//------------------------------// // The Night's Mourning // Story: Homecoming // by seeker9709 //------------------------------// It felt like hours had passed since they found her. Just laying there, taunting them. All 5 pegasi had been completely frozen in fear when the door had opened to reveal Scootaloo awaiting them inside what used to be the kitchens of the Slaughterhouse. At the time, no pony had moved a muscle for several moments. They spoke in hushed tones, moving slowly, wincing at every click of their hooves across the stone floor. Afraid that anything could set off a trap or trigger some sort of shadowy spell and bring about their, and Scootaloo's, doom. Now, it seemed like the exact opposite. Rainbow Dash paced back forth through the main room, having been left with no choice but to oversee the guards who were with her and ensure that Scootaloo never left her line of vision. She simply couldn't risk it, she couldn't allow her self to leave Scootaloo for fear she would never see her again. She had lost track of time long ago. How long had they been here? 20, maybe 30 minutes? Longer? The other 4 guards were not by any means sitting on their hooves, doing their best to stay alert and occupied. Lucky Strike stood on the other side of the room, a crystal ball held between his hooves. A magical device used to communicate at long range. Another pegasus, Hayseed, was crouched down on the very edge of the door frame of the kitchens. He had the better eyes of those present, and Rainbow had charged him with observing Scootaloo and looking out for any wards, runes, or evidence of spells. The two others, Ironworks and Puzzle Piece, were searching the remaining rooms for anything that may have been left behind by Twilight Sparkle. Any notes, items, anything. So far, their search hadn't turned up anything of use, but they were persistent and wouldn't stop until they found something of worth, or had turned over every loose stone. "STALLION! Status report!" Came Rainbow bark of command. Her voice had grown gravely, beginning to be worn down from stress and shouting. Though it caused her some mild discomfort, it was not enough to keep from loudly relaying her orders to the soldiers around her. Her mane was tangled and unkempt. Partially from her flight to the Slaughterhouse, and in part also to the stress of trying to save Scootaloo. Sleep had evaded her the last few nights, and it was beginning now to take a toll. The had resigned themselves to the outer area where Rainbow Dash had previously instructed the other guards when they arrived. It had been deemed safe, and they had been milling about trying to make contact with headquarters and search for possible traps that Twilight Sparkle had set for them. Lucky Strike's responded with a shake of his head "Sorry ma'am, still no word back from the Tombstone. Our communication Crystals are still dealing with some kind of interference." The green pegasus was developing dark circles under his eyes rapidly as the night went on. Still, he smartly stood at attention in the presence of his commander. Rainbow Dash's frustration must have been apparent as Lucky cringed silently as he faced her. "But, we won't give up until we do make contact. Even if we have to fly there ourselves!" He tried to smile confidently, but it came out looking more like a grimace. They had tried to send flyers our earlier, but what had awaited them outside was less than welcoming. "No." Rainbow almost shouted, her hooves held in front of her as if it physically stop the stallion. She shook her head solemnly, her eyes wide. For a moment her expression of frustration and exhaustion morphed into another. To Lucky Strike, it wasn't fear. The glint in her eyes was different, almost like when a pony remembers something they had tried to forget about and were trying to push away. They had only been assembled together in the Tombstone for a few minutes when the spell had shrouded Canterlot. One minute the cold, crisp winter air had been peaceful and calm as any winter night. The next, pure blackness and twisted living shadows consumed the very. The sounds of unearthly screams sounded in the distant. The faint sound of metal ringing through the air told Rainbow all that she needed to know. To the quintet of Pegasi, it was as if they had been teleported to another dimension. A strange hell, removed from their Equestria. To Rainbow Dash, it was a matter of an entirely different sort. Her teacher had personally engaged battle with Twilight Sparkle. For the briefest of moments, Rainbow Dash felt sorry for the unicorn. Her fate was rightly sealed. Rainbow gave Lucky Strike a confident smirk, but it quickly fell away into an absent stare. "Let's just stay put for the time being. It's... It's not safe for us outside." She said, breathlessly. "Just keep trying to reach the others for now." The stallion only watched as she turned and made her way towards Hayseed. She hadn't given them any explanation as to what was going on outside, but whatever she knew, she was loathe to tell