A Wayfinders Guide to Equestria

by ChrysalisM

In which we remove the part on the authors motives being inscrutable to mortals, and our heroes make an inventory check

The author sighed as he typed up the next chapter in his manuscript. He was working on a tight deadline, and considering his employers, it was more literal than you would think. But torturing fictional characters, and bunting people into interacting with them was fun work. Especially when you had a magic typewriter, and a sadistic imagination.
He set the type writer to typing out what was happening from his unwilling protagonists point of view.

After we had figured out who was who we commenced to debating why my friends had turned into fantastical creatures.

That's easy. As you had no inherent magic, you were transformed into things that did. It's a side effect of the way you got there, and something that would cause me a lot of head aches.

Stop interrupting or I will personally find you and pour a vial of holy water down your dead, rotting, throat.

We did eventually get to that conclusion, after a long boring lecture from Twilight. It turns out Will turned into a half-elf because he had his character sheet in his backpack. He quickly rummaged through his pack and pulled out a bunch of items that I remember being written on his character sheet. Oddly similiar phenomena happened to everyone else and when we had pooled it all together we had the following list


Eventually we headed out of the castle to a town where every window was broken.

To be continued when I next have enough time to do anything of any length. (Sorry for the briefness.)

* Just kidding, here's the real link if you did get rickrolled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=389cemZpkb4