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Meta Four

I didn't write any of that.

  • EAlarm Clock
    Ditzy Doo sees things nopony else can see: higher-dimensional spatial anomalies, fae creatures, and eldritch abominations. She solves problems that other ponies don’t even know exist. But now, she may have bitten off more than she can chew.
    Meta Four · 51k words  ·  565  8 · 8.8k views

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Alarmaverse Episode Guide · 4:36am Mar 20th, 2015

Oh yeah, I’m trying to make a series here. A “’verse” if you will. But it’s going to jump all over the place chronologically, so this blog is to keep it all organized. Obviously there isn’t much now, but by starting with the organization now, it’ll be so much easier to keep track of everything. I'll keep this post updated as I publish more stories.

The stories in more or less the order I wrote ’em:

Alarm Clock: A nasty monster from beyond time and space threatens Ponyville and convinces Ditzy to join a very exclusive club with similar interests to her own.
Black Magic Mare, Roaming Queen: Before Ditzy settled down in Ponyville, she spent an interesting length of time with the Great and Powerful Trixie on the road to Baltimare.
“Split Eyes”: The reason why Ditzy wandered Equestria before settling in Ponyville, and why she’s so reluctant to tell anypony about her abilities.
Beauty Will Tear Us Apart: Ditzy, Dr. Hooves, and Trixie fart around in an art museum and also stop a monster.
“Twilight Sparkle and the Strange Case of Old Res”: Twilight uncovers a forgotten spell, and learns how the spell's creator came to an unfortunate end. (Note: Even though this is part of a "Mature"-rated anthology, this specific story is only "Teen"-rated, I promise. One of the other chapters bumped up the rating of the whole fic.)
Den Fjerde Væg: Ditzy Doo meets Ponyville's other secret agent. Twilight Sparkle learns an uncomfortable fact about her brother. Pinkie Pie meets her older sister.
“The Princess and Her Hunger”: And old story from the land of the deer fairies, about a lost princess and the changeling queen.
The Hesperus Gate: The horseapples hit the fan, so Pinkie Pie pulls out the big guns.

The stories in chronological order:

“The Princess and Her Hunger”: Set in the distant past, and also time flows differently in Faerie, so who knows?
Black Magic Mare, Roaming Queen & “Split Eyes”: Set before season one; BMMRQ happens in the middle of SE.
Alarm Clock: Set in the middle of season two, during “May the Best Pet Win” and “The Last Roundup”.
“Twilight Sparkle and the Strange Case of Old Res”: Set shortly before Beauty Will Tear Us Apart.
Beauty Will Tear Us Apart: Set in season two, during “Sweet and Elite”.
Den Fjerde Væg, chapter 1: Set shortly after Beauty Will Tear Us Apart.
Den Fjerde Væg, chapter 2: Set shortly after “Magic Duel”.
Den Fjerde Væg, chapter 3: Set shortly after “Pinkie Pride”.
The Hesperus Gate: Set sometime after season 7 or 8.

Check it out: we're on TV Tropes now.

Hey! You! Do you have any ideas what I should call this series? I could just call it “The Alarm Clock-verse” but it lacks that certain je ne sais quoi. I’m open to suggestions. Never mind. I have a title now.

Report Meta Four · 3,583 views · Story: Alarm Clock · #alarmaverse
Comments ( 30 )

Hmm...I vote for not calling it a '-verse', per say.

Like I've seen a few verses that get put under an actual series name. But I'm always a sucker for actual series names. ...boy, I was unhelpful. :rainbowlaugh:

I call this the "Krasnicker-verse" after the adorably named wormholes! (The cover art helps this name)

Krasnicker Continuum, or maybe make that Kontinuum :derpytongue2:


Turning Time in Ditzy Ways-verse!

Super Ditzy Natural, Ditznomicon, Derped Perspective, Eyes of the Veil, Bright Sided Eyes, or A Bubble's Ruse?

The Fragileverse seems appropriate. After all, that's exactly what it is. Though I suppose that could be something of a spoiler...

Also, Black Magic Mare is pre-Season One? Very interesting...

Or perhaps...
I know using Synesthesia may seem strange, but it is the closest word I can find to seeing things that others can't see. Synesthesia could be considered a 'lower-form' ability then Ditzy's, but... I'm not sure if it fits correctly. There are multiple types, but Synesthesia is more about seeing colours in things such as black letters, numbers, ect. There is one form (rare) where the person with Synesthesia, when looking at someone else, can FEEL what that person if feeling. Like if the other person touches a hot kettle, the person with Synesthesia may feel like he/she is also touching a hot kettle..(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synesthesia)
Uhm.. Not sure.. Does anyone know a better word for seeing strange things? _______-verse... And I know that I've probably talked about Synesthesia really poorly, so please don't get angry at me for bad details.
Hm. Let me think on this one...

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. Oddly, just a few minutes after posting, I thought of one I like: "Look into the Eyeballs". It’s a David Byrne reference, so it ties in with all the other music reference titles I already have planned. But there's still time to talk me out of that one.

And synesthesia is a reasonably close description for Ditzy’s ability to see magic, at least.


I actually almost suggested that too! I just love that term. :raritywink:

The Truer Vision-verse?

The vision-verse!

We neec a sequel to alarm clock!

2896163 I'm editing the sequel right now. I'm traveling for very soon, so it will be at least a week before I can publish it, but the sequel is coming soon.

I eagerly await it's release :pinkiehappy:


How about DERPY'S Universe?

Yöttilateral (made up, I couldn't find anything fitting starting with a "y")

3044939 I don't think I can use that, but I want you to know that name is great and you should feel good.

How does the R.S.S.-Verse sound?

The Blessed Eyed Mare series.:derpytongue2:

I prefer calling it a series. no need to force a verse.:trollestia:

The Derpyverse?

hi hi

Maybe the "Eye Spy" something-or-another. Chronicles, verse, series, etc.

IMO, Ditzy is the most unique and focal point of the stories thus far, but that might change. I was considering suggesting "Dimensional Defender Ditzy" as a series name, but I don't know if that will work in the long run.

The Reverse-verse
The Re-verse

So, this verse doesn't have a TVTropes page yet? Or it does and Google failed me?

4335938 No, not yet. I'd be thrilled if it got one, but I felt it would be a bit gauche to start the page myself or to outright ask someone to do it.


Well, having an entry just means that someone noticed your work has at least 3 tropes and had a summary for the work.

Look at ThereIsNoSuchThingAsNotability.

Personally, I think that at its core, TVTropes only should care about is tracking tropes as a way to track their popularity and use and stuff? So every use matters?

If you want, just pick a name for the verse and send it to me and I'll do the rest? Be sure to link to the page though.

The Alarmaverse doesn't have a Group page, does it?

4336631 No, there isn't an Alarmaverse Group page yet. No one asked for one, and I thought it a bit presumptuous to make one if nobody was asking.


Well, if you need a clearinghouse for questions on the Alarmaverse, a group page would be an option. Or blogs? Meh.

I feel that, whatever the continuity is called, it should be spelled with a multiocular O(ꙮ). Especially what with it having seven circles.

ꙮЖ is such a nice smiley.

I come back here and there's a minor problem; there's no more stories in it for me to read! :derpytongue2:

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