them. Hayseed turned to Rainbow Dash, hearing her hoof steps approaching. Laying on the floor in front of him was a scrap of paper, some small diagrams drawn with the pencil he held between his teeth. Rainbow narrowed her eyes at the markings when Hayseed spoke up. "You have good timing Commander, I was about to call you." He motioned with his hoof towards Scootaloo's sleeping form. "I think I found something." Rainbow leaned in following his hoof. He pointed towards her blanket, a small but comfortable looking beige sheet. It had a soft, grainy pattern, but was by all means bland in decor. However, as Rainbow focused her gaze on a small spot where hayseed pointed, she noticed what appeared to be a small button on the blanket near Scootaloo's neck. A small clasp, the same soft and sandy brown as the blanket, held the wrap snugly around the orange pegasus' body. Unlike the blanket, however, it was not unmarked. A series of lines and circled scrawled across the small surface, forming a web of markings. Rainbow Dash audibly groaned as her head fell into her hooves. "Don't tell me that's..." "A rune tablet." Hayseed finished, confirming her fears. "I swear, this unicorn is a tricky one." He gestured down to the paper at his hooves. "The hard part, is I can't figure out what kind of rune it is. I'm not as well versed as you Commander, take a look. You probably know better than I do." Rainbow looked down at the crude scratches across the paper. Hayseed had drawn a rough outline of the rune, one that seemed accurate as Rainbow Compared it to the pin fitted across the filly's body. However, the rune that was inscribed on the small pin was unlike any Rainbow Dash had seen before. A rune was a simple type of magic. The spells cast with runes are weaker than the natural magic from a Unicorn's horn, but have greater utility. Once infused with magic, anypony could activate it, whether for good or for bad. They could manually activate for a desired purpose, or it could be used for a trap or as an alarms. They can last longer, serve as wards, and preform some magic feats that normal spells cannot. Much like the null-magic rune Rainbow Dash had used to counter Twilight when they first met in combat. Even the material they were etched into made a difference in how the magic would flow. Stone retained the magic longer, while metals allowed for better flow and storage, but it depended on the metal. The pin seemed to be made of brass, a more basic material, but it was capable of holding more magic than most metals were. Since they are simpler in nature, they symbols are relatively basic. Most often they are used in regard to elemental or summoning magic, but teleportation and security were also common uses. However, the more powerful or complex the spell, the more intricate it's design. A large wall could contain a massive runic-spell, leaving plenty of room to carve and infuse the magical symbol, but the small pin wouldn't allow for that level of casting to be preformed. Of course, one had to take into account that it's creator was Twilight Sparkle, a mare who seemed to quite frequently defy the norms of magic and ingenuity. Rainbow Dash's head spun as she observed the cluster of markings that seemed to pile on top of one another. Line wrapped around on another, spreading across the tiny surface, leaving almost no room for any addition to be made. In fact, the brass pin was more covered in ink, than metal at this point. For a rune to work, the lines had to be intricately and exactly drawn, carved, or inscribed. For an object so small, precision was key. The rune would need to be created with great care. "This... I don't even know where to begin..." Rainbow managed after a few moments. She shook her head, trying to piece together the symbol before her. I haven't ever seen a rune like this, this is unbelievable complex." Rainbow Dash grit her teeth, frustration building inside her again. Every time they got one step closer, it felt they had to hurdle over a mountain to get closer to beating Twilight Sparkle. Not even, they were playing from well behind trying to rescue Scootaloo. She still had the advantage. One thing after another just seemed to pile up. Rainbow jerked her head back suddenly. "Piling on..." "Commander?" Hayseed replied, quite confused? Rainbow stretched out one hoof, beckoning for Hayseed's pencil. Quickly the pegasus gave it to her, as she rapidly began tracing over the complex pattern. The sound of rapid scratching filled the otherwise silent room. Hayseed watched as Rainbow Dash began re-drawing the symbol, taking it apart, separating the different patterns and geometry. As he watched however, he began to realize what is was she had seen. "It's not one rune is it?" He observed, a curious expression clouding his features. Rainbow only nodded, not stopping to waste words. Slowly, she redrew the pattern, separating several parts. It was a combination of 3 different runes, all weaved into one another. Once again, a delicate balance of power and artistry that only a high level mage