emanating from him. "You're helping a lot of good ponies, Conrad. While they may not be cheating death, at least they can continue to serve the greater good in the end." Conrad gave her a nod. "Alright, you know the deal Chryssie, stay outside while I do the ritual." As Conrad was about to enter, he was stopped by a tug on his coat from Chryssie's aura. "Actually... I was hoping to be able to watch this one. I want to be able to learn what you do so I may better understand you, master." Chryssie quickly caught herself. "Not that I care about you. But to better serve you as a spymaster." Conrad always thought her face scrunch was adorable. "Fine Chryssie, just do not interfere no matter what. You may hear things that will never leave your mind and the ritual could attract malicious spirits since the necromantic web in this world is incredibly weak... Especially after raising you from the dead." Conrad opened the door. "From this point, until we leave Chryssie, do not listen to anything anyone might say unless the order is to leave. Then obey it without question and leave quickly." Chryssie gave him a nod. An old earth pony lay upon his deathbed, his flesh sagging and his eyes drooping as the inevitable nears. No others are around for he was the last of his kin. He just hopes that the mysterious offer he had received was real. "Mr. Iron Hooves? " "P-Please, do enter." Conrad entered and the earth pony nodded slowly. "My time then?" "Yes Iron Hooves, it is time. Just to make sure, you are completely alright with this?" "Yes, I was in the royal guard in my younger days, but I never actually felt like I did anything. Hopefully my double can be of use while I move on." "I'll make sure he sees plenty of action. Are you ready?" "Yes." Chryssie stood by the side of the bed and watched as Conrad put a boney finger to his forehead as Iron Hooves gave his last breath. Chryssie could feel his soul passing on and the death energy leaking into the necromantic web and regaining its strength. "Quieti etiam hac nocte." Conrad released his deathly touch. "Now for resurrection." Conrad brought out a small dagger that, despite its size, was incredibly sharp. He made a small incision into Iron Hoove's front left arm to retrieve a single bone before wrapping his arm to hide the surgeon-like cut. "I will be using arm bones for earth ponies as most of their magic resides in those areas. If it was a unicorn, I would grab a piece from the neck near the mana pool gland. For a pegasus, a wing bone is taken with care because of the hollow bones." Conrad brought the bone to the floor and started outlining it in black chalk. "For concentration, I will need absolute silence Chryssie." "You told me not to listen to you until we leave." "Ah, so you were listening Chryssie." Conrad began to move his arms in a pseudo-dance that was equal parts concerning judging by the cracks his old bones made and intriguing. Chryssie could start to feel the pressure in the room as the air thickened. Chryssie had to suppress herself from gulping as a dark-colored mist filled the room. It was just light enough that she could see Conrad but dark enough that she couldn't find all four walls in the room. The pressure kept mounting an assault against Chryssie's head. She felt empowered yet also weakened by the ritual currently happening. That was when she heard it. A distant forlorn wail of a female pony. Chryssie tried to look for the source in her spot but came up empty. The wailing got louder and louder, soon enough she couldn't think of anything other than the horrid wailing. She was too distracted to notice that Conrad had disappeared from her vision. Chryssie tried to cover her ears as the wails became earsplitting. Chryssie could feel her body rebelling against her, she couldn't move and couldn't think. She barely registered a bone hand grabbing her shoulder. "Chryssie." The fog cleared and the wails stopped. Chryssie questioned whether what just happened was real or not. "Chryssie, are you okay?" "Y-yeah... What happened to me?" "It was my fault honestly. I had forgotten that spirits don't like those new to the art of undeath. You nearly got killed by an angry banshee." "Woah..." "I'm so incredibly sorry. Not even our sovereign likes to deal with spirits. It took around 20 years of undeath before spirits began to accept her. She usually hired mercs to deal with them." Chryssie shook her head. "That was an experience." "One you won't forget. Anyways, Skeleton was made, awakened, and sent to the plot of land. You were out of it for a while." "Guess that means I missed most of the magic then?" "Unfortunately." "Another time then. If I remember correctly, that was the last one for today. What might be next master." "I need to get a bardic focus. I'm adept at casting spells with hands but getting a focus will make a lot of things much easier for me." Conrad tapped his chin a moment. "Perhaps we can get you a focus as well." Chryssie tilted her head. "I have a horn." "Yes, I am aware. But you are also half dead and we still are unaware of the extent of your damage. Not to mention that a focus could be stronger than a horn." "Point taken master." Conrad and Chryssie began their trek across Canterlot. Many were still unsure of the skeleton and changeling but none openly harassed them. They came to a stop across an older shop. It was one that would've been easily missed if one was not looking for it. "Celestia gave her endorsements to this old place." "Looks old." "It is old. That's how you know it's going to be good. Nothing has overtaken this mares craft yet." Chryssie gave a simple nod and went inside the shop alongside Conrad. The atmosphere was thick with the scent of rare reagents used for potions alongside legendary pieces of wood long thought lost to time. Foci of many types and makes line the walls and shelves of the old shop. Behind the desk is an old mare with a sickly green coat and a slightly lighter green mane. Her old eyes show wisdom beyond her many years as if she has seen endless time pass by her. Her cutie mark was barely visible but showed a stopwatch that had been skewered by a thorn. Atop her rugged mane sat an old and nearly decayed pointed hat that witches wore in fantasy books. "Conrad, who is this?" "Chryssie..." He moves his hand to present the pony "Meet Twisted Thorn..."