Acolyte of the Lunar Court

by Lets Do This

A Fitting Request

It seemed an unusual locale to discuss the subject with her friends, yet the Carousel Boutique was where they'd all wound up gathered together, once Spike had returned from chasing around Ponyville looking for everyone.

Twilight was standing on Rarity's fitting platform in front of the mirrors, being measured with exacting completeness by the violet-maned fashionista. Twilight gasped a bit as Rarity snugged the measuring tape tightly around her barrel.

"Rarity! You measured me for a dress only last week! I haven't put on weight since then. Don't you have my sizes?"

"For a job this important, dahling, every detail must be perfect!" She came around in front and wrapped the tape around Twilight's head. Then she carefully measured the distance between her eyes.

"You gonna make her a pair o' readin' glasses, Rarity?" Applejack smirked, and set her eleven-gallon Stetson on the drafting table she was leaning against.

"Oh! I think it's marvelous," Fluttershy said softly, "being able to spend time with Princess Luna, find out more about her!"

"Like... is she really just biding her time?" said Rainbow Dash in an eerie, menacing tone. "Waiting until she's ready to pounce? To make another attempt on the throne as... NIGHTMARE MOOOOOON!"

"Rainbow!" Twilight snapped. "Not helping! You were there on Nightmare Night! We all saw how much she wants to put the past behind her, to be her old self again. This is part of that, I'm sure of it!"

She felt several pounds of fabric land on her back. Rarity was trying to choose the material for the main body, and apparently couldn't decide between at least seven different shades and thicknesses of black glossiness.

"I don't get why we can't just invite her here to Ponyville and throw her a big welcome-back-from-a-thousand-years-of-isolation-and-bad-rap party!" Pinkie Pie waved a hoof breezily. "That'd take care of EVERYTHING!"

"It's not that simple, Pinkie," Twilight said. "That's why I asked you all here. I'm going to be Princess Luna's student for a while, but I have a feeling it's going to be more than just additional lessons. This is part of her efforts to build a stronger connection with all of us. I think we should all help her in that!"

"No argument here, gal!" Applejack said. "So, what can we do?"

"I'm not sure myself yet," Twilight admitted. "I'm going to have to ask you all to be ready to make yourselves available on short notice. Because I'll need your help just as much as Luna does. One of the things she'll be teaching me about is... well, the darker side of Friendship Magic. Shadow Magic, she called it. And I have a feeling that I'm going to want the Elements of Harmony backing me up, just in case I mess up and something bad happens!"

Suddenly the lights went out. Rarity had dropped at least three different headpiece cloths over Twilight's mane to compare them, and they were covering her eyes. Twilight shook the cloth off her face. "Rarity!"

"Sorry, Twi!" Rarity replied distractedly, as she focused on pinning and chalking the cloth.

"And remember what we agreed on!" Twilight added.

"I know! I know!" Rarity sighed unhappily. "No gems, frills, or sparkles! Is gold thread permitted? You need to at least look the part, dahling!"

"Just please don't go gaga! Remember, this isn't a fashion show. This is the Lunar Court, and I'm being presented as Princess Luna's personal acolyte!"

"Acolyte?" Applejack echoed, warily. "And shadow magic? Pardon me for doubtin', hon, but don't that all sound kinda, well... evil-like?"

"Yeah! I bet it's all part of her fiendishly clever plot!" Rainbow said. "To build up a power-base and seize control!"

Twilight shook her head. "Shadow magic is not inherently evil. It's not dangerously excessive, the way dark magic is. It's like Friendship Magic... buuuut with different emphasis! Spells for defense, offense, illusion and so on, rather than healing, emotion, and utility spells. Princess Luna made that quite clear!"

"Wooooooo!" Rainbow mugged gleefully. "Are you gonna be performing weird chants and summoning dread creatures in the dead of night at a crossroads over a bubbling cauldron?" She waved her forehooves. "OoooOOOOoooo!"

"Actually I might!" Twilight said.


"At the very least I'm going to be doing my lessons and studying at night, because I'm going to need to shift over to Luna's hours. And some shadow magic does involve arcana and focus items, or specific conditions or locations. But it's just another kind of magic, one that I'll need to understand in order to be well-rounded in my studies."

"Oh, will you need someone to look after the Library during the day?" Fluttershy asked. "The animals and I wouldn't mind coming by a couple days each week to help out!"

Twilight shook her head, albeit with a grateful smile. "Princess Luna has already requisitioned someone from the Canterlot Archives to look after the Library during the day. And I'll still be here mornings and evenings every couple of days, so I can check that things haven't gone to wrack and ruin. What I mostly need from you all right now is to be available, just in case. When I know more, trust me, I'll tell you!"

"All raight!" Applejack nodded, and the others did as well. "Hey, y'all said mostly... is there somethin' particular ya need right now, Twi?"

"There is... one thing, actually!"

Twilight looked around at her friends. This is going to be tricky.

"There's something I need to ask of you all, and I'm asking because you're all my friends, and it's fair that you be warned in advance. You know me, and I hope you trust me!"

"Sure we do, Twi!" Pinkie replied. "What is it?"

"I... need you to give me permission to walk your dreams."

It was one of the few times she'd ever seen Pinkie Pie that speechless. And she wasn't the only one.

Then Pinkie beamed happily. "Sounds cool! Okie dokie lokie!"