would be able to accomplish. It would take the mages in the Canterlot archives weeks to formulate something like this, with great amounts of trial and error. Twilight herself probably had to put some effort into this craft for it work, this was no 10 minute job. As she finished, Rainbow Dash expression quickly turned from focused to confused. She shook her head again as she gazed at the pattern in front of her. "Something's wrong" She murmured, glancing between her drawings, the original sketch Hayseed had completed, and the brass pin Scootaloo wore. "This doesn't seem right. I know what these are, but why she created them I don't understand." She glanced at Hayseed with a bewildered expression, turning her paper so he could see. She pointed to the first rune, a complex 8 pointed star with 4 arrows pointing in the cardinal directions. Multiple smaller lines intersected between the many others that created the structure of the rune itself, and 3 dots were in the center. "This rune is for protection, a basic but powerful shield. It protects against any attack until the magic runs out. Physical, or magical." She pointed to the second set. It was 4 tall lines, the tops hooked like the number 7. Smaller lines crossed through the center, and the tall lines rounded at their bases. "This one is a sleep rune, it keeps whoever is wearing it or affected by in a rest, but not a full sleep. Usually it's placed under a pillow or something, but attaching it is just as effective. So we know that the rune is protecting her and keeping her in a half-sleep, but it's the third one that's the problem." She motioned to the final rune. Very small, and very simple in contrast to the two others. I had the appearance of a stylized letter 'A' and was very plain compared to the two previous, complex patterns. "This one." Rainbow tapped the page, but her eyes were fixed squarely on Scootaloo. "This has several names, but it basically means the same thing. That's what worries me." Rainbow Dash gingerly took a step into the room. They knew from when she broke the door down, that they could got least 7 feet into the room without setting off any traps, but they dared go no further. Glancing between the paper she held and the small marking on the tablet, she growled softly. "Just what I thought. It's got different names, but it sometimes called the Beckoning Rune. Also the Rune of Enticing, Temptation, or Friendship, but that depends on its purpose." Rainbow sat for a moment, her eyes scanning over the filly and running through every possible outcome she could think of. After a moment, she looked up to see Hayseed now stood at her side with an inquisitive but patient expression. With a steely glare, she nodded toward Scootaloo. "Here's the thing. Rune's provide a very specific type of magic, and this one is purely defensive. It should just create a barrier around her, but that 3rd rune is different. It's a special type of protection, the reason it's called the rune of friendship sometime, is because we can't enter it if we have ill will towards whatever or whoever is inside." Rainbow began circling around Scootaloo in a wide berth. "For example, treasure could be put into it's area of affect to keep out anypony motivated by greed. Or, it can protect some-pony from anyone who wants to harm them, but a friend could also enter its protection as well. But, there would be side effects. Whatever other spell is weaved into the mix will take effect." "We would be effected too." Hayseed reasoned, mirroring his commanders strides around the room. "If we try to get to Scootaloo then we'll get put to sleep by the other rune, wont we?" Rainbow Dash nodded, but eyed the rune tablet hawkishly. "So this is my theory." Rainbow began to pace back and forth, her eyes never leaving Scootaloo. "I don't think there are any other traps in here, because the rune IS the trap. It is simultaneously protecting and keeping Scootaloo asleep, but it would let us in because we aren't trying to hurt her. But, if we get into it's sphere of influence, we go to sleep as well. Simple as that." She turned and motioned for him to follow her out of the room. "Here's the part that I haven't figured out, though." Their hooves echoing in the dim room. Just before crossing the threshold of the room, Rainbow turned and looked back at Hayseed. "If Twilight created this spell and had Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell with her the entire time, why the 3rd charm? It doesn't allow anypony in if they mean ill will, but she made it. It wouldn't stop her or that damned demon inside her head, so why bother?" Hayseed turned to look back at Scootaloo, then to Rainbow Dash. "Commander, who else would she be protection your friend from?" He asked. He didn't intend to sound doubting, but maybe his commander was reading into things just a bit too much. Granted, he didn't have a better explanation. Rainbow glared at the stone floor, shaking her head as she re-entered the main room. Something was wrong, but she couldn't even begin to understand what. Ever since Twilight Sparkle entered the fray, everything seemed to turn upside down. Ever since their battle, Rainbow felt like she hadn't been herself. It didn't help that the unicorns black magic had infected her, but it seemed bigger than that. "Something isn't right about this whole thing." She murmured. "I just can't help but feel like we getting used as pawns in a game that we're too small to understand." Silence rang through the room as the two ponies, the soldier and his commander, locked eyes and pondered on the latter's words. "Commander!" Lucky Strike suddenly yelled, causing Rainbow Dash and Hayseed's heads to whip around in response. Before either of them could answer, they heard other voices, muffled and hard to hear from a distance. Lucky strike yelled out once more. "I made contact with the rest of the guard. I think you need to hear this." "You're where!?" Shining Armor shouted into the crystal ball held in his magic. After quite some time trying, they had finally made contact with the unit which followed Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence stood by Shining Armor, the 3 of them surrounded nearly 200 other guards. "I just told you, Armor. The old slaughterhouse in the south east part of Canterlot. We found Scootaloo, but we need assistance." Came Rainbow Dash's surprisingly level response, though the tension in her voice was heard by all present. "Well, that's easier said than done right now. I don't know if you're aware, but the situation has escalated." He grit his teeth, meeting Princess Celestia's eyes for a moment. "Twilight got free and... Princess Luna gave chase. We are expecting her to return soon." The hopeless sound in Shining's voice didn't pass by Rainbow's ears, or anypony present. For Shining Armor, this was one of the worst nights of his life and career as a Royal Guard. He had been stationed with a large part of the Guard at the Castle, far away from his sister and the interrogation rooms. At first he had been upset, but he knew his presence would offer no aid to the situation. In fact, he recognized that being in HER presence might only do him greater harm. Everything had seemed calm. Cadence came to him bringing news of their progress and discoveries after helping Luna enter Twilight's mind. Having her by his side had been a great help, but the peaceful night was soon shattered by Celestia's appearance. She appeared with several dozen guards in tow, but none were standing. Everypony was incapacitated, save for Celestia and 2 guards, and yet none of those downed bore any significant injuries. The damage done to their armor should have meant that many of the ponies should have been torn apart, yet some had no physical injuries as far as the medics could see. All, however, seemed trapped by some magic. Unable to move from the pain of unseen injuries. Their minds seemed to be in a state of agony, while their bodies were left nearly untouched save for bruises and some broken limbs. The news Princess Celestia bore, while not unexpected considering the scene before Captain Armor, did nothing more than break his heart yet again. Twilight had broken free, and Princess Luna had gone after her. The Sun Princess had arrived just in time, surrounding the Guard in a dome of light as the shadows twisted and malformed by the power of Princess Luna. Even staring through the barrier which separated them from Luna's spell, Shining could feel his mind unravel the longer he stared into those shadows. The noises which emerged from the inky darkness sent chills through the bodies of everypony present. 'That's just dark magic for you.' Shining thought to himself as he reflected on the scene. Even it's aftermath, dark magic had the cryptic power to leave you feeling helpless and defenseless. Like it seeped into the fiber of your very being. Shining Armor wasn't sure whether or not he had been lucky or unlucky to have not been inside the Tombstone. Though he had been spared the fury of his sister as she nearly brought down the Tombstone in her escape, he had been powerless to do anything, having been sent to maintain the guard. Octavia and the guards with her were nowhere to be found. They had completely vanished amidst the chaos, leaving more unanswered questions lingering in their minds. The Royal Guard was huddled together in the castle, weapons drawn, lanterns lit, and eyes sharp in the cold winter night. Flanking the walls, balconies, and standing firm on the steps of the Castle, they silently watched. Save for soft breaths and mutters which softly pierced the uneasy calm that fell upon them, they searched the shadows for any sign of attack. Even the presence of Celestia and Cadence did not completely subdue their tension, though the latter pony's magic was a great source of comfort. But the most difficult part, the knowledge that clawed at Shining Armor's heart and mind more than anything else, was that when Princess Luna returned, she would not return empty hoofed. Luna would come back with the no doubt broken body of his sister. Or even worse, maybe there wouldn't be a body to bring back. Things were not easy by any stretch of the imagination, nor would they become any more so. Though he tried to hide it, Shining Armor's pain must had been evident. "Rainbow Dash." Celestia's soothing voiced broke through the icy tension in the air, as she softly pulled crystal from Shining armor's grasp with her own magic. He had to admit, her calm and motherly voice was of some benefit at the moment, and he had been at a loss for words in what to tell Rainbow Dash. "We will be there to help soon. I will personally lead a small unit to help you once Princess Luna has returned, you have my word. Until then, please remain where you are. We are doing all we can to maintain order." There was some indistinguishable chatter on Rainbow's side, before a stiff but compliant, "Yes, Princess" could be heard by all present. Another pony's voice rang from the crystal, Lucky Strike, Celestia recalled. "It's like we said Princess, Scootaloo is under a runic spell, but everything seems fine for now. We'll await your orders in the meantime." "Thank you my little pony." Celestia smiled softly as she returned the ball to an awaiting earth pony who saluted before returning to the formation of guards. Her smile faded as she stared off into the distance of Canterlot, pondering on the night's events. Luna's moon brightly glowed in the night sky, the pale moonlight spilling across the land. 'Luna should have returned by now. It's been almost half-an-hour since her spell ended.' Celestia scanned the city below her, her eyes searching the streets and plazas below in an effort to find her sister. But it was to no avail, Luna simply had not yet returned. 'And yet' Celestia closed her eyes in concentration, her eyebrows narrowing in concern. The air hummed softly, and off in the distance she could feel the familiar source of her sister's magic. She appeared to be near the very bottom of Canterlot, in one of the lowest districts. 'I can feel her presence even now, but something is... off.' "Princess?" Shining Armor tilted his head, Cadence resting her head on his shoulder. "Is everything alright?" Celestia quietly contemplated the tranquil city below her once more before turning to her niece and nephew. Wordlessly, she leaned her head down and softly touched her horn to Cadenza's. The smaller Alicorn winced slightly as a spark of magic trailed from Celestia's horn and into her's, before sighing in relief from the magic her aunt shared with her. "How are you feeling, my dear?" Celestia's cooed softly. Cadence had possibly suffered the most out of everyone in the last hour. Her magic had helped to keep the guard focused and attentive, however their feelings of panic and fear, combined with the powerful magic which had held the night sky in it's grasp, had taken much of her strength. Still, the spark of magic from Celestia had brought her some ease. She lifted her head from her husband's shoulder, curtly nodding to Celestia. "Tired, but I am doing ok." She smiled softly, doing her best to sound helpful. "What do you need me to do auntie?" "I need you to find Princess Luna." Celestia's tone seemed withdrawn in some way. "I can feel her magic, but... something seems off. It feels like there is something separating us. I haven't experienced something like this in centuries, but perhaps you can reach her." Cadence gave her aunt an inquisitive look, but nodded slowly before closing her eyes in concentration. Shining Armor watched with much interest, his eyes flicking back and forth between his wife and his princess. Princess Celestia's request was certainly unusual. She and Princess Luna shared a mind link and, as far as he knew, it could only shut off if one of the two was closed of the mental link. He had never known it too happen, especially at a time like this. "I feel her, auntie. In the warehouse district." Cadence's slow reply came. Her brow furrowed as she concentrated more. "She feels distant though. Give me just..." her words trailed off as she reached for her Aunt's mind. Celestia and Shining Armor both breathed soft sighs of relief. Princess Luna wasn't far, just less than a mile away. Shining armor hoped that this meant they could mobilize soon to collect Scootaloo, this night had gone for far to long His thought's were interrupted by a sudden gasp from his wife. Cadence stepped back quickly, retreating as if she had been physically struck. Multiple guards nearby flinched as they raised their weapons, ready to protect their Princess. What none of them expected was for tears to begin running down Cadence's face. "She... She's crying." Cadence choked slightly, mirroring the emotions which surged through her mind. "I... I've never felt so much sadness before. Sadness, and anger..." She gripped her head in her hooves, a pounding headache coming on quickly. Celestia knelt on the stone, leaning in and touching her forehead to Cadence's. Cadence's abilities to read and alter emotions also gave her the ability to, somewhat, read others minds. Emotions could tell a lot about a pony. Though it wasn't perfect, it was easy for her to get an idea of what a pony was thinking. "Why is Luna crying Cadence?" Celestia murmured gently, trying to help Cadence keep control of her own emotions. One side effect of reading a ponies emotions is that, if they were strong enough, they could influence you as well. For Cadence to have such a strong reaction would mean that Luna was in a great deal of despair. "No, it's... gasp, not Princess Luna." Cadence replied in between sobs, trying to wipe away her tears. Shining Armor was suddenly at her side, eyes wide with disbelief. "Twilight?" His voice was full of disbelief, even as the words escaped his lips. Cadence shakily nodded, her teeth chattering. "I feel them both. She... she's hurting. She's in agony. Aunt Luna, she's crying too." The night went silent as more than 200 pairs of ears listened intently to Princess Cadence's words. "Their both talking... No, arguing! Princess Luna, she's trying to get Twilight to stop but... She won't. Why won't she just stop..." Cadence moaned, her legs shaking. It was Shining armor this time who held his wife's head in his hooves, his horn touching hers gently. "It's ok Cadence, it's ok." He tried to reassure her, focusing on his love for her as his magic intertwined with hers, strengthening her even more. "She...Twilight is... GASP!" Cadence suddenly threw her head back as if she had been struck, her eyes wide open as she gasped for air. "She's coming." Cadence barely whispered, staring into the starry night sky. "Who's coming?" Celestia stood tall, her horn lighting with magic. A predatory look coming into Celestia's eyes as she stared into Cadence's wide eyes. It wasn't the look one would imagine. Not like a snake waiting to strike, a Minotaur preparing to charge, or a Griffon circling its prey. Far worse. It was the look of a mother who's children lives were at stake."Cadence." Her voice was low, keen and all to calm. "Who is coming?" The Alicorn of Emotion shuddered as she swallowed a lump in her throat. Her response came in a whisper, yet it pierced Shining and Celestia to their souls. "Twilight. Twilight is coming." In an instant, cold wind struck them like a wall. Celestia wheeled around, her horn glowing brightly in preparation for attack. "Captain!" She shouted. Shining Armor needed no instruction. Holding his wife one hoof, he formed a massive barrier of magic which surrounded the entire castle. The Royal Guard dropped into combat stances. Hoisting swords, spears, bows and arrows. Wings drew close to their side, preparing to launch at the enemy, others horn's glowed brightly in preparation to unleash a barrage of magic on their foe. Celestia unleashed a stream of pure flame which flew through Shining's barrier before exploding in the air, a small burning sun floated high above their heads, casting light across the wide courtyard before them. She readied her magic once again as rings of fire surrounded her horn. Her regalia glowed like iron in a forge, hissing and steaming in the cold winter air. No chances could be taken, if Luna had been unable to defeat Twilight Sparkle, then Celestia would use any means necessary to finish the task. For a moment, no pony moved as the searched the city below them, now brightly lit by Celestia's light. The wind whistled around them, battling against the roar of flame above their heads. In an instant, a shock wave rushed across city, striking against Shining Armor's barrier as light erupted from the warehouse district. The very ground... no. The very city shook. A rumble passing through the mountain to which it clung. The air grew dense as the grass and stone beneath their feet grew warm and light began to shine through. Celestia gazed down in wonder and alarm. 'It's coming from the caverns!' As soon as the she realized what was happening, every pony save Celestia were dragged to their knees. The unicorns gripped their horns in pain as magic was pulled from their bodies, pegasus's wings fell to the ground as if magnetized, and earth pony's legs completely gave out. As they convulsed on the ground, energy flowed from their bodies and sank into the grass. Even Shining Armor was not spared as he collapsed, yelling in pain. Cadence and Celestia entire bodies exploded in pain, as magic was leeched from every pore of their bodies, feeding into the caverns below Canterlot. Even her minor sun began to leak magic, a stream funneling straight down into the mountain. Only Celestia, out of the hundreds that were in the courtyard, remained standing. She grit her teeth in pain, standing as tall as she could. 'No! Not my ponies!' She screamed defiantly in her mind. She whirled around in a instant, her eyes blazing with brilliant white light. With a mighty flap of her wings, she soared into the air and unleashed a wave of magic upon the entire guard. The last thing Shining Armor saw was Princess Celestia's entire body shine with radiant light, and for a moment, the night became bright as daylight, before he became lost in darkness.